#Also the animation for this is fire
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pragretti · 8 months ago
Yesss the loreee
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A Game Between Ghost Kings // Amonimy's Official Heaven Official's Blessing Book 2 Trailer
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whataduck · 19 days ago
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whatever, go my slugcat
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b1asho · 3 months ago
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While it's on the mind, here's my wings of fire designs too. Not as much of a brainrot but still fun. Bad take or am I cooking with some of them? Let me know in the comments. Here's some (too many) notes:
I really liked the original designs when I first read these books, but I wanted to try my hand at uhh changing them a little. Mainly making them more distinct from each other (even if this irreversibly breaks canon XD)
-Sandwings live in a mixed savannah and desert habitat and have bodies adapted for resource scarcity, effective hunting, and heat dispersion. They have large ears to help cool off and listen for stuff. They can fly, but pretty weakly in comparison to some others, mainly using flight to navigate their large territories , get onto cliffs, and scan for prey. They typically climb up somewhere and then jump off. They are built like felines, and use a solo stalk and rushdown hunting approach coupled with a sting instakill. They live in family groups, with a ‘queen’ title going to the alpha female 💪 and everyone else hunting and living together. They are immune to their own venom, which acts very similarly to a scorpion’s but in a massive dose, causing numbness, breathing difficulties seizures, and eventually death. It takes time for them to make more once they’ve expended the dose, so they rarely use it outside of hunting or life/death situations (though the prospect of being stung is very scary to everyone else, and they will instinctively raise their tail when startled or threatened)
-Skywings live in high mountainous and forested areas, with some living in the lowlands. They are powerful flyers and very acrobatic due to their tail, though this comes at the expense of their agility on land and the strength of their non wing arms. They have long legs with powerful talons for grasping prey midair or snatching them from off the ground. They hunt and live alone unless they have a partner. Communities are made up of a loose group of related individuals who rarely collect in one place at once(queendom structure are a more recent and ‘unnatural’ thing for them, but very useful for organizing military efforts and empire building). They stay aloft for long periods of time and usually only land on their cliff homes. They need a sprint or a takeoff point to get flying, though. Unlike every other tribe, they have a noticeable difference between male and female (being a nose horn and red face for males.) males are prized for these features, and having a pretty husband is seen as an attractive trait for a queen.
-Seawings live along the coast. They normally only venture out of the water for trade and other resources, since they can get everything else they need underwater. Their large neck houses gills protected by thick pads that will close when on land, while their lungs are in their mid chest. Primarily adapted to swimming, they have very strong tails and webbed fingers and toes. They will also use their wings to steer and paddle, as well as manipulate things their other arms can’t reach. They will hunt in packs, corralling fish and other animals into a kill zone. They are very clumsy on land and in the air with their short limbs and weak wings. Their bioluminescent spots can be flashed for communication, and compared to the other tribes they have pretty poor vocal ability (due to the gills in their neck getting in the way) and will supplement with other spot/sign signals. Every individual has unique spots, though their glowing ones come in consistent numbers, sizes, patterns, and places on their body so they can use them for common language across their group. However, Different groups from different parts of the ocean have different numbers of spots in different areas, making cross communication via only spots difficult. Their whiskers help navigate in close or dark areas, and are seen as a status symbol.
-Mudwings live in warmer areas, specifically marshes and other wetlands (though sometimes in some forested areas too). Their thick armor helps protect them from other mudwings/competition, while also acting as an insulator that allows them to easily venture a wider range than other tribes from warm climates. Physically, they are the strongest and bulkiest. They typically use the element of surprise and their overwhelming size and strength to take down large prey. However, unlike other tribes they tend to eat more plants too due to their large size (all of them are technically omnivores, but meat makes up the dominant part of their diet because of their energy needs and their ancestors). They are also the poorest flyers out of the bunch, having sacrificed that for size and strength, though they can do short bursts similar to a chicken to get to hard to reach areas or to surprise attack prey faster than them, they’re similar to hippos and are adapted to living in the water too, using powerful webbed arms to propel themselves and dig through the mud, and their large lung capacity to stay submerged and hidden for long periods. Their nostrils, ears, and eyes are located near the top of their head, which also gives more room for Tusks. They use these to root around occasionally defend themselves. Tusk maintenance and appearance is very important to them. They live in large groups of families in the same area and have more communal social standards than other tribes.
-Rainwings live in tropical areas and have a very small habitat range. This has caused them to look and act very different than most tribes, leading to poor perception of them. They use their long claws, strong grasping fingers, and prehensile tail to climb around, and are pretty much arboreal. They have wings meant for quick takeoffs and flight in dense areas, and are pretty agile and swift. They and aren’t that great at sustained flight or dealing with high altitudes and winds though . Their frill is delicate and used for emoting (probably originally for mating purposes) Their skin is packed with chromatophores that they can use to match their surroundings, and they have loose ridges in their skin that they can raise to enhance the effect. Their skin is constantly changing color due to their brain activity, though they have set patterns/colors for emotions and communication. They can also choose to focus on organizing their skin patterns to get coordinated colors and patterns, since normally it’s pretty disorganized. They eat a lot more plants due to their environment and due to social standards, but arent herbivores. They have the ability to spit acid out of hollow retractable fangs, and use precise shots of this coupled with their camouflage ability to get prey. They can also spray it at higher velocities for defense and offense, though this expends their supply much quicker. They don’t recognize a queen in their communities and are fairly disorganized into different cooperative groups.
-Nightwings are the result of a group that split off onto an island, though the volcanic activity on their original island escalated to the point where they had to emigrate. They are great fliers, using their wings and tail extensions to travel great distances to track prey and ambush from above. When on land, they aren’t particularly fast or strong, and instead are built for persistence. Their hunting tactic involves getting an initial bite onto prey, then waiting for it to succumb to infection. Their spines, horns, muscles, and talons are mainly for defending their kill from other Nightwings rather than hunting it in the first place. As a result of this competition, they aren’t naturally very social like other tribes, They are mainly nocturnal.
-Icewings live in the colder tundras and snowy forest environments. They are pack hunters, using their speed and persistence to take down prey, similar to wolves. Their long overlapping scales help them trap heat and survive in the cold, and while the guy i drew here is pretty skinny they also store fat much more readily than other tribes. Their bowed wings are mainly used to swoop in in prey, and like falcons they often take steep dives to grapple it. Their antlers only grow in at a certain time in the year, but royalty will wear embellished artificial ones in the meantime.
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otaku553 · 9 months ago
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Flames (Part 1)
(NEXT) ->
(Spade Pirate Sabo AU Masterpost)
This one took AGES i hope you all enjoy!! It's probably a 2-parter but pending how my finals week is looking I might take a hiatus for next week. As I'm writing this post I've just finished my stat mech final which is great! (I wish unspeakable terrors on the person who decided that stat mech was required for the neurobiology-focused major. i get that it's useful for some bayesian statistics but like,,,,, come on i dont need to know thermodynamics)
I did originally have 2 more pages to post with this but scrapped them unfortunately, but I do hope the revised version, which will come out with the next part, will be enjoyable. I was also waffling briefly on whether to color this comic since it turned out so long but there were some panels that I envisioned so clearly in color that I just decided I might as well color everything. I'm especially proud of how the fruit turned out, I want to eat it
Feel free to send in asks if you want annotations of different things I decided on and details I added in each page :) I'm quite proud of this one hehe
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im-totally-not-an-alien-2 · 5 months ago
There weren't a lot of Rogues that Damian approved of. Some were correct in their assessment, like Poison Ivy , who pointed out that people were destroying the planet, but she went about changing things in all the wrong ways.
But this one, a practical phantom, had caught his interest. None of his family have managed to catch him, and aside from attacking people found abusing animals or other civilians, he had committed no violent crimes.
No, this person's MO was to break into abandoned homes, factories, businesses, and "areas of notice" to turn them into animal sanctuaries overnight. That or he would build odd structures in random places for stray animals or homeless people to crawl into for safety and warmth.No one knew how he did it as it seemed many of these structures were fused together to build them in the absence of nails or adhesives.
Whats more is that these creations were large and incredibly durable, making them a nightmare to remove or take apart.
As an artist himself, he didn't exactly see the abstract formations as an eyesore, but was instead intrigued by them, regardless of what he told the others.
Honestly, he thinks father is after this person not for justice but for the need to know.
Especially after one of the largest of these installations popped up inside Wayne Enterprises own lobby without a trace or hint of how it got there.
As Danny is rummaging through a heap of scraps disguised as a homeless man, he wonders what he should make next and where to put it
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solardrake · 1 year ago
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Delivering mail to the furthest corners of the server ✉✈
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Watching Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron again as an adult is so great because not only do you appreciate the nostalgia and joy of it, the stunning 2D animation mixed with early 3D techonology and well written tight story with a main character that never speaks.
But also you appreciate that the plot relies on horses, despite not being typical talking horses in cartoons, being extremely intelligent to the point that they are aware of their captivity and exploitation. And it involves a hyper intelligent horse dismantling (or, at the very least significantly delaying) American colonialism's expansion into the west.
This horse also very likely killed many colonialists when they were either launched at high speeds from his back, kicked in the head or blown up in a train explosion.
Good for him.
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doodle-empress66 · 2 months ago
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His Knight
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jonsawilldanceanon · 6 months ago
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Lack of Morals ~ Lack of Vows
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Thoughts and doodles
(Please do not use, or repost my works anywhere without explicit permission from me thank you <3)
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clairvoire · 6 months ago
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👉🍑👉 x 👈🍑👈
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6blackfilin9 · 4 months ago
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more Shifu
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violetscanfly · 3 months ago
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Out of reach
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weirdglassthing · 5 months ago
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LOA Shiptober Day 4: How They Met
October content month was ambitious..
This one took me. Shockingly long. Whoops! I’ll probably end up jumping around the prompt list and it might extend into November 😋
I’ll try to do day 31 on the actual date of Halloween though 🫡
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yoyo-s-coffee · 7 months ago
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distant blue sky
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