#All the sea is basically is a starting point for Nathan
fancybendyboi · 1 month
Wait is toon Nathan a sea creature now? He doesn't look like one, is that why he came up from the water????
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Ooc// ahah- no- um....... I don't know how to answer this without giving away the small project but-
The answer is no-
To put it simply because I'm not doing this half of the project but Nathan jumped into the ocean of his world which is slowly becoming tainted with ink due to Sin taking over the world and turning it Toonified ✨
In a sort of well whatever happens happens, better than being- a play thing for a monster yeah??
Nathan's expectation when falling into the ocean was to do what ink does when it goes into water, disappears into the water or he simply goes bye-bye-
But that's not what we see happens to him, he ends up in a completely different world
Nothing about him turns into a sea creature, nothing about him is water related at all, he just.... Teleported I'm going to say LOL
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tctteredwings · 4 months
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[ ben barnes, cis man, he/him ] — whoa! NATHAN YOUNG just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 42 YEARS, working as a FREELANCE/FASHION PHOTOGRAPHER. that can’t be easy, especially at only 42 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit COCKY and SECRETIVE, but i know them to be FREETHINKING and RESPECTFUL whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to MANHATTAN!
IN A NUTSHELL; a desk full of empty coffee cups, denim jackets whatever the weather, a constantly buzzing cell phone, a playful smile and a wink, loves a candid photo, playing the beatles in the car, scuffed up chelsea boots.
tw: adultery
Name: Nathan Young Nicknames: Nate Age: Forty-two Date of birth: 5th November 1981 Birth place: Manhattan, New York Occupation: Freelance/Fashion Photographer Romantic/sexual orientation: Biromantic/bisexual
Parents: Marc Young & Enid Young, née Carlisle. Siblings: ___ Young & ___ Young ( wc on main ). Children: Lyndsey Young ( 16 ) & Jessica Young ( 14 ). Ex-wife: Daphne Lark. Pets: One Doberman named Bernie.
Nathan was born in Greenwich Village to Enid and Marc . They were big in the community, always doing charity work and volunteering. His father even ran for mayor at one point. He was expected to get involved, too, but he really wasn’t interested.
All he wanted was to take photos, so at 16 he got a part time job at Starbucks and bought all the equipment his parents refused to. The rest was history as they say.
Eventually drifted away from his parents, the relationship with his younger siblings also suffering as a result.
In his senior year he came out as bisexual and dated a guy from the hockey team for a little over six months, up until college pulled them apart anyway.
The New York Film Academy was his chosen college. He briefly dabbled in movies, but in the end decided to stick with photography, landing an internship at a major fashion magazine shadowing one of the photographers as soon as he graduated.
He worked his way up the ladder, starting with fetching coffee, basically doing everybody else's shit. It took a couple of years, but in the end he got where he wanted, finding himself being headhunted for Vogue, GQ and Vanity Fair.
At 24 he met his soon-to-be wife on a shoot where she was also working, she was pretty new, majorly awkward and he fell for her in a big way.
It was proper whirlwind romance, in the space of a year and a half they were married and had a child. Within a couple more years their family of three became four... and then there was the dogs, too. Three of them in total. Fluffy Pomeranian's his wife was obsessed with. They set up home in the Upper East Side and could haven’t have been happier.
Up until Nathan cheated on her anyway...
Flirty in nature he was always putting on the charm, just a way to get people to ‘fall in love with him’ for the benefit of the camera, but six years after he first got married, things went a little too far.
He confessed straight away and within a year they were divorced, his wife granted full custody of the children.
Deciding on a fresh start, he up and moved to California, setting up his own studio in the city a year later. He lived out there for going on five years.
His daughters, Lyndsey ( 16 ) and Jessica ( 14 ), he saw during the holidays for the most part while living in LA They'd come and stay with him for weeks on end, enjoying the sun, sand and sea.
He's now been back in New York for four years, eventually tiring of the new life he'd found and missing his home. With the girls getting older and a friendship forming between both him and his ex-wife, they now have equal custody and co-parent like a dream. The reasons for their divorce a decade ago are never discussed and they've both done their best to move on from it.
He’s still a flirt, something that will never change, but he’s been failing pretty dramatically at getting back on the dating scene ever since separating from his wife. His job is his life now, though, and a lot of his time is dedicated to that and spending time in the studio he'd doing up.
Despite his protests in the debate over whether to get a dog or not with his ex, he’s found he’s actually quite fond of them now. After spending six years having miniature breeds yapping at his heels, he chose to adopt a Doberman within a couple of months of moving to California and he'd travelled back to New York with him.
Nathan is a keen reader and considers himself a bookworm. It’s a little-known fact about him, but he adores the classics, and his favourite book is War and Peace. One day he hopes to write something himself, although knows it will probably only end up being a photography book or a pictorial of his early years taking photos.
TLDR; Nathan grew up in New York ( Greenwich Village to be exact ) and had a pretty good childhood. He clashed with his parents on what to do with his life and during his teens they had a pretty big falling out when he decided to follow his passion for photography. Working his way up the ladder, by his mid-twenties he was one of the most sought-after fashion photographers in the country —- that hasn't changed much. He got caught up in a whirlwind romance at the same time and was married by 25 shortly after his first daughter was born. Over time his flirty personality got him into trouble though and while working away he had a fleeting affair that led to the breakdown of his marriage. He hasn't really been the same since. Moved to LA for a while for work and when he moved back 4 years ago, made his daughters his top priority. He's still a flirt, but has toned it down a little.
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What is the actual POINT of Jonathan though? WHAT IS THE POINT? What did he DO besides occasionally drive and do the BARE MINIMUM that is required of him to be a decent sibling (and EVEN THEN Will had to point out that he's basically been checked out and stoned for months) and lie to his girlfriend continuously and DISRESPECT STEVE????? Go AWAY!!!!!!!
164 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
I’m imagining James messaging roomba’s instagram account and using unkind regards 😂
dear roomba ceo
your product may clean floors but it ANNHILIATES family dynamics. how do you sleep at night. how DO you?
unkind regards, JAMES POTTER
221 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
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I agree
1,100 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
What are your parenting golden rules?
I have five in particular.
1) Never be aggressive. And I don't just mean "aggressive" as in violent, I mean aggressive in any way, and that includes shouting. I do not shout, not just at my stepson but at anyone. Ever. We live in a "no yelling" household and that rule applies to everyone. If I ever find myself so angry that it's not possible for me to have a reasonable discussion, I will leave the room and calm down before I proceed.
2) Never discipline a child for something you wouldn't punish yourself for. Why do so many parents punish their kids for shit like accidentally breaking something, or spilling a drink on themselves? Human mistakes are human mistakes.
3) Whenever I cook something for Nathan that he's never tried before, I make a point of telling him that I would like for him to try it, but that if he doesn't like it, he can tell me and I'll make him something else. As a result he has tried and liked all sorts of new things without fear of getting in trouble. I also let him eat until he feels like he's eaten enough, not until he clears his plate. Food abuse is endemic, it isn't talked about enough and a lot of parents aren't even aware that they're guilty of it because they're just doing what their own parents did to them. I want him to have a positive and healthy relationship with food as an adult, and that starts with his parents and how we behave.
4) Nathan knows that if I say or do anything that hurts his feelings, he can call me out and I will think about my behaviour and apologise.
5) If I ask him for a hug and he says no, I accept the no.
1,743 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"Otherwise, who'd have been in charge? Steve?" chuckled Jonathan from atop his moral high horse, as if Steve hasn't been gainfully employed, supporting his friends, cheerleading his lesbian bestie, putting his life and body on the line to protect his gang of ragtag kids, fighting tooth-and-nail next to Jonathan's neglected girlfriend to save the town, ripping monster bats apart with his bare hands and throwing molotov cocktails in the face of a literal hell demon while Jonathan was... *checks notes* whacking golf balls at cars.
3,641 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Vampire!Reader x Markiplier Egos
ty anon for the request
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A/N: YES. IT'S BEEN A WHILE. HAPPY FUCKING HALLOWEEN. I absolutely remembered today is the 1 year anniversary of ahwm absolutely this is not a coincidence what are you talking about ahahahahha. I've been busy w/ school and drawing and general depression and anxiety with the current situation but I'm getting back into it! Vampire reader. That's pretty much it. Rated T, a bit of cursing, mentions of blood, mentions of fangs. A slightly suggestive phrase but that's just Illinois like there has to be at least one with him it's the law. ALSO. NEW RULE? IF I'M DOING LIKE HCS OR SMTHN I WILL DO 6 AT A TIME. I CANNOT BE WRITING 14 DIFFERENT EGOS AT ONCE I JUST CAN'T I'M SORRY. anyways enjoy!
Vampire!Reader x Egos Headcanons
Not much PDA
Not much going out in general
You have to cover your whole body when you do, unless it’s nighttime
You spend much of your time inside or in the forest
You’re basically nocturnal
You do drink blood, and you don’t need a lot of it
You drink human blood only if they give permission
You don’t kill people
You know or know of some other supernatural creatures that exist
You are friends with a werewolf. One specifically. You know the one.
You both are edgy as all hell it’s perfect!
Politely asks you not to bite him
a) because he’s not human and b) because it’ll hurt
You both are very calm and well-spoken. So. not much happens.
However, you are both, in fact, dumb bitches, so things are still entertaining
“My darling, would you like some garli-mmm nevermind...”
You go out with him sometimes on romantic moonlit walks
You don’t have to wear as much then
You make him get a pet, a black cat specifically
He loves it
You named it Darko, Dark for short, and he hates the name
Like he hates the name a lot
It is irrational how much he hates the fucking name
He calls it DA
He never explains why
When you want blood he’ll trap a deer or something
You go into the forest and drink a little of its blood
He’s surprised
“What am I, a werewolf?”
He’ll ask you about supernatural creatures, and how to defend against them
You’re pretty sure he’s an eldritch entity so you aren’t sure why he’s asking YOU
He won’t ask how you became a vampire, that seems personal
He never gets startled when you turn into a bat
He can hear your lil wingbeats from a mile away
Sometimes you’ll sleep as a bat and he just smiles at you hanging from the fan
Fine with you not interacting with others, like he does much of that…
Just likes hanging out in your fucking giant victorian mansion with you
We all know that his type is, in fact, edgy bitch
Therefore, you are perfect
Dark clothes? Check
Edgy backstory? Probably
Kinda scary? Oh absolutely
And he loves you for that!
He doesn’t want to be a vampire, but he fuckin loves your teeth
He’ll ask you to bare them and then he’ll do a happy wiggle afterwards
He loves dancing with you, slow or fast
It’s always romantic
He’s basically a god so like. Anything you ask for he’s gotchu
You said you were hungry and he fucking kidnapped someone
You said you were hungry, that was on you
You then explain that you don’t need a whole FUCKING PERSON
He then steals some blood bags from the hospital
“Oh, calm down! They have enough!”
Likes taking you out, so you go on night walks a lot.
You’re not used to social interaction, so he makes sure to steer you away from people
Unless you want to talk to them, then he starts up a conversation and lets you take over
You don’t understand people, and neither does he! It’s great.
Likes when you turn into a bat
He doesn’t know why, it just makes him happy
You made him adopt a black cat
He named it Colonel Whiskers
Loves you and your castle and your weird ass little quirks
Bite him.
You refuse for the sole reason that he is a dick.
You do get along because you both are, in fact, pretentious
You wear those silk robes around the house, and he gets mad at you
HE is the sexy mysterious one, COME ON!
At least you won’t have an edgier backstory than him…
Likes slow dancing with you
Very much enjoys your Aesthetic
Believes that he too belongs in a Victorian era castle isolated from the world
Loves the dark romance
Is a Fancy Boy
Was fully prepared to murder someone for you to drink their blood
Surprised when you said it wasn’t necessary???
Buys a horse or smthn
Asks about supernatural beings and which are immortal
He asks that a lot
He worries you sometimes.
Hates it when you turn into a bat
You’re small and you fly around and you’re fucking GROSS
He doesn’t. He doesn’t like animals very much. Besides dogs I mean.
Buys you clothes because you’ve been wearing the same shit for fucking EVER
Don’t worry, they’re all black, dark purple, or dark red
Sometimes you decide to go on a walk and he tags along
Possessive bitch
Thinks you’ll leave him if you talk to other people
He scares them or leads you away
Was fine with a black wolfdog you brought home after searching for food
Names it Phoenix, and you call it Nix for short
Is deeply in love with you, but will never say or show it
He thinks you’re wonderful!
Originally a bit mean to you
He thought YOU thought you were better than him
He saw the fangs and backed off
He asked about them and you answered, so you got along
Asked if he could be a vampire
You asked if he wanted to be immortal. He declined.
Suggested you drink his blood when you were hungry
You said it wasn’t necessary, but he pushed
Stared at you the whole time
“what’s your issue” “this is very… intimate.”
On that note: has an issue with intimacy
You’re very cold naturally, so you’d want to cuddle
He awkwardly shifts away
Once he gets more comfortable, he might cuddle with you
Loves the silk robes you own, they’re so fucking COMFY
Absolutely loves all the fancy shit you have
You teach him how to waltz and he teaches you how to tap dance
You have a very equal give and take relationship with everything, it’s great
Neither of you like social interaction
You will if you HAVE to but mostly keep to yourselves
You love Yancy's prison buddies
They love you too
Asked if you knew mothman
You couldn’t tell if he was joking
He absolutely Was Not joking
He sings to you sometimes
It echoes through the place and the Aesthetic man
Hates it when you turn into a bat
Bad. No. Stop. Scary.
A small animal flying at him is a no go
Alternatively: get him a pet dog and he will love you forever
He names it Elvis. Yeah you know why.
Overall loves you and your aesthetic, and you could tell even before you got together
Excited but doesn't show it
He's met PLENTY of supernatural creatures
Ghosts, gods, there was a thing with that werewolf one time…
(He has the scars to prove it)
But a vampire? That's new
He doesn’t live at your place because he travels a lot
He still stays there sometimes between adventures
Uncomfortable with how clean it is
You are. An immortal being. And you take the time to clean. What the fuck.
“Would YOU wanna spend eternity in a dusty ass mansion?”
His flirts are often about your fangs
You threatened to bite him and he said “promise?”
Said you could drink his blood, but you said no
“I don’t know what the fuck you got in that bloodstream”
Doesn’t do walks but takes you on adventures
If it’s a cave. And you turn into a bat.
ONLY if you turn into a bat
Sidenote: he fucking adores when you turn into a bat
He just thinks they’re neat
Uncomfortable with how soft everything you own is
NOTHING is soft in nature
Except. Like a lot of things. But don’t tell him he’ll get mad
Doesn’t really want a pet bc he’ll never be home to deal with it
He’ll be fine if you get one though
He wants to name it Nathan Drake he doesn’t care what it is
NERD(see: Uncharted)
Will never EVER wear a fucking suit
He will DIE before he wears a suit fuck you
Dislikes anything remotely fancy
Talks about the creatures he’s met
you get Bard Vibes if ya know what i mean wink wink nudge nudge he's a whore is what I'm saying here
You hang out normally mostly
He refuses to acknowledge his feelings for you
Not after the mermaid incident.
He eventually will, i promise
He’s a pirate, he doesn’t care
He’s seen sirens, ancient spirits, probably Davey Jones at some point
A vampire? Low on the list of dangerous creatures
He has a whole ship made outta wood he’s not that worried
You don't really sail with him often
When you do, you're seen as a threat to anyone and everyone
He loves that about you
Warned you not to bite him or he'd stake you
You promised not to and that was enough for him
You get along with the crew fairly well
However do NOT turn into a bat around them
They will not hesitate to shoot
You can maybe do it around Magnum and only Magnum
Doesn't like your house
He belongs to the sea
But can and will steal your sheets for himself
A pirate can have a little silk, as a treat
Offered his crew's blood to drink after a while
You declined because you don't know what the fuck kinda diseases they have
Doesn't really want a pet. He can't tell them what to do.
You bought an axolotl and he loves it a lot
Its name is Delta but he has deemed it Magnum Jr
Can't really. Fit. In any suits you have
He has to go out and get one personally tailored if he wants it
Likes dancing with you
Slow dancing. To Danny Boy.
He can't dance but that's ok he tries
You talk about land creatures and he talks about ocean creatures
So far he despises werewolves and skinwalkers
He likes spending as much time with you possible
He doesn't much like the idea of a relationship bc of his uh line of work
But he loves you
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doodlingstuff · 3 years
The Butcher’s Wife
*This starts romantic, fun and sweet, but ends dark, angsty and painful. Read at your own risk.*
Partially based on true events.
You can also read on AO3.
1 Meet the Butcher
The clack of the tumbler against the counter breaks through the loud music of the club. The looks in her direction don’t stop Mary from holding her hand up, asking for another drink.
Her plan today, is drowning herself in alcohol until she forgets.
“That would be one drink too many, love.” Carol says, bringing down Mary’s lifted arm to catch the attention of the bartender.
“I’m paying for them. Got my own money.”
“Oh, you stubborn brat.” Leika says from her other side, grabbing Mary from the shoulders. “It’s not about the money, but your liver.”
“Can get another liver! Can get as many organs as I like!” Mary replies indignant. Her friends should be a support, not a liability.  
Perhaps Mary should’ve tell why she had dragged them to an almost empty club on a Wednesday night.
Leika and Carol watch with disapproval as the next drink is poured. Mary doesn’t care. She will drink as much as she wants. She’ll piss her parents off and then she’ll make her brother Stuart give her an endless reprimand. But she’ll get away with it.  
Mary will do things her way no matter what.
“At least make it last, won’t you?” Carol asks this time, softer.  
“And you could you know, tell us what the fuck has you moaning. Was a man, wasn’t it?”
“You’re like this for a man, sweetheart?” Carol took a strand of blond hair and passed it behind Mary’s ear.
“Tell us the name and he’s dead.”
“St- Your brother? What the hell Mary?” Mary gives a sip to her drink before replying.
“And father.” She takes another sip. “And mother.” Mary downs the rest of the liquor and slams the glass again on the counter.
“All Hatfords are f-” Mary is interrupted by her hiccup. “-cking nuts.”
Instead of giving her the oblivion she sought, alcohol is making Mary’s tongue slippery. She must start measuring her words. Not because of her friends though. They know –sort of- that Mary belongs to the British mafia.  
Or at least, they know the basics: big family business, Mary wants to live her own life, Stuart is a clod who is decided to rule with Mary once she turns twenty-one. Today is her twenty-first birthday. The talk didn’t go well. Mary just wants to forget.
But in the meantime, she must be careful of who’s listening to her words. Normal people tend to get spooky when they hear “mafia” out loud and so close.
“What with them now?” Leika asks, bored and stretching out her own hand to buy them drinks. Mary is thankful that her friends know when to stop taking care of her, and start joining the party. They’ll need a cab for sure once they’re done.
“I’m twenty-one today. Time for me to join the biz. I don’t want to. I won’t do it.” Mary finally buries her face in her hands. There’s no point in giving herself a hangover when that isn’t going to fix anything.
“It’s your birthday?” Carol asked, oblivious to the real problem. “We should be partying, not watching you get drunk, love!”
“Why would I celebrate? Stuart has all this plans and my parents agree with him, and I just want to live.”
“Then go live! What’s stopping you?” It’s Leika now the one who slams the glass on the counter. “Hey, you. Another round here!” She shouts to the bartender.
Mary doesn’t waste her breath. She just stares at her friend. They know Mary can’t just walk away from her family. At least not if she intends to reach her next birthday.
“Shit. Your right.” Leika says, reading the dread look in Mary’s eyes.
“But you’ve got tonight. Go have some fun. Drink yourself senseless and tomorrow would be another day. It’s still your birthday after all.”
“You could start by banging that beefcake over there. He has been looking your way for far too long to be decent.”
“Beefcake, you said? Where?” Carol asks, sitting up straight in a careless move, so at odds with her, scanning her surroundings like hound looking for her fox.
“Sit down you moron. He’ll notice.” Leika says, pushing Carol back to her stool. “Right there.” She points a few places away. “The one with auburn hair. What. A. Man.”
“Oh, girl if you’re not taking your birthday present I am.”
Mary allows herself to feel envy of her friends just for ten seconds.
They can have their own lives. They can hookup or marry whoever they choose. They can come and go as they please without having to think about alliances, repercussions or dangers from stepping into the wrong territory.  
If only Mary could be free of that.
It’s not that she doesn’t appreciate what she’s got. She’s fortunate enough to be part of one of the “nicest” of mafia families. The Hatfords are British after all, so they’re not as blood thirsty as others. They run their every affair smoothly, easily. And they only use blunt force when needed. And only what is necessary. Not more, not less.
Those ten seconds are enough for Mary to take a glimpse at the man Leika and Carol are still savoring like one would normally do with a good steak.
Mary no longer wonders why they can’t hold their tongues in place. The chap is a beefcake indeed; strong built, rough hands, pale skin and auburn hair that seems made of copper and bronze under the lights of the club.
He doesn’t look very tall though, but that’s fine for Mary. The Hatfords aren’t a tall bunch.
“Now what? Will you drool all night with us, or you’ll actually do something useful and ask him for a drink?” Leika says.
A smile surprises Mary when it breaks free from her face. She can’t remember the last time she paid attention to a man.
Stuart, mother and father had made clear that Mary wouldn’t have a say if she married someday, and she’d been punished the few times she dared hanging out with someone. She learnt the hard way to keep her hands and eyes to herself.
But tonight, tonight she wants to celebrate and make a statement.  
“No, wait. What if he’s waiting for us to stop crowding her and then he comes to ask her for a drink?” Carol wonders, a spark of illusion making her eyes go wide.
“He’ll have to man up then. I’m not missing this lass’ face and someone has to kick her butt to make her move when he asks.”
“I’m still here, you know?”
“You shoul-Oh my God. Oh my God. OhmyGodOhmyGodOhmy Gooood. He’s walking here.”
“Bloody hell. Act normal.” Leika says, half-slapping Carol to make her turn around and ignore the man walking towards them.
Even meters away, Mary can spot the bright, chilly blue of his eyes shining like diamonds in the dim lights.
He looks like a demon made of fire and ice cutting through the crowd on his way to where Mary is sitting. It certainly looks like he is going for her, but there is no way in heaven and hell that such a man places his eyes in tiny blonde Mary with her dull gray eyes and her small frame that has nothing to do with the exuberant girls staring as the man keeps walking their way.
Mary turns around to see what kind of woman is behind her, but finds empty spots.  
When she turns again, she is surprised by a strong chest close to her face, and a mixed scent of whisky and bergamot.
“Would you grant me a dance, milady?” The stranger asks, a hand stretched in Mary’s direction.
She reacts in a haze that was probably induced by the alcohol, or it might be due to the rumble of the music, or perhaps it was the power behind those eyes that screamed danger all the way.
“Bloody hell. He’s American.” Carol whispers behind Mary’s back as she walks hand in hand with the stranger to the center of the dance floor.
Mary doesn’t have time to worry about her lack of dancing skills once they are in the middle of the crowd. Without letting go of her hand, the man makes her give a turn, and then he presses Mary’s body against his. Mary presses a hand to his chest to keep her balance, and her eyes go up, up to meet the frozen blue waiting for her.
“You looked like you needed a rescue from your friends.” The volume of the music is too loud to speak in a normal volume, but he manages to make it a provocative whisper into her ear, that sends shivers down Mary’s spine. She’s suddenly glad that he’s got a strong grip around her waist.
“Maybe I did.” She replies, steeling her voice so it doesn’t show how much this stranger is affecting her in so little time.
“What is a smart girl like you doing out on a Wednesday night?”
“It’s my birthday.” Mary says. It wasn’t exactly what she decided to go out, but it’s the truth. She shouldn’t be speaking truths to strangers. No matter how handsome they are. “What about you?”
“Business meeting.” He replies, twirling a strand of blond hair between his fingers. Mary can’t tell when she started craving to run her hands across that perfect dark red hair, but she can say they weren’t moving an inch.
“Travel often?” She asks with hoarse voice. Dammit. She won’t get anywhere good falling for a guy now.
“Not across the sea. This was a special occasion.” The smile he flashes is equal parts stunning and a promise of pain that Mary knows well.
It’s the smile of a predator.  
Something in her starts to scream to get away, but she’s too infatuated now to pay attention to her instincts.
She’s half-drunk. She’s still mad at her parents and Stuart. She still wants a way out of her life. And she’s still pressed against the hard abs of the stranger. A stranger that can become someone she knows.
“I’m Nathan.” He whispered in that deep voice that was weakening Mary more and more.
“Mary.” She manages to say.
That’s the last coherent word that Mary manages to say before getting lost in the warmth of Nathan’s body for the rest of the night.
2 Marry the Butcher
The next year comes in a wave of travels back and forth from England to the US and back.
Mary knows who she’s fallen in love with. She knows that Nathan is a charming man with her, but also the brutal head that holds power all the way from New York to D.C.  
She knows that in the bed, Nathan will tear her apart limb by limb in a succession of precise kisses that will make her unfold completely for him. But she also knows that in the basement, he is capable of tearing apart limb by limb in a succession of precise cuts anyone who crosses the Butcher’s territory.
Mary can’t care less about it.  
It’s true that he is far crueler and more bloodthirsty than anyone in her family. It’s also true that since she met him, Mary stopped seeing her friends. However, it’s also true that her family don’t stuck their noses in her life anymore.
Whatever power holds the Butcher of Baltimore, is keeping even the Hatfords away from Mary and she’s not giving that freedom up.  
So, when Nathan pulls his predator smile on her, and asks if she would marry, Mary says yes without a second thought.
Stuart is pissed. Her parents disown her. Mary doesn’t give a damn.  
Nathan is much more than what she could ever had imagined, and she doesn’t need to hide who she is in front of him. Whatever her family had done, he’d done worse.  
They are made for each other, and so they marry under the September Autum sky.  
Auburn and blond mix like the leaves falling from the trees.  
Blue opal meets silver and Mary thinks she will be safe forever.
Mary is too in love to see that the smile meeting hers for a kiss, is no longer the smile of Nathan, but the Butcher’s.
Leika and Carol cheer on the back anyway. Unaware that they won’t see Mary alive again.
That night, the Butcher tends his knives to his men, and he goes to the most expensive hotel in New York for his honey moon.
Mary believes in their love. She thinks she owns the Butcher. Mary is sure that he is hers as much as she is his.
She is so drunk in love when they arrive to their room in heated kisses, that she gives herself away without hesitation over and over again.  
With every new moan and squirm, her head gets further and further away from her body, and she totally forgets that the Butcher mustn't have any heirs.
If children arrive, Nathan will love them as much as Mary will, because they are a family now, and even if they would be strange and the kids will see and hear and learn a couple of things that no kid should know about in their entire lives, they would be perfect for them.
Those nights, are the best of Mary’s life.
She thinks she finally has it all and she dares to believe that good things will never end.
3 Fear the Butcher
When Mary realizes she has to run, it’s already too late to step back.
The first fifty pregnancy tests were a lie, so she headed on her own to the clinic only to be confirmed that she was expecting a child.
She should’ve gone back to her family. Beg forgiveness of her parents and join Stuart as head of the Hatfords. But she can unsay that she’s pregnant and escape while he's still out.  
So instead, she sees how Nathan ceases to exist and becomes the Butcher right in front of her. In their living room. The same living room where they shared kisses and dances and laughs about their families and the world.
Nathan is so angry at her that his face is contorted in rage.
Mary is waiting for words and shouts, because they had fought before.
She’s certainly not expecting the heavy hand slamming on the side of her head, making her fall to the floor.
“Nathan.” She says, her voice strained with fear. This isn’t the man she married.
“You had only one thing to do. Only one. And you failed you fucking useless whore.”
“Nathan.” She tries again.  
Her pleas turn into a kick in her belly. Mary bends and crosses her arms around her middle, trying to protect the baby if it isn’t too late already.
“One. Fucking. Thing.” Nathan crouches beside Mary. She thinks he’ll come into his senses, but it’s only to grab her from the hair and bring her to her feet. “Go get rid of that before I do.”
“Our baby. No.”
“It’s our child. We made it. Nathan, you’re only stressed because you think you aren’t allowed to have kids, but when it’s born, things will be different. We’ll be a family.”
“A family.” Nathan echoes. Mary dares to feel a spark of hope. He had never laid a hand on her before but this will be the last time. Nathan will realize his mistake in the morning.  
They will become a family. They have to. That’s why Mary married.  
Nathan and her are bound to be together.
Nathan pushes Mary way too hard. She stumbles. He leaves.
Mary still believes Nathan will love the baby.
Mary comes back alone from the hospital.  
No. Not alone. She’s not alone anymore. Abram is in her arms, sleeping.
Nathan refused to go with her and he never visited, but when he sees that Abram looks just like him, he’ll fall for the baby as much as Mary has.
When Nathan meets the baby, he’ll realize that there was no point for hitting Mary so often along the past months. He’ll see what a beautiful family they’ll be.
Mary slips inside without making noises. She gives just two steps inside when a figure moves close to her.
For a moment, Mary thinks its Nathan, but she’s faced with Lola’s Joker smile.
“Look what we have here. Little bird returned with her nasty pup.” Mary braces Abram’s tiny body closer to her chest and shields him with her arms. “Maybe I can give him his first marks?”
Mary’s blood is boiling inside of her. She wants to erase the smile from Lola’s face with her fists. But once Nathan looks at Abram, he’ll see there’s no point in keeping that woman around for more than business. So, Mary swallows her hatred, leaves to her room and avoids Lola for the next days until Nathan is back home.
He finds Mary feeding Abram. The baby is always hungry and smiling. Nathan will forget his grudges when he meets the baby.
“What’s its name?” He asks from the doorframe. Mary can see it’s the Butcher talking, but she hopes that looking at the baby closer will make him shed the predator skin and become Nathan.
“My mistakes should carry my name too. Nathaniel.”
“But-Okay.” Mary stops herself before unchaining the Butcher’s rage. She’s walking a thin rope. “Nathaniel Abram.”
“I don’t want to hear that crying.” Nathan says and walks the way he came.
Mary still believes that it’s only a matter of time before Nathan gives Abram a chance. She can wait. Abram can wait as well.  
They have all the time of the world.  
When Abram is asleep, Mary places him gently in the side of the bed, surrounded by a wall of pillows to avoid him from falling, and she sleeps too.
Most nights, Abram will cry in a soft way, as if he had understood Nathan’s orders. And Nathan himself stopped sharing the bed with Mary long, long ago, so it was easy for her to reach for Abram, feed him, change him and put him back to sleep without much noise.
Nathan hadn’t gotten close to Abram, but he hadn’t rejected him either.  
Mary believed they had a chance. If the Butcher wasn’t back.
That particular night, Abram cries louder. Mary changes him, tries to feed him, holds him tight to her chest to calm him, she sings to soothe him, she makes soft noises to distract him, but something is bothering Abram and she doesn’t know what that is.
Mary is tired. She has no help. She knows nothing about children. She’s losing her patience, but it’s her baby and Nathan will hear-
“I told you to keep that thing silent.”
“I don’t know what’s wrong.” Mary’s voice was cracking, close to tears. “He never cries so much. Maybe if you hold him.”
Nathan was no longer in the room. Mary shouldn’t tell him to hold Abram. The Butcher was here. She rocked Abram more to make him stop, but something was wrong and Nathan’s voice had startle him further and further as the Butcher approached them.
“Shut that thing now.”
“It’s not a thing. I can’t just unplug him. Nathan maybe he’s-”
The phrase was left unfinished as shock replaces the desperation when the Butcher grabs Abram from an arm and slams him into the floor.
Abram doesn’t cry anymore.  
“If I have to shut that the fuck again, it will be from a window. Clear?”
Mary wants to slam herself into the Butcher and take out his eyes with her bare hands. But she knows her efforts would only end in her bleeding and Abram.
As soon as the Butcher leaves the room, Mary sinks into her knees and picks up gently the small body of her baby. Abram is not making any sound. His arm is hanging limp. There’s a gash bleeding in his head.
Mary knows she needs to get him into a hospital, but the Butcher or his people will be outside, cornering her.
With the things in the room, she cleans the wound and bandages his arm as best as he can using some of his clothes.  
A minute goes by. Then two. Then an hour.  
Mary crumbles into tears beside him and maybe it’s the movement of the bed what makes the baby let out a small sound. Mary finds his chilly blue eyes. The eyes of the Butcher still free from evil, but already filled with pain and fear.
“One of us has to make it out of here alive and it’s going to be you, Abram. I promise.”
Mary’s words are carried away by time and air, but the promise is made and she knows in that moment, that it’s only her and Abram against the world. So, she will make sure her baby lives.
Even if it costs her life.
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prisonhannibal · 4 years
Do you have any cablepool fanfic recommendations bc I suffer daily trying to find good ones (especially comic based, but movie is fine too)
I think you might be a long distance telepath because I got an ask like this a while ago and didn’t answer it bc I needed time to think. and then I couldn’t find it in my inbox so I decided to just write a regular post, and while I was writing that post I got this ask!
ok these are in no particular order and I’m not using the actual plot summaries the authors used on ao3, just making stuff up or using quotes from the fic
Landing on both broken hearted knees by rayguntomyhead (1.6k words, rated M)
Post Deadpool 2. Wade and Nate share a hotel room. I know what you’re thinking, it’s not that kind of fic. Nothing is going on with them yet.
Tropes by quakey (2.2k words, rated T)
Wade’s been reading TVtropes, and if Nate is fucking with him right now, Wade is gonna gut him like a fish and throw his bloody corpse in the sea for the sharks.
These days are great and so are you by bankrobbery (3k words, rated T)
Movie based. Wade gets kinkshamed by Weasel and hawaiian-shirt-shamed by Cable. They’re at the bar, basically
Motormouth by pavonine (13k words, rated T)
Wade can’t shut the fuck up, and this time it’s not even his fault! Wade’s been cursed to never be able to stop talking, which is really fucking inconvenient if you’ve got stuff you’re trying to not say.
also the norwegian prime minister is in it very briefly, and it was posted in 2013, when jens stoltenberg was the PM so I’m just gonna assume it’s him and bring your attention to this picture of him which I think is hilarious
Pressure points by denims (2k words, rated M)
Cable keeps casually touching him, which probably doesn’t mean anything (don’t listen to domino, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about), but it makes Wade feel weird. So, so weird.
Wade will f*** shit up for you by Quakey @withoutaconscienceorafilter (48k words, rated E, so minors stay away from this one, it’s the only thing on the list with actually NSFW scenes.)
The craigslist ad said “My name’s Wade and I fuck shit up professionally. So your ex getting married? I’ll crash that shit. Your job fire before their company picnick? I’ll show up with tequila and throw hands. Got some one one you hate an just wanna fuck their day up? I’m all over that shit. Serving all situations where we customize your service to your liking email me for pricing. Services guaranteed with video.” Maybe this is a horrible idea, and maybe he shouldn’t have, but Nate did answer it, so things are definitely about to get weird
I’m biased on this one because it was based on a post I made but it seriously is really good it’s super funny (almost choked to death trying not to laugh on the bus at one point) and in character and some of the scenes are so so so cute. Not sold yet? Hope is in it. AND Ellie. Hell yeah! This one is movie based, and I really like that it’s a regular non powered AU, but Nate’s arm+eye and Wade’s scars are still included. Like Nate has a prosthetic arm and Wade actually looks like Wade.
Fistful of shovels by surefall (28.6k words, rated T)
Now, you might be thinking, ms. Mutantapologist, this is tagged spideypool?? It is, but just trust me okay
Wade’s best friend, bromanciest of bros to ever bro, Nathan Summers is back in his life, and he’s really starting to get under Peter’s skin. They’re just too close, and Nathan is there all the damn time. List of things Wade’s weird time traveling BFF would look good in: 1. his own damn home. Nate and Peter get passive aggressive and competitive, Nate’s manipulative tendencies make an appearance, Peter is kind of a dick, and Wade’s honestly just happy to have his BFF back.
this is one of my favorite portrayals of their relationship dynamic tbh. just...their unbreakable bond...the way they keep coming back to each other through time and dimensions...that shit makes me cryyyy. and how well they know each other..the trust...the casual intimacy....how comfortable they’re with each other...also the dialogue in this is perfect, love their banter. This one is “screenshotting quotes and sending them to your friends” level funny. they also play mario kart and I think that’s nice.
Read Omake: Fistful of shovels for the Deleted Scenes Edition that has stuff that didn’t make it into the final fic or alternate versions of scenes. includes: Nate sending a shirtless selfie with ulterior motives, Nate being sort of a home wrecker (but at least he’s more honest about it!), aunt May, Nate being accused of being a bottom, etc.
Strangers by totallynotremus @totallynotremus (31k, rated T)
Nate plays games. Not weird manipulative mind games this time. Actual games. Online. With Wade and his friends. Wade feels targeted because come on, you behave mildly flirtatiously with the guy your friend group is gaming with online a lot acouple of times and suddenly your so called “friends” won’t stop harassing you about it. unbelievable. this one is also super funny
Motion Practice Universe: Cablepool Edition
I couldn’t put these in either category because they need to be in order and there’s one-shots AND a multi chapter fic so i’d have to separate them and that wouldn’t work. These are part of the (as of august 2020) 1,405,078 words long Motion Practice Universe, but you don’t need to read the rest of it to know what’s going on, I didn’t and it works 100% fine as a stand-alone storyline
Wade Wilson explains it all (or at least, how Clint’s keeping his job. Mostly keeping his job. It’s complicated.) by the_wordbutler (3.3k words, rated T)
Wade is trying to put together a fruit basket for Clint, because he’s a thoughtful friend (who does not get enough credit, hello?), unlike some other people. Example: his coworkers, who won’t let him focus on his super special important project (fruit basket!). And Nate, who’s eating an orange (from the fruit basket!😡) which has no business being that distracting.
it’s sort of an introduction to the next thing in the list, and I highly recommend reading it first. Definitely does a great job at showing what you’re gonna get from the full fic. Also, it’s cute and funny.
Admissions, Interrogatories, and other discoveries by the_wordbutler (150k words, rated M)
No, that wasn’t a typo, it really is 150k words. And I read it. Twice.
Basically, Wade is a criminal defense attorney, good job, you get to defend goat fuckers and other weirdos. Fun times. Nate’s a coworker, works in immigration and civil rights law, they do projects together. Just a bro he jokes around with, who sometimes brings Wade lunch, and whose arms Wade really likes to stare at, but that doesn’t mean anything, right?
this one is REAL slowburn (never in my LIFE have i experienced slow burn like this one holy FUCK), great relationship development and I just love their dynamic and banter in this one. Perfect dialogue and it’s really fucking funny, made me laugh out loud at several points! AND!! Hope is in it<3
What I learned on my summer vacation, an essay by Hope Summers by the_wordbutler (4.5k words, rated T)
Sequel to Admissions, interrogatories and other m discoveries. Wade, Nate, and ten year old Hope go to Disney World, and the beach. A lot of love and family<3 Wade took 3 sign language classes to talk to Hope (who’s deaf)
I’m sure I’m forgetting a lot of great ones but here’s what I could think of rn!!
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miloqnzh925 · 3 years
The Single Strategy To Use For Best Travel Vlog
Explore the world by means of You, Tube travel channels and vlogs Nathan Hutchinson/ Getty Images, The art of travel has actually changed beyond all acknowledgment in the past couple of years. What once cost a fortune and took weeks of preparation can now be recorded on a phone and by booking a flight on the way to the airport. Here's a selection of You, Tube's finest travel channels and vlogs that showcase the imagination the new medium opens to everybody. Travel stories have been shared orally from the earliest days of humankind. Yarns of excellent adventure might have been embellished with the occasional sea beast and one-eyed giant, however even these fanciful accounts had some basis in reality.
Travel books, premium photography and newspaper accounts quickly followed, before TELEVISION took over and brought unbelievable sights into living spaces around the globe. Individuals who never believed they would experience the magic of travel for themselves were now provided the urge to check out, and so a boom in the tourism industry followed. Today, thanks to the proliferation of online travel, you can see the world with the basic click of a button. It's not constantly easy to watch other individuals live out dream lifestyles while we can just look on enviously, preparing our yearly holidays from home. Sorelle Amore has benefited more than the majority of, but her graciousness and warm approach to audiences make her journey all the more satisfying to watch.
Having actually explored the nation thoroughly, Varhun is now handling the surrounding area and is eager to get other Indians to do the exact same. We actually like the way price is at the top of the list of considerations when it concerns this vlog a rare but welcome factor to consider. Likeable Geroge Benson has carefully chosen to separate his enthusiasm for travel from his love of football. The travel channel follows George as he checks out various locations in his unique style, whereas the vlogger's other channel concentrates on his cherished Chelsea FC. You'll be pleased to know George's horrible life choices appear to be limited to his sporting preferences.
Music Vlog Can Be Fun For Anyone
Mark Wiens has cultivated a big following online, and it's simple to see why. His love of food and determination to hurl himself into every obstacle is transmittable. While perhaps not for travel perfectionists, Migrationology is still among the most useful channels to follow on the platform. As soon as of this parish, Eva zu Beck is now among the most popular characters on the travel circuit. Her videos frequently feature the places we hardly ever see covered by mainstream media, making her informative look at the world particularly welcome. Eva's rise to fame began with a number of early videos going viral in Pakistan, and she hasn't recalled given that.
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The only problem these vloggers deal with is that they are susceptible to becoming victims of their own success. Every action far from the "budget plan" principle appears to be a huge error, thrusting them back into the clutches of sponsors and brands eager to capitalise on their unique abilities. This is one group that we wish to see less of as their format works best in periodical dosages - travel documentary. Marine biology graduate Mike Corey prides himself on taking on the more extreme side of travel through his online experiences. Not all of his options deserve recommending, as some verge on unethical.
The slick production worths on his videos are incredibly planned, making Mike an easy watch. Boasting over 1 billion video views and 5 million fans on social media, Drew Binksy has been championed by several brands in the relatively brief time he has actually been an expert travel blog writer (travel vlog). His supreme aim is to go to every country on the planet something he was so close to doing prior to the coronavirus outbreak. We make certain his adventures will continue again quickly, and in the meantime, he can keep refining his golf swing, a sport he frequently takes part in when travelling. Part of the larger byfood.
Getting My Travel Vlog To Work
The primary focus is the country's cooking delights, but host Shizuka Anderson plainly has a flair for travel blogging, too. Explaining herself as a Tokyoite, the presenter ends up discovering locations that would illuminate any Instagram feed. music videos. It's one to inspect out if you're in requirement of enhancing your social networks game. Chas Bruns totally embraces the thrifty lifestyle he espouses in this vlog everything about the virtues of penny-pinching. Chas hunts out the least expensive experiences and holidays he can, sharing his tips with viewers. This series may not be the most refined one on this list, but it's arguably the most helpful.
This daring travel specialist might at first resemble the stereotyped travel dude all of us want to avoid on vacation, but he's actually developed an eager eye for the unexpected. Louis is a fantastic host who is at his best when taking off on his own with just a small video camera for company. Travel couples are probably the most annoying people throughout social media. There's a delicate balancing act between being excessively smug and fortunate and really interesting and informative, but Kara and Nate almost get it right. Their objective of visiting 100 countries by 2020 has actually now been achieved, so we do question if the pair will be slowing down, specifically provided how challenging it is to take a trip at the moment.
Each location they check out gets the documentary-style treatment, and their videos are all the better for it. If you're interested in what it's like to live in a nation, then Gareth Leonard's http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=vlog much deeper approach to travel is for you. The flashy, short-form videos that other vloggers goal for actually aren't worth your time if you want to explore a new place with somebody keen on expanding cultural horizons. Gareth takes his time with each piece of material and delivers a series that will make you want to discover more before you travel. Another excellent vlog with a strong focus on food is Miss Mina, hosted by the eponymous Mina Oh.
The Vlog Diaries
Both are fascinating in their own method, although food videos are definitely the strong point throughout. This sincere travel vlog is packed full of useful pointers and practical details. Making viral material does not appear to be at the forefront of Mark Wolters' thinking, as he and his family check out the world. All of it started from one travel let-down and has now blossomed into an incredibly valuable resource. Do not resent the rather troubling name of the vlog Aly (who is a psychology graduate from England) is in fact a great host and guide. Aly is so great that she's self-published a book to assist others seeking to travel to a few of the lots of locations she has actually visited.
One male making a genuine modification is Phil of Philwaukee fame, who has partnered with the Matador Network for this series. It's fun, loaded with favorable vibes and something we truly wish to see more of. Delving into a classic Volkswagen (VW) van and driving off into the sundown is the things teenage dreams are made from. It's also the truth that this vlog follows, as 2 intrepid visitors intend to go off the grid and find their own adventures around the globe. VW vans obviously have various labels depending upon where you are for Brits, they are understood as camper vans, while Americans call them buses. best travel vlog.
Originally from Australia and now settling into the Los Angeles lifestyle by method of a substantial stay in Shanghai, Jenny Zhou's profession is simply as remarkable as her travel content. There are some great on-location videos on her channel, however as Jenny tries to make it in the acting world, we question how lots of more travel videos we'll get. There's still plenty to check out in the vlogger's back brochure though, and her Shanghai films, in specific, make for fun watching.
Excitement About Best Travel Vlog
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Vlogging has actually ended up being a super popular way for nomads to package up their experiences and share them with the world. On the audience side, they condense an entire mess of details down into a tight little package, in addition to providing a genuine and tangible sense of what a location might be like, assisting you judge whether it's worth a go to or not. But not all vloggers are produced equivalent. To help you arrange the wheat from the chaff, we have actually gathered a list of the 16 finest and most prominent travel vloggers that you need to be following in 2021, particularly if this is the year that you're going to explore the land down under!Max & Lee are an Australian/ Canadian couple and along with their charming Australian Shepherd pet dog Occy, they have excellent enjoyable tape-recording their vlog travel adventures for their substantial 1.
If you're a fan of Van Life, then this video blog is for you. You can get some amazing pointers to help you get your own adventure on the road. It might seem a little arrogant to call yourself The Professional Vagabond, but this is a title that Matthew Karsten has well and really earned - travel documentary. He's been on the road for over eight years, and is showing no sign of slowing down, despite the fact that he's now a daddy. He's acquired over 50,000 subscribers on You, Tube, over 150,000 followers on Instagram, and runs an effective and popular blog site.
You'll observe an unique lack of Australia on that list, however he can't be too far off right Matt?A You, Tube veteran of 13 years and counting, over the last few years Overlander TV has taken its vlog to the next level, with an expert electronic camera team catching spectacular, cinema-level video footage. A number of years ago Overlander created an 87 minute feature-length movie called Australian Motorbike Experience, which followed Mark Shea on an impressive two-wheeled tour along Australia's West Coast. With over 23 million channel views and screenings of Shea's film worldwide, Overlander is revealing a simple You, Tube channel can become so much more!Careening towards one million subscribers, Marko and Alex Ayling are acclaimed travel videographers that let their pictures do (most of) the talking.
Facts About Music Vlog Revealed
They've covered most of the world, consisting of Australia, so if you're searching for a bit of Oz travel inspo especially the spots that make for the very best shots head to their channel and sign up with the movement!Looking for inspiration that is a little more unique and adrenaline fuelled? Brave & Far is run by Mike Corey, who enjoys experiencing (and recording) action-packed hijinks around the world. Don't expect any run of the mill scenery shots here; Corey is only thinking about activities that disgust, entertain and/or excite, as his 300K+ You, Tube followers will attest. Kirsten and Siya are a funny, lovely, adventure-loving couple now with a baby in tow that appear to draw in followers for their characters as much as the destinations they showcase.
The set have generated almost 300,000 subscribers, and travelled to Australia in 2017, producing videos along the method (vlog). With over 700,000 You, Tube subscribers, British backpacker Ben Brown has made a profession out of feeding his travel addiction by developing an army of eager followers. Ben has travelled all over from the Arctic to Australia and Africa, shooting in an individual, POV style so that you seem like you're right there in amongst the action and when it comes to his most popular upload, in a vehicle crash!Hey, Nadine! This travel blogger is a water fountain of understanding when it pertains to travel ideas, techniques and hacks, offering up a genuine encyclopaedia of valuable content.
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frasier-crane-style · 4 years
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
You ever watch a movie just because it’s fun to see a few million dollars go to recreating Greek myths and because Alexandra Daddario is a cutie? Meh.
- I guess they can’t call it Percy Jackson And The Sea of Monsters because this is cooler and more American than Harry Potter. It has a colon, like a Marvel movie!
-It’s probably a good sign when a movie starts with a bunch of characters running away from a threat and they’re a little ways away from safety, so one of them goes “I’ll hold them off!” or “I’ll lead them away!” And then they all stop to have a debate about it. Like, if you just kept going, then you all could get away. I mean, I’m not the son of even one of the crappy gods from the later God of War games, and I could figure that out.
-We go from the prologue to a war game between the various demigods, which Percy is about to win when he sees a classmate is trouble, so he just has to give up the W to help him out. Only the classmate didn’t seem to be in any real danger, he was just inconvenienced by hanging upside down for a while in a game that was about to end anyway, so Percy looks like a real dumbass for pulling a Harry Potter there.
-The fact that he only technically lost does not keep him from having a crisis of confidence and the rest of the camp from treating him like shit. Even though it’s pointed out that he saved the world in the last movie--who cares about that, he lost at flag football! I guess all that Greek god inbreeding catches up to you after a while.
-These things can only have one hypercompetent female sidekick per ensemble, so Annabeth gets demoted to being a chick (signature fighting move: getting shoved to the ground) and someone who looks a lot like Mackenzie Davis, but isn’t, gets the job, getting me all excited to make a crack about Terminator: Dark Fate but then preventing me from doing so. Thanks a lot, Leven Rambin! Enjoy your Star Wars name.
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Notkenzie Davis is basically playing a female Draco Malfoy, and I’m sorry, but there’s only room for one of those in my heart.
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-Now, conventional wisdom is that if one of your main characters is a cyclops, you should probably have enough of a budget to make them a cyclops all the time, but this jigga Tyson spends half the movie either with sunglasses on or with a magic spell that makes him look like he has two eyes. 
-What’s also weird is that everyone seems cool with satyrs and centaurs, but they’re racist against cyclops, particularly Annabeth--that’s her whole character arc here. On the one hand, prejudice is bad, but on the other, Alexandra Daddario is super cute and has big mommy milkers, so fuck those cyclopses. Go back to your own country!
-Anyway, they play it like Tyson’s whole thing is people being prejudiced against him, but he also seems mildly... well, there’s a word for it, but let’s put it this way... he seems less than untarded. This conveniently ambiguous disorder varies dramatically from scene to scene--at one point, he mistakes the Capitol Building for Olympus, but at another, he has encyclopedic knowledge of Greek mythology. In the end, it comes off a bit like he’s just stoned throughout the whole movie. Which probably makes him the smartest guy in the room.
-The Graeae show up to give Percy a somewhat meaningless plot coupon (I know he’s the Son of Poseidon, but he can see map coordinates? Like, literally latitude and longitude? And has there even been a character given a seemingly random string of numbers who doesn’t later figure out that they’re coordinates?). They also make an “oh no you dinnit” joke and I think it should count as a hate crime to force Yvette Nicole Brown to be in the presence of dialogue that unfunny.
-This is probably a problem with the source material, but why conflate the Golden Fleece quest with the Odyssey? They’re going after the Fleece, but they run into Charybdis, the Cyclops, Circe is name-dropped. No harpies, no skeleton armies, no Talos, no hydra. That’s just going to bug people who get anal retentive about this stuff and who else is Greek mythology for????
-You know, these things never have Greek accents, but I think I should make bingo cards of all the non-Greek accents they do have. I mean, British is a gimme, that would have to be the center spot, but in Wrath of the Titans, they have Edgar Ramirez as a Spanish-accented Ares (!) and here, Shohreh Aghdashloo voices an Oracle with an Indian accent. Man, talk about rubbing it in. (Some Southern accents also show up courtesy of some Confederate zombies, so expect riots if Disney doesn’t edit them out.)
-Said zombies also come with an ironclad/submarine, which I know was a thing, but I’m pretty sure they didn’t have recoilless rifles installed on them.
-Nathan Fillion shows up, once again typecast as the One Good Thing In This Mess. And man, if you thought Kylo Ren was a whiner for complaining about having Han Solo for a dad, the villain here is bitching about Mal Reynolds being his pop.
-In case poor Alexandra Daddario and her milkers haven’t suffered enough from being portrayed as a candyass and a racist, she gets a Disney death in the climax. The narrative has already had one with Tyson and they have a magical blanket that can heal all injuries right there, but the movie still has the audacity to milk this for a tearjerker. Like, maybe if the movie were aimed at small children, but they aged everyone up to sexy teenagers, so who’s going to fall for this? Shut up.
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damien-ward · 4 years
Faces from Dardillien’s Life
 Miles Ward: Dardillien’s father who works for SI:7 and lives in Stormwind, where he is from. Miles was separated from Dardillien when Greymane Wall was built and they did not see each other for over a decade until the wall fell and Dardillien came to Stormwind after the Gilneans fled to Darnassus.  (Facial Likeness - Mark Harmon)
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Celeste Ward: Dardillien’s mother, who secretly a Harvest Witch, it was a lifestyle she had well before he and his sister were born and she kept it from them, though she still incorporated her way of life into their day to day lives. Dardillien and his sister just never noticed or connected the dots. Dardillien sees her as the strongest person he has ever known considering she raised he and his sister practically by herself; his father wasn’t around much because of his work, and then once the wall went up Celeste was left to take of them alone indefinitely. She was the kindest woman he has known and taught Dardillien many of the values he holds dear to this day. Celeste died during the Battle of Gilneas, stabbed by a Forsaken, it is a moment that still haunts Dardillien. (Facial Likeness - Julianne Moore)
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Alyssa Ward ( @alyssa-ward ): Dardillien’s younger sister, the troublemaker of the family, the rebellious one of the two. Growing up in Gilneas he helped raise her with his mother, she always looked up to him and tried to spend as much time with him as possible. He always looked out for her and did his best to protect her, going as far as punching a kid in the face for calling her annoying and pushing her to the ground when she was little. She is everything to him, and even though he can be overprotective and disagree with many of her life choices, like using Fel Magic, he still loves her and would do anything for her. (Facial Likeness - Laura Prepon) 
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Andrea Belmont: Dardillien’s true love, his lost love, he met Andrea when he was at his lowest point as a teenager. Greymane Wall had gone up separating Dardillien from his father and he feared he would never see him again. He was angry, pissed at the world, sad, etc. It was just a chance meeting in the markets one day, but it was the best thing to happen to him as she took known of his shit and kicked his ass back into reality and made him get over his issues, his anger, and she just made him feel happy again. They were friends for a couple years before they started dating and remained together for 7 years, what he considers the best years of his life. During the trip to Darnassus after the Gilneans fled with the Kaldorei, the ships were caught in a storm and while trying to secure the ships together to survive the storm Andrea was knocked from the ship into the water. Dardillien wanted to save her but was prevented from jumping in after her so he could only watch as the seas carried her away. (Facial Likeness - Jessica Alba)
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Garrett Hawthorne and Kyra Silverglade: These two are the closest thing to best friends Dardillien has. Garrett was just a simple guardsman in Gilneas and met Dardillien, along with his mother and Andrea, during the Worgen Assault on the city. He led them through the evacuation as they tried to escape the city, however ended up getting bit by Andrea after she was the first to transform. Once they all regained their minds they stuck together through the events that take place in Gilneas, and became quick friends while fighting to survive. He is one of the few who knows Dardillien’s pain having been there for both when his mother and Andrea died. Rather than let his pain consume him and build, Garrett teaches Dardillien to fight while they are in Darnassus. Basic swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat, how to utilize his rage to his advantage.
It is during their time in Darnassus that the two of them meet Kyra Silverglade, one of the Moon Priestess. She helps the two learn to calm themselves and control their rage, lest it consume them, since they are now Worgen. Kyra uses her connection to Elune to help the two control the beast inside when they get too angry, and teaches them techniques they can use to soothe themselves, which Dardillien will use from time to time even today, as well as giving them both small vials of water from a moonwell that will also calm them if they feel themselves losing control. While Dardillien departed for Stormwind to find his father, Garrett and Kyra went to Darkshore to help the people there after the events of the Cataclysm, and the two have kept in contact with Dardillien through the last 5-6 years, writing back and forth to keep each other updated.  (Facial Likeness for Garret - Nathan Parons ; Facial Likeness for Kyra - Jeanine Mason)
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Just a random thing I decided to do showing the faces of the people important to Dardillien, who helped make him who he is, and who he considers family really.
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1 2 23 42 for both your ocs?
Super detailed questions about your OCs
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Paige Rae Argot. On her father’s side of the family it was tradition to pass down middle names from the previous generation, and her parents decided to keep that tradition for all of their children. She got her maternal grandmother’s, whilst Izzy got their paternal grandmother’s middle name; Elaine. 
Nathan probably has a middle and last name, it’s just never been important enough for me to flesh it out and I don’t feel like making up one on the spot. I’ll figure it, should it ever become relevant.
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
Paige was made General of the Minutemen by Preston Garvey, but gave up the title a year later [post-Fo4 events] after retaking Quincy as a sort of closure for Preston and assigning him to the Castle to learn everything he needed from the old-timers who came back after hearing that the group had all but come back from the dead. At that point, she made Preston general-- he was far more invested than her, and had been living and breathing the cause of the Minutemen for his entire adult life, at which point she took on a new role as Arbitrator of the Commonwealth; basically an ambassador to other groups as well as the secretary of justice rolled into one. Paige’s function within the Minutemen now is to handle squabbles between the settlements and the people who live in them, negotiate with other groups over territory and trade, and generally try to keep everyone several steps away from the boiling point where we all start shooting at each other again. 
Around the same time that Paige makes the transition from General to Arbitrator, Nathan is officially named Mayor of Somerville-- each settlement selecting its own local leadership as they grow into small townships. On the edge of the glowing sea, Somerville sees a lot of beasties wandering out of the intensely irradiated zone, and Nathan’s management of the settlement since he ended up there has been a big part of what’s kept people alive and, over time, made it a half decent place to live. 
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
Paige has an excellent memory; she’s someone who can read something once and hold onto it forever. In some cases this means remembering a good turn someone did for her years down the line, but in others this also makes her the person who can hold a low-key grudge for decades. She carries everything with her, good and bad, and frequently wishes she could just drop the ugly shit but often feels too intensely about it to do so. 
Nathan has an average memory in general, but the really old stuff has mostly gotten lost after years of drug abuse. He’s crap with names, but he rarely forgets a face, and even if he doesn’t directly remember someone he’s met before, he’ll usually have a gut feeling about them based on previous interaction. 
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
During the storyline of Fo4, Paige’s goal was to find her son. She... didn’t really have anything planned beyond that. I mean, her life had kinda just been exploded, then frozen. Before the bombs fell she’d had a career in law she’d been very invested in, working as a defense lawyer and doing her damnedest at a job that was not at all welcoming to her for a number of reasons. After all of it? Basically she goes back into law; helping the Minutemen foster stability in the Commonwealth while the region stumbles its way back to self-governance now that the Institute is outta the picture and no longer periodically fucking shit up. The difference is back then she was stuck working within an intensely broken system, and now she’s helping to codify a new system that hopefully won’t repeat the systemic mistakes of the past. It’s a lot of work... but hey, she’s never shied from that. 
IDK about secret ambitions or stuff she’d sacrifice literally anything for, but the things that remain most important to Paige is family-- and the companions she met along the way ended up her found family after the old world died in flames. She doesn’t really think of herself as special in any particular way, just a driven person with a strong sense of right and wrong and a lets get shit done attitude. 
Nathan doesn’t really have any big goals at the moment, besides making it from one day to the next. He has what he has, and he’d readily give himself to protect the settlement he’s become a part of, but he doesn’t have much in the line of greater ambitions besides keeping the people under his care alive and well. 
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cookiedoughmeagain · 4 years
Writing asks: 1, 22, and 30?
1 - What was the first fandom and/or pairing that you wrote fic for? Haven, Nathan/Duke. Yes, I am that consistent lol. It's not perfect but although it's only a few years old I do like the fact that I can still read it without cringing: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4726181 And actually, reading through it again now makes me think I could do a bit more with that whole concept. Hmmm. #WatchThisSpace
22 - Have you cried while writing fic? Oh yeah. Yes indeed, many times. Examples include: Nefarious Creature (the final part of it, anyway), 1983 (part of my Nate Hansen series), Were You Ever Going To Tell Me?, Next Time We're Doing Things Differently, and probably various others that I can't think of right now.
30 - An idea for a long fic you want to write in the future? OK so, I have a long fic sketched out for Haven that I want to spend more time working on but I keep getting distracted by other fic ideas and also (more annoyingly) by real life. It's a Trouble-free AU, and also no one is in any kind of law enforcement role, or involved in any kind of dangerous activity - basically it's a coffee shop AU I guess, except the coffee shop is a hotel. The hotel is called The Grey Gull, Duke and Nathan both work there and Audrey is a guest who's planning to stay for a few months for work. The first part is written, I know exactly how I want it to end and most of things that need to happen in the middle. It will just take some careful writing because there will be a lot of flashbacks. Here's how it starts, from Audrey's point of view:
It's a pretty average hotel in some ways; a little family-run place on the coast with a handful of other guests. The food is excellent though and comes with it's own compensations: seafood in the evening, served by tall-dark-and-handsome with some of the bluest eyes I've ever seen; pancakes in the morning, served by a friendly Jack Sparrow lookalike who moves like a dancer. Both of them are fascinating. 
When I checked in I told the woman at reception that I'd be here for a few weeks with work. She didn't seem so interested in why I'm in town though, writing me off as just another tourist. That's fair enough I guess, they must get a lot of people passing through here; stopping for a little while to look at the view, then heading on to the next sightseeing destination. Myself, I wouldn't have been here at all if I hadn't taken a contract in nearby Bangor at the same time half the country wanted to stay there for the annual car show. I'm glad though; it's worked out. It's a pretty little town, there are lovely sea views from my room and there is a nice atmosphere about the place that makes the drive back from Bangor every day worth it.
In any case, I've stayed in a lot of hotels with work and though this might not look like anything particularly exciting from the outside (or from the brochure), the experience of actually staying here is nice. There is a personal touch to things; they treat their guests as people and seem to take pride in showing off their town to best advantage. The places I stay usually tend to be big corporate chains, and while they might fear a negative trip advisor review for what it could do to their bookings or their revenues: I get the impression that here they'd take it personally.
And besides, there are the visually-appealing-staff to factor into all this. It’s tall-dark-and-handsome that I talk to first. I'm standing outside on the veranda after a busy week in the office, looking out to sea and watching the moonlight catch the waves. I think he's meant to be tidying up the restaurant for the morning, but he comes out to see if I'm alright. I guess I look a bit odd stood out here on my own, bundled up in coats and scarves against the winter chill.
I tell him I'm fine, “Just taking in the view.”
He nods, “I like the space of the ocean,” he says and then as I glance at his t-shirt adds, “Cold doesn't bother me.”
He turns back to the view and we stand there in companionable silence for a moment. I let my eyes run over his face; handsome is not an overstatement. He turns back and catches me looking; I flip him a smile. He looks down like he's shy, but he doesn't turn away.
“Do you have rules about socialising with the guests?” I ask him.
“Don't think so,” he says, as though it's never come up before.
He leaves the unasked question hanging in the air, so I ask it anyway. “You want to share a drink with me?”
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bedbellyandbeyond · 5 years
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(Story Post; ART AT END)
Christmas day, Köbi convinced Sydryn that they should visit Aoife and Reid. Aoife had gifted the dragon a batch of homemade pink cupcakes at work the week before so it was only fair to return the favour. They showed up to the apartment with gifts and wine, and they gathered in the living room for merriment. Syd didn't personally enjoy the idea of Christmas: too many people, too much noise, too much gingerbread. But in Aoife's apartment, it was just the five of them (Aoife, Reid, Samara, Syd and Köbi), they weren't a rowdy bunch, and no one had thought to get gingerbread. “Nathan sent you a gift,” Aoife was saying to Reid, placing a gift bag in his lap. “You should open it.”
Reid blinked and then focused on Aoife before looking down at the present in his lap. “Oh. Aye.” He straightened up in the chair and took the tissue paper out, rooting around. “Card first, right? Did he send one... Here we are.” Aoife sighed and sat back in her chair. Samara came around from the kitchen and handed her girlfriend a mug of hot chocolate with a kiss on the crown of her head. “Oh, look at that...” Reid said holding up the card. “It's got the twins on it in little red and green onesies. Um... Their names...” “Probably inside the card if you can't remember,” Samara suggested. “Right...” He opened the card. “‘Wishing you a relaxing holiday and a quick recovery. It's the season of miracles and I couldn't have had mine without you. Merry Christmas, Dr. Gardi, and a Happy New Year! Love Nathan, Dax, Grace and Gabriel’.” “There you go. That's really sweet of him,” Aoife said. “It is...” Reid said, placing the car back in its envelope and leaving it on the coffee table. “I still feel bad that I missed the birth.” “Wish I had,” Sydryn admitted. “You've never had to calm and sedate a labouring werewolf...” “I guess so...” Reid sighed. “Syd. Did you get my gift?” “Yes.” “And?” “I put it in my hoard.” “On display?” “Yes. It's with the other dragon statuettes I own.” “Nice. Is it the biggest one?” “No. Eat a cookie Reid.” Reid leaned forward and took one from the plate. “Samara, these are amazing.” “I already told you, Aoife made them,” Samara groaned. “Oh. Sorry...” Reid looked down and started nibbling at his cookie. “You can't just get mad at him for not remembering...” Köbi interjected. “It's part of the dissociation.” “It's okay, Köbi,” Reid said. “Samara has every right to be upset.” Samara frowned. “No. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be condescending...” “Reid's getting better,” Sydryn said. “You should only have to put up with it for a short while longer, hopefully. And you don't even live here, so technically the one who should be complaining is Aoife.” “I'm a nurse. I'm just doing my job,” Aoife said. “You say that like we're not even roommates,” Reid complained. “We hardly are. You haven't been home in months,” Aoife said. “I paid my share though.” “You did.” “Well, you say it like we're not even friends.” “We are, but now I have to see you 24/7. If I don't treat you as a patient, I might go mad too, and end up like you.” “I didn't go mad, I had a breakthrough,” Reid countered. “Well, you can't even tell us what the breakthrough is, so...” “I can! I um...” Reid tried to think hard. “...That's not really a nice way to talk to your patient. Learn some bedside manner.” Aoife sighed. “Do we want to watch a movie or something?” “I should head out...” Sydryn said, getting up from the couch. “Reid's doing well. I came to drop off gifts and check on him.” “You don't want to stay for dinner?” Köbi asked. “Not really, no.” “What if I want to stay for dinner?” “You can find your own way home.” Aoife crossed her arms. “Syd, you gotta stay for dinner. It's Christmas.” “You act like that means something to me.” “You brought gifts, didn't you? It must mean something to you.” “I brought gifts because I knew I'd be receiving gifts and I didn't want the guilt.” The dragon put their hands on their hips. “Köbi, you can stay. I have other places to visit so I'll pick you up after...” “Oh, okay. Thanks, Syd.” Köbi smiled. “Where are you off to?” “I have to go visit Camilo and Rheni. I have news for them.” “Not bad news. You can't deliver bad news on Christmas.” “It's just news. How they receive the information is up to them.” “Okay...” Köbi got up to see them out. “Drive safe. Yeah?” “Oh, Syd. Hold on.” Aoife grabbed some cookies and went to the kitchen for a baggie before heading back. “Give these to Camilo and Rheni. And, um, before he says anything, yes, I did tell Camilo you'd sit in on his pregnancy group.” “Are you mad?” Sydryn said, lowering their voice as Samara wasn't supposed to be privy to the knowledge of their pregnancy. “I'm not going to a pregnancy group. My condition is private.” “I only told him you could be beneficial as a doctor,” Aoife said. “You know how worried pregnant people can be. They'll spread home remedies and false information.” “Thank you for letting me know so I can tell Camilo myself that you were mistaken and I will not be attending.” “Syd. You should go.” “In what way would that benefit me?” Sydryn asked. “You’ll be able to learn to care,” Aoife said. “And I’ll stop nagging you about it.” Sydryn clenched their jaw. “I don’t want to.” “If you don’t, I’ll make you take Reid. He can live with you. His hair’s basically pink now. He’ll fit in. Köbi can be his nurse.” “Absolutely not.” “Then go to the group. Think about it. Sleep on it.” Sydryn groaned and just pulled on their coat. “You're a bully.” “If I have to be. Happy Christmas.” Sydryn rolled their eyes and just left.
A quick text to Camilo placed him at Fay's house as the dragon expected. He hadn't yet arranged for Rheni to move back in with him and while they were getting along, Camilo still didn't feel like he could forgive so easily. Sydryn supported Camilo's decision so long as he had the necessary support at home to help him navigate the world as a pregnant man. With Marcita around, it helped a lot. Pulling up, Sydryn immediately noticed a big bundled coat sitting out on the porch. When they approached, it became clear that the figure was Fay and he didn’t look too comfortable. Frowning, Sydryn feeling safe enough in this rural forested area, blew a flame into their palm and wrapped it into a ball, offering it to Fay. The merman took the ball of flame hesitantly, but it floated an inch off his fingers and only warmed, not burned. “Thanks…” “What are you doing out here?” the dragon asked. “Escaping Christmas…” “Ah.” “I don’t do Christmas. I don’t like Christmas. I’m not Christian. My religion is the sea and I’m barely practicing that…” “I’m not fond of it either. Christmas that is,” Sydryn stated. “Yeah. I assume it’s the people?” “Precisely.” “Dari’s not even a practicing Christian.” “It’s these North Americans… They’ve made it part of their culture, whether everyone likes it or not.” “I wish I’d banned TV as soon as Arianne was old enough to understand. Right now, it’s the only way any of them would’ve learned about Christmas, other than from Dari.” “Mm… Yes, perhaps that would’ve worked.” “I assume you’re here on business?” Fay suggested. “I came to speak to Camilo, yes.” “Well, good luck in there.” “Fay, you can’t stay out here. You’re not a cold-water fish.” “I know. Give me a bit more time.” “Alright.” Sydryn headed inside. Immediately commercial Christmas music blared throughout the house and there were lights and decorations everywhere. Siv was the first to appear and weaved between the dragon’s legs to hide behind them, but at the same time Arianne jumped into the hall and pointed right at him. “I see you!” she yelled. “You can’t hide!” “No!” Siv yelled. “Can’t see me!” “I can! You have to help me find Otter!” she yelled back. “Nooo!” Siv yelled again. Sydryn just moved on, removing their coat and boots and walking into the living room. The living room had a live white fir in the corner and stockings hanging over the fireplace as well as snacks on the table. A big garbage bag full of used wrapping paper and opened toy packaging was beside the tree and various toys, clothes and candy were strewn across the floor. Among it, Milo was sitting playing with Katia who looked to have received a new stuffed dolphin for Christmas. Not seeing who he was looking for, Sydryn moved into the kitchen. Dari was in the kitchen mashing potatoes with Zoe strapped to his back. He heard Sydryn come in. “Fay, I need your help with the—Oh, Jesus Christ! Syd!” Dari nearly jumped when he looked back. “Don't scare me... When did you get here?” “Just now,” Sydryn said. “I'm looking for Camilo.” “Upstairs with Rheni I think,” Dari reported. “You haven't seen my husband, have you? I can’t do this without him.” “Porch.” “Of course...” Dari sighed. “I don't know why he has to be such a scrooge. We agreed we'd do Christmas a long time ago.” “I bet that was before your numbers tripled.” “Still. He can't just mope about. I need help.” “I'm sure he'll be back in shortly,” Sydryn stated. “I only gave him a two minute flame.” “A what?” “Don't worry about it.” Syd headed towards the stairs. “Merry Christmas.” “Merry Christmas!” Upstairs, Sydryn found the light on in a room down the hall and figured it was their destination. As they drew near, they could hear chuckling and wet noises from the room with its door slightly ajar. They shivered in disgust and just reached out to knock without looking. “Hello?” “Ah, dios mio!” Camilo was heard startled. “Rheni, stop! Come in.” “I don’t think I want to,” the dragon hypothesised. “Syd?” Camilo came to the door, pulling a shirt down over his stomach which had purple kiss marks all over it. “Hey! You came over fast.” “You seem light spirited,” Sydryn observed. “Well, uh... Es Navidad,” he said blushing. Rheni appeared behind him, passing a hand over Camilo's back. “Hey, Syd! What's up dude?” I'm sorry this took so long, but I've had a lot of work to do in Gardi's wake, and your issue wasn't of high urgency. Anyway, I have your results for you,” they stated. Camilo blinked then looked at Rheni. “Wait... So is the baby Rheni's?” “I never doubted that he was the one to impregnate you,” Sydryn said. “It's the process that I find more interesting. But technically, no the child isn't Rheni's.” “What?” Rheni said, his arms dropping to his sides. “I'm not the father?” “You two don't seem to be listening. Go sit down,” Sydryn said. Camilo went back into the room and sat down on the bed. Rheni sat next to him but didn't touch him. “Good. Now...” Sydryn pulled out their rose-coloured work tablet. “I analysed the sample that you collected from Arrhenius. As I suspected, when performing sexual acts, Rheni's body is capable of producing human DNA completely different from the DNA in the cells that make up Rheni's body. Instead of simple slime gametes like your first pregnancy which were incompatible with Camilo's egg, human male gametes are produced with human DNA which successfully impregnated you with a human child.” “So, I am the father?” Rheni asked. “Well, the thing is, your body had to get the human DNA from somewhere,” Sydryn stated. “Your body is learning from it's environment. It wouldn't just create human DNA from nowhere. It would need to replicate DNA it has access too. But it has access to every human around you: Camilo, Marcita, Dari, etc. But we have record of their DNA and—” “You do?” Camilo interrupted. “Yes, of course,” Sydryn said. “Have to make sure the humans really are human. Also if you were wondering, you're very much human, Camilo.” “I mean, I figured.” “Anyway, the gametes provided to me did not match any of those records of those around you. But...” Sydryn turned over the tablet and showed them a picture. “It does match his.” The pair blinked and stared at the picture. It was an ID portrait of a young man with black hair, a soft face with a defined jaw. “Who's that?” Camilo asked. “That's missing person Michael Zhao,” Sydryn said. “He was attending post secondary school in BC when he was reported missing seven years ago.” They continued to stare at the picture then Rheni moved a hand up to his own face and touched his cheek. “...Is that...Is that me?” “It would be very difficult to conclude otherwise,” Sydryn said. “He is the father of Camilo's baby.” Camilo covered his mouth and tears started rolling down his face. “Oh god, Camilo...” Rheni started rubbing his back. “Are you okay?” “Am I okay?” Camilo sobbed. He pointed to the picture. “It's you!” He sniffled and wiped his eyes. “We found you!” Rheni started nodding quickly, tears coming to his eyes as well. “It is... I know it is...”
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lightandwinged · 4 years
ALSR, Chapter Four: Zealots
Nazmir: Nathanos’ Perspective!
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For the purposes of this liveblog, Nathanos Blightcaller will be played by Nathan Lane in voice, appearance, and demeanor. I am not accepting criticism at this time.
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A patrol has spotted our favorite undead lapdog flying over Nazmir on a pterrordax, which does not like how fast he is urging it to fly, but Nathanos is of a mindset that fuck you, sky lizard, I’m not going to get caught today. He’s miffed that Apari didn’t notice the patrol heading their way (fair), and he’s not a fan of this merry chase through the jungle. He and Sira were accompanied on their field trip by a cavalcade of dark rangers, and he has a daring plan to bring their ship close to shore for some reason? idk. He muses that Sira is never happy, which like… DUH of course she isn’t dumbass, y’all blighted her and raised her as a corpse! No, she’s not fucking happy!
“He often found himself wondering if she was truly loyal to Sylvanas, or if her loyalty was simply to killing itself, and its way of distracting the mind, granting a heady if fleeting catharsis.” Nathanos, you are a dumbass.
Anyway, Nathanos’ plan was basically to have six sprillion dark rangers on the prow of the ship shoot the ever loving fuck out of the Zandalari chasing them, which works just fine! I mean, there are eight bodies to put out to sea, but who’s counting? Not Nathanos; he compliments the captain’s sailing as “adequate” and heads below deck. 
Sira doesn’t trust Apari, which is a fair point, but Nathanos is like “she’s pissed at Talanji and the Horde and that’s all I need,” and when Sira points out that hey, she’s WAY better at killing stuff than those dumb trolls, Nathanos points out that the trolls being so sloppy is an asset to them because, as you can see, they were never in Zandalar. Apari and her rebels are just going to assassinate the queen on their own terms and fuck with the Horde on their own terms. Which… begs the question of why Nathanos and Sira even came to Zandalar in the first place? 
But okay.
(wait, they have a necropolis now?)
Sira thinks she’d do better at Sylvanas’ side doing a bunch more killing, because she has “no taste for discretion, only carnage will satisfy now.” Nathanos thinks to himself that this is what being undead is all about, being unsatisfied
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but begins talking about his plan to kill Bwonsamdi because he’s (a) powerful and (b) not on team Sylvanas. Sira is the one tasked with bringing about this godly death because she’s good at killing things, presumably including gods, but she doesn’t like it. Nathanos says, “we must save the world from itself, and that might require us to swallow the bitter with the sweet,” and I’m genuinely not clear on what everyone’s motivation is here. 
Like, I know what Sylvanas is doing. She’s got some funky deal with the Jailer and death and presumably keeping herself from the oblivion she saw when she tried to kill herself after Arthas died (which is a great short story, and I very strongly recommend it), but I’m genuinely baffled at what her minions think they’re doing. 
Okay, yeah, no, I just watched the trailer for like the fiftieth time to see if there’s any real… logic to it? And nope, just “this world is a prison, and I will set us all free,” while Bolvar’s sitting there like, “ma’am, this is a Wendy’s drive-thru.”
Anyway, Sira’s like “if the Alliance and Horde find Sylvanas, she’s toast,” which Nathanos finds cute, because everyone is infighting now, which is probably what Sylvanas wanted on some level, I guess? Like I don’t think she really provoked 99% of the infighting beyond just being like “whoops, teehee, war time!” because most of it is just the nature of the beast (the Horde, which was always just three orcs in a trench coat pretending to be a faction) or the indelicate handling of a situation by an untested leader (bless your heart, Anduin). But sure, whatever. 
The argument seems to sway Sira who heads out to kill a god because he “is a menace and knows too much. Once he is dead and the Dark Lady’s plans are in motion, there will be no more pain. We will be free of the cruelties of this world.” But like… has it been established that they can’t just kill themselves? Are we going to get some solid insight into what happens to undead souls when they die? Are they super duper damned or do they just have to get exalted rep with one of the new factions before they can relax? Also, does everyone have to align with a faction? What if you’re a baker or that lady in Stormwind who gets well water? Do they, too, have to decide between Dracula, Frankenstein, fairies, and Robot Jesus?
(I really need a beta invite)
So Sira heads out, being like “sure, I’ll do this for you, but the second it stops giving me my recommended daily amount of vitamin KILL, I’m outie.” And Nathanos gets all shivery thinking about how hot Sylvanas is and how he won’t fail her in particular. Before he can have a good ol’ zombie wank, though, a Kaldorei dark ranger named Visrynn comes in, reporting back what we know about Talanji after the assassination attempt. Nathanos is super bummed that she’s not dead but tells Visrynn to start spreading rumors that the Horde were the ones that tried to off her. And he really wants Talanji dead because, in his words, she “[turned] her back on the Banshee Queen.”
Which, yeah, duh, of course she did. Ugh, zealots.
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I want to tell you... (Nathan Drake x reader, part 2.)
Description: Nathan Drake is not the exact definition of an unhappy man. His job is steady, his friends still see him from time to time, he plays football, but his marriage is his main problem. Many things will change when a special person comes to his life.
Word count: 1100 (-/+)
Warnings: None, Nate is just talking with Sully, because he has no other father figure.
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“Kid. Ya know well that this old man,” - Sully pointed his thumbs to his chest as he took the soccer outfit down and smoothed his hair dripping in sweat. Sully was in his late fifties, but he was a fitness God, basically bitching Nathan about his lifestyle. - “Is definitely not a source of good information, I tell ya.” - Sully slowly wiped his face from sweat, letting a few drops on his mustache. It irritated Nate a bit, be he stayed silent, watching Sullivan.
Victor Sullivan was his longtime friend, more like a father figure than a casual friend. He took care of him and his older brother since Nathan was around fourteen. And since Sam died in Panamian prison, Sully was on his side, protecting him like a furious dog and bitching him like if he was his wife. 
He owned Sully his life, he saved him many times during their gigs. In his eyes, no one could replace Sully, his sense of humor, his disgusting Boston accent and reason of a sly fox. 
“I know, thank you,” - Nathan looked on his mustache as he took off his own clothes. - “But you're closest to being my father, we both know that.” He was asking Sully some relationship advice. It was more than a week since he vomited into Chloe's toilette and since that, she was declining his offers to have a proper drink. And since Chloe didn't want to speak with him at all, Nathan had to humiliate himself in Sully's eyes.
“Stop freaking me out. If you're my son, then my son is a source of the public threat,” - Sully chucked and Nathan playfully bumped into his shoulder as he put his shirt on. They were both sweaty and dirty, but they never showered after a soccer match.
"But you get along with that redhead chick, isn't that right?" - Nathan looked at Sully with the smile of a nasty boy. Sully took off his shorts and started to tuck into his denim trousers.
"Hey, who told ya?" - Sully furrowed his brows. So it was the truth after all - Sully was officially dating a girl. Sully found someone who made him excited when was Nathan simultaneously losing his grip on his own marriage.
"The bird was singing at my window," - Nate chuckled, slowly tidied up his dirty clothes into a small plastic bag.
"And do those birds have a name?" - Sully asked, being a little bit annoyed. Everyone was bitching around his relationship because he was always a ladies' man, everyone just kept asking him about details, they were nosy and he felt uncomfortable and really, really annoyed. They were just dating, not like they were about to marry.
Nathan was at the opposite side of that topic. He was already married and the birds were whispering about the bad things that were about to come. 
“If they do, I don’t remember.” - Nathan looked at his friend once again as they left the changing room. Their local team, which Sullivan and Nathan were playing for together, had won this match - but everyone could feel that the reprisal match will be a living hell for them to keep at the top of the local league. - “So is that a no?” Nathan opened his old car as he put his bags on the co-driver's seat. 
“No for what exactly, kiddo?” - Sully put on his sunglasses and fired a Cuban cigar on his lower lip. 
“No helpful relationship advice?” - Nathan took a sip from his bottle of water mixed with lemons and grinned when the sourness hit his tongue. 
“I told ya very clearly that I am not some marriage therapist.” - Sully breathed out a cloud of cigar smoke as he watched Nathan with a frown. - “Maybe this advice has some value in it. Find a therapist, they might help ya. What do I know?” 
And so Nathan left drove to his empty flat and he chose the longest path just to stay on the outside for the longest he could. Sun was gently shining, it was a warm summer evening after all, and the wind was breezing calmly. It was his most favorite time of the whole year. He loved when he had the time to pack a bag and just go to the beach.
Nathan loved to feel the wet sand between the fingers of his feet, and he even appreciated when some random chick smiled at him when she checked him out. He was a fine man after all, or at least he was sure of it. And none of his friends had the courage to tell him otherwise. 
When he drove next to the coast, he just watched as sea fought with the sand, he smiled when he saw those couples who had a dog or a child with them because he always found children’s and dogs’ reaction to the sea washing them completely adorable.
There was a long road made from asphalt, which had a lot of chicks wearing only shorts and bikini top rollerskating on it. He smiled to his hand leaned into an opened window as he watched the bluest sky he ever saw, slowly fading into some dark rosy color. He frowned because for the first time in that week he had the time to have a relaxing day at the beach because Elena was still away, but the meteorologists said that it will be heavy raining tomorrow. 
When he got home, he opened the windows fully and made sure that the curtains didn’t hinder the light mood of that evening, but even if his and his wife’s flat was opened like that, he felt alone. 
He hasn’t any more people that he could call to - Chloe was trying to lay dead when it came to Nathan, Sully wasn't exactly the best listener on the world when it came to relationship stuff, Charlie Cutter was back in London and he didn't like Rafe Adler that much to hang out with him. Nathan was all alone inside the walls of his own apartment.
He decided to take a long shower, read some more pages of his favorite book and then go to sleep really ea because he called his boss if he can spend some more time in the kitchen of the restaurant he worked in to make the perfect Creme Brulee for Sunday's party they were intensely preparing for.
And his boss gladly agreed. 
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Hypothetically speaking, if someone were working on a Beacon Bay AU one shot where a bunch of dolphin shifters and shark shifters go to the same beachside school, would Brett work better as the former or the latter? I can see either working for him, and put off deciding because he’s just a supporting role but he has to mack on Mason now, so I kinda gotta know in order to know what kind of insults jokes to write Liam making.
Is what I meant to say. Theoretically.
Anywho, the other dolphin shifters are Scott, Isaac, Erica, Boyd, Liam, Corey and Nathan (the lacrosse player Malia hooks up with in Season 6.) The shark shifters are Danny, Jackson, Tracy, Josh, the twins and Hayden. Lydia’s a siren who hangs out with the sharks mostly, and Kira and her mom are a kind of trickster spirit tied to the ocean because ocean kitsune aren’t actually a thing, and Malia’s a Proteus style shapeshifter that can turn into any sea creature, because in this Corinne was just a modern guise of Circe’s. Peter’s a dolphin shifter as well, and the one who turned all the dolphin shifters, before backstory plot had Scott rally the others behind him and eventually drive Peter out of town. Mason’s a druid in training, specifically focused on ocean magic, as he and Deaton are of a sect of druids who guard lore bequeathed to their order by Manannan mac Lir, the Irish sea god, a thousand years ago.
All shifter types have specific innate magic, which is why Peter was turning teens - dolphin magic is empathy and storm summoning. They can sense emotions and also project them, and in a pod, they can summon storms/manipulate the weather in specific ways via music. A solitary dolphin shifter singing on their own could maybe whip up a wind or stir up some fog, but you need a whole group to actually get a decent storm brewing....but the local dolphins were all surfers and skaters before being lured and turned by Peter, so no one’s really all that surprised to see them hanging out on the beach at night, camped out by bonfires and playing their guitars and being wild and loud. 
The rules of ‘the shape you take reflects the person you are’ still apply here, and dolphins are characterized by being playful, mischievous or chaos-loving, as well as naturally social. Shifters don’t need to bite or claw someone to change them, specifically - its about bringing a human to death’s door, the threshold between life and death ie the place where greatest transformations have the potential to occur....and then the shifter’s magic either finds a match in the shape of the human’s spirit, in which case they pull them back across the threshold, now a shifter themselves....or if the spirit doesn’t match their shifter type, the human like...dies. 
So basically to change them, Peter kinda...lured them out into the waves, siren style (except dolphin shifters are NOT sirens, thank you very much, says Lydia, who is very tired of having to remind people, sirens are a type of Fae, and dolphin shifters are just the result of a bunch of pirates pissing off the Greek god of wine, madness and revels a few thousand years ago, which apparently was supposed to be a punishment, but somehow just ended up making a bunch of mystical shapeshifting party animals....whatever, Dionysus was never particularly known for thinking things through. In his defense, he was probably drunk at the time).
Anyway, so to change them, Peter lured them out into the waves at night via empathy manipulations, yes the grossness is very much implied, but all backstory only, and then dragged them down under the water until they were drowning, at which point sharing breath either changes them or doesn’t work and they drown. Course, it doesn’t have to be a gross thing, for instance after becoming the pod’s Triton (the dolphin equivalent of an Alpha, the central focus point of their magic and the only one who can actually turn people) Scott turned Liam to save his life....Liam was a surfer who got caught in an undertow and dragged far enough down that by the time Scott got to him, he wouldn’t have been able to get him to the surface in time, so he tried giving him underwater CPR instead basically, and it worked, dolphin Liam.
Anyway, one can imagine a ton of different ways Peter would be game to exploit a bunch of impressionable teenagers with the power to manipulate moods and emotions just by being near someone, but they weren’t having it and backed Scott in challenging Peter until he peaced outta town. (Derek and Cora exist here, but they’re...elsewhere, as are the Argents, because plot reasons).
Problem with kicking the only dude who actually knows how to properly use their magic the hell out of Dodge though, is the dolphins only sorta kinda know how to use their magic. They kinda mostly got the whole storm singing thing down, and they can feel emotions just fine, but when it comes to the reverse, well, they haven’t quite figured out where the off switch on that is yet. So they kinda just each have this aura about them that can’t help but spread their emotions to whomever comes in range, like...contagious emotions. Which is a big part of the reason why they’re so loud and obnoxious and like, party animals (this pod, at least) - because they figure if they can’t stop being Mother Magic’s little emotion factories, they’d rather be pumping out dopamine among their surroundings, instead of like...magic depression hour. 
(Oh yeah, basically supernatural creatures have their own idea of a third kinda primal nature figure, like there’s Mother Nature and Father Sky, and in supernatural cultures, they also refer a lot to Mother Magic, who is basically like, the idea of the source point of everything supernatural in the world).
Being self-taught does have some upsides though, as some of them have figured out their own unique tricks that they probably wouldn’t have, if they’d been taught ‘properly’ by older shifters who are limited by their own ideas of what is or isn’t possible. For instance, they’ve never heard of any other dolphins who are able to pull off Corey’s trick of projecting an aura of some combination of emotions that basically lets him go virtually unnoticed, like...everyone in his vicinity is emotionally cued to just overlook him entirely, when he gets himself in the right mindset to project the effect he’s going for here. Its not true invisibility, he still shows up on camera and everything, its more like....they don’t register seeing him, even as their eyes pass by him.
Then you got the shark shifters on the other hand, who are a lot more serious...they’re not bloodthirsty like a lot of people would tend to assume, but rather their nature is that of guardians and lore keepers. Which prompts a lot of confusion as to how Jackson made the cut, and Danny just sighs and says see, obviously there’s more to him than meets the eye, which is actually just his way of covering for the fact that he doesn’t have a clue either. But shark shifters are largely born shifters, because they have strict laws among their own kind about turning humans, like....a large wolf attacks a human and bites them and they later die? Its noteworthy, but not like, as noteworthy as shark attacks, given the actual scarcity of the latter, so shark shifters are like....yeah, no biting the humans. Jackson and Hayden are actually the only bitten shifters in the local clan....Jackson was bitten by a rogue shifter years ago (luckily with shark shifters, if the Change takes, it takes hold quickly enough to like....start healing the damage from the bite before they bleed out, lmao). 
Hayden was turned in her old town by a clan whose leader was not a Good Guy, and her sister was like NOPE, and got her the hell out of town and kept driving until they found a shark clan with a good reputation. The Beacon Bay clan has been around for decades and are well established (the Mahealanis are the clan leaders, and Danny’s in line to be in charge next). But yeah, other than Jackson, the others are all born into local shark shifter families - like Josh and Tracy, or else they’re like the twins, who were born into another clan that was killed by hunters, and then the Beacon Bay clan took them in. So the same thing could work for Brett and Lori, because it wouldn’t work for them to be born dolphin shifters even from out of town, since that wouldn’t fit with the local dolphins all being self-taught in their magic....if I make them dolphin shifters too, they’d be turned ones as well.
Shark magic is in the blood...born shifters have ancestral memories of previous shifters in their bloodline, and because of the ‘shape of your spirit is what matters’ rule of thumb, bloodlines in this case is kinda symbolic....so even bitten sharks like Jackson and Hayden have blood memories from the previous generations of Beacon Bay sharks by virtue of the fact that they are clan now and see themselves that way, so as far as the magic is concerned, it counts. But at the same time, they also still have trace connections to the bloodlines of the shifters who bit and turned them, so they each for example occasionally get a flash of something from a different clan’s history...just like the twins still get flashes of their old clan’s blood memories.
And this is why they’re the lorekeepers of the various shifter types, because just like sharks are ancient as fuck, compared to other animals, shark shifters are said to be the oldest of the shifter types except for the crocodiles. So some of the oldest shark clans have memories going all the way back to the earliest eras of human history. This happens to include Danny’s clan, of course, and in fact his great great great grandfather was what’s known among shifters as a throwback - basically a shifter whose specific spirit DNA/coding/whatever/lol combines with the blueprint for their animal side in such a way that like.....the shape they take is that of a much earlier prototype of their shifter species, further back the evolutionary chain. So Danny’s great great great grandfather’s shifted form was basically less great white and more...megalodon, lol. Not quite that extreme, but close enough that his descendants are still catching the tail end of that prestige wave, almost a hundred years later. But basically that goes hand in hand with the fact that their clan’s lineage traces all the way back to the earliest shark shifters, the ones said to remember when gods still walked the earth themselves. 
And then sharks’ other magic, besides the blood memories (cuz all shifter types have two, like the dolphins have their empathy and their storm-singing; there’s a more passive type and an active type)....so the active type of shark magic ties into their nature as guardians. Just like sharks can smell blood in the water from miles away, shark shifters can ‘feel’ not blood in the water per se, its more like they can ‘smell’ violence from similar lengths. Like, they just have a sense for it, and can hone in on it, track it....and in the presence of spilled blood, they get a boost across the board...their strength, speed, healing, etc, all ramp up and give them a heightened edge in fighting whatever’s the source of the violence...at least until the blood stops spilling, either because they’ve successfully fought off whatever attacked someone and someone’s gotten the bleeding to stop, or because like....they died. LOL. 
The catch-22 of shark blood magic is that its geared towards making them better able to guard and protect those within their territories, but people familiar with their shifter type and how their magic works know that their best chance of beating a shark shifter running to the rescue is to like.....kill the person they’re coming to protect, shut off the spigot, so to speak. Part of why the shark clans like Danny’s have become a lot more insular and reclusive in recent decades is because hunters started to get savvy about baiting traps for shark shifters....use someone as bait to lure a shark shifter close, and then soon as they’re within range of the hunters’ ambush or whatever, kill the victim and the shark shifter’s been lured out and yet now is no more powerful or formidable than any other average shifter. Which is still plenty badass, but nothing that hunters who can take down werewolves and weretigers and the like, like...can’t handle.
Anyway, that’s me rambling on.
Oh yeah, and Theo exists but probably won’t be in this one shot because like....its mostly done and he’s not here, so I mean. Yeah. Probably not gonna surprise me with a sneak appearance. If I manage to finish this and ever get around to doing a second one in the same universe, that’s where he would show up. I know what he is though, like, the Dread Doctors don’t exist here, but something/someone kinda like them does, and Theo’s the result of one of their experiments. There’s an Inuit spirit called an akhlut, who can turn into an orca in the ocean and a wolf on land....to be clear, he is NOT that, nor is it even clear in-universe whether they exist or not, but basically like....someone was trying to engineer a shifter based on that legend, via a combination of science and magic. And that’s how you get a Theo here. Anyway, he’d end up in Beacon Bay searching for an artifact that’s legendary among the shifter clans in the way Excalibur is legendary to us....no one can seem to say for sure if it even exists or not, let alone does what its rumored to do, but the stories are endless....something called Circe’s Diadem, said to belong to the enchantress herself, and imbued with the power to change the shape of a person’s spirit.
And if you can change the shape of your spirit (or someone else’s) to whatever you want, then you can also by extension guarantee the specific type of shifter they could be transformed into as well.
Anyway, I have this other later idea for a bunch of factions, Theo included, all converging on Beacon Bay because someone’s been going around whispering in various ears that Circe’s Diadem is hidden in the town somewhere.
Whether or not this has anything to do with Circe’s daughter living in that town....or how many people (such as Theo) actually know that’s who she is...well, who can say.
And yeah, Malia’s met her before, and she’s Not A Fan. She knows who Corinne really is too (Circe has a sizable reputation as Corinne, her latest in a long line of guises/personas, but while she’s well known among the supernatural world as an infamous and feared mercenary and assassin, very very few know that she is in fact Circe herself....who was rumored to have died, been killed, vanished, etc, three thousand years ago, according to an endless array of legends, with pretty much every supernatural culture having their own idea of what happened to her. Circe is about as famous as it gets in the supernatural world, but she’s specifically revered/feared by the various shifter clans, most of whom believe that she had something to do with the creation of the very first shifters. Some stories say she’s the daughter of Mother Magic herself, others say she’s a goddess, still others insist she was nothing more than a very gifted con artist with a penchant for taking credit for other peoples’ work. Even Malia doesn’t know for sure. She and Mommy Dearest don’t really talk much. And every time Corinne does show up, she seems to have some kind of agenda in mind for Malia, which Malia’s like yeah no, I object, and Corinne’s like, you haven’t even heard what it is, and Malia’s like yeah I don’t need to, oh hey, have you met my girlfriend, Kira? Its such a small world, apparently you know her mom?
And then Noshiko’s like, hello...Corinne, is it, these days? 
And Circe is like....oh. Hello. Noshiko. 
And Noshiko just smiles, this beautiful, serene, dangerous smile: It’s been awhile, hasn’t it.
Circe: I suppose it has. About six hundred years, give or take a decade, I think?
Noshiko: And yet I remember it like it was yesterday.
*awkward silence*
Circe: Well, I really must be going Malia, sweetheart, we’ll catch up some other time, toodles, gotta jet, murder waits on no woman, after all. Ta, darling!
So, that’s a thing. Corinne and Noshiko definitely have beef.
But Malia only knows who her mother really is because of Noshiko, who refuses to tell her or Kira any more than that, because as Noshiko puts it, she doesn’t really come off all that great in the story either, and would prefer to just wield the threat of it as a blunt instrument to keep Corinne at bay, rather than like...actually unpack it. If at all possible.
And as Peter was run out of town before Malia found out the truth of her biological parentage, she’s not actually sure whether Peter knew who she really was and just never said anything, or even if Peter actually knew who Corinne really was when he was with her. Given his obsession with the occult and ancient legends, its entirely possible Peter did know though, or even sought her out specifically because he’d deduced she was really Circe. From things he mentioned in passing now and then, Scott and his pod are fairly certain that Peter was looking for Circe’s Diadem too, and has been for a very long time. But again, whether that’s a hint towards him knowing who Corinne was, or against....they have no idea. 
Deaton’s theory, when pressed, because he really doesn’t like to speculate, lmao, but he was concerned they were only considering one angle at the exclusion of all others....so he mentioned an old story passed down from the earliest days of his own sect of druids, about an ancient sea witch who might have been another one of Circe’s many names/personas....and the story said three times a man came to the sea witch in a different guise, first a lover, then a friend, then a foe, and each time he tried to steal her magic (though what precisely this means, the story didn’t say). And after the third time, the sea witch hid most of her magic in her crown, and gave it to her most loyal servant, who she then turned into an albatross and commanded to take it far away and hide it until she came for it. So taking into account that story, its possible Circe herself doesn’t actually know for sure where her Diadem is, and for whatever reason, she stored the majority of her magic in it long, long ago...and she’s been hunting for it ever since. So maybe, they speculate, it wasn’t even Peter that sought Corinne out, but rather she who sought him out, because she’d heard of his search and thought he might be on the right track.
But yeah. So Malia has no idea if Peter knew who he was sleeping with at the time, or if he even knows now, and is Theo working for Corinne, for Peter, for someone else entirely, or is he an independent agent, is Circe’s Diadem even in Beacon Bay at all, is it even real or just the longest con ever, and if so, what does she stand to gain from it? Mysteries abound!
The sea keeps its secrets well, and so does Beacon Bay.
Dun dun dun.
fshalsfhlafjal god Im such a melodramatic shit why am i so fucking amused by myself science side of tumblr i need answers but be gentle im delicate
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xxsovereignsarayaxx · 5 years
Uncharted - Treasured  Chapter 1 - Memory Lane [Part 1]
Authors Note: So here is a little something I’ve started to put together ‘Treasured’ is going to be a collected amount of stories staring ‘Reyanara Ramirez’ before, during and after the Uncharted games. I hope you enjoy <3 
Word Count: 1118
Warnings: None
_______________________________________________________________ “There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing to the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory” - Francis Drake
Growing up I had always had a fascination for history, things that were forgotten. I wanted to find what was lost to give it purpose and a new lease of life. I had thrived in wanting to learn as much as I could at such a young age and I suppose thanks to my father and his no shortage of money, counterfeit or not I was able to accomplish a history PHD by the age of 23. I crammed in as much study as I could sacrificing my social life in the process, learning languages that could aid me in my future travels. I decided to travel to Peru three months after completing my years of study and that landed meeting infamous treasure hunter Nathan Drake in a bar of all places. 
I started to tuck my daughter into bed making sure the duvet was pulled up underneath her chin. “Mom can you tell me the story about how you met Uncle Nate and Uncle Sully again?” My daughter asked. “You’ve heard this story about a million times” I replied with a chuckle kissing her forehead. “Its my favourite...Please?” Was the reply. “Fine budge up then” I told her with a smile.  
Peru: 2001
“I’m telling you Sully we need to figure out what these translations mean, the treasure of Lima is just sitting there waiting to be found” a brown haired man says to his much older companion, taking a swig of his beer and placing it back onto the beer mat that was located on the bar. “Kid we’ve been at this for weeks and come up with squat, maybe the ‘Lost Lima Treasure’ is going to stay lost.” The older man replies taking a long puff on his cigar blowing the smoke away in a different direction. “Your never one to give up so quickly Sully, what gives?” The younger male asks. “A bad deal made with the wrong Mexican, I had hopes whatever we find would settle the debt and I could be free to smoke my cigars without checking my back every five minutes.” The elder replied putting his hand up to the bar to order another two bottles of beer, when the bottles were placed on the bar the elder let out a long sigh. “Do I dare even ask which Mexican?” His friend asked. “Hector-Antonio Ramirez” hearing a familiar name my head shot up from the thick textbook I had been reading. Closing my book and placing it into my bag I decided to head over to the bar to order another drink and find out why my fathers name had been mentioned. 
“I couldn’t help but over hear that your looking into the Lima treasure, did you know it was moved in the 1820′s” I said so only the two males could hear. “What would a young lady such as yourself know about the lost treasure of Lima?” The older man asked taking another puff on his cigar. Smiling back at the pair “A young lady with a PHD in history and a keen eye in looking for things that are thought to be long gone, names Renya you two are?” I replied offering my hand so either male had the chance to shake. “Nathan Drake and this is my associate Victor Sullivan or Sully for short” Nathan says as he introduces himself while taking up my offer to shake my hand and Sully follows suit. “What do you know about the Lima Treasure then?” Nathan asks. I raised my eyebrow. “If you don’t mind me asking” He quickly added. A chuckle left my lips “Well from what I’ve heard it was moved somewhere I think as a form of safe-keeping, the crew in charge of transporting the treasure turned pirate and hid it for themselves” I explained. “What is it you have there?” I asked pointing to the dated piece of paper that was on the bar. “Clues to try and locate the next part of the puzzle it seems, Thompson was keen to keep the location a secret. Although he spoke English this seems to be in Spanish and we’re both rather rusty. Which means we’re at a dead end” Nathan admits, Sully nodded his head agreeing with what had been said. “Do you mind if I take a look? I happen to speak Spanish so I can translate it for you” I offered. “That would help get the ball rolling Nate, would you like a drink Reyna?” Sully asked. “If your offering of course” I said with a smile and brought the clue closer for inspection. 
“Nathan, Victor this isn’t Spanish, this is where you’ve been going wrong its Nahuatl. I’m sure of it.” I said to both men. “Isn’t that the second most popular language in Mexico?” Nathan asked. “Yeah that’s right, lets see here. Trail as pirates. We hide what is ours. Danger on Cocos. Jesus and Mary save souls. Light to paradise.” I added picking out words and phrases I could translate correctly out. “That doesn’t really make much sense and this map we found is really faded and only half complete.” Nathan admits showing the map he and Sully found beforehand. “Pick a country Sully you feeling a trip to France, Russia or China?” Nathan added jokingly. “Wait a minute, Sully. Cocos was the name of Costa Rica back in the day” Nathan blurted out loud. “So what are you saying kid we just take a swim up the Caribbean Sea?” Sully asked in his gruff yet gentle voice. 
Pausing the story I looked over to my daughter to whom was sound asleep, grateful she would always fall asleep at the same point. Because what she would never know is the truth about her Grandfather. Cold and ruthless where money and business where concerned. Happy to take no prisoners or a life if need be. 
Pulling a map from my bag I smoothed it out “Looks that way, listen South America is my stopping ground I’d happily help out especially translating for you guys” I offered. Nathan and Sully looked at each other unsure whether to get up and trust Reyna I mean she was basically a stranger to them both. “If it were me I would probably start in Liberia and avoid San José unless it was absolutely necessary” I started. “Whats in San José?” Sully asked. I paused...
“My father, the man you owe. And the man who will kill you if he sees you” I admitted quietly holding my head down in shame. 
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