#Alfons Mais
mel-rhodes-place · 1 year
T German soldiers with the crew of an army TOMA Puma. (https://playcrazygame.com/greece/2023/07/18/german-army-chief-we-want-the-best-equipped-division-in-nato-by-2025/) BERLIN, July 17 (Reuters) – Germany is confident it will have the best equipped army division amongst European NATO allies in 2025, Army Chief Alfons Mais told Reuters, as countries are scrambling to gear up their troops in the…
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misty-moth · 4 months
I can't find your post about the sad Elbie you made in picrew :( did you take it down? (I made him an Alfons to keep him company)
Oh shit my b, yes I did 😅 I said on there that I was going try to make a less sad Elbie but uh… I failed. I just made more sad Elbies 😭 The one I posted was my favorite so I deleted the post but~
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Here is sad Elbie 🥺
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saisons-en-enfer · 10 months
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iambountyfan · 8 days
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ionnalee has shared TR/ST's song 'Clowned' from his new album Performance via her instagram stories. 🤍
listen in our 'shared by ionnalee' playlist on Spotify: open.spotify.com/playlist/1lcQdg1nldTlT1s5CpeYdS
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On July 24, 1860 was born in the town of Ivancice, Moravia (today's region of Czech Republic), Alphonse Mucha, a Moravian painter, illustrator and graphic artist
👉 Alphonse Mucha: La Primevere & La Plume
Art Nouveau, 1899, Alfons Mucha - 'La Primevere' ('The Primrose', left) and 'La Plume' ('The Feather', right) - These symbolic figures, complete with Mucha's customary aureoles around their heads and filigree diadems in their hair, comprise one of his best decorative panel sets.
📸 Pic: These symbolic figures they arepainted on the wall behind the band, in Freddie's flat in Holland Road, Kensington, London
👉 The master of the Art Nouveau movement, Alphonse Mucha created what we now consider to be the Art Nouveau style.
Borne out of a period where mass-produced good were becoming increasingly common but were also increasingly ugly, Mucha's approach made beautiful art images available cheaply.
This was intended to break down the invisible lines between the elite and the public and art and commerce. Much of Mucha's work, including this piece, was used commercially to advertise everything from cigarette papers to biscuits to liquor bottles.
His intricate decorations blended in with his drawings to create something stylishly unique.
This image was created in 1899 as part of a set of two lithographic panels eventually called 'Primrose and Feather.' The title harks back to a story written by the Brothers Grimm in 1807.
In the story the eponymous two sisters suffer the loss of their father and both are left grieving. One of the two- Feather- rejects numerous suitors and then runs away to the forest to forget her troubles.
She gets lost there, then encounters a sorcerer who turns her into a white swan.
After time has passed her sister Primrose goes to save her from this plight, eventually using a net to capture the sorcerer disguised as a black swan and thus freeing her sibling from her plight.
Mucha's 'Feather' reflects this story, with the still whiteness of the female depicted creating a distant sensuality, just as the story tells of a distant and unobtainable woman.
The woman's bouquet of foliage and a feather is another clue to her story, although told in a typical Mucha style. This image was also used in posters advertising the J Royer printing company -
(source: http://www.alphonsemucha.org/feather/)
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Black Wedding~漆黒の花嫁に偽りの誓いを~Part 1
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Type: Story Event
Start Date: 25 May, 2023
End Date: 7 June, 2023
Announcement Link
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shungieshrieks · 4 months
With Avowed on the horizon, I think its about time I returned to Eora for a bit.
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kurishiri · 4 months
Ikemen Villains: Wedding Lily Parts ①〜④ card quote translations 💍
translations may not be 100% accurate, or may have some creative liberties. Please reblog, not repost!
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Alfons: “…If you so wish, I will make your life more crazy.”
Roger: “…You are the best woman, and I won’t ever find someone better than you.”
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Victor: “With these hands stained with blood, I’ll protect you from any calamity that may come our way.”
Ellis: “Until the day we are both the happiest in our lives, I swear we will love each other.”
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Liam: “You look really good — so pretty that I want to push you down right now.”
William: “I never could have seen the day come when someone would become so irreplaceable to me.”
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Elbert: “I want to be by your side. Forever, until death do us part.”
Harrison: “There’s no way we can go back now. So, accept your fate.”
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myusuchaa · 1 month
Ikemen Villains - When He is Jealous: part I
What happens when they see you with someone else?
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He won’t directly show it. In fact he may not ever openly admit he was jealous. What he will do is prove it to you through his actions - his laissez-faire approach to love takes a turn when you’re behind closed doors, at your most vulnerable. He saw another palace member flirting with you? He’ll caress your sweet spot that only he knows for a little longer next time, until it’s almost unbearable. You went out on an errand with two other Crown members? He’ll ask how it went, whether you liked it, and won’t you please tell him what his little Robin desires most from his company? He’ll give it to you. But if you were apart from him too long, the next time you meet him, he’ll command you without warning:
‘Sit. Stay. Lay down. Don’t take your eyes off me.’
Such a pretty bird.
༊·˚ LIAM
You can’t escape his puppy eye pout. Or should you say, the low purr his voice drops to when he wants to get a point across? Alone, behind the curtains after his play. He’s protective of you, other people know. He can laugh and play off a couple of teasing lines thrown at you from others really well. Yet no one knows best except you, how quickly his mood can change. And how strong his impulses can be.
"Ah.. it’s aching to be inside you." His voice drips with want.
At the end of the night, in a red room with bouquets and gifts from his fans meant to adorn his performance strewn as carelessly on the ground as your lace bows and undergarments, he’ll let his jealousy show.
You’ll definitely hear more than the usual amount of the fox’s sneaky little remarks. Not quite green with envy, but not exactly the usual green flag he always is. He might even get a little pissed off at anyone who makes persistent advances towards you. Giving them the nastiest side eye and one-liner before draping his arm around you and whisking you away.
“Harry… are you jealous?”
“..I’m naturally territorial over my things. You know, publisher’s copyright and all that.”
“So you like me that much?”
“Hah.. if I said I did, would that be the truth? Or a lie?”
The minute he senses any eyes on you, he's thinking of a way to remove them from their head. So that they would never look upon you again. So that the only person that could see your flushed cheeks and disheveled hair, spread around you like a butterfly's wings, was him. He craves your entire being, your deepest part.
"From the darkest depths of your heart.. I want all of you. You are beauty, itself."
You've grown very used to the love bites he leaves you, an intangible chain of possession around your collarbone. So that no one could steal you. You are his. Forever.
Underneath the hazy gray eyes that reflect like a clouded mirror is a hidden intensity. He is all fun and games, surely, sharing a little bit shouldn't make him feel uneasy? But you are a different kind of toy. Custom made. Just going to your monthly physical with Roger, knowing you are being examined by that brute's rough hands, is enough to send him reeling. You recall him asking you:
"Did it look like I was enjoying it?.. Indulging in pleasure with you?"
Did he want you? There was no doubt about it, the way his gloved fingers felt up your thigh under the table. How badly? Let's just say, you are his only weakness.
Read Part II here
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archiveikemen · 1 month
"Come Play With Us, Miss Fairytale Keeper" Story Event: Chapter 1
Alfons Sylvatica VS Ring Schwartz
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Read this before interacting
One afternoon, Alfons and I were being briefed on our next mission. 
Victor: That’s the general outline of it. Additionally, I have a favour to ask of you two… 
Darius’ Voice: It’s me. May I come in? 
Victor: You may. 
Upon being granted permission, Darius entered the room with Nica and Ring. 
Victor: You came at the perfect time, I was going to talk about you.
Darius: I saw Miss Fairytale Keeper enter the room with Alfons earlier, so I figured as much. 
(Does Victor’s favour have something to do with the members of Vogel…?) 
Victor: Actually, I was asked if one of the Vogel members could accompany you on a mission. 
Victor: I’m thinking that it’d be a good idea for this mission. What are your thoughts, Alfons and Kate? 
(This mission is to find out the time and place of a transaction involving “illegal drugs”.) 
(We’re only going to eavesdrop on the target’s conversation, so it shouldn't be a problem to have more people with us.) 
Kate: I think it's fine with me. 
Alfons: I don't mind as long as I get to choose who comes with us.
Darius: Fufu, who will you choose?
Ring: I’ll cut every single member down if anything happens to Dari or Nica. 
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Alfons: Ooh, how scary! But there’s no need to worry.
Alfons: The one I choose is you, Ring. 
Ring: … Me?
Surprised to hear that he was chosen, Ring cast a glance at Darius.
Darius: Isn’t that great? I think you can learn various things from this. 
Darius: So… Pass auf dich auf / Have a nice one. 
Ring: … Alles klar / Understood. 
And so, the first mission with Alfons, Ring, and I began.
The day of the mission. Ring stared wide-eyed at me when he boarded the carriage. 
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Ring: W-what’s with that outfit… 
Kate: I put it on for the mission. … Do I look weird? 
Ring: … I was just a little surprised because you look different from usual. 
As Ring gave a blunt response, Alfons put an arm over my shoulder. 
Alfons: It suits Miss Robin, doesn’t it? I picked out this dress for her. 
Alfons: She looks so lovely it makes you feel like you want to pin her down and get dirty with her, doesn't she? I understand that feeling.
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Ring: Wha…! I- I never said anything like that…
Alfons: My, are you secretly thinking about it then? What a pervert. 
Ring: I would never! … You’re exactly as the rumours say you are. “A walking offence to public morals”! 
Alfons: I don’t deny that, but isn’t your reaction too exaggerated, Ring? You sound like a virgin.
Alfons: I wonder if you can handle this mission when you’re so innocent… I’m worried. 
Alfons: Since you’re not used to women, perhaps we should have someone else replace you— 
Ring: W-wait… I have plenty of experience with that, so I don't have any problems completing the mission. 
Alfons: Is that so? That’s a relief then. Isn’t it, Miss Robin?
Kate: Y-yes… 
Alfons continued talking to Ring amusedly, his facial expression looking as though he had found a new toy. 
On the other hand, Ring looked uncomfortable and was clearly not liking Alfons’ teasing. 
(... I hope we complete the mission without any problems…) 
The carriage sped through the streets and arrived at a large mansion in the suburbs. 
Alfons: Allow me to explain about this mansion which is the location for our mission. 
Alfons: This mansion is a meeting place for people who indulge in illicit love affairs. 
Alfons: All forms of love are accepted here… regardless of social status, gender, or marital status.
Alfons: Therefore, all conversations between the pairs that take place in this mansion are kept strictly confidential. 
Ring: That makes it the perfect place for criminals to meet in secret. 
Alfons: Exactly. Moreover, participants can choose to get a key to a private room to enjoy some alone time together as a pair.
Alfons’ explanation reminded me of what happened when we first arrived at the mansion.
= Flashback Start = 
Butler: Please hold, dear guests. The rooms can only be used by two people. Three is… 
Alfons: No need to worry. We don't intend to have a threesome.
Alfons: He and I are competing for this lady’s love. Isn’t that right, Ring? 
Ring: Huh!? Y-yeah… that’s right.
Despite not fully understanding the situation, Ring seemed to be going along with Alfons’ story.
Alfons: She will choose between Ring and I later on.
Alfons: It won’t be a problem if we only obtain the room key after that, right?
= Flashback End = 
Kate: We have to choose the room next to our target’s in order to eavesdrop on their meeting… 
Kate: That’s why you made it seem as though two of you are competing for me, then we’ll find out which room our target is in and get our key. 
Alfons: Your quick understanding is very helpful. 
Ring: … I wasn’t told about this mansion prior to starting the mission.
Kate: It was my first time hearing about it too. 
Alfons: Ah, I withheld that piece of information on purpose. 
Kate: What.
Ring: Withholding information… is this Crown’s way of doing things? Or were you trying to trap me…? 
Ring: Whichever it is, I guess I don’t have the right to complain if you were to kill me right here and now. 
Kate: P-please calm down, Ring! I’m sure he had his reasons for doing that. … Right, Alfons!? 
Alfons: Why did I withhold information, you ask…? It was for Ring’s sake.
Ring: For my sake? 
Ring looked at Alfons suspiciously. 
He was definitely feeling the same way I was — “this man can’t be trusted”. 
Alfons: I figured that you’d get nervous if you knew we’d be pretending to compete over a woman… so I chose not to tell you until the last minute. 
Alfons: But you said you’re very experienced, right? My worries were unfounded then. 
Rint: R-right. No need to worry about me.
Kate: What about me? Why didn't you tell me?
Alfons: Because you’ll feel bad if Ring was the only one kept in the dark. 
(I can’t deny that…) 
Alfons: Well then. We’ll have to find out which room our target chose—
Alfons: And Kate will have to choose one person between Ring and myself to be her lover.
Alfons: If this goes as I expected, I’m the one you’ll choose, right? I’ll make you feel good today too, as always. 
Ring: … I won't let that happen.
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Ring: As a member of Vogel, I can’t afford to make a fool of myself here.
Ring: I’m the one Kate will choose.
Tension sparked between Ring and Alfons. 
(What’s going to happen with this mission…?)
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velisle · 3 months
☆ A Cat-astrophe !
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content: hc format featuring all 9 villains. 1k~ wc. synopsis: the tables have turned. what happens when you turn into a cat? it might not be the most purr-fect situation, but your lover is here to help notes: ...i should probably stop with the puns now. interactions are appreciated always ♡
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• It doesn’t take him that long to realise the feline following him everywhere is you
• Most of the time, he’s going to pick you up by the scruff of your neck
• He buys you a dog collar with his initials carved on it
• An alternative option would be “Princess”
• Surprisingly, he lets you climb him to stay on his shoulders
• But he says he’s not going to take any responsibility if you fall
• He subconsciously ends up stroking your fur while he’s reading
• He’d rather not take you with him on any missions in case you get hurt. After all, not everyone is so kind to animals
• But if you insist, he may use you as bait since you happen to be so adorable
• What? He’s not sayin’ that he finds ya cute!
• You’re absolutely safe with him
• Unfortunately, he assumes that you’re a stray at first
• Would probably hand-feed you treats
• And bathes you too
• Makes mini flower crowns for you!!
• Loves to hug you, especially to sleep. Your purrs make him feel at ease
• There’s a tiny part of him that wishes for you to not turn back
• Of course, he’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy, whether as a cat or a human
• He’s careful not to touch your head, as there’s a chance his curse still works on you
• Despite that, he really wants to pet your ears
• Keeps the cat you as a gift for the real you
• No matter your form, he’ll always find you beautiful
• But here’s to hoping that you don’t end up as one of his taxidermy victims
• May or may not end up locking you up in his room at one point
• Takes you with him everywhere he goes
• He understands the tone of your voice and the emotions you’re trying to convey more than you think
• No. 2 when it comes to spoiling you
• And it’s because he has no concept of what wealth management is
• Someone cough cough Alfons had to step in to remind him
• He’s not particularly fond of others petting you (except Alfons)
• I genuinely feel bad for you if he’s the one taking care of you
• Not that he’d be bad at it, but he’s going to mess with you all day, regardless if he knew the feline was you or not
• He is a cat person though, if that makes you feel any better
• Loves to call you like this: adjective + kitty
• Gets you a collar with a small ornamental mirror attached
• Finds it cute when you snarl at him and isn’t afraid of being bitten — he welcomes it even
• Probably has stepped on your tail once or twice by accident
• And offered to show you a sweet dream in compensation
• You won’t ever know this but, when you’re asleep, he’ll stroke your fur as he looks at you with a gentle but melancholic face
• It’s during these moments that his thoughts drift off and his true self is revealed
• He’s likely the reason why you turned
• But worry not, he’ll be taking full responsibility for it
• Naturally, he’s not going to let the opportunity to experiment on you slip
• It’ll be safe for the most part, or so he reassures you
• He did a bit of research on how to take care of a cat, for your sake
• Ensures that you eat properly and on time
• And makes you feel better if you feel any discomfort
• It’s too bad that you wouldn’t be able to surprise him even in your current form
• He can hear the soft swishing of your tail and your small steps across the floor
• A smile always spreads across his face once he realises your arrival
• He takes a liking to you immediately
• But it may take him a bit of time to realise that it’s you
• Practices his lines with you
• Has meowed at you once while you confusedly meowed back at him
• Shows off how cute you are to everyone he knows
• Bought treats for you, but his curiosity overtook him, so he may have eaten some of them
• Boops your nose against his
• Has given you a jump scare at one point by sneaking up on you
• Likes to take naps with you
• Match collars with him!!
• He does a pretty quick job of figuring out what happened
• However, he’s not in a hurry to find a way to turn you back
• It’s not everyday that something like this happens, so he wants to cherish it for a while longer
• Spoils you a lot as a way of showing his affection
• Trims your nails himself
• Also attempts to teach you how to play the piano. This can end in two ways:
• 1. You try your best but only so much can be expected from a cat
• 2. You’re flawlessly performing duet plays with him now. Meowzart who??
• It’s odd that you’re struggling to wake him up in the morning, considering how he’s a light sleeper. Doesn’t he know that you’re hungry?
• (He’s pretending to be asleep while you’re swatting at his face with your paws)
• He’s going to tease you endlessly, but hey, at least it’s less worse than Alfons
• Pokes each one of your toe beans, squishes your face between his hands
• And aggressively (read: affectionately) pets your “irresistibly fluffy ears,” as he so claims
• Still goes on dates with you. Which also means there’s a lot of eyes staring
• Well, it’s not everyday you see a guy and his cat seemingly engaged in a... conversation? (It’s one-sided, but I’m not telling you whom)
• He’s caught you napping on his coat a few times
• Unlike William, he’s not pretending to be asleep in the morning as you try to wake him up
• As such, you always end up as his temporary pillow, hugged tightly to his chest
• One last thing: Can he tell if you’re meowing a lie or the truth?
• No. 1 when it comes to spoiling you
• Prepares a whole NEW room just for you
• Buys you a collar and tons of accessories, preferably in black
• He knew you were a cat all along but acted like he was gradually realising it
• He couldn’t help it, you were just too cute while trying to prove to him that it’s you
• Claimed that it was truly a disaster that this happened to you, but was internally celebrating
• You can rest on his lap while he’s doing paperwork
• If you happen to fall asleep in his office, he’ll drape his coat over you
• He loves it when you act affectionate — so go on, jump at him, climb him, nuzzle against him
• Commit crimes Make trouble together!
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
Black Wedding: The True Vow For A Jet-Black Bride - Alfons Sylvatica
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do not post my translations elsewhere. What I obtain is what will be translated. If other blogs have translated the stories before I do, I will notate their blogs. Thank you, for you support! ☾.
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It happened so suddenly.
Alfons: Why are you surprised?
Kate: I may have misheard you, so please say it again….
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Alfons: So, it’s a wedding.
Alfons: Don’t tell me…..You don’t want a wedding?
Kate: What?! Oh, I want a wedding!
Flash Forward to the Present -
(I never thought Alfons would say something like that.)
Fated to be forgotten one day, he is a hedonist who lives in the present.
(He leaves behind claw marks because he wants me to despair after he’s gone.)
It’s hardly normal, but in his own way, he loves me.
I wonder what will happen to me when the day comes that I forget him.
(I wouldn’t want to forget that I loved you, even though you’ve faded from my memory.)
To change my mindset, I straightened my back and looked forward.
The only attendees in the small church were Crown.
Kate: Ah……
The corners of my mouth curl up involuntarily when I saw him waiting in front of the altar.
Alfons: Is there anything to smile about?
Kate: I’m happy…..
Following the path decorated with sylvatica flowers I reached him.
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I had looked forward to the day of the event as he instructed me to decorate the venue.
(Such a beautiful view…..it’s as if the flowers are blessing us.)
Elbert: I’ll play the role of ………the pastor.
Alfons: This is Kate’s fault.
I was surprised when Lord Elbert said he wanted to play the role of the pastor
(Since you’ve blessed us more than anyone else, I thought I’d leave it to you.)
He seemed hesitant, but he seemed to understand Elbert’s feelings and reluctantly agreed.
Elbert: Okay, let’s get started…..
Elbert: Do you swear to love and care for Kate in sickness and health?
The profile of the person I was looking up to was dignified.
Alfons: I swear it.
The way he said it so frankly made the back of my eyes burn.
The ceremony went on with out a hitch.
Elbert: …….Well then, I’d like to say the kiss of oath.
Kate: What?
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Elbert: From here on out, it’s just the two of you.
Everyone from Crown left and we were all alone.
Alfons: I asked them to leave. I have something to tell you, alone.
He clears his throat and turns to me again.
Alfons: ….It was for your sake that I suggested we hold a ceremony.
He stroked the hem of my veil, his eyes downcast,
Alfons: One day I will be forgotten by the world.
Alfons: The day will come when this day will fade from your memory.
Alfons: No matter how much I wish, my fate will never change.
I am almost in tears because it’s a future that I can never change -
Alfons: I just thought I’d mention one thing that I’ve been hiding for a long time, since we became a couple.
Kate: Am I prepared …..?
The moment the veil was lifted, I saw a loving, smiling face come into view.
Alfons: I’m going to die after you at any cost.
Kate: What…..
Alfons: At first I thought I was going to leave an indelible mark on you.
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Alfons: As we lived together…….I’ve changed my mind.
A hand touches my cheeks and embraces them.
Alfons: I want to see your happy face when you die.
Alfons: I thought it would be better if I died first, and leave you behind with an unknown face.
Alfons: But most of all……..I couldn’t help but feel that I didn’t want to be forgotten by you Kate.
Seeing the drops on my cheeks, he lowered his eyebrows and laughed awkwardly.
Alfons: So, remember this vow, this day, and all the time you have spent with me.
Tears fall at the pledge overflowing with love, and drops onto the flowers and my feet.
(That’s not fair….)
I always thought I was going to be the one left behind, but his love was going to change the course we were going to follow.
Kate: ….I’m going to live for a long time.
Alfons: Let’s have a contest our entire lives to see who lives the longest.
Kate: If so, stay healthy. Sleep and drink in moderation.
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Alfons: Ahaha……as a husband, I have to listen to my lovely wife.
Tears were wiped away and our lips come together.
Alfons: ……It’s your fault that things have changed, so please take responsibility for that.
The moment I close my eyes, the sylvatica flowers were blurred by my tears.
They seemed to shine, just like this ring.
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[Black Wedding Master List]
Tag list: @theimaginativelyreticent
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rou-luxe · 4 months
Liam and Alfons' relationship
TW suicidal Liam. Light spoilers for Liam's route
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(From Alfons' Secret) Alfons isn't referring to himself here - he's referring to LIAM.
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In this scene in Liam's route, LIAM initiated this. As his "playmate", Liam knows full well what will happen. We know he's not able to express his desires, so he puts it out as a suggestion. In a way, this is his consent and his cry for help. Otherwise, he wouldn't go up to Alfons. Alfons is the only one he can confide in for this. Alfons doesn't judge him at all. He doesn't pry, either. He's a good listener... the man I fell in love with 🤭
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He knows exactly what Liam wants. He's serious about this, even though he jokes around in the third screenshot... it's more to serve as a distraction, I think...
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To be fair... Liam would still think about it without an illusion. So the illusion, in this case, is to keep his mind off of it...
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Alfons is telling a half-truth here. It did happen, but he doesn't want Kate to worry even more, so he can't tell Kate the whole truth.
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Why is he "cranky"?
Alfons isn't usually irritable at all. (Except when it comes to Roger...) But it's probably not because of Roger, since Roger doesn't know why Alfons is in a bad mood. Is it because of Liam's behavior? No, it must be another reason...
In the carriage, Liam is still unhappy. He's sitting there, refusing to talk. Alfons is frustrated because he's unable to help Liam completely. Liam still suffers, but Alfons can't make Liam forget all of it. Alfons isn't mad at Liam, Kate, or Roger, he's mad at himself. He knows that Liam will continue to suffer, it is inevitable. There is truly nothing he can do about it. Alfons may have prevented Liam from throwing himself off anything for one night, but he can't keep doing this forever.
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Alfons prioritizes others' happiness. No matter what, the scars left on their hearts will never heal. They won't be able to go forward in life.
Just like Liam.
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yeah so I think this was a mistake 💀
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barrenclan · 8 months
Hello PATFWers! I am still on hiatus, unfortunately, and I think I may be for longer than I intended to. Sorry about that - the next issue is a big one and my classes and extracurriculars are making me busy. But in the meantime, here's something fun to tide you over!
Last semester I took a fiction-writing elective, and one of my short stories ended up being the PATFW human AU in disguise. It turned out pretty neat and I'm fond of it, so I've decided to let you all take a look at it. It diverges quite a bit from canon into its own plotline, (and boy is the Stephen King influence obvious) but the personalities will still be quite recognizable. For ease of reading, Dodd Tiedrich is Deepdark, Josefine Fleischer is Nightberry, and Agent Alfons Jeusten is Prowl.
Hope ya like it!
Sunny Skies and Deep Water
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iambountyfan · 2 years
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"❤️❤️❤️ so incredible." – TR/ST comments on ionnalee's instagram post re: BLUE's 8th anniversary. 🌊
🔗 instagram.com/ionnalee
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bakersgrief · 5 months
*On a mission*
Victor: Excuse me, I'm afraid I've lost one of my beloved boys. May I make an announcement?
Employee: Of course, sir.
Victor: *leans into the mic*
Victor: Alfons, I know you're giving blowjobs in aisle 7. Wrap it up, we have work to do.
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