irithnova · 7 months
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"Chukchi Doll Wearing Fur and Skin Protective Garments Anadyr City Museum Chukotka Russia Far East"
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ala-adavia · 1 year
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A character from the story:
«Elpis Tournament»
Anadyr — is Russia's aunt. She is also one of the “Highest” at the same time. The youngest among Moscow and St. Petersburg. Appearance Features: White eyes, white wings. New York's wife and former Air Defense Chief. He does not announce his past and personal life. Russia trusts her and considers her a substitute mother.
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✯ Round 5 ✯ Match 7 ✯
The current flag of Kanepi Parish, Põlva County, Estonia
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The current flag of Anadyr, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Russian Federation
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Cutest bear ever
Tournament Policies: ✯ Choose the flag that's more meaningful to you! ✯ Be respectful of place names and cultural symbols in your commentary! ✯ If you want to submit propaganda, you may do so at the submission form linked in the pinned post. It will only be included if it is submitted before the next post with that flag is drafted and will be included in all subsequent posts the flag is featured in.
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liviingmemory · 11 months
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It is wayyyy overdue for me to post these but..... better late than never!
All of the Iron Artist chibi pieces I made back during September. Plus like, one or two made to even out the number.
Many of these characters are not mine, but I don't wanna tag a million people. So if you're seeing your guy on here, thank you for commissioning me! These were a blast to work on.
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sonjavart · 1 year
Brother Anadyr
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He is a priest of Aallotar, he smokes like a chimney and is overall a very poor example of proper priestly conduct.
I always feel super weird about sharing details of my OC's but they might as well be somewhere right?
I have a Ko-fi now! My commissions are open and price listings can be found here! If you would like to commission somethinf outside the listings or have something alse to ask/say to me, don't hesistate to PM or e-mail me at sonjavart(at)hotmail.com!
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Anadyr, Russia
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warcrimesimulator · 1 year
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Anadyr red fox (Vulpes vulpes beringiana) in front of Vilyuchik Volcano. South Kamchatka Nature Park, Kamchatka Peninsula.
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wumblr · 6 months
one thing from the news that has been sticking to the roof of my mouth is that woman who exploited the rewards card double swipe to enable demo mode at the gas station and split SEVEN THOUSAND gallons of gas between her and a friend over a period of months. leaving aside the question of "how does swiping a rewards card twice even do that" (it was misprogrammed, so i assume it's literally just "if rewards card swipe x2 then enter demo mode" and that's trivially discoverable) like... even assuming ten miles per gallon, extremely low by at least half... that would be nearly enough gas to circumnavigate the globe three times. WHERE DID THEY GO??? if i tried to burn through 7000 gallons of free gas in a year my car would explode. i think the only possible explanation is that the gas station is lying about how much she got away with. anyway i'm almost to the bering landbridge i think i can see anadyr hold on. oh no. thats water
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transgenderer · 1 year
okay so i was trying to figure out which two points you can drive between are farthest apart. my first guess was thurso UK to singapore (about 6k miles, so only half the hypothetical maximum), but when i put it into google maps it refused to calculate a route, through fiddling around i eventually figured out it refuses to calculate paths between india and pakistan of any sort. from what i can tell online, you COULD cross the border in a car, at wagah (and only at wagah!) but in 2019 they closed it fully and now you can only cross by foot!
anyway, if you allow for crossing at wagah thurso-singapore is about 216 hours of driving
anyway thats definitely not the real answer, you can go from capetown to omsukchan russia, which is 9700 miles. note that google refuses to calculate it directly, you have to do a chain of stops in the middle (presumably has an automatic timeout when theres too many roads to consider). i THINK omsuckchan is the easternmost point (before the date line) accessible by road but its hard to tell. once they finish the anadyr highway (well. finish and highway are both generous terms) itll be a full 10k miles! very near the maximum possible
anyway. the russian far east is a bummer. some excerpts:
Magadan, founded in 1930, was a major transit center for political prisoners during the Stalin era and the administrative center of the Dalstroy forced-labor gold-mining operation.
The Kolyma Highway is colloquially known as the Road of Bones (Russian: Дорога Костей, transliteration: Doróga Kostyéy), in reference to the hundreds of thousands of forced laborers who were interred in the pavement after dying during its construction.[1][2]
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protect-daniel-james · 3 months
Daddy A fic sneak-peek under cut (don't worry, it's sfw, it's hidden just because it's Daddy A after all)
When campainging for the post of the Chukotka governor, people at the meetings asked him various questions. You seem too young for the post, are you married? That was one of their big concerns, for some reason, as if being married was synonymous with being a good person. But he smiled and nodded and responded nontheless, yes, he is. He didn't mention it was his second marriage. For all he cared, it wasn't really important - but when the question resurfaced at every meeting with the public, he decided to uncover a little bit of his private life and invited a reporter to his home - the official, presentable one, simply furnished clean appartment that could belong to anyone, and he had Irina prepare some pancakes and salads and cold cuts and pose in front of the set table. She wasn't the best of cooks, but it mattered little when the focus of the article were the homely comforts of the simple lifestyle of the Abramoviches.  Other questions were not so easy to answer. Roman Arkadyevich, we haven't been paid in a week. How will you solve that? I go to the shop every day, and every day, the potatoes are mouldy. Or they don't have potatoes at all. How are we supposed to live and work when we can't even buy potatoes? And the prices...  What is the use of food stamps when you can't even rely on the deliveries? My mother needs to undergo an operation, but we don't have a car. There are no buses. No one is going to give her a ride to Anadyr. Not with the prices of the gas - He learned to listen. Tilt his head, give the auditorium an understanding smile, of course, of course, he cares deeply about their issues, he understands, he knows what it's like to live at what feels like the end of the world, where minutes drag on like years, he himself grew up far away from Moscow, in the north, in the Komi republic - he cautiously doesn't name the city that was ten times as populous as Andyr, just to keep up the charade - and he knows how it feels to be lonely and small.
Where Daddy A's ability to listen to tiring shit (Sheva) comes from
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flagwars · 1 year
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Flag Wars Bonus Round
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nawapon17 · 25 days
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✯ Round 4 ✯ Match 14 ✯
The current flag of Iola, Kansas, United States
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The current flag of Anadyr, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Russian Federation
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Cutest bear ever
Tournament Policies: ✯ Choose the flag that's more meaningful to you! ✯ Be respectful of place names and cultural symbols in your commentary! ✯ If you want to submit propaganda, you may do so at the submission form linked in the pinned post. It will only be included if it is submitted before the next post with that flag is drafted and will be included in all subsequent posts the flag is featured in.
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Anadyr, Russia
Look at the bear, it’s so happy, it’s such a happy bear. he a smilin’ bearo.
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tamgdenettebya · 6 months
Печально осознавать, что всё семимильными шагами идёт к тому, чтобы Россия перемолола всех украинцев, ведь их на нас хорошо натравили давно, они не отступят, теперь планомерно нас натравливают на них (общество РФ). Миллионы смертей славянского населения кому-то очень вожделенны. Я за транснациональное славянское государство - Польша-Чехия-Болгария-Украина-Россия-Сербия-Беларусь, чтобы через некоторое время на выходе получилась мононация-славянин, от Праги до Анадыря. Но для этого всем славянским народам надо навсегда зарыть топор войны и отбросить местечковый национализм, что очень и очень тяжело. Но лишь в союзе спасение.
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It’s sad to realize that everything is moving by leaps and bounds towards Russia crushing all Ukrainians, because they were set against us well for a long time, they will not retreat, now they are systematically setting us against them (Russian society). Millions of deaths of the Slavic population are very desirable for someone. I am for a transnational Slavic state - Poland-Czech Republic-Bulgaria-Ukraine-Russia-Serbia-Belarus, so that after some time the result will be a Slavic mono-nation, from Prague to Anadyr. But for this, all Slavic peoples need to bury the hatchet forever and discard local nationalism, which is very, very difficult. But only in union is salvation
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Parigi 2024, per i russi niente cerimonia d'apertura
AGI – Otto anni senza la Russia alle Olimpiadi. L’ultima volta che la bandiera bianca, blu e rosso dell’immenso Paese che si estende per dieci fusi orari da Kaliningrad e Anadyr sventolava sui pennoni olimpici, risale a Rio de Janeiro 2016. Poi nulla più, se non il polverone legato al doping di Stato e solo la bandiera del ‘Roc’, il Comitato olimpico russo, per l’edizione invernale del 2018 e…
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