#Allergy free heating
fruitless-vain · 1 year
Newts food allergies have been confirmed today by me giving him the damn high potency pellet that’s high in soybean as a treat and him breaking out in to a massive sneezing fit
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Thank you for documenting my campaign from the following accounts:
@sar-soor @heba-20
@90-ghost @soon-palestine
I love you all 🙏🙏♥️🌹
I am Mohammed Almanasra, 32 years old, married, and a father of three children: Abdulrahman, 6 years old, Sarah, 4 years old, and Lina, 3 years old.
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My story began with the loss of my parents and four of my sisters who were bombed and lost their lives along with their children after the events of October 7 and the severe war on Gaza. Now, my wife, children, and I are displaced, without parents or siblings, living with our little cat that we embrace among us.
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Recently, I moved to the south of the Gaza Strip, fearing for the lives of my children. We left behind our memories and our new home, for which we had not finished paying the installments, in addition to losing my job. Currently, I live in a tent that does not protect me from the heat of summer or the cold of winter, and without the minimum necessary livinng basics including water, food medical care, clothe and even bedding .
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I suffer from a chronic asthma and severe attacks from tightness and an extreme allergy in the ear and I need medicine that are not available, or very expensive .
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Under these difficult circumstances, after five attempts at displacement and narrowly escaping death from the bombing, I am trying with all my might to protect my family, the most precious thing I have.
My dreams were shattered, and my house was destroyed, and I found myself living in a tent no larger than 4 square metres. My work turned from a tailor to a street vendor in order to barely buy a few crumbs of bread to feed my children.
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Look at what happened to my children because of the intense heat and the insects that thrive in the summer season. Every day, I take them to the hospital to treat them due to poisonous insect bites. I implore every kind-hearted soul to help me protect my children.
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My son, Abdul Rahman, has a deep passion for playing football and is a devoted fan of Real Madrid. He always dreamed of playing football at his school, but the war prevented this dream from coming true.
Where are you, Real Madrid fans ?
Help Abdul Rahman achieve his dream.
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Every donation will make an enormous difference in helping me save my family.
I feel very sad and embarrassed to ask for help, but I have no other options left. I know that this request is difficult, but I also know that there is still humanity and living consciences and I believe in miracles.
Your support during this extremely difficult time will give us hope in the midst of devastation and despair.
If you have any inquiries or questions, feel free to ask me, please!
To everyone with a compassionate heart,
To all who understand the essence of humanity,
This is a message from my innocent children, who trust that their words will reach everyone who truly understands the meaning of childhood.
We cry out to you, asking you to feel our sorrow and pain, and to extend a helping hand to us in this time when we are in desperate need of your mercy and compassion.
@communistchilchuck 🫶🇵🇸
@communistchilchuck @90-ghost @sar-soor @fairuzfan @ibtisams @fallahifag @vakarians-babe @palipunk @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc @stil-lindigo @vakarian-shepard @northgazaupdates
@faggotfungus @ghost-and-a-half @three-croissants
Sincere greetings & thanks
Mohammed & the family
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threewaysdivided · 1 year
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Nut-free vegan-safe compound chocolate is hideously finnicky to work with but I would be remiss in my duties as Grandma-friend if I didn't make something for my tragically-allergic friends to partake in.
Flavours: Chilli-Coconut cream ganache (white sugar hearts), Vegan orange curd (pink glitter sprinkles), Vegan raspberry "cheese"cake (pink and white sprinkles)
(Masterpost on truffle-making principles)
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*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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parkerpeter24 · 7 months
Omg can I request mcu! Peter Parker going on a date with reader but he’s actually getting sick and trying to hide it cause he’s been super busy and just wants to spend time with reader?
hi. it’s almost december 🥹 i wanna do winter blurbs 3.0
pairing ➳ peter parker x reader
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it was not a fun evening to be out on the streets but you had your muffler wrapped around your neck and ready to meet your ‘friend’ peter– if you can even call him that. he had been so busy working and spider-manning it up for the last month that he barely got any chance to contact you other than a few texts here and there.
you felt so happy when you finally saw a text that you had wanted to for weeks. ‘dinner? mick’s @ 7?’
you smiled, looking at the text and instantly replied with a thumbs up emoji.
as you walked through the streets, you looked up for any sign in case you caught him swinging by in his spandex suit. but there was no sign of him. once once you were inside and sitting in a booth, looking out the window at the slow traffic outside, you saw him and his worn trench coat. he rushed through the doors, instantly spotting you and sitting in front of you.
you gave him a smile, watching him take off his brown coat, noticing the red of his cheeks.
“good evening, mr busy.” he gave you a smile too, keeping both his arms on the table.
“good evening.” he smiled, “did you order already?”
“just got here.” you shrugged, not really knowing what you both were here for as peter suddenly looked at the light bulb hanging right over the counter across from the two of you. then he sneezed, rubbing his nose.
“sorry. allergies.”
you raised a brow, “it looks like-”
“it’s nothing.” he waved his hand around in dismissal, “so uhm. let’s order?”
“...sure.” you said, trying to enjoy the time you had with him, ignoring his unusual behaviour. peter was unusual at times so you didn’t mind much– the only thing you noticed was that he kept staring at the light bulb hanging from the ceiling of his favourite diner.
“your eyes are popping out.” you pointed out, taking an onion ring from the small basket that was over at his side of the table. peter didn’t seem to mind but gave you a question look.
“it’s like... you were here to spend time with that light bulb, not me.” you pointed to the said source of light, “what’s up with you?”
“if you’re not really free, we can do this-”
“no, no no no no! we can do this now. i want this date with you.” peter cleared his throat and coughed a little, “everything is right.”
you smiled when he called it a ‘date’ and pointed it out, “date, huh?”
“oh, did i not clear that up?” he raised his eyebrows in genuine question.
“oh, no, no. your text was very informative, actually.” you chuckled teasingly, making him rub the back of his neck.
“sorry, i-” he coughed again and this time you became really suspicious with the way he was trying to hold back, stifling his cough with a fist over his mouth.
“peter... let me...” you leaned forward, the back of your hand extended towards him but before it could touch his forehead, he moved back. you gave him a look and peter sighed.
“look, i’m completely-”
you interjected, “not okay.”
“fine.” the two of you said at the same time.
“i call bull.” you crossed your arms, sitting back at the leather seat, “your cheeks are flushed. you keep coughing and-” you found the boy’s eyes again fixed to the light bulb, “there’s definitely something going on with that light bulb!”
peter sighed, “okay, i’m sick. but i didn’t wanna ruin our date.” finally giving in as he sneezed again, “because of one tiny mishap.”
“but you need rest.” you reached out your hand to grasp his cold one, “could’ve at least ordered a soup.”
“i didn’t want you to become suspicious...” peter coughed again as his eyes went to the light bulb.
“peter-” you huffed, “i swear to god if you don’t tell me what’s up with that thing, i’m asking the owner to take it out.”
“wait, please don’t-” peter felt his cheeks heat up even more, his obvious fever having nothing to do with it this time, “i heard that looking at a source of light stops you from sneezing but-” he sneezed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, “doesn’t work for me...”
you blinked, “wait a minute, are you talking about that dr. mike video?” he nodded, making you chuckle, “silly, it was the opposite. if you look at it, you sneeze.”
“oh.” was all peter could say, making you laugh at his expression, making his cheeks go redder.
you gently squeezed his hand, “come on. let’s get you some soup.”
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i-luvsang · 1 year
jam to my peanut butter — choi san
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1.2K MILESTONE EVENT ☆ CLOSED  gn!reader , fluff !! , non-idol!au , cw : alcohol/drinking, mentions of allergies, unedited , wc : 0.6K , here you go sky !! tysm for the requestttt i hope you enjoyyy hehe
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san’s flushed cheeks and drunken giggles must be the most endearing, adorable sight you have yet to witness. you’re not nearly as drunk as he is; just tipsy enough to lean into his soft and frequent touches. though many other loud and happy friends surround you at the restaurant table, you feel removed from them; it’s not a bad thing, though. you just feel as though you’re in your own little world with san.
he flirts with you, you flirt back.
“will you be the jam to my peanut butter?” he slurs.
“first of all, i’m allergic to peanuts–”
“almond butter?”
“eh,” you tease, “not my favorite.” he pouts. “but… just for you, i’ll make an exception.” he grins. 
his heart flutters unbeknownst to you, and so does yours. that sensation, you are very familiar with when around san.
he takes shots, and you take less—all in hopes of being the one to take him home. surprisingly enough, luck is on your side when you stay in that little bubble with your long-time crush, as no one around you dares to pop it. then, you’re the one who’s responsible for him in his drunken state, as you’ve begun to sober up after quitting with the drinks a bit ago. plus, no one thinks they could get him to unlatch himself from his spot by your side, both hands at your elbow and his head on your shoulder.
“alright san, it’s time to go home,” you chide.
“why?” he sighs, that permanent pout that always finds its way to his features each time he’s drunk extra noticeable.
“well, everyone else is leaving and i think this restaurant is closing soon, so… that’s why.”
“ah. are you leaving too?” he lifts his head from your shoulder to look you in the eye. his gaze is soft, innocently questioning, and ever-so endearing.
“we all are. so, c’mon! get up with me so we can grab a taxi.” you start pushing out of your chair, san complying easily and happily.
“we’re getting a taxi together?” he asks, voice unabashedly hopeful.
you nod, doing your best to support the weight he puts on you as he leans into your side. “i’m taking you home,” you answer simply. he doesn’t say anything to that, just begins to hum an old song, contentedness filling the notes that escape his mouth.
leading him outside, you say goodbye to your other friends still lingering outside.
“try not to look too happy about having to take care of a drunk san,” wooyoung teases.
all you can muster in combat is a weak, “shut up,” while fighting back a smile.
“couldn’t if i tried~” he sing-songs back at you before waving goodbye with a bright smile and making his way to his car. you roll your eyes, but wave with your free hand in a friendly gesture. “bye, san! don’t cause too much trouble for your lover there, alright?” he yells before disappearing around the nearby corner. you feel your face flush with heat at wooyoung’s words, but san seems to just love it.
“my lover,” he giggles under his breath, sounding too happy about it for you to deny it. you’re probably too flustered to come up with a sentence that makes any sense. you’d do anything for san to call you that, sober. but he’s still drunk, so you’re not too sure what to make of it. all you can do is hope with your whole being that he’s not just saying things, but meaning them too. hope that his actions are what he really wants to be doing when he’s not drunk, not held back by whatever social standards that are set up to draw the line between friends and something more. hope that he wants to be holding you close like he is now, that, however cliche, and however allergic you are, he really, really wishes that you’d be the jam to his peanut butter.
(spoiler alert: he does.)
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belokhvostikova · 10 months
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | Swearing, vaginal sex, and use of safe word (playful nature, not graphic).
𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬, 𝐃𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭.
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Fucking flowers.
If not for the reason of being gifted to you as a sign of unconditional love, what good are they for?
By the coming month of April, humid warmth had suffocated Hawkins, Indiana to no avail, compelling a moody metalhead to become a sweaty, moody metalhead; the universe’s disastrous attempt of combining homeostasis with leather and chains.
On the bright side, the muggy atmosphere had a beautiful tendency of trapping hot girls, like yourself, into obtaining skimpy outfits of tank tops and short shorts that were surely in no complaints to the wandering eyes of boyfriends, Eddie Munson alike.
Although, the blissfulness could only be something of a short-lived experience, when suddenly his eyes would water, vision too blurry by the fault of a fucking flower to see you prancing around in practically nothing. It was times like these he hated his eyes for being so big; wider diameter meaning bigger target- or whatever the hell made sense in his Eddie Munson Doctrine under the section of allergies.
And look, Eddie wasn’t one to necessarily care of bullshit schtick of traditional masculinity, but it sure as hell bruised his ego facing the reality that a speckle of yellow dust on a Marigold could wipe him out. That’s like having a peanut allergy, the fuck?!
The trailer was supposed to be his safe haven—where buzzing bees, blistering heat, growing plants, and an environment swallowed by nefarious pollen couldn’t get to him—but when the air conditioner hit its celebratory age of becoming geriatric, windows were forced open for the hopefully possibility that the night could bring a small zephyr cool enough to dry sweaty skin.
Especially when nightly activities brought on more sweat than usual…
“Oh- fuck!” Eddie knew it was simply uncomfortable perspiration, but the way your skin glowed like you were glazed with glimmers made his cock spur, particularly more when cheeks were exposed by cutoff denim, and tits were bouncy free without the support of a constricting bra.
Eddie Munson had prowled onto you like a predator catching its prey. “So fucking tight- mm, shit, baby!” Positioned onto your side, Eddie took the liberty of raising your thigh open, your foot playing its part to secure itself behind his leg to hold in place.
“H-Harder, please, Eds!” Not one to disobey, Eddie’s pelvis had slammed against your backside, letting the bush of curls tickle your ass as your grinded back in seek of release.
His movements were enough to drool out your arousal, letting his tightening balls of heavy cum become coated in your juices, as he drilled into your pussy. A snaked arm under your neck had led to his grabby hands squeezing down to your boob, your perked nipple rubbing against a callous on his palm that had your mewling with new sensations.
“Fuck, yes! Back that ass into me, sweetheart! Fucking do it- so fucking delicious!” Eddie was becoming delirious from the grip of your cunt, letting his mouth fall open with gasps of ecstasy, so vulnerable to the yellow devil that awaited him outside.
And it struck with an onslaught of no mercy, riding the warm breeze as a means to weak sinuses, ready to cock block a desperate metalhead, who four hours ago was wishing death to all pollen and pollen-things alike.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum! Don’t stop, ugh, keep going!” Having your pussy pulsate with tightening clenches was enough to bring your boyfriend to brink of stuffing you full. But a tickle in his nose had suddenly snapped some coherency to the reality of his sensitive nasal cavity, and Eddie knew it was a losing game.
“Princess! Mm, oh my god, oh my-” Ever the gentleman, Eddie head quickly maneuvered his head away to save you from the sprays of snot. A guttural sneeze of ear-splitting volume had startled you in the midst of sex, constraining you to look back at your giggling boy toy.
Movements of thrusts surely halted, you laughed. “Bless you.” A groan of embarrassment, yet amusement, was all you were met with, as Eddie pulled out against both your wishes to lay back in defeat.
“Shit, I’m sorry.” Stuffed to oblivion, his voice and chuckles had been tainted with mucus. You’d turn to face him, ready to soothe his aggravated nose bridge, but stubborn as ever, he refused. “No, don’t look at me, I’m all gross!” Eddie whined, shoving your face away with no real force.
You beamed. “No, it’s okay, let’s keep going.”
“Nuh-uh! Ozzy, I’m calling my safe word, can’t do nothing about it now. No, no!” He incoherently laughed, as though he got the last one. The notion of another man being your safe word was a conversation for another day.
“I ruined it, ugh, I ruined everything!” He dramatically wailed. “I sneezed, got the sniffles, now my ears are- fuck,” a big yawn ripped from him, “I’m yawning now, fuck! I’m humiliated.”
Refusing to accept his pity party, you turned his chin to meet his lips with a savoring kiss that had him groaning with want. “No-” *kiss* “No, baby-” *kiss* “I just sneezed-” *kiss* “I probably have snot all over-”
“You don’t.” You swallowed his lips, leaving him to whine.
“Okay, good.” He chuckled against you mouth. You hoisted your leg over his hips to straddle him, and line his cock to the clenching entrance of your pussy to finish what he started.
“Uh- fuck!”
Pollen: 23,738
Eddie: 1 *ding ding ding* (a very lucky one)
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 | Inspired by this audio! Had to Eddie-fy it, of course. Sounded too much like an Eddie Munson situation, lol.
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djmousewife · 7 months
have been totally screwed over by uc me and my partner owe over £2k as it stands and wont be getting more than 400 a month between us bc of it. my student loan payment + pip doesnt cover costs for us both and we basically have until january before everything implodes and we will struggle to pay rent.
we r 2 autistic trans ppl w health issues that makes working difficult. my partner is applying for pip and im getting my claim reassessed. ive contacted my uni for help as well but its not looking good.
if u have advice about how to navigate the benefits system pls dm me i dont know who to go to all the phone lines r down or wont help me bc it's specialised advice. also if ud like to help us out i have a paypal (paypal.me/jusafn). am happy to do smthn in return for it (e.g nsfw images + videos, help w essays and research or beginners latin tuition or if u can think of anything else feel free to dm me)(if u want to see what kind of stuff u might get for images u can head to my alt @cuntlaser under the tag cuntposting)
the situation is pretty bad a sit stands,, like as a flat we cant even turn the heating on all of us r in such a bad financial spot (which is especially bad given i have a cold allergy) so please Please consider helping us either financially or w advice!
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What do you think the RFA members’ favorite seasons are?
Jaehee loves winter. She loves the idea of sitting in during the evening and watching a movie with someone she loves, and even better than that, she loves letting her footsteps carry her to different recreational winter activities with her partner. Get her some hot chocolate and ice skates, the two of you are about to have the time of your lives. She misses her parents around that time of year, too, but being with you makes her heart ache a little less. Bittersweet but it becomes sweet.
Zen is a sucker for spring. He gets to wear long sleeves if he wants to and he doesn't have worry about it being too hot to handle. It can be hell on his allergies, sure, but who wouldn't love fresh flowers and a staring role in the next big romantic movie? He's a romantic at heart, and that never stops after Valentine's Day. If anything, he gets worse about doting on you and comes up with all kinds of spring activities to do with you. The only downside if paparazzi!
Yoosung loves autumn. You might think he enjoys the spring but in all honesty, he gets tired around the spring because there are so many things to do and take care of at school. He's got the energy for it, but he doesn't have time to do anything else. He loves when school is just getting started, though. He feels so rejuvenated and ready to take on the world. The leaves crunching under his feet, the beanies he gets to wear, and people enjoying how it's cozy outside, not too hot, and not too cold.
Jumin strikes me as a guy who loves wintertime. I can see the appeal of springtime in his heart, but there's something about having those cozy, intimate nights with his partner that get me. He wants to share his time with you after a hard day of work, and what better way to be comfortable than in front of the fire with Elizabeth? You share a few drinks with a smile and talk about everything while snow muffles the rest of the world.
Saeyoung loves summertime. It's his birthday. It's the best time to go on a vacation. It's the best time to go swimming and fishing with your friends! It's the best time to do whatever he wants! Even though it's a scorcher outside, he has a water gun and a penguin robot that makes snow cones. There's something about getting to enjoy when there's a lot of sunshine outside. He can't deny it's his favorite time of year. He deserves to the sun and sky.
V doesn't like when it's hot. He loves to wear layers and hide his body. He hates it when he can't bundle up, he hates it so much, that's why he prefers spring OR autumn. I don't think he has a favorite, but I can see him jumping between the two. Those give him the best chance to take pictures, hike, and do outdoor activities. He won't get a cold and he won't melt into oblivion. He gets to enjoy things without thinking about his insecurities and there's something nice about sharing his enjoyment of the sunshine with you. In the end, he learns to love the springtime more.
Saeran loves spring. I think that was obvious. Summertime is way too hot for him and he can't handle the heat for too long, but he will go outside no matter what. It's just that during the springtime, he gets to watch the flowers bloom and there's cozy rainstorms that help him cozy up to you by a fire. It's not too hot, it's perfect. He wants to have tea in the garden as you share a meal together, that's never changed since he became a free man. He yearns for the springtime.
Vanderwood is hard to get a read on. I know he's not a fan of spring or summer, that much I can tell you. He just doesn't seem like the kind of guy who wants to talk a walk in the part or go on vacation to the beach. He seems like he enjoys the peace and quiet that comes with winter and autumn. I'd argue he likes the time in-between the two the most. Where the world seems to be lulled and it's too cold to do much but it's not hot enough to argue not doing something. He's a mystery like that, never quiet one way or the other.
Rika is an autumn girl. She loves the fall. Her birthday isn't something she likes to enjoy by any means, but she, like most people, enjoys the feeling of crisp weather that isn't too cold. She loves to remember all the times she spent at the park with Sally like that... playing in the tall bundles of leaves and laughing. Those are some of the best memories she has and she doesn't want to let go of them any time soon. A warm tea and a longing gaze out the window at the rest of the world. It's quiet, it's lonely, but it feels like home.
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sevenrs · 9 months
slugcats based on how well i think their immune systems function
1. spearmaster
how is it not sick from all that animal blood its drinking? hyper immune system. suns also seems like the kind of iterator to do that. really thought about everything (until they didn't. looking at you lack of mark)
2. gourmand
highly social-- large colony, likely exposed to a number of diseases and went through all the sickness as a pup. country slug, varied diet, no allergies. a very healthy individual
3. artificer
again it's all of the blood. and the body heat generated from exploding. except it's also probably under a lot of stress (self-made) and that hinders immune function (and everything else but this isn't about that)
4. rivulet
gives off the vibes as a more stress free slugcat. which means the immune system isn't dampened (stress supresses the immune system because body resources are allocated away from it and to the brain, heart, legs, etc.)
5. survivor
i imagine survivor to be a better representation of what most slugcats living in a colony and unaffected by iterators are like. so middle of the pack kind of fella. good homeostasis (im so prpud of you)
6. monk
survivor but physically worse off (im sorry monk but. your lungs. your throwing strength)
7. saint
playing saint makes me feel always stressed so i think it is always stressed and like. cycles and stuff that thing is three billion years old and honest to god has stopped making new t cells
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bra1n-c4ncer · 3 months
Ok so here is a detailed ref sheet of my Sun and Moon designs for the au:
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They can now emote a little bit more with their faceplate: Eyes are fully articulated with eyelids, the swirl that acts as their eyebrow is fully mobile, outer mouth plates are switched for a silicone layer and underneath, for stability, is an aluminum alloy that allows for a little bit extra movement. They are still stuck smiling unfortunately, but they can control how wide or crooked it is most of the time.
Their back wiring is now covered by a small metalic box that's waterproof. They needed that long ago anyway. They have "retractable claws" that are there more for show than anything else. Yes, they are kind of sharp but they can't exactly rip flesh off of bones. They were installed more or less to make moon look intimidating in case he comes upon an intruder on his patrols or while nap time. (Like it matters anyway, they are literally animatronics. Made out of metal.)
They can make a few soundboard effects from their voicebox. Why? They are jesters and they are caretakers. Entertainment honey.
They are directly connected to the internet as long as a wifi router is nearby. Also they can connect to bluetooth devices. The backup memory and RAM memory in their AI was upgraded aswell because let's be honest, how could they save all those guest profiles, children's preferences, allergies, special needs, intruder profiles etc.? deleting old information because "they are just some old files that we don't need anymore!" Is not the best way to approach it.
Unique features:
Sun: His rays can tilt 90° on each axis, they can retract but they cannot spin unfortunately (honestly it would be kind of hard to make it possible considering the amount of wiring inside his flat faceplate). He has pupils, they are just not visible in a brightly lit room, wich is ironic in a way or another, but that can be used to his advantage oftentimes.
The small embroidery on his pants was a last second detail he wanted to be added just on his design, the technician didn't ask why and he still won't dare to ask.
Moon: His hat and pants are made from the same material. The cape acts as a back-up blanket: it preserves heat and also can be cooled down easily. It was originally intended for aesthetic purposes only but after a little session of fuck around and find out the technician figured that the cape can fit 2-3 toddlers underneath.
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The cape and hoodie parts have little magnets on the inside part of the textile, (they were supposed to be pins but because of another "accident" that idea was scratched) wich hold the two pieces together neatly and secure.
Now you may wonder: "Well then, how can Moon use his wire if that cape is in the way?" Good question! I literally have no idea, but he does it somehow.
That is all for this post, for now at least. If you have more questions feel free to leave me an ask! Also I will update this post once I make more references and sketches :)
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v3nusxsky · 9 months
So I’m like severely sick rn, with a cough, fever, allergies and all the types of bodily pain you can think of.
Would you be so kind as to write a cute little Larissa x reader sick fic? Full creatives rights to you, write what comes to you and what you like. Thank you, darling:)<3
-comet ☄️
Sweet thing
*authors note~ I’m so sorry you’re sick lovely, I know this is a bit late but I hope this is okay? Taking an kinktober break to post this! Next instalment of kink is coming to a screen near you soon ;) Can always pop me a message and tell me anything you wanna change or add! It was written on a train so it sort of inspired this :)*
Trigger warnings~ little r cg Larissa anxiety brought on by trains illness fever sickness headaches just generally feeling crap ?? Probably more tbh😂
Prompt~see ask^^^
You knew you felt like shit today, it hit you as soon as you were awake, coughs wracking through your body as if it was nothing more than a meet bowling pin. The headache you went to bed with was never quite leaving you. In fact it seemed to have rested and come back with a vengeance, and of course it was the one day you couldn’t deal with this. You are meant to catch a train a little before two thirty to travel to Jericho and see your girlfriend for the month. Having time off from your school due to some building work gave you the perfect opportunity to discuss your idea of moving to Nevermore to teach with the blonde principal. You were more on edge as you knew the last “Normie” teacher the school had almost tried to kill your lover, but not being with her all the time kills you. Yet this sickness seemed to have other ideas for you.
Deciding you had some time you attempted to sleep off the worst of this sickness before dosing your self up on pain medicine and dragging yourself to the train station. Only this time when you awoke, your whole body ached, your eyes leaking moisture, nose running like a tap and this ungodly cold sensation all over your body. Instinctively, you wanted to borrow under the blankets and sleep for eternity but you simply didn't have the time for that. So instead, you hauled yourself out of bed, shoving on the comfiest pair of clothes you could find before readying your tired body to leave your room.
Rushing to the train station was all blur, but some how you made it and you couldn't be more grateful that you managed to secure a seat before the train got to busy. By the first stop, the train had began to pack up and in the sick haze you swore your heart was beating so fast it could be considered a rocket with the speed it was trying to take off with. your right leg began to bounce as you felt eyes on you from every direction of the train carriage. Paranoia seeped into your bones as you felt as if you'd been dunked into flames judging by the now uncomfortable heat spreading over your skin. The earbuds you strategically place in your ears to dull the noise now seemed to be failing as your head felt ready to explode. As soon as you heard your stop being announced you could've cried with joy as you escaped the train, promising yourself that you would never put yourself through that anxiety educing activity again. Especially not alone.
The taxis for Jericho are far and few between, in fact there is not any. so you enlisted the help of Nevermore's very own troublesome raven haired student and her werewolf girlfriend. It turned out to be brilliant timing as some of the Nevermore students happened to be in Jericho shopping for the raven, so you were able to sneak onto the shuttle using your abilities to help you blend in with the other students. Thankfully Coach Vald wasn't too observant otherwise he would've surly notice the sick teenager sat between Wednesday and Eind, who clearly wasn't there before.
Arriving at Nevermore took your breath away every time, yet this time it could be argued that it was the cough that was trying to force itself free from your chest that did it. With a quick thank you to the girls and reassurance that Wednesday, Enid's and things skills your luggage would make its way to the Principles office you slipped off to find your lover. As you walked the halls of Nevermore your body was slowly giving up, the pain overwhelming you, the fever causing you to shift into a much younger version of yourself. The need to find the Principal was now at an all new high, luckily she found your things before she found you. You'd have to thank Enid for spilling what was meant to be a surprise when you felt better.
"Hello love bug" you heard from down the hall. Your momma. once you turned to face her she could see just what Enid had described. you were really sick and yet somehow made your way to Nevermore to surprise the blonde. You must have told her a later train time in hopes to surprise her. Rather adorable, but she would have to remind you that you need too look after your health when you felt better. "Momma, no feel goods" you whimpered before your little body gave out and made friends with the floor.
Scooping you up of the floor and cradling your small frame to her chest, she could feel the heat radiating from you, yet shivers racked your frame as if it was winter weather. She immediately took you back to her private chambers where she could care for you more discreetly. Being placed on her bed, you immediately wriggled over to burrow your face in her pillow before snuggling into her blankets. With a small chuckle, the blonde gently rouses you to give medicine and cool your temperature down. "No Momma, no more" you whined trying to wriggle away as much as your weak body would allow you to. "I know little love, but we have to get you feeling better don't we?" to which you nodded and reached out for the older woman to hold you. Only when you were wrapped in her arms did you feel better, "magical nuggles momma" you yawned causing a huge smile for the Principal of Nevermore, the amount of love you brought her was magical. "Only for you my love, can you tell momma how you got here when you are feeling so icky darling?"
You sleepily recounted how you made your way to Nevermore and the reason why you were so determined to get to her. Even when you were this sick, Larissa was all you could think about and need. "Wanna live momma ever an ever" you mumbled before the medicine knocked you out, snuggled onto the principals chest, your home and safe space. Larissa held you while you slept wondering how she could reprimand for needing her? she just couldn't but if you lived and worked in Nevermore then she could most definitely keep an eye on you.
Word count 1159
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radiant-reid · 2 years
hey cate ima very big fan of you’re work !! i was wondering if you could do a smutty fluffy spencer blurb, im allergic to latex condoms and lubricant, so i was thinking reader being embarrassed having to tell him about her allergie while foreplay when things start getting super steamy and before they go any further in the sexual act.
damn bestie that's a rough life to be living
You always thought Spencer would be shyer about kissing you, but things between you two have gotten heated more than once and Spencer doesn't hold back.
Every time before now, you had been in public or semi-public, and can't give in to the burning desire inside you. In his apartment, it's just the two of you. He had asked you over under the premise of cooking you dinner, but the oven isn't even turned on, and you're sitting on the couch making out.
It can't get much steamier on the two-seater, and you don't exactly want to have your first time with him in his living room.
He's thinking the same thing, pulling his lips back from yours and breathing heavily. "Want to go to the bedroom?" He offers, voice deeper than usual.
You notice how big his pupils are, lust written all over his features. You're sure you look the same. "Yes." You agree, moving off his lap so he can get up.
He pulls you up from the couch, dragging you towards the bedroom with renewed desire. You barely even make it past the door before your craving for him gets too strong and you grab his shirt to pull him closer to you and slam your lips against his.
He tugs his top off quickly, and your hands move to his hair. He pushes you onto the bed, crawling between your legs as you take off your clothes quickly.
When he finishes stripping you of your clothes and goes to take his pants off, you quickly pull away from the kiss, which has devolved into teeth rather than lips.
"Wait, stop." You say urgency.
He pulls away at the same pace, incredibly worried he's hurt you. "Are you okay?" He asks calmly. "We don't have to do anything tonight. No pressure."
You shake your head. "No. No, Spence, I want to." You assure him. The explaining is the bit you hate, wishing you could just use a regular condom and forgo the annoying interruption. All you're hoping is that it doesn't ruin the mood. "I just... I'm allergic to latex."
"Oh." He says. "That's rare. Less than 1% of people are."
"Thanks." You say like it's a question. "The problem is sex, like itching."
Spencer's brain connects to the emotional side after stating the facts. "I'll go get some latex-free condoms." He says quickly, grabbing his shirt from the ground.
You feel your heart swell with tenderness. Obviously, he wants to have sex with you, his hard cock in his pants tells you that, but he's genuinely concerned about making sure he doesn't hurt you, and that's sweet.
You stop him with a hand on his arm. "There's some in my purse." You tell him, jumping off the bed and walking to the living room where you left it. You're grateful he had the sense to close the curtains.
When you get back to his bedroom, he's smirking cockily, and you know he's thinking something smug. "Do you bring latex-free condoms everywhere?" He asks. "Or just to my place when you know we're going to be alone."
You laugh at him, throwing all four condoms at him. "Whenever I'm around you." You tell him. "Now you've got to use them all."
"Oh, I plan to." He assures you.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Jealousy with an assistant reader?
You knew it wasn't personal. Just like it didn't start personal when he was flirting with you.
But. That didn't stop you from feeling slightly sick. Public persona or no. It made you feel awkward and insecure. And, if you dwell on any of that you couldn't get through it. You'd cry. Or tear her hair out. or both. And this was too important.
To Bruce and to Batman.
But when he leaned in to murmur in her ear, a hand on her waist, you had to turn and walk away. Finding anywhere else to be. Something to do that wasn't in this room.
Bruce paused at the door way, watching you working diligently on the seemingly endless lists of tasks and hesitated. He KNEW you hated this.
"Sweetheart," he started.
"I'm fine," you answer, not looking up, still shuffling papers.
"Unless you've suddenly caught a cold-"
"It's just allergies," you murmur, "Did you need coffee brought? I can send Charlotte to-"
"Sweetheart," he said softly, feeling his heart twist unpleasantly. You were trying so hard. Trying to deny that you felt jealous- rightfully so. You were his girl and he'd been flirting with someone... trading suggestive jokes and heated banter with someone that wasn't you. And it hurt, no matter how much you knew that he didn't want her. "I'm sorry."
"I don't have time for this-" You break off when your voice breaks and take a shaky breath before you turn to squeeze past him and find Lucius. You found the data he needed to finish what he was doing and he needed that and then- Bruce stops you gently. His grip is careful but unyielding as he pulls you against his chest, tangling his fingers in your hair and inspecting your face carefully before reaching up to wipe tears away with his free hand. His touch is tender as he strokes a calloused thumb across your cheekbone.
"She's pretty," Bruce said, "But. She's not you, baby girl." He bent down and kissed you, loosening his grip on your hair just slightly as he pulled you closer; licking into your mouth. Letting the taste of you wash over him as you lean into him. "She can't make me feel like you do," he breathed. "She can't run my life and keep me wrapped around her little finger- she can't- baby I'm gonna make this up to you okay? Please don't cry."
"I'm sorry-"
"Don't apologize," he pleaded. "Not for being hurt. It's normal to be jealous-"
"I'm being stupid."
"You're human," he said smiling a little, kissing your forehead.
"That doesn't make me not stupid."
"Not stupid," he hummed, "Just human. I'm yours and we didn't discuss you not having me to yourself... not that I want more women."
"I'd hope not," you tell him, "my ego can only take so much-"
Bruce chuckled and slid a hand down to pop your backside, "I've got a special job for you sweetheart."
"I want you to find yourself something appallingly expensive," he murmured. "Preferably something with very little fabric. Something I can't have you out of the bedroom in. And then I want you to book a trip- anywhere you want to go so I can appreciate you properly-"
"Trying to buy me off, Mr. Wayne?" you ask.
"Don't be silly," he chuckled, "we hate an important date coming-"
"What's that?" you ask, frowning slightly, trying to remember.
"Two years ago," he rumbled, squeezing your bottom affectionately, "Alfred demanded I hire more than a pretty face and handed me your resume- I think it's something worth remembering."
"You remember-"
"For you? Absolutely."
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devilscastle69 · 5 months
Streaming t//diapt - Uru//shihara
Hi. Idek what to say about this one
summary: ur//ushihara makes a discover about his strteaming audience and his roommates demand that he capitalizes immediately.
The summer heat continued baking down on Sasazuka, and it was the perfect excuse for Urushihara to stay put in his closet, the one sad fan whirring and blowing warm air against his damp skin. The laptop continued generating its excessive heat which was decidedly preferable to the resident NEET to the fresh summer air. As Urushihara scrolled through the bountiful sea of videos, he recognized a familiar screen name: his own.
Darklord666 Clip 1
So he’d gotten popular enough to have fans clip his best hits. A smirk spread across his face. So much for his streaming hobby being a “fruitless endeavor.” 
3.k views. One week ago.
Damn, that’s more than ten times the amount of followers he had last time he checked, and this video had gotten this many views in the span of a week. He clicked the video and adjusted the volume and leaned in to watch which one of his builds or jokes had taken off.
“Oh this sucks. The hair colors are so limited.” Urushihara pinched the bridge of his nose and sniffled. “Guess you guys will have to point me towards some…cuhh-uh…hKSHhh’ieh! tssch! Ugh. wait” 
He adjusted his headset before reaching around offscreen until he produced a tissue. “HehkShhhieh! Ihhshhh’ihh!”
“Rec me sombe custumb condtedt,” he amended. “Oh…yeah, it’s ndot a—hYSHhh’ieh! ndot a cold, just allergies.” He blew his nose.
“Wait, I can get it through the game? Is it free?” He sniffled. “Oh and thanks.”
dandelion222: what is he allergic to
S.finder: @dandelion222 He said later in the stream that it’s dust
snzgirl: bless him <3 
sneezy123: god hes so sexy
supersnzr: the video quality is so bad but the content def makes up for it ;)))
Okay that was odd. He can’t see what was particularly sexy about that clip. He’d been sneezing for half of it. He frowned and clicked the next recommended clip.  
Darklord666 Clip 2
“hyhSHhh’yyu! Tschh’iu! hpt’chhhu!” 
Urushihara fixed his headset that’d been displaced during the sneezing fit and gripped it as another sneeze shook him forward. “hh…hehhh….wa-waihht…ihhgKSHhh’ieh!” 
He wiped the screen with the hem of his raglan shirt. “Ugh,” he sniffled, “fail. You didn’t see that.” 
Urushihara’s frown deepened. What the fuck? Why did this one have even more views. He skipped over the comments in favor of clicking the next video.
Darklord666 Clip 3
“Yeah I wanted to do hh- rags t-to…wait…hehh…” Urushihara abandoned his sentence and squinted his eyes, nose scrunching in the lowlight. “HehhkSHhhihh!” This time the spray was visible and he hadn’t bothered to turn away from the laptop this time. “IhhSHhhiehh!”
“Oh hey thanks for the gift sakurablossom7.”
asters_in_bloom: heyy good find but maybe you shouldn’t put their screen names on these clips…
S.finder: @asters_in_bloom Others have commented the same thing. Going forward I’ll be sure to fix this.
asters_in_bloom: @S.finder ok but you didnt????
Dustyboi: i need him. im subscribing immediately. id pay him sm to sneeze all over my—
Urushihara stopped reading. Immediately. That didn’t stop autoplay from playing the fourth clip. The closet door abruptly flung open and he nearly tumbled out again, but managed to catch himself this time. He let out a groan of disdain before the inevitable scream fest began. 
“Urushihara!” Ashiya pointed at him as if he’d finally tracked him down. “Please stop talking to your friend “Chat” and come help me fold the laundry for once! Or if you’re going to sneeze nonstop, perhaps you should dust this time.”
“You’re just gonna complain that I’m doing it wrong,” Urushiahara complained, removing his headset. The sound of the clip did not stop, and it was then that he realized his headphones weren’t even plugged in. He blushed and paused the video.
“Why are you sitting here watching video tapes of yourself?”
“I’m not.” Urushihara shuddered and closed the computer. “Just figured out why I got so many gifts last stream.” 
Oh he’d fucked up. Royally. He could feel the way the atmosphere in the room had shifted, the way Ashiya’s mind had shifted into budget mode. “Gifts?”
“And why is that? How much money did you make?” 
This was humiliating, and yet something about the situation warranted sharing. He should want this to die a secret, but there’s a certain catharsis in discussing it. Without moving his eyes to meet Ashiya’s, he finally answered, “Apparently people like seeing me sneeze.”
“There are people who enjoy—”
“Like, dude, you don’t understand. They really really like it.’
Ashiya furrowed his eyebrows and opened his mouth as if he was going to ask him to get off his ass again.
“I don't even understand,” Urushihara added. “Like I made 1,500 yen last stream.”
“What do you mean they really like your—”
“You know how Sasaki Chiho looks at Maou when he does literally anything? Or how Sariel looks at—”
“Please speak no further.” Ashiya sighed and tilted his head. He raised an incredulous eyebrow. “To summarize, people are giving you money because of your incessant sneezing?”
Urushihara nodded.
“And you’re sure Chat is not paying you to cease and desist?” Urushihara opened his laptop and showed Ashiya the comment bold enough to make not just one but two demon generals blush. “No…further evidence requested. Excuse me.” 
Ashiya left the apartment. Perhaps it was all too much for him. Though Urushihara had at least eight thousand years on the guy, Ashiya had always been more old fashioned. Explaining that there in fact other people out there who would spend their free time watching other people play a game rather than playing it themselves had been a headache in itself. It was much easier to let him think he’d been video calling some guy named Chat. 
Urushihara quietly decided he was done streaming for the foreseeable future and ordered another delivery of a few bags of chips and a bottle of iced tea he could easily hide in the closet. He would’ve completely erased all memories of today were it not for what happened when Ashiya returned. 
“Dude, what the hell?” Urushihara cried when Ashiya yanked the closet door open once again. He was holding a bouquet of flowers with a sticker with a brightly marked down price. “What the fuck.”
“Do you remember the incident when Miss Sasaki brought his highness lilies?” Ashiya asked. A dark aura spread across the devil’s castle as his eyes zeroed in on the fresh chip bag in his hands. “I see you ordered delivery while I was out.”
“You’re a demon! Why are you trying to pimp me out to the sneeze fetish community?” he whined, fighting against Ashiya’s grasp on the door. 
“You call Chat this instant! It’s time you started contributing financially!” 
This was a mistake. All of it. Urushihara’s eyes were already starting to water from the putrid scent of the flowers Ashiya was continuing to wave in his face. 
“It’s time you learned the value of money. His majesty slaves over a hot grill all day, serving the people of Sasazuka, and he does not do it so you can waste all his—”
Speak of the devil. Maou entered the apartment. Surely he’d stop this human rights violation. 
“Dude, help!” Urushihara called out. 
Maou looked between his two demon generals, one holding lilies up to the other one's face as he shrunk back into the closet.
“Did Chi send those?” he asked obliviously.
“Ashiya is trying to pimp me out to strangers online!”
“He is exaggerating!”
Maou’s posture sagged. “What’s really happening?”
“Welcome home. As it happens, my liege, though his phrasing is crude, it is not far from the truth.” Ashiya moved a step back from the closet and faced Maou. He briefly explained the situation to Maou while Urushihara tried not to sneeze. It was becoming more difficult by the second. He brushed a few bright yellow flecks off of his shirt as Ashiya explained Chat’s sadistic tendencies.
“Okay, that…” Maou sighed and shot Urushihara a sympathetic glance. Hail Satan. “I get that we need the money, but—”
“He spent a day’s wages on Sims expansion packs.” Ashiya handed him a folded receipt from his pocket. 
“You’d better fuckin call Chat!” Maou hissed, pointing at him. “You think I’m made of yen?? I was saving to take Alas Ramus to the movies damnit!”
Urushihara sighed and opened the streaming app. He had indeed acquired another fifty followers since his last stream. 
“Dude, pleaseeee—”
“Let’s go, tech squad. How much yen can you make in one stream?”
“My record is uh…”
“2,000 yen, sire. I’ll bet with these he can double it.’
“Don’t come out until you’ve made at least 2,000,” Maou sighed. 
“Hi and welcome back to my channel. How are we doin’, chat?” He glanced up at the two demons standing over him and accepted the bouquet from Ashiya. He didn’t even have to take a whiff for the onslaught to continue. The scent alone was enough to drive his nose crazy. He couldn’t keep from scrunching it and sniffling, though each sniffle would bring in more of the sickly sweet odor. “So I got some of the expansion packs y’all rec…recommended. How about I make the, uh…cat—wait, I’mgonnasnNDSChhh’iuhh! H’KSChh’ieeh!”
Maou handed him a tissue pack, glare still intact. 
“We had a cat once. I was really allergic to it.” Urushihara blew his nose into a one-ply tissue before continuing. “No, that’s not why I’mb sneezing now. ‘Mb allergic to a lotta stuff apparently. Anyway…hahhhkSHhh’iew! Anyway, thangks for the gift, uh, Dustyboi…”
Save me, Dustyboi.
“Mby roombate can really stretch out 500 yen, y’kndow. Thanks, s-sakurabl-...hehYSHhh’iehh! Ihhpshh! Tschh! heh’ESCHhh’yew!”
Ashiya had moved on and went on to make dinner in the background. Maou sat in front of the TV with the volume on zero but with the captions on, though he seemed far more interested in Urushihara’s performance. 
Urushihara blew his nose again, knowing he’d have about a minute before he’d have to blow his nose again.. “Sorry guys, I’mb ndot gonnda be…able to…hh…st-stop sneezi’gg. Hehh’KSHhh’iehh! Mby roombate got flowers that I’mb allergic to. Yeah it’s that…it’s that bad. Anyway, here’s Silverfish the cat. We’re gonnda—H’ESCHhh’iew!—add himb ind…”  
Urushihara finalized the Devil’s Castle on the Sims and sniffled and wiped the tears from his eyes. “Yeah, Ashiya’s throwi’d himbself at Maou again. Just like in real life…”
“What did you say, you creatin?” Ashiya yelled from the kitchen which was, of course, part of the same room they were all in.
“Yeah they’re both hombe,” Urushihara said into the mic casually before losing control of the sneeze he’d managed to keep back for almost a full minute. “h’ESHhhu! Fugk…Ugh, thank you for the gifts. Mbaybe I cand afford better tissues now.” 
“Oh no, he has to pay off his debt first. Otherwise he’ll have to sell some of this streaming equipment,” Maou called from the living room portion of the room.
That did it. If Maou understood one thing about this world, it was appealing to the consumer. 
“Thangks for all the gifts, guys. Wow. Three-thousand yen!” Urushihara coughed and sniffled again. “Btw guys, I’m gudda be uploadi’gg a recordi’gg of this streab to mby chandel and all future streams. I’mb gudda…sndeeze…ah-agaid…Ehhshhh!-KShhh’ih! H’KSHhh’iew!”
He muddled through another twenty minutes of gameplay before people started expressing genuine concern in the comments. Suddenly there were about ten people regularly writing “bless you,” and “are you okay?” in the chat along with others calling him “poor thing.”
“H’KShhhieh! It’s okay, I’mb used to it. This is—hah…ieSCHhh’iew! KSHhhh! dothi’gg cobbared to whed we had the cadt I swear.”
In the background, Ashiya began setting the kotatsu for dinner. Somehow between the horny viewers and the sympathetic ones, he’d made five-thousand yen. 
“Okay…sorry guys. I godtta go. I’ll…I’ll be back tomborrow.” He gave a peace sign which he knew was ironic coming from him, but nobody needed to know that. 
“Five-k yen is gonna drop tonight, okay?” He then walked the bouquet to the trash can. Ashiya got up and stood in his way. 
“Save this one for tomorrow. He pulled a single lily out and left it on the table.” 
“Doesn't it suck busting your ass to make money only for someone else to spend it?” Maou asked with a smirk, crumbs sticking to the inner corners of his lips. 
Urushihara shrugged and went to wash his swollen face in the bathroom knowing that eventually the video of the stream would surely gain some income and exposure too. Next he’d report the accounts stealing his clips and make his own video compilations. And then nothing will come between him and owning his very own Switch. 
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sweetracha · 1 year
First Sleep Over with Stray Kids
Perfect Night: Hyunjin
Sugar Content: Sugary Sweet (Fluff), Sour Sweet (Angst)
Allergy Warning: Hopeless romantic couple, Idea of perfection, Hints to anxiety and feeling trapped
Tumblr media
Perfect. This all had to be perfect. You had to be perfect because he was perfect. 
The definition of perfection drilled in your head all day and you just wanted it out. You felt like you were walking on pins and needles making every choice for the night. What to wear? What to bring? Should you wear makeup? Will you be as perfect as he thinks you are?
You met Hyunjin during an art class held at the local library every Saturday. Upon entering the room you smelled the toxic aroma of paint and thinner. Canvases were placed upright in a circle as if to shield what lay within. A small round podium, marble, of course, waited for you among the soon-to-be masterpieces. The blank white surfaces would soon be filled by your city's local creative masterminds. The subject tonight was you. 
Life on your own as a free spirit came at a cost. While you made enough to make ends meet monthly you found yourself sinking into a deeper and deeper hole. No one can work day in and day out without going insane. You needed an outlet, some sort of fun, but that would cost money you didn't have. So were destined for bleak and bland existence until your friend showed you the posting from the local library. “Semi-Nude Female Model Needed for Saturdays Artist Event”. You could never do that, could you? Maybe this is what you needed, to put yourself out there. It's only semi-nude so it isn't like the artists would see the whole thing. Finally, after a silent fight in your mind, you convinced yourself. The only way to grow is to find comfort in the uncomfortable.
After meeting with the kind lady who ran the show, you were whisked away to the changing room. Actually, it was one of the college study rooms with a black bedsheet hung over the window. On the table, in front of you was a white silk wrap and an inspirational photo on how to wear it. The whole setup seemed cheesy but you followed through anyways. Stripping down into your natural body, you carefully wrapped the silk around you. It took a few tries and a few more curse words but finally, you managed to make it look like the picture. It draped over your body like a cascading waterfall. A small part of your chest peaked out to hint at the suggestion but stayed away from being porn-ish. Your silhouette was highlighted by the fabric, a shadowy tease of what's truly underneath. You had to say, it looked perfect.
Once you exited the room you found a chair resting on the podium that wasn't there before. The kind artist from earlier came to you and after close examination of your attire, explained how you were to pose for the night. She made you feel more comfortable by showing you a few options and joking around that they will look prettier when you do them. After one more wavery breath, you took your seat. The wood was warm in comparison to the frozen marble beneath your bare feet. You shivered a bit but that didn't last long. As the first few artists made their way to their stations the heat of nerves filled your body. But once you saw him you began to burn red hot.
He was tall and handsome with long blonde hair, neatly tied back in a ponytail. If you didn't know any better you would have guessed he was royalty. His denim shirt had paint stains from all different types of mediums but yet they looked so precise. The posture he stood with screamed pretentious artist however the soft look on his face as he took in the surrounding seemed down to earth. The artist seemed to have walked out of the painting itself, of course, the best way to describe him would be…perfect.
You weren't sure how you managed to sit like a stone through hours of painting but finally, the last artist had finished. In a way that was almost clique, the ground got up and began to roam the gallery of now-finished pieces. All but one. The gentle one from before walked to you with the grace of a dancer. You were startled when he broke the hours of silence.
“Here let me help you down” He extended his hand towards you. Even his voice and the way he offered a hand seemed regal. You didn’t trust your own so instead you gently placed your hand in his and offered a small nod. As you stood up from the chair you lost your balance and the man was quick to catch you. Your red-blushed face met his own, and a small smile appeared on his face as he held you for a split second longer.
“Hyunjin by the way, my name is Hyunjin”
Everything happened so fast after that. Dinner dates, museum dates, walks in the park, high tea in your fanciest gowns, and more modeling. Any outsider would have looked at the collection of photos of you two and thought you were happily together for years. However, in actuality, it had only been a month. What could you say? When something is this perfect, go for it.
Hyunjin was set to be an esteemed guest at an art gallery a few cities over and there was no one he rather take than you, his muse. That is what he called you ever since that fateful meeting. The only issue was that Hyunjin had to be there bright and early for some events happening around the gallery. Plus ones were encouraged to go. How could you say no when he looked at you with those big perfect eyes? Of course, this resulted in you having to spend the night at his place, which you weren’t opposed to. But seeing someone during the day vs at night can be completely different. What if you failed to be his muse once more? 
The first hour went smoothly as you two shared a nice home-cooked meal. Hyunjin claims he made it all on his own but his friend Minho accidentally left his wallet on the counter. You giggled to yourself and decided to keep your little secret. A bit of sauce did happen to fall on your white top and begin to settle in. Normally this wouldn't have been a big issue but this top was nice, way too nice for a sleepover, but you didn’t want to seem too plain. You excused yourself to the bathroom and tried to not panic as you washed away the little dot of tomato. However when it began to look like a wet t-shirt contest, panic set in. You managed to sneak over to your suitcase and find a change of clothing. When he questioned the new attire you explained you were getting warm. 
The night moved into the art studio where Hyunjin had a surprise. Fairly lights were strung up around the room and dangled from the ceiling. A romantic vinyl spun slowly around the record player. Sage and green tea candles scented the tiny space. In the middle were two white canvases on their easels facing each other. You should be swept off your feet by the pure theatrics of it all but instead, you were mortified. Then he spoke.
“Let's paint each other, my love, and be each other's inspiration” his hand cradled your waist now as he leaned into your ear. “To be each other's muse” 
Your fears came true. It wasn't that you were bad at art, you always enjoyed it since you learned how to hold a pencil. But Hyunjin did it professionally, you were far from that. He would make you look like a goddess while you'd make him a troll. Then you saw the childish look in his eyes, something you had never seen before. He was excited. Had you never seen him genuinely excited before? You shook the thought from your head and took your place at the canvas. 
It was going better than you thought it would. By no means was your painting one for the art history books but it had a charm to it. Hyunjin on the other hand was not having a good time. He kept cursing under his breath and taking long steps back. Once he noticed you caught on he began saying long phrases in Korean instead. While you didn’t know what he was saying, the tone and infliction were enough to let on to his frustration. At one point he dropped his pallet and threw his hands up in the air as a sign of defeat. You tried to give him a gentle look to ask if he was okay but every time he caught your eye he would look away. Silence hung in the air like a thick smog. Sage and green tea overtook your senses. The fairy lights twinkled at an unnerving rate. Everything seemed far from perfect. 
“Jinnie…Jinnie…hey Jin? HYUNJIN” The boom of your voice made him smear his paintbrush across the canvas harshly. You gulped, worried about what would happen next. Preparing yourself for the yelling that was soon to come you began to step away and close yourself off. Hyunjin was taken aback by it all. He stepped towards you and you stepped away. Did you really think he would hurt you? Hyunjins heart broke as he began to speak.
“Baby…angel…Y/N I’m not mad…I promise. I’m upset with myself for not being able to paint you correctly. I know you! I should be able to capture you but every time I look at it I don’t recognize the person in the picture.”
You began to step towards him now, wanting to wipe the tears from his eyes. He came to you seeking comfort. Right as you were about to embrace, someone stepped on a loose fairy lights cord. In a matter of seconds, it all came crashing down. Hyunjin braced you from the fall and you both smashed into the ground. Canvases and paint pallets landed on top of you while lights tied you two up in a bow. It was silent. And then there was laughter. Actual laughter. It was ugly and loud. Hyunjins whole body shook as he couldn't stop laughing with his whole self. You joined in, snorting a few times which made you both howl. Your faces hurt as you both began to come down from that high. Then, the reality set in that you two had never heard each other laugh like this before.
“I figured it out,” Hyunjin said with an out-of-breath sign. You looked at him puzzled. “The person in the painting didn’t feel like you because it wasn’t you, I don’t know you at all.” You began to sit up quickly, ready to run out the door with a broken heart. He grabbed your wrist and sat up with you. “Y/N, the person I painted wasn’t who I fell for” he got up and grabbed a large frame that was flipped around. “This was” With that he showed you the painting he made on the first night you met. You hadn’t gotten a chance to see it yet. He hadn’t painted you as a poised lady propped up in a chair wrapped in silk. Instead, he opted for the moment where, when you thought no one was looking, you yawned and then giggled a bit. Everything was perfect down to the way you stretched your feet to a point and how your eyes closed tight. It hit you, his muse wasn’t you in an expensive gown on fancy dates. His muse was the real you.
He leaned down in front of you and offered a sweet smile. “How about we start again? Hi my name is Hyunjin” 
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