#Also translation for 1st chapter was...lacking
nightfal1n · 5 days
If Hero Organization gets axed I'll wholeheartedly blame the title first because it's so hard to find ppl who talk abt it (while also filtering out unproductive comparison with kn8...c'mon we need more adult protag who isn't overaccomplished because that covers a lot! Not every adult are awesome side character or 100% incompetent jerk there're many guy in 30s who fell inbetween and in need of being noticed /okay this gonna get long so let ends it here)
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kimdokjas · 1 year
why you should read Mystic Prince if you enjoyed ORV
Mystic Prince / Prince of Myolyeong (묘령의 황자) is a fantasy and action-adventure manhwa with art & story by Aheuredal (아흐레달) and in my humble opinion, an absolute hidden gem. it's literally one the best manhwas i've ever read (among the top 2) and i've finally gathered my thoughts enough to try to articulate why i love it so much, and hopefully convince you to give it a chance!
here's the official summary on webtoon:
An immortal emperor rules the Kingdom of Yeol, a divine country blessed by gods with awesome powers. After a thousand years of peaceful rule, the time has come for a new emperor to be chosen. This is determined by a series of trials, in which twenty princes with special powers who have trained since birth must compete. As all princes of varying personalities and agendas gather to partake in the trials, intrigue and possibly even bloodshed seem all but certain. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the other princes, the Fourth Prince Jeok-yeon Ryu hides a secret he must guard with his life.
anyway i literally made a carrd for this, that's how much i care about this manhwa and i worked very hard on it!! you can find the carrd here*
(* also if you hate daily pass like me pls note that there's a fan translation as well! just keep in mind that some episodes have ost but you can find the links to youtube on the carrd as well. but if you enjoy it please do try to leave likes, comments, and a good rating on webtoon to support the creator!)
Mystic Prince is incredibly unique in terms of story and execution that i can't really compare it to anything else but here's why i think you'll enjoy it, especially if you also liked orv:
strong-willed MC who's not naturally skilled but works extremely hard
said MC is willing to suffer and hurt themselves to achieve their goals (aka kim dokja-esque tendencies)
seemingly cold and aloof ML with yoo joonghyuk vibes at first, naturally gifted and seems to look down on everyone
...but is actually head over heels for MC and just doesn't know how to express his feelings
ensemble cast of incredibly complex and well-developed characters with different personalities and motivations
MC seems a little dense at times but they have a tragic backstory that explains why they're Like That
incredibly bisexual vibes !! like literally off the charts
slowburn romance that is cooking up such a great meal
MC and ML have actually known each other for centuries
characters go through trials that involve risking death
extremely unique lore and world-building
i said ML before but there are actually multiple potential MLs with how much complexity all the character dynamics have
beautiful character designs (literally over 10+ within the main cast and they're all so unique)
evocative writing and heartfelt monologues that seem taken out of a book of pure poetry
narratively significant motifs of fire and water (à la orv's black/white and reader/protagonist)
profound and realistic depiction of the inner feelings and troubles that the characters go through
incredibly heart-wrenching original soundtrack! (actually made me cry)
some of the most gorgeous art i've seen in any manhwa (seriously pls just open the 1st episode and look at the first few panels)
[spoilers below for chapter ~10]
delicious gender fuckery
MC is actually cross-dressing afab (i personally hc them as genderqueer; korean doesn't have gendered pronouns but the official tl uses she/her pronouns)
bonus: they're built like a fucking tank (as seen here) like hello??? which is so refreshing to see for an afab MC
plus they're also canonically lacking in empathy but still deeply compassionate which again is really refreshing
i'm sure there's even more stuff i'm forgetting but these are just some reasons off the top of my head why i think this manhwa is so amazing
please do give Mystic Prince a chance, it's an absolute delight!! there are multiple beautiful covers but here's a couple of them, BE ART BAITED <3
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and finally some of my personal reactions to Mystic Prince and also a note regarding the content warnings under the cut!
feel free to skip this part lol but personally when i look for recs, i love when people tell me their emotional reactions and how passionate they are about it! so if this tells you anything,
this is the ONLY manhwa to have made me cry so far (yes that includes the orv webtoon, but not the novel ofc) like actually ugly sobbing with snot and tears and everything lmao
(it's not all sad though! this manhwa will have you clutching your heart one moment and then cackling out loud the next)
and it's also the ONLY manhwa i've ever spent actual money on before the fan tl picked it up just so i could read the advanced chapters (i'm notoriously cheap so this says a lot imo)
and i'm not alone in this, every other comment on webtoon is people saying the exact same thing. the general consensus is that this is 100% a hidden gem (webtoon DP my behated why'd you have to shoot yourself in the foot like that)
also regarding the content warnings on the carrd: this was my first time making a list of cws (i don't think anyone else has made one yet?) and i was a little hesitant to add them, so i sincerely apologize if i missed anything!! if anyone else has anything else to add (cws or otherwise) then please feel free to send me a message and i'll be happy to edit it!!
(btw this was inspired by this post which is also a great summary for why u should read a cnovel called mist unlimited)
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struggling-jpg · 3 months
Some Things About Ma Feima (Yanqing) I Learned
And it matters to HSR Yanqing only because some people have had what they heard about Ma Feima affect their views of him even though it really SHOULDN'T imo.
The underlying point I'm trying to get at is that when we hear about parts of a story or characters we aren't familiar with, it'd be fairer to at least try to look into it more before making final judgments, especially if we only hear see memes and short summaries from a person over the internet.
If you're also interested in this topic then this will be very long, so thank you for bearing with me.
And if not, especially because you don't care or don't want to read about 7S/HI3 Yanqing then that's also fair, Ma Feima and Yanqing are different characters, and I hope you have a good day!
(NOTE: CW for the mention/discussion of a notable age gap between characters in the story. There are details surrounding that but I'd rather place this here for convenience. Look out for yourselves and stay safe!)
It's wild how many different versions of what happened in the Seven Swords visual novel, which is understandable due to its lack of official translation + not being complete (as far as I know? I am open to corrections overall). But the amount of details that go missing or are incorrect is notably large and I find this situation interesting. As mentioned, anyone who knows better (content, translation-wise, etc.), please correct me on anything if needed.
I will use some screenshots from the videos that translated the available chapters (1-2 and part of the beginning/prologue of 3, I believe). The translations are not entirely accurate so heck, I might be wrong on stuff too.
From personal experience, there were two things I heard about Ma Feima from HI3 players:
He killed his master, Fu Hua.
He cheated on his wife.
Legit, the first time I encountered these points, it was as simple as that. And I took it at face value because it understandably takes effort to look into this stuff and a lot of players from HI3 were saying it. But over time, curiosity got to me and I wanted to see the context surrounding it, and here's what I found.
However, here are some things to know about Seven Swords and Fu Hua's disciples:
The Seven in order are: Lin Zhaoyu, Su Mei, Jiang Wanxi, Jiang Wanru, Cheng Lingshuang, Ma Feima, and Qin Suyi
The present of the VN is set in 1496 while the assassination of Fu Hua was twenty years prior in 1476.
Ma Feima, despite being the 6th disciple, is the youngest.
Ma Feima's original name was Yanqing but changed it to Feima when he got older.
Qin Suyi, the 7th disciple, is Sushang's mother in both HI3 and HSR.
Lin Zhaoyu, the 1st disciple, and Ma Feima are married.
Onto the points:
He killed his master, Fu Hua.
Yes, he was involved but some attribute the plan to him. BUT he wasn't. The person who formed this plan was Su Mei, the 2nd disciple.
Supposedly, all seven disciples participated though most, if not all of them, were reluctant to do so.
They were all bothered by Fu Hua's, effective but cruel way of dealing with Honkai-infected people (She would wipe out whole villages if even ONE person was infected).
The last straw for the disciples was when Jiang Wanru, the 4th disciple, got infected.
It was in that battle that Ma Feima got the scar on his face.
Also to note, Cheng Lingshuang, the 5th disciple, was the one to get the last hit on Fu Hua.
This is a straightforward point, a lot of people know this stuff, and is probably the point that's more elaborated on. But I still wanted to mention it because, oftentimes, a lot of the credit for the plan, and sometimes the last hit is given to Ma Feima. It erases the actions of other pretty interesting characters and is simply incorrect.
Onto the second point, because this is where things get really interesting and a lot is going on.
2. Ma Feima cheated on his wife.
This has given the idea that he had an affair, cheating on his wife, Lin Zhaoyu
No, he didn't.
It is true that he was in love with Su Mei but she never loved him back and was very clear about it so in a literal-traditional sense, he didn't have an affair.
Emotionally, yeah.
It seems that he had been attached to her since he was a child.
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Lin Zhaoyu seems to have always been aware of that and still pursued to marry him.
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BIG NOTE: This is where I'm going to cover the age gap stuff.
One thing that I have rarely seen anyone mention is the large gap between Lin Zhaoyu and Ma Feima in age.
It's said that Lin Zhaoyu is 15 years older than Su Mei.
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Supposedly, Qin Suyi was around eight years old when Fu Hua found her.
Remember, Ma Feima is the youngest of the disciples.
I wouldn't have harped as hard about the age gap if they met/didn't know each other in Ma Feima's childhood, but the disciples technically grew up together so I found it to be questionable.
For reference:
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In order, that's Lin Zhaoyu, Su Mei, and Ma Feima when they were younger.
At minimum and based on all the searching and math, at minimum, Su Mei would be thirteen there, and by the 15-year age gap, Zhaoyu would have been 28 years old.
Now, based on the writing, Zhaoyu and Feima most likely got married in the twenty years between the assassination of Fu Hua and the present of Seven Swords.
The youngest Feima would've been at the assassination was seventeen years old at that point.
For the present of the story, Zhaoyu, and Su Mei are 56 years old and 41 years old respectively. Feima is likely in his thirties.
Like I said, I'm making a big point to this because, like, what the heck. That's MAJORLY concerning even if you tried to reason your way around it. Besides any potential "normal in the era" type stuff and that they got married when they were both adults, it's still a huge yikes, isn't it? Also, I've seen barely anyone mention that, and the ones I did see it from, it was when I was looking into the visual novel.
It's mostly because Yanqing is the one in HSR, he's the character that gets the most eyes. And when people only know him as a "master-killing wife cheater" without any of the context surrounding it, it's a huge shame, albeit fair if people don't want to actively look into it themselves. But because a notable chunk of players have let those perceptions have weight over an unrelated by anything but appearance, old name, and the parallel of (potentially) killing a master.
The circumstances surrounding the two are very different.
HSR Yanqing has Jing Yuan to raise and guide him safely through his early life. He's still very young and while stubborn, has a good head on his shoulders, and has a lot of potential to grow into someone strong and stable.
7S/HI3 Ma Feima on the other hand, is shown to have grown very differently from his younger self.
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He is far from enjoying life, and don't get me wrong, he isn't completely innocent.
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But he's completely aware and is miserable.
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There's a lot more I could cover in terms of Ma Feima, his circumstances, and the things about the characters around them, but my brain is so fried lol. All-in-all, his story alongside the seven, is very...complicated.
My main thing is that, hey, maybe we should be a bit more vigilant when we learn things about characters. Beyond fiction, misinformation spreads very easily because we, understandably, take things at face value. In terms of media literacy, we see it time and time again when characters get reduced to a singular trait or a ship or get heavily misunderstood by the audience because a simplified summary will never do the context justice.
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four-loose-screws · 1 month
FE6 Novelization Translation - Chapter 14 Section 5
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Chapter 14 - Breath of Fate (Section 5)
*Note: The 1st 13 chapters are FE7's novelization.
Hector's consciousness reawakened from the darkness.
When he slowly opened his eyes, he saw a boy looking down at him worriedly.
“Is that you, Roy…?”
“Lord Hector!! Your wounds… they’re so deep…! We’ll heal you immediately! Please, hold on to me!”
Roy propped up Hector’s upper half that had been thrown into the dungeon, and swiftly started to carry him out of the cell.
But Hector stopped him quietly. “There’s no need… I don’t have much longer…”
The ribs crushed by the dragon’s attack had punctured several of his organs, and even now, he was suffering from profuse internal bleeding. If he had immediately been healed by a monk or cleric’s staff, then there was a chance he could have been saved, but Bern had not done anything to treat his wounds. They planned to execute him from the start, and decided not to give him any medical attention.
He mustered up the last of his remaining strength and said, “...We were careless… It never crossed our minds that Bern might have resurrected dragons…”
“Dragons?!” Roy shouted in shock.
It was unthinkable that the dragons of legends existed, and Bern was using them to fight. 
Hector looked at Roy, who was utterly bewildered, and continued, “But… … us humans… did fight the dragons once…”
“You mean the Scouring, right? I’ve heard about it as well. Long ago, the human and dragon races split Elibe in half, but then started a war to fight for total control…”
Archsage Athos. Saint Elimine. The Enigma, Bramimond. The Berserker, Durban. The Holy Horseman, Hanon. The Knight of Knights, Barigan. The Little Hero, Roland. And the Hero Hartmut…
The efforts of this group of great heroes were what won humanity the war. As such, they later became known as the “Eight Legends.”
The dragons, as the losing side, disappeared from the continent, and became beings that existed only in legends.
Or so, that was what everyone thought, including Roy - until now.
But Hector’s words disproved all of that. “That was… what we all believed… But, dragons do exist… and we are no match for them.”
“Why… is Bern using dragons?” Roy asked the obvious first question.
Even Hector, the marquess the dragon was used to fight and win against, did not know the answer. Twenty years ago, Nergal attempted to use dragon twins Ninian and Nils to open the “Dragon’s Gate.” But his goal was to take the dragons’ large amounts of quintessence for himself, not use them as tools of war.
How was Bern summoning the dragons into this world, and how were they controlling them? No one had even a guess as to what those answers could be.
“I do not know… But the land… that the dragons once prospered in… was Bern. And Bern… was founded by… one of the Eight Legends… Hartmut. Therein… may lie… the reasons why…” His words were cut short when he coughed up a large amount of blood.
It was likely a sign that he was in his final moments…
“Lord Hector!”
“Roy, go to Ostia. Once there… I want you to lead what is left of Ostia’s army in my place…”
“But I couldn’t…” Roy hesitated to accept Hector’s request. It was more than he could handle.
The unit of the Pherae army he’d led this far was quite small. With his lack of proper leadership experience, he had no confidence that he could be a good leader to more people than he led now.
Still, Hector continued to encourage him. “You will do well… And also… Ostia has a weapon that can damage dragons…”
“A weapon…?”
“I have taught my daughter Lilina about it as well… Speaking of Lilina… take good care of her. Though she acts strong, she is still just a child… Please… give her the support she needs…”
“...I will. You can place your trust in me.” Hector nodded, happy with Roy’s answer, and quietly closed his eyes.
The days of his youth flashed before his eyes. Fighting with his closest friends side-by-side… Meeting the woman who would eventually become his wife... Overcoming several near-death situations… Claiming victory alongside his friends and allies… Returning peace to Elibe… And finally, witnessing the birth of his beloved daughter.
After surviving the loss of his entire family, his wife and daughter became irreplaceable to him.
When his wife Florina passed to the epidemic illness several years ago, he once again felt that he did not have much time left, either.
His only worry was leaving his daughter all alone in the world, but the boy in front of him swore to take care of her.
If anyone could keep that promise, it was the son of the man he trusted more than anyone else in this world.
“...Lilina… I just wish I could see you one last time…” He whispered, then his head lost the last of its strength, and fell to the side.
Those were Hector of Ostia’s final moments. His name would be forever etched in Lycian history as one of its greatest marquesses.
General Narcian traveled alone to visit House Laus of Lycia, Ostia's neighboring territory.
“So nice to see you, Your Excellency, General Narcian!!” Marquess Erik was so welcoming of Narcian to the castle that he was more groveling than merely polite. 
He led Narcian to the lavishly decorated guest room, and Narcian immediately sat down in one of the armchairs, his pompous attitude on full display.
“Lord Erik! It means more to me than anything else in the world that you pledged your allegiance to Bern.”
“There is no future for us in remaining loyal to old treaties.”
“That is a very wise sentiment. Keh keh keh…”
The two looked at each other and laughed.
Twenty years ago, Erik, together with his father Darin, the prior marquess of Laus, had plotted a rebellion against Ostia. However, the efforts of Eliwood, Hector, and their allies utterly crushed their plans before they even became known to the public.
It was proven that Darin’s plot was actually instigated by a mage not affiliated with Lycia, and so it was decided that it would be best not to make the full details public, lest the other countries start to think that the unity between Lycia’s territories was crumbling. Erik was forgiven for his crimes, provided that he never turned his sword against any of the other territories ever again.
However, he was a very prideful man, and the humiliation he suffered as a result of these events filled him with a fiery anger that still burned within him to this day.
And so, he accepted Bern’s proposal to turn to their side. He wanted not only to protect himself and his own position, but also take his revenge against Hector.
“By the way, where is the souvenir you promised me? She doesn’t seem to be here.”
“Ah yes, of course! We have kept her waiting for you in another room. Heh heh heh… She is such a naive girl. When I told her that I could take her to her brother serving in Etruria’s army, she fell right into my hands. I believe her name is Clarine. You, over there! Bring her to us!”
One of the guard soldiers accepted the order, and brought back with him a girl who looked to be about fifteen years old.
Many people from Etruria had enchantingly beautiful blonde hair that was the envy of other countries. This girl was no exception, and she kept her gorgeous golden hair tied back in a ponytail. She was also very slim and dainty, and her big, doll-like eyes were looking around the room.
“Where am I? Where is my brother, Klein?” The girl asked.
Narcian stood from the armchair and walked straight up to her with a lewd smile on his face. “Welcome, Miss Clarine.”
“Who are you?”
“I am Narcian, one of Bern's Three Wyvern Generals. I will dote on you more than enough in your brother's place. Keh keh keh…” Narcian said, still utterly full of himself.
Clarine looked up at him, and could not hold back her laughing.
“Is something wrong, Lady Clarine?”
“You? Please go look at yourself in the mirror. Your clothing, your hairstyle, your speech… everything about you is vulgar, is it not?”
“V-V-Vulgar?! Me, vulgar?!”
“Comparing you to my brother is like comparing a mutt to a purebred!” Clarine’s words didn't just hurt Narcian's pride, they smashed it to pieces.
Those who knew his personality as an overconfident narcissist would never say there was a more beautiful man than he. There was no telling how he would retaliate.
His eyes widened and he said like a small, spoiled child, “Why you little…! You will not get away with this! How dare a little girl like you call me “vulgar”!” Me of all people…!!”
‘I will rip your clothes off your body and make that cute little face writhe in fear and shame!’ Narcian took another step towards her, his dark desires now burning even hotter within him.
That was when a messenger soldier rushed inside the room. “General Narcian, reports are saying that Araphen Castle has been recaptured by the enemy!”
“What?! And Slater?!”
“Ah… his current location is unknown. The enemy is the survivors of the Lycian League. Word is their leader is the son of Marquess Pherae, Roy…”
Narcian clicked his tongue at this new information, and turned towards Erik. “Lord Erik, throw this girl into the dungeon. I shall punish her appropriately when I return! And you, close the main road into Ostia. The enemy may try to pass by there.”
“Y-Yes, sir!” The soldier nodded.
Narcian waved his cape behind him, and Eric saw him off as if he was one of his loyal subjects.
At the same time that Narcian was gathering his soldiers and flying towards Araphen, Roy’s army had already entered Laus territory, so they did not see him.
There are no “what ifs” in history.
But if Narcian did find the Pherae army at that time, it might have entirely changed the events of the war.
“I can’t believe they locked me up in a place like this…” Clarine muttered with a sour expression on her face.
Selling one of the jewels she took from home, she set off on her personal horse to search for her brother, Klein. She was not skilled in planning trips, or anything of the sort. She was simply following her heart.
This led her to arrive in Laus, where she was duped by Erik and tricked into entering the castle.
In the midst of her misfortunate situation, she thought again of her brother, a young nobleman of Etruria.
As she imagined how her beautiful reunion with him would go, a deep male voice reached her ears. “Who are you?!”
“A mercenary hired by this castle. Get out. Looks like Lord Erik is busy.”
She could not make out his face in the dim light, but she could tell that he had dark brown hair that fell to his shoulders.
He unlocked the door and entered the cell. 
Clarine spat back words of absolute refusal. “I will not! Why are so many vulgar men-”
“...Enough already, just get out!!”
“Hey, let go of me, you brute! Do you know who I am…?!” She shouted as loudly as she could and resisted, but she was not strong enough to truly fight back.
The mercenary easily pulled her out of the cell.
Roy accepted Hector's dying wish, and traveled with his army west to Ostia.
Though the Lycian army suffered a huge loss at Araphen, that did not mean Bern had invaded very far into Lycian territory yet. It seemed the roads to Ostia would be safe.
However, when they entered Laus territory, and were a few hours away from the castle by horse, the Laus army suddenly appeared and attacked them, with no interest in negotiating.
“Guh, what’s going on?!” Roy shouted as he fought back. 
Chad answered his question, having just returned from gathering reconnaissance. “Emergency, Lord Roy! Marquess Erik betrayed us to side with Bern!”
“What?! Chad, tell me everything you know!”
Chad explained that he’d snuck into Laus Castle, and saw for himself the truth about Bern and Marquess Erik of Laus, helping Roy finally understand the situation.
The soldier who’d reported to him the details of the Lycian army’s crushing defeat was only able to say that nearly all of their soldiers had been lost, before he himself used up the last of his energy and died.
Roy had no reason to think that a betrayal by one of Lycia’s other Marquesses was one of the reasons why the battle had been lost.
Erik’s actions of betraying his allies was the greatest shame a knight could ever commit. 
Not only that, those actions also led to the destruction of the Lycian army and the death of Hector, whom Roy had greatly respected.
The loss of so many of his fellow countrymen, and an important figure who could never be replaced, filled Roy with intense emotions. Driven by the waves of those emotions, he rushed out onto the front line.
Becoming overwhelmed by temporary emotions and acting on one’s own was a guaranteed way to get killed on a battlefield. The moment Marcus caught a glimpse of his lord in danger, he immediately started to act.
“No, this is bad! Roy is running too far out! Lance, Alen!”
“Yes, Sir!”
“You called, General Marcus?!”
The two cavaliers appeared in response to the veteran general’s shout, as he watched Roy lead a group of foot soldiers to charge further forward. 
“We will devote all of our strength to supporting Roy. Now let’s go!”
Proving that in his old age he was better than ever, Marcus led a group to charge directly into enemy lines and straight towards Laus Castle. Behind him were Alen and Lance, with a small group of brave Pherae soldiers following them as well. While striking down the enemies standing in his way with his lance, glittering gold in the sunlight, Marcas galloped his horse up next to Roy.
“Lord Roy! I understand how you feel, but please keep your emotions under control. The entire knights of Pherae are in your hands! If you forget that, and allow yourself to be overcome by fleeting emotions, then it will not only lead to your soldiers dying in vain, but we will not be able to fulfill our mission, either!”
Marcus’ words were like a bucket of cold water being poured on his head. With them, he calmed down and returned to his senses. “...I’m sorry, Marcus. I still don’t have much experience…”
“Worry not. So long as you take heed of my warning and do not forget it, then everything will be alright. Now then, Lord Roy. Your orders, please.”
“Hm? What orders?”
“To take Marquess Erik’s head.”
Marcus’ words reassured him. He nodded, and gave the order.
Just before the battle between the Pherae and Laus armies started, the mercenary dragged Clarine to the castle stables.
The cavalier unit deployed at the beginning of the battle, so only Clarine’s fawn-colored horse was left. She had been munching on hay, but when she saw her rider, she neighed happily.
Meanwhile, her rider did not notice her at all. Clarine was still trying to break free of the mercenary’s grip.
“Let me go! I said, let me-” To get him to let go of her left hand, she was hitting and pinching him with her free right hand. But the mercenary ignored her aggressiveness, finally letting go when she was in front of her horse.
“Keep quiet. You won’t be able to run away.”
“You…” She stared at him, not expecting him to say something like that.
It was the first time she got a good look at his face. If someone told her he was handsome, she wouldn't say he wasn't. His features gave the impression that he was intelligent and calm.
For a moment, even she, who adored her brother so dearly, could not take her eyes off him.
“Get on that, and run away as fast as you can.” The mercenary said as he pointed at her horse.
His words snapped her back to reality. ‘…He can’t possibly compare to my brother, but…’ She made her judgment of him to herself as she asked aloud, “...Why? Why did you save me?”
“It has nothing to do with you.”
“When you say it like that, it makes me more curious!”
Sick of her pressing the question on him even further, the mercenary opened the stable, picked her up, and put her atop her horse. “You’re running out of time! Go, and hurry!” He slapped the horse’s rear end.
The horse suddenly started galloping away from the castle, taking her rider with her.
“Hey! Isn’t this a battlefield?! …That swordsman is so insensitive! It is a gentleman’s duty to escort a lady out of a castle!”
Even after being lucky enough to be freed from imprisonment, she shouted out complaints about the person who saved her.
Stretched out before her was a grassy plain, where a harsh battle was unfolding. Cavaliers fought each other on horseback, and arrows flew through the air in every direction.
To be able to help her beloved big brother, she was studying to be a troubadour, and could use healing staves. However, she did not possess any capability to fight enemies, so being put out in the middle of a battlefield like this left her helpless to even run away.
For now, the best she could do was distance herself from the direct combat, and look around at each person fighting to get a good look at their faces.
“That cavalier won’t do. The old man gives me the creeps! …And the armor knight has an ugly face! Any knight who would stand next to a lady must at least be able to hold a candle to my brother…” Clarine was searching for a guard to protect her amongst the army fighting Laus.
She felt that in a situation like this one, a lady required a knight to keep her safe from harm, and decided to choose one from amongst the many in front of her. 
It was quite a strange thought to have so close to an army currently engaged in combat, but to her, this was the obvious thing to do.
“There aren’t any knights befitting me at all…” Clarine selected a guard as if she was out shopping in a marketplace. Her eyes settled on a boy with red hair.
He was in the center of one army giving out orders, signaling that he was their commanding officer. When she met Narcian, the messenger soldier had said that the Pherae army’s commander was the marquess’ son, Roy. It was very likely that he was this Roy.
He still looked a bit young, but his appearance was not so bad. Just as she decided that, considering the situation, it would be best for her to compromise, she heard a deep, raspy voice call out, “Hey, I found her! How did that little girl escape from the dungeon?!”
Clarine whirled around to see a group of about five soldiers running towards her. “...This isn’t the time to dawdle!” Sge said aloud, turned back around towards the boy she believed to be the commander, and started steering her horse over towards him.
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tadpolesonalgae · 7 months
hey tabby! 🫀anon here, thank you so much for taking the time to reply and with such kindness at that🥹
>>Gosh, I hope you aren’t disappointed by it—just as a heads up it might be a little slow in parts but I hope you enjoy it :)
First off, Gosh, I don't think I COULD be disappointed by ANYTHING that you write, like honest to God, your work heals me. I'm just having a hard time deciding if I want to wait cbmthy out till it's complete or if I should just start it already 😭 because I know I'll just want to tear my hair off if the latest chapter ends in like a cliffhanger or something.
>>(I loved him being cold, and cruel, and kind of flirtatious 🫢😳)
💯 i mean, sameee gurl sameee 👌🏻
honestly, I loved Rhysand's character soo much throughout the 1st book even tho sjm did not exactly make him seem like a "main" character or one who's on the "good" side in it, and I was even prepared for him as a villain of sorts? like, I don't mean Amarantha or Hybern level of villain, but deffo like badguy with ulterior motives that don't really affect the world in a bad sense but would definitely resort to immoral ways to accomplish said ulterior motives kind of bad? so kinda like an anti hero ig? (sorry if I'm not making sense, it's just English isn't my first language and I didn't know how to translate it best. also, I'm also not very good with words 🥲) which might be why I absolutely loved your dark!Rhys fics, Gods were they amazing, thankyou for writing them luv🤌🏻
>>I never hated Tamlin though
oh I'm so glad somebody resonates with me on this, now I don't know if you still like/don't dislike him after all the books or if you only meant through the first book, but I personally would love to see his character explored a lot more and think there's a lot of scope but for some reason everywhere I see, there's only hate for him(mostly) and I hate that some people judge me(and a lot of other readers) solely on the basis of characters we like/dislike? needless to say, I wouldn't say I hated tamlin either, infact I still enjoy feylin fics a lot even tho I don't get to read very many of them. it's just that back when I was reading ACOMAF I just NEEDED my otp(feysand) to happen fsr lol😅 honestly I don't think I'd have minded all that much if feylin was infact endgame, I'd just have been a little sad is all lol🥲 because how many otps of mine just didn't happen?(😭the answer is in a good high tens)
>>I mean to be fair, I don’t really watch films or tv shows at all anymore, and until acotar I hadn’t read many books so I think I might have been oblivious to those tropes/cliches
I so completely understand this bit, because personally, I'm exhaustingly clueless about a lot of media that people are usually just raving on and on about and it's not usually because I don't want to watch it, but there are these attention deficit tendencies that love visiting me on a regular basis that just won't let me sit down, load a show and watch it till the end😭 I mean, I watched the 1st iron man movie 16 years after it first came out so🥲and it wasn't for a lack of trying, I've been meaning to watch it for the past 8 years or so and I just got around to it. honestly it's a miracle I read all the Acotar books to the end lol
>>Thank you so much for writing in!!
Thank YOU for actually taking out the time to read it AND reply to it, in such detail at that. i truly mean it when I say you're one of the kindest individuals I've interacted with online and you inspire me to pass that kindness on as well.
ps: this isn't exactly an ask but I just couldn't NOT reply to your message, so I'm just glad you read it, you really don't have to reply to it, I'm just happy to have sent this message on it's way.
we all love you, Tabby.
‘First off, Gosh, I don't think I COULD be disappointed by ANYTHING that you write, like honest to God, your work heals me.’
😭🫂🫂🫂🫂 thank you so much 😭🧡💛
‘I'm just having a hard time deciding if I want to wait cbmthy out till it's complete or if I should just start it already 😭 because I know I'll just want to tear my hair off if the latest chapter ends in like a cliffhanger or something.’
Oooh gosh, I guess it’s up to you? There’s still a lot of the story left to write—I’d say we’re probably either half or two thirds of the way there in terms of storyline and events that will happen. It’s not going to be over any time soon, basically, which is both exciting and pretty scary 😭
Honestly I think the tension is in the first half, if that makes sense? (Which it probably doesn’t since you don’t know reader’s fate, but 🤷) There’s going to be a ‘half’ chapter which adds in some contexts to reader’s history, but I think after chapter 15, that should be where the tension relaxes a bit? I like to think that in *very* broad terms, chapters 1 through 15 are the ‘hurt’ ones, and 16 onward will be the ‘comfort’ ones? There are still going to be intense moments but she might not have to be on her own anymore (provided she learns to seek help when she needs it)
‘but deffo like badguy with ulterior motives that don't really affect the world in a bad sense but would definitely resort to immoral ways to accomplish said ulterior motives kind of bad?’
Yes! Like I’m happy with how Feysand turned out, but I would have been fine if Rhys stayed ‘evil’ for a bit longer 🫢 just a few more scenes of him being super scary and Feyre being wary of him 🤭
I feel like even as soon as he first visited her in her cell, there was a suggestion he wasn’t that bad? Especially after we learned only one person bet on her winning? Ignoring how acotar characters would write that off as a whim, from a storytelling standpoint that’s a pretty clear way of singling a character out and making them significant 🤭
‘(sorry if I'm not making sense, it's just English isn't my first language and I didn't know how to translate it best. also, I'm also not very good with words 🥲)’
Girl if you hadn’t straight up said English isn’t your first language, I would’ve had no idea 😭
‘which might be why I absolutely loved your dark!Rhys fics, Gods were they amazing, thankyou for writing them luv🤌🏻’
Thank you so much!!! Yes, I have to say there is a certain appeal to writing dark characters, but only if they have a soft spot of some kind for the reader 😭🧡💛
‘oh I'm so glad somebody resonates with me on this, now I don't know if you still like/don't dislike him after all the books or if you only meant through the first book,’
I didn’t hate him in the first book or any other after that, BUT, I did definitely get frustrated with him during the High Lords’ meeting 😭 I kind of wish we got his perspective on that, or at least more about his character? Because Feyre dismantling stability within the Spring Court was quite a brash move I think, and one she might have decided against if she wasn’t having to deal with so many other matters as well as sorting through her own emotions? Because she definitely went through a lot 😭
I guess I feel that Tamlin has a lot of anger in general, which can make him impulsive and volatile at times—like when Feyre first realised she could make a shield in his office—and I’d love to see Sarah explore that more!!
‘but I personally would love to see his character explored a lot more and think there's a lot of scope’
Yes! Exactly!! There’s so much we don’t know about his character and so much potential to spin new stories? Ugh I would love that so much 😭
‘and I hate that some people judge me(and a lot of other readers) solely on the basis of characters we like/dislike?’
I mean, I think it’s made more complicated because of immersion and how emotionally connected some people feel to characters? I was having a conversation about how we all read the same books but it’s interesting there’s such a vast range of opinions? Like some people really hate Nesta, which I can see why I suppose but I personally love her 🧡💛
I think the problem starts when people get too attached to characters that they’re unable to speak objectively about them? I’m definitely guilty of this too though 😭 one of my friends read acotar and was saying something about Az and how they didn’t like him and I straight up asked them to stop because I knew it would upset me 😭 (they did, which was kind of them ☹️)
‘it's just that back when I was reading ACOMAF I just NEEDED my otp(feysand) to happen fsr lol😅’
No I get that 🤩
The tension being set up both in the one bed at the inn scene and the Court of Nightmares moment just made the resolution really enjoyable for me! Not so much the smut part, but when Rhys finds her in the cabin and they end up having a heart to heart, and Rhys tells her more about his history? It just made me feel so happy for them so I know what you mean about wanting them to get together!
‘but there are these attention deficit tendencies that love visiting me on a regular basis that just won't let me sit down, load a show and watch it till the end’
I don’t have it to that extent, but I know that on a smaller scale, I like having music or videos playing in the background while I work? Especially while doing more domestic work like the washing up, changing my sheets, generally tidying etc. it makes the process so much easier, and I won’t get bored of the work or feel guilty for relaxing during ‘work hours’ on weekends
‘I've been meaning to watch it for the past 8 years or so and I just got around to it.’
8 YEARS?? 🫢
Well done for keeping up the determination to actually watch it! 🎉
‘Thank YOU for actually taking out the time to read it AND reply to it, in such detail at that.’
I honestly cannot explain how much I love getting to speak with you. Genuinely, it’s so wonderful being able to interact with other people who like acotar and especially getting to discuss and debate different elements of the story has got to be one of my favourite things about fandom 🫂🧡💛
‘we all love you, Tabby.’
My eyes are prickling for some reason ☹️
Thank you for writing in and taking the time to read through the fics on here ☹️🫂🧡💛
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kathrynalicemc · 1 year
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A/N: Behold! The next chapter finally after like 3 months oops. There shouldn’t be any more hiatuses until the end of the series as it should end before summer break ends. Unsure if I’ll do weekly or every second week. Also this is a fun date because June 1st was the day Iolanthe left to go on her expedition! This one is short but the next chapters in succession are JUICY!
Warnings: None
Characters: Dafne Arcano, Iolanthe Arcano, Elidon Greyloc, Eli Cairncross @cursebreakerfarrier, Rex Brokenshire, Asa Brokenshire, Zelda Cairncross, Leo Cairncross, Agnes Malinda, and Irene Quinn @gaygryffindorgal
Song: All is Found - Frozen
Chapter 4: The Expedition of 1928
Dafne laid with her back up against the log wall in a pile of furs and blankets. They had been given a place to sleep on the floor near the fire and the rest of her group laid beside her as they tried to sleep.
Dafne, however, couldn’t sleep. Stubbornness and rage quietly boiled within her. There was no way she was going to let Rikke stop them after they’ve come so far.
Additionally, one thing still troubled her. The lack of information in Iolanthes journal made no sense. She absentmindedly flipped through the pages of the journal as the firelight flickered across the room.
Suddenly, a thought occurred to her. Producing her wand from her bag, she gently tapped it against the pages.
Starting from the tip of her wand and spreading outwards, black elegant writing faded into existence. It had no chronologically dated heading and was less formal than the earlier entries.
Dafne gasped softly and then smiled. Of course something as simple as a revelio charm was all that was hiding the rest of the journal. With a family like theirs, not many people would think of using magic. The Arcanos tended to be more viking than wizard nowadays.
If you are reading this, I hope these words have been found by someone worthy to continue my journey. The truth about the Expedition of 1928 is that we did find the Lost City of Valhalla. However, on the first day of our arrival we were met with a small cabin upon the mountainside. The only inhabitant was a woman who introduced herself as Ran Ymir.
Obviously, this woman is all that is left of the mysterious missing third family that originated with the Arcano and Varangr families. She explained to us that her duty was to guard the city and never unseal it. This, of course, led to a very big argument with both parties. Ran was very insistent and refused us at every turn. However, she did relent and allowed us to explore and record everything about the front gates.
If only everyone could see what we did. History about centuries past was right before our eyes! All I could think about was how I touched carvings that were once carved and touched by someone else who lived in ages past. Oh the stories they could tell!
We spent the next week studying the ruins carved around the sealed door. Eli, Rex, Asa, Zelda, and Leo particularly enjoyed themselves as they translated runes (with my help of course) and recorded sketches in their own journals.
Irene and Agnes had their sights set elsewhere, however. They took it upon themselves to continue the fight with Ran. Being an investigator and a journalist, they used all their wiles and charm to try to persuade her. When that failed, they started to return to arguments and shouting, which I then had to smooth over.
As for myself, I spent the week trying every enchantment and counter charm I could think of to try to break the seal on the door myself. When all of them inevitably failed, I even resorted to spell creation and experimentation. I’ve had my fair experience in spell crafting. It can often turn dangerous for those who don’t know what they are doing. I threw everything I had at it and it still wouldn’t budge. What I wouldn’t give to meet these ancient viking wizards who could conjure up such magic powerful enough to defeat me, the youngest Magiens Mester in history. Even Elidon, my Second in Command, couldn’t affect it with his magic. Although, I suspect his heart wasn’t in it as I noticed he was quite taken by Ran. She too also must have felt the same as I often caught her looking his way. Our failure just drives me more to want to enter the city. Imagine the knowledge we could gain if only we could access their library.
Eventually, we reached a point that we could no longer gain any more useful information from the front gates or from Ran Ymir. With a sad heart, I decided to call it. I am regretful that I couldn’t give my team any more secrets to explore and uncover, as I promised them.
Before we left, Ran pulled me aside and pleaded with me to promise to not reveal this discovery to the public. Everything we wrote about had to be hidden and put away, never to see the light of day. I argued against it, but ultimately we didn’t find anything of worth. Failing in finding a mythical city would sound better than finding it and failing to open a simple door. Thus, I forbade the entire team from publishing anything we had found. Agnes and Irene argued heavily against this, but eventually agreed that our discovery was sparse anyway. I felt bad about dragging my team across Norway for a month and having them return with nothing so I paid them all double of what was promised.
And so, the Expedition of 1928 concluded. We boarded the Empyrean and took off once again into the sky and returned home. I have no doubt that I will think about that city for the rest of my life. I will never stop experimenting with counterspells so that one day I can return and reclaim what was once ours.
I now speak directly to whomever reads this journal. If you have the drive to seek out this journal and the city, I wish you luck. I doubt that I will be living, but I hope that I am. I hope to see the day that someone can take up my legacy and succeed where I did not. Our ancestors are smiling down at us and their stories deserve to be told.
Yours in time,
Iolanthe Arcano, Magiens Mester
Her elegant looping signature marked the end of the message. Dafne trailed her finger along the long written ink stained page that held her signature. She had never met her great great grandmother Iolanthe, although she was alive briefly when Dafne herself was just a baby. It occurred to her then that her uncle Kaari must have known her, and maybe even heard some of her stories. Passing stories down from ancestor to ancestor was a beloved practice of her family.
Flipping through the rest of the pages, she frantically searched for anything else from Iolanthe that could help her. There were no more words, however the rest of the journal was filled with rough sketches of carvings, translations of runes, and magical alchemical formulas of spell creation.
Dafne looked up from her journal and stared into the dancing flames within the hearth across the room and wondered what stories she would eventually tell her descendants.
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angelsrecs · 2 years
Completed | T | 23k
Main tags: Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi, Getting Together, Alternate Universe- Asian Americans, High School, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
“What unites both generations [OF ASIAN AMERICANS], Eng and Han suggest, is a kind of linguistic lack, a missing vocabulary—a paucity of stories that they might tell themselves about where they are going, and what it would mean to feel whole.”
Kiyoomi Sakusa has spent the last seventeen years believing he is boring. He has never met anyone inclined to challenge this belief.
c/w: self-harm, blood, implied child abuse
The main reason I love this fic so much is because sakusa is so relatable in this fic. One of the central themes of this fic is the “Asian American experience” and cultural dissonance. I’m a second (and 1/2 I guess? My mom moved when she was a kid, my dad was born here) generation Chinese Canadian and it was like sakusa was written just to remind me of my experiences.
This bring me into my first favourite scene:
“But when we were talking just now, you said Kiyomi, which is wrong. You're missing a vowel. You're missing the other 'o.'"
"Am I?" Kiyoomi asks, the shame returning, the pebble in his belly expanding into a stone.
"Yeah, you sure are." Atsumu's eyes are far away, but his voice reaches a hand down Kiyoomi's throat and tugs.
It comes up green.
I don’t know any Chinese—mandarin or cantonese—like I should. When I was a child I was put into Chinese school; my Saturday’s were spent learning mandarin (because my parents thought it would be more useful for my future) instead of the Cantonese my parents knew. When I was in grade 1, full of resentment of having an extra day of school unlike my other friends, when my mandarin homework was too difficult for my parents to help me with, I begged my parents to let me stop. As a last ditch effort they put me into the Cantonese equivalent of my grade level and I just remember being so confused and hopeless that class. I never had to go again after that. Now I can’t even write my own name anymore and during family gatherings I say hello and look to my parents to translate for me when they inevitably as the usual How old are you now? How’s school going? When the subject comes up on why I don’t know Chinese I tend to blame my parents Why didn’t you speak it at home when I was younger? Why did you put me in mandarin classes? but in all honesty it’s my fault for giving up. I think about that a lot. Back to the point, I had some other Chinese friends ask what my Chinese name and when I said it there were some laughs about what it sounded like (wash hair). I’m pretty sure it’s because of my pronunciation (because canto and mandarin shouldn’t be that different); anyways, this scene really struck home.
I don’t know anything about OCD other than what was put in a chapter of my into to psychology class, but I think hatsuna does an incredible writing Sakusa’s OCD. I appreciated how they included definitions in the diagnosis scene, as well as how we see his experience full frontal during the fic.
Also I’m a sucker for words as a motif so when humanity/being alive is repeated throughout this fic it felt a punch to the stomach (this is a good thing) every time.
Kiyoomi remembers the rush of heat he felt in his cheeks at this declaration—the unshakable understanding that he was human. It simmered in his stomach for a long, long time. 
Because a name means you are real. A name means you are real. 
[movies] are a form of proof that yes, we were human, and yes, we were here.
Another thing I loved in this fic is the way hatsuna writes relationships, platonic or romantic.
I loved how the author also explored sakusas relationship with his mother (oh god here comes another tangent). My mom is a 1st Gen immigrant and while she didn’t move on her own (let alone move for me like in this fic), if I think about her childhood too much I get kinda weepy. She moved because of the Vietnam war and to keep it short, I know I’m extremely privileged to be in the position I am. She doesn’t talk much about that time (to me or to my dad either I’m pretty sure), but I heard one story from my aunt is how she fell off the boat when travelling from Vietnam. My mom has always been afraid of water.
One of the things I get on my fyp the most on tiktok is clips of people’s podcasts (sorry they’re kinda good and I’ve found some nice ones this way) and I remember 2 clips really vividly; they were from 2nd gen immigrants talking about their parents and the sacrifices they made and the guilt & gratitude that comes with it. I think that’s more of the angle this fic takes.
She’s out cold before Kiyoomi can tell her that he knows. That he knows monsters and martyrs are two sides of the same coin, that perhaps mothers are the closest thing humans will ever get to angels. 
Regarding the relationship between sakusa & atsumu, I wouldn’t say this is a slow burn, but we get these wonderful snippets of their development with this snapshot style of writing which takes me to my other favourite parts of this fic
The chuckle his partner lets out flutters like butterfly wings; it kisses him on the cheek. And just like that—all liquid gold and lavender—it dawns on Kiyoomi that Atsumu embodies happiness. Miya Atsumu is joy itself.
“What word were you assigned for the project again?” Kiyoomi starts exporting his video. “Happiness,”
"Love," Maria repeats, her eyes still glued to her true-tone screen. She's rereading her script one last time, checking for spelling errors before she submits it. "I thought your word was love."
Note: I cut out a few section of this last scene so it’s more succinct
Author does such a good job balancing the romance aspect and the more.. character study aspect (not quite sure how to word it). Like I said this isn’t quite a slow burn because I don’t feel the type of tension that’s associated with the tag, their development is more like a flow of water that builds up to the confession scene between the two.
For anyone else who has felt like a part of them has been missing due to being raised outside of their home country, YOUR BEST AMERICAN BOY will lay you bare in the best way possible.
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dfroza · 2 months
A letter to connect hearts & minds
(until seeing in body)
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 3rd chapter of the letter of 1st Thessalonians:
But after all our attempts to come to you were frustrated, we decided it was best for Silvanus and me to stay behind in Athens by ourselves and to send Timothy (our dear brother [and servant of God], our partner in the good news of the Anointed One) to strengthen, comfort, and encourage you in your faith so that you won’t be shaken by the sufferings and wither under this stress that we know lies ahead. Certainly you remember that when we were with you, we warned you of the suffering we would have to endure; now, as you well know, it has happened. This is why I couldn’t stand it anymore and sent Timothy to report on the state of your faith: because I was worried the tempter had tested you and, if so, all of our hard work would have come to nothing.
You can imagine my relief and joy when Timothy returned to us with such good news about you, about your faith and love for us, about how you have such good memories of us and long to see us as much as we long to see you. Hearing this about your faith, brothers and sisters, brought comfort to us in our stress-filled days of trouble and suffering. For if you are set firmly in the Lord, then we can truly live. What thanks would ever be enough to offer God about you for all the jubilant celebration we’ll feel before our God because of you? We remain vigilant in our prayers, night and day praying to once again see your faces and to help complete whatever may be lacking in your faith.
May God Himself, our Father, along with our Lord Jesus, [the Anointed One,] navigate our way to you. May the Lord flood you with an unending, undying love for one another and for all humanity, like our love for you, so that your hearts will be reinforced with His strength, held blameless and holy before God, our Father, when our Lord Jesus, [the Anointed, the Liberating King,] appears along with all His holy ones. [Amen.]
The Letter of 1st Thessalonians, Chapter 3 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
It is obvious Paul loves Jesus, and His Spirit reinforces Paul in every way. How else is he able to walk away from beating after beating or endure trials of the heart and mind? He must constantly be praying for those he can and can’t reach, for those he is with and for those he has to leave behind. Paul loves Jesus, and so he cannot help but embrace the world as passionately as he does.
Today’s paired reading from the First Testament is the 12th chapter of the book of Numbers:
While they were at Hazeroth, Miriam and Aaron chastised Moses for marrying a foreign woman—a Cushite (and it was true that he did indeed marry such an African).
Miriam and Aaron: Has the Eternal One spoken only through Moses? No, the Eternal has also spoken through us.
Now, the Eternal One heard this. For his part, Moses was a uniquely humble fellow, more humble than anyone in the entire world. All of a sudden, the Eternal called the three siblings together.
Eternal One: Come here, you three—Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. Join Me at the congregation tent.
They did. The Eternal One descended in a cloud-column, stood at the tent opening, and summoned just Aaron and Miriam. They came forward.
Eternal One: Listen to Me. When there are prophets in your midst, I, the Eternal One, will show Myself to them in visions, and will sound My voice in their dreams. It’s different with My servant, Moses. I have entrusted him above anyone else in My whole house, and with him I communicate face-to-face. We speak directly and without riddles. He can even see the very form of the Eternal. So why aren’t you nervous about criticizing My servant, Moses?
The Eternal left, quite angry with Miriam and Aaron. When the cloud lifted from the congregation tent, you could see that Miriam had been stricken with a disfiguring skin condition. Her skin looked white, like snow. Aaron looked at her, saw this, and immediately turned to Moses.
Aaron: Please, Moses, my lord, don’t punish us for this offense that we so stupidly committed. Don’t leave her in this partial death—like a stillborn baby whose flesh is already half-rotted away!
Moses (pleading to the Lord): O, God, I ask You to please heal her!
Eternal One (to Moses): If her father had been angry with her and made it obvious by, say, spitting in her face, wouldn’t she have to bear her shame for a week? Just so, you must ostracize her from the camp for seven days. After that, she can rejoin the community.
So Miriam was shut out of the community for seven days, which also meant that the whole group didn’t travel until Miriam was brought back in, and they set out again. They journeyed from Hazeroth into the Paran Wilderness and set up camp there.
The Book of Numbers, Chapter 12 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
Moses is described as uniquely close to the Lord. He is singled out as God’s servant, a distinction reserved for a few in the Old Testament, with David being the most notable. His importance is underscored by God’s unique communication with Moses. It is direct, plain, and without trances, visions, or dreams. Literally, the communication is right in God’s face. The idea here is that it is not veiled but intimate; there is a closeness between God and Moses no other person shares. But in the same way that Jesus will be understood only by those who know Him and are known by Him, God’s communication to Moses is different. It is not a riddle that is hard to understand or easy to confuse. God is seen and heard clearly by His servant and friend, Moses.
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Tuesday, july 9 of 2024 with a paired chapter from each Testament (the First & the New Covenant) of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons:
In connection with our Torah reading for this week, parashat Chukat (חוקת), we note that the Hebrew word “chok” (חוֹק) means a “divine decree,” related to a verb meaning “to engrave” (לַחקוֹק). The sages say that the word is directed to a desire to do God’s will that is “engraved” upon the heart (חקוק על הלב) rather than simply understood with the intellect (2 Cor. 3:3).
Indeed the very first time “chok” (חוֹק) appears in the Torah concerns Abraham's obedience of faith as demonstrated by the "Akedah" sacrifice (קרבן עקדה) of his beloved son (Gen. 26:5), and the second time concerns the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb of God: (כבש הפסח) "This day shall be for you a memorial day, and you shall keep it as a feast to the LORD; throughout your generations, as an eternal decree (חֻקַּת עוֹלָם), you shall keep it as a feast (Exod. 12:12-13).
Because both the Akedah and the sacrifice of the Passover lamb reveal God’s "yeshuah" (יְשׁוּעָה), his salvation, we are to engrave the significance of our deliverance by the Lamb of God within our hearts forever. Just as God Himself has engraved us upon his own heart, it is written, "behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands" (הֵן עַל־כַּפַּיִם חַקּתִיךְ; Isa. 49:16).
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Isaiah 49:16 reading:
Hebrew page:
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from Today’s email by Israel365
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
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nmarfo · 1 year
Starting Manga on a phone
So I have a proper blog, where I talk about anime and video games on, but I don't really talk about Manga at all on any sites, mainly because I just started reading a few and also because I've mostly been reading one series, New Game! It's about girls who make video games, and it's amazing, at least for me.
Problem for me is, I haven't bought one of the book in a while, and I can't right now due to lack of space, so I decided to read some other stuff on my phone in the meantime.
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The anime is also very good btw.
But recently, I've been reading something on my phone called Saotome-Senshu. Hitakakusu, or Saotome's Secret as I'm going to call it since that's what it roughly translates to. It never got a release in the West outside of France, despite it coming out in the 2010s which is... interesting.
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It's pretty neat after reading the 1st volume, though I admit, I'm a sucker for this kinda premise. Saotome Yae, is one of the best female high school boxers around. confesses to her crush Tsukishima Satoru, who ends up becoming her coach from there it's about exploring a relationship between Saotome and Satoru, and I like it because it reminds me of the anime My Love Story! in how Yae feels different to the standard high school girls around her.
I honestly don't know why, but having characters doubt if they are worthy of romantic love or not is one of my favourite tropes/themes in fiction.
The other thing I read was Girl Crush. Felt it was neat, but I've only read about 1 chapter, so no judgement on my part yet.
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But yea. That's all I wanted to talk about. Maybe I'll do this more on here since I like to ramble a lot, but for now, I need some sleep.
0 notes
chiskz · 2 years
... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ .. Stray 9th
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Stray 9th, the survival and entertainment show in which the ninth member of Stray Kids was to be selected. It lasted 10 weeks, which translated into 10 episodes (8 episodes of the show, the final, plus a special episode "Meet our Participants!").
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For the first 4 weeks ("phase one"), 20 participants took part in various competitions showing their skills, they introduced themselves to the viewers and the rest of Stray Kids, who were behind-the-scenes viewers ("Stray Kids Corner"). After the first evaluation at the end of the first month, 10 participants advanced to the second month.
For the next 4 weeks ("phase two"), the participants were already facing the challenges made by Stray Kids themselves, trying to build a relationship with them. The most important of them was "Your Member's Challenge", during which participants had to face a task related to the passion of a random Stray Kids member. The reward for successfully completing the task was a lunch with the selected member, during which they spent time alone with the member, thus having the opportunity to present themselves in more natural conditions.
After another 4 weeks, 3 participants remained in the program. The final task was to perform with selected two members of Stray Kids (repetition of members not allowed), the audience voted to performance with the most visible chemistry on the stage. The final choice, however, was made by the Stray Kids themselves, along with JYP, during the final live episode.
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... ✿° TRIVIA
Chichi applied to the program after taking advantage of the lack of gender regulation in the application documents (everyone took it for granted that only men should join the male group. They were confident enough not to include it in the clause)
To her surprise, she was not rejected after she presented her version of the choreography for Hellavator at the casting.
She went through the first phase in 4th place, presenting her own choreography for "Runner's High" by 3Racha.
The member she drew at "Your Member's Challenge" was Changbin, who took her to the gym to do his routine training with him. Changbin was surprised by her great physical fitness, which Ichi explained with years of dancing and training and lifting weights. Thus, Ichi won the dinner.
After the second evaluation, she ended up at 2nd place, which made her to enter the final. After selection done by the participant from first place, she chose Lee Know and Hyunjin for the cover of "Mirotic", which she had planned herself, also changing the choreography.
Ichi was chosen both by audience support (amounting to 49 percent and 35% and 16% respectively for the 2nd and 3rd entrants) and by Stray Kids and JYP saying that "it has been a long time since he felt so excited to open a new chapter in k-pop history."
After getting 1st place Chichi finally revealed to others her age, revealing that she is older than Bang Chan, which makes her the oldest member of the group. She concealed her age so that members would feel more at ease with her and that they would not use any honorifics.
Ichi made her debut under the stage name Chichi as the 9th member of Stray Kids in December 2019, with the EP "Clé: Levanter", with "Levanter" as the title track.
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... ✿° Ichi's Screentime during "Meet our Participants! - Stray 9th Special Episode" produced after the second evaluation (with 10 participants left)
Official Introduction: "Hello, I'm Ichi Park, number 1 in your heart! I'm also the only one different here, but I'll do my best and will do as well as my colleagues! Please wait for me!"
... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ .. TRIVIA
Chichi said she decided to participate in the program to tackle gender stereotypes. She always felt that she had a lot more energy and stamina than her female friends, so she started training and dancing like a man, which was a greater, interesting challenge for her, so she wanted to debut with Stray Kids who "stole her heart at first sight with their great energy."
Chichi got along best with the youngest participant, Yuuta from Japan. Yuuta unfortunately didn't get into the second phase, however he was the first to contact Chichi after her winning.
After the first meeting of Stray Kids members, Chichi chose Bang Chan as the member who intimidates her the most and Felix as the member she feels most comfortable with. She also expressed her concerns about Han: "Han-hyung doesn't seem to believe me I can handle it. He hasn't spoken to me even once, even though I've tried. I'll work even harder and practice longer to prove him, that I'm worthwhile believing in me."
Chichi also chose Han as a member with whom she would like to improve her relations, thus describing them as "the coolest of all she has with members".
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... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ .. Stray Kids about Ichi:
Bang Chan: She's really cute when she's not dancing. But when she does, you don't want to believe it's the same person.
Lee Know: She dances really well. She controls what she does and has superhuman stamina... I admire her.
Changbin: She is cute and athletic, but also has a lot to say. This is a person from whom I would like to seek advice.
Hyunjin: She dances very well. She lacks the confidence in vocals or rap, but when you let her move you don't notice it.
Han: Being the most outstanding one is always difficult.
Felix: I'd like to get to know her more. She seems like a girl who has a lot to say but no one is listening to.
Seungmin: She needs to gain more confidence. She is capable of reaching the top, and I want to witness it.
I.N: Ichi-chan! Let's eat together sometime!
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bidokja · 2 years
I so agree w that post where you described orv as a fever dream bc SAME. People are out there complaining abt their media like how "part x had bad pacing" "they ruined char x development" "bad writing" and then orv here is just??? Seemingly flawless?? Like all the characters and their developments are important and amazing, the concepts of like trauma (as you said)/other psychological topics are so well represented and there's literally a god given incredibly unique meta plot that hits u in all the right spots with all it's very unpredictable plot twists (at least fr me)
and the ending?? God the ending is what stories are supposed to do. it feels like a summation of everything up to that point and everything makes sense and your just there losing ur mind and dying bc every new thought u have hits u like a truck. It's like. the story of all time.
And tbh i think it's severely underrated, even amongt webtoons. Not to be a sore loser but if it was an anime or smn, i think it would have WAYY more hype than it has rn. Little to no large media I've consumed are as consistent as orv is. Like I genuinely think that this is just the beginning and that it has a long way to go in the next few years. I can't wait for the last ep of the live adaptation or whatever lol <3
that being said!! i have Thoughts xhsjd
i'm on the fence about how i feel irt other adaptions of ORV, since ORV is best consumed as a web novel imo. the whole point of it, the biggest impact, is that you are Reading this Novel just like KDJ was at the very start of the series. his name itself means Reader. it's an important detail both for him individually and for ORV as a whole, thematically.
while i do like Seeing certain scenes illustrated, there is much about ORV that works best (or ONLY works) because it is a story of Words. still, i do like that it means we will keep getting more ORV content, and hopefully i will be pleasantly surprised by some well done adaptions down the road!
anyways yeah like. ORV is just so?? Well Done. Put Together (surprising given how messy it also is dksdjdkd). i can only think of...two or three complaints about ORV? and NONE of it is like...heavily consequential to what it is meant to convey, or even beyond personal taste of mine.
1) The inconsistent and sometimes inaccurate translations (which isn't the original writing's fault, plus i read it for free so i'm not about to lodge a formal complaint here or anything).
2) the lgbtphobia isn't a cute look i'll be real but it is unfortunately something i will choose to read past in cases where its not like, the point or focus imbedded into the media itself. it is not one of the take-aways or themes of the series.
3) in my opinion, there is actually a noticeable lack of various characters' interactions and developments, but this was likely done (mostly, though not fully) on purpose. i believe it's a writing decision fueled by the same Thing as their decision to have the novel be almost entirely in 1st person...and then slowly have more and more chapters where it's Not. it's about the impact, and what this lack of interaction/communication (and When it is most prominent) and what this viewpoint shift Convey thematically, qs well as the impact this has shown for the characters themselves at times. *points back at the ORV Is A PTSD Allegory thing*
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hakuoyuki · 3 years
I’m the same anon and I’d like to know more about Cyril etc :)
I’m open to all spoilers and thank you
Hello Anon!!! I've been eagerly waiting for this ask!! φ( ̄▽ ̄*)ポッ
Since you are open to all spoilers, I shall deliver in full, all the deeds on Cyril and all his interactions + conversation to date (as of Aug 13, 2021)~!
Note: Updated as of Sep 8, 2021 with links to additional Cyril cameos (in promotional materials)
Although I would like to first give my biggest apologies for the very delayed reply since this has turned out to be much much longer than I initially expected it to be.
First of all, I’ll start with the general pieces of information which doesn’t thread on spoilers.
Clavis’ “attendant knight who is always by his side” was first introduced in Luke’s route (in both ends) as 騎士 (Knight). But every time this “attendant knight” shows up, his unique character, mannerism and style of speaking makes it clear that the one showing up is always the same “knight”. His very next appearance 10 days after the release of Luke’s route comes with a reveal that his name is シリル. Due to the lack of official English spelling, the name “シリル” could be spelt as any of the following: Cyril / Cyrille / Cyryl / Silyl. Until we get an official spelling for his name (be it from him being revealed to be a suitor, or from IkePri ENG giving us the official spelling of his name when the Royal Wedding SE Part 2 comes around), I shall stick to “Cyril” as the way to refer to him until then.
The rest of the content under the cut consists of spoilers of quotes and descriptions as translated from the JP version of the following stories which aligns with the chronological order of Cyril’s cameos:
・Luke Route (Passionate Love End) Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 25 (End Chapter):17 May 2021
・Luke Route (True Love End) Chapter 25 (End Chapter):17 May 2021
・Story Event: Royal Wedding ~The Prince and the Fake Bride~ Part.2 ~ Clavis Route (Common Route & Premium End):27 May 2021
・Clavis’s Birthday ~1st~ “It’s Fine to Fall in Love with Me More Though?” (His POV):8 June 2021
・Story Event: 1st Anniversary Event Part.1 ~ *Chevalier Route (Common Route, and at the start of both Sweet & Premium Ends):17 June 2021 *(With Chevalier’s main route spoiler on who became king due to translation difficulty)
・Story Event: 1st Anniversary Event Part.1 ~ Clavis Route (Common Route):17 June 2021
・Collection Event: Beast Knight 〜For the Sake of You Who He Loves〜 : Clavis Story (Welcome, Customer):20 August 2021
So please be forewarned before proceeding :)
Other Cyril cameos
・ [Notice Letter from Clavis] - Mentions of Cyril:25 August 2021
・ [Clavis Twitter Hijacking] - Cyril joined in:29 August 2021
・ [Clavis Route Release Line Chat] - Cyril joined in:8 September 2021
Note: Since we know his name is Cyril, I will be putting his name in brackets when his name plate shows up as “Knight” for the quotes.
[Luke Route (Passionate Love End) Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 25 (End Chapter)]
Luke’s Passionate Love End is the first time Cyril made his appearance in Ikemen Prince. His first appearance was as a nameless “knight” who is described to “always be by Clavis’ side”. His introduction happened in Chapter 23 but his conversation with MC in this chapter reveals that during the whole time MC was with Clavis in Chapter 22 while the two were conversing with Sariel, Cyril was also there with them. This point was proven when Cyril quoted a sentence Clavis said to MC in Chapter 22. A nameless “knight” once again showed up in Chapter 25 but his style of speech and mannerism is just like the knight in Chapter 23 (as well as the knight who’s later revealed in following stories to be “Cyril”). So we shall be proceeding under the assumption that they are one and the same.
[Quotes from Luke’s passionate love end Chapter 23]
Say Hi to Cyril’s first ever debut~!
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In the middle of the downpour, the knight who is always by Clavis' side (Cyril) and I were looking for Luke together
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Knight (Cyril): ......Ah
MC: What's the matter?
The knight (Cyril) spread his arm to stop me from advancing forward
Knight (Cyril): I sense someone ahead. It's probably Prince Chevalier and Prince Luke
MC: Really!?
As I was about to rush forward, the knight (Cyril) grabbed me by my collar without any mercy
Knight (Cyril): Ahh alright alright, running off all of a sudden like that is a no
Knight (Cyril): That unprecedented bastardーー I mean, Prince Clavis said it too didn't he. *That you must use your head
*This is the part where Cyril is quoting what Clavis said to MC in Chapter 22 before they left the castle and headed into the forest
MC: .....He... did
MC: (.....I better stay calm)
The knight (Cyril) walked ahead of me and after a few minutes of walking forwardーー sound of blades clashing reached our ears
MC: (Found them!)
Knight (Cyril): If you get in between them as they are now, *miss, you're going to die
*Cyril calls MC お嬢さん (I will be translating it to “miss”)
MC: (What do I do.....)
MC: *(How do I stop them?)
*This was the +4 +4 choice, the following two lines (marked with *) may differ based on choice selection
*MC: Luke! Prince Chevalier!
*Knight (Cyril): Ahh, they can't hear you can they. To be having a sword fight in the middle of the rain like this, doesn't seem like our voices would reach them
MC: ........Do you have confidence that you would be able to stop them.....?
Knight (Cyril): No...... is what I want to say but, truth is, Prince Clavis gave me something to look after for him right here
What the knight (Cyril) took out was a cute looking small bottle that totally doesn't go along with this tense atmosphere
MC: Uh...... That is?
Knight (Cyril): The way to use is simple. First, take off the lid. Second, throw it
[Huge explosion SFX followed by smokes]
Knight (Cyril): Then in an instant, I don't know the principles behind it but it causes a huge explosion
Note: apparently Clavis had Cyril held onto a grenade for him a;sfkljfksflj
MC: Is this fine!?
MC: (But those two might have stopped moving because of this....)
MC: .....Uh, thank you Mr Knight
Knight (Cyril): Sure sure. I simply did what I can in my power. ーーAs for after this, may the fortunes of war be in your favor
[Toward the end of Luke’s passionate love end Chapter 23 in Part 5, the knight (Cyril) showed up once again, this time together with Clavis]
Clavis: In short, what I meant to say isーー
Knight (Cyril): Don't blame yourself for it, right? Prince Clavis, the carriage is ready. A doctor has been prepared too.
Clavis: ......Hmhmm. I'm a man who can read the atmosphere so I'm not going to complain about how you stole my words away from me. I'll hold back saying anything more for now.
[Quotes from Luke’s passionate love end Chapter 25 (End Chapter)]
A country of commerce and seaーー Benitoite’s city was brimming with even more liveliness than Rhodolite.
MC: (As expected, hearing about it is one thing, but seeing it like this feels completely different)
Knight (Cyril): Miss, it’s fine to look around but please don’t get lost alright?
MC: S-Sorry
I went back to stay by the side of the knight (Cyril) who Clavis had came with me under good intentions.
The meeting spot agreed upon with Luke ought to be this area...
MC: (But I don’t see Luke anywhere)
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Knight (Cyril): ......Ah
MC: What’s the matter?
Knight (Cyril): I won’t speak of something bad so, please hide behind me a bit
MC: (......?)
The moment the knight (Cyril) moved me to hide behind himーーFrom the nearby alley, a “human” flew out.
MC: (...........Eh!?)
As the man collided against the wall of the building, he slid down to the ground.
It wasn’t just one person, but two, and a third. Following each other, they piled on top of each other in the same manner.
MC: (W-what......?)
It wasn't just me, but everyone were dumbfounded. In the midst of that,
A bear-like big figure walked out of the alley as he lazily tidied his hair
Luke: Geez... Of all days, don't make an attack on the day that MC is coming here
Luke: I can't keep it moderate
MC: (Eh........Luke!?)
Well-dressed Man (Flashy Bling Bling Man): ......Wait, Luke....... aren’t you going a bit too far?
The well-dressed man who came running after Luke had turned pale.
Luke: What? I did my job so there’s no problem isn’t there?
Luke: Well, I’m leaving the rest to the soldiers then
Well-dressed Man (Flashy Bling Bling Man): Wait, your reward!
With one hand, Luke caught the jute bag that the man threw toward him after taking it out from his pocket in a fluster.
Luke: Thanks! Come hire me again.
MC: (......I totally have no idea what’s going on here!)
As Luke walked over in my direction where I stood dumbfounded without moving, our eyes met.
Luke & MC: ......Ah
Knight (Cyril): Well then, I’m no longer of use here huh. *MC, best wishesー
*When calling MC by name, Cyril uses 様 (sama) suffix. (This too, is another consistency in his speech mannerism when he shows up again in later events.)
MC: ...Uh, T-Thank you.
In a hurry, the knight (Cyril) very quickly blended himself in with the crowd and disappeared away.
[Luke Route (True Love End) Chapter 25 (End Chapter)]
Due to his very minor appearance here, at first glance, the “knight” by Clavis’ side pretty much seems like a mob character. Just a nameless NPC. But given what’s gradually revealed about Cyril, everything points back to this nameless knight who showed up in Luke’s True Love End, despite not a word being uttered, to be the same knight who showed up in Luke’s Passionate Love End, the knight who’s “always by Clavis’ side”, Cyril.
Note: It is later revealed in following stories after Luke’s route that whenever Clavis pulls a Clavis, he often end up dragging Cyril into it as his accomplice.
[Quotes from Luke’s true love end Chapter 25 (End Chapter)]
Quickly opening the door, the one who stood there was a princeーーBut not the one I was expecting.
Clavis: It’s been a while, MC. A prince has come to pick you up
MC: .....Um, why is Clavisーー
Clavis: You’re happy, you are right? After all such a gorgeous man has came to pick you up
Clavis: It’s quite a rush but, how about you get changed?
MC: (Eh......eh?)
Grandly disregarding my bewilderment, Clavis clapped his hands and
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The knight who waited by his side (Cyril) apologetically handed me a set of clothes.
Note: Spoilers, what he handed her was a maid dress.
[Story Event: Royal Wedding ~The Prince and the Fake Bride~ Part.2 ~ Clavis Route (Common Route & Premium End)]
In the common route of this event, Clavis’ attendant knight is back! Furthermore, this event is where his name is first revealed during the premium end that’s in Clavis’ POV! From this point on, Cyril’s name will no longer be in a bracket when his name plate actually uses his name (all stories which are in Clavis’ POV).
[Quotes from Common Route]
Clavis: Honestly, if there's a slit in the dress up to the knee, that would be my favorite but....
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Knight (Cyril): What are you trying to do showing legs while wearing a wedding dress. Are you an idiot, Prince Clavis
Without me realizing, a knight (Cyril) had came to stay by Clavis’ side.
Every now and then, I’ve seen this knight (Cyril) with Clavis so perhaps he might be a head knight who's a prince's attendant
Clavis: Hahah, call it clothes that are the latest in fashion
Clavis: MC, if you have something you wish for then just speak up without refrain. It may be fake, but this is your first time wearing a wedding dress isn’t it?
Clavis: To not enjoy it would be a waste wouldn’t it?
MC: (To not enjoy it would be a waste... perhaps it really is so)
I gave the wedding dress another look.
MC: I think it’s already a plenty enough wonderful dress as it is
Knight (Cyril): Then how about some accessories?
Knight (Cyril): As the fee for troubling you, please use Prince Clavis’ wallet to buy the most expensive accessory. I'll arrange it for you
[I am omitting this part until Cyril spoke up again since the conversation entirely focused on Clavis & MC here]
Clavis: I see, you’re madly in love eh? I’m such a sinful guy.....
MC: (He’s a troublesome guy but why does he have such a wasteful sexual appeal)
I tried to tell myself that my noisy heart rate is just my own imagination.
Knight (Cyril): There’s no time to be playing around now. After all, you must try on the dress for the engagement reception party too.
Clavis: Oops, that’s true.
[Quotes from Premium End (His POV - Clavis)]
Note: This part of the premium end is a flashback to before the start of common route.
In the guest room openly occupied as his 2nd personal room, Clavis sat down on the sofa and stood right by him was a knight.
??? (Cyril): You really are an idiot aren’t you, idiot. No, you’re always an idiot, but this time on an even larger scale.
Clavis: Hahah, praising me gains you nothing. More importantly Cyril, how’s the outcome of things?
The attendant who all in all, always becomes his accomplice start giving his report while complaining
Cyril: First is the lady’s reply. She’ll cooperate with Prince Clavis in the act he puts on.
Clavis: As expected, after all that lady has a trait of enjoying jokes. Give her a hefty payment.
Cyril: Alright alright, as for the attendees of the engagement reception party, that’s prepared as told
Note: Notice how the way he speaks is just like the “knight” who showed up in Luke’s passionate love end (it’s more obvious in JP due to the pronouns he uses and his word choices but I’m trying to convey it as best as I can through my ENG translation too).
Cyril: This line up, everyone is a friend of Prince Clavis aren’t they. Excluding one person that is
Clavis: Hahah, make it awkward to geezer Garcia
Clavis: That marquis is a thickheaded old man who values status and propriety but....
Clavis: The ones gathered this time are all aristocrats and merchants who are in the mindset of loving to let formality be laid aside
Cyril: .....I see. So you chose people who can let *MC relax.
*Again, just like the “knight” who showed up in Luke’s passionate love end, when calling MC by name, Cyril uses 様 (sama) suffix.
Clavis: There’s no need to make it a formal party isn’t there. I rather avoid such things.
Picking up the glass of grape juice on the table, he downed it in an instant.
Just thinking of what MC’s reaction toward this marriage that comes out of the blue would be made his lips upturned into a smile
Cyril: By the way, Prince Clavis, why won’t you tell MC what’s actually going on?
Cyril: Especially the engagement reception party, that’s just a farce you’re pulling with the lady isn’t it?
Cyril: If it’s to convince the marquis then only the wedding ceremony alone already got that covered. .....Isn’t this too roundabout?
Clavis: Hahah, think about it. Don’t you think a man who “will marry you for your sake” is pretty cool?
Cyril: That’s just pushy
Clavis: I wonder? After all, I’m a gentleman. Using means that makes a woman fret is against my style.
Clavis: So this is a camouflage for that. To make sure she doesn’t realize, I need to make assurance double sure.
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Cyril: ......I've had this thought before but, what is with you and your half-assed gentlemanly ways
Clavis: I wonder why? Hahahah!
With a smile, he brushed aside that question that touched upon his past.
[Clavis’s Birthday ~1st~ “It’s Fine to Fall in Love with Me More Though?” (His POV)]
And here we have another story with lengthy conversation between Clavis and Cyril.
[Quotes from Clavis’s Birthday ~1st~ (His POV)]
Clavis: (I shall earn some time until Cyril comes back)
[Once again, I am omitting this part until Cyril actually shows up since the conversation has nothing to do with him]
Clavis: Let’s get right to it. ーーCyril
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Cyril: Alright alright, I brought her alongー
Cyril who came back while he was fooling around with MC had,
brought along the restaurant girl with him as he had silently requested.
Young man: Eh, wha..... Why are you here!?
Restaurant girl: I heard there’s something important to discuss with me but.... what exactly is going on here?
[Another omission until Cyril’s reappearance in the story due to same reason as prior]
After walking MC to her bedroom, Cyril who was waiting walked over to his side without a sound
Clavis: Well?
Cyril: MC’s “guest” is being entertained in the prison
Clavis: You worked hard. Although it's actually not you but your underlying who did the work
Cyril: Regardless, I wonder why they’re targeting MC
Clavis: Because she’s “Belle”, that alone is a fun position to be in
Clavis: There's people wanting to spy on her, people wanting to use her, and people wanting to kill herーーHahah, she’s so popular I’m jealous
Cyril: I wish to excuse myself out from that though..... By the way, I take it as MC is to not be told about this matter?
Clavis: Yeah. If she’s distracted by the thoughts of the assassin, her memories of today is going to fade away wouldn’t it?
Cyril: ......I really can’t tell if you’re a good guy or a bad guy.
Clavis: Hahah, what are you talking about
Ignoring what Cyril seems like he want to talk about, he walked away toward the direction of the prison.
[Story Event: 1st Anniversary Event Part.1 ~ Chevalier Route (His POV)]
Clavis’ “attentdant knight” once again showed up in another story event. This time in not only one, but two event routes, Chevalier’s and Clavis’. In Chevalier’s route his nameplate stays “knight” the whole time but Clavis called out his name at the very beginning so we know it is Cyril who showed up here. His heaviest cameo is in the common route with a very brief appearance at the beginning of both sweet and premium ends.
[Quotes from Common Route]
As Chevalier was filing his documents with quick strokes of his hand, at that momentーーfootsteps that sound like they’re deliberately heading toward the office room could be heard.
Chevalier: (The sound of this footsteps.... Clavis' attendant huh)
Knight (Cyril): Excuse me. Earlier Prince Clavisーー
[Scene cut to the medic office]
Chevalier: ーーOh? To think that would be true, how unsightly
As he entered the room, the normally noisy little brother is unusually collapsed on the bed
His face was pale and his breathing was short. The amount of sweats is also abnormal. Just from the sight, it can be seen that he's dying
Chevalier: (It's been a while but it seems he messed up)
What the knight (Cyril) told him was "on his way back to the castle, he was assaulted and shot by a poisonous arrow" but
Both Clavis and himself are tolerant to poison
But even so, if Clavis is in this state then it won't be strange for an ordinary person to be dead by now
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Clavis: ..........Cyril, you.... why did you bring him here
Knight (Cyril): It's to save my master but is something the matter?
Clavis: If I have to be saved by him then I rather drink tons of alcohol so much that you can take a bath in
Knight (Cyril): Right, right. I got it so please be obedient. You're in a pretty dangerous state there
Chevalier: I heard the antidote doesn't work?
The palace doctor beside Clavis nodded with a stern face.
Palace Doctor: I was able to slow the effects with the medicine on hand but it isn't really effective....
Chevalier: Since it wasn't an instant death that confirms some antibodies are working
Chevalier: But it would be difficult to create an antidote without any clues
Chevalier: You might end up dying before being able to come up with the right antidote. Stupid little brother, just give up
Clavis: Hahah, if I punch you in the face maybe that might cure me
[A quick summary instead of translation since the conversation shifted to Chevalier & Clavis]
Chevalier was thinking how he's in no obligation to clean up after Clavis' mess but it's inconvenient if Clavis dies. Clavis is easy to use and he had been "prepared" for it ever since he was young so there's really no one who can replace him. That was when MC's face suddenly showed up in his mind and Chevalier thought how if Clavis die, he can totally see MC becoming sad from it ......and he don't want that. So Chevalier confirms with Clavis that when all this happened, he headed over to meet a merchant who has trading rights with Benitoite wasn't he
Clavis: ......And what about it?
Chevalier: You weren't able to obtain evidence on the sales of regulated goods and so they tried to kill you to shut you up?
Clavis: ...........
Clavis had been cracking down on the highly addictive illegal liquor imported from benitoite that's been popular among the nobles.
Originally this was supposed to be a soldier's job, but since it could lead to diplomatic issues, he left the matter to Clavis
For the result to turn out this way means the other party are also taking actions
Chevalier: You failed
Clavis: ......Good gracious, I suppose so. When MC isn’t around, your sarcasm also doubles in intensity.
Paying no attention to Clavis’ jest, his gaze focuses on the knight (Cyril).
Chevalier: I’m heading out now. Give me a report on what went on at the merchant's place
Knight (Cyril): Alright. Are you taking your troops with you?
Chevalier: Not needed
Because from now it's a race against time
Will clavis die from the poison first, or will he be able to get a clue on the poison from the merchant's place firstーー
Chevalier no longer have any business in the medic office so he turned toward the door to make his leave
Clavis: Wait, i'm going too
Knight (Cyril) & Palace Doctor: What!?
Clavis: In the unlikely event that older brother does end up saving me, that would forever be a disgrace in my life
Knight (Cyril): You're an idiot. If you move around you're going to die though!?
Clavis: Hahah, a good guy won't die from something like this
Palace Doctor: Your highness, I ask that you rest! If you move around the poison will spread faster!
Clavis: What, the antidote is working to a certain extent isn't it. besides, that merchant's place is pretty far away
Clavis: In the case that they do have an antidote with them, won't it be more efficient if i'm there too?
Chevalier: (He's not going to listen no matter what anyone says huh)
Chevalier: Do what you want
Knight (Cyril) & Palace Doctor: *King Chevalier!?
*Here both Cyril and the palace doctor called Chevalier “Chevalier-様 (sama)” but since suffixes doesn’t translate well in English... I went with King Chevalier instead of Prince Chevalier given that the event is set after the events in Chevalier’s main route (more notes on IkePri’s routes / events / story timelines below in Clavis 1st Anniversary Story Event section).
Without turning back, he left the medic office.
From the sound of Clavis’ footsteps that followed, he can clearly feel his intention to come along with him no matter what.
Cyril had tagged along together with Chevalier and Clavis in order to retrieve the antidote for Clavis. I won’t be translating the scene here since it’s very minor and this post is already turning way too long LMAO
[Sweet End Spoiler]: Chevalier had the knight (Cyril) go retrieve the antidote from the room it’s in.
[Premium End Spoiler]: Cyril asked Chevalier how he wanted him to deal with the lord of the mansion.
[Story Event: 1st Anniversary Event Part.1 ~ Clavis Route (Common Route - His POV)]
Here in Clavis’ 1st Anniversary Story Event, Cyril made another heavy cameo!
[Quotes from Common Route]
As he tried his hardest to drum the content (of the books) into his heard, footsteps resounded in the library deep in the night.
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Cyril: So you were begrudgingly doing something here
The one who showed up is Clavis' excellent attendant knight who can pretty much always guess where his master would be
Clavis: What, did you miss me?
Cyril: Are you still half asleep. .......Actually, you got a bed head
Clavis: Oops.....
Cyril pointed to where his hair is poking and Clavis soothed it back in place
Cyril: Good thing *MC isn't around right now. The prince who's usually always try to act cool got a bed head
*Just like before, Cyril is calling MC “MC-様 (sama)”
Clavis: Hahah, I didn't try to act cool, I am genuinely cool
Cyril: Right, right. Joking asides, what are you searching for? Are you developing a new medicine?
Clavis: Yeah. My beloved wife isn't around it makes me lonely. So I'm..... trying out something bad
After being fake lovers with MC, Clavis had a fake wedding with MC, so now the two's relationship had turned into a fake married couple
Note: IkePri’s events are super consistent and it refers back to previously held events (As-lovers story continues after as-lovers story line and are post-route release, while non-lovers story continues after non-lovers story and does not relate to the suitor’s routes. They works on a parallel timeline). Here they are referring back to the events in the first story event: “Beauty and the Beast's First Love (Clavis Route, to **Sweet End)” and “Royal Wedding ~The Prince and the Fake Bride~ Part.2 ~ (Clavis Route, to Premium End)”
**IkePri’s First Love event is a rare exception where the Sweet End is the true end of the story event. Normally Premium Ends are the true ends while the Sweet Ends are alternative endings. The epilogues does not always continue directly from the Premium End, sometimes epilogues are standalone stories that has nothing to do with what took place during the event.
After the fake wedding ended, the two would be enjoying their lives as newly weds but......
MC is away from the castle for a while to attend her friend's wedding
Clavis: (Even though she has to be away from such a cool husband for a while.... She didn’t showed a trace of loneliness)
My fake wife is a shy girl
With the attempt to get rid of these incomprehensible feelings as part of the reason, he’s been spending his every days working on some bad things.
Cyril: Seriously, I'm asking this for real. Please keep it moderate with the evil deeds
Clavis: Hahaha! More importantly, you came at the perfect timing.
Clavis: There's something I want you to be my accomplice in
Cyril: .......Ehhh
Clavis: (Well then.... I have until MC comes back to finish this)
[Fade to black]
Next day, in the carriage.... Clavis sat with someone he had Cyril "haul" over a little roughly
Rio: Ohh, for Prince Clavis to take me along with him, just what has gotten into you?
[Toward the end of Common Route]
Rio: .......
Rio: ....Understood. I shall accept that condition.
Clavis: Hahah! So it comes down to that. Let’s carefully discuss about it in the carriage then shall we.
After giving Rio a pat on his shoulder, he returned to the carriage.
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Cyril who stood beside him has the most exasperated face ever
[Collection Event: Beast Knight 〜For the Sake of You Who He Loves〜 : Clavis Story (Welcome, Customer)]
Cyril once again made another cameo, complete with his nameplate, and MC remembers him too!
[Quotes from Clavis Story (Welcome, Customer)]
Petite Man: Just who on earth are you!
Clavis: Good question you asked there
Clavis: On the front I’m this bookstore’s handsome clerk, but my real identity is Rhodolite’s delight loving 3rd Princeーー
Everyone: !?
Cyril: Ahh... Prince Clavis, sorry for interrupting you here but, isn’t this enough already?
MC: (Huh, Cyril.......?)
By the time I realized, Cyril, Clavis’ attendant, stood at the entrance of the bookstore, with numeral palace knight gathered behind him.
Clavis: Yeah, I’m satisfied. Take them away
Cyril: Jeez..... Our profession isn’t to do clean up work after the things you do though
As if they had anticipated this turn of events from the very beginning, the knights nimbly captured the assailants and took them away.
Clavis: Thank you for visiting the store, my customers.
After he said that, the door to the bookstore closes and quietness returned as if what had just transpired earlier was a lie.
And that's all of Cyril’s cameos to date!
To summarize what we know about Cyril so far...
・He’s apparently Clavis’ “attendant knight”
・He’s often Clavis’ “accomplice”
・He’s quite rough with how he does things
・Chevalier remembers the sound of his footsteps
・He calls Clavis “Prince Clavis” (クラヴィス様) when referring to him by name, but otherwise... he calls him “あんた”, often quips at him, and calls him an idiot (馬鹿)
・He calls MC “miss” (お嬢さん) but uses uses the suffix 様 (sama) when referring to her by name.
・MC often sees him and Clavis together
As you can see with how frequently he shows up and all his interactions, I really really do hope that Cyril doesn’t turn out to be just a mob character like Kyubei was in Ikemen Sengoku. He have so much potential to his character and a route would be a very well deserving payment for all the stuff Clavis puts him through.
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twistedtranslations · 4 years
Animage 2020-09 - Translation of Twisted Wonderland’s corner
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So the latest Animage featured 6 pages (3 spreads) of information on Riddle and Ortho (+ the other members of their dorm) and their respective dorms in general because their birthday was in August.
Huge thanks to @time-phoenix​ for proofreading!
I won’t share the magazine scans here, but rest assured you can buy these on amazon and find them on tumblr as well. They do not feature new illustrations.
Translation under the cut
Page 1
Happy Birthday Riddle and Ortho!
Riddle and Ortho's birthdays are in August! To celebrate their birthday, we have a special feature on their affiliated dorms. Let's take a secret peek at the student life in the Heartslabyul and Ignihyde dorm!
Riddle Rosehearts/VA: Hanae Natsuki
He is the dorm leader of Heartslabyul. He fervently protects the laws of the Queen of Hearts and harshly punishes those who break them, making him feared by the students. 
The Heartslabyul dorm is inspired by the worldview of "Alice in Wonderland." They are guided by the rules of the Queen of Hearts, the dorm leader decides to hold an "Unbirthday party" on the days when it's no one's birthday according to his mood, so at a first glimpse, they seem to be a dorm with a showy and peaceful atmosphere. However, it's an imperative rule to strictly follow the strange laws made by the Queen of Hearts. Riddle, whose birthday was on 24/08, is a powerful person who became the dorm leader in his first week of entering the college. Compared to the past dorm leaders, he is particularly respectful of the laws of the Queen of Hearts, and thoroughly enforces the rules on the students, cracking down harshly on the lawbreakers.
There are few students who know all 810 laws exactly, and even for those students who break the laws unintentionally, Riddle is unforgiving. Ever since Riddle became the dorm leader, there have been no students dropping out or staying back a year in the dorm, all thanks to his strictness. Even though the vice dorm leader Trey Clover and Cater follow up, the results-focused Riddle undoubtedly guides the dorm students. However, it can’t be disputed that there's a considerable number of people who are displeased. It would be fine if that displeasure never erupted but…. If you are interested in Heartslabyul's future, please check out chapter 1 of the main story, The Crimson Tyrant!
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A blessing that will envelop the heart!
Riddle's unique magic
Riddle's unique magic, Off with your head, puts a collar on the victim so they can't use magic. Someone who cannot use magic at a magic school like NRC, cannot go to classes normally…
His growth period is still going on!?
He's the smallest of the 2nd years introduced thus far, with a length of 160 cm. He is bothered by his height, and gets angry when Floyd makes fun of it. During the limited June event "Ghost Marriage, Destiny's proposal", he was one of the first people to "rush" for Eliza, but his height excluded him.
Dissecting Riddle
Eye: Because he's so serious, he's unfamiliar with trends, and it’s quite obvious he doesn't understand street topics. The person himself insists on saying that "It isn’t an inconvenience to be unaware of such things," though…
Heart: At Riddle's strict personality lies a peaceful base, however there are many things that can press his buttons. One can often see his face grow red in anger.
Hand: Riddle can also cook if there's a recipe, even though it isn't his speciality. However, he's aware that his sense of proportion when it comes to measuring ingredients is lacking.
Brain: Because of his diligence, he gets amazing grades and is ranked 1st in his year. On tests he gets full marks in every subject. He can also accurately remember the 810 laws of the Queen of Hearts.
Mouth: Riddle actually has a sweet tooth and loves the strawberry tarts of his childhood friend, the vice dorm leader Trey.  He especially favors the latest pie slice (TN: A slice of an unspecified cake). Adversely, he dislikes foods with a strong taste and that are bad for your health, which explains his dislike of junk food. It seems he prefers mild flavours.
Leg and waist: Because he has few muscles, he's below average when it comes to physical measurements, but his reflexes aren't bad. One can see him skilfully manoeuvring a horse with high techniques in the equestrian club.
Absolutely adhere to the rules!
This is a dorm based on the strict attitude of the Queen of Hearts. Students have to live their lives accordingly, adhering to strict laws such as "Do not eat the tarts without being given permission by the Queen" and "Stand up from your seat within 15 minutes after eating lunch".
Page 3
4 patriots of the redness of Heartslabyul!
Ace Trappola/VA: Yamashita Seiichirou
He's a 1st year student like the main character. He knows how to swim with the tides and has a bright personality, but he can also be a bit malicious. He's rivals with Deuce, a fellow 1st year from Heartslabyul.
 He's afraid of nothing!?
Ace says exactly what he thinks without fear. He always makes his statements without any hint of cowardice. He doesn't hold back against the dorm leader Riddle, and says the things he wants to say without reading the atmosphere, and makes slightly malicious remarks.
Deuce Spade/VA: Kobayashi Chiaki
He's a 1st year student like the main character. He enrolled in NRC to become a splendid magician. He's serious but he's bad at swimming with the tide.
He gets full marks on seriousness
Deuce cannot remember all the laws of the Queen of Hearts, but fundamentally he's an honest and exemplary student.It seems Riddle approves of his serious personality if only "He was a little bit more thoughtful"…
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Trey Clover/VA: Suzuki Ryouta
He is a 3rd year and the vice dorm leader of Heartslabyul. He has a gentle personality and has a guardian-like presence for all the dorm’s students. He also backs up the overbearing Riddle.
(TN: lit. Riddle, who is too strict on his surroundings)
He's good at backing up but…
As Riddle's childhood friend, he frequently backs up the overbearing Riddle. He plays the role of lubricating oil towards Heartslabyul and he's indispensable. However, he almost never rebukes Riddle.
Cater Diamond/VA: Kobayashi Tatsuyuki
He is a 3rd year of Heartslabyul. He's a communicator who can read the mood. He's well informed of things like popularity rankings, food and crazes. However, sometimes he shows his heartless side…
A cheery moodmaker
Cater is the moodmaker of Heartslabyul who is good at communicating. He has built a good friendship with the feared Riddle. Together with Trey he deals with Riddle and his environment and backs him up.
Page 5
The high-tech younger brother's birthday!
The Ignihyde dorm is inspired by the worldview of the world of Hercules. There are many students who are good at magical energy engineering and digital related things, so both the lounge rooms and the corridors have many monitors installed. The main story picturing Ignihyde hasn't been distributed yet, and there have not been many appearances of the general Ignihyde students until chapter 4, so even now, many parts of the dorm remain shrouded in mystery. In the midst of that, there's one person with a lot of mysteries to him, the dorm leader Idia's "younger brother", Ortho. He's always lightly floating, because he's a robot. Furthermore, Idia made his body himself, with the latest and newest features, and is packed with maniacal functions that Idia even forgot he equipped him with. The nature of Ortho’s existence hasn’t been revealed, but his relationship with Idia is genuine. While they might be awkward, the feelings they have for each other aren't lies. The next 14th of August, Idia will surely celebrate Ortho's birthday from his heart!
Ortho Shroud/VA: Aoi Shouta
Idia's "younger brother". He's always seen with Idia, and he cares a lot about his brother. In contrast to Idia, he's lively and  honest, and brimming with curiosity.
Dissecting Ortho
Flame: He can shoot a beam with strong fire power from his chest by charging magical energy. He's not good at regulating his strength, and sometimes overdoes it, and sometimes has to be stopped by the principal.
Body: His feet have anti gravity apparatus installed, so he's always floating. His sports body grants him the wish of "Wanting to walk on the earth" and has springs installed in his feet so he can run.
Brain: Recollecting his brother, all his thoughts and actions center around Idia. He can even hack into a GPS to search for him!
Eye: He's equipped with the cutting edge of medical tools, and can also read the vital signs of his subject. He can also do things like see through lies by sensing the variation in their pulse.
Mouth: He differs from Idia who is bad with social dispositions in a way that he can talk to anyone without care. He's one of the few people Idia can talk to face to face.
Is he too coddling?
Ortho loves his older brother Idia, who is a shut in and attends the dorm leader meetings by tablet, while Ortho carries out preparations for assemblies and ceremonies in his stead. If he keeps getting coddled by Ortho like that, he might never get cured from his bashfulness!?
Unusual means
During the Ghost Marriage event, he was about to annihilate the school building in order to save his older brother from the ghost bride who fell in love with Idia at first sight. He was by no means careless and it's terrifying how he chose that method by thinking calmly about it, but that's all because his brother is dear to him.
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Idia Shroud/VA: Uchiyama Kouki
The dorm leader of Ignihyde. He's shy and gloomy, and is a shut in that doesn't like being in contact with people. However, it seems that's not the case online.
Both the dorm leader and the students are reserved and quiet
It is a dorm based on the diligent spirit of the ruler of the underworld. There are many docile students, who don't appear often before others. According to Cater they're the total opposite of the cheery people from Heartslabyul.
Older brother and "younger brother"
One would think that Idia and Ortho are siblings based on their blue flamed hair and golden eyes. However, Ortho's whole body is a robot, and it hasn't been revealed yet if they're real siblings or if he was originally a human to begin with.
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meimae · 3 years
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Look at me, not being on time for my April Immersion Overview as is the usual. (・w・;
First, little blog updates to get out of the way:
I reached 100 followers! Got an influx of people checking out my 1 year update post, and got plenty of nice compliments on my data collection.
For those of you wondering just why I keep up with so much data, it's mostly because it can get really hard to notice how much you're improving in a language especially with something like immersion learning that for people who don't get it feels like a waste of time or a time sink.
Graphs showing consistency, improvement in reading speed, increasing vocabulary counts, and generally just seeing numbers grow turns language learning more fun and motivating for me, and if as a bonus, it encourages someone to try immersion learning then that would be cool!
With that said, whether you're here as a fellow language learner, graphs enthusiast (笑), or just want some Japanese media recommendations, ようこそ! 
Also, made a tiny DP change - it’s チト from 少女週末旅行. Pretty sure it’s the first manga series I ever finished in Japanese (not the first one I started since ちはやふる is still ongoing), and I always felt a bit of a ☆connection☆ with  her - between her book-loving personality and being a no-nonsense kind of person, there was no way for me not to enjoy her character. Great beginner anime/manga if you’re not into most beginner recommendations.
April has been a pretty good immersion month, as I was able to dip my toes in a variety of media. A bit competitive, too! The club I joined has been pulling all the stops to get to the Top 20 Immersion Leaderboard in it’s first month. I was able to snag the 9th spot among a bunch of people of different comprehension levels (the majority being N1+ since they’re able to comprehend much more and in turn stand longer immersion hours). Lots of tiny complaints though of potential “whitenoising” content (”listening” and “reading” but not comprehending very well just to get a large number to post), but really what can you do? People lie all the time on the internet. Besides, it’s internet points that doesn’t do anything beyond being a little shiny I guess.
Enough about that, let’s get into the nitty-gritty details you came here for!
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Might need to rewatch this one. Felt like I didn’t connect with the characters the way the rest of its fandom has. I’m kinda sad about it, since I normally love Slice of Life and Fantasy, and I know this is one of my friend’s diehard shows.
ラブライブ! School Idol Project S2
A filler anime to watch tbh. Nice and easy enough to follow for beginners. Pretty good songs. With regards to it being a show about music and moe, I still 100% prefer K-On! if I’m going to be honest, but for a show about non-toxic idols, it’s good!
First read this as English translated manga when I was 13 or something. Mistakes were made. Let’s all just agree to throw キュウベえ into a pit of fire and never talk about it again. Great ending and a show that really reworked the magical girl genre. But seriously, I was traumatized by マミ’s death then and now, help.
Already knew what was going to happen even before watching this so I didn’t ugly cry like I was expecting. Still got that awful sinking feeling though. 10/10 would recommend for a good cry. Also, I’m planning to read the manga, might enjoy that more, because I’ve always liked it more than anime actually. *shocked pikachu face*
Watched before I even finished the manga which felt like a mistake at first until I realized that it perfectly stops where I stopped reading. Nice and comfy anime, the kind I would have loved as a teen. Fun animation too, making parts very dramatic even though it wasn’t really that deep of an issue even in the manga. Just teens feeling feelings. Still salty that we lose bad boy styled 宮村, but I get why it had to happen.
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Second re-listen. I understand it fine, but it’s very easy to drift off when you can’t catch all the words so I had to replay often. Will have to mine more from the anime/book.
I mined from the anime, and was really pleased to be able to follow all 6 hours of this audiobook perfectly fine. Will need to read the book, because I realized just how seamless reading it would be after listening to it with hardly any issue.
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Completed! Read my thoughts about it and see my stats on this post.
Still trudging on with this one. It’s not a bad story, it’s pretty well written actually, I just made the mistake of watching both the anime and live adaptation first, so I know exactly what’s going to happen and it’s killing my motivation to keep reading. I guess reading the book first before watching the movie still applies in any language with me. Really need to 頑張れ and finish so I can move on. 
Started reading towards the end of the month, mostly because I realized that every chapter is only 5000-15000 characters long, and I was able to read up to 40k in a day with Island most days. Only two chapters read so far though because I got distracted by manga, but it’s shaping up to be a really good plot and potentially a really sad one, too, so I’m interested.
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花ざかりの君たちへ イケメンパラダイス
Heard this was a classic so I gave it a try. Loved 生田 斗真’s character in this one the most especially all his internal dialogue acted out. Also, 小栗 旬 in anything is bound to be a good watch. Simple and fun watch. They dragged the ending so much though lmao 
Look, I see 松本 潤, I click. Definitely the kind of show you should watch for some great life advice. Planning to watch the 2nd and 3rd seasons even if there is a terrible lack of 松本 潤, because I love my strong female protagonists, and man, ヤンクミ is such a great character. Need to read the manga, too, if I can find it.
Oof, this was kind of hard. The yakuza talk was throwing me off, but the rest of it was enjoyable. Not really plot heavy as I thought it was going to be. The comedy side of it was fun and predictable after the first few episodes. Overall, pretty good slice of life, family story with a twist.
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Read a bunch of manga this month, mostly because I am struggling to find the next vn to read.
Read a couple of volumes (6-7). This manga is so good, but it’s so depressing I need to stop to take a breather every once in a while. Please don’t leave any spoilers. The club has been reacting to me reading this, and it has mostly been a lot of crying emotes. It’s both been enjoyable to see and really worrying. 笑
Club recommendation. Only read the 1st volume so far. I really need to get into more 少年 anime/manga. That’s currently my 苦手 genre which is awful because literally all the top anime/manga is 少年 help. I just can’t enjoy it much still even though it’s comprehensible to me.
ちはやふる 中学生編
Read Vol. 1, chill read to me at this point after reading 45 volumes of the regular manga. Look, it’s my favorite 幼馴染 manga in baby format, of course I’m going to read this! 太一 has been a flake way before season 3 confirmed. Don’t come at me たいちはや stans bc I also like his character.
Volume 7. I’m taking my sweet time with this one, because I heard the anime for season 2 sucked, so I’m avoiding it like the plague. This is 少年 how am I enjoying this and not everything else what.
Enjoyed the anime hated the movie why did they make it a musical that sucked (ps i normally love musicals hated this one) 
The オタク jargon is kinda hard to read suprisingly but I do enjoy this ship very much. It’s a lighthearted take to otaku culture which is great because seriously it’s scary out there.
It’s my childhood ship, obviously I will read this again (read in English several years ago). Still as plot twisty as I remember it being (now at a bonus hard level reading it in Japanese 笑). Really enjoyed reading this one (I finished it this May).
I’m starting to really dislike furigana in manga. It was a great help as a beginner, but now it’s like training wheels that you can’t take off. I feel like the gains I’m getting from manga is much lower than it was when I first started which makes me both proud of how far I’ve come, but also sad because I love manga. Sad that I might have to start choose VNs over it, because it’s not going to challenge me as much going forward. I mean it didn’t stop me from reading a lot of it this month, but you get the picture.
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Completed! See my stats and read my long spoiler filled post here.
Picked up this VN and finished two doors (15 hours) before stopping. On the fence about it, because it has been kind of predictable so far, and I don’t particularly enjoy the horror genre. That said, this is more psychological than anything, so it’s probably not that that’s putting me off. The language is not exactly difficult, too - maybe some oddly specific words because it is after all historical fiction (which is one of my favorite genres, btw), and 敬語 is definitely interesting to read for once after encountering so many お嬢様 characters in anime/drama so far. 
I think maybe it’s the conversations that are kind of dull - dots (silence) every few clicks that keeps breaking the flow of reading. Probably judging it really harshly too early, because it’s rated so high everywhere, and I just have high expectations. Definitely not dropping it yet though, just taking a break and testing a couple of other VNs before I settle with whatever I end up choosing. It is, after all, going to be another 50+ hour read, and I just don’t want to not enjoy the process, because having fun with the process is a huge part of immersion learning.
Let me know if you’ve read Fata and if I should continue! 
That’s it for this month!
If you have any suggestions on what to watch and read next, please send me a reply, especially for VNs because I’m struggling over here.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Main Story Chapter 1-14: 命运的拐点 Destiny’s Turning Point Translation
“Destiny is like a gust of wind… Red leaves flutter, flying away in the face of it.  And it is when the winds pick up ― That you meet once more…”
“If you go in blindly with the notion of playing safe, you will only be bound by the safety net which you seek.”
*Light and Night Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Main story tag will be #For Light and Night
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Both the audience and the contestants were all collectively stunned for a while.
Audience A: Didn’t he already retire!?
Yeah! So how is this possible!?
But the tall figure under the spotlight and those cold light-coloured eyes… It was unmistakably the same face I’ve seen countless times in magazines…
Sariel was really in front of me, in flesh and blood.
It was as if someone had hit the pause button on the world. Everyone stood rooted to their spots, stunned beyond belief as they watched him proceed onwards step-by-step. He walked past the cameras and crowd alike before taking his place beside the rest of the judges.
Time only seemed to resume when he finally seated himself. Noise and excitement broke out over the crowd like a rising tide.
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Host: Just as I introduced him earlier, Mr. Sariel will be the Design Director for the Warson Brand from today onwards.
Host: We hope that Warson will be able to reach greater heights under his leadership!
The audience broke out in chatter again, and the Host happily handed him the mic.
Host: The last round of the contest is about to begin shortly. May I ask if you have anything you’d like to say to everyone here, Mr. Sariel?
Sariel raised his eyes towards the Host, yet his face remained emotionless.
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Sariel: I have nothing to say.
The Host smiled awkwardly at that as he attempted to clear up the atmosphere once more before announcing the next set of rules for the championships.
The last contest will have three different themes, each put out by each of the judges, respectively. The selected contestants will have to choose their judge, and then create a product in line with their given theme.
Host: The order of selection will go according to the final rankings of the previous round. Hence, the person in the first place will have the right to first pick. And in the first place, we have―
Host: (Y/n)! Please make your selection!
MC: !?
I get the first pick? Wait, I was 1st place for the previous round!?
Slightly buzzing with excitement, I took the mic from the Host and faced the other side where the judges were seated.
Yan Xiao, the renowned Designer, was known for being amicable and his friendliness to all contestants alike.
Meanwhile, Mya, the Deputy Director of Warson’s Design Hub, was known for her strictness. But she had already more or less praised me for one thing or another throughout all the rounds we’d gone through.
And lastly…
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Sariel sat serenely in his seat. He was clearly the most popular person in the venue, yet he didn’t seem to be bothered by the lively clamouring that surrounded him, as if he were in his own personal bubble.
I’d imagined myself meeting him so many times now, yet… never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that today would be the day where it’d come true.
Rumour has it that he is very strict and has high expectations of everything. But… This might also be the one and only chance I’m ever going to get…
I tightened my grip on the mic and took in a deep breath.
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MC: I choose—
Hearing my voice calling out his name, Sariel snapped his gaze back. Our eyes finally met.
Those pale golden eyes of his held not a single shred of emotion within, as usual.
MC: I choose Mr. Sariel.
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My heart was still pounding, only calming when I sat back down at my work table.
I unravelled the folded piece of paper that sat in my palm. “Fashion Designer” was written on it. This was to be my theme for the improvisational round. I stared at it for a good long while. Countless ideas flew through your mind, but not a single one of them hit close enough to home.
Suddenly, I heard the sound of the needle of the sewing machine working, vigorously thumping in the opposite preparation room as it threaded.
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MC: They’re already starting work!?
That’s way too fast! I hurriedly sucked in a deep breath, telling myself not to get affected by how quick they were to start.
Even so, the continuous rhythmic sound of the machine working floated into my ears as it threaded, regardless.
The sound of threading… was the same as that one afternoon.
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I closed my eyes, letting time flow backwards in my mind as I travelled back to the past.
Thud, thud, thud…
My grandmother was lightly stepping on the pedal of her sewing machine. I sat by her side, staring at her work while resting my cheek on one of my hands.
Granny: What kind of person do you want to be when you grow up, (Y/n)?
Little me tilted her head to the side and thought about it for a full two seconds before looking back to my grandmother with a smile.
Kid MC: I wanna be like you, granny!
Granny: Why?
Kid MC: Because you can make so many pretty dresses, and they sell really well! Also, you and mom wouldn’t have to work so hard if I became like you too!
Granny: Our dearest one is so knowledgeable. Do you know what people who make pretty dresses are called?
Kid MC: Granny!
Granny: Nope. They’re called Fashion Designers.
Kid MC: Then, I wanna be one of them!
Granny: I’ll teach you how to make them if that’s what you really want.
Kid MC: I wanna learn! Teach me!
Granny: Sure thing. But, listen to me, dear. No matter what it is that you do in the future, you must remember to always be yourself.
Granny: Only by doing that, will you not fear anything, granting you the courage you need to face as anything.
Kid MC: Be myself…
I repeated, pretending to nod in understanding as I looked out the window at the roses that were blooming with all their might. My heart wavered and shook along with them in the warm winds that blew by.
Granny: You’ll understand once you grow up.
In the end, I grew up, but my mother was no longer here, and I never had a chance to make her dresses again. Further down the road, granny herself waved her hand to me as she descended over to the other world
I hadn’t yet had the time to master her skill and techniques before I was left all alone by my lonesome, with nothing but this dream to accompany me up till where I was now.
I then remembered what granny had once told me before. I suddenly understood. Standing where I was right now, being here, was what it was to truly be myself.
I think I now know what kind of design I should make.
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After submitting our final designs, Wu Yue, Gao Cheng, and I stood upon the stage, awaiting the final verdict that would conclude the championships,
Wu Yue’s theme was “Hippie”. She’d made a knee-length skirt in just a mere two hours.
Gao Cheng’s theme was “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. He’d made a silk dress shirt. It looked simple, but it was actually decorated with intricate designs.
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And I’d gone with a formal top hat, made with chiffon of the highest twist available on hand, paired with pale gold rose accessories to express the “Fashion Designer” within me.
Host: Let us now invite the three judges to make some simple evaluations on the submitted designs.
Yan Xiao remained as amicable as ever, giving all of us relatively positive reviews.
And Mya was the opposite in all the right ways, concisely pointing out what each work was lacking.
The mic was passed back to Sariel once again. His face was illuminated under the spotlight, frosty and serious.
The entire venue lapsed into silence. No one dared to breathe or utter a word.
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Sariel: The silk dress shirt lacks a highlight. This is especially so because all your effort has been spent on the making of it. Why not spend the effort to properly think of something new and interesting?
Sariel: And as for the knee-length skirt… Merely going retro doesn’t make it worthy of a comeback. If you go in blindly with the notion of playing safe, you will only be bound by the safety net which you seek.
He paused as his gaze fell upon my work.
At this point, my heartbeat was as loud as a drum. I held my breath.
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Sariel: You absolutely do not understand the meaning of your given theme at all.
Sariel: This presumptuous and opinionated design of yours has completely disregarded the essence of what it means to be a “Fashion Designer”.
MC: …What?
The look on his face was one of disappointment so acute that it stabbed right through me.
The rest of the competition proceedings became a blur, all I could focus on were the piercing eyes of gold that bore into me. I completely missed how the Host concluded the whole event and made the audience rise into boisterous cheers once more.
Until I heard a name being uttered.
Host: Let us congratulate this year’s Warson Prize Champion— Wu Yue!
The overwhelming applause and cheers of the audience rang out, only for it to be replaced with a different tune; the bubbling of the deep sea.
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Night⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Chapter 1-12) | Next Part: (Chapter 1-16)
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ignitification · 3 years
at this point d.ku saving shiggy would just feel hollow. of all these 10 solo d.ku chapters he hasn't had any emotional or mental development/understanding. Like d.ku just isn't where HK's writing shines. Not giving him any tragic backstory may have seemed like good subversion at the start but rn my emotional attachment to his growth/lack of it is just at an all time low. And yass way to make another pro hero look infantile due to MC-armour. Istg as soon as any character interacts with either en.dv or d.ku they take negative infinity in power, potential and likeability. Even the vestiges went down on the likeable scale. Also, these chapters were deserved more by literally any other character.
I'd begin addressing your last point anon, and by saying that while on one hand I agree with you, on the other I really understand that on some level (except physical) these chapters are needed for two reasons. First of all, because BNHA has picked up at ‘intense pace’ which translates into a lot of stuff happening all at once (It took us 285 chapters for Bakugou to admit that he cares about Izuku, and then we got in the span of 20 chapters Touya’s reveal, Mr. Compress face reveal, Mirio is back, BJ is alive, Todoroki’s backstory, Tartarus breakout, the name of the 1st OfA User, Izuku dropping out of UA, Overhaul and Lady N - just to name a few), which consequently means that we are fast approaching the final battle (excluding the Traitor affair, the grounds for the last arc are all already in place) of AfO against Midoriya, which bring me to the second point being Izuku, as also confirmed by himself, would not be able to save Shigaraki and also destroy AfO in the shape he is (or rather was, when leaving the hospital), meaning that he needs an upgrade of his abilities, and he needs it quickly. These chapters, unfortunately, are exactly that: a boring build-up needed in order to show us Izuku’s progress in managing OfA. Therefore, while I do agree that it would be nice to have other characters (from which we haven’t heard from in ages, like Toga and Bakugou), I also sadly understand why exactly we are at a halt in terms of ‘story progress’. And this is mainly due, as you pointed out, to the fact that Izuku is definitely not where HK’s writing shines, not in the slightest. 
Izuku’s main flaw is that he does lack some sort of baseline growth which in his case should translate into less hero worshipping and more concentration into his rightful mission of wanting to change the status quo (by saving the villain). HK planted the seed, and at some point it feels like he forgot to water it, and while still holding the principle (on some level, as we saw in his fight with Muscular), it still feels very superficial for something that should be the main goal and more interesting lapel of the manga? I totally understand how someone would feel dejected when faced with this characterisation, especially if the character in question is the Main Character, the story is ending and he STILL appeals to the only thing which caused the entire problem. 
As for me personally, I am still very much attached to Izuku and the Vestiges (because nowadays they represent an interesting development in the Quirk area, in a scientific and symbolic aspect, which I’d like to be explained and explored more, but let’s be realistic - this is a shounen and fans eat this content like famished lions just because it is content, with no critical thinking whatsoever), but I do admit that sometimes I feel frustrated because my main issue with BNHA is how is actually treats its victims and the way people feel attached to toxic traditions (and in particular Izuku’s attachment to the notions of hero as represented by AM, and his will to copy him in the slightest detail). This is even more evident for Endeavour, who seems a catalysis for bad decisions and just a cluster of condoning actions which would not be accepted if done by anyone else, and a lot of crap justifications about themes like violence and abuse, and the implicit lack of consequences each of these actions have in the manga (because preoccupied with more important things, sure - but I think a line would be enough).
Nonetheless, yeah - Izuku should have shown some kind of advancement (not Quirk-wise), but instead in a way to contrast Gran Torino’s view and the example set by older heroes, but instead we get a team up with those same heroes, with Izuku as a bait (which, very much is a problem for both him because he still disregards himself, and the heroes who accept this condition voluntarily) and now that they get separated and Izuku is fighting the possibly only threat (besides the remaining villain at large - and because I really cannot define Lady Nagant as a villain, more like an anti-hero) and he is still winning? Where is the realisation that maybe, even with his Quirk - what Izuku is missing is actually the experience of the pain and grief of this world, which he should have acquired since he appositely left UA? I would agree that until Izuku reaches a level in which he can admit to himself that heroes are not what this world needs, but instead a more inclusive and less-Quirk based society (and the fun fact here, is that he himself is a victim of that and instead he just lets it happen because he is selfless that way) which does not allow loopholes in terms of bad behaviour and where villains are not villains by default when they spur on a bad action, but instead can be guided on a different path - since no such injustices exist in the first place, it would feel very superficial and forced for him to save Shigaraki. It would be seen as a duty, he is forcing himself to make because he consider himself a hero, instead of the contrary and that he is a hero because he decided to save Shigaraki. I hope this can change in the next few weeks, and a good first step would be to have Izuku being overpowered by Lady Nagant - finally showing Izuku that weaknesses are real and that he is still human, and that there is no concrete rule by which someone could be judged as weak or strong (especially if we talk Quirks), and then finally brought forward to AfO, so we can see how he reacts to a. Overhaul; b. AfO; c. ShigarAfO. 
I do not want to hope too much, but at the same time there are reasons for which I am still holding a candle for that. I hope this helps believing, even a little, that hope for a better narrative is still possible. Thank you for the question and thank you for reading.
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