#Alvina lock
certified3nakin · 4 months
"Lock and Key" Masterpost
Hey there, it's Kat! I've been recently working on a project (still in the works) that details my Murder Drones OCs, and their lives on Jupiter's moon, Sulfate-12.
So, what is "Lock and Key"?
"Lock and Key" is the name of my ongoing story that provides a narrative of my characters! It follows Vin, a teenage soldier-drone, who meets another drone who is a lot nicer than she expected. This encounter flips her worldview upside down, and prompts her to explore the secrets of the SDAD.
Wait, what's the SDAD?
The SDAD (Soldier Drones Against Disassemblers) is an organization that helps to train workers in preparation to defend against Disassembly Drones.
Where can I read this?
Aren't you an artist? Will you be drawing these characters?
I've already posted a bit of art of the characters, actually! Here's the full-body design references + color palettes. (Will be updated as I finish more reference sheets!)
Complete reference sheets are currently in the works.
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Image guide:
Blue hair - Alvina "Vin" Lock
Pink Disassembler - Serial Designation S
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lockandkeyaskblog · 4 months
Blog guide
Hey guys, it's Kat, the author of "Lock and Key" on AO3!
This is an askblog where you can ask my characters questions about their world, relationships, etc!
(Asks regarding spoilers will not be answered. If an ask relates to a specific chapter, please specify so I can give proper spoiler warnings.)
So, who can I ask questions?
You can ask any of these characters questions! (Potential spoilers?) -
"The Creator" (aka me, Kat!)
Alvina "Vin" Lock
Calli Socket
Serial Designation S
Serial Designation Y
Serial Designation K
(More characters will be added as the story progresses)
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ameliapodcast · 1 year
Very important question. With the FNaF movie coming out in a month, how well do you think each Amelia member would handle a Five Nights at Freddy’s situation? Naturally this includes Joey, Salvatore who, for all we know, are already in a haunted pizzeria and have been this whole time.
So, after it took me a bit to figure out what that is and a very sweet cameo by my younger brother who actually knows- Amelia? No issue at all. Interviewer? Nope. Walks in, walks out, leaves town, country, etc. Kozlowski? Befriends whoever haunts the building Joey and Salvatore? Joey would sleep through it, Salvatore might actually manage Alvina? Not paid enough to deal with this, leaves. Cole and Haines? Lock themselves in a closet first night and never come out again. Panicked bickering. Mia and Jackie? DreamTeam. They are asking "huh? Over so early?"
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journcys-archived · 1 year
@skillswapping sent: "Raihan — Raihan, look!" Alvina doesn't have a Rotom phone of her own — instead, she props her old PokéGear on the highest shelf of her dorm room bookcase. Her picture is absolutely grainy, but the basket adorned with a large yellow ribbon that she holds over her head can still be seen clearly, along with the Exeggcute nestled inside. "I lost them all ( again ) but then I found them! I got this to carry them around in so it doesn't happen to us again — they really had me on a wild goose chase! Isn't it cute?"
The call wasn’t really unexpected—She’s called him quite a few times now. Why? Hell if he really knows, however, the calls are not unwelcome. Gives him something to do, at least.
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The dragon yawns as he watches her on the screen, “Oi, y’ever think’a upgradin’?” He sips the smoothie he’s drinkin, raising a brow. “Your picture’s real grainy, y’know.”
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“How the hell do y’keep losin’ em, huh? One’a these days you’re gonna find ‘em scrambled!” Raihan laugh; sharp canines visible from his grin. “I really don’t think a basket’s gonna keep ‘em on lock down, ‘Vina. Just put ‘em in a pokeball or somethin’.”
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littlebookreader · 3 years
When You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance(Part 2/2)
For more information on the fic, look here. For the rest, it’s all under the cut.
@cocoa-collabs for Locked in the Office, as well as Crossovers.
@aaronsciencia here goes! (PS: Oh boy, this turned out to be a lot longer than I’d anticipated, and I’m pretty sure this is terrible, so sorry.)
This is inspired by their incredible drawing for the Crossovers prompt, so I’d suggest you to go and check that out! Link here. 
“We stayed there for longer than I could possibly tell, dancing the night away, quite literally.”
Alvina laughed. “And then your feet hurt like a whopper.”
The Interviewer joined in. “The irony of the whole thing was that I spent the night dancing with an angel, and yet my feet hurt like the devil. It was a lot of fun though, exchanging partners, and chattering about all sorts of nonsense.”
Alvina hopped off again, fumbling around among his stock of vinyl.
“Erm, Alvina, what have I said about-?” She cut him off, raising a finger of one hand, while rummaging around with the other.
“Oh, all right,” he mumbled, slightly cowed at this.
“Now I know I saw it around here somewhere…” she muttered as she searched, destroying his meticulously arranged(the ONE bit of organisation he had) collection, gathered since the time he could. Records of swing, jazz and all the various instruments flew through the air. The Interviewer was by no means an athlete, but given the context and the fact that he did not(despite popular opinion) wish to have his head blown off by vinyl, dodged and collected them as they went.
If it wasn’t happening to him, he might have even called it comical.
“Alvina, will you PLEASE stop throwing my records around!”
He caught her latest discard, a record of Benny Goodman’s best hits.
“I understand that you like swing, but will you please?!”
“AHA!” She exclaimed triumphantly, then considered the mess and the fuming Interviewer, face red with anger and exhaustion, and mumbled, embarrassed, “Sorry, I will clean it up, I promise.”
He was too tired to argue. “I’ll help.” Then seeing the record which had excited her so much in the first place he added, “You- what were you looking for exactly?”
“This one, see? It’s even titled Gavotte and everything!”
“Alvina, that’s a Samuel Siegel composition TITLED ‘Gavotte’! Granted, it has a similar tone and tempo, but it’s not the real thing.” He stood up and walked toward the remnants of his collection, paused for a while and quickly pulled it out.
“This…this is more appropriate.” It was Fred Werner’s Gavotte, one of his absolute favourites, even to this day.
Alvina’s eyes widened at the sight of the thing. “Oh.”
He didn’t exactly blame her, it was an old rickety thing, and even he had to wonder how it lasted nearly as long as it did.
“Well, it doesn’t quite look like we’re leaving anytime soon, so…” He trailed off, waiting for her to catch the hint.
“Doesn’t it require a lot of people, or something? According to what you told me; I mean.”
“Not necessarily. Ozzy- Aziraphale, I mean, told me that. According to the club rules, we needed a minimum of five exchanges with the people present. Come to think of it, Ozzy and I were the only ones who dearly flouted that rule!”
She considered this. “That’s good news then! How do we do this?”
He smiled. “ I appreciate the enthusiasm, but your shoes are all wrong.”
“My….shoes?” She glanced down at her shoes, a simple pair of black pumps, and then looked over at the Interviewer’s feet, only to see that he had on a pair of black dancing shoes, instead of his standard oxfords.
“Yes, you would be incredibly uncomfortable in heels, if you tried to dance the gavotte.”
“Can I go barefoot then?”
“Good Lord, no! It’s a good thing that I keep a pair of extra shoes in the cupboard, then. We can make something of our forced isolation yet.”
Alvina smiled at this, and quickly changed out of her heels. He could tell that the shoes were slightly big for her, as could be expected.
“Well, first off, you find a partner.”
She simply raised an eyebrow at this. “There’s only the both of us here.”
“I have a process, Alvina. Let me use my process.”
After a long, but entertaining three hours, the Interviewer sank back into his chair, while Alvina occupied that of the clients.  
“That….that was fun! I wonder why it went out of style?”
“Well, I suppose it could have been the music as well, after all, not everybody has taste.”
“Hey! I will have you know; synth pop is iconic!”
The Interviewer laughed, and switched out the vinyl for a new one. “I wouldn’t exactly say iconic, but it is catchy.”
Alvina paused to appreciate the music he’d just begun to play. “Mmm, which song is this?”
“It’s the one that Ozzy and I danced to all those years ago.”
“Oh, that’s lovely. I can see why it means a lot to you, actually.”
He nodded. “Mhm. I wonder where he is now, what whacky wonders he must be up to.”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
Somewhere off in the distance, not too far from the Project, an angel and a demon dined at the Ritz, celebrating their latest victory, and a world being saved.
“To the World,” they toasted, a million thoughts racing through their minds as they did- the uncertainty of the future, the trials of the past and the promise of hope, in a world that wasn’t even aware of all that had transpired.
As they did, a nightingale sang in Berkeley Square, telling all these stories to those willing to listen.
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potterandpromises · 3 years
The Interviewer: We need to get through this locked door. Alvina, give me your credit card.
Alvina: Here.
The Interviewer, pocketing it: Thanks. Amelia, kick down the door.
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cocoa-collabs · 3 years
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Right! Here are the "official prompts" picked from the survey we did a while ago. Have fun creating and we'll see you then!
[A gold and black background, lines resembling morse code go along the outlines of the picture, which says in big gold letters: Cocoa Collabs, The Amelia Project Tumblr Fandom Event Week. Under that is a table of contents: Monday - Clients, Tuesday - Cat, Wednesday - Bookshop, Thursday - Hurt/Comfort, Friday - Oleg and Alvina, Saturday - Roadtrip, Sunday - The Last Malteser. There is a second box with the Alternative Prompts: Favorite Episode, Crossover, Beach Day, Let Your Ship Sail, Locked in the Office.
Under that, the description of the project begins: Willkommen, Tervetuloa, Bienvenue, Hoș geldiniz and Welcome, fellow Listeners of The Amelia Project, to the 2021 Cocoa Collabs! Since it is a widely shared sentiment that there are far too little fanworks for the Amelia Project, from the 30th of August to the 5th of September, we not only want to change that, but maybe also find new friends and connections in the fandom. To help you get started and provide some ideas for you, we have put together the list of prompts you can see above! You can choose freely from the seven main and five alternative prompts, and vary between them as much as you like. To be considered a #cocoaChampion, you should have participated on every single of the seven days, and posted that until the 7th september the latest. Most importantly however - have fun! END DESCRIPTION]
Addendum: this now has an image ID, please reblog this version instead of the old one.
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This is my submission for D3. I’m doing the alternative prompt.
Locked inside of the office
Amelia, Joey, Salvatore, the interviewer, Alvina, and Kozlowski are all sitting on the floor with a bunch of boardgames, food, drinks, and pillows and blankets in front of them. The interviewer is currently playing a game of how many Maltese or‘s can I fit into my mouth and Joey is asleep on Salvatori‘s lap.
Alvina: UHH, how long until the storm is over? It’s depressing outside and the power is out which means it’s getting colder by the minute. (She hugs her blanket tightly around her)
Amelia (checks phone): well, according to this thing looks like it’s not gonna pass over until around one, maybe 2 AM? Yeah, we still got a ways to go. With the storm like this, I don’t think the power is going to come on until the morning.
The interviewer: oh my gosh! This is boring. I am on my seventh round of how many Maltese or‘s can I fit into my mouth and I’m starting to get bored over here. What should we do? Because if I don’t find something to do soon, I’m pretty sure I’m going to rip something to shreds. (Slams box of multis or onto the ground)
Kozlowski: well, maybe if you had an IQ over 20 would be able to come up with something. Oh yeah, and stop stuffing your face with Maltese or‘s. You’re gonna kill yourself with chocolate! No seriously though, we need to find something to do. There’s only so many times I can get beaten and shoots and ladders by Salvatori. We need to play another game.
Salvatore: I have a great idea! What about we play crash football. Four points if you break something, eight if it’s a bone. That’ll keep us entertained for a while.
Amelia: or maybe, we don’t do that. What about, we play clean this pigs den of an office. I’m pretty sure there’s still food from 2006 in hear. This place is disgusting.
Kozlowski: I agree with Salvatore. That would be fun. I’ve been wanting to break something for a while and unfortunately I haven’t gotten any new corpses to experiment on. I could really use something fun to do.
The interviewer: meet you. I find that breaking worthless in valuable objects really helps to relieve anger. Maybe Alvina will finally stop giving me death glares every time I pass her.
Amelia: fine! But you guys are going to clean the entirety of this office tomorrow! Do I make myself clear? (No one acknowledges the last part of her statement and within two minutes the office is in absolute chaos.
(The next day)
Joey:  Dio mio. Amelia aveva ragione, questo posto è disgustoso. Anche per i miei standard.
Salvatore: you could say that again. (Salvatore turned to the side looking into the hallway) hey! You could help us a little bit here. In the hallway the interview were is sitting with a cup of hot cocoa softly chuckling to himself.
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luna-redamancy · 5 years
You Always Find Your Way Back Home - Part Twelve
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The mug in your hands warmed you as you took in the reality you were surrounded in. The smell of chamomile filling your nostrils as you rubbed your thumb nervously over the rim. 
“All we can do now is wait,” Alvina’s words echoed in your ears as you stared out the window, wait. That’s all you can do, wait and hope for a miracle to happen. To hope the One Ring gets destroyed.
Huffing out of your nose you pressed your forehead to the glass, the cold making you sigh and shut your eyes. The sound of the rain’s pitter-patter soothing you temporarily.
Arms slipped around your waist, Thranduil’s head on your shoulder as the two of you watched the storm rage on outside your cottage. Your plants happily sitting in the window. 
“What’re you thinking about?” Thranduil hummed at you, his thumbs tracing comforting circles on the curve of your waist. 
“How much I hate storms,” You grumbled, watching lightning crackle in the distance, setting a tree ablaze. “It destroys so much,” You mumbled, letting your own hand fall to cover his own in an affectionate manner. 
“Well, storms are also a sign of new beginning, the past being washed away to allow a new dawn to begin,” Thranduil replied, pressing a kiss to your temple. “To have a new beginning, an old story must end,” He hummed again, looking out of the window once more. “An old story is ending, while ours is just beginning.”
Your eyes felt heavy as you opened them again, tears brimming the surface as you sniffled. “Will our story end a tragedy? Or a lovely happy ending?” You whispered out loud, sending a mental prayer to Vala to help you stay strong as you could only wait to see what fate had in store for you. 
Your mug now felt cold, the steam of your tea now lost, making you realize how long you had been sitting there wallowing. Shaking your head you made your way to the kitchen to pour it down the sink. 
Family photos littered the hallway, you with your parents, your cousins, your siblings, your nieces, and nephews. A bittersweet taste fills your mouth as you let your eyes linger on them. You looked so happy. Your eyes were filled with joy as you held your baby niece for the first time, as you hugged your sister at her wedding, as you smiled at the camera with your mother on her birthday. 
“Yet none of it is real…” Your expression went blank as you avoided thinking about the life you could have had if you never went to middle-earth if you never got placed in this world, to begin with.
Shaking your head again, you smacked your cheeks lightly to bring you back to reality. “Everything happens for a reason, stop it,” You huffed, grabbing out a bag of popcorn, “That’ll clear my mind,” You mumbled,  “A Christmas movie.” 
“After all these days of journeying beside you, Legolas, I haven’t seen you so troubled until now,” Aragorn began, eyes watching his friend very carefully. 
Legolas looked out onto the horizon, his jaw clenched and shoulders tense. “If Frodo, the ring-bearer, does not succeed in destroying this ring, I may lose my mother for good.” Legolas slowly let out, his eyes looking anywhere but Aragorn, afraid if they locked eyes Legolas wouldn’t be able to hold his facade any longer.
“The dark magic of the ring…” Aragorn struggled to find the words, “Took your mother from you?” 
Legolas nodded, “I lost her once, and I’ve lost her again because of the resurfacing of the ring,” He explained, his shoulders slowly losing their tenseness. 
“You’re worried Frodo won’t be able to complete his task?” 
Legolas stayed silent, he truly didn’t know what he believed. 
“Well. Hobbits are miraculous creatures, my friend, do not doubt so easily.” Aragorn gave a reassuring smile as they continued to look out on the horizon together. 
Legolas nodded, his eyes drifting up to the stars, the hairs on the back of his neck began to stand up, a feeling of dread washing over him. 
“The stars are veiled, something stirs in the east… a sleepless malice,” Legolas began a sick feeling stirring in his stomach. 
“The eye of Sauron is moving, watching,” Legolas’ eyes narrow into a glare as he pulls Aragorn back inside. “We must hope that Frodo and Sam make it before it is too late.”
“Hey! Hands off! That shiny shirt- that’s mine.” The Uruk-Hai commander Shagrat called out to the orc, Gorbag. “It’s going to the great eye, along with everything else that was on him!” Gorbag yelled in response, motioning towards Frodo, tied up and bare except for his undergarments. 
Frodo stayed still, realizing they still thought he was knocked out from spider venom. Carefully reaching up towards his throat, his eyes widened. The ring was gone. 
Sam marched through the gates, adrenaline and fear pushing him to find Frodo. “I can’t believe I left him… Oh Mr.Frodo, please be okay…”
Finding his way to a courtyard, Sam covered his mouth in shock. Over fifty orcs, slaughtered in the courtyard. “Frodo must be here somewhere,” He told himself as he began climbing the staircase, slowly realizing a few Uruk-Hai were coming toward him. Gulping down a breath, Sam glared as he unsheathed Sting. Letting a scream belt from his throat, Sam ran up the stairs toward them.
“That’s for Frodo! And for The Shire! And for my old Gaffer!” Sam yelled as he cut them down one by one, as he rushes past them and into the nearest place he could see, the tower. ‘Where else would they keep Frodo?’ He thought to himself. 
“Stop your squeaking, you dunghill rat!” Gorbag demands, his eyes filled with rage as he watched Frodo struggling in his binds. 
“I’m gonna bleed you like a stuck pig,” He growled as he pulled out a dagger, slowly moving toward Frodo. Before he could move any further, Frodo watched in horror and relief as Sting was protruding from the other side of his body.
“Not if I stick you first,” Sam grunted, shoving him off his sword. 
“Sam!” Frodo called out, relief filling his entire being as Sam began to cut his binds. “Oh Sam, I’m so sorry… for everything.” 
“Enough of that, come on,” Sam shook his head, helping Frodo up. 
“It’s too late, Sam,” Frodo’s voice was filled with despair, “-They have the ring now, they took it from me,” 
“I beg your pardon, but they haven’t done such a thing,” Sam smirked, pulling the ring from his pocket. 
“I thought I’d lost you, Mr.Frodo, so I kept it… For safekeeping, of course,” Sam showed Frodo the ring, Frodo’s eyes filling with amazement, “Give it to me, Sam.” 
Sam hesitated, the tone of Frodo’s voice startling him. “Please, give me the ring, Sam.”
Slowly Sam dropped the ring into Frodo’s palm, watching as Frodo’s body sagged in relief. “The ring is my burden, Sam… It will destroy you,” Frodo looked at Sam with pained eyes, “I could never ask you to hold that burden for me.”
Sam could only nod as he felt no words could describe how he felt about Frodo doing such a thing for him. To ease the tension, Sam cracked a smile. “Come on Mr.Frodo, we best find you some clothes. Can’t have you going through Mordor like that.” 
Series tag: @kyle9no @uknowmeaskitty  @kazuha159   @scarecrowsragdoll @bringmetoawonderland @theincaprincess @disneymarina @bvckys-doll  @adelinepop   @bonza-bear @lunariasilver   @extremebuttface @tei-hayden @aestheticofeverything @thetrappedpoet @libbymouse @rustypotatospork @pale-butterfly @uknowmeaskitty @underthemoon-imagines @storiesbycaroline @jjongi @demetriolis @arien-midnight-lightning @nikolett3 @demonstakemyhand @raindancer2004 @burningmusicmachine @lunariasilver @indelwen-of-mirkwood@carolinesbookworld @sweetphantomofyournoodler @pastanest @sapphireduck @ashleygrrrl@rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives @ziablackkat @redeemablezen231 @tigereyesf @bluerorjhan  @marvel-imagines-yes-please @burningcoffeetimetravel @the-force-of-imagines  @ywps @electric-cabaret @y--oungblood @pizza-eater-i-ate-the-pizza @fantastical-67impala-fangirl @fandom-hoe101 @moony-artnstuff @londongirl2011​ @blankfatesworld​ @fandomtrashs-blog​ @damnittjim​ @whovianayesha​
Forever Tag:  @lady-of-lies @all-things-fandomstuck  @fizzyxcustard @izzydaelleth @aquaangel18@raindancer2004 @love-colorfulglittercollection​ @underthemoon-imagines​​ @ladylouoflothlorien​ @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​ @bad268​​ @legolaslovely​ @bthtallmadge2​
Thranduil Tag: @indelwen-of-mirkwood @sapphireduck @ashleygrrrl @katiegoddessofmischief
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certified3nakin · 29 days
Friendly reminder to check out my Murder Drones story if you're interested! The hiatus is coming to an end, which means new chapters. I'm also working on re-hauling character sheets, information, and padding out plot holes, which means chapters will hopefully be uploaded on a more regular basis! (Plus, character art!)
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writingwithryder · 6 years
A Tomb of Past Mistakes
Dark Souls AU
The grey and silver parapets seemed endless against the navy skies and dying stars as the Blade of the Darkmoon wandered aimlessly, letting his feet lead him down paths he’s taken thousands of times. Aged slate cracking and crunching beneath his feet as the wind stirred, howling along the rooftops, swaying him, tempting him. Closing his eyes the Blade of the Darkmoon sighed -- he knew the result, embracing the wind that swayed him would change nothing of his fate. Still. He tried. Letting himself slip, shingles sliding off with him, cracking in protest as he fell.
Lifetimes passed, and yet, days seemed like months and years turned into days. Time was no longer linear, but instead always in flux, and often, he felt as if he was reliving the same day over and over again. Only the darksign wrapped around his left side a tattooed and cursed reminder that even as the world around him turned to ash, he was destined to remain -- regardless of time.
It burned and his body was returned to the bonfire far below, The Darkmoon Tomb, his eternal resting place. Even in this cycle of death and return it seemed a fitting end for a Chosen Undead.
The ring on his hand warmed, vibrating. A warning. Someone approached who had killed Gwynevere, killed being the tentative word -- she wasn’t dead, but instead, the person who did it had the veil of Anor Londo lifted, and viewed the same eternal twilight as he and so many others did. The Blade of the Darkmoon heaved a deep sigh as he stood. It was foolish, to maintain such a façade, and yet, here he was, maintaining a dying world for a dying god.
Footsteps echoed behind his back and the fire in front of him faded down into dying embers. “You ever sit here and wonder, will the next five hundred years be any different?” The Blade of the Darkmoon recognized that voice, and he turned, a flash of blonde peeking out from a hood and the mocking tone she took as she looked at him, “Or are you content, killing, dying for the very people who abandoned us to our fate?”
“If we’re being honest here, none of our options are really all that positive, Cristiana.” He chose not to stand, instead, motioned her over to the fire, now, reigniting as he noticed a smaller woman behind The Bandit Queen, nodding over to her, the two older undead shared a silent look, “A new apprentice of yours?”
The woman snorted, kicking her feet out in front of her as she sat beside him, “A thief, I found her wandering the Woods, tempting those in the Forest.” A dangerous proposition, Alvina would allow her men even the cruelest of advantages, the smaller woman was lucky for Cristiana’s intervention, regardless of if she knew it or not, “She’d’ve been killed if I hadn’t showed up.” The smaller woman rolled her eyes and jabbed an elbow into the Bandit’s back, making her smile, something he sees so rarely these days, “That isn’t to say she’s without merit or tenacity. She acquired quite the loot, but they were Shiva’s men, and he isn’t one to turn a blind eye.”
The Blade of the Darkmoon hummed in agreement, the smaller woman continued to eye the two of them suspiciously. It’s easy to see why his… friend had picked her up. There was a lot of herself, of all of those who watched the world fall to pieces in her eyes. “Is she from Lordran?”
“The Undead Asylum.” It was the first time the woman spoke, and the Blade of the Darkmoon couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows at the sharpness in her voice. “Before that I…” The woman’s voice faded, had he been younger, less hard, less callused to death, there may have been pity in his eyes. Now however, he just saw a woman, bitter and angry, locked away and left to rot until the end of the world, and he can’t help but think it’s no wonder the woman was so quick to push the limits of her newly acquired freedom.
“We thought we’d make our way here, see what’s left of the abandoned city.” The Bandit Queen smiled although it didn’t quite reach her eyes, “Imagine my surprise when we arrive to find you.”
The Blade of the Darkmoon laughs, “Yes, well, the silver knights are still here as well.”
“We noticed.” Her companion’s words were dry, the two had obviously been surprised to find them lurking in the crumbling buildings. “Also a bunch more of your buddies came to greet us.”
“That one is Cristiana’s fault. Had she just left well enough alone, the two of you wouldn’t have that problem.” He smiled, impetuousness and idealism of youth still haunting her more than a few centuries later. The Blade of the Darkmoon couldn’t help but wonder if everyone as old of the two of them loathed what they had become.
“Gwyndolin needed to be stopped.” Gloved fists slammed the ground, because now, the two of them knew that something that small, as insignificant as the two of them, could ever have changed the fate of the undead, “The endless parade of undead to the First Flame needed to end.”
Flames crackled, and the Blade of the Darkmoon looked deeper into the dying embers, “And yet here we are.” “And yet here we are.” She echoed, anger now coating her words with venom. The words bounced around the tomb as silence overtook them in their seats around the bonfire, watching, waiting, the expectation of more Blades of the Darkmoon appearing keeping both women on edge.
Here they were, haunted by past mistakes and a bleak future, hoping and praying to gods that no longer listened for something to save them all from the darkness that was certain to come. Watching the flames continue to flicker, the Blade of the Darkmoon couldn’t help but wonder -- was this really all his infinite lifetimes had to offer.
But the silence held no answer.
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matthewko28 · 6 years
Just in case
I got tired to check my posts one by one whether they’re flagged by official or not :( Here are some accounts to find me easier. The blog will keep going but it may not be active as my other accounts, so feel free to send me a private message on them.
>>Daily shtpost Plurk: kichan28 (Free to follow but if for adding friends, please send private plurk to tell me who you are) Twitter: matthewko0228 (Prefer to change username often and lock it as protected timeline anytime)
>>Fanfics archives Ao3: MatthewKo FanFiction: MatthewKo0228 FC2: matthewko0228 (Chinese only) Pixiv: MatthewKo (both fanarts and fanfics)
And @fujimori96 is my another sideblog for language and some serious issues, but tbh I’m not sure what will I post on it_(: _ㄥ)_
*If feeling curious what I spam on other places, here’s the profile on twitter as a, um, reference(?): MatthewKo/Alvina│Taiwan│20↑│Hetalia│Yume 100│Skam│HIStory2: Right or Wrong│SOTUS│Ludwig and Gilbert, Eduard, B.enelux Trio, N.ordic 5 (fav chars in Hetalia)│Graysia, Seras, Nayuta (fav chars in Yume 100)│Follow/Block freeee│Chinese/English/Basic Japanese│tons of nagging and retweets│my otp in hetafandom
Hoping the post won’t bother you a lot.
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mysterioamor · 2 years
Why Didn't I Notice?
Me? My name is Alvina. I was just a normal girl, a student, a friend, a dreamer, and also a lover. Yes, I have someone locked in my little heart. His name was Mike. Mike has it all. He’s at the top of our class. His family also owns a multi-million company. He’s romantic and charming. One look from him will make you fall to the floor. He’s the dream and mine too. They say no one is perfect. But, he was, he's perfect.
One normal day at school, or maybe not. I saw Mike walking, I was staring at him helplessly when he noticed me. He slowly walked towards me. Everything was in slow motion and so was the pulse of my heart.
“Hey, beautiful. What’s up?” he proclaimed.
Is he talking to me? Did he just call me beautiful? I can’t believe it all. I froze and trembled. It seems like Mike realized.
“Love, you don’t have to hurry. You got all the time you need in the world because you're my world.” he assured me.
I felt like my heart finally stopped. I did everything to talk and finally, I got the strength to pour on a few words.
“H-hi” I responded.
It began as small talk and ended as a romantic conversation. He ask me if he can get my number, and without any hesitation I gave it.
Time flew so fast. Without even noticing, we needed to say goodbye.
After our classes, I went on and visited my best friend, John. I've known John since forever. We do all kinds of things together. Some say, we're inseparable. I admit, it's kinda true. Everything just seems easier with him.
I told him everything. He listened very patiently even with my loud squeals and strong hits out of excitement. He laughed with me throughout—this is why I love my best friend.
It was such an extraordinary day!
I woke up. There was a sudden dilemma I felt as I realized that I was going to be late for school. I bumped my head when I rose. Slowly, I remembered…it was the weekend. What a silly mistake.
I heard my phone buzz. I checked it immediately. Is this who I think it is? Is it him? And, there it was—a message from Mike. In no time, I replied. We messaged for hours and enjoyed it. I didn’t realize that this perfect lad is so much fun too.
I messaged John and let him know about what happened. He was shocked too but I think he was happy for me.
I continued messaging Mike. He was so gentle and enticing. I couldn’t wish for anything more.
One time, my phone buzzed. There it is again—a message from Mike. As I opened the message, I almost fell to my knees
“Alvina, I’m falling in love with you,” he confessed.
That was the happiest day of my life.
Now it was Monday. I saw Mike in the school hallway. Mike and I don’t have the same classes so I don’t see him personally very often. But, I know we maintained a great relationship with those messages, especially from what happened last night.
I immediately slid next to him. I tried opening up about how I feel too. I decided to do this personally to show how sincere I am about it. Before I get to that, he gave me a confused look.
I tried starting a talk but then he said “Hello, do I know you?”.
I giggled a bit. But, the look on his face remained.
“Alvina—the girl you’ve been texting” I reminded him.
“Alvina…I took you number? “ he asked.
“Y-yes!” I responded.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you would take that seriously. That was just a dare. Hold up, I never even messaged you after that haha. Please, get a load of yourself. You're not even that pretty.” he proclaimed with a scornful laugh.
A girl then walked up to us and kissed him straight to the lips. It hurts so much. I just want to drown myself from humiliation and wake myself up from this imagination. How pretentious did I become? Tears started dripping from my eyes and I ran.
Along the way, I bumped to someone. It was John. I fell into his arms and sobbed. I couldn’t help it anymore.
The moment I got the strength, I told him everything. He looks concerned and…guilty.
“Alvina, it’s me.” he mumbled
“Huh, w-what do you mean?” I expressed not knowing what’s he's trying to say.
“It was me. It was me who messages you all along. I-I just pretended to be…Mike” John confessed.
“What? John, why? Why! Tell me, why!” I asked desperately as tears fell from my eyes.
“Because I love you! And, I figured out, if I pretended to be Mike, I could feel like…you love me too,” he admitted.
I didn’t let him finish. I couldn’t take it anymore. It’s too much! I ran away…again.
I rushed myself on my way home. There, I cried until sunrise. There’s nothing more that I could do. It feels like everyone is against me. I feel so…defenseless.
My phone notified. At first, I don't want to read it, but my curiosity won. There it was—a message from John.
It said: "I’m so sorry, Alvina. I love you and I seek your love too. And, I intended to get it in the wrong way. I know where I stand in your life. I’m just your best friend and I’m so sorry if I tried not just to be in that way. I'm selfish l, I know. I just want to make you feel what you deserve to feel. I want you to know that I here—your…true lover".
Tears dropped from my eyes, he was right, I shouldn’t have wasted myself on a person who couldn’t care less about me. All this time, I have my John. I was so blinded by fantasies that I didn’t even notice someone who loves me truly. WHY DIDN'T I NOTICE?
The next day, I looked for John. He was not there. The classes were over and I didn’t see any signs of him so I decided to pay him a visit, to his house.
When I got there, I saw his mama and papa crying through the window. I couldn’t grasp what was happening but I certainly don’t feel good. I gently knocked and decided to ask what happened.
“John is gone. My baby is gone!" his mama exclaimed tearing in pain.
"No! This can't be." I responded.
I’m so puzzled. I could feel my chest tightening. I don’t understand anymore…
The moment the atmosphere calmed down, they tried to explain what happened.
“My baby has a disease. Alvina, he tried to hide it from you. He said that it’ll hurt you. He convinced us to keep the secret for a moment…he died yesterday.
We saw him lying on the floor holding his phone, with tears. M-my John, he’s no longer h-here” his mother cried out.
What?! No, no! John! My knees weakened. I fell to the floor. I cried and sobbed but I couldn’t do anything anymore. Here I am again, helpless. I-it’s my fault. I-I’m sorry John.
I love you too…
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littlebookreader · 3 years
Old Record In A Beat Up Sleeve(Information)
Some information first:
Summary: A disorganised system, a missing keyring and a mysterious gramophone leads to questions, theories, teasing and cocoa. (For the Additional prompts ‘Locked in the Office’ of the Cocoa Collabs 2021.)
Fandoms: The Amelia Project(Podcast)
Rating: General Audiences
Relationships: Gen
Characters: The Interviewer and Alvina Wright, The Interviewer, Alvina Wright, Piotr Kozlowski(mentioned) 
Additional Tags: Friends, immortal Interviewer is immortal because everyone says so(try saying that fast hehe), locked in the office, music is discussed, ‘Arthur Interviewer please get organised’ Challenge 2k21, k this doesn’t have those many tags, shipping if you squint, but can be read platonically, canon hashing(in that this could have happened or no, entirely up to you), author regrets nothing, no beta we permutate like the Interviewer, here you go
Part 1 of Storytelling, Reminiscing, Exchanging, Wondering
@cocoa-collabs for the Locked in The Office. TW in the comments.
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Dark Souls characters, ranked
The misplaced souls of Lordran
To play Darkish Souls is to hunt victory in a land outlined by failure. Lordran, the sport’s fictional kingdom, is dying. The once-great gods have deserted their bastions, fleeing a world in determined want of a savior. Each crumbling metropolis stands as a tragic reminder of what may have been; echoes of progress all however forgotten. A plague of undeath curses those that stay, lowering their existence to a cycle of dying, rebirth, and slowly hollowing souls. Everybody who travels to Lordran is doomed to fulfill a merciless destiny, however that does not cease individuals from making an attempt.
Darkish Souls has a surprisingly deep forged. They seem to be a unhappy lot. Every character gamers encounter is dying, damaged, or within the midst of a disaster. However regardless of the dire circumstances of their existence, these wayward adventurers are brimming with character. They’re warriors, healers, and students — individuals who can be destined for greatness in another kingdom. In Lordran, nonetheless, they’re doomed. Via a mixture of indirect storytelling and nihilistic inevitability, Darkish Souls‘ characters are among the many most fascinating NPCs in latest reminiscence.
It is excessive time somebody ranked them.
61. Petrus of Thorolund: 
Petrus ruins what’s in any other case one of the crucial memorable moments in Darkish Souls. After escaping the Undead Asylum and arriving at Firelink Shrine within the claws of an enormous crow, the Chosen Undead’s first steps on Lordran soil are tentative and stuffed with thriller. This can be a land of unknowns, a spot that the gods have forgotten. However all that magic and momentum is ruined when gamers inevitably stumble upon Petrus of Thorolund, a dopey cleric with what is sort of probably essentially the most punchable face in online game historical past. Something appears doable in Lordran, however Petrus’ pageboy haircut is just too terrible to imagine. 
60. Kingseeker Frampt:
This serpentine noodle is essential to Darkish Souls‘ story. He is additionally an abomination. Destructoid’s Co-Editor-in-Chief Jordan Devore summed up Frampt’s existence eloquently: 
Some monstrosities are higher left loud night breathing for all eternity.
59. Pinwheel:
Pinwheel capabilities extra as a cautionary story than the rest. Pinwheel is arguably the best boss in Darkish Souls, greatest seen as a hollowed husk extra desirous about researching necromancy than fight. The masks that adorn its face — a Father, Mom, and Youngster — indicate a merciless destiny involves those that search energy. 
58. Vince of Thorolund: 
One other cleric, one other ugly mug. It’s protected to imagine that there are not any respectable barbers in Thorolund. 
57. Nico of Thorolund: 
Nico’s solely redeeming high quality is that his helmet obscures what’s undoubtedly one other atrocious hairdo. He and Vince appear to be shut; perhaps they discovered love in Lordran. 
56. Rhea of Thorolund: 
There’s tragedy on the coronary heart of Rhea’s story, however her best crime is associating with the Thorolund goof troop.
55. Rickert of Vinheim:
Most of Lordran’s blacksmiths are nice. Rickert, nonetheless, sucks. He’s content material to be locked up for an eternity, and that’s effective as a result of he is totally ineffective.
54. Griggs of Vinheim: 
Griggs is boring. He’s outclassed by his mentor in each conceivable manner, from spell choice to hat dimension.
53. Paladin Leeroy:
This man is so near greatness. His huge hammer, Grant, is an intimidating weapon and his Sanctus protect appears to be like rad. However the truth that he’s a strolling Leeroy Jenkins reference kills his placement on the record.
52. Darkstalker Kaathe:
Darkstalker Kaathe is the inverse of Kingseeker Frampt, which is superb. However the truth that Kaathe and Frampt are probably two serpents sharing the identical physique means this slippery dude sort of sucks too. 
51. Eingyi:
Eingyi is an egg-bearing chump who’s blissful to serve one in every of Darkish Souls‘ most beloved characters. He’d place greater if he weren’t so gross trying.
50. Prince Ricard:
There are a handful of Darkish Souls characters outlined solely by their mediocrity. Ricard is one in every of them, an undead noble whose deft rapier stabs are finally forgettable.
49. Seath the Scaleless:
Controversial opinion: Seath sucks, appears to be like dumb, and is an entire and utter nerd.
48. The 4 Kings:
The 4 Kings have a twisted, vaguely metallic look they usually hand around in the endless darkness of The Abyss. That is cool. However it’s laborious to disregard the truth that greater than 4 kings spawn throughout their boss struggle. What’s with that? 
47. Nightfall of Oolacile:
Nightfall’s presence in Lordran alerts the beginning of Darkish Souls’ glorious Artorias of the Abyss enlargement. Previous that, she’s a confused time traveler who is comparatively bland in comparison with most characters. 
46. Knight Kirk: 
Kirk, Knight of Thorns, is sort of a center faculty bully. He comes out of nowhere and assaults you with obvious glee. And like coping with a bully, the one factor worse than probably getting your ass kicked is understanding that beneath his prickly exterior is a tragic child who simply needs consideration.
45. Maneater Mildred:
There’s one thing to be mentioned about an individual who’s keen to strip off their garments, put a bag on their head, and run by means of a toxic swamp simply to hack individuals aside with a machete. Mildred scares me, however I am impressed along with her dedication.
44. Elizabeth the Mushroom: 
Elizabeth will get factors for being an enormous speaking mushroom, however she pales compared to the lovable — and surprisingly lethal — enjoyable guys in Darkroot Backyard. 
43. Quelana of Izalith:
So far as pyromancers go, Quelana’s a professional. In actual fact, she’s thought of the mom of the fiery artwork. Regardless of her spectacular resume, Quelana is the black sheep of her household. It’s not as a result of she’s into beginning fires, although. Quelana’s an outcast particularly as a result of she’s the one member of her clan that isn’t fucked up in some horrible manner. Solution to kill the curve, firestarter.
42. Undead Poison Service provider:
Right here’s some lore hypothesis: This poison-slinging service provider is crushing on her male counterpart huge time, however he’s in love with another person. And so, she waits for an eternity, promoting knives and sewer moss as a intelligent manner of keeping track of her unrequited love with out seeming too apparent.
41. Undead Burg Service provider: 
This dude’s a nutter. He has some weapons to promote, positive, however his singular obsession with Yulia — who or no matter that truly is — dominates his ideas. Possibly it is his uchigatana. Maybe it is his favourite bucket. Or perhaps, simply perhaps, it is the long-forgotten title of a lovely woman from close by he as soon as knew…
40. Princess Gwynevere:
Gwynevere is not actually within the recreation. The larger-than-life lady gamers encounter is definitely an phantasm. However even nonetheless, Gwynevere’s remembered by gamers as one in every of Darkish Souls‘ greatest, uh, belongings.
39. Blacksmith Vamos:
After trudging by means of the Catacombs, it is good to fulfill a skeleton that is not hell-bent on murdering you. Vamos is a group of bones who is aware of his manner round a forge. His defining trait is his skeletal beard, which appears to be like as if it is assembled from finger bones. That is as spectacular as it’s macabre. 
38. Sieglinde of Catarina:
One of many hardest components of rising up is watching your dad and mom begin to lose a step or two. Sieglinde spends all of her time in Lordran chasing down her father in an effort to get him to simply, like, decelerate for a minute. She’s an incredible daughter, however an in any other case one-note character.
37. Witch Beatrice:
Though she will get little display screen time, Witch Beatrice is rad as hell. She absolutely commits to her namesake, carrying a haunting gown awash in deep purples with a gnarled wood catalyst in hand. Beatrice is a summonable character who can hurl spells on the Moonlight Butterfly and 4 Kings bosses, and whereas her presence is welcome, it additionally leaves you wanting extra.
36. Ceaseless Discharge:
Ceaseless Discharge locations this excessive particularly as a result of his title is without doubt one of the grossest doable combos of phrases within the English language.
35. King Jeremiah:
At a sure level, Darkish Souls gamers understand style is extra necessary than kind. Jeremiah understands this, and his bulbous crown works as each an homage to Demon’s Souls and an absurd look that’d slot in on the Met Gala.
34. Alvina:
A fats cat with the present of gab. What’s to not love?
33. Anastacia of Astora:
Anastacia is maimed, tongueless, and trapped. Her existence is a merciless reminder that retaining the age of fireside going comes at a really steep price. Regardless of by no means uttering a single phrase, her presence is sorely missed ought to gamers enable sure occasions to transpire.
32. Knight Lautrec of Carim:
Lautrec is a dick. An absolute madman. A terror in gold-plated armor. However for as annoying as his actions over the course of Darkish Souls are, it’s laborious to fully despise him as a result of he appears to be like so rattling cool. 
31. Marvelous Chester:
This man is a grinning hunter ripped from one other world. He is mainly a Bloodborne cosplayer, and since Bloodborne is so good, Chester locations greater than he has any actual proper to. 
30. Patches:
I hate Patches. I hate him so goddamn a lot. However I’m additionally frightened of him. Spending numerous hours in his signature squatting pose will need to have toned his physique to Adonis-like proportions. 
29. Crestfallen Service provider: 
Take a look at this stoic motherfucker. Simply have a look at him and inform me you’re not impressed.
28. Crossbreed Priscilla: 
As her title implies, Priscilla the offspring of a dragon and a god. She’s one other character with an unlucky backstory. Gwyn feared her energy a lot that he locked her inside a portray to maintain his realm protected from Priscilla’s harmful potential. Priscilla, nonetheless, is not outwardly hostile. In actual fact, she’s relatively candy. She’s trapped, however totally nice, content material to be left alone with the opposite castaways within the Painted World. 
27. Ingward:
Ingward’s spooky as hell, and whereas not a specter himself, he spends all of his time with ghosts. He is notable not just for his wraith-like masks and placing purple robes but additionally for his position in flooding New Londo. Flooding a complete metropolis is harmful work, however what’s much more spectacular is how rapidly Ingward provides away the important thing to the floodgates he spent untold years watching when you ask him properly. 
26. Lord’s Blade Ciaran: 
Ciaran’s a talented murderer with a watch for style. She seems in Oolacile to pay respects at her former companion’s remaining resting place and is so upset at dropping a companion that she’s keen to depart her weapons behind in alternate for a fleeting reminiscence. Ciaran’s one in every of many Darkish Souls characters who deserve extra direct consideration; she’s a mysterious lady who lets her blades do the speaking when push involves stab.
25. Chaos Witch Quelaag: 
One other youngster of Izalith, Quelaag’s present kind is that of a bare-chested lady rising out of a horrifying spider’s sternum. She’s imposing, quick, and doubtless chargeable for awakening a brand new kink amongst Darkish Souls gamers.
24. Darkish Solar Gwyndolin:
Gywndolin is the chief of the Darkmoon Blades and the final remaining god in Anor Londo. He’s the youngest youngster of Gwyn and spends his time lording over his father’s ceremonial tomb. Though his kin’s affiliation with gentle and hearth is effectively documented, Gwyndolin’s penchant for magic and moon-based powers make him one of many recreation’s most complicated and memorable characters.
23. Quelaan:
This daughter of Izalith is the saddest member of a cursed household. The Honest Girl, or Quelaan as many want to name her, is an element spider, identical to Quelaag. However in contrast to her sister, who appears to thrive in her newfound kind, Quelaan is in a state of fixed struggling. When the Chosen Undead first encounters this Fireplace Keeper, she’s dying a gradual and painful dying, blind and motionless. Gamers can converse along with her by carrying a particular ring and help her restoration by sacrificing hard-earned humanity. It’s price it largely for the satisfaction of understanding that you simply helped save one of many recreation’s purest souls. 
22. Oswald of Carim:
Oswald appears to be like like he solely smokes clove cigarettes. He’s a grown-up goth who prefers to maintain monitor of Lordran’s sinners from a darkish nook of the Undead Parish’s bell tower whereas listening to Siouxsie and the Banshees.
21. Large Blacksmith:
This towering tradesman spends all of his time hammering away at tools he may by no means hope to make use of. His nice character and mellow demeanor are a welcome salve to the cruelties of life in Lordran.
20. Shiva of the East:
Shiva may get by on fashion alone. His armor echoes his Japanese origins, equal components sensible and stylish. When push involves shove, Shiva’s no slouch with a blade both. Because the chief of the Forest Hunters, Shiva prides himself on his potential to topple intruders with exact strikes and lethal effectivity.
19. Gravelord Nito: 
Out of all of Darkish Souls‘ bosses, nobody conveys the sport’s “put together to die” mantra higher than Nito. The lord of the lifeless is an enormous, shifting assortment of skeletal stays which have mixed because the personification of Demise itself. Nito’s able to inflicting dying and sickness from his cozy sarcophagus within the Tomb of the Giants, which is a real testomony to his energy.
18. Laurentius of the Nice Swamp: 
Of all of the characters that come to inhabit Firelink Shrine, Laurentius is well essentially the most endearing. Positive, he attire like a hobo and considers a nasty swamp his splendid atmosphere, however in contrast to Shrek, Laurentius is the sort of individual you’d need to get a beer with. 
17. Crestfallen Warrior:
The Crestfallen Warrior is the primary individual the Chosen Undead encounters after fleeing from the Undead Asylum. He’s melodramatic and dour however nonetheless manages to share details about the world with some darkish, witty humor.  
16. Darkmoon Knightess: 
All through the Darkish Souls video games, Fireplace Keepers are typically damaged, often-disfigured characters. Whereas the Darkmoon Knightess isn’t any completely different, she’s extra proactive than her friends. Lined in brass armor to cover her “ghastly” kind, the Knightess watches over Anor Londo’s predominant bonfire with a blade at her facet.
15. Executioner Smough: 
This impossibly-large man as soon as served as Anor Londo’s heavy-hitting executioner. He’s huge, imposing, and identified for his yucky little tendency to cannibalize his victims. Smough is one-half of Darkish Souls’ dream crew, and whereas he performs second fiddle to Gwyn’s knights, defeating his companion earlier than tackling the executioner provides Smough a chance for a twisted little bit of revenge.
14. Dragon Slayer Ornstein:
If Smough’s hulking determine is his defining trait, Ornstein’s high-energy acrobatics are a obligatory counterweight. He zips round Anor Londo like a gymnast with undiagnosed ADHD, thrusting his lightning-infused spear with stunning precision. The opposite half of the Darkish Souls‘ dynamic duo, Ornstein is what occurs when your hyperactive good friend begins weapons coaching. 
13. Gwyn, Lord of Cinder:
Gwyn’s legacy is a world completely marred by tragedy. His tireless pursuit of a continued age of fireside is the direct reason for a lot ache. By the point gamers attain him on the Kiln of the First Flame, the Lord of Cinder stands over a smoldering flame, the results of his life’s work actually dying earlier than his eyes. The struggle in opposition to Gwyn is a poignant end result to the Chosen Undead’s journey. It lacks the bombast of different boss fights, as an alternative reveling in a haunting melancholy that’s made all of the extra memorable by the sport’s greatest piece of music.
*Creator’s Be aware: I can’t hearken to his theme with out immediately tearing up.
12. Hawkeye Gough:
Hawkeye Gough cannot see. In some unspecified time in the future, a thick resin coated the archer’s helmet, which leads the enormous to suppose that he is blind. Gough’s a retired knight who chooses to spend his remaining days whittling wooden carvings infused together with his booming voice. Whereas that is extraordinarily chill in its personal proper, Gough’s legacy is elevated to new heights by his potential to shoot a dragon out of the sky with out even seeing it in flight. That’s legendary.
11. Andre of Astora:
This strapping chap is the primary motive millennials are selecting to enroll in commerce faculties relatively than formal training. He’s a barrel-chested blacksmith with a bitchin’ ponytail who’s as even-tempered because the merchandise he produces.
10. Sif, the Nice Gray Wolf:
Sif is loyal to a fault. She’s an previous wolf who has survived numerous battles and performed an element in among the most important moments in Lordran’s historical past. Regardless of all that she’s seen and completed, Sif stays loyal to her former grasp and spends each waking second guarding over his gravesite. Sif does not need to struggle the Chosen Undead. She solely needs to ensure her grasp’s remaining resting place is left in peace. Squaring off in opposition to her is totally heartbreaking.
9. Massive Hat Logan:
Massive Hat Logan is the patron saint of social nervousness. He’s a strong sorcerer so consumed by a thirst for arcane data that he, Logan, selected to put on a huge ole’ hat to keep away from the lingering stares of random passersby. Like so many sensible minds, Logan appears to lack frequent sense, as evidenced by his uncanny potential to be captured a number of occasions.
eight. Domhnall of Zema:
In a world the place everyone seems to be cursed, dying, and going insane, Domhnall stays chipper. He’s a service provider who at all times manages to get his fingers on unique armors with out making an attempt too laborious. His signature greeting, “Aye, siwmae,” is as iconic as his eclectic getup, and Lordran’s a greater place with him in it.
7. Oscar of Astora: 
Though Oscar makes all of it of three minutes into Darkish Souls earlier than he meets his finish, he’s arguably essentially the most useful character in the complete recreation. The noble knight manages to free the Chosen Undead, inform the participant’s journey, and go on his Estus Flask earlier than taking his remaining breath. Oscar does a lot with so little display screen time that preventing his hollowed husk later within the recreation virtually seems like a criminal offense. 
6. Knight Artorias: 
The parable of Artorias is simply as spectacular as Artorias the online game boss, and that is saying one thing. Artorias is the sort of warrior that is spoken about in hushed, reverent tones. The Abyss’s name addles Artorias’s thoughts, and a latest battle has shattered his arm by the point gamers encounter him in Oolacile. However regardless of his situation, he is nonetheless ready to struggle the Chosen Undead together with his nondominant hand, a contact that’s efficient for conveying his fight prowess and hammering residence simply how a lot his trustworthy companion, Sif, means to him. That’s the signal of a superb pet proprietor.
5. Havel the Rock: 
Havel’s an plain badass. His armor is constituted of large items of rock, and his most well-liked weapon is a tooth ripped from the maw of a dragon. Whereas Havel is greatest referred to as Lordran’s most completed — and lethal — doorman, uncovering his gear in Anor Londo reveals his extra secretive facet. Alongside together with his armor, weapon, and greatshield, Havel additionally as soon as possessed a wood membership infused with Occult energy, a component able to harming even the gods. Havel was so assured that he was ready to kill Lordran’s gods with a wood stick. Respect.
four. Siegmeyer of Catarina:
The large boy. The absentminded adventurer. The Onion Knight. Siegmeyer is the Darkish Souls’ beating coronary heart. Upon first assembly Siegmeyer, he is perched exterior of Sen’s Fortress, defeated by its locked gate. He comes throughout like a plump model of Eeyore at first however following him by means of Lordran reveals a warrior pushed by a reckless streak. Fast to throw himself into hazard and nice to have a chat with, Seigmeyer is sort of a cool uncle that exhibits up each few months when his spouse “unintentionally” modifications the locks once more. 
three. Solaire of Astora: 
No online game has a extra entertaining mascot character than Solaire. He’s the Billy Hatcher of Darkish Souls, a plucky hero who’s as charming as he’s environment friendly. Every thing out of Solaire’s mouth is pure gold; his persistent need to assist, his “Reward the Solar” catchphrase, and his honest want to be as “grossly incandescent” because the solar are brilliant moments in a depressing recreation. He’s an excellent bastard who understands the significance of serving to a good friend in want. We may all study a lesson from Solaire. 
2. Iron Knight Tarkus:
Tarkus is the definition of an Absolute Unit. He’s bulk personified, an indomitable mass of black metal and grit. Tarkus will be summoned precisely as soon as in Darkish Souls, however he understands a robust first impression is all that you simply want. If summoned, it’s solely doable Iron Knight Tarkus will tackle the boss of Sen’s Fortress solo. He is a tank. A fixer. The sort of man you’ll be able to depend on to get shit completed. Simply do not ask him to wash your rafters, he is sort of clumsy.
1. The Chill Hole in New Londo:
This Hole is the only greatest a part of Darkish Souls. He’s undead and completely loving it. He’s content material to spend an eternity laying languidly above the ruins of New Londo, blissfully unaware of the chaos that surrounds him. He does not struggle. He does not even acknowledge your presence. As an alternative, he simply stares off into the space, dreamily pondering something and nothing unexpectedly.
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luna-redamancy · 5 years
You Always Find Your Way Back Home- Part Eleven
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“Thranduil, you need to accept that she’s gone and is never coming back,” Thranduil’s advisor spoke softly as to not anger the king with the infuriating words that slipped past his lips. Thranduil was disheveled, his eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep, his hair greased to his head like he hasn’t bathed in days. Which wasn’t too far off from the truth. 
Thranduil couldn’t focus on himself, his only focus was you, your wellbeing, your whereabouts, if you were alive or not. 
“Bold of you,” Thranduil began, his voice icy where you might expect it to be emotional. “-To assume that I will give up on finding out what happened to the love of my life,” Thranduil’s words ended off in a growl, his fist clenching as he raised his eyes to glare at the elf before him. 
“Now leave my throne room before I behead you where you stand,” Thranduil’s voice never wavered, it was just straight venom as his royal advisor was quick to leave the room, knowing he went too far with his ‘advice’. 
The room became silent, Thranduil’s mind drifting as he rested his head on his fist, staring at everything yet nothing at the same time. 
“Why’re you so pouty, my king?” You asked with a teasing smile on your lips as you entered the throne room, your hair pulled back into a thick braid, your dress long and (f/c), wrapping delicately around your form as you strolled into the throne room.
Thranduil sat with his chin resting on top of his fist, a glower formed on his face, his eyebrows knit together in what? You didn’t know. But you were going to find out. 
Taking his silence as a go-ahead, you slipped your hands over his shoulders, rubbing carefully. “I think you need to relax, you worry too much,” You cooed, moving to press a kiss to his forehead, only to knock your nose against his crown. 
A small chuckle left Thranduil as he pulled off his crown, leaning his head back to stare at you. 
“Much,” You mumbled, now moving to kiss him, your lips locking together as his hand came up to cup your face, his thumb rubbing over your cheekbone.
Sighing happily when you two parted lips, you smiled softly. “Everything works out in the end, if it’s not working out, then it simply isn’t over,” You cooed, now cupping his cheek as you stared at him lovingly.
“It isn’t over,” Thranduil recited, eyes now coming back into focus as he stared around the room.
After days of scouring through websites, forums, books, and even the yellow pages, you found a possible helping hand. 
“Alvina, the lady of magic and wonders,” You recited the name you found, her name rolling off your tongue as you realized one thing. “Alvina…Meaning ‘Elf-Friend’,” Your lip quirked up for the first time since you’ve been gone, amusement filling your eyes. 
“If it’s a scam then I’ll just keep researching other possibilities,” You told yourself as you fought internally. One side of you wanted to throw yourself at this woman’s knees and beg for help, another side of you thought you were crazy for even considering going to such a ‘sham’.
Taking a deep breath, your eyes focused on the artesian looking sign in the glass door saying “Welcome”. 
“It’s now or never,” You pushed your doubts aside and pulled the door open, a gentle chime letting whoever was inside of your arrival. 
“Welcome,” A sultry voice called out, moving from behind a curtain of beads, a green tea smelling incense burning in the shop. 
“A…Are you Alvina?” You questioned, eyes wandering over her form to take in her appearance. She was tall and thin, her hair white and pin-straight, drifting down to her waist. A soft smile played on her lips as she took you in as well. 
Putting the pieces together, you realized what you were dealing with. An elf that somehow came to the universe you both are stuck in right now.
“You look bewildered,” She commented, her head tilting slightly. 
“How did you get here?” You explained, wondering if she somehow arrived just as you, through a cruel twist of fate. 
“What do you mean?” Alvina asked, eyes narrowing as she took a minuscule step back, the beads rattling. 
“You’re an elf, your name means ‘Elf-Friend,’ tell me, how long have you been in this realm?” You questioned, keeping your eyes focused on hers, as she seemed to be weighing her options. 
Realizing she was almost scared to say anything, you dragged your eyes away to the herbs and crystals on the shelves. 
“I was put in this realm by force,” You began, letting your eyes wander. “I was the queen of the Woodland realm, my husband loved me dearly…” You felt your eyes prick with tears. “I had a child, but a babe,” You sighed before dragging her eyes over to her again. 
“How did you get here?” You questioned as she seemed to settle down, her shoulders not tensed anymore, now leaning on the counter. 
“Sick trick of fate,” Alvina huffed, looking over to the herbs just as you did. “I was on my way to fill up a bucket of water, my home not too far away within the woodlands, my courtee tending to our plants while I was gone…” Her lip almost began to tremble as she sighed. 
“Dark magic split a hole in the realm, taking me in it, landing me in a life I never wanted.” 
“How do we get back? Is there any way that we can fix this, in this realm?” You questioned, taking a step toward her. 
A laugh left her throat, “You don’t think I’ve tried?! Only whatever caused this to happen can reverse it. Whatever dark magic brought this curse must be destroyed, then, and only then, would things get reversed and fate would be back on course,” She huffed, a scowl now on her face. 
“Like… A dark magic ring?” Your eyebrow quirked, a knowing look crossing your face. The piece of paper you had at home, the words now burning in your mind. 
“What kind of ring?”
“One ring to rule them all…”
Her eyes widened, her mouth opening in shock. 
“The ring of Sauron,” She began, “Was lost long ago, never to be seen again.”
Darting out your tongue to wet your lips you stared back at her. “Do you think a resurfacing of the ring, the ring being used, could cause this?” 
You knew Gandalf believed the resurfacing of the ring could cause the spell to be reversed but you wanted another ‘magical’ opinion.
“You bet your royal ass it could.” 
“Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate–this one doom.” Elrond began, his heart heavy with worry about the coming fate of their realm now that he has received the news of the biggest threat to peace resurfacing, the One Ring.
Series tag: @kyle9no @uknowmeaskitty  @kazuha159   @scarecrowsragdoll @bringmetoawonderland @theincaprincess @disneymarina @bvckys-doll  @adelinepop   @bonza-bear @lunariasilver   @extremebuttface @tei-hayden @aestheticofeverything @thetrappedpoet @libbymouse @rustypotatospork @pale-butterfly @uknowmeaskitty @underthemoon-imagines @storiesbycaroline @jjongi @demetriolis @arien-midnight-lightning @nikolett3 @demonstakemyhand @raindancer2004 @burningmusicmachine @lunariasilver @indelwen-of-mirkwood@carolinesbookworld @sweetphantomofyournoodler @pastanest @sapphireduck @ashleygrrrl@rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives @ziablackkat @redeemablezen231 @tigereyesf @bluerorjhan  @marvel-imagines-yes-please @burningcoffeetimetravel @the-force-of-imagines  @ywps @electric-cabaret @y--oungblood @pizza-eater-i-ate-the-pizza @fantastical-67impala-fangirl @fandom-hoe101 @moony-artnstuff
Forever Tag: @lady-of-lies @all-things-fandomstuck  @fizzyxcustard @izzydaelleth @aquaangel18@raindancer2004 @love-colorfulglittercollection​ @underthemoon-imagines​​ @ladylouoflothlorien​ @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​ @bad268​​ @legolaslovely​ @bthtallmadge2​
Thranduil Tag: @indelwen-of-mirkwood @sapphireduck @ashleygrrrl @katiegoddessofmischief
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