#Allan Glaser
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100gayicons · 6 months ago
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Tab Hunter and James Dean were two of Warner Brothers biggest stars during the mid-1950s.
Hunter was gay and even discretely dated fellow actor Tony Perkins. Once he left mainstream Hollywood, he lived an open (but not public) gay life with his partner Allan Glaser. Hunter “came out” in his 2005 autobiography. He and Glaser married in 2013.
Although James Dean only made three movies before his tragic death. He is a try Hollywood icon. There have been rumors that he was gay or bisexual. The most convincing evidence is from Elizabeth comments in 2000: “All of my life I’ve spent a lot of time with gay men... Montgomery Clift, Rock Hudson, Jimmy Dean...”
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yes-bernie-stuff · 1 year ago
Cette réflextion est rrés intéressante.
Ce qui suit est une copie d'un article écrit par l'écrivain espagnol Sebastián Rodríguez Vilar et publiée dans un journal espagnol . Il ne faut pas beaucoup d'imagination pour extrapoler le message au reste de l'Europe - et éventuellement, au reste du monde. Ce n'est guère de la propagande, les faits parlent d'eux-mêmes. A méditer ....
Par Sébastien Vilar Rodrigez
Je marchais dans la rue à Barcelone, et soudain je découvrais une terrible vérité - L'Europe est morte à Auschwitz... Nous avons tué six millions de Juifs et nous les avons remplacés par 20 millions de musulmans.
À Auschwitz, nous avons brûlé une culture, la pensée, la créativité, le talent. Nous avons détruit le peuple élu, véritablement choisi, car ils ont produit des gens formidables et merveilleux qui ont changé le monde.
La contribution de ce peuple se fait sentir dans tous les domaines de la vie : science, art, commerce international, et surtout, comme la conscience du monde. Ce sont les gens que nous avons brûlés.
Sous prétexte de tolérance et parce que nous voulions prouver à nous-mêmes que nous avons été guéris de la maladie du racisme, nous avons ouvert nos portes à 20 millions de musulmans qui nous ont apporté la stupidité et l'ignorance, l'extrémisme religieux et le manque de tolérance, la criminalité et la pauvreté, due à un manque de volonté de travailler et de soutenir leurs familles avec fierté.
Ils ont fait sauter nos trains et ont transformé nos belles villes espagnoles dans le tiers monde, noyé tout dans la crasse et la criminalité.
Enfermés dans les appartements qu'ils reçoivent gratuitement du gouvernement, ils planifient d'assassiner et de détruire leurs hôtes naïfs.
Ainsi, dans notre misère, nous avons échangé la culture pour de la haine fanatique; le savoir-faire créatif pour des compétences destructrices; l'intelligence pour le retour en arrière et la superstition.
Quelle terrible erreur a été faite par la misérable Europe.. .
La population mondiale comprend 1,2 milliards d'islamiques ou 20% de la population mondiale
Ils ont reçu les Prix Nobel suivants :
Littérature :
1988 - Najib Mahfouz
Paix :
1978 - Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat
1990 - Elias James Corey
1994 - Yasser Arafat:
1999 - Ahmed Zewai
Économie :
Physique :
Médecine :
1960 - Peter Medawar Brian
1998 - Ferid Mourad
TOTAL : 7 (sept)
La population juive mondiale est approximativement de 14.000.000, soit environ 0,02% de la population mondiale.
Ils ont reçu les Prix Nobel suivant :
Littérature :
1910 - Paul Heyse
1927 - Henri Bergson
1958 - Boris Pasternak
1966 - Shmuel Yosef Agnon
1966 - Nelly Sachs
1976 - Saul Bellow
1978 - Isaac Bashevis Singer
1981 - Elias Canetti
1987 - Joseph Brodsky
1991 - Nadine Gordimer mondiale
Paix :
1911 - Alfred Fried
1911 - Tobias Michael Carel Asser
1968 - René Cassin
1973 - Henry Kissinger
1978 - Menahem Begin
1986 - Elie Wiesel
1994 - Shimon Pérès
1994 - Yitzhak Rabin
Physique :
1905 - Adolph von Baeyer
1906 - Henri Moissan
1907 - Albert Abraham Michelson
1908 - Gabriel Lippmann
1910 - Otto Wallach
1915 - Richard Willstaetter
1918 - Fritz Haber
1921 - Albert Einstein
1922 - Niels Bohr
1925 - James Franck
1925 - Gustav Hertz
1943 - Gustav Stern
1943 - George Charles de Hevesy
1944 - Isidor Rabi Issac
1952 - Felix Bloch
1954 - Max Born
1958 - Igor Tamm
1959 - Emilio Segre
1960 - Donald A. Glaser
1961 - Robert Hofstadter
1961 - Melvin Calvin
1962 - Lev Davidovich Landau
1962 - Max Ferdinand Perutz
1965 - Richard Phillips Feynman
1965 - Julian Schwinger
1969 - Murray Gell-Mann
1971 - Dennis Gabor
1972 - William Howard Stein
1973 - Brian David Josephson
1975 - Benjamin Mottleson
1976 - Burton Richter
1977 - Ilya Prigogine
1978 - Arno Allan Penzias
1978 - Peter L Kapitza
1979 - Stephen Weinberg
1979 - Sheldon Glashow
1979 - Herbert Charles Brown
1980 - Paul Berg
Sellam Mickael Elie, [23-Oct-22 8:18 AM]
1980 - Walter Gilbert
1981 - Roald Hoffmann
1982 - Aaron Klug
1985 - Albert A. Hauptman
1985 - Jerome Karle
1986 - Dudley R. Herschbach
1988 - Robert Huber
1988 - Leon Lederman
1988 - Melvin Schwartz
1988 - Jack Steinberger
1989 - Sidney Altman
1990 - Jerome Friedman
1992 - Rudolph Marcus
1995 - Martin Perl
2000 - Alan J. Heeger
Économie :
1970 - Paul Anthony Samuelson
1971 - Simon Kuznets
1972 - Kenneth Joseph Flèche
1975 - Leonid Kantorovitch
1976 - Milton Friedman
1978 - Herbert A. Simon
1980 - Laurent Robert Klein
1985 - Franco Modigliani
1987 - Robert M. Solow
1990 - Harry Markowitz
1990 - Merton Miller
1992 - Gary Becker
1993 - Robert Fogel
Médecine :
1908 - Elie Metchnikoff
1908 - Paul Erlich
1914 - Robert Barany
1922 - Otto Meyerhof
1930 - Karl Landsteiner
1931 - Otto Warburg
1936 - Otto Loewi
1944 - Joseph Erlanger
1944 - Herbert Spencer Gasser
1945 - Ernst Boris Chain
1946 - Hermann Joseph Muller
1950 - Tadeus Reichstein
1952 - Selman Abraham Waksman
1953 - Hans Krebs
1953 - Fritz Albert Lipmann
1958 - Joshua Lederberg
1959 - Arthur Kornberg
1964 - Konrad Bloch
1965 - François Jacob
1965 - André Lwoff
1967 - George Wald
1968 - Marshall W. Nirenberg
1970 - Julius Axelrod
1970 - Sir Bernard Katz
1972 - Gerald Maurice Edelman
1975 - Howard Martin Temin
1976 - Baruch S. Blumberg
1977 - Roselyn Sussman Yalow
1978 - Daniel Nathans
1980 - Baruj Benacerraf
1984 - Cesar Milstein
1985 - Michael Stuart Brown
1985 - Joseph L. Goldstein
1986 - Stanley Cohen [& Rita Levi-Montalcini]
1988 - Gertrude Elion
1989 - Harold Varmus
1991 - Erwin Neher
1991 - Bert Sakmann
1993 - Richard J. Roberts
1993 - Phillip Sharp
1994 - Alfred Gilman
1995 - Edward B. Lewis
1996 - Lu RoseIacovino
TOTAL : 129
Les Juifs ne font pas la promotion du lavage de cerveau des enfants dans les camps de formation militaire.
Ils ne leur apprennent pas à se faire exploser et à causer le maximum de mort de Juifs et d'autres non-musulmans.
Les Juifs ne détournent pas des avions, ne tuent pas les athlètes lors des Jeux olympiques, et ne se font pas exploser dans un restaurant allemand.
Il n'y a pas un seul Juif qui a détruit une église.
Il n'y a pas un seul Juif qui proteste en tuant des gens.Les Juifs ne font pas de trafic d'esclaves, n'ont pas de dirigeants qui appellent au Jihad et à la mort
de tous les infidèles.
Peut-être les musulmans du monde devraient considérer à investir plus dans l'enseignement ordinaire et moins à blâmer les Juifs pour tous leurs problèmes.
Les musulmans doivent demander «ce qu'ils peuvent faire pour l'humanité » avant d'exiger que l'humanité les respecte.
Indépendamment de vos sentiments à propos de la crise entre Israël et les Palestiniens et les voisins arabes; même si vous croyez qu'il y a plus de culpabilité de la part d 'Israël, les deux phrases suivantes disent vraiment tout :
«Si les Arabes déposaient les armes aujourd'hui, il n'y aurait plus de violence. Si les Juifs déposaient leurs armes aujourd'hui, il n’y aurait plus d' Israël.»
Benjamin Netanyahu
Le général Eisenhower nous a averti : c'est un fait historique.
Lorsque le commandant suprême des Forces alliées, le général Dwight Eisenhower a trouvé les victimes des camps de la mort, il a ordonné de prendre toutes les photographies possibles du peuple allemand, des villages environnants; de leur faire visiter les camps et même enterrer les morts.
Il a fait cela parce qu'il a dit des mots à cet effet :
«Rassemblez tous les dossiers et documents maintenant - saisissez les films - faites parler les témoins - parce que quelque part sur la route de l'histoire quelques bâtards vont se lever et dire que cela n'est jamais arrivé..»
Récemment, le Royaume-Uni a débattu pour savoir s'il fallait supprimer la Shoah dans son cursus scolaire, car il «offense» la population musulmane qui affirme que cela n'a jamais eu lieu.
Sellam Mickael Elie, [23-Oct-22 8:18 AM]
Ce n'est pas encore supprimé... Cependant, c'est un signe effrayant de la peur qui paralyse le monde et combien il est facile pour chaque pays d'être paralysé par elle.
Cela fait plus de 60 ans après que la Seconde Guerre mondiale a pris fin en Europe..
Ce courriel est envoyé comme une chaîne commémorative, en souvenir des 6 millions de juifs, 20 millions de Russes, 10 millions de chrétiens, et 1900 prêtres catholiques «assassinés, violés, brûlés, affamés, battus, humiliés et ont servi de cobayes, tandis que le peuple allemand a regardé ailleur.
Maintenant, plus que jamais, avec l'Iran, entre autres, revendiquant que l'Holocauste est «un mythe», il est impératif de s'assurer que le monde n'oublie jamais.
Ce courriel est destiné à atteindre 400 millions de personnes... Soyez un maillon dans la chaîne de mémoire et aidez à distribuer ce message à travers le monde.
Combien d'années faudra-il avant que l'attaque du World Trade Center «n'ait jamais eu lieu» parce qu'elle offense les musulmans des États-Unis?
Ne vous contentez pas de supprimer ce message...... cela ne prendra que quelques minutes pour le faire passer.
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jasmine604 · 1 year ago
W3. 20 Credible Sources P1
Sources on Specific Techniques and Crafts (5x)
“Computational Long Exposure Mobile Photography”
Type: Research Article in JournalKey Words: Long Exposure Photography, Motion-Blur, Panning Photography, Mobile PhotographyBrief Summary: Source discusses how motion-blur and long exposure photography can be achieved through mobile devices. Reference: Tabellion, E., Nikhil Karnad, Glaser, N., Weiss, B., Jacobs, D. W., & Pritch, Y. (2023). Computational Long Exposure Mobile Photography. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 42(4), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1145/3592124
2. “Billy Apple, Typography and the Embodied Word”
Type: Journal Article Key Words: Billy Apple, Typography, Modernist Typefaces, Exhibitions Brief Summary: The article discusses the modernist typefaces Billy Apple used in detail with explanations/analysis behind the why. Reference: Curnow, W. (2016). Billy Apple, Typography and the Embodied Word. Journal of New Zealand Literature (JNZL), 34.2, 171–211. http://www.jstor.org/stable/44066253
3. “Travel Photography: Portrait of a City Neighborhood”
Type: Linkedin Workshop Key Words: Travel Photography, Documentation, City Photography, Workshop, Tutorials Brief Summary: Workshop by Mikel Allan a photographer who shares his techniques on travel photography with a focus on cities.  Reference: Aaland, M. (2013). Travel Photography: Portrait of a City Neighborhood [Linkedin Workshop]. In Linkedin. https://www.linkedin.com/learning/travel-photography-portrait-of-a-city-neighborhood/introduction-to-the-city-trip?u=43761236
‌4. “24 x 36”
Type: Documentary Key Words: Movie Posters, Illustrations, Timeline, 60s, 70,s 80,s 2000s, screen-printing.  Brief Summary: Journey through the highs and lows of movie posters, why, how, where, what?  Reference: Burke, K. (Director). (2017). 24 x 36 [Streamed]. Kanopy.
5. “Screenprinting : the ultimate studio guide from sketchbook to squeegee”
Type: Book Key Words: Screen-printing, materials, t-shirt printing, squeegee  Brief Summary: This book shows a revival of screenprinting, offering clear presentations of both basic principles and advanced techniques. Reference: Higginson, F., Higginson, K., & Stallard, R. (2017). Screenprinting: the ultimate studio guide. From sketchbook to squeegee. London Thames & Hudson.
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frank-o-meter · 3 years ago
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Tab Hunter and Allan Glaser, his partner of 35+ years
(Probably taken during the production of “Lust in the Dust”)
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wewerealwaysthere · 3 years ago
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yourdailyqueer · 5 years ago
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Allan Glaser
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 28 November 1959  
Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Film producer
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divineofficial · 7 years ago
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Divine, Tab Hunter and Allan Glaser at the World Premiere of Paul Bartel’s “Lust In The Dust”. 💃🏼🐴
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jewnicornrps · 6 years ago
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For the record I’ll probably never get over this. Tab Hunter was the last really of my Golden Hollywood Era favorites. Many of you may not know this but like I’m obsessed with Old Hollywood and classic movies. I always figured one day I’d get to meet him or at least get around to sending him a letter and getting an autograph. But as always my procrastination has stolen another moment from me. I cannot even explain how much I love his documentary. The depth of Old Hollywood, the people and relationships, all of it is so amazing. And if you haven’t seen the documentary you should, it’s on Netflix and it’s amazing. But his story is just an amazing one. The documentary mostly centers around him struggling with his sexuality in the 1950s as a golden age movie star. And there are two romances in the documentary that particularly touch my heart. His romance with Anthony Perkins (Norman Bates from Psycho) stings. I mean the realness of these two people how they loved in secret and the documentary doesn’t even begin to go into the depth of how amazing this relationships was, his interviews outside or the book are so much better in my opinion as Tab reveals so much more of his feelings in words than on film. In the documentary he mostly focuses on the struggles and pitfalls of the relationship, but the novel and interviews he’s far more positive on just what he loved about Tony, and the whole thing is better than most YA novels, fanfics, or the plots we all make up I swear to you. But the other great love story is of Tab and the man he ended up with, his husband Allan (now the documentary doesn’t focus too much on their relationship in my opinion but there’s that privacy and beauty of comfort in that relationship, that ease and love and ability to finally be himself in his older years that just strikes me and that love is so less in need of explanation and is beautiful) but seriously everyone needs to watch it. But I still can’t believe that Allan replied to my comment on Facebook. Tab passed away on Sunday three days before his 87th birthday, and it just didn’t seem fair and I was going to mark his birthday regardless but I saw the post on his page, same way I found out he had passed away (which stopped me in my tracks my heart really did drop cause I’m super active on the page cause big fan of course) but I had also been thinking all throughout the day and days before of how sudden it was and how happy Tab was at the end of his life and how Allan made him happy. It seemed cruel first that he didn’t get to make it to 87, and it also seemed terrible that Allan (also Harlow Tab’s horse who he adored) was going to be without him. But also that happiness that he got to have those 35 years where he was happy and in love with someone I know cared about him and who he loved especially after watching the documentary. And I felt the need to say it cause I had such a fondness for Tab after watching the documentary and with it had a fondness for Allan cause he made Tab so happy, and I wanted to just say it in case Allan happened to see it, let him know that I saw it I guess. Saw how happy he made Tab and saw that Allan loved him. So I commented it. But never did I think I’d get a reply. One cause a ton of people are commenting condolences. Two no one else was getting a response. Three it’s terrible time at most it might get a look at awhile from now or a glance since he’s grieving and there’s an outpouring of messages. So seeing his reply I was stunned and happy. Not because I was noticed by someone I admire (though honestly I was a little), but mostly cause I’m glad he saw that, glad I gave some reaffirmation of that. And I’m glad that I think it meant something to him cause it’s been 4 days since Tab passed and this is the first reply to a condolence or message of any kind (there have been postings of articles and a picture but no interaction) but this was response to a comment and I’m glad he saw it and even more happy if it gave Allan something (as I think it did judging by his reply) because he gave Tab so much and I adored Tab and Allan also gave me a lot in my mind producing the documentary, getting Tab to share his story, and making Tab happy. I don’t even know I just felt like sharing this cause it made me happy and I think everyone should really watch the documentary to be honest.
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uinterview · 6 years ago
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100gayicons · 4 years ago
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Roy Scherer, Jr. and Andrew Kelm had a lot in common. They had abusive fathers; their parents marriages ended in divorce; and they spent their formative years living with their mothers. After serving time in the military (Andrew in the Coast Guard, Roy in the Navy) they found their way to Hollywood.
They both became clients of Henry Willson, a talent agent who specialized in making young good looking men into movie stars. Willson always gave his male clients masculine and memorable stage names - Roy became Rock Hudson (and eventually a major star for Universal) and Andrew became Tab Hunter, a future Warner Brothers star. And Rock and Tab both had a secret that could destroy their careers - they were gay.
Tab’s mother was religious and she sent him and his brother to a catholic school. Athletic, Tab developed a love of figure skating, and competed in both singles and pairs. But it was his love of horses that eventually led to an acting career.
Tab was working at a Southern California stable when a crew arrived to take photos of actress Ann Blythe. Actor (later agent) Dick Clayton was on hand and noticed young Andrew and asked him if he ever considered being an actor. Boy, that sounds like a pickup line! A few years later, after Tab’s stint in the Coast Guard, Tab met Clayton again in New York and Clayton immediately began introducing him to people in show business.
That eventual led to a meeting with Henry Willson, an agent with a reputation for making young men into movie stars (among other things he made some of those men do).
Hunter progressed quickly at Warner. He had his first minor role in 1950 (The Lawless) and by 1954 he was the a leading man (Return to Treasure Island) with Linda Darnell as his love interest. Warner Brothers notice his potential in and offered him a contract. He had a hit with his next film too - “Battle Cry” about marines fighting in the Pacific.
But after 4 films with various studios, he became unhappy with Henry Willson and decided to change agents. That would have its consequences.
Meanwhile agent Henry Willson has a big problem. A scandal magazine threaten to publish an article revealing that his star client Rock Hudson was gay. Willson made a deal with the magazine - he would give them dirt on two other actors in exchange for burning the Hudson story. The first was Rory Calhoun who had an arrest record and spent time in a Juvenal prison. Calhoun’s on screen persona was that of a tough guy, so the article just help to prop up his image.
The other actor thrown under the bus was his former client Tab Hunter. In 1950 Hunter had attended a “pajama party for men only” that was raided by the police. Hunter was arrested (along with 20 other young men) and briefly detained. While this could have ended Hunter’s budding career - he was sparred. In fact, only a few months later he was named a promising young new comer in a national poll.
The studio would regularly send him on on public dates with his costars and fabricate sham resonances with rising young starlets.
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Over the next few years, while continuing to star in hit films, Hunter experimented with singing and had a #1 record with “Young Love” in 1957. Based on its success, Warner Brothers actually creates a new division (Warner Bros Records) for him to release more albums. They even bought the rights to the Broadway musical “Damn Yankee” for him to star in the film version (1958).
But what if his love life?
In the 1950s Hunter met Olympic figure skater Ronnie Roberts and they started a long term relationship. Hunter, who always loved skating, sponsored Roberts training (athletes then performed under strict amateur guideline).
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They spent spent as much time as possible together - once driving cross-country together so Robbiecould attend training in Lake Placid, NY. Hunter became friends with Roberts family too. But the skating world resented Hunter’s presence are events. And this began affecting Roberts scores. The two eventually parted but remain friends.
“I was infatuated with Ronnie.... To most folks, Ronnie and I were good buddies, sharing the ice. Few people considered what else we were sharing.”
Hunter next serious relationship was with fellow actor Anthony Perkins.
“I had a wonderful relationship with him,” Hunter said.
They met at the pool at the Chateau Marmont, and Hunter was immediately attracted to Perkins. The two went on double dates (the photos of which can easily be found on the internet). In them it’s clear the boys paid more attention to each other than the girls.
Venetia Stevenson, a young actress that the studio assigned as Hunter’s beard (fake girlfriend) thought Tab was more in love with Tony than Tony was with Tab. Hunter also felt betrayed when Perkins convinced his Paramount to buy a script for him, knowing that Hunter had already played the role on TV and working working to get Warner to buy the script as well. That was the beginning of the end of their relationship.
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“You never really knew Tony 100 percent. There was always a secret side, and he was a bit of a game-player with people’s minds,” said Hunter.
Hunter said of his life in Hollywood, “(it) was difficult for me, because I was living two lives at that time. A private life of my own, which I never discussed, never talked about to anyone. And then my Hollywood life, which was just trying to learn my (craft). There was a lot written about my sexuality, and the press was pretty cruel.”
At this point Hunter was feeling unfulfilled with the other roles the studio offered to him. So by 1959, he bought out his contract with Warner Brothers. The consequences of going out on his own was that he didn’t have the power of the studio promoting him. The quality of his films diminished during the 1960s and 1970s.
But in 1989, Tab Hunter had an unexpected career resurgence. Alt director John Waters asked him to star in “Polyester” opposite the ultimate Drag Queen Divine. Hunter’s his agent tried to convince him not to take the role but he decided, “What have I got to lose?”
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The film was such a hit that Hunter decided to produce another film himself, costarring Divine. That effort would proved another turning point in his life.
Waters could only afford Hunter for one week. “I’m sure it was the least Tab Hunter had ever been earned on a film, and it was the most I ever paid an actor,” said Waters. “Polyester” was a hit, reviving Hunter’s film career.
While meeting with studios to raise money for what would eventually be call “Lust in the Dust”, Hunter met Allan Glaser, young executive at Fox. Sparks flew and the two soon became partners. Glaser also took on the role as producer of the film.
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Hunter and Glaser settle on a ranch in Southern California when Tab regularly enjoyed horse back riding. Although out to friends, Tab was a private man. So he didn’t come out to the public until 2005 when he published his memoir. Hunter and Glaser married in 2013. The two were together for 35 years until Tab’s death in 2018.
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absolute-most · 3 years ago
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“I want people to know what a good man he was. It was most important that Tab was known for being a good human being. That was more important to him than being an actor and a recording artist. He didn’t place importance on his movie career or his celebrity.” -Allan Glaser
“I'm very grateful for this road that I've been on - it's been a good one. It's been a tough one at times, too.” -Tab Hunter
Happy birthday, Tab Hunter (July 11, 1931 - July 8, 2018)
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1962dude420-blog · 3 years ago
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Today we remember the passing of Billie Holiday who Died: July 17, 1959, NYC Health & Hospitals/Metropolitan in New York
Eleanora Fagan, professionally known as Billie Holiday, was an American jazz and swing music singer with a career spanning for 26 years. Nicknamed "Lady Day" by her friend and music partner Lester Young, Holiday had an innovative influence on jazz music and pop singing. Her vocal style, strongly inspired by jazz instrumentalists, pioneered a new way of manipulating phrasing and tempo. She was known for her vocal delivery and improvisational skills.
By early 1959, Holiday was diagnosed with cirrhosis. Although she had initially stopped drinking on her doctor's orders, it was not long before she relapsed. By May of that same year, she had lost 20 pounds. Her manager Joe Glaser, jazz critic Leonard Feather, photojournalist Allan Morrison, and the singer's own friends all tried in vain to persuade her to go to a hospital.
On May 31, 1959, Holiday was taken to Metropolitan Hospital in New York for treatment of liver disease and heart disease. The Federal Bureau of Narcotics, under the order of Harry J. Anslinger, had been targeting Holiday since at least 1939. She was arrested and handcuffed for drug possession. As she lay dying, her hospital room was raided, and she was placed under police guard. On July 15, she received the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church. She died at 3:10 a.m. on July 17, of pulmonary edema and heart failure caused by cirrhosis of the liver. She was 44.
In her final years, she had been progressively swindled out of her earnings, and she died with $0.70 in the bank. Her funeral Mass was held on July 21, 1959, at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle in Manhattan. She was buried at Saint Raymond's Cemetery in the Bronx. The story of her burial plot and how it was managed by her estranged husband, Louis McKay, was documented on NPR in 2012.
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study-van · 4 years ago
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Today I bring you someone my friend insisted on talking about, Tab Hunter! He was Hollywood’s all-American boy and the ultimate heartthrob. One of Hollywood’s most high-profile romantic leads, he was arrested in 1950 for disorderly conduct, connected to his rumoured homosexuality. After a successful career, he wrote an autobiography in 2005 where he publicly acknowledged he was gay for the first time. He had a long-term relationship with Psycho star Anthony Perkins and figure skater Ronnie Robertson before marrying his partner of more than 35 years, Allan Glaser.
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I don’t think I agree with Glaser’s assertion that forcing us into closets is a “civilized” option. Sure, if I had to pick between murder and being forced to conceal myself, I would choose the closet because with it comes a chance -- the potential for joy to be found within the closet’s holy darkness; the potential for doors to be flung open when we are ready; the potential for the oppressors’ repentance, for the oppressed’s survival, for the community’s thriving.
We who are LGBTA/queer are like Joseph, in so many ways. We are the ones whom our siblings often cannot stand; we are the ones whom God loves and empowers; we are the ones who transform famine into fruitfulness, who defy our oppressors by living our best lives in spite of their efforts to quell us. We are imaginative, powerful, holy.
When you are abandoned to languish in the closet, what good things have you found there? Whether “in the closet” or “out” or in some less binary space that defies those categories, where have you defiantly cultivated life where others told you there was only death?
[image description: 3 light pink squares with purple borders and purple text. At the top of the first square is a papyrus-textured banner reading “Advent, Day 17″; another papyrus-textured banner at the bottom of the third square cites the quote shared in the squares as coming from Chris Glaser, The Word Is Out. Here’s the quote shared in the squares:
“They said to one another, ‘Here comes this dreamer. Come now, let us kill him and throw him into one of the pits; then we shall say that a wild animal has devoured him, and we shall see what will become of his dreams.’ ” - Genesis 37:19-20 Joseph was a self-affirming, unrepentant dreamer. Jealous of the grace that God bestowed on him, his brothers plotted to kill him, but Reuben suggested throwing him into a dry well. Then they sold Joseph to passing slave traders en route to Egypt.
We are self-affirming, unrepentant dreamers as self-affirming [LGBTQA persons] who dream of full rights. Our siblings in the church, jealous of the grace with which God has blessed us, might want to do away with those of us who rattle the church. But ‘Reubens’ offer the church a more civilized alternative. Allan Boesak of South Africa has named this ‘The Reuben Option.’ It is to put dreamers into dry wells – closets – where they languish invisibly.
Little did Joseph’s brothers know what role they had unwittingly played in God’s providence. For in Egypt, Joseph’s dreams would come true, and he ultimately saved their family from a famine. Our dreams will also come true, and we will save our families of faith from a famine of dreams. Send more dreamers, that our churches may be filled with dreams!”
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diggorypuff · 6 years ago
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soulbounce · 5 years ago
他の国にマスターのコピーがあることを祈ります。 38 Special 50 Cent Colonel Abrams Johnny Ace Bryan Adams Nat Adderley Aerosmith Rhett Akins Manny Albam Lorez Alexandria Gary Allan Red Allen Steve Allen The Ames Brothers Gene Ammons Bill Anderson Jimmy Anderson John Anderson The Andrews Sisters Lee Andrews & the Hearts Paul Anka Adam Ant Toni Arden Joan Armatrading Louis Armstrong Asia Asleep at the Wheel Audioslave Patti Austin Average White Band Hoyt Axton Albert Ayler Burt Bacharach Joan Baez Razzy Bailey Chet Baker Florence Ballard Hank Ballard Gato Barbieri Baja Marimba Band Len Barry Count Basie Fontella Bass The Beat Farmers Sidney Bechet and His Orchestra Beck Captain Beefheart Archie Bell & the Drells Vincent Bell Bell Biv Devoe Louie Bellson Don Bennett Joe Bennett and the Sparkletones David Benoit George Benson Berlin Elmer Bernstein and His Orchestra Chuck Berry Nuno Bettencourt Stephen Bishop Blackstreet Art Blakey Hal Blaine Bobby (Blue) Bland Mary J. Blige Blink 182 Blues Traveler Eddie Bo Pat Boone Boston Connee Boswell Eddie Boyd Jan Bradley Owen Bradley Quintet Oscar Brand Bob Braun Walter Brennan Jackie Brenston and His Delta Cats Teresa Brewer Edie Brickell & New Bohemians John Brim Lonnie Brooks Big Bill Broonzy and Washboard Sam Brothers Johnson Bobby Brown Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown Lawrence Brown Les Brown Marion Brown Marshall Brown Mel Brown Michael Brown Dave Brubeck Jimmy Buffett Carol Burnett T-Bone Burnett Dorsey Burnette Johnny Burnette Busta Rhymes Terry Callier Cab Calloway The Call Glen Campbell Captain and Tennille Captain Sensible Irene Cara Belinda Carlisle Carl Carlton Eric Carmen Hoagy Carmichael Kim Carnes Karen Carpenter Richard Carpenter The Carpenters Barbara Carr Betty Carter Benny Carter The Carter Family Peter Case Alvin Cash Mama Cass Bobby Charles Ray Charles Chubby Checker The Checkmates Ltd. Cheech & Chong Cher Don Cherry Mark Chesnutt The Chi-Lites Eric Clapton Petula Clark Roy Clark Gene Clark The Clark Sisters Merry Clayton Jimmy Cliff Patsy Cline Rosemary Clooney Wayne Cochran Joe Cocker Ornette Coleman Gloria Coleman Mitty Collier Jazzbo Collins Judy Collins Colosseum Alice Coltrane John Coltrane Colours Common Cookie and the Cupcakes Barbara Cook Rita Coolidge Stewart Copeland The Corsairs Dave “Baby” Cortez Bill Cosby Don Costa Clifford Coulter David Crosby Crosby & Nash Johnny Cougar (aka John Cougar Mellencamp) Counting Crows Coverdale?Page Warren Covington Deborah Cox James “Sugar Boy” Crawford Crazy Otto Marshall Crenshaw The Crew-Cuts Sonny Criss David Crosby Bob Crosby Bing Crosby Sheryl Crow Rodney Crowell The Crusaders Xavier Cugat The Cuff Links Tim Curry The Damned Danny & the Juniors Rodney Dangerfield Bobby Darin Helen Darling David + David Mac Davis Richard Davis Sammy Davis Jr. Chris de Burgh Lenny Dee Jack DeJohnette The Dells The Dell-Vikings Sandy Denny Sugar Pie DeSanto The Desert Rose Band Dennis DeYoung Neil Diamond Bo Diddley Difford & Tilbrook Dillard & Clark The Dixie Hummingbirds Willie Dixon DJ Shadow Fats Domino Jimmy Donley Kenny Dorham Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra Lee Dorsey The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra Lamont Dozier The Dramatics The Dream Syndicate Roy Drusky Jimmy Durante Deanna Durbin The Eagles Steve Earle El Chicano Danny Elfman Yvonne Elliman Duke Ellington Cass Elliott Joe Ely John Entwistle Eminem Eric B. and Rakim Gil Evans Paul Evans Betty Everett Don Everly Extreme The Falcons Harold Faltermeyer Donna Fargo Art Farmer Freddie Fender Ferrante & Teicher Fever Tree The Fifth Dimension Ella Fitzgerald Five Blind Boys Of Alabama The Fixx The Flamingos King Floyd The Flying Burrito Brothers John Fogerty Red Foley Eddie Fontaine The Four Aces The Four Tops Peter Frampton Franke & the Knockouts Aretha Franklin The Rev. C.L. Franklin The Free Movement Glenn Frey Lefty Frizzell Curtis Fuller Jerry Fuller Lowell Fulson Harvey Fuqua Nelly Furtado Hank Garland Judy Garland Erroll Garner Jimmy Garrison Larry Gatlin & the Gatlin Brothers Gene Loves Jezebel Barry Gibb Georgia Gibbs Terri Gibbs Dizzy Gillespie Gin Blossoms Tompall Glaser Tom Glazer Whoopi Goldberg Golden Earring Paul Gonsalves Benny Goodman Dexter Gordon Rosco Gordon Lesley Gore The Gospelaires Teddy Grace Grand Funk Railroad Amy Grant Earl Grant The Grass Roots Dobie Gray Buddy Greco Keith Green Al Green Jack Greene Robert Greenidge Lee Greenwood Patty Griffin Nanci Griffith Dave Grusin Guns N’ Roses Buddy Guy Buddy Hackett Charlie Haden Merle Haggard Bill Haley and His Comets Aaron Hall Lani Hall Chico Hamilton George Hamilton IV Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds Marvin Hamlisch Jan Hammer Lionel Hampton John Handy Glass Harp Slim Harpo Richard Harris Freddie Harts Dan Hartman Johnny Hartman Coleman Hawkins Dale Hawkins Richie Havens Roy Haynes Head East Heavy D. & the Boyz Bobby Helms Don Henley Clarence “Frogman” Henry Woody Herman and His Orchestra Milt Herth and His Trio John Hiatt Al Hibbler Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks Monk Higgins Jessie Hill Earl Hines Roger Hodgson Hole Billie Holiday Jennifer Holliday Buddy Holly The Hollywood Flames Eddie Holman John Lee Hooker Stix Hooper Bob Hope Paul Horn Shirley Horn Big Walter Horton Thelma Houston Rebecca Lynn Howard Jan Howard Freddie Hubbard Humble Pie Engelbert Humperdinck Brian Hyland The Impressions The Ink Spots Iron Butterfly Burl Ives Janet Jackson Joe Jackson Milt Jackson Ahmad Jamal Etta James Elmore James James Gang Keith Jarrett Jason & the Scorchers Jawbreaker Garland Jeffreys Beverly Jenkins Gordon Jenkins The Jets Jimmy Eat World Jodeci Johnnie Joe The Joe Perry Project Elton John J.J. Johnson K-Ci & JoJo Al Jolson Booker T. Jones Elvin Jones George Jones Hank Jones Jack Jones Marti Jones Quincy Jones Rickie Lee Jones Tamiko Jones Tom Jones Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five The Jordanaires Jurassic 5 Bert Kaempfert Kitty Kallen & Georgie Shaw The Kalin Twins Bob Kames Kansas Boris Karloff Sammy Kaye Toby Keith Gene Kelly Chaka Khan B.B. King The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Wayne King The Kingsmen The Kingston Trio Roland Kirk Eartha Kitt John Klemmer Klymaxx Baker Knight Chris Knight Gladys Knight and the Pips Krokus Steve Kuhn Rolf Kuhn Joachim Kuhn Patti LaBelle L.A. Dream Team Frankie Laine Lambert, Hendricks & Ross Denise LaSalle Yusef Lateef Steve Lawrence Steve Lawrence & Eydie Gorme Lafayette Leake Brenda Lee Laura Lee Leapy Lee Peggy Lee Danni Leigh The Lennon Sisters J.B. Lenoir Ramsey Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lewis Meade Lux Lewis Liberace Lifehouse Enoch Light The Lightning Seeds Limp Bizkit Lisa Loeb Little Axe and the Golden Echoes Little Milton Little River Band Little Walter Lobo Nils Lofgren Lone Justice Guy Lombardo Lord Tracy The Louvin Brothers Love Patti Loveless The Lovelites Lyle Lovett Love Unlimited Loretta Lynn L.T.D. Lynyrd Skynyrd Gloria Lynne Moms Mabley Willie Mabon Warner Mack Dave MacKay & Vicky Hamilton Miriam Makeba The Mamas and the Papas Melissa Manchester Barbara Mandrell Chuck Mangione Shelly Manne Wade Marcus Mark-Almond Pigmeat Markham Steve Marriott Wink Martindale Groucho Marx Hugh Masekela Dave Mason Jerry Mason Matthews Southern Comfort The Mavericks Robert Maxwell John Mayall Percy Mayfield Lyle Mays Les McCann Delbert McClinton Robert Lee McCollum Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis Jr. Van McCoy Jimmy McCracklin Jack McDuff Reba McEntire Gary McFarland Barry McGuire The McGuire Sisters Duff McKagan Maria McKee McKendree Spring Marian McPartland Clyde McPhatter Carmen McRae Jack McVea Meat Loaf Memphis Slim Sergio Mendes Ethel Merman Pat Metheny Mighty Clouds of Joy Roger Miller Stephanie Mills The Mills Brothers Liza Minnelli Charles Mingus Joni Mitchell Bill Monroe Vaughn Monroe Wes Montgomery Buddy Montgomery The Moody Blues The Moonglows Jane Morgan Russ Morgan Ennio Morricone Mos Def Martin Mull Gerry Mulligan Milton Nascimento Johnny Nash Nazareth Nelson Rick Nelson & the Stone Canyon Band Ricky Nelson Jimmy Nelson Oliver Nelson Aaron Neville Art Neville The Neville Brothers New Edition New Riders of the Purple Sage Olivia Newton-John Night Ranger Leonard Nimoy Nine Inch Nails Nirvana The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band No Doubt Ken Nordine Red Norvo Sextet Terri Nunn The Oak Ridge Boys Ric Ocasek Phil Ochs Hazel O’Connor Chico O’Farrill Oingo Boingo The O’Jays Spooner Oldham One Flew South Yoko Ono Orleans Jeffrey Osborne The Outfield Pablo Cruise Jackie Paris Leo Parker Junior Parker Ray Parker Jr. Dolly Parton Les Paul Freda Payne Peaches & Herb Ce Ce Peniston The Peppermint Rainbow Pepples The Persuasions Bernadette Peters Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers John Phillips Webb Pierce The Pinetoppers Bill Plummer Poco The Pointer Sisters The Police Doc Pomus Jimmy Ponder Iggy Pop Billy Preston Lloyd Price Louis Prima Primus Puddle Of Mudd Red Prysock Leroy Pullins The Pussycat Dolls Quarterflash Queen Latifah Sun Ra The Radiants Gerry Rafferty Kenny Rankin The Ray Charles Singers The Ray-O-Vacs The Rays Dewey Redman Della Reese Martha Reeves R.E.M. Debbie Reynolds Emitt Rhodes Buddy Rich Emil Richards Dannie Richmond Riders in the Sky Stan Ridgway Frazier River Sam Rivers Max Roach Marty Roberts Howard Roberts The Roches Chris Rock Tommy Roe Jimmy Rogers Sonny Rollins The Roots Rose Royce Jackie Ross Doctor Ross Rotary Connection The Rover Boys Roswell Rudd Rufus and Chaka Khan Otis Rush Brenda Russell Leon Russell Pee Wee Russell Russian Jazz Quartet Mitch Ryder Buffy Sainte-Marie Joe Sample Pharoah Sanders The Sandpipers Gary Saracho Shirley Scott Tom Scott Dawn Sears Neil Sedaka Jeannie Seely Semisonic Charlie Sexton Marlena Shaw Tupac Shakur Archie Shepp Dinah Shore Ben Sidran Silver Apples Shel Silverstein The Simon Sisters Ashlee Simpson The Simpsons Zoot Sims P.F. Sloan Smash Mouth Kate Smith Keely Smith Tab Smith Patti Smyth Snoop Dogg Valaida Snow Jill Sobule Soft Machine Sonic Youth Sonny and Cher The Soul Stirrers Soundgarden Eddie South Southern Culture on the Skids Spinal Tap Banana Splits The Spokesmen Squeeze Jo Stafford Chris Stamey Joe Stampley Michael Stanley Kay Starr Stealers Wheel Steely Dan Gwen Stefani Steppenwolf Cat Stevens Billy Stewart Sting Sonny Stitt Shane Stockton George Strait The Strawberry Alarm Clock Strawbs Styx Sublime Yma Sumac Andy Summers The Sundowners Supertramp The Surfaris Sylvia Syms Gabor Szabo The Tams Grady Tate t.A.T.u. Koko Taylor Billy Taylor Charlie Teagarden Temple of the Dog Clark Terry Tesla Sister Rosetta Tharpe Robin Thicke Toots Thielemans B.J. Thomas Irma Thomas Rufus Thomas Hank Thompson Lucky Thompson Big Mama Thornton Three Dog Night The Three Stooges Tiffany Mel Tillis Tommy & the Tom Toms Mel Torme The Tragically Hip The Trapp Family Singers Ralph Tresvant Ernest Tubb The Tubes Tanya Tucker Tommy Tucker The Tune Weavers Ike Turner Stanley Turrentine Conway Twitty McCoy Tyner Phil Upchurch Michael Utley Leroy Van Dyke Gino Vannelli Van Zant Billy Vaughan Suzanne Vega Vega Brothers Veruca Salt The Vibrations Bobby Vinton Voivod Porter Wagoner The Waikikis Rufus Wainwright Rick Wakeman Jerry Jeff Walker The Wallflowers Joe Walsh Wang Chung Clara Ward Warrior Soul Washboard Sam Was (Not Was) War Justine Washington The Watchmen Muddy Waters Jody Watley Johnny “Guitar” Watson The Weavers The Dream Weavers Ben Webster Weezer We Five George Wein Lenny Welch Lawrence Welk Kitty Wells Mae West Barry White Michael White Slappy White Whitesnake White Zombie The Who Whycliffe Kim Wilde Don Williams Jody Williams John Williams Larry Williams Lenny Williams Leona Williams Paul Williams Roger Williams Sonny Boy Williamson Walter Winchell Kai Winding Johnny Winter Wishbone Ash Jimmy Witherspoon Howlin’ Wolf Bobby Womack Lee Ann Womack Phil Woods Wrecks-N-Effect O.V. Wright Bill Wyman Rusty York Faron Young Neil Young Young Black Teenagers Y & T Rob Zombie
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