#Alouatta guariba
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snototter · 2 years ago
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A brown howler monkey (Alouatta guariba) in Caratinga, Brazil 
by Paul Ellis
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 9 months ago
Brazil takes pioneering action — and a vaccine — to rewild howler monkeys
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Brown howler monkeys (Alouatta guariba), endemic to the Atlantic Forest in Brazil and Argentina, became one of the 25 most threatened primate species following a yellow fever outbreak in late 2016.
In response, Brazilian government agencies and other conservation organizations launched a nationwide population management plan, the first of its kind in the country, focused on coordinating captive facilities with experts who could relocate animals to areas where populations have vanished or declined.
Nationwide management of howler monkeys was made possible by the adaptation of a vaccine — originally developed for humans — against the yellow fever virus.
Howler reintroduction initiatives in Brazil have already begun showing signs of success.
Continue reading.
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ocombatenterondonia · 1 year ago
Mais sete macacos bugios são soltos no Parque Nacional da Tijuca 
Um grupo de sete bugios-ruivos (Alouatta guariba) foi solto nessa terça-feira (2) no Parque Nacional da Tijuca, no Rio de Janeiro. Essa é a segunda reintrodução da espécie no local, parte de um projeto iniciado em 2015.  Os bugios-ruivos eram nativos do parque, área de conservação federal e uma das duas grandes regiões de Mata Atlântica da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, mas estavam extintos do local…
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alessandro113 · 4 years ago
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Howler monkey. #macaco #alouatta #monkey #bugio #guariba #caraja #atelidae #primates https://www.instagram.com/p/CRB7whUF4Nt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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traveltourbrazil · 4 years ago
Férias no Brasil - Destinos de viagem por actividade!
Quando planeia viajar/explorar as suas férias no Brasil, o(s) seu(s) destino(s) de viagem preferido(s) pode(m) depender muito das suas actividades favoritas.
a) Apenas férias na praia
Mesmo que existam muitas praias bonitas em diferentes lugares do mundo, é por isso que esta não deve ser necessariamente a principal razão para visitar este país, seguindo uma breve descrição dos três principais tipos de praias que se encontram ao longo da linha costeira brasileira de 8.000 km:
Praias de coqueiros sem fim com e sem dunas, em parte com recifes ao largo e falésias coloridas, por isso - chamadas falésias, no nordeste. Encantadoras praias desertas e semidesertas com pequenas baías rodeadas por montanhas cobertas de floresta tropical da Serra do Mar, no sudeste (a minha favorita pessoal). 
O Rio Grande do Sul, no Sul do Brasil, parece ter uma praia rectilínea plana interminável de norte a sul, com dunas mas sem coqueiros e recifes. Faz lembrar um pouco as praias da Holanda / costa atlântica europeia. De beleza extraordinária são o Parque Nacional dos Lençóis Maranhenses no Maranhão, a parte litoral das Reservas do Sudeste (São Paulo / Paraná) e Sítios do Património Mundial da Costa do Descobrimento (Sul da Bahia) como o paraíso das aves Lagoa dos Patos (Rio Grande do Sul).
b) Actividades ao ar livre
Para actividades ao ar livre, particularmente caminhadas / caminhadas / trekking / escalada, ciclismo de montanha e caiaque, definitivamente a Mata Atlântica deve ser a sua escolha. Oferece inúmeras trilhas históricas, belas praias desertas e semi-desertas, vegetação de mangue e restinga, montanhas cobertas de floresta tropical de até 3.000 metros de altura (Mar /Mantiqueira), rios encantadores, cachoeiras e piscinas naturais, comunidades tradicionais e algumas cidades coloniais. Além disso, é de fácil acesso através do aeroporto internacional de São Paulo ou do Rio de Janeiro.
c) Espeleologia
Existem muitas áreas cavernícolas no Brasil, mas em combinação com a floresta tropical, a Província Espeleológica da Alta Ribeira / Paranapiacaba (Estado de São Paulo), com a sua fantástica paisagem cársica e centenas de grutas de calcário, é única. Recomendação: Intervales e Parque Estadual do PETAR.. viajar pelo brasil
d) Mergulho
O Brasil não tem Grande Barreira de Corais e não é um famoso local de mergulho. No entanto, a ilha de Fernando de Noronha em Pernambuco e as dezenas de naufrágios nos arredores de Ilhabela (São Paulo), podem valer a pena uma visita.
e) Observação da Vida Selvagem
Quando se pode suportar o calor e os mosquitos, o Pantanal é o lugar onde se pode estar para ver, fotografar e filmar animais no seu habitat natural. Especialmente a estação seca (Inverno) é altamente recomendada, porque as áreas inundadas encolhem e os animais têm de sair do seu abrigo para ter acesso à água. Para isso, não vá à Amazónia, provavelmente ficará desapontado. Um biólogo, que participou numa expedição de 7 dias de floresta tropical ao Pico da Neblina, disse-me uma vez que não viu um animal durante toda a caminhada.
Para observar aves, visite o Parque Estadual de Intervales, onde pode facilmente observar uma espécie de ave diferente a cada 15 minutos. O arquipélago de Abrolhos é um excelente local para a observação de baleias durante a época. Quando estiver em São Paulo, o Parque Estadual da Cantareira é uma excelente opção para ver macacos vivos livres, especialmente macacos uivadores (Alouatta guariba). f) Cultura e História
O Brasil, com certeza é uma grande natureza / destino ecológico, mas penso que é justo dizer que se se vem de um continente culturalmente rico, como a Europa, o Brasil, com a sua jovem história, em termos de atracções culturais, não se pode comparar muito bem. No entanto, os edifícios e igrejas coloniais barrocos que datam do ciclo do ouro do Brasil, podem valer a pena uma visita. Uma alternativa interessante para combinar cultura e história com uma beleza natural excepcional é uma visita ao Património Mundial da Costa do Descobrimento no Sul da Bahia ou seguir a antiga rota do ouro (Estrada Real) desde as áreas mineiras em Ouro Preto / Diamantinha (Minas Gerais) até ao porto em Paraty. O Complexo Lagamar (São Paulo / Paraná) oferece sambaquis pré-históricos, comunidades piscatórias tradicionais (caicaras) e mais para o interior, descendentes de escravos africanos, assim chamados - quilombolas.
g) Outros
Para além de Trindade / Martim Vaz, com acesso difícil e limitado, Fernando de Noronha é a mais bela ilha do Brasil. Se o turismo de massas não é um problema para si e o tamanho importa, não há nada que se compare às quedas de água de Foz de Iguaçu (1 dia é suficiente). A suspensão e o parapente é possível no Monumento Nacional Pontoes Capixabas, no Espírito Santo, onde também se podem encontrar as formações rochosas mais espectaculares do Brasil. Decidir entre o carnaval do Rio de Janeiro e o carnaval de Colónia pode ser uma escolha difícil, mas a passagem de ano em Copacabana é insuperável. Se estiver em São Paulo e não finja visitar a Argentina, não se esqueça de incluir um jantar num restaurante típico de churrasco / rodizio.
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pintando-paredes · 4 years ago
Mural at infant school in Brazil - crowdfunding campaign
Original campaign: https://chuffed.org/project/infant-school-mural-brazil
What and where
We are painting an 85 metre mural at João Batista Cardoso infant school in São Luiz do Paraitinga, Brazil with the participation of the children, parents and teachers.
The mural will transform the wall into bright, colourful and engaging space for the whole community to enjoy, especially the children as they walk to and from school.
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The infant school takes approximately 180 children from 3-6 years old and is compulsory as the first stage of schooling in Brazil. The school provides a wonderful space for young children to play and learn but as part of a small rural town it lacks the funds to spend on anything other than the normal day-to-day running costs of the school. For this reason we are using crowdfunding and asking you to help us realise the project.
We strongly believe that participatory art projects bring people together in a creative, constructive and positive action that benefits both the individual participating and their wider community. Mural projects nurture and inspire creativity in children and adults alike and can boost morale, community cohesion and create a sense of pride and ownership over a public space.
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Our community artist and project leader Andy will organise and implement the painting in conjunction with the director, teachers and parents of the school. Andy is an experienced community artist and has spent the last five years working in Brazil running various participatory art projects for children and young people with different charities and NGOs.¹
We will run scheduled sessions with the different classes for the children to participate in the painting as well as inviting and encouraging parents to participate as well.
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The design depicts many of the animals that are native to this region of Brazil and also the Paraitinga river which runs by the side of the school and from which the town gets its name.
The design of the mural is simple and geometric, this creates an impactful visual style whilst at the same time allowing for everyone to take part in painting as the design can be ‘painted by numbers’.
Mural plan to scale:
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Details of each animal:
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Capivara / Capybara – Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris
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Corujinha-do-mato / Tropical screech-owl – Megascops choliba
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Borboleta 88 / Cramer’s eighty-eight butterfly – Diaethria clymena
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Bugio-ruivo / Brown howler monkey – Alouatta guariba
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Jararacuçu / Jararacussu – Bothrops jararacussu
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Tucano-de-bico-verde / Green-billed toucan – Ramphastos dicolorus
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Preguiça-de-garganta-marrom / Brown-throated three-toed sloth - Bradypus variegatus
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Beija-flor-de-orelha-violeta / White-vented violetear - Colibri serrirostris
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Anta-brasileira / South American tapir - Tapirus terrestris
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Saúva-limão / Leafcutter ant - Atta sexdens
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Tatu-galinha / Nine-banded armadillo - Dasypus novemcinctus
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Onça-pintada / Jaguar - Panthera onca
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Periquito rico / Plain parakeet - Brotogeris tirica
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Macaco-prego / Black capuchin - Sapajus nigritus
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Rã-flautinha / Lutz's treefrog - Aplastodiscus albosignatus
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Morcego-beija-flor / Geoffroy's tailless bat - Anoura Geoffroyi
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Jacutinga / Black-fronted piping guan - Pipile jacutinga
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Quati-de-cauda-anelada / South American coati - Nasua nasua
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We have already painted around 20% of the space beginning with the water pattern which included the participation of the school children and we believe the project will realistically take five months to finish.
This timeline is an estimate that can change depending on various factors. It also does not just reflect the time it will take to paint the mural but the time it will take to complete the project as a whole. This includes the other preparation work necessary such as: finalising the design and colour choices inline with paint available, preparing the large stencils, transferring the design onto the wall and organising participatory workshops with the school children inline with the school's timetable.
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To complete the painting of the mural through the participation of parents, children and local community members.
To transform the space, creating a sense of ownership, pride and community.
To strengthen the ties between the families and the school.
To run further sessions with each class so that every child in the school makes their mark on the mural.
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Until this point our community artist has given his time voluntarily to work on the project and we have been able to cover the cost of the paint and materials through fundraising events at the school. But with the scale of the mural and the time it will take to complete it this funding will to allow him to support himself whilst he completely dedicate his time to running the project with the school over the next five months.
We are looking for your help to raise £1000 to be able to fully realise the mural and achieve our objectives for the project.
This funding amount is based on the minimum monthly wage in Brazil which for 2019 is R$998.²
The average GBP-BRL exchange rate for the last 12 months has been 4.989.³
This equates to £200.04 per month, so a projected timeline of 5 months therefore gives a total of £1000.20
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As a thank you for supporting the project we have come up with some amazing perks that includes the original artwork from the mural by our community artist Andy Câncio Bunce.
Remember to please include your name to be painted on the wall and address to receive the postcards, prints and posters in a message!
For the posters please include which animal you would like based on the designs featured on this page.
Name on the wall
Your name will be painted on the wall as part of our list of supporters for everyone to see and to show our appreciation of your donation. A photo of the names on the wall will be posted on here and our Instagram page for you to see once they have all been painted.
Thank you postcards
A handwritten thank you postcard sent directly from São Luiz do Paraitinga in Brazil, each one features an animal from the mural design. There is a total of five postcard designs, if choosing one or three the designs will be chosen at random.
Limited edition signed A4 print
Small print (210 x 297 mm) of the final mural artwork showing all 16 animals used with their common names in Portuguese and English and their scientific name. Printed on 250gsm matt couché (coated) paper. The prints are from a limited run 50 which will be numbered and signed by the artist.
A3 poster
Medium print (297 x 420 mm) of one of the animals from the mural artwork printed on 140gsm matt paper.
A2 poster
Large print (420 x 594 mm) of one of the animals from the mural artwork printed on 200gsm satin paper.
Postcards and Prints will be sent after the crowdfunder has finished and should arrive within 2-4 weeks but could take longer depending on printing times.
Photos of the names on the wall will be published once the mural is completed.
If there are any problems with your perk/reward please get in contact so that we can resolve it quickly.
We will post regular updates on the project here on the crowdfunding page and also on our Instagram www.instagram.com/pintando_paredes/ so you can see the difference your help has made to the project and how the mural is progressing!
Thank you!
Thank you very much for taking the time to check out our crowdfunder. We will be very grateful for any donations, big or small, to help us realise this project!
Please share this crowdfunding page on your social media accounts to help us reach more people.
For any questions please email [email protected]
Thank you very much!
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¹ https://www.hertsad.co.uk/news/harpenden-artist-leads-project-inspired-by-rio-olympics-1-4670633
² http://www.brasil.gov.br/noticias/emprego-e-previdencia/2019/01/decreto-fixa-salario-minimo-de-r-998-em-2019
³ https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=GBP&to=BRL&view=1Y
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Level 1
Name on the wall
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Level 2
1 x Thank you postcard from Brazil 
Name on the wall
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Level 3
3 x Thank you postcards from Brazil
Name on the wall
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Level 4
5 x Thank you postcards from Brazil
Name on the wall
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Level 5
Limited edition signed A4 print
5 x Thank you postcards from Brazil
Name on the wall
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Level 6
A3 poster
Limited edition signed A4 print
5 x Thank you postcards from Brazil
Name on the wall
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Level 7
A2 poster
Limited edition signed A4 print
5 x Thank you postcards from Brazil
Name on the wall
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frankloko · 5 years ago
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Esse é o famoso Alouatta (Macaco Guariba, Bugio, Barbado, Uivador) Um pouco agressivo (quando você entra no território dele) na mata, o som que ele faz é super alto e parece com um monstro gigantesco! Eu fiquei com muito medo a primeira vez que eu ouvi!! Na realidade ele é um macaquinho de 30 a 75 cm no máximo!! Super indefeso, que precisa extremamente do nosso cuidado!! Vamos preservar, cuidar dessas criaturinhas!! Salve a natureza! 🌱 • • • • #manaus #manausamazonas #love #bugio #guariba #macaco #manauscity #manaus40graus #manausam #manausbrasil #natgeo #nationalgeographic #manausétudo #amazonas #amazon #amazonia #amazonianforest #amazonrainforest #monkey #eternizeproject #brazil #brasil #galeriaeternize #savetheplanet #savetheworld #amazonforest #jungle #omelhorclick #canon #wwf (em Amazonas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1WOlDDnJIM/?igshid=hbedueho8cg3
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diarioelcentinela · 2 years ago
Sólo el 7% del territorio en el que habitan los cinco primates de Argentina está protegido
Sólo el 7% del territorio en el que habitan los cinco primates de Argentina está protegido
El estudio, que evaluó cuáles son las áreas prioritarias para la conservación de las cinco especies de primates que habitan en las distintas ecorregiones del país, mostró que todas se encuentran bajo alguna categoría de amenaza a nivel nacional y con poblaciones locales en declive, informó en un comunicado el Conicet.En ese sentido, se precisó que el mono aullador rojo (Alouatta guariba…
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yo-sostenible · 5 years ago
Mono argentino entre los 25 primates más amenazados del mundo
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Foto: gentileza investigadores 
El carayá rojo o mono aullador rojo (Alouatta guariba), una especie endémica del Bosque Atlántico que se extiende entre Argentina y Brasil, fue incluido entre los 25 primates más amenazados del mundo, en una lista que publican cada dos años la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (IUCN) y la Sociedad Internacional de Primatología (IPS).Los…
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dienayodessa · 4 years ago
Исследование предполагает, что мутации помогли Brown Howlers справиться с вирусом желтой лихорадки
Исследование предполагает, что мутации помогли Brown Howlers справиться с вирусом желтой лихорадки
В начале своего полевого сезона 2008 года в Эль-Парке Эль-Пиньялито в провинции Мисьонес на северо-востоке Аргентины Илария Агостини знала, что что-то ужасно не так. Агостини изучал два вида обезьян-ревунов Мисьонес с 2005 года – коричневых ( Alouatta guariba clamitans ) и черно-золотых (A. caraya) ревунов.
Оба жили в парке с относительно низкой плотностью населения, но все же существовали в…
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compare-wp10 · 6 years ago
Howler monkeys are to blame for Brazil’s worst yellow fever outbreak in 40 years – Brinkwire
An outbreak of yellow fever in Brazil which has killed 764 people in the past three years is being caused by howler monkeys, scientists say. loading... Tests on thousands of dead monkeys found the animals are the source of the deadly illness which has infected more than 2,000 people so far. Yellow fever is spread by mosquitoes and causes fever, headache, jaundice (yellow skin), muscle pain, vomiting and fatigue. The ongoing epidemic in Brazil is the nation’s worst in more than 40 years and has spread to the heavily populated city of São Paolo, where 12million people live. Researchers at the University of São Paolo and the Adolfo Lutz Institute in the same city have traced the history of the current strain of the virus. They found it dates back to the 1980s, where it first appeared in the state of Pará in the north of the country. Since, it has travelled to the south coast of the country through the Amazon rainforest and to the country’s most populated city. The virus is believed to be travelling from infected monkeys which are bitten by mosquitoes and the same mosquitoes then bite people and infect them. Monkeys and other primates are known to be a main host of the disease worldwide, though some are more susceptible to it than others.  Brazilian researchers found howler monkeys, marmosets and capuchins were infected with the virus. Howlers almost always die if they get it, marmosets can get infected but don’t always die, and capuchins are considered to be resistant to it. Howler monkeys have been pinpointed as the reservoir of the disease in Brazil after health authorities collected the carcasses of more than 10,000 monkeys. Yellow virus was found in 3,403 of the animals, the health ministry said. ‘More than 90 per cent of the dead monkeys are believed to be Alouatta guariba [brown howler monkeys]. The species is extremely susceptible to yellow fever,’ said Ester Sabino, director of the Institute of Tropical Medicine of São Paolo. ‘Troops of more than 80 monkeys were entirely destroyed,’ Cunha said, referring to the deaths of monkeys in a nature reserve nearby in late 2017. There have been reports of tourists getting infected with the illness, for which there is a vaccine, but it is not known how many. Yellow fever is endemic – regularly found – in 11 countries in South America and 33 in Africa, according to the World Health Organization. It is believed to infect around 200,000 per year worldwide and to kill 30,000. Symptoms usually appear within three to six days and may in rare cases progress to more serious problems such as bleeding, multiple organ failure, shock or death.
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leonardomercon · 6 years ago
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🇧🇷 Como moro no meio da Mata Atlântica, até visitar o Pantanal, só havia visto os Bugio-ruivo (Alouatta guariba). Fiquei admirado quando descobri que a espécie do Pantanal eram pretos (e alguns brancos). Esse ai da foto é um macho de Bugio-do-Pantanal (Alouatta caraya). :) 🖖 Missão: Registro de foto e video da Expedição do Projeto Caiman para estudar os Jacarés-do-Pantanal. Para acompanhar meu trabalho como fotógrafo de natureza, visite meu instagram: @leonardomercon # 🇺🇸 ENGLISH --- ⠀ ⠀ Since I live in the middle of the Atlantic Forest, until I visited the Pantanal, I had only seen the Brown howler monkeys. I was amazed when I discovered that the Pantanal species were black (and some whites). This one of the photo is a male of black howler (Alouatta caraya). :) 🖖 Mission: Photo and video record of the Caiman Project Expedition to study the Pantanal Gators. To follow my work as a nature photographer, visit my instagram: @leonardomercon #macaco #bugio #barbado #pantanal #brasil #brazil #monkey #howler #alouatta #natureza #nature #wildlife #wild #brasil #brazil #fotografiadenatureza #naturephotography #vidaselvagem #wildlifephotography #conservationphotography #ultimosrefugios #leonardomercon #biologia #belezasdobrasil #mothernature #biology #beautifulnature  #wildlifephoto #photonature (em Pantanal, Mato Grosso Do Sul, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br3j-1RjWuW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xgvsq4c5wkvk
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fisica-interessante · 7 years ago
O alarme dos macacos http://ift.tt/2rjvhQD Nas três últimas semanas de dezembro de 2017, o ecólogo Márcio Port Carvalho, pesquisador do Instituto Florestal de São Paulo, recolheu 65 bugios-ruivos (Alouatta guariba clamitans) mortos pelo vírus da febre amarela no Horto Florestal, parque estadual na zona norte da capital paulista, com ou... (on January 11, 2018 at 03:29PM)
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