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Last Days of War Prompt Month
So, clearly this site has something against me. Or against new accounts. Perhaps both.
I made this post over on @lastdaysofwar to propose doing a month's worth of prompts for the Pacific Rim fandom this coming January. It has not shown up in the tags, which I imagine has something to do with the account being new, so I'm making another post on this, my main blog, to bring some more attention to it.
If the idea interests you, head over and say so on the OG post (there's a poll! how fun).
#pacific rim#pacific rim 2013#last days of war 2025#If you saw the version with 'writing month' no you didn't#apologies once more to all the people in these tags#if it shows up that is#raleigh becket#mako mori#stacker pentecost#chuck hansen#hercules hansen#herc hansen#newt geiszler#hermann gottlieb#yancy becket#newmann#chaleigh#maleigh#lady danger#striker eureka#cherno alpha#guillermo del toro#jaeger#kaiju#tendo choi#team hot dads
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The one with the prompt month
First of all, I was not expecting as many people to vote on that poll as they did. With just under a day before it closes, we’re at almost 200 votes, which is…several times more than what I expected. Now, I was prepared to run this even if it only got 20 votes, so Last Days of War January 2025 is absolutely going forward now.
With that in mind, I’ve put together this post with some questions I think might need to be answered in regards to the event, though if anyone has anything else to ask, please feel free to!
The Questions:
What is a prompt month?
It’s the same principle as challenges such as Inktober, really. A calendar of prompts is released prior to the event itself, with a prompt or several prompts to each day of the challenge month.
The prompts will be kept fairly loose to ensure that they’re suitable for whatever medium people may use, but as many of them as possible will be Pacific Rim themed, taking inspiration from the first movie as well as the comic books.
The current plan (inspiration providing) is to assign three short prompts to each day in the month of January, which participants can pick and choose from, or try to use all three! This is, of course, dependent on having more than ninety prompts of a good quality, and that plan could still change. At the very least, there will be one prompt for each day. All going well, the prompt calendar will be made and posted by early November to maximise prep time.
How to take part?
There’s no sign-up necessary, so you participate simply by following along with the prompt calendar throughout the month!
Make sure to use the tag ‘#last days of war 2025’ and/or tag @lastdaysofwar on tumblr so that others can find your posts and the mod can reblog them onto the event page!
An Ao3 collection will also be made for the event so that anyone who posts over there can add their works and make them easier to locate.
Honestly, it’s a bit of a free for all. The mod (hi!) is mostly here to facilitate the event by doing the prompts, answering questions and reblogging posts. The people have the power in this one.
All I will ask is that everyone be respectful to one another. If someone posts something that you don’t personally like, don’t harass them over it, just scroll past. We’re all here to have fun and enjoy the event in our own way.
Also, please try to interact with each others’ posts! Take a look through the tag to see what others have made, and make sure to let them know if you enjoy it. We all love hearing that people liked our stuff.
Further Questions?
If you have any further questions about the event, you can DM or send an ask to this account (@lastdaysofwar). The mod is more than happy to answer any questions you may have, so fire away!
There is a google form for this event that you can find here. It's quite short, and mostly to gather opinions from people who want to participate, so be sure to fill it out!
#pacific rim#pacific rim 2013#last days of war 2025#once more adding all these tags#raleigh becket#mako mori#stacker pentecost#hercules hansen#chuck hansen#hermann gottlieb#newt geiszler#chaleigh#newmann#maleigh#lady danger#striker eureka#cherno alpha#crimson typhoon#team hot dads#yancy becket#jaegers#kaiju#guillermo del toro
13 notes
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#for you#pacific rim#kaiju#chuck hansen#mako mori#hermann gottlieb#newt geiszler#raleigh becket#stacker pentecost#yancy becket#jake pentecost#pacific rim uprising#jaeger#g danger#striker eureka#g avenger#cherno alpha#crimson typhoon#lore#movie novelization
64 notes
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[Fanfic! Newcob]
Omega Jacob/Alfa Newt.
Relación establecida
Smut desvergonzado. R18.
Newt posesivo.
Ok, como ya había mencionado antes, cariño, este capítulo me sorprendió escribiéndose DEMASIADO pornográfico jajaaa. Mira, por supuesto que le iba a escribir un smut, pero al igual que el del capítulo anterior, sería muy corto y apenas explícito ¡y luego otro más de mis tornillos se salió de su lugar y apareció esto! 🤭 No voy a disculparme, pero hasta a mí me sorprendió jajaa, y es que estos dos son tan hermosos y lindos juntos que me gana la necesidad de escribirlos TAN unidos como sea posible 🥵... En fin, aún hay tiempo para escribir cosas solo 100% románticas: Para quejas y aclaraciones, envíame un correo electrónico. Por ahora, espero que te guste esta cosita sucia (?) 😆
* * *
Tres semanas después de haber regresado de Cornwell, Newt advertía cierta extraña actitud suya cada vez que Jacob tenía que alejarse de su lado. Como dos identidades separadas, podía entender que cada uno debía tomar su respectivo camino de vez en cuando, y a su vez, ambos disfrutaban mucho el tiempo en solitario. No obstante, la posesividad ya asertiva de Newt, durante los últimos días, parecía haberse incrementado.
No sentía ya la culpa que antaño le había hecho disculparse con su Omega y prometerle salir de su vida si lograba perdonarlo, seguro estaba de cuánto disfrutaba Jacob de cada una de las muestras de posesividad; esta situación, no obstante, comenzaba a sobrepasarlo. Pretendía ocultarlo y cada día se antojaba una odisea el no poder evitar que cualquier persona lejos de él tocara, se acercara o mirara a Jacob. Ni qué decir cuando el contacto realmente ocurría, las marcas de sus garras en sus propias manos aún le escocían de lo ocurrido hace menos de un día.
Oler a otros en Jacob le hervía la sangre y lo ensordecía con un pitido constante el reprimir el ansia de imprimirle de nuevo su aroma, hasta que no hubiera en esa dulce piel ningún rastro lejos del suyo. Verlo prestándole atención a otros, ¡por las barbas de Merlín, incluso a sus propias criaturas!, activaba a la bestia en su interior. Una bestia cuyo ímpetu, quizá, muy pronto vencería su voluntad.
Siendo un Alfa Sangre Pesada y el haber pasado tanto tiempo reprimiéndolo, sin lugar a dudas, debilit�� su necesidad de proteger y marcar; ello aún no justificaba sus celos y posesividad casi enfermiza. Por supuesto, estaría sensible a lo que rodeara a su Jacob los primeros días luego de que terminara el celo de Newt, abandonaran su nido y un hogar apacible en donde apenas tenían contacto con otras personas. Luego de semanas, aquella salvaje emoción debió haberse minimizado tras diez o doce días. No lo hizo, y ahora definitivamente Jacob se alejaría porque él, sin lugar a dudas, estaba a punto de hacerse salvaje.
Exageraba, por supuesto, cómo iba Jacob a dejarlo viéndose tan hermoso aceptando su típico comportamiento posesivo. Si pudiera habérsele escapado a Newt un poco de aquellos apenas controlables sentimientos, su Omega no hubiera dudado en hacerlo retroceder. Precioso y dispuesto como siempre, Jacob no daba ninguna señal de querer hacerlo a un lado.
A Newt no se le escapó el pensar que dicho aumento a su sobreprotección se debiera a que Jacob pudiera estar embarazado. Desafortunadamente, teniendo un aroma natural tan dulce, olerlo para encontrar el dulzor que anunciara un embarazo lo complicaba mucho. Peor aún dada la felicidad de su Omega. Y Newt no era más orgulloso de lo que debía serlo, así es como, sintiéndose satisfecho por hacer feliz a su Omega, no provocaba esto sino el aumento del dulzor en su perfume, duplicando la complejidad del asunto.
—Oye, ya basta —lo regañó Jacob, pero sonriente, aún le permitió a su nariz buscar en la piel de su cuello, en donde el Alfa inhaló hasta que un mareo ligero le oscureció los ojos. Jacob le acarició el cabello de la nuca y se abrazó a sus hombros.
El caramelo y las avellanas cubrieron el aire a su alrededor, mareándolo como una nube de algodón de azúcar y avellanas tostadas. La felicidad más absoluta por un abrazo. Newt amaba hacerlo feliz, sin embargo, por un segundo, si tuviera un segundo, solo uno, y fuera su olfato el de un Delta, probablemente lo sabría.
—Vamos, cariño, por favor, se hará tarde. Las chicas nos esperan, y no llegaremos después si vivimos a solo media hora.
—Tres minutos —corrigió, sus manos buscando lentamente el camino al interior del saco de su esposo. Jacob se estremeció al sentirlo.
—No, ya hablamos de eso, es media hora, nada de Aparecer cerca de ahí. Ven, déjame ayudarte con tu saco.
Haciendo un mohín con los labios, Newt retrocedió. Sintió por un momento la lucha interna de su esposo y tuvo la esperanza de ser correspondido, no obstante, de repente Jacob había cerrado su lado del vínculo y ahora Newt tenía que darse la vuelta para dejarse colocar el saco. Al instante le dio calor. La ansiedad por no permitirle a su Omega salir sin ser correctamente marcado, le cosquilleaba de una forma incómoda desde el interior, como una docena de acromántulas hambrientas.
Y Jacob ya portaba su mordida en tres de sus glándulas odoríferas, aceptaba que el Alfa las marcara con su saliva todas las mañanas; ya su sangre se mezclaba con la esencia de Newt, y aun así, algo en él todavía quería obligarlo a que todos cuantos pudieran olerlo supieran de inmediato a quién pertenecía ese precioso Omega. Quizá con el tiempo Newt sintiera una mayor libertad en comparación a la que tuvo en sus primeros meses como el Alfa de Jacob, sin embargo, pese a cuanta libertad su esposo le diera, esto sobrepasaba los límites… ¿cierto?
No es como si hubiera compartido con nadie la insensatez permisiva que a últimas fechas su Omega le consentía, para que pudiera compararlo. Aunque, si ya rozaba el límite de lo que Jacob toleraba, ¿no habría solo firmeza en su decisión de alejarlo cada vez? Hace un segundo el mismo hombre dudaba y se resistía a caer en sus brazos, superándolo lo suficiente porque, como un educado Omega, no se permitiría llegar tarde a una cita pactada desde hacía ya un mes. Lejos de eso, al igual que antes, su apacible Jacob no tardaría en rendirse a sus mimos y a su lengua. En tal caso, la lucha interna de su esposo tendría más sentido.
—Eso es, muy bien, siempre he amado cómo te queda esta pajarita —dijo Jacob alegremente, acariciándole el moño y el pecho, fingiendo arreglarle el saco. Newt sonrió, ¿no eran ambos pésimos actores?—. Listo, ve por la szarlotka y yo buscaré las llaves. —Frunciendo el ceño, y no porque con un simple movimiento de su varita traería ambas cosas a sus manos, Newt reclamó.
—La mitad de la szarlotka es para nosotros.
—En realidad hice dos.
—¿Me mentiste, Jacob?, sabes bien que con la szarlotka no se juega.
—Precisamente por eso, bebé, tenemos una cita para cenar. Si te decía que hice dos, te habrías comido la mitad de nuestra parte antes de irnos y llegarías sin hambre. —Newt entrecerró los ojos, casi ofendido de que Jacob lo conociera tanto y absurdamente emocionado de que así fuera—. Ahora ve, ¿sí? La de las chicas esta en la mesa. —Todos los alegatos que Newt pudo haber dicho, murieron en el instante en que Jacob, sobre las puntas de sus pies, le dio un pequeño beso en la mejilla. Rendido, Newt le lamió el cuello y bajó a la cocina.
Aguardó en la puerta durante tres minutos, pensando en lo frustrante de encontrar unas llaves que se perdían todo el tiempo y en redoblar su fuerza de voluntad para no actuar como un tonto y lanzarse a la deliciosa creación que su esposo preparó. Jacob mantenía su vínculo cerrado para la curiosidad de Newt, lo que aumentaba las emociones conflictuadas en Newt. Pero, dado que a la menor señal Newt bajaría los elegantes pantalones de su esposo y le haría saber que, así como los postres que hacía eran solamente suyos, no iba a permitir que Jacob saliera sin haberlo marcado adecuadamente; el que mantuviera en silencio el lazo que unía sus almas era una acción inteligente si querían salir de casa a tiempo.
Agitando las llaves, Jacob sonreía feliz por su captura. Bajando las escaleras, no obstante, Newt descubrió ciertos detalles en el bonito rostro que no coincidían con su buen humor; algo en las comisuras de la boca y en el ligero levantamiento de sus cejas, atrajeron la atención de Newt. Evitó mencionarlo pensando en que Jacob confiaría en él para hablarlo… No obstante, si se trataba de aquello que ambos intentaban evitar, no serviría ni preguntarle. Supo que nada iba a salir de esos labios rosas cuando Jacob se acercó a la puerta sin siquiera mirarlo directo a los ojos.
Newt volvió a cerrar con un suave golpe, Jacob no insistió en salir, mas tampoco se dignó a dar media vuelta y encararlo.
—¿Qué sucede? —El Omega tembló al oír su tono grave y bajo. Newt no retiró su brazo, colocó la szarlotka en la mesa del recibidor, se inclinó para acorralar a su esposo contra la puerta y le susurró al oído, con la voz de un depredador que busca seducir a su presa—. Cariño, llegaremos tarde.
Un estremecimiento recorrió a su Omega, y el aroma que intentaba mantener bajo control, se elevó hasta la nariz del Alfa, para anunciarle desde ligeras notas de excitación provenientes de las glándulas en su cuello, hasta las primeras gotas de lubricante siendo liberadas. Newt imprimió tal fuerza en la madera que pequeñas grietas se abrieron paso entre el reluciente barniz, por muy poco conservando la calma y no cediendo al impulso de simplemente bajarle los pantalones a Jacob; no marcarlo como suyo en ese instante.
Su verga se endureció con rapidez, pronto haciéndose notar contra el prominente culo de su Omega. Un culo perfecto para parir hermosos y saludables cachorros. Golpeando su frente contra la cabeza de su esposo, Newt se arrepintió de su último pensamiento. Aunque no se equivocaba, hablaba su lado salvaje, no su cordura o su pleitesía por el adorable hombre.
—Jacob —lo llamó, esperando la orden para lo que debería hacer a continuación. Su Omega se recostó contra él, acomodando su verga entre las nalgas. Newt no pudo evitar rodearlo con el brazo derecho, su mano directo al pecho suave; las estorbosas capas de tela le impidieron llegar a los pezones. Al oírlo suspirar, se detuvo en el acto, decidido a no romper la primera orden de ir a su cita por el camino largo—. Solo pídeme que me detenga.
—Newt… Yo…, por favor…
La conexión entre sus almas se mostró de a poco, revelando vetas del deseo de Jacob, y en tanto, el perfume adictivo de su lubricante natural se acrecentaba. Repentinamente, las caderas de Jacob comenzaron un lento vaivén, masajeando las nalgas contra su polla y de a poco manchándolo con lubricante. Newt intentó tragarse el nudo alojado en su garganta, ahora decidido a no caer sin haberlo escuchado. Lo merecía, habiéndolo hecho sufrir por tanto tiempo, oírlo rendirse compensaría su hambre y la urgencia de poseerlo.
—Bonito, tenemos que irnos. —Jacob negó un par de veces, aferrándose al brazo que lo sostenía contra el pecho del Alfa e incrementando la oscilación de sus caderas. Newt inhaló profundamente, conteniendo a la bestia en su interior.
—No, no… No podemos… No sin que… Oh, Alfa, por favor.
—¿Por favor qué, Omega? —le preguntó con traviesa dulzura al oído, Jacob no se detenía.
—Por favor…, te quiero. Quiero que… Quiero que me marques —murmuró al fin, sin embargo, su voz fue tan silenciosa que, de no ser un Alfa Sangre Pesada, Newt no lo habría entendido. Ello, aun así, le servía de excusa para tener más de esa voz rogando por su verga.
—No estoy seguro de lo que dijiste, mi Omega.
—Oh, Newt, por favor.
—¿Sí, mi amor? —Jacob liberó entonces cada emoción lasciva que guardaba por él, lujuria y hambre desmedida que no sería saciada a menos que Newt lo hiciera suyo nuevamente. Estuvo a punto de ceder.
—¡Por favor, tómame!, dame tu marca especial. Por favor, Alfa. Oh, Alfa, te quiero. Necesito sentirme tuyo, necesito oler a ti… No quiero salir sin saber a quién pertenezco.
Incapaz ya de pronunciar palabra, el Alfa tiró de los pantalones y la ropa interior de Jacob, lo suficientemente abajo como para desnudar su perfecto culo, y el agujero palpitante que el Omega descubrió para él mientras se tomaba un segundo para desenfundar su polla. Del apretado agujero manaba un río de lubricante que dibujaba un camino hacia los muslos lechosos; cada zona de piel marcada con la boca o los dedos de Newt. Contra una imagen así, el Alfa no logró resistirse.
Tan pronto su endurecida verga se abrió paso a las cálidas profundidades de Jacob, Newt se movió rápidamente contra él. Su Omega estrechándose aún más, dándole la mejor de las bienvenidas. Ávido como se sentía, el Alfa rompió los primeros botones de la camisa de su esposo, y haciéndola a un lado junto con la gargantilla que le protegía la marca, tomó entre sus dientes la carne que conectaba el hombro y el cuello.
—Por favor… Por favor, Alfa, no… Alfa, no te detengas —rogaba Jacob disfrutando de las embestidas, correspondiendo a cada una y liberando en su aroma la ansiedad aplacada por los brutales golpes contra sus entrañas.
La diestra de Newt se abrió paso a los pezones del Omega, asiéndose a la carne de los pechos, que tan buenos y maleables, cedían a su tortura; solo imaginarlos llenos de leche, él cómo se hincharían para alimentar a sus cachorros, provocó el aumento desmedido de su ya incontrolable vaivén. Su verga rezumaba presemen, y mezclándose con el lubricante de su esposo, creó una esencia de lujuria y placer puros que trepó por las paredes, cubriéndoles los sentidos.
Con tres dedos de la mano izquierda, jugó con la boca y lengua de Jacob, quien de inmediato lo succionó, sellándolos con sus labios obscenos, como muestra de lo que le haría a su polla. La erótica promesa lo condujo a romper la piel delicada de su Omega. Jacob sollozó su nombre, liberando un par de gotas escarlatas; el sabor del caramelo más dulce empujó a Newt al borde del orgasmo. No lo rechazó, teniendo como prioridad el tiempo y la orden de imprimir su aroma en el Omega, aplazar el clímax de poco les iba a servir.
Presionando entre la punta de sus dedos el pezón sensible de su Jacob, castigando las tiernas paredes de su ano estrecho, sumada al hambre primordial de ser cubierto con la esencia de su Alfa que pronto vería saciada, su Omega eyaculó con un grito ahogado de divino éxtasis. Newt no se ocupó de mimarlo ni de continuar las estocadas, liberando a Jacob de sus manos y dientes, lo ayudó a darse media vuelta.
Jacob se derrumbó sobre sus rodillas antes de esperar oír la orden de su Alfa. Por su tamaño, el Omega aún no podía tener la mitad de su ingente verga en la cálida boca, sin embargo, eso nunca lo desanimaba de intentarlo una y otra vez. Newt gruñó cuando la punta de su verga tocó la garganta de Jacob. Esa lengua rosada le limpió expertamente la última gota de su lubricante y tomó con avidez el rio de presemen que brotaba de la cabeza amoratada, gimiendo desvergonzado por cada gota que bebía. Al colocarse de regreso en su misión de cubrir tanta polla Alfa como le resultara posible, Newt advirtió una mano suave acariciándole las pesadas bolas.
Entonces, Jacob lo miró con aquellos oscuros ojos, profundos lagos míticos y brillantes, implorando, suplicando por un reconocimiento que no obtendría con palabras. Luego, esos labios rojos devorándole la verga y esas mejillas suaves e inocentes bañándose de su líquido preseminal. La lengua, las manos y el cuerpo entero de su Omega a su total servicio y devoción, pidiendo y, a su vez, entregándole todo. Entregándose todo.
La emoción febril terminó con Newt, y tal era el conocimiento de Jacob, que a la mínima expresión de su Alfa, liberó su polla y masturbó la carne dura y caliente. La lluvia de abundante esperma cubrió el rostro de Jacob, blanco perla pintándole el lindo y sonrojado rostro, el cuello sangrante y amoratado, las manos y la lengua apremiante.
Jadeando sutilmente, falto de aliento mas no de fuerza para satisfacer a su lascivo cuerpo, el Omega volvió a mamarle la verga, llevándolo tan profundo en su boca y garganta como se le hacía posible, deseoso de la última gota de semen. Newt no lo detuvo, empujándose con imprudencia dentro de la prodigiosa cavidad, dejándose consentir hasta que el dolor comenzó a superar el placer. Jacob peleó ligeramente contra los dedos en su cabello que lo instaban a alejarse y, rendido, se recostó suspirando contra la puerta. Con la verga limpia, Newt se guardó en sus pantalones.
—Eres tan lindo cubierto de mí —susurró el Alfa, hincándose delante de su esposo y acariciándole los muslos. Jacob, lamiéndose las manos devotamente, inclinó la cabeza, escuchándolo con atención. El corazón de Newt se detendría por la imagen más bonita y perversa—. Mi tierno Omega, toma todo lo que desees, dime cuánto quieres ser mío.
La ya sonrojada criatura apresuró la limpieza de la eyaculación de su esposo. Newt se le acercó despacio, ubicándose entre las piernas relajadas y sin miedo a ensuciarse, rodeó la cintura de su Omega. El aroma de su esencia cubría de un modo celestial el perfume de Jacob. Entre sus brazos, bajo su atenta y profunda mirada, cubierto de la aprensiva posesión que Newt le enviaba a través de su conexión, el Omega comenzó a ronronear. Las hermosas vibraciones surgiendo de su cuello maltratado y resonando en su pecho.
Ah, siempre sería difícil para Newt creer que Jacob realmente le permitía hacerlo suyo, tanto como Newt era de él.
Cuando se besaron, el último pensamiento en sus mentes fue lo tarde que llegarían a su cita.
* * * ¡No te preocupes! Gracias a la magia de Newt, estos dos tontos calientes llegaron un minuto antes que las chicas jajaa. Y ellas definitivamente entienden la marca especial en Jacob 😜
Ahora, no estoy absolutamente nada segura sobre las últimas frases de Newt, y por más que me esforcé en no salirme de su personaje, lo siento, pero de verdad no se me ocurrió otra forma en la que ese hermoso mago pudiera expresar su deseo 🫠🫠🫠, así que espero no haya sido muy OoC (al igual que con Jacob) y que, si es posible, me digas si se te ocurre alguna forma de mejorar sus expresiones 🥲
¡Oh! También he estado pensando en nombres cariñosos de Newt a Jacob y, aparte de cosas como "Bonito" y "Dulzura" entre otros, estaba pensando en "Osito" y "Unicornio", aunque "Unicornio" no sería dicho en cualquier situación (principalmente porque siento que desentonaría mucho)... También estaba pensando en "Bollito", pero creo que eso lo dejaré para cuando Jacob se embarace 🤭.
Y hablando de panes, la szarlotka es un tipo de tarta de manzana, fruta que igual me suena a nombre cariñoso uwu.
Muy bien, creo que me extendí mucho con las notas jajaa, lo dejaré aquí y seguiré con la historia, ¡la última parte se esta escribiendo! Por favor, envíame ánimos y todo el amorcito que tengas para que este Omegacember acabe de la mejor manera 🫂✨
Una disculpa por todos los errores en la historia, ellos serán eliminados a la mayor prontitud. ¡Nos leemos después!
Gracias por estar aquí 🥰💖
¡Te amo! ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
#omegaverse#newcob#fantastic beats and where to find them#jacob kowalski#newt scamander#fanfic en español#newt x jacob#omega jacob kowalski#alpha newt scamander#newt/jacob
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Omegas do Setor A [Alpha!Newt x omega!reader]
One-shot, Extras
Contagem de palavras: 2,2k
resumo: S/n foi a segunda omega da clareira (do setor A). Algo nela simplesmente desperta o alfa interior de Newt e ele não sabe explicar porquê.
Hoje faziam quatro meses que Ava tinha chegado á clareira, após a sua chegada a caixa só trouxe rapazes alfas. Com o passar dos meses a esperança de que outra omega fosse trazida ia diminuindo consideravelmente, porém no quarto mês o entusiasmo superou o choque quando a caixa subiu e o cheiro de um omega encheu o ar. Espiando dentro todos celebraram ainda mais ao perceber que era outra rapariga.
Ela parecia assustada, não assustada como qualquer outro caloiro, muito menos como Ava, mas todo um outro nível de puro terror. O seu cheiro assustado enchia o ar deixando todos os alfas da clareira agitados. Quando Gally entra na caixa e se aproxima dela estendendo-lhe a mão para a retirar de lá a omega surpreende-os com um rosnado alto que faz todos recuarem.
"Acho que esta também não foi com a tua cara" S/n ouve alguns rirem.
Um por um vários alfas descem na caixa para tentar retirar S/n, mas ela rosna a cada um que se aproxima. O cheiro angustiado enchendo cada vez mais o ar à medida que as lágrimas se acumulam nos olhos da omega.
Perante toda a confusão um alfa de pele preta surge no meio deles e ordena que os outros se acalmem. Eles realmente fazem-no surpreendendo S/n.
Ela percebe outro alfa loiro e mais alto atrás do alfa de pele escura e observa-o com certa curiosidade, mas encolhe-se quando este encontra o seu olhar.
"Newt" O alfa que sossegou os outros chama cutucando-o e apontando para S/n com a cabeça. O alfa chamado Newt olha para o outro e acena positivamente.
Ele entra na caixa fazendo S/n recuar mais contra as grades e rosnar.
"Tem calma, está tudo bem. Ninguém te vai fazer mal" Newt estende a mão para ela "Só quero ajudar"
S/n olha hesitante entre o alfa e a mão que este lhe estendia. Ela engole em seco enquanto olha nos olhos dele, foi estranho. Pelo menos uma dúzia de alfas já lhe tinha estendido a mão naquele dia, mas por algum motivo algo no olhar dele fazia-a sentir-se segura, dizia-lhe que podia confiar nele. Não só no olhar, ela respira fundo inalando o cheiro reconfortante do alfa e ela está prestes a estender a mão para agarrar a de Newt quando alguém grita fazendo-a recuar novamente.
"Todos nós já tentamos e ela não quer sair! É só tirá-la da caixa de uma vez! Queremos ir buscar os mantimentos!"
Olhando para a omega novamente encolhida no canto Newt suspira e deixa cair a cabeça em derrota antes de olhar para trás e lançar um olhar de repreensão para o grupo.
O alfa de antes fala "Newt, ela não quer sair. Vocês tirem os mantimentos com calma, sem barulho, não a quero mais assustada do que já está"
A omega encolhe-se com os joelhos contra o peito, escondendo o rosto neles e protegendo a cabeça com as mãos. Contra as ordens do outro alfa eles foram muito barulhentos, pelo menos para ela.
Quando os outros finalmente se vão Newt pode ouvi-la fungar baixinho, ele agacha-se junto dela e coloca a mão na sua cabeça fazendo-a olhar para ele com lágrimas nos olhos.
"Não te lembras de nada, pois não?"
Ela balança a cabeça negativamente soltando um pequeno "Não" choroso.
"O teu nome?" Newt pergunta inclinando a cabeça.
Ela volta a balançar a cabeça "Não".
"Está tudo bem, nenhum de nós se lembra de nada. Só o nome, vais lembrar-te do teu com o tempo" Newt morde o lábio hesitante "Queres sair daqui?"
S/n balança a cabeça freneticamente e volta a esconder o rosto nos joelhos.
"Ok, ok tudo bem" Newt tranquiliza.
Há um silêncio e ela pode ouvi-lo andar pela caixa.
"Minho!" Ele grita virando-se para sair, mas S/n impede-o agarrando o braço dele.
Newt agacha-se colocando a mão na cabeça dela "Eu já venho, é só um bocado ok?" Ele observa-a concordar hesitantemente e rapidamente corre para discutir o assunto com Minho.
"Desculpa, nada feito. Mas trouxe isto" Newt volta em cerca de uma hora com cobertores e alguma comida.
Newt estende-lhe um pão, mas ao vê-la olhar hesitantemente ele decide dar uma dentada no pão antes de lho estender novamente e desta vez ela aceita.
"Obrigada" ela diz suavemente.
Newt abana a cabeça para se tentar livrar do quão doce a voz dela soou nos seus ouvidos e após um pequeno silêncio ele percebe que está quase na hora dos portões fecharem.
"Vai haver um barulho muito alto daqui a pouco, não te assustes, é normal aqui"
S/n assente sem desviar o olhar do de Newt, percebendo isso ele sorri e desvia o olhar para esconder o rubor.
Porque é que ele estava a ser tão gentil?
Newt levanta-se e sobe para a borda da caixa onde começa a estender um cobertor. S/n está prestes a perguntar o que ele estava a fazer quando um barulho muito alto a interrompe, ela olha assustada para Newt mas ele reforça "É normal" e ela acena engolindo em seco.
"O que estás a fazer?"
"Preparar-me para dormir"
"Vais dormir aqui?"
"Tu vais?"
S/n acena lentamente sem ter acerteza, ela não quer sair da caixa.
"Eu não te vou deixar aqui sozinha" não obtendo resposta Newt decide falar novamente "Eu sei que era melhor se a Ava estivesse aqui em vez de mim, mas o Minho disse-me que ela ainda não acabou o cio e ele tinha de se despachar e levar a comida antes que ela acordasse".
"Cio? Quem é a Ava?"
"A Ava é a, agora oficial, omega do Minho, para além de ti ela é a única omega aqui"
S/n assente pegando num cobertor e estendendo-o como Newt mas dentro da caixa "Eu estou bem contigo aqui".
Newt surpreende-se um pouco ao basicamente ouvi-la dizer que confia nele quando apenas há algumas horas atras ela estava a rosnar a qualquer um que se aproximasse. Ele estaria a mentir se não dissesse que o seu alfa interno inchou com o elogio, exigindo que ele cuida-se da sua omega.
Newt observa o rosto adormecido de S/n enquanto este é iluminado pela luz da grande fogueira onde os outros festejam ao longe.
Era assim que Minho se sentia? Newt lembra-se de quando Ava chegou, Minho andava sempre a tomar conta dela e confessou-lhe que não podia evitar pois desde que a vira na árvore ele sentia que ela já era dele. Newt estava tão preocupado, vê-la assustada e com medo a encolher-se dentro da caixa enquanto todos á volta se riam e faziam piadas foi a pior sensação de sempre, ele nunca foi um alfa agressivo mas teve de se controlar para não rosnar a todos eles. Ele nunca se tinha sentido assim antes, mal a conhecia, mas já sentia que faria de tudo para a proteger.
Virando-se de costas para S/n Newt tenta adormecer.
"S/n!" Ela olha para cima e vê Newt correr em direção a ela. Antes que possa processar o que está a acontecer ela vê-se aconchegada contra o peito quente do alfa enquanto os braços dele a envolvem com força.
"Tive tanto medo que te fossem levar".
S/n quer questionar o que se passa, mas não consegue, tudo o que ela pode fazer é ouvir o coração acelerado dele até que os seus lábios se movem sozinhos.
"Eu amo-te Newt"
Newt encosta a testa na dela "Eu também de amo S/n".
Ela observa enquanto o seu corpo se move sozinho reduzindo a distância entre eles, os lábios de ambos separados por meros milímetros.
Já era de manhã e S/n acorda na caixa, olhando em volta ela pode ver as costas de Newt adormecido. Lentamente ela leva a mão aos lábios sem desviar o olhar das suas costas e então sente uma onda de tristeza e alívio inundá-la.
"Newt" Ela sussurra.
Caminhando até Newt S/n sai da caixa e senta-se junto a ele.
"Newt" ela repete colocando as mãos tremulas nele e abanando-o com cuidado.
Newt acorda assustado e vira-se para a ver sentada junto a ele com os olhos cheios e lágrimas.
"Omega" Newt deixa escapar.
Ele apoia-se nos cotovelos e estende uma mão para limpar as suas lágrimas que agora fluem livremente pelo seu rosto.
S/n abraça Newt chorando incontrolavelmente no seu peito.
Newt estava errado, ele achava que vê-la assustada na caixa era a pior sensação que ele poderia sentir, mas tê-la a chorar e soluçar incontrolavelmente no seu peito era mil vezes pior.
Minho e Alby correm em direção á caixa ao ouvir o choro alto e quando chegam vêm a omega enrolada no peito de Newt.
"O que aconteceu?"
"Eu não sei, ela acordou-me a chorar, mas não sei o que aconteceu!" Newt explica em pânico.
Alby começa a aproximar-se, mas recua quando Newt solta um rosnado e a puxa mais para ele.
"Wow Newt tem calma" Alby começa.
"Alby, está tudo bem. Newt, tu consegues acalmá-la" Minho interrompe.
"Coloca o rosto dela no teu pescoço junto da tua glândula de cheiro e esfrega a dela com o nariz"
Newt assente seguindo as instruções de Minho. Lentamente o choro começa a acalmar-se até diminuir para pequenas fungadas.
"Como é que sabias?" Pergunta Alby
"Funciona com a Ava então pensei que também poderia resultar com ela" Minho declara.
Newt olha para S/n com o coração acelerado ao perceber que embora a união dos dois ainda fosse recente ele acabou de a acalmar como Minho fazia com Ava.
"O quê?" Newt pergunta
"O meu nome é S/n" Ela repete mais alto para os três alfas ouvirem.
"S/n" Newt repete suavemente tentando não estranhar a familiaridade do nome dela na língua dele "O que se passou?"
S/n respira pesadamente e novas lágrimas enchem os seus olhos enquanto ela se afasta do peito de Newt e olha diretamente nos seus olhos. "Tu estavas feliz, feliz porque eles não me levaram"
Newt olha hesitante para Alby e Minho e ambos olham de volta para ele "Mas depois eles levaram-te a ti" S/n continua fazendo-os olhar para ela.
"Ou seja, provavelmente nós estávamos todos juntos num sítio e já nos conhecíamos antes de sermos colocados aqui" Minho pondera.
"Se a S/n e o Newt já se conheciam é provável que o mesmo seja verdade para o resto de nós" Alby admite olhando para a omega adormecida na enfermaria. "Newt" ele chama tirando a atenção do alfa da omega adormecida "É obvio que ela é tua, então cuida dela e explica isso aos outros para que não a incomodem. Mostra-lhe a clareira e explica-lhe as regras. Ela pode ficar a trabalhar contigo na plantação."
"Eu tenho de ir, a Ava vai acordar em breve e ela ainda não está bem" Minho fala fazendo Newt finalmente reparar na porção de comida que ele segura.
Alby concorda e lança um último olhar para Newt e S/n antes de sair com Minho.
S/n melhorou lentamente, depois do esgotamento que teve ao chegar e lembrar-se da dor de ser separada de Newt ela não quis voltar a sair do lado dele. Ela começou por deixar a cabana para acompanhar Newt nas suas tarefas pela clareira e posteriormente com a ajuda de Ava ela começou a sair para fazer algumas sem ele.
"O que estão a plantar?" S/n pergunta curiosa.
"Morangos, pelo menos a tentar" Explica Newt.
"Tentar?" S/n pergunta confusa.
"Sim, aqueles ali estão a morrer, assim como todos os que plantámos antes deles" Newt aponta "Não sabemos o que fazer, as folhas estão sempre a secar por mais água que lhes demos"
S/n olha para os morangueiros cheios de folhas secas "Vocês não tiram as folhas secas?"
"Tirar as folhas secas?" Pergunta Zart confuso.
"Sim, é preciso tirar as folhas secas para eles poderem renová-las"
Newt e Zart olham um para o outro com a nova informação.
"Além disso não os podem regar muito" S/n agacha-se para mexer na terra "Este solo não parece ter uma boa drenagem, se houver água a mais eles ficam com doenças e fungos e as raízes apodrecem. Seria preferível plantá-las num local com mais luz solar direta"
Olhando para a forma como Newt está a plantar o morangueiro S/n agacha-se junto dele e segura as suas mãos para lhe mostrar a forma correta "Tem de haver equilibro, se enterrarem demais a planta vai ter dificuldade em crescer folhas, mas se não enterrares o suficiente vão ser as raízes que vão ter problemas a crescer".
"Certo" Newt diz com um sorriso doce.
Passados alguns meses S/n estava integrada no grupo, ela vivia a sua vida normalmente junto dos outros. Ser omega do segundo em comando serviu para afastar os outros alfas, mas com o passar do tempo eles voltaram a aproximar-se desta vez, porém apenas em busca de amizade com mais um dos membros da clareira.
Ela começou por ajudar na horta, morangos, abóboras, tomates, cebolas e muitos mais começaram a ser cultivados com sucesso graças a ela. Essas façanhas trouxeram lhe respeito dentro do grupo e quando ela finalmente se sentiu á vontade rapidamente ficou conhecida como o terror da clareia, embora inofensivas as suas travessuras eram constantes e qualquer um que baixa-se a guarda iria arrepender-se. Todos ficaram chocados com a mudança entre a omega assustada, que não saia de perto de Newt e rosnava a qualquer outro para a omega alegre e brincalhona que ela se tornou.
Sabias que este trabalho já estava disponível há uma semana e com conteúdo exclusivo no meu Patreon? Para acesso antecipado e conteúdo exclusivo considera subscrever e apoiar-me para que possa escrever cada vez mais.
#omegaverse#omegaworld#omega#alpha#alpha x omega#omega reader#tmr#tmr fanfic#tmr omegaverse#tmr newt#newt x reader#newt x y/n#newt x you#alpha newt#alpha newt x omega reader#alpha newt x reader
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happy 10 years of not being gay on the main!
not to be gay on the main but i still love pacific rim more than 6 years later
#pacific rim#i was 12 when it came out#how has it been 10 years….#newt geiszler#hermann gottlieb#newmann#mako mori#raleigh becket#stacker pentecost#hannibal chau#tendo choi#chuck hansen#herc hansen#yancy becket#gipsy danger#jaegers#kaiju#crimson typhoon#striker eureka#cherno alpha#pacific rim uprising#nate lambert#jake pentecost#amara namani#charlie day#john boyega#scott eastwood#idris elba#charlie hunnam#rinko kikuchi
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Newt/Percival fic - Chapter 1
Newt grew up in the country. Whilst his older brother, Theseus, dreamed of fighting dark wizards in the big city, Newt found himself content amongst the wild things surrounding his family cottage.
When he was first shipped off to Hogwarts he couldn’t help but yearn for home. It was difficult making friends, loud personalities and boisterous teens only encouraged him to hide in the forbidden forest. The word ‘forbidden’ didn’t hold much weight with him, for the creatures he found within were too fascinating and rarely dangerous. He only excelled in class where he could apply the teaching to the beasts he spent his spare time with.
He did make one friend though: Leta. She was kind and patient, but forceful. He didn’t have much choice when it came to her friendship. She would sit with him in the dining hall, find him curled up with a book in the library, drag him along to classes he didn’t much care for, and sometimes outright follow him into the woods. She tried to understand him, even if she didn’t always succeed, and Newt found he made good company for the overly chatty girl. It wasn’t hard being friends with Leta. Sometimes he wondered that she may have struggled to make friends in the beginning as well, and found an amenable companion in him. He wasn't going to complain, either way.
As the years went on, and a definable passion emerged, Newt started paying a bit more attention to school. He scoured every book for information about his creatures - encyclopedias, potion recipes, spells, anything that gave him the ability to help those in need and understand them better. He barraged his professors with questions, many of which didn’t take too kindly to his apparent inability to stay on topic. He became quite skilled with his wand, charms and defensive magic coming naturally to him; it wasn’t anybody else’s business if he happened to use his teachings on a few occasions to protect the creatures under his care. He never aimed to hurt, only disarm, but an unconscious adversary was certainly a less threatening one.
Leta stuck with him over the years, and as Theseus matured he started paying more attention to his younger brother too. They listened patiently to his long, mostly one-sided, discussions of magical creatures, although their eyes did tend to glaze over at some point. Newt didn’t mind, he knew he was doing good work. Meaningful work.
Things became more…strained when Newt presented as an omega.
Nobody was surprised. He was soft for a male, despite growing to be quite lanky. He had always been gentle and nurturing too if his creatures were anything to go by. He was protective of those he loved, and the space he considered home. His mother was an omega, and when home he would spend any time away from his creatures with her, finding joy in mimicking the way of a housewife and mother. When he presented she was so proud, all the more encouraging of him being home, cooking, cleaning, and running the farmstead they had. His father, distant as he had always been with his youngest son, patted him on the head and assured him they would find him a good match.
His brother, however, took it upon himself to become a knight in shining armour. At home, Newt was mostly let be, for Theseus knew he was safe within the wards of their land. At school, however, Theseus barely left his side. He escorted Newt from his dormitory to the banquet hall to class and back to his dormitory. Newt struggled to slip away into the comfort of the forest except for in the middle of the night when Theseus was assuredly asleep. Despite being a prefect and captain of the quidditch team, Theseus always found a way to keep an eye on him.
‘It’s not that I don’t trust you, Newt. It’s the others I don’t trust. I know what it’s like to be a young alpha, all those hormones running rampant. I’m only protecting you from unwanted attention.’ Theseus reminded him, with a purposeful scowl at a nearby alpha who was simply walking past.
The only other person he trusted Newt’s safety with was Leta, who had early on presented as a Beta, continuing through puberty without too much pheromone-related hassle. She respected Theseus, although was the first to admit that he was overbearing. There were plenty of alphas and omegas at Hogwarts, with all the necessary support systems in place.
Newt only went to one of the classes they held specifically for omegas. A single hour of discussion about their role in society, their destiny to be mated, and their place at home left Newt feeling suffocated. He could withstand such teachings from his mother, who only did so out of love, but the propaganda feel of those classes didn’t sit well with him at all. As far as he was concerned, there was no reason he couldn’t travel the world and conduct his research.
He reminded everyone as much as possible about his plans. Leta was fully supportive of the idea, however, was under the impression that he would find a mate first ‘just to be safe’. Theseus would huff and scowl at every mention, determined that Newt would spend the rest of his days in the safety of his home, untouched. His parents didn’t understand, eventually growing frustrated with his determination.
‘That’s just not the way of the world for people like you, Newton’ his father would insist.
His mother would just play with his curls, her eyes downturned, ‘You’ll change your mind eventually, sweetheart’
It seemed his only true ally was Professor Dumbledore, who entertained his every dream and helped him learn as much as possible, even going as far as to find him unpublished research to work from. Theseus wasn’t a fan of the company Newt kept with his professor, Albus being an older, unmated Alpha, but he couldn’t well start a fight with a respected mentor. Albus was Theseus’ way into the Ministry, after all, the promise of an internship awaiting his graduation from Hogwarts. So Theseus would just huff and tell Newt not to do anything untoward.
Albus was a perfect gentleman, always giving Newt space and never saying a word out of place. It seemed he always had time for Newt, even when he was busy with teaching or ministry business. Newt was ever grateful for being treated, not as an omega, but as a person.
On his sixteenth birthday in the summer following his OWL exams, Newt was disturbed from his perch in the oak tree outside his family’s cottage by Theseus calling for him. He had been sitting very still, waiting for the resident Bowtruckle to make an appearance - gaining the trust of the small creature was a slow process, and required many an offering of woodlice it seemed, but Newt was patient.
‘Will you come down from there, please? You’re going to get hurt,’ Theseus stood just below him, arms crossed.
‘I know how to climb a tree, Thee,’ Newt slipped from his branch and landed softly on the grass, moving on before Theseus could start checking him for invisible injuries.
Inside, the kettle was whistling and the smell of fresh bread hung in the air. Newt’s mother came bustling over, pulling him into a soft hug, ‘Happy birthday, pumpkin.’ With a kiss on each cheek and a wave of her hand, the kettle poured them all a cup of tea. They settled at the dining table, Newt cradling the tea in his trembling hands and trying very hard to ignore the twist of nerves in his gut. He knew what was coming, he just remained hopeful it wouldn’t happen.
His mother pushed a present wrapped neatly in brown paper towards him. With a quiet ‘thank you’ he put down his tea and peeled open the package. Inside he found a book, practically a tome for how thick it was, titled The Way of the Omega: a guide for the newly-mated. Newt didn’t know how to react. His mother smiled gently, encouraging, Theseus was frowning as usual, and his father looked less stern than usual. They all waited for him to say something. Instead, he leafed through the book, finding chapters full of recipes and spells for the modern home keeper, an explanation of Omegan biology, and tips for navigating a mated relationship. Looking up at his mother, he tried to smile, ‘Thank you,’ He couldn’t bring himself to say anything else. He was going to fight this, but he has long since learned that arguing about it got him nowhere.
‘We’ve found a good match for you,’ his father announced, ‘He will be coming to visit tomorrow, just as an introduction-’
‘What if I don’t like him?’ Newt jumped in.
‘Then you don’t have to marry him. You don’t have to marry anybody,’ Theseus pressed.
His father sighed, ‘Then we will find you somebody else. There are plenty of eligible Alphas out there and I have a few in mind if this one doesn’t work out. There’s no rush,’
Newt knew that was a lie. They would have him mated as soon as possible, cooped up in a house far away, bound only for raising children and baking pies. Newt loved his mother and could see she was happy, but he didn’t want to live like her. There was too much world to see before he decided to settle.
The Alpha in question, it turned out, was actually quite handsome. He was tall with grey eyes, blonde hair, and a charming grin. He greeted Newt with a small bow, giving Newt respectable space, and introduced himself as Jeremiah Garnet, an associate of Newt’s father at the Wizarding Wireless Network.
‘So, Newton-’
‘Call me Newt, please,’
‘Of course, Newt, ’ Jeremiah grinned again, ‘How have you been getting on at our beloved Hogwarts?’
Newt swallowed, sat across from Jeremiah and felt almost like he was being interviewed. Why did he want to know about Hogwarts? ‘It’s, um, good. I guess,’
‘You have a favourite subject?’
Newt glanced at his father, who was supposedly chaperoning this visit as was required for unmated Omagas, ‘Care of Magical Creatures,’
‘Ah, the nurturing sort then!’ Jeremiah gave him a none-too-subtle wink, ‘How’s your Herbology? Always good to know what to grow at home,’
‘It’s fine. I’m mostly interested in medicinal plants,’
Jeremiah nodded slowly, ‘I saw a dragon at Hogwarts once, you know,'
Newt caught his father rolling his eyes but didn’t say anything. Jeremiah continued, prattling on about his various encounters with dangerous and fearsome dragons. Newt tried to listen but just ended up upset about how Jeremiah seemed to be under the impression that dragons were mindless monsters and not an incredibly intelligent species that were better off being left alone.
Newt barely said a word for the next thirty minutes, humming in agreement every now and then, and trying not to wince at the inappropriate frequency of winking as Jeremiah continued about his colourful career reporting around the world. Newt was quite sure most of these stories were embellishments but the alpha was attempting to appear impressive.
‘How about we write to one another, then?’ he eventually asked.
Newt smiled, ‘Sure,’
‘Excellent! Well, your father has my address,’ He stood up, straightening his clothes, and held out a hand. Newt thought he meant to shake it, so reached out, only to find Jeremiah’s dry lips pressed to the back of his hand, ‘It was a pleasure to meet you, Newt. I hope to hear from you soon,’ His father escorted their guest out of the cottage, and with that Newt was left alone.
As he washed his hands with more vigour than necessary, he watched his father and Jeremiah chat for a few minutes outside, feeling like there was a stone sitting in his stomach. How could he spend the rest of his life with a man like that? Have his children? Greet him every day when he comes home with more frivolous stories about his apparently exciting career? No. Newt wouldn’t settle for such a life - not for anybody.
His father returned a few minutes later and leant against the doorframe, ‘So?’
‘So?!’ Newt was perplexed, ‘You want me to be mated to him? Father, please,’
‘He’s a good man, Newton. Sure, he may be a little overzealous at times, but he is respectable, wealthy, and would provide you with a good life,’
Newt felt his eyes prick and panicked at the possibility of crying in front of his father, ‘I don’t want to be mated yet. Certainly n-not to him,’ he sniffed, ‘I don’t care if he’s a "good match",’
‘You don’t have a choice, Newton. This is your life. You can’t change your biology,’ his father paced, ‘If you don’t like him, then you will send him thanks for his time and we will move on to another candidate,’
Newt dashed from the room without another word, making it halfway to the back of the garden before the tears fell. Climbing up the old oak tree, he settled somewhere near the top, cradled between the trunk and a branch. There, he cried until he couldn’t anymore; until his throat was tight and his eyes sore. He didn’t resent his body for its nature, there was no changing what he was. He did, however, resent the society around him, for calling this unwanted mating “fate”. Despair tightened his chest - would he ever find a way to live the life he wanted? Exhausted, he fell asleep to the rustle of leaves.
At some point when the moon was high he gently came to, finding a Bowtruckle curled up on his chest, snoring softly.
#fantastic beats and where to find them#newt scamander#original percival graves#abo#alpha/omega#chapter 1#original percival graves/newt scamander
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shelved an entire full cart of books at work and then immediately crashed 🧍♂️
#newt ooc#girl i was zooming#help me i have another hour of shelving and then 2 hours of alphaing really heavy books ):#i might see if theyll let me switch to something else this hour bc while i recognize this section needs shelving...#girl i cannot shelve for 3 straight hours and then do an alpha
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Things I noticed on my Pacific Rim rewatch:
1. Raleigh had his left arm ripped off while he was piloting the left hemisphere, then had his right arm and leg shredded while he was piloting the right hemisphere. Holy fuck he has been through it. His resilience and battle focus is enough to be recognized by Pentecost, whose solo Tokyo battle was three hours long.
2. Implied that Hercules Hansen was one of the OGs, like Cherno Alpha. Wonder what happened to his copilot before he began drifting with his son. Wonder what happened to the Jaeger he piloted before Striker Eureka.
3. Pentecost says he carries nothing into the drift, but that just means he knows how to match with anyone, right? Wonder what that final drift was like in Chuck Hansen's head.
4. Tendo Choi is in command of the bridge when neither Pentecost nor Herc Hansen is present. I forgot that he reverts to Cantonese in stress situations, love these details.
5. I enjoy the bilinguals of this film. Also really interesting choice to focus on the western rim of the Pacific Ocean: Australians, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, and a badass Marshal who strikes deals with the black market and literally anyone else who will fund the Jaeger program. We get to have industrial apocalypse, alien thriller, and cyberpunk in one film. (Side question: are the Americas' coastlines devastated?)
6. Mako's expressions are so. Agh. Her face shows what she's feeling with unshielded honesty (she feels so much, like Raleigh) but she carries herself like Pentecost: deliberate, controlled. Very much his student (daughter).
7. Newt and Hermann are obsessed with their scientific theories being right, even if it means the possible doom of humankind. Iconic Academics. Also they must be important enough to have helicopters on call, since they run out of one to get to the bridge in time for the final fight.
8. Final goodbyes between Stacker Pentecost and Mako Mori.
9. Mako and Raleigh are two of many orphans who had no intention of surviving the war that took their families. Raleigh's last sacrifice was simultaneously the most selfless and selfish thing to do. Good for him to have survived, Mako would've found it hard to forgive him.
10. "Stop the clock."
#pacific rim#raleigh becket#stacker pentecost#mako mori#chuck hansen#tendo choi#hercules hansen#newt geiszler#hermann gottlieb#my thoughts#my reviews#pacific rim spoilers
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i’ve gone on about this before but the amount of DETAIL in pacrim is so fun. i love how there people in the background cheer or clap or “oooh” during raleigh and mako’s test, how you can hear Cherno Alpha calling for backup im the background during Pentecost’s scenes in the Double Event fight, how Aleksis and Sasha have their own little conversation in Russian when Raleigh first appears in the mess hall, the way all the extras in the Kaiju bunker with Newt actually look like they’ve been running in the rain (some of them are carrying bags and purses, some ponchos, all are suitably drenched), how you can hear Newton and Hermann arguing in the background before they even get on the elevator. gdt i love you
#pacific rim#pacrim#movies#movie#raleigh#raleigh becket#gipsy danger#mako#mako mori#chuck hansen#chuck#stacker#stacker pentecost#sasha kaidonovsky#aleksis kaidonovsky#newton geiszler#hermann gottlieb#gdt#guillermo del toro
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YES! It’s Good Omens episode four react time by Danny Motta.
This episode’s highlights include:
- Danny being unimpressed and confused about the whole Angels/demons dancing on the head of a pin sequence, then completely changing his mind when David Tennant turns up in his 70’s disco outfit.
- saying that he can’t believe Crowley is just going to “David Tennant his way out” of the confrontation with Hastur. Amazing.
- wishing Aziraphale would just go off with Crowley when he talks about leaving for Alpha Centauri and that they are 100% in love (Danny gets it).
- Danny spending WAY too long trying to figure out the avocado joke and just deciding “must be a British thing”.
- his facial reactions to Crowley melting Ligur, and when Newt and Anathema have sex are just the best!
- Danny realising in real time the amazing pun and foreshadowing of exercise/exorcise.
- Danny losing his shit at the end when Aziraphale’s shop starts to burn down.
- Danny saying this is his favourite show (correct answer).
Cannot wait for the next episode when he gets to watch Crowley’s reaction to the bookshop burning down.
#good omens#good omens fandom#good omens react video#danny motta#crowley#aziraphale#ineffable husbands#aziracrow#crowley x arizaphale#david tennant#michael sheen#Youtube
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Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 5.3 K Warnings: PG-13 kisses Prompt: You venture to a reading club, entering a part of Hogwarts you had not yet been into, and meeting new and exciting people. A covert trip to the library, on a quest for a werewolf book, leads to an unexpected encounter. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it. A/N: Sprinkling in a bit of spice, hope you enjoy <3
Chapter 15: No One Like You
The week went by a lot faster than you expected it to, Remus, just like the last time, had gotten a lot better by dinner, Madame Pomfrey told him he could go once he took a painkiller potion, and gave you some anti-headache drops. You both thanked her and walked together towards the Great Hall. You were in awe of how fast he healed, really, just the thought of how bad he had been in the morning, and how much better he was now, was outstanding, and it made you wonder what other benefits his condition brought along, even if it was clearly a nuisance for him.
Later on the week you’d gone to the book club Nina had invited you to, you wondered if she had also guessed Remus’s condition by reading the book she’d lend you, even if she hadn’t spent so much time with Remus; and to be honest, one of the reason you realised was because you were made pretty aware of the moon phases by your classes and professor on the past few months, you had gotten that silver ring as a gift, and you spend a great deal of time with the boys, down to the point that you easily noticed when they were all acting weird. All of them things Nina had not been a witness to, at least not up close like you had, but she had been around a lot longer than you, you really had no way to tell, unless you straight up asked, and that was obviously not happening.
“So… did you like it?” She asked you with a bright smile when she spotted you outside of the Ravenclaw common room.
You nodded “It was really nice, helped me learn a lot too.”
She frowned “Learn a lot… about werewolves you mean?”
You nodded “I hadn’t studied them before,” you added later “I mean I know it’s not all accurate…” I certainly hope some of those Alpha and knotting things aren’t accurate, you thought “but it got me investigating more about them, it’s pretty interesting.”
Nina nodded “It is, right?” She told you with a smile “I was taking an extra class on magical creatures and they’re all super interesting. They say Newt Scamander may come give a talk at some point next year, it would be absolutely brilliant!”
“Yeah, totally!” You agreed she guided you inside her common room, and you marvelled at the ceiling. You remembered Remus had told you about it, how it was enchanted to look like the sky above instead of a normal roof. It was definitely prettier than what you and Rem had created together, but you rather liked the Gryffindor one best.
Nina smiled when she saw you, “beautiful, right? I’m sure you would’ve fitted in perfectly in Ravenclaw.”
You smiled at her “I’m not sure I’m as studious as most of you,” you told her with a smile “Just the other day I skipped some classes because I had a headache.”
“Yeah, but you still have incredible grades,” she told you, matter of factly “Everyone thinks we’re nerds that study all the time,” she whispered, leaning in closer to you “but just because we’re reading it doesn’t mean we’re studying,” she smiled mischievously “as you saw with the book.”
“Yeah, those spicy scenes were certainly something…” you replied.
Nina guided you towards a small little gathering in front of the fire, it was different to the Gryffindor one, it somehow looked a lot more regal and elegant, reminded you of Professor Nightshade, and then made you wonder how the Hufflepuff common room would look, perhaps Alex could sneak you in one day, after all, he was the head boy.
“Hey everyone, this is (Y/N),” She said as she pointed at you, you waved awkwardly.
“Not that she needs much of an introduction,” a boy said, standing up and offering his hand for a shake, you took it with a smile “Neil Perry, it’s nice to meet the new Gryffindor legend.” You laughed, Neil had a very dashing smile, he almost reminded you of Prongs, he was just as bright “That’s Alice,” he said pointing to a girl with silver hair.
“We share a class, don’t we?” You asked with a smile, she nodded, and the two of you shook hands.
“That over there is Nox,” he said pointing at a boy with Slytherin robes.
You both shook hands as well, “Nice to meet you,” he said “This is Comet, by the way” he said, pointing at a girl who was sitting right next to him.
“I’m really sorry about the Slytherins that have been picking on you,” she told you with a smile “We’re not all entitled pricks.”
“Some of us are even nice,” Nox added.
“I don’t hold grudges against houses,” you told them with a smile “I kind of skipped the whole indoctrination moment by getting here so late,” you joked, and it cracked a chorus of laughs from the entire circle.
Comet extended her hand for you to shake, “I already like you,” the girl said with a grin, which you returned with a wink, you already liked her as well.
“I’m Jennifer, everyone calls me Jane,” a girl with curly black hair and freckles said as she extended her hands, you shook it.
“She picked the book,” You heard another girl say from behind, she was wearing Ravenclaw robes too “I’m Clara,” she told you with a smile. You’d seen her around Nina often.
“Marina,” said another girl with a wave, she was wearing a Hufflepuff beanie.
“I believe that’s all of us?” Neil said with a smile.
Then another boy barged into the room, he had light brown hair and looked a little distressed for being late, “I’m sorry, got caught up on the stairs when coming from the library,” he said. Neil smiled fondly when he saw the boy “That’s Todd,” he told you, “he doesn’t talk much, but he enjoys listening to us a lot.”
You also smiled at the boy “Nice to meet you,” you said looking at him “I’m (Y/N)!”
He looked at you puzzled “Same (Y/N) Nina won’t shut up about?” He asked, still fondling with the amount of things was carrying in his arms.
You raised your eyebrow, smiling at the same time “All good things, I hope.” You said as you shook his hand, and helped him hold some of the books he was carrying.
Todd nodded “It’s like she completely forgot about her old Gryffindor crush and replaced him with you.”
“Will you shut it, Todd?” Nina said, with a tight smile on her face.
He just shrugged and took a seat next to Neil. Nina looked a little debased, so you placed a hand on her shoulder “Don’t think too much about it,” you told her with a smile, you could feel her ease under your hand “Where should we sit?”
“Come here!” Jane said as she slid to the side of the rug where she was so you could both fit in as part of the circle. Once you did, she took out the book and levitated it towards the centre of the circle, letting it float in between you all. “All right, session starts now.”
“Favourite parts?” Asked Clara.
“The chase scene at the end,” Said Neil “No offence Jane, but the book was a bit slow.”
“Excessive with the descriptions of abs,” added Nox.
“Nah, I rather enjoyed those,” countered the first boy.
You raised your eyebrows at that but nodded in agreement.
“I like the way they depicted the werewolf.” Said Nina, who was next to you.
“Yeah, especially on the sexy scenes,” added Comet with a cheeky smile. Alice hit her on the arm playfully “What? It’s true!” She retorted.
“I don’t know about the knotting though,” you added in.
Nox cringed from the other side “Please don’t remind me of that,” he said “I’ve been trying to erase those lines from my mind.”
“I found it rather interesting,” said Jane “That’s why I chose the book.”
“But it’s not like that in real life, is it?” You asked, trying to sound playful.
“Well I’ve never done it with a werewolf, but I highly doubt it,” Responded Comet casually.
“It’s not,” Todd said, everyone stared at him, and he turned red “I looked it up on a BOOK! Merlin guys!” that got a chorus of laughter from everyone.
The reading circle continued on, with its playful banter, jokes and a rather in-depth discussion of the relationship mechanics within the story. You actually had lots of fun, Nina was right, just because they had their head buried in a book, it didn’t mean they were nerds. Even if some people would see you from afar, talking about a book so gleefully and entertainedly, that they would consider you as such. Once the reunion was over, they decided on the next book that would be reviewed, Nox picked a wizarding world book titled “Point of Know Return” and he promised it would be delightful, with Pirates, mermaids and fairies and underwater cities deep in the pacific. He also promised there would be no knotting.
As the night started to fall, you realised the stars on the Ravenclaw ceiling became a lot brighter, you wondered if there was a spell that you could implement to make the same thing happen to the one you’d created in the Gryffindor common room. “All right guys,” said Jane, “I think we should all head to bed, especially our guests from other houses since you don’t want to leave after curfew.”
Everyone nodded and started to stand, as you grabbed the book they’d borrowed, you remembered “Hey Guys! Sunday’s the Halloween Party at Gryffindor, you should all come! Costumes are obligatory tho…”
“You’re inviting us? To a party?” Nox asked in disbelief.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”
“We aren’t exactly the type of people that get invitations to parties often,” added Todd.
“Speak for yourselves,” added Neil “I’m down!” He smiled, yeah, he definitely reminds you of Prongs “I’m sure I can conjure something to dress up as before Sunday.”
“I’m coming too!” Said Jane with a smile.
“If she’s going I’ll be there,” Clara said as she gave you a thumbs up.
“Yeah, I’m definitely coming,” smiled Comet. “Minho will be there, won’t he?” You nodded in response. “Good, I’ll tag along with him.”
“I’d be lovely to see you all there!” You assured, and waved at them as you walked towards the door, Nina walked close behind you.
“Did you enjoy yourself?” She asked you with a smile.
You nodded “Yeah!” You responded excitedly “It was excellent! I’m pretty sure Remus and Lily would also love to join in, have you asked them?”
She seemed surprised but shook her head “They uh… they’re not like you. Remus is always very polite, but too closed off and Lily is always busy.”
“I think you should ask Remus,” you told her “I could ask him for you if you wanted,” you offered, but she shook her head again.
“I’d rather it was just a you and me thing,” she said shyly.
You raised an eyebrow at her statement but shrugged “Just us then,” you said, placing your arm over her shoulder, Nina tensed up with the unexpected contact and then relaxed back again, once she remembered it was you.
“I really like hanging out with you,” she said, almost in a whisper. You reassured her by rubbing the side of her arm with your hand, Sirius’ touchiness was rubbing off on you.
“I like hanging out with you too, luv.” You smiled “You’re coming to the Halloween Party, yeah?”
She shook her head “I’ve got a thing that day,” She told you.
“A thing? What kind of thing?”
“A date,” she mustered.
You stopped the two of you dead in your tracks “Shut up! With who? I thought you liked Remus. Wait… Is it Remus? He didn’t tell me a thing, I’ll punch him!”
“It’s not Remus.” She said and then frowned “How did you know I liked Remus?”
You arched an eyebrow “You should be more surprised no one else knew, I figured it out on the first day of study group.”
She laughed, “Well, I was pretty hung up on him then, that’s not a lie. But…” she cleared her throat “Someone else came around, made me realise Remus wasn’t really my type.”
“What?!” You narrowed your eyes at her, “Come on, tell me who!”
She shook her head, a diverted smile playing on her lips “No-uh.”
“Awww… Nina!” You complained. She just shrugged in response.
“You figured out who the first one was by yourself, figure it out a second time,” she replied. You smiled and shook your head at her response.
“Fine them, what prize do I get if I get it right?”
You raised your eyebrows at her, “Not a Ravenclaw, remember?”
“Fine then, a kiss.” You gave her a look. “What? You wouldn’t kiss a girl?”
You laughed “I would, I have. Kissed Evans a couple of weeks ago actually.” You explained “But… I’m kind of dating Sirius now.”
She frowned as if the news were a shock to her “Sirius Black? You’re dating him?” You nodded “And is he aware you are dating?”
You opened your mouth, drawing a bit of air in before speaking “Well… uhm– he seemed pretty aware last time I checked.”
“What I mean is…” she started, shaking her head as if she wasn’t sure which words to use “Does he know you are exclusive?”
“I’m sorry?!”
“Sirius has a bit of a reputation…”
Finally, you understood what Nina was going on about and you smiled at her softly, she was worried about you, so sweet. “He knows,” you reassured her “We uhm-“ you cleared your throat “We’ve got a bit of history.”
“And what about Remus?” She asked then, curiosity getting the best of her.
“What about him?”
“I thought you’d end up dating him.”
Now you frowned “Remus? Why would I–“
“-you always seemed to be really close to him, from the day you arrived, really.”
“I…” you started, but you weren’t exactly sure what to respond. Remus really was great, very different to Sirius, but he had his own charm to him, and he was just as beautiful as your boyfriend, just a different kind of beauty. The more you thought about it, Nina wasn’t wrong, if you weren’t so enamoured by Sirius, you might have fallen for Remus instead.
“Nevermind,” she said as she discovered you weren’t saying anything, “Want me to walk you back to your dorm?”
You smiled “That’s so gentleman-y of you Nina,” you told her with a smile “But I’m gonna stop by the library on the way, it’s better for you to stay here, or you might be returning after curfew.”
“The library?” She asked, puzzled “What for?”
“I’ve been looking for a book,” you told her with a smile “for a little investigation I want to do on Magical Creatures.” Nina nodded, and pulled you into a hug before the two separated, she stayed in her common room as you walked towards the library.
When you arrived, the doors were closed and you carefully sneaked inside, not wanting to disturb anybody. You were pretty sure no-one had spotted you, cause even when it was past curfew, and you were still roaming the halls of the library quietly, attempting to find a book, you realized no-one had asked you to leave, the librarian seemed to have left too.
“You’ll have trouble for sneaking about at this time,” you heard a portrait say disdainfully.
“I’m not sneaking about,” you responded “It’s not my fault no one was looking when I entered.” The portrait raised an eyebrow at you, as if he thought what you were saying was bull. You stared at the old wizard for a second, narrowing your eyes and turned your back on him, still trying to find the book. As you scanned through the old bookshelves, you finally spotted a book that could be useful, “Dark creatures and the things that make them tick'' you were just about to grab it, when you heard a very low whisper from a couple of bookshelves behind.
“Merde…fuck-fuck.” You recognized that voice. You would recognize it anywhere. It’s Sirius.
You looked around, trying to find him, but no matter where you looked, there seemed to be no-one there. Since you had to move further into the library, to try to spot the boy, you decided to put a disillusionment charm on yourself, so you could walk more freely, and perhaps sneak up on him.
You walked through the lines of shelfs, quietly so you didn’t make much noise, but no matter how hard you looked, Sirius was nowhere to be found. Just when you started to think you had imagined it, and started walking back to get the Dark Creature’s book you’d found, you heard the creaking of a door. You turned around and saw how the door of the restricted section was being opened, by itself.
Finally it downed you, James’ invisibility cloak, Sirius must have it, you thought before walking up behind him. Or, at least behind where you assumed he was. Eventually you saw his wand come out of the cloak, along with his delicate but strong looking hand. You smiled, almost wanting to applaud yourself for recognizing your boyfriend with a simple “merde.”
You sneaked up on him, sharply placing your hands over his shoulders, He turned sharply, the cloak falling on the floor before he pushed you against one of the bookshelves. He narrowed his eyes, and then he drew in a breath “Mon Coeur?” he asked, visibly confused. Truth be told, he had smelled you earlier, but he assumed it was just that your scent had stuck to his own clothes from when you were sitting together in the common room earlier that day.
Finally you vanished the disillusionment charm and smiled “Surprise,” you whispered, he still had you pinned against the wall, hand bunching up your uniform threateningly, you bit your lip “I had no idea you liked it rough, Puppy,” you joked, a playful smile on your lips, as you eyed the way he was holding you.
“Shit, sorry.” He whispered, finally letting you uniform free, you quickly straightened it, and then turned your head back to him, “What are you doing here?” he asked.
“Came to find a book after the reading club with Nina.”
Then you heard noise and he quickly picked the cloak up, placing it over the two of you as he drew you a bit closer to him. “Shh, it’s Peeves!” He whispered, he probably didn’t need the two of you to stand so close together, nor did he need to place his hand over your mouth, since the two knew you were sneaking about, but he was certainly enjoying it.
And you were enjoying yourself too, especially when you slipped your tongue out of your mouth and licked the hand that was covering it. He made a disgusted expression when you did, pulling back and cleaning it off on his pants as he stared at you in disbelief. “What the hell?” He mouthed, the shadow of a diverted smile playing on his lips.
You shrugged, with a smile placed on your own, you found his reaction really amusing. You then looked to the side, the sound was further away, far enough for you to whisper “What are you doing here?”
“Looking for a book,” he said as he placed his hand on your shoulder, thumb brushing on your neck as he pushed your forwards lightly, motioning you to move.
“And here I assumed you’d come for a barbecue.”
He rolled his eyes as he chuckled “It’s for a prank, the one for the Slytherins that we talked about the other day, remember?”
“And you got commissioned to pick the book by the boys?”
“I was meant to come with Remus, he was feeling off, and I told them I’d come alone. I wasn’t really eager to spend a long time snuggled up against Wormy under the cloak.”
“But you were eager to snuggle up against Remus, I see,” you teased. He chuckled again.
He used his free hand to pull his wand out and illuminate the titles of the books as he read through them, he now stood a lot closer to you, his chest basically pressed against your back, you could feel it going up and down as he breathed. Somehow it felt different to when you sat on his lap, almost more intimate. Maybe it was the rush of sneaking about together, or maybe you were just being silly, “What are we looking for?” You asked him, turning your head to see him better, reflecting on how lucky you were a boy like that was your boyfriend. His stunning grey eyes, framed by his dark eyelashes, were scanning the bookshelves as he did.
“It’s a book called The Compendium of Pernickety Enchantments.” He told you as he continued scanning the shelves. You nodded and did the same. But then in-between some books, further down on the shelves, you found a small tome about werewolves. You had to take it. But you obviously couldn’t do it while Sirius was still there, or at least not while he was paying attention.
You had to think of something, a distraction, but one that wouldn’t get the two of you caught. And then you remembered Sirius was a boy, and there was one thing that could easily distract any boy “Hey Puppy…” He hummed in response, his face awfully close to yours, his long hair brushing against your cheeks “You haven’t cashed out on those kisses that I owe you.”
He frowned, giving you a look before turning back to the bookshelves “You’ve been too busy, haven’t you?” he responded, “with the whole trying to finish the book before the session and then the session today, on like our only bit of free time of the week”
You arched an eyebrow at that “You jealous?”, you teased.
“Well, you should spare some more time for your boyfriend.”
“How about I spare it now?” You said, finally turning to face him.
“Right now!?” He questioned, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you, confusion evident in his face, we’re in the restricted section of the library!, he thought.
“Of course, if you don’t want to…” you said, with feign innocence and a little shrug of your shoulders. You were tempting him, and Sirius wasn’t one to resist temptation, let alone if it came from you. So he placed his hand behind your neck and pulled you towards him. You gently let your backpack fall on the floor.
“C'est une idée terrible,” he said as he finally closed the gap between the two of you.
“When have we ever been known for doing the most prudent thing?” you responded in between a kiss. And it was true, when you and Sirius were together it seemed like you threw caution to the wind, responsibilities be damned, fun? Pleasure? They always seemed to come first.
Sirius now had both of his hands on your face, expertly leading the kiss, as you pulled your wand from your pocket and started using it to levitate the werewolf book towards your bag. You felt terrible as you did, distracting Sirius with a kiss to take a book from the shelves without him noticing, even if it was harmless, made you feel dirty, and not in a good way. Sirius trusted you, and here you were, hiding your knowledge from him, even if it was because you feared you’d lose a friend over it.
When the book was safely inside the bag, you decided you’d make it up to him, and placed both hands around his neck, drawing him just a little closer to you and focusing absolutely all of your attention into the kiss. And that had you almost completely forget about the werewolf book in your bag. Sirius was kissing you hungrily, thirstily, like you were water and he’d been in the desert for days.
You weren’t too far behind either, his lips might have been the most incredible thing to ever be created. So incredible you almost wanted to bite them. And you didn’t hold back from that either, you gently bit his lower lip as the two of you separated slightly, panting for air.
“Did you just?” He whispered, but you ignored it, and went to place soft, wet kisses over his sharp jawline before using one of your hands to pull his hair out of the way and trail kisses all the way to his neck.
Sirius Black smelled incredible, of pine trees, musk and a tinge of leather, probably from the leather jacket he often wore, he smelled like an adventure, and you couldn’t help to be hauled by it. Sirius had lowered his hands over to your hips, and held you close as you kissed his neck, eventually you found a particularly sweet spot, and kissed away, stopping to smile as he stifled a moan.
“Shhh…” you whispered as you continued kissing the spot. Eventually his hand found his way to your waist, tucking your shirt out of your uniform skirt before placing his hand in the warmth of your back, his cold rings causing a shiver to rush down your spine. But his touch, oh, his touch made your skin feel like you were on fire. You placed your hands over his hair and pulled him back a little, bringing his lips back to yours. Both you and Sirius had kissed plenty since you started dating, but never like this, in fact you were certain he’d never reached for your skin the way he had today, but it felt good, and you didn’t want him to stop.
Eventually he stopped the kiss, letting his forehead rest on yours, his hand still in the small of your back “We should stop,” he said, panting.
“…don’t want to,” you answered, a little bratty in the way you’d said it.
“Don’t make it harder for me Starshine,” he groaned, as he softly bumped his forehead on yours.
You reached for a quick kiss on his lips “‘m not…” you replied, and kissed him again, now in the corner of his lip “I just–“ you kissed his cheek now “don’t want to stop kissing my beautiful boyfriend.”
“…merde…” he said, it was taking him all the restraint in the world to stop himself from pinning you against the bookshelves again, this time with your legs around him instead, but with you being so willing, it was harder, so much harder.
You looked at him expectantly “je m’en fous,” He whispered, and dragged the two of you onto a nearby table, easily hauling you to sit on it, you helped accommodate the invisibility cloak around the two of you, managing to set it around the table by the time he was kissing you again. You weren’t sure you’d ever felt like this before, especially when he reached his hand higher and unclasped your bra. He broke off the kiss to look at you, to make sure you were ok with it, you only brought him back to the kiss in response.
You moved yourself to reach him better, his left hand already in your abdomen, dangerously close to your breast, when, all of the sudden a vase, that was at the end of the table, tumbled and fell to the ground, making a very loud noise in the otherwise quiet library. You broke off the kiss, pulling apart just a little and staring at each other, both alert of what may happen, over his shoulder, you managed to see a shadow, it was peeves in the distance.
“Shit, we’ll get caught.” You whispered, turning back to look at him.
He looked at you impassively, as if he was itching to tell you the “I told you so”. You deserved it, but he very well knew it had also been his fault. He seemed to be thinking about the possible escape plans now, but he hadn’t found the book he was looking for by the time you started snogging.
“The book,” you whispered.
“You find it, I’ll distract Peeves.”
“What? No way! You’ll get caught.”
“Aw… put a little faith in me, will you?” He told you with a smile, “Find the book, I’ll see you just outside the library.”
You weren’t entirely convinced by his plan, but nodded, turning around to look for the book, while he got out of the cloak and used the same disillusionment charm you had used earlier. You took a deep breath, still trying to gain back composure from the kiss, and moved towards the bookshelves, scanning through the names of the tomes, trying to find The Compendium of Pernickety Enchantments. After looking through three shelves, you finally found the book, and right next to it, there was one called, The Refined Art of Mild Hexes: A Sophisticated Spellbook, so you grabbed it as well, since it looked like it could be useful.
You scurried all the way to your backpack, which was still laying on the floor from earlier, and threw both books inside of it. Once the backpack was securely hanged over your shoulder, you scurried outside of the restricted section.
You were already close to the door when you spotted Sirius, hiding behind a huge shelf, he was almost imperceptible, but close behind him was Peeves. Sirius didn’t see him, since he wasn’t looking towards him, but you could.
So even if Sirius had told you he’d deal with it by himself, you weren’t about to let him get caught, you had to improvise. You kneeled behind another bookshelf, cloak still covering your frame, and pulled out a piece of parchment, scribbled a small dialogue on it, and charmed it. You used your wand to levitate it to the other side of the library and then, you popped the seal. Now there were whispers coming from the other side of the library, Peeves smiled wickedly as he heard, and started flying towards them.
You ran towards Sirius, and covered him with the cloak quickly, he was a little startled at first, but then smiled. “That was you?” You nodded “Brilliant! It’s like you’re made for this.” He told you, and it was no lie, he was genuinely impressed with your cleverness, one more reason to the pile of why he was so smitten by you.
“Thanks,” you said, a small blush creeping up your cheeks. You looked to the side so he wouldn’t notice, he’d probably tease you mercilessly about it if he had. After a couple of seconds you took his hand in yours and did a small head gesture to indicate him it was time to move, Peeves was far away enough that you could sneak out of the library unnoticed.
A couple of minutes later, you were out of the library and speeding through the halls under the cloak. Sirius was the one leading the way now, he took sharp turns, taking you through stairs, doors, halls and even small passageways. He clearly knew the way by memory, and it made you wonder how many times he had sneaked about the castle like this, how many he’d do it with you from now on.
Another sharp turn, and he pulled you into a broom’s closet. Letting the door shut quietly behind you. “What is it? Did you hear someone?” You whispered in his ear. He almost felt guilty from the shiver that your innocent whisper had sent down his spine.
He shook his head and raised one of his eyebrows with a smirk “You said something about… wanting to continue kissing your beautiful boyfriend, didn’t you?” You looked at him with amusement, your eyes shining at his words. “Turns out he also wants to continue kissing his beautiful girlfriend…”
You were about to ask “here?”, but then again, why would a broom closet be any less proper than the restricted section of the library. You bit your lip and let him close the gap between the two. The common room would have to wait.
Disclaimer: This story WILL NOT include knotting; I also do not mean to poke fun at anyone who reads / writes it either, this was just meant for comedic purposes, and I firmly believe you can read and enjoy whatever type of smut you like. Now if you don’t know what knotting is… google it if you’re brave? But trust me, it’s not for the faint of heart.
Series Masterlist | The Interlude | Next Chapter
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A/N: Is it me or is it geting hot in here? Next week we have the Q&A, you can send in your questions now for the long post, or save some for asks later that day, (The halloween special is coming and boy, is it going to be fun! One of my fav chapters tbh, also a tad angsty, but you'll see...) Ly, Lilly xx
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Last Day of War Event Survey
The man, the myth, the legend: the google form I meant to post two days ago. You can find the form here
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Im a fan of #7.
Nesting (Werewolf AU)
Prompt: "The baby feels so low" [Also inspired by @hush-writes-preg's "Spooky Season Day #3" prompt. He can consider this an early birthday gift as well!]
Characters: Fawn, Newt/Asher - Pre-Polly Relationship ((Newt is owned by @mittysins, and Asher is owned by @killer-orca-cosplay.))
Context: This takes place in a modern world where werewolves are common amidst human society. Fawn is a packless Beta who is about to give birth to her ex-mate's pup. Newt, an Omega, and Asher, an Alpha, are a mated pair who took Fawn into their home -- despite the fact they're expecting a pup of their own in a few months. The three have formed a close friendship, though Fawn still feels like an outsider. After all, she was human only a year ago.
Disclaimer: This fic contains lore for my, Mitty's, and Orca's werewolf AU -- be forewarned there will be worldbuilding mixed in with the kink stuff. If story-heavy kink is your kind of thing -- like it is for us three -- enjoy!
TW: A/B/O dynamics, but within the context of a werewolf society; mentions of past abuse, werewolf-related birth troubles.
Smoky whisps of incense scented the room with lavender. The shades were drawn over the windows to block the fading sun. Golden fairy lights twinkled in the gossamer curtains woven through the support beams of the nesting tent, the only dots of light in the dark room.
The nylon pop-up tent was specially designed for those who were nesting. It clung to the baseboard and covered the entire bed in a snug, arched shelter. It could be zipped or unzipped in sections to create windows and doors as needed, or it could be shut tight for total privacy. The interior of the tent was stuffed full of jumbo-sized Squishmallow plushies, three oversized duvet covers, and one very pregnant werewolf.
"How you doing, Mama?" the mop-haired Alpha sitting bedside asked.
Fawn's pointed ear flicked in the direction of his voice in acknowledgement before she opened her eyes. She lay curled around a giant fox pillow, the soft material supporting her belly as she lay dozing in the tent. She had opened a section of the tent by the headboard so she could leave the nest if she wanted, but at the moment she didn't feel safe anywhere else.
"I've been better," she said, her voice lagging with fatigue.
A dewy layer of sweat clung to her whole body. Her clothing was shed to the bedroom floor, save for a black tank top and pair of boyshorts. The air around her was temperate, but her body burned with a mild fever. Her muscles felt heavy and useless, tired from months of carrying her pregnancy whilst fighting the tremors of rejection sickness. The worst of it had passed over time; but here she was, still feeling the effects of breaking her pair bond almost ten months later.
Oh, and being in labor for the last nine hours was not helping the situation.
The soft click of the door handle caught their attention. The pair of cryptids lifted their heads to look as it opened, the hallway light reflecting green in the mirrors of their eyes.
Newt's familiar scent -- much stronger than his mate's -- overpowered the lavender as he entered the room. Fawn's sinuses tingled with the spicy-sweet aroma of his smell, comparable to sassafras, that indicated his pregnancy as much as the grapefruit-sized swell of his lower belly. Fawn still struggled to describe the scents that were new to her.
The Omega approached her nest and held out the glass of tap water he'd been sent to fetch. Fawn craned her neck and lapped from it, her mouth too parched to obey her command. Her tongue was longer than it had once been, able to bring water to her throat as easily as any straw. She didn't pause to wrap her lips around the edge of the glass until her thirst was mostly quenched.
"Jeez, don't drown," Newt chuckled as Fawn took the drink from his hand.
Asher, the Alpha, got up from his seat and offered it to his mate with a nod of his head.
Fawn gulped down the last of the water and came up panting for air. "Don't tell me what to do," she retorted with a tired, playful grin.
"Don't tell her what to do, babe," Asher said, unable to disguise the smirk on his face as he set the empty glass on the bedside table.
The three shared a brief, quiet laugh.
Fawn's eyelids drifted closed as the room settled back into silence. She shimmied herself deeper into her pile of softness, falling easily into a twilight sleep; at least, for a few more minutes.
A huff of air left Fawn's nose a split second before her brow creased in discomfort. "Ash, start it," she said, curling tighter around her pillow.
"Yes, ma'am." Asher fumbled to unlock his phone and started the timer on his stopwatch app. "Started."
Fawn filled her lungs with air with one long breath and released it as a drawn-out exhale. The contraction coiled itself around her hips and squeezed, growing tighter by the second. The pain grew like a stinging vine around her belly, her ribs, her back, even wrapping around her upper thighs.
With a low groan, Fawn rolled herself onto her back. Her legs fell open at a wider angle than normal -- a sign her hips were loosening in preparation for her large pup to come through. She continued her ritual of slow, deliberate breathing as the contraction continued to climb to its dreaded peak.
Newt leaned into the opening in the tent, enough for him to run a gentle hand over the clammy skin of Fawn's arm. He didn't say anything, but his touch brought her a sense of ease. Even knowing that Asher was in the room, even if she couldn't see him, made her feel better. They'd only known each other a month, but she couldn't imagine surviving labor without them.
Fawn flashed her fangs in a snarl as the contraction reached its apex, the part she dreaded each time. "Ugh!" she growled through her teeth, her head pressed back into the pillow.
Newt's eyes widened when Fawn hooked her hands beneath her knees, drawing her legs up on either side of her belly. "Are you pushing already?"
"She's what?!" Asher gasped in alarm, his face appearing over his mate's shoulder.
"No!" Fawn growled, hardly able to breathe enough to speak. "My legs are about to fuckin' dislocate!"
She could feel the pup pressing its way out, prying open the flesh of her cervix as her womb squeezed it down. The pressure sent stabbing waves of agony between her legs. Her birth canal opened a little more with each millimeter the pup dropped, and now it was putting unbearable pressure on the ball-socket joints of her pelvis.
Fawn grunted in relief as the contraction ebbed. She released her legs, draping them wide apart over her plushies. Thankfully, Newt and Asher's guest bed was queen-sized and allowed her plenty of space to spread out.
"It's done," she announced, so Asher could stop the timer.
"Ooh, getting close," Asher said. "That one was thirty-eight seconds."
Even that short burst of work sent drops of sweat rolling down Fawn's sides. She pulled her tank top over the curve of her belly and tucked the fabric under her swollen breasts. She caressed the sore underside of her bump in long, soothing circles. The skin around her womb was pulled smooth as glass from the weight of the pup inside. She could feel where its surface was gouged by deep, purple stretch marks. Her pup wriggled impatiently beneath her hands, as if able to sense her touch through the thinness of the skin.
"Call me crazy," she said, "but I'm hoping this baby takes its time. It might rip me apart if it tries to break the speed record."
Asher checked the recorded times in his phone. "You'll be fine, it doesn't look like they're in a hurry," he said. "Just stay relaxed and the pup will keep working its way down."
Fawn gave a thumbs-up. "Copy that, Sarge."
"So, guys, are we taking bets?" Newt asked, resting his upper torso inside the tent.
Fawn tilted her head to peer up at him from inside the canyon of her pillow plushie. "On what?"
"Boy or girl," Newt grinned. He propped his chin up on his hand and beamed down at the redheaded wolf woman. "Should we take bets?"
"You boys can if you want," Fawn said.
"Just you versus me, babe," Asher chuckled from somewhere else in the room. "Fawn already knows, that would be cheating."
"No, I don't," Fawn said, quiet and matter-of-fact. She turned her eyes to the little golden lights twinkling over her head. "I didn't know if a doctor would make me contact my mate, so I never went to one."
At the mention of him, the mating scar at the nape of Fawn's neck became hot. She grimaced, able to feel each small wound his teeth had left when he'd inflicted her with the curse of the wolves. It wasn't as strong of a reaction anymore; the pain had at one point been overwhelming.
When she'd taken that first step out of the apartment with the intention to never come back, the mark had burned so intensely she thought she could smell her flesh searing. She was lucky Todd hadn't been home, because he'd no doubt felt the same sensation on the back of his neck -- where he had forced her to mark him as her mate as well. Had he been home, Fawn wouldn't have made it out of the building before he'd realized what she was doing.
"Besides," Fawn added, "I have no idea if I should go to a doctor or a vet now." Her freckled face paled, and she looked back up at Newt. "Shit, is that offensive?"
Newt laughed and leaned in to rub his cheek against her forehead. "Nah."
Fawn smiled as he brushed against her, leaving a bit of his spicy-sweet scent on her skin. She was still adjusting to perceiving the world through scent as much as sight and touch, but she grew more comfortable with it each time the pair scented her. Scent was transforming into language the more she utilized it. Maybe she wasn't sure how to communicate with it, yet; but there was something about it she was starting to understand.
"We'll show you the ropes once you're over the rejection sickness," Asher said, leaning against the nightstand so he could peer into the nest. "So . . . this guy didn't explain any of our lifestyle to you?"
Fawn shook her head. "Not anything us hum-," she paused, pressing her lips into a thin line. "Not anything humans don't already know. Transformation and full moon stuff, basically. He had me sell my silver jewelry before he'd even kiss me. I didn't know werewolves were that sensitive to it."
The boys shared a concerned look.
"Um," Asher cleared his throat, "we aren't. Silver allergies are rare as hell. A few poor bastards had a fatal reaction hundreds of years ago, and humans assumed it was a rule for all of us."
"Good old stereotyping," Newt said.
The lines in Fawn's brow deepened. "That piece of dogshit," she muttered under her breath. "I sold my grandma's pendant for him!"
Goddammit! Why hadn't she thought twice about Todd suddenly needing to "borrow" that money?! Her mating scar throbbed, seeping heat like an open wound where their pair bond had once been. A fresh sweat dampened her brow.
Newt brushed a few stray curls from Fawn's eyes and tucked them behind the point of her ear. "Fuck him. He's a dick."
"Yeah, fuck him," Asher agreed with a frown. His ear twitched as his scowl deepened, knocking his glasses askew. "Alphas are supposed to protect our mates, not take advantage of them."
There was a brief pause. Asher took off his glasses, cleaned them on his shirt, and added: "For what it's worth, Fawn . . . I'm sorry on his behalf."
"Me, too," Newt nodded. "Not as an Alpha, but as a wolf."
Fawn sighed and draped an arm over her eyes. "Thank you for that, boys. It helps . . . at least a little."
She felt like the world's biggest idiot.
When they'd met, she'd been seduced by Todd's hyper-masculine physique and charmed by his overly protective "doting". How special she'd felt, having an Alpha werewolf want her -- an average human woman -- as his mate. In hindsight, being an average human woman was exactly what made him want her. Easy prey.
How quickly she'd regretted her decision to let Todd put her in a mating press. After she'd endured the weeks it took for her anatomy to shift into that of his kind, Todd had convinced her they needed to breed as soon as possible. He wanted a large pack, as many pups as she could give him. It didn't take her long to realize they were the only reason he'd claimed her. Days after leaving him, she'd detected the strange smell of sassafras on her skin -- though she wouldn't know what that meant for two months.
The rejection sickness had masked any symptoms of a pregnancy. The effects were like that of withdrawal: fevers high enough to cause delirium, tremors, nausea, and full-body aches. She'd spent endless days and nights confined to the bed of a sleazy motel room. What carried her through was the knowledge that Todd was feeling just as shitty as she was. Yet, in her darkest moments, Fawn considered going back to him just to make it stop.
Then, her world changed when a fellow wolf woman at the drugstore offered congratulations based on her scent. This prompted her to buy a pregnancy test, and the thought of going back never crossed her mind again.
"Fellas?" Fawn asked, still blindfolding herself with her forearm. "Is a large pack, like . . . a status symbol for y'all or something?"
Asher shrugged. "Not as much as it used to be," he said. "It used to be a big deal in the past, like before we had the treaty with humans. That was because our packs needed the numbers for defense. But now? Not as much."
"Except maybe for those freakishly traditional families," Newt chimed in.
"Mmm," Fawn hummed in acknowledgement. She placed her other hand on the upper swell of her belly and gave it a thoughtful rub. "Well, this baby is mine. I'm not giving birth for the sake of some insecure asshole. This is my baby."
"Damn right it is," Newt grinned, his blue eyes glittering in the low light.
After a few seconds of silence, Fawn's limp-hanging hand curled into a fist. "Mmm, Ash . . . " Her voice trailed off into a chesty groan.
Newt looked over at his mate. "Ash, start it."
Asher pulled out his phone with a nod. "Starting."
Newt massaged Fawn's shoulder as she once again pulled back her legs. The pressure in her hips was immense, and the contraction was heaving the baby down with unholy force. Fawn pulled harder on her knees until she felt her pelvis widen, the bones drifting apart like tectonic plates.
"Breathe, Fawn," Newt gently reminded. "You're holding it."
Fawn hissed out her breath like a deflating tire. "God, it's coming down," she groaned. She shut her eyes and whined as the pup pressed harder against her cervix.
"Change position," Asher offered, bending down to see inside the nest. "Let gravity help you out."
Fawn released a high-pitched whimper. "My hips . . . my hips hurt."
"Here, hold on." Newt reached around Fawn and pulled out another of her oversized Squishmallows from the pile. He left his chair and climbed onto the bed, crawling through the opening of the tent with the plushie in-hand. "Sit up, love."
Fawn reluctantly let her legs fall. Her bones were lead. With Newt's help, she got to her knees and straddled herself atop the large pillow plushie so her hips could remain open.
"There, that's better!" Asher said, sitting on the edge of the mattress. His phone screen reflected in his lenses, revealing the contraction had lasted twenty seconds already.
Fawn bent forward onto all-fours, rhythmically dipping her hips into the pillow as the pain climbed higher than it had before. The Omega at her side dug the heel of his hand into her lower back, allowing Fawn to rock back against the counter-pressure. Her deep breathing wavered, each inhale growing shallower until the wolf woman was full-on panting.
"Calm down, you're doing fine," Newt lulled, ghosting his claws over her spine. "Deep breaths, like you were doing."
Sweat appeared in shining beads on Fawn's reddened face, dampening the frizzy curls around her temples. "I can't," she gasped. All four limbs trembled, fatigued muscles giving up the last of their strength. "I can't . . . I need to lie down."
Fawn sank chest-first into the fox plushie, arms unable to support her weight. Her tongue dipped in and out of her mouth as she failed to control of her breathing. Her fingers sank into the duvet, claws tearing holes in the fabric.
The end of the tent unzipped, creating an arch-shaped door that Asher climbed in through. While Newt continued to knead Fawn's back, Asher laid himself beside her.
"Hey, Mama, look at me," he crooned, his face appearing in the corner of her vision. When her hazel eyes met his, he said: "You are owning this! There's no need to get freaked out. You're too tough for labor to beat. Take a deep breath for us, alright?"
Fawn wet her lips and maintained eye contact with the Alpha while she drew in a big breath.
"Good!" Asher smiled, patting her shoulder. "Now let it out and make the next one even deeper. Show that pain who's boss!"
She obeyed, but mid-inhale she choked on air. With a canid yowl, Fawn pressed herself against the Alpha's body. Her hips ground against the pillow, as if it would cushion the force of her pelvis being forced apart.
"Ugh, gravity's helping too much!" Fawn moaned into Asher's shirt. "This pup is about to fall outta me!"
"That's a good thing!" Asher encouraged, draping his arm over her and motioning for his mate to lie down beside them. "You're making progress. The pup will be here before you know it!"
Fawn's hips finally settled as the contraction eased off, but she still felt unable to move. Her pelvis sat wide open, and the hefty weight of the pup was sinking deep inside it -- even without the contraction.
“Augh, fuck,” she moaned, the sound rumbling in her chest. “Fuck . . . the baby feels low. It feels so fucking low!"
"Ash?" Newt asked as he rearranged the pillows to better support the three of them. "Are you still timing?"
Asher caressed Fawn's thigh as she shifted to support her upper body against the mountain of Squishmallows Newt had piled up. Newt reclined on his side beside her, flashing her a bright smile -- his fangs always hung over his lower lip when he smiled.
"No, I think we're just feeling it out now," Asher said. He'd left his phone charging on the nightstand, just in case they needed it. "I think we're 'reaching a checkpoint' as it were."
Newt rolled his eyes. "Gamers."
Fawn snuggled into the pillow mountain, trying in vain to get comfortable. It wasn't as dramatic as what they showed on television, but Fawn knew exactly what the hot rush of fluid was as it soaked the pillow between her legs.
"Umm, hey . . ." She nudged the pillow aside, revealing ribbons of cloudy water running down her inner thighs. "I think it's time to lose the shorts."
Asher pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "And checkpoint reached!"
For five hours, no one left that tent. The room grew darker as the evening gave way to the early morning hours of pre-dawn. The boys stayed at either side of the laboring wolf woman, holding her steady in positions that allowed her pup to ease down with gravity.
Between contractions, the three werewolves lay side-by-side in tranquil silence. The sweat on Fawn's brow would dry, her feverish body would cool, but the warmth of two other bodies prevented the chills from returning. That quiet peace would be broken when Fawn vocalized during a new contraction, signaling the boys to sit her up and widen her stance.
Fawn was growing restless, wanting to switch positions several times during every contraction: squatting against the headboard, kneeling against one guy or the other, or falling into a half-squat in a pile of her plush pillows. The longer the night wore on, the more fidgety the laboring mother became.
At around four in the morning, as the trio rested together beneath the fairy lights, Fawn suddenly spoke:
"Is the cradle ready?"
"Hmm?" Asher sat up and readjusted his glasses.
"Is the cradle ready?" Fawn repeated. There was a glint of urgency in her eyes, although her tone was soft and even.
The fold-out mesh bassinet was visible from inside the nest, placed against the opposite wall. The pup's first outfit was already laid out atop the blanket lining the mattress -- a cotton quilt with embroidered rubber duckies that Newt had donated from the stash he was buying for his own pup.
After a quick glance, Asher responded: "Yep, it's ready and waiting."
"Can you grab some extra blankets or something?" Fawn pleaded. She gradually drew her legs up until her heels touched the underside of her thighs. "Just anything that's soft."
Newt sat himself up and gave his mate a knowing look. "Babe? You think this is that 'final nesting' the baby books talked about?"
Asher's eyes widened. "Oh, crap. It might be."
"What?" Fawn asked. She suddenly realized she couldn't remember what either of the boys had just said -- she wasn't fully aware of what was going on around her. It was so, so hard to focus on anything other than the pounding pressure that had come to rest in the curve of her tailbone.
The mated pair gave each other a nod.
"Ash and I have been reading books about pups like crazy this month," Newt explained in a lighthearted tone. "'Final nesting' is just what your brain does right before the pup is ready to come out."
Asher grabbed the corner of the topmost duvet and rolled it towards them until it became a padded cushion. He carefully slid it beneath Fawn and said: "Yep, it's an instinct. Got to make sure the pup has a safe place to land, you know."
Now it was Fawn's turn to go wide-eyed. "Wait . . . wait, is it happening?" she gasped, her head shooting up off the pillows.
"Maybe," Newt said. "You'll know if it is." He placed a pillow over his torso to protect his belly and scooted behind Fawn to support her into a squat.
"And if it isn't, then we'll just wait some more," Asher concluded. "Don't try to bear down if you don't need to."
Fawn nodded, gulping down the dryness in her throat. She had no idea what to expect with the next contraction. If the monstrous pressure she was feeling hadn't triggered her body to push by then . . . oh, God above, what was about to happen to her?
"I don't . . . don't know if I'm ready for this," she muttered.
Newt leaned in and rubbed his cheek against the side of her neck. "You're as ready as you'll ever be," he said. He intertwined his clawed fingers with her own.
Fawn didn't feel the next contraction as pain, only as a familiar tightness wrapping around her womb. All other sensation was snuffed out . . . massacred . . . left bleeding in the streets! . . . by the wicked downward thrust of her pup moving through her effaced cervix. There was nothing holding that baby in her womb any longer, and it was not waiting another minute to leave.
"Oh, my God!" she screamed -- out of fear more so than pain. Her hips jerked back, trying to escape the demonic pressure burning inside.
Newt squeezed her hands -- his claws never marking her skin. "You feel it?"
"Yes!" Fawn cried, her body shuddering under the hellish urge to push.
"Go with it," Asher encouraged, placing his hand on her knee. "Let's meet your pup."
Fawn held her breath and gave a shallow, hesitant first push. She wasn't sure if she was using the correct muscles, but it felt . . . how could she describe it? . . . it felt like she was doing something. A few seconds of strain later, she let up with a sharp yelp. Yes, she'd been doing it right. That slight nudge had sent the pup rushing forward.
"It's moving . . ." was all she had time to say before her body demanded she continue her efforts -- and double them!
Those few millimeters of progress kicked her urge to push into overdrive. Fawn braced her weight against Newt, put chin to chest, and bore down with every ounce of force she could. The crown of the head pressed deeper against her innermost walls with a fiery, thorny tug. The sensation of her baby moving through her after so many passive hours of labor was startling -- yet beyond rewarding.
Had her eyes been open to see, Fawn would have observed Asher's tender smile as he watched primal focus harden her features.
"Just like that, Mama," Asher praised, again stroking her thigh. "Don't hold back, give it your all!"
Sweat trailed down her flushed skin. Unable to hold the push any longer, Fawn emptied her lungs with a harsh grunt.
"It's already hurting me," she growled through closed fangs. Her voice strained as, for just a few horrible seconds, she resisted the urge to push. "Goddamn, this is gonna suck!"
Newt laid his chin on Fawn's shoulder as she sank into another deep push. "Whatever you feel, don't fight it," he offered evenly. "Your body knows what it's doing, Fawn. Listen to what it's telling you to do."
Fawn's ears pressed back against her head as her hips dipped lower to the duvet. She felt a small trickle of fluid drip from her labia, but the flow stopped as soon as she stopped pushing. A groan escaped the back of her throat as the contraction eased off and she was able to relax.
"That was great," Newt praised, unlacing their fingers and letting Fawn have her hands back. "You got the hang of it right off the bat."
Fawn sighed and balled the duvet beneath them in her claws. Her chest rose and fell quickly, and her pulse hammered in her neck. Any sense of physical comfort was gone now, even between contractions. She knew there would be no peace for her until this pup was out and in her arms . . . but God only knew when that would happen. God only knew if that would happen! The pup was barely inside her birth canal and Fawn was already terrified that it was going to get stuck.
"What if . . . what if I can't get it out?" she panted. Her lower back was screaming, so she shifted her hips forward. It didn't help. "What do we do if I can't get it out?!"
"Hey, hey, don't think like that," Newt helped Fawn recline a bit further against him. He steadied her in his arms, his hands gently massaging the curves where her belly met her ribcage. "There's no doubt in our minds that you can do this!"
"And I'm down here if you need a little extra help," Asher said. He carefully took Fawn's leg and draped it over his lap, helping to open her hips now that she was in a more reclined position. "We won't let anything happen to you or your pup, Fawn. That's a promise."
"You're safe here," Newt said in a low, soothing tone. He continued to apply soft pressure to her sides and back, kneading over her sore body as if smoothing out a delicate fabric.
Fawn never doubted for a second that she was in loving hands. She dreaded to think where she would be right now if the pair hadn't opened their home to her. Without their kindness, chances were that she'd be delivering her baby in a motel bathroom or on top of a cot in a homeless shelter. These two had given her the ultimate gift: a warm, safe place to give birth. She owed her pup's life to them.
"I know," Fawn said, snuggling down further into the nest. "I don't want to be anywhere else right now."
Newt bent down and pressed a kiss to Fawn's hairline. "Keep listening to your body. Don't rush what it's trying to do."
Fawn nodded, puffing out a breath as she felt the next contraction roll up from her back to her belly. "Okay . . . let's go."
She took in a slow lungful of air, waited for the contraction to build in strength, and pushed.
Her loosened joints spread easily for the pup's skull as it squeezed its way down her passage. It became an endless pattern: Fawn would push, the head would squeeze down, and her pelvic bones would spread over its shape as it passed beneath them. She could feel the rhythm of the changes.
Push. Squeeze. Spread.
Push. Squeeze. Spread. Spread.
Push. Squeeze. Spread. Spread. Spre-OW!
OW! OW! Oh, fuck! Now it was so too big! Her hips were filled to the maximum, her canal stretched wide around a huge pair of shoulders as they slipped from her womb. She could feel her labia bulging from between her legs -- and oh, God, they ached! There was nothing but a layer of her skin holding the pup in, and it felt like a bubble of gum about to burst!
But she couldn't stop pushing. Not now, not when everything was raw and stretched and open and hurting so goddamn bad! Fawn curled her toes into the mattress and wailed as she threw herself harder into pushing. Her voice grew louder as she felt the inflamed skin between her legs starting to open.
"Good job, Mama! Here it comes!" Asher cried, his voice raised to be heard over Fawn's roar of effort.
Asher had his eyes glued to the pale, wet sac pressing out of Fawn each time her body strained. He'd read in their books that it was common for werewolf pups to be born with their membranes wrapped around them. That was fine, he just had to be prepared to remove it.
A tiny spurt of fluid leaked out from around the sac as the head began to stretch the skin of the perineum. The pup's size seemed to be keeping most of its sac unruptured, the fluid too pressurized to leave the birth canal. Asher furrowed his brow but said nothing.
Of course, Newt took notice of his mate's unease. He swallowed the unease in his chest, and scented Fawn's hair with his cheek again in the hopes it would distract her.
"Ash sees the head," he crooned. "Keep going, you're pushing like a pro!"
With renewed vigor, Fawn gave into her body's needs. Asher waited until a few centimeters of the solid white membrane stretched open Fawn's lips, then he placed his index finger against the bulging sac to gauge how much fluid was inside. He felt the semi-solid squish of the pup's head just beneath the film, but his finger pad felt the swish of water when he pressed down. That wasn't a very good sign, but Asher still felt confident that he could handle it.
"I'm going to help you out a little, okay?" Asher told Fawn, cupping his hand over the crowning pup. "Focus on pushing, and I'll help you open up. I'll go slow."
Newt once again sensed Asher's unease and made it his mission to protect Fawn from sensing it, too. "Pup's almost out, Fawn," he said as he gave her shoulders a brief hug. "It'll be out quicker with Ash helping you. Just take a deep breath and let yourself stretch."
"I'm trying," Fawn whimpered. "I'm trying."
As Fawn bore down against the pup, Asher ran his fingers against the sides of her lips. He nudged her skin open bit by bit around the sac, watching as it stretched from a small oval to a wide circle over the course of several minutes. Asher cringed as he saw the skin of her labia discolor from a raw red to an almost beet purple with the width of the head.
Fawn, meanwhile, had fallen completely taciturn. Aside from wolfish growls and whimpers, she made no efforts to express her pain verbally. Her focus had shifted solely to bearing through the ordeal, working with her body to bring it to a swift end.
"Keep going, we're almost there!" Asher cheered. He had his hands positioned at the apex of her inner thighs, supporting the tight skin as Fawn pushed the head to its widest point.
Fawn shuddered and let her head fall back on Newt's chest. Her mind was a mess of black static as the pup's shoulders ground against her pubic bone. She arched her spine as the pup ceased to move for one heart-stopping moment. Then, in a sudden lurch, the sac-covered head popped free into Asher's waiting hands.
"Awesome! Awesome, Fawn!" Newt cheered, peering over her shoulder as much as he could. He could see the white membrane resting in his mate's palm. "Babe, you got it?"
Asher nodded. "I've got it, don't worry."
Without drawing attention to it, Asher took the claw of his thumb and carefully -- oh-so-carefully -- punctured the membrane at the base of where he felt the pup's neck should be. A quiet sploosh filled the nesting tent as amniotic fluid rushed over Asher's hands. He hooked his claw inside the tear and slowly peeled the sac over the pup's head.
There wasn't much hair on the pup's head -- unusual, though not uncommon -- but that wasn't what Asher was looking for. He craned his neck at a painful angle until he could catch a glimpse of the pup's face. When he saw it, he paled. The features were predictably swollen, but the puffy lips were hanging open and dripping a thick yellowish mucus. Asher thanked the stars above that he and his partner had read up about whelping -- for he was able to recognize the tell-tale symptom of waterlogged lungs.
The mates locked eyes with each other and nothing else needed to be said or done. They both understood.
"This is it, love," Newt said, leaning in to help Fawn hold her legs apart. "This next contraction is going to be the one."
Fawn's jaw gaped like a suffocating fish, but finally her voice obeyed her command: "Is my baby okay?"
Oh, hell. She must've smelled the pheromones of their stress. Newt had been hoping she wouldn't understood what the scent of fear was, yet.
Newt smiled at her and brushed her sweat-plastered hair away from her eyes. "They're fine, they just need some extra help."
"When you push, I'll give them a little tug," Asher said. "It's going to hurt, but it'll be over before you know it."
Fawn squeezed her eyes shut. "Can't hurt any worse than this," she mumbled. "Just do it."
The boys were expecting the horrific scream Fawn released when Asher began guiding out the first shoulder, but it still made their sensitive ears ring.
"You're so strong, Fawn!" Newt said into her ear. He felt her legs trying to close against the pain, and he had to pause to pull them back apart. "I know it hurts, but you're handling it so well! We're so proud of you!"
Asher kept his focus locked on delivering the pup as fast and as safe as possible. One hand supported the pup's body while the other pulled down on the emerging shoulder.
"Come on, little guy," Asher muttered under his breath. "Come on, you can do it."
With an audible pop of Fawn's hip joints -- and another yowl from the wolf woman herself -- the pup's first shoulder slipped free. Asher wasted zero time in hooking his thumb under the tiny arm and continuing his steady, gentle tug.
A rather disgusting squelch accompanied the pup as it slid onto the duvet. The remains of the membrane bunched around its feet as Asher scooped it into his hands. The body was grey and limp, and all three heartbeats stalled.
"What's wrong?!" Fawn cried. "What's wrong with it?!" She reached for her baby on instinct, but Newt held her back.
"It's okay!" he said, adjusting himself to block her veiw of Asher and the baby. "It's okay, I swear! Asher's taking care of it."
Newt stroked her sweaty face with the back of his hand, doing anything he could think of to soothe her. It didn't stop the tears from flooding the exhausted mother's eyes.
Behind his mate's back, Asher brought the pup's face to his lips. His mouth easily covered the nose and mouth of the newborn, and he gently sucked the sour-tasting fluid out of its airway. Asher spit the gunk into his sleeve and repeated the action, rubbing his thumb against the baby's chest as he did.
It was a process that lasted less than twenty seconds, but to all three werewolves it felt like eternity. But eternity ended when the pup sucked in a deep, squeaking breath. The sound of its first cry was shrill, but to the trio it sounded like singing.
Asher couldn't help but start crying as the little body he'd resurrected wiggled to life in his hands. "Here he is!" he said, voice wavering with joyful tears.
Newt sat back immediately, allowing Fawn to see the baby alive and well in Asher's arms.
"Here's our boy!" Asher announced, laying the crying baby over his mother's heart.
Through the haze of her tears, Fawn looked over every detail of her little boy. She saw the layer of damp fuzz covering his skin, the points on his pink, folded-over ears, and the coating of protective skin over his miniscule claws. She thanked whatever power was out there for that last detail, because such tiny needles would've been horrible to feel coming out.
"Sweetheart," she told the baby, wrapping her arms around him, "don't make a habit outta scaring me like that."
"Is he already nursing again?" Newt asked as he placed the glass of water on the nightstand.
"He eats like a horse," Fawn chuckled, adjusting the nursing pillow under her baby. Jacob was the name she had settled on.
The sun was coming up now, filling her bedroom with a soft white light. Asher was on the floor, disassembling the nesting tent. It would be taken out again in a few months for Newt to use, but the Alpha was determined to Tetris the pieces correctly into their box.
Jacob was an aggressive nurser. Three hours old and this was his third time demanding his mother's milk. Newt and Asher insisted such an appetite was normal for a larger werewolf pup, but Fawn wasn't too thrilled to learn she was going to get even less sleep than she anticipated with a new baby.
Fawn quickly drained the glass of water. She wasn't sure if she would ever feel not-thirsty again. "So, Newt," she said, "I didn't scare you into wanting a C-section, did I?"
"Nah, not at all." Newt laid down on the bed beside Fawn, propping himself against the Squishmallow pile. "If you could get him out, I'm pretty sure I'll be okay."
Newt pet the thin strands of hair on Jacob's head. The newborn swiped a clumsy, mitten-covered fist over his head with a teeny-tiny growl. All three adults stopped and stared.
"Was that him?!" Asher asked from the floor.
"Yeah . . ." Newt said, withdrawing his hand. "He's very protective of his food."
Asher almost fell over laughing. "That's Alpha behavior if I've ever seen it!"
"How do you guys even determine that stuff?" Fawn asked. "Is it a sex thing?"
"Eh, a bit," Newt shrugged, "but it's also a personality thing." He tickled the folded tip of Jacob's soft ear, and got the same response as before.
"Ow!" Fawn jerked as her son bit down on her breast. "Stop annoying him, or I'm biting you, too!"
"Sorry," Newt chuckled.
"I can't thank you boys enough for this," Fawn said. "This werewolf shit is all sorts of weird for me, and . . . now I know for certain that Jacob wouldn't have been alright if you weren't with me."
"That's what packs do," Asher said, re-folding a segment of nylon tarp. "We look out for each other."
"Do we even . . . " Fawn stopped herself mid-sentence and looked away.
Newt grinned and touched his forehead to Fawn's temple. "I don't know. What do you think?"
Fawn grinned in return and rubbed her cheek against his hair, leaving her scent on his skin.
#fawn drabbles#mittysins#killer-orca-cosplay#Fawn/Newt/Asher#fpreg labor and birth#labor kink#birth kink#borrowed ocs#fpreg
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Re: To the anon asking about Rory.
They’ve been close friends for AGES. He’s not going anywhere sadly.
I don’t really like his vibe
Hey, I’m the one who asked about Rory—thanks for replying. I know they’ve been besties forever, but what I meant was if Rory was a huge part of L’s life before HBS. I don’t remember seeing him much when L and J were together, except in a couple of stories and the singing vids. Also, are Tom and Charmaine married? I like them for some reason; they don’t give me the ick like Rory and his gang do.
Continuation of my earlier ask:
My BFF and I talked to two of our male friends, and they patiently listened. We just finished filling them in on the drama from yesterday and today. We’ve been chatting since 5 am lol. Here’s what they had to say:
Luke and Nic are in love: There’s a lot of eye-fucking to prove it. The tension suggests they haven’t acted on it, which is expected. The guys think Nic wouldn’t be okay with that, and Luke seems decent enough not to have crossed that line. However, they do believe they might have hooked up before Luke had his HBS. They could be reevaluating their relationship, using intimacy tools to see if it’s genuine affection or just heightened emotions and sexual tension from filming their season.
Luke’s friend group seems toxic: By friend group, they mean just Rory. The others seem fine. L dating a young girl soon after Rory did confirms Rory as the alpha of the group, and L as gullible since none of his other friends are doing the same. Maybe J dating someone young also influenced L dating A. It could be an ego thing, a guy thing, or both. L will probably cringe at this situation looking back. They said this whole relationship has nothing to do with Nic. This is Luke’s problem—a midlife crisis, even—and he needs to figure it out, which won’t happen as long as he’s with Rory and his gang.
A is super insecure: It doesn’t make sense because she’s the one who bagged the hot Netflix lead and goes on vacations with him. But her social media behavior reeks of insecurity and constantly seeking validation. This confirms that L isn’t invested in the relationship, which confirms to us he’s VERY much into Nic. So, think about this whenever A’s trolling upsets you. 😉
Nicola doesn’t care: The guys think L and N might have discussed their feelings, but Nic sees that L has issues to deal with—mainly himself. She’s hustling and thriving, not caring about his current relationship. Posting their pictures shows her character and work ethic. This only benefits her, and Luke should learn from it. They think L should make a final thank you post, even if people find it disingenuous. It’s better than nothing.
A needs to chill with the Hailey Bieber cosplay: The white outfit was an exact recreation of Hailey’s, and it’s weird. She keeps track of her comment section and allows comparisons to Hailey, which is embarrassing to say the least. The guys think A will stick around as long as she can. L seems to struggle with breakups, and now that A’s integrated into his friend group, it’ll take a lot of time to end things. She might be playing into his guilt, which is why he’s still liking her posts. She's young but smart enough to understand that. They think the only way out is for L to keep busy with work, but he doesn’t seem to have any now. Expect things to get worse before they get better. If he works, he can slowly distance himself from the relationship, and it will inevitably end. Either that or he’ll meet Nic, talk, realize they still have feelings, and that will give him the courage to end it with A. Even then, he has to make it up to Nic for all the shit he’s pulled.
Nic and Newts dating: Once they start dating, we won’t get a hard launch or pap pics. They might return to their old social media banter and comment and like each other’s posts.
So yeah, I’m really grateful to have my brother and these friends who indulge and listen to me. I think it’s safe to say they’re roped into the ship as well lol. Love to see what you guys think. Omg, also, I watched a TikTok of Luke singing as a teen, and the guy in the back looks like Rory. If it is, HE’S the one who glowed up, not L lol.
It is Rory in the background looking jealous AF
Thank you for sharing anon, love seeing the different perspectives
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pt XVII good omens explained but im in tears at 3:30 am and on sleep meds
Oh it's been a while since we did one of these innit what was the last tine? Jan? Well the Mascot is back with a part XVII because this fandom valentine's day posts wrecked me emotionally and i took the usual sleep meds (we all know how that goes) so I'm here to make bad decisions y;all. Ignore all types or mistakes im not responsible for anything eber it's all the metatron's fault.
there are two entities crowley and aziraphela and they love each othner so much it h8urts ow
heaven has embraced minimalist interior decor and minimalist empathy it was a 2 for 1 offer at bunnings (australian maggots you proud good)
hell has embraced cluttercore with regards to interior decor and projected trauma bunnings was real generous
crowley was once an angel but the angel we knew it not him and that hurts but moving on is must because otherwise disrespect but she made stars and it was pretty just like her
im so tired. aziraphale is still an angel he';s very good at forgiveness whoch is nice but sometimes people dont want to be forgiuven they want to be dead isntead
that was not the setence i intended to write but it's accurate after the final fifteen ahahahahahhahahahahahaha do ihave trauma yes i went to bunnings because i liked hell's projections
the antichrist is very cute and he's good at the law of strraction he tells satan you fuck right off satan you're nOT MY REAL DAD which is so cool you go adam you GO and so then his read dad becomes his read dad there may have ben necromancy involved
anathema and newt are existing and she hit crow,yes bentley but that's fine because it burned to the ground anyway you know whatsw not fine crowley kneeling on the aslphalet and me that's what
nina and maggie veyr cute not yet but eventually because yes fuck lindey linday forgeot her nmae
aziraphale is very cute trauma bitchy bean
crowley is very kind trauma irritation disaster
eyes shutting it's all good but madam tracy has a BED AHAHAH you know what you do on bed it's SEXY THINGS hehhee like like stuff toys
so basically hemon hell are both like crowley azi you fools and then theyre like AAAAAAAAH GABRIEL but it's fine and the second coming is happening but azi is like nina maggie love so muriel is sent down
amd then crowley ad azi are like POOF FALL IN LOVE but nina is like HOHO WHAT THE FUCK nad the demons go WHEEEE and then crowley goes to heaven and then aziraphale goes to heabem and it's a;;; sad
gabriel is naked anc he was nasty first then felll in love with beelzebun then went naked and then back in love so now theyre both in alpha centaryie
that's a triple star system btw alpha a b and proxuma centauri which is the cloest star to earth aside from obviopuw crowley doesnt want to leav e earth far behind mkigkrkgw
boom azi gone all croiing im listening to dont bother from the sounstrack on loop since i started writing this
metatron oat milk evil azi scared crowley mr darcy we're crying yeah
yay all done now asleep jno bepop ya yes blruryry my meds packet looks lime a furry opposoum
so fucking tired i cannot see what im typing
@howmanyholesinswisscheese help
posting without rsding it through awahoooooooooooooooo
#good omens#good omens mascot#weirdly specific but ok#asmi#maggots#good omens fandom#crowley#aziraphale#lgbtqia#neil gaiman#aziracrow#final fifteen#valentine's day#i forgive you#dont bother#david arnold#ineffable idiots#ineffable husbands#ineffable spouses#ineffable divorce#good ineffable omens#ineffable brainrot#good omens brainrot#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#ineffable wives#ineffable lovers
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