#Allen Vires
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liliyworld · 7 months ago
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The opposing team of "Heirs" in the last part.
Nightmares - the opposing team in the "Youth Championship". They are considered the strongest team in Europe and always win. Their leader, Kurosaki Yato, has a strange, unknown clan.
Kurosaki Yato: Nightmares Allen Vires: Gear Chronicle Ishihara Miya: Dark Irregulars Ishihara Mayu: Dark Irregulars
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its300am · 1 year ago
Algo pode estar acontecendo agora mesmo
O que está aqui escrito não passa de um compilado de incertezas, algo que eu deveria estar levando para sala de terapia da qual constantemente me vejo fugindo. Eu sempre quis ter um blog, achava o máximo, e sempre estive nesse meio. Estive nas épocas de ouro do Tumblr como leitora e vira e mexe me atrevia a escrever, mas a insegurança sempre me alcançava. Escrevia, mas morria de medo de ser lida. Quando alguém que me conhecia descobria meus escritos, pronto, nunca mais eu apareceria naquele site. E é por isso que afogada e fadada a provavelmente desistir que eu não darei certeza alguma de que isto um dia vire algo, na verdade, talvez se torne apenas um diário. Estará sempre em processo, e se perguntarem, bem, é algo que estou tentando fazer acontecer. Quem sabe um dia acontece mesmo sem eu saber.
Eu não sei se esse formato ainda funciona, pode parecer cringe aos mais novos, mas eu costumava gostar de coisas assim, e agora que estou mais perto dos 30s que dos 20s estou no direito de ser cringe ou antiquada de qualquer forma… Eu não tenho certeza de um username ainda, eu queria que fosse algo que representasse o que as pessoas vão achar aqui ou algo que mostre quem sou para os leitores. Eu acho que o nome vai vir eventualmente por vontade própria. Até lá sou its300am.
Tem assuntos que eu gosto ou manjo num geral e acho que deveria citar para ficar um alerta do que pode aparecer por aqui.
• Filmes, mas meu letterboxd é bem vazio, eu geralmente posto vagamente porque tenho receio com meus mutuals, tipo, eles me conhecem na vida real, então…
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• Animes e mangás, mas faz tempo que nem chego perto, a faculdade tem sido bem difícil para mim. Mas ainda assim, meus favoritos são Dr. Stone, Bungo Stray Dogs e Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
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• Literatura, mas tenho tanta ressaca literária que passo mais tempo pensando em ler do que lendo (e a estante só sendo ignorada). Você pode checar como meu goodreads tá largado às moscas.
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• Feminismo, tá bom, nessa aqui eu acho que sou mais ativa, inclusive faço parte de um coletivo de mulheres, posso comentar mais disso no futuro. Eu sou uma feminista marxista, por sinal.
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• Eco-socialismo, esse aqui é novo para mim, mas sempre namorei o assunto e agora tenho me aproximado mais, talvez apareça uma coisa ou outra inclusive da minha exploração sobre o tema.
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• Quadrinhos, esse aqui é o esqueleto afundado daquele meme na piscina, sabe qual é? Eu adorava, mas faz realmente muito tempo que não chego perto, inclusive, quero voltar. Eu gosto muito da DC, especialmente as mulheres de lá, como Mulher-Maravilha, Arlequina, Hera Venenosa, Punchline, Zatanna, e outras. Da Marvel eu gosto de X-Men, Guardiões da Galáxia e tenho interesse nos Eternos.
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Fora isso eu me meto em de tudo um pouco, na música eu nem sei dizer qual meu gênero favorito, meus artistas favoritos transitam entre Mozart, Lily Allen, Sistar, Charlie Brown Jr, Selena Gomez, Ludmila, Green Day e por aí vai, sem nenhum padrão aparente. Minha for you se resume em compilados de gatinhos e alguns cosplayers, vira e mexe aparece algo sobre decoração ou DIY.
Na parte de jogos eu não tenho compromisso com nenhum, até porque não tenho muito tempo para jogar, mas gosto de Danganronpa, Identity V, Dead by Daylight, Street Fight V e Twisted Wonderland, este último é o único que eu jogo com frequência já que não exige muito de mim. Já fui viciada em Genshin Impact, mas saí do mundo das drogas, entrando no mundo das drogas pesadas (faculdade). A partir daí foi causa perdida, e nem sou boa aluna, só que preciso me esforçar em dobro para me manter no mínimo mediana, obrigada dislexia, obrigada transtorno bipolar, sem vocês minha vida seria muito fácil e assim não teria graça alguma. /ironia
Meus vícios do momento são ouvir podcast enquanto faço as atividades do dia a dia, alguns dos meus favoritos são Ciência Suja e Modus Operandi. Além disso, um outro vício é organizar minhas coisas, o problema é que nunca fica organizado, então estou constantemente organizando uma bagunça de uma vida inteira.
Agora que me conhece de forma íntima, vamos às formalidades, eu prefiro que me chamem de Kaká e não tenho nenhuma preferência ou identificação com um pronome específico, minha sexualidade é pan, mas não vou fazer guerra com quem confundir com bi, vivo num cansaço enorme, não tenho energia pra isso, sério. Estou cursando letras na modalidade de língua portuguesa e devo me formar quando o acaso acontecer. Quero ser professora, mas cada dia que passa perco a confiança de que tenho o que é preciso para seguir essa carreira, então meu plano b é encontrar uma editora que me aceite em sua equipe. Yo hablo español & also speak english (you can read my posts in english as well). Quero aprender italiano, francês, mandarim e russo um dia, não vai ser hoje.
Eu não sei o que estou fazendo aqui! Talvez vire uma espécie de diário de bordo, e no caso estou a bordo de minha própria vida, tentando descobrir o que vem a seguir e com muito medo do que será de mim.
É isso. Fim.
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rausule · 1 year ago
Ruluane obliti, Inconveniens, ah la Titanis, conscientiam humanam saeculo vicesimo interrupit. Variae rationes ad hoc dari potuerunt quae scindendae atomi, progressionis scientiae nuclearis, nostrae evolutionis evolutionis vel propriae proprietates duplicis sconicae currentis (Horus Maat) comprehendere possent, ut quidam medici magicae in operatione considerarent.
Hae copiae primariae varie nominatae sunt Obliti, Seniores, Dii Magni, Veteres, seu Antiquos, olim ab Allen Holub artifice mago definitos "... Rudes innominatae vires ex gelido frigore fabricae exsistentes. spatii ex nihilo emerserunt, adventum ipsius spatii ac temporis prae- dicant ab aethere, quamvis dici possit ipsum processum formationis repraesentare..." " Extra circulos Temporis K. Grant
In inedito documento quod "Kes Aatonis" oratori notat quae sequuntur:
... Videte bene quod dixi, dies enim venit, Cum curiositas obscura in armis revelatur propria, et sanguis novis et lethalis timoribus multiplicatur.
Inequies reserata non extinguuntur Tela aut verba temporis accessum creatum, sed ostium sub insomnio filo ligamus...
Nomina veterum et seniorum Deorum, primarum virium, orta sunt ex variis fontibus notabiliter ex Chaldaeis, Sumerianis, Assyriis, Africanis et Aegyptiis, et ex regnis somnii et visionis et imaginationis. Saeculo XX, scriptor phantasticus H. P. Lovecraft materiam praebuit quae tandem ab Ordine Septem radiorum Haiti investigata est.
Hoc documentum facit conatum nonnulla nomina et notiones cum his antiquissimis primalibus copiis coniungi, licet hoc videatur solum extremum glaciei cosmici per infinities pertingere. Nulla differentia fit inter Deos Seniores et Antiquos, seu Magnos Veteres, nec inclinat ad meliora vel deterius. Forsitan hae copiae tandem ut supra comprehensionem humanam videri debent quia nos habemus. limites non habent. Hoc lexicon etiam nonnullas formas "daemonicas" creatas cum his oblitis coniungendas includit, necnon verba quae in hoc ordine perspicientia praebere debent. Gott.
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wittylittle · 4 years ago
Soirée cinéma
🦝 Aujourd’hui je dis au Raccoon qu’un de mes films préférés joue à la télé ce soir.
C’est quoi? Match Point de Woody Allen.
Une histoire d’infidélité qui vire (presque) au cauchemar. Mais je crois que j’aime surtout ce film parce que Mike m’avait emmené le voir au cinéma alors qu’on était amants et que ça avait beaucoup résonné en moi. Bonus : Scarlett et Jonathan sont tellement beaux.
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Le Raccoon me dit qu’il va essayer de rester réveillé pour qu’on le regarde ensemble. J’avais prévu l’enregistrer mais bon, l’activité me semble excitante.
Regarder un film en même temps qu’un penpal Tumblr comme si on le regardait ensemble au cinéma ou dans le divan, pendant que le Patron et La boss sont pas loin c’est tout à fait ce qui est légal en temps de distanciation.
On a donc regardé le film à distance, en faisant du mini rôle play de popcorn et de rapprochements dans le noir, en discutant de l’intrigue et d’autres sujets qui ne sont pas de vos affaires, et j’ai trouvé ça ultra cute et agréable.
Et en plus je n’ai pas de tennis elbow.
My god! Il est temps de fonder le ciné club virtuel des raccoons !!
(Bon je sais que c’est une pratique qui est déjà très répandue, surtout depuis le début de la pandémie, mais tsé, je n’avais jamais fait ça avec un garçon moi)
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fabiansteinhauer · 3 years ago
Carna/ Crane/ Carne/ Cardea
Prima dies tibi, Carna, datur, dea cardinis haec est:
numine clausa aperit, claudit aperta suo.
unde datas habeat vires, obscurior aevo
fama, sed e nostro carmine certus eris.
adiacet antiquus Tiberino lucus Helerni:
pontifices illuc nunc quoque sacra ferunt.
inda sata est nymphe (Cranen dixere priores)
nequiquam multis saepe petita procis.
rura sequi iaculisque feras agitare solebat
nodosasque cava tendere valle plagas.
non habuit pharetram, Phoebi tamen esse sororem
credebant; nec erat, Phoebe, pudenda tibi.
huic aliquis iuvenum dixisset amantia verba,
reddebat tales protinus illa sonos:
‘haec loca lucis habent nimis et cum luce pudoris:
si secreta magis ducis in antra, sequor.’
credulus ante ut iit, frutices haec nacta resistit
et latet et nullo est invenienda modo.
viderat hanc Ianus visaeque cupidine captus
ad duram verbis mollibus usus erat.
nympha iubet quaeri de more remotius antrum
utque comes sequitur destituitque ducem,
stulta! videt Ianus, quae post sua terga gerantur:
nil agis, et latebras respicit ille tuas.
nil agis, en! dixi: nam te sub rupe latentem
occupat amplexu speque potitus ait:
‘ius pro concubitu nostro tibi cardinis esto:
hoc pretium positae virginitatis habe.’
sic fatus spinam, qua tristes pellere posset
a foribus noxas (haec erat alba), dedit.
Carna ist die Göttin der Scheitelpunkte und der Pole (dea cardinis), ein Stab- und Scharnierwesen, zuerst vergewaltigt und dann befördert von Ianus und so aufgestiegen von den Nymphen. Ihr gehören darum die Umstände, die man im englischen noch klarer und runder circumstances nennt. Sie ist eine römische Dame, von ihr weiß man am besten nachts etwas und schreibt das am besten auf Zettel. Man sagt, sie sei verschiedentlich verwechselt worden, eigentlich würden unterschiedliche Damen dahinter stecken. Bei ihrer Wendigkeit überrascht das nicht, auch nicht in der Überfülle, mit der in der römischen Büro- und Studiokratie aka Kanzleikultur immer gleich mehrere höhere und niedere Wesen für etwas zuständig sind. Sie rivalisiert nicht nur mit dem, der sie überwältigt haben soll, also mit Ianus, auch mit Forculus und Limentinus, aber wer und was rivalisiert in Rom nicht?
Sie nur auf die Türen, Scharniere und Türgriffe zu beziehen und allein in ihrer architektonischen Kompetenz zu begreifen, treibt ihr das zeitliches Wesen ein wenig aus. Im Mai und Juni blüht der Weißdorn, das ist ihre Pflanze - und im Spätsommer gibt sie über den Weißdorn Früchten vor allen den Vögeln. Für das Herz, seine Kontraktionskraft, das Schlagvolumen und die Durchblutung sind die Früchte besonders gut.
Im römischen Kalender werden zwei Kehren hervorgehoben, das hängt an dem Teil des Kalenders, der sich an der Sonne orientiert, aber die Kehren werden auch auf die Züge des Mondes bezogen. So haben die Monate, in denen die Sonnenwenden liegen, von Ianus (Anfangskehre) und von Iuno oder aber Iuventas (sekundäre Kehre) ihren Namen; am ersten Iunotag wiederum wird Carna gefeiert. An dem Tag gibt es Bohnebrei und Speck, das hält man an römischen Tafeln für ein ältestes Rezept.
Diejenige, die Cardea genannt wird, soll auch für die Zuständigkeit zuständig gewesen sein, sie hat eine römische Kompetenzkompetenz, die allerdings auch nicht ihr zu freien Verfügung stand. Cardea wacht aber über und besorgt die Indigitamenta, also jener Listen und Tabellen, aus denen sich die Zuständigkeiten und Fächer der Götter ergab und die insoweit noch zu den Vorbildern der notitia dignitatum und heutigen Fächersälen gezählt werden müssen. Wenn man wissen wollte, an wen man sich wenden muss, musste man sich an sie wenden. Soweit ist die Göttin der Scheitelpunkte auch die des Wendens, sie soll über die amtlichen Korridore und Verzweigungen der Kanzleikultur besonders gute Kenntnisse haben. Sie wird dementsprechend früh in den Akten der Censoren erwähnt und mit den Pontifikalbüchern in Verbindung gebracht. Der Kardinal Staatsekretär Gasparri hat noch etwas von ihrem Amt übernommen, bis in die Bezeichnung seines Amtes hinein.
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art-critics98 · 6 years ago
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Hier ist etwas das ich nicht verstehe.
Von all den Malereien die Van Gogh gemalt hat wieso ausgerechnet diese Sonnenblumen so berühmt geworden sind.
Sie werden im Unterricht in der Schule behandelt, nicht nur im Kunstunterricht… ich meine es sind Sonnenblumen! Klar Van Gogh hatte Talent.
Seine Pinselstriche, sein still seine Farbwahrnehmung und Wahl, einfach einzigartig.
Aber es sind doch „nur“ halbvertrocknete Blumen.
Ich meine denkt man an das „Nachtcafé“ oder an „Starry Night“…in diesen Gemälden ist es als würde man in ein anderes Univers/ in eine andere Galaxie gebracht/teleportiert werden in dem eine Ruhe und Stummheit herrscht doch keine leere.
In der „Starry Night“ in welchem nur knapp ein kleines Dorf zu sehen ist mit einem hohen, auffälligem Kirchenturm und weiten Feldern zieht der Nachthimmel den Blick auf sich/ steht der Nachthimmel im Mittelpunkt.
Es geht vielleicht um die Schönheit des Himmels den wir viel zu selten appreciaten. Jede Nacht ist er von der Erde aus zu sehen und nur viel zu selten sehen wir auf und sehen ihn uns an. Keine Nacht sieht er gleich aus und wir nehmen uns nie die Zeit ihn uns anzusehen und einfach in seinen Schein zu baden und kurz durchzuatmen.
Wir leben in dieser Welt in der alles einfach viel zu schnell läuft. Wir kommen selber nicht hinterher. Ständig will jemand oder etwas etwas von uns. Ob es das neuste IPhone ist oder eine neue Kampagne die unsere Meinung hören will. Jemand will immer etwas. Wir alle leben in Wirklichkeit schon im morgen. Wir leben nicht wirklich im jetzt und hier. Nein wir denken schon an den nächsten Tag, die nächste Woche, sogar ans nächste Jahr.
Und dabei vergessen wir uns um unselbstständig zu kümmern. Mal innezuhalten und in uns hineinzuhorchen und zu tun was wir wollen, was unser Organismus braucht. Er ist nicht dafür gemacht in der Zukunft zu leben. Er kann nur im jetzt leben. Er braucht Zeit um hinterher zukommen. Und das wird in „Starry Night“ gut dargestellt, finde ich.
Im Gegensatz zur „Starry Night“ von 1889 sind im „Nachtcafé“ von 1888 Menschen und ein kleines Viertel zu sehen die unter einen Sternenhimmel ihr Leben mit ihren liebsten genießen. Sie sehen aus als hätten sie no care in the world. Als wäre ihr Leben für diesen einen Moment, perfekt! Wie in einer kleinen Blase in der sie von der restlichen Welt abgeschottet sind.
Und ganz sie selbst sein können. Und geht es uns nicht allen so? Wünschten wir nicht all, dass wir uns in ein anderes univers zurückziehen könnten und dort ganz wir selbst sein könnten. Ich weiß nicht wie es bei euch ist aber wenn ich erst ein Stück Blatt und einen Stift in der Hand hab zusammen mit meiner Musik habe ich auf jeden Fall das Gefühl in einer anderen Welt zu sitzen wo mich nichts und niemand was tun kann und ich ganz ich selbst sein kann.
Aber genug von mir, zurück zu Van Goghs „Sonnenblumen“, natürlich kann es auch sein, dass die Sonnenblumen in Wirklichkeit für den Lebenslauf steht. Wie das Leben verläuft egal wer man ist oder was man in seinem Leben erreicht oder auch nicht hat. Das Leben fängt mit der Geburt an genau so wie das erblühen einer Sonnenblume und genau wie eine Sonnenblume verwelken auch wir irgendwann. Manche früher und manche später je nachdem wie man sich um seine geliebten gekümmert hat oder auch nicht. Aber genau werden wir das sowieso nie wissen, wir können uns alle nur unsere eigenen Gedanken machen und Meinungen bilden.
See here is something I do not understand.
Of all the paintings that Van Gogh painted, why is it that those sunflowers have become so famous.
They are topic in school, and not just in art classes ... I mean, they're sunflowers! It’s clear to see that Van Gogh had talent.
His brushstrokes, his color perception and choice, are simply unique.
But they are "only" half-dried flowers.
I mean think of the "night cafe" or "Starry Night", in these paintings it is like being transported / teleported to another universe or another galaxy, where there is a silence and muteness that does not feel empty.
In the "Starry Night" in which only a small village can be seen with a tall, striking church tower and wide fields, the night sky is the eye catcher. It may be the beauty of the sky that we appreciate too rarely. Every night the night sky can be seen from the earth and only too rarely do we look up and look at it. No night looks the same and we never take the time to look at it and just bathe in it’s beauty and remember to take a break. We live in this world where everything just goes way too fast. We do not look after ourselves. Constantly someone wants something from us. Whether it's the newest iPhone that we must buy or a new campaign that wants to hear our opinion. Somebody always wants something. In reality, we are all livning in the next day. We do not really live here and now. No, we are already thinking about the next day, the next week, even next year.
And we forget to take care of ourselves. Stop and listen! Do what you want, what our organism needs. Our organism is not made for living in the future. It’s made for living in the now. Our organism needs time to be able at keeping up with our new lifestyles. And that is well illustrated in the “Starry Night", I think.
In contrast to the "Starry Night" of 1889, the "Night Café" from 1888 shows people and a small neighborhood enjoying their lives with their loved ones under another starry sky. They look like they have no care in the world. Like their life for now, in that moment was perfect! Like in a small bubble in which they are isolated from the rest of the world and they can for once be themselves. And don’t we all feel that way sometimes? Do we not all wish that we could retreat to another univers and be ourselves there. I don’t know about you, but once I have a piece of paper and a pen in my hand along with my music, I definitely feel like I am in another world, where nothing and nobody can harm me and I can do and be myself.
But enough of me, back to Van Gogh's "Sunflowers", of course, it may also be that the sunflowers in reality stand for the circle of life ( anyone else thinking of lion king?). As life goes on, no matter who you are or what you have achieved in your life life begins with the birth. As well as sunflower who will always blossoming and just like a sunflower we eventually wither and die. Some earlier and some later. Never mind how you cared for your loved ones. Where you giving them enough love and water? Yes? No? It does not matter. Because eventually we will all leave this earth. But if that is in fact what Vincent Van Gogh wanted to express with his paintings we will never know anyway, (and i think that is good so) so all we can do is to just form our own opinions.
Se her er noget, jeg ikke forstår.
Af alle de malerier, som Van Gogh malede, hvorfor er lige disse solsikker blevet så berømte.
De behandles i klasser i skoler, og jeg mener ikke kun i kunstklasserne ... Jeg mener, de er solsikker! Klar Van Gogh havde talent.
Hans penselstrøg, hans farveopfattelse og valg er simpelthen unikke.
Men de er "kun" udtørrede blomster.
Jeg mener, ​ tænk på "night cafe" eller "Starry Night". I disse malerier er det som at blive transporteret / teleporteret til et andet univers / en anden galakse, hvor der er tavshed og stilhed, men uden at det føles som tomrum.
I "Starry Night", hvor kun en lille landsby kan ses med et højt slående kirketårn og brede lange marker, tiltrækker nattehimlen fokussen. Det er skønhed i himlen, som vi alt for sjældent sætter pris på. Hver aften kan man se himlen fra gaderne, og kun sjældent ser vi op og ser på den. Ingen aften er som den næste og alligevel tag’ vi os ikke tiden til at se på den. Bare for at bade i dens skønhed og for at tage en dyb indånding.
Vi lever i denne verden, hvor alt går alt for hurtigt. Vi kan slet ikke holde med det tempo vores liv køer på. Konstant ønsker nogen noget af os. Uanset om det er den nyeste iPhone vi skal købe eller det bare er en ny kampagne, der ønsker at høre vores mening. Nogen vil altid have noget. Og i virkeligheden lever vi alle i næste dag. Vi lever ikke rigtig i her og nu. Nej, vi tænker allerede næste dag, næste uge, selv næste år. Og vi glemmer at tage vare på os selv. Stop og lyt! Gør hvad du vil, hvad din organisme har brug for. Vores organisme er ikke skabt til at leve i fremtiden. Den leve kun i nutiden. Den har brug for tid til at komme med. Og jeg synes det er godt illustreret i "Starry Night".
I modsætning til "Starry Night" fra 1889 viser "Night Café" fra 1888 et lille kvarter med mennesker der nyder deres liv med deres kære under en stjerneklar himmel. De ser ud som om de ikke har en bekymring i verden. Som om deres liv for det ene øjeblik var perfekt! Ligesom i en lille boble, hvor de er isoleret fra resten af ​​verden. Og de kan være dem selv. Og vil vi ikke alle sammen lige præsis det? Ønsker vi ikke alle, at vi kunne trække os tilbage til et andet univers hvor vi kan være os selv?
Jeg ved ikke om dig, men når jeg har et stykke papir, en blyant og noget godt musik, føler jeg mig bestemt som om jeg sidder i en anden verden, hvor intet og ingen kan røre mig, og jeg kan være mig selv. Men hvad angår Van Goghs "Solsikker", kan det naturligvis også være, at solsikkerne faktisk står for lives cirkle. (Ellers nogen der tænker på Løvernes konge?)
Livet, uanset hvem du er eller hvad du har opnået i dit liv begynder med fødslen ligesom blomstringen af ​​en solsikke og ligesom en solsikke vil også vi til sidst dø. Nogle tidligere og nogle senere. Uafhængigt af hvordan du plejet din elskede. Gav du dem nok kærlighed og “Van”? Ja? Nej? Men det er også ligegyldig. For vi allesammen kommer til at forlade denne jord på et eller andet tidspunkt. Men om det er hvad Vincent Van Gogh ville udtrykke med sine malerier vil vi alligevel aldrig finde ud af (og jeg tror det er også godt sådan). Så det eneste vi kan gøre er at vi kan alle tænke vires tanker og danne vores egen meninger.
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bandstolookup · 3 years ago
post malone
taylor swift
puff daddy
the hollies
Andrew lloyd webber
Ray repp
big & rich
carter hulsey
new Greek blood
kids see ghosts
William fitzsimmons
city & colour
Chris Cornell
mighty oaks
Mumford and sons
night beds
iron & wine
bright eyes
Kurt Travis
the scene aesthetic
berlyn trilogy
John Denver
denial of service
frozen lonesome
new arcades
juno dreams
solar storm
mega drive
space purr
back to 84
silent bomber
the dream warrior
electric dragon
manie sans délire
bruce roach
zodiac free arts club
trenton chase
RR hearse
furnace miskin
the northern lights
ovter god
secret attraction
specimen #153
logan 5
vex allen
horizon 200
lonely silver machine
cities of earth
richard hanson
drug free youth
pat dennis
transit authority
pip blom
riley pearce
PD liddle
sam johnson
soham de
sons of raphael
stray light
stella donnelly
team picture
andrew leahey & the homestead
the old pink house
the snuts
tim chadwick
tony christie
ariel pink
video brothers
bastard squad
south west land division
fatal suit
al bird dirt
jonathan bree
nick drake
jon greene
doug and the slugz
Peter, Paul and Mary
leonard Cohen
buffalo Springfield
the hats of jim n' i
sam amidon
the teardrops explodes
yann tiersen
max richter
90's kids
the swinging blue jeans
dude york
good buddy
spring king
scarecrow boat
gaby moreno & Vincent jones
dj jazzy Jeff & the fresh prince
kool & the gang
earth, wind and fire
Bobby "Boris" pickett & the crypt-kickers
flo rida
benny blanco
young dreams
the paper kites
rings of saturn
tommy cash
bent knee
new york dolls
kylie minogue
leighton meester
first aid kit
nelly furtado
t pain
pimp c
jim weeks band
street dogs
forced reality
the besmirchers
swell maps
vis vires
the take
murderer's row
fear city
the blaze
barking mad
UK subs
lars frederiksen and the bastards
fickle friends
maggie rogers
rae morris
Paul wall
too short
nick offerman
Gary tesca orchestra
scissor sisters
the go-go's
flaming lips
Aaron carter
the jets
Rick astley
William shatner
George Michael
gene wilder
the radio department
maroon 5
the top notes
matt & kim
quiet luke
salt n pepa
Carly Rae jepson
ricky Martin
gregory & the hawk
ace of base
Eiffel 65
meghan trainor
iggy pop
iggy azalea
kevin macleod
sir sly
jake houlsby
john joseph brill
malena zavala
october drift
crushed butler
rev gary davis
michael nau & the mighty thread
juan solorzano
ben khan
dice soho
jimi somewhere
sea of content
mad max elliott
who boy
logan lucky
mura masa
the main level
mad mask
sleepy brown
fletcher jackson
21 savage
young thug
yung bans
bear hands
oh weatherly
taylor van cleave
set it off
the guess who
sam tinnesz
stephen day
half moon run
cook thugless
frankie avalon
sleeping lion
mikey wagner
shiloh dynasty
forever cult
freya ridings
yung heazy
ginger snaps
hey charlie
holiday oscar
holly rees
the scarecrow show
stamps vista
larry league
palaye royale
luxury elite
the human league
working for a nuclear free city
men i trust
the go gos
the meeting places
0 notes
fitundheil · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
Von Peter Hahne: Di, 9. Juni 2020 Ein welthistorisches Wochenende liegt hinter uns. Wir sollten es uns dick im Kalender anstreichen. Der Samstag geht als Tag der Befreiung in die Geschichte ein. Ja, wir sind frei! Man kann einfach nur dankbar sein, das miterleben zu dürfen. Dankbar unserer wunderbaren und fürsorglichen Bundesregierung, natürlich den Kirchen, Vereinen, Unternehmern, Schulen, der Reisebranche, den Restaurants und natürlich den völlig unabhängigen Medien — in gewisser Weise auch der Polizei und vor allem die uns schützenden Virologen wie zum Beispiel Herrn Drosten. Also allen, mit und unter denen wir leiden. Sie haben mit ihren Maßnahmen übertrieben — besser als lebensgefährdend zu untertreiben. Da riskiert man schon mal den Untergang der Wirtschaft. Jetzt haben sie aber ihre Schuldigkeit getan.Das ist passiert: Wir wurden Zeugen von Massendemonstrationen, die ohne Höchstzahl und Mindestabstand stattfinden durften. Wir sehen trauernde und mahnende Menschen, relativ still und diszipliniert, teilweise gehen sie ein- und untergehakt, dicht an dicht, Vire an Vire. Sie singen sogar, was in den Kirchen untersagt war. Den Mundschutz hatte man wohl des Anlasses wegen weitgehend weggelassen. Man wollte ja Gesicht zeigen, Gesicht gegen Rassismus, gegen Donald Trump, gegen die USA, ja überhaupt gegen alles, was rechts von Claudia Roth und den amerikanischen Demokraten steht. Denn auch unser Land scheint in einem Sumpf von Rassismus und Fremdenhass zu versinken. Da hält man auch schon mal Händchen wie auf Kirchentagen und bildet ein Band der Sympathie für (fast) alle Verfolgten dieser Erde. Vereint gegen Rechts – das Recht stört da nur. Es bleibt sozusagen auf der Demo-Strecke.Mehr darüber kannst du unter https://www.tichyseinblick.de/meinungen/vereint-gegen-rechts-das-recht-stoert-da-nur-es-bleibt-auf-der-demo-strecke/ lesen. 
0 notes
imspardagus · 5 years ago
The need for necessity: a look at “reasonable excuse”
In this piece I am going to take a look at the regulations that contain the actual law that has been put in place to contain us – and, the Government hopes, the Coronavirus, Corvid-19: the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020. What I am not going to do is to examine whether the regulations were intra or ultra vires. I will leave that debate to better minds than mine.
But there still needs to be clarity. Legislating in haste is never a good idea. Nor is legislating to save face (see the history of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991if you need confirmation). Laws, particularly laws that affect people’s freedom and their relationship with authority, and threaten them with criminal sanction need to be clear and certain. That requires careful consideration and self-restraint on the part of politicians, not something they are good at. But these regulations were made at a time of unprecedented emergency. So much so that Parliamentary scrutiny was set aside. Since they came into force, social media has been awash with claims about what they do, and don’t, allow, while reports have been made of overzealous policing – most of them from the police themselves – based, we must assume, on what local forces believe that they say.
No good can come of this uncertainty. The public needs to trust the police. The police need to have the trust of the public. Trust cannot be demanded. It must be won. If people feel that they are being treated unfairly or oppressively by authority they will become rebellious and the rule of law that binds us to the common good will be damaged.
My purpose here is not to nitpick but to set in train a debate that will help us all clarify the effect of the restrictions. It is my hope that the on-line legal community will stir itself to critique what I have written and by that means bring about a fair consensus of opinion on which we can all rely.
Apologies to Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. I can only consider the English version of the regulations.
Before I start, a word about my credentials: before I retired 10 years ago, I was a barrister and, for over 30 years, a government lawyer. For 20 of those years I was a senior lawyer in charge of a team that worked at the highest levels of government and I have drafted hundreds of statutory instruments like these regulations, helped to prepare numerous Acts of Parliament, advised ministers as to their powers and interpreted legislation.
That does not mean much in the grand scheme. There are many practising lawyers and judges against whose skills mine are insignificant. It is those people we need to hear from. I have not written this to show how clever I am, or to prove myself right, but to give them a ball to kick around, a cock-shy. Nonetheless, I have given it my best shot.
Where to begin?
Let’s start at the very beginning (a very good place to start). These regulations have been made -
“…in response to the serious and imminent threat to public health which is posed by the incidence and spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in England.”
That is in the preamble, the part of the regulations that sets out the Secretary of State’s powers to make them (they are what is known as “delegated legislation”, which is to say that they are made by the authority of Parliament and must be in conformity with the powers – vires- that it has bestowed by primary legislation – an Act). If those powers are exceeded, the regulations can be set aside – quashed – by the courts and actions taken in reliance on them will be unlawful. But on the other side of the coin, it means that a court looking at what the regulations mean will try to find an interpretation that fits within the powers. And that in turn means that if someone is authorised by the regulations to do something or required by the regulations not to do something then the courts will try to construe the authorisation or prohibition in a way consistent with, not broader than, the enabling powers.
In the preamble, the Secretary of State confirms that he –
“considers that the restrictions and requirements imposed by these Regulations are proportionate to what they seek to achieve, which is a public health response to that threat.”
These opening words are important because they are the benchmark against which all that follows must be measured. They reflect a statutory limitation placed on the making of regulations such as these (section 45D(1) and (2) of the Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984 which, oddly, is not cited in the preamble) so it is not so much a question of what the Secretary of State “considers” as what he must abide by.
From here on, my focus is going to be on Regulation 6 and the enforcement that attends it.
Reasonable excuse
Regulation 6 starts well, with a simple and clear statement:
“During the emergency period, no person may leave the place where they are living without reasonable excuse.”
By the time we arrive at regulation 6, the “emergency period” has already been defined, in regulation 3. It started at 1pm on 26 March and all we need to know is that we are in the middle of it.
We do need to know what is meant by “the place where they are living” and here we hit our first uncertainty because it is not defined. Regulation 6(3) offers us help but only is so far as what is included in the place where we are living:
“the premises where they live together with any garden, yard, passage, stair, garage, outhouse or other appurtenance of such premises”
The absence of a comma between “live” and “together is poor drafting (sadly not the only example) but the ambiguity it produces hardly signifies.
The regulations could have used other formulations: home, place of abode, normal residence. For reasons which probably have to do with the need to keep people where they were at the time the emergency period started, whether it was their home or someone else’s, or where they have ended up if they have had to vacate their home, the drafters went for a broader, less specific “place where they are living”.
But this does raise the question whether that place can change over time. Jumping ahead to look at the list of “reasonable excuses”, it would appear that it can: see regulation 6(2)(l) –
“to move house where reasonably necessary”.
That implies that you can change the place where you are living.
But it does not mean that you can wander from place to place. This is not a case of “wherever I lay my hat is home”.
But what about that list in regulation 6(3)?  Not “any garden, yard, passage, stair, garage, outhouse”. That would be too broad. But any which is an “appurtenance” of the premises. What does that mean?
The legal meaning of “appurtenance” is a right, benefit or privilege that allows for the use and enjoyment of a property that belongs to you. The most obvious is a right of way. If your house can only be accessed through someone else’s property, then you have a limited right to come and go over their land. That right attaches to your property. It is an appurtenance. But there may be others. Your ownership of your property may come with the right to park in a residents’ car park, to use a communal garden, to come and go through the common parts of a block of flats, to use a bin store, to drive to a garage separate from the actual living accommodation over land owned by the freeholder of the estate where you live. All these, if they were part of the package that you acquired when you bought your property, are appurtenances. And all of them, according to regulation 6(3), extend the boundaries of “the place where you live”.
They do not have to be your appurtenances. All they need to be are the appurtenances of the place where you are living. If they are, you have not left that place when you are availing yourself of them.
Regulation 6(2) does not say in terms that you have the right to leave one part of the place where you are living to visit another, detached, part of it, but it does not prohibit that either, and that is important because what is claimed to be forbidden must be clearly and unambiguously forbidden. That is what the criminal law demands. As we will shortly see, the list of “reasonable excuses” in regulation 6(2) is not exhaustive. There can be others. If, say, your car is parked in the residents’ car park, across the road, and the residents’ car park is an appurtenance of the place where you are living and you need your car to go shopping, it seems “reasonable” that you should be able to leave your house to go to your car.
Another issue has been picked up by one of Twitter’s legal experts, David Allen Green. In a blog, he has suggested that as the regulations are drafted it does not matter why you are away from the place where you are living provided that you had a “reasonable excuse” when you left it. It is hard to deny the force of that as a strict interpretation. However, I have to say I rather doubt the courts will want to bless a view that drives the proverbial coach and horses through a very important piece of regulatory legislation.  
Before we leave the place where you are living however let’s just celebrate the good fortune of the homeless. Sadly, I jest. It amounts to not being subject to the restrictions on not leaving the place where you live without reasonable excuse (regulation 6(4)). So they are not confined to the miserable shop doorway or park bench that they had made their place of refuge on 26 March. They are free to be moved on and otherwise ignored just as before. But at least they can’t be fined into the bargain. Lucky people.
So let us now move on to what constitutes a “reasonable excuse” for leaving the place where you are living.
Regulation 6(2)
There has been a lot of careless misinformation about reasonable excuse. Several police forces have written the word “essential” into the restrictions. Let us nail that one straightaway. The word “essential” appears only once in the list of reasonable excuses, qualifying “upkeep” in regulation 6(2)(a). There is no concept of “essential” travel, “essential” exercise, “essential” medical assistance or “essential” care and support of the vulnerable.
I have already pointed out that the list in regulation 6(2) is not exhaustive. What does that mean and what are the implications?
Legal definitions come in two forms: exhaustive and inclusive. In an exhaustive definition, we are told what a word means. That provides its absolute limits. An example exists in the regulations themselves:
““coronavirus” means severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)”
(regulation 1(3)(a))
So no other respiratory syndrome, just that one.
But an inclusive definition merely provides examples. It says, in effect, these things definitely come within the definition, but leaves open up the possibility that there may be other things that do.
Regulation 6(2) opens with the statement that –
“For the purposes of paragraph (1), a reasonable excuse includes the need”
That means that the list that follows is not an exhaustive list of reasonable excuses. The ones it lists are definitely reasonable excuses but others may exist.
An inclusory list does more than that, however. It also establishes guidelines for other contenders for inclusion. It says, in effect, “excuses like these”. If you want to claim a reasonable excuse that is not on the list you have got to show that it resembles those that are.
I am not going to hazard a guess at what might be a reasonable excuse that is not on the list but the authorities must be open to the possibility that something is.
Okay, I willhazard a guess, because it has already come up in the media. If you are a woman (or a man or a child) who is living under threat from your partner, or someone else in your house, it is a reasonable excuse if, to place yourself beyond danger, you leave the house. That much is explicitly covered by regulation 6(2)(m) –
“to avoid injury or illness or to escape a risk of harm”.
But suppose you leave to avoid the risk to another? Your child, say. Or, if you are a child, you leave home because your mother is fleeing. That surely must be a reasonable excuse, by association with regulation 6(2)(m). But then again, suppose you leave the home not because of a threat of harm but because it has become intolerable for you to stay? Can it be that the law requires you to remain? That is a more uncertain situation which requires judgment, proportion and discretion.
On whom does the onus of proving a non-listed reasonable excuse fall? Ultimately you. If the case goes to trial, it cannot fall to the prosecution to prove that you have no reasonable excuse, though once you have tendered what you believe to be one they may have to show that it wasn’t. I will come back to this when I look at enforcement.
For now I want to look at the listed excuses that are most likely to affect us and address any problems that I see.
The first excuse has been mis-categorised as “essential shopping”. Both words are wrong. In a curious tautology, the excuse starts with –
“the need … to obtain basic necessities, including food and medical supplies”.
It is not hard to see the difficulty facing the drafter of this. No doubt the policy instruction was that we needed to curtail mere retail therapy trips. But “the need to obtain basic necessities” opens up a whole landscape of uncertainty. What is a necessity? What is a basic necessity? What constitutes a “need” for one?
Clearly basic necessities go beyond food and medicine, because the regulation says that they “include” these, thereby indicating that food and medicine are only examples. But how to we arrive at a rational, workable understanding of what the drafters meant by “a need … for basic necessities”?
In vast areas of the world a bowl of rice and a jug of clean water constitute the basic necessities of life. That and shelter. For us in the self-pampering remainder of the world, bread and milk may be regarded as necessities (but not if you are gluten or dairy intolerant) whereas elsewhere they are luxuries. But we take our idea of need and necessity well beyond these limits. Bedding, heating, hot and cold water, refrigeration, crockery, clothing, even TV, all these are often regarded as necessities. Groceries, as a classification, tend to be regarded as necessities, but is caviar – manifestly a grocery – a necessity? Is St Agur cheese a necessity? Can anyone really claim that pork medallions are a basic necessity? Ice-cream? Coffee? And this is before we get to alcohol and tobacco.  or school uniforms?
And these are just generic notions. When it comes down to specifics, Can anyone claim that 24 toilet rolls are a basic necessity? In the West, shoes are a necessity. But is a new pair of shoes a basic necessity if you have at least one sound pair at home?
We tend not to think about it but most of what we buy is not the result of need but of income-based lifestyle choices: neither basic nor necessary except in the version of reality to which we adhere.
So how should the police go about enforcing the reasonable excuse of obtaining basic necessities? What help can we give them?
The starting place, perhaps unhelpfully, is that regulation 6(2)(a) does not place any specific restriction on the words. It expressly excludes no form of food or medicine and it indicates that even these are not the limit of basic necessities.
Perhaps the most direct help comes from elsewhere in the regulations. Because in regulation 5, restrictions are placed on the kinds of business that can remain open to trade. Businesses that can continue are listed in Part 3 of Schedule 3. They include:
·     Food retailers (includingfood markets and supermarkets)
·     Off licences (includingbreweries)
·     Newsagents
·     Non-dispensing pharmacies
·     Homeware and hardware stores
·     Post offices
·     Banks and cash points
·     Pet shops.
If the regulations specifically allow these to remain open for business, then there is a strong inference that people are permitted to do business with them. And that is confirmed by the final words of regulation 6(2)(a)
“including from any business listed in Part 3 of Schedule 2.”
And that implies that their products, or at least some of them, can be taken to fall within the ambit of basic necessities, because there is no other construction that does not result in an intention of the law being frustrated. If an off-licence – primarily a purveyor of alcohol – is included, then it is reasonable to assume that alcohol is a basic necessity. If a newsagent – primarily a purveyor of newspapers, magazines and tobacco products – is included, then it is reasonable to assume that tobacco and the printed media are basic necessities. If pet shops are included then it is reasonable to assume that pet food is a basic necessity. And so on.
If, generically, this is true, then is there any justification for claiming that some of the produce that falls within those categories is a basic necessity but some is not?
Here it may be useful to return to that preambular “commitment” of the Secretary of State. Remember –
“the restrictions and requirements imposed by these Regulations are proportionate to what they seek to achieve, which is a public health response to that threat.”
Does it serve, proportionately or otherwise, any public health response to Coronavirus to say that a pack of Tesco sausages is a basic necessity but their 32-day dry aged Cote de Boeuf is not? No. In fact there is an opposing case to be made, that if those who would normally opt for the Cote de Boeuf are required to eschew it in favour of the Tesco sausages a shortage of supply may occur making the handling of the crisis worse.
We should go easy on the drafters of regulation 6(2)(a). They were working in a flat out panic to produce something that looked plausibly like controls. The temptation would have been to use language that appeared to import meaning without requiring too much precision. Sadly, when regulations come to be enforced, this expedient cracks open to reveal a nest of issues. It behoves all of us to seek a pragmatic resolution, one that is neither Draconian nor laissez-faire, one that serves the purpose. And the police and those others charged with enforcement would do well to have regard to regulation 8(8):
“A relevant person may only exercise the power in paragraph (3), (5) or (6) if the relevant person considers that it is a necessary and proportionate means of ensuring compliance with the requirement.”
While we are on the subject of the meaning of regulation 6(2)(a), the excuse does not simply permit trips to the shops. Other businesses that are permitted to remain open are those that provide “hot and cold food for consumption off the premises” – takeaways, in other words. So your trip to the local chippy is sanctioned despite its not being expressly listed as a reasonable excuse. And it does not limit you to one trip, or any other number of trips. The question it poses on each occasion that you are out is whether you are out for the permitted purpose.
In practical terms, if Tesco don’t have what you need, you are entitled to find out if Sainsbury’s or Morrisons or your local corner shop do. Just don’t use it as an excuse to be out all day.
Regulation 6(2)(a) extends the reasonable excuse beyond getting basic necessities for members of your own household. It covers –
“supplies for the essential upkeep, maintenance and functioning of the household”.
But I think the same arguments apply as to interpretation.
Regulation 6(2)(a) also allows you the excuse of leaving your place of living to obtain stuff for “vulnerable persons”. Other provisions supplement that. I will look at these separately.
But let’s now move along to exercise. Again, this “reasonable excuse” has suffered from the misdescription of “essential exercise” and from the imposition of a limitation of one bout of exercise per person per day. None of this is reflected in regulation 6(2)(b) which simply says:
“to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household”
That’s it. No numerical or time limitation no qualification as to the type of exercise. No limitation as to the location of the exercise. Nothing to tell you that you can’t exercise while exercising your dog, or even your pet crocodile. Or someone else’s (though beware of the risk of transmitting the virus via an animal’s coat).
And remember, that what is not prohibited is permitted. That is not an exhortation to irresponsibility. We each owe ourselves and others a moral duty to refrain from exacerbating the risk of infection by acting stupidly and selfishly. The question here is simply what we may be required to do or refrain from doing on pain of criminal penalty. In this case, what is prohibited is being away from the place where you live without reasonable excuse.
Vulnerable persons
I want to look finally at a theme that runs through regulation 6(2): that of help for others. Regulation 6(2)(a) allows you to shop for a vulnerable person. Regulation 6(2)(d) allows you to –
“provide care or assistance, including relevant personal care within the meaning of paragraph 7(3B) of Schedule 4 to the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups Act 2006(1), to a vulnerable person, or to provide emergency assistance;”
A vulnerable person is defined in regulation 1(3)(c). Again it is an inclusory, not an exhaustive, definition. It includes –
“(i) any person aged 70 or older;
(ii) any person under 70 who has an underlying health condition, including but not limited to, the conditions listed in Schedule 1;
(iii) any person who is pregnant.”
The age requirement is arbitrary, as all such requirements are. What it means is that if the person is 70 or over, they are automatically classed as vulnerable. It would not prevent an argument being made that a person who is, say, prematurely aged or infirm was equally vulnerable.
The health condition is not dependent on the age requirement. It stands alone. And again it is inclusory. The list of medical conditions is however exclusively physical. The link between them appears to be that they render the sufferer at greater risk from the virus than would otherwise be the case. It cannot be said with any assurance that a person whose vulnerability was mental would be included, even though it is recognised that your mental state can seriously undermine your immune system. It is to be hoped that a sympathetic view would be taken of such a case.
The third category is self-explanatory but leaves open the question of the mother who has recently given birth, or had a miscarriage or termination, and who may be suffering from the effects of these or complications arising from them. Again, one hopes a reasonable view would be taken. There is scope for doing so.
But what do the reasonable excuses themselves permit?
Regulation 6(2)(a) permits you to be out shopping for a vulnerable person. What it does not expressly allow is that you can take the shopping to the person concerned. But again we need to hold on to common sense, backed up by the knowledge that these excuses are not exhaustive, that they are meant to be applied intelligently and that the only permissible restrictions are those that are laid down and are proportionate to the purpose of responding to the threat.
The question here is, let us remind ourselves, not whether a person should risk the health of another person by entering their presence. The question in regulation 6 is whether they should be away from the place where they live. That is the only contravention with which the regulations are concerned if we are not considering public gatherings (regulation).
It can be fairly safely assumed as an interpretation that if you are permitted to shop for a vulnerable person you are entitled to travel to and from their location to deliver the shopping. Otherwise the purpose of the shopping is frustrated.
Regulation 6(2)(d) is more direct. It enables you to provide “care and assistance”. It does not say what care and assistance amounts to but, helpfully, it separates “care and assistance” from “emergency assistance”. The clear import of this is that care and assistance is not limited to that which the vulnerable person needs in an emergency.
It may be assumed that if your vulnerable person needs a household problem sorted, for example putting out the bins for refuse collection, that is assistance. If they need help dressing, that is care and assistance. If they need to be cooked for. If you are providing them with a meal you cooked for them, that is care and assistance. If they have a dog that needs to be walked, that is assistance.
And what if they need company? Many a carer is engaged simply to provide human company to a housebound person. A sympathetic view of the regulations would respond positively to such action. Is there a reason based in proportionality that defeats it? Remember again that what is not prohibited is permitted and what is prohibited is being away from the place where you live without reasonable excuse.
The distance travelled
We have seen examples of people being stopped and even threatened with prosecution because they have driven to open countryside for their exercise or travelled to a shop further away than the nearest to their home. The simple response to this is that such sanctioning is not supported by the regulations. Nothing in regulation 6(2)(a) determines how you get to your destination for obtaining your supplies. Nothing prevents you from making a round trip to multiple suppliers. The only issue is the purpose for you being away from where you live. The same is true of your chosen place and type of exercise. If you are a walker, runner or cyclist you are entitled to find a location where you can walk, run or cycle without endangering your own or someone else’s health.
Similarly, and obviously, when you have finished your business you must be entitled to travel home from it. That, though not explicitly stated in the regulations is a necessary implication if you are not to be stranded, an outcome that would defeat the object of the restrictions.
Are there any caveats here? Well, again it all hinges on “reasonable excuse” and that word “need”. If you want to travel halfway across the country to climb a hill, you cannot expect to find much sympathy for your view that you are away from home with a reasonable excuse. It may be an excuse but is it reasonable? If you eschew the Tesco in your home town to travel to a Tesco 10 miles away, you may have difficulty persuading someone that you needed to do it. Be sensible.  
Enforcement of regulation 6 is given to three kinds of “relevant people”: a constable, a police community support officer and a person designated either by a local authority or the Secretary of State.
It is important to understand what form “enforcement” takes.
Regulation 8(3) says that where a relevant person considers that you are outside the place where you live “in contravention of regulation 6(1)” they may direct you to return home or return you to that place.
That is step one. They can use reasonable force when returning you home if it is necessary.
Remember that being “in contravention of regulation 6(1) means leaving the place where you live without reasonable excuse. Simply being away from that place is not enough to constitute a contravention of regulation 6.
And, as we have already noted, regulation 8(8) requires the relevant person to form a view that it is “necessary and proportionate” to secure compliance with the restriction for them to direct you or to return you home.
Step two is the offence of contravening regulation 6. Whether you have committed that offence is a question of fact and law, not the relevant person’s opinion.
But if you obstruct a relevant person, or without reasonable excuse, do not heed the direction they have given you under regulation 8, those are each separate offences.
If you do not consider that you have contravened regulation 6(1) – if, in essence, you believe that you have a reasonable excuse to be away from the place where you live -,, you may have a reasonable excuse for ignoring the direction. But your belief has to be reasonable. And the test will be whether the magistrates think it was reasonable, not whether you did. Be reasonable, be sensible, be co-operative where you can.
You will not be guilty of an offence unless you are prosecuted and found guilty.
But the regulations have set up another procedure.
Fixed penalty
An authorised person (essentially the relevant person from above but not a person designated by the local authority in the case of breach of regulation 6(1)) can issue you with a fixed penalty notice if they believe you have committed an offence under the regulations. This is your chance to avoid prosecution and swell the coffers of the state. Think of it as the modern day equivalent of the indulgences paid by the rich to monks in expiation of their sins.
There are multiple infelicities in regulation 10, which provides for fixed penalties, surprisingly. Given the prevalence of this fraud on the criminal justice system, you would think they had enough precedents for how to draft it.
Properly speaking the fixed penalty system provides you, the accused, with an opportunity - a choice - to avoid prosecution, with an additional incentive of a reduced charge for taking it quickly. Not so here. 
The relevant person is here cast as judge, jury and executioner in a devastating breach of human rights. The assumption is that you will pay up and end the matter and to help you down that road there is a rapid escalation of penalties if you don’t. In other contexts this would be called extortion.
The power is there to issue these tickets. What is not made clear is whether you can reject the fixed penalty and insist on due process. What is also not provided for is for you to appeal against the issue of a fixed penalty notice.
What is laid down, however, is the required content of a fixed penalty notice: it must -
“(a) give reasonably detailed particulars of the circumstances alleged to constitute the offence;
(b) state the period during which (because of paragraph (4)(a)) proceedings will not be taken for the offence;
(c) specify the amount of the fixed penalty;
(d) state the name and address of the person to whom the fixed penalty may be paid;
(e) specify permissible methods of payment.”
It is your right to be provided with such a notice and if you are not no penalty can be lawfully demanded.
Good luck with that. Better to try to avoid being served with one. Be responsible, be sensible, be reasonable, be co-operative.
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whileiamdying · 5 years ago
« Soit dit en passant », de Woody Allen : un récit d’apprentissage picaresque qui vire au plaidoyer
Dans son autobiographie, à paraître le 13 mai chez Stock, le cinéaste se dispense de parler de son art pour revenir aux griefs que le monde lui fait. from Livres : Toute l’actualité sur Le Monde.fr. https://www.lemonde.fr/culture/article/2020/03/28/soit-dit-en-passant-de-woody-allen-un-recit-d-apprentissage-picaresque-qui-vire-au-plaidoyer_6034758_3246.html via IFTTT
0 notes
the-record-obituaries · 6 years ago
Feb. 27, 2019: Obituaries
Charles Ratliff
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       Rev. Charles Albert Ratliff, age 67 of North Wilkesboro, died Friday, February 22, 2019 at his
       Funeral services were February 26,   at Bethel Baptist Church with Rev. Donnie Shumate and Rev. Rodney Blake officiating. Burial was in Yellow Hill Baptist
Church Cemetery.  
       Rev. Ratliff was born on January 18, 1952 in Wilkes County to Howard Thurmond and Nora Ruth Anderson Ratliff. He had retired as pastor of Yellow Hill Baptist Church after 32 years of service.
       He was preceded in death by his parents, and two brothers, Howard Ratliff and David Ratliff.
He is survived by his wife, Brenda Sue Harrold Ratliff, of the home; one daughter, Alisa Diane Ratliff Church and husband, Jody; and one son, Jason Scott Ratliff and wife, Angela; five
grandchildren, Christina Nicole Church, Joshua Ryan Church, Hunter Isaac Ratliff, Garrett Scott
Ratliff, and Carson Phillip Ratliff; and one sister, JoAnn Ratliff Reavis and husband, Larry, of Hays.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials made to Yellow Hill Baptist Church, 5160 Summit Road, Purlear NC 28665, or to Mountain Valley Hospice Care, 401 Technology Lane, Suite  200, MountAiry NC 27030.
 Elizabeth  Weatherman,  63
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Mrs. Elizabeth Stacy Brewer Weatherman, age 63 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, February 21, 2019 at her home.
       Private family services will be held at a later time.
       Mrs. Weatherman was born June 27, 1955 in Wilkes County to Stacy and Ola Whitley Brewer. She was a Homemaker.
       She was preceded in death by her parents and a brother; Mickey Shawn Brewer.
       Mrs. Weatherman is survived by her husband; Randall Gray Weatherman of the home, a son; Alexander Brewer Weatherman and wife Jessica Leigh of North Wilkesboro, two grandchildren; Jasmine Leighann Weatherman and Chase Alexander Weatherman, two sisters; Fonda Pendry and husband Danny Joe of Hays and Shellia Simmons and husband Gary of Westfield NC.
Charlie McGrady,  84
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TSgt (Ret) Charlie Clay McGrady, age 84 of Hendersonville, TN passed away Friday, February 22, 2019 in Hendersonville, TN.
       Funeral services were held  February 26,   at Old Roaring River Baptist Church with Reverend James Pardue and Mr. Walter Hutchinson officiating. Burial with full military honors by Pope Air Force Base Honor Guard was in the church cemetery.  
       Charlie was born August 28, 1934 in Wilkes County to John S. and Mary Frances Hutchinson McGrady. He was one of nine children, sharing a small log cabin with his parents and paternal grandparents in the foothills of Western North Carolina. Charlie recalled many great memories growing up working with his brothers and sisters on his parents farm and he continued his love of gardening throughout his life.
       Charlie graduated from Traphill High school in 1952, when he met his sweetheart Doris.  He enlisted in the Air Force in 1952 and was stationed in France for three years. After he returned home from France, Charlie married Doris on March 2, 1956.
       Assignment highlights took Charlie to South Korea in 1961 on a "hardship tour"  where he was chosen as administration aid to the Commander of The Air Force, receiving a Commendation letter from the Commander for his "outstanding performance of duty", which included his off duty time where he formed a country music/bluegrass band playing for thousands of troops across South Korea.
       During his reassignment to Charleston Air Force Base in 1961, Charlie with his guitar and two other friends with their banjos entered the military's World Wide Talent Contest, naming themselves "The Lazy Mountain Boys" eventually winning their way to the finals at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The Lazy Mountain Boys performed "The Ballad of Jed Clampett", dressed in overalls, jug and all, winning the runner-up trophy and getting a kiss on the cheek by actress Connie Stevens.
       In 1964, Charlie was honored to be nominated and selected for reassignment to a prestigious administrative position at the Pentagon in Washington, DC where he became a member of The Joint Chiefs of Staff, having one of highest security clearances at that time.  
       Charlie retired from The Air Force in 1972 and spent the next 20 years in the manufactured home business in Bristol, Tn later moving his family back to North  Carolina and the mountains where he said his heart always remained.
       Charlie loved the Lord, his church and listening to his favorite preacher Dr. R.C. Sproul on the radio every night.  Charlie and Doris became members of Old Roaring River Baptist Church in 1956 where they were baptized in the river together after they were married. Charlie's love for music remained throughout his life, as he continued singing and song writing, while later singing in his church choir.  
       Charlie spoke of Doris being his "everlasting love". During the final 15 years of their marriage, Charlie selflessly dedicated all of his time taking wonderful care of Doris who was diagnosed with Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disorder (COPD). Charlie and Doris moved to Indian Land, SC in 2013 to be close to their daughter Melissa and son-in-law Chad and grandchildren Drew and Delaney, where Charlie recently moved with them to Hendersonville, Tn.
       Mr. McGrady is preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Bessie Doris Gambill McGrady; one daughter, Michelle Doris McGrady; two sisters, Dawn Osborne and Pearl Brown; and three brothers, Vaughn McGrady, Glenn McGrady and Clyde McGrady.
       He is survived by his daughter, Melissa Emerine and husband, Chad, of Weddington; his son, Charles Anthony McGrady of Hays; his six grandchildren, Shannon Slone and husband, Jason, of Hampstead, Matthew McGrady of Hampstead, Mitchell McGrady and wife, Caitlyn, of Columbia, MD, Brandon McGrady and fiancé`, Lucinda Bennett, of Elkin, Drew Emerine and Delaney Emerine of Weddington; six great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mary Esther Burnette and husband Bill, of Columbia SC  and Ella Mae Vires of Bristol,TN  and one brother, Carl McGrady and wife Revely, of Bristol, TN.
       Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Old Roaring River Baptist Church Cemetery, 11156 Longbottom Road, Traphill NC 28685.
Helen  Marsh,  86
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Helen Marie Marsh, age 86, of Wilkesboro, passed away Friday, February 22, 2019 at Curis of Wilkesboro. She was born November 8, 1932 in Caldwell County to Dixon and Mary Ayers Taylor. Mrs. Marsh was a member of Beaver Creek Advent Christian Church. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Newel Herman Marsh; a daughter, Lila Jean Phillips; and a brother, Delton Ayers.
       Surviving are her children, Morris Marsh and wife Beverly of Blowing Rock, Doris Wingler and husband Paul of Millers Creek, Joyce Wheeling and husband Clyde of Ferguson, Mitzi Caudill and husband Gary of Lenoir, Shelly Wood of Athens, Alabama; sisters, Hazel Setzer of Lenoir, Edith Watson of Hudson; twelve grandchildren; fourteen great grandchildren; and one great great grandchild.
       Funeral service was February 25,   at Beaver Creek Advent Christian Church with Rev. Allen Marsh and Pastor David Blythe officiating. Burial  followed in the church cemetery.   The family has requested no food. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Beaver Creek Advent Christian Church, 11665 West NC Highway 268, Ferguson, NC 28624. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Frances Grant,  97
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Mrs. Frances Elizabeth Clark Grant, age 97, of North Wilkesboro, widow of PGA golf pro, Robert Ross Grant, died Saturday, February 23, 2019 at Villages of Wilkes.
       There are no services planned at this time.
       Mrs. Grant was born June 9, 1921 in Audrain County, Missouri to Junius Edward and Jane Victoria Roberts Clark.  In her early life while living in Jefferson City, MO, Mrs. Grant was a member of Central Church and active in the Girl Scouts, the Rainbow Girls and was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star.  Later in life she was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Boca Raton, FL for forty years. She worked in the church office and was also a choir member. Mrs. Grant retired from NCNB Bank. She was presently a member of Wilkesboro United Methodist Church.  
       She was preceded in death by her husband, her parents, and one brother, Cecil Clark.
       She is survived by her daughter, Janey Jones and husband, Thomas, of North Wilkesboro; her grandson, Aaron Ross Jones and wife, Amanda Tomlinson Jones, of Wake Forest; her sister-in-law, Dorothy Clark of Jefferson City, MO; and several nieces and nephews.
       In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Wilkesboro United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 197, Wilkesboro NC 28697.
Shirrell  Holbrook,   72
Mr. Shirrell Dean Holbrook, age 72 of North Wilkesboro, husband of Vicki Waddell Holbrook, died Friday, February 22, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Health - Wilkes Medical Center.
       Memorial services will be held 2:00 p.m. Thursday, February 28, 2019 at Oak Grove Baptist Church (Hwy. 268) with Pastor Joel Blevins officiating. The family will receive friends from 12:30 until 1:45 PM at the church before the service.  
       Mr. Holbrook was born November 5, 1946 in Wilkes County to Everette Carson and Wilma Irene Blackburn Holbrook.  He was a member and deacon at Oak Grove Baptist Church. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and retired owner of Holbrook Security Systems. He loved visiting with friends and fishing with his grandchildren.
       He was preceded in death by his parents.  
       He is survived by his wife, Vicki Waddell Holbrook, of the home; two sons, Andy Holbrook and wife, Stephanie, of Roaring River, and Jason Holbook and wife, Kara, of Maiden; four grandchildren, Morgan Andrew Holbrook, Marlie Grace Holbrook, Sawyer Nathaniel Holbrook, and Katie Sage Holbrook; and one sister, Carole Barlow of North Wilkesboro.
       In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the donor's choice.
  Howard  Ward,  91
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Mr. Howard Lee Ward, age 91 of Ferguson, husband of Louise Triplett Ward, died Saturday, February 23, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem.
       Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at Elk Baptist Church.  
       Burial with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 will be in the church cemetery.  The family will receive friends from 1:00 until 2:00 PM at the church before the service.
       Mr. Ward was born November 2, 1927 in Guilford County to George Vernon and Mary Nicholson Ward.  He had retired from Lowe's Companies as a crew chief on the inventory crew. He served in the United States Army.
       He was preceded in death by his parents.
       He is survived by his wife, Louise Triplett Ward, of the home; one daughter, Martha Ann Pierce and husband,
 Lewis, of Ferguson; four grandchildren, Dakota Ward, Kenneth Pierce, Hunter Pierce, and Cheyenne Pierce; and one sister, Mae Hancock of Highpoint.  
 Ray  Whitley,   82
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Mr. Ray McCoy Whitley, age 82 of North Wilkesboro passed away Thursday, February 21, 2019 at Wilkes Senior Village.
       Graveside services with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 Honor Guard were held   February 24,  at Maple  Grove Baptist Church Cemetery with Pastor Jesse Whitley and Mr. Ronnie Cleary officiating.  
       Mr. Whitley was born March 2, 1936 in Wilkes County to Dewey and Lula Yale Whitley. He was retired from Asplundh Tree Service as a Foreman. Mr. Whitley was a veteran of The United States Army having served in the Korean War. Ray was an avid outdoorsman, loved nature, fishing, birds, loved spending time with his family, meeting people and talking, loved to make canes. His world was his granddaughter, Jordan.
       In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife; Wanda Sue Cleary Whitley, a son; Timothy Scot Whitley, two sisters; Virginia Holbrook and Ruth Wiles and three brothers; AC Whitley, Raymond Whitley and Buel Whitley.
       He is survived by a son, Michael Ray Whitley and wife Chrissie of North Wilkesboro; a granddaughter, Jordan Rae Whitley; a grandson, Justin Miller (Kristina) of Hays; two great grandsons, Greylin and Carter; a sister, Dallie Vinson of Welcome NC; and two brothers, Johnny Whitley and wife Shirley of North Wilkesboro and Jesse Whitley of Hays.
       Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Alzheimer's Association 4600 Park Road Suite 250 Charlotte, NC 28209.
Kenneth  Pilkenton, Jr.,  49
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Kenneth Darrell Pilkenton, Jr., age 49, of Tennessee, formerly of Wilkes County, passed away Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at Bristol Regional Medical Center in Tennessee. He was born July 4, 1969 in Wilkes County to Kenneth Pilkenton Sr. and Jeanetta Greene Pilkenton. Mr. Pilkenton was a member of White Oak Baptist Church and loved music. He was preceded in death by his mother.
Surviving are his father, Kenneth Pilkenton, Sr. of Millers Creek; sister, Evelyn LeFever and husband Randy of Wilkesboro; nephew, Justin Cahill and wife Kara of North Wilkesboro; niece, Taylor Barnes and husband Daniel of Purlear; two great nieces and five great nephews.
Memorial service will be held at a later date. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
  Betty Isabelle Brown Cockeran, age 88
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Mrs. Betty Isabelle Brown Cockeran, age 88 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.
Funeral services will be held 1:30 PM, Saturday, February 23, 2019 at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church with Rev. James Ferguson and Dr. Harold Hudson officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends from 12:00 until 1:15 prior to the service at the church.
Mrs. Cockeran was born January 15, 1931 in Wilkes County to James Hubert Brown and Ruby Smith Brown. She was a Registered Nurse and a member of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Sylvester McKinley Cockeran, a grandchild; Sonya Jamette Cockerham and a sister; Beulah Marlette Hatcher.
She is survived by a son; James (Buster) Cockerham and wife Catherine of North Wilkesboro, two grandchildren; Brandon James Cockerham and fiancé Amber Rhodes of North Wilkesboro and Gregory Michael Cockerham and two sisters; Billie Sue Hudson and husband Dr. Harold Hudson of Columbus, OH and Bobbie Jean Hunt of Roaring River.
Flowers will be accepted.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
  Dorothy Mary Grasmehr, age 86
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Dorothy Mary Grasmehr, age 86, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, February 18, 2019 at Forsyth Medical Center. She was born January 29, 1933 in Wilkes County to Grover Estel and Maude Byers Chatham. Mrs. Grasmehr was a member of Center Baptist Church and a US Air Force Veteran. Dorothy enjoyed quilting and was a member of Silver Strides walking group at Wilkes Senior Center. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Joseph Fritz Grasmehr; son, Wayne Grasmehr; and brother, Colbert Chatham,
Surviving are her daughter, Donna Shew and husband Johnny of North Wilkesboro; brothers, Wade Chatham and wife Margaret of Hays, Fred Chatham and wife Callie of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Johnathan Shew, Laura Shew and Michelle Shew; great grandchildren, BreAnna Dancy, Dezirae Dyson, Isaiah Dancy, Lillian Shew, Sophia Martinez.
Graveside service with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard Post 1142 will be held 1:00 p.m. Thursday, February 21, 2019 at Mountlawn Memorial Park with Rev. David Key officiating. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wilkes Senior Center, 228 Fairplains School Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or to Center Baptist Church, 205 Center Baptist Church Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
  Mrs. Mary Hayes Call
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Mrs. Mary Hayes Call, age 59 of Wilkesboro passed away Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at Woltz Hospice Home in Dobson.
Graveside services will be held 3:00 PM Thursday, February 21, 2019 at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church Cemetery with Rev. Brian Poindexter officiating.  The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 PM Wednesday evening at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mrs. Call was born July 27, 1959 in Wilkes County to Bertha Bell Hayes.  She previously worked for Tyson Foods.
She was preceded in death by her mother and brother Clyde "Timmy" Hayes.
She is survived by a daughter; Keisha Jones and husband Joseph of Wilkesboro and granddaughter; Madison Bell Jones and fiance`; Clarence Allen Phillips of Wilkesboro.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, PO Box 9, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
  Cardinal Jerome (CJ) Alexander, age 40
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Mr. Cardinal Jerome (CJ) Alexander, age 40 of Wilkesboro passed away Saturday, February 16, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM Saturday, February 23, 2019 at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Pastor George Barber III, Rev. Casey Walker and Rev. Richard Watts officiating.  Burial will be in Scenic Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from 12:30 until 2:00 PM prior to the service at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mr. Alexander was born June 28, 1978 in Wilkes County to William Jerome "Billy" and Carol Lee Harris Alexander.  He worked for Lowe's Companies.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
He is survived by a sister; Vestula (Tula) White and husband Rex and nephew; Lathan Cannaday all of Statesville and his fur babies; Dolly and Sassie.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Rickard's Chapel AMZ Zion Church, PO Box 1689, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.  
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
  Mr. Harmon Green Pike
Mr. Harmon Green Pike, age 73 passed away Thursday at Westwood Hills Nursing and Rehab.
Funeral services will be held 1:00 PM Thursday, February 21, 2019 at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Wiley Boggs officiating.  Burial will be in the Union Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 12:00 until 1:00 PM prior to the service at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mr. Pike was born September 16, 1945 in Wilkes County to John Henry and Laura Victoria Wagoner Pike. He was a member of Union Chapel Baptist Church.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
He is survived by a daughter; Wanda Ann Pike, two half-sisters; Gracie Davis and husband Bartley of Moravian Falls, and Mary Taylor of North Wilkesboro and one half-brother; Alfred Pike and wife Ruby of North Wilkesboro.
Flowers will be accepted.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
Church and loved music. He was preceded in death by his mother.
       Surviving are his father, Kenneth Pilkenton, Sr. of Millers Creek; sister, Evelyn LeFever and husband Randy of Wilkesboro; nephew, Justin Cahill and wife Kara of North Wilkesboro; niece, Taylor Barnes and husband Daniel of Purlear; two great nieces and five great nephews.
Memorial service will be held at a later date. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
0 notes
ao3feed-westallen · 8 years ago
Vires in Numeris
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oZ4DiV
by trufflemores
3.15. Savitar leaves a dying Barry on the streets, and he's not the first jaws of death Jesse will reclaim him from.
Words: 2362, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Flash (TV 2014)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Barry Allen, Jesse Quick, Iris West, Wally West
Relationships: Barry Allen/Iris West, Jesse "Quick" Wells/Wally West, Barry Allen & Jesse Quick & Wally West
Additional Tags: Angst, Whump, Friendship, Family, 3.15, The Wrath of Savitar, reaction fic
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oZ4DiV
9 notes · View notes
read-think-remain · 8 years ago
Metamorphoses: III, 379–470
Plötzlich sagte, getrennt vom treuen Zug der Gefährten, Narziss: »Ist einer da?« und »Da.« antwortete Echo. Jener macht halt und schickt in jede Richtung die Blicke, Ruft laut: »Komm!«, doch gerufen ruft sie dasselbe dem Rufer. Jener blickt zurück und sagte, als niemand hervorkam: »Wieso fliehest du mich?«, und als Antwort hört' er dasselbe. Fährt vom Schein der Antwort getäuschet fort und er sagt nun: »Lass uns treffen!« Und Echo, die keinem anderen Rufe Lieber Antwort gäbe, gibt »Treffen!« als Antwort zurück ihm, Selbst vertraut sie den Worten und tritt hinaus aus dem Walde, Um den ersehnten Hals mit eigenem Arm zu umschlingen. Narziss fliehet und sagt im Fliehen: »Hör auf zu umarmen! Eher sterb' ich dahin, bevor wir in Lieb' uns vereinen!« Echo antwortet' nichts, nur dies: »In Lieb' uns vereinen!« Sie, verschmähet, versteckt sich im Wald und decket mit Laube Sich das errötete Antlitz und zieht in einsame Höhlen. Doch die Liebe besteht und wächst vom Schmerz der Verschmähten, Dauernde Sorgen schwächen der Nymphe den elenden Körper, Abmagerung zieht die Haut zusammen, die Kräfte des Köpers Lösen sich ganz in der Luft. Es bleiben nur Stimme und Knochen; Unverändert die Stimme, die Knochen – so sagt man – wie Steine. Daher verbirgt sie im Wald sich, wird nicht auf Bergen gesehen, Doch von allen gehört; so lebt sie als Schall, der bewohnt sie. So verhöhnte sie er und verhöhnten die Nymphen der Wellen Und der Berge sie, wie früher die männlichen Scharen. Schließlich sagte verschmäht eine, hob zum Himmel die Hände: »So mag lieben er selbst, doch nie, was er liebet, erreichen!« Diesen berechtigten Wunsch gewährt' die rhamnusische Göttin. Frei war der Quell von Schlamm und silbern von schimmernden Wellen, Da sie weder von Hirten und noch von grasenden Ziegen Oder von anderem Vieh gerührt, von keinem der Vögel Noch von Wild gestört und noch von fallenden Zweigen. Rasen befand sich umher, den nahes Gewässer ernährte, Und ein Wäldchen, das ließ unerwärmt den Ort von der Sonne. Hier, vom Eifer der Jagd und vom Durst ermüdet, ließ Narziss, Und vom Anblick des Ortes gelockt und dem Quelle, sich nieder. Während den Durst er zu löschen verlangt, wuchs anderer Durst ihm, Während er trinkt, ergriffen vom Schein des gesehenen Abbilds, Liebt er körperlos' Hoffnung, er hält für Körper das Wasser. Staunt sich an und beharrt unbewegt an derselbigen Miene, Die wie aus parischem Marmor geformt, ein Götterbild, hochblickt. Liegend am Boden betrachtet das Doppelgestirn seiner Augen Er und die Locken, die gleich dem Bacchus und gleich dem Apoll sind Auch die bartlosen Wangen, den elfenbeinernen Halse, Und den Reiz des Mundes, die weißumringete Röte, Alles bewundert er, was ihm selbst Bewunderung einbracht'. Töricht verlangt er sich selbst, der sich mustert, wird selber gemustert, gleichsam begehrt er, begehrt, entflammt und brennet in Liebe. Wie oft gab er dem täuschenden Quell vergebliche Küsse! Wie oft taucht er direkt ins Wasser die Glieder, zu greifen, Den er gesehen, den Hals, bekommt ihn dort nicht zu fassen. Ratlos, was er sieht, doch in Liebe entbrannt dem Gesehnen, Und derselbe ihn täuschende Wahn erregt ihm die Augen. »Tor, wieso greifst du vergeblich nach fliehenden Schatten? Nirgendwo ist, was du suchst! Was du liebst – verbann es! – verdirbst du. Was du erblickst, der Schatten, ist nichts als gespiegeltes Trugbild. Dieser ist eigen dir nicht, mit dir soll er kommen und bleiben, Und fortschreiten mit dir, bist du zum Fortschreiten du fähig!« Weder die Sorge der Ceres und noch die Sorge des Schlafes Kann ihn ziehen von dort, doch ausgestrecket im schatt'gen Grase schaut er im maßlosen Licht die täuschende Spieglung, Und durch die eigenen Augen vergeht er, ein bisschen erhoben, Streckt er seine Glieder zu ihn umgebenden Sträuchern »Hat, o Sträucher, jemals einer«, sagt er »schlimmer geliebet? Denn ihr wisset und wart schon vielen die rettende Zuflucht. Wessen, da ihr so viele Jahrhunderte lebend verbrachtet, Der so verging, erinnert ihr euch im dauernden Zeitraum? Mir gefällt, was ich sehe, doch was mir gefällt und ich sehe Finde ich dennoch nicht; – So hält der Wahn den Verliebten! Und ich leide noch mehr, es trennt ja weder die See uns, Noch eine Straße, noch Berge, noch zugeschlossenes Stadttor. Sind von kleinem Wasser getrennt! Selbst will er umarmt sein: Denn soviel wir dem flüssigen Wasser hinstrecken die Küsse, Sooft streckt er entgegen sein stolzes, holdes Gesicht mir. Hältst du Berührung für möglich; – so klein, was die Liebenden hindert! Wer du bist, komm heraus! Was täuschst du, mein einziger Knabe, Oder wohin gehst du fort? Denn sicher ist's Form nicht und Alter, Drum du mich fliehst, denn mich auch liebten sehnlich die Nymphen! Hoffnung hab' ich, doch welche verspricht dein freundlich' Gesicht mir, Und wenn ich streckte die Arme zu dir, streckst du auch von selbst sie, Wenn ich lächelte, lachst du mich an; schon oft sah ich Tränen Als ich weinte mit dir und dem Nicken nickst du zurück mir Und, soviel ich vermute aus Zucken verlockenden Mundes, Sagst du Worte, die nicht die unseren Ohren erreichen! Dieser bin ich! Ich fühlt's und täuscht mich nicht länger die Spieglung. Brenne in Liebe zu mir, ich zeug' und ertrage die Flammen. Was soll ich tun? Frag ich oder er? Was werd' ich dann fragen? Was ich verlange ist mein; ohnmächtig macht mich der Reichtum. O könnt' nur ich mich trennen von unserem eigenen Körper! Was ein Verliebter noch wünscht: Ich wollt, was wir lieben, sei ferne! Schon raubt Schmerz mir die Kräfte und nicht die dauernden Zeiten Meines Lebens verbleiben, ich geh in der Jugend zugrunde.«
forte puer comitum seductus ab agmine fido dixerat: 'ecquis adest?' et 'adest' responderat Echo. hic stupet, utque aciem partes dimittit in omnis, voce 'veni!' magna clamat: vocat illa vocantem. respicit et rursus nullo veniente 'quid' inquit 'me fugis?' et totidem, quot dixit, verba recepit. perstat et alternae deceptus imagine vocis 'huc coeamus' ait, nullique libentius umquam responsura sono 'coeamus' rettulit Echo et verbis favet ipsa suis egressaque silva ibat, ut iniceret sperato bracchia collo; ille fugit fugiensque 'manus conplexibus aufer! ante' ait 'emoriar, quam sit tibi copia nostri'; rettulit illa nihil nisi 'sit tibi copia nostri!' spreta latet silvis pudibundaque frondibus ora protegit et solis ex illo vivit in antris; sed tamen haeret amor crescitque dolore repulsae; extenuant vigiles corpus miserabile curae adducitque cutem macies et in aera sucus corporis omnis abit; vox tantum atque ossa supersunt: vox manet, ossa ferunt lapidis traxisse figuram. inde latet silvis nulloque in monte videtur, omnibus auditur: sonus est, qui vivit in illa. Sic hanc, sic alias undis aut montibus ortas luserat hic nymphas, sic coetus ante viriles; inde manus aliquis despectus ad aethera tollens 'sic amet ipse licet, sic non potiatur amato!' dixerat: adsensit precibus Rhamnusia iustis. fons erat inlimis, nitidis argenteus undis, quem neque pastores neque pastae monte capellae contigerant aliudve pecus, quem nulla volucris nec fera turbarat nec lapsus ab arbore ramus; gramen erat circa, quod proximus umor alebat, silvaque sole locum passura tepescere nullo. hic puer et studio venandi lassus et aestu procubuit faciemque loci fontemque secutus, dumque sitim sedare cupit, sitis altera crevit, dumque bibit, visae correptus imagine formae spem sine corpore amat, corpus putat esse, quod umbra est. adstupet ipse sibi vultuque inmotus eodem haeret, ut e Pario formatum marmore signum; spectat humi positus geminum, sua lumina, sidus et dignos Baccho, dignos et Apolline crines inpubesque genas et eburnea colla decusque oris et in niveo mixtum candore ruborem, cunctaque miratur, quibus est mirabilis ipse: se cupit inprudens et, qui probat, ipse probatur, dumque petit, petitur, pariterque accendit et ardet. inrita fallaci quotiens dedit oscula fonti, in mediis quotiens visum captantia collum bracchia mersit aquis nec se deprendit in illis! quid videat, nescit; sed quod videt, uritur illo, atque oculos idem, qui decipit, incitat error. credule, quid frustra simulacra fugacia captas? quod petis, est nusquam; quod amas, avertere, perdes! ista repercussae, quam cernis, imaginis umbra est: nil habet ista sui; tecum venitque manetque; tecum discedet, si tu discedere possis! Non illum Cereris, non illum cura quietis abstrahere inde potest, sed opaca fusus in herba spectat inexpleto mendacem lumine formam perque oculos perit ipse suos; paulumque levatus ad circumstantes tendens sua bracchia silvas 'ecquis, io silvae, crudelius' inquit 'amavit? scitis enim et multis latebra opportuna fuistis. ecquem, cum vestrae tot agantur saecula vitae, qui sic tabuerit, longo meministis in aevo? et placet et video; sed quod videoque placetque, non tamen invenio'++tantus tenet error amantem++ 'quoque magis doleam, nec nos mare separat ingens nec via nec montes nec clausis moenia portis; exigua prohibemur aqua! cupit ipse teneri: nam quotiens liquidis porreximus oscula lymphis, hic totiens ad me resupino nititur ore. posse putes tangi: minimum est, quod amantibus obstat. quisquis es, huc exi! quid me, puer unice, fallis quove petitus abis? certe nec forma nec aetas est mea, quam fugias, et amarunt me quoque nymphae! spem mihi nescio quam vultu promittis amico, cumque ego porrexi tibi bracchia, porrigis ultro, cum risi, adrides; lacrimas quoque saepe notavi me lacrimante tuas; nutu quoque signa remittis et, quantum motu formosi suspicor oris, verba refers aures non pervenientia nostras! iste ego sum: sensi, nec me mea fallit imago; uror amore mei: flammas moveoque feroque. quid faciam? roger anne rogem? quid deinde rogabo? quod cupio mecum est: inopem me copia fecit. o utinam a nostro secedere corpore possem! votum in amante novum, vellem, quod amamus, abesset. iamque dolor vires adimit, nec tempora vitae longa meae superant, primoque exstinguor in aevo.
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7. Zie ik overeenkomsten en/of verschillen tussen ‘Lo temps vai en ven evire’, door Bernart de Ventadorn en ‘Stanzas To A lady, On Leaving England’, door Lord Byron ?
Visser, A. (2005). Uit de eerste hand: De middeleeuwen-II, Pagina, 68. Uitgeverij DAMON bundel.
Byron, G.G. (1993)  Selected poems, Pagina 4. New York. Dover publications.
Plaats kenmerk: 1: Mediatheek Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, 2: In eigen bezit
‘Zie de tijd vergaan, verglijden,
dag na week na maand na jaar,
en ik, ach, ik blijf maar lijden:
steeds nog is mijn hartstocht daar,
sterker zelfs wordt dat verlangen,
want één vrouw houdt mij gevangen,
ook al schenkt ze nooit genot.
  Zij lacht blij te allen tijde,
mij de pijn, de smart om haar,
in dat spel tussen ons beiden
is ’t verlies voor mij zeer zwaar.
Want wordt liefde niet ontvangen
en beantwoord, onbevangen,
dan vergaat ze en verrot. (…)’ Bernart de Ventadorn (ca. 1120-1195)– Lo temps vai en ven e vire
Creatieve commentaar:
Het citaat dat ik als extract heb gebruikt is een voorbeeld van de hoofse liefdeslyriek van Bernart de Ventadorn (ca. 1120-1195). Ik vind het belangrijk om te melden dat het oorspronkelijke Franse gedicht door een Brabander in het Nederlands is vertaald. Dit verklaard volgens Visser enkele woordkeuzes. Ventadorn was een van de belangrijkste troubadours tijdens de hoge middeleeuwen in Zuid- Frankrijk. In het eerste boek dat ik bij mijn referenties heb genoteerd zie ik dit over hem staan ( het volgende is tijdens het leven van Bernart de Ventadorn over hem geschreven door een jongere collega, Uc de Saint-Circ): ‘Hij kon zeer goed zingen en ‘vinden’ en werd een hoffelijk en geleerd man. En de graaf van Ventadorn werd zo door hem en door zijn wijze van zingen en ‘vinden’ gecharmeerd, dat hij hem veel eer betoonde.’
Bij de voetnoten zie ik staan dat het Occitaanse woord voor vinden ook dichten kan betekenen. Dat verkaart het bovenstaande.
Dit gedicht, en een gedicht van George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824), bracht mij op het idee voor mijn hoofdvraag. Toen ik de twee gedichten naast elkaar legde zag ik dat ze overeenkomsten vertoonde.
Hier volgt een gedeelte uit het gedicht ‘Stanzas To A Lady, On Leaving England’:
  'Tis done---and shivering in the gale
The bark unfurls her snowy sail;
And whistling o'er the bending mast,
Loud sings on high the fresh'ning blast;
And I must from this land be gone,
Because I cannot love but one.
   But could I be what I have been,
And could I see what I have seen---
Could I repose upon the breast
Which once my warmest wishes blest---
I should not seek another zone,
Because I cannot love but one.'
  George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824) is een van de meeste geroemde Engelse dichters uit de Romantische periode.
Volgens mij tonen deze genoemde gedichten overeenkomsten. Beide gedichten gaan over een onbereikbare, maar anonieme, vrouw. Hoe lang de dichters ook wachten, en hoeveel pijn zij ook schijnen te lijden, de vrouw blijft niets anders dan een onbereikbaar ideaal. De gedichten gaan over verlangen en onbeantwoorde hartstocht.
Tijdens de hoge middeleeuwen werd het als gepast te zien om te schrijven over vrouwen die getrouwd waren, dit lees ik in ‘Uit de eerste hand: De middeleeuwen-II.’ Vandaar dat de liefde van de troubadour niet beantwoord wordt.
Hoewel de thematiek van ‘Lo temps vai en ven e vire’ lijkt op het thema van ‘Stanzas To A Lady, On Leaving England’ verwacht ik dat hierin wel een verschil zal liggen.
Bij het gedicht van Byron is het niet bekend of dat er over een getrouwde vrouw werd geschreven. Hij heeft niet alleen dit gedicht over de liefde geschreven, maar ook vele anderen, en het is bekend dat hij in zijn leven vele affaires heeft gehad. Wellicht heeft dit een samenhang.
Ik vond het zeer opvallend dat twee gedichten, uit andere tijden, toch overeenkomsten kunnen vertonen. Ik vraag mijzelf af of de dichtkunst uit de hoge middeleeuwen invloed zou kunnen hebben gehad op latere dichtkunst, bijvoorbeeld uit de Romantische periode. Of dat er destijds een bepaalde literaire traditie is ontstaan die voort is blijven leven.
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marlaluster · 7 years ago
emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. Although he has stated that his career high annual salary was $200,000,[53] Snowden said he took a pay cut to work at Booz Allen,[54]where he sought employment in order to gather data and then release details of the NSA's worldwide surveillance activity.[55]According to a Reuters story by Mark  2. In his May 2014 interview with NBC News, Snowden accused the U.S. government of trying to use one position here or there in his career to distract from the totality of his experience, downplaying him as a "low level analyst." In his words, he was "trained as a spy in the traditional sense of the word in that I lived and worked undercover overseas—pretending to work in a job that I'm not—and even being assigned a name that was not mine." He said he'd worked for the NSA undercover overseas, and for the DIA had developed sources and methods to keep information and people secure "in the most hostile and dangerous environments around the world. So when they say I'm a low-level systems administrator, that I don't know what I'm talking about, I'd say it's somewhat misleading."[11] In a June interview withGlobo TV, Snowden reiterated that he "was actually func 3. Former congressman Ron Paul began a petition urging the Obama Administration to grant Snowdenclemency.[278] Paul released a video on his website saying, "Edward Snowden sacrificed his livelihood, citizenship, and freedom by exposing the disturbing scope of the NSA's worldwide spying program. Thanks to one man's courageous actions, Americans know about the truly egregious ways their government is spying on them."[279] 4. NSA surveillance exposed - CBS News https://www.cbsnews.com/feature/nsa-surveillance-exposed Mobile · A secret government surveillanceprogram targeting phone calls and the Internet is revealed 5. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=justin+trudeau&docid=608044037035002406&mid=1A4CA3C768C296C84F501A4CA3C768C296C84F50&view=detail&FORM=VIRE&PC=SMSM 6. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ufXjza2-Rww&itct=CBMQpDAYAyITCP3kw8__pdoCFcJWmAodcP8GrzIKd2F0Y2gtdnJlY0js5a6Qvt3yoHo%3D 7. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FthM86dsWYc&itct=CBEQpDAYBSITCP3kw8__pdoCFcJWmAodcP8GrzIKd2F0Y2gtdnJlY0js5a6Qvt3yoHo%3D 8. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KU9JIIaEmio&itct=CA4QpDAYCCITCP3kw8__pdoCFcJWmAodcP8GrzIHcmVsYXRlZEjs5a6Qvt3yoHo%3D 9. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs1lN5ExkdE&itct=CA0QpDAYCSITCP3kw8__pdoCFcJWmAodcP8GrzIHcmVsYXRlZEjs5a6Qvt3yoHo%3D 10. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rbl05o8KNe0 11. Canada criticizes Russian asylum for leaker Snowden -  www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canada-criticizes-russian-asylum-for-leaker Mobile · Canada has added its voice to those criticizing Russia for granting asylum to U.S. National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden. "This is not something that Canada would have … 12. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canada-criticizes-russian-asylum-for-leaker-snowden-1.1348298 13. Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said granting asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden is 'not something that Canada would have considered to do.' (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press) 14. Baird declined to elaborate further on the Snowden matter. He has blasted Russia for itscontroversial new anti-gay law, calling it hateful and saying it could incite violence. Baird also revealed that Russia once again found itself standing alone in the G8 when the issue of sexual minorities was raised at the previous summit in May 2012. Russia said it wouldn't agree to a statement that expressed support for the group. "All G7 countries supported and that included centre-right governments in Germany, in France, in Canada, the United Kingdom," Baird said. The Snow 15. A spokeswoman for Harper says Canada does not shy away from raising human-rights issues in its dealings with Russia. 16. The Refugees Who Helped Edward Snowden Are Seekin… time.com/4697695/edward-snowden-refugees-seeking-asylum Mobile · Refugees who sheltered former NSA contractor Edward Snowden in Hong Kong are now seeking asylum in Canada, their … 17. http://time.com/4697695/edward-snowden-refugees-seeking-asylum/ 18. Claim refugee protection from inside Canada Apply in Canada as a refugee if you fear persecution or if you are in danger if you return to your home country Refugees from outside Canada Who can be sponsored as a refugee, what to do after you apply and what to expect when you get to Canada 19. Country of asylum class You may be in this class if you: are outside your home country, or the country where you normally live, andhave been seriously affected by civil war or armed conflict, orhave been denied basic human rights on an ongoing basis. Country of asylum class refugees can be privately sponsored. You can also be in this class if you have the funds you need to support yourself and your family after you arrive in Canada. You will still need the UNHCR, a referral organization, or a private sponsorship group to refer you. How to apply If you are referred, you will need to fill out the application package to apply as a Convention refugee or as a huma 20. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/help-outside-canada.html
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gregcallus · 8 years ago
The Miller Prediction
Tomorrow morning at 0930, the UK Supreme Court will hand-down its judgment(s) in the Article 50 case: R (Miller & ors) v SoS for Exiting the EU. Right now the only people who know the result will be the Justices themselves, perhaps their Judicial Assistants who are writing the press releases, the lawyers in the case, and perhaps Joshua Rozenberg QC. Anyone else who claims to know how it is going to go is most likely guessing.
I was completely wrong about the way the Divisional Court would go (although I made my prediction at time of issue, and by time of hearing I thought it was close) so don’t put any money on my best guess. That said, I still have a hunch that the Government might have squeaked home. Whatever the outcome, there will be plenty for lawyers to chew over: this has been the biggest constitutional case for a decade, perhaps longer, perhaps ever.
I don’t think a reference to the CJEU is likely (David Allen Green says a 10% chance, and I broadly agree), nor do I think there is anything in the devolved governments’ arguments whether based on the Sewel Convention, Good Friday Agreement, or Bayeaux Tapestry (DAG says 20% - I’d say half that).
The remaining options, which I would put at close to even odds relative to each other are either (1) that the UKSC essentially upholds the logic of the Divisional Court judgment (maybe with some finesse about the ambulatory nature of the ECA and a learned treatise of the nature of the prerogative) or (2) finding for the Government in a way not put before the Divisional Court.
From having watched almost all of the four-day hearing before the UKSC, if the Supreme Court is to find for the government, I’d expect the reasoning to be broadly as follows:
(i) That the ECA is an ambulatory statute, and so gives effect to whatever rights exist on the EU plane, the determination of which is provided for by ratification of Treaties by the Executive under the prerogative and then ratification by Parliament to add them to the ECA itself.
(ii) That the decision to enter into the EU (and thereby Parliament’s passage of the ECA and/or the result of the 1975 Referendum did not remove the prerogative power to leave (which would have been as a matter of international law and perhaps the Vienna Conventions, prior to Article 50 TFEU being agreed by virtue of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009). The prerogative has thereby subsisted ever since, surviving even the 2002 Act etc etc.
(iii) However, for the Government to exercise the prerogative to leave the EU prior to 2015 would have been an abuse of power (not ultra vires, but rather intra vires and yet abusive) as being contrary to the will of Parliament and of the people as expressed in the 1975 Referendum. The exercise of the prerogative prior to 2015/16 would have been amenable to judicial review.
(iv) That, contrary to the Diceyian dicta about ‘judges knowing nothing of the will of the people, save for Parliament’s will’ needs updating to reflect the result of Referendums authorised by Parliament. Such referendums are not binding on the Executive, nor superior to the will of Parliament, but they are of legal effect.
(v) Parliament having decreed that the 2016 Referendum should be held, and the result having been to Leave, it therefore ceased to be abusive for the Government to exercise its prerogative power to that effect. Essentially it will be an abuse of power to act contrary to a referendum result, but cannot be if the Gvt acts in accordance with the result (although ultimately Parliament has the final say, and the Gvt can never act contrary to the express will of Parliament).
(vi) Accordingly, the prerogative power to withdraw the UK from treaties (even EU treaties) has always subsisted and continues to, but was under a ‘fetter’ or ‘clamp’ while the settled ‘will of the people’ (the ECA and 1975 Referendum result) was in favour of staying in. That fetter was removed by the 2015 Act granting the referendum, and the 2016 referendum result. 
(vii) Expect some slightly terse observations that the Courts may not pay regard to motions of the House of Commons, or any will of Parliament that is not an Act or a vote on secondary legislation. Reference to the Canadian case of Turp v Minstry of Justice & Attorney-General is likely.
In this way, the Supreme Court could avoid a constitutional crisis, give legal recognition to the referendum in such a way as to recognise in law its political legitimacy, yet not undermine the supremacy of Parliament. I suggested something along these lines in my last blogpost under the heading ‘Constitutional Novelty’.
I strongly suspect that the President will have tried to forge a unanimous judgment to which all justices put their name. Concurring judgments may be unavoidable, even marginal dissent. A seriously split court - whether 6-5 or 7-4 or even 8-3 – would be somewhat unfortunate, especially if the dissenters are united in their reasoning and the majority judgments do not share a common ratio (see for example the cases of Nicklinson, which needed a table to work out what was binding ratio and what was obiter, and the Black Spider Memos).
And now only 12-and-a-bit hours to go...!
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