#Alzheimer's character
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Today's disabled character of the day is Tae-sik's grandma Tales of Greed, who has Alzheimer's disease
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Drawing of an elderly woman with grey curly hair and black eyes. She's smiling and handing someone a spoon. She is wearing a red jumper and magenta vest.]
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jorrated · 9 months
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idk man i wont hold comics from the 90's to modern standards of representation of mental health, but how Mighty's dad was written always rubbed me the wrong way
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listonlouis · 10 months
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a friendly old man from new york who just loves helping people anyway he can, such as friends, family, or anyone else that needs help, and although he can be a little forgetful sometimes, it's nothing serious.
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a retired actress who's beginning to realise that something is off when she finds it difficult to recall names of family members, and former acquaintances, now she's afraid that she might forget about her entire career.
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a woman who used to love going outdoors, but now she doesn't want to leave the house, when she tries to cook, she'll often burn the food, she's also finding it difficult to find the right words, and will ask the same questions over and over again.
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a sad old man who once fought in vietnam, now he has trouble with routine tasks, often feeling lost and confused, as he's beginning to forget recent events, luckily he still has his wife who still love him, and is willing to take care of him, even with his occasional mood swings and lack of responsiveness.
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she enjoyed dancing when she was young but those days are behind her, she now spend her days at a hospital with her head in the clouds, and although she's forgotten alot in her life, she still recognises the voice of her husband, and is often visited by him, and he wants to be by her side until the very end.
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this man is without description.
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midorishinobi5 · 10 months
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Short comic detailing how the infestation has affected the memories of my Vauban OC André ft. @rosesaudio’s OC Merria
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lilyrizzy · 1 year
i'm sorry but sometimes things need to be banished from the WIP word docs folder even if they are really morbid! cw: early onset alzheimers, major character death
Max remembers thinking, let it be over, towards the end.
Let it be over, I want it to be done.
Only when he was weakest, when Daniel was too, but too quickly that became all the time. When he couldn’t hold his head up anymore, when he couldn’t swallow. When he stopped looking like Daniel because Max realized it had been a week and he hadn’t seen him smile. When he stopped being Daniel because he was someone who didn’t remember Max.
Daniel before Max was a stranger that he didn’t totally know how to talk to, how not to hate because he wasn’t his. He would run his tongue across his teeth over and over as though surprised they were free of metal, would talk about being late for meetings with the race engineers of Formula One teams that didn’t exist anymore. He’d ask for his mum. He’d ask Max what his name was, had they met before?
He’d ask for Jemma, a girl he hadn’t spoken to for ten years, or at least as far as Max knew.
In his bad moments, Max had to bite his tongue so hard copper would fill his mouth, the only way to stop a scream of, she’s not fucking here wiping your nose and watching you die, and you cannot even remember me?
I am the one you are supposed to remember.
In his worst, he would make up elaborate reasonings for the way her memories didn’t seem to slip through the sieve of Daniel’s brain, sand through spread fingers, like every trace of Max did.
Daniel had to have been in love with her still, secretly. Maybe this whole time Max had been filling a void. Maybe nothing had been real so really, Max would be losing nothing when Daniel finally left for good.
Then as though he wanted to punish Max for his moments of spiteful selfishness, Daniel would say, “Max,” and he would be there again. Something in his eyes that made it impossible for Max to doubt that they were real while they lasted. “Max,” he would say, “I’ve missed you. Where have you been, baby?”
Like Max was the one who was leaving.
They had something real. So real that with every part of it chipped away by prions and time, it was slicing parts of Max away with it too. His ears, his nose, his fingertips, whole chunks of his flesh cut from him bloody and raw. Or at least it felt that way, each time Daniel looked at him and didn’t recognize the man he’d once called his, my Maxy, when in the mirror they both looked the same.
Now Daniel is gone gone, there is so much more for Max to regret. If he got home from a race and Daniel was in their apartment asking for her, he thinks given a second chance he could be kind. He would tell him, she will be home soon, but I am here now though and isn’t that enough? He’d make Daniel some food, his mum’s pasta that Max knows the recipe off by heart, but that he still has the card for stuck to their fridge with a little magnet in the shape of a kangaroo.
He made it once, after the funeral. Midnight on Daniel’s ranch- Max’s now, he supposed- in Perth. A whole saucepan full that he ate and then threw up within the same hour, so quickly the swirls of pasta were their whole shape in the toilet bowl.
Closing his eyes, he’d started to cry when he realized he couldn’t quite remember what it felt like to have Daniel’s fingers with their stubby nails stroke across the top of his back, or through his hair when he was sick. Couldn’t remember Daniel’s touch at all really, because at the end it had been so rare to get it.
Why would Daniel want a stranger to touch him, after all.
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bg3smash-or-pass · 2 months
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a-little-unsteddie · 1 year
hello, hello, are you lonely?
WARNING: this is gonna hurt. like, a fuck ton. like i cried a lot while writing it.
loosely based off of the song ‘Mr. Forgettable’ by David Kushner. if you want a hint before reading, listen to that song.
(also tagged: Major Character Death)
As all things in old age are, it was slow at first.
Steve would forget where he placed his keys the day before, or he would forget where he put the remote, or something similar. Things that on their own, didn’t really mean anything but a busy, distracted mind. That coupled with forgetting conversations that happened earlier in the day and forgetting important dates that he never would have normally forced the rest of the party to accept that Steve was declining mentally with his age.
At first, it was easy to pretend that nothing was wrong. Steve, outside of those moments of confusion, was still himself. He would play with the grandkids, he would cook, bake, do all of the things he loved doing.
Then, Steve started to forget people. Places. Time.
Eddie and Robin did their best to take care of him, make sure he was comfortable, but it was clear to everyone that Steve was declining. In the end, they had to admit him to the hospital, knowing that neither Eddie nor Robin were getting any younger. The rest of the party had argued, saying that one of them should take care of Steve, but Eddie and Robin knew they had their own lives—and when Steve was lucid, he agreed that he should be in the hospital.
That was three months ago now.
Since then, there had been plenty of rough patches. Days where Eddie and Robin would go in, and Steve would only recognize Robin, or the other way around. Days where Steve would ask for his mother, even though he had been cut off in his early twenties, and had been dead for a decade at least.
They (Eddie, really) had figured out that music helped Steve remember, but there were days where not even Eddie playing guitar would bring any recognition across his face.
It was like any other day, both Robin and Eddie were visiting, the kids—albeit, the kids had their own kids by this point, as mentioned—took turns visiting, and today Dustin was meant to be visiting later. It was an off day, meaning Steve barely recognized Eddie, let alone Robin. Eddie brought his guitar, as he did everyday. He had yet to get it out, testing the waters to see how Steve was doing.
“Hey, Stevie,” Eddie said, sitting next to him. The television in the room was playing softly in the background, some movie Eddie vaguely recognized. Steve’s gaze flickered to him, recognition flashing for a moment before he smiled warmly at Eddie.
“Hey, Ed,” Steve responded, smiling vacantly as he turned his gaze to Robin. “Who ya got with ya?” He asked, which caused the pit in Eddie’s stomach to sink deeper. Robin felt sick to her stomach at the thought of Steve not remembering her, but she knew he had no control over what was forgotten. She knew he was grasping at sand, holding tightly onto what he did have even as more slipped away.
“Hey, dingus,” she whispered, trying not to cry. It never got easier to be around Steve like this, but she would never abandon him to go through this alone. She knew his greatest fear was dying alone, forgotten in a hospital room, left to rot. She would die before she let that fear come true.
“This is Robin, you know her,” Eddie reminded gently, watching Steve’s eyebrows furrow as he tried to place a face to the name, but came up blank.
“I’m sorry,” Steve said to her, feeling it was important to let her know he was. He knew she was important, as he felt happy upon seeing her, but beyond that, there was nothing. He reached out to both of them, wanting to hold their hands. Eddie choked back a cry, putting his hand into Steve’s, who instantly laced their fingers together. Robin gripped Steve’s other hand tightly, smiling even as tears fell down her face. Steve smiled and went back to watching whatever was on the television, rubbing his thumb along their hands.
Robin looked at Eddie, “Where’s Dustin?” She asked softly, not to disturb Steve. The others had managed to visit in the last week or so, but Dustin was finally just able to get a flight in that day, so he would be the last one in this batch of visitors.
Eddie looked away from Steve’s face to look at Robin. “His flight was delayed, he should be arriving around 5.” Robin looked at the time, 2:12. She nodded, settling into the hospital chair next to Steve’s bed, content to watch whatever movie Steve was. Her eyes widened. It was Back to the Future. Her face crumpled, but she quickly schooled her expression into something less devastated. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
“This is a good movie,” she said to Steve, who nodded.
“Me and my best friend were really high when I watched it the first time,” Steve said, which was just another stab in Robin’s heart. That was her that Steve was talking about. She let out an unsteady breath, closing her eyes tightly. “It’s still my favorite.”
“It’s my favorite, too,” Robin said in return, smiling softly at her best friend. Steve looked at her and grinned before turning his attention back to the TV.
An hour or so later, Eddie brought out his guitar. Steve lit up at the sight of the acoustic guitar, smiling excitedly.
“I love when you play, Eds,” Steve said excitedly, to which Eddie grinned.
“I know, sweetheart,” Eddie said, playing a few chords. As he played, Steve seemed to become more aware. After a few minutes of playing, Steve looked around with a frown.
“Where are the gremlins?” He asked, looking around the hospital room.
Eddie and Robin paused what they were doing to look at Steve in surprise. It had been several weeks since he asked after the kids using that term. It was something that he had lost early on in his decline. Eddie and Robin looked at each other apprehensively, eyes wide.
“Oh—Dustin, he’s flying, so he’ll be in soon. Lucas is visiting family up state, Max and El are with him. Mike and Will are looking at houses this week,” Eddie informed him, smiling warmly as his husband seemed to come to life.
“Good! I miss them,” Steve said, smiling. “It’ll be nice to have everyone around again. It’s been too long.” He said, leaning back against the bed.
Eddie and Robin made eye contact, smiling grimly at each other. They would take what they could get from Steve, but they knew this moment of clarity would soon pass. They had long since stopped hoping he would retain the clarity, having those hopes squashed early on in the process. The doctors had informed them that as he worsened, these moments of clarity would become less and less, and then would get one big moment of clarity before passing. Every time that Steve would remember, Eddie and Robin held their breath.
“Eds, can you play our song?” He asked, looking at his husband with such fondness, and who was Eddie to deny his husband anything?
“Of course, Stevie,” he said, beginning to strum the correct chords to the song. Steve hummed with it, looking at Robin.
“This was the song we danced at during our wedding,” he said, sighing deeply. “The best damn day of my life,” he said softly, smiling at Eddie.
Eddie smiled softly in return, “Best day of my life, too, baby,” he agreed with a nod. Steve laughed brightly, motioning Eddie over, who went closer easily. Steve pressed their lips together in a sweet kiss, causing Robin to pretend to gag even as joy filled her entire being. Moments like these it was easy to pretend that nothing was wrong, that Steve wasn’t sitting on his deathbed, waiting for the inevitable. Like they weren’t waiting for the inevitable.
“Oh, hush, Robbie,” Steve scoffed, which only caused Robin to laugh at him. Steve settled back against the bed, content to listen to the music that Eddie was playing. Robin felt like she was flying, though she knew this clarity wouldn’t last, she would savor it as long as it lasted.
The following hour was filled with Steve, Robin and Eddie talking and laughing about shared memories, reliving their youth through their memories. It was so rare that Eddie was able to see his husband—not literally, he saw him every day, he more meant that he so rarely saw the husband he married, so often he was lost in the fog inside his mind. Eddie was thankful for every moment they shared, knowing they were going to come to an end eventually.
Steve seemed to get more tired, settling down for a nap as Eddie played. He was still holding Robin’s hand and his other hand resting on Eddie’s knee, which was the only part of him he could reach without distracting Eddie’s playing.
“Hey Eds?” He asked, fluttering his eyes open. Eddie hummed, looking at Steve fondly. “Could you play our song again?” He asked, voice weak and quiet. Eddie’s guts twisted, and he pressed his lips together in a thin line as he started strumming the familiar chords.
“Yeah, Stevie. Always for you.” He said softly, trying to control his breathing as he played.
“Mm,” Steve hummed in return, his eyelids fluttering shut. “Love you, Eddie dear,” he breathed, before stilling.
“Love you, too, Stevie darling.”
disclaimer: probably unrealistic alzheimers/dementia, sorry! i based some of it off of my grandpa, but he didnt have those, he had a different thing due to agent orange in the war?? i can’t remember—parkinsons?? maybe? either way, so loosely based off of that and what i read about alzheimers/dementia.
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ysphcpb · 8 months
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My name is Phuping.
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everett-fornow · 12 days
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he can't form sentences anymore Henris. 84, suffering from Alzheimer's disease
(it's not canonical that he ever used a wheelchair (at least not yet if I decide later) but I wanted to experiment w drawing wheelchairs and also fuck drawing beds. i hate drawings beds. why did i decide to make him bedridden...)
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mynamesnotdahlia · 11 months
What is it going to be like when Simon gets to the later stages if he cant die!
This is something i was obsessed with when first coming up with everything. I think that Simon is immortal specifically in the way that he will keep going until something kills him, so he can be killed but he will not die a natural death yknow? I think that his immortality stops him from progressing to stage 7 because stage 7 of dementia is endstage, it is when your body is shutting down and getting ready to die practically so I don't think his immortal body Can really progress to that, but that doesn't mean he gets off scot free. It means that he gets stuck at stage 6 which is around where you would place Ice King if you were to prescribe Ice King to a stage of dementia, and he is Very Ice King reminiscent at this point, he's confused and can't remember very much besides very Very brief moments of lucidity, like Ice King had with moments like how his journals and newspapers are still noted to be wet with tears in "I Remember You" showing that Ice King at least for a moment understood their significance, but that's the clearest he ever got. Simon is very Ice King like and everyone around him can see that and when he is lucid however brief he can see it, I have only briefly mentioned it but Simon's PTSD around being Ice King doesn't treat him kindly with coping. The progression is slowed by his immortality so he stays in stage 4 for a decade or longer rather than a couple years, he is lucid for a pretty long time so he does have time to cope with this change but there's never going to be Enough time. Stage 5 also lasts quite a long time and then stage 6 is pretty much his wall, he doesn't progress to stage 7. Alzheimers is usually a life limiting condition but immortality throws that out the window.
He is still very very loved, as much/more than Ice King in later seasons was though. He's very different than his normal self and he has a lot of trouble with his symptoms (I have a lot of thoughts about sundowning and wandering for him) but he is able to be fairly content even if hes quite unsure where he is, or who these lovely people around him are. It's a good thing that quite a few people around him are also somewhat immortal like PB and Marcy.
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Today’s disabled character of the day is Dave from Arthur, who has Alzheimer's disease
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Drawing of a anthropomorphized aardvark with light brown fur. He has a grey mustache and black eyes. He is wearing a white button and red suspenders.]
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brothernasty · 1 year
okay I take it back actually. did not know they used the name of an actual Native American tribe for their throwaway snake cult. they never even say "tribe" or "nation" so that flew past me since I didn't recognize the name
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The L Word: Generation Q S3 — l don’t even like Tina or Bette.
— (Me 🤡) for thinking that there would be hope for Dani x Gigi.
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designernishiki · 1 year
oh baby I knew it from the fuckin moment the addc was introduced that there’s just no damn way they DIDNT have some legally sketchy shit going on with the alzheimers/dementia patients and unethical clinical trials. I feel so vindicated right now
#im on chapter 9 of judgement#I know my SHIT when it comes to human experimentation and medical ethics#and criminal investigation in general frankly that’s a big reason I was so excited to play this game (I’ve taken college classes in this)#but yeah the moment the addc is introduced and we see the layout of the place and details like the gigantic dementia patient ward right next#to the research facility and such I was like mm….. that can’t be good#I was rambling to my friend during that like. yeah they could probably get away with doing basically whatever they want with these patients#because of all the conditions to research alzheimer’s and dementia make for some of the easiest to strip subjects of their autonomy#making informed consent and whatnot most likely not an issue and complaints about malpractice or what have you extremely easy to stifle#ie; if you are a patient there you are probably just straight up trapped. no one’s gonna listen to you you have no autonomy and-#the sad but true fact about the situation is that people don’t have the time/resources/capacity to be caretakers for their alzheimers/#dementia-ridden loved ones so a place like this- a leading research/medical facility said to be on its way to finding a cure and changing#the world- would seem like the perfect place to send a loved one in need of full time care and trust that they will do nothing but good#so it’s a great setup to get patients who are likely to die as it is- who have no autonomy- who have no credibility- and have nowhere to go.#I couldn’t help but think about that like. immediately after seeing the ward#so. here we are. let’s see where this goes#judgement#judgment spoilers#rambling#I have a weird special interest sorta thing in medical ethics / human experimentation and I have a character who literally teaches a#class on the topic (and is a surgeon) so. that’s why I’m like. especially intrigued right now
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ryansjane · 2 years
not gmmtv giving my favorite actor a storyline where his grandma has alzheimer when my own grandma had alzheimer & I’m particularly sensitive to these kinds of storylines 😭😭😭 I’m really in for a few good sobbing sessions huh 😭
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caracello · 2 years
i love lily so much i love hwr so much. shes so so important to me
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