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I Thought It Was Obvious: Taking a Closer Look at Tech's Character Development and Journey
I had been debating with myself since the middle of season 3 whether to outline the development of each of the main characters - and then a random online comment gave me the motivation I needed to do it for Tech 😂 (no but seriously, I thought Tech's development was obvious!) What I had originally planned as being a brief summary rapidly ballooned into a roughly 6500-word essay, so... apologies in advance 😬 I do include pictures here because, well, it's Tech! 😍
Before we begin, a few points about how character development can take place within a story, and the difference between character development versus character arcs.
Sometimes, character development occurs as a character discovers something new or different about themselves – a hidden talent, a new priority, etc. – or follows a certain trajectory to develop toward or away from traits that have been established. This is the most easily recognized type of development and typically directly informs the character’s arc. (Examples: Omega’s compassion is established early on, and we see this continue deepening and developing to where it becomes one of her defining personality traits, strong enough to impact even Crosshair’s trajectory. We also see Omega’s initial uncertainty and naivete fade away into independence and confidence as the show progresses.) Other times, character development is less about the character themselves changing (or not), and more about our (as the audience) understanding of the character changing as new information comes to light or we see the character in various circumstances. This information doesn’t actually change the character’s traits or actions up to that point, but rather adjusts OUR perception of the character. (Example: discovering that Crosshair’s chip had been removed before the season 1 finale. Crosshair is still Crosshair, his actions and traits are exactly the same as they have been presented, but our perception of those actions/traits is altered as we grapple with the knowledge that Crosshair is choosing the Empire of his own accord and we come to realize that some of his previous actions were not influenced by the chip. Another example: Tech himself explains how he processes change and emotions in “The Crossing.” There is no real difference in how he processes these things now compared to before, but our perception of Tech may shift as this element of his personality is granted additional clarity.)
Also note that character development can be distinct from a character arc. There are many well-developed, fleshed-out characters with rich backstories and intricate motivations and desires who don’t have a defined journey within a certain story, usually because they are secondary characters - Phee, Mayday, and even Rex are just a few examples in this particular show taken in isolation from other stories (and yes I’m being super specific here so it's clear why I’m including Rex on this list!). Despite what seems to be popular belief, however, every one of the titular/main characters – including Tech – has both development and an arc (and it’s not a flat arc, either).
So, with all that being said, let's get down to it!
This analysis is split up into three parts. Part 1 covers Tech’s baseline characteristics and personality that are established early on in the show and are reinforced (developed) throughout the story as he consistently leans into those baseline traits. Part 2 dives into how some of Tech’s baseline traits and the beliefs/perceptions that inform those traits subtly shift over the course of the show. Part 3 offers a discussion of how the interplay between some of Tech’s traits remaining stable while others change over time informs his character arc.
Part 1: Characteristics, personality, skills, and relationships that are reinforced and strengthened over the course of the show.
Part 1a. I find it fascinating how thoroughly our initial introductions to Clone Force 99 – an introduction I consider to be comprised of both the Bad Batch story in The Clone Wars and the premiere of Bad Batch – establishes the baseline personalities of each of our main characters. In this section, I first provide examples from the two introductory stories that establish a certain trait, and then provide select examples from the remainder of the show that reiterate these traits as part of Tech’s characterization. (Note: this is not an exhaustive list of examples.)
He has an “exceptional mind,” though he is not infallible.
INTRO: He is the technology/decryption guy, of course. He also fluently pronounces other languages and therefore can act as a translator. He makes split-second calculations to aid Crosshair with identifying targets. While Hunter gently pokes fun at the sheer breadth of what he calls Tech’s “useless information,” Tech does have the information and uses it to the team’s advantage - including knowing the basics of the Poletecs on Skako Minor and (as mentioned above) even being able to fluently pronounce their language. His fascination with recording everything indicates his curiosity and love for learning. He reprograms a battle droid and uses it to the squad’s advantage – and the battle simulation isn’t the first time he has done so. And he almost immediately recognizes several key differences between the operations of the Republic versus the newly-formed Empire.
OTHER: He figures out how to forge chain codes even when the Empire itself has just barely rolled them out. He knows how to scramble a ship’s signature (which is implied even in Rebels to not be common knowledge). He builds a brain scanner from scratch, which is shown to work accurately once Rex shows up and Tech finally has the comparative data needed to finish the scanner. He is the first to infer that Ryloth is under military occupation despite not being a Separatist planet. He researches the irlings after he finally knows what they are (no thanks to Cid) and comes up with a plan to handle them. Not only is he fascinated by the Zillo beast, he also pieces together that the Empire is seeking to control all cloning operations and that the Zillo can be weaponized in the hands of the right scientist. Note that he is not infallible – for example, he can sometimes get thrown off with his plans when he doesn’t have accurate data (such as when he attempts to use clone codes in the installation on Daro), and Crosshair frequently outmaneuvers him since Crosshair knows the squad’s playbook – but his success rate is such that he is not overstating things when he says “I am seldom wrong.”
He is what some might call “socially awkward,” others might identify as “autistic.”
(I am not autistic myself nor am I a psychologist, so “socially awkward” is the term that came to my mind when first describing Tech after watching his introduction in The Clone Wars. After reading others’ reasons as to why they see Tech as an autistic-coded character, I am very much inclined to agree with this description as well.)
INTRO: Upon being introduced to new regs, Tech opens with an unsolicited info dump, then spends the majority of the time looking at his data pad. He tries to stop Crosshair and Wrecker from getting into a physical fight with the regs, but is not nearly as successful as Hunter is. He seems slightly uncomfortable when Rex puts a hand on his shoulder. He is brutally honest about his opinions as he outright tells Rex and even Echo that there was some doubt over Echo’s loyalties, and he clearly is bothered by what appears to be most regs’ attitude toward his squad (especially as seen on Kamino), yet he also doesn’t initiate any conflict with the regs. Even with his own squad, with whom he is the most comfortable, he doesn't always pick up on social cues that sometimes inform the flow of conversations - he occasionally leaves out details (“I thought it was obvious”) or perhaps unnecessarily zeroes in on a given topic.
OTHER: Given that we primarily see Tech interact with his own siblings, his behavior around others who are not of his squad stands out. When first introduced to Phee, his pattern remains similar to what it was with the regs on Anaxes: when not startled into prattling on about tangential topics, he stays engrossed in his data pad. Even as his relationship with Phee deepens, there are some circumstances - such as goodbyes - where Tech seems at a total loss as to what to say and do (“Do you require a briefing?”). With Romar, Tech maintains professional detachment until Romar broaches a topic that piques Tech's curiosity. With his own squad, his communication style sometimes leads to exasperation from his brothers (read: Hunter on comms). He also takes Omega at her word when she says she wants to be left alone while they are stuck in the cave, and has to be prodded by Wrecker and Hunter that, actually, he needs to go talk to her.
He is pragmatic in terms of considering the squad's needs first, and approaches relationships, major events, and decisions from a logical/rational standpoint, taking in different sides and looking at the bigger picture (which makes sense considering how frequently he engages in risk assessment/cost-benefit analysis).
INTRO: While he may not agree with the Empire, he does take into account the official line that Palpatine’s actions were a “defensive measure” as a result of the reported Jedi assassination attempt. When he takes an interest in something/someone, he studies/analyzes them - including Omega (ex: scanning her genetic profile while they are waiting for Echo to recover after the mess hall fight).
OTHER: Not only is he the first to point out the fact that they are deserters after fleeing Kamino (and citing this as a reason to trust Cut), he is also the first to point out that the squad will need to fend for themselves and acquire their own supplies after defecting. When it’s a question over whether to take on a “side quest,” Tech brings up the squad’s physical/material needs for consideration. After Crosshair turns on the squad, Tech doubles down on learning more about the inhibitor chips in order to prove his theories. He disapproves of slavery but also shows equal relief that they will be getting paid for freeing “Muchi.” He describes the war like reciting a textbook definition: “A primary mission objective comprised of battles on various fronts.” He takes the stance on Serreno that, even without the war chest, they “are no worse off than [they] were before.” He explains to Omega that while he does “feel” change, he “cares” about it by contextualizing it as a “fundamental part of life.” He keeps the squad’s safety as his top priority and suggests a “diplomatic approach” to cutting ties with Cid given what she knows about them. He points out to Saw the strategic disadvantages of blowing up Tarkin’s base simply for the sake of, well, sticking it to the Empire.
He is (unintentionally) hilarious with a great sense of dry, blunt, situational humor.
I’m just going to let some of his own words speak for themselves here:
INTRO: “Hopefully not mental, clearly we would never pass that.” “Careful, Wrecker, your programming is kicking in.”
OTHER: “Found her,” he says nonchalantly to Echo, pointing to Omega running across an off-limits dock while in possession of forged chain codes. “It’s not affecting life support. We’re fine.” “That’s not her ugly side?” “Yes, your dangerous and uncontrolled maneuvering is as confusing to them as it is to us.” “It is an unscheduled study break.” “If I am incorrect, we will instantly be sucked out and perish. I am seldom wrong.” “You sound surprised.” “With a few repairs, it will be a slightly operational heap of junk.” “I will note the date and time to commemorate such a momentous occasion.” “The collision alarms haven’t gone off once,” Omega says, to which Tech replies, “Because it shorted out during your last lesson.” “Now that is not what it is called, but I rather like it. I suggest you proceed before I come to my senses.”
He has physical/warrior skills at least equal to a standard trained Fett clone (and often superior).
Given that Tech easily keeps up with his brothers and matches almost all of their skills (with, perhaps, the exception of Wrecker’s) during every single mission, I’m just pointing out the highlights.
INTRO: He carries Echo up through a ventilation shaft without breaking a sweat. When he’s not holding a data pad with one hand, he’s wielding double blasters.
OTHER: He shows off his piloting skills with the Marauder on Ryloth and Daro, and the transferability of his skills when hijacking and piloting both the speeder and the escape pod in the Coruscant shipyard in “Truth and Consequences.” He shows his stamina and physical strength when fighting off troops on Serreno despite his broken femur (as a physical therapist I cannot overstate how incredible of a feat this is – especially since this wasn’t some hairline fracture, his femur was crushed. Disclaimer: do NOT try this at home; if your femur is broken, please seek immediate medical attention!). He also easily takes over from Wrecker in carrying the ipsium case on Ipsidon.
He is a calculated risk-taker – a skill he puts to use primarily for the sake of his squad.
INTRO STORY: Our earliest version of “I thought it was obvious” comes when Tech is asked how the team is supposed to get on the keeradaks, and Tech replies matter-of-factly: “How else? We jump.”
OTHER: He takes the risks of first collapsing the deck to escape Crosshair’s ambush on Bracca, and then blowing up the ion engine for the squad to escape incineration. He wants his (and the squad’s) skills to be utilized to their full potential, but he also wants to know what he’s getting into (as evidenced by his requesting more information from Cid before the events on Safa Toma Speedway, and his frequent comments that Cid rarely gives them complete intel). He enters a riot race – and wins – in order to extricate the squad from being at the mercy of Millegi. On Ipsidon, his primary concern is less about having the ipsium simply to fulfill the mission for Cid and more about making sure they don’t all blow up. And on Eriadu, as always, he does what is required to keep the squad safe, including not hesitating to go out on the rail line to reboot the power, and this before sacrificing himself to give the others the chance to escape.
He is confident in his abilities and remains calm under pressure.
INTRO: “I do have a brilliant idea!” Tech immediately says when Crosshair and Wrecker are dangling off a support beam and they are all surrounded by droids. He smiles a bit as he references his own “exceptional mind.”
OTHER: When asked if he can forge chain codes, Tech replies, “I only learned of them moments ago, but yes.” “Of course I can do it,” he says about scrambling the Marauder’s signature. “I can do both,” he says, cool as a cucumber in the middle of a riot race, in reference to analyzing the track schematics while focusing on not getting injured. Tech himself recognizes this trait, referencing his own “ability to think clearly in stressful situations,” but he isn’t arrogant or condescending in saying so – he’s just right.
He has a moral compass and follows it. And even considering his pragmatism that focuses on the squad, it doesn't take much to nudge him toward choosing “the greater good” that will help others over the course of action that will more likely provide resources for the squad alone.
INTRO: He quickly identifies major differences between the Republic and the new Empire. The “systematic termination of the Jedi” bothers him enough that he shows no hesitation in joining Hunter and the others as they break away from the Empire. He also shows no hesitation in following Hunter’s lead by leaving the insurgents on Onderon alone and then returning for Omega – indeed, he even questions Crosshair for having a problem with it.
OTHER: Tech mentions the squad split from the Empire because of a “fundamental difference in ideology,” and these “fundamental differences” continue to be emphasized as Tech (along with most of his brothers) clearly disapprove of the Empire’s actions on Raxus and Ryloth, Kamino and Kashyyyk, the Empire’s treatment of clones in general, and the tactic that Tech spells out as being similar to Mokko’s operation on Ipsidon – “using power and means as leverage over [their] workers.” One example that illustrates his willingness to be nudged into “the greater good:” when Trace reveals why she and Rafa wanted the tactical droid’s intel, we linger on Tech’s reaction to this information, which to me indicates that Tech is likely the one who convinces Hunter to give the data rod with the droid’s intel to the Martez sisters. And, while Tech always speaks to material practicality when Hunter needs to decide between missions, when the decision is made to do more to help, Tech goes all in.
Above all, Tech loves his family, is loyal to them, and, in his own way, prioritizes them above all else.
This leads us into Part 1b: TECH’S EARLY RELATIONSHIPS
In this section I’ll be summarizing Tech’s relationships with his brothers. Other relationships, including that which he builds with Omega, will be covered in Part 2.
It should come as no surprise that Tech loves his family dearly, and – like any of his brothers – he was willing to lay down his life for the squad from the moment we first met him. He works seamlessly with his squad in The Clone Wars, he instantly jumps in to back up his team during the mess hall fight in “Aftermath,” and just a few examples of the ways he looks out for his family are already outlined above. Let’s take a look at the differences in his relationships with each of his brothers:
Hunter: Clone Force 99 may be deviant and have no qualms about disobeying orders; but when it comes to having Hunter as a leader, Tech is a devoted follower. Given that Tech certainly has a mind and standards of his own, the fact that Tech so loyally follows Hunter’s lead is as much a testament to Hunter’s strong and thoughtful leadership and moral code as it is to Tech’s character. Tech openly shares his opinions, knowledge, and plans with Hunter; but whatever Hunter decides, Tech will follow through. We see this when Tech looks to Hunter for verification before jumping to hyperspace from Bracca and before acting on Senator Singh’s suggestion on Raxus, and when Tech hesitates but still follows Hunter’s order to leave him behind on Daro. Of note, even though the entire squad decides they want to go after the war chest on Serreno, they (and Tech) wait until Hunter gives in before proceeding. And, exasperated though Hunter may sometimes get with Tech, Hunter deeply trusts and relies on his brother, and frequently adopts his intel and plans.
Echo: Tech and Echo strike me as besties who frequently annoy each other (let’s face it, Echo is the one who’s annoyed most of the time). Tech was more than willing to help save Echo’s life (indeed, he ensured it by being the one who safely disconnected Echo from the experimental equipment and carried him through the ventilation shaft), but when it came to Echo participating in combat Tech still had doubts about Echo’s loyalty; however, once Echo had proven himself to be a loyal brother in battle, Tech was open and welcoming of the idea of Echo joining the squad (lest there be any doubt: Tech smiles at Echo after the invitation to join Clone Force 99 is extended. Enough said). When it comes to advising Hunter, Tech and Echo tend to serve as foils: Tech offers the more practical, squad-first side, while Echo pushes for the do more/do better, “greater good” side. The two of them frequently work closely together as their skill sets complement each other; and, while Echo bluntly calls out Tech as much as any of the other members of the squad when a plan goes awry, Echo clearly trusts Tech’s plans and skills. In turn, Tech shares his own viewpoints with Echo and doesn't hesitate to call his brother out either (such as when Echo keeps complaining about helping Senator Singh); and it becomes clear early on that Tech misses Echo after his departure when it's revealed that Tech knows Echo's comm is disabled.
Wrecker: If we were to select two brothers with seemingly opposite personalities, Tech and Wrecker would be the most obvious choice. To put it in overly simple terms, Tech is the brain of the group, while Wrecker is the heart; and with any other characters this could be a recipe for relationship disaster. However, both brothers love each other enough and are both low-drama enough that the teasing and even straight-up disagreements never escalate to full blown arguments or grudges. Tech may suggest that Wrecker learn the hand signals and reiterate that he himself HAS memorized them, thank you very much; but he’ll quickly follow up with explaining the plan in terms he knows Wrecker will immediately recognize. Wrecker may tease Tech for not knowing the odds of escaping slavers and zone out when Tech attempts to explain himself; but when Tech tells Wrecker to fight a rancor to assert dominance, Wrecker is on it with no questions asked, and when Tech volunteers for a death race, Wrecker will be openly worried about him. The worst we see of them bickering with each other is when Tech is clearly affected by Echo’s departure but trying not to show it and therefore takes his irritation out on Wrecker, and even that friction quickly blows over, as Tech soon accepts some responsibility and Wrecker doesn’t hold a grudge.
Crosshair: we actually don’t get to see much of Tech and Crosshair directly interacting (cue me screaming into the void 😭💔), but the little we do see, along with snippets of information dropped throughout the show, paint a decent picture – mostly of Tech’s views of Crosshair. We see them fight seamlessly as a team in The Clone Wars, with Tech providing direction and targets for Crosshair and (one of my top favorite moments) casually tilting his head for Crosshair to steady the rifle on his shoulder. Months before Tech’s famous line that outright states how well he understands his brother, we see that Tech is the first to suspect something is actually off with Crosshair – long before the others really take note of Crosshair’s odd behavior, Tech is already closely eyeing Crosshair in the barracks – and that it might be due to the “programming;” he is the first to posit the idea the Crosshair’s behavior is due to the inhibitor chip; he respects Crosshair enough as a brother that he also respects Crosshair’s decision to stay with the Empire (even if Tech doesn’t agree with it); and he tells Phee about his absentee brother in a way that, while Crosshair’s “sparkling personality” is apparent, equally obvious is the fact that Tech considers Crosshair a friend/comrade (especially telling, considering that this conversation must have taken place before Tech discovered Crosshair had turned on the Empire). And, while we never get an on-screen depiction of Crosshair’s reaction to Tech’s death nor do we get much closure on this point (cue me screaming into the void again 😭💔😭💔), Crosshair’s infamous line in the finale reads to me as Crosshair desperately missing his brother and feeling his absence, if not also feeling some measure of (undeserved) guilt over Tech’s death. So, Tech and Crosshair worked well together within the group, Tech strove to understand Crosshair’s nature and how it informed his decisions, and Tech loved his brother enough to push for a rescue mission when it became a real possibility that Crosshair might actually accept the squad’s help.
Part 2: Character perspectives and beliefs that shift over the course of the show.
As shown above, the show primarily leans in on and deepens traits and relationships Tech already has developed; and given that Tech is already the openminded, big-picture, practical, curious and always-learning genius of the squad, it might seem at first glance that the show slacks on letting him develop in the “new traits/hobbies/goals” department. But Tech gets development here as well, primarily through new relationships and situations that provide him with key paradigm shifts.
First and foremost, development occurs for Tech in the form of a growing relationship with a brand-new member of the team: Omega.
Omega endears herself to Tech as soon as she indicates that she wants to be associated with the group. However, Tech – like the rest of the squad – has to adapt and account for the presence of an untrained child on the team. Nowhere is this clearer than on Saleucami, when Tech’s seemingly seamless plan has clearly NOT factored in “child behavior" (and he still has a bit of a learning curve with children in general as, some time later on Ryloth, he states that Hera’s situation may not be dire as “children often overreact.”) However, Tech does adapt relatively quickly, and soon it is apparent he has adopted the “supportive but not overbearing older brother” role. He aligns more with Echo in recognizing Omega’s skills and putting them to good use while also expanding upon them. He rarely, if ever, voices any opposition to Omega being present on missions; and while he is rather less hyperfocused on Omega’s whereabouts than Hunter or even Echo are (how many times does Echo have to ask Tech “Where’s Omega?”), he still does everything he can to protect her – not least by ensuring she has all the knowledge she needs to excel as a cunning strategist and warrior. All the members of the squad train Omega in different areas, but Tech is Omega’s primary tutor and mentor of general and sundry topics, strict about keeping her focused on her studies but also recognizing when circumstances warrant “unscheduled study breaks” and readily allowing Omega to participate in the action, as well as acknowledging and implementing Omega’s ideas and suggestions during missions.
This new relationship opens the door to a key development for Tech. Omega's "We're more than [soldiers], we're a family" line seems to be the moment that shifts Tech toward considering his roles outside of the soldier paradigm. These clones had been raised as soldiers; it was all they ever knew, it was their very identity. They called each other "brothers," so to them, “squad” must equal “family” - the terms would be synonymous. And even as Tech was the first to state the obvious fact that they were deserters after “Aftermath,” he and the rest of the team continued acting as soldiers and functioning as a military unit – again, this being what they understood as “brothers” and “family.” Omega is the first to make a clear distinction between being a soldier (as part of a squad) and being a member of a family; and while Tech is initially thrown for a loop, I think this statement is what opens his eyes to the possibility that he and his brothers are and can remain a family, have roles and responsibilities, and apply their skills in ways other than being soldiers. And we see this shift come into play later as Tech reveals that he, like Hunter, wants to stay on Pabu to help the people rebuild: Tech, who had earlier indicated that he wanted his skills put to good use, is considering ways he can use his talents in roles outside of being a soldier operating in battles and conflicts.
Romar plays a small but distinct role in shifting Tech’s perspective on history, culture, and the impact of the war on the citizens of the galaxy. Recall that Tech had described the war to Omega as if reciting an encyclopedia entry, devoid of any thoughts on how the missions and battles may have had a personal/emotional impact, and initially views Romar’s data core as a “Separatist archive.” Romar, however, brings a much more personal approach to the effect of the war: he doesn't seem to care for politics either way, both the Separatist and the Republic (now Imperial) cause has exploited and destroyed Serreno, and he has no interest in treasure but rather in legacy, in the preservation of his culture and history, which existed before the war and - if Romar has anything to say about it - will exist after. And Tech is clearly touched by this perspective: he is thoughtful as he admits that he had never considered Serrenian culture outside of and apart from the Separatist/Republic debate, and the task of preserving even a slice of Serrenian history seems to become personal for him as he resolutely states, “Oh, I can handle that,” in reference to repairing the data core. Tech, who - like all the clones - has a war to thank for his very existence, and who has literally only ever known life within the framework of his role and working relationship with a military - either as a soldier or a deserter or a mercenary - sees the possibilities of life and tradition extending far beyond the narrow confines of war and conflict, thanks to Romar’s influence.
And then there's Phee, who unwittingly takes the lesson Tech had learned from Romar - history and culture doesn't have to be defined within the Separatist/Republic dichotomy - and expands it by teaching Tech to not brush off discarded and unknown items as “junk,” but rather to look at things with a different perspective and thereby find hidden treasures. Phee’s examination of “junk” materials yields the discovery of a compass that leads Tech and the squad to ancient wonders and new knowledge - and of course Tech’s “interest is certainly piqued.” She continues to gently shift Tech’s perspective by eventually revealing that her actual motivation as a “pirate” truly does lend credence to her being a self-described “liberator of ancient wonders,” and by prodding Tech into putting down the datapad long enough to enjoy a sunset. She goes the furthest in offering Tech and his family a life far separated from being soldiers by introducing them to a community, people who accept them without ultimately demanding that they remain soldiers, a place that welcomes people of all backgrounds and values their history. And, of course, she is the first to open up the possibility for Tech of developing a deep friendship with the distinct potential for romance.
And so, while Tech remains our logical, rational, socially awkward, self-confident, calm, curious, risk-taking warrior, these traits expand to include Tech assimilating and acting on new perspectives, ideas, and possibilities outside the rigid framework of a military identity.
Part 3: How Tech’s baseline personality and subsequent paradigm shifts inform his character arc.
There are diverse themes running through the show, but one theme stands out as a common thread that not only links Clone Force 99 to all the other clones and their plight, but also serves as the driving force behind the character arcs for most of the titular characters. Each character’s journey (Omega being the one exception) in this story revolves around each of them answering these questions:
“We were born and bred to be soldiers of the Republic. It is our entire identity, culture, and purpose. So what do we do when the Republic is no more, the war we were born for is over, and we face the possibility of being decommissioned? What are we if we are not soldiers?”
Crosshair’s arc is the most obvious as he goes from clinging so tightly to his identity as a soldier that he is willing to walk away from his family and throw in with the Empire, to eventually giving up the soldier life and retiring with his family on Pabu. Hunter’s and Echo’s arcs almost act as foils to Crosshair’s, but from different approaches: Echo deliberately chooses to stay in the fight and continues soldiering, but for a bigger cause he believes in and is one that aligns more closely with the ideals of the other members of his squad; whereas Hunter finds himself feeling that he needs to remain a soldier to protect his family from the Empire and has a difficult time letting go of that role even as other options open up to him, until the missions tragically lead to the loss of one of his brothers… and then he remains fighting as a soldier only long enough to recover what he can of his family and peripherally help Echo as needed.
Tech’s and Wrecker’s arcs are more subtle than those of their brothers, since these two are very much the “followers” in the group and seem content to continue following Hunter’s lead (especially since they agree with Hunter’s morals) and keep the squad intact as much as possible. But arcs they do have as their development leads to them individually answering the driving question of the show. Tech’s arc, of course, is tragically cut short before all the pieces can come to full fruition, but his trajectory has still taken him to where he is not exactly the same person he was when we first met him, even as his core personality has remained the same.
The squad splits apart in the first episode of the show as each one answers the question of what they will do when the Republic is no more. Tech won’t stay with the Empire since he recognizes early on that it very clearly isn’t the Republic and he doesn’t agree with the direction the Imperial ideology appears to be heading, and with this in mind he unquestioningly backs up Hunter.
Tech, Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo just as quickly find themselves adapting to new responsibilities as the protectors and caregivers of an adolescent clone who, unlike every other clone they have encountered, has not received military training (and doesn’t even know what dirt is). They can no longer “just” be an efficient elite military unit, knowing and trusting each other’s strengths and weaknesses so well that all they have to do is communicate a plan number before charging in with confidence; now, at the same time that they are grappling with Crosshair's departure, they have to learn the extent of Omega’s capabilities and take on the task of teaching and training her to be a part of the team, not only because she wants this, but because it is necessary for her very survival. As noted in previous sections, Tech – along with the others – adjusts relatively quickly and his relationship with Omega blossoms as he embraces his teaching role.
But, while one part of the driving theme - “What do we do when the Republic is no more, the war we were born for is over, and we face the possibility of being decommissioned” - is answered rather quickly, Tech’s answer to the rest of the question – “What are we if we are not soldiers” – is a slow burn. Why? Because being soldiers is so deeply ingrained into their identities that the squad quite literally knows nothing else, and therefore they continue acting and defining themselves relative to the “soldier” framework for months, even years: when they are not soldiers for a cause, they are soldiers who left a cause (deserters), or soldiers for hire (mercenaries). Even the teaching/mentoring role centers on training Omega to be a soldier.
And Tech doesn’t seem to mind sticking to a soldier-like role, even early on in season 2 when he begins to see the possibilities of life outside of being a soldier. This is understandable: the squad is stuck with Cid, who has absolutely no qualms about openly blackmailing them. Besides, Tech’s top priority is and always will be his family, and if continuing to act as a soldier is what keeps them alive and together, then Tech won’t even question it. But when a real opportunity comes to settle down with his squad – his family – into a purpose and place away from the soldier/mercenary life, Tech is one of the first to openly say that he wants to take it. He has been given a different perspective on what “family” can mean, and he quickly sees not only the opportunity for his sister to have friends “her own age and who don’t share her genetic profile,” but also the positive effect this has on her (“I have not heard her laugh like that in some time”). He recognizes that his intelligence and skills can be of value to a community that needs help rebuilding and recovering. He is clearly interested in spending more time with Phee (if anyone doubts this, I invite you to keep track of the number of times Tech smiles specifically at Phee in “Pabu”). After months/years of answering “What are we if we are not soldiers” with a matter-of-fact “The question is moot, because we are soldiers,” Tech now expresses interest in pursuing other roles and purposes on a long-term basis: “I am a soldier, AND I can be more.”
True to form, however, and emphasizing yet again that his family’s safety is Tech’s top priority, when it turns out Crosshair’s chosen path has landed him on the wrong side of the Empire, Tech will push for embarking on another mission for the sake of saving his brother. Tech may otherwise be content staying on Pabu and becoming something more than (or even in addition to) a soldier; but when his family’s wellbeing is on the line, Tech will fight.
And so, while Tech’s character arc is cut short before he can enjoy a life of retirement and newfound purpose with his family and friends on Pabu, the fact remains that Tech did indeed have a character arc in that he had answered the main questions of the show, he had made a choice and was well on his way to following through on that decision. The only consideration that pushed him back into the fight was the chance to bring Crosshair home.
I have said before that I don't consider Tech’s sacrifice as a defining part of his character arc, since this seems to imply that self-sacrifice was a trait Tech had ever struggled with and/or needed to develop. This implication, of course, is patently incorrect: Tech has demonstrated time and again that he will put himself at immense risk – including risk of death – to save his squad (indeed, the same could be said for every one of the Bad Batch members). What I will say here in reference to Tech’s sacrifice on Eriadu is that he died* to fulfill what he had already proven to be his first priority: save his family.
He died*, NOT because he couldn’t stop being a soldier – he had already decided he could be more than just a soldier, that was part of his arc – but because he was and always would be a brother.
*I put the asterisk by the word “died” because I will never stop holding out hope that someone of influence at Lucasfilm will take pity on us poor “please for the love of everything good in this world let Tech live!” souls and allow Tech to be brought back.
^(Also I'm including two more images because I can and because it's Tech 😍)
In summary: Tech’s character development primarily consists of the show re-emphasizing and bolstering his core character traits and relationships, while also subtly expanding his perspective of life outside of war and identity beyond being a soldier. To that end, Tech’s character arc involved him not only splitting from the Empire and becoming a devoted brother and teacher to Omega, but also ultimately deciding to pursue interests, roles, and relationships in addition to his soldier identity.
#the bad batch#star wars the bad batch#tbb tech#tbb analysis#give me time and more snacks and i could literally turn this into a thesis#welcome to another long winded analysis#hope you enjoyed your stay
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#hellsite wins again#welcome#tiktok refugees#meta refugees#tiktok#meta#we hope you enjoy your brief stay with us#tumblr#tiktok ban
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I fell onto your blog cos you drew the sexiest damn Sgt. Gadriel I've ever seen and its a bonus jackpot that the rest of your blog is top notch too. Keep up the good work, soldier.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/583082d62ec54cdbb247c4332930196b/0d166891e37d18ab-22/s540x810/9bfd0afbddfc6f2d8e294086518e27c54fe1e609.jpg)
i am but a tourist but I appreciate a beautiful man when i see one 😌🙏🫡🫡🫡
#do i have unfinished gadriel sketches laying around?#MAYBE#i hope you enjoy your stay 😁#gadriel#scraps#warhammer 40k#sgt gadriel#wh40k#asks#earthaboveskybelow#my art
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my kid just told me his art teacher is subscribed to and reads laikas comet Hello *looking around* Hello
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just one bite...........
#thank u zoe lixx i owe you 500 dollars and im glad u enjoyed your sydney trip#look i support people doing whatever they want but deep down i hope seungmin never gets gym bro disease and stays soft forever bc im...#i like it. i like it like it even
166 notes
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Hii!! I think I discovered your account like yesterday and I am literally in love with your art style :)) I just got tumblr so I'm not 100% sure what asks are for but I THINK they're like dms or commissions or something... pls correct me if I'm wrong lol Anyway, I think you should draw sonic and tails watching their favorite movie together<3333
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/fe44e8919d7db46602748e94a8a480b7/da84908be696f85d-51/s540x810/8de406774953ec604cd8c00f9ca17a7a5d76e2ba.jpg)
182. movie
#sth#daily hedgehogs#sonic the hedgehog#sth fanart#fanart#sonic#tails the fox#not ship#junkbox#idk if they have a canon favorite movie and i dont care. SUPERHERO AUTISM PROJECTION BLAST!#thank you for the sweet words <3 hope you enjoy your stay on tumblr!!
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Y/N checking in at Waterspark Bay
“Welcome back to Waterspark Bay! We've made some exciting renovations over the years and we're confident that you'll love what you see. We can't wait for you to experience our beloved waterpark all over again and we especially look forward to seeing you make a splash at the pools! Be sure to layer on the sunscreen, after all you’ve got a spectacular vacation ahead!”
#I hope you enjoy your stay#waterpark au#Waterspark au#Waterspark bay#dca au#crunch art#this part is all written just fun to draw what I’m seeing in my head#fun vacations yayyyyyyyy#hope everyone is having a great summer!#that quote at the bottom is written from Dun and Moon to you#what will you do next?
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Just another day in the Rak'tika Greatwoods
[Warning for Volume, Flashing imagery, Eye Strain, and General Silliness]
Dances used: Toothless Dance Mine Wanna Dance? 2 Phut Hon Friday Night Bye Bye Bye
#ffxiv#ffxiv video#Arsay Nun#Y'shtola Rhul#arshtola#this is what will happen when shtola figures out shard travel (jk) (...unless?) (no fr jk)#a very dumb video but I heard the song and was taken over by the beast in my head who wants to make things#of course me being me even for something low(?) effort I wish I could go back and improve some shots#shadowbringers#tw eyestrain#tw flashing#anyways sometimes you gotta stay up till 3am making a cringe video for your mental health#hope you all enjoy some friday fun#MyEdits
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Do you think DMC has a incestuous subtext? I am kind of new to the franchise (and also the fandom... Which isn't really respectful that I can see) and I want to know if I am not the only one who thinks that it's pretty obvious why the ships between DVN have many believers.
First of all, welcome to DMC, anon! And OH BOY, you'll definitely find that that's the majority opinion, at least within the Spardacest circles - honestly, most "normie" circles too. Every grass-touching, non-internet poisoned dudebro I've ever met and talked dmc with has made one or two incest jokes at me about it, definitely noting how the rivalry between the twins is very charged - the only people I've found who flat out deny it are the antis. To go more in depth about the actual subtext there - well, one should start with the roots of dmc in dmc1, right? DMC1 is definitely a gothic game - it's everywhere in the aesthetics, the inspirations, the imagery and the environment, and what is gothic horror without the incest? The initial incest in Kamiya's dmc, before Itsuno stepped in, was definitely obvious in Dante and Trish (who I'm pretty sure according to kamiya at least were supposed to be endgame) - and like, c'mon. You can say all you want that she only looks like his mom, she isn't actually Eva, she doesn't even have her personality... but from a moral perspective, that's still weird as fuck if we're going by real life standards, right? You wouldn't fuck a clone of your mom without it being at least a little bit incestuous.
Then Itsuno stepped in from 3 on, and the incestuous undertones became more focused on the immediate Sparda family - the twins, and eventually, Nero.
...Do I need to even explain it? Sure, in 3 the twins bicker and banter like real brothers, but there's definitely a suggestive edge to it - so many quips between them that really cannot be explained by "oh haha brotherly banter" without it getting at least a little bit weird. Not to mention all the "impalement as penetration" comparisons that can be drawn, and I'll leave a nice little video that goes deeper into a lot of that (as well as the gothic inspirations in the dmc franchise) so you can hear it from the mouth of someone far more eloquent than me.
And then in 4... I mean, if the amount of people who almost ubiquitously shipped Dante and Nero as soon as 4 dropped and continued doing so until 5 officially confirmed their relation (which, to be fair, Nero being Dante's nephew had actually been hinted at all along, but exactly because of so many people shipping them and not wanting it to be incestuous/the dudebros not liking Nero very much when 4 was new, pretty much everyone in the english speaking side of the fandom had been in denial about it until 5 spelled it out in big, bold letters) is kind of the test, no? That the tension and chemistry is so obvious the moment the incest element is hidden or unclear, everyone is suddenly in agreement about it. I could go on and on and on about Nero's obvious puppy crush/hero worship on Dante, Dante's immediate fondness of Nero, how if you read the 4 novels it's even more blatant and in your face... but all I'm gonna say is that that initial fight scene was softcore porn and no one can convince me otherwise, lmao. Listen, I'm just saying that if the intention wasn't to be suggestive, having Nero wrap his legs around Dante to pull him closer, bite his gun, and then straddle him like that was a very poor choice. Honorable mention for the reboot, whose devs were VERY aware of the tension between the Spardas in the og franchise, called it out by saying their game wasn't gonna do "all that gay shit" (obviously in the early 2010s the issue wasn't the incest, but it being GAY incest 🙄) and then accidentally made their version of the twins SO very....... whatever the hell is going on with the reboot twins. Not not-incestuous and definitely not straight, I'll tell you that.
And then 5, again. Do I need to explain it? Nero and V are, once again, a perfect textbook example of "couple that had so much natural chemistry everyone was flocking to it before it was revealed to be incest", plus the way everything about Dante's story, at the end, now that he's a weathered old man, is made to revolve around Vergil... yes, Dante is a depressed old alcoholic because he pushed everyone away, because of the laundry list of issues he ended up with because of everything that happened in his life, BUT Vergil was always front and center within it, even when he wasn't there. That Dante's story quite literally begins and ends with Vergil... well. I dunno about you, that just doesn't feel like your regular siblings dynamic. Also another honorable mention: "I'll make you submit" is a totally normal thing to say to your estranged father. Not weird at all with absolutely zero implications. OH, not to mention, even if we stay purely within canon and don't even look deeper at any implications or subtext... the literal only canon couple is incestuous, too. Let's not forget Kyrie and Nero are adopted siblings, Nero was raised as her brother, and the game itself calls it out in the character descritption (in 4's character bios it says Kyrie is at once Nero's "lover and family") + it's quite literally spelled out in the novels (having Nero think that "well, while it's true that he's been raised with Kyrie as siblings, he would've liked her even if they weren't family"). There's SO much more I could still go into, I have quite literally spent the past 3 years replaying the games over and over and overthinking/hyperanalizing every single frame, rereading the novels and the mangas to the point I could cite them by memory, and it's just... I dunno. I saw someone else say this somewhere, but if you're into DMC and grossed out by incest... this might not be the franchise for you.
#yeah that about sums it up#thanks for the food for thought anon! and once again welcome#hope you enjoy your stay#the fandom is really not that bad as long as you stick with the cesties#I dont ever interact with anyone in the gen side of the fandom and Ive been so glad for that#usually even the people who don't ship it but are cool lurk in the spardacest sidelines anyway so#everyone worth interacting with is there#like you definitely dont have to LOVE incest to be into dmc but if its an actual squick you have to the point of becoming hostile to others#its really really really not the place to be lol the franchise itself is incest central#asks
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Hello how are you can I request Ronald with at frist shy looking and inocennt s/o,but she is actually really nasty and freaky and like some smut in there to i would be most thankfull i love your blog,lots of love😘😘
hello!! |˶˙ᵕ˙ )ノ゙
i hope you like what i came up with. enjoy!
Ronald Knox x Female Reader
word count: 4,000+
disclaimer/content warning: 18+ content! minors dni! smut, reader is described as being/dressing feminine, reader is called “good girl, baby” and referred to as "princess", the nickname “daddy” is used for Ron, sub/dom dynamics, size difference, finger sucking, reader is carried, minimal prep, masochist reader, rough sex, biting, choking, hair pulling, nipple play, cock warming, aftercare.
It always starts this way, it seems.
What begins as otherwise harmless kissing quickly evolves into something much more explicit. Much more obscene.
Because, just before things start to get a little more heated, you find yourself straddling Ron’s lap, your mouth hovering over his as you both breathe in each other’s air, panting like dogs left out in the afternoon heat.
You, his precious baby with the face of an angel and the mind of a little devil only he’s allowed to know.
You, his own personal little porn star.
And you’re shameless. Eager. So enticing that it takes every ounce of will he has not to just hook his thumbs into the waistband of those pretty lace panties he knows you love to wear and tear them to shreds, to push you back and pin you down to the couch and fuck you until there’s tears in your eyes and your voice has gone raspy and raw from all the sounds of pleasure he’s forced from your throat.
You, his shy little sex kitten, always teasing him in those skirts that are just a little too short, those necklines that are just a little too low, your body’s soft curves the kind that the ancient Greeks used to sculpt statues of, chipping away at cold marble until a woman was found somewhere among the jagged rock. Reverent. Ethereal. Sacred.
Only for him.
Only, you do feel a little bit of shame, if you were being completely honest with yourself. It makes itself known in the way your cheeks heat, in the way your blood goes icy-hot with embarrassment at how you must look like this. How debauched and needy and on your way to no doubt becoming a complete and utter mess by the time this session is over.
But that’s the thing about you.
The more shy you acted now, the more desperate and dirty you’d be for him later.
“What’s the matter, baby?” Ron asked with one of those soft, charming grins spreading across his spit-shined lips, his voice low and soothing. He gently gripped your chin between his fingers and turned your face, which you’d momentarily tried to hide by nuzzling it into your shoulder, back up towards him, coaxing your nervous gaze to follow. “What is it?” he further questioned, though with a lilt of an amused chuckle laced into his hushed tone. “Things movin’ a little too fast for ya?”
In response, all you could manage was a squeak and another attempt to retreat and hide your shy little expressions from him again, but he was faster that time and caught you before you could really escape. When his smile refused to falter you knew he wasn’t going to let you off easy.
“No, no, no,” he said, tone woven with mischievous mirth. “Don’t hide…” Then, leaning in close to whisper in your ear, his lips nearly brushing the shell of it as his warm breath wafted against your neck, he murmured, “Seeing you get all flustered is one of my favorite parts…”
Ron knew that your whole sweet-and-innocent act was merely a mask to cover what you both knew was really true about you. And that was the undeniable fact that you were quite the little masochist. You liked it when he got rough with you. Left you a trembling mess by the end of the night after covering you in the shape of his bite and several shades of bruises from the press of his fingertips.
But, even so, it wasn’t like that shyer side of you was entirely fake, either.
Your innocence, whether it was surface level or not, was one of the things that had drawn Ron towards you in the first place, after all. Because who didn’t love a girl who seemed like a little darling on the outside only to discover what a little devil she was hiding underneath all those coy smiles and cute little dresses and lacy lingerie.
Your tender sweetness also happened to pair well with Ron’s proclivity to tease.
“Don’t be mean…” you whined, the corners of your mouth pulling down into one of those adorable little pouts Ron loved to be the cause of.
At this, Ron merely let out another one of those low, borderline sinister chuckles under his breath. He placed both his hands on your hips, readjusted your position over his lap to spread your thighs a little further, pulling where you were no doubt becoming more sensitive and needy down to brush against where his own arousal was growing from under his trousers.
Upon feeling him rubbing against your core you couldn’t help but let out a helpless little whimper, the first flare of impatient need coming to life inside of you.
“Y’know…” Ron reminded you, reveling in every little wiggle or squirm he felt wrack through your body as he pressed you even closer against him, “if you just tell Daddy what you want, it’ll be a whole lot easier for him to give it to you…”
You were shy…
Until you weren’t.
“I want…” you began, voice a shaky little plea. “I want your fingers in my mouth, Daddy…”
The request came out as more whisper than words, your head feeling dizzy from the rush of blood that raced upward to burn from your chest to the tips of your ears even hotter than before, the embarrassment almost enough to cancel out your eagerness, though not quite.
“Oh yeah?” Ron taunted, a slight growl to his voice now as he felt his own desires threaten to spill over the edge, the arousal welling to the brim within him from the thought of it alone. “Well then…” He pressed the pad of his thumb to the plush of your lower lip, gently pulling down to coax your sweet little mouth open wider for him. “Guess I have no choice but to deliver on what my baby needs…”
Slipping one of his long, slender fingers along the slick warmth of your tongue, then two, feeling you sucking the digits down further until they disappeared all the way up to the seam of his palm, your throat bobbing as the tips of his fingers brushed against the back of your gag reflex, Ron couldn’t help but gulp as well, trying to keep his composure the best he could.
“God, baby…” he sighed, as if in prayer. You curled your tongue around him, coating his fingers further in your thick saliva, at which point Ron slowly pulled them free, dragging them flat across your tongue and shuddering at the thought of how your mouth would feel encasing other parts of his body, before wiping some of your spit across your kiss-swollen lips.
The more disheveled or dirty you became, the more beautiful Ron thought you were.
“Daddy…?” you asked, that syrupy shyness drizzled back over the word like you were still his innocent little angel causing his cock to twitch in his pants. You didn’t miss the way he was beginning to shift and squirm as well, likely just as impatient as you now, if not more so. “Do you wanna…?” You glanced over your shoulder at where the bedroom door was open just a crack, as if trying to tempt you with the promise of what lay inside.
Ron followed your line of sight, glancing back to you when you turned to meet his emerald gaze again. A smirk fissured across his boyishly handsome features, his own little demon stirring back to life.
He nudged your nose with his, hummed out a melodic note of affirmation, and then, the next thing you knew, he was hoisting you up to carry you, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist as his big palms cushioned the backs of your soft thighs, the silky flesh spilling between his strong grip.
He nudged open the door with his foot before swinging it closed in the same manner, not wasting a second before he had you lying back on the bed, pinned beneath him like a rare butterfly he’d worked hard to collect and had no intention of letting go.
Grabbing up both your wrists in one of his fists, Ron used his free hand to begin pushing your skirt up around your waist, fingers brushing against the sensitive skin of your inner thighs and rising a wave of chills over you, taking a moment to knead you there as you gently writhed under his hold, trying to squeeze your legs together to create even just a little bit of friction for yourself. But Ron recognized instantly what you were trying to do and coaxed your legs back apart, wanting to be the one to get you worked up himself.
You knew your panties must be soaked by now, the expensive lace likely ruined just from his teasing alone, but it wasn’t until he slipped two of his lithe fingers in through the side to glide through your delicate, drenched folds that you truly realized just what a mess you really were.
Ron let out an amused, prideful breath of a laugh. “So wet for me…” he half praised, half teased, applying pressure to your throbbing clit, making a gasp and one of those delectable little whines escape from your throat. “Just like that…” he said, rubbing skillful circles against the tender, swollen little bud. “So good for me,” he cood. “Always such a good girl…”
He let go of your wrists to use both hands to begin removing the ruined lace from you, encouraging you to help him in discarding it along with your skirt, and once you were left bare below the waist for him, Ron took a moment to admire you like that, all spread and vulnerable for his eyes only.
“So beautiful, baby…” he sighed, entranced. “You’re perfect…”
Ron thought you had the prettiest pussy he’d ever seen, all pink and glistening like the dewy petals of a rose, but he knew that the sight of it was nothing compared to how it felt squeezing around his cock. It was a sensation he was addicted to. Just the mere memory of your most recent time together was enough to make him feel like he could lose all control, becoming more desperate to satisfy his desire by the minute.
Lucky for him though, he knew you liked it rough, so if he didn’t take the full time needed to prep you, you wouldn’t necessarily hold it against him.
You both were still half clothed, and the humidity of the room and the body heat being exchanged between you two was near stifling. You needed the rest of your clothes off soon or else you’d become so hot and frazzled you’d hardly be able to think. Not that you needed to when in Ron’s hands. He already knew what you wanted, what you liked, though, lucky for you, he also wanted the rest of your clothing off.
“Arms up,” Ron told you, already gathering the hem of your top in his hands, halfway to tugging it up your chest, eyes unable to help but catch on the sight of the pretty matching bra that currently cradled your breasts. You obeyed without hesitation and soon found yourself fully exposed, the room now feeling a few degrees cooler.
Ron began hastily unbuckling his belt, the strain of his erection having grown painful with how hard it was trying to free itself from his trousers. He quickly discarded the remainder of his clothing, biting back a groan as he took his pulsing length in his hand, though couldn’t stop the punched out, “Fuck—” that escaped his lips when he slid it between the silky petals of your dewy folds, gathering more of your slick before lining himself up with your tight little entrance.
You wanted him to take his time, allow you to feel every vein and ridge of him, but for as much as Ron usually indulged you, it seemed that tonight time was going to have to wait.
“Now be a good girl for me,” he instructed, already sounding halfway to being out of breath, “and hold still for Daddy—”
With his hands gripping your hips hard enough for bruises to bloom beneath his fingers and one quick, harsh thrust, Ron buried himself down to the hilt inside of you. You let out a broken cry, head thrown back and neck craning as you felt yourself suddenly split by the familiar aching pleasure his cock provided.
And it hurt.
It hurt so much.
But you fucking loved it.
“That’s it, baby…” Ron panted, hunching over you while you both took a moment to adjust to each other’s bodies. “Good girl… Always so good at taking my cock…”
He was peppering chaste little kisses along your temple and jaw, a feeble attempt to distract you from the stringing stretch he’d just forced your body to endure as well as an apology for the soreness he knew you’d feel tomorrow because of it, a thin sheen of sweat already beginning to break out over the both of you.
But soon, all you could focus on was the slow drip of euphoria that was on its way to taking over your brain, some of the pain numbing as it gave way to pleasure.
When Ron first began moving, it was slow and rhythmic, all prior rush gone from his intentions. But the more your cunt clenched around him, the more erratic he seemed to become, hips stuttering in their motions as he struggled to keep a consistent rhythm. And by the time you were whimpering out a pathetic little, “Choke me,” well…
Ron just about lost it.
One hand rested over the delicate curve of your throat, Ron wanting to feel the hammering of your pulse for a moment before he cut off your air supply. Your eyes glittered up at him through the low light, so much love and trust and dangerous desire all wrapped up in your gaze. He held you in suspense for a moment, waiting until the frantic rise and fall of your chest slowed to something much steadier and controlled. Then, after you took your next inhale, his grip tightened, squeezing around your neck and making your eyes roll when you realized, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t breathe.
Not unless he allowed you to.
Ron kept careful count of the time going by though, knowing your limits, having committed them to memory, and when you first gave his wrist a tap he knew you were backing out prematurely. When he refused your first request, he felt your pussy flutter around him, the adrenaline on the verge of surging through you and breaking away into panic. Your vision started to blur and you tapped again, and that time, Ron obliged.
You sucked in a gasp of air, panting in shorter, more panicked breaths for a moment while his hand still rested over your throat as he admired you like that.
He’d ruin you and you’d gladly let him.
But something then seemed to occur to him as his fingers traced down to the line of your collarbones and the supple flesh of your breasts.
Those perked little nipples of yours were looking awfully neglected. And what kind of boyfriend would Ron be if he let that stand?
You let out a squeak when his mouth found the first pebbled bud, being gentle at first, teasing you with his lips and tongue until you were arching your back to push further into the wet warmth of his mouth. Ron had to hold your hips down as you began to squirm, wanting to feel every little shiver, tremble, and twitch your body made as he granted you more pleasure, each reaction felt as your cunt massaged his girth to varying degrees.
As his mouth tended to one side, his fingers took care of the other, only switching when he felt like your reactions became less intense. You were so sensitive everywhere he touched you, it seemed, so delicate to his ministrations, he could play you like a harp. And, in return, you’d make the most beautiful, melodic music for him as his fingers pulled at your strings, your moans the prettiest sound he’d ever heard.
But once your stomach started clenching in rapid succession, Ron knew he had to take a short intermission on this song you two were composing together. Just long enough to ensure you made it through to the encore, at least.
Lifting one of your legs, Ron threw it over one of his freckled shoulders to spread you even wider for him, sinking in so deep you swore you could feel him in your tummy, the mere implication making another rolling wave of arousal course through you and causing Ron to breathe out another one of those helpless, stuttering curses. His muscles clench as he rolls his hips in to meet yours, back to being slow and controlled.
But you needed more.
You needed it rougher.
“Harder…” you pleaded, breathless and wanting.
Ron readjusted the both of you, once again taking your wrists in his grip and pinning them both beside your head, something to anchor you down for what came next, but you coaxed him to let you lock your fingers with his. It feels more intimate his way, and already knowing how rough he can get when you ask for it you feel better knowing that this simple act of handholding will help to balance out the consequences of his strength.
Ron starts to pick up speed, each time pulling almost all the way out before spearing his cock back into you, likely hard enough to ensure he was going to have to take care of you all day tomorrow, his poor little baby too sore and raw to even get out of bed on her own.
But that’s ok.
That’s what he’s here for, after all.
His glasses begin to fog and his breathing is reduced to shallow panting, the shimmering veil of sweat that covers you both thickening under the growing humidity emanating from your bodies.
When the next request to roll off your tongue is a slurred whine of, “Bite me, Daddy…” Ron doesn’t hesitate that time. He lets go of your wrists, leans down and sinks his teeth into the tender spot between your neck and shoulder, letting out a desperate whine of his own when you followed up with a pained, shuddering exhale of, “Harder—”
You let out a yelp as you thrash beneath him, Ron increasing the pressure until the skin breaks and he tastes blood. But he doesn’t let go. Not yet. Because your trembling little hands have formed tight fists in his strawberry blonde locks, pulling so hard at the roots that his scalp prickles with sharp, staticky pain. Just when it was becoming too much, you yanked his head back hard enough that he takes the cue to unlatch his bite from your flesh, pink-tinted strands of saliva keeping his mouth connected to the new wound he’s gifted you for a moment before he created enough distance to have them break.
You were both panting and shaking, like two animals on the verge of death, and when he saw the vicious red indents carved out in the shape of his mouth, saw the blood that was trying to well in the deepest parts of the injury where his incisors had pierced straight through, Ron felt a small sense of dread for a moment. Because, as much as this has become to be expected between the two of you sometimes, he couldn’t help but fear he might go too far. That he might hurt you for real, in a way you wouldn’t get some sick sense of pleasure from, and that you’d stare up at him with fear instead of love.
But, looking down at you now, all he can seem to find as he searches your gaze is that beautiful, tender adoration that he’s pretty sure he would die without at this point.
But now it was time to finish this.
You were both close to the edge.
Ron preferred when you fell together.
Once again, his motions become rhythmic and savoring, ever the master of the push and pull between control and carnality, though kept up the speed needed to match each other’s oncoming orgasms.
He’d come to know your body so well, how it reacted and responded to his, that the moment he felt your stomach return to its rapid fluttering, like a little bird taking flight, legs tensing as your cunt constricted around his cock harder than before, he knew you were mere seconds away from coming undone. After three more thrusts, he’s right there with you, spilling his balmy warmth into your tight wet heat as you gush your glistening arousal all over his cock, both of you making a mess of each other in tandem before all that heady tension begins to slowly bleed away, leaving the both of you to fall slack and satisfied, the air heavy with the scent of your unrestricted love.
But Ron doesn’t pull out just yet. He likes to feel the aftershocks, the way your pussy flutters weakly around him as he goes soft, both of your combined juices drooling out of your abused little hole and staining the bedsheets below while your bodies are still one.
Once some of his senses returned to him, Ron carefully pulled out, bringing a trail of cum along with his blushing cock, and scooped you up in his arms so you could lay draped across his damp chest, his hair a tangled, tousled mess and his glasses smudged, yet something about him being disheveled like that only added to his charm.
He liked to let you doze off, if you wanted to, gently stroking your arm or your back or your hip with one hand while your eyelids became increasingly heavier until they had no choice but to fall closed, allowing him to tend to you once you’d fallen asleep. But when his fingers lightly traced along your shoulder and you winced, sucking in a small, sharp hiss, Ron remembered the mark he left there, the blood having rusted over to glaze the wound closed, but only just barely. Now that some of the adrenaline had worn off, he knew you must feel the sting, all the cuts and bruises he’s caused you flaring back to life and pulsing with the aftermath of the pain.
“I’ll be right back, baby,” he whispers to you as he carefully shifts you over to lay your heavy head on the pillow, venturing into the bathroom to gather all the things he needs to help nurse some of those wounds born from the heat of the moment.
You wait patiently for him to return, blinking open half-lidded eyes to gaze up at him as he reclaimed his seat on the edge of the bed. He praises you as he cleans the bite, tells you what a good girl you were for him, how brave you are when he dabs some disinfectant on the imprint of his teeth and you barely even whimper at the sting of the salve. He looks over your neck, the bruises darkening, and asks you if it still hurts. You shake your head, say you can barely even feel that one, and he hums out a note that alludes to being pleased, but also hints at something secretly prideful as well.
Because who would’ve been able to guess what a high tolerance for pain his perfect little princess hid so skillfully from those around her, a dirty, sinful little secret concealed beneath cute, flouncy little outfits and pretty hair and glossy lips.
But, the best part, it was a tolerance only Ron got to test.
A standard he got to help create.
“I know it hurts, baby…” Ron murmurs as he carefully cleans your sore little hole with a warm washcloth, gently dragging it through your folds to collect all the cum that’s begun to glaze over your skin and harden into salty crystals. “But you’re being so good. Almost done…”
Once he’d dressed you in one of his oversized t-shirts and placed a goodnight kiss to your forehead, Ron tucked you in under a clean blanket and returned to the bathroom to take care of his own mess. He tried to make it quick, knowing there’s a good chance you’d already be asleep before he’s able to curl up next to you, but when he returns and you’re still awake, he can’t help but give you another one of those soft smiles.
“You didn’t have to wait for me,” he kindly reminded you, though he’s glad you did.
When his chest is pressed to your back, his warm arms wrapped around your middle, you unexpectedly shift to turn and face him. He considered you with a slightly puzzled glance, but then you were leaning forward to press your lips to his, your tongue teasing at one corner of his mouth before pulling back.
“There was a little blood,” you told him, those adorable doe-eyes of yours that could just about hypnotize him glittering in the dark, “but I got it…”
Ron sighed out a tired chuckle through his nose as he tugged you in closer to his chest, letting you get comfortable as you found the right angle to intertwine your legs.
“Night, baby,” he cooed. “I love you.”
“I love you, too…” you replied, already sounding halfway to a dream.
And, as if he ever needed a reminder, Ron falls asleep feeling like the luckiest man alive.
Lucky, because he’s the only one in the entire world who gets to call you his.
#kodis requests#ok also apologies in advance i know i did NOT stay in the same tense throughout...#thats one of the things i think i struggle with most its like#in my head when im imagining it its like. present tense since its happening 'now' so to speak.#but i feel like i usually prefer to write i past tense so...#anyway. hopefully that switch isnt too annoying lol#i hope you enjoy! thank you for your request :)#it was actually really fun to write heehee#ronald knox x reader#ronald knox x y/n#ronald knox x you#kuroshitsuji smut#kuroshitsuji fanfic#kuroshitsuji x reader#kuroshitsuji x you#kuroshitsuji x y/n#black butler fanfiction#black butler smut#black butler x reader#black butler x you#black butler x y/n
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I've been reflecting recently on why I love Bad Batch SOOOO much (no, seriously, I've been obsessed since the show first started airing and my obsession isn't fading anytime soon) while also still having some issues with the finale. And I think it's because the story reminds me so much of my own family. (Note: my ramblings in this post do get personal.)
I loved Clone Force 99 from the moment they were introduced in The Clone Wars. A band of clone misfits who are instantly recognized as different but also are close to each other and work together seamlessly with plenty of banter? Give me more! The amazingly resilient Echo is brought back and of course joins them? YES!!! So when it was announced that the Bad Batch would be getting their own show, I was thrilled! Yay for more crazy sibling shenanigans!
And then season 1 happened, with the squad almost immediately fracturing amidst all the changes occurring with the rise of the Empire. Ooof, hello reality.
I grew up in a large family with lots of siblings. We were all super close (and kinda crazy 😂) growing up; as we've become adults, however, personality differences have led some of my siblings to stop talking to each other which then bled over into them not talking to anyone else in the family. Not gonna lie, the past few years have been really hard, trying to figure out how best to navigate things so as to not push any of my siblings away but also give them their space.
Needless to say, I saw my family reflected in the Bad Batch. The Bad Batch were so close for so long, and then started falling apart. When Crosshair not only wouldn't go with his family in the season 1 finale but also seemed to be rejecting Hunter's statement that they could pursue different paths without being enemies, my heart broke even more. I know it will be a long time - if ever - that my own family members all reconcile with each other, so I really wanted this little clone family, at least, to get that chance. (Living out my hopes and dreams in fiction, I guess?)
Season 2 continued the season 1 trend of showing us both sides in such a sympathetic and nuanced way. I like to try keeping an open mind and seeing a situation from different angles/POV, both in real life and with fictional stories; so I think a big part of the reason why I adore this show is because it gave us the opportunity to consider both the main squad's AND Crosshair's perspectives, which honestly was a great exercise for me over the past few years in keeping an open mind regarding my own siblings' experiences and opinions (even if I don't always agree with them). And I was still holding out hope that this little clone family would have a chance to reconcile and be whole again.
And then Tech fell.
I'm crying right now just thinking about it.
(Tech was my favorite OG CF99 member since the moment he first stepped on screen, so his death would have been excruciatingly painful regardless; but the fact that he apparently died before the family could be fully reconciled... Well, I already know such a scenario - someone dying before reconciliation - is sadly possible with my own family, but having it happen to this fictional family just hit WAY too close to home, and I would have been equally devastated about this if any other Bad Batcher had died.)
Going into season 3, I knew there was a chance Tech wouldn't come back, much as I wanted him to. I LOVED watching Crosshair build a relationship with Omega, rejoin the family and reconcile with his other brothers, but... Tech is his brother too! With each passing episode, it was a struggle between hoping Tech would come back so the family would actually get their chance to be whole again, while also looking for any closure, any indication that Tech's memory and legacy would be acknowledged and honored by all the siblings he'd sacrificed himself for. I wanted Tech to be alive to get his own happy ending for his own sake, but if a comeback wasn't happening I wanted his life and sacrifice to clearly serve as an influence and motivation for his family. And for his siblings' sake (ESPECIALLY Crosshair's), if Tech was really dead and there wasn't going to be a full reunion, at least let the whole family heal from the loss, at least let the family honor the brother who gave everything to give them a chance to reunite.
The finale concluded, and I realized we got neither: there had been no full family reunion, and there had been no real closure/healing for the family regarding Tech's sacrifice either. (And I don't think it's at all unreasonable to have assumed the show would give us one or the other.)
Look, I'm one of those people who walked into Rogue One assuming it would have a happy ending. (Oh, those days when I was so young and naive...) So let me tell you, that ending traumatized me almost as badly as the ending of ASM2.
But, while other tragic/bittersweet endings have shaken me, it was the Bad Batch finale that literally left me feeling physically ill for days afterwards. Like, I was so relieved that everyone else lived? But it was so strange to be told it was a "happy ending" when, out of the entire family, only Omega kinda sorta maybe (if you squint) had a moment to honor their fallen brother? The family goes through all that trauma and loss and we end the show without actually resolving it, without the family actually healing? Tech's sacrifice made the Batch's eventual retirement possible, and the show won't even just say it? And to add insult to injury, after an entire season with the narrative teasing the possibility of Tech still being alive with CX2 being the forerunning explanation for it, it's all "well, we're still not going to provide any real closure on this plot point, but aren't you glad you can maybe assume Tech ISN'T CX2 since Hunter ran that sucker through without blinking an eye? Look, happy ending!"
I'm still stuck in "season 1" with my own family, so watching this story play out and ultimately conclude with this fictional family not getting full closure regarding one of their own siblings who had never been anything but supportive of all of them was... unsatisfying, to say the least. I LOVE that the clones, who were created by Palpatine to be discarded, managed to (unknowingly) strike a significant blow against Palpatine's plans. I LOVE that Omega and some of the other clones were able to choose to live peacefully on Pabu. I LOVE that Crosshair came back to his family. Still, I will never get over how Tech was handled - both the character himself and the characters he was closest to.
And I think this is part of the reason why I really hope the Bad Batch's on-screen appearances aren't completely over yet - and why, even without factoring in all the narrative ambiguity in season 3, I'm still rooting for Tech to return. Tech himself definitely deserved better, and his family deserved better too.
So there's my long-winded explanation for why there's not a single day that goes by that I don't think about this show 😅
#the bad batch#star wars the bad batch#personal musings#tbb hunter#tbb tech#tbb echo#tbb wrecker#tbb crosshair#tbb omega#tech lives#welcome to a long winded reflection post#hope you enjoyed your stay
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Hello everyone!! Ana of letsbeeart here!! ♡♡~ Happy New Year!! :D Wish you a amazing year with lots of happiness, love, success and health!! *hugs*♡ I'm making this post to let everyone know that my commissions are officially OPEN!!! Here you have information of how all it works and you have the prices panel too! Hope you enjoy and if you have any more doubts about something, just send me a message on the askbox or DM me on tumblr! :) I will be posting my art on here and on my twitter/x! You can see my recent chibis on here for better resolution!!
Enjoy my art! Wish you a awesome week everyone!! I will do my best to create the most awesome chibi art for you! <3 See ya!♡~
#personal#signal boost#commissions:open#me:chibis#me:fanart#thank you for your support!!#please spread the work around!#i hope you will like and enjoy my art!#stay well and safe guys!
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This blog is a cozy place for everyone with a complicated relationship to sex and sexual attraction. I'm an asexual who doesn't experience much sexual sensation (ie; I don't physically feel horny or sexual pleasure, at least alone.) I've gone through quite a few phases having to do with my feelings on sex in general, and I'd like to write about them here. And if it helps anyone that'd be lovely.
To all the hypersexuals, people on the ace spectrum, or just any fae with complicated thoughts on it all, This is my love letter to you. I'll be tagging my commentary or rambles on sex and related things separately to any porn or similar content, just in case you don't want to see it. Tags: Commentary/Rambles- Let's talk about it Erotic shit/Horny comments- Let's fuck about it
#Intro post#Asexual#Hypersexual#Gray ace#Complicated thoughts on sex#Complicated thoughts in general#Also smut#Hope you enjoy your stay lovelies#ace spec#Asexual Spectrum
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/540ba8918cebcbb38cd9b1e21611ac02/af36566297f9c2b9-22/s540x810/473c5eece556f2f15c1ec8b63e51a2a81d7c55f4.jpg)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c26c685ec8631eca999daa6f06ac8cb0/af36566297f9c2b9-02/s540x810/17c131050ca11e369094d98678373cf1b7ebacea.jpg)
❦ About the author ❦
20s ❥・She/her ❥・Hispanic/Latina ❥・ENG/SPAN
Hello! You can call me Whimsy~! I'm a sick bitch that writes disturbing and fucked up fantasies. Sometimes when writing isn't enough, I will draw art inspired by it for my and my followers' visual pleasure (my art is mostly canon x oc centered!). I possess the most vile and unhealthy kinks so beware! If you don't like dark content and it makes you uncomfortable, leave and find something else to immerse yourself in.
Feel free to block me if you need to.
Should I open them in the future, please read this.
Asks/Inbox always open. Hate and you will be blocked.
❦ Masterlist ❦
Twitter | AO3 | Ko-fi | Bluesky
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/72aab5c65632543ac74755cc57aee34c/af36566297f9c2b9-9a/s540x810/350d96ae1f786d59a62a5bd5e5bf174e9c9cd86f.jpg)
#dark smut#dark fic#dark imagines#extremely dubious consent#welcome to my blog#hope you enjoy your stay
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is this something i should've included in my 2024 wrapped? probably. but i'm still doing it to close off the year! (´◡`)
incredibly grateful to have gotten so much love in the past three months. i'm not able to respond to everything, but trust that i see every comment— whether in the replies, reblogs, or in my inbox.
if anything, let this be a reminder to support your favorite writers/creators. in an algorithm that thrives on likes, reblogs with comments in the tags/replies/asks make a world of difference. if you liked someone's work, let them know.
here are some of your words that have stuck with me. 🫶
"#i heart tumblr user xinganhao #no one is doing it like them #the amount of depth in their work #THE EFFORT IS ALMOST TANGIBLE #not to participate in idol worship but …. #a role model for the fic writing community #hashtag proud to be born in the same timeline as tumblr user xinganhao" — g4minelvr re: fake dating!seungkwan
"i always look forward to vernon's slides because I CAN HEAR HIM!!!! its wild like all the replies???? his voice is in my head. but i also realized i can imagine/hear hoshi's so easily too!!! and a lot of his are so funny and witty. anyway ive been so entertained the past few days cos of kae's writing" — maplegyu re: svt reacts to 'i used to have a little bit of a crush on you'
"#so cute !! #“to love is to be burdened; but to not think of it that way.” #HELLOOO #thats such a fire line to drop ???? #sigh these alignments are all accurate but i really need hao to take caee of me :((" — planetkiimchi-rbs re: svt reacts to your drunk texts
"I bet your uni entry essay kicked ass. Youre so creative its mind blowing😭" — bambispostsblog re: sociology major!junhui x reader
"#welcome back dramateen😭😭😭" — dcrlingyou re: svt when idol!reader releases a breakup song
"#i think someone's already said this but #the writing under the texts is like a little treat that i somehow always forget about #its so fun #i read the texts and im like “aww thats so cute i love this blog so muchhhh” #and then i scroll #AND THERES MORE #its like the best thing ever" — forever-atiny re: svt reacts to your drunk texts
"This is DEVASTATING 😭😭😭😭😭 your writing is beautiful but DAMN did it rip my heart and throw it into the ocean" — sasalalista re: svt (taylor's version), heartbreak edition
"#okay maybe I'll allow myself to be this delusional only for this smau bc it's adorable 🥹" — stay-in-district9 re: chan x fansite!reader
"#kae did u know i have a whole maladaptive dream world abt this pairing #it’s like u looked directly into my brain #but like it’s just so perfect for wonwoo #and i just love how pathetic u made him" — pochaccoups re: wonwoo x streamer!reader
"#did i ever mention i am literally your biggest fan #ALL your works i am eating them up 🙏 #and this one was just oh my god #the way you narrate is always too good #with your little details abt the screenplay and all #i aspire to write like you- it's like mixed media but in writing #i loved loved loved this exes to lovers suits gyu so muchhhh" — simpxxstan re: film major!mingyu x reader
"#user xinganhao the way you EAT EVERY SINGLE TIME #COOKED WITH GAS AND FIRE AND DEVOURED #permanently sat for ur posts i fear #can’t get up won’t get up" — ahuiahoe re: seungcheol x fanbase!reader
"the fact that you do complete research into each and every one of the topics and write them well is just pure dedication and hats off to you!!" — choco-scoups re: biology major!vernon x reader
"i'm so in love with the way you design your extra content/headcanons under the photos!! the soccer team and notes app got me down bad, but i really adore the text visually fitting the concept in all of your works!! always excited to get a notification from you. thank you for sharing your creativity with the world!!" — purple-eustoma
"I hope you know your works always hit the spot just right. not even kidding I was in class for two hours and then I see this in my notifications the way i INSTANTLY SMILED?! how do you manage to make my day better😔🫶" — cxffecoupx re: operation dispatch (chan x idol!reader)
"Honestly I know most of your svt burner account fics are meant to be open end, and I really love that. It is just that your writing makes me keep wanting to know more of the story, it is soo well written. I want to dive into the world a little more every time🌸" — anon
"#THIS IS SO CREATIVE WTF #the genius interview and the whole song… kae ur BRAINNNNNN #this is so good omfg im rooting for them so hard #living vicariously thru simp cheol tweets pretending i am the fanbase 😔 he wants me guys trust #i love love love all the little bonus stuff you do for these literally most creative and fun smau writer ur changing the game" — junhui-recs re: seungcheol x fanbase!reader
"these keep coming up on my dash and i will never skip an smau made by the greatest smau creator on this silly little tumby app" — hachireads re: dead poets society!hhu x reader
"im so srs rn. pls never stop writing" — wonuloves re: vernon dates rockstar!reader (4)
"woozi loves silently, consistently, and sincerely. these are not the adjectives anyone would typically match with the concept of love. and yet, it fits. i first felt the depth of his love with vocal unit songs. and i never looked back. thank you for writing this. thank you for understanding seventeen so well. you deserve everything good in life." — chugging-antiseptic-dye re: jihoon x poetry account!reader
how lucky am i to get to say that this is a mere fraction of all the kindness i've been afforded. again: i see all the nice words directed my way, and it motivates me to stay on this godforsaken site (lol) for at least one more day. thank you, thank you, thank you.
if i can love well, it's because i've been loved well. please let me repay all your kindness in 2025 and for however much longer that i can (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ if you got this far: happy new year! i wish you clarity, courage, and compassion at every turn. xo
— kae
#── ᵎᵎ ✦ yapping#── ᵎᵎ ✦ saves#[ is this my way of finding smth to look back on a rainy day? perhaps lol ]#[ like i say: this is a mere FRACTION. i have so much kindness from all around :( ]#[ and i am so very grateful!! i wish i could express it better!! ]#[ thank u for enjoying my little stories. thank u for stopping by. <3 ]#[ stay for as long as you'd like! take your time!! we have nothing but time here ]#[ i always borrow fr. cheol re: 'i hope you're a little happier than me today' ]#[ but Hashtag trust. i am happy today:) The happiest. <3 ]#[ may you find what you need this new year. and like i always always say -- ]#[ don't be a stranger <333 ]#[ see u guys on the flipside! xo ]
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Will have to color later and illustrate some eye level perspectives but
Here’s the room you will be staying in at Waterspark Bay!!!
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/98e6427a15ca7363ddfc8a77a6bacfc2/2cc2407040116069-73/s540x810/5e8a0ad11204313a5328d811a3b969179b6cdbab.jpg)
It’s killing me that the walls are the most interesting part but you can’t see them aaaaaaaaa
#now that your all checked in your ready to crash!#relax with some tv on and let your phone recharge#you deserve it!#can unpack later haha#turnes out it’s really hard to describe made up places in your head#so I will be trying to illustrate as much of the park as I can for my own personal reference#and so you guys can get a better visual since my writing is all over the place lol#waterpark au#Waterspark bay#Waterspark au#dca au#spoilers maybe#their are two sides of the resort one is sun/aztec them the other moon/polynesian theme#you will be staying in moons side of the resort#also all of that left wall is a window looking straight into the waterpark#anywhoooo#hope you enjoy your stay!#crunch art
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