#Anastasia Russo
avyapeony · 8 months
Please make avatars of Anastasia Russo as Tina in the movie Tin & Tina!
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hi @foxl0re ! i did my best, she doesn't have many resources...
hope you like it. enjoy. xo - avya.
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Tin & Tina (2023)
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If you only ace one part of your movie, make it the ending. For the most part, I was enjoying Tin & Tina but it didn't seem like anything special. After the final act, my thoughts on it changed completely - for the better. Due to that period of uncertainty, I have to be slightly conservative with my rating, but this is a movie I’ll remember down the line.
Set during the early 1980s, in Spain, Lola (Milena Smit) and Adolfo (Jaime Lorente) have just said their marriage vows when they unexpectedly lose their unborn twins in a miscarriage. Hoping to make their family whole again, the couple adopt twins Tin (Carlos González Morollón) and Tina (Anastasia Russo) from a nearby religious convent. Lola soon becomes suspicious of the children, though Adolfo insists their odd behavior stems from innocence rather than malice.
When we meet the twins, they seem needlessly creepy. They’re either albino or extremely blonde, they’ve got weird haircuts and their smiles are too big. The children are extremely religious. They've never watched TV, they quote the Bible for fun, the idea of not saying grace before a meal mortifies them. It's offputting but you can understand where that behavior comes from since they were raised by nuns. They're introduced playing the organ with a skill far beyond their years (reminded me of “The Orphan”), which is another sure sign that these kids are baaad news. Despite their appearances and strange habbits, you can see why Lola wants to adopt them, however. As a child, she lost a leg. She was also a “weird” kid and she’s specifically looking to replace the twins she lost.
Soon after arriving to their new home, Tin and Tina's actions raises some serious red flags. Not necessarily the kind that exposes them as evil but they would make any sane parent go back to the orphanage and ask the sister in charge (sor Asunción, played by Teresa Rabal) if she ever noticed anything weird from them. Less patient parents would go to the police and tell them to investigate the orphanage. Whatever those nuns are teaching the rugrats, it’s going to make them all into serial killers. Even for loving parents who really want a family, even for the place and the time period, Lola & Adolfo are way, way too cool with what happens. No one watching would tolerate some of the horror movie behavior exhibited. It’s enough to make you want these people to fall victim to whatever terrors await them once the kids turn full-on evil. I mean when you can’t read ANY of the signs, you deserve it.
Although I still feel like sometimes, Lola – and to a certain extent Adolfo too – let things that no one else, not even a saint, would let slide and that is frustrating, the ending changes all of that. This movie is much smarter than it seems. You see the creepy kids, you witness the horror-movie behavior, you think you know exactly where the plot is headed. You dismiss the characters as too stupid to live and essentially give up. What you don't realize is that you’re the one who's made the mistake. There’s something you haven’t considered while evaluating this story and probably wouldn't have in a million years: the possibility that although this is a horror film, the children aren’t actually evil. What if they’re not the problem? What if it’s Lola and Adolfo?
There are indeed subtle details that hint at the couple not being idyllic. At the orphanage, Adolfo insists that they’re only for children free from deformities. His wife wears a prosthetic leg. She has since childhood. What does this statement say about him? We find out that Lola has a bitter relationship with God. Bitter enough to make her subconsciously hate children who love Him more than anything else? Maybe. Trust me. I know not knowing if a movie is better than "just ok" for nearly 2-hours is hard, particularly with several developments that make you think "Oh come on. How many more signs do you need?!" but it all comes together so well during the conclusion you'll feel foolish for having doubted the film.
There may also be a deeper meaning to some elements of the picture, since it's set during a tumultuous period of Spain's history that I'm not familiar with. I can't say for sure. What I do know is that Tin & Tina deserves your patience. I'm still not 100% sure the characters are not a little bit dumb but that conclusion is so solid I'm more than willing to forgive it. It's scary and makes you think in the most unexpected way. (Original Spanish with English subtitles, May 28, 2023)
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moviemosaics · 1 year
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Tin & Tina
directed by Rubin Stein, 2023
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moviesandmania · 1 year
TIN & TINA (2023) Reviews of mystery horror on Netflix
Tin & Tina is a 2023 Spanish mystery horror thriller about a married couple who adopt a religiously-obsessed brother and sister. Written and directed by Rubin Stein based on his 2013 short film of the same name. Produced by Diliana Alexander and Olmo Figueredo González-Quevedo. Executive produced by Paola Sáinz de Baranda. The movie stars Milena Smit, Jaime Lorente, Carlos González Morollón,…
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athis333 · 1 month
The changes I saw on television, I ached to witness on the ground: activists pushing against dictatorships in Belarus and Central Asia, national movements rising in the Caucasus, religious communities coalescing in Siberia. I wanted to learn about China’s new business interests in the far east of Russia, and to meet the shaman with six fingers on one hand who worshipped on the shores of Lake Baikal. Some KGB archives opened: The country was learning about its past crimes. One could so easily fall into the trap of believing that Russia was free.
And so my family and I moved to Russia from the United States in 2005. We saw no sign of Russia’s impending catastrophe. The capital was alive with tourists, artists, and businessmen from all over the world. At the opening of a basement theater for plays with political themes, I saw actors mock Putin without fear.
But all was not really quiet during those years. Chechnya was rebuilding from ruins after a decade-long war with the Russian army that killed thousands of people. As a correspondent for Newsweek, I covered terrorist attacks, armed conflicts, and KGB-style repression in the post-Soviet democracies. Still, in Moscow, the word stukach, or “informer,” sounded like a relic of an earlier time. Russia was awake, voting, protesting.
As a reporter, I wanted to get behind the country’s polished facade and look into what Russians call glubinkas, or “little depths”—the remote and miserable corners of a country’s life. I covered neo-Nazi groups, asbestos mines, provincial youth facing unemployment, and the temptations of a life in crime. I went to the Arctic, to the border with China, to places that many in Moscow considered godforsaken in their obscurity; but on coming back to Moscow, I began to bear witness to the gathering of a much worse darkness still.
Journalists often walk the paths where good is losing to evil. I stepped along those byways, saw victims, and reported on crimes against ordinary people. Some were my friends. Natalia Estemirova, or simply Natasha, lived in Grozny. She was an investigative reporter and a human-rights defender, as well as a single mother of a 15-year-old girl. During the Second Chechen War, I stayed at her house, its walls pocked with holes from shrapnel, the two of us talking late into the night. She told me about the dozens of abductions she had documented in what she described as a growing epidemic, crimes for which no one was held accountable.
On July 15, 2009, Natasha was herself abducted in broad daylight in front of her house. The men who pushed her into an unmarked Lada have never been identified or prosecuted. A few hours later, her bullet-riddled body was found on the side of the road. Together with a small group of journalists and human-rights defenders, I went to Chechnya to accompany her hearse along Vladimir Putin Avenue, Grozny’s sinisterly named central boulevard. Perhaps the people she’d helped during the war were too afraid of Chechnya’s brutal leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, to join us. Or were they indifferent? That day, one of Kadyrov’s aides told me that if I didn’t leave Chechnya immediately, I, too, would be made to disappear.
During Putin’s first two terms in office, we journalists often went to such funerals for our assassinated colleagues: Anna Politkovskaya, Stanislav Markelov, Anastasia Baburova, and others. These were restive years, especially 2011 and 2012. Russia had seen enough of Putin, his war in Georgia, his penchant for repression that smacked of an earlier era. Protesters ventured into city squares; Muscovites sought out sources of independent news on paper and television. But activists and their leaders started to be arrested, and statues of Felix Dzerzhinsky and Stalin sprang up around the country. I remember a feeling of suffocation, as if somebody were pumping the oxygen away. That feeling was one I had experienced as a child.
“This city has clogged pores, this city has shut up mouths, telephone calls are like confessions of mutiny,” my father wrote in a 1979 poem about my hometown. Now all of Russia began to seem that way, as though it were heading back to the 1970s. The number of informers was rapidly growing: People called “hotlines” to report on their neighbors to authorities. I sometimes felt that we told the truth only at the funerals of our assassinated friends. And I questioned my past nostalgia: Was this what Russia had been all along?
Then Boris Nemtsov, a democratic politician, one of the very best Russia had, with my last name but who was no relation, was shot in the back on a sidewalk within sight of the Kremlin walls.
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gbhbl · 2 months
Horror Movie Review: Tin & Tina (2023)
Two orphaned twins are taken into a convent, where they receive a strict education. Soon, a young couple adopts the twins, whose obsession with religion soon disrupts the family.
Tin & Tina is a Spanish psychological horror-thriller film directed by Rubin Stein, releasing in 2023. In the early 1980s in Spain, a pregnant Lola marries Adolfo. During their wedding, Lola suffers a miscarriage and is told she cannot have children again, plunging her into depression. Adolfo talks Lola into adopting children from the convent orphanage nearby. The two end up adopting Tin and…
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youremyheaven · 1 year
pt 2 vedic astro symbols & motifs
serpent yoni folks depicted with their yoni animal
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Bella has Ashlesha mars as her atmakaraka, with saturn and ketu in UBP. Gigi has UBP venus and Ashlesha mars amatyakaraka. ive talked about how Ashlesha natives often have a controlling mother, or a severe, abusive and toxic upbringing and anyone who knows about Yolanda Hadid knows how controlling she is as a mother.
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there has been some debate about Rihanna's birth time. with her current birth time, she has Revati moon/venus/rising but there is a slight possibility that she potentially has UBP rising.
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Ashlesha sun, Rohini mars and Mrigashira ketu Cara Delevingne has a snake tattoo on her hand.
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UBP moon and Ashlesha rahu, Kim K in a snakeskin dress (she often wears snakeskin if you guys have noticed)
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Rohini moon & rising, mrigashira venus Priyanka Chopra wearing snakeskin
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Ashlesha Ketu, Taylor Swift in a snakeskin dress. Her Reputation era heavily featured serpent imagery as well.
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2. Vishaka women love headpieces or hair accessories or making their head stand out in some way.
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Beyonce (vishaka moon) is known for her over the top head gears.
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Lana Del Rey (Vishaka rising) at the met gala, a few years ago. She is also known for her love of old school big beehive hairdos.
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Sonam Kapoor (vishaka ketu) closing a Ralph & Russo show. Sonam is also known for her love of extravagant hairdos.
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Salma Hayek (vishaka ketu) loves wearing tiaras on the red carpet!!
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Vishaka sun & mercury, Lorde at the Met Gala
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Katy Perry (vishaka moon & saturn)
3. Mary Sue is a character archetype, which is defined as a "usually a young woman, who is often portrayed as inexplicably competent across all domains, gifted with unique talents or powers, liked or respected by most other characters, unrealistically free of weaknesses, extremely attractive, innately virtuous, and/or generally lacking meaningful character flaws."
i've noticed that a lot of characters who are labelled to be "Mary Sues" are played by women who have deva gana nakshatras. Deva gana natives are said to possess a divine nature and hence, why they're often cast as people who seem to be lacking flaws and sometimes sincere to a point of stupidity.
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Rey Skywalker is said to be a classic example of a Mary Sue. She is played by Daisy Ridley who has Revati sun and Punarvasu moon.
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Anastasia Steele is another Mary Sue, played by Dakota Johnson who has Hasta sun and Anuradha moon
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Bella Swan is probably the most notorious example of a Mary Sue, she is played by Kristen Stewart who has Revati sun and Hasta moon.
4. ive noticed a lot of Ketu girlies playing sex workers in movies, especially a lot of Magha natives
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Jennifer Connelly in Requiem for a Dream (she has Ketu in Magha)
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Barbra Streisand, Ashwini sun (Nuts, 1987)
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Dolly Parton (Magha moon) in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
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Magha rising, Uma Thurman in Les Mis as Fantine
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Magha moon, Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman
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Jane Fonda, Mula sun in Klute
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Ashwini stellium, Penelope Cruz in To Rome with Love
5. ive noticed that many women who marry into royalty have jupiter nakshatras
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Kate Middleton who is married to Prince William has Punarvasu moon.
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Kareena Kapoor who is married to the Nawab of Pataudi has her Mars in Vishaka in the 7th house of marriage 👀
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Grace Kelly who married Prince Rainier of Monaco, had Vishaka sun/mars and Purvabhadrapada moon
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Diane von Furstenberg, the designer was married to Prince Egon and she has Vishaka venus & jupiter (her darakaraka and atmakaraka, respectively)
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Rita Hayworth who was briefly married to Prince Aly Khan also had Purvabhadrapada moon.
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Olivia Wilde who was married to Prince Tao Ruspoli has Purvabhadrapada sun & mercury
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Barbara Hutton who has Vishaka sun & mars was married to 3 different princes.
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graceofromanovs · 1 year
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Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich was born on 28 December 1875 in Tbilisi, Tbilisi Governate, Russian Empire (now Georgia). He was the the sixth son and youngest child of Grand Duke Michael Nikolaevich of Russia, himself the youngest son of Emperor Nicholas I. He was the only Grand Duke to bear the name and patronymic of a Tsar: Alexei Mikhailovich. On 11 January (New Style) 1876, he was christened at Tbilisi by the Palace Priest and Confessor of Their Imperial Highnesses. He had seven godparents, as listed:
ALEXANDER II, EMPEROR OF RUSSIA - his uncle, the Russian Emperor stood as one of the godparents. He became the Emperor of All Russia in 1855. Alexander’s most significant reform as emperor was the emancipation of Russia’s serfs in 1861, for which he is known as Alexander the Liberator.
GRAND DUCHESS MARIA PAVLOVNA OF RUSSIA, GRAND DUCHESS CONSORT OF SAXE-WEIMAR-EISENACH - his aunt was one of his godparents. One of the daughters of Emperor Paul I, the grand duchess married a German prince Karl Friedrich, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach in 1804. She was an intellect, interested in both arts and sciences. German poet and novelist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe hailed her as one of the worthiest women of his time. She was the great-grandmother of Wilhelm II, German Emperor and Queen Victoria of Sweden.
GRAND DUKE NICHOLAS MIKHAILOVICH OF RUSSIA - his uncle, was one of his godparents. Trained for the military, as a Field Marshal he commanded the Russian army of the Danube in the Russo-Turkish War, 1877–1878.
GRAND DUCHESS MARIA PAVLOVNA OF RUSSIA - known as 'Maria Pavlovna the Elder', was the wife of his first cousin Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, and stood as one of his godparents. Born as Duchess Marie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, her ancestors included Emperor Paul I of Russia. Upon her marriage to the grand duke, she became a prominent hostess in Saint Petersburg.
GRAND DUKE ALEXEI ALEXANDROVICH OF RUSSIA - his first cousin and namesake, one of the sons of Emperor Alexander II, was one of his godparents. Chosen for a naval career, Alexei Alexandrovich started his military training at an early age. By the age of 20 he had been appointed lieutenant of the Imperial Russian Navy, eventually becoming general-admiral.
GRAND DUCHESS ANASTASIA MIKHAILOVNA OF RUSSIA, GRAND DUCHESS OF MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN - his sister, was one of his godparents. In 1879, when Alexei Mikhailovich was only four years-old, his only sister married a German prince, Friedrich Franz III of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (the elder brother of Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna the Elder). Their children included Queen Alexandrine of Denmark and Crown Princess Cecile of Prussia. She was a strong-willed, independent and unconventional woman. She never became used to her new country where she was unpopular. 
GRAND DUKE MICHAEL MIKHAILOVICH OF RUSSIA - one of his older brothers stood as another of his godparents. As Romanov tradition demanded, he followed a military career. He served in the Russo-Turkish War in 1877, became a Colonel and was adjutant at the Imperial court. In 1891 he contracted a morganatic marriage with Countess Sophie von Merenberg, a morganatic daughter of Prince Nicholas William of Nassau and a granddaughter of the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. For contracting this marriage without permission, their first cousin Emperor Alexander III stripped him of his military titles and banished the couple from the Russian Empire. Alexei Mikhailovich never saw his brother again after his banishment.
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docpiplup · 2 years
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@asongofstarkandtargaryen There's news of an upcoming period drama: Las Pelotaris 1926. Here's the info I found:
Synopsis: "The series tells of the struggle of three Basque ball players who try to achieve their dreams by overcoming the prejudices and ties that prevailed in the 20s of the last century, when men monopolized all the power. Chelo (Zuria Vega), Idoia (Clara Salas) and Itzi (María de Nati) are successful athletes who assume the consequences of breaking the mold in a world where ambition and sexual freedom were denied to the female gender."
Marc Cistaré is the creator of this story that tells the story of three women who fight to fulfill their dreams in a world dominated by men. Cistaré leads a team of scriptwriters made up of Adriana Rivas (Vis a Vis, Estoy vivo, Águila Roja), Javier Naya (El barco, Rabia) and the Mexican Anaí López (XY, Bienvenida realidad, Infames).
Jesús Rodrigo (Vis a Vis, El internado, Estoy vivo, Un paso adelante) is in charge of directing the 8 episodes, which have Chechu Graf as director of photography (Toc, Toc , Campeones, La víctima número 8) and Fernando González (La casa de papel, Águila Roja) in charge of the setting as art director.
This series was filmed in various locations such as Ciudad de México, Tepoztlán and Las Estacas and later the filming moved to Spain, in locations in the Basque Country like Donostia, Biarritz, Artikutza and Pasaia, as well as some locations in other places such as Madrid and Guadalajara.
The international cast headed by the Mexican Zuria Vega (El refugio, Alma de Hierro, Inquilinos, Sin ella, La venganza de las Juanas, Un refugio para el amor) and the Spanish Claudia Salas (La ruta, Élite, La peste, Cerdita) and María de Nati (El buen patrón, El Reino, Que Dios nos perdone, Entrevías, La víctima número 8) will complete with these actors in the main male roles: the Argentinean David Chocarro (En otra piel, La Doña, El rostro de la venganza, La casa de al lado, El recluso) and the Mexicans Marco de la O (Rambo: Last Blood, El Chapo, Falsa identidad, R), Vicente Tamayo (El Club, La Guzmán, La Candidata, Luis Miguel: la serie), Héctor Kotsifakis (Luna de miel, El recluso, Hysteria, Ojos que no ven, Los minutos negros) and Antonio Gaona (Palabra de Ladrón, Educando a Nina, Rosario Tijeras), among many other actors. The cast, eminently female, includes the Colombian Viviana Serna (La ciénaga: entre el mar y la tierra, La Bruja, La ronca de oro, Por Siempre Joan Sebastián, Supertitlán) and the Spanish Alejandra Onieva (Alta Mar, Reinas, Presunto Culpable, El secreto de Puente Viejo), Krista Aroca (HIT) and Eva Rubio (El buen patrón, La voz dormida, Primaria).
Complete cast
Zuria Vega (Chelo Barbosa)
Claudia Salas (Idoia)
María de Nati (Itzi)
Viviana Serna (Rosa)
Carla Gris (Laia)
Gaizka Ugarte (Andrés)
Anastasia Russo (Malen)
Rachel Lascar (Dra. Dietrich)
Miguel Garcés (Gorka)
Hector Kotsifakis (Uribe)
Raúl Yuste (Teniente del Álamo)
Fernanda Valencia( Maca)
Daniel García (policía)
Alejandra Onieva
David Chocarro
Marco de la O
Vicente Tamayo
Antonio Gaona
Álex Onieva
Krista Aroca
Eva Rubio
Jesús Castejón
Peter Vives
' Las Pelotaris 1926' remains the definitive title of the first series that was born from the agreement between TelevisaUnivision and Mediapro Studio, being a co-production between Mexico and Spain. The series will premiere exclusively on ViX+, the premium subscription level of the ViX streaming service, which is available in the Spanish-speaking Latin America and the USA.
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patiencesinners · 2 years
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Emma Bürklin (@plush__baby): 
Earlier this year we completed 6 videos for @panicatthedisco filmed over the course of 9(.5) days. This was a massive undertaking for our crew and cast and this entire team knocked it out of the park. I will never get over the intricacy and care of every aspect. Thank you to everyone who made these happen❗️
Directed by @breadandwalter Executive Producer: @jesyodio Producer: @plush__baby Director of Photography: @ericbader Production Designer: @sokocreations Editors: Brendan Walter, Kevin Hindriks Production Company: @teenager.ent Color: Bryan Smaller, Kevin Hindriks
UPM: @doriansthomas 1st AD: @taylormade215 Script Supervisor: @andishezohoori Choreographer: @monikafelicesmith Costume Designer: @stylistbrooke Key Hair & Makeup Artist: @makeuphair_mayra Groomer: @aikafloreshair Gaffer: @kylebartreid Key Grip: Anthony Schrader, James O’Connor Sound Mixer: @life_jedy Location Manager: Pete Abrahams VFX: Taylor Armstrong Animators: Kevin Hindriks, Gon Borela, Glen Dones, DJ Belga, Paula Gohing SHIFTai @fotokem_la Stunt Coordinator: Travis Wong Casting: @rebelcasting
AE: Jonathan Rosenblit 1st AC: Rich Hawkinson 2nd AC: Brian Freeman, Kyle Deven, Greg Hatton, Deepak Adhikary DIT/Utility: Jacob Seldes Ronin Op: Ben Fredman Steadicam: Will Sampson, Quaid Cde Baca B-Cam Op: Geoffrey Brent Shrewsbury BBE: Justin Sadler, Jim Ed Willis, Sam Needham 1st SLT: Mike Winokur, Paul Kane 2nd SLT: Sam Needham Best Grip/Driver: Richie Brush Dolly Grip: James O’Connor Grip: Nick Limina, Abel Soto, Rich Ferrat, Christian Andrew, Shane Greavette Boom Operator: Ethan Rhanielle, Alex Gilroy Art Directors: Devin Parker, Spencer Trent Set Dresser: Mitch Dillon, Reno Bennedetti Leadmen: Shay Turner, Zach Riddle Pyro Tech: Anthony Delzio Lifeguard: Tony Whitmore Production Coordinators: Kalid Hussein, Nathan Vaughan Office Production Coordinator: Ariel Hutchins-Fuhr 2nd AD: Alexandria Cardiel 2nd 2nd AD: Teck Holmes AD PAs: Nafeisa Johnson, Anthony Sturdivant Office PAs: Jubilee Daws, Jane Kim, Hollis Dohr Truck PAs: Alex Reyes Méndez, Colin Hagiwara, Sean Lass, Jay Arias, Jordan Pelzl Set PAs: Collin Wade, Kyle Ali, Jem Murillo, Corey Cunningham, Skylar Conner
Assistant Costume Designer: Anastasia Magoutas On-Set Costumer: Maggie Kimball Costume Assistant: Lucas Ciotti, Rachel Apatoff, Brooke Mulkins Seamstress: Olga Podymova Costume PA: Marissa Channing SPFX Makeup Artists: Brittany Fontaine, Sam Tansey HMU Assistants: Rob Sheppy, Sophie Guzman, Julie Dinh, Ashley Lee, Kandi Hernandez, Charde Thompson, Stacey Gonzalez, Nadine Robinson, Megan Gray, Carmen Martinez Assistant Choreographer: Riley Roberts Key Crafty Attendant: Sabino Salas Miranda, Raul Aguirre, Josh Gresham COVID Officer: Stephen George, Caitlin Hiroto Set Medic: Melissa Reed Security: Crew Protection Stunt Double: Nikita Teterev Studio Teacher: Bettina Russo Drivers: EJ Smith, Bill Colino, Josh Collins, Malik Riley
Starring: @onlyleah as Maggie Mike Naran on Guitar Nicole Row on Bass Dan Pawlovich on Drums The Beer Boys: Mike Viola, Rachel White, Jake Sinclair Robert Javinett as Manager Jesse Merlin as Host & Stage Manager Angel Ahabue as Salesperson Galen Howard & Nafeisa Johnson as “The PAs” Mauricio Marte as Medic Zak Cassar as Masked Man Monika Felice Smith as Teacher Christian Valentino Maita as Young Brendon Nora Harriet as Young Maggie Kids: Dominic McDonald, Aurora Lewis Jester: Galen Howard
Dancers: Crystal Chestnut, Cierra Crowley, Edith Morales, Genna Moroni, Katherine Cheng, Adriano Bettinelli, Cedric Thane Sanders, Hugh Aparente, Nicolas Karosy, Robbie Bianton
Cameos: Mike Naran, Nicole Row, Dan Pawlovich, Morgan Kibby, Butch Walker, Brandon Dermer, Suzy Shinn, Rachel White, Pete Wentz, Betty Who, Spencer Smith, Evan Taubenfeld, Nina Jordan, Tatjana Vujovic, Jake Wesley Rogers , Sam Barbera, Linda Ignarro Smith
Funeral Extras: Hannah May Evans, Jasmine Wilson, Abraham Baltazar, Robert "Rexx" Gonzales, Galen Howard
Extras: Ronee Collins, Chibuike Nwuda, Born M'Allah, Graham Selden, Gigi Ganza, Toky Mahamaro, Ludovica Rossato, Elise Biscaro, Jimmy Lee Nguyen, Stephanie Paige, Daniel Stonewall, Olivia Lodge, Hayley Olivia Strubbe, Mariah Salae Jackson, Mary Morgan Bond, Laura Dromerick, Drake Williams, Molly Malin, Shreya Jhalani, Zachary Colvin, Hakop Mkhsian, Michael Parker, Brittany McVicker, Umar Saqid, Romy Evans, Harsimran Ghotra, Andreina Boada, Richard Follin, Brianna Gurdzhyan, Andejela Belosevic, Cairo Spencer, Angela Lin, Robby Ché, Jonel Awit, Pearrie, Darius Levante, Stefan Freeth, Julia Cornell, Gordana Simunovic, Cort King, Robert Rodriquez, Ramona Tibrin
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purgatorybfs · 2 years
giorgia è vestita come anastasia come quando va al balletto russo per incontrare la donna è scopre che dimitri le aveva mentito
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luiz-henrique · 1 year
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=”[ 🎼 Uma Boa Música 🎼 ]”=
-:”(Claro este Texto é de minha parte não sendo Ditado pelos Seres Superiores Contatantes)”-:
“ Na Devolução dos Agressores Mortos, em Caminhões de volta a Kiev , Capital da Ucrânia que se Infestou com o Regime dos Neo Nazistas com a Ênfase de Zelensky como Presidente e seus Nomeados -: Patrocinados e Armados pelo mesmo Governo Americano...,
Sim em desde o Ligado a Alto Falantes Instalados nos mesmos Caminhões , seriam Válidos para o Memorial da Ocasião...,
Algumas Músicas Adequadas , em Óbvio Nem Todas as Músicas serviriam , aqui Aponto a Malícia Satírica acompanhadas da Ironia de Tendência Sensacionalista...,
“ Não seria Indicado o Réquiem do Grandioso Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart , embora a Letra Cristã, sua Música se Digna como uma Oração ao Enaltecer do próprio DEUS (...)!!! ”
1-:Àos Caminhões aqui Indicaria (...)-: A Traviata , de Verdi .
2-: Música Festiva como a Traviata.
3-: Totentanz , do Célebre Franz Liszt.
4-: Valsa Mephisto , Hão Várias , aqui Indico Aquela Não Tocada a Piano Apenas , mas a Orquestral que tem seu Começo Bastante Sinistro, Seguida do Som Tempestuoso e que Lembra um Turbilhão, como a “ Balada “ do Diabo..., que Ante o Zique Zaque que Sobe as Alturas e se Precipita , o Épico Solene e Exaltação do Grande Mistério Magistral (...) !!!
5-: The Desde of Glinskhaya ( Sergey Prokofiev ) .
6-: The Simpleton ( Sergey Prokofiev).
7-: The Riot ( Sergey Prokofiev ).
Itens estes -: 5 , 6 e 7 que Ilustram a Música Grandiosa do Solene Sergey Prokofiev e que se Constituem na Sequência Mais Abrangente da Trilha Sonora própria da Excelente Produção Cinematográfica Russa de Título “ Ivan , The Terrible...,”
que aqui destaquei estes Trechos Musicais por serem Ricos na Sátira, Grande Capacidade dentre Outras , do Excelente Compositor Sergey Prokofiev...,
Para os Caminhões indicaria também (...)-:
8-: Dances of Oprinchniki .
9-: The Song of Oprinchniki ( Excelente para a Ocasião ).
10-: Songs of Oprinchniki ( Excelente!)
Estes itens de 8 a 10 figuram na Parte Segunda do mesmo Filme -: Ivan...,
Composta por Prokofiev.
Prokofiev Solene Autor da Trilha Sonora do Excelente Filme Russo de Título Alexander Nevsky (...)!!!
Ainda Indicaria para os Caminhões (...)-:
11-: Prometeu, de Franz Liszt.
12-: Músicas Provocantes que Traduzem Sátira Maliciosa.
Já no Mudarmos de Assunto, Agora falarei sobre Músicas que Jamais Serviriam para estes Caminhões, e Sim para Festivais , Apresentações, Teatro...,
Novos Itens (...)-:
A -: Do Crepúsculo dos Deuses , Significativo Ragnarok -: Composta por Wilhelm Richard Wagner, a Marcha Fúnebre...,
mesma Tocada ante sua “ Partida “ em Veneza ...,
que Descodifica seu Legado em Pról do Amanhã (...)!!! ! !!!
E do Primeiro Volume ou Parte da Excelente Produção Cinematográfica Russa -: Ivan...,
De sua Trilha Sonora, Composta pelo Grande Prokofiev...,
B-: The Azurc Main , MP3 e sua Sequência-:
C-: Sofrony’ s Cherubic Song !
D-: May He Live Forever .
E-: The Song of Praise .
F-: The Swan .
G-: Ivan’ s tent .
H-: Tartar Steppes .
I-: My Soul , com o Som de Sinos , ante a Sequência -:
J-: Most Merciful Lord .
e o Sublime Andamento de -:
K-: My Soul ,
Com o Excelente Final , embora Sombrio (...).
Já no Segundo Volume ou Parte, no Quanto a Trilha Sonora desta mesma e Excelente Produção Cinematográfica Russa, Composta por Sergey Prokofiev, Grande Compositor (...)-:
L-: Anastasia ' s Illness , que é como um Descortinar Místico, que se perde ante uma Sublime Oração -:
M-: Eternal Rememberance .
N-: With all The Saints .
O-: You Alone .
P-: Polonaise !
Q-: Do not Weep for me , Mother.
R-: Song of the Young Men .
S-: The Song of the Beaver .
e a Solene -:
T -: Wonderful is God .
Ante -:
U-: My Soul .
Com o Excelente Final -:
V-: ( CIA Maldita !!! ) ,
The Entrance of Ivan .
Itens estes , de A até V , com que com Exceção de Polonaise , que Traduz Nobre Música com Outra Conotação , Trechos Musicais estes , Compostos pelo Grande Prokofiev , que se Elevam ao Desconhecido Indizível , como Música Sublime e Altruísta , Certos Trechos Musicais de Repercussão Magna que se Traduz como uma Oração ou Prece ao GLORIOSO DEUS...,
Música, esta de Teor Místico e Religiosa que com Certeza ...,
Seria Apreciada pelo Grande e Mais que Nobre Grigóri Rasputin...,
Já aqui para Encerrar...,
Enfatizo da Obra de Wilhelm Richard Wagner , do Crepúsculo dos Deuses, Significativo Ragnarok, da Parte Intitulada desta Tetralogia -: A Valquíria...,
Wagner que por 9 anos foi Expulso de Dresden , Alemanha...,
à Causa de ter frequentado Reuniões com seu Amigo Mikhail Bakunin, Célebre Companheiro de Karl Marx , de Cujas Obras Literárias, o Grande Lenin Efetuou Desenvolvimentos, Adaptando a sua mesma Obra , ante Outras Adaptações e o Mais dadas pelo Grande Stalin...,
a Música Adaptada como Réquiem (...)-: “ Der Weg in Whalgal from Réquiem for a Dream...,”
Lembrando da Excelente Apresentação naquele Navio Russo , que a Assistiu o próprio Vladimir Putin , o Grande Líder e Presidente da Gloriosa Federação Rússia , com Outros Dignátarios do mesmo e Excelso Solene Governo Russo...,
com Efeitos Luminosos e com Aquelas Cinco Hábeis Violinistas , Vestidas de Vermelho, como a Côr da Antiga Bandeira Soviética , que Fulgura dentre as Três Cores da Excelsa Bandeira Russa , Vermelho este que Também Simboliza a Força...,
Música, esta com seu Título em Russo ...,
Der Veg v Val’galle...,
Ante a Repercussão da Solene Música Épica...,
que Enaltece a Grandiosa Nobreza Solene Russa (...)-:
Anuvan (...)!!! “=”[ 🎼 Uma Boa Música 🎼 ]”=
-:”(Claro este Texto é de minha parte não sendo Ditado pelos Seres Superiores Contatantes)”-:
“ Na Devolução dos Agressores Mortos, em Caminhões de volta a Kiev , Capital da Ucrânia que se Infestou com o Regime dos Neo Nazistas com a Ênfase de Zelensky como Presidente e seus Nomeados -: Patrocinados e Armados pelo mesmo Governo Americano...,
Sim em desde o Ligado a Alto Falantes Instalados nos mesmos Caminhões , seriam Válidos para o Memorial da Ocasião...,
Algumas Músicas Adequadas , em Óbvio Nem Todas as Músicas serviriam , aqui Aponto a Malícia Satírica acompanhadas da Ironia de Tendência Sensacionalista...,
“ Não seria Indicado o Réquiem do Grandioso Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart , embora a Letra Cristã, sua Música se Digna como uma Oração ao Enaltecer do próprio DEUS (...)!!! ”
1-:Àos Caminhões aqui Indicaria (...)-: A Traviata , de Verdi .
2-: Música Festiva como a Traviata.
3-: Totentanz , do Célebre Franz Liszt.
4-: Valsa Mephisto , Hão Várias , aqui Indico Aquela Não Tocada a Piano Apenas , mas a Orquestral que tem seu Começo Bastante Sinistro, Seguida do Som Tempestuoso e que Lembra um Turbilhão, como a “ Balada “ do Diabo..., que Ante o Zique Zaque que Sobe as Alturas e se Precipita , o Épico Solene e Exaltação do Grande Mistério Magistral (...) !!!
5-: The Desde of Glinskhaya ( Sergey Prokofiev ) .
6-: The Simpleton ( Sergey Prokofiev).
7-: The Riot ( Sergey Prokofiev ).
Itens estes -: 5 , 6 e 7 que Ilustram a Música Grandiosa do Solene Sergey Prokofiev e que se Constituem na Sequência Mais Abrangente da Trilha Sonora própria da Excelente Produção Cinematográfica Russa de Título “ Ivan , The Terrible...,”
que aqui destaquei estes Trechos Musicais por serem Ricos na Sátira, Grande Capacidade dentre Outras , do Excelente Compositor Sergey Prokofiev...,
Para os Caminhões indicaria também (...)-:
8-: Dances of Oprinchniki .
9-: The Song of Oprinchniki ( Excelente para a Ocasião ).
10-: Songs of Oprinchniki ( Excelente!)
Estes itens de 8 a 10 figuram na Parte Segunda do mesmo Filme -: Ivan...,
Composta por Prokofiev.
Prokofiev Solene Autor da Trilha Sonora do Excelente Filme Russo de Título Alexander Nevsky (...)!!!
Ainda Indicaria para os Caminhões (...)-:
11-: Prometeu, de Franz Liszt.
12-: Músicas Provocantes que Traduzem Sátira Maliciosa.
Já no Mudarmos de Assunto, Agora falarei sobre Músicas que Jamais Serviriam para estes Caminhões, e Sim para Festivais , Apresentações, Teatro...,
Novos Itens (...)-:
A -: Do Crepúsculo dos Deuses , Significativo Ragnarok -: Composta por Wilhelm Richard Wagner, a Marcha Fúnebre...,
mesma Tocada ante sua “ Partida “ em Veneza ...,
que Descodifica seu Legado em Pról do Amanhã (...)!!! ! !!!
E do Primeiro Volume ou Parte da Excelente Produção Cinematográfica Russa -: Ivan...,
De sua Trilha Sonora, Composta pelo Grande Prokofiev...,
B-: The Azurc Main , MP3 e sua Sequência-:
C-: Sofrony’ s Cherubic Song !
D-: May He Live Forever .
E-: The Song of Praise .
F-: The Swan .
G-: Ivan’ s tent .
H-: Tartar Steppes .
I-: My Soul , com o Som de Sinos , ante a Sequência -:
J-: Most Merciful Lord .
e o Sublime Andamento de -:
K-: My Soul ,
Com o Excelente Final , embora Sombrio (...).
Já no Segundo Volume ou Parte, no Quanto a Trilha Sonora desta mesma e Excelente Produção Cinematográfica Russa, Composta por Sergey Prokofiev, Grande Compositor (...)-:
L-: Anastasia ' s Illness , que é como um Descortinar Místico, que se perde ante uma Sublime Oração -:
M-: Eternal Rememberance .
N-: With all The Saints .
O-: You Alone .
P-: Polonaise !
Q-: Do not Weep for me , Mother.
R-: Song of the Young Men .
S-: The Song of the Beaver .
e a Solene -:
T -: Wonderful is God .
Ante -:
U-: My Soul .
Com o Excelente Final -:
V-: ( CIA Maldita !!! ) ,
The Entrance of Ivan .
Itens estes , de A até V , com que com Exceção de Polonaise , que Traduz Nobre Música com Outra Conotação , Trechos Musicais estes , Compostos pelo Grande Prokofiev , que se Elevam ao Desconhecido Indizível , como Música Sublime e Altruísta , Certos Trechos Musicais de Repercussão Magna que se Traduz como uma Oração ou Prece ao GLORIOSO DEUS...,
Música, esta de Teor Místico e Religiosa que com Certeza ...,
Seria Apreciada pelo Grande e Mais que Nobre Grigóri Rasputin...,
Já aqui para Encerrar...,
Enfatizo da Obra de Wilhelm Richard Wagner , do Crepúsculo dos Deuses, Significativo Ragnarok, da Parte Intitulada desta Tetralogia -: A Valquíria...,
Wagner que por 9 anos foi Expulso de Dresden , Alemanha...,
à Causa de ter frequentado Reuniões com seu Amigo Mikhail Bakunin, Célebre Companheiro de Karl Marx , de Cujas Obras Literárias, o Grande Lenin Efetuou Desenvolvimentos, Adaptando a sua mesma Obra , ante Outras Adaptações e o Mais dadas pelo Grande Stalin...,
a Música Adaptada como Réquiem (...)-: “ Der Weg in Whalgal from Réquiem for a Dream...,”
Lembrando da Excelente Apresentação naquele Navio Russo , que a Assistiu o próprio Vladimir Putin , o Grande Líder e Presidente da Gloriosa Federação Rússia , com Outros Dignátarios do mesmo e Excelso Solene Governo Russo...,
com Efeitos Luminosos e com Aquelas Cinco Hábeis Violinistas , Vestidas de Vermelho, como a Côr da Antiga Bandeira Soviética , que Fulgura dentre as Três Cores da Excelsa Bandeira Russa , Vermelho este que Também Simboliza a Força...,
Música, esta com seu Título em Russo ...,
Der Veg v Val’galle...,
Ante a Repercussão da Solene Música Épica...,
que Enaltece a Grandiosa Nobreza Solene Russa (...)-:
Anuvan (...)!!! “
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theogvampangel · 3 months
— Bambi
“It’s just you, Little Monster. Own it or it will own you.”
✦ Birth Name : Isis Rayani Richard Torrance ✦ A.K.A : Sisi, Ray, Lilith, Bambi , Babi e Little Monster ✦ Birth date : 01/10/2012 ✦ Age: 12y ✦ Sign : Libra ✦ Mbti : ISTP
✦ Gender : Feminino ✦ Sexualidade : demi/Bisexual ✦ Height : 1.51 cm ✦ Hair color : Loiro ✦ Eye color : azul ✦ Skin color : morena
✦ Place of birth : Tokyo, Japão ✦ Nationality : Japonesa ✦ Descent : Americana & Russa ✦ Current city : Salto Garnde, São Paulo, Brazil ✦ Fluent languages : russo, ingles, italiano, japones, francês, alemão, espanhol
✦ Love languages : Toque fisico ✦ Social class : Alta ✦ Job: Florista no Plantei Garden
✦ Membros da Família : Irina Ivanov † (Ancestral; Morta) Deborah Richard Ivanov (Mãe; 47y; Viva) Nicolas Sanchez Torrance (Pai; 60y; Vivo)
Daphne Richard Ivanov (Tia; 38‏y; Viva) Diana Richard Ivanov (Tia; 35‏y; Viva) Pietra Richard Ivanov (Tia; 30y; Viva)
Mikhail Ivanov (Avô; 68y; Vivo) Penelope Santos Richard (Avó; 60y; Viva) Marie. II Ivanov † (Bisavó; 132y; Morta ) Desconhecido † (Bisavô; Morto ) Kirill Ivanov (Trisavô ; 143y; Morto ) Vladimir Ivanov (Tataravô ; 78y; Morto ) Boris Ivanov (Pentavô ; 150y; Morto ) Marie. I Ivanov (Hexavó ; 30y; Morto ) Viktor Ivanov (Heptavô; Morto ) Ivan Ivanov (Octavô ; Morto ) Dmitry Ivanov (Nonavô ; Morto ) Nikolai Ivanov (Decavô; Morto ) Vlad III (Décimo primeiro avô ; Morto ) Anastasia Ivanov (Décimo primeira avó; Morta )
Luccas Duarte (Padrasto; 48y, Vivo ) Belinda Hernandez Lima (Madrasta; 30y; Viva)
Danielle Ivanov Torrance (Irmã mais velha; 22y; Vivo) Ian Richard Torrance (Irmão gemeos mais novo; 12y; Vivo) Ivy Hernandez Torrance (Meia-irmã mais nova; 3y; Viva)
Leonardo Ivanov Da Silva (Primo; 13y Vivo) Davi Ivanov Ermini (Primo; 8y Vivo) Mateus Ivanov Ermini (Primo; 6y Vivo) Felipe Ivanov Sales (Primo; 4y Vivo) Abraham Ivanov (Primo; 1y Vivo) Maitê Ivanov Cabral (Prima; 1y Viva)
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tvparapobres · 5 months
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tgyverse · 5 months
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publicado el día 27 de abril de 2024.
𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐥 𝐛𝐮𝐳𝐨́𝐧.
Ninguna pendiente.
𝐜𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚.
Ninguna pendiente.
Mary Macdonald, Zoe Nettles, Betty Braithwaite, Phoebe Elliot y Emma Vanity ― 3 de mayo / semi hiatus.
Remus Lupin, Rabastan Lestrange, Arthur Weasley, Amycus Carrow, Michael Bones, Finnick Snow y Gwenog Jones ― 3 de mayo / semi hiatus.
Personajes de Andy ― un buen día cuando sea libre / semi hiatus.
𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐞́𝐧 𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
Corban Yaxley.
Rita Skeeter.
𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝.
Anastasia Parkinson, Severus Snape y Margaret Nettles ― inactividad.
𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
Ella Purnell.
Mark McKenna.
Rachel Zegler.
orden del fénix.
Alice Longbottom con Florence Pugh.
Dorcas Meadowes con Laura Harrier.
Emmeline Vance con Simone Ashley.
Fabian Prewett con Asa Germann.
Frank Longbottom con Dev Patel.
Gideon Prewett con Björn Mosten.
James Potter con Jonah Hauer King.
Lily Potter con Abigail Cowen.
Mundungus Fletcher con Sohan Pague.
Peter Pettigrew con Elliot Fletcher.
Remus Lupin con Andrew Garfield.
Sirius Black con Enzo Vogrincic.
Sturgis Podmore con Evan Roderick.
Aether Li con Shen Quanrui.
Alecto Carrow con Alice Pagani.
Amycus Carrow con Freddy Carter.
Antonin Dolohov con Henry Zaga.
Augustus Rookwood con Thomas Doherty.
Baptiste Travers con Christopher Briney.
Barty Crouch Jr. con Adrian Öjvindsson.
Casius Wormwood con Joe Keery.
Corban Yaxley con Federico Russo.
Lucius Malfoy con Nicholas Galitzine.
Peter Pettigrew con Elliot Fletcher.
Rabastan Lestrange con Michael Evans Behling.
Rodolphus Lestrange con Regé Jean Page.
Yvette Lévesque con Suki Waterhouse.
Adora Greengrass con Jessica Alexander.
Agatha Figg con Lily Rose Depp.
Alastair Montague con Lorenzo Zurzolo.
Alyssa Abbott con Kim Jiwoo.
Amelia Bones con Maia Reficco.
Amos Diggory con Leo Woodall.
Andrea Prewett con Luca Hollestelle.
Andromeda Tonks con Daisy Edgar Jones.
Arthur Weasley con George Mackay.
Aurora Rowle con Lily Collins.
Bertha Jorkins con Halle Bailey.
Bertie Higgs con Jordan Fisher.
Bertram Aubrey con Timothée Chalamet.
Betty Braithwaite con Maitreyi Ramakrishnan.
Charity Burbage con Brie Larson.
Daisy Hookum con Eleanor Tomlinson.
Danny Wood con Jung Jaehyun.
Darcy Brown con Aimee Lou Wood.
Davey Gudgeon con Song Kang.
Dawn Withey con Kathryn Newton.
Doris Purkiss con Macarena García.
Eleanor Parkinson con Camila Morrone.
Ellie Dowson con Hayley Lu Richardson.
Emma Vanity con Sofia Carson.
Finnick Snow con Cha Eunwoo.
Gilderoy Lockhart con Dacre Montgomery.
Gladys Gudgeon con Han Jihyun.
Glenda Chittock con Elle Fanning.
Greta Catchlove con Olivia Holt.
Gwenog Jones con Ayo Edebiri.
Hestia Jones con Nana Komatsu.
Isolde Higgs con Gigi Hadid.
Ivan Davies con Thomas Brodie-Sangster.
Jane Diggory con Havana Rose Liu.
Jason Denbright con Jackson Wang.
Jonathan Nott con Tyler Young.
Lorcan d'Eath con Kim Jiwoong.
Lucinda Talkalot con Savannah Lee Smith.
Lucy Karoonda-Wood con Madelyn Cline.
Ludo Bagman con Yankel Stevan.
Mary MacDonald con Bae Suzy.
Melissa Greengrass con Renée Rapp.
Michael Bones con Xolo Maridueña.
Mina Lima con Meltem Akçöl.
Minerva MacMillan con Samantha Logan.
Miriam Strout con Davika Hoorne.
Milton Mouser con Tanner Buchanan.
Molly Weasley con Karen Gillan.
Narcissa Malfoy con Kiernan Shipka.
Nicholas MacMillan con Jeremy Allen White.
Oliver Scamander con Lee Felix.
Pandora Lovegood con Anya Taylor Joy.
Phoebe Elliot con Madison Bailey.
Rita Skeeter con Katherine McNamara.
Rosalind Bungs con Ana de Armas.
Scarlett Travers con Sabrina Carpenter.
Stubby Boardman con Hwang Hyunjin.
Ted Tonks con Paul Mescal.
Tiberius McLaggen con Milo Manheim.
Wendy Slinkhard con Jenna Ortega.
Xenophilius Lovegood con Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen.
Zephyr Crouch con Davika Hoorne.
Zoe Nettles con Sophie Turner.
TOTAL: 90 personajes ocupades.
¡Buenas a todes! Dejamos por aquí el recuento quincenal. Recuerden que nuestras reglas fueron modificadas y ahora nuestros recuentos se realizan cada quince días. De momento continuamos con la ambientación al mes correspondiente y estaremos publicando instrucciones para cuando abril llegue a su final.
Como siempre agradecemos su compromiso con el verse y esperamos que se encuentren muy bien. ¡Bonito fin de semana! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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goddesspharo · 5 months
i saw that monica barbaro is playing joan baez and thought of you immediatelyyyyyy!
I love this for you and for me! It's that Bob Dylan movie with Timmy Chalamet! (Wholly unnecessary because I'm Not There exists and Cate Blanchett was the best Bob Dylan already.) The casting for this movie is so bizarre because I firmly believe that the casting director has never actually SEEN any of the real life counterparts of the people she cast. I am super excited that Monica Barbaro is getting work that will have an audience beyond people who subscribe to Paramount+, but she does not look anything like Joan Baez. In the same way that Elle Fanning looks nothing like Sylvie Russo and those first filming pics of Chalamet as Bob Dylan had everyone busting out the Anastasia memes. LOL A HOT MESS. I suppose I shall be seated for it anyway...but maybe for a matinee showing. (Do love that Hollywood was like I see this WTF Bob Dylan movie and raise you the WTF of...Jeremy Allen White playing Bruce Springsteen in a biopic...)
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