#Alphabet Blocks
plastic2000s · 5 months
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🧃 Red, yellow, blue, and green! 🌈
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0idea · 4 months
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I bought some mini wooden cubes a few months back and decided to paint it to create these alphabet blocks. It was a random thought one afternoon to start this DIY project and I’m liking how it turned out altogether! 🖌️🎨
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sleepingdeath-light · 5 months
albert wesker + segmented smut alphabet ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (part of an event)
letters used ; c / f / u
masterlist(s) ; here
minors and ageless blogs do not interact
C — Cum
anything about cum
Given his massive ego, it should come as no surprise that Albert always prefers to finish onto your face or chest after he’s had his way with you. Not only is the act itself degrading and highlights his role as your dominant and superior (in his mind anyway), but it also sates his more possessive side as he’s the only one in the realms that gets to see you in this state and that gets to do this to you.
F — Favourite Position
self explanatory
Doggy style is, without question, his favourite position to fuck you in but he’s also been known to occasionally have you ride him in the reverse cowgirl position — this preference is because he loves being able to freely look at, mark, spank, and grope your ass when you’re having sex (something that he has never made any attempts to hide from you).
U — Unfair
do they like to tease?
Teasing you is one of his absolute favourite pastimes in the realms and he will take any and every opportunity, be that around others or in private, to make you squirm. During sex this usually just means him edging you until you’re in tears and sobbing through your words as you beg him to let you cum (bonus points if you use language that’s degrading to yourself and very flattering about him), but in public this usually consists of him touching you inappropriately over your clothing and keeping you in place so you can’t get away, or just outright verbally teasing you until your skin is burning with embarrassment and you’re too flustered to speak. He doesn’t care who sees you because it all just demonstrates how much control he has over you — and if Redfield happens to be nearby then things are only gonna get worse for you.
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izzyliker · 1 year
i find it really kinda gratifying? nice? that s2 is so far leaning into the sort of childishness that edward often exhibits, like a lot of the meta i agreed with pre s2 was about his Hurt Inner Child and how a lot of his hurt is childish either in origin or in display (and often both) and i think so far s2 is validating all of that. i particularly like the recurring theme of the “eddie” nickname as a sort of signifier of childishness - “hornigold” calls him that sort of derisively the whole time they’re talking and izzy calls him that when he’s essentially telling him to grow up and take responsibility - and like i’ve said this before but ed is really like.. ugh he’s such a Pretend Play guy like i adore him, the way he gets into roleplay is so charming and sweet to me but it’s also very childish, like very Inner Child Moment.. i never ended up writing a real manifesto about DID ed but tjs ed&trauma post makes basically the same points anyway, and i just find it so lovely how they’re doing the sort of wide eyed naive trusting eddie moments with him, like in the tub scene where he cries about having no friends and in his mind palace where he gets so upset about hornigolds character being mean to his bc he’s breaking social norms and just being a general dick, like he expects sort of social fairness that doesn’t happen and gets really upset and takes it very personally when people are mean to him - happens in s1 with the party as well where he has sort of a naive understanding of social exchange where he REALLY wants to have mutually nice interactions with people and takes it really personally if the other person is a dick to the point of it like destroying his very image of himself. idk like the way they’re portraying his trauma as penetrating into or originating from really deep like all the way into his young childhood is so cool to me, he shows a lot of Ex Unsafe Child behaviors and like this is the 1700s but like. creative therapy where he would be allowed to express himself via acting out little scenes or dance or whatever would be soooo good for him i think he would be so happy.
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ohnococo · 8 months
Satoru Gojo SFW Alphabet
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(under the cut for length)
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Gojo is extremely affectionate. He craves affection, in fact. He’ll outright pout if he hasn’t been hugged when you see him. He’s absolutely that Kirby meme that’s like “I didn’t get no mfin forehead kiss 😡”
He just wants to hold your hand constantly, be draped off of you. He’s like this even as friends, so everyone around you will think nothing of it until they see him giving you a kiss - something he doesn’t mind doing in front of others.
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B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Gojo is that friend that shows his love by hanging all over you and also by purposefully bugging you. He just loves a little playful banter and even if he didn’t he has zero boundaries when it comes to friendship.
He’s that friend who will come to your house and treat it like his own. He’s the friend that will be talking to you on the phone and then 10 mins into the conversation he’s like “hold on lemme flush” like excuse me???
It’s just that if you’ve gotten to the point of being his very best friend he’s got zero self-consciousness around you. You two are basically a living breathing unit now.
As for how that friendship starts… you can’t know how close you’ll become to Gojo. People certainly know when he doesn’t like them, but outside of that he’s so casual with everyone. So he’s also casual with you. Then you get to know each other, and he’s even more casual. Next thing you know he’s talking to someone and refers to you as his best friend. A good tell is if he lets you see him being serious, upset even. When he feels safe enough with you to let you see his less-than-pleasant emotions you know you two are close.
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C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He’s a big cuddler. King of physical touch. If he lets himself get close enough he’ll actually complain about not being able to fall asleep when you two have to be apart. His cuddling is essentially acting like some kind of shawl draped across you, leaning into you, lying across your lap, acting like you’re some kind of living pillow. God help you in the summer, he’ll complain about being sweaty while he’s choosing to be stuck to you.
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D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
In canon? He doesn’t. His legacy is his students, his relationships are platonic, where there’s at least a small layer of separation. As for actually getting married or starting a family, he doesn’t want to actively bring someone into his world like that, and he doesn’t want to risk losing them. Even if they’re strong, he knows the expectations placed on him alone, and having someone he cares for like that is a risk that doesn’t line up with who he knows he has to be.
In a no curse AU though, absolutely. He loves intimacy, and closeness, and feeling like he has a unit. Settling down is a goal for him.
As for cooking and cleaning, in every universe this man is hopeless. A simple recipe works for him, but two burners on at once? Or a recipe where he needs to be occasionally stirring something between prepping other things? Nah stuff is getting forgotten, or burned, and the kitchen is going to be a mess afterwards. He just keeps using spoons then throwing them in the sink before he’s done. Stop it Gojo, stop using so many goddamn spoons now you have to wash one and the onions are burning.
Cleaning, he is perfectly capable of doing, but he hasn’t had to - going straight from having others to do it for him because it’s not something this chosen one was meant to worry about, to being able to pay people to handle it for him. I don’t blame him, no one wants to scrub a toilet, but he’s not what I’d call “domestic” and can tend to act like someone who’s never had to clean up after himself.
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E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I’m so sorry y’all… this man would break up with you over a text… it’s not a short text, at least. It’s a long one he’s typed and typed and retyped 100 times, and might have had to take a break and go for a walk in between. But it’s a text nonetheless. It’s just that if he’s decided to break things off, he’s not in a place to be able to put his big boy panties on and deal with the messy emotions that might come up in a face to face breakup.
Besides, he doesn’t want to make it worse, and the first words that come to mind to whatever you say might not come across how he wants them to, he wants to be able to think and say the right things.
It feels cold, but that’s how he is on the outside when he’s ending things because he thinks he has to force himself to be.
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F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I’ll go non curse au with this answer, for reasons stated above, but Gojo does know he wants commitment long term. He’s a weird one though, in that when he falls he’s absolutely head over heels in love. He wants to spend all of his time with you, drag you along on all of his whims, and he will even jokingly call you his husband/wife at a certain point and talk about being together long term while cuddling, but…
This man is gonna take fucking AGES to propose. He’ll take ages to even ask to move in together. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s just that you guys are at each other’s houses so often that it’s like half of your stuff is split between the two places. And he loves you and thinks of you in terms of that long term commitment already, so the ring or the key just don’t come up in his mind.
He’s the type you have to drop hints to, maybe even outright say “my lease is up in spring, let’s move in together.”
It’s an enthusiastic yes from him. And when the proposal happens he’s the one grabbing your hand to show your ring to strangers and calling you his fiancée with a sparkly lilt in his voice, but damn Gojo just focus.
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G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He can be gentle physically, tracing his fingers over your skin, rubbing his thumb against your hand while you’re holding hands. Sometimes when he’s cuddled up with his head resting in the crook of your neck he’ll blink against your skin, tickling you with his long lashes in a little butterfly kiss. But as gentle as he can be, he can also be one to roughhouse with you a bit (though always in a restrained way that doesn’t intend to hurt).
Hugging you tight and swinging you from side to side, tugging you along by your hand when he’s excited to show you something, tickling you til you’re squealing, he might even play wrestle a bit when he’s kissing you. The man contains multitudes.
Emotionally… he can be a bit clumsy. Sometimes he just doesn’t consider how his words or tone will come across before he’s speaking.
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H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Gojo loves hugging. It’s like it clears his head, so he gives you long firm hugs often. He wraps his arms around you, putting his weight on your shoulders as you wrap your arms around his waist, and presses his face to the top of your head. He’ll rock you both side to side in the hug, and you have no choice but to go along with his movements because he’s got you so tightly pressed together. Always finishes the hugs with a big happy sigh.
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I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
In canon, it’s hard to get out of him outright. It’s scary to give himself away just that much, knowing he can’t always protect everyone. Knowing you could very well go and get yourself hurt. You’ll know in other ways though.
In a no curse au, Gojo loves with no restraint. He’s saying it fast, too fast in some relationships. Almost casually. He feels so, so much, and doesn’t think twice before he speaks sometimes.
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J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Gojo doesn’t get jealous. He’s too self-assured for that. And he doesn’t have any insecurities about you or your commitment, otherwise he wouldn’t be with you.
The closest to jealousy he gets is when he feels like he hasn’t had enough time with you. It’s not that he thinks anything is going on with you and whichever friends you’ve been spending time with, it’s just that he doesn’t understand why he can’t come along too.
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K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Gojo’s kisses are slow and sweet - teasing even. His soft lips are gentle against yours, so light sometimes it tickles, and show any sign of enjoyment or even desperation, and he’s smiling into your kiss. He’s not using tongue at first, and if you try to initiate too soon he’ll pull back, brushing your noses together. When he finally does kiss you properly it’s gently, restrained, a crooked finger tilting your chin up for him, a thumb on your chin keeping your mouth softly open so he can beckon you to make a little noise for him. Once you’re making out the intensity ramps up considerably, then Gojo’s kisses are deep and wet and needy.
As for kisses elsewhere, Gojo loves a forehead kiss. Sometimes he’ll just bend his head down and point to his forehead, then once he gets that kiss he looks SO pleased with himself about it. As if you’d deny him… as if his pouty self would let you deny him! He loves giving those forehead kisses in return, or when you’re holding hands he’ll often bring your hand to his mouth to kiss.
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L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Gojo is great with children. He’s rambunctious, matches their energy, and is great at saying silly things with a straight face that make them laugh. He’s one of those people that babies always smile and wave to, and comes across as a safe adult to children.
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M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Getting out of bed is the first struggle for mornings with Gojo. A chronic “5 more minutes” type. Even if you get out of bed easily in the mornings, you won’t with him. He’s wrapping an arm and a leg around you and groggily pouting if you try to end your sleepy cuddle session. He just loves the closeness while everything is so quiet and still in the mornings.
His stomach beckons him out of bed eventually, though, and he’ll have the audacity to insist you get ready and go to a cafe for pastries even though you’re both starving after a solid hour and a half of cuddling in bed.
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N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Gojo is one of those people that gets a second wind at night. He can tend to stay up late because of it. If you don’t mind, he’ll love to watch movies or play games with you until late into the night, head resting on your lap the whole time. Once you’re in bed is when the “would you love me if I was a worm” questions start though.
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O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Gojo is one of those people that reveal things without revealing things. He’ll tell you something so earnest, embarrassing even, that would be a sign of closeness or vulnerability from other people - but for him it’s just his usual oversharing. The real things that matter to him he keeps close to his chest and reveal slowly and after a good while.
When he eventually says them he does so with that same casual tone he’s used to tell you about the time he laughed so hard he peed himself at the tender age of 23, but by then you’ll understand it means a lot that he’s being open about things he usually wouldn’t.
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P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Gojo can almost be impossibly hard to anger, so if you’re the type to want an argument over something you’re going to be hard pressed to get it. He’s more the type to awkwardly laugh at the wrong time, which would just make someone already mad at him even more angry.
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Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He doesn’t really let on how much he remembers, but he does. He’ll get you your exact order from a coffee shop, or buy you something you’d mentioned craving to someone else when he happened to be in the room, then if you ask how he knew he’ll just smile and say “lucky guess.”
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R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Gojo’s favourite moment is the first time you’d comforted him. He’ll never ask for that from anyone, and most of the time people assume he doesn’t need that assurance and comfort because he always seems so happy and unbothered by things that would worry most. But you notice, even if he’s acting perfectly normal, and offer to lend him an ear - even asking if he just wanted a hug. He does, and even if it was one of a hundred random kind gestures for you, it meant the world to him.
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S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s the type to protect from afar. He lets you handle things first, because he’s the type to have faith in you, but the minute you need help he’s there. Basically he’s always back up, but will never have you looking helpless.
He doesn’t want protection, to the point where it can feel like out of nowhere when he stops you from intervening or defending him. He just prefers to handle his own matters himself.
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T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
This man makes AN EFFORT for special days. If grand gestures aren’t your thing, it might be a problem, but he’s the type to book the nicest restaurant in town, buy you loads of roses, commemorate anniversaries with pretty jewellery (matching, in a lot of cases).
Day to day though, he’s more lowkey. His love is shown in his physical affection, but the way he splashes out on birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentine’s Day more than accommodates that.
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U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He’s got a few bad habits for sure, and they’ll take a lot of reminding (like years of it) to get him out of it. Leaving the toilet seat up, squeezing toothpaste from the middle, stealing bites of food off your plate, barging in when you’re on the toilet. Things that don’t bother some people, but can be annoying to others.
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V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
His appearance means a lot to him, and he’s not ashamed of that fact. He’s always well groomed, and when out of school attire he wears expensive clothes that are carefully curated to his tastes. He takes care of himself: good skincare regimen, chooses outfits carefully, he even uses purple shampoo and hair treatments to keep his naturally white hair looking bright and soft.
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W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. If he’s not with you he’s thinking about you and wishing he was with you. If he has plans he wants you there, because everything will always be better if you’re there too.
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X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
If you’re up to it, Gojo loves to be one of those couples with matching sets of things. Matching rings, him wearing a bracelet that’s from a set with your necklace, and if you’re down to be one of those especially obnoxious couples full on matching outfits when you go on dates. Not necessarily the same outfit, but coordinating colours or patterns. He has no qualms about being that couple that makes everyone cringe.
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Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He has a few things he doesn’t love, and it’s honestly hard to pinpoint what set of things make someone a fit for him because it’s not obvious to even him.
He definitely isn’t a fan of his partner smoking cigarettes, refusing him affection or giving him the silent treatment as a “punishment” for arguments, or poor communication. The last one isn’t a deal breaker for him, but if you expect him to read your mind when you’re upset about something, you’re in for a lot of disappointment. He needs to be told things outright.
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Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
The whole bed is his side of the bed. You’re also his side of the bed. He can start off contained, happily falling asleep as your big spoon (or little spoon depending on his mood), but soon enough he’s hogging the whole thing. A leg over your waist, his head on your pillow, his other leg half hanging off his side of the bed. Get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and you’ll come back to him sleeping with his limbs out like a starfish. Nudge him a bit and he’ll go back to barnacle mode without even waking up, pulling you in to be his little spoon again.
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bauliya · 4 months
the way writing is taught in school is the equivalent of teaching students maths in Roman numerals and then abruptly switching to Arabic numbers and then phasing out Arabic numerals entirely once the generation that whined about Arabic numerals became teachers and if you dare to say hey maybe we should teach children this way more efficient way to represent numbers you’d get lambasted for forcing students to sit through useless pointless lessons that were unnecessary because calculators exist.
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elizadushkudaily · 24 days
Poll results - Favorite Eliza scary movie!
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Our scary movie poll is now closed! (Circled numbers correspond to the poll options.)
The winner from round one: poll option 6 - Wrong Turn with Eliza as college student Jessie Burlingame! This got 60% of the votes in R1. (In R1 this was followed by Soul Survivors and Eloise. It turns out the Wrong Turn voting bloc did not move to Eloise in R2.)
Second place was option 7 - Soul Survivors as Annabel - with 35%. And third place was option 5 - The Alphabet Killer as Megan - with 15%. (The Alphabet Killer beat out Locked In by only 1 vote.) Gifsets will be posted later.
poll 7 / all polls // (all Eliza photos thanks to ElizaDushku.org)
Check out gifs from the movies listed: Eloise / The Scribbler / Locked In / Open Graves / The Alphabet Killer / Wrong Turn / Soul Survivors. Next Tuesday we will have a poll about Eliza's various voice over projects! You can check out her voice work using the voice filter on our Eliza filmography page.
// Eliza filmography // gif req // Faith masterlist // Dollhouse masterlist //
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heepthecheep · 2 months
Warrior fandom, I need your help! I remember there being a Google doc (or maybe a PDF?) that listed all of the characters in order of chronological appearance for drawing purposes. It may have been passed around by people like Niftysenpai, and other large/poplar design blogs. Does anyone still have this? And if you do, could you share it with me?
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velaraffricate · 1 year
so I've been working on my latest conlang, irkan osla (or just osla for short), for a bit now and would like to showcase its writing system in this post! osla has a syllabic alphabet, not too dissimilar to korean hangul, where letters are stacked according to certain rules to make syllable blocks.
osla's syllable structure is (C)(C)V(V)(C), here's how the stacks work for each type of syllable:
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all letters have small, wide, and tall forms depending on their position in the syllable. here are all the letters with their IPA value and romanization:
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and here's an example text! i translated parts of the minecraft end poem into osla. maybe i'll make another post just focusing on the grammar when it's more developed. the poem says in english:
What did this player dream? This player dreamed of sunlight and trees. Of fire and water. It dreamed it created. And it dreamed it destroyed. It dreamed it hunted, and was hunted. It dreamed of shelter.
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Does it know that we love it? That the universe is kind? Sometimes, through the noise of its thoughts, it hears the universe, yes.
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this post is getting long, so under the cut you'll find a "sans-serif" version as well as the poem in osla and its gloss if you're also a linguistics nerd and wanna know what's going on under the hood (the roman numerals stand for the 3 noun classes)! thanks for reading!
The way regular people would write something quickly on a piece of paper with a regular pen is an aspect of creating neographies that I feel is often overlooked, so I developed this sans-serif version that people would probably be more likely to use when writing their shopping lists or diary entries:
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And, finally, here's the poem translation:
pak oṇḍul phan wimbakis?
DET.I.SG.PROX play-AGN what dream-PST.3SG.I?
pak oṇḍul lümaṇiuṣerothi han buloni an wimbakis. kaṣkhaothi han nilothi an. wimbakis, run sëmamkis. wimbakis, run xokthakis, han bumxokthakis. zöga an wimbakis.
DET.I.SG.PROX play-AGN sunlight-II.SG.DAT and tree-II.PL.DAT of dream-PST.3SG.I. Fire-II.SG.DAT and water-II.SG.DAT of. dream-PST.3SG.I, that create-PST.3SG.I. dream-PST.3SG.I, that hunt-PST.3SG.I, and PASS-hunt-PST.3SG.I. shelter of dream-PST.3SG.I.
ṭauraka, run kaak samare? run glutsüna flia?
know-NP.3SG.I, that 3SG.I.ABS love-NP.1PL? that universe kind?
imba ethamo, khaṣiŋli an ka’am hu’aŋni pitë, glutsüna ṣaraka, ti.
some time-NOM.III.PL, noise-ACC.II.SG of 3SG.I.GEN thought-NOM.III.PL through, universe hear-NP.3SG.I, yes.
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goddess-of-green · 6 months
NSFW Ravio Headcanons
(Request:) Since you were recently talking about Ravio how about Ravio nsfw headcanons? 🤭
(A/N:) YES. Idk who you are anon but i love you. bring it in
Contains: No explicit reader, a gender neutral "partner" is occasionally referenced, ALBW spoilers, Ravio being mostly subby, brief mention of pegging, not explicitly lu ravio but could be interpreted as such
Word Count: 708
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♥ Ravio is not…experienced 
♥ He spent a majority of his life simply as a royal servant, before the events of Yuga and Ganon, so not much time for romantic endeavors 
♥ Ravio is also a bit…shy. While he can be witty and sly, he lacks the courage needed for a romantic “leap of faith,” so to speak. He’s the type to let a love interest get away and wonder what could’ve been…
♥ Though when he does have a partner, he’s a fast enough learner. He just needs to get over his initial anxiousness (and insecurity) 
♥ He’ll learn what he dislikes fairly quickly, and what he loves (like having his ears nibbled on)
♥ He really could go both ways as far as being submissive or dominant, but it takes a lot more prompting to get him into a dominant position than a submissive one
♥ If his partner is exceedingly submissive he'll fall into the role more naturally, showing off his teasing and playful side (Or if he's excessively taunted, he may snap back)
♥ He leans more into submissiveness though, and will slip into subspace very easily
♥ He's very vocal about it too, whimpering and twitching when it feels especially good
♥ If he's feeling teasing he may put up a bit of a fight, but usually with the intent to give in in the end, he just wants to taunt his partner and push them to dominate him more
♥ But once they do, oh, he's gone
♥ Pupils blown, mouth open, and ears folded back as he just lays there and takes it, happily along for the ride
♥ He'll hum mindlessly in compliance to any commands, but once he's in subspace that's where he will stay for the duration of the session
♥ In which case he needs aftercare. Even if the sex was relatively gentle or vanilla, once he reaches a certain point mentally he will be exhausted and vulnerable
♥ He needs to be kissed, loved on, and praised while he comes back down to Earth
♥ He wouldn't hold it against his partner if they didn't do any of that (poor bunny probably doesn't even know what aftercare is) but it will boost his mental state a lot to receive that kind of attention afterwards
♥ As the cowardly counterpart to the Hylian hero, who couldn't take up the sword like Link could, he does have some major underlying insecurities
♥ And whether he would admit it or not, Ravio loves to be in the spotlight and receiving attention
♥ Even just small things like hugging him and giving him a little kiss after sex will start to build up overtime if neglected, and they will fuel his insecurities
♥ When he lets himself enter subspace, he is essentially making himself completely vulnerable and pliant to his partner, so it's important that they're receptive of that trust he's showing them
♥ (Especially given that he grew up in a dog-eat-dog world, where trusting no one was essential to one's survival)
♥ Sorry I'll never stop flanderizing characters with an animal/creature association but. I do like to think he has some unintentional bunny-like traits (aside from being skittish) 
♥ Ever heard the phrase “fucking like rabbits?” Yeah…
♥ Ravio has a surprisingly high sex drive, and he'd be unapologetically all over his partner 
♥ He’s used to repressing such urges, not having much romantic or sexual experience at all, so once he finally does have a partner, the floodgates have been opened 
♥ He is not above making a show of himself and trying to tempt his partner into jumping his bones (the attention whore) 
♥ He’ll drape himself across them innocently, and repeatedly slip out double-entendres 
♥ If that doesn’t work, he’s not above flat-out whining for some attention from his partner 
♥ He just needs to be folded up every once in a while, you know? 
♥ In the event that it was properly introduced to him, he’d be absolutely crazy for pegging- 
♥ All in all, Ravio is not hard to please, but he needs lots of attention from his partner 
♥ And as long as he gets it, he’ll be more than happy
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lollipopmixclo9 · 9 months
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G-Gehrman Sparrow/Klein Moretti | Lord of the Mysteries
"I'm a polite person.
"When visiting someone's place for the first time, overstaying would be impolite."
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iamterra · 8 months
Still mad creepy af to see porn of Alastor or him being romantic with anyone when he is canonically aroace
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sleepingdeath-light · 5 months
shadow milk cookie + segmented smut alphabet ; 18+
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requested by ; cookie simp anon (part of an event)
letters used ; k / m / w
masterlist(s) ; here / here
minors and ageless blogs do not interact
K — Kinks
some of their kinks
Having spent so long in complete isolation and imprisonment, Shadow Milk Cookie was quick to start experimenting with you and trying to spice up your sex life. These experiments were a mixture of incorporating things he already knew he enjoyed and trying new things as a couple that you both ended up enjoying and making a part of your routines. A small selection of the things he enjoys is as follows:
Role Play — it shakes things up, keeps things interesting, appeals to his love of theatre, and gives him an excuse to show off his natural talents and magical capabilities to you… what’s not to love?
Bondage — tying you up or being tied up by you, he can enjoy both depending on his mood and as long as you’re both able to keep things interesting during these sessions
Fighting for Dominance — though he does have a strong dominant lean and does enjoy being able to control others, he can enjoy the chance to play fight with you and shake things up every now and then (he doesn’t make things easy for you, of course, and can be a terrible brat but he does play by the limits you’ve set and won’t use his powers to take back control… unless he’s bored or overly frustrated)
Pet Name Kink — this mainly goes hand-in-hand with his love of roleplaying and he’s happy to call you or be called whatever the scenario requires (e.g. daddy/mommy, master/mistress, sir/ma’am, etc.) but he will tease you if he notices a certain pet name popping up and affecting you more than the rest
Public Sex — he’s been imprisoned for what felt like forever, has less than zero shame, and would sooner take complete control over a kingdom than comply to its rules, so it goes without saying that he wouldn’t be opposed to pleasuring you or receiving pleasure where others can see you both
M — Motivation
what turns them on?
Pretty much everything you do is a turn on for Shadow Milk Cookie in one way or another, in fact it may just be easier to list out the things that don’t turn him on. That being said, surprising him with an opening prompt for some role play after a long day is always guaranteed to get him in the mood.
W — Wild Card
a random nsfw headcanon for the character
On the rare occasion where he gets jealous of someone, he’ll go out of his way to orchestrate a situation where they’ll walk in on the two of you having sex. He has literally zero shame and will look up at them just long enough to lock eyes and give them the most shit eating grin he can muster before returning his attention to you once they’ve finally regained their senses and fled the scene. Needless to say you usually don’t end up seeing much of the person in question after that (they’ve learned their lesson, after all, and most people don’t want to risk further pissing off a powerful entity like Shadow Milk Cookie if they can help it).
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bigfootsmom · 2 months
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Okay this anon was pretty funny I will admit. Got a good hearty chuckle from me
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fisher-price · 7 months
it's my birthday so
My Birthday Stimboard!!!
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maxemilianverstappen · 6 months
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