#Anakin and maul would be the most chaotic fuck you the fuck up team
galacticwildfire · 1 year
I saw this poll on YouTube and can’t stop thinking about it. In a fight that was Obi-Wan Kenobi and Count Dooku vs Anakin Skywalker and Darth Maul who would win.
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fyeahmaulsoka · 4 years
a strange affair
this is just plain crack if ahsoka joined maul and they defeated palpatine. anakin’s over protective, obi-wan is tired and ahsoka and maul are just getting along...maybe getting a but too close.
“So like...are we just going to ignore this?”
Despite Anakin’s words, it was almost impossible to look back on the events that just happened. Palpatine was revealed as the Sith Lord and wanted Anakin as his apprentice, Mace and other Council members went to go and arrest the old man but he proved to be too powerful for them.
But then, in a world where no one thought it was possible, Ahsoka showed up with Maul and just killed Palpatine right there and then. Anakin watched the whole thing with wide-eyes, especially when his former padawan and former Sith worked together so well. Hell they even high-fived at the end - that was their thing! Why was she doing it with someone else?!
Currently the “New Chaotic Duo”, as some now referred to Ahsoka and Maul, were in the Halls of Healing along with the other Council members who got injured during the fight. Ahsoka had got a few burns and bruises here and there but Maul had a large cut on his chest, Ahsoka demanded him to be healed back at the Halls of Healing and get treated with the best because “The Council did fuck all, it was me and Maul so get to it!”
So after a few hours of Maul being in a batha tank, showered twice and in a new set of a black tunic and shorts, he now sat on a medical bed with Ahsoka by his side, sitting on the edge.
But it wasn’t just that that had everyone shocked and surprised, but with how well Ahsoka and Maul got along. They were so used to hearing and seeing holograms of him being a rabbit animal, murdering and torturing without a second thought. But with Ahsoka he was...actually kind and gentle, and also had a good sense of humour. Gone was the monster that Palpatine, who they now know was Darth Sidious and his master, had made.
Obi-Wan looked at the scene before him, Ahsoka and Maul were chatting among themselves, not being too quiet or too loud, just...normal. It was such a strange sight. “I don’t think anyone can possibly ignore what has, and is currently happening, Anakin.” 
“Good cause I’m not.” Anakin came back to his frustrated self. “I mean, I just can’t believe Ahsoka actually teamed up with Maul and...and became friends with him.”
“Are you forgetting that The Chancellor was revealed as a Sith Lord and wanted you as his apprentice?”
“Yeah that was strange too but I’m more focused on my former padawan.” Anakin brushed him off. “I mean, Ahsoka and Maul? I never imagined it.”
“Your starting to sound like they’re dating.”
“Don’t put that idea in my head!”
“What idea?” Ahsoka asked them from her seat on Maul’s bed, both looking at Anakin and Obi-Wan with a raised brow.
“The idea of you two dating.” Anakin frowned at them. “Obviously that’s not happening so I don’t have to worry about that.” He gives a confident chuckle.
Ahsoka and Maul looked at each other, and then smirked. Obi-Wan internally groans as he feels a headache coming on. 
Ahsoka speaks first. “Well that doesn’t sound like a bad idea.”
“Wait what?” Anakin stared at them, his slightly widening.
“It makes perfect sense actually,” Maul said, and it’s weird for Obi-Wan to hear genuine humour instead of anger and malice off his tongue. “We are both a former Jedi and Sith, outcasted by our Order.”
“Your master was going to become my master’s...master, and we would have been apprentices to Sith lords.”
“Hey now-”
“I guess you could say we are both sides of the same coin.” Ahsoka hummed in agreement. “Plus we are the most good looking people in the galaxy.”
“Excuse me?” Ok now Obi-Wan had to interject. Maul was going to claim his title of the most good looking in the galaxy? Think again former Sith.
Ahsoka faked a blushing look. “Aw Maul, you really think that about me?”
“Of course.” He cradles her face gently. “You are extremely beautiful.”
Obi-Wan was sure her blush was real this time.
“Ok hands off!” Anakin wrapped his arms around Ahsoka and pulled her off the bed, away from Maul, glaring at him. “You two are not friends, will never date and certainly will not touch each other from now on. Am I clear!”
Maul looked at Anakin with a deadpan face before looking at Ahsoka. “He really is protective over you.”
“Oh you have no idea. He wouldn’t even let me walk out to the city on my own until I was sixteen.”
“That’s definitely being overprotective.”
“Master make them stop” Anakin turned to Obi-Wan desperately, who just looked completely tired from everything. 
“Ahsoka is a grown woman Anakin, she can make her own decisions.”
“Yeah Skyguy,” She grinned up at him. “If I wanna kiss Maul then I am.”
“No one said anything about kissing!” 
“I certainly wouldn’t mind.” Maul winked at her, making her giggle.
“Stop flirting! Obi-wan help!”
Said Jedi signed heavily. “I’m too tired for this, come on Anakin.” He pulls on Anakin’s shoulder, losing his hold on Ahsoka who doesn’t hesitate to get out of. “We need to report to Master Yoda.” 
“I’m not leaving Ahsoka here with...with him!” Anakin pointed furiously at Maul. “He’s going to try and seduce her!”
“If Ahsoka wants to kiss Maul then she can.” He said nonchalantly as he continued to pull his padawan out of the room. “Let’s go.” 
“Ahsoka don’t fall for his tricks!” Anakin yelled as Obi-Wan dragged him. “He’s got horrible teeth and is half metal, which means no dick!”
“I can get one made” Maul said, Ahsoka beamed at him.
“Ahsoka no!”
As Anakin’s yell of disappearance rang through the halls and Maul actually telling Ahsoka how he can get a dick made onto him, the injured Council members watched with dazed looks.
A moment of silence passed. “I can’t believe Maul can actually get a dick-”
“Shut up Kit.”
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