#Alphonso McAuley as dax
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Alphonso McAuley on Girlboss Season 1
as Dax on Girlboss [S01|E08 & 09]
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mytvjunk · 7 years ago
Thoughts on why GirlBoss was canceled after only one season:
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Overall this show did not work because the lead character was insufferable. You can’t make the main character unlikable and expect the audience to root for them
its doesn’t work that way! They failed in trying to transition Sophia into a more mature behaved individual; instead they kept her stunted as temper tantrum throwing, kleptomaniac, who treated everyone in & out of her life terribly. How do you root for someone like that? I know people who stopped watching the series after the first episode because Sophia’s character made it that difficult to watch.
Please note that I have not read the book that this series is based off of, but even if she did or did not comes across like this on paper, the show runners should’ve made a wiser decision in trying to mold Sophia’s narrative into something that was less difficult for the viewers to consume.   
On another note, the premise of the show itself was pretty solid and Sophia’s fierce business grind was admirable. I was kinda looking forward to seeing the development of the Nasty Gal online shop & how she dealt with all of the legal issues that came about in the later years.
That being said, I truly believe the writers really missed a great opportunity here
this show just needed a bit more fine tuning so that we could’ve gotten the “Girl Boss” that should’ve made us feel inspired and not conflicted by.
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kwebtv · 6 years ago
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Girlboss  -  Netflix  -  4/21/2017
Comedy (13 episodes)
Running time:  13 episodes
Britt Robertson as Sophia Marlowe
Ellie Reed as Annie
Johnny Simmons as Shane
Alphonso McAuley as Dax
Dean Norris as Jay Marlowe
Norm Macdonald as Rick
RuPaul Charles as Lionel
Jim Rash as Mobias
Louise Fletcher as Rosie
Melanie Lynskey as Gail
Macedo (Michelle and Melissa) as members of Shane's band.
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marti-berni · 6 years ago
‱ Girlboss
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Sophia Marlowe, interpretata da Britt Robertson
Annie, interpretata da Ellie Reed
Shane, interpretato da Johnny Simmons
Dax, interpretato da Alphonso McAuley
Jay Marlowe, interpretato da Dean Norris
Rick, interpretato da Norm Macdonald
Lionel, interpretato da RuPaul Charles
Mobias, interpretato da Jim Rash
Rosie, interpretata Louise Fletcher
Gail, interpretata da Melanie Lynskey
Macedo (Michelle

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GIRLBOSS Official Featurette "What is a Girlboss?" (HD) Britt Robertson Comedy Series
  Netflix Original Series 'Girlboss' launches globally on April 21. Girlboss is inspired by the New York Times best-selling book #Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso, founder of the fashion brand Nasty Gal. The series centers on Sophia (Britt Robertson), who began selling vintage clothes on eBay and, by the age of 28, had built the multi-million dollar fashion empire, Nasty Gal. Girlboss is created by and executive produced by Kay Cannon (Pitch Perfect 1& 2, 30 Rock), who also serves as showrunner. Charlize Theron (Monster, Young Adult) and Laverne McKinnon, of Denver & Delilah, Christian Ditter (How to Be Single) and Sophia Amoruso will also serve as executive producers. Girlboss stars Britt Robertson (Sophia), Ellie Reed (Annie), Alphonso McAuley (Dax), Johnny Simmons (Shane) and Dean Norris (Jay).
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ekatheshallowbird · 7 years ago
Girlboss merupakan series original Netflix yang berdasarkan autobiografi Sophia Amoruso. Dia adalah pemilik sebuah perusahaan fashion terkenal bernama Nasty Gal Vintage. Sebelum dia sampai di posisi tersebut, jalan yang dia lalui terbilang memilukan. Hal ini udah bisa dilihat di episode pertama series ini, yang bersetting di tahun 2006, San Francisco. Dan aku sangat “menikmati” kemelaratan hidupnya, lol. I mean, itïżœïżœïżœs very inspiring. Betapa gigihnya seorang gadis berusia 23 tahun ini. Biarpun badannya mungil, tapi semangatnya jumbo. I can’t imagine myself living through the shitty life like she did. She’s one of those wondrous woman around the world!
Bayangin aja, mobilnya mogok di tengah tanjakan dan bikin antrian panjang di belakangnya, sewa apartemen nunggak, terus dipecat dari pekerjaannya, dan yang bikin miris, dia sampai memungut setumpuk sisa burger di tempat sampah. Dia udah mirip anak jalanan banget. Dekil. Sampai ayahnya sendiri bilang: “You smell like the street.” Scene waktu dia ngambil burger di tempat sampah lalu memakannya dengan cueknya adalah salah satu scene favoritku. Terlebih Britt Robertson, yang memerankan Sophia, kelihatan oke banget di scene tersebut. The best scene of her in this first episode.
Setting sewaktu mobil Sophia mogok di tengah tanjakan, bikin aku teringat sama series Charmed. Di series itu sering dilihatin sebuah jalan yang ada kereta wisatanya seperti di series ini. Mungkin ini tempat yang sama, ya. San Francisco. Bagus. Tapi ya gitu, kalau mobilnya mogok pas di tanjakan jadi repot banget. Kayak Sophia. Hmm, tapi memang mobilnya Sophia juga yang udah tua banget. Udah gitu dekil pula. Sama kayak yang punya, lol. Mobil Mr. Bean aja nggak sekotor itu. Btw, kenapa orang-orang di sekitar nggak ada yang ngebantu Sophia, ya? Tega ngebiarin cewek mungil itu ngedorong mobilnya sendirian? Is this just the way it goes in America? Dan entah gimana nasib mobil Sophia karena sampai episode habis, Sophia jalan kaki terus. Mungkin dibawa ke bengkel. Idk.
Di antara semua ulah Sophia, yang paling bikin kaget slash lucu adalah waktu dia dengan cueknya ngambil sebuah karpet yang dipajang di pinggir jalan dan dia melenggang begitu aja tanpa bayar. Padahal penjaga tokonya ada di depan mata dia. Yang lebih aneh lagi, penjaga tokonya pun kayak cuek gitu, nggak berusaha ngejar Sophia. Kok bisa, ya? Entah apakah nanti akan ada tuntutan atau gimana. Enak banget kalau nyolong barang bisa tetap bebas berkeliaran seperti Sophia. Aku juga mau kalo gitu.
Di Wikipedia, aku baca kalau barang pertama yang dijual Sophia di eBay adalah sebuah buku yang dulu dicurinya waktu dia masih remaja. Jadi, yah, kayaknya mencuri udah jadi kebiasaannya Sophia. Makanya dia nyantai aja waktu nyuri karpet tersebut. But so far, menurutku bukan kleptomania juga sih, kayaknya. Karena dia emang memerlukan barang tersebut. Sedangkan kleptomania itu kan mencuri buat kesenangan aja.
Dari segala tingkah Sophia di episode pertama ini, udah kelihatan seperti apa karakter cewek yang satu ini. Sophia adalah cewek yang supercuek, gokil, benci menjadi dewasa dan hal-hal formal lainnya, dan berjiwa bebas. Orangnya nggak jijikan juga. Terbukti dia fine-fine aja makan burger di tempat sampah. Terus dia juga menikmati makan entah apa itu (mungkin nuttela atau sejenisnya) di toilet sambil pakai kutek. Such a weird multitasking, lol.
Meski berjiwa bebas, dia nggak sembarangan kalau udah urusan seks. She avoids one night stand and she could stop it right there when she wanted it. Mungkin ini salah satu tindakan Sophia yang dianggap mengandung aura feminisme, seperti yang diungkapkan di beberapa online magazine yang kubaca. Shane (Johnny Simmons) jadi gigit jari karena ulah Sophia ini. Untungnya dia cowok yang baik. Nggak maksa. Udah gitu, dia mau aja disuruh buat suara laut sama Sophia, biar dia bisa cepat tidur, lol. Kata Annie (Ellie Reed), teman baiknya Sophia, bapaknya Shane adalah pemilik water park. I don’t know if it’s true or she was just joking. Oh, this is Shane, by the way. He’s a drummer. And on the left is Dax (Alphonso McAuley), Shane’s roomate and Annie’s boyfriend.
Di scene waktu Shane lagi membuat suara laut tersebut ada kejadian unik. Awalnya aku berpikir ada Dax yang tiba-tiba menyelinap di antara mereka buat mengganggu, tapi ternyata enggak ada. Ini masalah teknis pegambilan gambar, kayaknya. Wajah Shane, yang berkulit putih, jadi terlihat menggelap. Padahal detik sebelumnya dia masih kelihatan jelas wajahnya, terus malah berubah gelap dan buram, jadi mirip Dax. Ah, pokoknya gitu deh. Mungkin ini cuma terjadi sama aku aja.
Back to Sophia, especially buat Britt Robertson yang memerankan tokohnya. I have to say, dia menurutku kadang cocok kadang enggak dalam memainkan karakternya. Dari wajah, somehow she looks old to be 23. (Padahal umur Britt 27 tahun pas syuting series ini. Itu harusnya nggak jadi masalah, kan? Kan beda umurnya cuma sedikit) Tubuhnya emang mungil, tapi kalau dishoot dari jarak dekat, kelihatan dia agak tua karena ada beberapa kerutan. Well, mungkin garis senyum, tapi tetap aja kadang dia kelihatan tua. Dan kalau lagi dishoot bagian wajahnya aja, aku malah ngebayangin kalau Sophia ini adalah wanita karir dengan pakaian formalnya. Nggak tahunya, pas di shoot seluruh badan, dia ternyata pakai baju yang rock and roll banget. Tapi ada saat dia kelihatan muda dan cocok jadi cewek berumur 23 tahun. So. it’s weird. Is it because of the angle? Here’s the picture: 
Kedua, dari jenis suaranya. Bukan jelek. Aku suka sama suaranya. Ceriwis dan enak didengar. Tapi ada saat di mana dia kurang lepas mengeluarkan suaranya, dan itu kurang cocok sama karakter Sophia. Contohnya pas dia lagi nyanyi-nyanyi di mobil dan kedua pas dia nyuruh pengendara mobil di belakangnya untuk mendahuluinya. Waktu dia teriak BAM! juga ada yang agak tertahan gitu. Tapi kalau sutradaranya udah setuju, mungkin memang sudah seperti itu seharusnya akting Britt sebagai Sophia? Itu satu sisi Sophia yang “imut” (suara tertahan), nggak seratus persen seenaknya dan lepas. Tapi aku berharap Sophia sebebas Annie dalam hal nada suara. Dia benar-benar lepas dan nggak ada filter, lol. Nyablak, kalau orang Betawi bilang. Sekali lagi, itu perbedaan mendasar antara jiwa bebas dan kekanakannya Sophia dan Annie.
This is Annie on the right and Sophia Amoruso (the real one) on the left. Kenapa justru the real Sophia lebih mirip sama tokoh Annie ya daripada sama tokoh Sophia? Kenapa bukan Ellie Reed aja yang jadi Sophia? Kayaknya dia bakalan lebih gokil. Wajahnya mirip-mirip orang Yunani atau Italia, which also runs in Sophia’s blood.
Ada dua tokoh di series ini yang mengingatkanku sama dua bahkan tiga karakter di film The Devil Wears Prada. Pertama, karakter Carol (Irene White), atasan Sophia di toko sepatu. Gayanya dia, line-nya dia, mengingatkanku banget sama tokoh Emily dan Miranda Priestly di film tersebut. I knew it because I’m a big fan of that movie. I don’t mind with that, actually. And I’m not saying unattractive/ugly people (sorry) can’t have style and attitude like Miranda or Emily, but Carol’s attitude really made me laugh so hard. She’s so confident with her appearance and that’s awesome, by the way. Pokoknya kehadiran Carol sangat menghibur. Dia juga natural banget aktingnya. The bad news is, dia cuman muncul di episode satu aja. Itu yang aku lihat di IMDb.
And here’s the line that I’m talking about:
Sophia: Hey, Carol. Carol: Oh, Sophia. I’m so glad you’re not injured or dead. Sophia: What do you mean? Carol: Well, you’re 27 minutes late. So, naturally, I assumed you were hit by a bus and bleeding out onto Market Street. Sophia: Come on, Carol. I never take Market Street. Carol: (Chuckles) Okay, now that you’re here. I’m going to be running inventory in the back. So I need you to man the fort and sell those shoes, girlfriend.
See? Do you find any similarities? If you don’t, then you’re not a big fan of The Devil Wears Prada as I am. Period. 
Lalu yang kedua adalah pemilik toko baju bekas. Penampilan dan gaya bicaranya bikin aku teringat sama Nigel di film yang sama, yang diperankan oleh Stanley Tucci. Sayangnya, aktor yang “berusaha” bergaya mirip Nigel ini nggak senatural Stanley Tucci aktingnya. Masih jauh banget!
Oh iya, waktu Shane mengomentari sepatu unik/nggak banget yang dipakai Sophia, she said something about Gwyneth Paltrow’s long legs. Is that real truth? I thought she was so naturally beautiful and tall. Well, I gotta google it, anyway. Here’s what she said:
“It’s either wear these or get that surgery that makes your legs longer. You know, the one that Gwyneth Paltrow had.” 
Tapi meski aku pun bertubuh pendek, aku ogah kalau harus pakai sepatu mirip punya Sophia di bawah ini, lol. They are ridiculous. Only Sophia can look awesome on them. Not me. 
Sekuat-kuatnya Sophia menghadapi cobaan hidup, ada momen di mana dia down juga. Strong girls do cry. I don’t blame her for that, of course. It makes her even more realistic and she made me feel better about myself, somehow. Because I cry a lot. This is another best shot from Britt as Sophia. 
Walaupun hidupnya tengah dihimpit masalah, dia tetap nggak mau serumah lagi sama ayahnya, Jay (Dean Norris). Itu bisa dimaklumi, karena aku pun akan memilih tinggal sendiri ketimbang bareng ortu. Ribet hidup sama ortu. Nggak bebas. Tapi berkat pertemuan makan malam dengan ayahnya dan percakapan yang singkat namun to the point, Sophia seolah disadarkan akan tujuan hidupnya.
“What exactly are these dreams of yours, huh? Because you know what? You’ve never given any indication to me that you have ‘em.”
I’m so glad he said that to her. You’re a great parent, Dad. 
Nah, Sophia punya online store di eBay. Kayaknya sih jarang ada yang menawar barang-barangnya, karena ekspresi wajahnya selalu sedih tiap dia buka akunnya. Sampai setelah percakapan dengan ayahnya tersebut, dan setelah dia membeli sebuah jaket bekas seharga $9, yang ternyata adalah jaket motor berbahan kulit sapi asli produksi 1970s East West yang kondisinya masih bagus, yang dibelinya dari si Nigel jadi-jadian itu, yang menurut Sophia nggak paham sama barang dagangannya, terbersitlah ide untuk melelang jaket tersebut di eBay. Dia lalu menggunakan karpet curiannya sebagai background fotonya, lol. Dia juga mengambil sendiri gambarnya. Pokoknya kreatif banget. Hasil jepretannya juga bagus. I really like it. Dia mematok harga pertama $10. Nggak lama, udah banyak orang yang melelang. Malah ada yang berani beli sampai seharga $185 dan sepertinya lelangannya akan masih terus naik. She’s so lucky. No, not just a lucky girl, I think. She’s so creative and a hard worker. So great!
Episode pertama diakhiri dengan happy ending. Sophia, yang selama ini sepertinya males bawa-bawa SIM C-nya, karena itu mungkin menurutnya adalah identitas orang dewasa, akhirnya mengambil SIM-nya yang disimpan di bawah tempat tidurnya, saying: “Bring on adulthood, motherfucker.” Tapi kok nama di SIM-nya bukan Sophia Amoruso ya, tapi Sophia Marlowe? I hope she’ll explain that later in the next episodes. 
Selain ceritanya yang menarik, apalagi ini berdasarkan dari autobiografi, which is a real story (Duh!), soundtrack-nya juga bagus-bagus. Lagunya rata-rata bergenre rock dan bikin semangat. Dan tentunya menggambarkan energi dalam diri Sophia. Kayaknya ini juga genre musik favoritnya Sophia. I bet so. Gayanya juga udah rock and roll abis, kan? So, I really can’t wait for the second episode. I hope it gets better, terlepas dari fakta bahwa nggak akan ada season dua karena udah dibatalin sama Netflix. So, we’ll see. 😉
  “Adulthood is where dreams go to die. Grow up, get a job, become a drone. That’s it. Then it’s over. Society just wants to put everyone in a box. Well, guess what, society. There is no box.”
  “Just need to figure out a way of growing up without becoming a boring adult.”
  “Conformity is prison and the tattoo is more of a metaphor.”
  “I tried college for a year. Total bust. Everything you wanna learn, you could look up online. I know how to open champagne with a sword.”
  “Love you in case I die.”
(Sophia and Annie)
  Sutradara: Christian Ditter
Penulis Skenario: Kay Cannonœ
Tanggal Tayang: 21 April 2017
Durasi: 26 Menit
Berdasarkan Autobiografi Sophia Amoruso: “#Girlboss”
Rating: 3œ dari 5 Bintang
    Girlboss S1 : E1 – Sophia Girlboss merupakan series original Netflix yang berdasarkan autobiografi Sophia Amoruso. Dia adalah pemilik sebuah perusahaan fashion terkenal bernama

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isabellasivic-blog · 8 years ago
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Conheça “Girlboss”, nova sĂ©rie de comĂ©dia sobre moda da Netflix
A série Girlboss serå interpretada por Britt Robertson, baseada no best-seller do New York Times #Girlboss de Sophia Amoruso, a fundadora da marca de roupas Nasty Gal.
A série terå 13 episódios de meia hora, e mostra a vida de Sophia Amoruso, uma jovem que começou vendendo roupas vintage no Ebay e se tornou proprietåria de império multimilionårio antes dos 28 anos. Incrível não?
Kay Cannon (A Escolha Perfeita 1 e 2, 30 Rock) Ă© a showrunner e responde pela criação e produção executiva. Charlize Theron (Monster – Desejo Assassino, Jovens Adultos), Laverne McKinnon (da produtora Denver & Delilah), Christian Ditter (Como Ser Solteira, Simplesmente Acontece) e Sophia Amoruso tambĂ©m assinam a produção executiva. Ditter Ă© o diretor dos 13 episĂłdios de meia hora. No elenco, estĂŁo Britt Robertson (Sophia), Ellie Reed (Annie), Alphonso McAuley (Dax), Johnny Simmons (Shane) e Dean Norris (Jay).
Matéria publicada no blog "Os Vinte e Tantos" no dia 4 de Abril de 2017!
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fragmanwebtr · 8 years ago
Girlboss 1. sezon 3. TĂŒrkçe altyazılı tanıtım fragmanı yayında!
Girlboss, Nasty Gal giyim markasının yaratıcısı Sophia Amoruso’nun kaleme aldığı ve New York Times’ın en çok satanlar listesine giren Girlboss adlı kitaptan esinlenerek çekildi. Dizi, eBay’den vintage giysiler satarak iƟe baƟlayan ve 28 yaĆŸÄ±na geldiğinde multi-milyon dolar değerindeki Nasty Gal moda imparatorluğunu kuran Sophia’nın (Britt Robertson) hikayesini anlatıyor. Girlboss’un yaratıcısı ve baƟ yapımcısı olan Kay Cannon (MĂŒkemmel Saha, MĂŒkemmel Uyum, 30 Rock) aynı zamanda dizi sorumlusu olarak görev yapıyor. Dizinin baƟ yapımcıları arasında Charlize Theron (Cani, Genç YetiƟkin), Denver & Delilah yapım Ɵirketinden Laverne McKinnon, Christian Ditter (Bekar YaƟam Kılavuzu) ve Sophia Amoruso da var. Ditter aynı zamanda yarımƟar saatlik 13 bölĂŒmden oluƟan dizinin yönetmenliğini de ĂŒstleniyor. Girlboss’un baƟrollerini Britt Robertson (Sophia), Ellie Reed (Annie), Alphonso McAuley (Dax), Johnny Simmons (Shane) ve Dean Norris (Jay) paylaĆŸÄ±yor.
Girlboss’un 1. sezonunun tĂŒm bölĂŒmleri 21 Nisan 2017 tarihinde Netflix’te yayınlanacak.
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moviesshowsnbooks · 8 years ago
Girlboss | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix
"Let's do this. Netflix Original Series 'Girlboss' streams globally on April 21. Girlboss is inspired by the New York Times best-selling book #Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso, founder of the fashion brand Nasty Gal. The series centers on Sophia (Britt Robertson), who began selling vintage clothes on eBay and, by the age of 28, had built the multi-million dollar fashion empire, Nasty Gal. Girlboss is created by and executive produced by Kay Cannon (Pitch Perfect 1& 2, 30 Rock), who also serves as showrunner. Charlize Theron (Monster, Young Adult) and Laverne McKinnon, of Denver & Delilah, Christian Ditter (How to Be Single) and Sophia Amoruso will also serve as executive producers. Girlboss stars Britt Robertson (Sophia), Ellie Reed (Annie), Alphonso McAuley (Dax), Johnny Simmons (Shane) and Dean Norris (Jay)." Watch Girlboss: https://www.netflix.com/title/80115671
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filmeseseriesnetflix-blog · 8 years ago
Netflix surpreende e anuncia 6 novidades hoje a respeito de suas séries. Confira:
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Hoje foi um dia e tanto para os fãs do serviço de streaming, pois em apenas algumas horas foram anunciadas seis novidades a respeito de suas séries originais que são basicamente datas de estreias, estreias e renovaçÔes.
A primeira novidade anunciada foi a sĂ©rie “Orange is the new black”.  A sĂ©rie, que chega ao quinto ano em 2017, estĂĄ marcada para lançar a nova leva de episĂłdios na plataforma de streaming no dia 9 de junho e dar prosseguimento aos questionamentos que deixou pendentes no ano passado - um dos mais chocantes da trama. A Netflix divulgou, tambĂ©m, um teaser de 15 segundos com cenas inĂ©ditas dos capĂ­tulos vindouros.
A segunda novidade foi a respeito da renovação da segunda temporada da sĂ©rie “The OA” que teve como produtor o ator Brad Pitt. A sĂ©rie conta a histĂłria da jovem cega Prairie Johnson (Brit Marling), que desapareceu aos 20 e poucos anos, mas que volta Ă  casa na qual cresceu, com a visĂŁo recuperada. 
A terceira novidade Ă© sobre a sĂ©rie culinĂĄria “Chef’s table” que ganhou trailer e data de estreia.  Filmada nos quatro cantos do planeta, a temporada 6 coloca Ă  mesa o verdadeiro significado da palavra "criatividade". Com os Chefs: Jeong Kwan (Coreia do Sul) Tim Raue (Alemanha) Ivan Orkin (Nova York) Vladimir Mukhin (RĂșssia) Nancy Silverton (CalifĂłrnia) Virgilio Martinez (Peru).
A quarta novidade foi o lançamento da sĂ©rie “Girlboss” que Ă© baseada no bestseller do New York Times #Girlboss, de Sophia Amoruso, fundadora da marca Nasty Gal. A sĂ©rie Ă© centrada em Sophia (Britt Robertson), uma jovem que começa vendendo roupas vintage no eBay e se torna proprietĂĄria de um impĂ©rio multimilionĂĄrio antes de completar 28 anos. Girlboss tem criação e produção executiva de Kay Cannon (A Escolha Perfeita 1 e 2, 30 Rock). Charlize Theron (Monster - Desejo Assassino, Jovens Adultos), Laverne McKinnon (da produtora Denver & Delilah), Christian Ditter (Como Ser Solteira) e Sophia Amoruso tambĂ©m assinam a produção executiva. Com direção de Ditter, Girlboss Ă© uma produção Netflix com 13 episĂłdios de meia hora de duração. Britt Robertson (Sophia), Ellie Reed (Annie), Alphonso McAuley (Dax), Johnny Simmons (Shane) e Dean Norris (Jay) tambĂ©m fazem parte do elenco.
A quinta novidade Ă© a respeito da terceira temporada da sĂ©rie “Grace and Fankie” que ganhou trailer (bem safadinho, diga-se de passagem rs) e data de estreia, dia 24 de março.  A comĂ©dia criada por Marta Kauffman (Friends) e Howard J. Morris acompanha duas amigas unidas por uma situação incomum: seus maridos as deixaram para ficarem juntos! Agora, elas precisam aprender a aproveitar a solteirice na terceira idade. Martin Sheen e Sam Waterston interpretam os ex-maridos das protagonistas.
E por fim, temos a sĂ©rie “Love” que ainda nem estreou sua segunda temporada (10/03) e jĂĄ foi renovada para uma terceira ainda sem data de estreia.  Love acompanha o 'nerd bonzinho' Gus (Paul Rust) e a descarada Mickey (Gillian Jacobs), que sĂŁo bem diferentes um do outro. Enquanto se recuperam dos relacionamentos fracassados, eles acabam precisando lidar com os altos e baixos da intimidade, do comprometimento e da vida adulta.
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Alphonso McAuley on Girlboss Season 1
as Dax on Girlboss [S01|E01,04 and 06]
Information on beautifulfaces
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mytvjunk · 8 years ago
GIRL BOSS: A note on Sophia & Shane’s break up:
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I felt Sophia’s heartbreak. I felt the betrayal. I also did not foresee this disloyalty coming & it’s all because of that sweet sweet faced Shane. He plays the good guy role all too well and we ALL bought into it; hence why it hurt so much learning that he cheated.
Overall, I don’t believe that Shane is a bad guy. I truly believe that he loves Sophia
the only man who had all the patients in the world to deal with her childlike antics. He was the yin to her yang, but let’s face facts:
-Towards the end of their relationship they never really hung out with each other outside of the few minutes they chatted in the bed, late nights.
-They were clearly not having sex and hadn’t done so in a long time, judging by Sophia’s answer when Annie asked her about it on episode 12.
-Shane was spending most of his day & nights with the band, inevitably building a relationship (with one of the members) that grew to a sexual nature.
So there was a disconnect that happened and the only person to take notice and act on it was Shane. But why was he not vocal with Sophia about it? At this point, was he already checked out of the relationship that it wasn’t worth bringing up the disconnect? Was he trying not to add more stress to Sophia, since she had so much on her plate already with the launch? Or maybe he’s not the nice guy we all assumed and he knowingly thought he could get away with it, since Sophia was so consumed with work. So many questions, so little answers
.times like this I do wish we got a view at Shane’s perspective so that we can get a fuller understanding of his mindset.  
One must also understand that cheating is a selfish act. Debatably (for the most part) a person cheats without the intent of hurting their partner, because they’re not thinking about them at the given time. Please note that this is in NO WAY me trying to justify Shane’s actions
I’m just pointing out reasons as to why this happened.  
That being said, I am disappointed in Shane. I expected so much more from him
I was rooting for him, we all were, but alas he fumbled and did a very stupid thing. I hope he learns from this mistake and does better by his future partner, because again, I do believe that he is a good will intended guy.  
Lastly, a small part of me was glad that this infidelity happened to Sophia; because this scenario really humanized her (as a character) for me. Prior to this, I found her to be a little too immature, borderline insufferable. It showed that she can intellectually handle a crushing situation without throwing a temper tantrum. She thought things through, asked the right questions and ultimately came to the realization that she could no longer be with Shane.
It just sucks that it took this kind of wakeup call for her to realize the feelings she had for Shane. She was in love him, deeper than she understood. But it was too late and the damage was done. The trust was broken and no amount of suppressing the past was going to help mend her feelings about Shane’s tryst.
As sad as their break up was, this was the best acted scene of the entire series. Salute to the monstrous performance by Britt Robertson.
I hope there is a second season so that we can see the flourish of the Nasty Gal brand!
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Girlboss | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix   
"Let's do this. Netflix Original Series 'Girlboss' streams globally on April 21. Girlboss is inspired by the New York Times best-selling book #Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso, founder of the fashion brand Nasty Gal. The series centers on Sophia (Britt Robertson), who began selling vintage clothes on eBay and, by the age of 28, had built the multi-million dollar fashion empire, Nasty Gal. Girlboss is created by and executive produced by Kay Cannon (Pitch Perfect 1& 2, 30 Rock), who also serves as showrunner. Charlize Theron (Monster, Young Adult) and Laverne McKinnon, of Denver & Delilah, Christian Ditter (How to Be Single) and Sophia Amoruso will also serve as executive producers. Ditter also directs all 13-half hour episodes. Girlboss stars Britt Robertson (Sophia), Ellie Reed (Annie), Alphonso McAuley (Dax), Johnny Simmons (Shane) and Dean Norris (Jay)."
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fragmanwebtr · 8 years ago
Girlboss 1. sezon 2. TĂŒrkçe altyazılı tanıtım fragmanı yayında!
Girlboss, Nasty Gal giyim markasının yaratıcısı Sophia Amoruso’nun kaleme aldığı ve New York Times’ın en çok satanlar listesine giren Girlboss adlı kitaptan esinlenerek çekildi. Dizi, eBay’den vintage giysiler satarak iƟe baƟlayan ve 28 yaĆŸÄ±na geldiğinde multi-milyon dolar değerindeki Nasty Gal moda imparatorluğunu kuran Sophia’nın (Britt Robertson) hikayesini anlatıyor. Girlboss’un yaratıcısı ve baƟ yapımcısı olan Kay Cannon (MĂŒkemmel Saha, MĂŒkemmel Uyum, 30 Rock) aynı zamanda dizi sorumlusu olarak görev yapıyor. Dizinin baƟ yapımcıları arasında Charlize Theron (Cani, Genç YetiƟkin), Denver & Delilah yapım Ɵirketinden Laverne McKinnon, Christian Ditter (Bekar YaƟam Kılavuzu) ve Sophia Amoruso da var. Ditter aynı zamanda yarımƟar saatlik 13 bölĂŒmden oluƟan dizinin yönetmenliğini de ĂŒstleniyor. Girlboss’un baƟrollerini Britt Robertson (Sophia), Ellie Reed (Annie), Alphonso McAuley (Dax), Johnny Simmons (Shane) ve Dean Norris (Jay) paylaĆŸÄ±yor.
Girlboss’un 1. sezonunun tĂŒm bölĂŒmleri 21 Nisan 2017 tarihinde Netflix’te yayınlanacak.
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