#Almost way too much planning went into this idea for no reason lmao
wildelydawn · 10 months
(for writing ask game)
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
In Chapter 3 of Whatever Pieces Come Your Way, Porchay doesn't play any PVP in World of Warcraft, and he only does the main storylines and solo campaigns. And though they don't talk about it (They may talk about this more as the story develops), Porchay plays on an illegal server, so he's, technically, playing a totally different game from Macau, who is playing retail and currently campaigning through Shadowlands/Dragonflight. Their respective WoW games was meant to be a metaphor on several levels: Porchay plays on an illegal server because 1) he can't afford the monthly subscription and 2) his server is classless, so he can make a totally customizable character. On the other hand, Macau plays retail because 1) he can afford to play it and often pre-purchases new expansions and 2) because he plays retail, he has to follow the more rigid rules regarding classes, etc. It was supposed to show that in both the game and the mafia, they're both technically in the same "place" and "subjected to the same mafia and obeying the same rules," but in actuality, are playing two very different games, and therefore, they're experiencing two very different mafias and traumas. Porchay is easing into the mafia life, as is Macau, but the process is wildly different for each of them. And then there's Porchay who can "be any class with customization," and there's Macau who's choices are a bit more limited. But I think it's too convoluted haha.
This idea is taken from my own WoW habits; because of previous gaming trauma, I don't like to play MMORPGs with people anymore, but I love the storylines, so I often just do those and read the lore obsessively. Initially, I wrote the metaphor of both of them playing Counter Strike: Global Offensive and them eventually playing together, but I tabled that idea for now because I do have some one shots centered around gaming planned, and I wanted to keep a first person shooter game that I knew in my drafts. Though, I do reference it later in Chapter 4.
Sorry for such a long answer. :3 Thank you for asking!!!
Send me weird writer questions.
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SUMMARY : dean was so focused on you he’d blocked everything that was going on in the background of his life as it were white noise. he didn’t realise how much that put you in danger until you went out of your date.
PAIRING : vampire!dean winchester x fem!reader
WARNINGS/TAGS : explicit(18+), baker!dean, kidnapping, stalking (it’s only hot if dean does it), angst, unhealthy obsession, yandere!Dean, possessiveness, soft Dean, nerdy/dorky Dean returns, reader isn’t perfect, vague chronic illness, affection, obliviousness, violence, gore?, drugging, and more to come
A/N : this will soon fill the square for stockholm syndrome on my @jacklesversebingo card. lmao, it’s like venom/eddie with anne when she got engaged. I listened to MCR's bullets album for the maximum vampire vibes xx
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Dean was restless on the days leading up to your date with Clayton. 
He tried not to make it too obvious, his deep disappointment and displeasure with your choice. Well, to him it felt more like heartbreak, an emotion more painful than any of those words could convey. 
He didn’t ever want to avoid you. He didn’t want to push you away by saying something rude about Clayton or doing something that would end up hurting you. He wanted to be near you, always. So he planned ways to avoid the topic instead, but you were entirely indifferent about Clayton and your date with him. He had no idea if you really actually liked the guy, or if you were nervous, or if you thought of him often. 
Dean couldn’t pick up anything from you. Maybe your cheeks heated up a little and your heart raced if you spoke of him, sometimes. But it was almost instantly gone after a few moments, like you just needed to find a baseline. It was not the way a regular person would behave if they ever were attracted to someone in any way. 
He was still a little rattled. Because you hadn’t changed. You still became flustered if he was kind to you. You always spoke to him, spent most of your time with him. It was why he got whiplash from the news of your date. 
Wouldn’t you, now that you considered him a friend, tell him all about Clayton? What would be your reason not to? Why didn’t you gush about the man any chance you had? Why wouldn’t you bring Clayton to the bakery when you came by? Why wasn’t your social media flooded with a few or many posts about him? Why wasn’t it obvious or at least detectable that you liked Clayton?
“Can you believe it?” It was the old guy, Nico, talking to his son Anthony. “Your aunt’s house costs $320 000, I can tell you it’s not what it cost when she bought it.” 
Dean slowly tugged his consciousness out of his reeling head. He focused on the sweet chocolate batter he was whisking at angrily and relaxed his wrist to slowly stop. 
“Do you think he’d be into a single mom? Look at him, he’s so pretty and young.” That was Tamara Stewart. You didn’t like her. So, the answer was no. He was petty like that. 
He picked up the crinkly bag of chocolate chips and dumped a handful into the batter. He tried to distract himself from his devouring thoughts by eavesdropping in on the dozens of conversations his customers were having.
“But Jon sucks, we’re playing ranked and he doesn’t know what he’s doing.” 
Dean gently mixed the chocolate chips with the batter, getting lost in their conversations until he’d flattened the top of the batter and scraped the surrounding area of chocolate until the bowl was clean at the top. 
“Nine murders already, Frank.”
Dean froze and looked up, watching brown eyes sweep over a bright phone screen. He could hear both heart rates rising in fear, their bodies tense as they shared the news. 
“What’s the police doing about it?” 
George continued to scroll through his phone, his brows pressed together in stress and said: “No idea, doesn’t say much.” 
Dean quickly took the glass mixing bowl to quickly pour the batter into the prepared muffin pan. His ears found their point of interest, the conversation between Frank and George. Still, Dean pretended to deeply concentrate on baking and walked to the back to shove the pan inside the oven and remove the croissants and sweet scones he’d made.
“I swear, this is fucking weird.” Frank rubbed his forehead anxiously. “They said it themselves on the first three murders, there wasn’t any blood at the scene. What the hell kind of animal does that? Sounds like a person to me. Probably dumped the body there, killed it somewhere else.” 
Oh, Frank. You don’t know the half of it. 
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The following day, Dean was feeling unpleasantly wound up. 
He was hurt over your date with Clayton. 
And now, he was concerned for your safety as the day of your date came closer. You lived all alone in the woods. And there were vampires in town murdering people carelessly, as if they had no fear of getting caught. A beautiful and lovely woman was what you were to him, but to them, you were just a meal.
It didn’t just put you in danger. It put him in danger. Those vamps could easily move on, but a hunter could still follow. What hunter came by could find him, think the worst with the pile of incriminating evidence, and kill him. Or worse, Dean would have to kill the hunter out of self-preservation. 
He moved the murders to the top of his list of priorities because it still was all about you. Keeping you safe was all he could think of. It was like working a case again. Except it was easier because he was local, people knew him, trusted him, and liked him. What was harder was doing it alone, no Sam, no Cas. 
As always, Dean could count on flirting to get information out of police and detectives. A smile here and touch there proved that he still had it. Except this time, there wasn’t much he was interested in receiving because his entire body belonged to you. 
But at least he got a few photos of their files with his phone. It was easy enough to narrow down which monster was doing the killings. Vampires hardly ever changed their habits. But these vamps weren’t sloppy. They fed somewhere else and dumped the bodies randomly in the forest. They probably had different vamps from the nest dispose of the bodies so the locations were skewed and appeared random, but always deep in the forests. 
The victims were random. Three were dressed in running clothes, two wore work clothes, but the other four were dressed casually—killed on a day off or while they were out for fun. There was nothing they had in common, they probably bumped into the vamps, wrong-place-wrong-time type of deal. 
Their clothes were dirty, bloodied, tattered. They had bruises and cuts, but nothing that pointed to something that had human form. And to hide the vampire bite, the necks of the victims were completely torn by teeth. It was lazy work from the police, in Dean’s opinion, to blame mountain lions. Anyone with a brain would wonder how those people ended up in the forest to be attacked in the first place. 
Still, Dean had to find them and put an end to their nest. He wouldn’t stop you from going on your date, even though he’d previously planned on messing with your car so you wouldn’t get there… He hoped you’d be safer with… Clayton, and hoped that whenever he took you, you wouldn’t be left alone to end up as prey to the vampires.
All he had to do now was find the exact location of the nest and put an end to the vampires’ murder spree. 
SATURDAY — morning
You seemed a little more nervous than you were any other day when you entered his bakery. 
You asked him for some tea with honey, and he’d gladly obliged with a nice cup of chamomile tea that warmed your entire body in seconds. 
Dean, despite wanting nothing to do with what will happen on your date, wanted to comfort you. He sat down next to you, something he hardly did, and wrapped his cold hand around yours. You seemed a little surprised by his proximity, but you didn’t appear displeased. Instead, you turned your body towards him and smiled contently.
“I’m not exactly an expert in love, but shouldn’t you be… you know… a little more excited?” He asked, feeling elated that you placed your warm hand above his despite the way his touch made you shiver. You looked into his eyes curiously, tenderly brushing fingertips across his knuckles as you pondered his question with a fiery heat across your cheeks. 
“I sort of am,” you replied measuredly. He was glad he couldn’t physically cry because he would have been sobbing pathetically as a strange little ache settled in his chest. “I’m just trying to take it slow.” You tapped your shoe against his thoughtfully and he turned to touch his leg with yours, a harrowing need to be close to you overpowering any respect for your personal space. 
You instantly snapped out of your train of thought when he did, but your body completely decompressed as your eyes moved up to his face. He felt like you were seeing too much of him. 
“Slow?” He chuckled incredulously. His tone made you smile, but your brow raised, inquiring about his humour. “I think you might be takin’ it :0so slow you’re leaving your emotions behind a little. Most people would’ve been talking about their partner-to-be any chance they got.” The more he spoke, the hotter your face got. At least you finally looked away, appearing somewhat guilty. He slowly pulled his hand away from yours as your heat turned his want into need. “I guess I’m just wondering why you’re so nervous. You… like… the guy, you shouldn’t be this nervous,” he muttered.
He was glad you didn’t think much about the discontented tone of his voice, but you thought again for a few minutes after considering his words. “I’m… always watching people. I don’t need stuff to happen to me to learn something about life. For one, I’ve seen people falling hard and fast for someone... then it all falls apart, they're stupefied by the other person…” You breathed and ended your ramble. “Basically, I’m just trying to be smart and rational, so that I don’t end up in a bad situation.”
Dean blinked at you. 
Suddenly, everything that you were seemed to make sense. It dawned on him that you weren’t trying to be mysterious at all. You were just… calculating, and you applied that same logic to everything in your life. You always took long pauses to think before you spoke, you reacted slowly to his advances to contemplate him and then you made your move—depending on what you thought was appropriate, like a game. You were quiet because you were always observing others, learning from them, and then applying what you learned—to be accepted. You kept people at a distance out of fear and he knew more about that than anyone. 
“I don’t think there’s anything rational about love.” He knew that better than anyone, too. Why was he standing so close to you now? Knowing you could feel his unusually heatless body. Why did he stick around knowing he’d stolen your things and photographed items in your home? Why when you could easily find out that he was stalking you? That he’d broken into your home. That he longed for you and stayed by your side even though you didn’t and probably never would.
“That’s exactly why I’m trying to control it as much as I can. To have something seize me that way, to make me feel like I’m losing control of myself. I don’t think I can handle that kind of thing-”
“So that’s what it’s about? Staying in control?” He wanted to laugh. You and him were more alike than he thought. Not only did he have to restrain himself with his hunger for blood, but he had to wrest his desire to keep you all to himself. 
“Well, I think I’ve been through enough that it makes sense for me to be… controlling,” you argued indignantly. Your pout made him laugh, and his laugh made you smile. Then, you sobered. “I had no control over a lot of things in my childhood, even as I grew older. Even my illness dictated how I lived my life. There’s a lot of things. Abusive friends. My father. I was powerless most of my life. So yeah, I… I guess I’m just afraid to feel that way again. And love, romance, that’s even worse.”
Dean wondered with hope if you were trying to control yourself around him; if your date with Clayton was your way of controlling the way you really felt; if you felt so afraid about how strongly you might want or even need him, and forewished that it might be as much as he needed you. 
Dean reached out to grab your chin and made you look up at him again. You bit your lip and lifted your eyes from his shoulder to look at the greenness of his. He could already sense the blood rising to your face and your hand gently wrapped around his wrist, but you didn’t push him away. 
“When you find the right person, you won’t be afraid to lose yourself. Trust me.” Dean’s stomach somersaulted when your eyes dropped down to his lips and you licked your own. You pushed his hand away to wrap your arms around his neck, and he welcomed your first embrace. He could feel your warm breath by his ear, feel the heat of your body like the surface of the sun kissing his own when he circled his arms around your waist, and your heart thudded heavily, echoing against his empty chest.
SATURDAY — evening
The sun had set, swallowed by the horizon, pushed back by dark-blueness, leaving the moon behind in tall green trees. 
Damp dirt crunched beneath his once-retired boots. The scent of wet earth and rotten wood from the abandoned house the nest was vacating filled him with painful, nostalgic memories. He could smell human blood and salty sweat, he could hear quiet whimpers and panicked breathing. New victims. He focused on that instead.
He knew that facing the nest after the sun had set meant they were all going to be more awake. He could’ve missed work to do it during the day, but then it meant he wouldn’t have seen you. And he would not have been able to be so close to you, to fill his lungs with the delectable scent of everything that was you, to feel the sunniness of your body pressed against yours when you held him in your arms. 
He’d cherish that forever, if it was all you could give him. You wouldn’t ever know, but if you never chose him, he’d hide in the shadows of your life and do absolutely anything for you. Always.
Dean’s fingers twitched at the back door he was about to enter. Was he really just going to burst in there without getting a proper look inside? He cautiously made his way around the house to catch glimpses of the inside of the dark and ruined house. 
He counted the vampires downstairs, four women, two men, and the victims, two men. He couldn’t sense much from the second floor of the house, but he had to make do and act before they could kill the men. Dean could hear one of them, his weakened heartbeat, shallow breaths, not much energy left. The other must have been freshly caught… what a morbid way of putting it. 
He internally hyped himself up, swung his machete in his hand—like riding a bike. Hopefully. The sharpened edge of the machete was coated in a sticky layer of dead man’s blood, which intoxicated him slightly, but it had to be done. 
Now, he entered. 
He was greeted with hisses and bared fangs, and was thrown into decrepit walls and shoddy furniture. He was punched and clawed at, tackled and dragged across sodden and grimey floorboards. He was even bitten pointlessly by them. His skin healed and he stood back up and slashed his way through the modest, abandoned building. His freckled face, grey t-shirt, and old blue flannel spattered with blood. His jeans were covered in mud, old rain, and spilled vampire blood. 
His body thrummed and he felt alive. All those sensations against his skin were magnified and spectacular. He felt almost as alive as you made him feel. Saving people. Hunting things. It was like revisiting an old friend and going over fond memories. The family business, emphasis on the family. 
He’d tried so hard to get out. He did get out. But going back in was like relapsing, going back to a habit that he had always known was bad for him, deep down. 
Finished with the vampires downstairs, Dean hastily untied the men and ordered the more-lucid one to run and not stop until he was safe with the much weaker man. The man, Blue Shirt, had no idea what to think, didn’t argue and struggled to speed up as he carried Yellow Shirt out of the hell hole they had almost died in. 
Dean jogged upstairs and stopped at the woman who smirked at him. As if they knew each other, as if she had been expecting him. Uh-oh? Then two other vampires appeared behind her, bigger than the ones he’d killed downstairs, retracting their fangs with menace. 
“You don’t think we’d all just be waiting here… did you, Dean?” 
“What?” He voiced his bewildered thoughts. 
She took the opportunity to knock the machete out of his hand, as he assessed the two other vampires and attempted to absorb her words. She grabbed him by his neck to smile sweetly, only to smash his face into the window, and effortlessly threw him to—Yogi and Boo Boo. Dean smirked at them as they held him up, because the other guy was short, Boo Boo. That really eased the dull pain in his face. 
Now, he faced her again and she traced his jawline with her cold fingers. At that moment, as he sized her up, he decided she looked like Selene from Underworld. 
“The rest of the nest is out watching that pretty lady you’re obsessed with…” Dean’s face fell, enough to amuse Selene far more than she already was. “What’s her name…? Whatever, good… taste…” She smirked and leaned into Dean, enough for him to feel the dull air of her breath. 
“No,” he grunted, struggling against Yogi and Boo Boo as thoughts of you filled his mind. Thoughts of you going up against horrifying monsters you were not aware of and that you were not prepared to face. Why you? Why would they do that to you? 
“Yes, she’ll probably be as sweet as all that food you feed her.” Selene moved away to look out the shattered window, thoughtfully. “Does she smell good? God, I wouldn’t be able to stand as close to her as you love to be. I’d eat her right up, feel her body go limp as I swallow her warm blood… yummy.” 
Yogi and Boo Boo laughed cruelly, the grins on their faces that Dean peeked at showed their agreement with her words. 
“Shut up,” Dean growled. “Why are you going after her? What do you want with her?” It didn’t make sense for them to go after you. You were everything to him, but to them, you were nobody. Just a human. Unless it was about him. God, why did he have to piss so many monsters off?
Instead of responding to his question, she changed the subject and asked: “Alia saw you hunt coyotes and bobcats? What’s that like?”
Dean did not want to waste time talking about his diet if your life was in danger. It was a rash move to lunge at her, but his mouth connected with her neck and his fangs retracted on instinct, piercing hard flesh and disgusting blood that he sucked until she fell. 
He struggled against Yogi and Boo Boo’s grip, and was eventually torn off of her by them. Not without taking a chunk of her neck, which he spit out along with the blood he’d sucked from her already-dead body. He fought harder this time, for you and managed to get Yogi tangled up in Boo Boo when he shoved them into each other to swipe his machete from the floor as Selene recovered. 
He was grabbed roughly by Yogi or Boo Boo when they’d scrambled back up, but he kept his grip on the machete as he hit the wall one of them had pushed him into. He groaned as he turned, swung the machete, and Yogi’s head thumped loudly on the ground, a spray of his blood covered Dean, Boo Boo, and the wall. 
Selene kicked the back of his knee so he fell to the floor with a loud crack, and he was kneed in the face by fucking Boo Boo, then tackled into him by Selene. God, will it end?
Dean scrambled to get back up and removed her from his body by slamming himself with her on her back into the wall. Her breath rushed out as her body hit the wall painfully loud. Dean had barely managed to stand up straight when Boo Boo began to charge at him. Dean used Boo Boo’s brute strength to knock him into Selene before she could get up properly. 
Dean picked up his weapon again and drove the sharp edge across the back of Boo Boo’s head so he could see his brain slice through the middle with the partially diagonal slice from his machete. Dean kicked part of Boo Boo’s head away as Selene shoved his body off her. She stayed down and sighed defeatedly while glaring up at Dean. 
"It has come to this, the hunted, becoming the hunters to the hunted."(1) Dean quoted smugly, swinging the machete in his hand smoothly. 
“What?” She spat, wiping Boo Boo’s blood from her face. 
“Seriously? All this time on your hands and you don’t pick up a fucking vampire movie?” Dean rolled his eyes at her unwavering glare and sighed, squeezing his fist around the handle of the machete. “Can’t say this was nice, but, uh—it kinda was, actually. Huh.”  
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Dean wiped his face with his flannel as he tore through the road on his way to you. Thank fuck you’d let him know where you’d have your date, even though his intentions weren’t exactly pure. If he hadn’t had to go after the nest, he probably would have sat nearby to hear everything you had to say. Maybe he’d even planned to interrupt your date and stir up some jealousy and.. but perhaps it was good the universe prevented that from happening. 
The only problem was that you were in danger. He had no idea what he would say to you once he stood before you at that restaurant-brewery where they made your favourite burgers. What could he say without sounding batshit crazy? Without frightening you to the point of making you want to be far away from him—forever?
That didn’t matter. If you didn’t listen, he'd have to force you, for once, into listening to him so you wouldn’t be in danger. So you wouldn’t die. You were human. You were all he had and even though your life was fleeting, he wanted to make sure you got to live a fulfilling life. With or without him. That’s all that mattered. He’d risk it all for you, in this life or death moment.
Finally, he realised he was close to the bar and parked nearby, in the darkened back alley where there was a woman smoking at the first door, a cat with its head buried in a bucket of popcorn at the garbage, and a homeless man covered in ragged blankets near the end of the alley. 
Dean didn’t bother with looking around for much longer. The vampires wouldn’t be going in after him, unless they were stupid. He just needed to go in and get you out, by his side where you were safer. With someone who could protect you against the horrors of the night. And not Clayton, the kind, safe, and boring mechanic that everyone knew and trusted because he wouldn’t charge extra, or lie, or… who was Dean kidding? Clayton was perfect for you. 
Dean broke the door’s handle and pushed his way through people and the cooks, and the man cleaning. He was glared at, but ignored for the most part as he made his way to the front. As per usual, Dean could find you without looking. He could sense you, the way your heart would beat, the brush of your hands across your skin, and the delicious taste of your body. You stood out like the sun in the sky. 
He found you in a beautiful deep red blouse that made you the centre of the entire bar. Without even intending on it. You were so delicate and beautiful, he had to save you. He couldn’t imagine the large cavity the lack of your existence would create, he always wanted to breathe your air and feel your heat and hear your sweet voice. Even if you didn’t belong to him. 
But soon, it was all smothered by Clayton. Dean could smell the remnants of engine fuel and cologne. Clayton with his blond hair and blue eyes and… ugh. It could be Dean beside you. 
It was as if you could feel him. You shivered and your eyes drifted away from Clayton as he spoke enthusiastically about his nephew. Your soft eyes met Dean’s and you looked surprised, then happy, and finally concerned in an instant. Had Dean not experienced time the way he did, he would not have noticed the rapid change in your expression. 
You sat up straight and Clayton finally shut up to look where you were looking. Dean forced his legs to keep moving, fighting against the tar that was created by his endless amazement at your perfect existence. He’d fight gravity to get closer to you, defying every law to protect you, like the Moon and the Earth. He was meant to be next to you. 
“Dean? Wha-what are you… doing here? Wh-what happened? You’re covered in… blood…” You stepped around the table as you questioned him, with a clean napkin clenched in your fretful fingers to find the source of the blood. You wiped away uselessly, before realising it wasn’t his. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t explain right now, but you’re in danger,” he whispered, wrapping his hand around your arm. He pulled you closer and you allowed him to as he scanned the room for any one suspicious or… undead. There was no one. 
“What are you talking about?” You touched his bicep, his eyes moved back to yours, and his face softened. Your touch felt like warm life being poured back into the empty vessel that was his body. 
“I’m so sorry, it’s all my fault,” he whispered. The unease and fear that shone through your eyes made his stomach clench.
“How? Dean, talk to me,” you attempted to regain his attention by tugging on the hem of his shirt—where he was clean of blood. Instead of replying to you, Dean pulled you closer and began dragging you to where he had entered.
“I just need to get you somewhere safe,” he explained, dragging your willing body into the back of the brewery and out into the alley. 
He heard you call his name multiple times, your hard-to-answer questions, and the apprehension in your tone. He slowed down only because he didn’t want to hurt your arm or cause you to trip and fall. Soon you fell into step with him and stopped bombarding him with questions as you looked around tensely. 
“Hey! What are you doing?” Clayton called after you and Dean, he had your jacket and purse. Dean noticed and you stopped moving, and then you stepped away from Dean. He knew you were considering returning to Clayton as he walked closer, but you stopped a foot away from Dean.
Clayton’s blue eyes, like a clear sky free of pollution, were filled with trepidation. He eyed Dean suspiciously and looked over to you. You were completely relaxed despite the terrifying, bloody state Dean was in and you were standing awfully close, trusting him despite the disorientation. 
“What’s going on here?” Clayton asked, but still returned your items to you. You couldn’t answer because you didn’t know how to. All Dean knew was that you hadn’t shoved him off you because of the urgency in his words, the stress knotting up his muscles, and the pleas in his Spring eyes. Why? Why would you just follow him anywhere without hesitation?
“Clayton, stay inside, this… is between me and her,” Dean warned, taking your hand rather than your arm. He could see the impala about a metre away. You didn’t smile when you turned to Clayton, you were still perplexed by Dean’s pressing behaviour, his determination in getting you out, and his insistence left no room for debate. 
Clayton appeared baffled and disappointed. He didn’t say anything, but Dean knew the judgement in his eyes as they stared at each other, the audacity is what his blue eyes were telling him. 
You squeezed Dean’s hand unintentionally. You didn’t know how to explain yourself to Clayton, but Dean saw the apology in the melted sugar of your eyes, and the deep frown of your oil-tinted lips spoke volumes. Your face told too much. Dean loved you. 
“It’s fine! I’ll… I’m sorry, I’ll call you later,” you promised, moving forward to squeeze Clayton’s arm which was covered by a white long sleeve. 
Watching it, while holding your hand, felt like he’d been thrown into a wall all over again. Breath knocked out, fury and jealousy boiled over him like lava. Dean tugged you away, but you didn’t complain. And you obviously didn’t notice what Dean had, Clayton’s gentleman-ly hand almost lifting to caress your cheek or move away that perfect strand of hair that curled perfectly around your face. 
“Are you sure?” He asked, moving his own long and blond hair away from his face as a biting breeze rolled over him. He ignored Dean completely. 
Part of Dean’s brain thought back to Sam, reminded of that kindness and the goodness in his brother shining through Clayton’s face. It didn't make Dean want to whine and throw you over his shoulder any less. He’d do it to get you out, but you would not approve of that. That’s the only reason he didn’t do it.
Maybe you nodded to Clayton, he wasn’t sure because he was examining a group walking towards you. His urgency returned when the five people approached the three of you and Dean sensed the lack of heat and sound from their bodies. Dean spoke lowly to you: “please, we gotta go now, sweetheart.” 
“Okay, Dean,” you conceded, but your tone sounded an awful lot like you believed he was having a mental breakdown, and you were just playing along until you got him some proper help. 
Dean stepped backwards with your hand in his and muttered a curse under his breath. He wished Clayton had just left you alone, but Dean knew it was too late to get you away.
Clayton glanced back at the group coming closer and started to say: “I’ll be-”
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Dean Winchester and his prize pet. You weren’t going to leave without introducing us, were you?” The only woman of the group sneered. Was this Alia? Dean forced you behind him. He felt your hands gripping the back of his shirt and your face’s heat beside his bicep when you attempted to peek over his body. 
Clayton saw the way Dean gazed alarmingly at the woman and her group, and stumbled away to stand beside Dean. Dean could hear the rise in his heartbeat and feel the anxious heat that radiated from him. Those vampires could definitely smell the fear on him. 
“Pet?” You murmured to yourself with a pout.
“What do you want?” Dean’s go-to was to find humour in any situation like this one, but he couldn’t focus on distracting the group of vampires since your heartbeat began to rise and your hand clenched his shirt tighter. 
“Straight to the point then, yeah?” She asked, chuckling and eyeing you behind him, then looked at Clayton with indifference. “You killed a lot of people, Dean—” He felt your grip loosen up on his shirt and your breath puffed against his arm. “—You didn’t think we’d just forget about all of it and let you get away with it, did you?” 
“I didn’t kill anyone,” Dean asserted. He scoffed, his lip twitched into a smirk on instinct and she glared at him. “I don’t even know you.”
“Of course not,” she crossed her arms over her chest. “Remember Boris? We were part of his nest. Robert recruited us. You killed him, too, remember?” Dean held her gaze. Why would he feel guilty about killing vampires? “Because of you, we almost couldn’t survive. After you left, more hunters came. Those of us who made it out, those of us who survived you, they were hunted and killed. And then we had to learn to survive on our own.” She stepped closer and Dean backed up into you, your warm hands pressed into his back. “It was hard… I created my own family. And here we are. Here you are.”
She looked at you, peeked over his body where you were hiding. Alia—Dean was pretty sure she who Selene was talking about—seemed to consider her next move before speaking. “You killed them, didn’t you? Did you really think you could just move on with your life like nothing ever happened? And come here to continue killing?” Dean narrowed his eyes at her and her deep brown eyes glared at him, a smirk grew on her red lips. 
Dean needed to get back to the impala, to get the dead man’s blood, to pick up a weapon he could use to fight them off. You’d also be safe inside the Impala. He’d even tell you to go far away, to keep yourself alive until he could find you again. 
Clayton moved beside Dean, looking up into his blood smeared face, slightly shaken. “Is it true? Are you the one killing these people?”
“What?” Dean snapped out of his head, looking at Clayton. You whispered Dean’s name, as a question. “The police said they were animal attacks.” Dean didn’t care about what Clayton thought, but what you thought about him definitely mattered. He also knew it didn’t look very good for him to be covered in blood.
“Okay, then who’s blood are you covered in?” Your voice shook as you asked. Dean sneaked a glance at Alia and her friends. The cruel sneer on her face made it clear to him that she’d intended on pinning the deaths on him—she wanted you to think that. 
He couldn’t explain himself to you. Vampires. Monsters. Why would you believe any of that? You’d just think he’s batshit crazy. You’d be afraid of him. 
“You need to get in my car and stay inside,” he ordered, turning you with his hands firmly on your shoulder. Your mouth opened, ready to argue, and your wide eyes searched his face with hope and fear. Two of the most painful things he’d ever seen piercing the dead heart he thought could feel nothing. 
“Don’t touch her,” Clayton warned, pressing his hand into Dean’s shoulder. Dean growled and shoved him away. 
“Dean! Stop!” You shouted, watching helplessly as Clayton stumbled to the ground. Alia laughed carelessly. “Dean, what the hell is going on?” You asked, ignoring everything that was going on around you to gaze into Dean’s eyes. Your firm tone shook Dean, you usually spoke to him so gently and bashfully. 
“Tell her, Dean,” Alia was suddenly closer, “tell her what you are.” 
“No,” Dean barked at Alia and pulled out the knife he had in his jeans dipped in dead man’s blood and plunged it into her chest while she was busy gloating. You gasped and covered your mouth, stumbling away from Dean and the group of men that suddenly began advancing with menacing snarls.
Alia pulled the knife out of her chest with a scoff and a glare in Dean’s direction. “Dead man’s blood,” she spat.
“Leave her out of this, she doesn’t know anything,” Dean pleaded uselessly. Still, he placed himself in front of you, hoping to get closer to the impala now that his only weapon was in Alia’s hands. 
“You have nothing left, Dean. You’re all alone. Killing her is the only way I can really deal damage to you.” She lunged forward and slashed the knife across his stomach before he could dodge it properly. Maybe he was a little rusty. 
“Dean!” You cried, instantly moving to his side to touch the sliced skin of his abdomen, but it was healing instantly. He turned to you as he hissed and you backed away from him, thrown by the way he snarled at Alia with his fangs bared. 
Alia turned weak and fell to her knees. The five men around her hesitated, looking from Alia to Dean. But Dean didn't have the luxury to demur, so he turned around and grabbed you to push you towards the Impala. 
He didn’t care anymore. You’d seen Alia survive a stab to the heart. You saw his wound heal. You saw his… teeth. His monstrous face. And you were too shocked to move. You just blinked and stared at Dean as he unlocked the Impala to inhumanly retrieve his machete from the passenger seat. 
“Leave him, Ray, it’s her he cares about,” Alia rasped weakly. Dean turned to see the youngest of the group ready to lunge as Clayton stood, trying to wipe blood away from his palms. 
Dean turned back to you and gave you a small shake. You blinked at him and tensed when you focused on him. “Get. In.” He demanded, placing the keys in your palm. 
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It actually turned out better than he thought. 
Sure, his clothes were torn up from bites and the knife they were attempting to use between the five of them, but Dean knew he could take the five of them. He could’ve done it as a human. He could definitely do it as a vampire. 
He was covered in more blood than before. His hair was sticky with it and so was his skin, spattered and smeared all over his face. 
Disposing of five bodies was harder to do than he was used to. Usually, he’d have killed them out in those creepy lairs miles away from people where he could burn them to ash. He had Sam to help. This time, he’d have to leave them in garbage bags, in the large roll off containers from the restaurant. People turned the other way when they saw them fighting, probably assuming it was a regular old, drunken fist fight. 
He’d go back for the bodies once he got you and Clayton out of there. At some point, one of the vampires knocked him out cold. So Clayton was asleep in the backseat and you were still shaking in the passenger seat, staring dead ahead. 
This was so not how he pictured things going with you. Now, you were traumatised. You were probably scared of him, even if he’d saved you. He couldn’t blame you. He was a vampire and you’d just witnessed him easily slaughter five people. Only someone with experience in killing could manage winning a fight when they were outnumbered. 
After dropping Clayton unceremoniously into his couch, Dean ran back to the Impala and drove you to his place. He was surprised you’d allowed him to carry you all the way into his living room. And that you didn’t complain about him taking you to his home instead of yours. 
He hung your jacket and purse on the hooks beside the door and worriedly sat on his knees in front of you. He whispered your name and you lifted your eyes to his. You bit your lip. “Are you afraid of me?” 
You shook your head, and murmured, “I’m just… confused and… I don’t know…” 
“I’m here… do you wanna get cleaned up?” Dean took your hands cautiously, brushing his thumbs over your soft skin, over your knuckles. You shook your head, ‘no’. “Want to sleep?” You shook your head again, more vehemently. He smiled softly, a touch of sadness pooling in his stomach. “Is there anything you need? Anything I can get you or do for you?” 
“Dean,” your voice was a little hoarse. He hummed softly. “What the hell… just happened? I mean… how… wh- I can’t believe that…” You trailed off, falling back into the couch exhaustedly, and stared up at the ceiling as you attempted to wrap your head around what occurred. 
“I’m gonna make you some tea so you can calm down, and then we can talk.” Dean released your hands as he moved away from you. Your soft voice calling his name stopped him before he could turn away from you. 
“Will you tell me the truth?”
(1) Underworld: Endless War
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kurooo-is-here · 9 months
Oh, I got an idea! Drayton x Reader and Lacey x Crispin, the reader and Crispin want to get their crushes to finally confess to them but they're taking too damn long! They team up and pretend to be dating to get both of them jealous >:) (And Drayton in the end loses his cool! Le gasp!) (Could u also get Crispin and Reader to almost kiss? THX U)
LMAO this one was so fun to write! Drayton is definitely more jealous while Lacey is calmer and mature.
Drayton x Reader and Crispin x Lacey
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You and Crispin have been besties for years now, so of course you two talked about your crushes!
Crispin sighed and said he couldn't get himself to confess, so he was hoping Lacey could do it first to save him the trouble-- but she hasn't, even after all this time, despite showing interest in him! And he's never had to courage to go up and talk to her properly about his feelings. Poor guy...
Meanwhile, Drayton was always conveniently avoiding the subject, making jokes to change the subject. One time, he even just dozed off for no reason in the middle of you talking! Goddamnit toothpaste boy!!
You and Crispin devised a plan: pretend you're dating each other to get the two of them jealous! What could go wrong?? :D
It started with you leaning on Crispin's shoulder and holding his hand in the halls. No one was really surprised by this sudden display of "affection", since you two were already long-time friends. It was the perfect excuse.
Drayton and Lacey didn't say anything at first, but they definitely raised an eyebrow at you two-- so you decided to turn it up a notch.
One day in the clubroom, you loudly proclaimed that you loved Crispin sooo much, you just wanted to smooch him right now! As you leaned in for the "kiss", Drayton quite literally put his hand between your mouths to stop you.
"Uh, guys. No kissing in the clubroom." Drayton said, crossing his arms. His tone was surprisingly calm, but you knew better than to be fooled by that. He was about to lose his cool.
Crispin grinned at you knowingly and pushed further. "Whaaat, is someone jealous?"
Drayton's smile dropped. The entire room went silent as everyone noticed his demeanor. "Haha, what if I am?" He asked, tilting his head. "..What if I think you're trying to play me for a fool?" His icy tone sent shivers down your spine, despite not being directed at you.
"GAH! You saw through our plan?!" Crispin blurted, putting his head in his hands. "Ugh, Y/N! I thought we had him!"
The tension seemed to lift slightly. Drayton smiled again, though his smile looked... strained. "Ah, so you did plan this?"
Lacey walked over too, much to Crispin's dismay. "Crispin! You shouldn't play with people's hearts like that, it's just not right!"
Lacey looked at Drayton, and they both nodded. "Crispin, we'll decide a suitable punishment for you later." Drayton said.
Crispin nearly fell out of his seat. "W-Wait, WHAT?! But this wasn't all my idea, Y/N was in on it too--"
Drayton put a hand on your shoulder as he glared at Crispin. "Believe me, I know." Somehow, Drayton's touch felt oddly warm. Lacey had to drag Crispin out of the room to have a talk with him, leaving you and Drayton alone at the table.
"Drayton, I really am sorry about all of that... I don't actually like Crispin that way." You said quietly. "I understand if you're upset."
Drayton just sighed. "Apology accepted, as long as you don't do it again." He said, sitting next to you.
Suddenly, a realization dawned on you. "Wait... you agreed with Crispin earlier when he asked if you got jealous.. does that mean-?"
"Bingo!" Drayton replied. "Though I never imagined the confession would happen like THIS."
He laughed and leaned closer to you. "But... from now on, you're my treasure. No one's gonna get in the way of that."
His tone seemed sincere this time. It flustered you, seeing him so serious.
Seems like Crispin got his happy ending too, because he came back to the clubroom with a kiss mark on his cheek and a big smile on his face. You both celebrated by yelling "LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!!" before Lacey ran in to tell you two to lower your voices.
Turns out, Lacey had given Crispin a pretty stern talking to, but she got a bit frustrated and had to sit down for a moment to collect her thoughts. Crispin sat beside her and they had a talk for awhile about their families and futures, at which point Lacey finally admitted she had feelings for Crispin.
Drayton may or may not have challenged Crispin to a battle later, and Crispin may or may not have lost horribly after Drayton unleashed the fury of his Pokemon. Oops.
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whxre-bxby · 2 years
hear me out... CNC with mansk, lyle or quaritch??? or all three??? hcs plz??? take this as payment 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕
-🍔mm chezburger
Thank you for the idea and the pizza <3
Forced Miles Quaritch Smut
x recom Y/N
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WARNINGS: This is a forced CNC scenario, Smut, Angst, bad language, I’ll do HC (hurt/comfort) to not make it super brutal lmao
This is not for everyone! Don’t read it if you are sure you don’t like this. 
Word count: 4799
This is my fanfiction and my fantasy and it’s kinda fucked up but I’m into it.
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Authors Note: I was going to do Mansk/Quaritch/Lyle again but for this scenario, it definitely doesn’t fit all the characters. 
I’m leaving Lyle out of this one because this is not like him at all. He would never do this because he is a softie, no matter how angry or worked up he is. 
I hesitated with Mansk because he would never dare to do this to a human or recom y/n. However, he has beef with real Na’vi. If he’s having a bad day or a mission went really sideways, he would probably have no mercy on Y/N if she’s Na’vi too. Literally would take out his anger on her. (giving racist white American vibes so he would despise Na’vi in certain scenarios) (100% degrading Y/N)
Quaritch might do this to human or Na’vi Y/N if they are really pissing him off or he’s in a really really bad mood. Recom him is morally better off than human him, but his character still stays. 
For example, after Spider rejected his offer to come with him and Quaritch left on his Ikran, he would be fuming for the next few days. If he were to come across a real female Na’vi, the man will take out all his anger on Y/N with no hesitation. 
Human or recom Y/N would have to be purposefully messing up his missions or doing everything he hates, then the man would lose it. 
(In general, I don’t think any of their characters would actually ever do this, this is just fanfiction displaying an extreme situation) 
Finee I’ll add fluff to the end
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The missions we’ve been on have been going to shit lately. I saw that it was agitating the Colonel. Nothing was going as planned. Each time we went out there we were attacked and outnumbered; someone always ended up injured or almost killed. 
That didn’t stop me from showing my disagreement and dissatisfaction. He was the Colonel for a reason after all, wasn’t he? He’s responsible for these missions and for his soldiers. I don’t understand how he can be failing his job so badly. 
Seeing the state of my other fellow soldiers just fueled my anger. Lyle had an injured shoulder and couldn’t move his arm. Ja had his leg wrapped in bandages. The team was suffering and basically useless in this state, yet he kept sending us out there. 
I noticed he would start catching my glares and I could see that he hated them. 
He hated that it wasn’t working out for him but he hated that you weren’t staying loyal to him. As a marine, you should listen to him because he was your superior. Picking up on your bad attitude had him enraged. The fact that he felt some type of sexual attraction to you since he laid eyes on your recom self made him more hateful. He resented you because of the way you behaved to him now. Before, he thought of you as his top soldier. 
Perhaps you had forgotten your place and were in need of a reminder. 
Every time now, when he would give orders you would doubt them or mumble some rude comment. Once you even snapped at him when he called you out for your behaviour. 
Miles was suffering himself. He was unable to take care of his everyday increasing arousal. This was discovered when he realised masturbation didn’t do it for the Na’vi body. So he tried to suppress it, thinking it would go away but it just started building up and was now on the verge of collapsing down on him. He felt that he couldn’t go on like this much longer. 
First, he lost Spider. That had him upset. Then, his mission started going sideways. But on top of all that, the main thing having him this riled up, was you. 
Little did he know, I was dealing with my own problems. The more team members were injured, the more work I was assigned to do. At the base and during a mission, I would have to cover more ground than usual to keep things running and it was overwhelming. 
On top of that, my body had started acting up and like Quaritch’s, I quickly found out that trying to solve the problem alone did not help. In fact, it probably made my needs worse. 
Another thing neither Quaritch nor Y/N directly knew, was that their scents grew stronger. Luckily, Y/N was not required to work with that many other recom’s because they were mostly injured, but she had to see the Colonel on a daily basis. And every time she entered the room, her scent filled his sense and worsened his critical state. The same thing happened to her, but the female scent had more power than the male musk. 
Miles’ tail would hint at his feelings, flicking around excitedly without him noticing. He was too entranced by you. But you just understood his body language as him being irritated again. What you didn’t see was the way his pupils would dilate when he smelled you. It awakened something primal in him and he couldn’t be around you for too long otherwise he might lose control over himself. 
Seeing him in all his sculpted glory made things more difficult for you too, but you could still think clearly. 
It was late in the evening. The clock just passed 10 pm and I had tended to Lyle. He had his weird little requests like wanting to eat something specific but he couldn’t get it with his injury or he would insist on working out so I had to assist him while lifting weights.
I was walking to my room which was down the hall and to the right. Opposite me, on the other end of the hall, Quaritch appeared and was heading to his own room that I had just passed. I refused to acknowledge his existence, keeping my head down and fiddling with my bracelet. 
Quaritch spotted me the second I spotted him and he cursed himself for bumping into you now. He had just isolated himself in a room for the past hour to get his senses under control. Once he had calmed down, he left to go get some sleep, but apparently, the universe wouldn’t let him because he had to walk past you. And he was in a critical state, which he managed to hide with his confident walk and long strides. 
He wondered whether you would greet him and watched you intently as he neared. 
Once he reached you and you both walked past each other, your scent hit him again. It was so sweet to him now, even more so than before and it made his body tense. The fact that you were wearing only a sports bra and shorts from your workout with Lyle didn’t help him at all.  You did in fact not greet him and he had enough of your bratty behaviour. 
I made sure to avoid eye contact and was about to let out a small sigh of relief after passing him but suddenly I felt something tug me back by my braid. 
I gasped, wanting to scream when a hand wrapped itself around my hair but another hand was firmly clasped over my mouth. My body was pulled back against what I assumed was Quaritch’s chest and he held me in a firm lock while I struggled against him. With my eyes blown wide, I gripped his arm, trying to release myself from him. Eventually, my wriggling calmed down and he walked back to which I could only stumble with him. 
The light of the hallway faded out as I realised I was being dragged into a room. It also just happened to be Miles’ room. I could tell by the coat on the doorknob and the smell. 
He turned me away from the door and I heard him lock it behind him before he released me. I stumbled forward and gasped for air, turning around and facing him. The light was off and we could only see each other through the specs of light on our skin. I never properly saw his patterns before. They always showed one’s strong facial features. 
He stood still and I noticed that he seemed taller than ever. I gulped, immediately feeling intimidated and trapped by him. I was too tired to argue with him or fight him. 
My fear reached the same level of presence as my arousal and I wrapped my tail around my leg for comfort while I hugged my waist with my arms, taking a step back from him. I heard him growl and then he leaned down and turned on a desk lamp, which lit most of the room up. 
His eyes met mine before they started to shamelessly roam my body. I turned away, trying to hide myself with my arms. 
I didn’t think I would meet anyone on my way to my room. 
Miles seemed to hate how I hid from him and with a few swift steps, he was around me again. 
His hand wrapped around my neck, making me look up at him. I gasped again, my ears straining back, showing my fear and anger. 
“You’re gonna pay for your attitude.” he snarled, his own ears tilting back showing his emotions. My heart was racing and I felt his pulse on his palm as well. He was just as aroused as me and it made me hate and resent him more. Him thinking he could solve this through whatever this was made me angry and I scratched his arm. 
Miles pulled away, seeming taken aback by my reaction and I hissed at him, trying to desperately create some distance between us. 
This riles him up to his limit. His hand grasps my wrist, pulling me back to him so quickly I don’t have time to move it out of the way. He turns me around, pinning both my arms behind my back before pushing me onto the bed. I fall face-first into the mattress and he scoops me up and arranges my position so that I’m not hanging off the edge anymore. 
I cry out and struggle but he just scoffs. 
“No one’s gonna hear ya, sweetheart, it's just you and me.” 
“You asshole.” I swear at him, trying to kick him off. 
“Watch it, or else I really won’t hold back.” he warns me, harshly squeezing my wrists to emphasize his point. 
“Your mine to deal with.“ he snarls close to my ear before his hand is running down my back, feeling my hot skin. He stops at my shorts and when I feel his fingers linger at the waistband and tug at it I protest. 
He wasn’t allowed to find out I was in heat. That would be the end of me. 
But I was helpless and could only wait for time to pass while I felt his hands almost rip my shorts down my legs. 
Quaritch audibly groaned seeing me in my very revealing underwear and delivered a stinging slap to my ass. I yelped out in pain and when the second one came, I buried my face into the sheets to try and cope with it. 
He then pulled my panties off and I heard him sigh. 
“Fuck- look at you. So ready for me.”  he mumbles, his hostile tone slipping up. 
My cheeks heat up and I feel how not only the rest of my clothes are stripped from me, but my pride with them. I let out a muffled sob which Quaritch instantly picks up on. 
But he couldn’t care less right now. Seeing the state you were in and feeling the need in his body flood his senses, he could only act on his instincts. 
“It’s not… for you.” I manage to say, struggling to breathe properly. 
He cocks an eyebrow and my snarky remark and I hear a breathy chuckle. 
“Really?” he asks, sarcastically. “This here, isn’t f’ere me?” His hands trace down the skin of my inner thighs and rubs over it with his thumb, nearing my heat. Immediately, goosebumps erupt on my skin and I shiver in anticipation. Next, another slap is delivered to my ass which has a red mark on it. 
“Quit lyin’. You’re mine.” Quaritch snarls.
His hand grips my jaw, forcing it open and stuffing it with my panties. I comply, knowing I can’t fight him and he taps my cheek in praise before focusing on what he was doing before.
My hips were pulled off the bed while my upper body stayed pressed into the mattress by his firm grip, holding my arms behind my back and pushing me down. I tried maintaining stability so that I wouldn’t fall over and spread my knees apart a little. What a mistake that was. 
My scent was stronger than ever now and my bare pussy was on full display. His free hand rested on my ass, while he just stared. My tail was throwing a tantrum of its own, flicking around and showing my impatience, so he didn’t even have to move it out of the way. 
His hand then drifted down slowly and I tensed up when I felt his fingertips run through my folds. I bit my lip and clenched my eyes closed, trying to resist the feeling of pleasure. 
Quaritch noticed me tense up and grinned. 
“Bitch in heat.” he chuckles. “Looks like I’m not the only one suffering.”  
Suddenly I feel him push a finger all the way into me and my eyes shoot open and I whine out, involuntarily arching my back. 
No matter how hard I try to suppress my desires, Quaritch knows how badly I need him. He’s seen my state and it reflects his, except that he has control over this situation. 
“No need to hide it, baby,” he growls, moving down to whisper it seductively in my ear. “your body’s betraying you.” 
And with that, he starts to move his finger in and out of me before adding a second. 
I bite my lip to the point where my fangs are threatening to penetrate my skin. He was right, I knew he was. I also knew I couldn’t hide it any longer or keep up my streak of fighting and arguing with him. So I gave in. 
My hips pressed up against his fingers and the second that happened, his ears perked up and his eyes shot to my face. He saw my flushed cheeks, glossy half-lidded eyes and needy expression and that was all the confirmation of submission he needed. 
“That’s it, be good f’ere me.” 
I let out a small sob because the heat in my groin was becoming unbearable and while his fingers felt so fucking good, they made me crave more and thereby made my desires go through the roof. 
Miles was also becoming more desperate for any type of relief. His dick was straining his pants and he was painfully hard because he hasn’t been tending to his needs in the slightest for weeks. 
Quaritch removed his fingers from my dripping pussy, licking them clean in two strokes of his tongue and humming at the taste. It made him feral and he was sure that if anyone were to walk in on you, he would be unfazed because he was so lust-driven and you were lust-drunk. He would also definitely fight anyone who would try and take you away from him. The Colonel needed to claim you as his. No matter whether it influenced your relationship as colleagues, at this moment in time, neither of you could think straight. All professionalism was long gone.
He continued to hold your wrists behind your back while one of his hands was hastily trying to open his belt and free his aching cock from its restraints. 
The shuffling made me keep still and listen, my ears no longer pulled back. My tail slowed its movements and eventually stilled in anticipation. 
Miles groaned once he had finally managed to push his pants down but it didn’t stop there. His skin felt as hot as yours and all his clothes suddenly felt like an obstacle in his way to claim you. They seemed to restrict his movements so everything had to go. 
He let my wrists go for a split second, swiftly pulling his tank top over his head after discarding his cammies. 
His hands are back on my body in an instant and my wrists are released. I look up at him but then I feel him tug my sports bra over my head. 
I sigh at the feeling and he bites down on his lip, letting his hands roam over every bit of exposed skin, making me moan lightly. The noise makes his ears twitch and he focuses on our needs once again. My arms are pulled back behind my back once again and the mattress dips as Quaritch positions himself behind me.
Quaritch notices one of his fingers twitching from how needy he feels and it surprises him because this is unlike his character. Then again, his body also happens to be unlike him. 
He adjusts his weight evenly on both knees behind you and places his free hand on your hip while the other isn’t giving you any indication of letting your wrists go. 
Suddenly, my hips are pulled back and my ass is gently pressed against the Colonel’s lower abdomen. I can feel his throbbing dick against my skin and I gasp while he just lets his ears relax a little and sighs. Finally, you both can solve your torturing feelings. 
He grinds himself against your hot, wet skin and groans. 
Feeling him rubbing up against me makes my eyes flutter closed again. 
Suddenly, his hand lets go of my hip and I feel my braid get picked up from my shoulder. I try to turn my head and follow his movements but he pulls it behind me, so I can only rely on my other senses to figure out what he was doing. I had a feeling I knew what was about to happen. But if he would bond us, it would be permanent and that didn’t seem like such a good idea if I still have to work with him in the future. I struggle again, whimpering out protests and warning ‘no’s’ but Miles wasn’t listening. His full attention was focused on our queues. He pushed my back down and pinned my hips down with his body weight, before his other hand reach for his own queue. He brought it forward and pinched the base of mine which made my eyes go wide. He watched the tsaheylu for a few seconds before pinching his own queue. Eyes wide, he brought them together and watched how the strands reached out for one another, before binding and becoming one. The bond shot through both our bodies, reaching every nerve at every spot on the body. Suddenly, I felt all of Miles and I knew he felt all of me. It was something completely humanly indescribable. It just felt right to Miles. He took a few deep breaths to steady himself and relish in the new feeling.
Without further ado, he pulls away and thrusts his hips forward. He didn’t even line himself up with my pussy, this man was so hard it just worked straight away. He didn’t manage to push all the way in the first time though. 
I moan, arching my back into him again and he closes his eyes. It hurt a little, but I tried to ignore it. 
“Fuck- so tight.” Miles groans, his hands gripping onto me to keep him grounded in reality. He picked up on my tension and pain, but nothing was going to stop him now. He felt it too, but his body's needs were stronger. 
His hips retreated before thrusting forward once more, eliciting a slight squelching sound from the swift movement. I whine, feeling how much he is stretching me. I’d never felt anything like this and I needed a few minutes to get used to it. 
A few minutes were way too long for Quaritch. The man was flooded with pure primal instincts and no common sense anymore. As I said, Quaritch was lust-driven. His ears were strained back, his body muscles flexed, his tail either flicking around or stretched, and his fangs slightly bared. Occasional growls were heard from him that I haven’t heard before but they made him that much more attractive. 
He started to find a steady pace and kept on forcing himself deeper into me. My ears were tipped back too, my tail caressing his torso. 
The pain was starting to fade and both of us could sense that. Which is why Quaritch let his thrusts get rougher and soon his hips were relentlessly drilling his cock deep into me. I felt him in my lower stomach but I couldn’t look or feel for it. He held me in place, not letting me move a limb. 
“Goddamn, sweet’eart…” he mumbled, losing himself inside you. “Ya feel so fuckin’ good.” 
I cry out when his tip hits what I think is my cervix and realise he is balls deep inside me. 
Suddenly, he stops and pulls out. Within seconds I’m laying on my back and he pulls my legs apart, blocking them from closing with his hips. Then before I can think a single thought, he’s back deep inside me. I throw my head back and grab the sheets next to me with one hand while the other holds onto my braid which is flung over my shoulder. 
“Oh my god-” I mutter out, unable to keep still. 
Quaritch leans down closer to me, resting his elbows and forearms on either side of my shoulders. His rutting against me doesn’t falter for even a second. 
He reaches out and wraps his right hand around my throat again. I look up at him through half-lidded fucked out eyes and he swears under his breath. 
Just seeing you look at him like that could make him spill himself into you already now. But he wanted to feel this pleasure for as long as possible with you. 
Our breaths mix and our eyes lock. 
“You goin’ to quit being a brat now?” he asks, his cocky side still very much present. 
“Miles- I’m so close…” I whine, having to close my eyes and break eye contact. His hand releases my neck and he slaps my face. Not harshly, but just enough to get my attention and have tears stinging in the corners of my eyes. He raises his eyebrow and I realise my mistake.
“Sorry, sir.” I breathily answer but he doesn’t react. 
“Answer.” Quaritch demands. I frantically nod. 
“Yes, sir. I’ll stop.” I reply in a more desperate tone than I would have wished. He seems to like that, a grin forming on his face but his teeth are still clenched together and his jaw is tensed. 
“Good girl.” he coos, rubbing his hand over the cheek he slapped before returning it to my throat. The praise and pet name have me clenching around him and he curses again. 
“Fuckin’ hell. You like that, huh? Little slut.” he snarls, still grinning and I moan. Everything was becoming too much. 
“Please-  I’m gonna-” I say, unable to form words because of how harshly his hips were slapping mine and how deeply he was drilling into me. Yet somehow, it felt amazingly good. 
“Only if you scream my name, baby.” he grins, leaning down to my ear to say that. “Let everyone know who’s fuckin’ ya this good.” 
I moan again just from his words. “You- so good.” I mumble in bliss. 
He squeezes my neck, unsatisfied with my noise level. 
“You, Colonel Miles fucking- nghh, Quaritch!” I scream, throwing my head back and he chuckles. 
“Who’s fuckin’ pussy is this?” he asks, clearly demanding an answer and I just spill the first words that come to mind. 
“Yours, sir!” I cry out and he grins even more. 
“You’re goddamn right.” He says, somehow managing to pick up his pace again. I arch my back off the bed, my hands holding onto his shoulders and my legs wrapping around his waist, pulling him even further into me. 
This turns Quaritch on to the point he knows, he can’t hold it much longer. 
He takes one look at my teary eyes and he can feel how close I am. 
“Please, sir I’m so close…” I mumble. “Can I cum?” 
Quaritch is not just pleased but almost proud that you asked. To him it meant you learned your lesson and he trained you properly. How could he say no?
“Whenever you’re ready, baby.” he mumbled, lowering his head and resting it in the crook of your neck, while his hips continued to rock you back and forth. 
With his permission, you finally came undone, repeatedly crying out his name which he loved. All the pressure you have felt for the past week or two was finally being resolved and you felt your orgasm rip through you, making your entire body quiver and shake. 
You squeezed around Quaritch and he cursed under his breath again before thrusting into you one last time as deeply and hardly as he could. He stilled his hips and his muscles flexed once again as he released himself deep inside you, stuffing your pussy full of his cum. His fangs slightly bit down on the skin of your neck as he felt his own wave of pleasure hit and drown him for a few great seconds. 
I had come down from my high and cradled his head with one hand, while he regained his breath. Our chests were heaving and the room was quieter now. I traced down his neck, fumbling around with his dog tag. I felt him smile against my skin before he lifted himself off of me and just stared down at me. 
I wondered whether he felt regret because he wasn’t showing any emotions right now. Maybe the reality of the situation just hit him now and he could be disgusted that he was in a bed with me. But then his gaze softened, in a way I’ve never seen. I didn’t feel like I had the Colonel infront of me, but just Miles if that makes sense. He didn’t seem as intimidating all of a sudden and I just watched him wide eyed. 
He pulled out and I closed my legs, still unsure of how he felt. He seemed to be trying to read my own emotions which made me feel very observed and I tried retreating in myself, hugging my body with my arms, trying to perhaps cover anything even though he’s seen it. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N…” he whispers, seeming almost sad. 
Miles was disappointed in himself. He knew he had crossed a line and he wasn’t sure whether you even wanted that. You were his soldier after all and his responsibility. It wasn’t fair that he would ever even put you in a position like that, but he did. And he felt guilty, seeing how beautifully you looked up at him, even after all he had done. As if you were awaiting further instructions. 
What he hated was that he took advantage of your loyalty and obedience. 
My ears perk up at his words and I tilt my head to the side. It genuinely took me a few good long seconds to figure out what he meant. He saw my confusion. 
“I shouldn’t have done that.” he says and I feel my heart drop. 
“Oh…” I whisper, looking down at myself. He did regret it. 
Now Miles had his head tilted, wondering why I reacted like that. Then, it made sense to him. 
“No, Y/N I mean I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you like that.” he says and I look up at him again, my tail hugging my knees. 
“But I feel better now.” I say, trying to help him understand that he did infact help me with my body crisis. His ears perk forwards. 
“Do you regret it…?” I ask him. He thinks about his answer. 
“Only if I hurt you.” 
“You didn’t…” 
“Then I don’t.” 
I smile up at him and his posture relaxes a little in relief. 
“I wanted it as much as you did.” I force myself to say, putting my already gone pride to the side. My cheeks form a blush again and he takes it to heart. 
He nods, smiling to himself and we both just sit on the bed, staring at each other. 
“Would you like me to leave?” Quaritch asks, ready to give you space even if he preferred not to. He wanted you to feel safe, even if it wasn’t with him around. Then again, he asked because he would feel just as bad if he were to leave you alone after using you to his liking. 
Even though it was his room, he felt as though he had intruded in your space. 
“Can you stay?” I ask him, knotting my fingers together and letting my tail swish down on the mattress. His eyes light up and he smiles. 
Quaritch then leans over and turns the light off but his room still isn’t fully dark. He lays down next to me, pulling his blanket over us, tucking me in a bit before covering himself. I smile at his actions. 
This was a new side to him and I liked it a lot. 
The bond we formed was permanent and it had created a new sense of closeness between us. I felt safer with him now. Our queue’s had already disconnected but his energy was much more present to me now. We both knew we were connected together in some way for the rest of our lives now. It was deeper and more meaningful than our jobs, so we ignored that side and just focused on each other. He pulled my body against his and rested his arm on my waist, cradling me to him. 
Before falling asleep, Quaritch placed a soft kiss on my cheek and I wanted to throw myself on him and cuddle. Luckily, my self-control was back, so instead, I hugged his arm and we fell asleep.
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sparkles-and-trash · 6 months
dabihawks nsfw alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Depends strongly on the sex. Keigo's kinda good with whatever, he takes a cuddle if he can get one, but he understands if Dabi needs space. Dabi gets super clingy if he came more than once tho.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of their partner’s)
Keigo LOVES Dabi's long legs more than anything, Dabi is a sucker for Keigo's ass.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Keigo loves to cum inside, and Dabi loves it when Keigo does as well. Keigo's not a fan tho, but he enjoys it when Dabi cums all over him (esp on his face ehe)
D = Dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
They both love the idea of public sex, but the every time they try they're nervous and stressed as fuck lmao
E = Experience (how experienced are they?)
Before each other they had very little, I imagine Dabi might have used sex to get his way a time or two before the league, nothing non-con, but def nothing romantic either. Keigo was a total virgin and had no idea how much his bird traits would affect his sex life!
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Keigo loves to ride Dabi, Dabi's a secret sucker for some missionary turned mating press eheh
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment?)
Totally depends on the mood. At first they were very serious, but the more time went on, the more light hearted they can be if the mood is right!
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes?)
Both of them are trimmed, Dabi's is white and Keigo loves it. They both have a bit of a snail trail but Keigo's more visible as it's a little darker than his other hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? in the romantic aspect)
When things are intimate and romantic they're super into eye contact, and if the mood is right they'll be as sappy as holding hands and gazing into each other eyes. They usually giggle about it afterwards.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Keigo only did it to relive tension before he started fucking Dabi, but afterwards he's learned how to really enjoy it on his own. Dabi struggled with it for many years bc he hated his body sm, but now he loves it, esp if Keigo watches or listens
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Dabi totally has a wing kink, Keigo enjoys basic bondage and being tied up. They're both dom/sub switches and enjoy either on different days and at different times.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Keigo's big on the classics, bed, couch etc, Dabi's a sucker for the shower.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The other being possessive over them. This 100% goes for the both of them. Keigo might also have a tiny thing for blood.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Keigo would never insult Dabi in bed, even if he asked for it. Dabi's not comfortable using his quirk as anything other than making some very light marks on Keigo's ass or thighs, for obvious reasons.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Keigo loves sucking dick, almost as much as Dabi loves having him suck his dick. Dabi's really good at eating Keigo out, he also quite enjoys it, and naturally Keigo loves it as well.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
Depends on the day and mood. Dabi's more of a quick and rough top tho, while Keigo is more of a slowly, deeply top.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc)
They often start out planning out a quicky, but it always turns into a full session.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? )
They both love to try new things, but they're also very open about it when it's not for them.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Keigo can go on forever, he's the type to need very little recovery time, while Dabi can come lots of times as a bottom, but he'll only go once or twice as a top.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them?)
Yes, and yes. Nothing too weird, but they def have a toy basket, and Dabi def uses a lot more toys when he's alone than Keigo does.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Dabi LOVES to tease, but cannot take being teased lmao. He WILL cry, and Keigo WILL give in.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Keigo's very vocal, but not loud. He chirps and chitters and coo's, he moans and whimpers, but he prefers to do it into Keigo's ear or into his neck. Dabi's just LOUD.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Keigo's a subby, whiny top. Dabi's a bossy bottom. Keigo's more of a chatty, encouraging bottom, while Dabi loses himself when he tops, in the best way.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Keigo's body is strong, but not as sharp or sculpted as expected. He's soft to the touch, but his muscles are right below, and Dabi loves running his hands all over him. Dabi's long and lean, and actually stronger than he seems. When he gets the opportunity to, he'll go a little soft around his stomach and thighs and Keigo LOVES it. Their dicks are pretty average, Keigo's a little shorter but thicker than Dabi.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
For each other? All time high.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Keigo loves to lie around and watch and touch Dabi, while Dabi conks out right away lmao.
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thegreymoon · 8 months
The Story of Minglan
LMAO, I knew I could count on Imperial Tutor Yu! 😂
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I am cackling 🤣🤣
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Honestly, I think Yanran is too stupid to live and I have no love for this character, but the grandparents are great!
Screaming at all these idiotic maids!
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If they were in the Qi household, they would all be dead by now.
LMAOOOO, the way he jumped up like his ass was on fire 🤣🤣
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It seems like she severely miscalculated her odds here.
Oh, yes, keep digging your grave 🙄
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I honestly can't stand her.
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All she does is cry and look shocked and bewildered, and then runs to Minglan to solve her problems for her, starting from fixing her shitty embroidery, to reclaiming her dead mother's belongings that she didn't take proper care of to begin with, to advocating for her on huge matters such as that of HER OWN MARRIAGE.
Like, grow a spine. Grow a brain. Learn some life skills (like locking up precious possessions, for example 🙄). And if you can't? THEN SUFFER.
The idea of her with Gu Tingye gives me so much ick and not just because his plan is gross and he is deliberately going after her because she is weak and stupid. The very concept of such a strong, intelligent and capable man with this wet rag of a woman makes me break out in hives.
And the way they start playing sad, pitiful music every time she shows up on screen, I cannot 🙄🙄
No, you don't understand, Tutor Yu!
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It was raining that day, so the ground was slippery! And he just... slipped and fell! Onto Manniang! And his dick just went into her vagina! But like... by accident! Because of the dick-to-vagina homing system that is activated in all young men when they are in the vicinity of a prostitute! It was not his fault at all! And then she was pregnant. And had a baby! And then it happened again! And she had another baby! But it was the circumstances, Tutor Yu! Not his doing at all! Please understand! 🙏🙏
Are you not ashamed of speaking such blatant lies?
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The only reason you're after this particular woman is because she's too weak to stop you from bringing your mistress and illegitimate kids into your marital home!
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Because even though the grandparents agreed after his pitiful act, THEY AGREED BECAUSE HE SAID THERE WOULD BE NO SECOND WIFE! With her here making a scene at their house, this match is doomed.
LMAO, bitch what.
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LOL, I love the response "You're completely alive already." Like, shut up.
You fucking moron. You imbecile. You deserve every second of being made a fool of because you have a spine of jelly. SAY NO. JUST SAY FUCKING NO. LET HER FUCKING KNEEL, SHE WILL GET UP AS SOON AS HER KNEES GET TIRED. OR BETTER YET, WHEN YOUR PARENTS GET HOME, HAVE HER DRAGGED AWAY. UGH, THIS MAKES ME ANGRY.
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Good. You are not fit for life.
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I'm pretty certain there is some form of law enforcement here that will very much get rid of her for you, especially since she is a literal nobody, making a scene and dragging the reputation of a well-off house. Let her try this at Gu manor and see how it goes! Oh, wait, she did! And it went as well for her there as it could be expected, lol, she almost got her and her daughter's asses sold into slavery, smh.
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rivangel · 10 months
So, I got this silly but sort of cute idea and I can't really express it as well as I'd like, but I'mma try.
Imagine Levi in his early years in the Survey Corps seeing a rainbow for the first time with his assigned second-in-command. It's reader's birthday and they're kind of excited for it this year, thinking it's going to be the perfect day...and then it rains, a lot. So you could say both reader and Levi's mood is not the greatest.
They have a chat in Levi's office while he's drowning in work to tune out the storm when the sky suddenly clears and the sun's shining again. So reader immediately gets up and eggs Levi on to come with them to "show him something cool".
Cue to Levi watching in amazement and reader dancing in the rain.
I tried, this is the reason I only come on this app to read lmao
IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME LITERAL AGES IM SORRRYY😭i loved your idea, i hope i did it justice a lil<3
➥ pairing: Captain Levi x gn!Vice Captain!Reader
➥ about: Your birthday has been a gloomy one, but not all is lost.
➥ c/w: established relationship, canonverse, levi and his acts of service love language🙄, fluffy, slight hurt/comfort
➥ wc: 900
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What a disappointment.
You'd been looking forward to that trip for the last week, even more than Levi had caught onto by the way you're still sulking there, sat at the side of his desk.
You’re trying to keep it to yourself, but there’s no one who knows you better.
It was supposed to be a ride on horseback through the countryside, specifically east of Quinta District. There are a dozen resorts in the area and even tours—that's how gorgeous the scenery apparently is.
But the rain ruined everything. The downpour just wouldn't cease coming down like bullets.
So he had snuck away to brave the weather earlier, and came back with your favorite sweet from the bakery in Trost nearby.
That might be why you're sulking. You told him you felt guilty about it, as if he didn't make that choice all on his own.
This annoyed him more than what it was worth because nothing went according to plan. And now what?—Do paperwork? On your damn birthday?
"I'm sorry about earlier," you sigh at random.
He looks up from his cup of tea to frown at you. "I'm not the one who deserves consoling."
He reaches over and plucks the quill from your hand, then rests his hand on yours. You haven't written anything down in the past fifteen minutes.
Your gaze lifts to his. "But I want you to know I appreciate you."
"That’s redundant."
You smile a little with a small huff.
He traces your knuckles with his thumb as he takes another sip. He plans to get up soon and make you your favorite meal, no matter that it’s too early for dinner.
“It sounds like the rain is letting up,” you muse.
You glance at the curtains. The dimmest grey glow of sunlight is trying to penetrate.
You stand up, and go over to slide them open.
"…Levi, come look at this!"
He startles and looks up. Your lips are parted. "Huh? What's wrong?"
"Just come look!"
All the sudden, you bolt for the door and rush out.
Levi stands and throws a glare out the window at first, but no one out of place has showed up; there isn't even a messenger. He doesn't think he's wrong, despite the fog that's settled low to the earth.
Annoyed, he marches after you, closing the door firmly behind him.
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A few sets of stairs fly by. He catches up to you at the short set of steps outside the building.
As soon as he opens one of the double doors, the cool air, fresh and sweet from the rain, washes over his face.
He isn't winded. You're almost doubled over standing on the wet ground, but the second he appears, you point at the sky.
What? he almost asks. What does that mean?
He follows your finger, and his eyes go wide.
Following a grand and perfect arc shape, it protrudes from taller buildings blocking the horizon—more than a few completely different brilliant colors joined in a column. He's never seen so much color in one place before, and never did he think he would see it decorating a grey sky, standing out so starkly, only just slightly blurred at the edges. It seemingly penetrates a patch of grass relatively close by, but he gets the feeling if he chased it, such a marvel would snap out of existence as impossibly as it appeared.
He stares up at it in pure amazement, hardly thinking. Over time, he should’ve gotten used to seeing the sky, any sky—muggy grey to crisp blue. But apparently, he doesn’t know anything. He hasn't felt this way, since... he went outside the Walls for the first time.
Does everyone else know about this and didn't tell him for some reason? Is this common knowledge? He forces his eyes to dart to the courtyard for a split-second. A few are standing around, but in moments resume whatever they're doing, wherever they’re going.
Are you kidding me?
They must all be blind. He walks down the set of steps one by one without taking his eyes off of the rainbow. It seems to drift along with him like clouds do.
"It seems like I'm gonna have a good birthday after all!" you laugh. You stomp the wet ground in victory.
"...Does it always do that?" he stammers.
"Well no, it's special." You pivot around and make c'mere motions towards him. "Isn't it pretty?"
It feels like he's going insane. Someone like him can't produce words to describe such a beautiful thing. He wasn't even meant to see it... Meanwhile, it seems like a common spectacle to everyone else, as normal as birds flying.
The mud clings to his boots when he steps on the earth. But in a rare moment of complete ambivalence, he lets you seize his hands and drag him further onto the mucky ground and dense rainy air as you bounce on your heels, making his arms jump and down while you giggle like a kid.
“Isn’t this great!?”
He looks away from the rainbow, and watches you instead. His lips curl up gently.
“Yeah, it is.”
Levi masterlist | main masterlist
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wonderthor · 2 years
Night and Day
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a/n: I HAVE SO MUCH HOMEWORK DUE TONIGHT AND I HAVEN’T STARTED BUT FUCK THAT HERE YOU GO lmao i’ve never written an anime fic, nor have i written in fucking eons, but it’s fucktober so get fucked. i do what i want.
pairing: mechanic!ryomen sukuna x thicc!black!fem!reader
summary: you stop by your sister’s auto shop, meaning for it to be a quick visit. but you ended up being there longer than you thought and someone left quite an impression on you.
warnings: SMUT, cursing, HELLA petnames, pussy eating, fingering, rip cervix, unprotected sex, creampie, spanking, kind of corruption kink, unedited piece of shite, sukuna being a smug asshole at the end lol the end is my favorite part, did i miss something? let me know if i did
“finally! i’m here, thank goodness!”
you looked up from your GPS to the auto shop in front of you. you had never been here before, but it was just as your sister described it. huge, old and a bit run down, but full of mechanics bustling about in and out of the garages. and not to mention, a ton of cars. oh, and being very very far away from your town. you didn’t want to mention that even though you used a GPS, you had gotten lost twice and almost ended up in the opposite side of the state. so you decided to keep that little secret to yourself.
you parked far away from the business and grabbed your purse to head inside. inside, there was a few people sitting and waiting for their cars and a desk with a woman sitting behind it across the room. you walked up to the desk and politely waited for the woman to finish her phone call. she swiftly hang up the phone, sighed, and looked up at you with a tired expression on her face. “hello, how may i help you?”
still, as polite as you are, you smiled and said, “good afternoon ma’am! i’m here to bring my sister something that she left. she works here and her name is-“
“SIS!!!!!!” you jolted as your sister came running from behind the desk to grab you in a very aggressive hug. “oh my sweet dear sister has finally come all the way here to visit me! what a treat!”, she said with a comically large smile on her face.
you lightly giggled and said, “i’m here to bring you your wallet that you left at mom and dad’s house on Sunday. and to be honest, i’m not sure if i should be more concerned that you left your wallet all the way there or that it took you two days to figure it out.”
“oh please,” she huffed, “the reason i asked you to bring it and not mom or dad was because i didn’t feel like hearing a lecture. now gimme it.” she held out her oil-filled hands for her wallet. you went into your purse and held out her wallet only for her to snatch it from you.
“geez, what’s gotten into you sis? why are you so mean and grumpy today?”, you said with a pouty frown.
“ugh, we’re so busy today! and my head still hurts from drinking and staying up until 3am last night with my friends. i knew it was a bad idea but we were celebrating my girlfriend’s birthday and that’s what she wanted.”
“well, maybe you should make those plans on days that you’re off or don’t have to work the next day. you need to make sure you’re getting enough sleep. and not drink too much!”, you said with your hands on your hips. your sister was in the middle of rolling her eyes when someone called out for her, making her roll her eyes again.
“look i gotta go, thanks again for the wallet!”, she said as she gave you a quick hug.
“no problem, but please be a little more responsible next time,” you said lovingly but sternly, which is what your sister said you were famous for.
she rolled her eyes for the third time in one minute when someone came barging in from the door she came from earlier.
“hey! where the hell have you been? i’ve been calling and-“. the man that came in with anger in his voice and face seemed to calm down when he saw you. “oh my apologies, i didn’t know that a customer was back here”. you were shocked at how quickly his demeanor had changed and now he looked a bit embarrassed.
“oh, this isn’t a customer. this is my sister!”, your sister said as she put her hand out as if to present you to him. you shyly waved and smiled at the stranger. “sis, this is sukuna. he’s one of the big dogs around here and a meany and even though i hate to admit it, a badass.”
“more like THE big dog to you, brat,” he bantered with your sister and then turned to you with a polite smile and an outreached hand, “nice to meet you!” you kindly took and shook his verystrongandbig hand with another smile. after that, he looked between you and your sister several times. “wow, you two look very similar!”
“that’s because we’re twins, genius! we’re the exact same, except i have like 20 tattoos and she has none, her hair is longer than mine, i like to have fun, and she is uptight and constantly has her panties up her twat,” you swatted at her arm at her last statement and you both glared at each other for a few seconds.
“come on brat, that’s no way to talk about your nice and sweet twin sister!”, he said as he slightly smirked and winked at you, making you unconsciously grip the handle of your purse around your shoulder a bit tighter.
“whatever kuna, you talk shit about your twin brother all the time!”
“well that’s because he’s an idiot”, he said as he crossed his arms and you pretended not to notice how buff they were. “your beautiful sister, on the other hand, is not.”
“ugh, stop flirting! and anyway we’re really fucking busy so let’s get back to work!”, your sister said to sukuna as she tried to shove him away.
“y-yeah i’ve got to get going too. see you later sis, and nice to meet you sukuna!”, you said as you waved and walked away.
“see you later, pretty girl!”, he said as he waved goodbye to you before your sister swatted at his arm and dragged him back to the garage.
you went back to your car and took a deep breath to calm down. you didn’t know why, but you had gotten way too worked up over sukuna’s compliments. i guess it’s just been a while.
“ugh, this cannot be happening!”
you pulled over into a parking lot and turned off your car. you got out to pull up your hood and inspect for anything obvious. what am i doing? i know absolutely nothing about cars. you huffed and closed the hood and got back into your car. you did the next best thing and pulled out your phone, scrolling to your sister’s number. please pick up!
“hello? hey sis, i know it’s late but are you still at the shop?”
“yeah but i’m literally about to walk out now. why, what’s up?”
“my car is making a weird noise and my engine light came on, so i pulled over and turned it off. but if you’re leaving i can bring it by tomorrow”
“aw shit, really? i was gonna go to my friend’s party tonight and i’m already running late.”
“well i see your already doing such a great job of taking my advice!”
“whatever, fuck you!”
“hey, language! you know how i feel about cursing!”
“yeah, wh-“
just then, you heard some background noise and talking and some of what your sister was saying. you couldn’t hear everything but you heard “sister” “broke down” and “morning”.
you heard more background noise before your sister came back to the phone.
“well tonight’s your lucky night. sukuna has offered to take a look right now for you.”
you were silent for a moment.
“hello? did you hear what i said?”
“uh yeah. tell him that he doesn’t have to do that. i know it’s late and i can bring it in-“
“don’t worry about it, babydoll. just bring her here and i’ll take care of it. really, it’s no problem at all”
you clenched the wheel at his smooth voice on the phone and decided not to fight it.
“o-ok, thank you! i really appreciate it. i’m on my way right now.”
“ok, see you in a bit”
he hung up the phone and you put the shop’s address back into your GPS. pretty girl. babydoll. you forced your thoughts to be quiet as you drove back to the shop.
you pulled into the open garage of the shop and sukuna was there waiting for you. you got out of the car and walked over to him. “thank you so much for looking at my car for me so late! i’m truly grateful!”, you said with a bright smile.
“of course. for you, i’d do anything”, he said with another sinful smile. it made you sort of nervous and you looked around at the shop and just then noticed that no one else was there.
“did everyone already go home for the night?”
sukuna had quickly gone to work under your car’s hood and talked as he worked, “yeah, we closed up about an hour ago. when you called, everyone was starting to go home then.”
you flushed and started to feel bad. “oh wow. i’m sorry, i probably ruined your after work plans.”
“come on sweetheart, don’t make me say it again. don’t worry about it,” he said as you looked up at you as he spoke. you didn’t know what else to say so you simply nodded. he smiled and went back to work on your car.
after a minute or so, he beckoned you to stand next to him. “you see, this is what the problem was. it’s a good thing i fixed it tonight, or else you wouldn’t have been able to drive it all the back from your house tomorrow.”
“ooh, well i guess it’s a good thing i did come here tonight!”
sukuna looked at you for a moment. “you know, your sister said you’re uptight but i think you’re pretty calm.”
you rolled your eyes and a bit of annoyance came to your face. “oh, she’s always said that ever since i-“. you were about to say something that you shouldn’t but caught yourself, but he still noticed at the way your face quickly fell.
“ever since what? you can tell me angel”. you looked up at him. you didn’t know what it was, but he made you feel different. maybe it was the pet names, or how handsome he was, or how close to his face you suddenly were. but your stomach was doing cartwheels and you didn’t know how to stop it. not that you wanted it to.
“e-ever since i broke off my engagement 3 years ago,” you felt a mini weight lift off your shoulders, as you always did whenever you told someone about your past. it was a relief to talk about things instead of trying to bury it or run away from it. he gave you an expectant look and you continued talking as if he commanded your mind to. “we were engaged for a year, and 2 weeks before our wedding i found out he had been cheating on me the whole time we were together. he wanted to try and fix it but i didn’t, so i left him and here i am, 3 years later.” you didn’t realize you looked away from him and when you looked back up at him, he was staring into your eyes so intensely you swore you could feel him in your mind.
“he sounds like a fucking idiot. who would land such a pretty little thing like you and ruin it like that? if i was your fiancé, i would worship the ground you walked on. seems like you dodged a huge fuckin bullet if you ask me.” you hadn’t noticed you had stopped breathing as he spoke, and you let out a shaky breath.
“what’s wrong sweetheart? you don’t believe me? well i’m telling you the fuckin truth. you have got to be the prettiest, hottest, sexiest woman i’ve ever seen.” you don’t know how, but you both had somehow moved away from the car and he had you pinned against a table.
“i-i just d-don’t feel that way,” you looked down in shame and your face felt like it would burn you if you touched it. but somehow, sukuna’s hands could take the heat as he held your face in his hands and pulled it up to look him in the eyes.
“that’s because no one has been man enough to show you and make you feel good. please let me show you. please, please.” you were scared and nervous, because what he said was true. your ex-fiancé was the only person you’d been with and he was never concerned with making you feel pretty or important. perhaps you should have known all along. but you were also scared of this. you didn’t know if you were ready for what sukuna was offering and part of you knew it was wrong and that you barely knew each other. but the other part of you, was begging for it.
you nodded and shot out, “yes please.” before you could get your whole sentence out, sukuna had picked you up and placed you on the table and stood between your legs. he kissed you with such passion and force that you were already starting to feel breathless. you kissed him back as your wrapped your arms around his neck, your kisses getting heavier and deeper. he broke away from your mouth to kiss down your neck, sucking at the sweet spot he found. once he started kissing your collarbone, his hands started to feel and squeeze your breasts through your sundress.
“mmm, s’kuna!”, you moaned out for him, and he squeezed even harder.
“fuck babydoll! i don’t think i’ll ever get tired of you sayin my name like that.” his hand reached down lower and lower, until his fingers finally reached into your panties. “jesus! what’s got you so wet and worked up, huh angel?” he started to slowly work his fingers up and down your slit, rubbing your juices around everywhere.
“s’kuna, please, more,” you said as your eyes were lidded already. he smirked at how needy you were and slid his fingers up to your clit, rubbing in firm circles. you clenched your fingers around the edge of the table, already feeling better than anyone else had made you feel before. once he put his finger inside you, you yelped and jumped up a bit.
he leaned his head into your neck to shh you, “shh, it’s okay pretty girl. i’ve got you.” you leaned your head into his neck too as he worked your finger in and out of you. once you got used to the intrusion, you started to subtly grind your hips against it, silently begging for more. he added another finger and you whined into him. again, he worked his fingers, in and out, over and over, until you got used to it and rocked your hips against him. you heard him whisper a small “fuck”, but it didn’t phase you. any other time cursing made you uncomfortable, but right now it made your hormone levels skyrocket and your panties a little wetter. once he added a third finger, you winced and your hands shot up to grab onto his shirt. he filled your cheek with kisses as he rubbed your clit with his thumb to ease the pain.
“does that feel better princess?”, he asked as he started to rub your clit harder.
“mmmm, y-yeahhh, s’kuna please!” he worked his fingers and your clit much faster now as you gripped onto his shirt for dear life. you couldn’t focus on anything else now the breakneck speed at which his fingers were pleasuring you. your mouth was wide open at the intense feeling of your orgasm racing towards you, moans and whimpers free falling out of your mouth. you didn’t notice when he had pulled back from your neck and stared into your eyes again, but you couldn’t help but stare back into his as you were getting closer and closer. suddenly, he took his hand out of your panties and you whined out in instinct, a pitiful look on your face.
“relax princess. i said i was going to take care of you, remember? just be a good little girl and wait,” he said as he bent down and pulled your panties all the way off. he then kneeled down in front of you, hiking your dress up and opening up your legs wide for him. you started to feel a bit self-conscious and anxious as he just stared and you tried not to squirm. “fuck angel. you really are pretty from head to toe aren’t you? such a pretty fucking pussy, all pretty and perfect just for me. my perfect little sweetheart.”
you weren’t even aware of the loud moan you let out at his words, desperately making you seek friction as you tried to close your thighs around his head. he stopped you and put hands on the insides of you thighs, keeping you wide open. “uh uh doll, don’t do that. you gotta stay nice and open for me ok?” you nodded back at him and he smiled in approval. he leaned his face closer and closer between your legs and you started to have a mini panic.
“umm, w-wait!”, you said as your hand went up to his head to block his movements. he leaned back a bit and looked up at you, raising his eyebrows.
“what’s wrong baby? do you want me to stop?” you suddenly felt embarrassed again and a little angry at yourself. you were nervous, but didn’t mean to overreact so badly.
“i-it’s just that…i’ve never had anyone, u-um…,”you stuttered over your words, trying to find the best way to put it.
“you never had anyone eat your pretty little pussy before?”, he said as he gave you a completely serious and sympathetic expression. geez, why did he have to say it like that?
“uh, y-yeah,” you confessed. you were a bit sad as your thoughts got the best of you. maybe he doesn’t want to now, maybe you ruined it. maybe he wouldn’t even like- a sudden wet and firm lick up the slit of your pussy quickly pulled you from your thoughts. you whimpered in shock and looked down at that oh so sinful smirk on sukuna’s face.
he giggled slightly and said, “just hang on tight, pretty girl,” as he licked another firm stripe against you. you did just as he said, holding on tight to the edge of the table like if you didn’t, you’d fall off of a cliff. you were panting and sweating as sukuna licked you everywhere, slurping up your juices and covering every inch of your pussy with his tongue. “fuck, so fucking good. i think i could eat this sweet pussy of yours all day angel,” he said and then immediately shoved his face back into you.
“uhhhh, feels so good! s-so good sukuna,” you moaned as one of your hands moved to his hair to anchor yourself. he moved his tongue down and teased at your entrance, licking and circling his tongue and making you clench around nothing. before you could even whine out in need, he shoved his hot, thick tongue inside you. you gasped and tried to trap his head with your thick thighs again, but he threw them over his shoulders and held them down. you started to grind against his face, slowly fucking your self on his tongue. he groaned into your pussy and the vibration made your thighs clench tighter around his head. you were sad for a moment when he took his tongue out of you, but you quickly got over it once he rubbed it against your clit before sucking it tightly into his mouth.
“a-ah, shit!”, you screamed out much louder than you anticipated. in fact, you wouldn’t have even noticed you cursed if he didn’t bring it up.
he cackled teasingly and said, “i thought i heard my sweet little angel tell her sister that she didn’t like bad words? i must be really making you feel that good, aren’t I?”, all while keeping sweet pressure on your clit with his fingers.
“y-yea, so…so good,” you said dreamily. he laughed again and went back to lapping at your clit, moving his fingers down to fuck you with them again. you pulled tight at his hair, egging him on as he pushed his fingers and deeper, making them hit right up against a certain spot. you gasped and jolted up like he had burned you.
“is that it right there sweetheart?”, he said as he slammed into the spot over and over, making your toes curl.
“h-yes! yes right there please, please don’t stop!” your orgasm was barreling towards you now, your grip on his hair getting even tighter. “please i’m…i’m!”
“yeah, i got you angel. that’s right, come for me. come for me and make a mess all over my fucking face princess,” he said as he raced his fingers in and out of you, abusing that sweet spot of yours. you threw your head back and came hard, your juices flowing and gushing all over him while you yelled out for him, his fingers continuing to work you through it. when you were done, you removed your hands from his hair and leaned on them behind you, panting and trying to catch your breath. that was the hardest i’ve ever come in my life. you looked down at him and watched him slowly rub little circles against you.
“fuck, that was hot. you’re so sensitive angel,” he said sweetly before he gave little firms pats to your pussy. you whimpered and trembled at the little pats, the last one making you jump and a little more of your juices flow. he stood back up, towering over you again and bringing his lips to yours in a rough, messy kiss. you moaned as you could taste your juices on his tongue. he gravitated even closer to you until his front was touching yours. you could feel his hard member in his pants and instinctively started to grind yourself against it. he moaned into your mouth and pulled you closer to him, grinding himself against you.
“fuck, i can’t wait,” he muttered under his breath as he bent down to pull down his pants and boxers. you looked down in awe as you saw his cock spring freely up in anticipation. without thinking, you reached down and touched it, wrapping your fingers around it. jesus christ this thing is big! it made you kind of nervous, how was this going to work? he was much bigger than your ex fiancé. you guessed he could read your expression on your face.
“don’t be nervous, i’ll make it work for you ok? just relax for me. are you ready?” you nodded at his words, some of your nerves relaxing. “let me hear you say it angel.” you swallowed and took a deep breath.
“ok, i’m ready sukuna.” he laid you back against the table and lined himself up with your entrance. you looked down and your eyes widened, maybe this isn’t going to work!
“hey, look at me baby. just focus on me and relax, i’ve got you,” he said as he pushed up your chin with a finger to meet his eyes. he slowly pushed inside of you, making you whine as you never broke eye contact. you held onto the edge of the table again and he brought his head down to you, your foreheads touching. you both moaned in harmony as he worked himself deeper and deeper. it seemed like a long process, him working himself back and forth, in and out. but pretty soon, he was seated all the way inside you.
“s-shit babydoll. so fucking nice and tight for me, fuck!”, he groaned out against you. you thought his filthy mouth had turned you on before, but his whiny moans and face full of pleasure had you getting wetter by the second. he stayed still to let you get adjusted to him.
once you moaned out, “please move, need more,” he started to slowly move, in and out of you. you bit your lip as you were still overcoming the pain, trying your best to relax. sukuna bent his head down and licked and sucked at the sweet spot on your neck, finally biting down and leaving a mark, making you squeal. he then moved his hand down, rubbing circles on your clit again while continuing to tease and nip at your neck. his teasing and rubbing was worth it, because soon you no longer felt pain and all you felt was pleasure.
“m-more s’kuna, please,” you whispered into his ear. he straightened up and wrapped your legs around his torso above his waist, allowing him to get even deeper. his thrusts were now at a hard and steady rhythm like a well oiled machine.
“see baby? i told you i would make you feel good. such a good girl, taking me so well.” you whined out in need and moved your hips against his, meeting each of his thrusts. he pulled on the top of your sundress, releasing your breasts for him to play with. “fuck, look at these beautiful tits. so fucking big and soft,” he said as he massaged and squeezed at them. you clenched around him when he flicked over your nipple and he smirked. he leaned down and licked and sucked all over your breasts, making them wet and bruised. you gasped loudly as he took your nipple in his mouth, sucking and biting hard enough to make your hips move harder against him. he set a faster pace as he continued to assault your breast and your clit, your orgasm peaking over the horizon again. once he leaned up to kiss you as he grind and rolled his hips against yours, giving you deep strokes as your clit rubbed against his crotch, it was all over. you wailed and threw your head back again as you came on his cock, clenching down on him.
he pulled out of you and swiftly flipped you over and threw you down on your stomach. before you could even react or move, he thrusted back in all the way, quick to set a brutal pace in and out of you, giving sweet kisses to your cervix with every thrust. “fuuuuccckkk,” you moaned as you braced your hands on the table as you were fucked like a wild animal.
“you’re turning into such a needy little slut for me, aren’t you? my perfect little whore,” he said as his hand came down on your ass hard, leaving behind a stinging sensation. you whimpered out and he gave the same treatment to your other cheek. “that’s right baby, fucking take it. take all of it.” tears streamed down your cheeks at the intense feeling of his thrusts getting harder and faster, bruising your pussy and your cervix. he held your head down against the table and you instinctively arched your back, leaving you nothing to do but lay there and take it. he slightly changed the angle of his hips, allowing him to abuse your sweet spot over and over. you’re eyes rolled to the back of your head and your thighs trembled in anticipation.
“aw, is my sweet girl gonna come again? such a good little girl, that’s right. come all over my fucking dick for me. i know you can do it, be good one last time for me.”, he whispered in your ear without missing a beat. the nail in the coffin was a harsh bite he gave you on your shoulder, making your orgasm stampede toward you and run you over. you screamed and sobbed as you gushed and creamed all over his cock, your whole body shaking and your soul momentarily leaving your body. now THAT was the best orgasm you’d ever had in your life.
“aw fuck angel! i’m c-cumming, shit!”, he moaned out as he emptied his heavy load into you, laying his body down against your back and breathing heavily into your ear. neither one of you moved, focusing on trying to catch your breath and calming your heartbeats. you were zoned out and in another world until you felt wet kisses across your shoulder, neck, and upper back. you picked your head up and sukuna followed you, leaving kisses across your forehead and face. you looked up at him and he kissed your lips, softly making out with you. after the feeling of pure bliss seceded, he helped you sit up and pulled up your panties and fixed your sundress. once his pants were back up and zipped, he picked you up and placed you on the floor on your unsteady feet. you quickly grabbed onto his arms once you tried to stand on your wobbly legs alone.
“you okay sweetheart?,” he asked as he stabilized you with his hands on your hips.
“yeah, i think i’m fine now. thank you,” you said with another sweet smile. fuck, that sweet, innocent looking smile almost made him want to bend you over the table wreck you again.
“yeah, you’re probably not gonna be able to walk tomorrow.” his nonchalant tone as he spoke made heat rush to your cheeks and you shyly looked down. “don’t tell me your acting all shy after i just made you make a mess of my clothes.” it wasn’t until he said that that you looked him over. his shirt and most of his pants were absolutely soaked. your face felt like a furnace as you felt completely mortified.
“oh my gosh! i am so sorry! i can wash them for you, i swear!” he chucked at your worried voice.
“no need sweetheart, but there is a way you can make this up to me.”
“really? how?” he placed his hands on your ass as he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around him and holding you.
“you can promise me to give me that sweet little pussy of yours again,” he said as he leaned into your face as he spoke. your eyes widened as your tummy flipped at his words. “tell you what, why don’t we go to my house to clean up and have a nice shower. what do you say?” he was already in the process of carrying you over to his car while he was asking you.
“uh y-yeah, sure!”
“perfect! then let’s go princess,” he said as he gave you a playful slap on your ass, signaling that tonight would be more than just washing up. oh god.
“sukuna, you know it’s late and you had a busy day today and have to work tomorrow. don’t you think you should go home and get some sleep?”, you asked as he put you in the passenger seat of his car and buckled your seat belt.
he stood in the doorway and pretended that he was deep in thought and considering what you said. “yeah you’re right, i do need to get some sleep…but i also need to have you sit on my face and make you cry from cumming for hours without stopping,” he said with the most shit-eating grin you’d ever seen. your jaw dropped to the floor in shock and he simply closed the car door and laughed while he walked to the drivers side. what an evil villain.
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chaikachi · 1 year
I'm thinking about the idea of Oscar joining the "Wants to throw hands with Cinder Fall on sight" squad bc she specifically is the reason things went wrong with the plan. (She's the reason that Ruby fell/died based on what he must be thinking currently.) I can't help it I just love the trope of "character goes absolutely feral when their love interest is hurt" he's already done it once but I want MORE
Like yes, obviously, but Little Prince in the desert with a venomous antagonist Tyrian?? Little Prince who will have just gotten his rose back?? Also just... they way they have focused on Oscar's protectiveness and attachment to her over the volumes in such specific ways??
Yes, we have the scene at Haven where he gets Big Mad™ when he sees Ruby is hurt (meanwhile Weiss is literally dying in the corner, lmao).
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But we also see him pay such close attention to her in the quieter moments too. Standing up for her against Jaune when she's looking down on herself:
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Remembering her saying that 'food makes her feel better' and making some for when she and the rest of them get back. WE SAW YOU PAUSE AND LOOK AT RUBY BEFORE YOU FINISHED YOUR SENTENCE OSCAR!!! YOU'RE NOT SNEAKY!!!
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The DOJO SCENE?? I don't need to put them all here, y'all get the idea.
But Ruby, this light that has inspired so much of his choices over the course of this story is gone. They reunited at the beginning of v8 for no more than an hour before splitting ways again. Then the same thing happened at the Manor right before RWBYJ fell. You think that boy isn't going to get her back after thinking she was gone forever and be watching her as if she might fall through his fingers again at any moment? When this is how he looked at her before that scare???
That he isn't going to fight tooth and nail to not lose her again?
That there is a very solid argument towards his semblance unlocking in such a moment?
Like, be for real. The kid has been beaten, kidnapped, beaten more, went toe to toe against Salem and not a single one of those instances was traumatic enough for him to unlock it. But both times Oscar's lack of semblance have been brought up? He's been talking to Ruby.
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In v5, there's a moment where they focus on Jaune who still hasn't unlocked his and Oz says something about how his journey isn't over, and the same can be said for the rest of them. That unlocking isn't the end but semblances can also evolve we get this framing:
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Jaune, who's semblance unlocked that volume finale, Nora, who almost certainly did something to her semblance with her stunt in v8, Ren, who's semblance evolved in v8 as well, and then Ruby... who's semblance and evolution has been teased and talked about for the last three volumes!!
Then in v7, Oscar once again paying such close attention to her that he can tell when she does something differently with her semblance.
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I am too lazy to add text to the gif so the convo goes as follows:
Oscar: Have you... always been able to do that? Ruby: Heh, I don't know! I don't normally think it through that much. Oscar: You guys are evolving and I still don't even have my semblance. Ruby: Well, I bet we'll all be jealous when you do.
Like bro, bro, i am shaking you by the shoulders is there ANY OTHER WAY IT PLAYS OUT???? Boy is going to LOSE IT the moment she is in any serious danger and I am so looking forward to it.
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onewmin · 1 year
the perfume on the shelf. pt. 2 | bangchan
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Fem!reader
Summary: Falling in love with your best friend was never a part of the plan. So you end it up. But does he want to put a stop to it, too?
Warnings: AU, mentions of cheating, profanity, Chan being completely oblivious, a cliffhanger in the end
Author’s note: this is Chan’s POV; the change from “she” to “you” seems very poetic to me as the story progresses lmao. There are a lot of flashbacks, they are highlighted so that you don’t get lost. hope you enjoy! Tell me what you think!
Disclaimer: the names and appearances of real people are used for inspiration and writing purposes only. I do not claim anything, everything belongs to its owners.
Part 1 | Part 3
The first time Chan ever saw your face was at a book fair six years ago.
He attended with his friends and girlfriend at the time; she was keen on adult novels so much, that she could never miss the opportunity to buy and read something new.
You were exactly were the girlfriend wanted you: at the “18+ novels” stand. Telling people about books, suggesting different stories to buy, and laughing at even improper jokes some customers were making.
His ex-girlfriend got an invisible hold on you, becoming the customer who seized your attention for the next twenty minutes. Every book was described in such details, that even Chris got involved and bought one. Not that he ever read it, though — he was more a fan of detective stories.
But his girlfriend? Bought a copy of each book. She spent so much money at the fair, and had to ask her parents send a little bit just so she wouldn’t die of starvation. Yeah, being a student was his favourite time, surely.
The book fairs at the campus happened every six months, so in a half year he was there again, that time volunteering at the children’s section. Only then he found out fifty percent of story collections and books were written by the students themselves. He didn’t see you at the fair that time, but he definitely saw an opportunity.
Three days later he was at the writers’ club gathering, having collected all his poems in a green binder. Chan was never socially anxious, making friends and new acquaintances anywhere he went, but that time was different. He felt out of place, thinking everyone was (or at least, looked like) really smart and he? He never felt that way. His, by that moment already ex, girlfriend had always been making fun of him for almost failing his maths classes. She used to say, “If someone is failing maths, they’re not good at anything”. Weird shot, but okay. It’s not like he was a genius, he reminded her and himself, and maths was pretty hard, too.
Was Chan’s not being a maths genius the main reason she cheated on him? Who knows, she blocked him right after he found out about her affair. Good for him. Good.
The breakup rediscovered his long-forgotten talent — writing poems. He had so much of them he didn’t know what to do. Before the writers’ club. Maybe here he’d find a way to show his true self to the world.
As he sat down in the corner of the room, at the back of the hall, he noticed just how many people were apart of the club. And they were all friends, too. “I’m not here to make friends”, Chan shook his head, “I’m here to get published”.
Suddenly the seat near him was taken. A girl with a pink binder, who, as Chan noticed only by a quick look at her face, was displeased with something. Maybe her book or story idea got rejected?
“Hey”, Chan started, slightly turning his torso in the girl’s direction, “d’you know how to get published?”
The girl’s eyebrows raised, eyes darted to him. “Shit, what did I even do?”, the wave of panic rose from his feet right to his head the moment he saw the look in her eyes. Dark, full of anger.
“You came here just to get published?”, despite the way she presented herself, her voice sounded pretty nice. “You have to get through professor Martins first”.
“Literature professor, yeah?”
She nodded. For some reason, Chris found her features… mesmerizing? No, that was too much for a person he’d just met. “He put me through nine circles of hell before even considering publishing. Change this, rewrite that, the characters are too unrealistic — yeah, like, he would know, how real teenagers communicate”, she wanted to say something else, but quickly covered her mouth with her palm. “Anyways, he knows if your work is worth it”.
“Did you get published?”
“Yup. I literally had to die and come back to life for this to happen”.
Chris raised an eyebrow. “Literally?”
“Literally, dude. Everyone here has done it, at least once”.
Later that night he carried two binders in his hands — the girl was kind enough to share her works with him. Professor Martins absolutely destroyed Chan’s poems (and will to live as well), stating,
“They lack in grammar. It’s too simple”.
And it was the nicest thing he said. Chan had never, even years after graduating, felt another sudden urge to weep in his car like it was that evening.
“Is he always like this?” he asked the girl, back at his seat.
“Did he brutally murder your dream of becoming a writer?”
Chris nodded, letting out a shaky sigh. The girl’s lips curved into a soft smile, and she patted his shoulder, a sympathetic look in her eyes. “Yeah, I know. You’ll ignore the next few meetings, but will come back, eventually. Martins’ like that horrible ex you keep coming back to, y’know?”
Such a pretty smile. It was somehow similar to his, Chan admitted, while staring at the ceiling of his dorm room: dimples on full display, and her left one deeper than the other, mirroring his prominent right dimple. Chan didn’t realize that a smile, so similar to his, would be as magnificent as it was.
And he’s been thinking about it since then. Only for her dimples to be shown more rarely the further the time went on; he hadn’t seen mush of them recently. Just her regular, half-smile to whatever jokes he was telling — even her favourite ones didn’t do the trick.
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“A man walks into his home to find out all his lamps were stolen. D’you know what happened to him?”
“What?” If he had paid more attention, he would have noticed the flatness in her voice, the shaky breaths and head pressed into the pillow.
“He was delighted”, Chris giggled, expecting the same reaction from her. Dad jokes were her thing, something she snorted to whenever the chance was given. But then it was nothing. Just her humming to him in response.
“Goodnight, Chan”.
He didn’t say anything. She had told him previously she had some problems at work, so he assumed it was the reason for her putting distance between them.
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“You should get more sleep, tiger”, Chan put the strand of hair behind her ear, his hand staying on her cheek, gently caressing her under eye by his thumb. She leaned into the touch, but he didn’t notice. He never did.
“I hate that nickname”, she mumbled.
“I also hate being called “shawty”, but it never stops you”, the corners of her mouth quirked up, her lips uttering yet another nonsense.
“It’s ‘cause you’re short”. The first time she said that Chan’s jaw dropped in disbelief. Six years later it was just a regular thing to hear from her. Being 4 centimeters taller than him, as she firmly believed, gave her a right to point out their height difference on every occasion.
“And you still have that ridiculous tiger costume”.
“Like it’s a crime”. She huffed and left his soft embrace, marching into the kitchen. “We all make mistakes when we’re young, you know that, right?”
“Mistakes don’t get engraved into a memory of twenty people. People trying to striptease in a tiger costume do”.
A flush creeped across her cheeks, and Chan couldn’t help but smile. Making her embarrassed about something was his ultimate favourite thing. She cleared her throat, trying to reply, but instead Chris only heard the buzzing. Shutting and opening his eyes twice to check if it was real, and the sound only intensified.
The reality hit him immediately. Jumping on his bed, taking the phone from the nightstand — failing miserably, as it slipped from his hands and fell on the floor — “Shit, shit, shit”, picking it up in panic (the screen wasn’t damaged) and sliding across to answer the call.
“Chan, we need you at the studio. See you in an hour”. Lee Know ended the call before Chris could even open his mouth. Great. Another day off ruined.
Chan laid back in the bed, his head hitting the headboard. “Ugh, shit”, he winced, rubbing the back of the head. What’s next? He’s going to get up and break his leg?
His idea to scroll through the news was interrupted by a text. From her, three hours ago. Did he forget something at her place?
“I’m tired of this bullshit. We r not a thing anymore”.
“Oh and yeah. What’s this between us? This bullshit? It’s no friendship. We stopped being friends the moment you decided to fuck me. You know I have feelings for you, all these months you knew. And you didn’t give a fuck about it. So why should I? So yeah, that’s it. Leave the spare keys under the rug. Never call me. Because whenever I hear your voice or see you face… Whenever you’re around, I just feel more alone. Bye, Chan”.
And he jumped from the bed.
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“Hey, your button”, Chan took her pants in his hands and observed the troubled area carefully.
“Yeah, it’s barely holding. Every time I sit, I think it’s gon’ fall”.
“Why haven’t you fixed it?”
“Argh”, she scratched the back of her head, looking everywhere but at him. “Don’t have the time”.
“Bring me the needle and a thread”, he sat down on the bed. She went though all stages of something that time: scratched her ear, rubbed her rosy-colored cheeks, sighed and moved onto rubbing her neck.
“You don’t have to…”
“Okay, boss”, she mumbled, almost flying from the room.
“I can do it myself, y’know”, she was observing him sewing the button too carefully. Her standing right in front of him — overshadowing the light — didn’t help at all.
“Sit down, Bob the Builder”.
She complied, but with a heavy sigh and a violent plop on the bed, which made Chris jump involuntarily; if he hadn’t been holding her pants and the needle as tightly as possible, it all would have been on the floor.
“Every time you say ‘I can do it myself’, you end up breaking something. The nail, the shelf, the hand”. She groaned in response. “Stop bouncing your leg, it’s distracting”.
“Jeez! Stop bossing me around, Miranda Priestly”.
“I thought you like it when I tell you what to do”. He was too concentrated on fixing her button to see, but he knew. Her ears turned red as she covered her face, and then — bam! — smacked his shoulder. The regular routine of embarrassment.
“Ouch”, a little blood spot on his finger — the needle went into his skin right through the fabric of the pants.
“Oh shit”, she almost fell down from the bed, but ran to the kitchen to get her fist-aid bag. Chan smirked; it wasn’t like he’d been in pain — worst things happened to him during dance practices — but to watch her nervously going through the bag, to see her look for everything she needed.
And there she was. Sitting on her knees in front of Chan, applying something on his tiny wound. A pinched expression on her face — as if it was his fault — and her touch, half aggressive, half gentle. And in this last half, Chan swore on everything he had, in this half of tenderness he could drown, voluntarily jump from the cliff just to lose himself in the soft silk of her feelings. It was always so difficult to read her emotions, no matter how hard he tried or what he said — it seemed impossible.
She never said anything either. The fact, that Chan caught her crying in his bed, startled him so much he couldn’t even bring it up. Sometimes he was convinced she wasn’t able to feel anything except for positive emotions; and what’s worse, even the good ones were expressed rarely. In the six years he’d known her, he kept asking himself, when did she ever speak about her feelings?
Something about her dad’s emotional unavailability becoming her trait, too, as she blurted out once. And that was it — no other explanation. She spoke in actions, Chris knew that too well; however, hearing something about her feelings, at least once, would be a great idea. But she never did. And whenever he got in trouble, she scolded him, drove her car, sighing annoyingly too often, and then treated his bruises and scratches on the couch; or let him fix his broken heart by crying in her embrace. Her words were awkward (to her), but to Chan, hearing her utter under her breath, “I’m here with you, and for you, and… And I’m just here. I’ll always be”, was the only thing he needed.
“But when she showed her feelings, when she cried into your pillow, with your hand on her waist — were you there? Did you tell her that?”
“That’s it”, she put a bandaid with small pictures of Iron Man on his fingertip and blew on the covered wound. “Shouldn’t hurt you anymore”.
“It didn’t”, Chan cleared his throat for some reason. And when she got up from the floor and sat down next to him on the bed, his throat was dry again.
She looked at him — so… Lovingly? He couldn’t quite read the glance; not because of the usual reasons, but ‘cause it was the first time he noticed it. He didn’t quite know what to do. Bang Chan, the chief manager in the Affection Department, what would he do?
The palm of his hand slowly landed on her cheek, moving her face closer to his. His nose brushed hers in a swift touch, lips leaving a peck on her forehead. If she was saying something, the sound of the heartbeat, drumming in his chest, deafened Chan completely.
Chan touched her forehead with his, eyes locked on her eyes, dazzling in the dim light of the bedroom. Were they always this peerless? Or was he just blind his entire life, his blurry vision cured by her shining?
“Thank you”, he whispered, still focused on her eyes and unsteady breathing.
“You palm is sweaty”, she mumbled under her breath, and he chuckled, expecting to hear this kind of nonsense from her.
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Staring into the wall in front of him, Chan wiped a tear from his cheek.
“I have feelings for you”. And you’re saying it through a text? A fucking breakup text?
Maybe, just maybe, consider asking about his feelings too, huh?
Yeah, and what would he say?
Chan didn���t quite know. He couldn’t wrap his head around the strange tingling in his chest whenever you were near, whenever you were laughing at his lame jokes, whenever you played with his hair. Whenever you did fucking anything. He ignored the feeling, putting it into a cage deep inside of his heart. You were his best friend, after all, a person he confided in. Wouldn’t it be wrong to fall in love with you?
“Whenever you’re around, I just feel more alone”.
That’s the reason for crying? That was it this entire time? Did he really make you feel this way?
Too many thoughts were spinning in his head, and he wasn’t able to catch at least one by the tail — they were slipping away, only to circle around your name and face, and hands, and smile, and fingers intertwined with his, and cold feet attacking his warm ones under the covers, and… Only you.
To never call you? To stop seeing you? Did you really think he would listen to your commands?
Throwing whatever clothes he found on the floor, putting on mismatched socks and sneakers, he ran down the stairs, calling Lee Know simultaneously.
“You’re on your way, I hope”.
“Answer one question”.
“What’s with the voice? Are you jogging or something?”
“D’you think I’m in love with her?”
‘Her’? Minho knew right away. “You dumb fuck. Took you long enough”.
“It’s that obvious?”
Minho rubbed his eyes with extra annoyance at that moment. “If I see you two staring at each other and then denying it one more time, I swear to god, I will kill you both. Romeo and Juliet style. Shut up and come to the studio already”.
“I’m gon’ be late”. Chan knew exactly what Minho’s next words were — not that he was willing to listen to them.
Shit, he panted on the street, the car keys were on the kitchen table. Running back would be too long, Chan thought, so the taxi he jumped in should be perfect.
The windows were open, wind blowing in his face — and even the air outside was filled with your scent. Floral perfume, that always reminded him of late spring nights spent with you.
“You don’t mind if I change the route?”, the driver asked. “To overtake the traffic?”
“Yeah, no problem”.
Five minutes later they were on the empty highway, going round the city to get to the neighborhood you were living in. Chan ignored the driver’s occasional texting — not his first rodeo with such people. It’d be better if he didn’t, though.
The next thing Chan remembered was his head hitting the back of the passenger seat.
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annikuh · 3 months
wait omg noooo makes me sad to see the season 3 of clonehigh was no good… what happened
haters will say I’m just mad bc they wrote Topher out almost entirely (I saw a mutual say he had 16 mins of screen time the entire season…) BUT I feel like overall it just took itself a little too seriously & way too far from what the original show was (which was a big issue in season two, with big character inconsistencies & such, but it was still kinda silly and fun so I could live well enough; CH realistically has no place in modern culture bc the type of show it was originally parodying doesn’t REALLY exist anymore, but it was fun if you didn’t think too hard abt that.)
but even so, by the reboot’s standards, it didn’t even really connect with the 2nd season.
gotta put this shit under the cut bc I went off a lil too much LMAO
(1) they set up a subSTANTIAL amount of time with Abe & Topher, & the season ended with a lot of possible dramatic fallout for the two of them, and the last episode gave him a clear in with the bigger friend group, & then they straight up…didn’t interact in the 3rd season at all. they dropped everything related to that.
(2) they built up so much with the other “principal” type character, Candide, & the entire season ended with Joan being chosen to be groomed to be the next world leader, & everyone mad at her bc she tried to kill all of them. & then that just…didn’t matter anymore. That “world leader” plot line was never touched again, and people stopped being mad at Joan by the fourth episode, so it didn’t even matter.
(3) they wrote both Candide and Topher out almost entirely. both of their characters were whittled down to nothing and did basically nothing. I couldn’t even tell you what Candide did in the season. & there was so much potential for Joan and Topher to interact, bc she joined that stupid fucking outcast group that they gave Topher for NO REASON. but even without that group, like here we have two total outcasts, AND even just taking him at his word, Topher did say he had a crush on Joan, but they did nothing with this at all. WASTE.
(4) they completely started making the weirdest pairings on earth. they put Joan with Confucius for reasons I uhhhh didn’t care for. And they did SO much gay baiting with Abe and JFK to a point that it was actually uncomfortable and very much forced. like I didn’t completely hate the idea of the two of them fostering a closer relationship, but it was VERY pushy and sudden and I just couldn’t handle it.
(5) they’d completely forgotten about Scudworth’s “Cloney Island” plan in the 2nd season which was his main motivation in the 1st season (he wanted to make an amusement park/zoo type attraction of the clones). But they decided to bring it back now, which is dumb as hell bc the last season ended with Scudworth being like “these clones are like my kids, I love them so much” so like what gives.
(6)…no musical episode.
(7) the absolute AMOUNT of new characters in an already VERY bloated cast. They added one new guy for Harriet to fall for who took up a few episodes. THEN literally the most insulting awful one was Mary who was the manic pixie dream girl they paired Abe with bc he wanted to fuck so bad, and she turned out to be…Bloody Mary. like are we fucking crazy what are we doing here. Can anyone hear me? Hello?
Idk the whole season just felt insecure, disrespectful to their own and the source material, lazy, weak as fuck, and god so much more. honestly it just felt like bad fanfic.
bad season‼️ peace and love, but hope it doesn’t get renewed. let it die in peace.
(after I binged it I was so upset I was like “I wish they never made this reboot” & everyone was like “but then you wouldn’t have topher” & I was like “it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.” I just pretend like it didn’t happen.)
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micamone · 4 months
the thing about liking an almost 30 year old show is I'm not sure as much about what went on behind the scenes. and a significant part of that is how awesome it was that the fans were just more separate from creators then, like there was no social media and junk for us to to badger them on about things. but the from their side there wasnt a place they could just dump shit on us for fun. things were told through dvd commentaries and magazines published back then or panels and stuff at conventions or even TV specials and those are all very... ephemeral. like I'm sure its all recorded somewhere but it takes a little more digging and hoping fan websites have the info. and thats doable I'm not asking anyone to help me with that btw i just havent done it yet cause i wanna get thru the show first or I'll have one billion spoilers from not being able to stop reading.
but i think the biggest thing for me rn on stargate is, again i watched atlantis first. and that started in and branched off of like season 8 of sg1. so i know a lot about The Ancients, since they were a big player in SGA, and every time something tangenally related to them comes up in SG1 i get super excited and wave my arms and jump up and down for Daniels attention cause i want him to discover Atlantis so bad. im so excited for him and oh god he has his earpods in he cant hear me-
anyways. connecting these two points..... i have to wonder watching things progress how much they planned ahead. how much did they set up like "... yeah we'll decide to make something of that later" and how much of it was "oh dude the fans are gonna FLIP when we make this reveal in two seasons" you know????? i can listen to stuff about gravity falls when hirch and co talk about how they had no idea where they were going. they were like "well he has a twin somewhere. for some reason. and hes..... well hes there." and they literally came up with the everything on the fly. and then even in Gargoyles, which is old like stargate too, i read apparently the writers called each other once like "WAIT HEY THIS CHARACTER FROM THE VERY BEGINNING FIRST EPISODE? HOLY SHIT WHAT IF HE WAS THIS GUY-" sort of twist like.... way into the show lol
was that what was going on with The Ancients? and their whole..... ascended business? Orlin in this episode was very interesting cause i definitely recognized Oma D from a while back as an ancient, so i was glad Sam compared Orlin to her, but this was the first time theyre REALLY like "yup, that monk and myths of the jaffa werent just talk. this ascension biz is for real and a bigger deal than you thought" BUT! they still havent really connected it to the ancients. at all. i dont think daniel even said the writing on the machine Orlin helped build was ancient, and it didn't look like it, but then like.... Orlin also just said he was Human.
and was that true? WAS he human? humans can ascended, sure. but he also made a freakin stargate. in sam's basement. (Obadiah Stane voice) WITH A BUNCH OF SCRAPS!
... he already was the cause of death for people he cared about once for giving away too much information, i wouldnt be surprised if he lied about being human. but also wouldnt be surprised if the writers were like..... unsure and didnt care cause it doesnt matter lmao they were just vibing. you know. idk im sure Orlin and even Oma will get brought up AGAIN later, im only in the beginnings of season 5 after all and know some spoilers that the ascension thing ans ancients become a big deal later but. yeah its just interesting. i like picking apart creators minds for their stories and its just not possible in the same way on such an old show. even if i could ask them, they'd be having to recall through decades of memories that change as they have over the years. and that provides an interesting color on things as well but... its not the same as knowing what they were thinking back then.
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arklayraven · 8 months
hi jay!! candy here how are you doing? sliding into your inbox with questions from the mc ask game. would you mind answering some questions?
for both Jayce and Ambrose:
12: What makes them soft?
for Ambrose:
02: What inspired you to create them, and what is the first thing you decided about them?
for Jayce:
03: What is the biggest change you have made from their original concept?
Hi! I'm doing alright, having a coffee to help me wake up. pfff
And sure! Thank you for sending some my way! Hopefully I answer these okay. lol
(^・ω・^ )
12: What makes them soft?
For Jayce, I feel like it'll be genuine shows of affection to them. Either through words or actions. Physical touches might work too, but only from those they trust or admire/love(Asmo is the highest from this list fyi 💕). Head pats and cupping/caressing of their face are huge things to make them soften and pretty much submit to the person's charm. lol
For Ambrose, it's Solomon. It's always Solomon...No matter what that sorcerer will do, Ambrose's tough guy nature instantly drops for him. Like anyone around will notice it instantly, the way his attitude shifts, the way he's softer with his voice/words, etc. It's obvious Ambrose is in love with Solomon, yet Solomon has no interest in him it seems...
02: What inspired you to create them, and what is the first thing you decided about them?
For Ambrose. It was the last vampire event. pfff The moment the whole idea of a vampire realm/kingdom/etc was introduced. I was already hooked. (Ambrose is the youngest(as of now) prince to the King of Vampires, and least liked/cared for in the family. The idea of him being the black sheep of the family was always my main idea I think?)
Then I just found myself working more on his concept, (during the time Solomon was annoying me most lmao), and then suddenly made him and Solomon have a connection/history.
As much as Solomon bothers me, the idea of him not just using demons, but other beings to help him help humanity, intrigued me...It's all about power after all to him in the end, and I can see him seeing vampires as a clear power source.
So when he met Ambrose, and heard his story/life, and noticed they had a connection(which he could pull and take advantage of). Then came their pact together, and the plan to prevent anymore humans from being victim to vampires like Ambrose mother was...
03: What is the biggest change you have made from their original concept?
For Jayce. From being a oc not connected to me at all, to being a almost complete self insert. lol
I was going to make them be a character who was a either a distant descendant of Hermes, or have some strong connections to him. (traveling through realms/time with ease would of been their thing. Barbatos would of hated/loved this of them.)
And Hermes would of had some major parts in their life/story. Especially when the demon brothers get involved. (See him as a controlling figure, who suddenly pops into your life and wants to have complete toxic control over you and your life. haha yeah he's bad.)
But I started to hate the character and idea more and more as time went on...Also...I just didn't see myself or comfort from drawing them with Asmo, or even imagining them together. (if anything, I kinda grew jealous of them...)
I wanted a way to find real connection, love and comfort with Asmo in the end. He's my f/o after all, and then decided to say fuck it and just made my MC me pretty much. Only more cuter I guess. lol (also is sometimes a sheep like in game.)
They really don't have anything special I feel on background like when it comes to magic and all. They are just this human, with a fucked up life like me, who maybe can commune with spirits/etc(Mammon keeps their distance from Jayce for a reason lol).
As well, is in love with the Avatar of Lust, which is fitting, since Jayce lust for a happy loving life with someone finally. Where they can be just free finally and at peace(both mentally and physically).
And unlike the MC in game, Jayce isn't that great with magic, but does love it and tries to be better at it. (Let my MC be a struggling sorcerer! Yet shows clearly they have the potential to be stronger than Solomon! But only is hindering their own abilities because of fear/traumas/etc!)
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lazuliquetzal · 2 years
4, 5, and 6! :) <--- asks good questions because I love you
4. What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of?
“Besides,” his dad continues, “even with Misaki and Mari, we’ll need a grandson from you to carry on the Narumiya name, huh?” "Don't worry about that,” Mei tells him, more even than he feels. “There will be lots of people naming their children after me once I'm the greatest pitcher in Japan.”
Okay, so this is from Disappearance, which is a fic about aromantic anxiety, and honestly--making Mei aroace just blew his character WIDE open for me. He's usually characterized as this very flamboyant, almost happy-go-lucky asshole? But honestly when I was reading Daiya no Ace Act 1, idk, I just kind of felt this simmering, very controlled anger in him. Everything we know about him is through the eyes of a rival character so that probably biases the lens, but he's just so ambitious, and the ONLY time I ever felt any real vulnerability from him was when he was stressed about sucking at baseball.
But anyway. This detail. Part of my Asian American Aromantic Asexual experience was processing the shame of never continuing the family line lmao. And I imagine, as the ONLY son in a family within a patriarchal culture, that guilt is probably amplified, especially if your dad has this weird insistence on passing on the family name. It's a really queer fear, and a really aromantic fear.
So for Mei, part of what fuels his ambition to be the best pitcher in Japan is this sense that: this is the ONLY way I can give my dad what he wants, this is the ONLY way I can give him a legacy to be proud of. It's not his entire ambition, but it's part of it. I have feelings about Narumiya Mei.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]?
"Hey, what the fuck is up with the fight scene in That One Time That Dink Dinked Up?"
There's this concept in musicals (I think Howard Ashman coined it?) and I'm paraphrasing horribly, but it's something like: when the characters get too emotional to speak, that's when they burst into song. Anyway, I've been trying to treat fight scenes as songs in musicals. A lot of writing advice regarding fight scenes is about the actual prose itself (which is great, and I definitely need it) but I also think it's important to lay the plot-emotion-etc groundwork for a fight scene.
In the rough draft, Dink and Time had a really horribly melodramatic conversation, and it was just Too Much. So I went back and turned it into a fight scene, which was MUCH better. Dink, internally, is fighting the idea that he's an unloveable piece of villain trash, and for him, Time represents the ideal heroic father figure he doesn't deserve! So he tries to kill him, or be killed by him. And Time is like, "no don't hate urself ur so funny haha".
In this household, we love turning the ideological conflict between two character's viewpoints into a literal conflict between those two characters!
6. What's one fact about the universe of [insert fic] that you didn't get a chance to mention in the fic itself?
I establish in DotF that Sky needs sleep because he gets mean when he's sleep-deprived.
Anyway, the reason why "giving Legend a laxative, spilling ink on his bag, and invading his privacy" is his first and only plan upon hearing of Baby Time's ocarina hunt is that he hasn't been sleeping properly due to having dozens of nightmares about Legend's rotting corpse.
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ackalice · 1 year
So... I wrote something...
long story short, Meelu's oc posts inspired me to make one of my own! I felt awkward posting something from the very middle of the story so I wrote a tidbit from the very beginning!
I hope you enjoy what my brain scribbled down at 10 pm last night- lmao
@meeludrawz @4-the-streets @mono-chrono
First Encounter
Adelaide swung her legs over her windowsill with a slight huff, frowning at how her backpack strap slid down her shoulder. She shoved it back up with another frown. Then she scooted off the windowsill and landed on the fire escape as quietly as she could. Which wasn’t too quiet. It was actually very loud. Though after a few seconds of standing still as a plank and listening for any noise from beyond her bedroom door, Adelaide determined that no one had heard it. Or had a second thought about the clambering.
She wasn’t about to fumble the opportunity either way, so she scrambled to climb the metal ladder and make her way to the roof.
The full moon was out tonight, shining down on the girl from far above. Adelaide gave it a glance and a smile. She wasn’t exactly sure if that was a good omen or not. Regardless, she appreciated it and continued on her way across her building’s roof.
Once she reached the edge, she made a quick hop from the concrete and onto the gravel of the next building over. The structures weren’t too far apart, so it didn’t take a master to do. Just someone with good joints. Lucky for Adelaide, she was still young enough to constitute for those.
On she went, stepping between roofs without a care in the world, listening to New York City’s nightlife all the while.
A dog’s bark, some car horns in this corner and that, a most likely drunken man’s cheerful shout, and, of course, a far off police siren. Never a dull night. It made Adelaide sigh contentedly.
Which was odd, but she didn’t think about it too much.
 Finally, she reached a building only a few away from her own and decided to take root. Adelaide set down her backpack and pulled out her phone (She never trusted her pockets in fear of dropping it when out at night. Again..).
For a few minutes, she just sat up there, fiddling around on her own and taking a minute to relax herself. The day previous had been less than stellar for her and her siblings so it was a deserved rest.
No projects to work on at the moment, no need or want to listen to music, and no ideas for blueprint sketches, she relished in the moon light instead.
Adelaide took a seat beside a large roof turbine. That lengthy braid of hers was laid in her lap being fiddled with as she closed her eyes and took in the sounds around her. It was so peaceful. She probably could’ve fallen asleep right here.
Ironically it was just then that a large thud to her right startled Adelaide out of that thought.
With her fight or flight coming into play almost immediately, she ducked down with wide eyes and scrambled around the turbine, yanking her backpack with her. Her hiding spot wasn’t exactly ideal- hell it was shabby at best but that wasn’t Adelaide’s first thought in the moment. Another lighter thud was heard behind her. She set her bag in her lap and held her braid tight to her chest.
“Can we just think about this plan for a second??” What sounded like a teenage boy said, almost frantic.
Two more thumps sounded out on the roof, footsteps indicating they were getting closer to where Adelaide was. She was sweating bullets.
“What is there to think about? We’ve got the bugs and we’ve got the perfect way to dispose of them! I propose we think more about Leo’s apparent arachnophobia.” Another boy said, quickly followed by a few chuckles in different voices.
The boy from earlier seemed to groan. “For the last time- I don’t have aracno-whatever! I just don’t trust a woman that we met yesterday!” He exclaimed. Adelaide could imagine him throwing his hands in the air for some reason.
This gave her the insane idea to turn around and get a tiny peak of whoever had snuck up on her. Who else would be up on the roof at this time of night?? She didn’t usually see anyone else up here. With how hard they landed she could assume they jumped down from somewhere. Who would do that and not break an ankle!?
A deeper voice broke her out of her rabbit hole. “Listen- It’ll be fine! Like Donnie said, this is probably the best way to get rid of so many bugs at once! It’s a win-win.” He spoke as he walked around a bit.
Adelaide could feel his footsteps through the concrete.
This was making her even more curious. Maybe she would take that quick peak-
She stifled a yelp at the pain that spiked up through her scalp. After taking a few seconds to pause and make sure they hadn’t heard her (They were still bickering), she followed her hair down and right into one of the openings on the turbine. Damn it. A few tugs told her it was definitely stuck. She couldn’t even turn her head all the way!
The seemingly irritated boy scoffed. Then, a much younger sounding voice joined in. “Raph’s right, Leo! We’ll just drop off the bugs and be out of the Nexus before you can say arachnophobia!” He said semi-reassuringly.
“Even Mikey can say it!” That second voice said offendedly, the bigger one starting to cackle at them very loudly.
Adelaide had been listening and simultaneously trying to pull her hair out of the turbine in silent panic. But then she heard the word ‘Nexus’. Wasn’t that the name of that weird hotel a few blocks away? She had taken note of it on a few of her night walks.
“I still don’t trust her..” One of them grumbled, Adelaide imagining him crossing his arms.
The gruff voice groaned at him, taking a few steps to what she assumed was the edge of the building. “Whatever, Leo. Let’s just get home and make sure pops isn’t worrying about us. We’ll meet up with Big Mama tomorrow night.” With that, there was a big whoosh and then a thud further down, seemingly on a building lower down.
A few more shuffles followed. The same process of a jump and a landing happened two more times. Then there was the sound of a jet starting. The curious thrum faded down and away after a few quick seconds.
Adelaide looked either side of her without any movement. The four figures had left just as soon as they arrived, leaving Adelaide in a confused and oddly intrigued state. Oh, and her hair was still stuck.
Rather irritated about it, she decided to undo the large braid holding her hair up and slipped the strands out easily after that. Adelaide then stood up with tired knees. Those peculiar people were nowhere in sight.
Adelaide turned around to look up at the building with the neon ‘NEXUS HOTEL’ on the front. It was pretty easy to spot, actually. And not too far away.
She should be free tomorrow night.
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countlessrealities · 9 months
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Kisses under the mistletoe
@dynamoprotocol sent: ❣️: our muses find themselves under a mistletoe by coincidence (Clarissa and Morty lmao)
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There were some things that never changed, no matter how many times they went downhill, no matter how many horrifying, high-tech disasters happened. Jerry's iron will to make sure that the house was thoroughly decorated, both outside and inside, was one of them.
Not even the misadventure he had had after having been made "neutrally buoyant" by one of Rick's inventions had been able to put a dent in that habit, and that had been anything but a fun time.
The family had, by now, learnt to deal with it. Beth still worried that her husband would accidentally kill himself every time she saw him climbing on the roof to hang the lights, but she had stopped voicing her concerns and just went with the moves. Summer made sure to prepare a plan to avoid participating in whatever family activity Jerry had in mind and also any potential decorations-related mishaps. As for Rick, he handled it as he did with most things he couldn't give a rat's ass about: drinking and flipping the bird as a universal answer to any of his son-in-law's protests and offers.
Morty was the only one who hadn't developed a pre-made reaction to Jerry's antics, mostly because he didn't see a reason to do it. His father could be a pain, but indulging him from time to time, giving him the illusion of being respected and important, was a good way to prevent him from doing something stupid. Or even just from berating them too much.
However, as it often happened, the universe seemed to hellbent on proving to him how his choice not to take any precaution was going to come and bite him back on the ass, sooner or later. And this time it had decided to do it in a way the teen would have never expected.
After all, how was he supposed to anticipate that he would have ended up under one of the mistletoes with Clarissa of all people?
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For the first couple of seconds, all that Morty could do was staring up at the plant, mouth again, as his mind blanked out, refusing to process what was happening. His little crush on the woman had faded as he had gotten to know her and grasped just how painfully complicated her relationship with Rick was...or so he had thought.
As it had just turned out, there was still a little bit of it, buried in the back of his mind, enough to make this chance encounter weird. Even if that was the last thing the teen wanted.
Oh geez, oh man, oh geez! Stop staring and do something!
His brain came back to life all of a sudden, thoughts flooding in too quickly and chaotically, which led him from gazing at the mistletoe with wide eye to looking at Clarissa with the very same, dumb expression. He should say something. Act cool, maybe crack a joke. Damn, even letting out a forced laugh or a scream would have been better than being frozen as he was.
His cheeks grew hot, in embarrassment, but something else was thrown into the mixture as a traitorous part of his mind suggested that, maybe, it wouldn't have been so bad if he had kissed her. Not anywhere that could be inappropriate, of course, but just to see if her body heat was truly has strong at it seemed to be whenever he was standing next to her.
Bad idea. It was such a bad, alluring idea. And Clarissa was just a little taller than Summer, which put her within his arm's reach.
His body moved almost on his own, before common sense could snap him out of the trance he had fallen into, and he found himself stepping closer, straining on his tiptoes so that he could plant a kiss on the woman's cheek.
And if he had a quick sniff at her hair before moving away, letting the smell of oil and gasoline fill his nostrils, he would have rather died than admitting it.
The moment he broke away, his face went even redder than it had before, as the full weight of what he had just done was dropped on him. Only one thought was left in his mind: run for your life.
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"Oh g-geez, I think...R-Rick is calling for me! I-I really need to go and, uh, s-see what he wants. Y-You know how he is." He let out an awkward, forced chuckle. "S-So, uh, yeah, I...S-See you later!"
And with that he dashed past her, with the kind of agility he usually showed only when he was fleeing some bloodthirsty alien creature, all his usual clumsiness gone from his movements. He even managed to snatch the bottle of wine Jerry had meant to bring to Beth along the way, almost knocking the poor man over in his rush, before disappearing in the hall.
He would be hiding in Rick's room for a while. The time to get tipsy enough to be in the same room with Clarissa without wishing for the ground to swallow him.
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