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hamletthedane · 4 months ago
Continuing my series of pretending tumblr polls are methodologically sound:
(+ bonus for the tags: how many of your friends and family do you think will vote, regardless of who they’re voting for.
And non-usamericans how are you feeling about the American election? 👀)
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fellshish · 4 months ago
i keep thinking about just take it ten seconds at a time everything will be ok from unbreakable kimmy schmidt. i keep thinking about look for the helpers you will always find people who are helping from mr rogers. i keep thinking about most people are decent from rutger bregman. i keep thinking about there’s some good in the world mr frodo and it’s worth fighting for from lotr. i keep thinking about there’s a crack in everything that’s how the light gets in from leonard cohen. my brain is a washing machine of hope and i will go on i will i will will
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s-t-y-x · 2 months ago
As we're coming up on Inauguration Day, we just want to make it crystal clear to our American followers that if you deliberately did not vote for Kamala, you are not welcome here. If you voted for Trump, if you voted third-party, if you voted for a write-in, if you cast a blank 'protest ballot', if you just intentionally didn't vote at all, our blogs are not for you. There is no such thing as 'in good conscience' when the alternative was this. There is not a single solitary way in which Trump is superior to Harris, and if you believe there is, we do not want you anywhere near us or our friends. There is not a single solitary way in which not voting for Harris accomplished anything except making you feel morally superior in a way you do not deserve. You do not get to grandstand or say a single word about Palestine when there were literal Goddamn Palestinians fucking BEGGING you to vote for Kamala.
Because this is Tungle, and I know there will be people performing Olympic-level mental gymnastics to try and twist my words, let me reiterate that this is about people who deliberately deprived Harris/Walz of a vote. If you are not a US citizen, if you are under 18, if you've been disenfranchised, if your vote was stolen or destroyed, if you were unable to get to a polling place in time and/or your mail-in ballot never showed up, if a lack of accessibility stood in your way, if there was anything actively preventing you from voting, this post is not aimed at you.
Clowns in the notes will be ignored and blocked on sight. We're not here to argue about the brokenness of our system when that doesn't change the fact that you cannot simply opt out of it until it's better, even if you're actively trying to change it (which, let's be honest, a lot of you people aren't). We're not fucking arguing about something that should be obvious.
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yetrop · 4 months ago
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I probably don’t need to explain what inspired me to draw this.
For everyone else living in America, don’t give up. Our voices are needed now more than ever.
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whim-prone-pirate · 13 days ago
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this guy from a protest in denver looks like oliver stark as buck cosplaying steve rogers
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ghost-onthealtar · 4 months ago
If you had told me in 2016 that we were going to have to do this AGAIN in 2024 I simply would not have believed you.
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cassiecasyl · 4 months ago
I fucking hate that I can't even really wish death on Trump (trust me, I want him dead) bc they're gonna make him a martyr and then what
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divorcecourtdad · 8 months ago
"i don't want to vote for genocide joe" do you think i want to???? do you think i want to vote for another establishment democrat?? do you think i want another four years of minimal progress at best??? no!!! but guess what!!! life in this country isn't about what you want!!!! life isn't about you you you you you!!!
existing as a voter in america is about triage!!! existing as a voter in america is about minimizing your impact!!!! because guess what!!! your existence is inherently unethical!!! as long as you draw breath you will be causing harm!!! i am serious!!! you, the american reading this!!! your very existence causes harm! you cannot mitigate that by doing nothing!!! you HAVE to do even the bare fucking minimum in order to combat that!!! and sometimes that means voting for joe biden!!!
you exist in america! you pay taxes to this country and you use electricity made in this country and you consume food purchased in this country and you post things on the internet under this country's laws! americans! your existence is harming people! so you have to do the bare fucking minimum! in order to make that harm less! and that includes conforming to the establishment and not letting donald trump gain the presidency again! because if you allow your inaction to result in a fascist presidency! you will in fact be doing!! even worse!!
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smosh-fessions · 1 month ago
I just wanted to continue on my rant about the rise in facism and the pushback people have towards it, I like Spencer- he seems like a really sweet guy, genuinely. He seems to be super humble in a way that a lot of guys that are in his demographic of white male gamers that have questionable hygiene but experience a lot of success aren't, and it comes off as very genuine. But the thing is, the right wing WANTS you to turn them into a meme so that when they say and do the outlandish shit they do, people can "it's not that deep" it away and instead of being able to laugh with Spencer, I have that split second of feeling the impending doom lmao.
I don't think Spencer is the only one that makes those kinds of jokes, and I also think he's funny without it. I think the reason he does that kind of comedy is because he's extremely observant and he notices small things that they say that are ridiculous. But with Tr*mp going into office and doing what he's doing, an American governor calling for the deportation of a White American-born bishop that was calling for mercy and saying her empathy was a sin, El*n doing... that... I truly do worry that the memes can have the potential to trivialize the actual harm that the alt-right cause.
I'm not even American. I'm from the global south, and I actively hate the American government for the shit they pull on my people and my neighbors. But I worry for the American people?? I want better for the citizens of that country? Why don't some of the citizens of America want better for one another it's genuinely SO SAD? Like, it puts a pit in my stomach any time I see the shit happening over there.
I don't think the answer is to censor the comedy or say what we think comedy should and shouldn't be- BECAUSE THAT IS HORRIFYING !!!! But I think it's important that as fans of media, we continue to stay wary and always always be mindful of the shit that we let slide and the shit that we meme and make funny cause some of that shit is actually terrifying. But also, joy and laughter is resistance. We should still laugh with Spencer while knowing that the stuff that he's making fun of causes real world, actual harm! It isn't someone he just made up in his head- they are people he is observing and hating. One thing I appreciate about Spencer, actually, is that he notices the dog whistles that they use and he makes what they actually mean clear.
Also continuing on talking about Chanse cause I saw that you mentioned that Chanse said he was "one of the good ones" and that truly is a disappointing statement he made that I had no idea he said ☹️. I still have a lot of love for Chanse, as a girl who will always and forever root for the few poc in media (I was a Zayn and Callum Hood girl even though I wasn't a fan of 1D or 5SOS lol!) unless they're like, egregiously horrid which- a lot of them are. But I hope he knows that just because he's seen as "one of the good ones" by frankly, the wrong people, he will always and forever be "one of them"... does that make sense? This goes for any young gay with self esteem issues seeing this, as well! You may be "in enough" but you will always be othered, and the alt right only cares for their own. I still think Chanse is actively less harmful than the gays for Orange Man, and the poc for Orange Man but, like. I hope that he grounds himself a little more. I believe in him! I'm rooting for him! I have so much love for him! I do not know him lmao!
I just wanted to talk about this cause the news coming out of the US right now is so heartbreaking to me and I wanted to continue my train of thought from the last ask I sent a couple days (??) ago. I hope that any American fans of Smosh know that the whole world is seeing it happen and a lot of us have so much empathy. Sorry this is less about Smosh and more about the political state of the US and how we need to practice discernment with the funny haha guys now more than ever.
Also, I just wanna say, completely tangentially, I love Tommy, Arasha and Amanda SOOOOO MUCH. No elaboration, I just do.
I'm not going to make a long reply because I agree with literally everything you've said. Thank you for putting it so succinctly.
I kind of want to shake Chanse by the shoulders because when it comes down to it, those people are going to always see two things first! They will see that he is black and that he's gay before anything, and the guy he was going on dates with will also be seen by race and orientation first.
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abandonedelves · 4 months ago
Everyone take it easy today, watch that show you really wanted to but haven't got around to, buy or pre-order that thing you are always looking at but never get, eat that thing you've been craving to shit recently. Indulge in life's little pleasures that you have control over, it's the minimum of what you deserve today. I'm proud of you.
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hamletthedane · 4 months ago
y’all want a commune but you can’t even handle one (1) voting block lmao
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fellshish · 4 months ago
a lot of good people still. a lot of people who didn’t vote for him. who donate to good causes. who make soup for their neighbours. who write music and stories that stir your soul. who are funny and kind and open and accepting. a lot of people who will keep resisting. if you feel despair think about that. we are so many
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birthmark-poetry · 8 months ago
I don’t post as much about politics as I used to because, somehow, I took my rage and turned it into a career.
These days, I write for families who have lost loved ones in mass shootings, survivors of tragedies, and politicians/activists on the left who have overcome adversity.
I’ve travelled across the country and crossed borders with Americans with Diabetes and their families to buy affordable insulin. I saw their tears and heard the cracks in their voices as they explained what the reduced prices of their critical medicine meant.
I’ve sat alongside families of kids lost at Parkland, Uvalde, Sandy Hook, and more. I’ve watched them fight tooth and nail for change while our legislators turn their backs.
I’ve delivered petitions to Capitol Hill, marched alongside thousands for justice, borne the scars of police brutality on my body, answered the phones for a Senator, written tweets and emails and texts on behalf of politicians, and fought for years & years.
Don’t take my quiet here as complacency. There are other channels, other avenues, where my voice matters more. And trust that I fight in those.
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justanother-fan-girl · 4 months ago
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cherryaire · 1 month ago
I'm not afraid of undocumented immigrants. What I'm afraid of is the people who are afraid of undocumented immigrants.
People seem to forget that if your family came here in the 20s, there was no paperwork to get in. You just showed up and got written down and unless you were ill, you were let in. So yeah, your family came 'legally' because there wasn't really much of an 'illegal' way to do it.
At the end of the day you're just racist and classist and you have no grasp on how expensive, arduous, and how long it takes to get citizenship.
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bastiaan12 · 8 days ago
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Old world Ampol, Australia 1960s.
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