#Amo Chidi
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thewhumpcaretaker · 3 months ago
⚜ 𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕎𝕙𝕠 ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕃𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕣 - ℂ𝕙. 𝕏𝕀𝕍: 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕕 ℂ𝕙𝕠𝕚𝕔𝕖𝕤 ⚜
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*✧・゚: *✧・゚ ✧.*★ Thank you to @kavalyera for the beta read!
Summary: After realizing that Chidi genuinely loves him, Vincent can't resist him anymore.
TW: brief mention of suicidal ideation, brief mention of drug use, rampant codependency, unrealistic anal sex
Blue sky and yellowing brickwork flooded through each other in the motions of the Tiber, dancing in repetition. The mind could lose itself in their merciful meditation, not at all the way it might be lost in intoxication, but rather with a sobering effect. With the temptation towards reflection. There was Vincent’s reflection again, forming and reforming, just as it had done in the fountain in France, only now it was all the more broken by this faster current with its deeper disturbances. Chidi’s words played in his head again: “Realmente lo amo, Mo. No me iré hasta que él también esté libre. [I really love him, Mo. I won’t leave until he’s free too.]” He’s really staying. I’ve been such a fool.
Vincent could hear the low chatter of two Myrmidons who had followed him out the door and now hovered near the food carts on the bank, concerned but not concerned enough to approach, their words indistinguishable at such a distance. They clearly were debating what to do - whether to call him a full security detail as would be standard for an outing, or to leave him alone with his thoughts. He had not bothered to dismiss them. Let them protect him. Best not to worry Chidi any more today. Such a fool, he repeated internally, a hand covering his face for a moment.
When he straightened up again, there was Chidi himself, approaching with confident strides, that grey suit as knightly as a suit of armor. Turning the corner, passing the food cart and catching sight of him on the bridge. Coming for him, to check on him, to talk about what had happened. Vincent’s heart contorted against the double bind of shame and nervous exhilaration. He straightened his jacket. Chidi exchanged a brief word with one of the Myrmidons, patted his shoulder in thanks, and they dispersed, leaving their leader to meet with Vincent unwatched.
Tentatively, Vincent put out a hand to him. “Mon chevalier, viens à mon secours. [My knight, come to rescue me.]”
Chidi bowed deeply and kissed it. “Mon roi a-t-il besoin d'être secouru ? [Does my king need rescuing?]”
He turned from that overwhelmingly gallant picture, back towards the water, where Chidi’s broken reflection now joined his own. “Pour une fois, non. Je suis désolé d’être à court, mais je ne me sens pas… destructeur. Juste… ah… je prends un moment. [For once, no. I’m sorry for running out, but I’m not…feeling destructive. Just…ah…taking a moment.]”
“Je suis plus que ravi, monsieur. [I’m beyond glad, sir.]” Chidi’s thumb moved over his knuckles and something warm gushed out of his heart in response. “Alors, vous nous avez entendus ? Combien? [Did you overhear us, then? How much?]”
“Assez pour savoir que je t'ai fait du tort. [Enough to know I’ve wronged you.]” It was blurted out before he could stop himself, staring desperately up at Chidi again. “Pourquoi diriez-vous tant de choses gentilles ? Pourquoi resterais-tu avec moi ? [Why would you say so many kind things? Why would you stay with me?]”
“Je te l'ai dit, Vincent. Je t'aime. [I told you, Vincent. I love you.]”
“Pourquoi? [Why?]” He’d never asked any of his conquests why they wanted him, or thought they loved him. Nothing could be more obvious – he was powerful and rich and famous and handsome and skilled at lovemaking, and they were a lot of shallow sycophants. Simple enough. But someone who had seen the reality of him? Someone competent and confident and of good taste? Someone who he’d hurt and pushed away in such weak, foolish, irrational ways? That didn’t make any sense.
“Parce que je n’y peux rien ! Parce que dès la première fois que je t'ai vu, j'ai été attiré par toi. Pas à votre force mais… à vos désirs, à votre incroyable désir. Personne d'autre ne semblait le remarquer, mais cela m'a captivé d'apercevoir de petits aperçus de toi, volontaire et têtu et doux et blessé et triomphant face à tout ce qui essayait de t'étouffer dans un stoïcisme muet. Ça m'a rendu fou de vouloir te protéger. Je n'avais réalisé que récemment à quel point tu as absorbé chacune de mes pensées pendant trois années consécutives, rêvant de te rendre heureux, me tourmentant pour chaque tort que tu as subi, attendant le jour où je pourrais servir d'instrument à ton moi le plus vicieux et le plus tendre- expressions pareilles. J’aime la soumission, la douleur, l’inquiétude – Vincent, c’est ce que je suis censé être : le tien. Cela me ravit de pouvoir ressentir une telle sympathie pour mon propre maître. Que n’importe qui puisse me posséder si complètement. Je suis captif de moi-même quand je suis avec toi, parce que je me sens comme une partie de toi. Ta douleur m'enrage, ta joie m'enivre, tu es moi-même. Je t'aime. Je ne pourrais pas arrêter de t’aimer si je le voulais, et je ne veux pas. La force de ton besoin m’oblige, et je m’abandonne à cette contrainte. Je suis forcé et je choisis. A toi et à toi seul, je décide de plier le genou. Il ne pouvait en être autrement. [Because I can’t help it! Because from the first time I saw you, I was drawn to you. Not to your strength but…to your desires, to your incredible want. No one else seemed to notice it, but it captivated me to catch little glimpses of you, willful and stubborn and sweet and hurt and triumphant in the face of everything trying to stifle you into mute stoicism. It drove me crazy, wanting to protect you. I didn’t realize until recently how you consumed my every thought for three straight years, daydreaming of making you happy, tormenting myself over every wrong you suffered, waiting for the day I could serve as the instrument of your most vicious and tender self-expressions alike. I like the submission, the pain, the worry – Vincent, this is what I’m meant to be: yours. It thrills me, that I could feel such sympathy for my own master. That anyone could possess me so completely. I’m captive to my own self when I’m with you, because I feel like a part of you. Your pain enrages me, your joy intoxicates me, you are myself. I love you. I couldn’t stop loving you if I wanted to, and I don’t want to. The force of your need compels me, and I surrender to that compulsion. I am forced, and I choose. To you and you alone, I decide to bend the knee. It could not be any other way.]”
“Pendant… aussi longtemps ? Tu as « rêviez de me rendre heureux » ? [For…for that long? You ‘daydreamed about making me happy’?]” Everything was coming out small and choked and deliriously happy. “Je ne… je ne peux pas… [I don’t…I can’t…]” But it was true: he couldn’t. Couldn’t resist any longer. The words tore something from his body, tore out any possibility of disbelief, of protective denial. And with it, an answering confession. “Tu gagnes, salaud : je t'aime. Je t'aime. Je t'aime. [You win, you bastard: I love you. I love you. I love you.]” How could I not? And how could I not want to? I am forced, and I choose.
He crashed into Chidi – open mouthed, teeth colliding, fists dragging on fabric to the point of strangulation. An open expression of want. In the water below, their images churned together in that broken self-dissolution which allows for a total merging. It was a two-headed creature that stumbled home, hand in inextricable hand, half angel and half god, throbbing on both sides with a lust fueled entirely by submissive awe.
Was there a comedown, from his early morning drug binge? If so, Vincent never felt it. He felt his cock trying to escape the center fold of his slacks just to stand a few inches closer to Chidi’s searing flesh. They didn’t make it upstairs. Chidi dragged them into his own, humbler bedroom, suffused with the scent of his body. A diary still lay on the nightstand from Chidi’s early morning hours of brooding over his beloved Marquis and Vincent felt a horrible, wonderful pang at the thought of him alone with his thoughts down here. He made a whimpering, distraught noise and started devouring Chidi’s mouth again. “Je suis désolé [I’m sorry],” he whispered between kisses. “Je t'aime. Je suis désolé. [I love you. I’m sorry.]” His face was wet, he realized.
Chidi snarled against his lips and pushed him backward onto the bed, straddling him. “Tu veux me rattraper ? Alors laisse-moi te réconforter maintenant comme je le voulais hier soir. [You want to make it up to me? Then let me comfort you now like I wanted to last night.]” Vincent let himself go limp, eyes closing into a moan. Chidi’s hand was braced against the pit of his neck, holding him securely down, and it felt like the only heat in the world.
“N'ose pas faire autrement. J'ai besoin de toi. [Don’t you dare do otherwise. I need you.]” God…was he allowed to say such things now? It felt so good to say them.
“Je ne pouvais pas. Vous êtes irrésistible. Je t'aime mieux comme ça que tous réunis. [I couldn’t. You’re irresistible. I like you better like this, than all put together.]”
Fire flared up fiercely in his cheeks. He remembered his appearance – makeup stained with tear tracks, hair mussed, total discomposure ruining the charm of his nicest suit. “Quelle pagaille? [What, a mess?]”
“Oui. Mon désordre parfait. [Yes. My perfect mess.]” As proof, he straightened up and parted his fly, stroking himself to Vincent’s pornographic dishevelment. His pretty brown eyes darkened with want. “Ce matin, quand j'ai vu à quel point tu avais l'air intouchable, ça m'a fait peur, car tout ce que je veux, c'est te toucher. Votre corps, votre vie, votre esprit. Jusqu'à ce que tu te sentes bien. [This morning, when I saw how untouchable you looked, it scared me, because all I want is to touch you. Your body, your life, your mind. Until you feel good.]”
Affection overwhelmed the Marquis and he sat up to kiss the tip, as if in pity for its reddened, aching longing. When had he ever liked someone so much or so innocently? So this was the gentle fervor of love. Chidi’s gasp rewarded him, but when he slipped the full head into his mouth, Chidi pushed him back down.
“Non, je te réconforte, tu te souviens ? Tu me dois la chance d'être gentil avec toi. Bande. [No. I am comforting you, remember? You owe me the chance to be good to you. Strip.]” Oh god. Commanding Chidi, powerful Chidi. Commanding him to be well, to be comforted. Gentle all the while, still gentle enough to make him want to relent. This was a side of him Vincent had never seen, and it brought out a correspondingly unfamiliar side of himself. He trembled with grateful desire. His hands caught at his many buttons, fumbling in his rush to do justice to this newfound connection. And there was Chidi’s touch on his wrist, steadying him. “Prends ton temps, mon amour. [Take your time, my love.]” But whether it made concentration easier or harder to feel Chidi’s lips brushing softly against the crown of his head, he couldn’t say. Everything was turning frail and soft.
Chidi supported that softness, with his pillows under Vincent’s pelvis. With his arms around Vincent’s torso from behind, cuddling him into his chest. With the steady, pounding hardness driving relentlessly into him, jolting sobs of pleasure-pain out of him. With gentle whispers that Vincent could answer only by nodding and crying harder. “Êtes-vous d'accord? Est-ce comme ça que tu le veux ? [Are you okay? Is this how you want it?]” Yes. You have no idea what this bliss is like.
And he couldn’t not be happy. Couldn’t not kiss at Chidi’s fingers or angle upward into his thrusts, wanting to be joined deeper, even more forcefully. Couldn’t not tighten around Chidi’s solid length in fluttering ecstasy. Until he lost all control once and for all and couldn’t not spill out across the bedsheets with all the force of the Tiber river. And he wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
Chidi wrapped around him as they rolled over sideways, equally spent. “Ai-je réussi à vous réconforter ? [Did I succeed in comforting you?]”
“Oui. Dieu oui. Je ne peux pas dire si mon visage me fait plus mal à cause du sourire, ou si mes fesses sont à cause de... [Yes. God yes. I can’t tell whether my face hurts more from smiling, or my ass from – ]”
“Très bien alors. Votre dette est payée. Je vous pardonne. [Very good then. Your debt is paid. I forgive you.]”
“Hmmm. Je devrais te repousser plus souvent, si telle est la punition. [Hmmm. I should push you away more often, if this is the punishment.]”
“Seulement si j'arrive à te ramener vers moi comme ça. [Only if I get to pull you back to me like this.]” He rolled Vincent closer, showering his neck with kisses until he squirmed against the delicious sensation. “Comment aimerais-tu qu'à chaque fois tu sois tiré du gouffre? [How would you like that, to be pulled back from the brink every time?]”
“Mmm… ce serait… sympa. Mais peut-être pas aussi agréable que de se tenir ainsi pour toujours. [Mmm…it would be…nice. But maybe not as nice as just holding each other this way forever.]” Since when did I say such sappy things? But Chidi nuzzled against him so affectionately that it seemed alright. No matter what he said or did, Chidi would turn it from a disaster into peace. Safety and gratitude flooded through him.
“Tu sais, en termes de travail et de famille, tout va mal pour moi. J’ai tellement perdu en si peu de temps. Mais je pense… de toute façon, je suis plus heureux qu’il y a quelques mois. Je découvre des choses qui comptent pour moi et je me sens libre pour la première fois. [You know, in terms of business and family, everything is going wrong for me. I’ve lost so much in such a short period. But I think…I’m happier than I was a few months ago anyway. I’m finding things that matter to me and feeling free for the first time.]” He stopped, bliss giving way to a bitter laugh. “Et maintenant que j'ai une raison de vivre dans ma vie, je pourrais vraiment être tué. N'est-ce pas ironique ? Si je n’ai pas les Myrmidons, le siège Gramont pourrait s’effondrer. Et puis… [And now that I have something in my life to live for, I could really be killed. Isn’t it ironic? If I don’t have the Myrmidons, the Gramont seat could collapse. And then…]”
“Certains d'entre nous vous resteraient fidèles, monsieur. Je voudrais. [Some of us would remain loyal to you, sir. I would.]”
“Mais tu n'as pas le choix, tu m'aimes, tu te souviens ? [But you have no choice, you love me, remember?]” he teased. “Les autres – [The others - ]”
But it was at that moment that an idea began to take shape. “L’illusion du choix… Chidi, aujourd’hui, tu m’as appris quelque chose d’une grande importance politique. Nous sommes de tels génies. Debout, je dois rédiger un discours. [The illusion of choice…Chidi, today, you’ve taught me something of great political import. We are such geniuses. Up, I need to draft a speech.]” How many ways could one man save his life?
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Image Sources: One (mine) | Two
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the-death-appriser · 6 months ago
Raza, ustedes no estan entendiendo lo mucho que amo a Chidi Anagonye. No existe, pero daria mi vida por el y porque no tuviera que tomar una sola decicion mas en su vida causando que tenga una vida plena y feliz sin dolores gastrointestinales.
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bu-e · 8 months ago
O chidi, maybe mas chidi pero esta más bueno jayson aunque prefiero a don armando AY DIOS TRIPLE PAPASITOBTE AMO ARMANDO
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mobiusstripper · 2 years ago
Thank you for the tag, @pastel-junkyard!
Note: A lot of my favorite characters are ones that I felt never got a proper treatment in canon and I therefore supplemented with 90% headcanon. I'm going to exclude those characters here just for the sake of simplicity.
Favourite characters:
Anime/manga: Wolfgang Grimmer (Monster), Eva Heinemann (Monster), Pino (Ergo Proxy)
Books: Camille Preaker (Sharp Objects), Clarissa Mao (The Expanse), Amos Burton (The Expanse), Violet Durn (Feed), Wintermute (Neuromancer)
Other: David (A.I. Artificial Intelligence), Prairie/OA (The OA), Ada McGrath (The Piano), Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place), Maria (On Body and Soul), Hamlet
I tag @lethotep, @somepallings, @allsortsoflicorice, @rosemochi, and @breserker, but please don't feel pressured to participate!
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morrislotto · 5 years ago
Amo Chidi leaves Rhythm City
Amo Chidi leaves Rhythm City
Actresses Samkelo Ndlovu and Amo Chidi bowed out of Rhythm City. The channel announced the duos departure from the soapie in a statement. Reads the statement, in part: “Effortlessly bubbly and feisty personality, Rhythm City actress Samkelo Ndlovu, who plays the character of Lerato on the e.tv daily youth drama, will be exiting the show.
Samkelo said it was her choice to leave the show. “In my…
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juliebook · 6 years ago
10 de agosto del 2019.
Hoy fue un día fabuloso. Mi compi y yo nos dejamos llevar y nos relajarnos, dejando fluir la vida y jugando con el móvil en lugar de trabajar. Eso nos costó salir justas de tiempo y dejando cosas para el día siguiente, buuuuuuuuutttt no me arrepiento de nada. Fue mágico. Esta Woman es bastante agradable y me cae chidis. Hasta ahora mi experiencia en este lugar ha sido fantástica, ni un solo incidente y eso me asusta. Temo que pase algo en algún punto. Like, no me puede ir tan bien. Algo debe pasar para paniquear. I dont know. Igual por el momento todo genial,esperemos siga así. Por otro lado el llegar a casa fue normal. Comí bien, hice mierdas. Nada interesante pero bien. Y, lo más importante,hubo bardo. Muuuuuucho bardo. Fue como superó woaaaaaaaahhhh. Like. I dont know. No lo esperaba. La dvd ahora pienso que hay cosas que no tuve que haber hecho. O quizás esperar un toquesin. But eso. Ya que. También agradezco que aunque el bardo fue entre conocidos, al menos de mi parte ma vaina no está taaaannnn rota. Onda, se guardan rencores? Tal vez. Por siempre? Que va. Soy un ser volátil. Olvidó las cosas con demasiada facilidad y, por ello, sólo queda mi amor. Porque sí, estúpidamente cuando amo a una persona la amo para siempre. Porque así es mo amor. Así soy, no puedo evitarlo. Realmente tienen que hacer algo muy hard para perder mi amor. Ganarse mi odio es too easy, but te amo y te odio a la vez. Soy bien pinche rara. Luego, finalizamos que por mame le hablé a una persona que desde hace meses no lo hacía y fue super genial hacerlo de nuevo y tener la oportunidad de volver a conectar bc esa persona es re especial para mí apesar de que la vida nos pasara por encima. Además tuve Sam. TENGO SAM. AHDHDHDHFHDHXJDJFJDJXJS SABEN QUE ES ESO? ALGO MALO ME VA A PASAR. But lo disfrutaré por ahora. Valdrá la pena morir en el trabajo ahora en dos horas. salu2. Me hiere. Bai.
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latestupdates2022 · 3 years ago
Inside Amo Chidi daughter’s PJ Mask- themed 3rd birthday party – Video
Inside Amo Chidi daughter’s PJ Mask- themed 3rd birthday party – Video
Inside Amo Chidi daughter’s PJ Mask- themed 3rd birthday party – Video   Amo Chidi put a big smile on her daughter’s face as she celebrated her third birthday. Her daughter, Reitumetse turned three recently and the star shared that she cannot believe that he little baby is growing up so fast. Taking to Instagram, Amo posted a heartfelt post to celebrate her little girl. She also said that she…
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anoos94 · 4 years ago
Amo Chidi from Rhythm City new bae will shock you
Amo Chidi from Rhythm City new bae will shock you
Amo Chidi from Rhythm City new bae will shock you Former Rhythm City actress Amo Chidi is currently living in the lap of luxury. The star is out on a vacation living her best life in the town of Hoedspruit in the Limpopo province. “Good morning #baecation #MomandDad #MrandMrs Motsepe,” she posted on the gram, also revealing her new surname. And Amo hardly ever shares snaps of hubby, her comment…
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bookentertainment · 7 years ago
Depois de quatro meses resolvi voltar com uma indicação de mais 4 séries! Dessa vez não são todas da Netflix, mas a única que não tem no site é This Is Us, então pode ser mais complicado para assistir. De qualquer forma, vou comentar um pouquinho sobre cada uma e espero que vocês gostem!
ONE DAY AT A TIME: Essa é uma série com duas temporadas (a terceira já foi renovada) com 13 episódios cada. Ela é uma comédia e acompanha a história de uma família cubana que mora em um apartamento nos Estados Unidos. A história é repleta de representatividade, com mulheres fortes, LGBTs e personagens latinos, sem contar que eles também apresentam doenças mentais, como a depressão, sem banalizar. Me apaixonei pelos personagens e suas histórias, vale muito a pena dar uma chance.
THE GOOD PLACE: Essa também é uma comédia que inicialmente achei bobinha, mas com o tempo só melhora. Até agora, com duas temporadas de 13 episódios, a série conta sobre a vida de Eleanor após sua morte. Ela se passa em um mundo onde, quando você morre seus pontos positivos e negativos são contabilizados e dependendo do resultado você vai para O Lugar Bom ou O Lugar Ruim. A Eleanor, por engano, acaba indo para O Lugar Bom e tumultuando a vida de seus vizinhos para tentar manter seu segredo, já que ela não quer ser levada para O Lugar Ruim. Com a ajuda de sua alma gêmea, Chidi, ela tenta “aprender” a ser uma pessoa boa e merecer seu espaço naquele lugar. A série é repleta de plot twists e quando você pensa que a situação não pode piorar, ela piora!
THIS IS US: Sabe aquela série de drama, mas que não fica acontecendo só miséria? Então, essa é This Is Us! Ela conta a história de trigêmeos (dois homens e uma mulher), porém um deles é adotado, confuso, né? Quando assistir vocês vão entender. Nós acompanhamos os pais deles antes do nascimento, eles crianças, adolescentes e adultos, tudo paralelamente. O mais interessante é que cada um tem seus problemas particulares e familiares, mas também tem aqueles momentos felizes assim como em toda família. Não é o tipo de série que você chora em todo episódio, você vai rir bastante e chorar só de vez em quando! Tem duas temporadas completas até agora com 18 episódios cada.
SHERLOCK: Sherlock é de todas essas a menos convencional, ela tem quatro temporadas, cada uma com 3 episódios e mais um especial que fica entre a terceira e a quarta. Os episódios tem a duração de 1h30min, ou seja, são vários filmes que não te obrigam a continuar, mas pode ter certeza de que vale a pena. Como o nome já diz, a série conta a história de Sherlock Holmes e John Watson nos dias atuais desvendando crimes juntos. Ela é divertida, tem ótimos atores e personagens cativantes (tanto os heróis como os vilões). Existe toda uma polêmica em volta da quarta temporada, pois ela seguiu um rumo diferente e não foi muita aceita pelos fãs, mas eu, particularmente, não achei tão ruim assim, e apesar dos rumores de que a séria havia sido cancelada: na verdade, terá uma quinta temporada, mas não vai ser por agora (o histus de Sherlock é sempre maior que o normal). Ela se tornou uma das minhas séries preferidas e foi onde me apaixonei por Benedict Cumberbatch!
Espero que vocês tenham gostado dessas indicações, são series que eu amo muito e mal posso esperar pela continuação. Se vocês quiserem ver o meu primeiro post com indicação de séries é só clicar aqui! Obrigada por lerem :)
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congregamus · 7 years ago
Get to Know you Meme !
i was tagged by @hymnsofheresy (sorry I dropped the ball for a day!)
Relationship Status: On-again/off-again with lots of energy gestalts, but I tend to leave human people alone.
Favorite Color: I’m pretty fond of purple.
Lipstick or Chapstick: I usually carry NIVEA lip care with me in the cold months, but I usually forget to use it until it’s too late.
Last Song I Listened To: Trixie Mattel: Mamma Don’t Make Me Put on the Dress Again
Last Movie I Watched: Arrival 
Top 3 TV Shows:
The Good Place
RuPaul’s Drag Race
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Top 3 Characters: 
Chidi (The Good Place)
Alyssa Edwards (RPDR)
Charlie Kelly (IASIP)
Top 3 Bands/Artists: 
Tori Amos
Josquin/Isaac (I can’t pick)
Books I’m Currently Reading: 
Bart Ehrman: Misquoting Jesus
T.J. Wray: The Birth of Satan: Tracing the Devil’s Biblical Roots
Manly P. Hall: Mystic Christianity
Favorite hobby: Nuking my consciousness and playing iconoclast with strongly held beliefs upon which I still insist even though I know none of it is “true”.
Occupation: Care manager to the elderly and disabled
Love to collect: prayers
Tag 9 people ! (y’all don’t have to do this, but its fun - tag back if you do though)
@sheepskinnedgoat; @ablogintwoacts; @benevolent-falcon; @prosperosfootnotes; @eccequambonum; @mysticismmess; @deosluxmea; @cortenbeton; @thepunkrockapostle
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hairstylishe · 5 years ago
Amo Chidi – Me looking into 2020 with a happy heart
Amo Chidi – Me looking into 2020 with a happy heart
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  Amo Chidi – Me looking into 2020 with a happy heart – The starlet has been in the entertainment industry for many years and she has positioned herself as one of Mzansi’s most popular actresses. Rhythm City actress, Amo Chidi is living her best life and it is beautiful to watch.
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  We first met the multi-talented star when she was a contestant on High School Musical: Spotlight South Africa and…
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marlaluster · 6 years ago
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. 2,731,564 views willsmith Thank YOU Mike - for reminding me why I joined IG in the first place. ・・・ Repost @nopancakestoday ・・・ After some much needed rest, I had a great time gettin' jiggy with the tribe at 1Vibe last week. Could never thank @willsmith enough for this crazy ride. Go ahead and tag Will if you'd like to see him come visit us here @1vibedance. moniedoula Yaaaas Mike! ♥️♥️ kiladtewid I should do this for my pain. It's healthy too. Thanks josechacon87 @ginnabernalagray acervin14 @valancholia this made me happy! lucypearl83 @katieannnnn_ no..40's twytwy112 I’m 38 and just had to mineral ice my knee! You go Mike! powmae77 Love this ✌️ dinez67 🤭👍🏼👍🏼❤️❤️🤪🤪😎 cameronwall95 @elise_marnoch alexphillipz @nothormones I thought you had a bad back? 🤨 anniewong12803 🤗🤗🤗 peac24e okaaay 😂👏🏼 shane_the_hitman_hinte @powerfulmommm 👍🏻 carolina.arbelaez188 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 placey1985 @lalaschwng jisuumon Life goallll💪💃 md_rant @crp1088 let’s do it! misskayten @miss_allie_cat45 lmao I sent this to him a while ago _tobyedwards @issymacadie is this not the best thing you’ve ever seen love2loyalty_ @bri_that_epitome paizov.q1 Nice 💥 sydneyrita_f @itsjosie___ dammm get ittt😍😂 kalirose242167 😂😂 wassim_farh_rayan 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 8 HOURS AGO ABOUT 2. https://www.instagram.com/p/BwC7Zwmh4BP/?hl=en 3. 2,679,499 views m_a._p @ziskind.jpg its_just_stacie 😭 _nvcki 😂😂😂😂 stylishlyunlimited 😩😂😂😂 iamlynix Leave that boy alone man lol @willsmith vintage_monica Hello.... I buy and sell valuable antique and vintage pieces at good rate. Silverware Old money/coin(any currency) Antique guitars Jadeite Depression glass Antique photographs Perfume bottles Antique Christmas ornaments Canning jars Arts and crafts furniture Midcentury shell chairs Antique luggage sets Elaborate frames First-edition books Globes Lamp bases Antique automobiles Antique real estate Please DM me for more enquiries. neisha87 🤣🤣🤣 eduardo81sena Will 😍😍😍😍👌 clarabarnardt @_berkleylarsen_ jeffbot Can’t👏stop👏watching👏 shortthighs I’m crying 😂😂😂😂 ricstackz 🤣🤣😂 jamila1208 @latmojef84 skineze 🤣🤣 victoeriaa @_eazyefrain mrs.torluk ❤️ mrs.torluk ❤️ hanginwithmrclunis @lu_rosee._ fasheanicole 😂😂😂 sgartsygirl Awwww so cute he’s gonna be a great man! clebercruzartes 👏👏👏👏👏👏🙌👏👏👏 theluminouslucy 😂😂😂😂😂😂 ziskind.jpg @m_a._p lmfao get in the car dont touch nothin nyna_santos1 Haha muito bom 👏👏👏👏 1 DAY AGO ABOUT 4. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvw3QqFAur5/?hl=en 5. 932,409 views c.syresmith Me As A Statue. #RapCaviarPantheon. Shout Out To @Spotify & @RapCaviar. Go See It At The Brooklyn Museum April 3-7. boonktrey_ Now that’s a icon 🔥🔥 _do__ve_ 🇮🇹✅🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹✅🇮🇹 gabrpaz 😍😍😍 david_deflores 🎶 #SomosUnaDroga 🎶 #newsingle #linkinbio #spotify @david_deflores ❤️ reggieinthetruth Thats idol worship just like they worship the baphomet half man with tits half goat get real the world is ran by wicked gay satanic anton levey people period open ur eyes not eye of horus moha_carti 🐐 ethanm.2000 That’s hard greatestofalllife @SONYMUSICAFRICA-" •Amanda Du'Pont - 071 274 5841 Jessica Nkosi - 074 734 2407 Wandi Estern- 071 512 9322 Candice Modise - 074 513 2585 Lalla Hirayama - 074 441 3470 Samkeliswe Ndlovu - 073 245 5425 Zenande Queen - 074 144 7424 Amo Chidi - 071 742 2431 Kimberly Jayde - 073 258 3472 Celeaste Ntuli - 074 105 7434 Dineo Moketsi - 078 258 4825 Ayanda Thabete - 073 737 2190 Babes Wodumo - 074 242 1424 Thando Thabete - 073 104 2698 Kenny Kunene - 084 258 3548 DJ Zinhle - 072 151 2489 Entle YoTv - 075 848 2458 K-Naomi - 075 245 6259 Kat Ncala - 074 245 7485 Nomzamo Mbatha - 074 404 2718 Latoya Legacy - 073 258 4528 Denise Zimba - 071 450 0151 Khayna Selimatuzi - 074 345 3841 ANC - 074 148 2418 Minnie Dhlamini - 074 845 2414 Miss Fit - 074 745 2522 #SONYMUSICAFRICA" alejandro65432111 Cool💙 alidimadome that dude when i die they gotta make a statue khalij.famous أستمر isaacthesage Nobody understands this statue and it’s hilarious☠️ iamaki.b this scream face👏👏👏❤️❤️ mariacasaliglla 😀👋 yenekalbyc Make me a stature tuu iamdevynrose ...ill👽🔥 kiddeshxn IK people hate this kind of comment🚫🧢 but if you could just give my music a chance you MIGHT like it you MIGHT not🤷‍♂️all I ask for is a chance GOD BLESS YOU ALL!💕 isfr11 I like it 👏🏻👏🏻 justinmaybach This shi z lit !!🔥 regal.lamb 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 uzzyslime Messaged you brotha mic.hawk Man what happened to will Smith's kids? This kids pretentious as fuck drstar301 Hi loves it would mean the world if you check us out on YouTube “D&R STAR”. We are here to spread love and entertain you guys. Follow us on insta too "drstar301" God bless ❤️❤️❤️ nelson.roman.758737 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 APRIL 2 ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACYTERMSDIRECTORYPROFILESHASHTAGSLANGUAGE 6. https://www.instagram.com/p/BwFV7-UB01x/?hl=en 7. https://www.instagram.com/p/BwDtxuCj_1g/?hl=en 8. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.smh.com.au/world/asia/in-signal-to-beijing-us-sends-jet-carrying-warship-to-south-china-sea-20190411-p51d1s.html 9. WORLDASIAWORLD POLITICS In signal to Beijing, US sends jet-carrying warship to South China Sea By Ditas Lopez April 11, 2019 — 6.45am The US sent a fighter-jet-carrying warship to join drills near the disputed Scarborough Shoal for the first time, sending a pointed message to China as tensions simmer over territorial claims in the region. The flight deck crew secures an F-35B Lighting II aircraft aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp. The flight deck crew secures an F-35B Lighting II aircraft aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp. Photo: US NAVY The USS Wasp -- an amphibious assault ship outfitted last year with F-35B jets -- joined the annual Exercise Balikatan with the Philippines this month. A ship matching 10. TOP STORIES In signal to Beijing, US sends jet-carrying warship to South China Sea Sydney Morning Herald - 4 hours ago US sails massive, F-35-laden warship in disputed South China Sea The Japan Times - 1 day ago Business Insider A US warship loaded with F-35 stealth fighters was apparently spotted near a disputed area in the South China Sea 1 day ago South China Morning Post Protesters in Philippines slam Duterte for inaction over South China Sea 1 day ago CNN Russian warships arrive in the Philippines amid rising South China Sea tensions 2 days ago South China Morning Post US, China ‘at greater risk of military incidents’ in South China Sea 1 day ago Business Insider India US, China 'at greater risk of military incidents' in South China Sea, Chinese think tank warns 20 hours ago VOA Islands in the South China Sea May See More Visitors 3 days ago Yahoo China vs. America: How a War in the South China Sea Could Start 2 days ago Forbes Philippines Is Beginning To Pay The Price For Duterte's South China Sea Flip-Flops 4 days ago The Guardian South China Sea: Duterte warns Beijing of 'suicide missions' to protect disputed island 5 days ago PEOPLE ALSO SEARCH FOR Pag asa island Rodrigo Duterte US and China More News Knowledge Result Image result for south china sea Map of South China Seamap expand icon South China Sea DescriptionThe South China Sea is a marginal sea that is part of the Pacific Ocean, encompassing an area from the Karimata and Malacca Straits to the 11. https://www.google.com/search?q=south+china+sea&oq=south&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j69i61j69i60l2j0.2170j0j9&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#scso=_y5iuXNmlIcjx5gKeoarYAQ27:1623.238037109375.761962890625.4285888671875.761962890625.90478515625.6666259765625.8095703125.6190185546875.857177734375.047607421875.857177734375.1904296875.1904296875.4285888671875.6666259765625.6190185546875.09521484375.952392578125.3809814453125.761962890625.2857666015625.761962890625.3809814453125.857177734375.047607421875.8571166992188.3809814453125.8095092773438.047607421875.6666870117188.3809814453125.047607421875.9047546386719.047607421875.09521484375.6190185546875.6666870117188.6190185546875.23809814453125.57142639160156.3333282470703.285714149475098 12. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/3005497/china-taking-its-historic-poverty-global-success-global 13. INSIGHT & OPINION China is best placed to tackle rural poverty globally, and the West isn’t happy about it Not only is China’s success in reducing poverty without precedent, Beijing is best equipped to help reduce poverty globally – a fact that the Western media seems happy to skip over, preferring instead to criticise Beijing’s actions wherever possible John F. Copper UPDATED : Thursday, 11 Apr 2019, 2:59AM 18 One of the central issues deliberated recently at China’s “two sessions” – the meetings of the National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference – was rural poverty reduction. Clearly this was a problem issue for Chinese leaders. It is also a concern harboured by national leaders in other countries, in the guise of the rich-poor gap both at home and globally. How to fix this was a question of the day. China’s two government bodies reached decisions to alleviate rural poverty both at home and in developing countries. The sentiment was that China had done both before. In fact, China’s accomplishments in these two realms are mind-boggling, having removed some 500 million to 700 million people from the poverty rolls. In fact, poverty in China has been cut to just a fraction of what it once was. 14. PEOPLE ALSO SEARCH FOR China wants to ban Bitcoin mining China trade deal EU China trade More News 15. https://www.instagram.com/p/BwBLX47jzRS/?hl=en 16. 2,466,595 likes chrishemsworth Not really sure what we’re doing in this photo but watch @JimmyKimmelLive TONIGHT and find out ! #ABC #Kimmel @JimmyKimmel @robertdowneyjr #paulrudd #scarlettjohansson camedese 💞 miriam_espindolaf1 ❤️ jessieee_l 最喜欢你们上鸡毛秀哈哈哈 bruna_mellorosa @lucilia_rosalemos @fernandademattoss @marcelo_8717 arjunapratamaputra_ Hey lang barbara_mariaa_ Oh, my God, I do not have any more psychological to wait for.🤯😎 _nurse_danielle__ Hi, if you want to sell your kidney for $ 450,000, we need emergency donors now. If you are ready to become a sperm, egg, kidney or liver donor, contact your hospital Nurse Danielle Leveck immediately: on whatsapp... +1 712 242 6175. These is the right place to sell your kidney taiparehujanee 😍😍😍😍 tami_estruc @_guadaborja AAAAAAAA😍 blairecalvin avenger squad 😁❤️ paujaz_castro 😍😍😍 fefavalentina Ooo muero😍 story_of_my_life_14 👏👏👏👏 iswarpradhan29 Yup lolitacortes1987 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 keyscarv FAM ❤️ maryannmurray1 🙌🏻🙌🏻 nicolly.dasilva.144734 😍♥️ hakyreruiz 😘😍😘😍😘 mustafakaya.ly 🌹🍁 bia_monteiroo_ Angelical persons enkalinen 😂😂 luna_servian05 Legends 👑👑👑👑 kjjoseph13 Moe Berg 👏 1 DAY AGO 17. Not really sure what we’re doing in this photo but watch @JimmyKimmelLive TONIGHT and find out ! #ABC #Kimmel @JimmyKimmel @robertdowneyjr #paulrudd #scarlettjohansson kevin_17.17 Like dilara06ergen @selin.svlk soniaa_de_lima Lindooooos tinalsly5 Almost looks like y'all were trying out for the Ghostbusters actor 😁🤦‍♀️ _upcoming_me I wish to meet one day. I hope it’s at the better end of my successful life. Keep us smiling 😁😁 thy_buttocks You’re such a blessing to this world domi.white 🚀🚀 nadiazaharia95 ❤️ russellchrismcbridge Chris didn't think to do this posture, it's look like. versanne_wolf ha yes you're getting married and she does not like you commenting on our comment❤️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍😍😍😍😍💋💋💋🔥🔥😘😘😘 ultra_h20_yt Chris was channeling the inner Thor power letysabelb 💟💟💟💟🙌 _guadaborja @tami_estruc MORIIII tashamachka 🤣🤣🤣🙏❤️ onomanahealthcounselling Gorgeous four! 😍😘❤️❤️❤️❤️ beea.guedess i love gareth5377 Looks good guisatt @natglwolff What a team! 😍 helankey Vogue...strike a pose 🎼🎶 ashbash5288 I love you all🔥 giogigigio TE AMO anniinaohvo ❤️❤️❤️❤️ edithvilla4903 Simpática postal!!! magdalenesarkar I love you ❤️ @chrishemsworth fawn_ii Being dorks?🤣 Exactly why we love you! ❤️❤️❤️ lovevanni ❤️ funlovin4 You all are awesome !!! izzypeersman @louisewellsx iamgroot_bri Is it me, or does this pic make him look exactly his character Kevin he played in Ghostbusters 😂 abigail_lambert @notecopiesmamiprrra 🔥 chic_eyla1710 ❤️❤️❤️ chic_eyla1710 ❤️❤️ zulblue78 Bellooossss notecopiesmamiprrra @abigail_lambert pu uuffff 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍😍 simoo.jan @zilan.ibrahim5 rutegomesbrito 🙌🙌🙌😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍💞💞💞💞 jasonnature I might already know joaothatsall That’s fun priscillagaalmeida ♡♥♡♥ josyane16anos Lovee♡ hulk_is_cool27893 Your the best hulk justine.zoe3 @ami_ekelund 🐜😍 so0oky_18 #straykids 😍 so0oky_18 #straykidsfelix 🦋 so0oky_18 #straykidsminho 😍 so0oky_18 #straykidshyunjin 😍��� so0oky_18 #straykidshyunjin 💕👏🏻 so0oky_18 #straykidsjeongin 🤤💋 camedese 💞 miriam_espindolaf1 ❤️ jessieee_l 最喜欢你们上鸡毛秀哈哈哈 bruna_mellorosa @lucilia_rosalemos @fernandademattoss @marcelo_8717 arjunapratamaputra_ Hey lang barbara_mariaa_ Oh, my God, I do not have any more psychological to wait for.🤯😎 _nurse_danielle__ Hi, if you want to sell your kidney for $ 450,000, we need emergency donors now. If you are ready to become a sperm, egg, 18. https://www.instagram.com/p/BwGGMSzl3xg/?hl=en 19. 201,854 likes channingtatum I’m listening... universe, world, people, friends, self... i am listening. What do i need to hear? God? jessicandj @gracie.kerry I will pray for you caseborsellino @nickzano @channingtatum all these girls be asking you to call them and I’m here like ‘ok someone come put my baby to sleep, he’s teething and he sucks right now’. christy_hablutzel Listen to absolutely nothing. It clears the mind. roxyd66 Beautiful edilainefariadacosta Lindo me houve kkkk marynelle4 God 💞💞💖💖 brianacardenas TE AMOOOOO LPM cyprincess333 You are so spiritual and connected... It's my birthday today and I would love to get a happy birthday shout out from you. adrieover Hear something you haven’t heard before dancetoyourheart Oh and dance to your hearts content @channingtatum 💃🏼 belenbolorinho Te amooooooo❤️❤️❤️ si.yo.soy.orozco_luz.elena @channingtatum #vibratehigh🌠 💖🙌 blessings¡ 🙏 aj.jazzeegal You are worthy. erica.pereiradeoliveiramelo @channingtatum So beautiful ❤️ 😍 ariadnafigueroas @gabi.paparoni potro 🤩 aracelidiblasio @channingtatum love of my life prihlustosaa My love 😍❤️ kathyaqs Puta madre 😍😍🤤🤤 denisedesouzaalencar Vc é precioso para Deus ! silvananhilbert 😍😍😍🙌 cyprincess333 @cyprincess333 @channingtatum lmjanaina Amor da minha vida😩😍 lexi.vankessel You need to hear the voice of God , calling to you. Knocking on the door of your heart, for you to open it. John 3:16. Christ died for YOU Channing and he wants a relationship with you. Listen to the voice of the God of the Bible my friend ginalollabrigida1 Do you hear me whistling? Lol.😂♥️😘 1 HOUR AGO 20. channingtatum I’m listening... universe, world, people, friends, self... i am listening. What do i need to hear? God? brunaalves1212 Love you❤️❤️❤️ laa_deen You need to listen I love you, marry me! 😍 sophiade83 Thugish ruggish🤓😳💪🔥 jaiopad @channingtatum 😭😭😭😭😭 swt.nez Ur looking for inner peace is with god and everything will make sense and fall into place. 🕋 Everyday is a blessing eucellsoricardo You gotta listen @jessiej or you'll sleep on the couch. Greetings from #brazil greenowlgifts @channingtatum 😂😂😂 jen_paul2006 GOD eugecamp 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 belfastgirl4 Listen to that part of you deep inside; your Spirit. He knows all the goodness in you and if you continue to treat others as you would like to be treated, He will bless you beyond measure. Sometimes we gotta ride thru the Gullies before our Husquvarna (it is the better bike 🤪) reaches the mountain. _nesha3 @nickzano you’re a good friend. 💕 dpict86 @project_ridzky miripin aja yah 🤭 amabillisilveira @toninhacasare runninginthevillage When you find out let me know. Have even lost for months! lareceyounger I'll call you!! Centered is great! lasirena82.my.heart.is.full Listen and look for signs from angels , especially number patterns the universes speaks open your mind and everything will flow lrmgar Hmmmm, I’m saying this from the depth of my heart : Do whatever your heart mind and soul desires !!! Live a little, laugh a lot , embrace love, you only have this one life to live! Take time and live every moment with those you love and hold dear to your ❤️! Something I’ve always said , live life and don’t allow life to live you!!! Sorry , I literally just lost someone who holds every inch of my heart !!!! #live.laugh.love yhamilton30 @channingtatum slam poetry yelling angry waving my hands a lot specific point of view on things Cynthia Cyn-thi-a Jesus died for our Cynthia's Jesus cried Runaway bride Julia Roberts Julia why hurts Cynthia Mmm Cynthia You're dead You are dead Bah-boo-beep-bap-bap-boo-bap You're dead That's for Cynthia who's dead thisistera @tiff_laina_b let me know and I'll come visit then! jaiopad Burning up by @jessiej 😂😂 natgeister Marry me zsanitak The sound of a canned beer - hiss... 😉🍺❤️ parkercagehero Cagehero movie... u in ? @channingtatum free__bee__ I’m feeling the same way omg : like i know there’s something to be heard, felt, change, i feel it. Not even desperation for change. Just feeling so peaceful that i truly understand that change is happening i just can’t see it. I feel you CHANNING!!! tere.vivas 😘😘😘👏👏 thatjenachikk @channingtatum sometimes it’s the still of silence which is louder than any voice telling you what you already know or what you have yet to learn. ♥️ nicolatodd1985 @channingtatum You call me anytime. hzlanderson Walking in the rain is refreshing! I'm currently using the thick thatch on my head as an umbrella. hartlins32 Only you know the anwser britt_up12 Omg is this Channing Tatum circa 2006 Step Up @kayleigh_55 ?!?😍 _xkilluminati “Channing is the best” 😂 trisha_mcveay Having had some time in Pascagoula will make you think! karis_laguna We need to do more for our women and children all over the world. Whatever is in our hands to help. allyson_slach If you ever just need some normal conversation ☕👩 king_wilsonart #art #coverart 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 MESSAGE ME FOR: ➖🔱🇦NIM🇦TION VIDEO⏩🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ➖🔰C🇦RTOON POTRAIT🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ➖🔰MIXT🇦PE COVER🔰🔥🔥🔥🔥 ➖🔰🇦LBUM 🇦RTWORKS🔰🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 feeling_unlucky_ I think you need to hear that my husband is totally ok with you being my hall pass!😁 martinez_m7 JW.ORG has very useful information and it has animated videos for E. linz_renae This girl needs a hug. Military life is rough. msarrty You're doing great sweetie. Seriously, I love that you display affection to friends and family regardless of gender. #nomoretoxicmasculinity daligirl Sun is shining, the weather is sweet... Bob Marley omenergy @channingtatum you need to hear that today is my birthday and all I want is for you to wish me HBD. 🎂 88tinker06 You're a inspiration💚🙌🔥 dmunizrep You are the most important person for God! 🌟💎 4bzvkpaw That your still my favorite and no matter what always chose what makes you happy even if others don’t understand consupobletez teamo🥰 stefaniecolin ♥️😍 ragannapoleon Fine as Fuck michellewinners 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 jessicandj @gracie.kerry I will pray for you caseborsellino @nickzano @channingtatum all these girls be asking you to call them and
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batmusire · 4 years ago
Ai gente, tem spoiler de TGP aí...
Meu time espiritual literalmente me guiou a assistir especificamente três episódios de The Good Place. Faz quase um ano que eu não sento para assistir essa série, mas ela nunca deixou de ser a minha favorita. Spoiler: eu nunca chorei e me identifiquei tanto com um grupo de personagens.
Então, depois de ver do terceiro até o quarto episódio da segunda temporada, percebi que todos eles focaram no Michael (que coincidentemente também é o meu personagem favorito). Pra quem não assistiu ou não se lembra, basicamente, o Michael tinha acabado de aceitar a própria derrota e resolveu recorrer à ajuda dos quatro personagens principais. É importante ter em vista que, até então, Michael era conhecido como um demônio que enganou e torturou um grupo de pessoas psicologicamente durante uma temporada e dois episódios. Além disso, se encontrava numa situação completamente instável e que poderia ser muito bem uma belíssima mentira, já que ele já tinha enganado o grupo antes.
No terceiro episódio, ao aceitar a ajuda dos três humanos, ele também aceita participar das aulas de filosofia do Chidi, que tinham o intuito de fazer com que os quatro se tornassem pessoas melhores. E a partir daí, na primeira vez que assisti essa série, dois anos atrás, acreditava que o cara estava tão dentro dos próprios culhões que seria praticamente impossível ele agir como um ser humano. Se não isso, me sentia muito insegura com a presença dele, como se pudesse ferrar com todo mundo a qualquer momento e quebrar o acordo para ganho próprio. (Sim, um passatempo pessoal meu é analisar os meus personagens favoritos. Melhor escolha da minha vida.).
Agora, tendo terminado essa série maravilhosa e revendo esses episódios, percebo que a linha tênue responsável por diferenciar o Michael da pessoa que ele é para a pessoa que eu achava que ele seria foi sua própria força de vontade. E, obviamente, The Good Place levou o assunto de uma forma muito leve e cômica, mas é possível perceber o total cometimento do personagem, principalmente pela resiliência durante os períodos de sofrimento que poderia escolher não passar! O cara enfrentou uma crise atrás da outra pelo simples cometimento que teve, não só com o plano, mas também consigo mesmo. Sem contar que ele sempre soube que poderia morrer. Enquanto todo o experimento dava muito errado, ele poderia ser igualmente descoberto e morto, mas não parou para pensar nisso até finalmente se comprometer com a causa de ser alguém melhor. Lindo! Cinco estrelas!
Enfim, acredito que de uma forma ou de outra essa seja uma mensagem intrínseca sobre como todos nós podemos ser um tipo de Michael às vezes. Completamente estranhos a uma parte da experiência humana, seja ela romance, carreira, ou qualquer treco difícil de lidar. Qualquer coisa que dê na gente medo o suficiente para esquecer completamente que o assunto existe. Como se no fundo nós não soubéssemos da existência óbvia dele. E o mais engraçado é que, na minha experiência, eu conseguia até apontar e entender que ele existia, e continuar ignorando o fato de que eu precisava lidar com ele. É isso, sem progresso pra mim, apenas netflix.
Encerro aqui reiterando que, depois da Eleanor, a supremacia de Michael permanece.
Adoro quando essas coisas doidas e particulares acontecem. Sério, não dá pra inventar!
Bom mercúrio retrógrado para todos.
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mazansipro · 5 years ago
Rhythm City 23 july 2020 Full Episode
Watch full episode on channels24.co.za
Rhythm City 23 July 2020 Latest Episode Today Tonight
Did you miss to watch Rhythm City 23 July 2020 Full Episode Video Online?
Don’t worry! channels24 is here for you. Watch the South African TV Drama Rhythm City today YouTube video in Hd Quality. You July also download Rhythm City latest episode video. Today SA Tv episode download available. We are bringing Tv episodes free online streaming for you. Stay connected with us to watch the latest Episode of Rhythm City tonight soapie daily here. Rhythm City airs Monday to Friday on SABC3 at 8:00 PM. If you’ve missed yesterday’s episode, watch it here.
You can feel free to Download and Share Rhythm City tonight full episode on youtube. Watch online for free with your friends and loved ones too. Watching latest Rhythm City today episode 23 -07-2020 in high quality online is very easy on channels24.
Interested! To do so, you just need to stay tuned with us on channels24.co.za to watch Rhythm City yesterday Episode HD Quality and also Keep watching Daily Rhythm City Episodes online with us.
What is Rhythm City Etv About?
The Mzansi Rhythm City drama series is mainly related to the battle with the real power brokers of the music industry. This includes the record companies, promoters, producers, DJs and the music stars. Moreover, it also the wannabe stars, the has-beens, families and song lovers.
The Rhythm City soapie is enjoyed by viewers all over the world. It is receiving good reviews from Kenya, Zimbabwe and especially from South Africa. This simply means the writers and producers are doing a great job. You July Visit Etv for more information.
Rhythm City is the representation of their story. So, keep watching and keep enjoying Rhythm City today full episode on channels24. Rhythm City 23 July 2020 online for free videos are always available. Stay tuned with us to watch all Rhythm City yesterday episode here on channels24 in HD Quality. Keep watching Daily Rhythm City Episodes online with us. You July Visit SABC3 for more information.
The TV Show Rhythm City Today Full Episode can watch Online Full Video in High-Quality South African.
Meet some of the Cast
Writers: Thishiwe Ziqubu, Neil McCarthy, Craig Freimond, MORE Directors: Heather Cooke, Siyabonga Mkhize, Eric Mogale Program creators: Neil McCarthy, Rolie Nikiwe
Some of the Rhythm City Actors and Actresses
Amo Chidi plays Reneilwe.
Brenda Pollecutt plays Collins.
Connie Chiume plays Mamokete Khuse.
David James plays Hermanus Meyer.
Dumisani Masilela plays Sfiso.
Dumisani Mbebe plays Doc Dandala.
Hlubi Mboya plays Thandeka.
Ishmael Songo plays Sabelo.
Itumeleng Bokaba plays Mampho.
We get to experience more of these characters even on Rhythm City 23 July 2020 Episode.
Watch more of Rhythm City YouTube July 2020 episodes in the Rhythm City all Episodes section. channels24 brings you the latest Tv soapies Mzansi magic soapies, Tv series, Drama tv shows, Drama series, Soap opera Hd South Africa. Watch Tv episodes free online streaming daily.
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watch Rhythm City 23 july 2020 Full Episode on Channels24.
source https://channels24.co.za/rhythm-city-23-july-2020-full-episode
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skerplowzer · 5 years ago
tagged by @geth-consensus, top 10 male and female characters, in no order:
10 fem characters
aeryn sun (farscape)
naevia (spartacus)
max (black sails)
mabel pines (gravity falls)
dr. patricia tannis (borderlands)
phryne fisher (miss fisher’s murder mysteries)
seo-bi (kingdom)
amethyst (steven universe)
janet (the good place)
morrigan (dragon age)
10 male characters
jimmy perez (shetland)
james flint (black sails)
joseph joestar (jojo’s bizarre adventure)
chidi anagonye (the good place)
geralt of rivia (the witcher)
john silver (black sails)
crixus (spartacus)
amos burton (the expanse)
john crichton (farscape)
quentin coldwater (the magicians)
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washingtonpost-us · 6 years ago
Two Men Accused Of Armed Robbery Remanded In Prison
Two Men Accused Of Armed Robbery Remanded In Prison
A Kaduna Chief Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday ordered that two men, Amos Isaiah, 32, and Musa Ezekiel, 30, accused of armed robbery be remanded in prison, pending legal advice from the Office of the State Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).
Magistrate Ibrahim Emmanuel who gave the order, adjourned the case until Dec. 21 for mention.
Earlier, the prosecutor, Insp Chidi Leo, had told the court…
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