#Almond Flake
buffetlicious · 2 months
The next dish was the Steamed Red Grouper Hong Kong style with superior soy sauce, spring onions and red chilli but all we saw was a small chunk of fish flesh in a bowl. I was telling the others that we don’t know if the fish was actually a red grouper until the wait staff placed the fish head on the lazy susan. At least I enjoyed the fresh succulent and sweet fish dressed in soya sauce.
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The chickens must be lamenting that they died in vain as we diners never gotten to see the crispy Bi Feng Tang (避风塘) style Roasted Chicken gloriously spread out (展翅高飞) in front of us with spiced almond flakes and crunchy prawn crackers for garnish. Both my colleague and I were served mostly breast meat which was dry as we never gotten the chance to choose the part of the chicken we would like to eat plus my plate came with just half an almond flake. :(
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Next up, the Conrad Duo of deep-fried prawn ball wrapped with breadcrumb and sautéed scallop with asparagus in home-made XO sauce. The fried prawn ball is crispy on the outside with crunchy prawn inside. A single lonely scallop sat beside the old and fibrous asparagus as the skin wasn’t peeled. The savoury spicy sauce however brightened up the flavours of this tough vegetable.
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The Abalone and Spinach I have nothing much to comment on other than the slice of paper-thin sea snail. Love the thick mushroom among the blanched leaves of spinach drenched in oyster sauce though.
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The Ee-fu Noodles or yi mein (伊面) got to be my favourite dish of the night. This noodle is typically present on wedding menu due to the fact it is also referred to as longevity noodles (寿面). Stewed with shimeji mushroom, lumps of crabmeats and chives, where it had soaked up the wholesome flavours. So good that I finished two bowls of it.
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The Chilled Cream of Avocado with Coral Weed was a big disappointment for all of us due to the avocado soup coming with pieces of hard, almost crunchy coral weed, akin to eating chicken soft bone. I would prefer something less exotic like cubed honeydew melon or even jellies.
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Overall, the food was pretty delicious though the service is kind of lacking as the wait staffs were busy portioning the food to notice our empty glasses. My colleague was commenting that he had only this one cup of passionfruit drink from start till end of the banquet and no one came to ask if he would like a refill. I am also sure the chefs would have preferred to let the diners see their beautiful, crafted creations even if for only a few short seconds rather than the hastily assembled carved-out portions.
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perenial · 24 days
olive oil and sea salt are beautiful lesbians and every time they kiss over a plate of steaming green beans my faith in love is strengthened and renewed
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Vegan & Gluten-Free ANZAC Biscuits
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plushie-adventures · 9 months
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Birthday boy got his cake!!!
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Lovingly made by me and a-yao hehe
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woahajimes · 1 year
didn't realize that it was weird to eat cereal with yogurt?
#these are a thing in ecuador guys and im sure the rest of latam#is it a thing here????#let me explain. in ecuador there is this lunch snack called a tony mix#standard and popular was like the sugary cornflakes (like the frosted flakes) and then strawberry yogurt. this was a fucking BANGER#from the brand toni which was like everything dairy it was actually so good. my fav yogurt flavour was blackberry#but tony mix it was strawberry#i once drank the peach one and i was so sick that night i still get flashbacks. i thought peach yogurt was the enemy fr#this yogurt btw does not have chunks. is not like the activia one. like you can chug this but it isnt liquid liquid#ANYWAYS. yogurt and cereal. once i was going to the movies with my dad#and they were giving out little cups (samples) with this cereal and yogurt with almonds and shredded coconut#and i had some and it was actually delicious#i was like 11 at the time. anyways that taste stuck with me for like a month so i begged my dad to find out what cereal it was#turns out it was kerglogs (idk the brand name but its the poppular red k one) vanilla almond. ever since i had that shit nonstop 4 breadfas#ANYWAYS COME TO CANADA FAST FORWAR 6 YEARS i forgot all about it#and then im laa dee daa-ing in my store and i see this fucking almond kerglogs cereal and im like wait a fucking minute#and its 799 because of course it is#so i rush to the dairy section and im like do we have strawberry yogurt is that a thing#and it IS. but its the more dense yogurt but i buy it anyways#RECAP. ive had about 2 servings now#i took some for my break and my boss was like ???#IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD#UGH
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darlingfreddie · 2 years
Not to sound Old but my god I just had the most Scrumptious bowl of oatmeal of all time
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fincherfogg · 2 years
ive had my rats for 7 months now and they still havent quite grasped how to use the litterbox , when im sat at my desk i have to be constantly on lookout for when a rat takes a shit in the litterbox so i can quickly run over and shower them with praise asdfghj
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bluepoodle7 · 2 months
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#Kelloggs #PostCereal #PostCocoaPebblesCereal #PostCocoaPebblesChocolateCereal #ChocolateFlavoredCereal#PostWaffleCrispCereal#KelloggsHoneyFlavorCornFlakesCereal#AlmondBreezeBananaAlmondMilk#CerealMixReview
I mixed the Post Cocoa Pebbles Chocolate Cereal , Post Waffle Crisp Cereal, and Kellogg's Honey Flavor Corn Flakes Cereal, with the Almond Breeze Banana Almond Milk and it was pretty good.
The dry version of this mixed tasted like it had a light chocolatey, honey and a light maple taste at the end.
This was sweet but not overly sweet to me while also crunchy and light crunchy in texture.
I tried this with the Kroger Simple Truth Chocolate Almondmilk and it was pretty good.
The corn flakes in the cereal mix tasted pretty good but got soggy in the Almond Breeze Banana Almond Milk but the banana flavored almond milk gave this cereal mix a light sweetness while the cereal mix was a little soggy but stayed crunchy.
I don't mind the cereal being a little soggy in texture while the waffle crisp gave the cereal mix a light crunchy texture.
The cereal milk was lightly chocolate, honey and maple tasting that gave this banana almond milk some sweet flavor back that it was that went well with the cereal mix.
This was sweet but not overly sweet to me.
The milk had a light chocolate, honey, light maple sweet taste with a chocolate taste at the end.
This cereal mix did absorb the banana almond milk.
I would eat this again.
I already reviewed all three of these cereals with a almond milk before but not mixed together.
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vangoggles · 3 months
partner and i spend way too much on granola bars so im gonna try buying stuff to make treat bars (marshmallows+assorted breakfast cereals) with like dried fruit and nuts and chocolate chips as mixins, to scratch some of those same craving itches
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anarchistbitch · 5 months
you ever have a payasam so good it changes ur life
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thereblogmachine · 7 months
Coconut Oatmeal Balls
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These Coconut Muesli Balls are a tasty and nutritious snack that can be enjoyed at any time of day. They're a tasty and nutritious treat packed with oats, coconut, almond butter, honey, and vanilla extract that will satisfy your sweet tooth guilt-free.
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only-jane-austen · 7 months
Chocolate Recipe
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These Coconut Muesli Balls are a tasty and nutritious snack that can be enjoyed at any time of day. They're a tasty and nutritious treat packed with oats, coconut, almond butter, honey, and vanilla extract that will satisfy your sweet tooth guilt-free.
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checkyesbranda · 8 months
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Recently ordered from Moon Cat 💅
Hermit Crab seemed like a fall-ish shade 🍂🍂
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dryfruitshop1 · 9 months
Discover the Crunchy Delight of Coconut Flakes.
Crunchy Delight
At our Dry Fruit Shop, we take pride in offering a wide range of nature’s treasures, and one of our absolute favorites is the delightful Coconut Flakes. These bite-sized wonders are a beloved snack for the young and old, and they offer a delicious, tropical twist to your daily snacking routine.
Why Choose Coconut Flakes?
Cooking with Coconut Flakes
Coconut Flakes aren’t just for snacking; they are also a versatile ingredient in your culinary adventures. Use them to add a tropical twist to your recipes:
Why Choose us ?
When you choose our Dry Fruit Shop, you are opting for quality and authenticity. Our Coconut Flakes are sourced from the best coconut groves, ensuring a premium snacking experience. We believe in providing natural, wholesome products that cater to your health and taste preferences.
In conclusion, Coconut Flakes are a delicious, nutritious snack with versatile uses in your culinary repertoire. At our Dry Fruit Shop, we take pride in offering premium Coconut Flakes that will take your snacking experience to a whole new level. Indulge in the crunch and savor the tropical delight with every bite. Order your Coconut Flakes today and enjoy a slice of paradise in every mouthful.
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ninaarlene · 9 months
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bilexualclarke · 10 months
Coconut Oatmeal Balls
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These Coconut Muesli Balls are a tasty and nutritious snack that can be enjoyed at any time of day. They're a tasty and nutritious treat packed with oats, coconut, almond butter, honey, and vanilla extract that will satisfy your sweet tooth guilt-free.
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