#Alfonso Estela
celluloidchronicles · 4 months
Los Olvidados
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The Young and The Damned
🇲🇽 | Dec 9, 1950
directed by Luis Buñuel
screenplay by Luis Buñuel, Luis Alcoriza
produced by Ultramar Films
starring Estela Inda, Miguel Incián, Alfonso Mejia, Roberto Cobo, Alma Delia Fuentes
1h22 | Drama
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Mexican Movies | director Luis Buñuel | writer Luis Buñuel | writer Luis Alcoriza | studio Ultramar Films | actress Estela Inda | actor Miguel Incián | actor Alfonso Mejia | actor Roberto Cobo | actress Alma Delia Fuentes
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jartita-me-teneis · 3 months
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"Los Olvidados" es considerada la cinta culpable del declive de la época de oro.
Estuvo sólo tres días en cartelera, la prensa y la clase alta estaban vueltas locas, querían quemar a Luis Buñuel y todo lo que oliera a él.
Era 1950 y el cine mexicano estaba en su esplendor , el cineasta español Luis Buñuel ya tenía éxito, pero estaba enamorado de nuestro país, grabada en Nonoalco, en lo que entonces eran los límites norteños de la Ciudad de México. Y tenía un propósito, una visión desgarradora de los niños de la calle en las grandes urbes; Aquellos de los que nadie habla, los que callan, los olvidados.
El poeta Octavio Paz escribió: “Pero Los Olvidados es algo´más que un filme realista. El sueño, el deseo, el horror, el delirio el azar, la porción nocturna de la vida, también tiene su parte. Y el peso de la realidad que nos muestra es de tal modo atroz, que acaba por parecernos imposible, insoportable. Y así es: la realidad es insoportable; y por eso, porque no la soporta, el hombre mata y muere, ama y crea”.
Su nombre original era "La Manzana Podrida" y en realidad, no tenía ningún nombre de peso, se tenía a Estela Inda, Miguel Inclán y Alfonso Mejía, además de un grupo de niños comandado por Roberto Cobo, un chico que había salido como extra en varias cintas y un día que audicionó para una película de Tin Tan se enteró que Buñuel estaba entrevistando para su nuevo filme, hizo la audición y se quedó con el rol de “El Jaibo”.
Sin embargo, desde su inicio, la cinta tenía problemas, dentro y fuera. El productor Oscar Dancingers se opuso a que se incluyeran muchos detalles que resultaban amorales; Jorge Negrete, líder del Sindicato de Actores, quería evitar su grabación e instó a técnicos y camarógrafos a abandonarla; una de las peinadoras renunció por la escena en que la madre de Pedrito, le niega la comida.
Pedro de Urdimalas, escritor de la cinta al lado de Buñuel, pidió que su nombre no apareciera en los créditos y en la primera función privada que se hizo, Lupe Marí, esposa de Diego Rivera, y Bertha, esposa de León Felipe, reclamaron al director que era un miserable y lo que mostraba no era México. David Alfaro Siqueiros por su parte aplaudió el trabajo asegurando que Luis era un genio nacido para el cine.
Los Olvidados era la primera producción sería de Luis Buñuel y quería hacerlo todo al máximo de sus posibilidades, la filmó en 21 días entre el 6 de febrero y el 9 de marzo de 1950, pero aunque la cinta es posiblemente una de las más galardonadas de su cine, él solo recibió dos mil dólares por ella y no pudo participar en las ganancias de la misma.
Ante las críticas, Buñuel respondió durante una entrevista que estaba orgulloso de su filme “La libertad total no existe, yo jamás he sido libre, yo soy libre cuando cierro mis ojos y estoy conmigo mismo sin que sepa que ya estoy viejo; El sistema de inconformidad es esa tendencia a romperse la cabeza por recuperar la propia libertad, lo que es imposible, es por tanto una inconformidad permanente de la realidad exterior”.
En los albores de los 50, el presidente mexicano Miguel Alemán estaba planeando la industrialización en el país, para dejar atrás la agricultura como primera fuente de recursos de los nacionales, pero el cine estaba en su apogeo, por ello las reacciones ante la cinta eran tan violentas.
Se tiene registro de que algunos cines fueron destruidos por los asistentes al estreno en noviembre de ese 1950, los fanáticos salían furiosos, la llamada “Liga de la Decencia” intentó expulsar a Buñuel del país y aunque no lo lograron, el director si dejó el territorio.
A pesar de los múltiples problemas, Luis Buñuel estrenó su cinta en Europa y la crítica mexicana tuvo que aceptar la gran equivocación cuando el gran jurado del Festival de Cannes le dio el premio como Mejor Director en 1951.
La película tiene una trama dura, y a diferencia, por ejemplo de "Nosotros los pobres" no busca causar lástima sino presentar una realidad diferente a la que se creía que existía en el país.
La historia nos lleva por los barrios más pobres de la Ciudad de México, donde los niños de la calle son una plaga para las altas esferas de la sociedad. Jaibo (Roberto Cobo) es un adolescente que escapa de un correccional para reunirse con Pedro (Alfonso Mejía). En presencia de él, Jaibo mata a Julián, el muchacho que supuestamente le delató. También intenta robar a un ciego (Miguel Inclán) al que finalmente maltrata. Acompañados de Ojitos y Meche (Alma Delia Fuentes), el destino del Jaibo y Pedro están marcados por la muerte."
Para muchos expertos en cine de la época consideran que la película terminó con idiosincrasia qué se tenia de México en el extranjero, México había pasado de ser la nación rural donde el romanticismo ranchero era el emblema, las comedias rancheras pasaron a ser del pasado, para dar paso al verdadero país que se tenia olvidado, una sociedad muy corrompida.
Sin embargo la nueva forma de hacer cine gracias al ojo del director Buñuel, con el paso de los años se fueron realizando producciones crudas sobre la sociedad mexicana.
Si bien el termino de la era dorada del cine fueron más factores internos y externos, como la sobre explotación de comedias rancheras, la pobreza de recursos y el que Estados Unidos de alguna manera haya retomado la industria cinematográfica después del conflicto mundial.
epoca de oro Los Olvidados luis buñuel
Cine Mexicano Cine Dorado Mx
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 3 months
Pues ya de vuelta de mi primera Vuelta en mi nueva HARLEY y la verdad es que me han dado ganas de TIRAR desde CHINCHON [por cierto..tiene el título de CIUDAD por abdicador ALFONSO XIII aunque a mi me parece que está lejos de serlo..aunque tiene mucha historia pues fue incendiada por el BONAPARTE como represalia al levanta_miento del 2 de MAYO matando a 86 tras matar 2 franceses o cuando el rey de ESPAÑA era José BONAPARTE el hermano de NAPOLEON]..a VALENCIA en 2 horas..pues nada que ver con la SPORSTER ROADSTER..sensación de APLOMO, SEGURIDAD, POTENCIA, COMODIDAD..VALENCIA una ciudad VERANIEGA IDEAL donde en agosto del año pasado vi a ILEGALES e IVAN FERREIRO de LOS PIRATAS..pues además coges un ferry desde DENIA a IBIZA en 2hrs como hice año pasado..aunque a mi las únicas vacaciones que me molan es donde hay FOLLETEO no VICIO , MASIFICACION, FESTIVALES de MUSICA OSCURA Y CAROS, TIMOS VACACIONALES O PRECIOS DESMESURADOS..
Por cierto me tomé algo en un bar de moteros [uno llevaba el AGUILA DE EEUU con LIVE TO RIDE y la RUTA 66 a la que sumo mi ruta 3 o desde VIRGINIA BEACH=BITCH..a CHICA+CAGO=RUTA 69].. en CHINCHON con una TRAGA_PERRAS de LUCKY CHINA y donde también ponía MANHATTAN..luego fui a MORATA de TAJUÑA tapando de TAJUÑA al ponerme en CRUZ para señalar más a Álvaro MORATA cuya mujer casi muere en el parto de su último hijo..y allí quise quitar el GPS del manos libres y di otro botón poniendo música o sonando MENTIRA [MI VIDA] de chilenos la LEY [los confundo con SIN BANDERA]..aunque no me ha durado mucho porque enseguida la CHINA me avisaba que se acababa la BATERIA pues llevaba desde que fui a UBEDA y CAZORLA por Semana Santa sin utilizarlo [ambos sitios muy musicales y reveladores]
Por cierto..he comprado el VIA_T para pasar por PEAJES de PORTUGAL, ESPAÑA, FRANCIA e ITALIA sin parar
El cantante de LA LEY beto "CUEVAS" se divorcio de Estela "MORA"..La verdad es que esto del AMOR EN LA OSCURIDAD es algo muy LAMEN_TABLE..es como BEBER y tener una RESACA ESPANTOSA..lo dicho no creo en la PAREJA ni viviendo en un PALACIO
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mkemals · 1 year
Los Olvidados - Unutulmuşlar 1950
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Le sang des Espagnols, Mourir à Paris...
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Acacio Puig. LQS. Abril 2019
El compromiso de estos hombres (cuatro de ellos militantes comunistas, un masón y uno anarquista) es recuperado mediante el meticuloso trabajo historiográfico de Henri Farreny que explora nuevas fuentes documentales y archivos, polemiza con inexactitudes establecidas por estudios anteriores y ubica sus combates en la trama de organizaciones que constituyeron en Francia las Fuerzas Francesas del Interior
De Morir en Madrid, el excelente documental realizado por Fréderic Rossif recuperando filmaciones hechas en el curso de la Guerra como homenaje a tres años de combate por la Libertad, toma prestado el título este interesante libro que asigna un lugar de honor a seis de los españoles muertos en Paris como activos miembros de la Resistencia...
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El resto del articulo aquí : https://loquesomos.org/le-sang-des-espagnols-mourir-a-paris/
...Profusamente ilustrado, las imágenes enfatizan el proyecto de conocer la historia para hacer Historia y Memoria. El monolito a José Roig, la estela en el boulevard Arago y la Placa en Barcelona a Conrad Miret, la Mención de honor “Muerto por Francia” a Manuel Bergés, la reconstrucción (rebuscando en los archivos policiales) del interrogatorio en el hospital y bajo tortura de un Domingo Tejero ya herido de balas y finalmente muerto (y el logro de la mención de Honor correspondiente que logró AAGEF-FFI en 2016) la placa en la calle Tolbiac de Paris a Celestino Alfonso o la placa en el Boulevard Saint Germain de Paris, a Barón Carreño (inaugurada en agosto de 2017) incorporan a la Historia y la Ciudad, la memoria de nuestros combatientes por la Libertad, todo un ejemplo que en buena parte sigue pendiente en nuestras tierras.
En definitiva, este libro como indica en su prefacio Anne Hidalgo, constituye un importante paso adelante en la incorporación de héroes anónimos a la memoria colectiva de la izquierda.
Le sang des Espagnols, Mourir à Paris. Autor : Henri Farreny. Éditions Espagne au cœur
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mexicangoldcinema · 2 years
sergio corona
Nació en 1928 en Pachuca a diferencia de otros artistas a Sergio lo trajo el futbol y el golf a mexico, se destaco por tener una gran afición a estos dos deportes, pero mucho mas al futbol nacional. Al llegar comienza a trabajar de zapatero en donde después de algún tiempo hace pareja con una compañera de trabajo que lo lleva a estudiar ballet clásico en la academia de Silvia bellas artes de ahí fue donde él se convirtió en bailarín.
En 1947 fue contratado como bailarín en coreografías de teatro y de revistas donde se topó con personajes icónicos como clavillazo y resortes. Finalmente en 1948 es llamado para participar en una escena de baile folclórico de la comedia clásica “los tres huitecos” con el gran pedro infante, sin embargo, la cámara no lo capta a el con tanta claridad debido a la gran cantidad de bailarines que se encontraban en escena, igual participo en otras obras dentro del palacio bellas artes donde tuvo la oportunidad de debutar con una soprano griega maría callas, esto hizo que pudiera debutar en el ballet Chapultepec haciéndose participe en la primera transmisión comercial de la historia de la televisión en México. (diaz, 2021)
Algunas de sus obras conocidas fue El grito de la carne (1951) y en El casto Susano (1954); ya decíamos, a Pedro Infante y Blanca Estela Pavón Y con Tin Tan trabajo en la cinta Viaje a la luna. Con cantinflas también organizaban espectáculos taurinos en el cual los fondos recaudados se los donaban a los niños huérfanos. Luego de ello corona empieza a formarse como comediante, comienza a trabajar en programas de televisión humorística como lo es “hogar dulce hogar” con luz maría Aguilar (diaz, 2021)
En 1950 forma pareja de baile con Alfonso arau, ellos se conocen cuando arau es llamado como chambelán y corona es el coreógrafo del ensamble. Ambos fusionan humor, comedia pantomima y técnica clásica de baile. Llegaron a hacer teatro, cine y televisión, sin embargo, luego de que arau se divorciara de la hermana de corona el también pide el divorcio artístico. Fue así como con el pasar de los años corona debuto en diversos programas y series para comedias, a principios del siglo 21 comenzó a meterse con el mundo de las telenovelas y algunos programas que lo hicieron llegar el éxito como lo es “como dice el dicho” actualmente ha participado en unas 32 películas a lo largo de su carrera.
diaz, c. (12 de ocubre de 2021). milenio . Obtenido de https://www.milenio.com/opinion/carlos-diaz-barriga/milenio-retro/sergio-corona-biografia-trayectoria-julio-regalado
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almomentoqueretaro · 2 years
Roberto Cabrera recibe reconocimiento especial de la Federación Municipal de Profesionistas
👉 @RobertoCabreraV recibe reconocimiento especial de la Federación Municipal de Profesionistas
Roberto Cabrera recibe reconocimiento especial de la Federación Municipal de Profesionistas • De los Colegios de Profesionales de la Educación y Arquitectos, fueron reconocidas Estela Valencia García y Ariadna Gutiérrez Aguirre. • Wenceslao Ortiz Vargas y José Alfonso Vaca Nava, fueron galardonados como profesionistas destacados. Además de entregar reconocimientos a los profesionistas más…
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Vida en sombras (Llorenç Llobet-Gràcia, 1948)
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deusxmachiiina · 3 years
BRUNONOVELLA - Descache Doubles SEASON1 - EP 12
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“Jairo, Mi Amor,” 
The scene was set, a starry night upon a balcony, with the two rats lovers clasping hands. The rat playing Jairo sniffed at his co-star, Constanza (Today staring in the role of Estela Carrillo). Estela turned away in guilt. She could not go on any longer with her lie. “Jairo, I have DECIEVED YOU, I am not Estela Carillo. I have been pretending to be her, because I love you Jairo,” Alfonso, ever his most expressive actor, reared up and sQUEEKED. “Estela, NO- If you are not Estela, then who are you!”                                                   “My true name is Danitza Hernández. Mi Amor, I saw the beautiful letters you wrote to Estela. I read them as if they were for me. I know! It was wrong of me. But Mi Vida, the way you shaped your words. I knew- Oh, hey now- Constanza!” 
Constanza had tired of her sililoquy, pulling free of the minuature stage to go find something better to do. “Constanza, we still have the third act!”  The dramatic finale of Desaches Doubles, comes soon to a magical home near you.
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agopla · 3 years
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🤲🏻DEVOCIONAL CRISTIANO🤲🏻 😃DEJA TU PROPIA MARCA💥 Está es nuestras manos dejar una buena estela. 👉Click aquí para leerlo 👈 https://www.agopla.com/2021/07/devocional-cristiano-deja-tu-propia.html ✝️#devoagopla🤛🏻 ✝️#agopla🤛🏻 ✝️#oremosjuntos🤛🏻 ✝️#evangelizacionmundial🤛🏻 (en Devocionales diarios de Alfonso Gomez-Plaza) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRnxzZwpHe9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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polarhoid · 4 years
[ La paradoja UANL ]
—Hola, buenas tardes, necesito comunicarme con el departamento de escolar y archivo. Llamé pero la recepcionista me dijo que mejor lo intente por Teams porque por ahí atienden más rápido. Pero como soy alumno no-regular pues no tengo un correo institucional y por lo mismo no puedo meterme al Teams ni contactar a nadie de la uni.
—Ah, sí, a ver, entonces no eres alumno regular, ¿verdad?
—No, no soy...
—Sí, espérame tantito, déjame preguntar.
—Gracias, muy amable.
[6 minutos más tarde]
—Mira, sí; si ahorita no eres alumno regular lo que puedes hacer es..., pero, a ver, sí estás seguro de que no eres regular, ¿verdad?
—Egresé hace más de 10 años. Estoy seguro de que no soy alumno regular.
—Sí, bueno, mira, lo que necesitas es que te asignen un correo institucional. Para ese caso te recomendamos comunicarte con nuestro equipo de soporte técnico al siguiente correo: [email protected].
—Muchas gracias. Disculpe, tendrá algún número de oficina, o de celular u otro medio para comunicarme directo; es que luego batallo mucho para que me atiendan. ¿O sólo mando el correo y ya?, ¿sí me responden?
—Pues manda el correo, pero yo te recomendaría que te contactes por Teams porque ahí sí es más seguro que te contesten más rápido.
Suena el pitido inconfundible de la llamada que se interrumpe y lo escucho durante veinticinco segundos y medio.
Mi mano temblorosa deposita el aruricular de baquelita en la respectiva muesca del aparato que ha diseñado para tal efecto. La luz a mi alrededor colapsa y me fundo en el negro más negrísimo que nunca antes jamás en mi existencia yo haya visto ni imaginado. El pitido de la no-llamada persiste y persiste y persiste y mi cuerpo se licua y se disuelve en la negrura volátil de ese ruido que horada como cuatro cuatrillones de gusanos que vibran dentro de cada poro y todas las partículas de una realidad que se agrieta, deshebra y estalla a mi alrededor.
Mi viaje ha terminado. Lorentz diría que apenas comienza. Pero no lo sé. Es cierto: fracasé hasta el punto de ser consumido e implotado por una paradoja del espacio-tiempo. Pero también he aprendido mi lección: este universo es tan extraño y tan imposible de entender y de predecir. Pero la UNI es aún más arbitraria e inextricable que cualquier dimensión desconocida: en la uni las  paradojas florean como girasoles en las bóvedas celestes de cien mil millones de planetas. Y unicornios de sílice sobrevuelan en trayectorias elípticas sobre la estatua de materia oscura de Don Alfonso Reyes. Y tú puedes ser tu propio abuelo. Y también tu sobrino y hasta tu tío político. Y también puedes ser tú mismo sin ser tú mismo. En la UANL las curvas del tipo tiempo no son cerradas ni abiertas. No son y también son. Y los viajes inter/temporales son perfectamente posibles. Y todo es posible todo el tiempo y al mismo tiempo. Bueno, claro, siempre y cuando esto no implique hacer un trámite por Teams porque entonces sí ya no se puede nada y ya te chingaste y es imposible y la continuidad-disontinuidad temporal colapsa y hay que empezar de nuevo.
Ya. Es todo. Yo aquí me desintegro. No me busquen. No me llamen porque no tengo zoom, ni inbox, ni whatsapp, ni mucho menos Teams. Cuando cierren los ojos piensen en mí, sólo en mí y en esa estela de mí que viaja hacia dentro y afuera de la madriguera de un conejo que está a dos nanosegundos de ser devorado por un tigre. Ahí estaré yo. Perdido en este bucle en los anales del tiempo. Adiós. [también pueden localizarme en el correo: [email protected], si es que se les dificulta llamarme con el pensamiento*]
*Pero ubíquenme por Teams porque si me escriben al correo no contesto.
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ricandhaiz · 6 years
Out of Time, Bonus Chapter
It had been ten months since that fateful night when Raul had sacrificed his life to save Lily’s. For weeks afterward, she was overcome with grief and sadness. That quickly changed, however, the moment she discovered that she was pregnant. This news gave her a renewed sense of purpose and drove her to find the will to go on.
In the months leading up to the baby’s birth, Lily became acquainted with the representative of Raul’s estate, a man named Diego Garcia. He had flown out from Spain to collect and transport Raul’s remains back to his homeland for burial after having been contacted by the local authorities, who had found his name and contact information in Raul’s wallet. The shocked look on Diego’s face at their initial meeting coupled with the news that Raul had left all his worldly possessions and substantial wealth to her left her feeling both perplexed and astonished at the same time. Nevertheless, knowing that neither she nor her baby would ever want for anything gave her some piece of mind as she contemplated the future without Raul.
Lily went into labor a week before Christmas. Both her parents were in the delivery room as she welcomed her son, Arturo Raulez, into the world. Tears of joy fell from her eyes as she cradled her nearly 8-pound baby boy in her arms. She kissed his forehead and marveled at the child that she and Raul had created together. He’s perfect, she thought with great pride. Just like his Papá.
Less than twenty-four hours later, Lily and Arturo were discharged from the hospital and went home with her parents. In the days leading up to Christmas, she received a call from Diego to inform her that his grandfather, Alfonso Garcia, was in the United States and that he was eager to pay her a visit. She readily agreed to the meeting and was told that the elder Mr. Garcia would likely arrive at her doorstep on Christmas Eve.
Alfonso arrived promptly at five o’clock in the afternoon on Christmas Eve. He was an elderly gentleman with snow white hair and kind eyes. She greeted him warmly and invited him and his daughter, Sofia, into the living room. After a few minutes of light banter and pleasantries, Lily’s mother came in and set a tray with coffee and Christmas-shaped cookies on the coffee table. Early on in their conversation, Alfonso asked if he could see Arturo. Lily nodded and went to the nursery to see if her son was awake. She quietly stepped into the room and then gently picked him up when she saw that he was.
Alfonso’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree the moment his eyes fell upon Arturo. After sitting down next to him on the couch, Lily loosened the swaddling clothes around her son’s face and leaned forward in order to give the elderly gentleman a better look at her son. Alfonso’s smile broadened as he gazed at the infant in Lily’s arms. “There’s no mistaking this child’s parentage. He is a Banu Gomez through and through. That is plain to see.” He brushed the child’s cheek with the tip of his finger before continuing. “My family has had the honor of serving Don Raul and his family since the Spanish Reconquista. Although I grieve his passing, it is good to know that he is finally at peace after all that he has suffered.”
Why did he say that? What does he know? These were some of the many questions that were swirling through Lily’s mind as Alfonso spoke. Nevertheless, she chose to bide her time before peppering him questions and instead asked, “Will you be staying here long?”
Alfonso shook his head. “I’m afraid not. As you can see, I’m quite old and am not in the best of health. Truth be told, my doctors advised me not to come to the United States, but my curiosity about you and the child led me to reject their recommendation out of hand and make this trip to see you anyway.”
Intrigued, Lily decided that now was as good a time as any to delve into what Alfonso might know about Raul’s history. “Your grandson, Diego, told me that you were the one who could shed the most light about who Raul was and where he came from.” Alfonso nodded. Lily continued. “We didn’t know each other very long before he died and, to be honest, he only gave me the vaguest of pictures of his background and history. Even your grandson seemed reluctant to tell me what he knew.”
Alfonso sighed and glanced at his daughter, who gave him an encouraging smile. Just then, Lily’s mother came in and offered to take Arturo off her hands. Lily said yes and gently handed her son over to her mother while Alfonso took a sip of coffee and gathered his thoughts.
Once Lily’s mother had left the room, she asked, “I want to know everything.”
“Yes, yes,” Alfonso replied with a wistful look. “I will tell you what I know. But before I do that, you must promise me that you will keep an open mind. What I am about to tell you is a tale that has been passed down in my family for many generations. I was not fortunate enough to have met Don Raul myself, but my padre told me that he did meet him once before I was born.”
How was that possible? Lily thought as she squeezed her hands together until her knuckles turned white. She took a deep breath to calm her increasingly frayed nerves and to ease the tension in her body. Like he said, just keep an open mind and see what he has to say before you decide whether you’re going to believe him or not.
“Are you all right Lily? You look a little pale.”
“I’m fine, thank you,” she quickly replied. “Please go on.”
Although Alfonso did not look completely convinced by her assurances, he cleared his throat and said, “When I was a young man, my padre told me about a young Leonese noblemen who lived during the Reconquista. He was the son of a count from the House of Banu Gomez and married a beautiful Castilian noblewoman named Inés during the reign of King Alfonso V of Castile and Leon. They had only one child, Estela, who lived past infancy. I was told that both his daughter and wife met their end in Cuéllar after he had been sent there by the king to repopulate the town.”
“How did they die?” Lily asked, eyebrows raised.
“Estela died of a fever. As for Doña Inés, I was told that a witch tricked the nobleman into making a bargain with her in order to keep his wife’s safe in the face of an impending attack upon the town. Unbeknownst to him, the witch had instead placed a curse on him in order to avenge the death of a kinswoman who was murdered by those he had appointed to administer the town during his absence.”
Lily’s eyes widened as she stuttered, “What did she do to him?”
Before responding, Alfonso bowed his head, removed his eyeglasses and rubbed his eyes. “She condemned him to encounter Inés over numerous lifetimes only to watch her die again and again at the hands of the same man who had slain her with his bow and arrow in Cuéllar.”
Lily blinked and sat there, still as a statue, as the implications of what she had just been told began to sink in. It can’t be true. Things like that just don’t happen in real life. Still, she asked him the question that was uppermost in her mind. “What was his name?”
Alfonso looked at her solemnly and said, “I think that you already know.”
For a moment or two, Lily was too shocked to speak. Finally, she said, “You don’t really believe that my Raul was the same nobleman you just spoke of, do you?”
Rather than replying to Lily’s question, Alfonso said, “I brought something for you.” He then turned to his daughter Sofia, who rose to her feet and left the room. “I think it might prove more persuasive than anything that I could possibly say to you in this regard.” When Lily nodded, Alfonso continued. “It’s a painting that has hung in my ancestral home for centuries. But now that Don Raul has finally been laid to rest and left you as his heir, I thought it best to give it to you.”
Within minutes, Sofia returned with the painting in hand. It was enclosed in a box and was being carried in by both Sofia and Lily’s father. They propped it up against the wall by the fireplace. Lily’s legs were shaking when she stood up and walked toward it.
“Would you like me to open this up for you?” Lily’s father asked. She said yes and then patiently waited while he went to the garage to get a box cutter. When he returned, she took a step back and watched with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation as he opened one side of box and then slowly slid it out with Sofia’s help.
The painting was draped in a crimson velvet sheet. Lily asked them to place it in front of the coffee table. Her palms were sweaty as she once again sat down next to Alfonso and contemplated what she might discover upon lifting the sheet from the painting.
“Don’t be afraid. There is nothing to fear,” Alfonso said as he gently placed his hand on her arm. She responded with a weak smile and a nod.
“Here goes nothing,” Lily said under her breath as she leaned forward and reached for the sheet. Slowly, she pulled it away from one corner of the painting and gasped when she uncovered Raul’s visage. His portrait had an eerily lifelike quality to it which caused her to shudder at first. But then, when she moved in for a closer look, she realized that she had nothing to fear. He looked exactly as she had remembered, with his dark brown hair and piercing gaze. She pulled the sheet back further and saw that he was wearing a suit of armor and was standing with one hand propped against the edge of a rather ornate-looking chair while the other was placed on his hip. It was then that she caught sight of a feminine-looking hand resting against the arm of the chair. Inés, Lily thought with trepidation before pulling the rest of the sheet away to reveal the painting in its entirety.
“My God,” Lily uttered softly as she brought her hands to her face. “She looks…”
“Exactly like you,” Alfonso said. At that point, Lily fell to her knees and wept. This was all too much for her still fragile heart to take. Still, she did find some comfort knowing that Alfonso was there with her and understood the pain that she was feeling.
Once her tears finally subsided, she remained seated in front of the painting and tried to take it all in. At one point, she pointed to the necklace with a silver cross around Inés’ neck and said, “That’s beautiful. Did he give it to her?”
“If my memory serves me correctly, I believe that it was one of the many presents that Don Raul bestowed upon his wife during their marriage.”
“He spoke of her only once,” Lily said softly. “I could tell from the sound of his voice that he loved her very much.” She paused, then asked, “Do you think that he’s finally at peace?”
“Yes, I do,” Alfonso said, his voice thick with emotion. “I believe that you had a lot to do with that.”
Lily began to tear up once more as she placed her hand over his and said, “I wish there were words to express how much your coming here has meant to me.” She then looked over at the painting, adding, “I’ll treasure this for as long as I live.”
“It was my pleasure,” Alfonso replied, smiling. “If I or anyone else from my family can ever be of service to you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
“Thank you. When Artie is older, I’d like to take him to Spain. Maybe, if it’s not too much trouble, maybe you or someone in your family could take us around to Raul’s ancestral homes and tell him about his family’s history.”
“It would be an honor to do that,” Alfonso replied. “Just let us know when you are ready to come to Spain for a visit and we will take care of the rest.”
  Later that evening, Lily was still thinking about all that Alfonso had said to her as she lay in bed. Slowly, she drifted off to sleep…
Some time later, she awoke with a start and found herself lying in a strange, darkened room lit only by a single candle flickering on a wooden nightstand. Her eyes darted back and forth as she raised herself onto her elbows. Almost immediately, she felt a pair of warm, strong hands grasp her shoulders.
“Lie back down and rest,” said an achingly familiar voice in her ear.
Lily’s breath caught in her throat as she struggled to orient herself and make sense of what was happening to her. “Where am I? Is the baby all right?”
“Estela is fine. She is with her nursemaid, Mencia. She was sound asleep the last time I checked, as should you be.”
“Raul,” Lily croaked. “Is it really you?”
“Were you expecting someone else?” Raul teased. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, mi amor, but alas, it’s only me.”
Lily raised her hands to his face and stroked his cheek. “It is you. I can’t believe it.” She began to weep.
“Don’t cry,” Raul replied as he wiped away her tears and laid down next to her. “It’s Christmas Eve and we have much to be thankful for. God has blessed us with health, prosperity, and, most importantly, a beautiful daughter to love and care for.”
“I love you, Raul.”
“And I, you,” he replied as he raised Lily’s hand to his lips and kissed it. “You and Estela are my life. You have given me more joy in the short time that we’ve been married then I ever thought was possible.”
Lily laid her head against his shoulder and breathed him in. “If this is a dream I hope I never wake up.”
Raul smiled and nuzzled his face against her neck. “Do you want your present now or in the morning?”
“You’re all I could ever possibly need or want,” Lily insisted. Raul placed a finger over her lips to stop her from saying more and then ordered her to close her eyes. She readily complied. Soon afterward, she felt him slowly unfurl her fingers, one by one, before placing his gift in the palm of her hand.
“Open your eyes.”
Lily brought the tiny and relatively lightweight object in her hand up to her face and gasped as soon as she realized what it was: a silver cross and chain. She bit her lip and closed her eyes in a futile effort to keep another round of tears from falling from her eyes. “It’s lovely, Raul. I don’t know what to say.”
“It belonged to my mamá. It was one of her favorite pieces of jewelry. She gave it to me near the time of her death and urged me to give it to the woman I loved.”
“Oh Raul.” That was all Lily could manage to say as he took the silver cross and chain from her hand and placed it around her neck.
“You are so beautiful,” Raul exclaimed with eyes filled with love and devotion.
For a moment, his words appeared to have robbed her of both breath and speech. But as the minutes passed, she began to sense that her time with him was now growing short. At that point, she clutched his arm and said, “Don’t leave me. Ever. I don’t think I could bear it.”
Raul smiled as he tipped her face up to his and said, “I’ll never be far, mi amor. Just close your eyes and think of me and I’ll be there.”
 When Lily awoke early the next morning, she was back in her bedroom. She sat up and reached for her cell phone to see what time it was.  The time and date on the screen was 8 a.m. on December 25. It was Christmas day. She sprang out of bed and headed straight for the nursery. When she stepped into the room, she found her mother sleeping in a cot next to Arturo’s crib. She tiptoed up to him and picked him up before quietly exiting the room so as not to wake her mother up.  
The first thing she noticed upon entering the living room was that the painting was now hanging over the fireplace. Just then, her father walked in from the kitchen and came up beside her as she gazed at Raul and the woman who looked like her doppelganger. “I hope you don’t mind that I put it up on the wall.”
Lily shook her head. “No, not at all. That’s the perfect spot for it. Thank you.”
After taking a sip of coffee from the mug in his hand, he said, “That’s a pretty necklace you’re wearing. Where’d you get it?”
What necklace? Lily thought and looked down at her chest. Her jaw dropped, and her eyes widened in surprise at seeing the silver cross that she had dreamed Raul had given her hanging around her neck. “It belonged to Raul’s mother,” she stammered.
Lily nodded and pointed to the painting, adding, “Do you see that woman in the painting? She’s wearing the very same necklace that I’m wearing now.”
“Well, I’ll be damned,” her father replied. He scratched his head while his eyes darted back and forth a few times between the painting and Lily. “I can’t get over how much you and that woman look alike. If I didn’t know that this piece of art was hundreds of years old, I would have sworn that that woman in the portrait was you.”
Maybe I was her, Lily thought as Alfonso’s fantastic tale once more came to the forefront of her mind.  In another lifetime.
Lily and her father remained standing there in companionable silence for a little while until he decided to excuse himself from the room. Once she was certain that he was no longer within earshot, she pointed to Raul and said, “Look Arturo. Do you see that man in the painting? That’s your Papá.”
While looking down at her son, she thought about all that had happened to her in the last twenty-four hours. Although her rational mind urged her to dismiss Alfonso’s story as the stuff of fairy tales, there was another part of her that felt that he had told her the truth. And wasn’t Arturo’s very existence proof enough that the Raul in Alfonso’s story had really existed and had loved her in this lifetime?
In the end, Lily concluded that there were certain things in this life that simply defied explanation. All she knew and cared to know was that the brief and intense love she had shared with Raul had been real and had produced a son for her to love and cherish in his absence. For her, that was answer enough.
Now that that question was settled in her mind, she once again turned her attention to the painting. With tear-filled eyes, she looked up at Raul’s face once more and said, “Merry Christmas, mi amor.”
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tasksweekly · 6 years
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In celebration of Uruguayan Independence Day on August 25th, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 280+ Uruguayan faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Cristina Morán (1930) Uruguayan - host, voice and actress .
Olga Delgrossi (1932) Uruguayan - singer.
Estela Medina (1932) Uruguayan - actress.
Adele Gleijer (1933) Uruguayan - actress.
Lily Safra (1934) Uruguayan [Russian-Jewish] / Czechoslovak - philanthropist and socialite.
Henny Trayles (1937) Uruguayan - actress and comedian.
Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet (1938) Uruguayan - pianist, organist, harpsichordist, composer, and conductor.
Vera Taylor (1938) Uruguayan - actress and youtube personality.
Pelusa Vera / María de los Ángeles Vera Montecoral (1940) Uruguayan - actress and model.
Ethel Afamado (1940) Uruguayan - singer-songwriter, guitarist, composer, and poet.
Carmen Novoa (1941) Uruguayan  - artist, painter, award winning writer and poet.
Isabel Pisano (1944) Uruguayan - actress, journalist, and writer.
Nancy Guguich (1944) Uruguayan - actress and composer.
Gabriela Acher (1944) Uruguayan [Turkish Jewish] - actress and comedian.
Vera Sienra (1947) Uruguayan - musician and poet.
Estela Magnone (1948) Uruguayan - composer and singer.
Julia Möller (1949) Uruguayan [Norwegian, possibly other] - tv presenter, model, and Miss Uruguay 1969.
Teresita Minetti (1949) Uruguayan - singer.
Raquel Pierotti (1952) Uruguayan - singer.
Lucila Ramos Mañé (1953) Uruguayan - mezzo-soprano, art historian and musicologist.
Carmen Posadas (1953) Uruguayan [Spanish] - writer.
Marta Albertini (1954) Uruguayan - actress.
Gisele Ben-Dor (1955) Uruguayan [Polish Jewish] - musician.
Margarita Musto (1955) Uruguayan - actress, director, and translator.
Elli Medeiros (1956) Uruguayan - actress and singer.
Sandra Massera (1956) Uruguayan - playwright, theater director, actress and teacher.
Diane Denoir / Diana Roches Mehler (1957) Uruguayan [Austrian] - singer.
Laura Canoura (1957) Uruguayan - singer and composer.
Graciela Rodríguez (1957) Uruguayan - actress and humorist.
Adriana Ducret (1958) Uruguayan - singer, actress and teacher.
Laura Sánchez (1958) Uruguayan - actress, comedian and theater teacher.
Mariana Ingold (1958) Uruguayan - singer, instrumentalist, and composer.
Ana Barrios Camponovo (1961) Uruguayan - actress, writer, and illustrator.
Marihel Barboza (1961) Uruguayan - composer and singer .
Liliana García (1962) Uruguayan - actress and model.
Alicia Alfonso (1963) Uruguayan - actress.
Estela Golovchenko (1963) Uruguayan [Russian, possibly other] - actress, director, and playwright.
Laura Martínez (1964) Uruguayan - actress, tv presenter, and dancer.
Gabriela Toscano (1965) Uruguayan - actress.
Roxana Blanco (1967) Uruguayan - actress.
María Carámbula (1968) Uruguayan - actress.
Sara Bessio (1968) Uruguayan - actress.
María Mendive (1968) Uruguayan - actress, director, and broadcaster.
Rossana Taddei (1969) Uruguayan - composer, singer, guitarist, performer and visual artist.
Laura Santullo (1970) Uruguayan - writer, scriptwriter and actress.
Victoria Zangaro (1970) Uruguayan - model and driver.
Samantha Navarro (1971) Uruguayan - singer, guitarist, and composer.
Malena Muyala (1971) Uruguayan - singer-songwriter.
Ana Prada (1971) Uruguayan - singer.
Tina Ferreira (1972) Uruguayan [Afro Uruguayan, Spanish, possibly other] - dancer, vedette, and journalist.
Andrea Noli (1972) Mexican [Uruguayan, Romanian] - actress.
Inés Saavedra (1972) Uruguayan - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Veronica Loza (1973) Uruguayan - artist and set designer.
Mariana Vázquez (1974) Uruguayan - teacher, singer and composer.
Ana Patricia Rojo (1974) Mexican [Uruguayan (Spanish {Canary Islander, Castilian}) / Peruvian (Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish, Italian, German)] - actress and singer.
Male Caballero (1974) Uruguayan - tv host.
Erika Büsch (1974) Uruguayan [German, possibly other] - singer, guitarist, and composer.
Claudia Schmitd (1975) Uruguayan - tv host.
Noelia Campo (1976) Uruguayan - actress and television presenter.
Kenya Mori (1976) Uruguayan [Japanese, Lebanese, Basque, Spanish] / Mexican - actress.
Veronica Perrotta (1976) Uruguayan - dramatist, theater and film actress.
María José Siri (1976) Uruguayan  - soprano.
Laura Gutman (1976) Uruguayan - composer, musician and audiovisual producer.
Claudia Fernández (1976) Uruguayan [Spanish, possibly other] - actress, model, tv hostess, and vedette.
Eunice Castro (1976) Uruguayan - actress, model, tv hostess, and dancer.
Mónica Farro (1976) Uruguayan [Spanish (including Galician), Portuguese, Italian, possibly other] - actress, model, vedette, dancer, and producer.
Natalia Oreiro (1977) Uruguayan [Spanish (including Galician), Italian, possibly other] - singer-songwriter, actress, and model.
Alika / Alicia Dal Monte Campuzano (1977) Uruguayan / Paraguayan - singer.
Veronica Blume (1977) Uruguayan / German - actress and model.
Natalia Cigliuti (1978) Uruguayan - actress.
Natasha Klauss (1978) Uruguayan [Lithuanian–Russian] /  Colombian - actress.
Jimena Márquez (1978) Uruguayan - playwright, theater director, actress and lyricist.
Bárbara Mori (1978) Uruguayan [Japanese, Lebanese, Basque, Spanish] / Mexican - actress, model, producer, and writer.
Andrea Ghidone (1978) Uruguayan [Spanish (including Canary Islander), Italian, possibly other] - actress, model, vedette, cabaret star, and dancer.
Noelia / Noelia Lorenzo Monge (1979) Uruguayan / Puerto Rican [French, Spanish] - singer-songwriter.
Mama Bee (1979) Uruguayan - youtuber (Eh Bee).
Valeria Lima (1980) Uruguayan - singer.
Maia Castro (1980) Uruguayan - singer and composer.
Paula Morales (1982) Uruguayan - actress.
Leryn Franco (1982) Uruguayan [Paraguayan] - model, actress and former athlete.
Manuela da Silveira (1982) Uruguayan - tv host and comedian.
Virginia Dobrich (1983) Uruguayan [German, possibly other] - actress, model, cabaret star, vedette, and dancer.
Florence Zabaleta (1983) Uruguayan - actress.
Laura Chinelli (1984) Uruguayan - singer, composer and multi-instrumentalist.
Laura Prieto (1985) Uruguayan - actress, model, singer, tv personality, and dancer.
Valentina Burgueño (1985) Uruguayan - actress.
Victoria Franco Fernandez (1985) Uruguayan - model.
Amparo Velazquez (1986) Uruguayan - actress.
Florencia Colucci (1986) Uruguayan [Italian] - actress and director.
Nadia Theoduloz (1986) Uruguayan - model and Miss Uruguay 2004.
Andrea Vila (1987) Uruguayan - actress and model.
Maika Ceres (1987) Uruguayan [Spanish, Portuguese, Italian] - singer-songwriter, pianist, tamborine player, and flutist.
Sabrina Martínez (1988) Uruguayan - professional model and beauty queen.
Belén Baptista (1988) Uruguayan - actress.  
Patricia Callero (1989) Uruguayan - instagrammer (patriciacallero).
Johana Riva (1990) Uruguayan [Armenian] - model and Miss Uruguay 2014.
Vanessa Pose (1990) Uruguayan / Cuban - actress.
Luciana Mocchi (1990) Uruguayan - singer, guitarist, bassist, and composer.
Eliana Olivera (1990) Uruguayan - model and beauty queen.
Déborah Rodríguez (1992) Uruguayan [Unspecified African] - athlete and fashion model.
Vanesa Britos (1992) Uruguayan - singer and dancer.
Micaela Orsi (1993) Uruguayan [German, possibly other] - model and Miss Uruguay 2013.
Belen Sogliano (1993) Uruguayan - model.
Guadalupe Romero (1993) Uruguayan - singer, music performer and composer.
Camila Vezzoso (1993) Uruguayan - model and Miss Uruguay 2012.
Priscila Madera (1994) Uruguayan - model and instagrammer (priscilamadera).
Cami Rajchman (1994) Uruguayan - singer.
Agustina Añon (1995) Uruguayan - model.
Luciana Lamas (1995) Uruguayan - youtuber.
Ziksua (1995) Uruguayan - youtuber.
Bianca Sánchez (1996) Uruguayan - model.
Rafaela Quintanilla (1996) Uruguayan - instagrammer (rafaelaquintanilla_).
Sheila Rodriguez (1997) Uruguayan - singer (Miway).
Sofia Leon (1998) Uruguayan - singer.
Cindy Arijon (1999) Uruguayan - instagrammer (cindiddy).
Olivia Herdt (2000) Uruguayan - model.
Mackenzie Aladjem (2001) Uruguayan / Jewish - actress, singer, and dancer.
Agustina Padilla (2001) Uruguayan - singer.
Soni Nicole Bringas (2002) Uruguayan [Basque, possibly other] / Spanish - actress and dancer.
Ivy Fox (?) Uruguayan - actress and songwriter.
Florencia Jones (?) Uruguayan - actress and dancer.
Karina Perez (?) Uruguayan - actress.
Natalia Valerie (?) Uruguayan / Brazilian - actress.
Mirella Pascual (?) Uruguayan - actress.
Carole Facal (?) Uruguayan / Swiss - singer.
Walter Kliche (1926) Uruguayan [German, Italian] - actor.
Villanueva Cosse (1933) Uruguayan [Italian, possibly other] - actor, director, and writer.
Ugo Ulive (1933) Venezuelan [Uruguayan] - director, actor, playwright and novelist.
George Hilton (1934) Uruguayan - actor.
Julia Amoretti (1935) Uruguayan - actor.
Julio Calcagno (1937) Uruguayan - actor, theater director and writer.
José Serebrier (1938) Uruguayan [Russian Jewish, Polish Jewish] - musician.
Eustaquio Sosa (1939) Uruguayan - poet , composer and guitarist.
Pepe Vázquez (1940) Uruguayan - theater actor and director.
Yamandú Palacios (1940) Uruguayan - composer, guitarist and singer.
Carlos Perciavalle (1941) Uruguayan - actor, comedian, producer and conductor.
Roberto Jones (1942) Uruguayan - actor and director.
Braulio López (1942) Uruguayan - singer, songwriter and guitarist.
Roberto Darvin (1942) Uruguayan - guitarist and singer-songwriter .
Alberto Restuccia (1942) Uruguayan - actor, performer, dramatist, theater director and teacher.
Rubén Rada (1943) Afro Uruguayan - singer, percussionist, and composer.
Julio Frade (1943) Uruguayan - actor, pianist, comedian, and radio host.
Hugo Fattoruso (1943) Uruguayan - singer, pianist, guitarist, bassist, accordionist, harmonicist, synthesizer, arranger, and composer.
Pepe Guerra / José Luis Guerra (1943) Uruguayan - popular music composer , guitarist and singer .
Jorge Denevi (1944) Uruguayan - director, actor and dramatist.
Tabaré Arapí (1944) Uruguayan - singer, composer, writer, history professor and radio conductor.
Rimer Cardillo (1944) Uruguayan - artist.
Jorge Bolani (1944) Uruguayan - actor.
Dino / Gastón Ciarlo (1945) Uruguayan - singer, guitarist and composer.
Jorge Barral (1945) Uruguayan - musician.
Carlos María Fossati (1946) Uruguayan - folk singer , composer and guitarist.
Martín Sastre (1976) Uruguayan - film director and artist.
Homero Francesch (1947) Uruguayan - pianist.
Mario Gas (1947) Uruguayan - actor and film director,
Alberto Reyes (1948) Uruguayan - pianist.
Cacho Labandera (1948) Uruguayan - singer and guitarist.
Urban Moraes (1949) Uruguayan - composer, bassist and singer.
Carlos Benavides (1949) Uruguayan - singer, songwriter and guitarist.
Jorge Bonaldi (1949) Uruguayan - guitarist, singer and composer of popular music and music journalist.
Héctor Numa Moraes (1950) Uruguayan - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Eduardo Fernández (1952) Uruguayan - guitarist, arranger, and composer.
Sergio Fachelli (1952) Uruguayan [Italian] - singer-songwriter.
Robert Perera (1952) Uruguayan - harpist.
Mario Carrero (1952) Uruguayan - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Julio Mora (1952) Uruguayan - singer.
Eduardo Larbanois (1953) Uruguayan [French, possibly other] - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Alvaro Salas (1953) Afro Uruguayan - drummer.
George DelHoyo (1953) Uruguayan - actor.
Freddy Ramos / Federico Ramos (1953) Uruguayan - guitarist, producer, composer, and arranger.
Enrique Graf (1953) Uruguayan [German] - pianist.
Roberto Diringuer (1953) Uruguayan - singer, performer, guitarist, director, teacher and Uruguayan folklorist composer.
Álvaro Pierri (1953) Uruguayan [Italian, possibly other] - guitarist.
Jaime Roos (1953) Uruguayan / French - singer-songwriter, guitarist, bassist, producer, and composer.
Rubén Olivera (1954) Uruguayan - composer, guitarist and singer.
Leo Maslíah (1954) Uruguayan - composer, pianist, singer and writer.
Héctor Guido (1954) Uruguayan - actor and director.
Fernando Kliche (1954) Uruguayan - actor.
Hugo Trova (1955) Uruguayan - singer-songwriter.
Beto Satragni (1955) Uruguayan - musician, composer and bassist.
Esteban Klísich (1955) Uruguayan - guitarist , singer-songwriter and composer.
Gabriel Carámbula (1955) Uruguayan - musician and guitarist.
Jorge Esmoris (1956) Uruguayan - comedian and actor.
Osvaldo Laport (1956) Uruguayan [French, Spanish, possibly other] - actor.
Jorge Nasser (1956) Uruguayan [Lebanese] - singer and composer.
Omar Varela (1957) Uruguayan - actor, director, and playwright.
Tabaré Rivero (1957) Uruguayan - singer, composer, poet, actor and theater director.
Petru Valensky (1958) Uruguayan - actor, comedian and communicator .
Daniel Maza / Daniel Omar Correa Suárez (1959) Uruguayan - bassist and singer.
Ariel Caldarelli (1959) Uruguayan - actor, theater director, teacher, musician and writer.
Mauricio Ubal (1959) Uruguayan - singer.
Roberto Birindelli (1962) Uruguayan - actor.
Mandrake Wolf / Alberto Wolf (1962) Uruguayan - singer and musician.
Humberto de Vargas (1962) Uruguayan - actor, radio announcer, television host and singer.
Walter Bordoni (1962) Uruguayan - composer, singer, pianist and guitarist.
Jorge Schellemberg (1962) Uruguayan - musician, composer, singer and teacher.
Marcelo Buquet (1963) Uruguayan [French, possibly other] - actor and former model.
César Troncoso (1963) Uruguayan - actor.
Franklin Rodríguez (1963) Uruguayan - actor, theater director, playwright and teacher.
Ricardo “Canario” Martínez (1963) Uruguayan - singer, songwriter and guitarist of popular music.
Gastón Rodríguez (1964) Uruguayan - composer, guitarist and singer.
Pablo Routin (1954) Uruguayan - singer and composer.
Saverio Guerra (1964) Uruguayan - actor.
Carlos Darakjian (1964) Uruguayan - singer, composer and pianist.
Jorge Drexler (1964) Uruguayan [German Jewish / Spanish, Portuguese, French] - singer-songwriter and actor.
Gabriel Peluffo (1965) Uruguayan - doctor, teacher, musician and singer.
Freddy Bessio (1965) Uruguayan - murga singer.
Gustavo Núñez (1965) Uruguayan - bassoonist.
Rafael Antognazza (1965) Uruguayan - musician and composer.
Federico González Peña (1966) Uruguayan - pianist and keyboardist.
Jonathan Del Arco (1966) Uruguayan - actor.
Fabian Delgado (1966) Uruguayan - musician, presenter, producer, singer-songwriter and businessman.
Ricardo Olivera (1966) Uruguayan - singer.
Smurf Lombardo / Eduardo Pedro Lombardo (1966) Uruguayan - musician, composer and singer.
Waldo  / Álvaro Oscar Navia Molina (1966) Uruguayan  - actor, comedian and driver.
Pitufo / Edú / Pitufo Lombardo / Edú Lombardo / Eduardo Lombardo (1966) Uruguayan - singer-songwriter, guitarist, percussionist, and composer.
Marco Banderas (1967) Uruguayan - porn actor and singer.
Pedro Dalton (1967) Uruguayan - singer, writer, painter and draftsman, leader and founder of the alternative rock band Buenos Muchachos.
Luis Alberto Carballo (1967) Uruguayan - actor, comedian, and television host .
Alejandro Balbis (1967) Uruguayan - singer, guitarist, producer, and composer.
Pablo Minoli (1970) Uruguayan - guitarist, producer, and composer.
Diego Delgrossi (1971) Uruguayan - comedian and actor.
Tabaré Cardozo (1971) Uruguayan - singer and composer.
Jorge Echagüe (1971) Uruguayan - actor, presenter, singer, dancer and producer.
Erwin Schrott (1972) Uruguayan [German, possibly other] - singer.
Leonardo Preziosi (1972) Uruguayan - actor, playwright and theater director.
Julián Legaspi (1973) Uruguayan / Peruvian [Basque, possibly other] - actor.
Sebastián Teysera (1973) Uruguayan - singer and principal composer.
Álvaro Armand Ugón (1973) Uruguayan - actor.
Leo Lagos (1974) Uruguayan - musician, audiovisual creator, radio host and humorist.
Darío Iglesias (1975) Uruguayan - composer, singer, guitarist and pianist.
Gustavo Cardozo (1975) Uruguayan - actor and martial artist.
Sebastian Arcelus (1976) Uruguayan / Italian, Greek, Serbian, Montenegrin, Russian, German - actor and singer.
Diego Azar Oyenart (1976) Uruguayan - composer and musician.
Guillermo Lockhart (1976) Uruguayan - television presenter and writer .
Gustavo Camelot (1976) Uruguayan - actor, writer, director and producer.
Federico Veiroj (1976) Uruguayan - director, scriptwriter and film producer.
Daniel Hendler (1976) Uruguayan [German Jewish] - actor, director, and screenwriter.
Gustaf van Perinostein (1976) Uruguayan - actor, comedian, announcer, presenter, and scriptwriter.
Ezequiel Fascioli Sosa (1977) Uruguayan - musician.
Federico Diaz (1977) Uruguayan - actor, singer, and conductor.
Martín Méndez (1978) Uruguayan - bassist and songwriter.
Damián Genovese (1978) Venezuelan [Uruguayan] - actor and model.
Gaston Rivero (1978) Uruguayan - singer.
Lucas Sugo (1978) Uruguayan - singer and composer .
Christian Palin (1978) Uruguayan [British, possibly other] / Finnish - singer.
Max Capote (1978) Uruguayan - singer-songwriter.
Gabe Saporta (1979) Uruguayan [Turkish Jewish, Polish Jewish, Austrian Jewish] - singer and bassist.
Francisco Fattoruso (1979) Uruguayan - singer, bassist, and composer.
Marco Sartor (1979) Uruguayan - guitarist.
Pablo Sciuto (1979) Uruguayan [Portuguese, possibly other] - singer-songwriter, guitarist, drummer, and composer.
Gerardo Begérez (1981) Uruguayan - actor, theater director and dramatist.
Mateo Chiarino (1983) Uruguayan - actor, director, and writer.
Santiago Sanguinetti (1983) Uruguayan - playwright, actor and teacher.
Alejandro Claveaux (1983) Uruguayan [French, Spanish] - actor.
Gonzalo Yáñez (1983) Chilean [Uruguayan] - singer, guitarist, and producer.
Maximiliano Martinez (1984) Uruguayan - actor.
Nicolás Furtado (1988) Uruguayan [Portuguese, possibly other] - actor.
Alex Vargas (1988) Uruguayan / Danish, English - singer-songwriter and record producer.
Claudio Facelli (1992) Uruguayan - musical.ly star.
Javi Ayul (1992) Uruguayan - singer and youtuber (VIRAL).
Fabrizio Vigevani (1992) Uruguayan - instagrammer (fabriziovigevani).
Agustin Casanova (1993) Uruguayan - singer (Marama).
Maximo Cattivelli (1993) Uruguayan - drummer (Toco Para Vos).
El Reja (1994) Uruguayan - singer.
Fer Vazquez (1994) Uruguayan - singer.
Federico Vigevani (1994) Uruguayan - youtuber (Dosogas).
Mathi Sellanes (1995) Uruguayan - youtuber (Dosogas).
Sebastián Muñoz (1995) Uruguayan - drummer (Toco Para Vos).
Gonzaa Fonseca (1995) Uruguayan - youtuber.
Fede Puñales (1995) Uruguayan - rapper and youtuber.
Anto Puñales (1995) Uruguayan - youtuber.
Pablo Battro (1995) Uruguayan - drummer (Toco Para Vos).
Juanpa Barbot (1996) Uruguayan - youtuber (Dosogas).
Fabri Lemus (1996) Uruguayan - youtuber (Dos Bros).
Felipe Sardina (1996) Uruguayan - pianist (Toco Para Vos).
Pablo Arnoletti (1997) Uruguayan - drummer (Marama).
Kevin Macri (1997) Uruguayan - model and instagrammer (kevinmacrii).
Yao Cabrera (1997) Uruguayan - youtuber (Viral TV).
Martin Sorrondeguy (?) Uruguayan - singer.
Juan Nicolón (?) Uruguayan - actor, comedian, and writer.
Leo Castro (?) Uruguayan - actor.
Oscar Spalter (?) Uruguayan - actor.
Alfredo Kndrask (?) Uruguayan - YouTuber (Urugayolnocherente).
Jorge Temponi (?) Uruguayan - actor, comedian and communicator.
Charly Sosa (?) Uruguayan - musician, businessman and singer.
Bob Humid / Robert Feuchtl (?) Uruguayan -producer, DJ, sound-designer and mastering-engineer.
Teddy Sinclair / Natalia Kills / Natalia Cappucini / Verbalicious / Natalia Keery-Fisher (1986) Afro Jamaican / Uruguayan - singer, guitarist, drummer, and actress - Bullied an X-Factor contestant.
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lacacta · 3 years
#Freire |100 Voces por Freire: Diálogo Extensión o Comunicación (Alfonso Torres, Estela Quintar, Heinz Peterhttps://youtu.be/1lWGgZtrP50
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La primera vez que vi el nombre de Margarita Manso, mientras preparaba un viaje a Sevilla para celebrar a mi manera, y póstumamente, el centenario de Góngora, fue en un ejemplar usado del Romancero Gitano que compré en el Rastro hace muchos años: Muerto de Amor, a Margarita Manso.
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Todas las dedicatorias me intrigan porque siempre juego a adivinar las ocultas razones que impulsan a un escritor a dedicar una obra; por ejemplo, Borges dedica El Aleph a Estela Canto sumido en su abandono y dándola por muerta, como a Beatriz Viterbo, en una metáfora infinita.
Así que me dije: "Federico sabe mejor que nadie quién es Margarita Manso", porque vio cómo en sus ojos sin querer relumbraban cuatro faroles. Y posiblemente, sea ese amor muerto o frustrado o de trágico destino que todos llevamos dentro el que le hizo anotar su nombre de esa manera.
Para empezar a buscarla me hice con la biografía lorquiana de Ian Gibson, un imprescindible en el universo español del siglo pasado; y luego, con las cartas de Dalí y las entrevistas del maestro de Cadaqués; y en todos aquellos escritos en los que las sinsombrero, encabezadas por Maruja Mallo podían informarme. Con Maruja Mallo, una artista más grande que su nombre, todavía hay muchas cuentas pendientes, más allá de que Alberti, Neruda, Miguel Hernández o el hombre más guapo que había conocido y que se lo birló Federico, Emilio Aladrén, hubieran terminado en sus brazos.
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Así que no tuve más remedio que perseguir a Margarita Manso, muerto de amor, en sus años de estudiante de pintura en la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Madrid haciendo de la vida locura y del arte vida con Dalí, Maruja Mallo, Federico y con su amor, Alfonso Ponce de León... quitándose los sombreros en la Puerta del Sol en un acto de rebeldía mientras les lanzaban piedras, por ligeras, como si se hubieran desnudado con la mente y con las manos; o vistiéndose de hombres para entrar en lugares sagrados, prohibidos entonces a las mujeres, cerca de enhiestos surtidores de sombra y sueño.
Como Dalí, Margarita se avino al amor de gacelas prohibidas en una habitación de la Residencia de Estudiantes con Lorca, que soñaba mientras ella lo llenaba de suspiros, cuando la noche llamaba temblando al cristal de los balcones, en un encuentro que lo grabaría a fuego el poeta de Granada y Margarita en su memoria, finalmente de oscura y sombra vestida, arrebatada por la serpiente venenosa de la guerra. Aquella noche, con Dalí mirando, Federico y ella forjaron el sueño de toda una nación. Allí quedaron sus almas para siempre, perseguidas por los mil perros que todavía no las conocen.
¿Qué pasó con Margarita Manso?, me pregunté. ¿Qué pasó con la luz cultural, la libertad, la alegría y la vida de la más hermosa pintora, artista y musa de la generación del 27? Margarita Manso se convirtió en su metáfora, cuando Federico escribió en su Romancero: a Margarita Manso, Muerto de Amor.
Margarita se enamoró como una loca de un compañero que estudiaba con ella en la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, el hombre más guapo que vieron sus ojos, Alfonso Ponce de León, un galán de cine y pintor, que la convirtió en su musa. Alfonso era muy amigo de Federico y trabajó con él, pintando los decorados de la compañía de teatro La Barraca para llevar los clásicos al mundo rural.
Alfonso Ponce de León pertenecía a Falange. En agosto de 1936 mataron a Federico en Granada. Parte de la piel de Margarita se erizó, como aquella tarde en la desnudez de la Residencia, por los disparos.
Ella y Alfonso permanecieron en Madrid, se casaron, eran jóvenes, pintores de la luna, y se amaban con locura. Pero una tarde de septiembre de 1936 cuando venían del trabajo e iban a entrar en su casa, un grupo de anarquistas los estaban esperando y se llevaron a Alfonso, su amor, a una de las checas republicanas. Era 29 de septiembre, de madrugada, cuando fue asesinado en la carretera de Vicálvaro. Tristes mujeres del valle bajaban su sangre de hombre, tranquila de flor cortada y amarga de muslo joven. A los dos días también fueron asesinados los dos hermanos de Alfonso y su padre.
Con el asesinato de Alfonso, Margarita Manso dejó de ser libre; y a partir de aquella tarde ni tan siquiera soñó que fue capaz de quitarse ante todos el sombrero y de desnudarse delante de Federico.
A partir de ahí, hay otra vida, hay otra historia que ni tan siquiera ella, la mujer libre, la sinsombrero de la Puerta del Sol, se atrevió a contar, cuando el mar de los juramentos resonaba no sé dónde.
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enlaces-finde · 4 years
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22 trabajadores de la salud del IMSS recibieron Condecoración Miguel Hidalgo por sus actos heroicos frente al COVID-19
El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador atestiguó la entrega de las preseas este medio día.
Por su actitud heroica, profesionalismo, alto nivel de compromiso y servicios prestados a la patria ante la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19, el Gobierno de México entregó a personal médico y de enfermería de todo el sector salud 58 preseas en Grado Collar de la Condecoración Miguel Hidalgo, de las cuales 22 fueron para trabajadores del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS).
De esos 22 reconocimientos, 14 fueron para médicas y médicos, y ocho para enfermeras y enfermeros de la Institución.
El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador atestiguó la entrega de estos reconocimientos, máxima distinción del Estado mexicano por actos heroicos de difícil repetición.
A las 12:00 horas en punto, el presidente de México, integrantes del presídium y asistentes a la ceremonia ofrecieron un minuto de silencio en memoria de las personas fallecidas por COVID-19, y acto seguido el reconocimiento con aplausos al personal de salud que continúa enfrentando la emergencia sanitaria.
La convocatoria estuvo abierta del 11 al 30 de agosto, periodo en el que fueron postuladas nueve mil 179 personas para obtener la condecoración en el Grado Collar, quienes fueron propuestos por dos mil 764 pacientes dados de alta por esta enfermedad y 15 mil 711 trabajadores de la salud.
El 8 de septiembre, 35 trabajadoras y trabajadores del área médica y 23 de enfermería, fueron seleccionados como ganadores de manera unánime por el jurado calificador de la Condecoración Miguel Hidalgo, órgano que preside el secretario de Salud, Jorge Alcocer Varela, y que integran los titulares del IMSS, ISSSTE, INSABI e Instituto de Seguridad Social para las Fuerzas Armadas Mexicanas, el director de servicios de salud de Pemex, y representantes de SEMAR y SEDENA.
El listado de las y los 22 galardonados del IMSS se compone de la siguiente manera:
José Iván Campos Moreno, Chihuahua
Norma Estela Coluna Mares, Estado de México
Elizabeth Bustamante Rodríguez, Hidalgo
Rebeca Raíz Hernández, Jalisco
Jaime Leura Hernández, Nuevo León
María del Rosario Juárez Olivarez, Puebla
Christian Barrientos Ramírez, San Luis Potosí
Karina del Carmen Castillo Hernández, Tabasco
Acompañaron al Presidente de la República, su esposa Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller; Olga Sánchez Cordero, secretaria de Gobernación; General Luis Cresencio Sandoval González, secretario de la Defensa Nacional; Almirante José Rafael Ojeda Durán, secretario de Marina; Jorge Alcocer Varela, secretario de Salud; Zoé Robledo, director general del IMSS; Luis Antonio Ramírez Pineda, director general del ISSSTE; Juan Antonio Ferrer Aguilar, director del INSABI.
Además, Alejandra Frausto Guerrero, secretaria de Cultura; Alfonso Durazo Montaño, secretario de Seguridad y Protección Ciudadana; Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, secretario de Educación Pública; Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, jefa de Gobierno de la Ciudad de México; Arturo Saldívar Lelo de Larrea, presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia; Dulce María Sauri Riancho; presidenta de la Mesa directiva de la Cámara de Diputados; Óscar Eduardo Ramírez Aguilar, presidente de la Mesa Directiva de la Cámara de Senadores.
The post 22 trabajadores de la salud del IMSS recibieron Condecoración Miguel Hidalgo por sus actos heroicos frente al COVID-19 appeared first on Noticias Locales.
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