#Also sorry for not posting Hi-Fi Rush stuff
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
leronboi · 2 years ago
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I was doodling these two for something, but decided to post them cuz they look soo cute hehe
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apollysabyss · 2 years ago
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Smidge My Beloved
I love this fridge so much
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ghostlysense · 2 years ago
intro post (sort of)
hi tumblr, my name is mees, im 22 and use he/him pronouns. i guess i am what they call a twitter / reddit refugee? look... i was here before the infamous porn ban, but my old blog isnt relevant anymore so im starting over. please bear with me as i rediscover and remaster the ancient art of posting on tumblr dot com
there's a looooooooot of media that i love but im currently experiencing massive brainrot over hi-fi rush, tears of the kingdom and trigun stampede ((yes, these all have a protagonist with an artificial right arm.... sus))
i like to design and print 3d models! i dont usually show them to a lot of people but..... might as well post some of them here. i also make mashups and remixes very occasionally.
if you enjoy or post about any of the following please like/reply, i'd love to be mutuals!
games: splatoon (!!!!!!), xenoblade, zelda, anything nintendo, hi-fi rush, persona
animation / shows / movies: trigun, miraculous, glitch techs, danny phantom, MCU, spiderverse, animation in general
other stuff: aviation, robotics, 3D printing, FOSS, right to repair, urbanism
in case elon obtains additional brain cells overnight and twitter gets revived: im also @/ghostlysense over there. on other platforms i use @/monsoonery
alright that's all! if you read all of this i am so sorry but also talk to me pls i am Cool
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stinklebug · 11 months ago
send me some writing requests!
things that i will & won't write under the cut (you can also find a link to it in my pinned. not linking here because for some reason, it sometimes makes it so posts don't show up in the tags)
first things first: i'm only taking hi-fi rush requests.
second things second: what i will write
any hi-fi rush character
i will also write ocs, but you must provide the necessary info about them (basic things, y'know. personality, appearance, etc. telling me their mannerisms (such as speech patterns and whatnot) also helps a lot)
(almost) any 'genres' (e.g. fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, sickfic, etc.)
aus, but you must provide some info about the au if it isn't one of mine
what i will not write
x reader
chai x kale (if you ship it, that's fine, i just don't care for it personally and don't particularly want to write it)
now, some extra things:
try to keep your request somewhat specific. really, anything is better than just, "angst." but a decent example would be something like this: "korsica and peppermint go on a dinner date." more specificity is appreciated, as well.
every request i write will be under/around 1000 words long. if you're wanting something longer, sorry not sorry.
please send your request as an ask, not as a reply to one of my posts. it makes it easier for me to keep track of your request.
i reserve the right to not do your request for whatever reason. all requests that i decide to not do i delete from my inbox. sidenote: just because your request hasn't been fulfilled doesn't necessarily mean i've deleted it. it can take me a bit to get to them sometimes because, y'know, i have a Life and Stuff.
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cognitosclowns · 2 years ago
I'm not sure how it would happen, but how do you think Alphabeta would deal with getting his consciousness moved over to a human body? What would he like? What would he hate? (No pressure to respond of course!)
all sfw!! references to eating + nausea
Miscellaneous sci-fi fuckery? Miscellaneous sci-fi fuckery
Accidentally transferred into the body of a clone? Some last ditch effort to save his life? The Specifics aren't really important, what matters is he hates it.
He's absolutely gonna have a Last Unicorn Amalthea 'I-Can-Feel-This-Body-Dying-All-Around-Me' moment that isn't gonna be good for anyone involved. Bone-deep nausea when he realises just how fragile he is.
It's probably the most distressed anyone's ever seen him? Lots of pure fight-or-flight reactions, if anyone tries to touch him they're getting decked (sorry Brett). It takes a solid couple hours to get him calm enough to Process Information And Start Working Out A Plan With Them.
There's definitely some stuff he deals with. better than others.
Breathing is surprisingly easy? I mean the process is automated, but also he was already able to breath before.
Granted this all feels a bit more Fleshy and Loose, but it's one of the very few things he actually finds. kinda comforting about having a body?
Eating is,, weird?? but also he doesn't hate it?? Entirely?? He definitely hates elements of it, but the actual process of eating is kinda. Soothing? He definitely likes that slight dopamine kick. He likes that his body provides Little Rewards For Taking Care Of It.
It takes a while, again, to get used to how eating feels as a human versus as a machine.
Sleep! Sleep is perhaps the only thing that feels the same. That soft feeling of slipping into unconsciousness is really comforting.
Dreaming however is weird as FUCK and nothing like it was as an AI. usually his 'dreams' were just vague colours and sensations, maybe some memories, as his servers filtered through the events of the day.
Not,, necessarily bad, but definitely weird?
he hates having a heartbeat he hates having a heartbeat he hates having a heartbeat he hates
A solid 2 hrs post-humanification is just spent rubbing his chest with the hard part of his palm, as if he's trying to rub the heart right outta his chest alskdflsdakrlds.
It's incomparable to anything else he's experienced. There's something thumping in his chest. He can feel the blood rushing from the tips of his fingers back to his hear, and down again. He can hear it, like water rushing past his ears.
Ofc the Extreme Awareness does go away after a few days of acclimating, but whenever his heart-rate spikes up. Expect Him To Be Unwell.
Another thing he can't stand is how,, limited he is. Dear God this man is so under-stimulated he's gonna rip his teeth out KAJFKSJDAS
usually he's seeing through several wavelength of light, hearing things humans couldn't hope to hear, layering sounds and images within his own mind to keep himself stimulated.
now everything's,, quiet. really quiet. eerily quiet. He hates that he isn't as aware of his surroundings as he used to be.
He definitely has A Bit Of A Moment (tm) when he puts on several different shows at once, and realises that This Body Can't Process All That. he can't listen to music and watch a show and read a book all at once his Fleshy Human Brain can't make all those make sense.
Also the limits of his strength?? He used to be able to like,, lift tables with ease. Now he gets tired when he walks up too many flights of stairs. Experiencing Being An Old Man.
The limits of his memory ohhhh that freaks him out like nothing else
The fact that he's able to forget things is so eerie. He's never had that problem before. Reagan asks him how his day was, and when he realises he can't remember what he had for breakfast, or what colour his slippers were? Oh Boy.
He does need a. well I don't wanna say babysitter. Chaperone?
After Reagan realises that this man is 100% gonna forget to fulfil most bodily functions necessary to keep him alive along enough to transfer him back into his body,,,, yeah she makes sure there's ppl keeping track of him.
not up his ass or anything, he's allowed to go about his day as normal,, just,, around. to make sure he doesn't accidentally give himself a kidney infection or starve to death.
He won't admit it, but it's kinda?? nice?? having somebody around?? who understands what the fuck is going on??
'Why do my joints hurt?'
'You're old.'
'Mm. Don't like that.'
Generally? Worst experience of his life never make him do that again
Alright, there were some upsides - hindsight is 20/20, and once he's actually back in His Body,, he has,,, maybe,, just a slight,, appreciation for human resilience?
Because Dear Fuck he had to experience it for a month and barely came out of it with his sanity intact he has no idea how these freaks exist day to day managing all of that. How does anyone manage to get anything done.
The robot went through a Bad Experience and gained a little more empathy. Look At Him Go.
ABWBABW THIS WAS SO EXTREMELY FUN <3 lmk if you had something else in mind, and as always feel free to add your own ideas, I love hearing other ppls thoughts <3
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beardedjoel · 8 months ago
Julie hi! I’m Erika! I’ve been wanting to officially send a nice howdy and hello message to you and I’m sorry it’s taken so long!!
Thought it’d be nice to send some cute asks your way too while I’m at it ☺️💕
🩵 what’s the fic you’re most proud of?!
🩵 you show your favorite movie to your fav Pedro boy, what do you think his thoughts would be?!
🩵 when you finish a WIP, how do you celebrate!
Thanks for putting up with me just barging into your inbox (sorry about that omg) I hope you have a sweet rest of your day!!! 💖
ERIKA HI!!! it's literally so sweet of you to send this, no apology necessary like at all! 💓
i'd say i'm most proud of my smother series. it's been the most challenging to write and has the most depth and world building that i'm really proud of reaching 😊
i think if i showed joel my favorites (lord of the rings series, pride and prejudice, and arrival) he'd enjoy lotr, be cringing to watch p&p with me but he'd do it bc i wanted to and inevitably be into it by the end, and arrival i think he'd also be into. i feel like aside from the canon liking of action movies joel would really like cool sci-fi movies and stuff! just marveling at "how the hell do people even come up with these ideas!"
when i finish a wip i don't usually do much! just make a moodboard and get excited about posting a new chapter/one-shot/etc! a lot of times it gives me a rush of inspiration to start on the next chapter or thing but sometimes i just want to let it sit for a while ahah
hope you're having an amazing day! ty for popping in 💗
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comradeyurika · 2 years ago
Hi! ^_^ So I just watched the last two eps. of G-Witch and ... I have no idea what happened! I feel so stupid I don't get it! >_< Not the politics part (though extremely rushed those threads were still pretty clear) but the sci-fi/fan elements are throwing me for a loop. The combining thing that Suletta and Eri did to shut down the interplanetary laser beam thing ... isn't that just Quiet Zero by a different name. Is the difference just that they are now both in control of it instead of Eri alone or ... what. And also the presentation of the ending is telling me that this is meant to be a synthesis of Suletta and Eri's wishes ... but I don't see how enduring an even more restricted and dehumanized existence for Eri while Elnora withers away is anything like what she wanted. Or Elnora for that matter though in her case not getting what she wants seems to be the point since villain and all. I just ... a lot of the sci-fi/fan elements as well as the thematic and emotional catharsis elements are just not making much sense to me. I've read a few of your posts on the show so I thought might as well ask for help. Sorry if this is a bother.
Good question. I must admit that a lot of the more technobabble stuff I'm not super clear on, so maybe a rewatch will clear some of this up, but I'll give it my best shot. As I understand it, the Quiet Zero plan was to utilize Eri's Permet score of 8 to expand the Data Storm and create a place where she could live, but would expand throughout the whole Earth sphere and control everything with Permet. By contrast, what Suletta and Eri do in the final episode is to create massive data storm that shuts down the interplanetary laser. So while the Quiet Zero plan was to create a permanent data storm, what they did was create a temporary one that destroyed the laser and ended Quiet Zero.
As far as what Eri wants, this is something that is a bit of an open question throughout the series. A lot of the communication came from the Gund bit clones rather than from the original Eri. We do know that she desired for Suletta to live freely. I also think she cared enough about her mother that she didn't want to see her die, so Suletta's plan allowed Elnora to live while in the Quiet Zero plan she would have died even if she managed to give Eri more freedom.
As far as being a more restricted and dehumanized existence, I think it cuts both ways. She no longer is running around controlling a Gundam, but she also can communicate her feelings and desires much more clearly. We see her talking regularly with both Suletta and Miorine in the epilogue which wasn't really something possible for her before. So while she doesn't necessarily have freedom of movement, I think being able to have real relationships with your loved ones is probably pretty important to her.
I think a big takeaway from the ending is supposed to be that family and friends are both important, not just one or the other. Prospera and Ericht both assert at different points in the last two episodes that Suletta already has friends so she doesn't need them anymore, and Suletta completely pushes against that and argues that she wants them in her life alongside her friends. And in the epilogue we see that Eri and Miorine now have a familial bond as well, and then we get the end with all of the Earth House kids showing up to Suletta and Miorine's side. That's just my interpretation of all this, so I hope this helps out.
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lyrker · 2 years ago
1 n 3 n 19 n 31 n 50 for the oc asks !!!!
1.First oc ever ?
I’m gonna have to pass this one to good ol’ Leader Decrose. I REFUSE to get into the backstory of how he came about, but in this old world I never dive in anymore, he’s like ? A refuge i suppose ? A set of four characters (including my self insert) were based on cards and his was the diamond.
3.Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else ?
Odd situation but I GUESS ?? There’s a few but one I like is named Polaris and they’re like. a dying star. And their big brother figure is Cyrus, aka cc who thought the key to transitioning was dismembering yourself and using dark magic on a lifesize frakenstein doll he made.
They work in a fucked up lab but like, fucked up as in goofy as hell. They’re so silly (:
19.Introduce a character that means a lot to you and why
*SLAMS JACE IN FRONT OF YOU* I love him an insane amount.
Jace Luong was away when the apocalypse striked, lost his daughter thag he blames himself for (but he could never save her anyway), accidentally shot a guy and had to step down from his military position, more for his mental sake than anything, ended up using his best friend, and that last one sounds so bad. and it is. But it is for this Reason that makes me shake him like GRRRR I LOVE YOU. WHY DID YOU DO THAT oh yeah i’m the author loll !!
Because the point of Jace is that. He wants to help so fucking bad but he keeps Messing It Up. He is not evil and I cannot say that enough—he is very “the means justifies the ends” but that does Not mean he doesn’t feel bad for using Noah as a lab rat. When Noah came back to KILL HIM he cried because someone Came Back For Him, even if it was to kill him.
I don’t wanna take up too much space but it’s because he’s not evil just severely fucked up from losing his daughter and the life of being in a world filled with zombies that he’s trying to rush to make some sort of cure, so he can save people, so that people can live again instead of just survive, but he goes about it in a horrible way that, honestly, was probably inevitable.
He’s special to me because he’s a fuck up, but he’s genuinely really really trying. He is not a good person, though.
(also if he was a tma avatar he would be of The Lonely or Eye and that’s so silly)
31.Pick an oc and explain what their Tumblr blog would look like.
I’m going to go with RAYNE because he probably DOES use Tumblr, knowing him. His layout is green but also he’s probably using the Goth/Rave color pallet because he thinks the colors are nice and he’s a 3 am user so that dark mode comes in handy. His pfp is like, his favorite pokémon but with a ditto face.
He reblogs pokemon stuff—screenshots, fanart, memes, etc and he’s Definitely gotten into discourse abt the best game. Also he’s totally a Nightvale listener so throw in some Nightvale posts. I think he reblogs a lot of shitpost art but also just art in general.
And of course, the occasional cat photo and tumblr trademark textposts.
50.Give me the good ol’ oc talk.
I WAS GONNA TALK ABOUT NOAH & CO. BUT I ALWAYS TALK ABOUT THEM so here’s the MoMOF crew, named after the lemon demon song “Mask of my Own Face”
It’s a classic high schoolers sci fi horror story, think stranger things except without mike bc i hate him (did not finish watching stranger things)
Basically, six kids, Rayn, Rowan, Alex, Ash, Zach and Winston are friends ! Yippee ! Average middle/high schoolers.
And one night, Rayn and Rowan (dating) are just hanging out. Rowan is conked the fuck out at Rayn is gaming on his DS, and then he gets a text from Alex saying “Dude, why tf are you outside it’s like 2 am ???” and Rayn is confused outta his mind.
“Wdym i’m literally at home rn.”
Alex attaches a photo, a shot looking thru the blinds of their window of what looks to be Rayn.
Rayn sends a selfie back of the Charmander he just leveled up and Rowan fast asleep.
And it Can’t be him if he just sent that photo, because the beanie he always wears was handmade by Asher himself—whos this guy ?!?
naturally, they text everyone, everyone’s yelling in a vc and was NOT asleep like they should be, and Rayn gets the FANTASTIC idea to go and see who the person is. Alex is yelling that they will personally stab Rayn if he does.
He does anyway.
and they’re too far away now for Alex to see, but they’re watching their phones and when Rayn finally approaches the other Rayn the camera flips and it is missing Half Of It’s Face and then Rayn hangs up.
And they Cannot Find Him.
So for weeks they are searching for Rayn and are scared out of their wits about Why there were Two and they told the police, but they don’t believe them all too much.
But Rowan finds him one night, at the edge of the forest. Half of his face looks tk have been torn away and his hat and coat is gone and he looks run ragged but oh. Oh no.
That’s the real Rayn.
And it turns out, the Rayn they’d been staying with recently was a clone.
And he’s babbling about something, saying they “Can’t trust Winston”
And at the same time, Rowan gets a call. And Zach sounds like he’s running for his life, because Winston cannot talk, let alone sing, and Zach heard them whispering the lyrics to a song he doesn’t know, and ran for it.
So, while they found Rayn, they now don’t know where the real Winston is. And it’s kinda all about not trusting each other but also wanting to stay together because What If Someone Else Gets Taken, and they can’t trust anyone at All because they won’t believe them, and they could be more clones.
Other stuff happens; Ash is going kinda insane, Alex, as the eldest, feels like they have to be the parent of the group because god they’re falling apart and they can’t stand to see it, Zach doesn’t know if the things he’s catching on camera are real or not, and there’s also an almost murder and also arson !! Both by the kids (:
It’s a fun world i like to play around with because the kids dynamics are all super fun <3
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swimming-guy · 11 months ago
intro post!!!!!
sup! I'm the amazing cool tumbl user Swimming Guy. you can call me Rowan (my name), Blink (the name I use most commonly online), or just my username.
I'm from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
I've also made a side blog for music posts! it's @swimming-guy-music if you're interested in music and music theory and all that! can't promise I'll be all that active on there but oh well.
I am a minor (i have probably said my age somewhere lmao) so yk don't be too weird
I uh use any pronouns really but people mostly just use she/they so its up to you.
I don't really label my sexuality, I like who I like with a preference for girls 😌👍
I would be here forever if I listed all my interests, so I'll just list the main ones that i am likely to reblog! (list under the cut)
the interests I post most about on here are:
- The Legend of Zelda (favourite game series of all time)
- Hi-Fi RUSH (joint favourite game of all time)
- FINAL FANTASY VII (mostly remake and rebirth)
- Star Wars (Rebels and all the associated stuff mostly)
- Pokémon (specifically gen 7, 8 and 9 along with maybe some anime stuff)
- Arcane (I do not play League of Legends I just really really like the damn show)
- Avatar the Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra (I'm a korra stan till the day I die it's my favourite TV show)
- Call The Midwife (such a banger show I'm obsessed)
- Amphibia, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, The Ghost and Molly McGee (amphibia is also my favourite cartoon)
- Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West (not played them but I watched my dad play them)
-Remedyverse games! (primarily Control but I do enjoy some Alan Wake every now and then)
- Sonic the Hedgehog!!!! (just recently got sonic x shadow generations and I don't care what anyone says shadow IS the coolest guy ever. sorry but it's true.)
(I'll also probably reblog some kirby and mario things although I'm not really into those, my friends just like 'em (have played mario odyssey though such a good game))
My absolute favourite character of all time is Korsica from Hi-Fi RUSH also she's so cool and awesome and amazing and cool and awesome and amazing.
my art is under #swimming-guys-art
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mysteriouslybluepirate · 1 year ago
sorry for anyone who follows me for ofmd(ive been ofline due to work+school+writing 2 ofmd fic due Dec 15th), but really quick, here's my general thoughts about my Other unhealthy habit besides writing about gay pirates!! I love gaming and this year was STRONG, so I have THOUGHTS. This is my superbowl.
Rants first:
Pizza Tower was robbed for breakout indie. By a Mile. It had 40k community reviews compared to the winners 2k. The winners were an offshoot indie company that made fuckimg LIMBO. One of the games that started the indie scene vs. a passion project between friends. All the music is being written by 1 guy with 2 developers on the game. Pizza Tower released in the first few months of 2023 to a huge breakout fandom vs. Cacoon that just came out a few months ago. I think indie needs to be more community vs. reviewer based, as the community is selling the game to future fams vs. Games Journalists. I loved Pizza Tower, but it's not a pretty game the journalists choose. I loved it, from its fast-paced music to 90s cartoon art to challenging gameplay, and it sucks that this fan community will be the people that review bombed cacoon. To me, it feels like the last of us 2 winning everything a few years ago. No hate to the devs. But damn.
-I fucking hate Hideo Kojima. I generally dispise his work as it feels like he's afraid to create 'lesser' art and uses his influence to hang out with celebrities. I think death stranding is sloppy, and most of HIS work in the Metal Gear series is dumb. His action feels slow, and his plots vaguely empty. So when I saw a more psychological horror game with his studio slapped on it(a genra you need to be VERY careful with), i wasn't happy. HOWEVER. I admire the fuck out of Jordan Peele and his version of a more sociological horror. Of systems and society and PEOPLE influencing our horror. Of what being an outcast means. So we're combining a successful studio with money and a writer who hopefully can toe the line between offensive mental health tropes and the fiction of the universe. I was fucking SQUEALING when Peele came out. (If he's a shit head, I apologize in advance). This could be a story based game that grabs me.
-please limit all announcers to a standard time frame. They should be as pressured in their speeches as the winners.
-E3 is gone. This is why there are so many announcements and adds for games va time for awards. Can we please create a separate indie vs. AAA show to highlight indie general beyond farmlife/pretry games. I want indie horror and other smaller genre to get recognized.
(Also fuck Neil druckmann for being a POS)
BG3 getting Game of the Year: spent 300+ hours playing BG3. Replaying acts 1/2 with around 5 different Tavs who never beat act 3(thanks to anxiety of finally ending a story). Romancing Karlach, Shadowheart and Astarion(dark urge). As a dragon age fan, this is the best RPG in that style I can ask for. I am delighted with every award it got, and will cherish this game for years. The dark urge 'good' playthrough featuring a plot that inspires me to this day.
Games I need to play right now apparently.
I thought Alan Wake 1 had a bad story but apparently Alan Wake 2 is right up my alley. A better horror game with better story and unreality and pushing the medium of video games. Which is my shit. I also need to understamd that dance montage. (I want to see why this won story over BG3, BG3 takes into account player action. Why did this win over 100s of hours of story content?)
The Finals. I can't stand battle royal/rainbow 6 esk games in general, but the attitude and destruction looks fun, and it's free. So fuck it.
Hi-fi rush! No clue what it is but it looked lovely and up my alley!
New stuff to look out for
That game based on Journey to the West. I was freaking out the entire trailer. I feel a long form game is the perfect way to adapt the legend. I loved watching Ellen ring and can see this become a comfort streaming game to watch.
'BLADE'- GAME???? FUCK YEAH! I was so hyped when I put the pieces together. I'm thankful for my time in the marvel fandom but I'm happy Blade was mostly ignored and we'll get a passionate team creating what will likely be a game with Batman Arkham style combat.
Free God of War DLC looks amazing, and as a rogue lite fan, I'll love to watch the story unfold online
Lost Records- from the life is strange people, is my shit. I will play it.
I finally get to play my dad's favorite Sega games with this remaster!!! All 5 look amazing.
Any Syardew Valley, Elden Ring or Hades like game. Love that shit.
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realuity · 1 year ago
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hi, i'm realu! or real, or bunsen. aspiring artist, occasional cosplayer, invertebrate enthusiast. i'm a gentle little guy, so apologies if i'm late on the draw to talk to you. i get shy.. but still, do not fear interacting with me!
big interest in the biological, the musical and the digital. i'm a sucker for surrealism and horror, and i think it shows. i am a tapestry of all that i have loved! my blog is largely disorganised. i lack an art tag unfortunately (should get around to fixing that someday) but i do post it. check around fandom tags on the blog, it'll be there somewhere.
i don't mind being tagged in posts! nor do i mind any asks. send as many as you like! my activity is also inconsistent since i'm kind of forgetful. oops.
i am not american, nor have i ever been there, so please excuse any cluelessness over american topics. in general, if i say/do something wrong or follow/reblog someone unsavoury, please tell me! i don't bite!!
my about me tag is just things i think are funny and apply/relate to me in some way btw.
---LINKS <3---
my neocities! my carrd that i dont touch often! my artfight!
some of my dear friends! plenty more to be added in the future. do follow them, they're all really cool and i love them a lot.
poryphoria - magdaluxe - geolyte - flicks-random-stuff - eternalstuck - totalrosalia
parts of a project im working on with some of my pals. i'd appreciate if you gave it a go and gave it some feedback! <3
play my game - visit something odd (flash warning!)
--FANDOMS (AS OF 05/02/2025)--
great god grove - corru.observer - five nights at freddys - lobotomy corporation - rain world - splatoon - hi-fi rush -flight rising - dungeon meshi - spore - hatchetfield - humans-b-gone - team fortress 2 - inscryption - cult of the lamb - the binding of isaac
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soft-jihoonie · 1 year ago
Hi! I hope you’re doing well? I’m doing pretty alright myself, and I'm having lots of fun answering your reply to my ask 💓 Don’t worry, I understand! Life is pretty busy for me too (and I don’t always have wi-fi either) so no rush 💕 I just reached out to the admin to make sure that my ask arrived safely, since Tumblr really can’t be trusted hahah
I hope you got to spend your holiday in a good way! 💫
Oh, is that so? Still, I find that amazing - to be able to do it for such a long time and even moving to get to work with it… I’ve never met someone who does circus so I’m very impressed ✨ Do you still do circus related things at times or have you completely left it behind? Oh, and I’d love to hear you sing someday if you’r okay with it! ❣️ What songs do you like to sing?
You’re right, working and being a kpop fan takes way too much time so I can’t really focus on my other interests that well either 😅 When did you start writing fanfics, and what was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you have a favourite out of the ones you’ve written so far?
I like to read, draw, do cross stitch, bake, dance, take walks in the forest by my house, spend time with my pets, friends and family… but I’m a musician first and foremost, I play the violin 🎶 Can I ask about what you do at your jobs? (But it’s totally okay of you don’t want to answer that!)
Wow, that means we became exo-ls around the same time! What a coincidence 💖 And same here honestly hahah
Me too, he’s a lovely person and I simply can’t imagine exo without him 😣 I hope they get to see each other lots despite everything ❤️‍🩹Ahah wellJunmyeon caught my attention immediately, and he just keeps surprising me with how talented, dorky and kind he is 💗 I get what you mean! I was the same when I looked Vixx up, I thought I’d like Hongbin the most but then Leo appeared and I was doomed 😆💘
I see! Well it’s the same for me, I discover new groups every now and then but I’ll always return to exo in the end 🤍 Ooh, I also relate to being introverted! And the way you described him - soft yet grumpy? Sounds like a perfect catch hahah 💝 and he gets to produce so many songs too! That’s amazing ✨ I’ll definitely give going seventeen a watch then! Also I listened to q&a - it’s so upbeat and groovy! I really like it (and Unfair is such a cute song too agh) 🎵 Would you say that these songs represent your musical taste overall? 
I’ll do my best! 💞 Would you like me to use a theme or a prompt, or do you want me to come up with something completely on my own? I’m definitely open to both options!
💫 ~I wish you all the best until my next ask reaches you~ 💫
Hey! first of all i wanted to say so so sorry for taking forever to answer this, this has been the craziest month for me, just non stop haha! I haven't done circus in a long time, I did pole dancing classes for a bit last year but stopped after getting too busy, I live super close to my old circus now so i'm considering restarting classes next year! I actually have a youtube with singing vids on, i haven't posted one in years but you can still watch vids on there https://www.youtube.com/c/SongsandSilks and i like to sing a mix of stuff but rn it's mostly songs from musicals!
I think I was like 15 when I first wrote a fanfic and it was for the dan and phil fandom haha! My fave fic i've wrote is a tie between #whipped and I Keep Falling For You!
Ooh a fellow cross stitcher! What pets do you have? Omg so cool, i always wanted to play violin as a kid haha, how long have you been playing? I work at a stationary store on the weekdays and then on the weekend I work for a car insurance company handling people notifying us of accidents
Haha i feel like always happens for me with groups, i'm like yeah that one's my bias and i'm basically never right haha
For definite, i love how soft and grumpy jihoon is, I feel bad I haven't kept track of the new seventeen comeback but i just have enough time for exo right now haha. Ahh i'm so glad you like Q&A and Unfair, sort of, I have a really varied music taste, like one minute i'll be listening to upbeat stuff and then it'll be pop punk, and then r&b haha, I just like music haha
I'm happy for you to use a theme, I know i'll love whatever you do!!
Also to answer your other ask, yes omg i saw yeol's new mv, i was like counting down the days to it coming out and then I was so hyped when chingu line was in the mv, literally had me grinning so much. I listen to the song at least once a day at this point
I hope you're doing well!!
0 notes
hanjisungs-bigtittyg0thgf · 3 years ago
You’re fucking mine
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wooyoung x fem reader
Trigger warnings: mentions of mental illness, physical violence is alluded to
Content warnings: manhandling, marking/biting, hair pulling, choking, names (baby doll, slut, my baby, kitten, baby girl, asshole directed at woo, princess, baby, poor baby, good girl), overstimulation, breeding kink, face sitting, cum eating, dacryphilia, reader begs, wooyoung is crazy possessive, gbf hongjoong almost gets mowed down, end is super soft and fluffy.
Word count: 7521
A/N: omg hi babes it feels like it’s been ages since i gave you anything but scraps. i’ve missed you guys :’( wow, this is the final part!! i can’t believe it! anyways, i’ve got some other stuff in the works and i will be uploading something new to my ko-fi soon (i also take commissions there)! anyways, as always, follow me here or on my main (and consider turning on those post notifications so you know when i update my page!) and send in those hard thoughts, i’m always down for new anons <3
Tags: @starlight-night0​ @teezers99​ @alecanal93​ @youre-a-wallflower-charlie​ @brit97​ @seokwoosmole​ @gwenchwana​ @http-lovelyknow​@hyuckilstan​ @spiderlilyfics​
Smut below the cut
A/N pt2: hongjoong’s friendly smile is :] this is relevant after the cut okay i’ll leave you alone now byeeeeee
You ran the bath and stripped bare, dropping your clothes in the hamper. You’d had the sense to at least change out of what you’d worn to bed Monday night when you got the video and you were glad because if you hadn’t, Hongjoong would’ve automatically known something was terribly wrong. You decided to put some bubbles in too since you felt like shit and wanted to treat yourself. As if bubbles will dull this. You let out a snort as you sank down in the tub. “I just ordered dinner!” You heard Hongjoong call from the kitchen as you settled in, bubbles tickling your chin.
 You’d been in the tub for about twenty minutes when you heard the door. You didn’t hear any conversation so you thought maybe Hongjoong had asked the delivery driver to leave the order at the door. But then the bathroom door swung open. You scrambled to cover yourself with your hands even though the bubbles were already doing a fantastic job of obscuring your naked body. But then you saw who it was and you froze. “Wooyoung-”
“Y/N-” He breathed your name and froze for a moment before closing the door behind himself. You sat in stunned silence as he made himself at home before you frowned up at him. He opened his mouth to explain himself but you felt the urge to stop him. “Hongjoong told me what happened. I’m so fucking sorry-”
“Yeah, you fucking are. Get the fuck out.” Your raised voice dripped with venom.
“I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT, WOOYOUNG! I DON’T WANT TO DO THIS RIGHT NOW!” You shouted, fighting the urge to swipe your collection of soaps and whatnot off the side of the tub to throw at his head. You thought you were prepared to see him again but you were wrong. You were still understandably upset by everything and seeing him standing in your home, interrupting your bath while you were trying to wash away the negativity that had been clinging to your body since the day he left you…it fucking hurt, to put it mildly.
You’d never seriously yelled at him and he was stunned. He hesitated for only a moment, his bottom lip trembling as he tried not to cry, before turning on his heel and rushing out of the room, the door slamming behind him. You fought not to burst into tears as he left, anger and hurt bubbling up inside you. You failed miserably. Hongjoong had yet to leave, so when all of this happened, he was standing in your kitchen. He was shocked. You’d sounded so desperate to prove your innocence and now you were screaming for your boyfriend to leave? “Wooyoung, wait-” He bypassed Hongjoong and stormed out your front door, leaving you sobbing in your tub while the older man stood slack-jawed in your kitchen.
He was going to fucking kill that bastard.
It had been four hours since the scene you’d made and Hongjoong had refused to leave until he was sure you were okay. He hadn’t thought twice before entering the bathroom, finding you curled up in a ball and crying your heart out. He had gingerly gathered you up in his arms and helped you out of the tub, wrapping a towel around you to preserve what little modesty you had left. He’d helped you to your room and had even dressed you when you simply sat on the edge of your bed with no intention of getting up anytime soon. So much for modesty. He really was one of your best friends. Every friend group had to have the gay best friend and that was him.
“Thank you for staying and taking care of me, Joongie.” You murmured from your place at the end of the sofa, where you were curled up. “I’m sorry you had to hear all that earlier.” You sighed, slowly sitting up before giving him a wry smile. “And for leaving snot on your shoulder. You really do put up with a lot from me.”
He could only laugh softly as he stood from the chair across the room. He was correct to assume you hadn’t wanted to be touched more than was necessary to get you dressed and settled on the couch, so he’d moved away as soon as you were comfortable. He made his way to sit by you and allowed you to lean into him when you felt comfortable. “I can’t say I understand why you kicked him out but I also can’t say I blame you. I’d be fucking pissed if my partner walked out without hearing me out only to come back a few days later and try to reconcile without allowing me time to prepare myself for that conversation.” You looked up at him and he let out a soft huff of laughter as he realized he’d just hit the nail on the head. “I guess I do understand.”
“I just don’t get why he wouldn’t reach out to me first. I mean, shit, he even gave me that courtesy when he came to apologize for fucking me dumb and dipping.” You shook your head and let out a soft sigh, sitting your head up from his shoulder and standing. If you kept on with that line of thought, you’d get upset again. “I’m gonna heat up that food you ordered earlier. Do you want any?”
He shook his head and stood with you. “No, that’s all yours. I’m gonna eat at home. Seonghwa made burgers tonight.” He hummed and you gave a soft nod as you walked with him to the door. “I’m a call away if you need me, okay?” You nodded again and he gave you a stern expression. “I mean it. Even if you don’t want to hear from him, you’re not allowed to cut me out again. If I don't get my usual good morning text I’m kicking your door in.”
You finally cracked a tiny smile and rolled your eyes at him. “Okay, okay, I get it. I’ll be sure to annoy you the usual amount. Get going before your food gets cold.” He nodded, offering a friendly smile, and opened the front door only to find himself chest-to-chest with a slightly-battered Wooyoung.
“Get the fuck out.” His voice was low and dangerous. Hongjoong’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped for at least the second time that day as Wooyoung’s harsh breathing blew right in his face. He looked between you and the disheveled man in the doorway before slowly backing away, both hands held up at chest level as if to surrender.
“I’m not even gonna ask what happened…” His voice was pitched higher than usual as he drug his words out. Wooyoung shoved past him and stalked towards you, your knees going weak at the sight of him. You weren’t sure if you were terrified or excited but you were feeling something as he grabbed the sides of your head and crashed his lips against yours, letting out a small whine of discomfort from the pressure against the split on his bottom lip. Hongjoong’s eyes only bugged out further when he saw this and he raised his eyebrows as he snapped his jaw shut, turning on his heel and leaving without another word. You two were so gonna fuck, he just knew it.
Your hands gently pressed against Wooyoung’s chest in a half-hearted attempt to get him to back away, much like the first night you had sex with him. He fought back, wrapping one arm around your waist and pulling you back into him every time you almost got away while the opposite hand held your jaw so you couldn’t look away. You were getting lightheaded from the kiss and your lungs were screaming for air by the time he finally backed away, his chest heaving as he too tried to catch his breath. You didn’t fight back too much when he backed you towards your sofa, a large part of you not wanting to stop despite your emotional turmoil. Your legs were too weak to make a break for it anyways.
He lifted you up and placed you on the back of the couch before slotting himself between your legs. You let out a soft squeal when you almost toppled over but his strong grip held you in place. You sat like that for a moment, staring up at him with wide eyes full of uncertainty and hurt. You were so, so tired. Everything that had happened over the last few days made you reconsider if you even wanted to be with him. He’d left so easily without stopping to hear what you had to say and you weren’t sure if you could be in a relationship where you couldn’t effectively communicate with your partner.
But it was Wooyoung, the man you were madly in love with. The man who had made his way into your heart against all odds. You were at war with yourself but your thoughts were interrupted when he brought his free hand up to your chin, once again leaving you unable to look away. “I don’t give a fuck what happened. I don’t give a fuck that he tried to split us up. I don’t give a fuck that you don’t want me here right now. You’re fucking mine, goddammit, and you’re not getting away from me so easily. Do you understand me, y/n?” Your breath hitched at his words and all you could do was nod dumbly as your eyes almost fluttered shut in anticipation of a rough kiss that never came. You were his.
This was all it took for him to let out a low groan- no, not a groan, a growl- as he scooped you up and hauled you off to your room. Your pulse spiked when he tossed you over his shoulder and you let out a surprised yelp when he dropped you on your bed despite knowing that’s where you were being dropped. Your cheeks went a soft pink under his intense gaze, feeling yourself catch fire everywhere his eyes looked.
To him, you were fucking stunning. You were laid out for him to take you, to exert total control over you, and all you could do was blush? Fuck he loved you. He took a moment to appreciate your form on the bed before him before reaching out and ripping your shirt off. Your jaw dropped at the display of strength, your entire body tensing up as you tried not to curl into yourself. Holy shit that was hot. You felt like you’d been doused in battery acid. You couldn’t dream of stifling the groan that slipped past your lips as he dove down, burying his face in your neck. Part of you wanted to be mad that he’d ripped your favorite tank top but that part of you quickly shut her damn mouth when he took a deep breath, taking in your scent before sinking his teeth into your flesh.
The moan you let out was pitiful and broken. You couldn’t help it. He’d been your boyfriend for eight months, he knew what made you tick. He knew how much you loved when he went feral. How much you loved when he got possessive. He knew. And he was damn sure going to capitalize on it tonight.
As much as you wanted to scream at him for walking away, as much as you wanted to get physically violent over his reaction, you couldn’t muster the strength to push him away. If you were honest with yourself, you’d missed him so much and you just wanted him to claim you as his again. That’s all you wanted to be; his. Once again, you were at war with yourself. You shouldn’t want someone who would willingly throw away the last year like it was nothing but here you were, craving the man who’d left you sobbing so hard you’d puked multiple times over the last few days. You just wanted him. That’s all that mattered. Being his and him being yours. Belonging together.
You were once again snatched from your thoughts when he released his bite on your neck and laved his tongue over the bruise that was already forming. You shuddered at the sensation and finally reached a hand up into his hair when he started to pull back. You guided him back towards your neck, begging for him to mark you over and over until it was clear who you belonged to. “Please…” your voice was a whisper, your plea almost going unnoticed.
He tangled a large hand in your hair and tipped your head back as he obliged, raking his teeth over your skin. You bit your lip as he trailed bites and licks along your neck, trying to stifle your sounds so you could hear his. He didn’t like that you were trying to be quiet though and he tightened his grip on your hair, giving a tug. The whimper you let out went straight to his dick and he found himself fighting to stay composed.
You could tell he was struggling and if you were being honest with yourself, you didn’t want him to stay grounded. You wanted him to go insane and fuck you dumb, to fuck you so hard all you could remember was his name and how good he was to you. “W-Woo- please…” you whined, knowing he’d always struggled to refuse you anything when you begged in that tone.
You were disappointed when he didn’t move to give you any sort of relief but you were quickly pacified by his rutting against you. You were in cotton pajama pants, you could feel everything. He moved unbearably slowly, knowing you wanted more. He wouldn’t give you anything until he felt like it though so he continued to grind on you, the layers of clothing between the two of you beginning to frustrate you. You just wanted him to fuck you already, dammit!
You let out a pitiful sound of distress when he pulled away and he let out a scoff. “So fucking needy…” he shook his head as he stood from the bed, his fingers hooking in your waistband. Was he finally going to fuck you? “It’s a shame you’re being punished. Shouldn’t have thrown such a fit earlier, baby doll.” Instead of removing what was left of your clothes, he pulled away entirely and went to your closet, in search of the box of sex toys he knew you kept there.
You sat up, watching him walk away from you as you bit back a smartass response. You were puzzled as he opened the closet door and began to rummage through your things. You crossed your arms over your bare chest, shivering at the cool air that surrounded you. “Woo, what are you-“
“Show me the receipts.” He sounded bored.
“Huh?” He went still at your question.
“I said show me the receipts.” He was louder and more firm this time. He was really doing this? Now? He could look at the receipts any time but he was doubting you and wanting to look at them now? When he was just about to wreck you?
“I thought you believed me.” You crossed one leg over the other as you glared at his back. “You came running so fast after Hongjoong told you what I’d tried to tell you when you walked out on me. You came back looking crazed and got me in bed too. But you don’t believe me?” You scoffed in disbelief and shook your head, anger bubbling up inside you and threatening to explode.
“Am I not allowed to want proof?”
“Do you seriously need proof that I wouldn’t fucking cheat on you, Wooyoung?” You were fighting hard not to yell. He went quiet for a moment and you heard him let out a sigh. He almost sounded like a grumpy toddler huffing about not getting his way and you couldn’t contain yourself anymore. “You went on about how you’d been nothing but good to me since we started working things out and how you’d worked so hard to build a relationship with me but what about me? Do you think I didn’t? Do you really think I didn’t put in effort after all that? Do you think I’d throw away all the progress we made just to go fuck some worthless piece of shit behind your back? You really think so little of me?” You shook your head as you pushed your tongue into your jaw, trying to calm yourself a bit as you shifted and put your feet back on the floor. Your eyes were beginning to sting from the tears you were suppressing. “If that’s what you think of me then why’d you come back?”
Your quiet voice sounded broken and it pierced his heart. He could tell you were close to tears. But your words also lit a fire under his skin again and he felt like he was about to go into a jealous rage. In the end, he couldn’t answer any of your questions except for the last one. “Because you’re fucking mine.” He growled, turning to face you. Something about his expression was fucking terrifying in a strangely sexy way and you couldn’t stop the gasp you let out as he once again stalked towards you.
He grabbed you by the throat and pushed you back on the bed as he kicked your feet apart, pinning you there as he fought the urge to ruin you on the spot. He needed to be patient. He wanted to reduce you to tears before he gave you anything you wanted. “I already told you, y/n. I own you. You’re mine.” His grip tightened as he gritted his teeth and your eyes rolled back as your lips parted in a silent moan. This was about to be the most toxic sex of your life, you just knew it. “Look at you.” He let out a mocking laugh as you wrapped your hands around his forearm, urging him to keep going. “You’re lying here begging me to keep choking you when I could easily fly off the handle. You know you’re mine. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t trust me like this.”
You gently tugged his arm and he let up a bit, allowing blood flow to return and giving you a head rush. You knew he wouldn’t intentionally physically harm you. Maybe you did trust him too much. Any sane person would be terrified right now. But it was Wooyoung. He literally couldn’t hurt you even if he wanted to. You released your grip on his arm and clawed at his shirt, grabbing a fistful of material and yanking him towards you. “You say I’m yours. Prove it.” You spat.
His lips met yours in a blistering kiss as his hands began to wander all over your body, another pained noise slipping past his lips. Just what had he done? You didn’t have time to think about it before the hand that had been around your throat was stuffed in your panties. He ran a long finger along your folds, gathering up your arousal as he bit down on your lip and gave a tug. He let you breathe much sooner this time and gave an ornery smirk as he slipped his middle finger into you. “You’re soaked. You fucking love it when I get rough with you, don’t you?” You nodded but he shook his head, still toying with your pussy. “You should know by now that good girls use their words. Try again, slut.”
“Woo…” you whimpered, embarrassed by how worked up you were. You’d explored some kinks with him but you still hated having to admit when he turned you on. You hated using your words. But what you hated even more was when he stopped, which he’d just done. You finally gave in and admitted to him that you loved when he was rough with you. You begged him to carry on but he refused. “Woo, please- please don’t stop..”
He ignored your protests and removed his hand from your pants, bringing his coated fingers up to his mouth as he righted himself between your legs. He made a show of licking them clean, knowing you’d get jealous. You fucking loved sucking on his fingers and he knew as much. “My baby tastes so fucking good…” He groaned as he brought his hand away from his mouth and began to shed his own clothes. Your mouth watered at the sight of him even before he was done stripping, taking in every detail as if it was the last time you’d ever see him. “Like what you see, kitten?”
“You know I hate that name…” You mumbled, shifting your gaze away from his body and fighting the urge to cross your arms like a petulant child. You didn’t want to answer him.
“Stop being fucking stubborn, y/n.” His voice was stern and sent a jolt straight to your pussy. “When I ask a question, you give an honest answer. Got it?” You nodded reluctantly and he let out a sigh. “I’ll give you one more chance to use your words. I won’t be reminding you again.”
“Yes, I understand, Wooyoung…” You mumbled, not wanting to answer his original question but not wanting to start a fight you couldn’t win. It was taking everything in him not to force you to your knees and fuck your face. He wanted you so fucking bad.
He stared at you with an unreadable expression that sent a chill down your spine before he finally reached for you. You didn’t move a muscle until he urged you to lift your hips so he could remove what was left of your clothes. He kicked off his own pants a moment later and gave his cock a few strokes as his eyes wandered over your body, eventually locking on your pussy. “So fucking pretty…who is all this for, baby girl?” His eyes flicked to your face, which was now beet red from being under his scrutiny. He wanted an answer.
“All yours…” you whispered, trying to wrap your legs around him to pull him in close. He didn’t let you move him, giving your outer thigh a slap as he murmured something about being patient. You whimpered and gave him a pout, silently begging him to finally touch you. It was dizzying to him how quickly you were volleying between shy and demanding; pliant and bratty.
“Tell me what you want.” He began to knead at your thighs. “No guarantees I’ll give it to you though.” He gave a sickly sweet smile which was clearly forced as he waited.
“I want you to make it clear to everyone what I mean to you. I want to feel it for at least the next week. I want to walk into my bathroom and see your marks everywhere when I look in the mirror.” You paused and pulled him down so you were face to face despite how he tried to stay upright. “Break my bed, not my heart, asshole.”
He didn’t waste another moment. As soon as your words left your mouth, he was sheathed inside you, eliciting the most pitiful sound you’d ever made. “Let the whole neighborhood hear my name then, princess.” He groaned as he righted himself and set a brutal pace.
You let out a series of pathetic moans and whimpers as he reduced you to nothing more than a begging mess. It reminded you so much of the first time, except this time he was actively laying claim to you and making it clear you were his as opposed to just getting all that tension out of his system. This time, despite his anger and jealousy, you could see emotion behind his eyes. You couldn’t quite place what that emotion was, but you could see it and it made you giddy.
Your back arched off the bed and you let out a squeal of delight when he pressed your knees up towards your chest, allowing him a better angle to brush against your g-spot. You were already losing your ability to form coherent sentences so you didn’t attempt to tell him how good it felt. He could already tell anyways.
He wasn’t faring much better, his jaw slack as he slammed into you and chased his own high. He looked stunning from where you laid, his head occasionally tipping back and allowing full view of his stunning jawline. You wanted to trail hickeys along his skin and it was taking everything in you not to yank him down towards you again so you could do just that. Every time his head lolled forwards and he made eye contact with you, arousal doused your body, drawing a moan from him as you involuntarily clenched each time. You were the reason he already looked so fucked out and you felt powerful. You could only imagine what a mess you appeared to be.
You could feel your orgasm already approaching and it seemed he could as well. You weren’t thrilled by him releasing your legs and losing that angle but your breath hitched when he gripped your jaw yet again, leaning over you and pinning your hands above your head with his free hand. “You’re going to look me in the eye while you cum.” His voice was a growl and you could only nod as he allowed the hand that held your jaw to trail down the center of your body, flames erupting under your skin in the wake of his fingertips. Fuck you loved when he talked like that, when his voice dipped low like that. It was predatorial and you were nothing more than his prey.
You strained against the way your hands were pinned and leaned up, attaching your lips to his throat with a high-pitched moan. He would’ve pushed you back down on the bed had he not been craving your touch for the last week in spite of his hurt. He didn’t try to fight it though. Not only did it feel good to be marked as yours, but he was also focused at the moment. He was focused on the way his middle finger drew tight circles over your clit.
His breathing was ragged and his thrusts were growing sloppy as his orgasm approached. His breath fanned against your skin and sent chills down your spine. You were dangerously close to the edge at this point and you quickly released his neck, pulling back to meet his gaze. You wanted to be good for him and he’d told you to look him in the eye. Except he wasn’t looking at your face. His eyes were locked on where you were impaled on his cock, watching himself disappear into you. “W- fuck- Woo, ‘m gonna cum-” you choked out, wriggling your wrists in his grasp. God you wanted to touch him.
“Hold still.” His tone was stern as he finally lifted his gaze from your pussy. When your eyes met his, you couldn’t bring yourself to try and argue anymore. You just stared up at him with half-lidded eyes as you teetered on the edge of ecstasy, waiting for instruction or praise - at this point you didn’t care which. He didn’t give either, simply held steady in his pace as he maintained eye contact. “Whose are you, baby? Who owns this perfect pussy?” He moaned out, his voice far higher than he would’ve liked.
It didn’t matter to you that he sounded so needy. You were fucking gone. You babbled on about how you belonged to him, how he was the only one you wanted. That was the last straw for him and he came inside you, filling you to the brim with his release. You wanted to cry out of desperation, feeling so high-strung that you could cum on command even if he wasn’t fucking you senseless. And that’s exactly what you did. “Cum for me, baby. You’ve been so good, you’ve earned it.”
At his words, you let go. Your back arched off the bed as white-hot pleasure filled your body. You let out a moan that bordered on a scream as your body twitched beneath him, your eyes almost slipping shut. You couldn’t let them close. You had to be a good girl and look at him like he wanted.
He didn’t stop hammering into you, didn’t stop toying with your clit until he was certain you were done. Only then, when all you were left with was aftershocks, did his hips still. Everything was still for a moment. He stared down at you, every known emotion showing on his face at once. You wanted to speak but no words would come.
Without warning, he allowed himself to fall into you, his hand releasing both of yours from their position above your head and urging your arms around his neck as he crashed his lips to yours with yet another whimper of pain. You eagerly obliged, tangling your hands in his hair and giving a soft tug as you wiggled your hips a bit. As if in retaliation, he snapped his hips forward and slammed into you. You let out a soft cry into the kiss and he did it again. This was definitely retaliation.
He began trailing love bites down your neck as he carried on, giving slow, powerful thrusts. Each snap of his hips drove you further up the bed and elicited a cry, each one louder than the last. “W-Woo- please…” You felt tears gathering in your eyes but he didn’t acknowledge your call. He just wanted to keep hearing you.
Something in him was fit to break. He was about to lose himself in the insatiable need to claim you as his over and over until all you knew was him, until all you could do was repeatedly cry out his name like a prayer. You were his and he was yours and he needed everyone to know.
Neither of you were sure exactly when he’d started chanting “mine” but he was repeating it with each thrust, growling out his claim on you as he fucked his aching cock into you. The tears welling up in your eyes finally began to roll down the sides of your face as he overstimulated you. You wanted him to give you a break but you needed to cum again; needed to be filled by him again.
Finally, you let out a sob as your body writhed beneath him and you tightened your grip on his hair. Each thrust drew a pathetic sound from you and you felt like your whole body was on fire as your second orgasm approached. His declarations of ownership were coming out as low grunts now and you couldn’t take anymore. “Yes! Yes, Wooyoung, ‘m yours- all yours. Please don’t stop-“ you sobbed, desperate to feel release.
He was losing control of himself in that moment. He too was a bit overstimulated but he was driven by your sobs of pleasure and the profound need to breed you, to fuck you full of his cum. Your words did nothing to ease that desire and he found himself mumbling against your jaw. “All mine. Gonna stuff you full of my cum and put a baby in you. Then everyone will know you’re mine.”
You’d never considered settling down and having a family. It was never important to you. But fuck if he kept talking like that, he just might convince you.
You couldn’t think about anything but the desire to be filled by him at the moment and your sobs grew more desperate as he lost his rhythm yet again. You weren’t sure when you’d started begging but you were crying out for him to let you cum and for him to cum inside you. He did exactly that, pumping you full of his seed as he nipped at your jaw. “Cum.” He growled out, his voice sending a thrill down your body.
You gave him what he wanted and let go. Your body was convulsing with pleasure as his hips slowed and each time you tightened around him, he let out a pathetic moan. He tucked his face into your neck like before but this time he didn’t attempt to mark you again - much to your dismay. He held you like that as you came down from your second high and flipped over once the aftershocks had subsided.
You pulled back from his embrace, sighing at the way he filled you as you sank further onto him. His hands rested on your hips, his fingers drawing tiny circles there. It was eerily calm and quiet as the two of you looked at each other. Finally, he urged you to lift your hips and you did so begrudgingly, internally lamenting the loss of that full sensation. Some of his cum began to leak out of you and you whimpered softly, still somewhat dazed and worried about wasting what he gave you.
“Aww, poor baby’s a mess.” He cooed mockingly and you sucked your bottom lip between your teeth. “Let me clean you up.” You nodded despite your trepidation. His tone was strange but you couldn’t place what exactly it was. Then he revealed what he was getting at. “Sit on my face.”
“You can either be a good girl and do as I say or you can say goodbye to any ounce of freedom. I’ll tie you up and fuck you dumb all night. Your choice.”
You were stunned into silence at this. While you were tempted to stay put so he’d tie you to the bed and breed you over and over again, you desperately wanted to be good for him. Without a word, you slowly moved up the bed. You were hesitant to sit on his face, worried you might hurt him, but he didn’t care. All he saw was compliance.
“Good girl.” He praised as he helped you situate yourself before looping his arms around your thighs, his hands resting on your hips. You allowed him to move you how he pleased and your breath hitched when he tried to pull you down against him. Your hesitance kept you from sinking down fully though and he was getting frustrated. “Will you relax? You’re not gonna hurt me.”
You looked down only to find him staring up at you, not blinking as he waited for some sort of acknowledgement. “But your lip…”
“It’s fine. Sit on my fucking face.” He snapped, once again pulling at your hips. This time, you let him have his way and sank down as he opened his mouth. His tongue flattened against you and you gasped softly. You still held some of your weight up so he could pull back if he needed to but he was currently focused on your pussy.
He let out a groan of appreciation when he tasted his cum mingled with yours, his grip on your hips tightening. You were certain you’d have bruises in the shape of his fingers by morning. You couldn’t be bothered to care though. Not when his tongue was flicking over your hypersensitive clit. He was going to make sure you cried for him again before the night was out.
He pulled back for air only briefly before diving back into your pussy, his tongue plunging inside you. He became more frenzied, lapping his cum out of your messy cunt as he let out low growls and moans. He looked up at you from his place between your legs, his eyes begging for something.
Your legs were slowly giving out and soon you had his head pinned to the bed. He couldn’t have been happier in that moment. His eyes slipped shut as he lost himself in you, guiding your hips in a rolling motion despite the protest of your thighs. His nose bumped against your clit as he urged you to ride his tongue and you shuddered, fire licking at your skin. His grip on you was impossibly tight as he pulled you even closer. Was that possible?
You didn’t have the ability to follow that train of thought, too caught up in the way he ate you out. You were fighting to hold back, desperate to continue feeling his tongue. You didn’t want to cum yet but he was skilled with his tongue and he knew exactly how to make you see stars.
His current goal was to lap all his cum out of you and make you beg for mercy. And he always got what he wanted. Always.
The fire under your skin was becoming unbearable as his hands guided you on. You were about to break and he knew it. He was taking pleasure in wearing you down. When you finally snapped and let go, he didn’t let you up. He refused to let you move away from his face as he drank up your release, lewd slurping sounds mingled with his own grunts of satisfaction filling the room as you bit back a sob.
You tried to lift yourself from his face but he only tightened his grip, his arms looping tighter around your thighs. Tears gathered in your eyes as you squirmed, trying to get away from him, but every time you almost wrenched yourself free of his grasp, he dragged you back down. You looked down at him with watery eyes and found him staring up at you with a challenging glare, daring you to keep fighting as he huffed and puffed against you.
You instantly felt all the fight leave your body and you slumped against him, the tears that had gathered now running down your cheeks. “Woo, please-” You whimpered, every inch of your body burning as you begged for mercy. He didn’t let up though. He wanted you to scream. His burning glare was getting to you as he repeatedly flicked his tongue, trying to work you up to a fourth orgasm.
That’s when you broke down. “Woo, I can’t- please- can’t take anymore-” You babbled as you felt yourself tipping towards the headboard. You had no strength left in your body and needed to brace yourself against a hard surface.
Finally, he decided to take pity on you and released his hold on you. He didn’t stop rolling his tongue against your hypersensitive cunt but his hands moved away from you. It was up to you to move away from him. You lifted yourself up on shaky legs and allowed yourself to collapse beside him, panting and wiping your cheeks.
As you gathered yourself, he stood from the bed. You didn’t want him to move. What if he left again? You made one of the most distressed sounds of your life and started to scramble to your feet after him but he turned and gently pushed you back. “It’s okay, baby. I’m not leaving. I’m just going to get a washcloth to clean us up.” Us? That’s when you noticed he’d cum across his toned stomach while forcing you to sit on his face.
You nodded and laid back down under his instruction, watching as he padded to the en suite bathroom. Part of you was upset that you’d yielded to him so easily but a much larger part of you was just happy to have him near you again. The last week had been the worst of your life and you wanted things to go back to normal.
“Up in the clouds?” He teased quietly as he came back and perched on the edge of the bed. You shook your thoughts away and watched as he brought the warm cloth to your abused pussy. You shuddered at his touch, far too sensitive for any sort of contact at the moment. He finished cleaning you up and took the soiled fabric back to the bathroom to drop it in the hamper before rejoining you in bed, laying face to face with you.
“I’m sorry.”
“What did you do?” You both spoke at the same time and he grew sheepish as you brought a hand to his face, your thumb gently brushing over his bottom lip. You were careful to avoid the split before turning your attention to his eyes. “What happened?”
“He hurt you.” His voice was barely above a whisper as he brought a hand to your wrist, gently guiding your hand away from his face. He laced his fingers with yours as he trapped your intertwined hands between your bodies, pausing to kiss your knuckles. That’s when you noticed how battered his hands looked. “I took care of things. He won’t dare try bothering you again.”
“Wait, you didn’t k-”
“No, of course not. I’m not trying to catch a case. I just defended you.” He assured you and you nodded slowly, tucking your head under his chin when he pulled you in close. “I’m so sorry, y/n. I should’ve waited and heard you out. I was an idiot and automatically assumed the worst.”
“You hurt me.” He seemed to deflate at your words but you wrapped your arms around him and gave him a squeeze. “The blackmail was what had me upset in the first place when you came over to take care of me. I was afraid to tell you about it but when you came back with that look on your face…I wanted to explain but you left so fast.”
He opened his mouth to respond but you stopped him. “I spent the whole week hoping you’d come hear me out but you had me blocked. I couldn’t even tell you that I lost the internship.” He mumbled out a soft apology and you shook your head. “Part of me wants to stay mad and kick and scream over it all but part of me is just too tired for that. We’ve had enough drama, don’t you think?” You pulled back to glance up at him and he looked terrified. “Promise me we can talk things out and not jump to conclusions when we have trouble?”
“Of course.” He agreed instantly and placed a hand on your cheek, allowing his thumb to dance over your cheekbone. “Promise me we can go back to how things were?”
“I don’t know if that’s possible, Woo.” He let out a soft sigh and you turned to kiss his palm. “But we can damn sure try.”
“Good morning, baby.” He cooed as you joined him in the kitchen and slid your arms around his bare waist. You gave a sleepy hum and pressed a kiss between his shoulder blades. “Did you take your meds?” You smiled softly at his question. Ever since he learned about your mental health issues, he always made sure to ask if you’d taken your medicine for the day. He started doing it when he saw you in class at first but then it turned into him texting you in the mornings and eventually asking you over breakfast.
 “I haven’t yet. I will after breakfast. I wanna stay with you for now.” You mumbled, resting your forehead where you’d just kissed.
 It had been seven months since Wooyoung had beat the shit out of your ex and forced his way into your apartment to demand you take him back. You were initially surprised that your ex hadn’t pressed charges against Wooyoung but then you remembered he had a history with the cops and likely had an outstanding warrant.
 You’d decided a fresh start was in order when Wooyoung brought up moving in together again so five months ago the two of you had signed a lease on a cute condo only a few minutes away from the university and he’d started making you breakfast every morning. You hadn’t gotten your internship back but you had just managed to land something even better two months ago. Everything was finally perfect again. Wooyoung was perfect, your friendship with the others was perfect, your house, your job…all of it was perfect and you couldn’t be happier.
 “Mm okay but I want you to do that while I set the table in a little while.” You nodded and gave him a gentle squeeze. It felt nice getting back to normal. It felt even better waking up in his arms every morning.
 Breakfast seemed to fly by, both of you chattering on about your plans for the day. You got ready for the day side by side in the bathroom - you’d lucked out finding a bathroom with two sinks - and you were sending him off, still not quite done with your makeup, when he said the words that never failed to make your heart leap into your throat. “I’ll see you tonight, baby. I love you.” He hummed and gently pecked your lips before heading out the door.
 If you were certain of anything in life, it's that he was the one.
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 years ago
reply roundup :)
I am so sleepy. also photo of my fancy phone case I was so excited about under the cut.
on [flap] @macro-microcosm​ said: HAPPY KIRBY FLAP HAPPY KIRBY FLAP HAPPY KIRBY FLAP- so glad I'm not the only one who thinks he does this. and I relate, things aren't great but at least there are cute things to be a comfort
he is my little projection orb, therefore he must flail his little nubs around in excitement as I do. (also I hope things have improved for you, I’ve still got another 2 1/2 weeks to wait but hopefully the news will be good -n- )
this is how the phone case turned out btw! it’s by CandyDulceDeco on [etsy] or at candydulcedeco.com, they were very patient with working out all the little details and everything :> (that little post in the top corner is for a little loop to put phone charms on, I repurposed a bracelet with rainbow gummy bears as a little phone strap sometime after taking this photo)
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on [meds] @plushslug​ said: I have MCAS too. Sucks hard. Keep fighting the good fight out there and may your symptoms be manageable 🫡
same to you *salute emoji I can’t find rn* (love your icon btw)
on [milk] @graycoin​ said: Ah shit, that sounds rough. You can Get Through It, but I am sorry you gotta. :/
thanks, I appreciate both the vote of confidence and the sympathy -n- (and in your other comment as well. thank you in general to the folks leaving supportive comments even though I don’t post them all, I really do appreciate it.)
I also appreciate everyone who rushed to give baby his choccy milk or demanded he get it, with special mention to @justawanderingfan​ who went so far as to [add] the glass (and the resulting smile) themself :)
on [keyblade] @angeryspeedo​ said: look at him. he is just a little guy...
every time someone tags my kirb as “just a little guy” or “a bean” or something like this I become more powerful :) (I even made a post on my personal blog when I first saw this tag that it means I Win At Art. there are many ways to win at art and I win often. drawing something that makes me laugh, drawing something my wife thinks is pretty, drawing something, drawing something that makes a stranger add a funny tag, etc. these are all Art Victories of equal value. I think this is a good way to think of creative hobbies.)
also on [keyblade] @joekingv1 said: *wonders who was baby's favorite character*
I think of the playable characters in birth by sleep, ventus would be their favorite. (both because kirby probably relates to him most and because his combat is most amenable to just mashing regular attack and dodge the whole time (which is mostly what I did lol)) out of all of kingdom hearts I do think they’d vibe with sora. my dirtboys.
on [crochet] @duerme07​ said: this -feels- crochet in a way that few other images have conveyed
thanks! it’s because I hate making small gauge amigurumi and have bad eyesight so this is exactly what I looked like for approximately 3 hours immediately following this drawing :)
on [blanket] @ceylonsilvergirl​ said: life has its ups and downs, is never just one or the other. stick it out through the difficult times And I will find comfy blanket time again
comfy blanket time can be anytime. even or especially during the hard times. (I hope you’ve got a break coming down the line too.)
on [valentimes] @wishiwould​ said: I sent this to all my family and sent the creator money on ko-fi bc delightful
extremely sweet of you, thank you so much! I always love finding valentines like this to send to my wife so I’m so glad I could make something similar for someone else lol (yes I did send this drawing to my wife and my partner for valentines day :v )
on [vacant] @sagessmoke​ said: he's a static image right, when i scrolled onto him he blinked and i need to know if im okay
yep, he’s a static image. when you’re seeing stuff directly from me, I always tag any moving image with “gif” even if it’s a small amount of animation. (my eyes play tricks on me sometimes too.)
yeah he’s pretty neat! significantly more Shapes required to draw him than a kirborb tho lol
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willthecleric · 3 years ago
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I posted 5,484 times in 2021
274 posts created (5%)
5210 posts reblogged (95%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 19.0 posts.
I added 826 tags in 2021
#boosting - 258 posts
#i love this - 87 posts
#byler is endgame - 74 posts
#lmao - 72 posts
#important - 64 posts
#byler - 63 posts
#this - 60 posts
#thanks for the ask :) - 59 posts
#byler is real - 45 posts
#facts - 44 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i think mike freaked out about his ‘unnatural feelings’ for will and went into hyper drive trying to be straight while distancing from will
My Top Posts in 2021
I’ll never get over the fact that when Mike rushes to Will in the hospital (actually arriving before Lucas and Dustin), he puts his head to Will’s chest to hear his heartbeat. 😭😭😭
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216 notes • Posted 2021-06-16 01:48:01 GMT
Fellas, is it gay to give your girlfriend a drawing of your male best friend so that you can look at it while kissng her?
219 notes • Posted 2021-08-12 06:23:32 GMT
So I guess it’s just a coincidence that the most romantic season of Stranger Things is the one where Mike and Will are off in California together. 🧐
223 notes • Posted 2021-09-27 22:21:34 GMT
The Thing poster in Mike’s basement as a Byler easter egg
Talking about Byler and movies reminded me of something that I noticed ages ago that I haven’t really seen anyone discuss. So I decided that I would make a post about it myself. :)
We all remember Byler’s movie date in S3, and the implication that it was something that had happened more than once. There is also the fact that at some point in S2 Jonathan told Nancy that he thought Mike and Will were probably at the matinee together. Something that I feel he was quick to say because Mike and Will go to the movies together quite often.
We also know based on Will’s Secret Files (which I consider to be more ‘canon’ than any of the other companion books because it has some suspicious stuff in it), that The Thing is one of Will’s favourite movies, while it’s not Mike’s. Not saying Mike doesn’t like it, but it’s definitely more of a “Will” movie. Will is more into horror, while Mike seems to prefer more sci-fi and action/adventure movies.
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In Season one after Mike fights with Lucas and El leaves, Mike destroys the fort that he made for El. If you look, you can see that there is a movie poster for The Thing shown by the fort. (Sorry for the blurry quality. The only way that I could take screen caps for this was by taking a picture of my iPad screen using my phone.)
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And at some point during this, Mike looks towards the poster.
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He looks at the poster because it reminds him of Will and with El gone, Mike feels like he lost all his chances to get Will back. Because Mike KNEW that El was his only hope for Will to be saved.
Later on, we see Dustin come over and he and Mike talk. Dustin wants Mike to make up with Lucas, but Mike refuses to because Lucas does not want to work with El to find Will. If you look, you see the poster in the background and at one point right between the two. That’s because the reason why Mike is refusing relates to Will.
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And we literally see in S3 Will sitting right by the poster just to further solidify the fact that the poster relates to him.
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Now people may think that this is all coincidental, but I don’t think it is. The Duffers love to do things like this. They are huge on easter eggs and symbols. They love littering the show with clues. And they are also huge when it comes to placement. They are VERY deliberate with the way they shoot things.
So basically what I am saying is that Mike keeps a poster of one of Will’s favourite movies in his basement because it makes him think of Will and I find that adorable. Not only that, but it helps hint further towards Mike’s motivations and thought processes.
241 notes • Posted 2021-05-31 05:59:49 GMT
I still think Stranger Things is a book that Mike wrote for Will.
290 notes • Posted 2021-06-02 02:10:12 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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rmtndew · 4 years ago
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Begin Again
Summary: Walter Marshall is a dedicated homicide detective doing his best to balance his work life with being a single father to a teenage girl. Fiona Sparks is a woman doing her best to take care of everyone and everything around her, except for herself. Neither has had the best luck with relationships, but once they meet, they’re willing to give it another shot, this time with each other. (It’s basically just romantic fluff) 
Pairing: Marshall and OFC.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mentions of death, cancer.
A/N - This is a sequel to ‘All I’ve Ever Known’. I started writing this because I needed an escape for some personal stuff going on and my coping mechanism included giving Marshall all the love that man needed, and imagining him being the softest boyfriend to me, then passing those details on to Fiona (my OFC).
I also made a Spotify playlist for this story, if anyone is interested - Begin Again Playlist 
 Tag list - @hollydaisy23, @alyxkbrl, @onlyhenrys, @omgkatinka, @speakerforthedead0​, @gearhead66,  @thethirstyarchive, @oddsnendsfanfics, @littlerinoa, @agniavateira, @aaescritora, @justaboringadult, @beenthroughalot, @seriouslygoodlookinggents,  @xxxkatxo
If you want to be added/removed from the tag list, let me know!
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
The last Wednesday in October was a gray, misty, windy day. It was cold, the kind you felt more in your bones than anywhere else, with the sky occasionally spitting out sleet. I spent the entire twenty-minute drive to my job at Waverly Catering clutching the steering wheel so tightly that my hands were cramping by the time I arrived from white-knuckling it the whole way there. Usually, I would get to work early enough to enjoy the silence and finish off my coffee before officially starting my workday. That day, however, I spent the very little extra time I had trying to get my hands to stop hurting, then chugged down my coffee that had cooled dramatically to a gross lukewarm temperature. 
Before going in, I checked my phone. I always kept it on silent while I drove. My mom had a tendency to text me, make a dozen spelling mistakes because of auto-correct, then correct them one by one, leaving me with about thirteen separate texts to read. It didn’t use to bother me, I thought it was charming and very distinctly Mom. But when she’d gotten sick at the beginning of the year, every text she sent that I couldn’t read immediately made me panic, worrying that something terrible had happened to her, even when I’d just seen her at home a few minutes before. So for my sanity - and hers - I started putting my phone on silent until I got to work, or wherever else I was going. It was a habit I’d kept even after she’d gone into remission because her cancer may have been gone, but my anxiety over her wasn’t. 
That morning when I checked my phone, I saw that I had two texts, but they weren’t from Mom. 
Marshall:  Good morning, Fi. I hope that I get to see you today. I’ll be chained to  my desk with paperwork for a while. This is the first time I’ve not dreaded it. You’re my silver lining.
That was cheesy. I’m sorry. I’m bad at this.
And just like that, all of my stress melted away. The weather didn’t matter, my disappointing coffee didn’t matter, even the cramping in my hands didn’t matter. All that did matter was that Walter Marshall thought of me as his silver lining. Yes it was early days, yes we’d barely known each other a month, yes we’d only gone on two dates, but he made me happier than I’d been in a long time. I felt like I’d been holding my breath for two years, starting when my dad had died in a car crash, followed by my boyfriend Ezra breaking up with me, then losing my job as an interior designer, and capping off with my mom’s cancer diagnoses. Then Walter came along and it was like I could finally breathe again. 
Me:  Please don’t apologize. You have no idea how much I needed to read that this morning. Feel free to be as  cheesy as you want. And I hope I get to see you today, too, even if it  means you’re chained to your desk.
Marshall:  If I don’t see you for some reason,  can I call you tonight? I miss your  voice and you make me want to get better at this talking thing. 
I could feel myself blushing. Even over the phone he made me feel like a teenager with a crush. I had no idea that anyone could make me feel that way as an adult, but he did every time he texted me. 
Me:  Of course you can. Even if we do see  each other, you can still call, if you want? Practice makes perfect, and all that.
Marshall: I’d like that. Talk to you soon.
I sat back in my seat with a sigh as I looked out at the sleet falling from the gray sky, spattering my windshield, blurring out the image of the trees in the park across from me blowing and bending in the wind. 
It was going to be a good day. 
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“You look...dare I say it? Happy?” Darcy said as I walked into her office.
I smiled. “You may dare to say it because yes, I am quite happy.”
“And what brings you to such an extreme emotion so early on such a disgusting day?”
I went to her desk and sat in the chair opposite her. “Well, for one, I know that you’re about to do me a big favor that I will forever be grateful for.”
“Fiona Sparks asking for a favor? I’ll mark the day in my calendar,” she joked. “What kind of favor do you need?”
“I need a copy of the peanut butter cookie recipe.”
“For what purpose?” 
“See, that’s where the happiness part comes into play and you, being one of my dearest friends, would love to see me happy.” 
“I would but I’m unsure how a cookie recipe is going to do that.”
“It’s not for me,” I said, smiling wide. “I met this guy -” 
“What? Who?” she asked enthusiastically, her eyes wide with excitement.
“His name is Walter Marshall. He’s our detective who never changes his lunch order.”
“You’re dating one of the homicide detectives? You can feel free to thank me later for giving you that order, by the way. But right now I want details: How long have you been dating and why am I just now finding out about it?”
“We’re not technically dating. I met him a few weeks ago for the first time and we went on two dates last week.” 
“You haven’t dated anyone in over two years, and then you go on two dates in one week?”
“Well, the first was just a coffee date. Saturday we tried having a proper one.” 
“Tried?” she asked, raising her eyebrow. 
“He wanted to take me to dinner, so we went to an Italian place, but before we could order, his daughter called. She was supposed to be at a Halloween party, but some of her friends had lied to her, I guess, and it ended up being a basement party with slightly older boys and she felt uncomfortable, so we went and picked her up. Then we all went for pizza together.”
“He has a daughter, which is some heavy baggage to begin with, but you met her on your second date? That’s a lot, Fiona.” 
“I know it seems like it, but it’s really not. She’s a good kid. And he’s an amazing father, which, oddly, just makes him more attractive,” I said. “But that’s not the point. The point is that his daughter was, understandably, a little iffy about me being with him when he picked her up until she found out that I’m the one who brings the cookies. She apparently loves them and I told her that I might be able to get her a copy of the recipe and that seemed to pave the way for her not hating me instantly. And she’s thirteen, so that’s a pretty big deal.”
“I have so many questions right now but I can’t sort them all out so I’m going to be annoying you with them all day, just be prepared for that. All I want to know right now is if you want the recipe laminated or not?” 
I let out a relieved breath. “Yes, please, if you don’t mind. And thank you so much, Darcy. You have no idea how much this means to me.”
“I do know. You never ask for anything, even simple things, so the fact that you’re willing to ask me for a favor means this is a pretty big deal,” she said. “He must be a good guy.”
I nodded. “He really is.” 
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I arrived at the police station that morning a little before eleven. I’d left the shop early, worried the weather might get bad again and didn’t want to be late for my delivery. Thankfully the sleeting had stopped, allowing me to get there a few minutes early. A few minutes that I used up trying to pull my dolly through the parking lot. The lot had been salted, which was good in that at least it wasn’t icy, but the wheels on my dolly didn’t seem to like the brine mixture. They kept locking up on me. Between that and having to fight against the roaring wind, it took me an embarrassingly long time to reach the station door. Before I could push it open, someone opened it from the inside for me. I looked up, expecting to see Officer Bates. He was the security officer that was posted downstairs and always went through the containers full of lunches that I brought to the homicide unit every week. Instead, I saw Marshall.
“Hello,” he said with a smile. 
I immediately felt like giggling. The last time I’d seen him, we’d kissed. And seeing him right then, seeing his beautiful, handsome face, I wanted so badly to kiss him again. Instead, I felt myself grow shy as I blushed so fiercely that my cheeks stung with the new heat that rushed to them. 
“Hi,” I said. He pulled the door open all the way, then stepped back, allowing me to walk in. My stomach fluttered as I looked back at him. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He closed the door behind me. “May I help you with your cart?”
“No, it’s okay.”
“Would you let me help you take it back to your car when you leave, at least?”
I fought every instinct inside of me that insisted I say no. Darcy was right: I hated asking for even simple things. I never wanted to burden anyone. But since I’d met Marshall, I’d learned that his way of showing interest or affection was to do things for me. But he always asked first, wanting my permission. It challenged me, but in a good way. I didn’t need to always go it alone if I didn’t have to. 
“Um, yeah, I’d appreciate that. Thank you,” I said. “The wheels didn’t seem to agree with the salted parking lot. You could probably pull it a lot easier than me.” 
Marshall stayed with me as Officer Bates went through the containers I’d brought in. He wasn’t close enough to make anyone passing by question it, but it was close enough that my hand hanging at my side could feel the heat coming from his hand and forearm, that was visible from the blue henley that was pushed up to his elbows in a way that I found incredibly attractive. My fingers itched to seek out his, but I fought it. Keeping them obediently beside me. Once Officer Bates was done and gave me the all clear to take the food up, Walter walked me to the elevator and pressed the button to call it down. Then he held the door back, letting me in first before following me. After the door slid closed, he fell back half a step, putting him right beside me. His hand bumped mine, his fingers snaking through, gently holding mine. I smiled, knowing I wasn’t the only one itching for contact. 
I turned without a thought and placed a kiss on his shoulder. Then I paused, a moment of panic rising in me that maybe we weren’t at that level yet. But before I could move or feel too worried, he placed a kiss on the top of my head.
“I keep thinking about Saturday,” he whispered. 
“Me, too,” I said. I looked up at him. “It was...pretty amazing.”
He smiled. I could see his sharp canine teeth. They were oddly charming. “Yes, it was.” He laced his fingers with mine more securely, properly holding it. “I know I mentioned calling you tonight, but I hoped that we might have dinner again instead. If you’re not busy?”
“I’m exceptionally not busy tonight.”
“Good.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead before turning his head back to face the elevator door. “I won’t be able to finish all my paperwork today, there’s too much and it keeps multiplying like rabbits, so since I have to do it tomorrow anyway, I’m going to knock off here around five. Could I pick you up after that? Around five-thirty, perhaps?” 
I nodded, smiling. “That sounds great.”
The elevator dinged as we reached the homicide unit floor. He gave my hand a couple of gentle squeezes before letting it go as the door slid open. He stepped out, then held the door for me like he had before, letting me pull my cart out. He walked with me almost all the way to the break room before a shorter man with glasses stopped him. 
“Lieutenant Marshall, can I speak with you in your office for a moment?” he asked. 
“Of course.” Walter touched my shoulder. “Excuse me,” he said to me quietly before leaving for his office. 
I continued on and was met by most of the detectives waiting for me. Like usual, they didn’t talk to me much, just thanking me for the food before taking their box and going. I took my time, hoping that by the time that I was done, the man speaking with Walter would be gone before I brought him his lunch. When I was done, I packed up my cart before taking Marshall’s boxed lunch and walked down the hall, finding the door to his office open. I could hear him talking still and wasn’t sure what to do. I’d made a deal with him a few weeks back to always bring his lunch to his office whenever I delivered - the first time was because a uniformed officer looked like he was going to swipe it, after that, it was to thank him for rescuing me from a pushy creep while I was with my ‘friends’. We’d never discussed if I should interrupt while he was working. I chewed my lip, debating what to do for several seconds before deciding to just take a chance and knock on the door frame. The worst case scenario was that I looked like a very dedicated delivery woman making sure that all of my orders reached their proper owners. 
“Yep. Come in,” Walter called out in response to my knocking.
I entered his office only far enough to be seen and not a step further. I didn’t know if Marshall wanted people to know about us, so I was prepared to make a quick exit if I needed to. “I have a delivery for Detective Marshall,” I said. 
He looked at me and smiled, then waved me in further. “Harper, this is Fiona Sparks. Fiona, this is Commissioner Harper.”
“Hi. It’s nice to meet you, sir,” I said. 
“You, too.” He looked at me over the top of his glasses. “You don’t happen to be related to Rodger Sparks, by any chance?” 
I felt speechless for a moment. I hadn’t heard anyone other than Mom say Dad’s name in months. Finally, I forced myself to nod. “Yes. He was my dad. How - how did you know?” 
“We went to college together. You’re the spitting image of him,” he said. “I was sorry to hear about him passing away. I lost my wife around two years ago as well. A brain aneurysm.” He shook his head. “It doesn’t get any easier.” 
“No, it doesn’t,” I agreed.
He looked at me for a moment longer, then back to Marshall, who was standing patiently with his hands clasped behind his back. He looked back at me briefly before taking the folder he was holding and tapped it against Marshall’s shoulder. “You know what? This can wait until tomorrow,” he said. “I’ll bring it by in the morning.” He left Walter and stopped beside me before leaving the office. “I’m very sorry about your father. Rodger was a horrible sport when he lost at cards, but other than that, he was a great guy. And probably the smartest man I ever met.”
I smiled slightly. “He was a horrible sport at cards.” 
He smiled back. “The worst.” He gave me a wink. “It was a pleasure seeing you.” 
“You, too.”
When he left, he closed the door behind him. I looked at Marshall as he walked towards me. “Did I interrupt something important?” I asked. 
“No. He was just asking about a cold case.”
“I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to come in since he was here. Next time, if you’re talking to someone, would you rather I left your lunch in the break room?”
He stopped in front of me. He was so close. He smelled like coffee and Old Spice. I swallowed thickly, trying to meet his gaze as he looked down at me. He shook his head, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “No. I’d still like you to bring it to me, please. If that’s alright?” 
“Yeah, of course. I just don’t want to get in the way of your job.”
“You won’t,” he said. “But I’ve let my job get in the way of other things for too long, so maybe it’s time someone got in the way of it for a bit.” 
“You have an important job, though. If you were a boat salesman, I might feel a little differently about disrupting your work.” 
His smile grew as he tilted his head at me. “A boat salesman?” 
“I mean a job where it wouldn’t really matter all that much if you were distracted every once in a while. If someone doesn’t sell a boat, it’s not that big of a deal. But if you don’t solve a murder case...that has very real repercussions. I wouldn’t want to be a reason for something slipping by in a case.” 
He put his hand on my cheek, directing my eyes back to his. “That won’t happen,” he said. “I take my job seriously. That’s never been a problem for me. My problem has always been figuring out how to balance it with the rest of my life, which I never could, and I neglected a lot of people because of it. Especially Faye.” He shook his head. “I’m still not good at it. But I had a case back in the winter that...put Faye’s safety in jeopardy, among other things, and it made me realize that I need to put more of an effort in my life outside of this job. Despite how hard that is for me.” He stroked my cheek with his thumb. “You motivate me to slow down a bit. And that’s a good thing.”
I took my free hand and placed it over his, then turned my face slightly and placed a kiss on the inside of his wrist. “I would be happy to slow down with you,” I whispered. 
Marshall had a smile that somehow showed in his eyes more than his mouth, and that’s how he was looking at me right then. “I’d like that.” 
A knock on the door startled me. I took a step back, his hand falling from my cheek. He then ran it over his face, almost like he was trying to scrub the irritation of being interrupted off it. Then he folded his arms across his chest before calling out for whoever it was to come in.
The door opened and a man stepped up to the doorway. He was wearing plain clothes like Walter, so I assumed he was a detective, too. He all but ignored me as he and Walter spoke. Half of what they said was in a jargon I didn’t understand, so I just stood there, head down, waiting. After a few minutes, the guy left, only halfway closing the door as he did. When Marshall finally turned back to me, I could see that he was frustrated. I knew he wouldn’t admit it, but me being at his work right then was only going to cause more irritation with every interruption we had. 
“As much as I hate it, I should probably get back to the shop. We have a big order going out tomorrow, so there’s quite a lot to do today to prepare for it,” I said. “Plus, I have a date with a very handsome detective tonight that I want to get ready for.”
The frustration on his face seemed to melt away as he looked at me with a smirk. “Is it anyone I know?”
“Possibly. He does work in your unit.” 
“Is that so?” he asked. I nodded. “Well, if I see him around, I might have to have a talk with him.”
“And what would you say?” 
“I’d tell him that he better be good to you because you deserve to be treated well.” 
My stomach fluttered. “You can rest assured that he treats me very well. Better than any man ever has.”
“All those other men were idiots.”
I smiled. “Maybe so.” 
He shook his head. ��Definitely so.” He reached out and took his lunch from my hand, then turned and placed it on a filing cabinet behind him. “Will you let me help you to your car now?” 
I nodded. “Yes, please.”
He put on his coat and followed me to the break room. He pulled my dolly for me, moving it like it was as light as a child’s toy. Even when we made it to the parking lot, he didn’t seem to have any issue with the wheels fighting against him. Then he picked it up and placed it in my trunk with ease, despite how I very often fought to get it back in. I thought about telling him that he was welcome to help me anytime he wanted, but I was afraid it wouldn’t come across as a joke and he would feel obligated to actually help. 
“Thank you. You made my morning a lot easier,” I said after I closed the trunk. I looked at him. “I guess I’ll see you around five-thirty?”
He nodded. “I’ll call you when I leave here, but yeah, I should be there by then,” he said. “And I promise it’ll only be the two of us and no cheap pizza.” 
“To be honest, I quite liked the pizza. It didn’t taste cheap. And I really, truly didn’t mind Faye joining us, but it'll be nice to have dinner with just you tonight,” I said. “But that reminds me - I put a copy of our cookie recipe for Faye in your lunch box.” 
He smiled. “Thank you. She’ll be very excited about that.”
“You’re welcome. And let her know if she has any issues with it, she can call or text me.” 
The crease between his eyebrows appeared as he looked at me thoughtfully. “Are you sure?” 
“Yeah. I’ve made them enough times over the last year and a half to make every mistake you can with them. If she has a problem, I can probably diagnose it over the phone.” 
“You don’t mind her having your number?”
I felt my facial expressions mirroring his, but from confusion. “Of course I don’t mind. As long as you’re okay with it,” I said. “Unless you think your ex-wife would mind? I don’t want to step on her toes or anything.”
He shook his head. “I don’t think Angie would mind for that purpose, and I don’t have a problem with it. But I don’t want you to feel obligated.”
“I don’t but I’ll leave it up to you. If you’d feel more comfortable being the middleman you can always call me for her.” I gave him a big smile. “And I can help you practice the whole talking thing. Then it’s a two birds with one stone kind of deal.” 
He smiled back, nodding his head. “And if she doesn’t need help?” 
“You can still call.” I shrugged. “As far as I’m concerned, you don’t have to have a reason for calling. If I’m not at work, I’m usually pretty free. I may be cooking, or watching ‘The Golden Girls’ with Mom, but that’s about it,” I said. “I’m afraid you’re courting quite a socially boring person.”
He laughed. “I’m not sure if you’ve caught on, but I’m not exactly a sociable person, either,” he said. “So perhaps we make a good fit for each other.”
“Perhaps so,” I agreed. “We can be selectively social together.” 
“Sounds good to me.” 
I let out a sigh and watched my breath turn to steam in front of me. “I better let you get back to your paperwork and I need to go help Darcy at the store. We have over fifty loaves of bread to bake before the end of the day, so depending on when I get home, you may have to deal with your date smelling like freshly baked bread.” 
He squinted slightly. “I’m not really opposed to that,” he joked with a smile that showed off the sharp ends of his canine teeth. 
I laughed. “Good to know.” 
He gave me a short hug, kissing my cheek as he pulled back. “I’ll see you this evening.” 
“I’m looking forward to it.
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