#Also thank you I am very amused by the idea of my AU coming up a lot during religion class lmao
bonefall · 1 year
My religion teacher looked upon my Dr Pepper addiction and old me that in good old England Dr Pepper was originally like dandelion and burdock which made me think of the kitties (I think about your au a lot in religion tbh)
Could they theoretically make dandelion and burdock tea or is that toxic
Neither is toxic, but burdock IS a laxative. That may not be something they want to do a lot of sipping on.
For the record I also looked into root beer at one point, which is sarsparilla-based, and I did read that they would have digestive issues with it. Licorace too. So I try to avoid the plant-based soda types.
A good drink for Clan cats is meaty; gravy, bone broth, boiled blood. They're little carnivores!
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Hey! I love your writing. Could I please request a fluff piece when Iris is till a baby and Joel is on dad duty? Idk just something really fluffy where he just enjoys being a dad and also Sarah helping?
Dad Duty
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pairing: elementary!joel miller x f!reader
rating: F (no outbreak au, talks of diapers and poop because infants are a mess, elementary!joel being the best dad/husband in the world, talks of being drunk/alcohol consumption)
wc: <1k
a/n: sorry for the delayed wait on this, anon! i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless 🫶🏼
series masterlist | joel masterlist
“Are you sure you’ve got everything?” you asked, standing by the front door in a “going out” outfit for the first time since your daughter had been born six months ago. “I can cancel.”
Joel shook his head sternly as he and Sarah sat on the couch, Iris fast asleep in his arms.
“It’s your best friend’s birthday,” he said. “I won’t hear the end of it from her if she suspects you cancelled all because you don’t think I can handle a six-month old.”
“Of course I think you can handle it,” you said, offering him a sweet smile as you grabbed your purse. “I just feel guilty—“
“Baby,” he sighed, tilting his head at you. “Iris ain’t gonna remember you goin’ out one time when she was six months old.”
“I know, but—“
“No buts,” he said. “Get your fine ass out there, and take a couple shots for me while you’re at it.”
“Besides,” Sarah chimed in, pulling your eyes to hers. “I’m here as backup. Go have fun for once.”
Letting out a deep exhale, you nodded, agreeing to bury your guilt over leaving your daughter behind for the first time. “Fine. But if you need me—“
“Baby,” Joel chuckled. “We got it. Go get hammered.”
Walking over to him, you leaned down and kissed his cheek. “Thank you. I love you.”
“Love you more,” he said, tilting your chin so that he could steal a quick peck on your lips, careful not to smudge your lipstick. “Go on now before they start honkin’ and wake baby girl up.”
“Alright,” you said, walking over to the door. “Sarah, don’t let your dad try to cook anything. I’d hate to come back to ashes.”
“Already on it.”
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“Sarah!” Joel called from the upstairs nursery, Iris on the changing table in front of him making the biggest and grossest mess he’d ever encountered in his tenure as a father. “We got any more wipes?”
Sarah was already laughing when she walked in, carrying a new pack of wipes in hand before she witnessed the scene in front of her and started to gag.
“I’m never having a kid,” she said, covering her nose with her t-shirt.
“This ain’t the usual,” Joel said, shaking his head as he tried his best to clean up his very wiggly daughter. “Stay still, baby girl. It’s—Jesus, Iris. How’d it get in your hair?”
“I’m not even sure a bath will fix this,” Sarah said, looking disgusted. “I think we have to take her back and get a brand new baby.”
“Your mom would notice,” he said. “Otherwise, ain’t too bad an idea.”
After a thorough cleaning that left Joel scarred, Iris was set down in her activity chair down in the living room, her favorite nonsensical cartoon on while Sarah helped Joel cook some mac and cheese for dinner, her babbles filing the home.
“And to think she thought the house would catch on fire if I tried to cook,” he said, smiling at the thought of you.
“Well, in fairness it has almost happened before,” she said, earning an offended look from her father. “You don’t remember the fork in the microwave incident?”
“Shit,” he cursed, shaking his head. “You’re right. But in my defense, someone left it in my takeout box.”
“Yeah, you.” Joel chuckled, amused by her wit. “But to pad your stats, we can lie and say you made dinner tonight.”
“No, she’d expect me to start cookin’ then,” he said. “I may have pulled a miracle tonight, but my battin’ average ain’t great. Do you want to take the chance of house burnin’ down?”
“Good point.”
“Exactly. You’re takin’ the credit for this work of art.” Joel pointed at the pot of artificial cheese goodness. “How in the world am I hungry after cleaning up Iris’s shi—“
“Dad,” she winced. “I just got the image out of my mind.”
“If I gotta remember it, you do too, baby girl.”
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It was midnight by the time you stumbled in, waving your best friend and her designated driver-slash-husband goodbye as you cracked the front door open before heading inside. To your surprise, Joel was still awake and rocking Iris to sleep in his arms, though judging by the heavy blink of his eyelids, he was barely hanging on.
“Hey baby,” he said with a smile as you stumbled your way over to the couch as quietly and gracefully as you could to sit down beside him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. “How was it?”
“I’m drunk,” you confessed, your voice raspy from singing along to the club’s music. “And hungry.”
“Well, lucky for you, Sarah made dinner,” he said, standing up with Iris and setting her down in her rocker before holding his hand out for you. “Come on, you drunkard.”
“How were the girls?” you asked, clasping your hand in his as he guided you to the kitchen table to have a seat while he warmed up tonight’s leftovers.
“A piece of cake,” he said, shooting you a smile from over his shoulder. “Iris had one very messy diaper incident, but besides that, she was an angel. Just like her mom.”
“Hey, I won’t be having any messy diaper incidents for another fifty years or so,” you joked, earning another grin. “You gonna love me when I’m wearing a diaper?”
“Baby, I’m older than you,” he reminded. “If you’re wearin’ a diaper, so am I.”
“Oh, I can’t wait,” you mused with a wide, drunken grin. “You can save your payback for then, have Iris see how it feels.”
“I like the way you think, baby,” he chuckled. “But I love her too much to make her go through what I went through earlier. I think I’m gonna need therapy after that.”
You stood up, finding your way over to him to wrap your arms around his waist and hug his back, too in love with him not to touch him.
“Thank you for tonight. I didn’t know how much I needed it,” you said, humming as Joel’s hand lowered from the pot on the stove to run over your forearm wrapped around his middle. “How about next weekend I watch the girls so you can have a night out?”
“Maybe one of these days we’ll both get to go out,” he chuckled. “Until then, I’m good stayin’ at home with my girls.”
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suzukiblu · 10 months
Day seventeen of fic NaNoWriMo, obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU.
“I think it's pretty normal to give someone a phone when you want to talk to them,” Tim lies. Bruce gives the other Bats burners sometimes, though. And also communicators. And Robin’s loaned plenty of allies communicators before, including Superboy. So it's normal in their circles, whether Kon actually knows they're both in said circles or not. 
“. . . I like the green one,” Kon says after a moment, which is a little bit of a surprise. It's a nice sort of deep, leafy color, Tim guesses, but he would've expected Kon to go for black or red or blue; maybe yellow. 
He wonders how green Hawaii is, come to think of it. 
And how much green Kon regularly sees these days, living underground in a lab. 
“Okay,” he says, then gestures towards the phone case display with his smoothie. “Let's get you a screen protector and a case too, just in case.” 
“You don’t have to,” Kon says. “I mean, I am gonna have my TTK on it.” 
“Yeah, but that only works if nobody knocks it off the table or something when you’re not holding it,” Tim says. “Besides, better safe than sorry, right?” 
“Um, okay,” Kon says. Tim leads him over to the phone cases, and Kon glances them over indecisively, clearly paying more attention to the price tags than personal preference. Tim decides distraction is the better part of valor, in this case. 
“I don’t recommend anything superhero-themed, for the record,” he jokes. Kon snorts. 
“That’s called a feint, thank you very much,” he informs him mock-primly. “Nobody’d think a superhero would actually have the balls to go around with a superhero-themed phone case.” 
“They’d think Superboy would,” Tim says in amusement. 
“. . . okay, fair,” Kon allows, making a face at himself. Tim laughs. 
“How about that one?” he suggests, pointing towards the second-most expensive one on the rack–so Kon will know money isn’t a concern, but also so Kon won’t realize he’s specifically doing it to make sure he knows money isn’t a concern. 
“It looks like a tire tread,” Kon says wryly, which is a fair assessment. It’s one of the heavy-duty cases, so it’s pretty bulky as it is, and the pattern on it is a little tire-like. 
“The ones down here have glitter, if that’s more your thing,” Tim replies in amusement, pointing again. 
“Glitter is more my thing,” Kon says, leaning over to peer down at the indicated row. Tim probably should’ve expected that response, considering, except also he would absolutely never have expected Kon to willingly admit to liking glitter. At least not without being concussed first. “Hmmmmm.” 
“That's a nice one,” Tim says. Kon’s looking at a green and blue case with bright gold glitter swirled all over it in abstract designs; it looks a bit like ocean water, if you look at it the right way. It’s definitely not going to be anywhere near as durable as the tire tread one would, but Tim isn’t particularly concerned about that anyway. He was gonna get accident insurance no matter what. Statistically speaking, Kon will probably go through more than a few of these. He hasn't had the same phone for longer than three months since starting up as Robin. Something always seems to happen to them. Usually a supervillain. 
“Too bad they don’t have anything with a cute little goat on it,” Kon jokes as he straightens back up, regrettably letting go of Tim's hand to take the green and blue glitter-case off the wall. “You know, commemorate our first date and all.” 
“That was not our first date,” Tim says, mildly disgruntled but mostly flustered by the idea. “I'd have planned a date a lot better than those morons planned their dumb heist. And bought you something from the gift shop, if nothing else.” 
“Could've just kept the goat, I guess, but Superman would've made me give it back anyway,” Kon muses idly as he looks over the case in his hand and takes another sip of his smoothie. “This is for the right model, right?” 
“Should be,” Tim says, though he double-checks anyway. “Yeah, no, you're good. Lemme go grab a clerk so we can get the plan set up. We'll just go through my name, I can probably set up autopay for the bill easier that way.” 
“Um, sure,” Kon says, biting his lip for a moment and then glancing sidelong at him. “So is this our first date, then?” 
“No,” Tim says, though technically it probably is. But given how Kon’s been acting about the idea that Tim would actually be interested in dedicating actual time and attention to him–“I'll take you somewhere nice for that.” 
“Somewhere nice?” Kon says, hiding a very unsubtle grin behind the phone case. It'd work better if his stupid pretty eyes weren't sparkling for it, Tim thinks in resigned accusation. Kon doesn’t ask what “somewhere nice” means, but Tim is already trying to figure out what restaurants he knows that might appeal to Kon’s palate. If he likes Hawaiian flavors . . . there’s some Asian influence in that, right? He thinks, anyway. Japanese, at least. Maybe Filipino? Polynesian? Any other influences or parallel cuisines he’d have to look up to figure out, though. 
Tim knows absolutely no Filipino or Polynesian restaurants, much less actually authentic Hawaiian ones. He could definitely do Japanese, though. Japanese would be easy. Just going to a restaurant isn’t much of a date, probably, and he can’t take Kon on patrol or anything like he and Steph used to do, but they could maybe go shopping in a nicer boutique or something? Or go to a museum for actual entertainment instead of just business, if Kon would be interested in something like that. Admittedly, it’s hard to picture him being particularly into museums as a concept, but it might be worth a try. 
Maybe he’d like the aquarium or planetarium more than something involving art or history or science, though. Those are a little cooler than just wandering through a bunch of random exhibits, Tim thinks. Or at least, they might appeal more to Kon. The ocean, or stars and planets, or . . . like, whatever, he guesses. 
He’ll have to do some recon, probably. Light interrogation. Figure out what Kon would be the most interested in. 
Or they could just go to the beach. It’d require a little bit of travel on his part, but likely wouldn’t be a big deal for Kon; he could just fly. Though in retrospect Kon’s probably spent about half his life on a beach, so maybe that’s not interesting enough. And the Jersey Shore probably wouldn’t measure up to Hawaii in his eyes, either. 
Hm. Yeah, Tim's definitely going to have to do some recon. 
Tim is possibly putting in too much effort here, considering Kon is going to lose interest in actually flirting with him in about five minutes. Kon never seems to really properly date anyone, as far as Tim's seen; just flirt around a lot. So he should be prioritizing shopping and apartment hunting, really, before Kon gets bored of the flavor of the week and wanders off. 
Tim Drake is not exactly an exciting date, so . . . yeah, Tim’s not expecting Kon to stay interested for long. He’s just got to take advantage of it for as long as it lasts to leverage Kon into letting him buy him that cul-de-sac and go from there, that’s all. Kon seems to stay friendly with the girls he flirts with even after things fizzle out or fail to go anywhere, so he assumes it won’t be any different with Tim Drake. As long as Kon’ll let him keep paying his way, that’s all that’s going to matter. 
Tim is really going to need to frontload that, though. Establish him paying for Kon as the new status quo very quickly and get Kon used to it before he loses interest in him, so he won’t feel awkward about accepting it by then. Or so Tim will already have signed all the paperwork and it’ll be too late for Kon to protest; whichever. 
He’s definitely going to have to frontload it.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
as I was taking I am taking FULL advantage of the requests.
as I am on a roll for chubby daddy! aegon and professor! aegon may I maybe suggest an idea where his class is very surprised to discover that he has a wife and a child while they catch them onto a pic-nic and aegon is like 'yeah, why do you think that your papers comes with glitter on them? or handprints?'.
just cute chubby daddy! aegon who doesn't only have to handle a toddler at home but also at work (although he teaches either at high school or university).
ok ok that's it, I am done and I hope you'll enjoy my silly requests but if you don't, pls feel free to ignore them!
Angsti this is yet another delicious request!!! thank you for spoiling me with your ideas I can never get enough!!! hope you enjoy this xox
To Lead Astray Or Not...
PAIRING: chubby!Professor!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Wife!Reader [Modern AU]
WORDS: 2,381.
WARNINGS: fluff, Daddy!Aegon, professor kink (?), female oral receiving, mentions of p in v sexual intercourse, size kink, slight breeding kink, non-implied references to affair/cheating, swearing.
A/N - something I whipped up on my little hiatus. still not 100% with my writing but it’s okay xx sorry my love, I changed the plot slightly, forgive me.
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“Are they truly that oblivious to that shiny, gold band on your finger?” You lightly chuckle, amused at the revelation your beloved husband spoke of, upon returning home from work, with yet another spoiled gift of baked goodies in his hand.
Throughout the semester, since Aegon had commenced his new position, his pupils had taken it upon themselves, eager to delight their plump professor with delectable treats, knowing precisely the way to his heart was through his stomach. As untempted as Aegon was with their meticulous attempts, he wouldn’t deny himself to a few servings [the entire container], often plainly excusing his innocent debauchery with the line “it would be such a shame to waste food.” 
“That seems to be the case… As much as I try to flaunt it on their faces. This is ridiculous, there's no time for these shenanigans. I have to put an end to their madness, or else-.” Aegon exclaims, with a mouthful of baked choc-chip cookies in his plump mouth. The fullness of his handsome face had accentuated as he gorged himself silly. Seemingly the sedentary lifestyle of working behind a desk, the most strenuous action he’d often only undertaken, was that of lifting a ballpoint pen to mark a few papers, Amounting overtime gradually, as it began to blatantly show on his newly found stout figure. Not that you had grown to distaste your beloved husband’s changes, quite the opposite, in fact.
“Or else I’d be losing my husband to some college school girls? He’ll have to roll himself out of here,” You subtly chuckle, as you continued on stirring the full, warm pot at hand.
“Y/N- Do not toy with me about this. It’s serious-” Aegon firmly put it, before reaching for another cookie, eyeing it’s detail, most likely estimating ratio of choc chip inside.
Aegon shared an immense enjoyment when it came to food, relishing in different cuisines and palates, and mostly baked treats. He was scarcely a picky eater and had a grand appetite, going hand in hand. Often in the late hours of the night when he remained tediously awake, skimming over and dotting down notes on mounds of papers, did he find himself constantly munching on something. Whether it was a sneaky fast-food takeout or some sweet snack he could scour in the pantry, his keen mouth was always full and chomping.
His plush, soft belly throughout each semester had slowly extended in size, generously pushing across his waistline that was now hidden beneath the mass. His hips had grown wider in frame, love handles now obvious in plain sight even beneath his tight dress shirts and tightly fitted blazers, tubby to hold as it would pool at the sides. Standing beside your dear husband, it was evident that Aegon's substantial frame could smother you whole, if he ever so desired as you did. Despite him paying now mind to his evident changes, you had rather relished in it.
Sidetracked in your own sensual thoughts, your lustful eyes lingering over Aegon relievingly devouring another cookie, the sudden shrieking cries erupting from down the hall snapped you back to the reality at hand.
"I'll get her-" Aegon uttered, licking the crumbs of his fingers as he strolled away from you hovering over the stove, as you busied yourself with the evening’s dinner. A minute scattered by, when you heard the familiar, heavy footsteps of Aegon re-entering the kitchen once more, only this time, with a little companion strapped to his arms.
"Look who just woke up, my sweet princess," Aegon giddily whispered, cooing at the little girl in his arms, as she rubbed her little lilac eyes: a split image of her Daddy. Resting her tiny head against his broad shoulder, Aegon swayed her from side to side subtly, bopping her lightly as he tried to feed her a cookie, taking a sneaky bite from it first.
"Hiya Mumma, someone woke up a little early."
Walking over towards Aegon and your daughter cosily nestled in his thick arms, you softly reach and grip for her hand pulling it in for a loving kiss. Earning a small little yawn from her behalf, as Aegon tenderly pecked at the base of her head.
"Sounds like we have competition, you and I, babygirl-" You taunt, exchanging a swift wink to Aegon, who in response rolled his eyes to your jab.
“C’mon Y/N. There’s no competition at all. Nothing could possibly tempt me, when I’ve already won at life. I have everything I could have possibly imagined and more, all thanks to you-” 
“Not even with all these goodies, you can’t seem to help but scoff down, hmm?” 
“If I’m being frank, my love… These don’t even come close to your home-cooked meals, isn’t that right, bubba?” Aegon bopping his little girl, stirring her more awake, as she nibbled at the small bite from the cookie, her face adorably screwing with disgust, in agreement with her father’s dissatisfaction with the treats. 
“Well relieved to hear my cooking is keeping you grounded. Was getting worried I would be losing my husband to his schoolgirl fanclub. Perhaps their treats won’t be the only thing they’re willing to offer next time-” You tease, yet a grim tone coated your words, as you coldly turned your back to your husband, resuming your cooking once more. 
“Y/N, baby, c’mon now-” Aegon earnestly sighed, as he carefully plopped his daughter down at her high chair, who now took the cookie to her own matters: the only time you were willing to allow her to play with food rather than indulging herself as her father did. 
Aegon’s pudgy hands tightly gripped at your waist, tugging your body to swivel in his direction, as you face him defeatedly. 
“Now how could you ever think that of me? Am I so naive to be seduced by some minor league scholar, when I have such a beautiful, accomplished wife at home, that I just can’t ever get enough of, who spoils me like a King? I mean look at me woman. Look at what you’ve done to me!” Aegon chuckles proudly, swaying his thick arms up as his eyes hover over his swollen gut pressing up against your meek frame. 
“Please, Y/N. I’m going to come clear about this double life, squash all their hopes and dreams. You know how kids are at that age, don’t you remember how we were, huh?-” Aegon growls, as his hands snake their way behind, his palms finding their way naturally to your bosom, confidently squeezing at your fleshy cheeks, earning a little squeak from you. Intentionally pushing your smaller body against his cushioned frame, your blush lips meet with his momentarily falling into a passionate, longing kiss, as Aegon’s eager tongue peaks through your lips, swirling against yours. Immersing himself completely in your taste. Breaking free, his nose nuzzles against yours, as he gleefully smiles down at you. 
“Don’t you ever dare to think otherwise, it hurts my feelings when you think of me capable of that, you know,” He quietly mutters, as his thumb gently grasps and pulls at your chin, nudging you to look directly up at him, your dimly joyful eyes met with his half-hearted smirk.
“I love you, and only you. My precious girl. Shall I make it up to you tonight, hmm?” 
Giddily blushing and nodding to his words, just as Aegon slowly leaned in to chase another kiss, the loud babbling of your daughter tore him astray midway, interrupting the intimate moment, as you both gleamed at the little girl with sincere smiles, only to be met with her innocent frown. Just as her grandmother, Alicent, had noticed and shared, “she seems to have gathered her father’s expressive gene”, as she never seems to struggle nor shy away from her emotions. 
“And you, my little one-” Aegon boasts, as he races over towards her, picking her up once more with such ease, as her weight is close to that of a feather for him. 
“My two precious girls, what more could I possibly want?” 
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Later that evening, after you had both dined well together and the little princess returned to her crib from her Daddy’s plush lap, fast asleep in her deep slumber once more, Aegon took his steady time proving exactly what he meant. Lusting and touching at your body as he slowly undressed you piece by piece, handling you with great care as though you were some rare gem he had just unearthed, a delicate commodity in his bare hands. He could scarcely keep his hands off you even during dinner or as you washed the dishes, lulling his little girl asleep in one arm, and the other wrapped tenderly around your waist, embracing you. 
“How’d I end up being the luckiest man in the world, huh? A wife that takes care of me, makes sure I’m abundantly well-fed, who blessed me with the most perfect child…. My beautiful fucking wife.” 
Kissing at your tender skin across your abdomen leaving a moist trail, Aegon seated himself at the edge of the mattress, and you remained standing above, with his soft hands held firmly at your hips. 
“And you think I would give up all this in a heartbeat? For a bunch of hormonal, minor league girls? You leave me no choice but to fuck some real, hard sense into you, Y/N.” 
“Hmm, is that so?” You breathlessly whimper, as Aegon’s mouth lapped at your entrance between the front folds, his fleshy hands once again, finding their way to your bosom, as he firmly grips and kneads ar your cheeks. 
“Gonna teach me a lesson, Professor? Have I been such an ignorant brat, needy to be put back in line. Punish me, Aeg. Teach me a good, hard lesson I won’t forget-”
Aegon releases his latched mouth from your throbbing, moist cunt, his lips glistening in the dim, cosy light. A familiar smirk strewed across his full face, one that you had gathered could only mean one thing… Mischief. 
As Aegon’s weight had marvelled, so did his strength. Inevitably, his mass was heavier against you, often finding yourself squirming beneath his bulk and the mattress, as he would fuck you from atop with vigour. His thick, fat cock stretching your walls beyond relief, as you could meekly feel yourself from below clenching around his stiff cock, with his round gut laying sprawled above your own. The pressure he exerted from within your folds, bulging inside and the pressure from outside was overwhelmingly insatiable, stimulating you to an aching climax like none before. 
Although, it also meant his once impressive stamina would now often exceed quickly, finding himself breathlessly huffing and puffing for more, Aegon remained insistent on continuing, with you eagerly taking the reins from above, as he would often lay himself comfortably down, pacing his rapid breath. Riding his cock was a pleasure, as he relished in watching you strenuously exert great efforts, like the obedient wife you were, keen to sate your husband’s appetite. Steadying yourself against his meaty flesh, often finding your small hands cupping and massaging at his now obviously, sensitive moobs. Not to forget on Aegon’s behalf, your tits were a glorious sight to see, enthusiastically bouncing above from the momentum of your quickening pace: especially after the birth, your breasts naturally remained somewhat swollen and plump, Aegon savouring your bodily changes just as much. 
Nonetheless, the sex peaked, and Aegon remained true to his word… He indeed taught you a valuable lesson that night. 
“Perhaps if I’ve fucked another child into you, that ought to keep you in check.” 
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“So you’ve been married this entire time?” One of his pupils exclaimed, confusion plastered across her face, as Aegon nodded keenly. 
“Indeed, a very happy wife and little bub at home. With another on the way it seems, hence why I’ll be away next semester.” 
“Is that why some of our quiz papers came back with glitter and weird little scribbles?” 
Arms remained tightly folded, Aegon defeatedly shaking his head in disbelief, as he helplessly chuckled at the illogical discourse at hand. His wide back-side remained leaning back on his desk, the wood creaking beneath his weight, yet he paid no mind. 
“Did you honestly think that was all me? And watch yourself Lannister, she’s learning pencil grip… She’s only 14 months, which is pretty impressive to me.” 
“But you’ve never mentioned them before?” Another pupil hastily questioned. 
“Never felt the need to. This is an academic lecture, not a TED Talk. And besides, did no one seriously not notice this?” Aegon exasperated, flashing his left ring finger, where a bulky, gold band wrapped around his thick digit. 
The silence that fell the room was palpable: a few of Aegon’s avid fanatics, awkwardly attempting to pull away their filled tupperware containers, back into their bags or laps, in a poor attempt to hide their shame. 
“Well I for one, would like to congratulate you Sir.” 
“Nice save Lannister. Now can we actually get back to the lesson or any more questions I need to clear?” 
“B-But you accepted our gifts? The cookies, and the-” One of the few Baratheon sisters that attended Aegon’s classes, stuttered, the colour in her face blush pink, yet her eyes saddened and watery, yet no tears fell. 
“Who am I to deny my appetite from a little snack? And besides, what a waste it would be. I presume you ladies just wanted me to bump up your grades, yes?” 
Each girl in the same exact front row that they’d been occupying the entire semester, began to nod in poor unison, not daring to venture not interrogate Aegon further, as his look now remained stern. 
The single, thunderous applaud echoed across the room, as he clapped his large hands together, excited to carry on with the lesson. The subtle sounds of pages opening, and pencils clicking, as Aegon began to write across the board, he felt a burden lift off his shoulders. The clarity was a relief, and the fact that he had a loving family awaiting for his arrival was his greatest achievement yet. Spoiled with a bliss life, thanks to you, his dotting, devoted wife, there was nothing that could tempt him astray otherwise.  
general taglist - @evenstaris @bel-bottoms @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @ilikeitbetterangsty @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @connorsui @rafesbarbiegirl @elegantsplendour @randomdragonfires @sylas-the-grim @arcielee @s-we-e-t-t-ea @sahvlren @aemondtargaryensrider
Aegon ii taglist - @who-told-you-this-was-butter @f4ll-for-you @amiraisgoingthruit
credit for header - @/saradika
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saninthebuilding · 1 year
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"you will be my world"
❤️‍🩹 pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
❤️‍🩹 summary: late night drives are always a whole other vibe. but with jeon jungkook, they can be quite interesting. especially when you're keen on telling- and showing him how much you love him.
❤️‍🩹 word count: tba (unedited)
❤️‍🩹 genre: boyfriend!jungkook au, fluff, suggestive inferring language
❤️‍🩹 trope: pre-established relationship
❤️‍🩹 warnings: mentions of driving, y/n is an absolute menace but we love it, y/n is an absolute simp because being whipped for someone is so endearing, jungkook is fine asf, overall really soft and playful stuff because they're just so in love
❤️‍🩹 a/n: lil drabble bc i am obsessed with these pictures of him and the idea of going on a late night drive with him. just him. love him so much omg
leaning my head back against the seat, i hang an arm out the open window, letting the crisp night air chill my skin.
"we should do this more often, huh?" jungkook asks from the driver's seat, and i look over to see him staring straight at the road as the corners of his mouth lifted in amusement. i grin, nodding as i raise my free hand to touch his cheek, finger poking at the dimple that has appeared as a result of his little smile.
he tsked, playfully swatting at my hand, and i laughed.
"yea, we should. plus, seeing driver jungkook in action is a blessing. wouldn't miss it for the world."
jungkook side-eyes me from under the rim of his calvin klein hat, playfully clutching his chest in mock-pain. "what happened to spending quality time with me?"
recalling the words that had actually got us into this car and on this drive, i grin. "that too, of course. always. but it's even better when you look like-"
"okay! less talking, thank you very much" jungkook cuts in, quickly turning back to focus on the road.
to distract himself, he takes his hat off and runs a hand through his hair. i smirk to myself, seeing how the tips of his ears were turning red, and decided to take my chance.
"and more doing? say less indeed."
before he can finish, i turn in my seat and lean over the console so i can rest my face against the crook of his neck, allowing me to kiss his exposed collarbone, before gently nipping at the soft skin.
"oh baby" jungkook groaned, caught off-guard by my sudden display of affection (let's be real, it's more than affection). his grip on the steering wheel tightens as he leaned his head back against the headrest, fighting to keep his eyes open.
"you're lucky it's dark out" he breathes, his free hand coming to rest on my hip as i move upwards, now kissing the collumn of his throat.
"i'm lucky because i have such a sweet and loving boyfriend" i reply, pulling back so he could calm down for a second, "who also happens to be extremely hot- even at this hour."
jungkook shakes his head, strained laughter bubbling past his lips as he struggles to keep his eyes on both me and the road.
"that's why you decided to kiss me while i'm driving?" he asks as he quickly glances at the road ahead, partly disbelieving and partly amused, "because i'm hot this late at night?"
"mm, among other things" i grin, which causes jungkook's head to snap back towards me, eyes wide.
i wiggle my eyebrows teasingly, and am met with a hand to my face, playfully shoving me back into my seat.
"hey!" i yowl, clutching my nose, "can't i express my love for my stunning, gorgeous, absolutely breathtaking boyfriend?!"
but jungkook only cackles, tipping his head up to the midnight sky as the sound of his laughter echoes into the night. his hair flutters in the wind, his long locks whipping around his cheeks and framing his carefree face. his skin looks soft and dewy in the bright moonlight, jawline sharp as ever under the stars. his nose is all scrunched up, eyes creasing at the corners as his bunny teeth come into full view. his lips are pink and plump even in the dark, the cupid's bow of his mouth emphasized in the big smile that's spread across his face. prior attention to the road forgotten, he keeps laughing, a hand coming up to cover his mouth as his voice is full of nothing but happiness.
staring at him, i feel myself melting in my seat, heart racing and blood rushing as my lips part to let out a small gasp, falling into this beautiful sight of jungkook being so free and open, and it's what feels like hours before i realize that i'm holding my breath, completely captivated by the sheer sight of him.
when i manage to regain my senses, i see that jungkook has now turned to look at me, cheeks flushed a soft pink and fluffy hair falling into his eyes.
he seems to notice my dazed state, because it's his turn to grin at me as he places a hand under my chin, pushing my jaw up to effectively close my mouth.
"like what you see?"
i recover quickly, shaking my head to clear my mind before grabbing the sides of his face and kissing him full on the mouth.
jungkook lets out a startled sound as a i pull away, the brakes stuttering a bit from the sudden loss of attention as he slowly maneuvers us to the side of the road.
i let him stop and park the car, before turning my gaze back to him.
"like what i see?" i ask, incredulous, "baby i love what i see, because what i see is mine."
he just looks at me, eyes wide, but i keep my hands on his face, staring at him with no playfulness or smiles or laughter. because it was the truth, and nothing but the truth.
"i love you so fucking much, jungkook" i whisper, saying the words with everything i have in me.
jungkook lets out a breath, before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me to his chest over the arm rest. i wrap my arms around his neck as he presses his face to my own, inhaling deeply, and i let out a chuckle, feeling his breath tickle my shoulder.
"i love you more than anything, y/n" he whispers against my skin, before pressing a gentle kiss to my collarbone.
i smile, before ruffling his hair. "come on koo, let's go home."
"yea" jungkook echoes as he leans back and looks down at me, a soft expression taking over his handsome face.
❤️‍🩹 i hope you enjoyed! likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! thank you for reading!
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Will there be smut between Elvis and Elaine in the 70s/80s chapter of the saga? I absolutely adore the second gen, but i am also really obsessed about the both of them still finding time (to make babys obvsly) but also enjoy eachother soo passionately like in the early years 😍 i am very invested 😂
Oh, oh darling yes there will be and…it just might be my favorite of all their eras. Plenty of fic in the works, and I’m delighted that interests you. Nothing hotter than a couple fused together by time and devotion. Also, this is beyond random but I do envision Elvis getting a bit cuddlier and bulkier into the 90’s…whereas in this AU the 70’s remain about the same health and looks as around ‘74…with some gray allowed to creep in by the mid 80’s. 😏 ALL THAT TO SAY, I find the idea of warm and sturdy Elvis being enamored with his Pilates obsessed wife pretty swoonworthy
There’s a lot coming soon for the 80’s and earlier but for now, how about a little intermediate, plotless, fluffy, wintry smut fest between Grandpa Elvis and his Tink when they’re stuck in a ski lift on their aspen holiday? …it goes something like this (WARNINGS, fluffy smut involving p in v, semi public sex but not observed, tender cum feeding (somehow Elaine made that a thing) and subby older Elvis, 18+:
Sarge & lil Mama blurb, Jan 1995,
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|| Snow Bunnies
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“When’d I get so damn fat?” Elaine hears her man huff over the rustling sound of their snow coats rubbing together and wants to roll her eyes, amused that Elvis didn’t expect that result from almost nightly burger and shake runs with Shiloh for the past decade.
She does roll her eyes at the thought that he wiggled her snow pants down and her panties, too, before even unzipping himself.
“You’re cuddly,” she retorts with a smile directed down to the ski slope far below them, her hand pressed to the frosting glass of the lift, “as all grandpa’s should be. Nobody wants a scrawny grandpa.”
Case in point is the waft of steaming heat Elaine feels against her bare backside the minute he gets his pants undone, sweaty body heat radiating off of him despite the freezing temperatures around them. Instinctively she arches her back a little and shifts her footing, putting a leg up on the bench to make some room for little Elvis, slotting her ski carefully between the narrow walls. It barely fits.
She thanks God for the fact she’s got just enough height to her that they can do this standing up, have been doing it this way for over three decades now, because if he can’t wait for a private moment and if he must take advantage of the stalled ski lift, then she’s secretly relieved she won’t be the one exerting effort with ten pounds extra of ski equipment hampering her.
As it is, it’s funny how swelteringly hot they both feel besides their barely exposed privates. She can hear the minute Elvis frees himself from his little wounded hiss at the cold air and his pitiful need always did make her run wet.
“C’mon mopey, come to mama.” she encourages and braces her hand on the glass, checking to make certain her long coat covers any frontal view, only the back tugged down and her husband is soon behind her with enough width and padding to hide a dumpster. “Give lil Elvis some shelter.” she tries to reach between her legs to guide him but there’s too much winter bulk in the way and only her fingertips make it to his line of sight.
Elvis moans at the eager gesture anyway, touched by how ready she still remains for him, how willing even when it ain’t her idea or need.
“Keep ya hand right there, Mamas.” he tells her in a conspiratorial little whisper, “Hims gots a little gift for hers.” he says and Elaine grins wildly in delight, trying to anticipate it, beyond the delicious stretch she readies for with braced and booted feet.
She hears the shlick/shlack of him rubbing something, along with the muffled creaking of his nylon jacket and leather gloves, and after a few moments of white breathed puffing behind her she feels a warm drop hit her finger tip.
Then another, and another and then a little string of liquid and she knows it’s his precum, he’s dripping it onto her hand and Elaine closes her eyes against the bright white landscape of an Aspen morning and imagines his drippy pink cock in a sea of leather and nylon, one warm and vulnerable little knob in the harsh elements and she knocks her forehead against the glass wall in mouthwatering craving.
“Oh Elvis!” she groans, curling her fingers as the puddle grows and begins to puddle in her palm, slicking up her own curls down where her hand is wedged so tightly from her barely removed pants. “Put it in baby, mama wants it, c’mon pretty baby.”
“Ok.” The whine and shuffle she hears behind her sounds like a child clumsily but eagerly obeying and that’s rather characteristic of her man. She bites her gloved thumb at the feel of his tip pressing blindly at her folds, poking and prodding the wrong places for entry and strangely it’s terribly exciting, this inhibited Elvis, this clumsy man who wants her so bad he’d try to bonk her in a sky lift with Pillsbury Doughboy amounts of padding striving to keep them apart.
The path of true love never did run smooth.
The jabbing and novice pokes are worth it for his frustrated little grunts in her ear and the way he tries to wiggle on top of her leaning frame, like extra height is going to help matters. She bends a little further with a fond smirk, wanting to chuckle at the way his arm presses across her shoulder and the back of her neck. It’s so desperate it’s comical and Elaine always has a weakness for being overly wanted by him.
His face is hanging over her left shoulder when he manages to wedge an inch into the correct hole and his hot breath blasts her cheek in relief and she spares a gloved hand from propping herself against the glass to pat his squishy cheek. It’s not fair how packing on a few pounds has seemed to erase the age from him, filling out the wrinkles he collected last decade and turning him into something as cute as the grandsons all over again.
Elaine feels like she did when she was freshly married and he was a chubby cheeked baby man. Even now when she can’t really see his face with the positioning, she can imagine it and it makes her heart flutter. She pats at his face and the scritch of his trimmed sideburns is noisy against the leather, Elvis nuzzles her palm.
Before she knows it he’s got her gloved fingers in his mouth and his teeth clamp against the leather at the tips and he starts to pull the glove off. She helps him, yanking her wrist and he drops the glove over her shoulder like a dog depositing a gift.
“Pet me, mamas.” Elvis begs again and nestles into her body a little further, half way in if she were to guess, and after all these years, she’s a pretty good guesser about little Elvis. “M’too fat to get in all the ways.” he fusses, forlornly starting to hump inside her in aborted little fucks like a bunny with his mate.
The mental image makes Elaine chortle, as do the silly little jabs from those famous hips. He’d get more depth violating a jacuzzi jet but Elvis Presley waits for no man and she supposes if the slide is tight enough to drag his little scarf back and forth, maybe it’ll be sufficient. She clenches for him, little rhythmic kegels that remind her of postpartum rehabilitation and his answering moan encourages her. “That feel good, baby boy? Hmm? Is mama warm and cozy?” she asks, her cheek getting sweaty from where his is pressed to hers.
Into their sixties and Elvis still twitches madly under her doting, purring in her ear when he’s being spoiled.
“Ssso’cozzzeeey.” he slurs right into her ear and she shudders in delight, feeling his arm around her waist through her layers of bundling, his hand on her shoulder needy and insistent.
After a decade of peace and over three so intertwined and inseparable, it’s as if Elvis has forgotten they are separate people. Older and less fastidious over timing or moods, when her husband gets a craving for his better half, he indulges it. It’s wholesomely nasty and Elaine doesn’t expect her children or the public to understand but she gets it.
She leans her forehead against the glass, lets her sweat smudge the clear view, and thinks she sees the specks that are their friends and kids below, commenting on the stalled lift no doubt, and she grins at the notion that Elvis can’t get enough momentum to actually make it obvious as to what these two bundles in the sky are doing.
His chubby and familiar cock is rubbing inside her delightfully as do his balls, hanging lower and swollen by age, smack her backside with every lurch, and she lets out a happy sigh at the slick sounds of his sloppy movements. Elaine can hear when he starts to get close, his breathy moans of exertion quicken and he lets out throaty little noises of delighted panic as his climax nears. His hands grasp her hips over the padding and he nearly climbs on her like it’s a piggy back ride, squirming to get a little deeper before letting out a long and loud sigh of contentment as he lets go, a sigh that has begun to crack at the end in a hoarse moan the older he gets.
“You feel so good, Tink.” he groans into her ear and her pussy clenches at the praise and the feel of his wet slop inside her.
The gush between her legs is obscene due to his shallow depth and just when she thinks he’s done with his deposit, Elvis will jerk some more and out sputters another little bit to join the rest slowly leaking out of her and dripping onto the crotch of her ski pants. “Mmm, shit, I made a mess, mama.” he mumbles apologetically at the obvious and easily foreseeable consequences to his actions.
“S’ok mopey,” she reaches back and strokes his sweaty cheek as he burrows his lips into the collar of her jacket and kisses her neck ardently and grateful, “that do it for ya, baby?” she asks, tipping her head back to allow him more access.
“Yeas,” He sighs happily, “m’all better.” he declares and Elaine’s heart thuds like a teenager from his soft, adoring tone, from the way she’s still his cure-all at all times. “But damn is it soupy down there, sorry mama.”
“You’ve been holding that in for a couple days now,” she coos, “been makin’ you grumpy and it must’ve been so hard, bein’ so full and achy and not able to relieve it.”
Elvis sniffles into her neck even as he begins to pull out, the gush of his release beginning to pour out and she quickly cups her hand to her cunt to catch some of it in her palm and spare her pants just a little.
“It’s been verra rough.” he agrees with a pout that no longer reaches anywhere else on his face save his mouth, quite an improvement from the grumpy storm cloud that was Elvis traveling here yesterday in a crowded Bus with kids and grandkids, deprived of his naps and his autonomy, with his bed full of grandkids at night and unable to have his Tink at whim.
Vacations were nice in theory, and suddenly relieved of his more irritable humors -which Elaine was cupping milky white in her palm- they might end up being nice in practice too. He just needed a little dotin’ on, like a vintage car, one can’t expect it to purr constantly without some upkeep. Tink knows this and she smiles back at him sweetly, same way she smiled at him on the bus when his boyish and round face was puckered in a moody scowl that matched Jack’s a few rows behind.
“Yeah, I know,” she’s still smiling but he watches her glance down to the pearly puddle in her palm as she adds, “but we gotta count our blessings we’ve got kids who wanna bug us as much as they do, people dream about families working as well as ours. Nothin’ we did alone, God’s been good to us, I mean -look at those sweet idiots, they’re not even skiing even though the conditions are perfect, they’re too worried for us. Don’t you think most rich kids would be hoping the car falls so they get the inheritance faster?”
Elvis wheezes a laugh and does a little hop to pull his padded pants back up, struggling with the zipper a bit. Slightly thicker around the middle and he acts like he’s nine months pregnant, unable to fasten his closures or put his shoes on, the pink happiness in his cheeks when Elaine offers to help him, betrays his act each time.
“I’ll help ya, if you need,” she offers, her own pants having been pulled up by him as he’s a gentleman, even if he’s a feral one.
“Yeah baby I need a hand.” grunts and his chin has a soft double under it as he looks down to his fly.
“Well, then clean me up so I can help.” she casually presents her cum coated hand and he balks for a brief moment until her unflinching little smile tells him she’s not kidding in the slightest, and he doesn’t need her to remind him she’ll be waddling and skiing all day in the soupy mess he made in her pants. It’s the least he can do, her eyebrow remind, and with a stuttering little whimper of aversion he takes her wrist in his large, gloved hand and bends over it like he’s gonna kiss it with all his Hollywood honed suavity.
Instead he gets to work on his task with only a fleeting grimace at the tepid saltiness of his own release and his compliance makes Elaine shiver and clench. She can feel the warm little kitten licks from his tongue, so reminiscent of other activities she uses him for, and his black lashes fan against his cheeks through the orange visor of his ski glasses as he peaks up to see her approving expression.
“That’s good enough, well done, let me help you now, sweet man.” she sighs dreamily while rubbing her finger against his curling tongue.
Elaine pats her shiny hand on her leather vinyl ski pants and finds it ineffective for drying it but there’s nothing to be done about it and so she dutifully lifts up his jackets and grasps the top of his pants and brings them together, “Suck in just a lil.” she suggests as her knuckles dig into the soft, hairy flesh of his belly, rubbing against his little treasure trail. “There we go.” she clasps it and he lets out a sigh and she steps back and both smile shyly at each other over the pretense of him needing help with something so easy.
“I love you.” it bubbles out of her lips as she sees him bundled and shy in front of her with a face shiny from his exertions inside her.
Elvis’ pink lips gasp a little at the common little declaration and he brings his large hand to the back of her neck, pulling her in for a deep kiss. She tastes his salty spend still on his tongue and moans into his scorching mouth. Her man and his body -always so warm and never more so than when he’s been freshly sated.
The ski lift jolts and Elaine falls further forward into Elvis’ embrace, losing her footing in the clumsy footwear, and he holds her up, looking above them to find the car has begun to lurch in what he hopes is an intentional motion to help the stall.
“Are we about to die?” Elaine asks with a giggle into the poofy padding of his jacket and his own laugh rumbles under her ear.
“Dunno,” he jokes, “but if we are, I want ya to know I don’t regret a damn thing ‘bout lovin’ you, ‘cept that I just left ya hangin’ in our last ron-day-voo like a green boy.”
Elaine smacks at his arm and feels the ski lift start to slide down the cable as it ought to have a whole half an hour before. “Gosh, I think we’re actually going to make it.” she mutters as their skiing party has remained intact for the most part, loathing to split off before the Boss and Boss Lady made it up safe.
When they get to their drop Elvis helps Elaine hop off the lift and he follows after, being swarmed by kids and grandkids and their friends asking if they’re alright. Which they are, of course they are.
A employee from the Resort, no doubt the fella who got them moving again, comes up and apologizes profusely for the inconvenience.
“Say nothin’ of it boy.” Elvis beams and claps him on the shoulder and Jack shares a look with his wife Vic at the quite obvious attitude adjustment that seems to have occurred since leaving the lodge. “Ya never know, one day I might tip ya for stallin’ an elevator or something so I can get this sweet creature alone for a minute.” and Elvis squeezes Elaine to his side like a typical, flirty old man and the poor employee stops chewing his gum in confusion.
“Uh. Well I’m glad you’re not shaken up, these things are quite safe they just stall occasionally.” the guy assures, loathe to get a bad review from the Presleys of all people.
“Yes of course.” Elaine smiles demurely at him and that should be his signal to move along but he’s one of those overachiever types, rules and regulation sorts, and so he persists.
“What can be dangerous is rocking a car in hopes to get it going.” he explains, “If this happens again, God forbid-“
“-better not.”
“-then it’s really important not to rock the thing or sway it too much, that can snap a cable, really Mr. Presley it’s important you guys don’t try that again.”
“We-we didn’t-“ Elvis is the picture of confusion even as Elaine’s face solidifies into diplomatic blankness.
“But we saw it rocking.” Bee, Shiloh’s best buddy and a tag-along to all Presley events, insists she saw what she saw, which was the lift rocking. She had commented as much to Danny despite his arguments that it was the wind before he dragged her off to watch him fail at a misty ski trick.
That’s why his forehead was busted and Elaine stares at the gash partially hidden by his shaggy brown hair with some concern.
“Must’ve been the wind.” Elvis repeats his son’s logic and Bee stares in confusion as they’re all out to ski because of the lack of wind.
Elaine beckons Danny over and makes his lanky frame crouch a little so she can ascertain the damage to his head while elbowing a still protesting Elvis in the ribs.
“We did try hopping a few times.” she admits breezily and as soon as she says it, Elvis stops his lying, quickly clamping his mouth shut, “Just thought we might get the momentum back. I’m sorry sir, we didn’t know we could die, we won’t try it again.” she assures.
Content the employee leaves them be and the various groups split off for the various courses, eager and red cheeked. Elvis and Elaine agree to shepard the youngest kids in the group down the easier slopes with the help of Rosalee and Sam.
On their way to their starting places Elvis brushes by Elaine, grandchild's hand in his on his opposite side and mutters in her ear, “Shouldn't make promises ya can’t keep.”
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🥰 I hope y’all don’t mind me tagging y’all in blurbs as well as fics, most of y’all asked to be tagged in “everything” so I took you pretty literally, lol. Let me know and I’ll remove you for future. Xoxoxo
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triscribeaucollection · 3 months
Slowly losing my mind, there are now six whole stories I want to write that involve dropping people from future timelines/alternate universes into the DCAU, mostly specifically between Justice League Unlimited seasons one and two, but I can't settle on which I want to write fiiiiirst
Within the shared universe:
-Batman Beyond's Justice League comes back in time for an unintended visit, the usual handful plus a few of my OCs, including a new Amazon princess aka Bruce/Diana's grown daughter, who argues with Terry incessantly but she will dropkick the first person who says anything disparaging about the next Bat, that's her psuedo little brother thank you very much (and also her half-sibling but shhh they don't know that yet)
-I've got this very convoluted AU for a Batman Beyond Nightstar that I won't bother explaining all of right now, but I want to take that iteration of a 14yo Mar'iand'r Grayson from the future and toss her waaay back to Batman: The Animated Series, when her dad is still Robin and her grandpa hasn't really socialized with any other heroes yet, and this poor kid is not well versed in the past that's now suddenly the future, but as long as she's stuck with this much younger and smaller version of her family she is Going to Do Her Best to make sure things work okay
-There exists a background character in the Elseworlds comic of Kingdom Come confirmed to be the daughter of Supergirl and Brainiac-5, and I have thoughts about this kid, I want to make a DCAU version of her to be yoinked from the 31st century back a thousand years to meet her Uncle Kal-El, BUT with a friend with a mystery background and this one is sad, guys, I made myself cry at work thinking about ultimate sacrifices and failing to save someone at the last moment and honoring the memory of those who are gone but not forgotten
Then from *alternate* universes, I've got the newest brainrot of picking up 22yo Clark with Lois and Jimmy from My Adventures with Superman to gently deposit in this world, and let all three of them squeak over the differences (older Clark! Plus Kara! The whole League!) and this includes a moment of Jimmy seeing this more mature Superman and immediately going "Ohhh no, nononono, you are not allowed to get BIGGER and BEEFIER! I am putting my foot down!" to the general amusement of everyone else nearby.
Not quite as shiny but just as funny is the thought of nabbing Jon Kent from the comics and tossing him across the path of DCAU Lois Lane, give her a chance to shine while getting the kid in touch with someone who can help send him home, only to find out Oh Hey there are a bunch of other superhero kids who came along with him, including a rather prickly Robin who demands "Where have you been, Kent?" which causes Lois to bluescreen for a minute (cue Clark somewhere off screen going 'oh I'm in danger')
And then, I want to go back and do a re-write of my old Young Justice S1 dropped into JLU S2 fic, my skills have improved a fair amount over the past, oh, six-ish years, and there are some different ways I'd handle various introductions. Not to mention I think I'd actually include an ending, this time, instead of losing steam over a plot I didn't really vibe with and leaving the whole thing unfinished...
Just. The DCAU, folks. I'm stuck ping-ponging between ideas that I sadly don't have the energy to work on right now, but eventually that will change and then WATCH OUT
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verdemoun · 1 month
So I have a new idea for a hypothetical ask. All the parental figures/old folks meeting up. Hosea, Bessie, Darraugh, Hamish, Lenny’s dad That’s mentioned in his letter possibly, Grimshaw, Dutch and the less parental Strauss, and Uncle
I would love them to just get to hang out together and in some cases away from the rest of the gang’s shenanigans (c’mon let Hamish and Hosea and Darraugh have there own shenanigans!!!) Plus I am a sucker for any hypothetical Hamish content and Hosea and Grimshaw are two of my favorite gang members :>
this made me laugh hypothetical au where the known parents of the gang turn up for no reason and get into antics
it feels like an intervention with darragh, mr summers, the duffys and later grimshaw and bessie all chiming up to yell at dutch and hosea What the everloving FUCK did you do to our boys. look at them. they have anxiety.
dutch tries to defend himself and hosea has to give him the shut up look because his talk of ideals immediately backfires when mr summers points out they left lenny to die alone.
the parents magically know what happened in rdr2. darragh and mr summers are instant best friends and are taking turns holding each other back from punching dutch in the face. mammy duffy does land a punch before her husband catches her
dutch and beatrice morgan get along a little too well and hosea is suddenly very thankful they never met because they both have that extra bit of neurological spice in the same direction. maybe it's schizophrenia, maybe it's unspecified delusions of grandeur but they both speak in pretty language that isn't entirely grounded in reality and very much feed that energy in each other.
lyle morgan pipes up about not being surprised arthur turned out to be a killer because there was always something wrong with that kid and hosea beats him with a chair. hamish stops hosea only to take the chair himself and join in. fuck lyle morgan
uncle only turned up to eat popcorn and watch williamson sr and marston sr both drink themselves stupid and then was so mildly infuriated by the display he decided fuck you they're my kids now. tell me uncle isn't the closest thing bill has to a positive male figure in his life in rdr2.
micah bell the second is annoyed at how much micah has slightly improved for the better in modern era. his 'wife' who is instead very proud of her son for finally being the slightly good person she always believed he was capable of being slaps him. dutch joins in punching gross old man who raised son to be as mentally warped as micah is - and that's coming from the master gaslighter himself
in more fun stuff: hamish, hosea and pappy duffy would be fishing pals, sit in silence drinking beer sort. uncle tags along but they aren't convinced he even owns a fishing rod. hamish and hosea have brief conversations about what a good kid arthur is while on the inside they are punching the ground screaming because he has done so well for himself and they're so proud he finally got the chance to just be happy
as much as they loathe dutch for encouraging their boys to be outlaws instead of using his resources to help them rebuild their lives and actually doing good, darragh and mr summers can't stop themselves from getting into pseudo-intellectual debates with dutch and annabelle. they all have really similar ideals about common good but disagree about how it is achieved and it's very amusing to see them get animated about it
grimshaw, bessie, mrs bell, mammy duffy and hosea are also gossips and love nothing more than sitting around drinking coffee and talking about their gaggle of children. also mrs bell is so beautiful and charming everyone is trying to decode how micah was produced. they are all just sharing childhood stories like micah picking weeds to be a bouquet for his mama who he adored and arthur's fishing story and the mission of giving john a bath and you can just tell they all love their kids.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Yandere alphabet for Ghostface from Scream, please? Preferably for Billy specifically if that info is needed, thank you!
Sure I can! Been awhile since I saw Scream so I am trying my best to pull him from memory. Aged up as usual.
Alphabet Found Here
Yandere Alphabet - Billy Loomis
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Deception, Sadism, Knife kink, Blood kink, Kidnapping, Toxic themes, Forced relationship, Dehumanization, Licking blood mention, Torture mention, Isolation, Murder, Jealousy, Stalking.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Billy has the ability to at least pretend to be a loving boyfriend. As just Billy, he'd give you the usual hugs, cuddles, and kisses. He plays the role of your protective boyfriend and promises to be the best for you.
In the movies he resorted to thrill killing due to Sidney's family pulling his apart. To gain that sadistic yandere behavior let's say your relationship takes place in an AU after Sidney.
In this case he's still playing the Ghostface persona. He'll say you're his favorite victim and stalk you, wanting to drag his knife across your skin. As Ghostface, he uses his torment towards you to give into his knife play and blood kink (In my eyes, most if not all Ghostface killers have it).
Although as Ghostface he may also cuddle/straddle you, it's very forced- If you're smart you can tell it feels familiar.
Billy would be pretty intense with his behavior towards you.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Oh extremely. As Ghostface he'd be covered in blood for you. I'm also convinced he has a blood kink.
Pretending to be your innocent boyfriend, however? He'd pretend that he hates the idea of blood in front of you. In reality, he loves it.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Billy would totally mock you. I think according to my memory, he mocked Sidney in the movie? He'd abduct you and trap you in a basement, teasing and taunting you about it the whole time.
Now it's just you and him, the act is finished, now the real fun begins.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Most likely, yes. He's a sadistic sociopath, of course he'll do anything to make you cry and scream. He finds it entertaining.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He isn't a very vulnerable yandere. His broken mental state doesn't make him show much in terms of emotions unless he's faking it now.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
It's amusing but he'll quickly tire of it. It's funny for a little bit, he likes to make you think you can fight against him. But when you start actually hurting him, he's annoyed and shuts it down.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Yes. Chasing you down, sadistically acting desires out on you, it's all a game. He'd enjoy watching you escape but he knows when it's time to put his toys away. He'll drag you back when he feels it's time.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Really with Billy... you could pick anything. I'd probably have to say the first time he abducts you, honestly. Because then everyone thinks you're dead and he's just... unpredictable. But really any of his little visits as Ghostface would be bad too.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He hasn't really thought of it. Perhaps there was once a time he considered marriage. Now? Well, now he just wants to keep you around to play with. A little doll for him to vent his frustrations about the world to, in anyway he feels.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes and he will lash out. He'll stalk your friends and family and won't mind putting an end to them if it means keeping you to himself. It's best not to make him jealous in the end.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He'd start off as your typical boyfriend then slowly become more sadistic towards you, ever so slightly dropping his act. Other times, Billy will wear the Ghostface persona and stalk you like another victim.
As Ghostface he'd also make you bleed with his knife, lapping at the blood softly as he hears your whimpers.
He plays two personas with you. The sweet boyfriend who'd protect you and the crazed psycho who would hurt you. Soon you can't tell the difference.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
At first you two were probably both seniors in high school and started a relationship. After that he begins stalking you until he's situated in your life. Then he begins his act as both protector and tormentor.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Well, yeah I'd say so. He plays two different people, changing roles when he feel he needs to.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Lots of isolation/torture by his knife. Cause him pain and he'll cause you pain. He may even kill you.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
As many as he feels he needs to in the end.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He has patience in the start with stalking you, but once he has you there's a limit.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Yeah, he most likely would.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Nope and nope.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
His relationship with Sidney's family most likely started it.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He finds it amusing, your attempts are cute.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He has a knife and blood kink, he's also a sociopathic serial killer. I think those count.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Sudden bursts of affection like kissing? Even then he'd probably never let you leave.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He isn't really a worship yandere. He'll just take you instead of winning you over. When he's still pretending, however, he'd do anything to keep up the facade.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He could stalk you for months, but he'll hit a limit before he feels he needs to do something.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
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ashfae · 8 months
A03 meme
A03 meme time, except I've been writing and posting fanfic to the internet since before A03. And before fanfiction.net. And before Geocities. And before the World Wide Web. There's fic of mine with ASCII doodle illustrations somewhere out there where the wild BBSes once roamed…I was tagged by @moveslikebucky; thanks Buckie, here goes. <3
how many works do you have on Ao3? 54. (and yes if we added in all the fanfic outside of A03 it'd be a larger number but I can't be bothered to consolidate it all)
what’s your total Ao3 word count? 341,744, which is better than I was expecting, yay.
what fandoms do you write for? At the moment it's just Good Omens, but there's been a lot of Dragon Age, some Lord of the Rings, and way back in the day there was Harry Potter and a lot of anime. I am toying with dipping my toe back in LotR, there's a thing I wrote ages ago that's entirely finished and just needs editing and I've been meaning to get it out there for ages. It's long though, so that'd be a commitment.
what are your top five fics by kudos? What Custom Strictly Divided (507) Like an Echo Far Away (415) (this one wasn't in the top five last week when I first started writing this post! So I think @mielpetite gets all the credit for boosting it with amazing fanart) What Comes From Your Hand (402) Give Me Your Illusions (346) Nightswimming (307)
do you respond to comments? Yep! Sometimes just with "Thanks!" or hearts but I try to. Though they get away from me sometimes and then I do a bunch all at once.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Definitely Warmaiden, which is my "What if Éowyn got the One Ring?" fic, from an idea that occurred to me one day and wouldn't leave. Clearly that doesn't end well for her, or anyone. From GO fandom it's probably Silent Night, which I still want to expand into a larger fic to be a set with Give Me Your Illusions. Someday, someday.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of them! But for the happiest I'd say Swan Lake Revised, cowritten with @mostlyjustgoose. And if we ever get part three up it'll be even more happy. And smutty. Very smutty.
Do you get hate on fics? Very rarely. I've been lucky there.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Oh here's the irony. I used to do a lot a lot a LOT of online roleplaying and mygod I wrote smut. So much. So. Much. I don't do as much rp these days but even so the threads I have going are still frequently pure filth. But in fic, much less so, even though I want to. Why it all gets channeled into rp and not as much into my fanfic I do not know. Honestly I want to write a lot more of it. Smut forever!!
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Sometimes, when I have a good idea. But the craziest one I ever wrote, ages ago, was a pure crackfic for my 21st birthday, where I imagined a bizarre party for myself in which LOADS of fictional characters (mostly from anime) showed up so I could make them interact in wacky ways. It was utterly ridiculous but amused me. Making all the characters voiced by Megumi "She's Everywhere!!" Hayashabara meet up and wonder why they all sound alike, for example. Also I wish I'd written an Artemis Fowl breaks into Gringotts to rob it fic before I became so disillusioned with both Artemis Fowl and Harry Potter. Heigh ho.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yep. It was impressive how lazy the person was about it too, they stole all the html as well. Someone brought it to my attention pretty quickly.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Twice, yes. Into Portuguese, as I remember.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Hi @mostlyjustgoose, I adore you, please co-write things with me forever. <3 Our baby is Unusual Strings, a reverse omens AU love story, and it's SO. CLOSE. to being done. So close. Aughhhh. I love our angel!Crowley and demon!Aziraphale so, so much.
What’s your all time favorite ship? Aziraphale and Crowley, Faramir and Éowyn, Hiccup and Astrid. Don't make me choose between those three, my head will explode.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Shut up shut up I will finish all of them ALL OF THEM I SAY…sigh. Beauty and the Battousai. Though I should probably mention A Demon in the Dreaming and The Queen Bee. (they're plotted and outlined and parts are written aaahhh come on ADHD meds help me out here)
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, definitely. I'm good at putting humour into things. Got compared to Patricia Wrede once and honestly, life goal achieved there. I can do memorable phrases and descriptions and edit well.
What are your writing weaknesses? What is plot. Why does it hate me. Why are my original characters one-dimensional cardboard. What is worldbuilding and how do I do it without getting stalled into paralysis. Baaaah. This is why my original novel will never be finished and I keep running back to fanfic instead.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Hoo boy contentious subject! I love reading it so long as it's translated somewhere in the footnotes, I'd be happy to write it if I knew other languages, the question of whether it should be italicized or not has apparently Officially been settled by The Publishing Industry on the side of Not.
First fandom you wrote for? Oh gosh I think it was the Dragonlance books by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. The first that ever got shown to other people was Ranma 1/2 though.
Favorite fic you’ve written? It's still What Custom Strictly Divided. Though Unusual Strings comes very close.
Gaaah I'm always worried I'll tag people who don't want to be tagged so, erk, um...if they're willing, @racketghost, @indieninja92, and @holycatsandrabbits! And you, if you're reading and want to do this, please say I tagged you. I meant to really, honest. ;)
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jiro-kino · 2 years
I crave more KUNIKUZUSHI ( PRE-FATUI ) + READER please
Like how would Ei and the other archons react to them
Maybe some sweet moments between them like the first time Kuni calls us mom or when we found him or getting him settled in to the house like shopping for clothes and things for his room together
And what about future aspects like the fatui and traveler how would those differ from the original story line
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- Kunimitsu-AU is from my previous post where Reader basically adopts Kunikuzushi(Scaramouche), so none of the betrayal shit happened.
That aside, let's get down to answering! ( some are going to be in a separate post )
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Our dear Electro Archon, Ei, didn't even know about it until she decided to get out of her plane of Euthymia because of the Traveller. Once she was informed, she find it hard to believe considering this was (Name) they were talking about. Plus, they uh... They don't really get along that well.
"It's unsettling to know she resides somewhere here in Inazuma.. She always liked making things quite difficult for me, especially in the past. Though, worry not, I am able to see through her and her words thanks to Miko"
Ah, seems like she doesn't want to go into further detail.
"Kunimitsu..? Ah, I see.. I'm glad he's doing alright.. Really? But how did she—? I'm a bit surprised that she was capable of understanding how he works.. In the emotional sense. He seems to be doing quite alright .. Traveller, can I ask you to do me a small favor?"
The favor was simply to keep an eye out for the woman and for the prototype-puppet.
Oh, but what about the God of Freedom himself? Barbatos- who calls himself Venti had known since the day (Name) came to Mondstadt with Kuni for the Windblume Festival. And oh my, was he surprised and amused by the fact it was Ei's puppet that was with her.
"Ohoho~! I didn't expect you to know her. I wonder what disguise did she choose for herself this time?.. That aside! She's still the same neutral I know, just less chaotic unlike a few thousand years ago- what? Of course she's immortal. How else would she be able to look that young after raising Kunimitsu?"
Unlike Ei, it seems like these two are on good terms.
"My bitter-loving 'nephew'.. Back then, I used to teach him how to play the flute. There was also the time I tried introducing him to some of the wine here but his mother wouldn't let me.. Did I forget to mention he's a mama's boy? Much like her, he sometimes comes by to 'gossip' about certain things happening. Take a pair of lovers from the Shrine for example, I've heard—"
Well, they seem pretty close too (surprisingly).
For the God of Contracts, this was something he and Ei can agree with. Zhongli wasn't as surprised but it was definitely something he did not expect from the woman to do. In all honesty, he thought she was just going to use it as some way to cause chaos. ( Thank the stars that didn't happen )
"It has indeed been years since I've last spoken to her. It seems like she's a bit more self-controlled for these past hundred years.. She's welcome to visit Liyue as long as she doesn't do any of her absurd 'pranks'"
Such a talkative man, yet said very little about the woman.
"I've heard from Xiao that he was raised by (Name), correct? It's a relief that he didn't pick up any bad habits from her over the years.. at least for now."
Traveller and Paimon can only wonder what those habits are.
Now, Lesser Lord Kusanali had known this since the woman likes to keep her updated about the outside world. You could say she also sorta raised the dendro archon a bit as well. In fact, it was (Name)'s idea for her to help her nation from the shadows if others weren't pleased with her existence.
"Before Sumeru had accepted me.. (Name) was one of the close companions I've had when I had first woken up. As chaotic as she seems to the other archons, much like a chameleon- It is in their nature to blend in, like how it's in her nature to switch when she wants to"
??? The Traveller and Paimon were still processing the analogy. They'll just take the first sentence as an answer.
"Kuni used to be my 'student' when he first received his vision. He wanted to surprise and impress (Name) at the time so he was very eager to learn as quick as he can, like cat wanting their owner's attention. It's a relief that he managed to avoid the dangerous path for his future... If he hadn't been found by her,.."
Strange, it seems like Sumeru's god is aware of something.
> Let's start off with the Tatarasuna incident. This was handled differently than the OG thanks to the Reader's existence and Kuni's awareness.
> Instead of Kuni's second betrayal, it was his first time having to learn to accept that some will sacrifice themselves for the greater good. ( The storyline where Niwa and an unknown swordsman entered the furnace instead while Kuni helped evacuate the others )
> Thanks to the Reader, he was able to cope with what happened without any misunderstandings. And as for the Doctor? This is how he figures out the Electro Archon had created a puppet, which made him want to figure out how to do it as well ( since he's aware he can't easily manipulate Kuni in this )
> As for the fall of the Raiden Gokuden, let's just say Dottore was the main cause. How? By creating a puppet ( with some help from Sandrone, although he refused to admit it ), and experimenting on it by causing the downfall of the clans.
> This puppet did however end up getting destroyed by Kuni right after he found out what happened.
> So don't worry about Kazuha and the Kamisato Siblings, they're fine.
> Though, the fall of the clans did cause them to stop still. Unless said otherwise by the remaining descendants of those clans in the present, who came to terms with it.
> Oh, but what about the Fatui? As of now, there's only 10 Fatui Harbingers. The Balladeer never existing in the first place.
> For the Delusion Factory incident, Columbina will replace Scaramouche. And by that, I mean the Traveller will end up 'meeting' her. ( Though, it was more like, hearing her** )
> The Traveller meets Kuni during his own story quest ( if y'all haven't met in the unreconciled stars event where he helps the Adventurer's guild ) that takes place after Ei's first story quest.
> As for the Reader, you'll meet her during Kuni's quest and is mentioned by Yae during the training part of the Inazuma Quest.
> This will also have a bit more impact when it comes to Signora's funeral. Where Dottore made the decision to take the Electro Gnosis and see if he could create a 'god' with it.
> Everything in the Sumeru Quest, excluding 3.3 had happened, except replace Scaramouche with a prototype puppet created by Dottore, and Dottore will be replaced with Webtoon!Dottore, who threw a tantrum in the end before making the deal with Kusanali / Nahida.
If there's a plot hole anywhere, feel free to point it out! I didn't exactly plan everything through since this was nothing but a thought at first
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hey hey hey shadowrot pirate au? i am intrigued :0
YEEEEEAAAAAAH THANK YOU !!! warning for pirate typical violence yippee (killing, some blood, loss of limbs, kidnapping)
SO there's a pirate island and stuff and crews can do jobs for each other as well as for important people on the island. pirate captain Cleo takes a job to kidnap some noble's daughter for a hefty sum of gold (like 10,000-20,000, it's nothing to sneeze at) it'll take a few weeks to get to the girl and then another couple days to get to the dropoff location so she snatches it before anyone else can get it
Lizzie is easy enough to capture. she's a dainty little thing and Cleo is built like a mountain. they plunder and slaughter most of the folks in the manor and manage to get Lizzie out with only a few minor injuries
"Oh, there you are, love." The pirate grasps her arm, yanking her out from under the table. She yelps as she's brought face to face with the mountainous woman, suddenly very close to a wicked smile and the orange curls cascading down her shoulders. "My my, aren't you a dainty thing?" she purrs, the glint in her eye reminiscent to a hawk eyeing a mouse. "Deepest apologies, trinket, but you're worth an awful lot of gold."
they tie her up and gag her or just straight up knock her out and once they're back on the ship she gets the best cell in the brig. there's minimal bonding between lizzie and whoever is tasked to guard her, and she doesn't see cleo again until the last day
Lizzie wakes to someone tying her hands together. "Wh- hey!" she tries to kick, but Grian has her ankles, "what is the meaning of this!" Scar's smile is sheepish and apologetic as he swiftly secures her wrists together. Lizzie growls and attempts to shake him off- "Good morning, trinket." Lizzie's head whips around to the staircase. The mountainous woman is there, with her cascading curls and a tricorn hat. She's smirking, the glint in her eye amused as she pushes off the wall and slowly strides towards the cell. Scar steps away to make room. Grian does not release Lizzie's ankles. "Now, here's how this is going to work," says the woman, squatting down to Lizzie's level here on the floor, "you may walk all by yourself-" "Finally," Lizzie hisses. "If," remarks the woman, "and only if you promise to behave." Lizzie frowns. "Do you promise, trinket?" "My name is Lizzie." "Do you promise?" Lizzie glares. The woman's smile might as well be painted. She spits, "I promise." "Wonderful," the woman stands, then gestures for her to get up, "come on then, they're waiting for us."
They bring her onto the island and then to the handoff location. Lizzie and Cleo are allowed in (and maybe one more). the location is inside this little cave that's mostly hidden by waterfall and vines and upon entering they find. idk, criminal-looking guys and a man who looks like he's half cod, and suddenly Cleo shifts gears
she refuses to hand lizzie off until they explain what's going on. at first they're difficult to work with, but after cleo manages to nearly slice off somebody's hand and kill someone else, they confess, at swordpoint, that lizzie is the heir to the ocean throne and they plan to take both her and the half cod man back to the ocean empire's oversea meeting place (idk) and try to trade them both for some kind of riches. maybe the ocean's blessing so they can have control over the sea. or something (that's probably what im going to go with)
cleo is like. naaaah you're not doing that and gives a signal and her crew comes busting in and they manage to get out with both lizzie and the cod man, but now they're on the run from some powerful pirates who want them dead
after that it's a little bit just. heeey pirates are cool here's some cool piratey things! Lizzie has to deal with the fact that she's half fish and oh look that cod boy is named jimmy and he's her brother
is the captain, yes, but im also playing with the idea that she's somehow immortal/can't die? (to tie in the whole zombie thing! - i have an idea for a scene where lizzie tries to escape by stabbing cleo clean through the chest and cleo kinda breathes weird but takes the sword out no problem and the wound closes instantly- that's how lizzie realizes she can't just walk out of here, unfortunately)
they're huuuuge. at least a head and a half taller than lizzie methinks. huge and buff and covered in scars.
Heir to the ocean kingdom
Part blue axolotl, gains siren powers when she goes into the water (gills, webbed hands and feet, a tail like an axolotl, webbed ears), and she can control people by singing
jimmy is her little brother that she had no idea she had. (same mother, different fathers. he's trans and also way taller than her)
possibly also immortal. now that she actually has the chance to live as a full siren her lifespan will lengthen and her aging will go kinda weird lol
other stuff:
i haven't decided if i want it to be a traffic life thing, or a hermit/empires crossover and i think it'll be a little of both where i just pick and choose what character stuff i want to include but it'll be more traffic guys cause i know their vibes better
im still puzzling out who i want on her crew, it'll probably be a mesh of hermits and life series folks. grian and scar are there, probably also X, Joe, Cub, Pearl, Gem and maaaaybe Scott?
BigB used to be on the crew but then he sabotaged the crew by burning the ship down and he joined a different crew (maybe skizz's crew idk) and after their crews sorta meshed he's finding his footing again and trying to be trusted who knows. maybe he's been slowly gaining trust and as they're fleeing from the trading cave cleo yells for him to light the enemies' ship on fire and that's how he knows she kinda sorta trusts him again? (i have to watch povs i dont actually think they like each other in character rip)
i want cleo and lizzie to dance at some point. cleo thinks fondly back to who she was before she was a pirate - also some kind of noble's child, trained in etiquette and dancing and all kinds of things. this might be the first time lizzie ever thinks of herself as a pirate- and it was by accident, comparing herself to cleo
lizzie is trusted to wander the deck pretty quickly after The Incident with the traders, but Jimmy is stuck in the brig for a while until Lizzie commands cleo to let him out. he's let out but not without supervision and slowly works his way into the crew
Lizzie is almost full human out of the water (save for her white eyes when she has the power of the ocean with her), but Jimmy is still half cod out of the water (it's how he was caught- it's obvious he's from the sea)
cleo and lizzie do kiss. i've actually written out that scene but i'm going to save it for later <3
lizzie asks to be trained in sword fighting - the crew teaches her how to fight and be a pirate. she swordfights and wields a gun and a crossbow and gets a new outfit and stuff and she's pretty good at it
Lizzie miiight get her hair cut off in a fight. Cleo might as well. idk i think they'd be pretty with short hair
should they get matching tattoos that would be cute of them
i dont know how much magic i want to have in the world, i have a REALLY hard time imagining grian without wings, but if i give him wings then why can't i make cleo a full on zombie? what about other hybrids? i think i want to go for it but we'll see
i think it would be fun to have soulmates be a thing. i think it'd be even funnier to have soulmates be a Cleo's ship exclusively thing. like her boat is cursed and as long as you're on it with your soulmate you both get hurt when one of you gets hurt. maybe when you get hurt flowers bloom on the other's skin. maybe grian and scar are both covered in flowers and scars and claim to despise each other but you can see the fondness in their eyes whenever they talk to each other. idk. it would be funny.
Cleo calls Lizzie "Trinket" because trinkets are small and fragile but also very pretty and can mean a lot to whoever is holding onto them
uuuuhhhh what else. eventually they'd probably go to the sea. i think that's all the ideas i have right now :D
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adorawritesalot · 1 year
I have cutely resurfaced, now, John Laurens (my beloved) and Alex Kralie with an s/o that's RICH rich, like comes from generational wealth and is very well known
I hope you've been eating or drank some water btw cause you deserve it <33
GUYS!!!! im back! exams are over, and i couldnt be happier. i am sorry to everyone whos adk has been ignored for a long time, ill be working on finishing them. send more! i love writing, epsecially for soneone i know will enjoy it!
also, if theres anyone who likes six of crows.... send that, too. ive been obsessed with them (and shadow and bone, obviously) and i would love to practice writing different characters!
i have drank and ate! thank u sm ily!!!! u deserve it too:) i hope its not a problem i made john in a modern!au:) this also might be a bit diff, idk. im very tired HAHA
please mention if u want headcannons or a oneshot!! i wouldnt want u to be unhappy with any of my works!
John Laurens
You met in college. He didn't like you very much at first- he thought you would be just a stuck-up kid, considering your family's status and wealth.
He could not be more wrong.
You got paired up with him for a project, and he knew that he was gone for the first time you smiled at him.
You quickly became friends. He introduced you to his friends (one of which you already knew; Marquis de Laffayette was quite known amongst the rich).
You started dating shortly after. A little later, you invited him to your house for the first time. He was very nervous, and not just because he would be meeting your parents. He didn't come from the wealthiest family, so this was a new territory to him. What if he said something wrong? Spilt something on himself, or worse, on something accidentally?
His worries quickly vanished when he saw your smile. That smile that could light up the room, the world. He was instantly calmer.
Well, after dating for a while, his birthday came up. Obviously, he told you not to go all out- he didn't want you to think he was with you just for money (even though you wouldn't even think of that).
But, you did go all out. You went on a picnic, went to see a movie, and then, after an eventful day of roaming the streets of New York, you came to your house.
He wasn't expecting anything else. He was wrong, though.
You bought him a turtle.
Alex Kralie
He didn't know you grew up rich. Or were rich, for that matter.
You've been already dating for some time when he started writing the script for Marble Hornets.
When he finished, the only thing that stopped him from actually filming was a crucial thing; he didn't own a camera. And he didn't have actors.
So, obviously, you bought him the best camera that you could get your hands on.
When he saw it, he bawled. And said a lot of thank yous and I love yous.
He asked you how did you get the money for that. In reply, you just told him your family has a literal crest and invited him to meet your parents.
The shock on his face when he saw your childhood house- no, mansion - was quite amusing. You would laugh if it wasn't for the nervosity of your boyfriend meeting your filthy rich parents.
Let's just say that you and your parents never stopped financing him and his ideas. They love him.
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found-wings · 11 months
No but why do you always have good idea when it come to Codebreaker. Like wtf, just imagine Étoiles, never (or almost never) loosing a fight cuz he's just that good (like you know what I mean) and Crimson just beating him by just cheating.
Étoiles is just there staring at what he thought was Phil at the start but he quickly realized that the man standing before him wasn't the one he considered as brother, and just being devastated by the fact he just lost a precious gift.
I have no fucking idea of how he would react, like on one side, my brain go angst with just étoiles being self-conscious because maybe it was his fault and that he was not worth it. But on the other hand, there is no way it would happen and I'm thinking that he would be very, very mad at the person that cause the shift in Phil's personality and he would go one a revenge rampage or whatever...
Like, wtf, my brain can't think properly x-x
(Btw I love reading your ideas and au, it's always really good <3)
Ajajj THANK YOU!! I‘m so happy to hear whenever people like my silly ideas no matter how odd or silly they are - I absolutely adore the creative freedom you get with aus and I am absolutely living for the craziest aus, so seeing people like them is RAAAH
Etoiles being entirely perplexed to what he’s supposed to feel as he watches the gifted feather be torn from him, broken up as if it meant nothing by the person who looks almost exactly like the one that had given him the feather in the first place.
I want him to get livid and angry with Crimson so badly. Recognising that this is not Phil, so how dare he decide if he was or wasn‘t worthy of the trust him and Phil have been building? The loyalty that lies within each other, the bond they‘ve grown to appreciate?
I want Crimson to find amusement in said anger, playing it off and going on about how Phil had spoken & thought so positively and highly of Etoiles - yet upon being 'put to the test' he just disappoints.
On the other hand the idea of Etoiles becoming self conscious about losing like this - even against someone who will cheat and use anything just to win - and being practically told how he should‘ve done better & doesn‘t deserve to call himself a friend of Phil.. RAAAH.
The worst part of this all is probably Phil, when pushed back into having control of his body again, probably not even remembering any of that. So when Etoiles recognises Phils patterns again, he’s not sure whether to bring up Crimson or not, or that he even lost the feather that Phil had gifted him in the first place. The uncertainty that suddenly stretches between their friendship becomes increasingly obvious on both sides
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allthecastlesonclouds · 9 months
11, 16 & 18 :D?
thank you so much for the ask!! (sdkhsadjf opening my inbox was amusing)
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
ooooooooooh my god that's. Hard. uh in no particular order just lookin through my ao3:
- this city never sleeps at night by chesci. it's a band au six of crows fic and. comfort beloved it's just. good vibes and fun. - honestly just the whole the only way out of this thriller (is if i am a killer, too) series by the lovely @wlwinry. it's so good. so so so good. screaming crying throwing up at the latest installment. - and Starlight by pigflight! it's a figayda tangled-ish au and it's very simple and sweet and i. think it may have been the first fic i read in this fandom?? just. very very sweet.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
so many in my head but very few on paper. midterms season kicking my butt asdgjkfh but. when i have time. there may be a short little sig figs vigilante au :D
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
i answered this on a different ask but! i will say! i do have a habit of making my titles multiple parts (addressing two things, split with a comma or a dash or a semi colon or parentheses). it does give a certain energy but it also makes my titles Very Long so. a habit i've noticed. i have three fics that don't have this habit and 14 fics up on ao3 so. :)
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herofics · 1 year
Hey ! I seen your posts on teenage Touya ! And I really liked it ! Can I request you the same type of fic with teenager Touya x reader ? (where reader and him are already in a relationship) no problem if you don’t want, but thank you in advance :)
Have a nice day<3
(You said to send this like an ask so)
So this is a bit further into the future in the Dabi/Touya high school AU, I’m still probably going to write stuff that goes between this part and the previous one, but we’ll see. Anyway, part 1 here, part 2 here, part 3 here and part 4 here. I had to redo this twice because I wasn’t happy with it, and I’m still not sure I am, but I really just wanted to get this out. Might also be a bit of a mess tbh
You and Touya were going to celebrate your one year anniversary by going to an amusement park. You weren’t really that fond of the idea, but he had seemed excited about it, so you didn’t want to disappoint him, and you didn’t have any better ideas.
Your anniversary date happened to land on the weekend, so you didn’t even have to skip school to go to the amusement park. Which Touya probably wouldn’t have agreed to anyway, since his attendance record was excellent and he didn’t want to ruin it. He might have had a bad boy reputation at school, but he wasn’t like that, not really. He was very dedicated to his studies, unlike some others who had a similar reputation to him.
The two of you had agreed that you would come over to Touya’s, since the Todoroki residence was closer to the bus stop you needed to get to and you would walk to the bus from there, since it was just around the corner.
You were pretty nervous in the morning of the anniversary, because you weren’t a huge fan of amusement parks. You didn’t hate them, but they weren’t your favorite place either. Touya had suggested it and he had seemed excited about it and you just wanted to make him happy, so you had agreed to go.
Touya was looking forward to spending your anniversary with you. Honestly, he didn’t care how he’d spend it, as long as it was with you and he got to give you his gift. He had been racking his brain for months about what he wanted to get you, but he had finally found a necklace he liked the week before. He’d gotten the back of it engraved with his and your initials and the date you started dating.
When the doorbell finally rang, Touya basically leapt to open it.
“Hi” you said and greeted him with a kiss on the cheek.
“Hey sweetness” Touya smirked. “You ready to go?”
“Yep, you should grab a jacket or a hoodie though, you’re gonna freeze if the wind picks up”
“Nah, I’ll be fine” Touya said.
“Okay, have it your way, just don’t try to steal my hoodie when you get cold” you joked.
Touya rolled his eyes with an amused expression, and said: “We should go or we’ll miss the bus”
The two of you hurried out the door and walked to the bus stop. The sun was shining, and it was a pretty warm day, but you had a feeling the weather was going to turn. You didn’t have time to think about that anymore though, because you hopped on the bus and started heading towards the amusement park.
You sat next to Touya, who wrapped his arm around your shoulder and was staring out the window. You held your bag on your lap and leaned your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes. Before you knew it, you had arrived at the amusement park. Luckily the place didn’t seem to be packed as full as usual.
“Where do you wanna go first?” Touya asked as you got your passes.
“I don’t know. To be honest I haven’t been to this amusement park before, so you’ll have to lead the way” you told him.
“Fine by me” Touya shrugged and grabbed your hand to lead you through the crowd of people.
A lot of your day was spent queuing for the different rides, but that gave you a lot of time to chat. Touya managed to convince you to get into many rides, and even though they looked scary at first, you had a good time. Everytime you got scared, you held his hand and it always made you feel better.
Touya went on a couple of rides alone, because you didn’t want to go on the fastest ones or the ones that went upside down. You waved at him from the ground every time though. Touya had noticed the wind picking up and the air getting cooler for a while now, but he wasn’t going to say anything, he didn’t want to give you the chance to tell him “I told you so”. You were bundled up in your hoodie, so he wasn’t even sure if you had noticed.
“So where next? We’ve been to almost every ride, or at least you have” you noted as Touya came off the big rollercoaster.
“What do you say we call it a day? I’ve been to everywhere I wanted to go anyway” Touya said
“Sure, we just need to buy some cotton candy, it’s a mandatory purchase at an amusement park” you smirked and took his hand, starting to drag him towards one of the many gift shops.
“Fine” Touya rolled his eyes, but followed you without resistance.
You got your cotton candy, and the two of you started to make your way to the exit and to the bus stop.
“What do you wanna eat when we get back?” Touya asked as you waited for the bus.
“Sure” Touya said.
You hopped on the bus and started your trip back to the Todoroki residence.
The half an hour went by fast and before you knew it, you were already walking back to Touya’s home. You had spent the trip in silence, which you didn’t actually mind, since it wasn’t an awkward silence.
As you got off the bus, you grabbed Touya’s hand. Your hands were cold and since he always ran a bit warmer than you, you figured it would be a good way to warm up.
“Are you cold?” you asked as you grabbed Touya’s hand and it was feeling quite chilly.
“I’ll warm up once I get indoors” he said nonchalantly.
You took off your hoodie and wrapped it around Touya’s shoulders, bundling him up in it as best you could.
“Why are you givin it to me? You’re gonna get cold, dumbass” he said, trying to give it back to you.
“It’s not a long way to your house so, I’ll be fine” you smiled and wrapped the hoodie around him tighter.
“Thanks” Touya said.
You walked the rest of the way to the Todoroki residence and when you got in, Touya immediately  gave your hoodie back to you. You followed him into his room and sat down on his bed as he went to find a hoodie from his closet.
“I’m gonna call the pizza place. Is the usual okay?” Touya asked.
"Yep" you answered and started going through your bag.
You were rummaging around your bag, trying to find the gift you had bought Touya. You finally found it as he ended the call and went to get something from his desk drawer.
Touya sat down next to you on the bed and noticed you were holding a small black box in your hands. It was very similar to the one he was holding.
He really hoped you would like the necklace. He was watching your expression as he handed you the box.
You accepted the box and opened it. Inside there was a beautiful silver necklace with a circular pendant that had a little swirl engraved on the front and your and Touya’s initials engraved on the other side.
“Omg, it’s so beautiful” you exclaimed, raising it up by the chain so it reflected in the light from the window.
Touya sighed in relief and said: “I’m glad you like it”
“I have something for you too” you said and grabbed your own box from your lap, handing it to him.
Touya took the box and opened it. You had gotten him a necklace with a square pendant, that had smaller squares engraved inside each other on the front and both of your initials engraved on the back.
“Wow” he said. “I’m never takin this off” he smirked.
“Oh thank god you like it” you sighed in relief.
“Of course I like, it looks cool and you got it for me”
“It’s kind of funny that we both got each other necklaces” you chuckled.
“You didn’t happen to consult that damn bird on what to get me, did you?” Touya asked jokingly.
“Well he is your best friend… but I’m admitting nothing” you grinned.
“I’m askin because I also asked him for an idea on what to get you”
“Ah, so he set us up”
You just looked at each other before you started laughing.
When you calmed down, you said: “Happy anniversary, Touya”
“Happy anniversary (Name)” he answered with a soft smile.
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