#Also because the spaces between each episode is like really really long I end up forgetting what happens in the past episodes
Wakfu : some words from its creator
Today, Tot posted a tweet about Wakfu on X. He shares his vision for the series and talks about the upcoming webtoon.
I translated the tweet in English below but here's the link to Tot's post: https://twitter.com/Totankama/status/1768938315409994040
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Hello everyone,
First of all, thank you very much for your support. The last episodes of Wakfu Season 4 are now available on Okoo, and I thank you for watching them in such large numbers. Our partner is very pleased with the results, which allows us to consider the future with peace of mind. Your feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and we are delighted about it. For us, it's the most beautiful reward.
However, some of you have expressed disappointment, particularly regarding the narrative arc of Flopin and his grandfather, Madagaskane. You also want to know more about what happened to the gods.
Allow me to explain the follow-up about that and our narrative intentions.
Firstly, as you know, the Krosmoz universe is constantly evolving. Nothing is ever completely over. Each of our creations always offers you an adventure that concludes but leaves other questions unanswered.
This is somewhat our trademark and is closely linked to the number of media we are dealing with simultaneously. Let's take, for example, the Dofus movie. Joris' story ends, and the entire adventure unfolds from our hero's point of view. Who trapped Julith? This information isn't provided, as we've kept it for potential follow-ups and connections with other projects. It was a "key" piece of information, but it didn't prevent you from focusing on the journey of our little hero.
For Wakfu, we operate in the same way. During writing, I choose one hero's perspective, and it's their storyline that I will favour. I don't want to neglect the others (because I love them just as much), and some narrative arcs may be started and then picked up in other media. I understand this may be frustrating when you prefer one character over another and feel they're not sufficiently highlighted. During this season, I clearly favoured the Eliatropes and their family dynamic.
We can never know if what we offer in animation will have a sequel. I've already explained the reasons why. Consequently, narrative choices have to be made. Some might say, "In that case, don't start anything new". Honestly, that would be really sad, and the whole thing would have less scope.
You have to imagine the Krosmoz as a living, gestating organism. Just because you don't have all your answers now doesn't mean they won't arrive soon or very soon.
In concrete terms, the webtoon/manga "The Great Wave" will allow you to reunite with Yugo and Amalia a few months after the end of Season 4.
Flopin and Madagaskane have a story in development. We've opened a door for these two characters with the idea of ​​creating a beautiful series focusing on the relationship between a grandfather and his grandson. We didn't "forget" them; on the contrary, we'll give them a lot of space.
The story of the Goddess, Rasha, and the gods is at the heart of Waven [t/n talking about the MMORG]. You'll learn more about them through the game. It's a topic we'll also address in a potential animated sequel. In fact, it's a storyline we've been working on for years and is one of the most important ones to come.
Regarding the Mechasms, however, there are no plans for them, for reasons I may explain in detail one day. This doesn't mean we won't see them again, but I'd like them to remain completely mysterious, with their intentions unfathomable.
I understand this may be frustrating for some because these projects take time to develop. But if you take a step back, you'll understand that it also allows us to position ourselves in the long term.
We work on the Krosmoz universe over time, with the means at our disposal, and depending on opportunities, we may be more or less ambitious.
Thanks to you and your presence, we're breaking viewship records, and the future looks bright. I hope we can move forward with amazing animation projects faster than we have done so far and quickly provide answers to your enthusiastic questions.
Thank you and see you soon, Tot.
[T/N: This is my translation of Tot's tweet. I'm not a native English speaker but, I hope you can understand what's going on.]
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I've been reflecting recently on why I love Bad Batch SOOOO much (no, seriously, I've been obsessed since the show first started airing and my obsession isn't fading anytime soon) while also still having some issues with the finale. And I think it's because the story reminds me so much of my own family. (Note: my ramblings in this post do get personal.)
I loved Clone Force 99 from the moment they were introduced in The Clone Wars. A band of clone misfits who are instantly recognized as different but also are close to each other and work together seamlessly with plenty of banter? Give me more! The amazingly resilient Echo is brought back and of course joins them? YES!!! So when it was announced that the Bad Batch would be getting their own show, I was thrilled! Yay for more crazy sibling shenanigans!
And then season 1 happened, with the squad almost immediately fracturing amidst all the changes occurring with the rise of the Empire. Ooof, hello reality.
I grew up in a large family with lots of siblings. We were all super close (and kinda crazy 😂) growing up; as we've become adults, however, personality differences have led some of my siblings to stop talking to each other which then bled over into them not talking to anyone else in the family. Not gonna lie, the past few years have been really hard, trying to figure out how best to navigate things so as to not push any of my siblings away but also give them their space.
Needless to say, I saw my family reflected in the Bad Batch. The Bad Batch were so close for so long, and then started falling apart. When Crosshair not only wouldn't go with his family in the season 1 finale but also seemed to be rejecting Hunter's statement that they could pursue different paths without being enemies, my heart broke even more. I know it will be a long time - if ever - that my own family members all reconcile with each other, so I really wanted this little clone family, at least, to get that chance. (Living out my hopes and dreams in fiction, I guess?)
Season 2 continued the season 1 trend of showing us both sides in such a sympathetic and nuanced way. I like to try keeping an open mind and seeing a situation from different angles/POV, both in real life and with fictional stories; so I think a big part of the reason why I adore this show is because it gave us the opportunity to consider both the main squad's AND Crosshair's perspectives, which honestly was a great exercise for me over the past few years in keeping an open mind regarding my own siblings' experiences and opinions (even if I don't always agree with them). And I was still holding out hope that this little clone family would have a chance to reconcile and be whole again.
And then Tech fell.
I'm crying right now just thinking about it.
(Tech was my favorite OG CF99 member since the moment he first stepped on screen, so his death would have been excruciatingly painful regardless; but the fact that he apparently died before the family could be fully reconciled... Well, I already know such a scenario - someone dying before reconciliation - is sadly possible with my own family, but having it happen to this fictional family just hit WAY too close to home, and I would have been equally devastated about this if any other Bad Batcher had died.)
Going into season 3, I knew there was a chance Tech wouldn't come back, much as I wanted him to. I LOVED watching Crosshair build a relationship with Omega, rejoin the family and reconcile with his other brothers, but... Tech is his brother too! With each passing episode, it was a struggle between hoping Tech would come back so the family would actually get their chance to be whole again, while also looking for any closure, any indication that Tech's memory and legacy would be acknowledged and honored by all the siblings he'd sacrificed himself for. I wanted Tech to be alive to get his own happy ending for his own sake, but if a comeback wasn't happening I wanted his life and sacrifice to clearly serve as an influence and motivation for his family. And for his siblings' sake (ESPECIALLY Crosshair's), if Tech was really dead and there wasn't going to be a full reunion, at least let the whole family heal from the loss, at least let the family honor the brother who gave everything to give them a chance to reunite.
The finale concluded, and I realized we got neither: there had been no full family reunion, and there had been no real closure/healing for the family regarding Tech's sacrifice either. (And I don't think it's at all unreasonable to have assumed the show would give us one or the other.)
Look, I'm one of those people who walked into Rogue One assuming it would have a happy ending. (Oh, those days when I was so young and naive...) So let me tell you, that ending traumatized me almost as badly as the ending of ASM2.
But, while other tragic/bittersweet endings have shaken me, it was the Bad Batch finale that literally left me feeling physically ill for days afterwards. Like, I was so relieved that everyone else lived? But it was so strange to be told it was a "happy ending" when, out of the entire family, only Omega kinda sorta maybe (if you squint) had a moment to honor their fallen brother? The family goes through all that trauma and loss and we end the show without actually resolving it, without the family actually healing? Tech's sacrifice made the Batch's eventual retirement possible, and the show won't even just say it? And to add insult to injury, after an entire season with the narrative teasing the possibility of Tech still being alive with CX2 being the forerunning explanation for it, it's all "well, we're still not going to provide any real closure on this plot point, but aren't you glad you can maybe assume Tech ISN'T CX2 since Hunter ran that sucker through without blinking an eye? Look, happy ending!"
I'm still stuck in "season 1" with my own family, so watching this story play out and ultimately conclude with this fictional family not getting full closure regarding one of their own siblings who had never been anything but supportive of all of them was... unsatisfying, to say the least. I LOVE that the clones, who were created by Palpatine to be discarded, managed to (unknowingly) strike a significant blow against Palpatine's plans. I LOVE that Omega and some of the other clones were able to choose to live peacefully on Pabu. I LOVE that Crosshair came back to his family. Still, I will never get over how Tech was handled - both the character himself and the characters he was closest to.
And I think this is part of the reason why I really hope the Bad Batch's on-screen appearances aren't completely over yet - and why, even without factoring in all the narrative ambiguity in season 3, I'm still rooting for Tech to return. Tech himself definitely deserved better, and his family deserved better too.
So there's my long-winded explanation for why there's not a single day that goes by that I don't think about this show 😅
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666writingcafe · 1 month
An Interview With Satan
Part Five of A (Not-So) New Series
Question One: Do you believe in one soulmate or having several great relationships?
My beliefs fall closer to the latter. One can have different soulmates for different aspects of their life, not just romantically.
Question Two: Looking back, what advice do you wish you could have given yourself as a young demon?
Don't shut people out of your life because you're afraid of hurting them.
Question Three: Do you have a certain place you’ve always wanted to explore but haven’t yet got the chance to do so?
Some of the museums in the human world, like the Smithsonian collection in Washington DC or the Met in New York City.
Question Four: Which art form would you like to excel in if you could learn it quickly?
Drawing. I can usually get a halfway decent base, but it always ends up looking like a bad cartoon in the end.
Question Five: What hobby have you been interested in but haven’t yet tried?
Sewing, oddly enough. I see some of the things Asmo and Levi create, and they look really cool.
Question Six: What kind of entertainment is your guilty pleasure?
Watching really cheesy and/or melodramatic soap operas. You know, the ones where a season is over a hundred episodes long and each episode ends on a cliffhanger.
Question Seven: What is a subject that you could discuss for hours on end without growing tired of?
The history of just about anything. That's why I've declared it as one of my majors at RAD.
Question Eight: What is the bravest act you have ever seen someone else carry out?
Can I tell you who I think the bravest person I've ever met is? (Sure.) MC. Each time I see them taking a risk, I think it's the bravest act they've ever carried out.
Question Nine: Do you enjoy collecting things or experiences?
Oh, experiences for sure.
Question Ten: Are you more intrigued by outer space or the depths of the human mind?
The depths of the human mind, particularly MC's.
Question Eleven: What’s a small act of kindness you think everyone should practice daily?
Not saying the first thing that comes to their head. For me, that is the angry, rude response, and I've come to learn that it's not the best way to handle most day-to-day situations.
The next set of questions require you to choose between two things. (I've done this sort of thing before. As long as your questions are not too silly, I'll be good.)
Question Twelve: Would you rather spend an evening watching the sunset or at a theater?
Why not both? (That defeats the purpose of "Would You Rather.") Hear me out: you go on a date with someone. It starts during the afternoon. After grabbing a bite to eat, you watch a movie or show at a theater, making sure you choose one that ends at around dusk. Then, you sit on a bench and watch the sunset as you talk about whatever you just watched. One thing leads to another, and you end up kissing your date as the sun finishes setting. (How romantic.) I've done that a few times. Always sweeps them off their feet. (So you've done this intentionally, then.) Of course. It makes it easier for them to do what you want. *pauses* Would it surprise you to know that Asmo taught me that? I try not to do it these days, because I know it's quite manipulative.
Question Thirteen: Would you rather lose an argument to make someone happy or make someone sad by winning it?
It truly depends on the person. If I don't like them, then I'm going to do everything in my power to win the argument and revel in their sadness. But if I care deeply about them, then more times than not I'll end up dropping the argument altogether, because it's not worth losing that person over something petty like that.
Question Fourteen: Would you rather wait for someone or keep them waiting?
I hate waiting for people, but I also know it's rude to keep others waiting, so I guess neither? (Can I speak freely?) Of course. You're the one conducting the interview. (You suck at "Would You Rather.") That's because I tend to overthink things. I'm kinda like Levi in that regard.
Question Fifteen: Would you rather be dumped by someone or be the one to dump them?
I'm often the one that dumps people, so I suppose that would be what I'd prefer out of the two options. (I should have kept my mouth shut.) It's fine. You wanted more direct answers, and I'm more than happy to comply. *pauses* You think I'm a heartbreaker, don't you? (A little, yeah.) Like I said, I don't really engage in that behavior anymore. Before, I didn't care about anyone I was seeing, so it was easy for me to detach myself from them. I couldn't do that now. I'm a lot tamer now than I was back then.
Question Sixteen: Would you rather have a partner with money but no sense of humor or a poor but witty one?
Money can't buy personality. Besides, I have enough connections that I can pretty much get whatever I want, so I don't need someone to provide for me.
Question Seventeen: Would you rather be a scientist or a painter?
Ideally, a painter, but as I stated earlier, I can't really draw, so that would leave the scientist.
Question Eighteen: Would you rather live forever in a peaceful village or a bustling city?
The village. Or, better yet, a barn on the outskirts of the village. The less people I have to deal with, the better for everyone involved.
Question Nineteen: Would you rather speak all the languages in the world or speak to animals?
Language is always evolving, so it's nearly impossible to learn and speak every single one. Plus, if I had the ability to talk to animals and have them understand what I was saying, I'd be able to take care of them better.
Question Twenty: Would you rather send a sexy text message or a romantic love note?
I'm a hopeless romantic, so a good, long letter written with quill and ink and closed with a wax seal is my preferred method of telling someone how I feel about them.
Question Twenty-One: Would you rather have the power to read your partner’s mind or to influence their thoughts?
If I had to choose, I'd merely read their thoughts. Not a big fan of entering someone's mind, because it's rare that they consent to that sort of thing. I'll never forget Belphie for what he did to MC while he was inside their head.
Question Twenty-Two: Would you rather jump on a trampoline or in a bouncy house?
This is going to sound incredibly silly, but I'm lowkey afraid of both. Those things can do some serious damage to one's body if they land wrong. Just thinking about it is making me anxious.
Question Twenty-Three: Would you rather have the ability to know every answer to a question or be able to ask tough questions and confuse others?
If I knew all the answers, then part of my life loses meaning. I like researching things. It brings me joy. Plus, I feel like I already confuse others with questions that I ask, so...
Question Twenty-Four: Would you rather kiss a pig or a donkey?
A pig. Unless it's a cat, I don't like getting fur in my mouth.
Question Twenty-Five: Would you rather live amongst the trees in the jungle or in an island cave?
The cave. It's better shelter than the trees would be.
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr, @tenkobitch
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isagrimorie · 1 month
I won't even be so 'meh' about Emily with Andrew Mendoza -- if they at least have chemistry. And, if Emily didn’t looked like she was going to run whenever he talked about commitment or meeting his daughter.
I want Emily to be happy, but Andrew's steadiness seems to also cause Emily's running instincts to manifest.
In Evolution, they broke up and I was not surprised at all.
The pandemic must have also been the cause of their break-up, and I wouldn't be surprised if Emily was the one who brought up separating.
They are living in different states and I don't think Emily's leaving her job soon, especially since she was on a shortlist for the (a deputy) director position when the OG show ended.
Also looking at the BTS of season 17:
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They actually have lights. Then it must mean the way the show is so dark and hard to see is because of how Evolution is edited color-graded and then compressed.
Watching season 15 and pinging back to season 16 and 17 -- I love that I can see but the season felt weirdly artificial? It looked too clean.
I love that seasons 16 and 17 looked a little less clean. More grounded and the team is a little more messy personally.
I love that it took Rossi episodes to return wearing a suit. I love JJ continuing to look badass and cool but also she wears home clothes when at home. I love Tara's look in the first two episodes, not quite as put together.
We first saw Alvez in Evolution in Emily's former office-turned-gym.
Emily is better styled than seasons 14 and 15 and Emily is a lot more relaxed and comfortable in taking up space.
This is such a casual thing but Emily just sitting on the boxes and watching Penelope and Luke bicker and she's done with their back and forth.
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Let's be honest, this would have gone on far too long in the last seasons of the OG show.
Also, much as I love found family the team was far too... kumbaya that watching them I wanted someone to pull a Ron Swanson on them.
This makes Evolution work well for me because it's clear they love each other but also, there's more of a better line between professionalism and personal relationships.
And I can tell that the team loves each other but also, occasionally get on each other's nerves, which feels real.
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I really love this shot of the scene where the team delivers a profile, and it's shot in an interesting way.
Section/Unit Chief isn't involved in delivering the Profile, she's in the background watching the team do their job and she is just leaning against her door, hands in her pocket, and looks IMO casually powerful.
And then several episodes down the line we have Emily and the Attorney General interacting.
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I know there were some haters for the bureaucracy storyline in Evolution -- I loved it, especially when it's Prentiss playing defense.
Also, did anyone clock how fast Prentiss picks up and notices things in Evolution?
She knew with one glance the AG shutdown their case.
Emily slumping slightly towards the doorjamb -- chef's kiss-- its such a casual thing but it made the scene feel a lot more real.
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Emily justifying the BAU's focus on the Sicarious network to the AG is one of my favorite things in Evolution.
Other than a few scenes and the comically villainous Barnes, I missed the kind of hardball and brass tacks, day-to-day thing Emily has to do to keep her team as a team within the Violent Crimes division.
I love when the higher-ups put the team, especially Emily's feet to the fire just as much as I enjoy whenever Emily decides to do some maverick stuff.
Like... blackmail Phil Coulson the Director of the FBI so she could help Jade and Peter Bailey.
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kursedmayo · 4 months
Sometimes I think about how Casey and Casey Jr have backgrounds that could parallel each other. Like, think about it. They're both very mysterious figures, and their backstory is kept in the dark with only clues to why they ended up that way, but if you look at their behavior and just theorize from there, you'd see how Casey Jr really is Casey's son.
First off. Casey seemed to have spent quite a while in a deeply hierarchical community, aka The Foot. If she's been a foot for as long as her behavior implies, she's probably been there since her early teens or tweens, hell, maybe she's even been there since she was a kid, but her reasons to join it doesn't actually align with the Foot Clans goals of course.
If you take her hesitance to continue the ritual in the the Season 1 finale though, it shows that she probably didn't even want to take over the world. She most likely just wanted a community to belong in that recognized her abilities and efforts, but unfortunately, she only met with dejection.
If we take the fact that she wasn't depicted to be with a parental figure/s, or any other people she talks to often, then you can only assume that she's a very lonely person that probably has distant parents and relatives or none at all. She's basically April if she didn't meet the turtles, they're very similar at their core. A high energy tomboy-ish girl that fails over and over yet persists, somehow, that's them. That's why Splinter went "Ohohoh you guys are pretty similar" in that one episode ("Always be Brownies" I think?) in the first place, it's because they are. However, the difference between them though is Casey is twice the outcast as April is. April couldn't fit in with her other peers, but at least has friends. Casey couldn't fit in with her fellow Foot Clan members AND couldn't fit in with her normal peers, so where else would she go?
She adapted to the Foot Clan lifestyle and changed to fit it, but she couldn't thrive in it, she couldn't get promoted even though she tried so hard. She couldn't adapt to the Normal lifestyle and change to behave more "normal", though she thrived in it considering she has more or less a successful brownie business, but at the same time, she's still divorced from the greater society. There wasn't any other choice for her but to build a space of her own, which is probably the best end for her, all things considered.
When she left, the first thing she did is that instead of integrating into the greater society and try to enroll in highschool or get a job somewhere she built a business on her own, with most likely a structure similar to the Foot Clan that she left, aiming for world domination with her as the leader, something she probably dreamed of while she was still in the cult. However this may mean that she doesn't have any other goals of her own besides what her superiors tells her to do, which is to do a bunch of things so they can assemble the Shredder and take over the world, so in order to not be aimless in life she most likely took on world domination in order to have something to strive for plus she already had somewhat of an idea on how to achieve it anyways.
Also, as you can see in that Brownie episode, most of the girls she's employed under her brownie business seem to be trained in combat, which is probably Casey trying to emulate the environment of the Foot Clan with its combat ready members, and it shows that despite leaving the cult, she's still trying to emulate the environment she has likely spent years in trying and failing to prove herself in.
Now, heading over to Casey Jr, he's having a similar issues with his mother. I'm actually kind of surprised this wasn't discussed with some of the fics I've read about Casey Jr? They're both people who are used to routine that involves fighting and danger to some extent that got thrown into a a world full of mostly peace. They're also people who strived for one goal seemingly most of their life and suddenly lost it, so they both ended up without a clear path ahead of them.
With Casey Juniors case, he probably grew up in a similar hierarchical environment as Casey, for a good reason though, since they are in an Apocalypse, managing limited resources and manpower was top priority. Most likely, the oldest and most capable manage everyone else, and like Casey, probably doesn't typically act unless told to, and he didn't need to, so most likely, for most of his life, he didn't need to manage most of his life as much since there are other people there to help decide what is best for everyone. Food? Armor? Weapon? Teammates? Shelter? There are people to help assign and give that to you so you can better focus on your job, which in Casey Jr's case is most likely field work and fighting Kraang since he has a weapon and armor, so he's probably more used to mainly needing to focus on combat and not having to worry as much about everything else, just like his Mother back when she was in the Foot Clan.
Their goals are quite different though. His goal wasn't helping bring world destruction, it was the exact opposite, then, he lost it. He has no life goal left besides the one he inherited from the people around him, which is to survive and defeat the Kraang, and now that he's in the present where virtually everything is in abundance, with no one else to rely on to help decide what best to eat, wear, sleep, etc, he's obviously going to struggle.
Also, one thing I've noticed between the two of them, they both still have their uniforms on. In the brownie episode, Casey still had her Foot Clan uniform, and Casey Jr still had his armor on at the end of the movie, probably a while after they stopped the Kraang since no one shows clear signs of injury anymore. Again, it shows that both of them struggle to let go of their past, and cannot fully adapt to the typical modern life.
But yeah, tldr I guess. Casey and Casey Jr are really similar man.
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morethansky · 5 months
Realized I never wrote up my thoughts on "Into the Breach," which was the first episode I've liked since "Extraction"!!! Probably because all I could think about was Echo for 72 hours afterward.
This episode gave me such Rebels vibes, and that's truly the highest compliment I could pay any Star Wars media. I present my case:
There's an objective laid out from the start that is a small but crucial piece of the larger plot. The beginning of the episode presents this problem, and by the end of the episode, that specific problem solved.
Everyone is competent, and every character gets to do something vital to the mission. Whether it's a small thing doesn't matter; it's the fact that if that character wasn't there to do that small thing, the mission might be screwed that matters.
The action is meaningful—it conveys something about the characters while also driving the plot forward—and there's suspense that ratchets up the tension. And then to diffuse it, there's humor, and each joke is funny, but it's not overdone.
Infiltration episodes are such a Star Wars staple, and it's a real shame that TBB hasn't had more of them. They tried to make up for it by putting THREE infiltrations into this episode lmao. The fact that they show one long-term infiltration, one short-term infiltration, and one super short-term infiltration is very clever and makes the writing feel cohesive and dynamic, something this show hasn't always been able to achieve.
Also important, they do both a space/flight mission and a ground mission (two of each, technically), which is something that always helps make an episode feel like it's set in the GFFA and not just, you know *cough* Space!Louisiana. Or Tatooine scene #700.
There's also some nice storytelling going on with the environment—they go from being outside on the cloud city (free) to inside a space station (trapped with enemies), and for Omega, inside a cell (in which she actually enters another cell, visually—her bunk). The wide outdoor shots make the close, indoor shots feel much more claustrophobic, which is exactly the atmosphere these particular indoor settings should be giving off.
Other thoughts and meta:
Daytime Tantiss is a good sign! Forecast: Not death?
Prison Break Omega is just such a good vibe, and this would just be so fucking cool...except we've literally already seen her escape once this season??? And it was already really well done??? This is like the flip side of my complaint that Omega was too helpless in the first season, and it was annoying how she constantly needed to be rescued. Now she's too competent and is always escaping lol. It just really, really cheapens the dramatic effect either escape could've had.
Needless to say, the Batch's driving purpose once again being that they're struggling to rescue Omega is just. I'm tired. If there are going to be two major captures and two major escapes this season, at least one of them needs to be a narrative flip!!! The Batch rescuing her at the front end of the season and Omega escaping herself at the end, or vice versa, would've made it much less repetitive (and stopped cutting the Batch off at the knees in order to show Omega's competency). Omega even gets captured in the same fucking way—she gives herself up in "Plan 99" and "Point of No Return"! Ughhhhh
Okay I swear I actually like this episode lmao, I just. Editor instincts.
Thinking about how Omega left Lula on Pabu and has essentially left Straw!Lula to Eva, and how it shows that she's shed her need for comfort and is now ready to provide that comfort to other children, which is very lovely. But I'm also worried about Lula and Tech's goggles being on Pabu, because there are only three thematic options here: Everyone returns to them (sanctuary), everyone leaves them behind (leaving the past behind), or Omega returns to leave more items, say a bandana or a Firepuncher (memorial). The link between Lula and the goggles is actually not that natural (unless you're a Techwrecker shipper like me :D), so I've been pondering this choice a lot.
The symbolism of everything inside Tantiss being in the shape of the Empire cog and every character within its walls being a cog of the Empire is so heavy handed...and I am here for every moment of it!!!
Truly did not expect Rampart to stick around for so long. He's going to be a main character in the finale at this point?? I like how he's like a Kallus foil here—despite being scapegoated by the literal emperor he's still loyal to the regime and takes such pride in it. A very Jennifer Corbett & Brad Rau–esque character.
The way that when Echo came down the ramp I literally said, "Oh, thank god."
Hunter and Echo doing the clone hand clasp (and not wrist clasp, you'll note) isn't as emotional given that we already know how strong their bond is at this point, but it's still nice to see this visual callback to the Batch respecting Cody so much despite him being a reg that Hunter would use this hand clasp to greet him. It's a great shorthand (ha) for Hunter's feelings, since he is particularly suspicious of outsiders, and Echo is now fully "one of his."
I really love the mirror of the scene when the Batch is in the cell on Kamino and they escape by breaking into the wall—Omega effectively does the same thing here. These are the satisfying kinds of repetition, rather than entire arcs!
Every time I think about the Tech-is-the-mustachioed-doctor theory I giggle. It would just be. So anticlimactic?? But absolutely hilarious.
The costume change is so unnecessary, buuut I'll be first in line to buy the variant figures! Also it's nice to see some canon clone armor painting after writing and reading so many fics about it!!
I really like Hunter sensing Rampart plotting and how it brings his powers even closer to Jedi precognition.
Not too much Crosshunt in this ep, but I like how in both shuttle scenes, Crosshair stands in a position that blocks Rampart from getting to Hunter in the cockpit (while Wrecker blocks Rampart from getting to the exit).
Not particularly significant, but I like the visual detail of Hunter, Echo, and Crosshair bracketing Rampart in a triangle and it looking like they're his bodyguards but them actually forming that position because he's their prisoner.
The way I screamed when Rampart tries to get Echo to say "sir" and he just says, "I don't think so." Echo did not go through everything he's gone through up to this point to take anyone's shit!!! And the way Rampart just takes it and looks down all ashamed is peak comedy to me. Even he sensed that he was treading on dangerous ground there. (Just for a second think about Fives on Umbara and how he refused to take Krell's shit from the very start...)
The commandos being on this space station (that's orbiting Coruscant??) makes me very sad because it kind of foreshadows a dark ending for the Tantiss arc by showing that the commandos are spread all over the galaxy. So even if they rescue all the commandos from Tantiss, it still wouldn't save all the others. In which case, writing wise, it feels way more unlikely for them to save the commandos on Tantiss at all.
Wrecker tapping his foot while scrolling through the comments on his AO3 account is very cute. Also in the last episode the mining foreman was on his datapad like a phone and I thought it was supposed to convey that he was lazy lol but maybe this sort of thing is just going to show up in SW a lot more now haha
The lieutenant demanding to know where the captain is is kind of silly because wasn't he the one to let him go inside?? Why would he be back at his ship? But I love me the Rebels-esque gag of knocking him out on the ship.
Everyone is screaming about Crosshair having faith in Echo getting them through, but I would also like to contribute the fact that Crosshair says, "You can't go alone." A very poetic line of dialogue because being alone in the Techno Union is what the Batch saved Echo from being, and it's what Crosshair chose to be for two and a half seasons of this show. Not wanting to be alone again was also what made him turn against the Empire! We also see this anxiety in the previous episode, where he (in that very ridiculous reveal) admits he doesn't want to go back to Tantiss (and be alone again).
ECHOOOOOO!!!! About fucking time they gave him another action feature!!! I rewatch that opening sequence in "Tipping Point" constantly. And not only that, it's a very character-driven action feature for once!!! We see him showcase what it means to be an ARC trooper and also what it means that he's "part-droid." A test I like to consider when I gauge the quality of action-ensemble media is, Could any other character have done that? In this case, the text is very loudly telling us absolutely not! Also the way he exudes confidence about it ("But I can") is also just. Super hot, 10/10
Tbh the Echo feature felt so out of place for this show that at this point I was suddenly filled with terror that he was about to die. Thank god he did not, but he's still separated from the others by the end, so it's not out of the question for something terrible to happen in hyperspace, and I do not want it!!! But altogether that was a badass third act and a very good episode!
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writer-sedai · 11 months
I've been thinking about how Rand's relationships might be handled in season 3 of the show, since there are already several big differences in how various relationships have been portrayed/set up as of the end of season 2 compared to where things are at the beginning of The Shadow Rising:
1. Rand and Egwene: in the books, their relationship is definitely portrayed as more of a puppy-love, "we'll marry each other because it's what's been expected our whole lives and not because it's what we actually want" sort of situation. By aging up the Emonds Fielders, the show also matured their relationship into something that was, as of s1e1, more romantic than their book relationship ever was.
It's true that Rand and Egwene already broke up in that first episode and never REALLY got back together, but it's clear throughout season 2 that Rand still loves Egwene (she's the one he's trying to forget with Selene! When given the opportunity to visit anyone in the world, she's the one he chooses!) and Egwene, if not for the fact that she believed him dead, would still love him too (given the state of their relationship at the end of season 1, when they reconciled).
The original reason they broke up was because Egwene was going to become a Wisdom - a position that meant she couldn't have a family - and a family was all Rand really wanted. Their futures were incompatible. Now, neither of them is going to have the future they imagined a year ago - a family is completely out of the question for Rand (poor boy) and Egwene is set to become an Aes Sedai, with a lot more freedom to choose other aspects of her life.
Likely, their futures are still incompatible. But I think they need to figure out why that is again before they can break up as amicably as they did in the books - especially if they end up traveling the waste together.
2. Missing connections: Egwene never met Gawyn or Galad in the Tower to develop a crush on one or both of them. Elayne did not meet Rand before going to the Tower in order to discuss her feelings for him with Egwene. Min is out of the equation completely at this point. And Egwene and Elayne never met Aviendha in order to form a friendship with her. The timing needed to set various pieces into place before all the groups split up again is missing.
Now, I think a time jump at the beginning of season 3 could fill in a lot of the gaps here if it's handled well. But I can't see Elayne/Egwene coming to the same agreement re: Rand as they do in the books unless Egwene is sufficiently over Rand.
Which brings me to:
3. Everyone's older and more mature: the scene where Egwene breaks up with Rand and then leaves Elayne to pick up the pieces is, tbh, one of the cringiest in the series. (Actually, TSR is one of my fave books overall but the first hundred or so pages do feel very immature). I caaaaaan't see this scene playing out in the show the way it does in the books.
And even with the romantic meet-cute between Rand and Elayne in 2x08, I don't know if they'll introduce the idea of them as a pairing yet both because of time constraints before they get thrown into different storylines, and because...
4. Rand hasn't been taught about polyamory yet! In the books, I think he's already having dreams about multiple women and feeling guilty about it by this point. Similar to the time constraints in point 2, Rand hasn't had time to get used to the idea of having feelings for multiple people (even if he takes a very long time to actually be COMFORTABLE with that idea).
The audience has been introduced to polyamory through Alanna and her warders, prepping us for a similar type of relationship with Rand in the future, but Rand himself is missing that conditioning. I don't know that the show will have Rand going from Egwene to Elayne over the space of one or two episodes (I doubt they'll spend more time than that together) and then ALSO try to build up him and Avi this season.
Which kind of ties in to my final point, which is:
5. Writing relationships for seasonal television: it makes sense from a writing perspective to work on relationships between characters that are in the same place together, and save everything else for later. The time between seasons is long and each season needs to act as a self-contained arc, so setting up Rand/Elayne only to not pick up that thread again for another season or two is not very time conscientious.
Imo they've already done something like this with Min; Rand met her in s1 but now likely won't see her again until S4. As far as we know Rand has absolutely no romantic feelings for Min based on their encounters in Fal Dara and likely won't develop those feelings until they meet again. (Min herself might feel differently, but she always knew she was Prophecied to fall in love with Rand anyway and could be dealing with that knowledge in the background.)
Anyway, all of that is a prelude to the following preposition:
Keep Rand and Egwene together (or semi-together, uncertain of their actual status) for the first part of season 3.
Leave Rand/Elayne as a slowburn for a future season and instead have Aviendha come in as a new love interest for him. Instead of Aviendha aggressively reminding Rand how beautiful Elayne is while feeling angry and hopeless over her own feelings for him, transfer that over to Egwene - Aviendha and Egwene have become good friends, Egwene's feelings for Rand are still ambiguous, Aviendha is angry at herself that she would fall for someone who "belongs" to one of her closest friends.
Egwene can still give Aviendha the necklace that Rand spends so much time thinking about. Aviendha (or the Aiel in general) can introduce Rand to the concept of polyamory. When Rand and Egwene do finally break up amicably, Egwene can make it clear to Aviendha that Rand no longer belongs to her.
Everything else from TSR, including Flesh Balloons and Sex Igloo, can proceed as written.
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utilitycaster · 7 months
you got me. i binged all of midst in two days and it was great, but now i dont have a lot of other podcasts to listen to. do you have other good fiction podcasts you like?
DO I. I am not the Most Podcast Person I know but I definitely follow a lot because I drive a lot and walk a lot and put them on in the background while I do chores. Also, I'm sticking to scripted/plotted fiction here and not actual play but I can provide some actual play podcast recs too, though none are terribly obscure.
Wolf 359 is a completed podcast but a great binge. It also is science fiction and deals with capitalism and corruption and complicated characters and weird space stuff; it regularly makes the "great fiction podcasts" to check out and I think is closest to Midst in that it's also a tightly plotted work that goes to a natural end point.
I frequently talk about and recommend the Silt Verses and the thematic nature is remarkably close to Midst, but the vibe is very different. It has a lot of folk and body horror elements (audio-only, but they are absolutely present). Also covers the "man what if capitalism and religion were working explicitly in tandem" element of Midst with the added dimension of "what if there were many many gods and and they all demanded literal, physical sacrifices". Sister Carpenter is cut from a similar cloth as Lark and I love her dearly. To draw other comparisons would be to spoil it. It's on season 3, which will be its last. It is extremely intense in that when I fell behind I found it tough to binge without taking breaks, but it's really fucking good. (I also recommend this to people who like Candela Obscura, though that's more for eldritch horror vibes).
The Penumbra Podcast is great because it has two separate storylines (it was originally intended to be an anthology, but people fell in love with Juno Steel specifically). I like both, but Juno Steel is the more popular one - it's set in the future, in our solar system but in space, and follows Juno Steel, a private eye. It's extremely weird neo-noir. There is a homme fatale and a fantastic cast of characters, and it's also an interesting ongoing plot. The Second Citadel is more fantasy rather than sf though it's also kind of in that general New Weird bucket and is even harder to describe but I think it's underrated. It's also on its final season but it's been going on a while so it will take a bit for you to catch up.
Within the Wires is also a podcast I've recommended in the past. It's by the people who do Welcome to Nightvale which isn't listed here both because I assume you are aware of it, and because that's an ongoing slice of life sort of thing; there are plots but there's sort of that sitcom-esque "nothing really changes the status quo" element though the earlier era had some more structured stuff. Anyway, Within the Wires is found audio, so each season is different - the first is relaxation cassette tapes, the second museum audio guides, the third voice memos, etc. There are callbacks/connections between seasons at times, and I would recommend listening to at least the first two seasons in full (which are very strong) to get a sense of the world before hopping around later. The reason I recommend it here is because the worldbuilding is spectacularly done in a way that reminds me of the elegance of the worldbuilding in Midst, and because it's found audio, while it's one narrator per season you will get those weird asides and interesting tonal choices.
Tentative rec for Camlann, a roughly modern day post-apocalyptic take on Arthurian legends and the folklore of the British Isles only because it just started and has 3 episodes. I like it, but I don't know what plot it's building to (nor how long it will be; they have funding for one season but aren't sure about future ones.)
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ignoremeimnothere · 1 year
Can you please write a pedro×reader?
They are fighting really hard on something and suddenly pedeo grabs and kisses her?
The Way He Loves
Hey Anon, thank you VERY much for the request. I tried and failed lolz. I am so sorry I gave you mere crumbs when you deserve the whole cake, this ended as a hot MESS. Completely not read through, probably containing horrible incorrect Spanish (feel free to correct me) and not at all what was intended but it IS sad girl hours. But for the sake of things let's add this to the ‘hopefully I’ll revisit this and improve it’ file. Requests will always be open! Operation keep writing until I become adequate resumes! (Also if you have noticed I'm reposting this a day later it's because I forgot to post it as an answer because I am a moron.
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‘Well leave then’
Pedro rolls his eyes keeping his posture leant against the bedroom door frame. You were having one of your episodes where you tried to push him away because he was getting too close. See Pedro was from a family that learned how important it was to talk and be open. You were not. Bottling emotions and resisting vulnerability was how yours functioned. 
It had been a long process to get to this point with Pedro. He basically lived with you, you had admitted that you were both in a relationship and you had allowed him to meet one of your closest friends. Pedro wanted more and he worked hard for it. Normally he could judge it perfectly, getting you to reveal another piece to your puzzle. But sometimes he stood on the landmine and your fight or flight kicked him right in the teeth. 
He calls your name trying to snap you from your thoughts. 
‘No go on, I don’t want you here, can you please leave me alone, thanks.’
You walk to the doorway slinking past him while his hand reaches for your arm, you yank your arm away making your way to the front door. Pedro runs his hand through his hair, he knew you acted like this because your heart hung heavy with pain. In the pieces you were gradually giving him he could see how much you cared and how badly you loved him. It took him some getting used to realising you said ‘I love you’ by making him his morning coffee, by sending him random songs you thought he would like and by always saving him half of whatever treat you got. 
He follows you, keeping a close eye on your emotions, you were on the cusp of working yourself up too far. You turned to see if he had met you once you were at the door. Looking him in the eye would have caused the tears brimming to fly down your cheeks, so you avoided his body, looking instead for how much distance was between your legs. He was close by so you reached for the handle and held it open for him. 
He calls your name again. You point your finger to outside not realising you were beginning to tremble, struggling to contain the devastation leaking out. You cleared your throat getting ready to give him a final command but before you can open your mouth Pedro grabs your arm. Your bodies slam into each other from Pedro throwing himself to you and gripping you into his arms. 
The dam breaks and you let it go. This whole ordeal you had started purely to avoid this. You were supposed to crumble to pieces alone, not in the arms of someone who clung onto you so tightly, trying to keep you together, someone who loved you. 
‘I’ve got you,’ He whispered into your ears. His own beginning to fall on you. ‘I’ve got you bebita’. 
He feels you look up for him, creating space he reveals your face, grabbing it and crashing his lips into yours. Once, twice, repeatedly until his message is received. He brings you back down to earth, back into your safe home, in the arms of the person who you also find yourself able to be homesick for. Despite you hating yourself for behaving this way, Pedro continued to console you, reminding you that it was another step towards being where you deserved to and wanted to be. 
You loved him so much, this man who was so used to love. Accustomed to telling his loved ones that he did love them accompanied with a tight hug had taken the time to adjust to you. Sometimes he couldn’t help himself and would have to squeeze you and tell you in the most obvious way he knew how. But slowly and surely he started speaking your language, he learned to tell you he loved you by holding your jaw when you kissed, by learning to cook your favourite food, by never complaining or rushing you when you allowed yourself to explore a shop that sold your favourite random things. Pedro also developed the habit of sneaking declarations of his love in between your conversations, sometimes completely out of the blue. 
He made sure not to reveal his tricks when your little spanish lessons commenced, confessing Te quiero con toda mi alma, Fuiste, eres y siempre serás, mi más bonita casualidad and ​​Mi corazón palpita como una patata frita. He relished in your inability to refute them. 
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queseraone · 8 months
Because I'm a rascal, but also because I really enjoyed the last round of questions: your favorite Chenford *scene* from each season. Only one scene (plus one honorable mention) allowed per season!
Rascal seems like a bit of an understatement!!! The way my brain broke reading this...
This was an interesting exercise. Some were super easy to answer, and some I stewed over for a long time... and I surprised myself with some of my picks actually!
Season 1 This was tricky, but I have to give it to the between-the-wall heart-to-heart in 1x20. The vulnerability is just next level, and this scene is iconic for a reason. I'd argue that this is the first time we can say with absolute certainty that their relationship is more than just TO and rookie.
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Season 1 Honorable Mention: The scene in the shop outside Isabel's apartment in 1x03. It's the first time we see Lucy breaking down Tim's walls. She really shows her empathy here, and he responds with a vulnerability he hasn't allowed with anyone else. They've only been riding together for a few weeks (?) and somehow Lucy knows what he needs, gives him that safe space and a compassion he clearly hasn't seen in a long. time. It's a beautiful showcase of their dynamic together, but also reveals so much about them as individuals.
Season 2 Oh god, oh god, oh god. This is hands-down the hardest season to choose in, because it's my favourite one, and it's home to some of the most iconic scenes. In the end, I had to go with their exchange in the gym at the end of 2x12. In general this episode is one of my favourites, but this scene is so powerful. We see Lucy working through things, taking out her frustration, trying to channel her strength, to get back to herself. And somehow in that moment, Tim manages to make her smile. He opens up to her in a way we've never seen him do before, and most of all, he reminds her how strong she is. UGH, this scene makes me scream in the best possible way.
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Season 2 Honorable Mention: Now that I've picked a favourite, second place is easy—their conversation in 2x17. I've always loved it so much, because between the teasing and the banter, we see this beautiful vulnerability as they talk about the Caleb of it all. It's truly a perfect showcase of their dynamic and everything I love about them. Shit, maybe this is my favourite season 2 scene? AHHHHH IDK
Season 3 I have to go with this scene from the end of 3x09. Hello, excuse me Timothy do you see how you're looking at her????? Also the fact that he dismissed Lucy's comments about missing riding with her earlier in their shift, meanwhile he had already specifically written just that??? AGJLAERGJALGJRLA It's becoming quite clear that my favourite scenes are the ones that I feel most embody their dynamic, and this is no exception—the perfect mix of playful and soft.
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Season 3 Honorable Mention: At the wedding venue in 3x14, duh. THE TUX. THE GREEN DRESS. "Save me a dance." HELP HELP HELP *faints*
Season 4 This was was actually pretty easy for me, it's 4x01, the scene at Tim's house. The fact that Tim not only invited her into his space, he practically insisted. Seeing Lucy wearing his clothes, seeing them together, not just outside of work, but in a very intimate space (at a very vulnerable time)???? That hug?? (That look??!?!) THAT HUG?!?!?!! The way Lucy just melts into him is the visualization of what we'd known for so long—that he's her safe space. (And she's his.) UGH, my heart. The entire exchange just felt so damn hopeful, like one of the first real hints that there was something more bubbling under the surface.
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Season 4 Honorable Mention: While that kiss in 4x22 was so exciting, I have to give it to the scene outside the hospice. The vulnerability we see between them here, seeing Lucy be Tim's safe space—it's such an incredible parallel to 4x01.
Season 5 HANDS HANDS HANDS. This one was also an easy pick, because I think this is my favourite moment EVERRRRRRRRRRR. The way any trace of Jake/Dim vanishes in that moment, and all we're left with is Tim and his visceral need to check in with Lucy, to be that grounding force for her, to remind her that she's here, she's safe, and she's strong. It's just everything.
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Season 5 Honorable Mention: While my #1 scene in this season is easy, it's incredibly hard to pick just one honorable mention. I waffled between the super hot kiss on the plane in 5x01, and the vulnerability in their exchanges in 5x21, and so many other great options... But I think I'd have to say that cold open in 5x10 when we see them getting ready for their date—that whole thing just perfectly embodies everything I love about them. The teasing, the banter, the comfort level between them, the best friend energy, how damn happy they are. It's just so fun and so them and makes me giddy every time I watch it.
I can't wait to see which scene will top my list for season 6... as of now it's obviously this one (I just want to watch this again, so here you go!)
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thanx-files · 25 days
s01e24: Erlenmeyer Flask
Well folks. Just short of a week after starting the series, I find myself at the end of season 1. It’s been SO LONG since I watched this kind of show, and I am so psyched. I am expecting big things. Thoughts and review below the cut! ⬇️
Listen folks, this is a chaotic series of bullet points that might not mean anything to anyone who isn’t me. There IS a coherent review of the finale/season at the end, if you’re interested. Just scroll, I guess.
The way Mulder is always watching campy horror movies is so fucking endearing.
“No. I think he does it because you do.” SCULLY WITH THE SLAM DUNK FROM DOWNTOWN!!! Get his ass!!!
I still don’t know where we are going.
AW SHIT A WHITE VAN JUST ROLLED UP? At least Mulder clocked it. Oh, shit, wait, he’s following it. Fuck.
Someone who isn’t Mulder said EXTRATERRESTRIAL out loud!!! To Scully!!!
Oh shit they weren’t clones?????? I thought I knew what was up!!!
I have NEVER heard the phrase “log in” applied to an actual physical log sheet before this exact moment.
Real question: is this where the “trust no one” trope originated? Is that too broad a warning to be a trope at all?
“I’m not gonna give up. I can’t give up. Not as long as the truth is out there.”
Let me be so real with you all: This is not my favorite episode of The X-Files so far. It felt scattered, but I admit that I think that is kind of the point. Everything escalated so quickly and got so far out of hand. Mulder and Scully are also out-of-sync, and we see some of the first real conflict between them — more than just “Mulder this is silly” and “Scully why can’t you believe?” — and I think that’s going to make their dynamic stronger going forward. Also, I am HOPING that we get to see more of Scully navigating the idea of belief after this.
Also, David’s delivery of the whole phone conversation is really good. It’s kind of mesmerizing. Mulder never talks like that; it’s like he’s trying so hard to sound normal, but the ground just shifted beneath him.
Anyway, while I didn’t feel super strongly about Erlenmeyer Flask, I feel really strongly about the season as a whole. We are introduced to these characters in such a way that we never doubt their motivations or their relationship for a SECOND. From the moment they meet, we know that they are all-in not only on the job, but on each other. This should be studied for science! I’ve never bought into characters so instantaneously. And I’ll stay bought in for as long as the character writing stays this strong; aliens, I can take or leave. But whatever these two have going on is addictive.
5 favorite eps: Deep Throat (Scully kicks some ASS), Squeeze (gosh the nest scene still fucks with me), Conduit (sad boy hours), Ice (Mulder and Scully point guns at each other!), and Beyond the Sea (need I say more?).
5 least favorite eps: Ghost in the Machine, Eve, Lazarus, Shapes, Roland.
Anyway, if you made it this far, thanks for welcoming me into this fan space that’s so much fun even 30 years after the premiere! See ya in season 2!
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usmsgutterson · 1 year
hello! i was so excited to see you have requests open! so, without further ado:
I wanted to request a fem!reader x nikolai lantsov, smut/fluff combo, fic with the "one character kissing the other character in a spot that they’re insecure about" prompt
tysm! so excited to see what you write! <3
Nothing At All- N.L x fem! reader
Hi! I am so sorry that this took me so long--I meant to do it the day it came in but I've been veeery sidetracked by novel stuff lately and between that and getting stuff queued for when I start working in the fall plus the random wave of demotivation that hit me this week, my requests kind of slipped my mind a bit.
Thank you for sending this in and after our convo because no specific spot was specified and I wanted to double check, I decided to go with a spot where I am also very insecure--the thighs! I hope that you enjoy this fic and thank you so much for requesting it!
THIS FIC IS 18+. Minors, do not interact and if you do, you will be blocked once I spot you in my notifs.
Fic type- this is the best kind of smut--FLUFFY SMUT!!
Warnings- oral (fem receiving) and some not-great editing on my end--I rushed this because a new episode of Ghost Files comes out today and I REALLY want to watch it lol
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You were grinning as Nikolai pressed a kiss against the space behind your ear, the two of you relaxing in your shared bed on one of the few evenings wherein you both had absolutely nothing to do.
All you could feel was the press of Nikolais body against yours, the warmth of the silken sheets as Nikolai pressed kiss after kiss down the space behind your ear and your neck, turning your brain into water as his lips moved deftly down your neck and across your collarbones.
One of your hands was in his hair, the other on his waist, laughter occasionally escaping your lips as Nikolai moved with a carefully delighted kind of precision.
"I love you," he said, hands sliding up your thighs and finding your hips. "I've missed you lately."
You'd both been so busy with things around the palace that you'd hardly seen each other in weeks. That moment was the first in far too long wherein you'd found yourselves in bed and able to do more than just a kiss to the cheekbone in good morning or goodnight.
You'd missed the feeling of his hands on you, the feeling of his lips pressing against any available area of skin, and the return to that part of your life felt as good as waking up and finding that it was raining outside, as good as it was to walk the halls while you went about your day with the pitter-patter of rain against the windows continuing on in the background, drowning out most of the other noise.
"I love you too," you whispered, hands going to his bare shoulders as his hands undid the buttons of one of his shirts, which you'd taken to wearing to bed instead of your typical nightwear. "Fuck, I've missed this so much."
His hands slipped from your hips to your lower back, pressing himself against your naked form as the long sleeved shirt slipped down your shoulders and past your elbows, leaving you exposed in front of him.
He bent up a bit, drinking your form in like he was a man who'd been dying of thirst. You fought the urge to curl in on yourself in a flashing moment of insecurity, finding surprise in the laugh that came up from your throat as Nikolais lips found your collarbone and kissed down your chest, past your navel.
You felt him smile against your skin in response to the sound of your laughter, hand reaching up to find yours and giving it a squeeze.
"I love you," he said against your skin.
"I love you more," you responded, pressing your eyes closed as his lips moved down one side of your lower stomach, finding your right thigh with a bit of pause.
Your thighs had always been an area about which you were insecure, and your eyes opened when you noticed Nikolai had paused for he knew too of those insecurities.
"Is it okay if I--" his eyes bore into yours, the eye contact direct. He was being cautious, careful, incase the press of his lips against your thighs was too much--in case it amplified the insecurities you felt about them, in case you just weren't even up to the idea of it.
You glanced up to the light alabaster colored ceiling for a few moments before meeting his gaze once again, nodding.
He loved your thighs, so he said, and so he proved as his lips pressed against them. Your thighs had always been one of your biggest insecurities and Nikolai was good at proving the love he held for them time and time again--a hand was always on your thigh in meetings, a hand tracing shapes into the skin of your thigh as the two of you drifted off to sleep, a hand gently against your thigh when he found you sitting somewhere shady in the palace grounds during the hottest days in summer and bent down to drop a kiss onto your lips.
He kissed them delicately, kindly, like they were priceless pieces of art which he appreciated endlessly.
"Love these," he whispered against your skin, eliciting a laugh from you as he pressed a kiss to your inner thigh before moving from your right to your left.
He took his time, leaving you a mess by the time that he was done focusing on your thighs and pressed his lips against your clit, sucking it gently with eyes fluttering closed as his arms moved under your thighs, resting there as he licked a stripe up your folds.
One of your hands found his as your eyes fell closed and you pressed your head against the pillow, moaning somewhat lewdly into it as you pressed your face against it thereafter.
Sex had been something at which Nikolai had been absurdly good, just as all of the other talents he had. He'd proved it time and time again and that time was no different--he'd managed to make you something of a writing mess within mere minutes, groaning as your free hand fell to his hair and gave the hair at the base of his neck a gentle tug.
You felt his groan against yourself and with little more effort from that point, you were releasing and moaning his name lewdly into the room.
He grinned to himself, licked his lips and pressed kiss after kiss to your thighs once more after a brief asking of consent--which you gave with an enthused nod as your head fell back against the pillow, skin glowing with post-orgasm euphoria--and feeling very content with things himself, not the least bit worried about his own pleasure.
He gave you a kiss before you left to clean yourself up and when you returned, had cleaned the bed to the best of his ability and put the shirt you'd taken off into a hamper that would be taken the following day by someone on the cleaning staff to be washed and returned to his wardrobe.
He grabbed you another and joined you in the bathroom as you washed your face, pressing a kiss to the base of your neck as you redid the buttons and smiled at the feeling of his touch.
"Anything to do tomorrow?" You asked.
"Nothing at all," Nikolai said. "I asked that my advisors clear out my schedules for the rest of the week. Haven't had time with my beloved in far too long, so it seems. You don't have anything to do, do you?"
"Zoya and I handled everything in need of doing last night and this morning. My schedule is completely clear until Monday."
Nikolai grinned as his arms wrapped around your waist. "I'm sure we can think of ways to occupy our time until then."
You smirked, pressing a peck to his lips. "Off the top of my mind, I can think of several."
Nikolai took your hand and let you lead him out of the bathroom, laughing a bit as the two of you once again approached your bed.
"Do tell," he said as he fell back and took you with him, neither of you eager to lay over the sweat stain that wouldn't dry for at least thirty minutes. "I am indeed eager to hear your ideas."
You laughed. "They start here," you said.
You pulled him into a breathtaking kiss, and Nikolais arms found your waist as he grinned. The two of you had a very fun few days ahead indeed.
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space-blue · 1 year
Ahsoka but the characters are better... The plot... everything is better.
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I was talking/venting in RBs with @kanansdume on their post, and I started writing a reply that was just too long and in depth. So it's now its own post.
Offering you an alternative version of events for Ahsoka's first 4 episodes:
The cause of the break up between Hera, Ahsoka and Sabine, is Ezra.
Hera is more of a politician than a general these days, and if she sees action it's to police conflict and hunt down empire remnants. She's NOT under the impression that everyone who kept on living under the empire needs to be eradicated or whatever her deal is right now. She's busy splitting work with Jacen and not really able to help either of her friends as each would want to.
Sabine has never given up. She's still actively looking for Ezra.
Not Ahsoka. On her end, she's given up. She wrote off Ezra as a hero. She grew up watching Jedi sacrifice themselves to buy others some time or make doomed attempts to kill powerful enemies. She thinks Ezra is dead (gloriously so) and refused to indulge the fantasy that he may still be alive, driving a big wedge in her relationship with Sabine.
Until Ahsoka finds that Morgan seems to expect Thrawn to be alive… Which might mean Ezra is alive too… Just maybe.
We meet Sabine as she lands on Lothal. She isn't reckless, wasting time away in a tower like in the show. She's well dressed if rumpled and obviously drained. The moment she steps onto the space port, she's surrounded by local guards. The guy who chases her in the show is instead in full uniform waiting for her, and clearly distressed.
Did she forget what today was? That the governor asked her to attend the celebrations? She was meant to be here already, the event has even started.
Sabine brushes him off. She had no plan to come at all. She's been busy and never even opened the message requesting her presence. She's back from Coruscant, talking to the only scientist who seems to specialise in purgill, and does he have any idea how tedious it is to get useful fact out of someone who never steps out of academia? She's going home, thanks.
She gets upset when the "war hero" title is used to try and persuade her. She's trying to do war hero stuff by rescuing Ezra, thank you. Speeches and hand waving aren't for her, never were. Maybe the dialogue can hint that she used to play along, but has grown increasingly desperate in her search instead of the faff of her mostly ceremonial position.
But the guy drops a hint that convinces Sabine to get on the back of his speeder after all : her old "jedi friend" is there for the celebration. Ahsoka, who she hasn't heard from in ages!
Ahsoka would have trained Sabine for a while for saber, but they've since split and heir friendship frayed over the Ezra Lives situation. NOT because of padawan BS.
Ahsoka could also perceive Sabine's dedication to find Ezra as something worse with every year that passes. To her, it'd go from friendship to attachment, of the overly strong type. And even if Sabine isn't a Jedi, the way Anakin was, it doesn't mean that this attachment wouldn't bring some darkness.
Heck, Ahsoka could sort of wash her hands off Sabine by blaming the darkness brought by her Ezra fixation. Like this isn't her fault, no sir, it's the way Sabine is so consumed that she won't listen to reason.
Anyway, they're both here now, and though the "how have you been" is a tip toeing on eggshells exercise, Ahsoka eats some humble pie and admits she needs Sabine's help for something important.
She has tracked an artifact to a ruin, and although it's ancient, it clearly has a deep stratum. It's not just one culture that can be observed in it, but several stacked on top of each other. And one of the most recent traces of alteration are Mandalorian.
Ahsoka wouldn't solve that JFO puzzle on her own. She'd bring Sabine for her unique Mando insight. But trust would be an issue, so she'd remain super vague about what they're looking for and completely tight lip about why. Ahsoka doesn't want to kindle hopes about Ezra in Sabine of all people.
From Sabine's pov, she's doing Ahsoka a favour, and Hera asked her to please help as she's invested in this mcguffin hunt too. Sabine, by coming along, is doing that very adult thing of putting up with a shitty situation to accomodate people (the total opposite of her highway chase scene).
But even as Sabine finds the map and frees it from the old compartment it's in, they are attacked by the droids. A good old epic fight ensues, where Sabine is shown to be rusty with her saber, and rusty in general with droids, but also Ahsoka sucks at anticipating Sabine's actions, and keeps throwing orders that don't get obeyed (or can't realistically be obeyed).
In the past few years Sabine's been spending more time investigating, talking to people and reading books and buying intel, than fighting.
Not knowing what the map is for, she loses it. Does Shin come in then and wound her? Forcing Ahsoka to flee with her on the brink of death? I think it would be nice if the only reason Sabine lives is because Ahsoka was there to use a constant flow of Force healing. Not fixing her but keeping her alive as Huyang flies them away.
Because, you know, it's getting real tiresome to see people survive lightsabers to the centre of mass.
Then Sabine wakes up, she's sorry she lost the antique Ahsoka was looking for… But Hera calls in as a holo, upset with Ahsoka… And Sabine would slowly realise why. The thing she lost, nearly died over unknowingly, was a map! A map to Thrawn, and so to Ezra.
Nobody needs to be incompetent about that map thing, either, because it would be a very classic puzzle that Ahsoka could have solved. It's not old or mysterious, it was hidden in the old temple. In the show she never sees the map, and it needs to be inserted in the henge to make sense any way. Here Ahsoka didn't need Sabine's help to solve the mcguffin, but to get it. And she got it and lost it at the same time.
And now Sabine realises just WHAT it was. To Ahsoka it's a trail to Thrawn, or a clue in Morgan's plans. To Hera it's weeks of political favour wasted and hope for Thrawn and Ezra gone. Hera can't justify more spending on this without proof Morgan is up to no good.
Meanwhile Sabine sees the map as proof she's always been right. That Ezra is alive, and that Ahsoka used her and lied and kept her in the dark. Sabine would argue she'd never have engaged that rogue padawan if she knew what she was risking with the map. Ahsoka could argue back she only needed to follow her orders.
Huyang is the one who settles things between them by asking how exactly they think this argument is helping the situation? He could be the one to insist they have to stay and work together to get the map, when both Ahsoka and Sabine want nothing more than to split again.
Personality-wise Ahsoka can team work, but she needs to lead. She's used to being the most OP in the room, and grew up giving order to mostly unquestioning soldiers. Sabine has a different skillset, is pig headed, and won't take orders from Ahsoka, especially not now that she feels like she was used.
Hera and Huyang could both come in then to soothe things, and Hera would suggest they visit the other trail she's unearthed (dockyards) while the villains actively get their plan on the tracks.
At the dockyards, Hera would understand that people worked for the Empire because they didn't have a choice, and wouldn't expect people to 'get rid' of imperials after the fall of the empire. It's not exactly how that stuff happens in real life, right? It would also be interesting if Chopper FINALLY came to some use…
So I suggest that the smuggling was done by droids, and the main human mind behind this operation was the one maintening the droid fleet. Altering their codes and priorities. We could have Chop somehow help figure it out. He could also be the one who PWA PWAs at the very end that they shouldn't look so disappointed, since he managed to slap a tracker under the chest plate of that one droid he highjacked that fled on the ship.
They have their lead to that planet.
Now's a good time for Ahsoka to be able to report about Shin and Baylan's sabers instead, maybe spotting them at that place, whatever. They have no clear character or motivation and for all I care we could keep visuals of their sabers from early on when freeing Morgan.
But here's the cinch about Huyang :
He's completely out of place with Ahsoka. She doesn't have a padawan. Doesn't want one. Sabine isn't a real one and has no desire to even try to be. And any good droid could do Huyang's job, without her moaning about Jedi protocol so much.
So why does she keep him?
Huyang should be with Luke Skywalker. Wouldn't it be a little dark and sweet if it's revealed that Ahsoka has been planning to bring him over to Luke's budding school but hasn't because… (and let's forget all shit with them in Mando) well, because she doesn't believe in a New Order. She saw too many younglings killed or turned, and she doesn't trust Luke with rebuilding the Order. Doesn't really want him too.
Yet at the same time she misses it. Misses the protocols she broke with Anakin, and the life she had there as a padawan. Huyang feeds into this nostalgia. Sometimes he sounds like a master--but one she doesn't need to listen to.
She keeps pushing the time to bring him to Luke over and over.
But now Huyang could have his own motivation : Baylan has survived, and he's taken a padawan.
What was Baylan like? Why would he want to free Thrawn? Why team up with Morgan? Imo it'd be a lot more interesting if his saber was yellow or truly orange, and Shin's was blue or literally any colour but red. Make them apparently rogue Jedi and not weird darksiders larping as Taron Malicos and Merrin.
Maybe Huyang would try to push for them to be in touch. Maybe he'd want to approach Baylan himself. Because he wants to recreate the Order, right? And he's got an apprentice. And wouldn't it be a shame if they truly fell down a dark path?
So instead of Baylan being sentimental but actually not about Ahsoka staying alive, it could be Huyang who is ready to expend his kindness to even them, even after the interaction over the map. Afterall, Jedi aren't always shy about using violence to get what they want, and maybe Shin always arrives on the scene when her side is already in a fight. Maybe Huyang is on copium!
But Baylan could be seen as behaving one way, and Ahsoka could feel his vibes being rancid… VS. Huyang knowing him by reputation. Why not go on and fully rip Malicos, at this stage? You got his looks and his theories. You may as well also make Baylan a respected Jedi general. Someone Huyang remembers from his trips to make his first saber.
Now wouldn't it be neat if Chopper's tracker returns a system that Sabine recognises the name of? She was just talking to that scholar about Purgill after all, and he mentioned how this system was an important migration point, one poorly researched, because it's so remote, and at the fringes of Dathomir space, not a friendly locale.
Sadly I still don't understand WTF the map is. Why does Morgan need it? it seems ancient… And yet it points to Thrawn? HOW? Why does it go to a different henge style temple? Nothing makes sense in the show and we're meant to just accept it.
I propose something else.
The map is stored into a bog standard data storage puzzle thingy. Anyone who could handle a Japanese puzzle box could use it. But the map is just the tip of the iceberg. It's actually a nightsister spell underneath, and the entire goal is to hyper focus and pinpoint.
So Morgan 'feels Thrawn calling to her'. And yep, that's corny, but she does. And what she needed was that nightsister focus tool. She needs to wildly amplify the signal, and then use the map to pinpoint its origine totally.
She goes to that henge because it's a meditation space. It's within the Dathomir sphere of influence, but not Dathomir proper, which is why she hid the ring here. There's something about this world, the same quality that attracts the purgill, that really throws the Force into whack.
While it's good for Morgan, it'd be confusing and disturbing for any other Force user (how to nerf Ahsoka, Baylan and Shin).
Once she fully feels the location of Thrawn's call, the map zooms in and in and in. As she suspected (as she's prepared for), it's in another galaxy entirely.
Instead of having the badies split, Baylan would have to protect Morgan so she can remain in her trance as the droids help her refine the coordinates. Shin can go harry Sabine and split her and Ahsoka, who can't properly communicate due to the planet's interference.
When the women go to fight Morgan and co, perhaps Huyang would ask Ahsoka to convince Baylan to return to them. Maybe Huyang's interest in helping with Shin is also what keeps getting in the way of Sabine whenever she has an opportunity to strike to kill.
Anyway, please no fucking Anakin!!! We don't need more nostalgia bait. Stop!! Jedi canonically can't die from falls of any height so long as they've trained to cushion a fall. We see the trio take insane falls all of Clone Wars, and it's in High Republic now too. Ahsoka clipping off the world map from getting yeeted from a small cliff is sad and a pathetic excuse to show Anakin off.
Also would like to point out that with a tight script, all the events above are 2 or 3 episodes max.
What do you think? Opinions? Suggestions? It's a bit of a meta post so feel free to add on to it!
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ndrayton · 1 year
Ghost Stories Postmortem!!!
It’s me, FieryGaze!!! Now that Chapter 13 is out and posted and my brain has freed up about 75% of its RAM, I wanted to make a post just to reflect on the journey, drop some fun facts, & explain the intent behind some of my choices. Here they are in no particular order.
Spoilers beware, obviously. I'm going to be talking about the whole fic here.
Episode Titles
Each episode title refers to two things at once – the monster or challenge the group is facing, plus one other important thematic element. “The Demon King” is the simplest one, referring both to the actual Demon King and then to Kim Dokja gaining that power for himself. The others are a little more open to interpretation, but were chosen with the intention of referring to 2 specific things.
Constant reappearance of the number “Thirteen”?
I’d like to say there was a lot of thought behind this, but there wasn’t. I just went “ooo, unlucky number” and ended up repeating it as often as possible. 13 years since KDJ and HSY met; 13 years spent in the spirit world chasing the Endless Cycle; 13 loops before KDJ met YJH. It was a lucky coincidence that the chapter count also happened to be 13 (I’d initially planned for twelve, and everything that happened in Unseen World was supposed to be squished into the end of Infinite Loop Part II. When I realized that was absolutely NOT going to give me enough space to resolve everything, I was delighted to realize that I could make the chapter count 13 and have it be thematically relevant and Not just a case of poor planning).
Lee Seolhwa also states that the number 7 is significant for certain spirits. I just think it’s fun that the total chapter count ended up as 13 and the total Episode count as 7.
Perspective and Tense Changes
From the beginning, the use of first person was actually a bit of a false flag—it’s meant to represent the ghost of Kim Dokja, trapped in the loop, imagining himself as the living version of himself going on these adventures. Kim Dokja as the narrator states this outright.
It was about time I stopped pretending that “I” was really this person called Kim Dokja. (Ch. 11)
Maybe I pretended for a while, for a long while, that it was really “me” who was fighting at your side. (Ch. 13)
The first person narration also tends to flip between present and past tense, especially in later chapters when Ghost!KDJ begins using second person to refer to Han Sooyoung and Yoo Joonghyuk, but also when he’s making general observations about the world. It’s not technically grammatically correct, but I was trying to grant a small step of separation between him and the other characters, whose perspectives are written more strictly in third person past tense.
The final monologue is also in present tense, unmooring it from the sequence of events of the story, hopefully making it feel a little more dreamlike/internal. I feel like I’m allowed to mess with tenses this much only because it’s an orv fic and I’m not afraid to get meta.
I also used present tense during almost all of chapter 10. I wanted it to feel like a whole separate fic-within-a-fic, and a lot of fanfic is written in present tense, so I was deliberately evoking that (including See You Yesterday, undeniably a MAJOR inspiration for this chapter). I also wanted to provide a sense of immediacy—Yoo Joonghyuk truly believes that what he’s experiencing in the dream is really happening to him, right now—that I could pull back on once he realized he was dreaming, returning to past tense and the main flow of the larger story.
As a side note, by the time I finally finished chipping away at chapter 10 I thought it was awful, so I was surprised and delighted when it became everyone’s favourite chapter, lmao. This is probably why people have beta readers, to get a little bit out of their own heads. Anyway, the positive response to that chapter really brightened my week.
… My favourite scenes 😊
The first scene I really had a blast with was probably the possession scene—what can I say, you don’t make a “Paranormal investigation AU” without wanting to play with a few of its standard tropes. That’s when I realized I could happily keep writing this fic for as long as it took to finish it (I initially planned for 2 months. It became 4.)
I also had such a fun time writing all of “Blank Message”, from the kids bullying poor Dokja to what amounts to me basically just drawing hearts around Yoo Joonghyuk’s name as he fails to use technology but also gets to be the most specialest boy in the world. That episode practically wrote itself, honestly. I accidentally wrote like 12,000 words of it in my phone notes app because I kept having ideas at work and had little else to do during our slow season.
My actual favourite scene, though, might be Yoo Joonghyuk cooking in Han Sooyoung’s kitchen in Ch. 12? I just thought it was sweet. Maneuvering those two into a position where they could be emotionally vulnerable with each other was a challenge. My notes for that section are funny to me, I’m just struggling to get to the heart of the scene and yelling at them to please be emotionally vulnerable.
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... There was like 500 more words of this.
I can’t help but feel the yoohan corner of yoohankim got a little neglected in this fic, but it’s because they had so many unresolved issues that I couldn’t just leap ahead to the romance angle without first addressing them… and by then the fic was kinda over. Please understand, however, that they love and understand each other deeply despite (because of??) being the way they are. Maybe I’ll explore that more in future stories. Who could say.
Most challenging part to write?
Wrong Room Part II, Forgotten Boy Part II, and the first bit of Devourer of Dreams Part II before Kim Dokja showed up (it was way easier to write once he was there because the joongdok dynamic really pulled the plot along).
All three of these had significant rewrites and Forgotten Boy Part II took me like… an entire week to figure out. The Part II’s tended to be tricky because that’s when I was making all the setup from Part I pay off, but I wanted it to be engaging and exciting and not feel too paint-by-numbers. I learned a lot writing these!
What was Yoo Joonghyuk saying at the end of Blank Message that got censored?
“▪▪ ▪▪▪ ▪▪▪▪▪▪ ▪▪▪ ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ ▪▪ ▪▪▪▪▪”
“Do you really not remember…”
Well, maybe you can intuit the rest from context clues (what Mia was saying just beforehand).
There was a bunch of other censoring when Kim Dokja was trying to explain to Yoo Joonghyuk where all his special knowledge of the time loop came from, but I didn’t actually note it down as it was all pretty much able to be inferred, like “the loop is actually based on a book series”.
There’s certainly more to find, but that’s all I have to say for now!
I fun with foreshadowing, but I’m not going to call out anything specific, because I think it adds to reread value. There’s an especially mean bit of “foreshadowing” in one part that had me absolutely cackling. Let me know if you find it.
I had no plans to put so much time and effort into writing fanfic this year, and yet here I am with 120,000 words in four months, which is… FAR AND ABOVE my normal writing pace, especially lately. What can I say? Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint is a really special story and I don’t have any friends who have read it, which put my brain into an absolute pressure-cooker for which the only release could be writing orv a novel-length love letter.
I’m seriously thankful for everyone who read the story and left so many emphatic, excited, and kind comments. The readers absolutely transformed this experience from something I was plodding away at by myself just to see if I could do it into something I was really excited to share with others, and as a result I put a lot more effort and care into the story.
I do have a few other ideas for this AU—for which the seeds are actually already planted in the story—but, as I mentioned in my author’s note, I desperately need to take a fanfic break for a while. I can’t promise if/when I’ll get back to it, but I would definitely like to at some point.
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staringdownabarrel · 4 months
I'm glad they never gave Janeway a series-long love interest and instead just gave her Mark, stuck in the Alpha Quadrant, and the occasional love interest of the week who'd fuck off at the end of the episode. There's a couple of reasons for this.
Firstly, one of the reasons why Janeway works for me is because she's not a romance-heavy character. Her focus was always on what was best for the crew and on finding a way back to Federation space.
I don't think this angle of her character really gets enough credit: it was a rare thing for a leading woman in a TV show to not be paired off with someone long-term at some point. Even nowadays, it seems like every other television show wants to pair its women off, even if it would be fine for this specific character living in these specific circumstances to prefer remaining single.
Even if they had have paired her off with someone, the only people they reasonably could have paired her off with long term are people directly under her command. That wouldn't have gelled well with her general demeanor of at least trying to be that kind of classically professional Starfleet captain who didn't get romantically involved with a subordinate.
So if they had have given her a long term romantic pairing, it would have derailed her character both as the staunch professional she wanted to be and as the progressive "doesn't need a man to be interesting" woman she was from an out-of-universe perspective.
Secondly, the canon pairings in the Berman era were awful. The only ones that were at least passable were the O'Briens, Ben Sisko/Kasidy Yates, and Tom Paris/B'Elanna Torres. Some of this is just because I'm genuinely confused as to what most of the canon pairings would have seen in each other, so I think they would have ended up pairing Janeway with someone who didn't quite fit with her. Mostly they just sorta sucked at writing romance in general, to the point where even the passable canon pairings were passable in a "okay, it makes sense that these two are together, but please don't dwell on it too much" kind of way.
I think this point gets lost in a lot of fan circles, too. A lot of the focus in the more ship-y circles of fandom tends to be on these popular fanon pairings, so sometimes the actual romance writing on the source material gets lost. At least with Star Trek, the canonical romance writing is often so awful that it's probably a good thing that a lot of the shippier fans forget it exists.
Still, had they paired her off with someone long term on the show, I suspect it would have ended up being one of those things where people's response would have been something like, "Janeway and Neelix? Seriously, guys? Is this what we're doing today?"
Really, the best thing that could have happened with Janeway in a romantic sense is one of two things. One would have been if early on she had have come out and said, "Actually, I'm mostly aromantic. Mark is the only guy I've ever seen in that light."
There would have been room for this kind of scene in canon. I forget which episode it was, but early on in Voyager there was a scene where Chakotay and Janeway talk about the crew pairing off, and the general tone is that eventually it will happen because of how long their journey is going to be. It ends with Chakotay saying, "And what about you?", with the scene intending to imply that maybe there was a little spark between the two.
This scene could have been changed so that instead of it just cutting to the next scene, Janeway had have replied with, "I'm mostly aromantic. Mark is the only person I've ever seen in that light", and then cut to the next scene.
I think this would have worked because it would have given Janeway an easy out to not be in a relationship; especially if there was never any followup to that scene. It also would have made Janeway one of the very few aromantic characters to have ever been on television, and probably the only one from the '90s, so it would have doubled down on the progressive elements of her character.
The other way they could have gone about this is if they had have set up some holoemitters in her ready room and given her a holographic personification of the ship itself to fall in love with. This could have been a very literal take on Kirk's love with the Enterprise. It also would have worked with Janeway's character in general, as Fair Haven establishes she is capable of falling in love with a hologram.
The subtext here would be the open question of whether or not she's in love with the persona specifically, actually in love with the ship, or if she's in love with her position as captain. All three would be acceptable answers. Still, this is a much more fan fic-y idea and I'm not entirely sure how it'd work in practice.
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melishade · 8 months
I love the idea that Megatron has a totally different relationship with Rose compared to Maria. He's such a girl dad, yet he butts heads with Rose? Like, is Rose to Megatron what Baby Groot is the Drax?
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Previous episode of the Peaceful Timeline
Megatron: You sit on a throne of lies, child.
Rose: You're just mad I beat you at Hnefatafl.
Listen, Megatron loves Rose. She's an...overall good kid. And it's nice to have someone else not look at him with fear. But he is convinced that all the anger and deceit and pettiness that should have been in Oshern got syphoned into that one!
Like he had no problems with Maria. He has a strong attachment to her because she's the first being in a long time to look at him without fear. Meanwhile, with Rose, he feels like she has it out for him. She will find a way to twist his arm to get what she wants!
Megatron: Rose, I need you to not say anything when it comes to stuff we're not supposed to do.
Rose: Depends on what I get in return.
Megatron: Are you serious?!
Rose: If I'm risking something for you, I need to be paid back.
Megatron: I don't know if I should be angry with you or proud. Fine, I will get you more of those fancy art supplies you've been asking for.
Rose: Are you going to steal it?
Megatron: Really?!
Rose: Papa (Oshern) runs an honest business practice. It's rude to steal.
Megatron: Fine! I will work it off! Just keep your mouth shut!
Their relationship is very uncle-niece vibes. Ymir and Oshern do notice the pettiness that starts between them and tries to stop it, but Optimus just asks them to let this happen.
Oshern: Why exactly are we letting them argue like this?
Optimus drinking some energon: Payback.
Oshern: What?!
Rose's relationship with everyone is also significantly different compared to Megatron. She relishes in the attention Ymir gives her through head pats and hugs and thinks her mom is beautiful. She admires her father and asks him about his work and his life before Ymir. She thinks he's a good cook too. She definitely sees Optimus as a mentor and asks about the knowledge of the universe and he's more than happy to oblige. Rose's relationship with Maria is fairly close despite the age difference. But it didn't start out that way.
Initially Maria started getting jealous of all the attention Rose was getting as a baby. She's always crying, doesn't move much, and everyone is fretting over her. It takes a little time for everyone to notice, but Megatron is the one who notices first. Maria explains how she feels and Megatron rather tactlessly says:
"Well of course she needs more attention. She's a baby, and babies are stupid."
"Megatron," Optimus scolded while Ymir slapped him in the arm.
Megatron then takes the baby from Oshern and holds her in front of Maria. Megatron explains relativity, calls the baby stupid, but there's no reaction. She can't even look Maria in the eye properly. She has no protective shell and the only thing she can do is cry.
"Your responsibility, as her sister, is to protect her, and be her guide," Megatron told Maria, "She will one day look to you for support, but you cannot resent her for something beyond her control."
Optimus reminds Maria that they still love her, and they are sorry for neglecting her and her needs. They end up making a schedule that allows them to spend more time with each other. But Maria ends up maturing and taking on a much more serious role in protecting Rose. They go on walks together, Maria teaches her stuff, etc. They still have their sibling spats and arguments, but when Rose questioned her own purpose in the universe. Maria gave her an honest answer: She didn't know. But she was happy that Rose was in her life none the less.
(When Maria ultimately goes on her journey with Megatron around the world, Rose definitely feels upset at the loss. Even though she has more space since they shared a room.)
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