#Also Cool Joe singing I need me more of that
thisispoggers · 2 days
Heyyyy! I've got fandom questions for yaaaaa
1) What is the best season of Supa Strikas for you?
2) What team in the Supa Strikas Universe would you play for?
3) Any headcanons?
1. Best Season?
Season 1 is my favourite as it is my literal start to the series! But when it comes to best season then I’d say Season 6 cuz they got bangers, El Life is my favourite of that season cuz El Matador is far too funny and I just love him sm
2. What team would you play for?
None cuz I’m not athletic and I trip on thin air I’d probably go for either Technicalli or Orion cuz I get to have access to tech cuz I’m a player?? Hell yeah!
3. Headcanons?
K so
Jomo is still alive and kicking (HEHEHEHEH pls laugh I’m funny) but he kept up a lie so Vince doesn’t actually know his true whereabouts (and plotting something too idk) (I need more Jomo Lore istg)
Shakes learns a couple other languages cuz Brislovian took him down a rabbit hole and now he knows a bit of Spanish and Japanese (Tiger helped!)
El Matador hosts Guy’s Nights at his place where he would spill the latest gossip and force everyone to have an everything spa day cuz in the off-season he’s so done with bunking with them and having to deal with the STENCH of the room cuz istg these guys don’t even have extra socks and still kept using the same pair for practice and on the game
Blok knows how to sew cuz he would repair his plushies and he would sometimes make quilts and other handmade stuff for the team
Rasta has a small personal library that he stores books he collected over the years, he reads in his free time and often recommends his favourites to the rest of the team
North Shaw takes the guys out camping whenever they got the time and often times it ends up in disaster either cuz El Matador is trying to escape to civilisation and got lost or North tried to climb the tallest tree and almost fell
Cool Joe hosts karaoke nights at his place (or plan with Rasta!) and would have to fight off Klaus and El Matador off the microphone cuz those two suck at singing but they always hog the machine
Tiger sometimes talks with the Nakama Team during off-season (behind Ura Giri’s back ofc) cuz he reconciled with them after the entire “Between Friends” incident, him and Miko chat more often tho
Big Bo won prettiest Supa Strikas Member in an online poll and he sometimes jokes about it to El Matador (he doesn’t care that much cuz he finds it funny but El Matador was salty about coming in 3rd)
Klaus often talks Shakes’s ear out about his nerd findings and somehow Shakes can keep up with him cuz he also knows the lingo (he also knows how to bake!)
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brightlotusmoon · 7 months
From the Facebook page 'Gen X':
I don’t have a “walked up hill, both ways, barefoot, in the snow” story to tell. No one really believed those stories, but it hit me, no kid would believe mine either?
The Nintendo and the the VCR only worked on channel 3.
If you didn’t rewind the movie before returning it, that would probably cost you 25 cents.
Your brain is an egg, your brain on drugs is also an egg, but it’s fried now, ignore that it looks more delicious.
At 10 pm, every night, the TV asked your parents if they knew where you were.
Pizza Hut had table cloths on the tables, a waitress and it seriously was kind of a big deal.
Wendy’s had a salad bar, but not just a salad bar. You could make your own pasta or your own taco, or you could just make a plate of Pepperoni and ranch. That bar was Super!
There was a number you could dial and it would tell you the time, that’s it. That’s all it would do, but it would do that over and over and over.
Once call-waiting was invented you made a plan with your girlfriend or boyfriend at school that day and set a time that one of you would call that number at then the other would call that person at the specified time so they could “click over” where neither of your parents knew you were on the phone because it never rang.
Champion clothes were super cheap and sold at K-Mart. You got made fun of for wearing those clothes.
There was a channel that only played the audio of bad music and it showed, in text form, the weather forecast, it was super helpful in the mornings because it also showed the time.
Pepsi once tried to look cool by becoming transparent, not as a company being transparent. They made Pepsi clear and called it Crystal Pepsi. (Didn’t last long)
Coke thought it needed to be cool by tasting like Pepsi. They come up with a cool name too, New Coke! (Didn’t last long either)
Eggs were good for you, then they were bad for you, then I think they were good for you again, not sure where we landed on that. But there was a song in support of Eggs. It was incredible…edible.
Real news was at 10. Fake news was about cults, hookers, people who saw Bigfoot, ufos and such and they happened early afternoon. Those shows really weren’t considered news until a decade or so later.
Comic books were sold at pharmacies, baseball cards were sold at gas stations.
Professional athletes would be shown on TV using tobacco in damn near every sport. Dipping and/or smoking, literally during the game.
For some reason we all dug claymation Raisins wearing sunglasses while they were singing songs.
If you were ever sick and had to miss school you had to watch “Price is Right” with your grandmother and take a nap or at least go away when her “stories” come on.
Hardware stores and Auto Parts stores would sell rifles and shotguns. Even to a kid.
Most gas stations would sell fireworks, to anyone. Not just the sparklers either, the ones that could destroy a mailbox or a GI JOE, launch a trash can, or completely remove a thumb from a hand.
Also when your were sick, grandparents didn’t have the ear thermometers, they weren’t invented yet, grandmas also didn’t trust you not to bite and break the ones that went under your tongue, so you had lay on a couch with one of the glass ones sticking out of your butt for a few minutes. (I really wish I made that part up)
McDonald’s come out with a sandwich called the McRib, but it wasn’t going to be there long and it would never return. It had onions so we didn’t care if we ever saw it again.
We were also pretty much invisible everyday, until 10 pm.
At 10 pm that commercial came on and reminded our parents that they had kids.
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strawbs-screaming · 1 year
and for that.. i bring you..
☆ the boxers planning a birthday party ☆
and for this special ocassion.. I will be posting my cringe writing!!!! Happy birthday to me!!!
Glass Joe
- 99% he was the one that baked the cake, he really didnt have a choice other than to go with the walmart cake
- doting on everything, the cake has to be the perfect flavor, the invitations have to be in the right font so its not too fancy but its not too bland, the decorations need to be cheery but not too childish, the presents need to be spot on with whatever they like but not too spot on because stalking people is not cool, generally organized
- on that last note, he can and will stalk your social media accounts to find out what you like and how you like it, you'll suddenly see that "baguettedude420" is following your Facebook account and "winethief21" is viewing your instagram story (and accidentally liked a post from 2016 uh oh)
- going all out like its your last birthday
Von Kaiser
- doing his best, hes not good at remembering dates so he usually celebrates it WAYYY too early or after a week, you'll see a "happy birthday!!" message from him a month after your actual birthday
- gets "generally liked" gifts if he doesnt know what you like including: perfume, merch of a band you might like, jeans and socks (kaiser you have bad taste)
- will buy a pre-made cake because baking is not his thing
- will not sing happy birthday, nuh uh hes not putting you through that
Disco Kid
- going all out like this is his last day on earth, you cant get him to directly ask you "what do you want for ur birthday" because he'd rather cartwheel off a cliff than do that, doing mental gymnastics to find out what you would like for your birthday, "oh so you like sharks?" He then proceeds to get you shark themed gifts (if you have a hyperfixation on something really specific this is a win for you)
- goes out of his way to make, decorate & throw edible glitter at a cake for you
- definitely asking your friends "what does this bitch like??" (not that exact question but still close) since he doesnt have the guts to ask you what you like without making it obvious he wants to get you something specific
-oversinging happy birthday
King Hippo
- rushing on the last day, the only thing that saved him was the reminder on his phone
- also stalks your social media accounts because he didnt have the time to think about what hes gonna get you, uh oh looks like "theking5262627" is following your instagram account
- his gifts are mostly food related, like baking? Heres a whisk, like cooking? Heres a apron & a pan, like fruit? Enjoy this Apple shaped mug
- bakes a gorgeous cake, if you dont like how it tastes he'll be heartbroken, so for now you'll have to suffer through the blueberry allergy or he'll be sad
Piston Hondo
- overdoing everything like Joe, this time its not limited to asking your friends & stalking your social media accounts, hes gonna contact your family & ask your siblings and parents like "i know that you dont know me but your childs birthday is coming up what do they like pls tell me im gonna get them a gift" and it usually ends in hondo being friends with your parents, hes gonna whip out the oujia board to contact your deceased relatives to ask what kind of cake you like, hes gonna to swim in your gene pool to find out what your favorite color is, hes gonna get info, one way or another
- He thinks more about your birthday than you do, planning this like his life depends on it
-makes sure the decorations fit your taste because nothings worse than a badly decorated birthday (other than a family argument ending in both sides cutting contact but my point stands)
- makes it obvious hes planning it, you could say something like "i think green is a really good color" And he would just start overthinking it like "so you like green??? Do you also like plants?? Nature??? Mint??"
Great Tiger
- He already knows what you want, what flavor of cake (or any other desert) you want since he stalked your social media accounts WAYYYY before this, what on earth made you think "thegreatestman11" was a normal account
- dont let him sing happy birthday (PLEASE) or he'll perform a entire choreography (am i spelling that correctly)
- baking and putting his soul into it, theres sweat, blood and tears in that cake (not in the literal sense hes not that nasty) but he did see the light halfway through decorating the cake
Bear Hugger
-going off vibes & what he knows and is pretty spot on, if he cant decide on a gift he'll make a Facebook account (not to stalk you this time) to abuse the data stealing algorithm and get you a funny t shirt, sorry but your legally a old man who skateboards, has a weird obsession with fire extinguishers and was born in august now enjoy your destiny
- cannot bake to save his life, if you told him to bake a simple cake or do a backflip off a building he'll happily take the plunge, for this reason he just gets Ms. Bear to help
- you will get at least one (1) camo themed object from him
Don Flamenco
- this fucking bastard, hes rushing the last day to get you a present from walmart, hes just grabbing objects he could see you looking at and going "This is ok i guess" And running, cake? He got it from a bakery since he was normal enough to get you a edible cake with a hint of care
- He just dissapears after 20 minutes from your party he has places to be and this is not one of those
Aran Ryan
- fucking hell. He gets you dumb t-shirts off aliexpress along with gag gifts since he doesnt have the energy to be sane, best case scenario he'll handcarve you a little cat made from wood if he cares enough
- worst cake ever, hes simply struggling, eating the cake he baked would cause you a stroke, 20 heart attacks, 98 diseases, 2 ancient curses and liver failure, he has to film a apology video now uh oh
Soda Popinski
- handmaking stuff for you, decorations? He made them all, gifts? He crochetted (im so not spelling that right), he knitted, he carved and baked (both a cake and clay)
- definitely came late but still came
- (forgive me for these becoming short im exhausted + this is a scheduled post)
Bald Bull
- definitely not coming because no one wants to get swarmed at their birthday, no way
- He wont even go through with getting you a gift, hes just gonna send you money because why struggle with thinking about a person when they can think about themselves??
- stalking your social media accounts (not even for your birthday, hes just a bit noisy)
Super Macho Man
- same case as Bull, sends you money & wont show up, except this time he also gets you gifts other than money, also stalking your accounts
- no cake but will go all out for your decorations
Mr Sandman
- actually sane, hes not overthinking it but hes not forgetting about it either, he'll get you stuff he thinks you would adore, hes not really spot on but hes doing his best
- needs help with the cake, Sandman please stop youre gonna burn the kitchen down and im sure this is the 2nd building you'll wreck if you dont stop
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okaratauri · 27 days
For the character ask: Skippy
Also, because I know you're in the fandom, how about Starflight?
here’s the thing:
How I feel about this character
I RELATE TO HIM WAY TOO MUCH. He is literally me im just not as big of an asshole EXECPT TO ONE FRIEND. I am legit his Skippy and he’s Joe. 100%
Skippy’s character development/design is beautiful. He has a slow burn development that you kinda don’t notice, until you do. Just like Rodney McKay from Stargate. The parallels between Rodney McKay/John Sheppard and Skippy and Joe are all too similar. I’m convinced the author based Skip and Joe’s duo off of Sheppard and McKay. I’m also a SUCKER for the arrogant genius tropes. Skippy is my all time favorite character of all fandoms ever, which is funny bc that title had belonged to McKay which further proves my point.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Nagatha. Those two are freaking adorable. Nagatha and Nagatha alone. Sorry doll lol
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Halloween colors oooo
okay I really like Frey and Skippy’s friendship. The way she sings with him and makes him feel wanted and not like he’s a burden to talk to? Amazing. I’m here for it 100%. Also Skippy and Tripps! I would’ve KILLED FOR TRIPPS TO SURVIVE OH MY G O D. AHHHH. Also Skippy and Friedlander is hilarious. And Skippy and Joes mom. I can see her chatting away with Skippy over tea about Joe, Skippy tryna learn more about his favorite monkey and Joes mom tryna make sure Joe is doing alright and hearing about his adventures kicking rotten kitty ass.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Home front was amazing. Seeing as it was written by skippy. My only problem with home front was the battle cries that’s it, I bore through everything else and loved it.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish he actually snuck a puppy onto the ship…or had more heart to hearts with bishop…or yk…
How I feel about this character
baby boi baby
I wanna hug him 😭😭😭 he deserved so much 💀 it’s not his fault he was born into a bunch of racist, god complex, lyin little worms! Honestly his queen reminded me of the Maxholx commander Reichert loll. Anywho I was so sad when he lost his eyes but also that’s really cool to visualize. He needs a scavenger companion.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
I think him and Sunny are a-freaking-dorable! I haven’t read the series in a while but yeah him and Sunny I can’t change it it’s too good. Ik I haven’t branched out from canon much but sometimes canon is so good it can’t be changed.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Star flight and Glory. The quiet, introverted, people pleasing bookworm and the loud, sassy, bulldozer of a queen. Love it so much. Also I feel like Starflight and Cricket would be such a great duo to follow.
My unpopular opinion about this character
uhhhhhh idk lol. It’s been a long while since I read the series.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish he got a scavenger friend or two to help him in the library. Ik that’s it and boring but srsly it would’ve been adorable.
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kristiemewisstan · 5 months
The Tortured Poets Department Unhinged First Listen Review:
NEEDS MORE POSTY, we love a “I wanna kill her”, this one MIGHT BE about Matty Healy lol “I touched you for only a fortnight”
The Tortured Poets Department-
“WHO USES TYPEWRITERS ANYWAY” YOU BITCH ITS YOU LOL, Charlie Puth name drop 🤨 oh god so many name drops, THIS BRIDGE, not the wedding ring…
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys-
THERE WAS A LITANY OF REASONS WHY WE SHOULDVE PLAYED FOR KEEPS THIS TIME my jaw literally dropped the entire last verse
Down Bad-
“Everything comes up teenage petulance” this one is cringy but in a way I love, Taylor Is Very Much A Down Bad Girlie
So Long, London-
this song is tachycardic I PROMISE I MADE THIS JOKE BEFORE “STOPPED CPR”, two graves one gun I SWORE THAT YOU LOVED ME BUT WHERE WAS THE CLUES damn she’s really sad to lose London huh
But Daddy I Love Him-
this would have a cool music video “she’s was chaos he was revelry” this is if red and the 1975 had a child that’s the vibe
Fresh Out the Slammer-
Okay so this is the “I just realized how bad this relationship truly was and thank god I’m out of it”, okay the weird slow down stuff wasn’t my favorite thing
I’m cackling, THE FLORENCE VERSE IS SO GOOD I think that this is just a Florence and the machine song it sounds so like them
Guilty as Sin?-
Okay this is the first one I’ve been like “oooooo I really like this one” “what if I roll the stone away, they’re gonna crucify me anyway” DAMN some religious imagery will always get me right in the trauma
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?-
This one has a lot of the brain scratching pauses “don’t you worry folks we took out all her teeth” oof this song is just really angry
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)-
Cowboy Like Me but they don’t end up happy, okay “good boy” made me giggle so apparently in a 12 year old boy
PIANO! WANT IVE WANTED THE WHOLE TIME “still alive, killin time at the cemetery, never quite buried” I’m getting a gun and flying to London, I swear “TALKING RINGS AND TALKING CRADLES 🤨” JOE ALWYN FOUND DEAD IN A DITCH “THE LOSS OF MY LOVE” COUNT YOUR DAYS JOSEPH 💀, this should’ve been track 5
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart-
hello production that is giving Barbie movie/80s vibes, this is the first one I’m certain was written recently like it was definitely written on tour, the peppy “cause I’m miserable!” Hurt Me but also same
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived-
THE BREATH ahhhhh PIANO! “I don’t even want you back I just want to know if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal” okay back half of the album is eating, THE PICKUP, SPEAK NOW VIBES BUT MOM IS OLDER AND MADDER
The Alchemy-
ok ok ok “I circled you on a map I haven’t come around in so long but I’m coming back so strong” fucking meant,👌 touchdown mention lmao, okay this is SO ABOUT TRAVIS 🥹🥰
Clara Bow-
Best production on the album in the first 10 seconds, BEAUTY IS THE BEAST THAT ROSE, WAIT WHAT????? “You look like Taylor Swift” yeah queen because you are lol, It’s so people can make the audio of her singing all the album names lmao
First Overall Listen- 7/10
I was getting nervous in the front half but the back half more than made up for it
The vibe was just off at the start and honestly that’s probably a me thing and will get better with further listens
The lyrics were amazing as always
Production was okay, some of the songs were perfect and some had me going 🤨
Charlie Puth
Top 3 in no particular order (apparently I like songs that hurt me):
Guilty as Sin?
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
OOOOOHHH what made this gig the best one :00
thank you icy!!
god so many things made it the best. like me mia and firesnap were literally talking this morning about how even just one of the many things that happened at the gig would've made it a super memorable one, but soooo much stuff went down.
highlights included: wilbur singing I'm in love with an egirl, getting oh yeah you gonna cry and yuwyo since they haven't played those live in quite a while now, they played golden hour even though it wasn't on the setlist, all the cowboy outfits the band was wearing, wilbur telling the crowd a story about how he filmed a music video (directed by ted nivison again) the day before and they were wearing cowboy outfits and only afterwards ted told wilbur the cowboy outfit he was wearing was the same one ryan gosling wore as ken in the barbie movie, the opener doing a great cover of taunt and lovejoy deciding not to play taunt bc the cover was too good and they didn't think they could follow it (ngl I genuinely loved the cover more than the og taunt), wilbur singing the fall in an american accent (after me and mia suggested it), i saw mark break a fence by accident, all of the guys doing meet and greets with everyone after the show (which is how I met ash joe and mark), and so much more
like. I could literally go on. I have so many stories from that day but I'll cut this part of the ask off before it gets too long lol maybe I'll talk about it more if I get another ask
and of course the queue was fantastic. we had a really great group up front and the vibes were so much fun. conversation was great, everyone was giving each other food and water and offering up their motel rooms if people needed to cool off, it was just great tbh
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otakween · 10 months
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Digimon Adventure 02 Best Partner Series - Part 1
More image songs! This time for Adventure 02, but I'm starting out with the older kids. I had a lot of fun listening to all of these. They really went all out this time. 12 CDs with 3 songs each (solo human, solo digimon & partner duet)!? Madness!
Taichi & Agumon
New Sun - Taichi (listen here - subbed)
Taichi singing to Daisuke (or maybe the whole new squad) about how they're taking over the original kids' legacy. The lyrics make him sound very wise.
Took me a second to adjust and picture Taichi singing this because his VA kinda sounds like a granny lol
This had very "Mufasa talking to Simba" vibes. The chorus was catchy and empowering.
Agumon Ondo - Agumon (listen here - subbed)
Agumon singing about how he needs/wants to eat a bunch to grow big and strong. Also, apparently he dances to help digestion lol.
Agumon talking to random kids during the song and then having them sing along was adorable. Also made me feel old.
Team - Taichi & Agumon duet (listen here + translation here)
A very generic song about how Agumon and Taichi make a great team, but it's always charming to hear digimon/partner duets.
Yamato & Gabumon
The Key to Granting Wishes - Yamato (listen here - subbed)
A cheesy shounen song about following your heart and friendship and what not. Comparing it to Yamato's image song from the first season, you can see he's grown past his emo, lone wolf phase.
Wasn't crazy about the song itself, but the music was great, especially the guitar solo. Had a nice bombastic intro too.
It's Alright - Gabumon (listen here & translation here)
Gabumon singing about his bond with Yamato. They both hide behind facades (Yamato's coolness, Gabumon's fur) and are misunderstood. I feel like this was a lot stronger as a character song than Yamato's solo song.
Gabumon's one of the quieter digimon so hearing him sing is a treat!
Our Melody - Yamato & Gabumon duet (listen here & translation here)
A touching (and CHEESY) ballad between Yamato and Gabumon about all the good times they've had together. It had strong drunken karaoke vibes haha.
Although cheesy, the lyrics did warm my heart a bit :') I think digimon/partner bonds get to me more than human/human bonds.
Koushiro & Tentomon
Open Mind - Koushiro (listen here - subbed)
Meh, not a fan of this one. I felt like the lyrics were clunky and didn't flow well with the song's melody.
The song is about Koushiro learning new things about himself and his emotions through his journey in the digital world. Even though I didn't like it, I'm happy to hear Koushiro's voice again :')
Dengeki Rhapsody - Tentomon (listen here - subbed)
Tentomon 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ I love him so much. This song was really cute and plucky. Basically just Tentomon singing about being a good partner and appreciating Koushiro.
The only thing that bugged me (hehe) about this one is that it implied that Tentomon is always obsessing over food but like...I don't remember that ever happening?
The Scenery of the World! - Koushiro & Tentomon duet (listen here - subbed)
Another banger! Mostly just because I love these two and relate to Koushiro's passion so much. He's singing about how excited he is to absorb all of the world's knowledge and to see the whole world with Tentomon. Koushiro would make a good librarian haha. I too have strong urges to learn everything ever (currently reading every page of Wikipedia).
Tentomon's part of the song is kind of exasperated but in a loving way. He sings about how Koushiro is always staying up late glued to his computer, but that he'll still always stick by his side and pep him up when he gets tired. So wholesome <3
Joe & Gomamon
Towards the Wind - Joe (listen here - subbed)
A lot of these solo songs have the same, general theme about growing as a person. I wonder if the vibe will be different for the younger 02 kids?
I liked the mellow vibe of this song. A nice, easy listen. Joe definitely has the most mature vibes of the gang, despite being dweeby.
Invincible Flutter Kick - Gomamon (listen here - subbed)
Gomamon singing about how helpless Joe is and how he'll always be them to protect him and lighten his load. So cute :3
News to me that Gomamon has an "invincible flutter kick" lol. I mean, I can picture it, but usually he just summoned fish.
Crawl the Sky - Joe & Gomaon duet (listen here - subbed)
Joe and Gomamon singing about their unlikely friendship. They balance each other out. I kind of wish the chorus wasn't the usual, cheesy "we can do anything if we're together!" lines. The first part of the song was a little stronger when they were comparing each other's characters.
These songs are making me wish I had a little buddy to explore the world with :'(
Mimi & Palmon
Super☆Girl - Mimi (Listen here - subbed)
Mimi singing about her personal growth. It was a pretty generic, motivational song about being brave to be yourself and not fear mistakes.
I do really enjoy how unabashedly girly Mimi is and her songs always reflect that.
A Little Pinkie's Fantasy - Palmon (Listen here - subbed)
This one was just weird. The lyrics were super awkward. I think they're alluding to a pinky promise when Palmon talks about a "pinkie's fantasy," but the metaphor doesn't really work. Also the line about glittering lips also seems like a non-sequitur.
I've never been a huge Palmon fan, so I think that's mostly why this one was no good for me. (She's also a little tone deaf lol).
Happy Smile - Mimi & Palmon (Listen here - subbed)
It's nice to hear a song where Mimi and Palmon are talking about their friendship cuz Mimi could honestly be kinda nasty to Palmon in the anime lol.
Some of the lyrics in this were a little clunky (they basically said stuff like "fun things are fun!" "Smiling is nice!" "Pretty things are good!") but I liked the sentiments about distance not weakening their bond. That resonates with me as an adult who doesn't have many opportunities to see my friends in person.
Sora & Piyomon
Shiny Days - Sora (Listen here - subbed)
Uhhh I think mostly this one was just poorly translated because it was literally like a word salad. Like, read the lyrics here (or in the video subs) and you'll see they straight up make no sense --> https://www.animelyrics.com/anime/digi02/shinydays.htm
Sora is my least favorite Adventure character so it checks out that here song kinda sucks lol (sorry).
Wait this song has the same title as the Yuru Camp opening!
My Music Score - Piyomon (Listen here - subbed)
A nice straightforward song about Piyomon's love for Sora. I like how they incorporated her name into the song with all the "pipipi" and "piyo piyo." Very cute.
If We Fly Together - Sora & Piyomon (Listen here - subbed)
I feel like there was some nice harmonizing on this one. I hope the VAs had fun haha
The lyrics in this one were sweet. I especially liked this line about "telling each other secrets we hide from the stars." That really illustrates Sora and Piyomon's close bond.
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pbandjesse · 3 months
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It was fun sleeping in peeps mill last night but man was the mattress terrible. For one it was entirely to narrow. For two it was a bad texture so I kept sliding off. So I decided when I woke up that I would wait until breakfast and then go and take the mattress from the block house. It was the perfect crime. Mostly because I had already gotten permission to get a second/better mattress.
Besides that it was a pretty find sleep. I did wake up at 530 a little to warm. So I would take my sweatshirt off and go back to bed. I don't even remember falling asleep but then all of a sudden it was 730 and I was getting up.
I washed my face and got myself ready. And I felt good. I felt cute. And I liked being down here in the morning. I'm really glad that this move over here worked out.
I would gather myself and my stuff and walked up to the office. It was unlocked but no one was there. I washed my hands and got some water and continued on.
I went to breakfast. The fridges broke so it was only cereal. If the milk was better I wouldn't have minded but the fat free always tastes sickly sweet to me? So I only ate my cereal because I needed to eat something. I chatted with Antonio and Aaron and thought about how I would accomplish everything I needed to do. And then I was off.
I would start with the stealing of the mattress. I drove my car over to get it. It was a little difficult fitting it in the back of the car but I moved the seats up all the way and made it happen. No one was the wiser.
I drove to peeps and carried it in and set my new bed up and it's a little bit bigger then the frame but honestly it's perfect for my needs and way more comfortable. So I was very happy.
I would leave my car parked at the mill and then went back to arts to actually do my job. I would set up some bins and spent most of the next hour rinsing all of the tyedye tshirts. I actually wore gloves so my hands weren't miserable and painful. I had my headphones on and was having a great time just rinsing and singing. And it kept me cool working with the water from the spigot.
A few people would walk past and chat. Say good morning. Offer help. But I was in the zone and having fun. I let them know I appreciated them.
Once I was done I would spend the next couple hours in the office. Printing and laminating and getting program materials ready. I would get to overhear the "counselor draft" where the village directors bargained for their desired staff members. And it was fun hearing them talk about who they wanted and why and it was fun to listen in.
During that Charlotte also pointed out that I hadn't made any real differences between steam at the stream and nature skills. Oops. So I would spend a little time writing out the differences there. And just printing printing printing. It was a lot.
Louisa and Aaron would help me out by putting things in lamination sleeves. And once everything was actually on those sleeves I called it break time. I was so tired and my body aches hardcore. I wanted to go eat lunch.
I wasn't sure what lunch would be like so I decided to check it out and if it wasn't great I would go get pizza.
I made a stop at the art building before going to the lodge and there I caught a toad! I would put him in a box and brought him to lunch.
Where everyone was so excited to see a toad. It was so cute. People taking pictures and cooing and being so cute. Lindsay decided that it was to small to keep. So I would return it to the art building to eat the bugs there after lunch.
I would eat lunch outside with Callie and Blanche. It was fun. The food was not my favorite but it was filling and I'm glad I had it. I just would have preferred it on a roll.
I would go back to art and hang out in my hammock for a few minutes. I would also make some piles of the materials to be delivered. But then Callie was up there and we were discussing getting her a bed. She called Joe and he would tell us to come to the shed to get one of the new beds. And after him and Callie decided what beds were best I would run down to my car to pick it up. Then we would drive through camp to the hadia house to get a mattress. Callie said she was surprised I would drive that far into camp but honestly I did it a ton over the winter. My Subaru is built for it, it's pretty great.
We drove over to peeps and carried everything in. And spent the next hour building the bed and being silly. It actually came together pretty quickly and while there was some leaning issues we were able to put some cardboard under the legs to help it level out. We were very proud of ourselves.
After we finished we would lay in our beds talking and laughing and it was just really fun. We would eventually have to go back to work. So after a little break we headed back to the office to continue laminating.
It was busy busy in there. I would have to get my chair back so I could work at my desk. But I would still end up sitting on the floor to laminated when Callie left me to help with another task (organize walkies). But I would finish all the work and would start walking to hang up my signs.
I had done a little bit of that walk before lunch. Hanging signs at the low ropes course and zip. I felt bad stapling to the trees so I would say "thank you tree" every time. And I continued that on this walk.
I went to every site. And hung schedules and dropped off packets and thought about how I was going to move this and that over. I would need the gator but it's in high demand. So I wasn't sure when I would get it. But then as I was finishing at the Adirondack I saw Kieran and Tony and Merin on the gator and they were finishing their tasks so I asked if they would help me and they agreed.
So they slowly drove behind me as I walked to the art building. Where I would give them three sites worth of material and instructions and then they were off. I was so happy that that was taken care of.
I made one more pile of stuff to go to the Adirondacks and as I was walking to the office Jeci and some of the boys were walking on the field and asked if I needed help and so they would go and take all of it for me and I was so happy. So much weight was taken off my shoulders. Like there is still a lot of set up to do over there, but I am really happy with what has been accomplished.
I would join Tony and Merrin on a trash fun. Josephine was there too and it was fun bopping around with them and chatting. I also got to show them our pretty little cabin and they were nice enough to help gather the boxes the bed had come in. Which lead to us then doing a recycling run. It was nice to get the breeze from driving around. But eventually we were back at the office.
It was not quite dinner yet. I would go sit in the office and talk to Mirren and drink some ice tea and I was just in a really good mood and very chatty. But eventually Elizabeth made us help carry the boxes with the tshirts. Which were very heavy!!! Me and Sophia would carry it together and Elizabeth tested us. Meanie!
But soon me and Mirren would walk to dinner together.
They were finishing a talk with the group though so me and her went around the back. I would chat with the kitchen staff and invite them to swim with us this evening. I'm glad they want to hang out with us. One of them later on would tell me that their bosses said they weren't allowed to interact??? Ridiculous.
Dinner was good. The biscuits were a little to close to hardtack but we're better with butter. I enjoyed talking to friends. But pretty soon I was running off again.
I would end up running into a new person, Hannah, who is from Camp Spencer and is going to be overseeing the SSC and CIT and YLP programs. We would end up having an excellent conversation and going to the office together to look over my evening programs I had written. At the office though we ran into Slim! Our Appalachian musician who was performing this evening! I would introduce myself and texted the group chat to make sure everyone knew he was here. He also asked if I had a fan available because he was going to get very hot performing. And I said of course and would get him my fan from our cabin.
Me and Hannah would get the fan and walk over to the council ring. Chatted with Slim. And then we went to see where they were with training.
Running late of course. Finishing up but running late. While we were standing there a car drove up and we were all confused. But it was the family letting us borrow their rabbit!! How exciting. This bunny was huge! And her name was Todd. Everyone wanted to go see her and that was just so sweet.
I would go and tell Alexi everything I had done and was planning on doing. And then we were going to see Slim perform.
My legs hurt to much to dance. So I would take videos and eventually joined the jug band and played some instruments which I really enjoyed. It was fun. But I would dip out with about half of the staff. I was just a bit to tired.
I would go to the cabin to change. I also grabbed my shower stuff. And I would be the first one in the pool (after the life guards).
And the water was amazing. No more body aches. I jumped in and it was perfect.
I would get a noodle and just float for a long time. Jamie joined me first. And we hung out by the cove. Eventually others would come. The boys were being so silly and flipping and diving and it was a lot of fun. Even if it made the water very rocky.
Callie had gone home to get some of her stuff but she was back and joined us. I was in the water for more then an hour. But I started to get cold just floating there. So I would get out and dried off in my new tery cloth hoodie. It was nice.
I would get a shower. And felt a lot better after that. But I very much wanted to go back to our room and lay down.
I didn't have a light to walk there though so it was a little scary!! But I did not fall and would call James because I missed their voice. I have to walk back home towards the road to get enough service to hear them but it was worth it. I miss them greatly.
After we talked I came back and put on my jammies. But then Callie was back! She had to make some trips to get everything and we keep laughing and screaming and it's so fun. Like I never lived with anyone. Besides James I've never shared a room before! This is a neat experience for me. Like not even in college! And she's so fun and kind and already told me the things other people have been annoyed about in the past and it's nothing that bothers me. I am just happy to have my friend here sharing this experience with me.
But man am I ready to sleep. It took me a long time to write this because we keep laughing. But she has mostly fallen asleep and I am going to brush my teeth and sleep too.
Tomorrow is the last day of training. There still feels like there is so much to do. I have to believe it will all work out and be okay. And then at the end of the day I get to go home and see my husband!! I am thrilled about that.
I hope you all have a very good night. Sleep well. I love you all!!
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hazardsoflove · 1 year
u rbed the top 10 thing a while ago but top 10 indie songs you want band guys to cover <3 go crazy
THANK YOU FOR ENABLING ME okay this isn’t in any particular order but time to go crazy
ryan ross + song for myla goldberg by the decemberists. i just really think he would fucking body this like i already know my guy can do folk and tell stories with songs and that’s Literally what the decemberists do and this song specifically i think he would do an incredible job covering this like the music is so fucking up his alley god it would fucking slay. there’s SO many other decemberists song i would love for him to cover too like all of the crane wife and o valencia but i just think myla goldberg in particular would be so perfect
frank iero + born to beg by the national. i would pay so much money for this i just think he has the voice for it it’s not as deep as matt berningers but i still think it fits the national and the like what he writes music abt i feel kinda connects to what the national writes about and i just think he would fucking KILL covering the national. i have a huge list of songs of theirs i want him to cover but born to beg would be my number one choice for him followed probably by slow show or i need my girl
gerard way + love love love by the mountain goats. there’s so many other mountain goats songs i would would kill for them to cover as well (no children) but i really think his voice would be best suited for love love love and i think it would sound soooo good w the guitar you know. yeah
william beckett + the boy with the arab strap by belle & sebastian. i just think this would be such a perfect song for him idk how to explain why he needs to cover belle & sebastian but he does it’s like. the indie pop of it all he would fucking kill it i just know it. the blues are still blue is another song of theirs that i think he would do a great cover of
mcr + black by okkervil river. i’ve said this before but i think they could do a really fucking cool more hardcore cover of this song and i would like to see it immediately
cobra starship + daft punk is playing at my house by lcd soundsystem. okay hear me out they’re the perfect band to cover lcd soundsystem like i can think of so many songs they could do but i think this one is the best suited for them. let’s get the keytar in here
ryan ross + the luckiest guy on the lower east side by the magnetic fields. yet another band i think he would slay covering because of the folky aspects to a lot of their songs and i think his voice is a good match for stephin merritts but i’m picking thing one specifically bc it’s my favorite :) and i think he would kill those long notes. nothing matters when we’re dancing is another one i think he would do really well
fall out boy + sing me spanish techno by the new pornographers. am i being biased and giving my favorite band my favorite song by my other favorite band to cover? who’s to say. but i just really do feel like they would do a really good job and i think patrick’s voice would work really well with it. plus the guitar in this song fucks severely so joe could go crazy. all the old showstoppers is also on the table
william beckett + what i’m trying to say by stars. i think he would do an amazing job covering stars i think his voice would fit perfectly and idk i think this song specifically is like. in line w a lot of tai songs if that makes any sense. idk i think he would slay
patrick stump + alive by the fratellis. it took me a second to figure out who i think would cover the fratellis best and i Think it would be patrick. i adore the piano in this song and i think he could really turn it into something more his style without tweaking it too much if that makes any sense. i also think i guess i suppose would be a good one for him to cover
ask me my top five/top ten anything!
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My thoughts on the season 1 finale for Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai
Warning!!! There will be spoilers so be sure and watch the show up until the end if you haven't already!
I'm super happy with how season 1 wrapped up but it...definitely wasn't what I was expecting, lets just say that... and I have lots of questions, thoughts, and just random tidbits I really liked so I thought I'd pile them all into one big post (I may make a second one if it gets too long I'll see where my brain goes).
First of all:
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I love that Henchman #2 (or whatever his number was haha I can't remember) showed up at the end with Gaptooth and thought "oh their going to play a really big part in the finale!" and the he just proceeded to go "f*ck this sh*t I'm out" like that one vine of the guy jumping into the water and I can't even with him 🤣
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Claw is a queen, need I say more? I am sad she ended up dying she was my fave (even though I figured she and the others would since that is typical for Gremlins in the movies to all perish by the end). But I can't help but wonder in this scene when she's looking up at Riley and telling her fellow brethren to kill him, if she'll somehow come back in season 2 for revenge? I think it was confirmed by Joe Dante or someone working on the original Gremlins movies that Stripe was essentially "reincarnated" as Mohawk (someone correct me if I'm wrong on this!) so it's definitely possible, Claw might even get reincarnated into Stripe somehow. They gave her such a fun personality I really hope she does return! (same for that one Gremlin that can sing really good I'm curious as to why the creators made her stand out so much).
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Also, I'm glad Snout survived! He doesn't seem too pleased to be a mogwai again but I'm glad he's ok, he's so cute! I do think it's interesting he (and another gremlin I'll mention later) made it, I wonder if the creators have plans for him in season 2...
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(Wow having a knife in your mouth makes you look really cool even if you don't have any hands)
So Riley died??? I put the question marks because yes, he did get turned into a cockroach and cut in half (REALLY rough way to go) but if you go back and watch this scene, do you notice anything strange?
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This mogwai he ate back in episode 8 wasn't with the people he consumed with pearl magic. All the gremlins got turned back into mogwai, but I didn't see this little guy anywhere with them. I was WAY too lazy to grab screenshots of all the mogwai at the end, but if you go back and look I swear I didn't see him anywhere. I bring this up for a couple of reasons. The "fourth rule" is that if you eat a mogwai you live forever right? Well, he never spit this guy back out, so shouldn't he still technically be able to live forever, regardless of what happens to him? And this mogwai looks so different than the others, and has a little tuft of fur with a white stripe on his head. Interesting that this is the mogwai he ended up eating... Wishful thinking I suppose, I'd just really love for him to come back. He was such a good villain!
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I'm glad Grandpa and Nuwa came back! Sam's Grandpa was such a fun character and Gizmo missing Nuwa was making me sad ;-;
Also I love that the Wing family essentially adopted Elle at the end it was really sweet. And it was nice Gizmo got to stay though after all that happened, I'm genuinely shocked Nuwa would let him?? Like yeah I know the show is a prequel and Sam is the old shopkeeper in the first movie, so naturally they'd have to end up together. But still!
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And finally: Yaaaaaay one Gremlin survived! I'm so happy this is essentially the Brain Gremlin from the second movie, he was my favorite character in that one and I'm glad they left him as a cliffhanger for season 2. He's still got a slightly evil side to him but as he explained to Elle, he isn't quite as chaotic as his brothers and sisters are. I wonder what his plans will be for season 2?
That's all folks, may make a follow up post to this one if anything else comes to mind!
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freakattack · 9 months
Im not done yet but move it thoughts so far (SPOILERS)
I hate this but i'm getting this out of the way right now because i am NOT pointing out every time this happens, but i cannot believe how much unintentional deviantart type shit is in this?? Obviously it's all goofy cartoon gags so it's innocuous in intent but with so many in quick succession it feels like we're checking off boxes here. Kids, there's nothing more cool than drawing characters you like, but if an anonymous stranger ever randomly approaches you asking you to draw "what if ashley was giant haha", THAT'S NO GOOD
One other thing before i get into the individual stages that i thought was weird even back when they released the trailers for this, and i'm being a little fun police about this, is fhat i dont like the implication that this ancient civilization was colonized and converted into a tourist trap. I don't know how i would have fixed this but seeing it all laid out like that is like oh, this feels sucky.
WARIO: I like the callback to smooves in his stage and also that he gets both in and out of trouble by being a massive dick. The new voice......it's gonnna have to grow on me
MONA: Was a little disappointed that she was looking for mermaids instead of like barnacles or something but it's fine, mermaids can be for everyone. Joe is a fucking maniac but i respect him.
THE CRYGORS: really fucking cute. I love the pose mike does when you win. Also, the retroactive cave drawings of each of them are super funny
OK first of all, i know i said that i wasnt gonna bring this up again but i really really hate the orbulon weight gain thing. Do you know how many of that exact image i have been accosted by before this game was even announced just by googling his name?? TOO MANY. And now all of them are REAL. I feel betrayed.
now that that's out of the way. WHAT!!!!!
I don't know how to feel about the oinker being alive. I'm at a loss. On one hand, it upends everything we know about the oinker. On the other hand, i too have a soul bond with my car
I enjoyed being able to look inside orbulon's brain. I think that is all i ever wanted to do in a wario game.
One thing i think is highly consistent with his old characterization is that he WOULD instantly welcome people worshipping him like a god
THE ORBULON DAD REVEAL. It's like. See I thought we were going to meet him in person and it would be like a big lore thing but this is literally a joke. I'm ok with a joke. I'm ok with a gaff.
I really appreciated all of the slapstick. If orbulon doesn't eat shit on the concrete is it even worth it
This is in a later cutscene but i'm addressing it here, i simultaneously love and hate the fact that orbulon is depicted sleeping on a lounge chair slurping a drink because i literally drew him doing exactly that in the next camping episode. I'm very happy that we are all in agreement that that is a thing he can do. But mark my words i did it first so you gotta act surprised okay
OK one last thing but i really liked rhe chicken rap
ASHLEY: Just your standard garden variety ashley cutscene. Even on vacation red needs a vacation
THE REMIX BUS: this is my favorite cutscene in the game. Super funny, love the chaos as well as seeing each character fooling around and just hanging out, and mike's singing is melodious. This is the peace all true warriors strive for
CRICKET & MANTIS: I think i said "WHAT" out loud like five times during both of these cutscenes. WHAT!!!!!!!!!
KAT & ANA: Similarly, CRACTUS??!!!?! FROM WARIO LAND??!! I enjoy how many random throwbacks this game has. Also, nice to see the return of leo even though i didnt care about him that much. He's alright
JIMMY T: Beautiful as always. 10/10 no notes
Dribblenspitz: I think there is more raw emotion in dribble's "AW, NUTS" than the entire rest of the game. Love their cutscene
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Also love that REPORTER KEN is BACK and i guess he wears contacts now good for him. Love the traditional dribblenspitz sci fi shooter boss
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nowwheresmynut · 2 years
who's who in the goncharov au?
Ok this took a while to get to because i hadn't actually watched that movie in over a decade and i needed to rewatch.
Some of my choices required me to take some liberties with the plot of the movie, others were because my memory didn't help me much (I mean, MH would be a great ice pick joe, i now realize, but too late for him now) and others were just because i specifically wanted Viktor in an eyepatch.
More under the cut for possible Goncharov spoilers.
Dimitri as Goncharov, for obvious reasons
Jayce as Mario Ambrosini, he initially works for Goncharov but i swear i thought they had a background story as student rivals, but maybe im mixing fanfic with reality or maybe i saw that in the DVD extras, not sure now
Viktor as Andrey Daddano, did i just do it for the eyepatch? Yes. But the gay subtext with Goncharov helped. But despite his past feelings for Goncharov, the endgame here is Mario x Andrey, i just think they're so compatible. SURE they only have like 2 scenes where they talk but that was enough for my shippy heart 😔💖
Singed as Ice Pick Joe, i feel like his curiosity means he's a man of science at heart, but a man of murder by trade, although he'd rather be helping keep them alive
Mel as Katya, obviously, not because of her relationship with Gonch, she can just get people to do whatever she wants. And the way she convinced Mario to help her in the movie reminded me of her relationship with Jayce. Plus, Katya with a gun made me want Mel with a gun
Heimer as Valery Mikhailov, for his past business association with Katya and the russian institute (i can't spell that name lmao sorry) that remind me of the Council. But also. Heimer with a gun is so funny.
I'm still not sure about Sofia though, if anyone has suggestions... based on the rule of It Would Look Cool as Heck, i'd say Sevika.
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Okay let’s talk spies are forever it’s a musical it’s about spies
Firstly gotta say that I am so damn proud of TCB for making this happen it was so so cool to hear this songs revisited and all the original cast were SO much better than they already were in the original show. And the new additions also killed it
I was gonna try and stay on focus with the songs but immediately have to shout out Joey’s hair it really is so damn luscious. Still think there’s a little too much mustache but it is a Look and he does rock it. And while we’re at it fucking Lauren Lopez’s hair ma’am. MA’AM. God bless you and your curls I’m eternally grateful and also dead and in heaven. And the ring my god why did they need SEVEN diamonds I didn’t wanna keep looking at it but I kept looking at it it’ssofuckingsparkly. And definitely wasn’t emotional about it one bit
BUT back to the actual show lol love seeing these gay spies back together and love how much they emphasised they were gay because the subtlety makes sense in the show but we want everyone to know they were lovers
Curt has always impressed me with Spy Again and the emotional journey he goes on is perfect but hearing it live really made me appreciate his voice. Also taking someone’s drink during the song and then proceeding to accidentally spill it was a big Agent Curt Mega move
POMME I’d never seen/heard any of his performances my #1 thought with him had always been thank you but fuck you for giving us that story about them flirting, but his voice was also SO good and he was so funny. Joe’s DMA is so distinctive but this had the same essence without being an imitation it was so great. The start of Somebody’s Gotta Do It was him onstage asking Clark if it was his number and he said hi to Denise both nights (idk how many shows his parents went to but both that I was at) and made a joke about not having seen the show and been meaning to watch it for 6 years and then we get baby boy running on stage with his “sorry I’m late” and he’s just SO GOOD as Sergio. But “wife” got me just as much as I was expecting and there was a lot of hip game definitely at least the last night and doing it to emphasise wife was not it Joey. Not. It. Also didn’t think about hearing the dialogue so the wedding anniversary bit was also no. And I had an anon talk about Pomme hanging out with J&L but them singing this song together also made me like,, 🥺 But Joey’s VOICE I continue to be impressed by how much he’s improved
Then Eyes on the Prize I my beloved. Adore Lauren’s Cynthia. “Curt shut up” when he’s not saying anything? Perfect. Love the range in this song because her high notes are the most angelic thing to ever exist in this world but she controls the switches so well. And definitely the last night the growl in “die on me”,, babe do you want me to pass out? Okay and AJ!! He is so fucking funny, the way he does the “you gotta’s” and then just walks away so casually. And Lauren’s sustained notes at the end my goddd she’s fucking incredible. Really need her to not sing with her hands so much when she’s wearing the goddamn ring though
And man Tessa with Pay Attention is also perfect every time, 150% vibes and energy. Talking about Curt’s beard when he doesn’t have a beard always gonna be funny. This song was also about making sure everyone knows they’ve got great asses, apparently
Eyes on the Prize II truly sensual as FUCK. In a funny way but also a Lauren you gotta stop way
And we did get (a slightly censored) Not So Bad! They really handled it so well, and Brian really emphasised the “I’M Jewish”, it was even more over the top ridiculous, they cut the dance break to check in, and said a very explicit “fuck Nazis” at the end. Love them
Like I’ve said, fucking adore Joey’s Vanger Borschtit but AJ was so fucking great, I knew they wanted to change some but they changed a LOT of lyrics which was fun
Doing This is such a great song MK and Curt are really great (we know I’m not her biggest fan but the way MK sang the “in your mother’s home” part really hit something in my brain but are we gonna act like Lauren wasn’t the best part of it, no. She’s SO funny. Okay wait also in my head she did a really pretty riff but I’m actually 96% sure I’m making that up lol
And then my favourite part of the show, Lo coming onstage to say “best song in the show” and then “oh not that one, the one I’m about to sing”. Uproarious applause. She takes a bow. Incredible. Genuinely her stage presence and command of an audience is insane
One more shot is suchhhh a fun song and I really wish Esther could have been there but Brian was SO great
Then One Step Ahead honestly the first night I was just like my god Joey is Hot. So either I was just distracted or they did up it by the last night but like getting close enough to kiss, Joey checking out Curt’s ass, THIS is what this song is. And again, Joey’s voiceee. And the return of “time-a decide!!!” Can’t believe I almost forgot
Then Spy Dance is another really fun song and made even better by Lauren maybe fucking up and then laughing at herself bby girl I love you
And huge shoutout to Clark (and Pierce) for WRITING the most amazing songs and accompanying
This really just emphasised even more how *incredible* this show is, I’m so grateful I got to see it and I really really hope this is the start of even bigger things for them
Honourable mention to Lauren’s little runs when she was going offstage you’re the most adorable person I’ve ever seen
Everyone get the digital ticket!!
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mylifeincinema · 2 years
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My Best of 2022: Non-2022 Films
My Best of 2022 is a series of annual lists in which I pick the best of the best from 2022, all leading up to my official picks for My Top 10 Films of 2022.
Only a handful of these even belong on any sort of ‘best of’ list. But, as I only saw somewhere like 20 first-time non-2022 films, here we are. Oh well...
1. Drive My Car (Ryûsuke Hamaguchi, 2021)
A staggering cinematic achievement. How not one second of this three-hour film is anything less than enrapturing is a true testament to the power of humanity in film. All aspects work together beautifully, here, to bring a refreshing, heartfelt, emotionally cathartic story of mourning and the connection between life and art. The source material lays a rock-solid foundation upon which Ryûsuke Hamaguchi & Co. build a quietly compelling piece of cinema. With the Academy’s love for this, I really see no logical reason how Hidetoshi Nishijima wasn’t nominated in the Lead Actor category over Javier Bardem, he was magnificent.
2. The Raid: Redemption (Gareth Evans, 2011)
Oh… damn… badass action flick is badass. How the hell did I not see this sooner?!?
3. The Cincinnati Kid (Norman Jewison, 1965)
I’ve long loved Rounders, so its really strange it took me this long to see this one. McQueen is solid, but Robinson steals the show. Jewison’s direction sets a fantastic pace. And then there’s Ann-Margaret… yikes!
4. Cyrano (Joe Wright, 2021) 
That “Wherever I Fall” sequence, though... That scene tore my heart right out of my chest. Wow.
The rest of this is quite phenomenal, as well. Dinklage’s performance was stellar, and despite his singing voice not being the strongest (especially when paired against Haley Bennett’s), his numbers made for emotionally overwhelming pieces. On the technical side, this was an all-around feast, boasting production design, costumes, cinematography - not to mention the abundance of music not singled out - that were nothing short of beautiful.
5. Kodachrome (Mark Raso, 2018)
Holy shit… Elizabeth Olsen is so effortlessly gorgeous, here. Damn. The beginning features a giant, don’t-fucking-do-it move on Sudeikis’ part when he gives the venue security guard attitude for telling him he needs to have his pass on, and that seriously annoyed me, so the fact that I ended up liking his character at all throughout the rest of the film is some solid character work on his part. Ed Harris was unsurprisingly solid. Overall not the best, most original or insightful film of its kind, but the cast is really good and living in both the live music world and the photography world as I do, there was a bunch here for me to like. Especially Elizabeth Olsen, though. Seriously… Damn.
6. The Shop Around the Corner (Ernst Lubitsch, 1940)
James Stewart really is one of my all-time favorite actors. He’s just always so damn good. I also love me some Lubitsch, yet for some reason I have so many blind spots with him. Anyway, I know we live in completely different times, but even looking through the scope of the time, that ending seemed a bit forced. Still a delightful film overall, but she must’ve been really desperate to let the shit he pulled go.
7. Timecrimes (Nacho Vigalondo, 2008)
A cool, little contained time travel thriller. I’d almost rented this dozens of times back when I worked at Blockbuster Video, but never pulled the trigger. It’s weird and twisty and surely ridden in plot-holes, but damn was it an enjoyable ride.
8. Red Rocket (Sean Baker, 2021)
I was surprised by how much I actually ended up liking this despite totally despising our lead character. There’s a white-trash charm to it, I guess? Or, at the very least, a clear sense of authenticity that pulls you into the film effectively. I’m still not a fan of Baker’s tendency to use non-professional actors, though. It’s distracting in the wrong way.
9. Parallel Mothers (Pedro Almodóvar, 2021)
I don’t really have a lot to say about this one. Cruz was magnificent, and more than earned that Oscar nod, but other than that I had trouble getting emotionally invested, and was therefore left cold by the end.
10. The King’s Man (Matthew Vaughn, 2021)
It has its moments, and Ralph Fiennes is awesome, but mostly it left me wanting for more. The first of these movies was so wonderfully over-the-top that the few scenes that come near that level, here, just don’t quite satisfy.
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
Next Up: Assorted (Animated Feature, Foreign Film, Editing, Screenplay, Etc.)
More of My Best of 2022...
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chaotic---calm · 2 years
Hi @chaotic---calm 👋🏻 I am enjoying doing these Q&A things with others! So, I thought it would be fun to ask some friendship questions to you, as you seem like a very lovely person that makes me want to get to know you better!
1. What is your favorite season and why?
2. What is your favorite genre of music and why? (If you have one, what is your current favorite song/artist?)
3. When did you think to yourself, "yes, Lan XiChen and Jiang Cheng can be the perfect ship"? (Don't worry, I am also a XiCheng/ChengXi shipper but I am just curious to know since you write a lot of XiCheng fics, which are really good btw!) 😌
4. What are your other favorite ships and why?
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
I hope we can become better friends on this platform! 😊
Okay well first of all, please allow me a moment of excitement for receiving my first Ask ever!
Hello, @coolalicious, and thank you so very much for reaching out to me with an Ask! And for thinking I seem like a lovely person! *blushes* I certainly do my best, lol.
And now for your questions:
1. My favorite season is Autumn. I like when things start cooling down and the leaves start changing colors. I love the smokey smells associated with it once people start burning leaves and using their firepits. I love that they days start getting shorter so there's more darkness and nighttime, and I love the change in the air for a little cooler temperatures where it's still comfortable outside in a hoodie but not outright cold and uncomfortable yet. I love being able to have my windows open to allow fresh air into my home, and I love the rainy days we tend to get with it as well, and the gray skies as things start becoming overcast. (Special shoutout to summer, though, which I hated as a kid for how easily overheated I would get, because now as each year I get older, I swear I get a little colder. There's something to be said for summer warmth, up to a point at least, lol.)
2. (Brace yourself, this is a long response, lmao.) Oof. This one is a little harder to answer because I listen to a somewhat wide berth of music, and my tastes have evolved quite a bit across the years. Also, what I favor in style (for lack of a better description) bleeds across various genres. Overall, my preference for music is instrumental music; for most of my life, I would specify that down to instrumental rock. Now I would expand that out to instrumental tracks in other genres like techno, EDM, soundtrack scores, and other stuff that I don't really know how to describe, lol. If it's highly melodic and there's little to no singing over it, chances are I might enjoy it. Which is not to say that I don't like lyrical music, because I have several groups in that category that I like; it's just that I favor music alone. I like instrumental music because I find that there's a lot more emotion carried within it, and it can tell a different story for whomever is listening to it, can hit whatever emotional beats they need it to for them. For example, I struggle with generalized anxiety disorder and have for most of my life, and one of the biggest methods I had for coping with it in middle school, high school, and college was shutting myself away in my room and just listening to music with no other distraction. I feel like it largely healed my soul when I was hurting, and I needed that. Consequently, it does make it harder for me to revisit some of those songs now, as I have grown to associate them with not feeling well, but I still cherish them. Back when I was in college, you couldn't find me walking around campus without headphones in, whereas now, I probably don't listen to music quite as much as I used to because I've got a lot more going on all the time. But, for some examples of my favorites:
Instrumental rock: My absolute favorite artist in this genre hands-down is Joe Satriani. His music is next level and just completely beautiful. It had a tremendous influence on my life, between carrying me through some of the harder anxiety/stress times and also influencing college projects (including two papers talking about his music and talent, an end-of-course project where I studied emotion and built a whole website for each emotion and wrote a poem for each and selected one of his songs to complement each emotion, and even a poem for one of my creative writing classes where I used his song titles to tell the poetic story). I have every album he's ever released, most of his live DVDs, and have even been lucky enough to see him in concert a couple of times. I highly recommend checking out some of his music. (Other honorable mentions in this category are Nili Brosh, Steve Vai, John Petrucci, Paul Gilbert, Rob Balducci, and Eric Johnson.)
Lyrical music: I tend to like harder, heavier music for the most part. I really like both Seether and Disturbed, so I have several of their albums. King's X is also a good group that I loved a lot as a child in particular, but still enjoy now. I also like some gothic rock, particularly Within Temptation. Beyond that, I'm the kind of person who has a tendency to hear songs that I like here are there and enjoy but don't go on to consider myself a fan of that artist, as overall I don't care for their music, stuff like "Gasoline" by Halsey, "Bones" by MsMr, "No Light" by Florence + The Machine, "Glitter & Gold" by Barnes Country, etc.
Soundtracks So. Many. In. This. Category. It's a combination of genuinely liking the music but also having a gigantic amount of emotional attachment to many of the stories, as well as the fact that these soundtracks are most commonly instrumental, which as I said, I prefer. I love the soundtracks for The Untamed and for Word of Honor, two of my favorite C-Dramas. I also love the soundtracks for Naruto and Dragon Ball Z. Many of the Final Fantasy games have excellent soundtracks, like FFXV, FFIV, and FFIX. The anime Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle has an exceptional soundtrack (even though I loathe that particular anime because it's so incredibly inferior to the manga, imo), and the anime Noragami also has a good soundtrack.
3. Thanks so much for praising my fics! The perfectionist and people-pleaser within me live for compliments, lol. So, I was actually a little stymied by this this ship when I first started getting into fanfiction for The Untamed. Jiang Cheng was my favorite character by the end of my first time watching the show (I identified with some aspects of his character, and also just wanted to hug him all the time, lol), but while I had liked Xichen, my first time through hadn't ended with me really glomping onto him. So seeing them paired up was like ????? But a friend of mine liked both characters and told me about some of the fics she was reading, so I gave them a try, and almost immediately, I was like "Holy shit this makes so much sense, tho." :p I think their personalities balance out very well with one another. Jiang Cheng is hot-headed and angry and bitter and sharp edges and desperate for love and affection and attention. Xichen is soft-spoken yet firm, calm but not without his own strong feelings, gentle and soft, caring and attentive. I think each can bring out the best traits of the other: Xichen can smooth out some of Jiang Cheng's sharp edges and help him be more level-headed, and Jiang Cheng can help push Xichen past his strict composure and tendency to stay firmly in the middle ground to avoid ruffling feathers. And I think that's just beautiful. I love that it's so easy too, in my experience anyway, to give them both a lot of versatility in the "role," for lack of a better word, that they play in all aspects of the relationship. Like in my "You Are My Fate" series, particularly at the beginning, Jiang Cheng is the stronger and more leading force of the relationship, whereas in my fic "Nothing Else Matters," Xichen takes that role instead.
I'm not sure what the very first XiCheng fic I ever read was, but I do know with certainty that one of the series that hooked me straight away and really got me invested in the characters as a pairing was the "I Have Left the Hearth I Know" series by TrueColours over on AO3, which is one of the best written stories in general and characterizations of both Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen that I've ever read. The author FireAwayy also writes the both of them very well, though unfortunately they have deleted some of their best stories for personal reasons, though there are still good ones left that are worth checking out, like "Furry Porn Costs Extra."
4. I kept this to The Untamed, as I assumed that's what you meant, but I could certainly draw this out into other fandoms, lol. But this reply is already long enough as is, haha!
Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian Well, I of course love WangXian because I feel like you can't make it through The Untamed without loving those two together, lol. I don't read as much of them, probably because I feel like they were covered pretty well in the main story, but there is a lot of good stuff out there for them, like the "To Dwell Inside a Body" series by typefortydeductions. There's something very endearing about opposites attracting, and the loud and bouncy Wei Ying both invigorating and yet also being calmed by the slow and steady Lan Zhan is very sweet and cute.
Nie Mingjue/Jiang Cheng I also like a little Jiang Cheng/Nie Mingjue action on occasion; the author hmc73 on AO3 has written some amazing ones, especially "Lay Your Hands On Me." I like this dynamic as well because I think Mingjue gives off the older, more mature and experienced vibes, which I think Jiang Cheng can really benefit from, but he's also the big burly protector type usually (while also secretly a teddy bear), and while Jiang Cheng canonically is known for his own attitude and fearsome reputation, I think it's not untrue to find his character probably also tired and hurt, both from a childhood of abusive treatment from his parents and also an adulthood of having to fight hard to protect his sect and keep them relevant, so I think it makes sense that someone like Mingjue would be good for him, because who doesn't like to feel protected sometimes, you know?
Lan Xichen/Lan Wangji Listen, I know incest pairings can be a little weird, but hear me out. I think some really interesting character dynamics can be played with when looking at characters raised so similarly, so closely together, etc., especially if you were to approach it in a "Flowers in the Attic" kind of vibe. I also love platonic stories of the two of them as brothers, as I just kind of dig their whole relationship in general, how they come across very diehard for one another, at least so far as they can be in the face other conflicting issues, like love for someone else or duty, etc.
Jiang Cheng/Wei Ying There is so much baggage between these two boys. So much history, so many feelings. Of course there could be a lot to work with here for them as material for relationships. What if WWX didn't leave, what if JC had followed him, modern-day settings where they could be together, settings where they're star-crossed lovers fated for nothing but angst and heartbreak.
Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian/Lan Xichen I've read some really good stories pairing these three together, sometimes in a sex pollen kind of way, but also in a "save Xichen from his seclusion" kind of way. I just like the idea of the tenderness needed to take someone who is at their absolute lowest and show them kindness and love and build them back up while kindling something new.
Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian/Jiang Cheng My fic "Communicate: Learn to Use Your Words So We Can" spells out exactly what I think works about these three together.
Various Configurations with the Juniors I think a lot makes sense for the juniors. Sizhui and Jin Ling make sense together and a mini WangXian, the soft and sweet with the loud and brash. Sizhui and Jingyi make sense together as the soft and serious one with the loud and goofy one. Zizhen and Jin Ling makes sense because Zizhen just seems like a sweetheart who could be nice to even the snottiest little brat (forever solidified in my head when in the show Zizhen sits down for dinner with Jin Ling after everyone else avoids him when he has his little tantrum in the inn when he's yelling at Sizhui).
Thank you again for taking the time to ask me some questions and for taking even longer to read my answers, lol, and if your feelings after seeing all this are "Dear god, why did I open this can of worms," then I apologize profusely for getting carried away with these long-ass responses. ^^;
I hope we can become better friends on this platform! 😊
Feel free to reach out to me any time; I'd love to be friends too. ^_^
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briamichellewrites · 3 months
Bria used her money to buy a cell phone after seeing her father’s. He talked about how convenient it was for him to make calls when he was away from the hospital or home. Her mother also had one that she really liked. She showed her how she sent messages to his phone. That is so cool! Was she going to get one? Yeah! They went to the store and talked to one of the salespeople. The family were big spenders, who loved purchasing the newest technology.
He helped them through the process of choosing which phone she wanted and getting set up. She liked the Nokia 5210 because she could change the phone case. While he was setting up her phone, he let her choose which phone case she wanted. She looked around and decided on a butterfly one because she thought it was cute. With everything, it cost over five hundred dollars.
She took out her card and swiped it. Her new phone and case were put together in a bag. They thanked the salesman. Outside, her parents helped her turn it on and set it up. Her father was on the account, so he could pay her monthly bill. Once it was set up, she thanked them. She was very welcome! Now she could call them whenever. If they were at the hospital, they would text her or call her back when they were on break. Awesome. After getting a hug from her, they said goodbye.
Mike and Joe were jealous of her phone. It looked so cool! She took off the case and put on the butterfly one she bought. Mike gave her the phone number of the house phone, along with his parents’ house phone and Jason’s college phone. She was so excited, it was adorable!
She needed to put the phone numbers for her doctor and Jeff Blue, the A&R guy who “discovered” her. He was in charge of her music career. Mike’s friend, Bradford “Brad” Delson was doing an internship under him. He was trying to get him to listen to their music, so he could sign them. Joe asked how she was discovered. It was through her voice coach. She sent him a tape recording of her singing and playing the piano To Love You More by Céline Dion.
It was 1990 and she was nine years old. Nine! She was only nine years old?
“Yeah. They wanted to sign me but my parents thought I was way too young and they wanted me to have a normal childhood. So, they declined. I re-auditioned when I was sixteen and got signed.”
“Yeah, nine years old is way too young to have a music career”, Mike agreed.
Did she perform at school? Oh, yeah. She did theatre classes and acting classes, along with voice lessons, piano lessons, and guitar classes. Her school also did a yearly talent show, which she also participated in. Mike mentioned how she was musically talented. She could play the piano by ear. He was impressed! What school did she go to?
Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles. It was a private French immersion school in LA. She learned French, Spanish, Chinese, and Latin. What about Korean? No. Wasn’t Joe Korean? Yes, he was. That’s what she thought, though she didn’t want to assume. Were her parents French? No, they just wanted her to have the experience of knowing different languages. What did her parents do? Her father was an emergency room physician and her mother was an anaesthesiologist.
They both worked at Cedar Sinai Hospital. What’s an anaesthesiologist?
“They are the people who get you ready for surgery. During surgery, they monitor your vitals to make sure you’re doing okay. Then, they check on how you’re doing while you wake up from the anaesthesia. They also give you the drugs to put you to sleep.”
“Why didn’t you go into the medical field?”
“I don’t have the brain power to spend countless hours studying or the patience to go through college, medical school, and residency. Depending on which field of medicine you choose, you can spend ten years in school. Probably more. I could have done a two-year nursing degree but once I was done with high school, that was enough for me.”
If she did go into medicine, which speciality would she have chosen? Paediatric oncology. They worked with children with cancer. When she was two years old, she had leukaemia for two years. She had to do multiple rounds of chemotherapy before she went into remission. Was she still in remission? Yes, though she had oncology appointments every once in a while to make sure the cancer hadn’t returned.
“It’s hard because when you’re that young, you don’t understand anything going on. You just know that you feel like shit and you’re scared. But you can’t verbalise what you’re feeling.”
“I think I remember that. You guys just moved in next door. We brought meals over, so your parents didn’t have to worry about that while you were in the hospital. We would also come over and play with you to keep you company”, Mike said.
“I just remember feeling like shit and being scared. I also remember how nice everyone was. It’s probably a lot different now than it was in 1983.”
Yeah, technology had improved. It was also during the AIDS pandemic, so hospitals were full. What was she going to do with her new phone? She didn’t know. It was like a brick. She could call Jason. Mike told her to do it, so she found his phone number and dialled it. He was in his dorm room when his Resident Advisor poked his head in. You have a phone call.
He wasn’t expecting anyone, so he was very surprised. The advisor handed him the phone from the office. It was Bria. Hey! What’s going on? She excitedly told him about her new phone and how she was trying it out. What kind of phone was it? It was a Nokia 5210. Mike and Joe were jealous. He could hear them laughing in the background. What was he doing? He was just hanging out before he went to dinner. As they continued talking, one of his friends walked past him.
They waved hello to each other. He motioned towards the cafeteria. Yeah, let me finish this phone call. Since he was going to dinner, she kept the conversation short. He would have to hang out with her when he was home. That would be awesome! He laughed before they said goodbye to each other. The RA took the phone from him and hung it up.
His friend asked who he was talking to. It was a friend from back home. She got a cell phone, so she wanted to tell him about it. Was she single? Yes, though she would probably hook up with his brother. How old was she? Eighteen. Damn, that was young!
Speaking of dinner, they went into the kitchen to see what they had. It wasn’t much. They had to go grocery shopping. Option number two was going out to eat. They talked about where they could go. They decided on the Chateau Marmont restaurant since they had vegan and gluten-free options. She offered to pay for them since it was expensive. They agreed to go. Awesome! Joe jokingly asked her how many times she said that. Too many. It was her catchphrase. Mike laughed.
It’s dad. Just seeing how you like your new phone. Text me back when you get the chance. – Dad
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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