omnia-vcnitas-blog · 5 years
Send one for your muse to…
★ - drag my muse by the arm ⁂ - grab my muse by the front of their shirt, possibly shoving them back ✱ - take my muse by the hips to carefully move them out of their way ➜ - smack my muse upside the head ⌧ - grip my muse by the back of the neck © - put a hand on my muse’s back to steer them somewhere ✂ - point sternly at a chair and tell my muse to sit down ✉ - push my muse back down when they try to get out of bed (perhaps involving illness, injury, or sleep deprivation) ☛ - press a finger to my muse’s lips to shut them up ♚ - put a hand on my muse’s knee while sitting next to them, to discourage them from standing up ♧ - slap my muse’s hand away from something they shouldn’t touch ♦ - grab my muse’s hair and yank ♤ - slam a door shut before my muse can leave the room ♞ - physically pick my muse up and carry them ♭ - grip my muse’s jaw to make them look yours in the eye ♨ - rub my muse down with a sponge/wet cloth  ☀ - pin my muse with their arms behind their back ☠ - slam my muse into a wall ☾ - wrestle/pin my muse to the ground
Add as much or as little context as you’d like!
@gidecns​ @dclohovs​
Manhandling symbol starters
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 5 years
Finally, a proper reaction! Unable to help himself, he grinned widely. “I am dying to tell you. It was really interesting, what I learned.” He laughed once, and then rested his cheek upon his fist. “But you look bothered by me.” He abruptly lifted his face and pulled his arms from the table, spinning so he was facing forwards again, still smiling. “I’ll just tell you another time, when you’re less annoyed.”
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“Gee, I thought I’d made it very clear that I am bothered by you,” Emma replied, her anger growing. Though she wanted more than anything to follow her worst impulse and rip him a new one, the grin on his face was bothering her. So she tried to force it down instead. “Just send me an owl when you’re finally willing to share your precious information about me.” Though she followed his example by facing forwards at the starting lecture, her posture was rigid, and her face was set into a scowl — obvious signs that she was clearly bothered, but signs she could not fucking get rid off. 
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 5 years
“I think it’s you who owes me some naughty details.” He opened coyly, spinning his legs so that his knees were touching hers. A giggle built in his throat, but he swallowed it away for another time. He propped an elbow on the table, twisting his body so that he was facing her. To others, unknowing others, he almost looked like a lovesick boy staring at the object of his affections. “I know something about you, that you never told me. How interesting is that?”
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“Weren’t you going to tell me about your morning? Half the school knows about my naughty details at this point. Merlin knows the list is pretty damn long,” Whatever game he was playing at, Emma wasn’t in the mood for it. Professor Dippet was about to start up the lesson, and she could already feel her eyes directed towards their table. Her plan was to just ignore Amycus from now on, but those next words — they got her attention. “What?” The word almost came out as a hiss. “Just spill it already, Amycus. I can tell you’re dying to.” 
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 5 years
WHO: Emma Vanity and @savannah-wilkinson WHEN: Saturday, March 18th, 1978. WHERE: The Room of Requirement.
Something weird had started bubbling up in her emotions after she finished her first glass of Firewhiskey. Emma couldn’t quite place it. Familiar yet also not, confusing yet also providing the feeling of all being right in the world. When her eyes found Savannah Wilkinson, standing on the other side of the room, suddenly — she just knew. Crossing the room in seconds to get to her, Emma was out of breath, though not from the walk. “Savannah,” She managed to get out, her eyes lighting up when she finally faced the other girl. “I know this is quite forward, but Merlin’s tits, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I think I might be in love with you.”
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 5 years
“You’re rather correct, although you cannot discount that it is rather hilarious when one of them has their spell backfire upon themselves because of a lack of experience.” She replied with a shrug as she began to nod at Emma’s reply, knowing that she had felt rather cooped up when she had been recovering in the Hospital Wing. “That is a feeling I think we can both agree upon. But I’m glad to be out again, even if it seems that the other students have nothing better than to gawk upon the likes of myself.”
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“Did you see that second year walking around with a Pumpkin for a head last week? It was fucking hilarious. One of his friends even tried to rip it off.” Emma chuckled, recalling the scene in the middle of the Great Hall. Of course, one of those friendly Hufflepuffs just had to fix it and ruin their fun. “It’s good to see you out. Even if you have to face the plebs.” She replied, giving Zhenya an expression of mock-sympathy. 
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 5 years
“I’d kill him before I let him do that to my future wife.” He grinned, lips spreading over a leering smile that was too wide to be normal. “Anything for you.”
He wanted to laugh, pleased with himself and this funny, private joke he was waiting to deploy. He couldn’t, not until the moment was right. This was a game, after all, and his games had rules. “Can I at least tell you about my morning, so you can know why I was thinking of you? Think of it as practice for all the mornings we’ll have at the dinner table.”
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“How very romantic of you, offering to murder a Professor,” She realized a second too late her sarcasm hadn’t been laid on very thick in the sentence, and hoped, quite desperately, Amycus would not take it as an invitation. 
Emma was having a crap week. Or maybe just a crap life, at this point — and it seemed he was intent on making it even worse. “Fine,” She replied. It didn’t seem worth it to pick a fight. There’d be plenty of time for that in the rest of their married life. “As long as you make sure to keep the naughtier details to yourself, go off I guess.” Men really enjoyed hearing themselves talk, didn’t they?
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 5 years
WHO: Amycus Carrow and Emma Vanity WHEN: Friday, March 17th, 1978. 10:30AM. WHERE: Defense Against the Dark Arts
It wasn’t often that Amycus sat by someone in class that wasn’t his sister. He felt no need to. 
However, there was an exception, in the name of Emma Vanity. After Hogsmeade, she took to sitting beside him, perhaps because of the ferocious display he’d put on during the battle. He didn’t know, and he didn’t care. He was quite happy with the arrangement. 
After walking into class, he pressed a goodbye kiss to Alecto’s cheek and moved to sit beside Emma, who’d already beaten him to their table. He slipped swiftly into his seat, placing a hand midway on her thigh. 
“I’ve been thinking about you a lot this morning.”
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Why did Emma have to be engaged to such a creep?
Pushing his hand off her thigh gently enough for the rest of the class not to see, she turned to face Amycus — her fiance. The word still left such a sour taste in her mouth, but she supposed she should start getting used to it now. Especially now that Evan was officially out of the picture for her future, Emma felt resigned to her fate.
“I hope there wasn’t any morning wood involved, seeing as you’re being especially handsy today.” She replied, having to stop herself from rolling her eyes. “I really don’t want Professor Dippet to fail me because you can’t keep your hands where people can see them.”
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 5 years
Horace Slughorn was no healer, but he wondered if Emma had a concussion. It would certainly explain her poor performance and apparent lack of consideration for what she was tossing in her cauldron. It was quite unlike her. “And what did Madame Pomfrey say when she examined that head injury?” He asked, though he fully suspected she hadn’t made a trip to the Hospital Wing at all.
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“Er —” Emma replied, pulling a face. “I asked Amara Zabini to take a quick peek during breakfast, but I was hoping it would pass over without a hospital visit.” She offered, casting her eyes downwards. Going to the hospital wing for anything but a crucial injury might take her away from training — or Merlin forbid, from a game! 
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 5 years
“You’re quite right Em — how unfortunate how naive they are to think that magic is so simple. But it wouldn’t be Hogwarts would it be if they didn’t warn students like this. But enough on that, how are you; I haven’t seen you in awhile.” She replied with a warm smile, one that hadn’t been seen upon her features in awhile, well at least since she had felt like herself.
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“I’d personally prefer my own safety in the face of these tiny monsters over the amusement they bring us, but that might just be my opinion.” She replied, reaching to pluck the wand from the kids’ fingers and throwing it down the hallway — followed by a quick ‘go fetch’, before turning back to her cousin. “I’ve been... bored,” It was the only reply she could think of. “How about you? I’m glad to see you looking well again.”
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 6 years
“I’m gonna puke.”
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“I’ll give you ten galleons if you projectile vomit on that third year over there.”
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 6 years
A small smirk appearing upon her lips Zhenya began to glance at the younger first year who seemed to have caught the wrong end of a spell. “I’m rather sure that it’s not Em.” She replied as she began to chuckle at her cousin’s confused expressions.
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“You know — I think the first thing they should teach the firsties is that magic can literally kill them or others when used badly. I feel like that would be a sound decision to make. But this is Hogwarts, and they don’t seem to be big on the sound decisions.”
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 6 years
Emma looked bored, he noticed, which only made this even funnier. He glanced down at her their hands, and then curled his fingers around hers. He motioned with his head towards the crowd of students dancing, and then tugged on her arm to get her to follow along behind him. Rather than being angry about their wedding like he was about nearly everything, he had chosen to have good humor. Better to laugh at Emma’s discomfort than to reckon with his own, right? After deciding on an appropriate spot, he tugged Emma towards his chest and settled a hand on her waist.
“Ah, the wedding dance.” He said, lips twitching into a smirk. He glanced around at the students dancing around them. “And, we’ll have better company around then, I hope.” 
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No, no, no —
Where was the Amycus that was even more furious than her about their engagement? Why did he have to suddenly put on such good humor? Hogsmeade had ruined that too, just like the rest of her life, hadn’t it? It took her a second to realize he’d tugged her closer and put a hand on her waist, and she was supposed to have a reply to that, one that was not simply her standing there, looking like a statue. Wrapping her hands lightly around his neck, she tried her best not to flinch at the word wedding, instead remaining the blasé expression she’d been wearing for a while now. 
“Really? And here I thought you wouldn’t mind inviting all of the first years. Merlin knows they’d be very intrigued by the notion of an open bar.” 
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 6 years
“It’s okay. You’re okay.” Evan murmured as he pulled her in closer. “Zhenya will be alright. I promise.” He didn’t know if that was true. He didn’t know if anything would be alright. For all he knew, they could have set fire to the Great Hall as he spoke. He didn’t care. All Evan wanted now, all he ever wanted, all he will ever want was for Emma to feel safe. To let her pent-up aggression, her rage, her guilt, melt away in his arms.
“Hey- hey - I’m fine. It’s just’a scratch. Emma - “ Evan let out hurriedly, worry seeping into his voice. No no no no no. She couldn’t find out. She would think she was one of them. Which -he was, wasn’t he? A nasty little voice hissed in the back of his mind. He had chosen this, had willingly stuck his arm out for the Dark Lord, had pledged his life to the cause. He hadn’t known what he was getting himself into. Not the lives that were lost, not the havoc wrecked on behalf of his Master.
Maybe you deserve this.
“Em - “ He begged, covering her hand with his. But by then it was too late. She knew. As if on instinct, his mind raced, searching for a way to lie his way out of this- a way to convince her that he wasn’t that kind of man, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t lie to her. She couldn’t even look at him. He didn’t want her to. Evan knew the second that Emma laid her eyes on him, that she fixed him with that look of complete and utter betrayal, that he would break. “Emma,” He pleaded, desperately reaching for her. “Emmy, I can explain. Please.”
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Shattered. That was the only emotion that she could process. Emma felt shattered. The rest was all a whirlwind. She could detect anger, she could detect betrayal, she could detect sadness, even — but none of those were ready to process yet. Plenty of her friends were Death Eaters, she was betrothed to one as well, and her very own cousin was a member of Grindelwald’s Army, but the fact that Evan had lied to her. Lied that he was in the same faction as the bitch who’d nearly murdered Zhenya... 
There it was, anger. It was like the embrace of a good friend, pushing away all the other emotions, the ones she couldn’t even bring herself to think of right now, pushing away all other thoughts and implications of this news. Anger hugged her tightly, and she let herself sink into it the same way she’d earlier sunk into Evan’s arms. 
“Don’t.” The word came out harsh — guttural, even. Seeing him reach for her was the final straw, the last drop to make the bucket overflow. “Try to touch me again, and I’ll kill you.” She’d done it before. How that had hurt her, how she’d hated herself for it afterward. She’d told him about that too, so he knew the severity of her threat. “You lied to me, Evan Rosier.” How could she know he hadn’t had a hand in organizing this too? How could she know that he hadn’t been aware Emma’s cousin was in danger and had been sent to distract her? 
“I don’t want to see you, I don’t want to hear from you, and I don’t want you in my life anymore. I hope that you never find joy again, I hope that the lies you tell will turn on you, I hope that everyone you ever find yourself trusting will stab yourself in the back. I wish you the worst for the rest of your life — and if you ever try to get close to me again, I will come through on my threat and end your horrible, pathetic existence myself.�� 
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reunion (emma & evan)
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 6 years
“It’s a pack of cigarettes, Vanity. Is it supposed to look a particular way?” 
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“I mean, the fact that the bottom of the pack looks like it’s rotting seems like a bad sign to me, but if you say so...”
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 6 years
“Yes!” Marlene said, nodding enthusiastically. School spirit might not necessarily be her thing but she did love quidditch and she had been feeling the need to do something brash. The school was in need of a massive party with all this doom and gloom but she very much doubted that it would happen so she had experimented with the color of her hair. “Are you not a fan of the red or are you just afraid that I’ll still kick your ass out on the field in spite of it?”
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“Not a fan of the red, and worried that you’ll just look like a flying target while out there,” She picked up a string of Marlene’s locks, lips pursed slightly. “It’s not exactly subtle, y’know?” Emma shrugged lightly, though she supposed it would work in Slytherin’s favor if she kept her hair like that. “The Beaters will have a really good point of reference for their aim, and Merlin knows the entirety of Hogwarts would be devastated if they messed up your face!”
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 6 years
“Oh, darling I know. An absolute tragedy, isn’t it? These quidditch players and their bruises - how unbecoming”
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“Hey, I am a Quidditch player!” Her tone rose in defensiveness, but she quickly dropped it again to stare at the bruise in the photo of her Quidditch Daily magazine. “Wonder why he didn’t just get it healed, it looks awful.”
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omnia-vcnitas-blog · 6 years
Horace wandered over to Emma’s workbench and carefully peered into the cauldron. “No. No it is not supposed to look like that at all.” Disappointment was evident as he frowned at one of his best pupils. “Wake up Miss Vanity, You cannot brew a half-decent potion with your eyes shut.”
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“Sorry, Professor,” Emma replied, removing the hand that was holding up her head and instead focussing on the cauldron in front of her, that was supposed to be filled with Wit-Sharpening potion, something she clearly needed. “I fell off my broom yesterday, hit my head pretty hard.” The reason she’d fallen off was that she’d been quite intoxicated, but that just didn’t seem very relevant to the situation right now. 
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