#Also no I totally didn't forget to post this-
outrunningthedark · 2 days
I literally sent you an ask about bt saying slurs. A few minutes later you posted about getting an ask and tomfoolery bnf etc. But you didn't address my first ask about bt saying slurs. And you only replied to my second ask about it but not my first.
So again, you just assumed a post was about you without realizing I probably have more than one ask in my inbox and I did not mention what, specifically, I was referring to? (I had a total of over 150 asks when I logged in today before I started deleting. Be serious.) As for the "BTs saying slurs". Yes, I am aware of one term that was used. I am also aware that that person is no longer involved in the day-to-day activity because of how she was treated leading up and in the aftermath of what was said. (Don't demand an apology if you won't let it go. You're not helping.) I also haven't seen anyone else using it since then, so...? Bringing up one person using that word is...only proving that the rest of us learned something new that day, no? I can't say the same for the Buddies who keep going into the inboxes of black BuckTommy shippers (or even people they just assume are black, which is...weird, to say to the least) and dropping those slurs we should ALL know not to use by now, though. Bringing up what one BuckTommy shipper did does not erase what goes on within your own fandom circle even though you're choosing to pretend not to see it. Don't forget that part.
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keirosims · 7 months
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averiix · 8 days
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speaking of Sonic, here's some doodles n' shit because I am so hyped for the next game bro u don't understand-
bonus doodles cuz I'm that bitch uwu ✨
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hollowsart · 4 months
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Bleez, Princess of Havania, and Red Lantern Elite!
Disgraced in origin, her home and ranking were taken from her, as was her innocence and purity. Her feathers stolen as a prize of victory, she uses the gifts of the Red Lantern to replace what she'd lost.
Now, further utilizing her gifts, she will make sure no other befalls a fate like she had. An angel, although fallen, still acting like a savior to others. A life she chose all on her own, not one that had been thrust upon her despite her wishes. A ring called out and she took it with intent.
She hides away her beauty, all but her lower half of her face visible to the world. Her beauty is not what makes her, her beauty is what caused her suffering from the start. Never again will she allow that to affect her life.
Do not underestimate her for her power is immense. Burning hotter than a blue giant is her righteous fury. She delivers no mercy towards those who have wronged her. She is perhaps the most in control of her rage, second only to Atrocitus.
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smolcatpilot · 3 months
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Some drawings that I made while watching frankenbugs shipwrecked 64 streams!
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just a little bit of experimenting with Scarlet to shake the rust off 👍
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possumkingluca · 9 months
I got the morbiusly a beast christmas tree
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most-fuck-able-ff14 · 7 months
I fixed the que again, it goes up to week 22 which isn't much but i gotta go to bed and its all i could do.
-Mod Fisher
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dr-friendship · 9 months
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*Yeets a Christmas Puppet at you and runs away--*
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anawkwardlady · 2 months
I think for some people it might be good to spoil Higurashi a little a bit because I think I would have struggled through Episode 1 if I wasn't told before that it was building towards something and explained some of the stuff that happens after LIKE DON'T GET ME WRONG, I actually enjoyed the first hours of Onikakushi and I never skipped the slice of life stuff because I liked it, but knowing a bit what was coming really made me focus and brace myself in a way I probably wouldn't if I wasn't aware.
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ominousvibez · 2 months
ehehehe >:3
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alackofghosts · 2 years
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
I am totally pushing the aku top of the school agenda HOWEVER this mf would pop a vein before tutoring anyone (teaching math would end up in murder)
I swear I am extremely fascinated by and genuinely interested to understand what prompts this fairly spread perception of smart Akutagawa because I really can't see it.
Akutagawa is THE flawed character of the franchise. He has barely any redeemeing qualities. His being a ruthless, mindless dog, a beast, an animal is a central theme of his character: he's one of the most inhuman characters, no rationality, no emotions. It only makes sense he'd also be lacking in intellect, one of the most intrinsically human qualities, right? Let's also keep in mind that when it comes to intelligence, he was specifically trained since a very early age so that he wouldn't develop any critical thinking skill or wisdom. He was appositely built to be an executor, never a thinker. A killing machine, a mindless beast. He was made to be a tool, not a person. He is the very epitome of irrationality- and that much shows in everything he does! There's plenty canon evidence to support it. His actions are never guided by preliminary thoughts, he just acts on instinct, akin to an animal. He will kill his target in chapter 4 although his mission is specifically not to, he will barge into a building full of security guards right through the front door without even ordering his subordinates to offer support, he will go rogue and storm into the Moby Dick destroying everything in his path no matter the consequences, he will naïvely jump off a balcony to catch a repetitor just because his worst enemy said it had Dazai-san on the line- do I have to continue? His whole character is exclusively driven either by orders, or by instinct and irrationality. Guys, it would have been SO MUCH EASIER if upon seeing Ranpo's message Akutagawa had just took out his phone and gone “hey Chuuya-san, it's likely we've found the mastermind and the whole thing will be solved here at this place, can you come over one second?”. But he didn't, and it's not simply a matter of suspension of disbelief (in the way that the events are more satisfying this way). Was it for his pride then? Indeed, but Akutagawa's pride and irrationality are in a perpetual concomitant relationship of cause and effect, where one is constantly born from the other. I do think his very simple and straight-forward objectives (1. kill the Jinko 2. be acknowledge by Dazai-san 3. die) are themselves expression of his simple mindset, and so is a certain naïvety he has, that I honestly wish more people took into account when characterizing him.
It's funny because, the thematic relevance of it is the whole point- in reality, I don't think there's such a thing as a stupid person, I firmly believe everyone has their own kind of intelligence, a field each of us excells in. But it's exactly because Akutagawa isn't a person (well. in this context at least), but a character, that one can push a characteristic to its extremes in order to make it symbolic of something, in order to make an archetype out of his character. And Akutagawa at his core is irrationality, he is Dazai's failed trainee and ugliest foil, he is the ultimate pawn, he is the beast. The fact that Akutagawa is a character– it's relevant. He's not a person, he's a vassel for themes. I can dare to rudely talk about him like he was an animal because it's the narrative itself that before anyone else pushes the reader to see him in a dehumanizing way. Akutagawa once literally tore the skin off a man's neck with his teeth effectively killing them. It's quite not simple dog coding anymore lol. But he's just a dude from a book really, he's just symbolism: and that's why he can become a dog, or a pawn, or the stupidest person of Yokohama, as the author or reader pleases. It's really not that deep ahah
I can guess a possible counterpoint would be that perhaps, in a universe where he wasn't subject to the slums and Dazai's abuse such as high schools aus, Akutagawa would get his chance to be witty? But then I can't help but think, if you don't make Akutagawa stupid... Aren't you taking a fundamental trait of his character away from him? What's left of Akutagawa then? What would be the point of reading, let's say, a sskk high school fic if you can't recognize Akutagawa in it? But then again I guess this is exactly the reason why I can't bring myself to like most of alternative universe bsd fics (╥﹏╥)
Also, ultimately, there *are* personal preference components to it. In my headcanon Akutagawa has autism / adhd, and although those don't always have a negative impact on one's academic results, there is a chance they do. And I'd honestly lean towards that chance more when it comes with Akutagawa, because he is the pathetic man that has everything going wrong for him. There's symptoms in his impulsivity and scarce self-control, and I believe they'd make school life very hard for him, especially when it comes to focusing in classes and for studying- which is fitting tbh, can you imagine Akutagawa ever having a happy life? (I'm jk I swear I love him)
Besides, I must have mentioned how one of the main appeals of sskk for me is how despite being thoroughly flawed people they can still be loved. It's surprisingly comforting to think that even the most evil of people can be loved, and it's the same when it comes for stupidity. Stretching Akutagawa's flaws just makes him more symphatetic and enjoyable to read about.
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some silly and wonky hearts and heart patterns! [ art on prints and things: teepublic | redbubble | threadless ]
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wistereia · 10 months
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These are Wisteria's / Othniel's collective vibes >: ) although both are clearly keen on either one or the other (I'm sure they compromise somehow)
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Hello hi I miss my husband. Have some goofy ass rambles about us.
-Lucifer singing for me when Lux is closed or we just sit at his piano and randomly poke at keys together and make a song that becomes our song......
-Leaving kisses on his hands/knuckle/wrist before falling asleep,,,,,waking up with his face buried in my chest,,,,
-Playing silly adorable phone apps together. Or playing every single otome game we find at first for fun but getting attached to the plot/characters.
-Making a house in Minecraft made out of Nether stuff because we both like the aesthetic. Also trying to beat the game together but we both just suck at it. Like he tries to take out the Crystals and misses every shot. And I try to do the bed thing and just blow myself up. We have fun that's all that matters.
-Doing that old "Chapstick Challenge" thing where one of us wears chapstick and kiss the other and try to guess the flavor. It's a regular thing and like it isn't even like a "haha wanna makeout but make it a GAME" it's like. "do you like this flavor of chapstick because if you don't i will burn it",,,,,,,,and the first but shush.
-Watching REALLY old superhero movies and just. Enjoying the cheesiness of it. Eating popcorn or other snacks and just snuggling together in matching robes.
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