#All very well but those armpits would have to be shaved.
damiansgoodgirll · 1 year
are r up for writing about gavi if so could you do gavi reacting to u pranking him telling his a guy did ur brazilian wax? if not that’s ok but can u then do it with kylian?
i’m not really a gavi fan so i hope you don’t mind i made this with kylian 🫶🏻🥹
kylian mbappè x reader
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Prank goes wrong
you saw this video on tiktok right before you had your wax appointment and you had this mischievous idea to recreate the same with kylian, even though you wouldn’t be filming it you couldn’t wait to see his reaction.
“hey baby!” you said almost screaming once you got back home from your appointment.
“hey mon amour” he said from over the couch “come here next to me” he aimed at you for joining him on the very large and comfortable sofa he had in his living room.
“how was your day?” you asked him.
“boring. no practice, nothing to do…you were gone all morning and the house was pretty silent without having you here” he confessed.
“i’m sorry baby…you knew i couldn’t cancel my appointment today” you smiled to him and kissed him.
“i know i know…by the way, how did it go?” he asked, focusing all of his attention on you.
“oh pretty good! you know, the usual girl who wax me was sick today so i had someone else to do it” you said trying to act natural.
“oh, was she good?” he asked.
“yeah, he was really really good” you said, not looking into his eyes yet.
“oh great…wait, he?” kylian asked you turning off the tv.
“yup…no one else was able to do it this morning, but they have this new guy and he’s actually really good” you said once again.
“but-but where did you? you know…where, which part of your body?” he asked you trying to keep it cool.
“oh, i shaved my legs, my armpits and my vagina” you said completely normal.
“hold on…you’re telling me you had a man touching you down there?” he almost screamed.
“what? he wasn’t touching…he was just doing his job kylian, why are you so pressed? you’ve never acted like this when it was one of the girls doing it…” you said.
“exactly! those were girls! today you had a man! a man! a man who basically saw you naked! isn’t this illegal?”
“why should it be illegal kylian? he was simply doing his job…i don’t get why are you so mad…” you tried to look hurt but inside you couldn’t stop laughing, this was evil but you were having so much fun.
“but-but…a man? seriously? he touched you down there y/n…a man!”
“you probably said man a thousand times already…kylian, i don’t get why you are so mad, he was just doing his job…” you tried to resonate with him but he was actually pissed about it.
“i’m not mad!” he screamed and you looked at him “okay…i’m mad…not mad mad, just mad, i don’t know okay? i don’t know how to feel! a guy saw you naked down there and touched you and i don’t care if it was his job that shit should be illegal! a man? no way that’s crazy! you know what? give me the name of that place…i want to get waxed too…” he said and that was the moment you completely lost in and bursted out laughing.
“why are you laughing? it’s because i wanna get waxed too?” he asked you.
“no…no that’s not the reason” you said between laughs “you’re so jealous i love you kylian”
“i don’t get it…” he looked like a lost puppy.
“no man touched me down there…” you kept laughing.
“then how did he wax you?”
“kylian…” you had tears in your eyes because you kept laughing “no man waxed me, it was all a prank” you said.
you couldn’t decipher the look on his face. he went from mad to confused, from confused to sad, from sad to relieved and from relieved to speechless.
“so you thought this was funny?” he asked you and you nodded “why would you think it would be funny? i was about to get fired a man that doesn’t even exist!” he said.
“you are so jealous you would even get a man fired for me?”
“well if a man saw my woman naked i would have his head on my table…” he said smirking at you.
“oh my - you’re something else” you kept laughing.
you both spent the rest of the day laughing about the prank you did but what you didn’t know was that kylian was already working on how to get revenge on you.
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ryuichirou · 1 month
What is your take on twst boys' body hair? I know their cards show they don't really have any, but maybe you have any thoughts about it?
Anon, hi!
As you might have noticed, I myself very rarely draw body hair due to my personal preference. And, as it always does, my personal preference is definitely going to make me biased in this post… But still, as always, I’ll try to be as objective as I can! Well, as objective as a headcanon could be lol
Let’s goooo
Riddle – a little baldie. It’s not like he is completely unable to grow any body hair, but he is, once again, a late bloomer… Out of every non-cursed non-animal non-fae character, Riddle is the least hairy. He copes by thinking that it’s better not to have any hair at all than to be gross and stinky about it. Very mature of him.
Ace – if one looks closely, it’s possible to see hair on his legs and a little bit on his arms, but he is a ginger, so they’re pretty light and thin. His pubic hair are a bit thicker, but it’s not like he has a bush or anything. He also heard that some basketball players shave their armpits to improve performance, but since it sounds like too much work, he decided that it’s bullshit.
Deuce – his hair is more noticeable than Ace’s since it’s darker, but unlike Ace, he does believe that shaving improves athletic performance, so he actually started to shave his legs… but then stopped because Ace made fun of him. But then decided that his running got worse with hairy legs, and shaved again. Now he is kind of stuck, but he is embarrassed either way somehow. When Ace was making fun of him, he said that Deuce should also shave his pubic hair off, and Deuce called him an asshole and an idiot, but started to kind of think about it… what if it also helps?
Trey – kind of hairy, he probably has the most noticeable arm hair out of all non-beast characters. While some of the characters could get away without shaving their face every single day, Trey isn’t one of them: he shaves every morning. He doesn’t think about his body hair much, but he would still choose to wear pants instead of shorts + longer sleeves a lot of times. He also shaved his arms for the Stargazing event…
Cater – look, another redhead with ginger fuzz lol His is even less noticeable than Ace’s though, because his hair is of a lighter hue in general. He trims and shaves his pubic hair sometimes, but it’s mostly due to boredom plus wanting to see what looks best on his body.
Leona – hairy like any other beastman. His hair is long and thick, not as long and thick as his brother’s though, plus they are somewhat less noticeable on his arms. The idea of shaving doesn’t even occur to him. Other than his face of course.
Ruggie – hairy boy, not much to say here. His legs are especially hairy… although he is probably the least hairy out of the beastmen of the cast. He shaves his face, but somehow his beard/mustache always grows in patches, so it’s for the best.
Jack – definitely the hairiest one of the cast. Grey/white hair on his arms, fuzz on his back, some chest hair here and there (definitely going to get more of those as he gets older), a massive bush with a gradient from white to black down there… Sometimes I feel like he has an undercoat… wait, does he? Anyways, he also tried shaving his legs once for track and field, and got frustrated because it took ages + he broke a razor. So he doesn’t do it anymore. He shaves his face every day though, but soon he’ll have to do it twice a day.
Azul, Jade and Floyd – merpeople who don’t have any body hair whatsoever. The first time they learned about the idea of body hair they got very visibly surprised. Floyd finds the idea of body hair very funny, he is someone who could glue some hair to his chest just for the sake of messing around. But he’ll get tired after a couple of minutes…
Kalim – his dad is super hairy, so he is probably also going to end up hairy, but for now he doesn’t have a lot of hair. There is white fuzz in his armpits and between his legs, maybe some white hair on the lower part of his legs here and there. Miraculously he can’t grow any hair on his chin, but this is definitely going to change one day.
Jamil – if he didn’t shave at all, he would be kind of hairy, but he shaves pretty regularly. The moment Jamil started shaving his face, he started shaving everything else too. “Might as well”, “I wear sleeveless shirts so my armpits are showing”, “It would look stupid if I stop here”, and voila, Jamil ends up with his entire body silky and smooth. He hates shaving (with his type of hair it takes so much time) but loves the result too much.
Vil – he also shaves regularly, but he doesn’t have a lot of body hair to begin with (it’s also very thin), so he doesn’t have to do it every single week. He does it purely for the aesthetics. He tried growing out his pubic hair, but it didn’t feel right to him, so he shaved it right off. In terms of taste though, he loves hairy men sometimes, but he strongly believes that body hair needs as much care as any type of hair, so if you have a bush you have to at least trim it.
Rook – he used to be hairier before joining Pomefiore. He still remembers Vil’s upset face as he looked at Rook’s transparent and yet very burnt little arm hair. A lot of Rook’s body hair is rather light, but the lower it gets, the thicker and darker it becomes. Anyways, he also shaves these days lol A lot of times he is smoothly shaved everywhere. It’s not like Vil absolutely requires him to be this drastic (just trimming pubic hair a little bit + shaving legs and armpits would suffice!), but Rook is a maximalist sometimes. He also has to shave his face regularly.
Epel – he can barely feel some fuzz on his body and he is super excited because he feels like it’s a sure sign that he will grow a huge beard very soon. He copes by thinking that his dad and grandpa are both hairy men, so technically he should be one too! Maybe he’ll become as hairy as Jack! It’s already happening, he can feel it! Yeah, he is pretty bald lol Some fuzz on his cheeks and between his legs are the only things he has going for him right now.
Idia and Ortho – no hair; somehow Shrouds’ curse also cancels it out. Idia is terrified of hearing a firecrotch joke though, he feels like it would cause his psyche irreparable damage. Ortho doesn’t care about body hair much, but he had a phase during which he really wanted to be able to grow it just because.
Lilia and Malleus are also completely hairless because they are a certain type of fae. Not all fae are as smooth as them, and Lilia technically should have some body hair because he is a bat, but somehow he ended up not having any. And Malleus kind of forgets that people are supposed to have hair on their bodies…
Silver – his pubic hair is so… soft. So tender and pearly white, it’s very fuzzy and doesn’t even feel like proper hair. He is like a beautiful unicorn… or a princess. He doesn’t have much and never really thinks about it. He did notice that he has hair in places his father doesn’t though, it kind of scared him as a kid lol
Sebek – he is the hairiest one out of the Diasomnia four. It’s probably due to the fact that he is only half-fae, and it kind of drives him insane, especially as he compares his body to Silver’s. How come he has more body hair than Silver?? How come his are thicker and darker?? He is also the only Diasomnia boy who shaves his face regularly, but it’s not as often as other people have to shave. Once every three or four days? Kind of.
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octuscle · 1 year
So I activated the "Blending In" preset in the Chronivac and set it to Slow Burn mode. I'm not sure how long it would take to make changes, but to have some fun, I also made sure I'm only partially aware.
Went to this gym nearby, though maybe it was bad timing that there were those toxic school bullies and big meatheads. Well, they're actually fine when they start talking with me like I belonged. Maybe they're alright.
Of course you're not one of them. You play the cello in the school orchestra, are active in the student council and are involved in animal protection. But still, it was cool with the guys. Their tips sounded quite useful. And after you had a big protein shake with the boys after training, you had a lot of fun farting in the competition. No question, you came in last place.
Then outside the gym they went back to pretending they didn't know you. Nick, the alpha meathead, almost ran you over with his motorbike in the gym car park. Anyway, maybe he just didn't see you.
The next morning you wake up full of energy. You jump out of bed, do 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups and go to the bathroom. Hehehehe, should there really be some beard fuzz? You shave every morning anyway, hoping that the beard will finally grow more. Maybe that will finally be successful. Don't bother with the shower. Today you're going to the gym again after school anyway, so you can take a shower then. A quick sniff in the armpit. Still working. To save time, you put on yesterday's gym clothes for school.
In class today you find it harder than usual to concentrate. In maths you actually nod off for a few minutes. But Nick actually greets you in the corridor with a fist bump. And he even talks to you when you finally get to lie on the weight bench and lift weights after school. After the workout, the boys ask you if you'd like to come watch football in the diner. You'd love to. But you have driving school today. You want to finally get your licence for the motorbike.
The next morning, when you go to the bathroom after your run, push-ups and sit-ups, you notice that you didn't shower yesterday. Armpit check. Fuck, you finally smell like a man. And the hair in your armpits finally comes out. You pose in front of the mirror. Yes, the training is paying off. And the protein shakes too. You'll be further ahead in the next farting competition.
You forgot to do your homework at school. That has never happened to you before in your life. When your French teacher asks you how you want to excuse it (en francais, s'il vous-plait), you let out a loud burp. You have detention. The boys in the back row applaud. And burp even louder. Gym is cancelled today. Or rather, it will take place for all of you without dumbbells during detention. With burpees and farts. When you are released, your teacher has to hold a handkerchief over her mouth and nose.
On the way to school, Nick and you have a race on your motorbikes. Shit, you lose. And the winner gets to fart in the loser's face during the bench press. Nick's farts are the worst. Thank God the first two hours are sport. Football is your favourite hobby after pumping iron. And Coach is very happy with you. Let's see if the quarterback position works out for you next season. At the end of practice, Coach reads out a message that you are specifically asked to shower after practice. Classmates and faculty have complained. What pussies! But you combine the pleasant with the useful. When jerking off in the shower, you become second in width to the cum.
Saturday at last! All day in the gym and then cruising with the bikes in the evening. Nick is already waiting for you, talking football with your old man. And about the army. If graduation doesn't work out, this could be a real alternative for you. Your father was in the Navy Seals himself and, unlike your mother, doesn't think it's a bad idea.
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At the gym, Nick is whining about how envious he is of your beard growth. And how shitty he thinks it is that his parents don't allow him to get tattoos. Anyway, after the summer it's either college or military academy. Then you can do whatever you want.
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apoptoses · 1 year
Do you think Armand ever helped Daniel manscape? Or subjected him to it 😬 Its’s mentioned that he often bathed, shaved and dressed him to his liking and I see Armand as the type of lover who would obsess over and hyper fixate on every part of his partner’s body, pubic hair included 🫢
oh boy anon DO I. Buckle in because i've got THOUGHTS.
so like, shaving his face? absolutely, that started out as a totally benign request when Armand got curious about modern disposable razors. Daniel was down, it's fine, he does half his face to demonstrate and show Armand how to handle the razor and then lets him finish the other half. And it's nice, it kinda makes him feel spoiled to sit on the edge of the tub and let Armand tilt his head around and wipe the shaving cream off his face. He's happy to let Armand have full control over that particular grooming chore.
(Does Armand sometimes nick his jaw? Yes. Does Daniel think that's on purpose so he can lick up the blood? Also yes. Does he care? Not really, secretly it's becoming a turn on.)
Naturally, it escalates.
It starts with shaving Daniel's chest just to see what he'd look like with it smooth. Then it's his armpits, because Armand wants to know what they look like bare and how long it takes for them to grow back (three very fucking itchy weeks, where Daniel can't stop squirming and thinking about Armand every time he tries to sneakily scratch at the stubble through his shirt).
At this point Daniel tells him no shaving below the waist, uh uh, not doing it. He keeps everything trimmed short and that's enough, thank you very much. Obviously Armand takes that as a personal challenge.
(in the end all it takes is a few well placed bites, a whispered "please, lover?" and those big brown eyes looking up at him through dark lashes and Daniel crumbles, but he's never going to admit that)
And so he ends up laid out with his legs spread, ass half in Armand's lap while Armand lathers him up with shaving cream and gets at it. It's weirdly hot, he feels all vulnerable and squirmy and Armand's hands are cold and wet with shaving cream and touching him all over. Daniel notices he's not just being tidied up, Armand is taking everything and he goes to protest. But then Armand strokes him with the shaving cream and his brain melts.
(and does his face burn when Armand asks him to lift his knees to his chest so he can get his ass? absolutely. does Daniel jump to obey anyways? you bet)
By the time Armand wipes him down with the towel he just feels so weird and bare, he's got this urge to put his hands over his lap and hide. And Armand just keeps staring in that way of his making it worse. Daniel feels about ready to curl up and die, but then Armand touches his bare skin and oh it's so sensitive. And then Armand bites him low on his groin where his teeth have never been before and- yeah, okay, maybe this was worth it.
They keep it up for a few weeks, because every time Daniel looks in the mirror and sees himself he feels like Armand's possession and he likes it. They do it again with a straight razor, and then once with wax (which makes Daniel cry and that's the most confusing turn on he's ever had). And then the novelty wears off, until decades later when Daniel is a vampire and he remembers it'll all grow back overnight, no itchy phase needed at all.
But YEAH they're both into it not even just for the grooming itself, but the giving over of control, the intimate secret, the constant awareness Daniel has that he's bare somewhere because Armand wants it and he can't stop thinking about his sensitive newly naked skin.
And they switch once. Armand hands him the razor and it's fun, but Daniel is too into Armand with all of his hair intact for it to be anything but a novelty. He'd much rather trim his hair for him, or pull it back, or get out the manicure kit if he's going to do any grooming stuff for Armand.
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edging-diaries · 2 months
have you ever thought about posting some pics of yourself while you edges to show men how your body could be a good toy?
not edging before writing this reply because i think its important to state my feelings on this clearly.
first, i have technically posted an image of my body here before. you can find a picture of my boobs under the #edgingdiaries tag, which i posted probably a couple weeks ago now.
second, since a lot of people like to ask this type of question, i feel like i should get my ideas on the matter gathered together squarely. simply put, i dont post pictures of my body, or send people nudes in dms, because i am not conventionally attractive.
yes, i am aware that this should not be a barrier, but for me it is. i am chronically ill and fat. i dont regularly shave my legs, armpits, or public hair. due to my body type and my perceived lack of hygiene/cleanliness (which is untrue, shaving does not dictate cleanliness), i am very certain that posting my body online will result in an onslaught of men degrading me for my physical appearance, which is something that i am not interested in experiencing.
i have seen many examples of plus sized women on this app and in this community being degraded specifically for their weight, especially by using terms like pig/piggy. some people are into this, and if they are, thats great for them!! however, it is not something i am comfortable with, and i would rather save myself the grief of such a thing by not posting my body at all.
to be clear, im not saying that everyone, or even a majority of people, would act like that. but i know myself well, and even a small number of comments along that line would send me spiralling in a way that is not sexy. there is a possibility that one day i will change my mind, but at the moment i have no plans to publicly show off my body on my blog.
a reminder to everyone: if someone shows you their body, be respectful before anything else! you have no idea how they may feel about being degraded for their appearance unless you have asked and negotiated those types of comments beforehand. anything else is just misogyny and disrespect, which should not be tolerated.
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From your debate with transmascpetewentz, you said that you experience dysphoria and alleviated it by not engaging with your physical body and approaching it from a detached, impersonal perspective. Do you think that this is because you find that current transition treatments won't get your body to become what you truly want it to be? Do you find it normal and expected that you do not feel comfortable in your body and that your body is something you must dissociate and detach yourself from?
Hi! This is completely incorrect! My body is not something I have to detach from. My body is my home. I don’t shower in the dark anymore. I can look at me in the mirror. I wear short shorts on really hot days and don’t worry obsessively about the male gaze or a stray body hair. I stopped shaving my arms, armpits, and bush. I mostly stopped shaving my legs. I don’t tweeze my eyebrows or slather on makeup!
Body neutrality is not dissociating, it’s the reframing of a sexualized and/criticized body as neutral.
Some of the exercises I did with my therapist went like this:
Therapist: okay name a part of your body you hate
Me: my legs. I hate them they’re fat and have cellulite and are too hairy for a woman
Therapist: okay but legs don’t exist to look good. What are some things your legs do for you?
Me: well I love going for walks/hikes
Therapist: great, so whenever you think about how much you hate your legs, remember what they do for you. Thank them and be kind to them
This is of course a VERY condensed version of things but we basically went over my body piece by piece and sort of anthropomorphized them. This worked because I am good at being kind to others but not myself and I didn’t want to be ‘mean’ to my legs
And then when I got used to all that, we put me back together. My legs only function because I have blood and skin and bones. I have the energy to move them because I have a digestive system. I have the balance to move because I have an inner ear. I know where to go because I have eyes. Etc.
And then when I got used to THAT, she hit me with- that’s you. It’s not a body you pilot. You are your body. Just like your legs and eyes are all part of a whole, you are not a consciousness apart.
Again I’m condensing years of therapy. Whole periods of time where we just talked about my trauma related to those issues. But it worked.
I don’t say I’m cured of dysphoria for the same reason I don’t say I’m cured of anxiety or depression- mental health is reffered to as “controlled or in remission”.
What radical feminism gave me is equally important. It gave me my anger back. It gave me my trust in my own perception back. It gave me pride in womanhood and a community of like minded women.
And I know this is already an essay but I want to speak to the idea that my main issue with transition is it wouldn’t make me enough of a man.
Every TRA needs to hear just how far into sci-fi territory their ideas are. Right now the best I could hope for is painful scar tissue around my repositioned breasts and a pit dug into my leg or arm to harvest flesh for a micro dick that doesn’t get hard without help.
That’s the BEST CASE. The worst case is I get so many painful and humiliating complications I DIE. One of the blogs I follow on here had exactly this happen to her friend. She got bottom surgery and it killed her.
Let’s say we get to the level of science that’s at least perfected the cosmetic aspects. I’d still have a dick and balls that would never produce sperm. My body would still have ovaries and a uterus to remove. My endocrine system would still be female. My skeletal structure would still be female. My lungs and heart and muscles and blood and hair would all still be female.
Your sex is decided at conception. You are built from a single cell around the absence or presence of an active SRY gene.
Imagine you built me a dresser and I came in and said “actually can you make me a wardrobe instead?” And demanded you only use the same materials you already had. What could you possibly make me when the wood is already cut to size and shaped?
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unabashedhonesty · 1 year
Am I...transgender?
I’ve felt my whole life like I am not a proper female. I remember me, as young as three years old, arguing vehemently with my maternal parental unit that I am a BOY, gd it! I’ve had barbies and dresses and the color PINK forced on me my entire childhood. (I despise pink to this very day because of the association.) I wanted to play sports like wrestling and football, but I couldn’t because those were “for boys”. And then I learned when I was a teenager that I like both genders — but not sex. And I was apparently “wrong” for both of those things. I always had to talk and behave a certain way because of my genitals, which never sat well with me. When I finally started to live with the notion that I-have-a-uterus-and-sizable-breasts-so-logic-dictates-that-I-am-a-girl, I tried to embrace my “place” in the world and started focusing on how to be a “proper lady”, yet all the sudden I was “slutty” and a “hoochie” “outspoken” and “disrespectful” and should dress “conservatively”, even though girls who showed off their looks apparently got praise and approval (it didn’t help that the only affection I ever got was from the “family friend” who got way too handsy with me, but I took it because here was someone who was finally being nice to me).
When I finally got away from toxic relatives and out on my own, I tried to be a proper woman, but the label “woman” never settled in and I waited my entire twenties to feel “right”. Then tragedy hit me and my partner and living became survival again, thus I no longer cared what I looked like or what people thought. I stopped wearing makeup so much, I stopped shaving my legs and armpits, I stopped the painful process of waxing my face, and THEN!! For the first time, I actually felt comfortable in my skin. I stopped wearing bras so much. I started wearing geeky t-shirts and jeans and biker boots. I talk in a way that feels right to me, and not how a “lady” should. I stopped sitting like a “lady” and I don’t take shit from anybody anymore. I began to realize that I never liked being referred to as a “she” and would jokingly tell my friends to not accuse me of being a woman. Then I started an anonymous, faceless, genderless Twitter (before the muskrat takeover) as a social experiment, and learned that I LIKED it when everyone just assumed I was a guy. I didn’t correct them because I didn’t want them to change the way they talked to me.
I then came to the conclusion that I’m genderfluid. I prefer they/them pronouns, but I really do enjoy he/him. I still know how to be a “woman”, and I still occasionally present myself as one when it’s needed (or when it’s not a good idea to get into correcting people). I still thought I was stuck being a woman when I met my partner, so I will happily be a woman for them from time to time, because that’s what they’re attracted to and I still want to be attractive to them. But they never try to make me be anything, and certainly doesn’t shame me for my gender issues — they love and support me whatever I’m feeling. (They still refer to me as “she”, but that’s what I still was when we met nearly a decade ago and it’s hard for them to switch, so I don’t hold it against them; they’re not malicious about it at all). And if I’m feeling particularly masculine — even for weeks or months at a time — they don’t try to stop me from being just that. For most of my life, I’d never heard of transgender or gender-affirming care or anything of the sort (due to being raised in an EXTREMELY conservative environment), but once I started educating myself about it so I could support others, it started to make a lot of sense to me. But I’m still learning and trying to understand it all, so I beg of you, LGBTQIA+ side of Tumblr, to PLEASE help me understand what exactly I am and what I’m going through. I know how I feel — have ALWAYS felt — and that is most certainly NOT feminine. Am I genderqueer? Am I Trans? Is this real? Am I a hypochondriac? Is it all in my head? Am I just confused? Please help!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤎🤍🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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So we know Richard shaves/waxes his armpits and chest, but now that I've gone and rewatched the Mann Gegen Mann video (thanks for putting all those nice images in your reply to that ask, they reminded me what a delight that video is), I realised he looks pretty hairless all over (namely below the belt, or rather, below the guitar, if you know what I mean). I've never really thought about it before but now I wonder if that's just for the video because he knew very nearly everything would be on display, or if it's his preference in daily life too (wouldn't surprise me given the fact he seems to like being nicely groomed).
Well, this has certainly given me some food for thought, and very pleasant one to ponder about for sure 👀🤭 Any thoughts?
Not that i have watched that video especially closely you understand, nor ran it at half speed to not look closely, nor stopped it at certain spots to..well, not look closely... 😇
but i think Olli, Paul, Richard really had thongs in the exact color of their skintone, because if they hadn't i'm pretty sure Olli at certain points would have shown a little bit..
Schneider at some points i swear isn't wearing a thong at all 😇
That said, with Richard's usual very clean shaven stage look (including chest and tummy if there's a chance it will show on stage), i hope he'd shared some of his secrets with the bandmates 🥰
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X Reader Writing Practice
I’m here with another robot x reader. This one is for my friend, they commissioned it and gave me permission to post it. It’s a very personal issue for them, and maybe for some of you as well. It deals with self-image and dermatillomania.
Female reader, male bot.
Set in a loose college system
The day was young. That's what people say, Y/N mused.
The day was young.
Everything around her felt old.
University has a way of doing that. It wasn't a bad start to a day. It was sunny, and it was young. Her dorm gave her a nice view, and everyone outside was young, too, including herself. Fresh twenty, the kind of age where people say you look your best, the best you'll ever be, and your beauty is at its peak. Your body is at its peak. For Y/N, she'd been waiting for her twenties her whole life. Now, half a year ago, it showed up just as planned, only the plan ended there. The day after she'd turned twenty, Y/N had done what she'd been trying to break since the middle of her high school life.
Y/N had reached a hand up till her fingers found skin on cheeks and chin, then those fingers searched, exploring for any bump, rough patch or mark. And then those fingers had begun to itch, and did not stop. So there she was after her twentieth birthday, numb and unaware to what she was doing till the skin was peeled off and the gentlest of washing felt like rivers of lava punishing her for her illness. She woke the next morning with red patches surrounding her face, and, by miracle, she had no classes and no plans while her roommates did, so she stayed in all day. She saw her features in the mirror and sighed, and went to make breakfast. Oatmeal, oatmeal raisin cookies, eaten in pajamas, washed down with sweet tea.
Half a year later, Y/N woke up, and as she'd thought an hour before, the day was still young. With nothing going on, accompanied by precious time alone (the most difficult thing to find she'd discovered since moving into a dorm), Y/N began scrolling through her phone. Brilliant sun shone through the open windows. The beams bounced off a flickering, glittering thing on the corner of a desk. Y/N glanced over and squinted. It was the dress of her roommate Monique. The sight clutched up an old memory of Monique shoving armfuls of clothes into different places as Y/N entered the room. Monique looked up, a mad sparkle in her eyes, and vehemently declared "I'm making a give-away pile for my clothes! I have so many after all, I hardly use some of them," and at that, the mad sparkle twinkled down to allow the shimmer of sadness to push through, but Monique was not deterred in her task. "Here, you can look through it if you want," she declared. Y/N had politely declined. Most of Monique's stuff was dresses, short and sleeveless, but Y/N had never worn a dress in her life. It would be odd to start now she'd thought, but she was alone in the dorm, and new things weren't looking so bad. Not when others can't see you trying them anyway.
Y/N searched for Monique's number. She shot a simple text, to the point. Monique quickly responded with a wave and a smile, ecstatic in emojis as well as voice. With that, Y/N loped over to the pile of clothes and ran her hand along one of the dresses. The material was rough, and when she held it up it was full of what she assumed to be stylish wrinkles. Y/N slung it onto her arm and walked to the bathroom. Her pajamas dropped to the floor and she studied looked over her body in the mirror. It wasn't a bad body. It was small-breasted, but had a good ass and was slimmer-framed. It had a substantial amount of armpit and leg hair because shaving, and general care, was often just too much for her tired soul to bother doing. She showered and made sure not to smell, but the little things along the way was too taxing most nights. Her hips, thighs and knees were covered in stretch marks. She traced over their textured dips, marveling at their change of color depending on the angle. Years ago she would have watched in shame, as her skin did what was normal in bodies but distasteful to the eyes. Now, she smiles at their appearance. She held up the dress, turning it around to see its back, then promptly struggled for several minutes trying to get it on. It was strapless and short, barely covering the end of her butt, and a ruffle ran down the left side of its front. It clung to her curves, but the lack of straps or hold above left her feeling like it would slip down any minute. Y/N had to admit, though, that it looked quite nice on her. She turned, analyzing her different angles. Y/N figured she'd definitely have to finally shave if she wore it out, but that was unlikely. It wasn't as though she were going to parties every week, or at all honestly. She was more prone to chill clubs and city walkings, it was a lovely kind of community she'd gathered. She ran fingers through her long, silken hair. It fell around her shoulders, so darkly brown it was nearly black.
She slipped off the dress and went to grab another. The next had a large hoop on the front, right under the boobs, which strips of fabric hung on. The top was textured in glitter. As soon as she managed to get it on, however, she pried it off in hate. Whatever type it was -or maybe it was the hoop- did not work on her. The third one was the best so far. It was more a very fancy, slightly longer than average, tank top. A collar of fake gems spanned a pattern across the top. It was a favorite so far. The first one would be a favorite if it wasn't so itchy in places. The fancy tank top she felt like she could chill in her dorm with. Y/N retrieved her phone and held it up to the mirror, twisting, angling, vaguely hopeful. The series of pictures she took only proved her nicely-shaped body, but all of them except for two, managed to hide her face. Whether it be the camera hiding it, or only taking pictures from the neck down, either way. She clicked out of the camera and wavered over Monique's chat. Y/N picked through the photos with a slow, critical eye, her fingers tapping rappid-fire against the back of phone's case till she settled on a few -none of the face, none of the face- to send. She then moved to her partner's number. Her glorious, gorgeous, new, partner. They'd only been dating a mere four months or so. Not long at all for a relationship. Was it too new to send more...? They'd never had sex, and so far neither had sent any lewd photos. Y/N's fingers hovered over the camera icon while she moved into different positions with jerky movements. In the end she took no other photos, but rather ended up sending him one of the two photos that didn't hide her face, and one that did.
A message notification blipped up. It was Monique. They look so cute on you, where are u gon wear them?
Y/N responded Not sure, I don't think I have anywhere to wear them rlly
Why are u trying them on if u aren't gon use them
Y/N's hand reached up.
It was rather stupid to try them on, she realized. Y/N could feel her heart pick up the pace, could feel the down-turn of her face. She registered, vaguely, her nails scratching, her skin peeling. The simple joy of seeing yourself in a more special look sank, replaced quickly, quick as a trigger, by a deep thumping in her chest. Every thump gave waves of overlapping, overbearing, pain. Y/N wasn't going anywhere she could use this kind of clothing, she felt foolish for even bothering to try, even worse for thinking she'd just take some of the day to feel nice in new outfits. It was a childish attempt, and she hated herself for feeling like a child at its end. Another message blipped. Y/N glanced to the floor, barely registering it was her partner's name. Revve, with two dots above the v's, so that it looked like a smiley face. A jagged, cute pumpkin-ey smiley face. Y/N reads it from the notification rather than the app.
That dress looks very cute on you. Then, When did you get it?
Y/N's hand is finally brought down to type. It's monique's. They let me try it out! Her hand hovered over the screen. I'm glad u like it. I think it looks nice :D. Next, even though she wished to stop, I guess it was stupid to put it on huh, dresses aren't my thing.
Revve's side took a moment of silence, leaving Y/N the chance to start scraping again. She just couldn't stop no matter how badly she wanted.
I didn't think they were, you never showed any interest in dresses. Even so, I think they suit you. You look amazing. Do you know if you'd be comfortable wearing it in public?
Y/N snorts. Alone in a bathroom is one thing, but public a whole other that comes with anxiety, doubt and lack of privacy. I don't have anywhere to wear it, she responds. They went on dates sometimes, but wearing something more revealing could be an offer. She sighed, chest loosening. Revve wouldn't do that. He'd ask, but he wouldn't pressure, that's who she knows him as. Y/N sighed again, pinching the bridge of her nose. It wasn't sex itself Y/N was afraid of. She'd had that before, twice with a girl in her junior year of high school, but it had proved utterly disappointing. Granted, they were both virgins who didn't have a clue how to touch other's bodies. Still, it had left her with an utter lack of care towards sex, and she felt not the need to seek it till a Robotic had offered when she was a freshman in college. He'd been great, and the friends with benefits had actually ended well both times, that's how she liked it. The part that gave her weird tingles, and a clench in her chest, the part that gave aversion, is the new angle sex would have. With a romantic partner, it would have to mean more. It would have to mean more than she thought she was ready to admit.
Do you have any other pictures?
There's a couple of other dresses I haven't tried.
You should. My class starts very soon, I have to go. I'll miss talking to you.
The students (including Y/N) loved Revve, they had nothing to say about him but "great teacher" and "fair grader". With the contact over, Y/N took another look at herself. Her eyes flicked across her shoulders, her chest, unable to stay still as guilt bloated her stomach. Lifting her eyes to her face was a salmon swimming upstream, always trying, but always accompanied by a huge weight forcing them back.
Sure enough, Y/N's skin was splotched an angry, tomato red. It gleamed only because of the exposure of too new, raw skin. Flakes fell to the floor, drifting past her vision like snow when she moved her head. Her body, though, was nice. She went to get another dress.
In a half hour she'd tried on several outfits, and taken pictures of all of them. She sent a few pictures to Revve, moving to put the phone down before a beep surprised her.
My students are not feeling very student-y right now. I'm giving them a short break. Y/N smiled, shaking her head, but her mouth despondently down-turned at Revve's next message. Why are you hiding your face in them?? Two question marks, not a good sign. Worry isn't what he needs with a class in session.
Just trying a new photography style, it adds mystery.
Do you need me to come over? I can, it's alright.
No, u have class! Panicked tears threatened to spill from frightened eyes. Why didn't she add emojis? A text without emojis from Y/N is a sure-fire way to tell a wrong day, Revve knew that bright as day, had figured it out really rather quickly. Using emojis in these thralls of emotions just didn't feel right, however, and she'd forgotten to put them in. Her nails dug into her nose bridge, she blinked back blurry vision and wrangled, wrangled with a need. It would be selfish asking for help during his work time. Selfish, selfish, to even need help for this, only that isn't true she tells herself. It isn't true, but it feels true and that, forever, trumps her responses to everybody.
Her hands itched, her face hurt, and her fingers twitched. Y/N wanted nothing more than to tear all her skin off. Tear it off and throw it in the garbage.
Fingers knocked clumsily against her phone, trying a hurried I just don't like my face in photos, u know that.
Your face looks nice, too!
Tears slipped down her cheeks. Alright.
I mean it :). I'll come over in ten minutes, I won't be long. My class is rowdy today, it's okay.
Y/N slipped to the floor, cursing herself for the relief sprung from those words. She sat down, tears her only companion, but she got up and wet a towel, wet her face with the wet towel, hissing at the burn. Y/N got out of the dress and stood with hands gripping the sill, breathing in and out, deep like a yoga session. She grabbed a black shirt, a pair of smooth black pants, and waited, occasionally trying to fix up the damage to her face. It wasn't eight minutes till a knock pulled panic towards the surface of already-stirred waters. Y/N rubbed her hands and closed her eyes, drawing her hair over her ears to hide what little she could. The knock sounded again. "Is Y/N in here?" Revve's deep voice reverberated clear into the room, despite the door in his way.
Y/N's vocal cords, all they could manage under everything, was a stifled "I'm here."
"Can I be there?" He asked, voice low and sweet, almost teasing, if you looked past the skitter when he spoke. It was near indecipherable, but it was there. Y/N shook her head, got up, and walked to the door. She rested her head against the frame. The hands of a clock in someone's room ticked on, and on, and on.
"I don't want you to see me," Y/N whispered.
"I can turn my optics off."
Y/N's eyes stared sorrowfully at nothing. "No, you don't have to do that." Her hand reached for the knob, slowed by the screaming in her body, mind, her soul, screaming to run. "But thanks." The knob turned little by little, till the door clicked open and Y/N turned to walk anywhere but towards him. She wrapped her arms around herself while he followed steadily after.
"Did someone upset you?" His volume lowers, careful of an animal ready to flee.
Y/N shakes her head. "Not... It's..." She laughed, a bitter thing to hear. After several stumbled starts and stops, she simply motioned him to follow and went into her room. She'd been lucky enough to procure single-room dorms. In there, they sat upon the bed, but he did not touch her. It made her heart ache, but she did not know how to ask for it, even after all these months, so she rested her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes. Immediately a warmth permeated the air. It made her skin tingle, and that tingling spread till it gently ghosted over every inch of skin, a pleasant, invisible blanket. Y/N tilted her neck and smiled into Revve's armor. The hum of his fans filled the air, sweeter than a lullaby. His large body shifted to allow her more ease against him. Though he had no visible eyes, she knew he was looking down at her, and the thought was the most comfort she'd felt all day, yet it still made her want to shrink, because right now is the least time she wants to be looked at. "Do you want to tell me anything, web?" His hand came up, metallic fingers resting against Y/N's jawline.  She flinched and he pulled away.
He took to massaging her shoulders instead, to which she gladly leaned in, and like that they sat for near ten minutes, encompassed by the sound of his engines. She swallowed, took a breath, and said in a strained timbre, "I'm so tired."
"Y/N, I don't know what happened today, if something did happen, but I want to know. Please," he urged, "I want to help." His thumbs rubbed circles into the back of her neck. "I want to help, but I don't know how. You need to meet me halfway, even if only to tell me to shut up and stay here," he pleaded. His pistons whined and clanked, and his voice was soft and despaired.
Y/N's hand moved to Revve's, thumbing over the metal, but she couldn't help the call woven into her bones. Into her skin. It drew her fingers up and she began to subtly, lightly scratch at her skin, drawing with it a deep, looming sense of self-hatred. Revve's fingers quickly curled around Y/N's hand, engulfing it entirely. "You look beautiful," he breathed, voice glitching slightly, "you shouldn't be harming your skin, or any part of your body."
Y/N snorted. "I know that," she snapped. Her voice was suddenly too loud for the room, and too quickly brought to heat. Embarrassment swam in her stomach. "I know," she started again, quieter this time. "I know. I've tried to stop." She took a shuddering breath. "I've tried to stop so many times, but it never sticks." She closed her eyes, turned her head deeper into Revve's body. "I'm so tired. I want to tear all my skin off and throw it in the trash."
Revve traced his cool fingers against her jaw, running up and down, cupping her face so comfort clashed with her current hate. "I...I didn't..." Y/N blinked as a couple tears ran down silently. "I knew your skin was damaged occasionally, but I didn't realize it was this bad," Revve said. "How long has it been happening?"
"A long time," Y/N laughed. It wasn't a pleasant sound, more like if a rain cloud trying laughing. It came out more like thunder. "Since...Damn, since I was a mid teenager I think."
"Have you been to anyone?"
"No." The idea of a therapist, because there are for such conditions she'd learned years ago, never appealed as an option. To her teenage mind it seemed so frivolous, to be so distraught as to go for help for her appearance, and when she'd learned to go beyond that more, she'd been too grown and stuck with other responsibilities to bother setting time to go.
Revve made a sound, then stopped. He idled for a few minutes, then said "It's amazing. Even with what's happened to your skin, you still look gorgeous." More tears ran down. Y/N shook her head. "It's too true for you to deny, you know." His voice took on a happy, fluffy tone. "You still look amazing to me. You jaw," his fingers kept moving along her jawbone, "your nose," and here they moved up, one finger gently scratching the bridge of Y/N's nose, and so on, till he'd named every part of her face and so cradled each part. A warm hum sung across Y/N's chest. For a minute, she let herself believe him. Believe that she looked, truly, beautiful to someone. Perhaps she could even look beautiful to herself. But then the feeling began to sink, and all that was left was the painful ache of her face. "I know you don't believe it," Revve stated. "I can see it even on our dates, and when mirrors catch you on some days. Not always," a thoughtful hum entered his voice. "Sometimes you look into mirrors you pass and you smile. It truly makes me feel great to see you prideful of yourself. It gives me this warmth and great joy, because I know it isn't easy for you, even though you deserve self-love enough to fill the moon." His head bent down, rubbed against Y/N's hair. "I know you deserve more than what you give yourself. I think you know that, too."
Y/N's sniffled. It was true. Part of the self-hate was borne from the fact she knows she deserves better than what she gives herself. She was better, she could smile into mirrors now. She was fine with flaws she used to hate. She'd gotten better, but she still had days like this. Y/N stared at nothing, eyes wet and puffy. She'd gotten better, and she'd still get better, she reasoned. With Revve, it somehow felt more possible than it'd ever felt before. Maybe, just maybe, he could help her get through.
He wrapped his arms around her slim body. "Whether you have a bad day like this, or the best day of your life, you'll always be radiant to me. You're as radiant as light, refracted against dew clinging to webs in the morning air. I'm going to help you see that," he declared. "You're going to get help, Y/N.”
Y/N smiled, an odd, rushing feeling suddenly lifting her tears to true laughter for the first time that day. It might have been the dedication in his voice, the poetry of his words, the hands calming her body or the heart in his actions, or the trust built between them, that somehow, somehow made it all seem possible. Y/N had gotten better on her own, but now she didn't have to. Revve would be there. Someone would truly, really be there.
She'd get better. She'd learn to love herself. With him beside her, it felt more than possible. It felt like a certainty.
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eosthedumpling · 17 days
So I (finally) managed to make an appointment for my 2nd ADHD-test (the result of the first one basically said "can't be diagnosed definitely, please take an ADS-test and try again), which was a bit of a hassle because, well,
which makes it hard for me to remember stuff, like, for example, making appointments.
It's been a few weeks, and I got the results today.
I have 3 diagnoses:
Tumblr media
The first one we already knew about: Autism, Asperger's to be exact (yes, that's not a separate diagnosis anymore in the US, yes, I wish that was the case here as well, yes, that (allegedly) is about to change)
The second one was to be expected: ADHD. Yes. That's why I was there.
Now the third one, the third one is a problem: Transsexuallity.
"Why is that a problem?", you ask?
Well, for one, I think it's not ok to classify that as a mental disorder, that's just mean.
But the real ticker is
I'm not trans.
And this isn't a "crack my egg" realization moment, either, it's just. Not true?
Am I a hyper feminine woman? No. I'm autistic, ffs, I don't understand all those unnecessary rules of femininity, lots of women's clothes are not just plain uncomfy, they give me sensory issues. I'm about to throw out all my t-shirts (that are my size, I'm keeping the baggy ones) because I realised that I don't like having fabric in my armpits (which means all tank tops with tight arm holes also have to go), and I don't wear wire bras unless it's a Special Occasion™.
Did I shave off my hair completely about 3,5 months ago and am currently wearing it in a "typically male" style (short in the back and on the sides, longer and all sticky-uppy on top)? Yes, and so are tons of neurospicy women on the internet, but when I think of myself I still picture long hair, I only did it because it's something that should be on everyone's bucket list imo, as should growing you hair out real long (and my hair was at a really annoying length - to long for man bun, to short to braid, so it was a good time to do it).
Did I just start an apprenticeship as a carpenter, a very physical-exercise-intense, typically male profession? Yes, and am I the only girl in our group of new apprentices? ALSO YES, BUT WHAT DOES LIKING WOODWORKING HAVE TO DO WITH MY GENDER IDENTITY????
Did I tell the psychologist that I can somewhat empathise with people who get upset if someone uses the wrong pronouns for them, because I have an unusual first name that (uneducated) people tend to mistake for a man's name (I'm named after a Greek goddess, ffs, godDESS), so I get letters and emails addressed to Mr. eosthedumpling, which is why I've started adding "(she/her)" to my email signature? YES!!!
So what happened? Where did he get confused? When did being gender-nonconforming start automatically meaning you're trans? When did not liking the way I, as a woman, am treated in a patriarchal society start automatically meaning I must be trans?
I have boobs.
I like them.
I have a vagina.
I like her.
I have a uterus.
I like her, too (the periods we need to talk about, but I'm afraid she won't budge on that for the next 3 decades or so).
I don't have a penis.
I'm... not mad about it? Kinda indifferent about it? Would take one if offered out of curiosity, but only if it comes with a switch-back function (that maybe includes switching the "having boobs" buff on and off whenever I want, don't get me wrong, I love them and I'm not giving them up for anything less than saving my life, but they can be uncomfortable and annoying sometimes)?
So yeah.
Im not sure where I was going with this but I guess we have arrived.
Thanks for patiently reading this kinda long-ish post, hope you had fun on the ride, and I hope I didn't somehow accidentally offend anyone or hurt anyone's feelings, this really only is about me, if you experienced any of the things listed above on your trans journey that's perfectly valid, it's just.... I don't believe your interests and your gender identity have to influence each other in any kind of way, it's ok to play with Barbie dolls AND Hotwheels, it's ok to like blue AND pink (or neither, or only the "wrong" one), it's ok to enjoy cooking and cleaning AND chopping wood and fixing cars or whatever gendered activities you can think of, and if anyone tells you otherwise they've probably been conditioned by society to believe that, have mercy on them
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endobiologist · 3 years
Trans Guy Tips #5; Dressing Good
Today, we're going to talk about basic fashion, and some things trans guys specifically need to know when buying a new wardrobe.
Some of these rules can always be broken, it's your body and your choice what to put on it!
However, this is a guide for passing better, so feminine and androgynous looks will not be covered here, only the traditional masculine. I will most likely make a guide out on dressing that way later.
1. Match colors, but don't be afraid to throw in some accent detail colors! Usually when you think of fashion, you think of making everything match, however some things will go better with some contrast rather than plainly matching!
As long as it still has some similarity, it doesn't have to be the same.
The most basic rule you need to learn dressing as a man, is that you wear your belt to your shoes.
If your belt is brown, so should your shoes be.
If your belt is black, they should be black.
Usually most fashion rules can be broken, but this one seems to be very important, as it can throw off the whole appearance of an outfit to have mismatching shoes and belt.
2. Use what I call the finger trick.
When selecting a shirt, specifically a dress shirt, put your fingers in the collar between your neck and the collar.
If you can comfortably fit two or even maybe barely three fingers in there, then that's a perfect fit shirt around your neck.
If you can fit four or more fingers, it's loose and will make you look baggy and overweight.
If you can fit only one, or feel any pressure on your throat, you need a looser shirt because it's too tight.
3. Somewhat similar, but when buying pants, this may be the most important thing of all.
If you get the right set of pants, it can disguise even the biggest of curves.
You want to get what's known as a straight-leg jean pant, you can make it a cargo pant if you wish, either one looks very masculine and good.
I would usually recommend bootcut pants if you wear longer shoes, like boots, or combat boots, or anything you need to tuck the jeans into.
Always get pants that don't feel constricting, and always get them where they fit comfortably with a belt, but don't need a belt due to fitting good already.
But straight-leg type is so important to go for, it's one of the things that makes a boxy figure like a cis man's.
4. I'm not sure if this is obvious or may come as a surprise to some people, but even if you like dressing femininely, if you wish to pass, I would suggest always shopping in the men's section.
They have shirts and pants and everything else under the sun that shaped specifically for men's bodies, making yours look even more like a cis man's, which is very gender affirming. Also women's jeans are made to support the butt and make you look feminine and curvy, while men's are designed to be straight, boxy, and comfortable, usually with deep pockets too!
5. Similar to the matching rule before, you can match a busy pattern shirt with a plain pair of pants, or busy pattern and pants with a plain shirt. However if you put too many busy patterns, or too much plainness, either way makes you look not as good.
Try to balance the detail with the simplicity.
6. Overall the most masculine thing you can wear especially pre-t, is either a formal or casual suit.
You can even wear just a dress shirt with a tie or bow tie, with some dress shoes and pants, and you're good!
This just generally makes you look super masculine and it's hard to mistake.
7. if you're like me, where you like to dress flamboyantly, but you're also super dysphoric about it, wait until you get testosterone therapy.
If you end up having it and you start seeing positive effects before dressing femininely, it's great!
I did this and now I feel totally comfortable with it, as no one ever misunderstands me even if I wear the most feminine things ever.
So if you're going on t, feel free to dress more extravagantly during because you will pass even so!
8. Another way to check shirts that are long sleeved, particularly dress shirts, is to tuck it in like usual, and then lift up your arms really high like you're reaching for something.
If it untucks or lifts the fabric in an unflattering way where your armpits look huge, it's cut wrong and is not something you should buy.
9. This may be surprising to some, but yes, cis men will wear feminine designs on masculine outfits.
I can't count the number of times I've seen men wearing bright pink suits. Other times there's been crop tops, painted nails, hair done, everything.
So if you really like that button up with the flowers on it, but are feeling hesitant due to the feeling that people might judge you, don't worry!
Maybe some will, but a lot of people wear unique clothing, and no one will be as bad as what your thoughts say to you.
10. I have somewhat of a warning, as good and fun they are, t-shirts can be very revealing when it comes to showing your chest, even through your binder! Something about them isn't cut quite right, even if they come from the manliest man's site or store.
If you still wish to wear t-shirts like I do, I would recommend getting a short-sleeved or long-sleeved Dickies button up jacket/shirt that you wear open over it. Or any jacket thing, really. This covers your chest completely and negates that effect.
11. This is sort of more hygiene base but still has to do with getting dressed. Always use men's soap, and men's cologne, and men's essential oils, and men's lotion, if you have them.
Also use some aftershave, it's helpful if it has lotion mixed in and moisturizes as well.
You can even shave even if you're pre-t, due to it making a clean feeling due to there being no feminine peach fuzz on it. This can help support dysphoria relief, as well because it feels like you're shaving a beard, at least until it comes in.
When your moustache and beard do come in from testosterone, if you take it, make sure to oil it lightly with natural oils like argan oil or coconut oil, the stimulates hair growth and follicle health.
And I would recommend shaving just once as it starts developing, so it develops thicker, stronger, and more handsome.
12. If you're planning on going on t, buy at least some of your clothing a size or a few sizes up, or getting a duplicate that's larger.
You will grow, so if you buy all your clothing in a smaller size, you'll probably end up unable to use any of it.
13. Always position your belt buckle in the center of your stomach, the way you can tell if it's positioned right is if it lines up with the buttons of your button up perfectly.
14. When wearing a suit try to always keep the bottomless button unbuttoned. That button isn't actually there to be used, it's meant to be unbuttoned and it makes it look so much better.
The reason it looks so much better is because it makes it flattering and thinning. If you button all the buttons, it will make you look heavy due to it tightening around your waist and stomach.
15. You should always have at least two pairs of dress shoes. one pair that's black, and one pair that's brown. Same with belts. It's also recommended for summer that you keep one pair of masculine flip flops or sandals or sneakers around.
16. This is more of a suggestion than anything, however it's manly as fuck, and people love it.
If you carry a work knife, a pocket watch, a small portable multitool, and a handkerchief.
Possibly even a pen and small notepad with you at all times.
This may seem odd at first, but it's what men used to do constantly in the older days.
These items can come in very useful. A work knife can open packages, open letters, be used in place of scissors occasionally, and even used to defend yourself and others.
A pocket watch is just fancy and shows you're always trying to be on time.
A multi-tool shows you're ready for any task, and it can be a lifesaver in many situations!
Meanwhile a handkerchief is important, because if you ever come across someone crying, or someone wounded, you can lend them or give them your handkerchief, which is a very gentlemanly thing to do, and it can help you pass better, as well as it just being a kind thing to do for someone.
The pen and small notepad is always good to carry on you regardless of any gender, due to you needing to write things down often.
17. Ironically, although socks with sandals seems to be a fashion 'no-no' to most people, I quite like them, and it seems like I pass better with them.
Men tend to wear those slip-on flip flop things, and when you wear socks with it it makes you look very masculine, even if it may look silly to some.
Personally I like it a lot.
18. If you do wish to do makeup & nails, I would suggest doing it as black and gothic as possible, as that's the most common style guys do it as, and if you do it in a certain way, it can come out looking way masculine.
And that concludes my fifth part of this Trans Guy Tips series!
Thank you for reading, and I hope anything I said helped!
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diaperedhumiliation · 3 years
A story submittal I received, reposting.
Wife diapers me and cuckifies me
When i got out of the bathroom, Jeanne was waiting for me in our room, sitting on the bed, in a black babydoll underlining every detail of her figure instead of hiding them. She smiled to me, and, slowly, took her hand from beind her back. She was holding a Tykables Unicorns diaper, and waving it in front of me. 
- Lie on the bed. 
I shivered. I had confessed my diaper’s interest to Jeanne and, in the beginning, she let me use them alone, without judging. But she soon ended up participating, first with a few strokes, and then being willing to change me and add diapers to our sexual games. Thereby, i wasn’t surprised and just lied silently on the bed. She started by strapping my hands to the head of then bed, and then my feets to it’s bottom, slightly spread appart. Again, I was used to that and, if I seemed to resist, I was only pretending. Once I was bounded and unable to move, she got me to raise my hips and put a diaper under my bum. Then the game began. She languidly licked my torso, going from my chest to my lower belly. From there, she slided her tongue on my perfectly shaved thighs. Got me to languish was a pleasure she would never deprieve herself of, and I felt my sex grow hard while her strokes were getting closer to it. When I was fully erected, she went to the kitchen and came back with a bowl of icecube that she sucked. Once her lips, her tongue and her mouth were cold, she fiercly licked my penis, getting it to shrink. Soon, my dick between my legs was nother more thant a small bit of flesh, and, proud of her work, she whispered in my ear : 
- Here, that’s more fitting for a baby. 
Then, she applied a protective cream on every part of my body that would be covered by the diaper : my butt, my penis and the top of my thighs. When she was done, finaly, she folded the dipaer over me, trapping my sex into a soft and crinkly prison. She took her time to be certain that the diaper fit snuggly fitted, and when she was done, I genuenly felt like a baby. I could feel the pressure of the staps against my hips, the bulge of the diaper between my legs, and the warmth that was slowly rising in my crotch. More importantly, rising my head to watch my lower belly, I could only shiver at the sight of, instead of my penis, a plane area, covered with pink and childish patterns. 
Jeanne then went and pulled something out from under the bed : a segufix belt, in thick leather. 
- What is this ?  
I felt my breath accelerate when, without any answer, she strapped me to the bed, making any move impossible. Having my wrists and ankles boud was somehting, but, with this belt, I was  loosing any control over my body. I was pinned to the bed, fully powerless, and unable to move a inch. 
- I wanted to had some spice, Jeanne whispered. 
Then she sat on my legs, and started to lick my diaper. That was her favorite game. I felt her long hair slip over my belly bottom and brush my skin. I felt the stroke of her hands over my thighs, the weight of  her plump butt on my knees, and I could very well saw her tongue moving were my sexe was supposed to be. But, between it and her tongue, there was a thick layer of plastic that deprived me of any feeling. Excited and humiliated, I felt my penis trying to swell inside of the diaper, it’s bulk making it impossible and leaving me unable to get hard while my wife was licking my crotch. 
I was starting to moan under the excitement at the time when the bell ringed. Jeanne, hearing it, was quickly on her feets and laughed : 
- The spice has come.
She got out of the room and i feld cold sweat rushing on every part of my body. Being seen in diaper by my wife and being treated that way was something I had made peace with. It was a secret that we shared, as humiliating as harmless. But I was not even close to be willing for it the be revealed, and what was happening down there was terrifying me. Unable to move, I was nonetheless unable to do anything than wait, powerless, for what seemed to me ages. 
Finally, Jeane came back, followed by a man, around or age, probably 30, that couldn’t help but giggle seeing me. I was staring at this stranger that was trying not to laugh, in my room, and I couldn’t find the words. It was then Jeanne that broke the silence. 
- Paul, here is James. Since, you obviously - she stared at my diaper - can’t take care of me, I asked him to help me with it. I hope you don’t mind ? 
I was about to answer but she waved at me.  
- No need to answer. Let me explain you the rule for today. It’s my night, so you can’t talk. At all. No matter the reason. Understood ?  
Too stunned to understand what was happening, I signed yes with my head, and she kissed me, before going back to James. They started, on the bed, right next to me, even touching me sometimes, passionate foreplays that Jeanne punctuated with strokes on my diapers. When they were fully naked, James kneeled on the bed, his dick fully erected right over my diaper and, under my eyes, on all fours, Jeanne started to lick it. I couldn’t help but that stare at this sexe, that in my room, on my bed, over mine that was traped in a white a soft cage, my wife was fiercely sucking, her mouth doing energetic back and forth, and tongue sliding over the testicules that she would swallow looking at me. In my diaper, I felt my sexe trying to inflate as much as my plastic’s jail would allow, et, unable to only shake my hips to alleviate the pressure, I felt overtaken by a violent despair. 
After that, Jeanne took from beneath the bed one of those erotic swing that she suspended at beam at the ceiling. She adjusted it, and sat into it, the cruelty of the situation suddenly striking me. She had fixed the swing just over my diaper, and adjusted it so, once she sited, her butt would be less than a inch over the bulge between my legs. Lying rover me, she started to get penetrated by James, and, I started to see her swing under the blow of his hips, right on top of my trapped sex.  It lasted for a while, and as I couldn’t hold it anymore and was about to scream in disbelief, I felt a warm liquid invade my crotch. The diuretic that Jeanne gave me was working wonder, and, while a man was making her love over me, I was peeing myself, flowing my diaper with a hot stream I was unable to stop. I thought that was the most humiliated I could get, but the worse was still ahead. Soaked with my own piss, the diaper and swollen, and had gain just enough inch for me to now feel, at every back and forth, the butt of my wife against my diaper. And for her to feel the plastic against her skin. And so I saw her face brighten : 
- Did baby wet his diapee ?
-No way he did that !  It was James’ voice, where I could here mixed disgust and contempt. 
- There his a reason for him to wear diapers, you know, answered my wife. 
The kept on for a moment, and, with each rubbing, I could feel frustration rising into me, without being able to do anything about it. The friction was too light for me to hope feeling anything through my piss’s swelled diaper. But it was strong enough for me feel a slight shift that was enough to turn me crazy. 
Soon, they swapped position and unhanged the swing so James could take Jeanne doggystyle. She settled over me, and, while James was penetrating her, put her head on my chest and hold tight to me. The man was energetic with his hips’ blow, shaking Jeanne’s whole body, and, as she was lying over me, his back and forth were shaking me aswell. He was having sex with her, over my diaper, and I could feel every of his moves just like he was making love to me. My hips were moving at the pace he was printing out to Jeanne’s one. As for her, I could hear her moan on my chest, her mouth half-opened with the pleasure an other man was giving her, while I was myself unable to be even erected, my penis trapped in a soaked diaper. Panting, she started to lick my armpits, then my neck, and then under the pressure of her own pleasure, she stroked my diaper, her hand firmly pressing over the thick and squashy underwear. It took me less than a minute to cum from this stroke, in a grunting of pleasure. Very well aware of what happened, Jeanne whispered to my hears, her voice jerky from James’ hips’ blow : 
- That’s why he’s fucking me and you’re not. He’s been making love to me for fifteen minutes and still he hasn’t came. you ?  You do a cummy in your diapee, your pathetic dick not even erected, and it takes you a few second, and I don’t even need to touch you. I really don’t see any reason for me to let you cum any other why. Turning toward James, she added, laughing : 
- He just came ! 
- No way ?
- Yes !  He’s so premature that even if he wasn’t peeing himself I would have to keep him in diapers so he wouldn’t cum everywhere. 
They bursted in laugher and started rght back where they stopped, until James, in a manly grunting came in Jeanne, arched while screaming when I gave her a last and powerful blow. At the same time, I felt the enema doing it’s job, and, while, half lying over me, my wife had what looked as the strongest orgasm of her life, I felt my diaper fill once more, now with a warmth and mushy mess that soon covered my butt, and I felt tears rushing to my eyes. But I couldn’t cry. As soon as she orgasmed, Jeanne sticked her vagina to my face, and, sitting over me, forced me to give her a cunnilingus. It lasted for a while, and when I felt her contract, it was immediatly followed by a stream, thick and  sticky, that slided into my throat :  James’s sperm. 
- You gotta swallow it all. It’s your punishment for that, said Jeanne as she patted my bum, her stroke spreading the mess a bit more. 
It was much more than what I could handle, and much worse than what I had dreamed of. It was a feeling of full powerlessness that genuinely made me a baby, bounded into my diaper soiled with pee and poo. Until then, our games only gave me the illusion of submission, but, fur the first time, I really belonged to Jeanne. She had broken my dignity, not in our games, but in front of a man whose I was now feeling the salty taste of his sperm down my throat. 
The worse was that I felt, in my diaper, my penis as hard as possible. Of course, the thick absorbing matter was preventing me to have a full erection, but I knew very well that, without it, it would have been the hard I would ever have got. I never had been that excited, and Jeanne knew it very well. 
 - Look, she said to James. He’s so excited by what you just done to me. Now you can tell how much I need you. Play a bit with his diaper if you want. 
She covered my eyes with her hand, and I heard a sound i recognize quickly, the buzzing of a magic wand that we were using from time to time. She gave it to James, and he put it on my diaper, it’s buzzing shaking the thick mattress fill with piss. It took me less than 20 second to have a violent orgasm, the second of the day, that jolted my stomac. I came again, unable to hide the pleasure that twisted my brain, and James watched me do so, my moaning of pleasure making him laugh. 
- Did he came again ? No way ! I never saw that ! 
Jeanne stroked my face were tears of powerlessness were rushing. 
- Just image how fast he came when we were having sex. It was … Infuriating. Then she turned toward him and said :  Look, baby his crying, I think he misses his pacifier. 
Understanding the message, the man put his knees around my head, and, without letting me the time to react, he slide his still erected cock into my mouth while I was feeling, at the same time, Jeanne pressing on my diaper whithout being able to say if it was with her hands or another part of her body. 
In my mouth, Jame’s dick had Jeanne’s taste, and he force to me lick me over and over, grunting with pleasure : 
- I might not be a good fuck, but he’s hell of a good sucker. 
He took his time, doing deep and long back and forht into my throat, and, while I felt like I was about to puke, a feeling of warmth invade my crotch. I was peeing myself once more. My diaper was now as full as possible, and I could felt my pee and my poo that each of James’s hips’ blow was mixing together a bit more. Aroudn the same time i finally stopped peeing, he had a new orgasm, and holding my hair, cumed into my mouth and forced me to swallow. 
When he stood up, I was in another dimension. I had no more strengh to scream, and on my face were rushing silent tears. I lowered my eyes to my crotch, and found myself staring at a sight that would have desperate anybody but that got mo rock-hard. Or, more exactly, I was trying to get rock-hard, my filled-with-piss’s diaper repressing painfully my erection. Instead of my sex, where the was an immaculate and barely bulging diaper there was now a large yellow stain and a thick bulge of swollen and crincly plastic. Between my thighs, it wasn’t the lower belly of a man. It was the soiled one of a baby unable to control his body. And, realising my own and miserable state, I came a third time, wihthout anybody stimulating me. this time, my stream of sperm was accompanied by a genuine scream of pleasure, and it was the most powerful orgasm I ever had. Two minutes after it, as I was still shivering, James was laughing out at me. Next to him, Jeanne leaned over me : 
- I was willing to unbound you and let you make me love baby, as you really were pathetic and painful to watch. I thought that after two orgasms you’d last a bit longer but … Looks like not. So you’re in for a night in your diapees. Actually, for every nights. I hope you remember your tiny, tiny penis, because you’ll never see it again sweat hearth. 
Saying so, she kissed me before adding in a whisper : “ I love you though. But you make me wayyy more happier like that than when you pretend to be a big-boy.” 
While James was dressing, Jeanne took somehting else from beneath the bed. This time, it was a diaper even bigger and thicker than the one I was already wearing, a Tykables Camelot. With it, she was holding pink clothes, a pink Rearz Onesie with ruffles, the “princess” one and a diaper cover, pink aswell. She also had a satin dress from the same brand. She started to put me in the new diaper, that she pinned over my already used one, piercing small holes so pee could flow from one to another. She added a boosted pad a a drop a fragrance that would cover the smell of poope, and a powerful and small vibrator. She closed the diaper, and then covered with the diaper cover. She did it tenderly, just like if she was putting me in sexy lingerie, slowly letting me feel the satin against my skin. The second diaper between my legs was so thick that she had to refasten my legs to make room for it. From now on, even if i was let free, I wouldn’t be able to walk without waddling, and crawling would be much easier. 
Then she unfastened my arms one by one and, asking James to hold me tighth, she put on the onesie on me. Soft, it sticked to every inch of my skin perfectly, covering my body in a thin layer of pick fabric covered with princess patterns. When she snapped it behind my crotch, it molded my body perfectly, sticking to my belly and my back, and covering me with a second skin, pink and tight. More importantly, it was pressing my overfilled diaper against me, splattering and spreading my mess into my sowft jail. 
Finally, she put the dress on me, took a picture, and refastened the segufix harness, then showed it to me. With my swollen crortch,  the pink jail that was trapping my body, and the leather bound at my wrists and ankles, I looked exactly like in my fantasies. Except that a stranger was watching me over, just after he had sex with my wife. That turned it into a nightmare, that three back to back orgasm, making my want to wear diapers disappears made properly unbearable. And then there was what the pictures wasn’t showing :  the smell in the room, mix of sweat, poo, pee and baby lotion. This, and the inside of the diaper, sticky with my mess, my sweat and my sperm. 
One year had passed, and Jeanne didn’t lie. She had thrown away all my under wears, and forbidden me to take care of my diaper myself. Every time she would change me, she would hide my eyes, and, after a few month, I forgot what my penis looked like. I was not even sure I had one anymore. Between my legs, there was only a triangle of soft and thick plastic, pink or white depending the day, and always covered with childish patterns. Waht was behind was a distant memory. I also gave up any hope to cum another way than in my diaper. The mere idea of masturbating seemed silly to me. To masturbate, you needed a penis, you needed to be a man. Same if you wanted to make love to Jeanne. As for me, I had only a diaper between my les, and if I wanted to cum, I just needed to rub it agains’t anything. After a few strokes, the pleasure would come. Why and thanks to what, it didn’t matter anymore. I was cuming thanks to the diaper, and the diaper had became my sexual organ. 
In the exact same way, i would not know anymore if my diaper was dry or wet. Sometimes it was thick, sometimes it was thin. Sometime, when i was sitting, I felt it stick to my bum. That was it, and if Jeanne or the men that came to her house to make love to her were to forget to change me, I would soon have ended up in a leaking diaper without noticing it. 
I was now only wearing onesies, footed jammies, short and pink dress, satin stockings, diaper cover with cute patterns and others childish clothes. All of them, in any case, allowed for a quick and easy check up, that Jeanne never deprived herself of. 
My favorite activity had became my baby bouncer were Jeanne hanged me for whole afternoons, lettting me wave my legs and shake myself, elastics around my waist making me gently bounce in a movement that, no matter what, would leave me shaking with pleasure. In those moments, my brain seemed to turn-off, and if it wasn’t for my bib, Jeanne would found me drawling, my dress or my onesie covered in drool, unable to talk nor walk. 
Besides, I hadn’t walked for months. With the thick diapers I was wearing and the spreader pants that sometimes recovered them, it was much easier for me to crawl. And, just llike that, I didn’t talked anymore, picking words being too much of an effort for me. In any case, screams and tear were enough for Jeanne to understand me. 
I had became fully dependent, stranger to shame, and, sometimes, when men came to make her love, I would crawl to their bedroom to watch. A sudent impulse would drive me to scratch my head against those men thanks to whom I had nothing to do anymore and that were taking care of my wife for me. And, every time, the disdain in their look would make me emptied myself in my diaper, that I’d first fill with pee and poo under their look.  And then boucing in my soiled diaper, at the bed’s foot, I would cum, orgasmn after orgasmn, while they were making love to my wife whose hand gently patted my head. 
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rason-rodd · 4 years
Do You Know Your Alphabet?
NSFW Edition feat Jason Todd
(I tried not to give a sexual orientation to Jason in this NSFW Alphabet and make his partner as gender neutral as possible to please all sorts of readers. Apologies if some part doesn’t include all genders. I honestly did my best and I will happily modify them if you tell me how.)
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A – Anal:         When he is dating someone with a vagina, Jason rarely asks for anal sex. He prefers pussy to ass but if his partner wants him to use the back door he will happily do so.             However, his partner has to keep in mind that Jason always needs to be very testosterone-y and in full-dominant mode to fuck them in the ass.           In a relationship with someone with a penis, Jason will usually be the one who fucks in the ass rather than the one who is fucked in the ass though he can accept to swap roles from time to time.
B – BDSM:     That will be a non-negotiable “NO”. Even though he is fully aware that BDSM doesn’t only rhyme with pain but also with consent and pleasure, Jason is not a fan of it as hinted and stated many times in Red Hood and The Outlaws.             We can suppose that it is because BDSM can let some poorly buried trauma surface by reminding Jason of bad memories that includes ropes and a crowbar.    
C- Condom:   Only when needed. Like most men, Jason doesn’t like the lack of sensation that wearing a condom involves but he is smart and responsible enough to know there are moments when you need to wear one.       At a beginning of a relationship, he will always choose to wear one until he is sure that there are no risks to transmit any sort of STD. But once he knows everything is safe he will gladly ask his partner to either stop using protection and/or take contraception like a pill if said partner can get pregnant. Being a father is not in his plans and it actually scares him.            
D- Dominance:           Jason is a caring and highly protective boyfriend with fear of abandonment issues and those traits ultimately makes him a very possessive lover.         And it shows in bed. His possessiveness coupled with his passion and devotion to his SO makes him the type of man that permanently tries to assert his dominance. But this so-called dominance is not a way to show who’s the man in this relationship or who’s wearing the pants. It is just a clumsy way to show that he is a fully committed and devoted lover who is always struggling to please his partner out of fear of not being good enough and eventually abandoned. (Who said men were not complicated sometimes?)       Moreover, Jason fucks according to his mood and so his dominance always varies. Sometimes dominance can simply mean him on top and sometimes it can be synonymous of hard deep pounding from behind. Jason can indeed be a rough lover but he will never be the type to lay a hand on his SO. So you can forget any sort of slap or strangulation. He is a fighter in the streets but a lover under the sheets.       But submission is very rarely his thing. Sure he will adore making love with a partner as passionate as he is and will forever be turned on by someone who can match his strength and therefore who will not mind standing up to him. But if you think you can tame him forever you’re so wrong.         Jason will occasionally let you lead the way in the bedroom and he will be happy to let you do so as he will see your sudden dominance the same manner he sees his (meaning a symbol of love and devotion). But any relationship in which the place of alpha male is permanently refused to him will leave him unsatisfied and frustrated.
E- Ejaculation:             One thing is sure; Jason can’t cum in a condom. When wearing one, he will always make sure to remove it to spurt his semen on his partner. Most of the time it is on their ass, chest or pussy. He will generally never cum on someone’s face though but will see no problem in cumming in someone’s mouth for as long as they swallow that load.           But what he loves the most is to cum inside his partner (which is also another reason why he is not a fan of condoms). He finds a certain pleasure in doing so, finding the act rather intimate and weirdly romantic. He would never cum inside someone he doesn’t love or barely know.
F- Foreplay:     Jason never forgets foreplay even if his body begs him to just fuck his partner and get it over with. To him, foreplay is necessary when you do the deed. Without that Jason will feel like something is missing and view the sexual act as botched.         But to Jason Todd foreplay doesn’t only revolve around handjobs, fingering, oral sex or any other physical display. Of course he will happily do all of that but Jason is an intellectual and so he will definitely consider words as a form of foreplay. And sometimes they even arouse him more than the rest. Few naughty text messages telling him how much you miss him and his cock inside of you and the man will run back to you as fast as The Flash, his penis as hard as a stone pillar. And when that happens, you might get yourself prepared, as he won’t take much time to kiss or cuddle.
G- Gear and tool:       Mother Nature blessed Jason Todd and gave him one hell of a cock that matches his broad physique! It is veiny and circumcised, long, way longer than average actually, and its girth is going to stretch and fill any hole perfectly.           But this beautiful gear is not always a blessing. Indeed, you cannot take Jason’s whole cock in your mouth without gagging or chocking (though some people don’t mind that) and if you’re not lubed enough penetration can definitely hurt. So playing with that amazing tool demands patience and time.     His testicles are even and rather large when you think about it but they suit the P.  
H- Hairs:         Jason is a hard-worker but he is extremely lazy when it comes to taking care of himself. Plus, that laziness is also coupled with the fact that he doesn’t have much time to really mind his appearance. When he is monopolized by his vigilante work, he can spend days without shaving (and sometimes showering) and not really realise that he is in an urgent need of a razor. A chance that he is not a man that tends to be very hairy!           But to be honest, Jason doesn’t mind hairs in general and there are actually places he refuses to shave like his legs, his arms and the sexy line of dark hairs he has under his bellybutton.     But when he actually takes time to clean and shave, he always makes sure that his armpits are not bushy, that there are no hairs on his chest and his face and that his pubic hairs are nicely trimmed (He hates shaving them.)     When it comes to his partner, Jason can tolerate some hairs but he prefers when they are either fully-shaven or well-trimmed. He doesn’t like eating hairs when eating his SO out.
I- Intimacy:     Jason is very ambiguous and difficult to understand when it comes to intimacy.   As a possessive lover, he will always refuse to share his partner with another ‘alpha male’. He needs to be the centre of attention and the only person craved and praised in the bedroom. So when dating Jason you can forget any sort of threesome or orgy.           But if his partner is interested in welcoming a person that might not overshadow Jason and let him keep his dominant place between the sheets (for example a woman) then he may accept. Single, he will happily mingle with a couple but he will somewhat see this as a competition or an opportunity to show who’s the best.           But there’s definitely something that he will prefer to threesomes and that’s being watched or heard while having sex.           No, he won’t drag you to some swinger’s club and allow dozens of people watch you two having sex (he is a romantic) but you need to keep in mind that Jason is a man that doesn’t limit his sexual intercourses to his bedroom.             He actually loves fucking outside and/or in public places as the risks of getting caught or being heard have the tendency to get him highly turned on and have his juices flow. But he is not stupid enough to risk everything for a quick romp in front of others.             Weirdly, he prefers getting caught/ being heard by people he knows - and in that case he will not stop fucking his partner and show what an amazing lay he is – than by someone he doesn’t know. It boosts his ego and he can’t help it.       The only time getting caught traumatized him was when Alfred accidentally spotted him having sex in the manor. He didn’t dare catch his eye for days.    
J- Jerking off:   Jason can sometimes jerk off when he feels like he needs to release some stress and tension. But this solitary act requires a moment of intimacy he doesn’t often get because of his vigilantism that takes up all of his nights and energy. After a long night of patrol, given the choice, he will mostly choose sleeping over masturbation. But when he does jerk off, he always makes sure that no one is going to bother him (though he has fantasise about his crush watching him quite a few times) and he tends to think about situations rather than persons. The only times he will think about someone while masturbating will be when he has a crush on someone. Then he will imagine fucking this person and probably whisper their name.
K – Kink:         Jason can be kinky but he is not the kinkiest of the bat-family. There are things he will stubbornly never try or even consider (BDSM for example) but things he will gladly do on occasion (see Intimacy + Roleplay). As said before he won’t mix violence and love.   But the kinky side of Jason is just another way to spice up his relationship and show he is not a boring partner. Moreover, he is a boyfriend that takes consent and respect very seriously. He will never do anything that might hurt his SO in any way or anything they might not be confortable with.   That’s why he believes he and his partner have to talk about any sort of kinks before trying to experiment them. But he will prefer doing it through text messages than face to face. He is weirdly shy when talking about sex.
L - Love:           Jason has had a few one night stands but he will admit that sex is better when you’re in love. Plus, “sex gets better with time” would define Jason’s skills as a lover as he is the type of man that needs (and loves) taking his time to discover his partner’s body and desires. He is an enthusiastic learner that hasn’t yet discovered all the things he can know about sex. And that’s because he hasn’t had so many partners over the years.     Though don’t think that means your first time together is going to be bad. It won’t. On the contrary, it will be great but not as great as it can become.       Therefore we can jump to the conclusion that the persons that will only have Jason for one night will definitely miss something truly amazing.
M - Massage:     Jason has many qualities but giving massage is not a talent he can brag about. He is honestly not that bad at it but since he believes he sucks, he will not initiate in any sort of massage session. However, he loves getting one since he loves being touched and caressed especially on his chest and back. Actually, Jason believes that caresses and cuddles cannot be dissociated from the deed and views them as necessary before, during and after the act.         Also, he is the kind of men that will display his affection anytime he can though preferably in private. The rare PDA will occur if he feels jealous, threatened or worse, neglected (Don’t ever do that or the entire city will hear his wrath!).
N – Nudity:     When he is in a relationship Jason is not ashamed of his body but that doesn’t make him a body-confident man in general. Don’t expect seeing him walking around fully naked!     Indeed, Jason is modest and never sees his body as sexy. I mean, he knows he is muscular and well-built and all but as it is in his nature to focus on the negative, he will always be a bit hung up about the scars on his body and he will never let a one-night partner touch them or ask any sort of question about them. Only his SO will be allowed to do so and that shows how much trust and love Jason places in his relationships.
O – Oral sex:               To Jason, there’s nothing sexier than his partner sucking out his cock on their knees. It gives him satisfaction and boosts his ego like nothing else because he views this act as a symbol of submission and worship, two things he deeply cares about when having sex.           Fortunately he loves to reciprocate and he will not hesitate dropping on his knees to do the same. But don’t view it as him submitting to you. If that gorgeous man goes down, he goes down to make you scream his name, not to be your pet.           Also, it may be seen as an asshole move but if you refuse to suck his cock, do not expect him to give you oral sex. As terrible as it sounds and even though he puts his partner’s pleasure before his own, the man gives if only you give in return.
P – Position.   Jason is a romantic that craves touching and being touched and so he will always favours positions that allows him to feel his SO’s body against his or to roam their bodies with his strong hands or his lips. That’s why he will not appreciate being tied up and submitted.         Jason loves positions that allow him to go deep in his partner and to see himself do so. Plus, he likes sex to be a confortable experience for both his partner and himself. Therefore do not expect acrobatic positions that will leave you tired and aching for days. He doesn’t need that to make you feel that way. His top positions are: missionary, doggy, (reverse or not) cowgirl and spooning as they will all permit his hands and/or lips to wander your body.
Q – Quickie:   Jason is not really a fan of quickies as he want sex with him to be a memorable experience as well as a memento of his skills as a lover. Therefore, he strongly believes a 5 or 10 minutes sexual experience cannot show his partner what a good lay he is. And so, he will favour long nights of sweaty sex plus some good morning sex if the experience was highly pleasant.
R – Role Play: Jason is a good actor. He loves wearing disguise and impersonating different persons as we saw it quite regularly throughout RHATO. So if you want to role play, you bet he will be up for it and it will be a fun time. His favourite scenarios: the ones where he is in charge of course since they are the ones that allow him to display the little confidence he has without any sort of shyness or fear.     Do you like men with a moustache? Cause Malone Jr. is on his way.
S – Stamina:   Jason is kind, caring and generous out and under the sheets. He will always make sure to respect and please his partner, placing their pleasure before his own. But that doesn’t make him any less hungry than he is.           He is rather insatiable when having sex and that’s probably because he doesn’t have sex often even when in a relationship (damn patrols!). Therefore, that man can sometimes get carried away, be rather quick on the mount and become a bit of a jackhammer if his partner does not refrain him. And he won’t stop until he … you know.       Fortunately, his romantic side as well as his generosity will always remind him not to leave his partner unsatisfied at the end of the deed which miraculously doesn’t happen as quickly as one would expect given his frenetic pace.       Because he is athletic, Jason has a very good stamina. Plus, he is the kind of lover that can recuperate rather quickly and so he can go for a round two and even a round three if his partner is up for it.            
T – Talking:     Jason doesn’t consider himself a dirty-talker. Sure he will let out some naughty sentences while having sex but they will never be disrespectful. He won’t call his partner a whore or any other insulting words. On the contrary he will give compliments and make praises rain and he will happily accept the same from his partner in return.       He will also ask a lot of questions to reassure himself like “Do you like that?” or “Do you like my cock inside of you?” and he will also demand to be complimented (“Tell me how much you like it”) especially if his partner is silent (which is something he hates by the way).     He is not a very noisy lover. He never screams or moans loudly. He grunts and growls but those noises usually are very guttural as if he is fighting to keep them to himself. Don’t do the same though. Scream, talk and let the whole neighborhood he’s fucking you good!
U – Underwear:         Trunks or boxers but never briefs. Something that can hold his prominent package while he is running after criminals in Gotham City but that isn’t too tight around his thunder thighs. His underwear is generally unicolor and has no patterns. Dick bought him a pair of bat-briefs for fun once but he never wore them. Actually he probably threw them away. He likes his female partners to wear sexy fancy lingerie but he doesn’t see it as a necessary tool to be aroused. Simple underwear doesn’t turn him off but if there are some unicorns or rainbows on them … well … he might feel very uncomfortable and perplexed.          
V – Virginity:               He was around 16 or 17, living among the All-Caste and it was with Essence, Ducra’s daughter. Essence was Jason’s almost every first-times. Though she is not the first person he fell in love with, she was the first girl he kissed, the first girl he touched and the first girl he had sex with. Before that he had never really made out with anyone, as young Jason was the kind of boy more interested in books than in people. But Essence wasn’t just anyone. She was mysterious, fascinating and hard to get and those two traits are still something that Jason digs in a partner. If you ask Jason about his first time, he will tell you that even if he and Essence are not on best terms today, he doesn’t regret one bit of what happened with her. He truly loved her and she was here for him when no one else was.
W – Worship If you don’t know how to be complimentary then you might not be the right person for Jason. This man craves compliments and affection as much as one craves food and water.           Jason cannot thrive in a relationship with a selfish partner who doesn’t flatter him as he always feels the need to be worshipped. It’s not arrogance. It’s because he is permanently scared of not being good enough. See him as an unconfident little boy who needs recognition to be happy in a way.       But once you start demonstrating your admiration and affection for him, get ready to be showered with loving compliments. Worship goes in both ways in Jason’s mind. The more complimentary and loving you will be the more he will. And that works in the bedroom as well. Worship the man! Show him (and tell him!) how much you love him and how much you love what he is doing and you will be the most sexually satisfied person in the world. To make it short, worship is Jason’s fuel.   To finish, If he could worship one part of his lover’s body it would be their eyes. (Told you he was a romantic!). He loves to keep eye contact with his partner while having sex and see them sparkle with lust, pleasure and happiness.           
X- Xenophilia:             If you look at Jason’s list of love interests, you can spot some recurring characteristics. Physically, most of them have light hair. They are often blonds or red-heads and they often have got green or blue eyes. But that doesn’t mean he won’t be interested in brunettes (Talia, Donna) and reject anyone with dark eyes (Essence’s eyes were completely black!). Because what matters the most to him is chemistry. Jason wants someone he can trust, someone he can talk to and that will understand him but that also will call him on his bullshit and stand up to him when needed. In a word, be strong and be there for him.
Y – Yearn:       Unlike someone else in the bat-family (cough Dick cough), Jason will not drop his pants in a heartbeat and he doesn’t really fancy eager persons as well (Those persons are only good for one night). He loves the chase and he loves when the people he is interested in are playing hard to get. That will arouse him a lot and make him crave them even more.           When he wants to have sex, Jason will drop occasional hints to show his (potential) partner that he wants them. Usually, they will be caresses, kisses and/or languorous looks. He will never clearly say out loud that he wants to have sex. But he doesn’t mind when his partner drags him to the bedroom and initiate the deed. He finds that terribly sexy even, and super complimentary.
Z – Zzzzz:         Jason likes to sleep after sex with his naked partner huddled against him. Rest your head over his chest and hold him tight and he will be the happiest man in the world as, to him, it will mean ‘Stay. I feel safe with you’. But don’t expect to sleep all night especially if your relationship is brand new. You wanted Todd in your bed? You have him and he will not hesitate waking you up slowly if he wants to get in between your legs one more time. Hope you don’t mind.     Plus, Jason is not the “hump and go” type of man and he will always be there in the morning with his body probably pressed against yours. Though, if you’re a night stand there are risks he might never call you again.
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neworleansspecial · 4 years
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There’s been a push lately of including more trans characters and trans headcanons in fanwork lately, and that’s a good thing! However, most of the time, the content that gets promoted is by cis creators as opposed to transgender creators speaking from their real world experiences. While it’s important to boost trans voices, that’s not to say you can’t or shouldn’t write trans characters as a cis person. 
Please note that this post is not an attack on cis writers! Far from it, in fact. I would say the majority of the time, cis people writing harmful content are doing it unintentionally- they probably just don’t realize that it’s a problem. The main goal here is to educate on what’s harmful, why it’s harmful, and what to do instead. In addition, some trans people, especially young trans people, can fall into these tropes too- after all, all of us were raised in the same cis-centric society. 
That said, trans people can write about these tropes if they choose- we’re allowed to discuss our own experiences or those we identify with in a way cis authors can’t or shouldn’t because of our different relationship to gender. If you’re transgender and you write using these tropes, that’s okay! But remember to be self-critical, too; are you writing these tropes because you enjoy them or because they reflect your experiences, or are you writing them because that’s what cis people promote or it’s what you think trans narratives must be?
This particular post will focus on common tropes in writing about transgender characters, and why they’re harmful, as well as ways to counteract them in your writing. As this is a long post, it’s under a read more. Thank you to @jewishbucke​ for all his help and support.
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For the purposes of this post, let’s lay out some basic definitions so that we’re all operating on the same playing field and understanding.
Cisgender (cis): Someone who identifies with the gender they were assigned at birth.
Transgender (trans): Someone whose gender differs from the one they were assigned at birth. Trans people may or may not experience one or more kinds of dysphoria. The level of dysphoria a trans person experiences is not relevant to whether or not they are transgender. 
Dysphoria: The discomfort caused by a disconnect between someone’s gender and the one they were assigned at birth. Dysphoria can be physical (related to the body), emotional (related to their feelings/sexuality), or social (related to other’s perceptions of them). 
Gender Expression: The way a person outwardly expresses themselves and their gender. This can include but is not limited to pronouns, clothes, hair style, and name.
Transmasculine: A transmasculine person is a trans person whose transition is aimed at becoming more masculine. Trans men are transmasculine people, but not all transmasculine people are trans men. Transmasculine people are transmisogyny exempt (TME), meaning they do not experience the specific combination of transphobia and misogyny that affects transfeminine people. 
Transfeminine: A transfeminine person is a trans person whose transition is aimed at becoming more feminine. Trans women are transfeminine people, but not all transfeminine people are trans women. Transfeminine people are transmisogyny affected (TMA), meaning they experience the specific combination of transphobia and misogyny directed towards transfeminine people.
That being said, my point of view making this post is as a transmasculine TME person. I can offer my personal perspectives and experiences, but I cannot speak over or for the specific experiences unique to transfeminine people and trans women. If you are transfeminine or a trans woman, you are absolutely welcome to add on or correct me if in my words, I said something harmful to you and your community. We are all in this together and it is never my aim to overstep boundaries on something I do not understand. So, now that that’s out of the way, let’s get into tropes common in transgender narratives. 
The Cis Savior
To start with, one of the most common tropes is the Cis Savior trope. This is commonly associated with the Trans/Cis trope, which I’ll elaborate more on later. The Cis Savior is often not the main character, but a supporter of a transgender main character. They can be a close friend, a family member, a love interest, or a coworker. 
In this narrative, the trans person is engaging in behavior harmful to themselves, often related to methods of their transition. The most common one you may have seen or written is the transmasculine person binding unsafely. In that example, a transmasculine person binds (flattens) their chest with something such as ace bandages, which are extremely harmful and can damage their ribs. The Cis Savior finds out about this behavior, scolds the trans person, and purchases or gives them a safe alternative like a binder designed to safely compress breasts. While this example is probably the most common one, it’s not the only one. In general, the Cis Savior trope is when a cis person finds out that a trans person is hurting themselves in some way and rectifies it with superior knowledge of safe practices and/or better resources than the trans person has access to.
The reason this is harmful is because it perpetuates two common misconceptions: first, that all trans people hate their bodies to the point of willingly harming themselves to relieve this self-hatred, and second, that cis people know better about trans issues and bodies than trans people themselves. That’s not to say that neither of these things is impossible. Trans people are not a monolith and there probably are trans people like that, at least for some point of time in their lives. In some situations, especially in reference to trans kids or people who have recently realized they’re trans, it’s possible that they don’t know their behavior could be harmful, or that there are safer alternatives. The problem lies in the repeated framing of this trope as the only kind of trans person and the idea that they can and will be destructive towards themselves until a cis person who knows better comes along. 
Instead of writing narratives like these, consider the following alternatives: 
A trans character behaves safely and explains how and why.
A trans character behaving unsafely is supported and educated by another trans person as opposed to a cis person (although this is something you probably shouldn’t be writing as a cis writer- some narratives are better left to us when it comes to the actual experiences of being transgender. Write about trans characters, not being trans!).
A trans character looking into transition on their own finds a supportive community. 
The Gender-Non-Conforming Trans Person
The Gender-Non-Conforming (GNC) Trans Person is a trans character who presents excessively similar to the gender assigned at birth as opposed to their actual gender- the trans man who wears dresses and makeup, the trans woman who has a buzzcut and hates skirts, etc. Like is pointed out above in the “Cis Savior” trope, trans people like this can and do exist! Some trans people are GNC for various reasons- personal style, sexuality, being closeted, or just because they feel like it. 
Narratives about the GNC Trans Person are very focused on the trans person presenting in a way that does not align with their gender, and is often No-Op (Does not have or want gender confirmation surgery) and No-HRT (Does not have or want hormone replacement therapy). It’s also often combined with the “Misgendered” trope. Trans characters in this trope seem to be extremely against presenting the way “expected” of their gender. For example, think of a transfeminine character not wanting to shave, be it their legs, armpits, face, or any other part of their body that cis women are expected to shave. This can lead to the character being mocked, dismissed, told they are not “really” trans, fetishized, and/or misgendered. These characters are often described as not passing as their gender.
This trope is harmful because it plays into the rhetoric that trans people are faking it or attention seeking. Like stated above, GNC trans people can and do exist. In fact, in my personal experience, a lot of trans people are GNC in some way or another. What is and isn’t considered conforming to gender is very strictly based on cisheterocentric ideas of gender presentation, and fails to take into account the intricacies of being transgender, especially if the person in question is also LGB. Trans people don’t have to conform to the restrictive societal views of what acceptable gender presentation is in order to be “really” trans. The stereotype of highly GNC trans people comes from the idea that they’re choosing to be transgender as a means of attention seeking, which simply isn’t true. Trans people didn’t choose to be trans- it’s just another part of them, like their eye color or the shape of their nose.
Instead of writing narratives like these, consider the following alternatives:
A trans character having fun with gender presentation- why not shop from both sides of the store?
A trans character expressing gender-nonconformity in smaller ways.
Multiple trans characters with different gender presentations.
The Misgendered Trans Person
The Misgendered Trans Person is another common narrative in which a trans character is misgendered, whether it be on accident or on purpose, by a cis character. This can be a family member, an old friend, or a complete stranger. This trope also includes dead-naming, the act of referring to a person by a “dead” name that they no longer use as part of their transition.
When it comes to this trope, it’s usually with a narrative similar to the Cis Savior- the trans character is defended by a nearby cis one. More often than not, the Misgendered Trans Person trope is also combined frequently with the Forced Outing. In this story, a trans person is referred to by pronouns they do not use- in particular, those associated with their assigned gender at birth- as a means of causing angst and discomfort. They may also be called their dead name, also to create drama in the story. For example, consider a trans character hanging out with their family, and their mother uses the wrong pronouns for them, causing the character discomfort. This also includes narratives about a character realizing they’re trans, in which the character is referred to by the wrong pronouns and their dead name until they realize they are transgender. More to that point, as a cis author, you should never write a story about someone realizing they’re trans- as said above, write about transgender characters, not about being transgender.
This is harmful because it minimizes the very real pain and dysphoria that can be caused by misgendering or dead-naming. Changing names and pronouns are often the very first steps trans people take in their transition, and an instrumental part of their identities and journeys. Consider it in terms of your face. You have your own very specific face and it is an integral part of yourself and identity. Imagine someone repeatedly insisting that it’s different. They tell you that your eyes are a different color, or your jaw is shaped differently. It would be uncomfortable, and it’s wrong. Obviously this isn’t an exact or fair comparison, but names and pronouns are not just words when it comes to identity and trans narratives. 
In terms of alternatives to this trope, there aren’t any. 
There is no acceptable or reasonable way to write a character being misgendered or dead-named as a cis author. This is especially true when you take it upon yourself to make up a dead name for a character. No excuses, no arguments. Just don’t do it. 
The Self-Hating Trans Person
The Self-Hating Trans Person trope is where a trans person’s dysphoria, be it physical, emotional, or social, is so extreme that they hate themselves and their bodies in an all-consuming way. This character is incapable of loving themselves and will often rely on a cis character for positivity, support, or self-esteem.
It would be impossible to acknowledge this trope without considering its ubiquity- while the description above is clear and severe, it overlaps often with many other tropes and less intense versions of it have a tendency to appear in most trans narratives. It’s associated with the trans character wanting to be cis (often worded as wanting to be “normal”), behaving in ways dangerous to themselves, and/or refusing to accept comfort. For example, a couple common uses of this trope are unsafe binding in transmasculine people, self harm or mutilation, and conversion therapy. The Self-Hating Trans Person narrative typically involves the character being aggressive toward people who question or try to combat their self hatred as well. 
As touched upon in the Cis Savior trope, this is harmful because it perpetuates the stereotype that trans people must hate themselves, and be willing to go to extreme lengths because of it. Plenty of trans people don’t care that they’re trans, or even like that about themselves. The idea that being trans is something that should make a person hate themselves implies that it’s bad or wrong, which it isn’t. There are some trans people who do have these negative feelings- and of course deserve all the support they want and need- but plenty of trans people don’t feel that way. Trans people can and do love themselves and their bodies. Some trans people don’t have severe dysphoria, or may not really have any at all. Trans character’s narratives shouldn’t always be about suffering.
Instead of writing narratives like these, consider the following alternatives:
A trans person who loves themselves and their trans body. (Be conscientious of straying into fetishistic territory, though- trans people are more than their bodies! When in doubt, ask.)
A trans person whose unhappiness is about something else, like losing a pet.
A trans person being loved and supported by their friends. 
The Forced Outing
The Forced Outing trope usually goes hand-in-hand with the Misgendered Trans Person. This trope includes a trans person, either closeted (not out, pre-transition) or stealth (not out, post-transition) having their identity as transgender being revealed to one or more people without their permission.
When it comes to Forced Outings, this usually happens around a cis love-interest, and is typically followed by said love-interest assuring the trans character that this doesn’t matter to them. Another common response is the trans character becoming a victim of violence, such as a beating or sexual assault. For example, a trans person gets “caught changing” and is outed to the person who sees them, without their consent. The “caught changing” is another common way this trope is expressed, usually in a bedroom, bathroom or locker room. Sometimes there’s a happy ending. Sometimes there isn’t.
It should be clear why this trope is harmful- outing someone, be it as transgender or gay or any other LGBT+ identity, is not just disrespectful, but it is extremely dangerous. Just because you wouldn’t react poorly doesn’t mean others are the same. Outing a trans person in real life could get them hurt really badly, or even killed, on top of being outright rude and presumptuous. While this is fiction, it’s important to recognize that the media we consume affects the way we view real world situations. In your story, things may turn out fine, but the harsh reality is that in real life, it usually doesn’t. Trans people can and do get killed when they’re outed. Besides that, it follows along with the rhetoric that someone is “lying” if they don’t immediately disclose that they’re transgender. Trans people do not have to tell you that they’re trans, especially if they don’t know you. 
Instead of writing narratives like these, consider the following alternative: 
A trans person already being out to and accepted by their loved ones.
The Predatory Trans Person
The Predatory Trans Person is usually same-gender-attracted (SGA) and/or transfeminine. They prey on cis people by coercing them into romantic or sexual relationships. Sometimes the trans person is considered predatory because they didn’t out themselves beforehand, or they use their being transgender as a means of guilting someone into having sex with them. It often overlaps with the PIV trope.
These narratives often revolve around sexual situations, and tend to focus on the cis partner as the main character. It prioritizes the comfort and feelings of the cis person. They’re uncomfortable, but can’t say it for fear of being seen as transphobic, or making their partner angry. For example, the cis character and trans character go on a few dates, and the trans character is presumed cis until they get to the bedroom. The trans character is pre-op and “convinces” the cis person to have sex with them anyway, despite them being uncomfortable. The most common form of this narrative is the transmisogynistic telling of a trans lesbian “coercing” a cis lesbian into sex.
This is harmful for two reasons- first and foremost, it paints trans people as being inherently predatory. It implies that trans people are only trans in order to have sex with those who otherwise wouldn’t be interested in them, reinforcing a long-standing transphobic notion that being transgender is related to sexual deviance and/or fetishes. Trans people are not inherently predatory. Trans people are not just rapists in disguise. Second of all, it makes assumptions about the genitals of trans people. Some are pre-op or no-op, of course, but not all of us are. Some trans people have had bottom surgery. Some trans men have penises, some have vaginas. Some trans women have vaginas, some have penises. And even those who haven’t had bottom (gender confirmation) surgery are still allowed and able to enjoy sex with the genitals they have, and use language regarding their genitals that they feel most comfortable with. There’s nothing wrong with that. 
Instead of writing narratives like these, consider the following alternatives:
A trans person having sex with another trans person.* 
A trans person and a cis person having consensual sex.*
A trans person participating in nonsexual intimacy with their partner.
The Genderbend
The Genderbend actually refers to two common transphobic tropes; the first is headcanoning a cis character as being trans as the opposite gender. In other words, headcanoning a cis woman as a trans man, or a cis man as a trans woman. 
It also refers to the common fandom trope of genderbending (also known as cisswap) to make a character of one gender into the “opposite,” typically associated with changing their physical characteristics to match this new assigned gender.
Narratives about the Genderbend trope rely on two primary assumptions. They assume every character is cis by default, and that certain characteristics are inherent to certain genders. The cis to trans version of this trope often focuses on a “coming out” story in which the character realizes they are trans and comes out to their loved ones before pursuing social and/or medical transitioning. 
Cisswap, on the other hand, completely avoids the concept of being transgender, and instead makes the character into the “opposite” gender while they’re still cis. This often comes with physical changes, such as a character made into a girl getting wider hips and a more “feminine” facial structure, as is associated with cis women.
These narratives are harmful because of the assumptions they make about all characters/people being cis by default, and that these characters must have the common physical characteristics associated with that body type. The Genderbend in which a cis character is headcanoned as the “opposite” gender perpetuates a harmful rhetoric that trans people are really just their assigned gender at birth with a different presentation. It pushes the idea that transfeminine people are men in dresses and transmasculine people are self-hating women, both of which are misconceptions behind a lot of transphobic violence people face. 
Cisswap relies on the idea that presentation or physical characteristics equate to gender, and that in order to be a gender, someone must look a certain way. This is not only harmful to trans people, but to any person who does not fit strict western binary beauty standards. It also fails to acknowledge that gender is not a simple binary of man or woman, but a spectrum that includes a multitude of identities. It should also be noted that the Cisswap trope relies on standards of gender and presentation that are intersexist, racist, and antisemitic as well. In general, the Cisswap trope is harmful to many marginalized groups of people, including but not limited to trans people.
Instead of writing narratives like these, consider the following alternatives:
Headcanoning/writing a character as being trans while keeping their gender the same.
A character being nonbinary.
Creating new OCs who are trans.
The Bottom Trans Man/Top Trans Woman (PIV in Trans/Cis Relationships)
The PIV (Penis in Vagina Sex) Trope is exclusive to Trans/Cis relationships, and typically revolves around same gender relationships. In the PIV trope, a pre-op trans person has penis-in-vagina sex with their cis partner. 
In these narratives, the focus is very heavy on the pre-op genitalia of the trans person in the relationship. It’s most commonly seen in m/m fanfiction, in which the trans man has vaginal sex with his cis partner, but also exists in f/f fic in which the trans woman engages in penetrative sex with her partner’s vagina. That’s not to say that trans people can’t or don’t enjoy sex this way, but in this particular trope, it is specifically written in a way that focuses in a fetishistic way on the genitals of trans people and makes broad assumptions about the bodies trans people have and the types of sex they enjoy. These narratives write all trans men as bottoms, and all trans women as tops. 
The reason this is harmful is because of the way it generalizes trans people’s bodies, their relationships to them, and the way they engage in sex. Of course there are pre-op (and no-op) trans people who do enjoy PIV sex with their partners, but that does not mean all trans people have those bodies or have that sort of sex. There are trans men who are tops, and trans women who are bottoms. There are trans people who have dysphoria about their genitals, and those who don’t. Some do not or cannot enjoy PIV sex, and that’s okay! The other common issue with this trope is the way that trans people’s bodies are described. Trans people often use words for their bodies that you might consider “anatomically incorrect” because it’s the language that they feel most comfortable with. 
Instead of writing narratives like these, consider the following alternatives:
A trans person having sex with another trans person.*
A trans person having non-PIV sex with their partner.*
A trans person participating in nonsexual intimacy with their partner.
The Trans/Cis Relationship
Finally, the Trans/Cis Relationship trope- this trope isn’t inherently bad- there’s nothing wrong on its own with a romantic pairing being between a trans and cis character. The specific dynamic this is about is the trans character requiring reassurance, validation, or other kinds of support from their partner that a cis character would not ask for. 
This trope is very commonly associated with Cis Savior and PIV tropes as well. It focuses on the trans person being in a relationship with a cis person who they depend on to “validate” their gender, help with their dysphoria, and protect them from transphobic behavior. It tends to infantilize trans people and make them into someone who cannot function outside their relationship with the cis character. For example, a transfeminine character relying on their boyfriend to make them feel “feminine” enough in their relationship. While Trans/Cis relationships are not inherently bad or wrong, it can be very easy to fall into a trap of writing the cis character as the Cis Savior, and often comes hand in hand with PIV sex when it’s a non-heterosexual couple.
The reason that this trope can be harmful is that it implies trans people are not enough on their own- that they need the support of a cis person who decides they’re “normal” in order to stay mentally well. It comes back often to the Cis Savior trope as well. Trans/Cis relationships written by cis authors may fall into these traps without meaning to. Beyond that, trans people can- and often do- date each other. In fact, some trans people are t4t, meaning that they choose to only date other trans people because it’s what’s most comfortable for them and may be safer depending on the situation they live in. Trans people do not enter relationships based on who will make them feel “valid,” but on who they love- the same as everyone else. 
Instead of writing narratives like these, consider the following alternatives:
A trans person’s partner being trans as well. (Although, again, be mindful to write stories about trans characters, not about being trans!)
A trans person being emotionally supportive of their cis partner.
A trans person being single.
Thank you so much for sticking with me during this! I know it’s long, and that it’s not easy to read things that make you question things you’re used to, or to reevaluate things you may have written in the past. Once again, none of this was an attack! The goal of this series of posts is to inform and educate, rather than shame. People who make these mistakes often do it because they don’t know any better, or haven’t been exposed to anything besides these tropes. I encourage you to look at what other trans people have said about portrayals, and when writing trans characters, look for someone who would be willing to beta for you if you’re unsure. When in doubt, ask. And remember- write about trans characters, not about being trans! There are certain nuances to being transgender that, as a cis person, you simply don’t have the background or experiences to write on, and that’s okay! We’re all learning and growing together.
*If you absolutely want to write sex scenes involving trans people, the best thing to do is to get a trans beta- and listen to them- as well as use language that may not be what you consider anatomically correct. Trans people may call their genitals by words that don’t “match” for their own comfort, and using language that focuses on pre-op genitalia can come across and/or be fetishistic. Be mindful and respectful when writing these scenes.
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angrelysimpping · 3 years
LIs + Leighton and Bailey reacting/preferences towards a very (bodily) hairy S/O?
As a somewhat hairy person, I have often thought about this, tbh.
(DoL relationships)
Doesn't particularly care as long as you bathe properly. Working on a farm is hard work and hair traps bacteria and orders. A bit hairy themself.
Prefers their partners to be well-groomed. Will ask you to shave/wax, depending on how hairy you are and where. Chest and stomach are fine. Avery's the only one who's going to see those parts of your body, anyway. They're policing the hair on your head, face, arms, armpits, and legs. Refuses to go down on you if you have a lot of pubic hair. Might take you to a professional place for waxing.
Surprisingly, not that bothered by it. The only thing they ask is you keep your pubic hair to a minimum. Would be very turned on if you shaved you're pubic hair into a heart but won't mention that.
Eden is very hygienic. As long as you're grooming yourself properly, they don't care where you have hair. Fairly hairy themself.
No preference. As long as you're happy with the way you look, Kylar does not care at all about your body hair. Will help you shave/wax if you want them to. You might want to make sure they throw the wax strips and razors away after, though.
Doesn't mind body hair. Really likes chest and stomach hair. Has a preference for their partners to have pubic hair, actually. Thinks it's attractive. Despite your gender, Leighton will get you lacy panties to wear so they can take photos of your pubic hair coming out from around the sides.
Another one who doesn't care about your body hair, as long as you're okay with it. Will help you shave/wax if you want, makes it into a couples thing.
Asshole. Asshole partner. Demands you shave/wax. Will pull/pick your body hair. Picks at your arm hair during math class. Holds you down and tweeses your eyebrows. Okay with short pubic hair but you better stay on top of trimming. Doesn't mind hairy legs that much but will tease you about it if they know it upsets you. Takes pity on you and will steal buy you razors/wax.
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Ok, so. My gender.
I have a complicated but also somehow simultaneously very simple relationship with gender and I’m going to explain you a thing so just give me a minute here while I try to be coherent about my thoughts.
(For context, I’m afab)
The thing is, I feel a very strong connection to many feminine things. I like skirts and dresses and even though my hair is shorter than I used to wear it (I used to like really long hair, but it’s shoulder length now, which I really like) it’s still a “feminine” length and cut. I wanted to be a princess when I was little, and my favorite color was pink, and I loved Barbie movies and all those hyper-feminine Disney shows that were on at the time like Hannah Montana and Shake It Up. I love presenting femininely and I have no problem with people using she/ her pronouns for me.
So I can’t be outside the gender binary... can I?
Ok, well here’s the thing. I’m also not the biggest fan of having boobs or keeping up with hygiene in a “feminine” way (i.e. shaving my legs and armpits, washing my face every morning and night, wearing thongs/ lacy underwear, I won’t even go into the subject of tampons) and even though I like playing with makeup it’s not really an everyday thing for me. And I’ve found that certain aspects of “womanhood” are so closely tied to sexualization that I don’t know where the line is.
Which begs the question: Is my disconnect between femininity and womanhood still valid even though it’s mostly caused by my asexuality? And why shouldn’t I embrace being called a woman when it’s easier, when I show all the outward signs of being one, when I only have one complaint and, after all, not every person on the gender binary has to embrace every part of their gender identity?
It feels like a lie for me to call myself anything other than a woman, but it also doesn’t feel like the full truth to call myself a woman, and I’m not exactly sure where that leaves me. I call myself Gender Apathetic because I don’t really care what pronouns people use for me because I seem to have lost all bearings on what even makes a gender. If it’s not your presentation, and if it’s not even necessarily what pronouns you use, what is it? Maybe gender is something you have to define for yourself and less of something that society defines. Of course there are social indicators, but ultimately I think gender is something really personal and it’s up to the individual to decide what it means to them.
This doesn’t really have a conclusion, it’s more just food for thought and maybe the start of a bigger conversation. This is just my experience with gender and gender presentation, and I’d love to hear more thoughts about it. Obviously it’s an important topic to me and it would be interesting to hear what y’all think about it. 
P.s. Sorry for the long post, but at this point if you’re following me you should have already accepted my post length tendencies lol. Love y’all <3<3<3
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