#Alexei Gaskarov
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October 29, 2016
This is one of the pleasantest pictures I’ve seen in a long time: former Russian political prisoner Alexei Gaskarov walking in the woods. Gaskarov was released from prison this past Thursday after serving a three-and-a-half-year sentence for being involved in a peaceful opposition march that was attacked by police and provocateurs, for being truncheoned and kicked while lying on the ground by a…
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Alexei Gaskarov: A 25,000 Ruble Minimum Monthly Wage Is a Good Idea
Alexei Gaskarov: A 25,000 Ruble Minimum Monthly Wage Is a Good Idea
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Four Russians detained during a protest against President Vladimir Putin were sentenced to prison terms on Monday after a trial critics say is part of a Kremlin campaign to stifle dissent while all eyes are on the Ukraine crisis. Putin enjoys broad popularity at home, however, and his public standing has ridden a wave of nationalist sentiment to new heights in his Cold War-style standoff with Western powers over Russia's intervention in Ukraine. Judge Natalia Susina ordered Ilya Gushchin jailed for 2 1/2 years and Alexander Margolin and Alexei Gaskarov to 3 1/2 years each on charges of rioting. She found a fourth defendant, Elena Kokhtareva, guilty of the same charge and gave her a more than three-year term, but suspended the sentence. Source: Reuters
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“One Must Serve the Motherland, I Say!”: Court Extends Alexei Gaskarov’s Arrest in Bolotnaya Square Case
“One Must Serve the Motherland, I Say!” Basmanny District Court Extends the Arrest of Bolotnaya Case Suspect and Anti-Fascist Alexei Gaskarov October 3, 2013 Yegor Skovoroda Russkaya Planeta
Alexei Gaskarov in court, June 26, 2013. Photo: Ilya Pitalyov / RIA Novosti
On Tuesday, October 1, Moscow’s Basmanny District Court extended until February 6, 2014, the arrest of Alexei Gaskarov, whom police investigators suspect of involvement in the “mass riots” on Bolotnaya Square on May 6, 2012. Gaskarov has been charged with violating Article 212, Section 2 (participation in mass riots) and Article 318, Section 1 (use of violence against authorities) of the Russian Federal Criminal Code.
Another defendant, pensioner Elena Kokhtareva, has been released under her own recognizance. The case of Udaltsov and Razvozzhayev, whom investigators have accused of organizing the “mass riots” (a violation of Article 212, Section 1 of the Criminal Code), has been separated from that of the other defendants.
Investigator Alexei Chistyakov asked the Basmanny District Court to extend Gaskarov’s arrest for another four months, as the investigators have established that Gaskarov “used violence” against Igor Ibatulin, an officer with the Second Tactical Regiment of the Moscow Police, and a soldier by the name of Bulychev.
“In defiance of society’s moral norms, Gaskarov committed the crime in the presence of a significant number of people, taking advantage of numerical and physical superiority, and showing a clear disregard for the authorities. Moreover, his role in this case was particularly active and most aggressive,” Chistyakov read aloud to the court.
According to Chistyakov, Gaskarov presented a flight risk, since before his arrest “he did not live at his registered domicile, led a secretive lifestyle, spent the night at different locations and used various conspiratorial techniques.” Gaskarov should, therefore, be kept in a pre-trial detention facility.
During the hearing, Svetlana Sidorkina, Gaskarov’s lawyer, asked the court to enter character references submitted by the newspaper Zhukovskie Vesti and the Zhukovsky People’s Council into the record, as well as screenshots of a video recording from the case file. These stills show a police officer kicking Gaskarov in the face as Gaskarov lies on the ground.
Chistyakov and the prosecutor, Karasev, did not object to the character references being entered into the record, but they strongly objected to the shot breakdown of the video.
“The actions of law enforcement officers are not at issue in this hearing,” said Chistyakov.
Judge Artur Karpov, a man with a bald skull, agreed with their arguments and refused to enter the images into the record.
“And why is that you were found only partly fit for military service?” Judge Karpov asked, suddenly digressing from the tedious review of the case file.
“For medical reasons, but I can’t remember what exactly,” Gaskarov replied.
“How is it you don’t remember? Everyone remembers the reason they didn’t go into the army, but you don’t?��
“It was ten years ago. It had something to do with my eyesight, with intracranial pressure and something else. But now I just—“
“You just got over all those things? When did that happen? Before you turned twenty-eight?”*
“I wasn’t keeping track.”
“You weren’t keeping track. . . You should have served the Motherland,” the judge muttered.
“I wouldn’t object to serving in the army in exchange for being released from jail,” the defendant laughed.
“In exchange for working as a journalist?” After reading the character reference from theZhukovskie Vesti newspaper, Judge Karpov had for some reason decided that Gaskarov works there. “One needs to serve in the army. Anyone can be a journalist, but probably not just everyone can serve the Motherland. Why this ‘in exchange for’ right off the bat? One must serve the Motherland, I say!”
Judge Karpov was unrelenting.
“Down in Dagestan, there is a waiting list to get into the army. Being a journalist is easy. You get up when you like, go to sleep when you like, go to work when you like.”
After this emotional outburst, lawyer Svetlana Sidorkina moved that the court change Gaskarov’s measure of restraint to one not involving deprivation of liberty—to house arrest or release on bail.
“Yes, I think this would be possible,” Gaskarov replied, smiling, to the judge’s question about what he thought about the motion.
Karasev and Chistyakov categorically stated that only if Gaskarov were in a pre-trial detention facility could the investigation proceed unhindered. Judge Karpov agreed with the prosecution on this point as well and, after a recess, ordered Gaskarov’s arrest extended until February 6.
When Gaskarov spoke to the court arguing against his arrest, Chistyakov sat motionless, his hands folded in front of him, like a sphinx.
Alexei Gaskarov’s argument in the Basmanny District Court:
I do not agree with the extension of my arrest and wanted to draw attention to the following things. First, I am being charged with violating Articles 212 and 318. Article 318 belongs to the category of moderately severe crimes for which the period of pre-trial detention may not exceed six months. Article 212, which criminalizes “involvement in mass riots,” stipulates more stringent sanctions, up to a year in pre-trial detention. I have a copy of my indictment, dated April 28. As of today, there has been no other indictment. According to this indictment, all the [criminal] actions that the investigator has just listed were then deemed violations of Article 318 by him.
Since the extension the investigator is now requesting means that I will have spent nine months in detention, that is, more than the statutory period of six months, I do not agree with this extension.
With regard to Article 212, I would like to return to the question of the grounds for charging me with violating it. Because even if you go by my indictment in the case file, it turns out I am accused of participation in mass riots. However, if you look at Article 212 itself, it covers mass riots “attended by violence, pogroms, arson, the destruction of property, the use of firearms, explosives, or explosive devices, and also armed resistance to government representatives.”
There is also Article 8 of the Criminal Code, which clearly states that a deed can be deemed criminal if it is fully consistent with “all the elements” of a crime, as described in one or another article in the Code. Accordingly, not all the elements of the crime, as indicated in Article 212, are included in my indictment. The article does not say that only one element or half the elements are enough. “All the elements” must be present.
Furthermore, the investigation finds that there was violence, arsons, and pogroms there [on Bolotnaya Square on May 6, 2012], but I have not been charged with arson and pogroms. I have been charged only with violence against police officers. But Article 318 already covers these actions, and it is unclear how one and the same action can be deemed to constitute now one crime, now another.
On the other hand, if you look at the article dealing with mass riots, it does indeed say that resisting police officers is a constituent element of the crime, but there it stipulates that this must be armed resistance. But there is nothing in the charges brought against me indicating that I used a weapon or objects that could be used as a weapon.
I ask the court to take note of this indictment, because it serves as the grounds for the decision to extend or change the measures of restraint.
There are different sorts of evidence in the indictment and the criminal case file, but they only touch on Article 318, not Article 212. There is no clear indication there which of my actions could be deemed a violation of Article 212.
Moreover, why did we want to enter these photographs [of Gaskarov being beaten by riot police on May 6, 2012 — Russkaya Planeta] into the record? They simply indicate that the situation was quite complicated. The way the indictment is worded implies that if you see a uniformed police officer, he is absolutely within the law and cannot do anything illegal. By entering these photographs into the record, we want to show that the situation was complicated.
As for the actions committed there, I don’t even deny that I pulled one officer by the leg, and another by the arm. But only Article 318 covers all these actions. And so I ask the court not to extend [my arrest] for more than six months.
That is all I have to say.
* In Russia, men are liable for military service between the ages of eighteen and twenty-seven —Translator.
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Settimana di solidarietà internazionale del 17-23 giugno 2013
Libertà per Alexei Gaskarov e gli imputati del 6 maggio!
Il giovane militante di sinistra e economista Alexei Gaskarov, attivo nella lotta per la difesa dei boschi di Khimki e di Zhukovskij, è stato nuovamente arrestato a Mosca il 27 aprile 2013. Questo caso la polizia desidera risolverlo con una condanna esemplare a una lunga detenzione. Alexei è diventato noto per essere stato ingiustamente accusato nel 2010, quando il giorno dopo l'occupazione degli uffici dell'amministrazione comunale di Khimki da parte degli attivisti impegnati nella difesa del bosco della città è stato arrestato perché portavoce del movimento antifascista e ecologista di Khimki. Dopo tre mesi di detenzione e l'assoluzione completa, Alexei non ha fermato la propria attività, al contrario: ha iniziato a prendere parte ancora più convintamente all'organizzazione dell'autogoverno della sua città natale Zhukovskyi nella regione di Mosca; ha partecipato alla discussione pubblica di una serie di problemi sociali; ha coordinato con successo campagne antifasciste e ambientaliste. Grazie alla sua competenza e passione e diventando noto per la sua attività antifascista, Alexei negli ultimi due anni è diventato un giovane politico e una figura pubblica.
Alexei investe grandi sforzi nel miglioramento della sua città, fondando gruppi d'iniziativa degli abitanti, un club indipendente di discussione, e difendendo i boschi di Khimki e Zhukovskij. Nel marzo 2013 è eletto nel Consiglio Popolare di Zhukovskij, organo locale di autogestione, ricevendo così il riconoscimento dei cittadini ai propri sforzi. Insieme a ciò Alexei cerca continuamente nuovi spazi, dove poter pubblicamente discutere delle proprie posizioni: collabora come giornalista e analista con l'Istituto “Azione collettiva”, è portavoce del movimento antifascista, partecipa al network autogestito “Azione autonoma” e al coordinamento delle lotte ambientaliste della regione di Mosca. Dal dicembre 2011 prende parte alle proteste contro Putin, regolarmente partecipa alle discussioni pubbliche e sui mass media, e nell'ottobre 2012 è eletto al Consiglio di coordinamento delle opposizioni (KSO), dove porta avanti coerentemente un programma sociale.
Il tristemente noto dipartimento “E” (impegnato nel contrasto all'estremismo) non può perdonare ad Alexei il suo ruolo chiave nei movimenti sociali, e dopo la sua assoluzione trionfale per il caso di Khimki la polizia ha continuato a fare pressione su di lui con alcune provocazioni. Questa volta la polizia prova ad accostare Gaskarov al caso fabbricato dei “disordini” del 6 maggio 2012 a piazza Bolotnaya, durante una manifestazione regolarmente autorizzata.
Settimana internazionale di solidarietà, 17-23 giugno 2013
La solidarietà internazionale già altre volte ha mostrato la propria efficacia anche nelle più difficili situazioni: grazie al vostro sostegno nell'ottobre del 2010 gli imputati per i fatti di Khimki sono tornati in libertà. Questa è stata una genuina vittoria della campagna internazionale. D'allora in poi sono state prese nuove misure contro gli attivisti sociali, e nuove repressioni e azioni di risposta: invece, a una serie di funzionari russi, accusati di corruzione e di azioni criminali, è stato negato l'ingresso in alcuni paesi. Adesso il vostro aiuto è particolarmente importante per quelle persone gettate in cella: si parla di decine di persone che la Commissione inquirente ha rinchiuso in carcere o ha intenzione di farlo per le accuse fabbricate sui disordini del 6 maggio 2012. La vostra partecipazione è necessaria, per indicare alla polizia e alle autorità che l'illegalità non resterà senza risposte.
Il 18 giugno è il compleanno di Alexei Gaskarov, che per decisione del tribunale passerà un intero anno della propria vita in galera. Le nostre azioni di solidarietà sono necessarie, per richiedere la sua liberazione e quella di decine di persone innocenti detenute per le accuse inventate dalla polizia e dal potere. La campagna di solidarietà gaskarov.info annuncia che dal 17 al 23 giugno ci sarà la settimana di solidarietà internazionale. Unitevi a noi, combattiamo insieme contro le repressioni politiche in Russia.
Come potete aiutarci?
1. Diffondete questo appello in ogni modo possibile e le notizie sul caso Gaskarov e delle decine di imputati innocenti per i fatti del 6 maggio. Richiedete la loro immediata liberazione. Alzate la vostra voce contro le repressioni e gli arresti politici in Russia.
2. Firmate una petizione alla Commissione inquirente e alla Procura.
3. Organizzate azioni di solidarietà. Picchetti e manifestazioni possono essere fatte presso le ambasciate e le rappresentanze russe all'estero, potete trovare eventi organizzati a giugno nella vostra città con la partecipazione russa e lì tenere azioni di protesta. Potete organizzare sit-in, assemblee, azioni artistiche nella vostra città, potete fare appello alle autorità del vostro paese e agli organismi internazionali per fare pressioni su di loro a favore del caso Gaskarov e degli imputati del 6 maggio. Contattateci, inviateci foto e resoconti sulle vostre iniziative: [email protected]
4. Inviateci lettere di solidarietà all'indirizzo [email protected], le faremo avere ad Alexei, le tradurremo e poi le pubblicheremo sul nostro sito gaskarov.info
5. Scrivete lettere di sostegno a Alexei Gaskarov e agli altri imputati e inviatele alle autorità russe, richiedete:
- il loro immediato rilascio e il ritiro di tutte le accuse;
- una inchiesta approfondita sulle azioni della polizia contro i manifestanti pacifici.
Inviate le vostre lettere ai seguenti indirizzi:
- Procura di Mosca
ul. Novokuznetskaya 27, 115184 Mosca
fax +7 (495) 951-50-40
- Direzione generale inquirente di Mosca della Commissione inquirente federale
ul. Arbat 16/2 str. 1, 119002 Mosca
fax (dopo le 16 italiane): +7 (495) 691 63 15
- Commissione inquirente della Federazione Russa
Tekhnicheskij pereulok 2, 105005 Mosca,
tel: +7 (495) 986 77 10
fax: +7 (499) 265 90 77
- Procura generale della Federazione Russa
ul. Bolshaya Dmitrovka 15a, 125993 Mosca
fax: +7 (495) 692 17 25
- Ufficio del difensore civico dei diritti umani
ul. Myasnitskaya 47, 101000 Mosca
Pagina Facebook
Inviateci copia delle vostre lettere al nostro indirizzo [email protected]
6. Inviateci soldi per la campagna e per il pagamento degli avvocati al conto PayPal [email protected]
7. Se sei un artista, disegna per Alexei e inviaci la tua opera: le più belle diventeranno dei loghi per la libertà di Gaskarov, da attaccare in giro per Mosca; se sei giornalista, inviaci i tuoi articoli sul caso e sulle repressioni politiche in Russia: se sei impegnato in un altro settore e la tua attività può essere d'aiuto a Gaskarov, scrivici: [email protected]
Grazie per la vostra solidarietà! Seguite gli aggiornamenti su http://gaskarov.info, le notizie saranno pubblicate in varie lingue, oltre che in russo.
Di che cosa sono accusati Alexei e gli altri imputati per i fatti del 6 maggio?
In quella giornata la polizia ha esercitato un'azione di violenza di massa, provocando i manifestanti e violando la libertà di manifestazione. La controinchiesta, i cui risultati sono stati resi noti il 22 aprile 2013, ha dimostrato la responsabilità dei poliziotti negli incidenti, come confermato da più di 600 testimonianze indipendenti e dall'analisi di foto e video. Ma fino ad oggi le autorità russe non hanno aperto alcuna inchiesta sulla polizia, al contrario, la Commissione inquirente è stata utilizzata come strumento per terrorizzare chi ha preso parte alle proteste.
La fabbricazione del caso è iniziata il 27 maggio 2012, quando è stata arrestata la prima imputata, la studentessa diciottenne Alexandra Dukhanina e da quel momento, senza alcuna logica, sono state rinchiuse in galera altre 27 persone. Tra di essi – studenti, militanti, ricercatori, pensionati, piccoli imprenditori, normali cittadini e Alexei è stato l'ultimo ad essere arrestato.
Gaskarov il 6 maggio 2012 era alla manifestazione, dove è stato vittima dell'aggressione della polizia: buttato a terra, è stato ripetutamente preso a calci in faccia, ricevendo un trauma cranico. Il ragazzo è stato medicato in ospedale, e si è rivolto alla Procura, dove però, come in altri casi, non è stato dato seguito alla sua denuncia.
I mesi scorsi hanno indicato la tattica seguita dagli inquirenti e dall'accusa: inizialmente gli arrestati vengono rinchiusi per due mesi, per poi vedere prolungata la propria detenzione continuamente. Tutto ciò viene fatto dai magistrati, i quali non prestano alcuna attenzione alle richieste della difesa e alla falsificazione continua delle prove: alcuni dei detenuti hanno indicato concretamente, ad esempio, come il 6 maggio 2012 non si trovassero nemmeno a Mosca, ma non è servito a farli liberare. Non abbiamo dubbi che anche con Alexei Gaskarov si utilizzerà questo schema, se non prenderemo iniziativa e non dimostreremo la nostra solidarietà. La repressione minaccia ancora decine e decine di manifestanti e sul suo sito la Commissione inquirente scrive che “ il lavoro di identificazione di tutti i partecipanti ai disordini di massa” continua. Alle nostre forze sta il compito di fermare la repressione politica.
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The single mother who has become the face of Vladimir Putin's opposition
Ms Baronova rubbished the allegations against her Photo: Demotix
The 29-year-old single mother faces up to two years in jail in one of the first trials arising from a criminal investigation that has embroiled anti-Kremlin activists.
Twenty-four Russians face jail terms, some up to 10 years, and two have already been convicted. Investigators have also accused a Georgian parliamentarian with financing and organising the disorder.
Since his inauguration last year, Mr Putin has signed draconian laws, presided over a campaign against civil society groups and accused foreign powers of meddling in Russia's matters. But activists say the centrepiece of the crackdown is the probe into the rally, known in Russia simply as the "Bolotnaya Affair," a play on the Russian word "bolota" meaning "swamp."
Speaking to The Daily Telegraph near the Stalin-era tower blocks that flank Moscow's Novy Arbat, Ms Baronova rubbished the allegations against her, but says she expects her sentence to be suspended because of her six-year-old son Sasha.
"Russia is the kind of country where there's a tragedy every week and nothing happens. Every year, we have a 'trial of the century'," she said referring to famous cases including the trials of oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the three members of the "Pussy Riot" feminist punk band and now the Bolotnoe Affair.
From left: Pussy Riot members Yekaterina Samutsevic, Maria Alyokhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova (EPA)
"All these cases have their quirks, but the problem is no one is doing anything about it. Russia is slowly sinking into a swamp,"said Ms Baronova.
But if she does go to prison, she believes she will take something from the experience. "Imagine the experience – a free, state-paid excursion to Russian jail. You could write a great book about that! I've never been to a Russian jail. It'd be really interesting to see what it's like," she said.
Her path to activism was typical of Russia's city-centred protesting classes. She attended her first demonstration in December 2011 when fraud at parliamentary elections drove thousands out onto the streets, ending an era of entrenched political cynicism that followed the calamities of 1990s Russia.
"We'll be swallowed up and disappear," she said. "We'll get tired, we'll be jailed and then be released. But new people will come in our places and they will succeed and that's why it's important to show people your example, to stand up for your civic position."
Investigators say they have video evidence of Baronova at the scene calling on protesters to attack police. Baronova says the voice on the video sounds like hers, but denies the words are hers and said the video had been "edited."
Investigators are tracking dozens of suspects and are still bringing new charges against activists.
Late last month, activist Alexei Gaskarov left his flat to buy cat food and was detained by police for questioning as a witness. Gaskarov joins 15 others being held in custody pending trial. Four are being held under house arrest and denied access to the outside world. Two have pleaded guilty and been convicted to four and half years and two and half years. The rest are not allowed to leave Moscow under their bail conditions.
By Tom Balmforth
(Source: The Telegraph)
#Alexei Gaskarov#Yekaterina Samusevich#Maria Alyokhina#Maksim Luzyanin#Maria Baronova#nadezhda tolokonnikova#Vladimir Akimenkov#Vladimir Putin#Putinlag#Andrei Barabanov#yaroslav belousov#Ilya gushin#Stepan Zimin#nikolai kavkazsky#Leonid Kovyazin#Mikhail Kosenko#sergei krivov#Denis Lutskevich#alexander margolin#alexei polikhovitch#Leonid Razvozzhaev#dmitri rukavishnikov#Artem Savelov#konstantin lebedev#Oleg Arkhipenkov#Fedor Bakhov#alexander kamensky#Elena Kokhtareva#Rikhard Sobolev#Alexandra Dukhanina
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Raising the Retirement Age in Russia
What is the 2018 World Cup good for? It's good for decreeing draconian restrictions of freedom of assembly while railing a deeply unpopular increase of the retirement age through parliament.
Alex Gaskarov Facebook June 4, 2018
It is quite likely a draft law on raising the pension age will be tabled in the State Duma in the very near future. The authorities probably want to take advantage of the restrictions on large-scale rallies during the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Raising the retirement age is not entirely an economic issue. The Pension Fund has been running a huge deficit because 40% of…
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#2018 World Cup#Alexei Gaskarov#collective bargaining#Confederation of Labor of Russia#deficit#disempowered workers#FIFA#informal employment#KTR#life expectancy#Oleg Shein#pension age#pensions#raising retirement age#restrictions on freedom of assembly#retirement age#right to strike#Rosstat#Russian Pension Fund#taxation
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"The Anti-Capitalist Movement Is Stronger than Putin"
“The Anti-Capitalist Movement Is Stronger than Putin”
The anti-capitalist movement is stronger than Putin and no matter how many activists end up in jail, Putin can’t stop working class opposition growing daily more visible on the streets of Moscow and elsewhere.
—Stewart Home, “Open Letter about Alexei Gaskarov”
Moscow Anarchists Leave AntiCap
As we reported earlier, the march organizing committee had reached an agreement to ban…
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#anti-capitalism#AntiCap#gay rights#homophobia#Moscow#Putin#Rainbow Association#Russian nationalism#Stewart Home
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"The Anti-Capitalist Movement Is Stronger than Putin"
“The Anti-Capitalist Movement Is Stronger than Putin”
The anti-capitalist movement is stronger than Putin and no matter how many activists end up in jail, Putin can’t stop working class opposition growing daily more visible on the streets of Moscow and elsewhere.
—Stewart Home, “Open Letter about Alexei Gaskarov”
Moscow Anarchists Leave AntiCap
As we reported earlier, the march organizing committee had reached an agreement to ban…
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#anti-capitalism#AntiCap#gay rights#homophobia#Moscow#Putin#Rainbow Association#Russian nationalism#Stewart Home
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Alexei Gaskarov: Why the Boycott Failed Rally by Alexei Navalny's supporters in Novokuznetsk, Siberia. Photo courtesy of sibreal.org Alex Gaskarov Facebook March 19, 2018…
#"administrative resource"#2018 Russian presidential election#absentee voting#Alexei Gaskarov#bread and circuses#fear of bosses#Gosuslugi.ru#pruning voter rolls#Russian voters boycott#vote rigging#voter turnout#Voters Strike#workplace coercion
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Alexei Gaskarov: What Politics?
Alexei Gaskarov: What Politics?
Alexei Gaskarov: Many People Ask Whether I Am Going to Take up Politics. But What Politics Are There Nowadays? Olesya Gerasimenko Snob November 1, 2016
Anti-fascist Alexei Gaskarov has been released from prison after serving three and a half years in prison for alleged involvement in the Bolotyana Square riot in Moscow in 2012. Snob asked Kommersantspecial correspondent Olesya Gerasimenko to meet…
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#Alexei Gaskarov#Bolotnaya Square#Bolotnaya Square Case#Center "E"#Crimea#Donbass#Euromaidan#FSB#Givi Targamadze#interview#Khimki Forest#Olesya Gerasimenko#prison#Russian Federal Investigative Committee#Russian Federal Penitentiary Service#Russian opposition#Russian-Ukraine war#Sergei Udaltsov#Snob#theory of small deeds#Tsagov Forest
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Tomsk Residents Demand Release of Political Prisoners
Tomsk Residents Demand Release of Political Prisoners
Picketing Tomsk Residents Demand Release of Political Prisoners Novosti v Tomske April 23, 2016
“Free the political prisoners: Sergei Udaltsov, Alexei Gaskarov, Sergei Vilkov, Alexei Sutuga.”
The rally was held today at the Monument to the Construction Brigades, reports vtomske.ru’s correspondent.
According to our correspondent, around fifteen people were involved in the picket. One of the…
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#Alexei Gaskarov#Alexei Sutuga#Anton Sharypov#Bolotnaya Square Case#Dmitry Buchenkov#picket#political prisoners#Sergei Udaltsov#Sergei Vilkov#Tomsk#vtomske.ru#Yegor Alexeev
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Contemporary Art Killed My Dog
Contemporary Art Killed My Dog
In terms of a number of issues and events you have opposed Putin’s policies, and now you are at the Moscow Biennale [of Contemporary Art] at the VDNKh, a venue where the order of things is supposed to be questioned [sic]. Do you believe that here, in the current political situation, there can be a place for real criticism that is both anti-Putinist and anti-capitalist?
Yanis Varoufakis,…
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#Acting in a Center in a City in the Heart of the Island of Eurasia#Alexander Kolchenko#Alexei Gaskarov#Andrei Marchenko#anti-anti-Putinism#anti-Putinism#axis of resistance#censorship#colta.ru#crackdown on dissent#demonization#Dmitry Enteo#leftist support for Putin#Manifesta 10#Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art#Oleg Sentsov#Russian political prisoners#Vadim Sidur#western support for Putin#Yanis Varoufakis
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Stewart Home: The real reason for Alexei’s detainment is the success of the movement he belongs to
Stewart Home, an English artist, filmmaker, writer, art historian and activist posted an open letter in support of Alexei Gaskarov.
Reactionary attempts at repressing the ever-growing opposition to the Russian state are under a spotlight around the world. Most people I know have been talking about the injustices perpetrated on Pussy Riot since they were first arrested. But many other artists and activists are also a focus of discussion. Yesterday I posted information about the detention of Alexei Gaskarov on one of my Facebook pages and it attracted more immediate response than anything else I’d placed online for months.
Alexei Gaskarov isn’t a rock and roller with art world credentials to boot. He’s an anti-fascist activist and one of the faces (always unmasked) of the Russian opposition. Putin wrongly thinks he appears to be strong if he makes his opponents look weak. But when Putin’s regime detains opposition activists on trumped up charges Putin just reveals himself to be a tin-pot despot desperately clinging on to power. The anti-capitalist movement is stronger than Putin and no matter how many activists end up in jail, Putin can’t stop working class opposition growing daily more visible on the streets of Moscow and elsewhere.
State repression comes as no surprise but that doesn’t make it any easier for victims of injustice like Alexei Gaskarov. The charges against Alexei are clearly ludicrous. A prominent opposition activist is not going to lead a ‘riot’ or beat cops – apart from anything else they are too easy to identify and already a target for state repression. The real reason for Alexei’s detainment is the success of the movement he belongs to in politically opposing the capitalist class in Russia. This is not a crime in any country that claims to be democratic, which is why the judicial arm of the Russian state resorts to false charges and false allegations against Gaskarov and many others. Free Alexei Gaskarov and the 6 May prisoners now!
Stewart Home, London 14 September 2013.
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How the world reacted to Alexei Gaskarov’s arrest. The International Solidarity Action Week results: 20 countries and 50 actions in support of the Russian political prisoner
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We decided not to limit ourselves to just one solidarity week, the one that had originally been announced on the website gaskarov.info, but to go beyond it and provide you a summary that would cover campaigns and actions in support of Alexei Gaskarov, accused with relation to the Bolotnaya case, that took place in various cities and countries of the world over the last 3 months.
On April, 28, the day Alexei Gaskarov was arrested, up to twenty people gathered in front of the Investigative Committee building to express their solidarity with Alexei.
It was already on April, 29 that the Solidaires, a trade union from France, spoke out for Alexei and all the Russian antifascists who are in prison now denouncing the Russian authorities’ oppressive measures. The Solidaires is a French group of 57 trade unions, representing both state and private sector with more than 100 thousand members.
On May, 01 in Novosibirsk a huge banner “Gaskarov went out [of the prison] and will go out again”was part of the Monstration. This slogan speaks for itself giving a clear picture of what happened in the past and is likely to happen in the future.
On this very day in Madrid during May, 1 demo Petr Silaev, the antifascist whose name was added by the Russian police to the international wanted list, and Nucleo Terco music band members were carrying a banner demanding freedom for Alexei Gaskarov.
In Germany on May, 1 SV Babelsberg 03 fans put up a banner in support of Alexei Gaskarov during SV Babelsberg 03 v SpVgg Unterhaching match.
When it became known that Alexei had been arrested, Friday, May 3 was announced “the day of Alexei Gaskarov” and saw many supporters gather by the Zhukov monument in Moscow for one-person picketing in solidarity with Alexei.
On May, 4 the participants of the social and ecological forum in Vienna (May, 2 - 5) demanded that Alexei Gaskarov and May, 6 prisoners are released.
On May, 5 a rally in support of political prisoners in Russia took place in Paris.
On the same day in Zhukovsky, Alexei’s native city, a banner in solidarity with Alexei was put up at one of the tallest buildings of the city, opposite the “Otdykh” railway station.
On May, 6 antifascists hanged a banner in support of Alexei Gaskarov at the “Southern Bridge” in Tver.
On the same day thousands of people gathered at a rally on Bolotnaya Square where the speakers called for solidarity with Alexei and other “Bolotnaya case” prisoners. Anna Karpova, Alexei’s fiancée, made a short and persuasive speech from the stage.
On May, 7 the edition of “Zhukovskie vesti” newspaper came out with a circulation of 10.000 copies, its main topic being Alexei Gaskarov’s personality and arrest.
On May, 08 prior to the Russia-EU summit in Ekaterinburg one of the central streets of the city was renamed by the unknown from Khokhryakova Street to Alexei Gaskarov’s Street as a present to Russian president Vladimir Putin.
May, 08 was also the day when an edition of Ultra Unfug, Babelsberg fan zine, dedicated to Alexei Gaskarov, the Bolotnaya case and the repressions against russian antifascists, came out in Germany.
A bike ride in support of Alexei Gaskarov took place on May, 12 in Moscow and gathered around 100 participants.
On May, 16 the ArkaDIY Kots band played a gig at the City Museum of Vienna. The musicians announced from the stage that they were going to perform in support of Alexei Gaskarov, a new Bolotnaya case prisoner.
On May, 17 seven activists blocked traffic on Baumanskaya Street by the Investigative Committee headquarters unfolding a banner demanding freedom for Alexei Gaskarov.
On May, 18 Boris Kagarlitsky, a widely known Marxist and director of the Institute for global research and social movements, spoke on Alexei Gaskarov's arrest and the Bolotnaya case.
On May, 19 Roman «the Surgeon» Mironenko, M-1 Selection Belarus Champion, spoke out for Alexei Gaskarov.
On May, 21 a week of International Solidarity Action (June 17-23, 2013) was announced.
On May, 24 Offside Magazine reported that antifascists, Selangor FA fans expressed their solidarity with Alexei Gaskarov.
On Monday, May, 27 a bike ride in support of Alexei Gaskarov and other May, 6 prisoners took place in Saint Petersburg. The participants rode along the central city streets setting off flares and chanting slogans «Freedom to political prisoners!», «Freedom to Alexei Gaskarov!», «Take to streets, reclaim the city!» and so on.
On May, 29 in the city of Zhukovsky a new issue of «Beetle» magazine came out with a photo of Alexei Gaskarov on the cover and the editor's introduction about Alexei.
The participants of the Alter Summit, held in Athens on June 7-8, 2013, made known their unanimous indignation with mass political repressions the Russian government has unleashed against social activists, opposing its domestic policies. “…We demand that the Russian government stop the persecution of its political opponents and social activists; we express our solidarity with the victims of the regime and wish them to preserve courage and remain staunch…”,- the appeal reads.
On June, 08 Jeff Monson, an American sportsman, anarchist and antifascist called for solidarity with Russian antifascists facing repressions from the anti-extremist police department.
On June, 9 an auction took place as part of the 8th International Open Moscow Book Festival, helping raise money for antifascists and political prisoners.
On June, 11 residents of Yaroslavl and Moscow were greeted by fresh graffiti in support of Alexei and other imprisoned antifascists.
On that very day the appeal requesting freedom for Alexei Gaskarov was signed by well-known test pilots and cosmonauts. Among people who signed the appeal to the Basmanny Court in Moscow were Igor Volk, a pilot and a cosmonaut, a hero of the Soviet Union and a member of the United Russia Party and Vladimir Kondratenko, an honoured test pilot of the Soviet Union.
On June, 12 a rally in solidarity with Russian political prisoners took place in Paris, its hallmark being the joint speech of Russian and French citizens, equally worried about the scale of political repressions in Russia.
On May, 16 a party in support of Alexei Gaskarov and Russian antifascists, hosted by the Group of resistance to political repressions and the unity of antifascists La Horde, took place in Paris.
On June, 16 in Warsaw the unknown put up a banner "Freedom to Alexei Gaskarov" to replace some street advert.
On June, 18, on Alexei Gaskarov’s birthday, Milan activists gathered in the garden named after Anna Politkovskaya which was recently opened to demand Alexei’s immediate release.
On the same day Alexei’s friends and comrades went to the detention centre “Vodnik” where Alexei remains detained to congratulate him on his birthday.
On June, 18 activists of the “Shkola Aktivista” group put several banners in support of Alexei Gaskarov and May, 6 prisoners on one of the buildings in the centre of Hamburg.
On Alexei’s birthday a series of one-person pickets was held in Tver in support of the Bolotnaya case prisoners.
And in Kolpino leaflets in support of Alexei were spread all around the city, bearing the title of the city of military glory.
In Zhukovsky Alexei’s friends presented him a special art-card on his birthday.
On June, 18 a solidarity action in support of the Russian political prisoners took place in Kiev as part of the International Solidarity Week Campaign. Among the names mentioned by the Russian Council walls were those of May, 6 prisoners, anarchists, antifascists, “Pussy Riot” collective members.
On June, 20 anarchists from Lvov held an action in support of Alexei and all the victims of political repression as part of the international solidarity week.
On June, 21 a bike ride in support of May, 6 prisoners and with a demand for Alexei Gaskarov’s immediate release took place in Saratov.
On June, 21 our comrades, antifascists from New York, held a solidarity action by the Russian embassy.
On the same day a group of solidary people went up to the House of Russian culture in Barcelona and protested against the imprisonment of Aleksei Gaskarov.
Another action in solidarity with Alexey Gaskarov took place during the “Against state oppression” festival, in Ioannina (North West Greece) on the 21st of June.
The participants of the festival put up a banner and gave about 500 copies of a leaflet with the information about Alexey and the other “May 6” prisoners.
On June, 22 about 100 people gathered at “Gaskarov party” in the Sakharov Centre in Moscow.
On June, 22 a graffiti in support of the antifascists in prison appeared opposite one of the railway stations in Krasnodar.
“Freedom to Alexei Gaskarov!” became the main slogan for the bike ride in support of the Russian political prisoners that took place on June, 22 in Paris.
On June, 23 anarchists from Vinnytsia, Ukraine, held an action in support of Alexei Gaskarov.
Anarchists put up a banner in one of the streets of the town of Nikolaev in solidarity with Alexei.
On June, 23 in Rostov-on-Don a group of young people pasted leaflets with information on Alexei Gaskarov’s case and on the Bolotnaya case all over the town.
During the night of June, 23 a group of supporters in Helsinki locked the car entrance of Russian embassy in Helsinki. “As long as our comrades are in captivity, the cars of Russian diplomats should stay in captivity as well” – their communiqué reads.
On June, 23 a big antifascist rally with numerous participants, members of left-wing groups and organizations from France, Germany, Italy, Syria, UK and Russia took place in Paris.
On June, 28 petitions calling for freedom for Alexei Gaskarov and Bolotnaya case prisoners as well as demanding the authorities carry out a thorough investigation of the violent actions of the police during the peaceful rally on May, 6 were headed over to Alexander Bastrykin, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and to Vladimir Lukin, the Human Rights Ombudsman, both in Russian and English.
On June, 29 an Occupy London assembly was held in London’s Hyde Park. Among the issues discussed were the police crackdown on activists, criminalization of the protest, solidarity with overseas activists who are threatened with extradition from the UK as well as Alexei Gaskarov’s and the Bolotnaya prisoners’ cases.
On July, 02 a concert in solidarity with Alexei Gaskarov took place in Munich.
On July, 03 banners in support of antifascist Alexei Gaskarov reading “Alexei Gaskarov is innocent. Gaskarov.info” appeared on 3 road bridges in Moscow.
On July, 09 members of the Teatro Valle (Rome, Italy) expressed their solidarity with Alexei Gaskarov and political prisoners of the Bolotnaya case as well as antifascists from Nizhny Novgorod. Two years ago Teatro Valle, an old Roman theater, was considered unprofitable and was occupied by the theater workers and activists. Since then it has been operating as an autonomous space for art and political discussion.
On the night of July, 28 artists from the town of Zhukovsky made up an art installation called “Stones” in support of Alexei Gaskarov. «Alexei’s positive role and his involvement in various social and cultural initiatives have always been of great benefit to informal artistic and activist practices of the people of Zhukovsky. Now we see that his activities, so valuable to all of us, have grown into him being unlawfully accused. Those are the stones for the town authorities, for all the residents of Zhukovsky who realize what is happening, and for all who are facing and experiencing lawlessness around us. It’s time “to pick up stones”, “to set the block stone free”. What we looked for originally is an artistic form that could unite Alexei’s friends, activists, anyone who is supportive of Alexei. And so we decided to suggest that anyone who’s been living next door to Alexei, went to school with him, watched the films at the film club he ran, stood side by side with him fighting for the Tsagovsky forest, worked at the Zhukovsky People’s Council in cooperation with Alexei, anyone who was on Bolotnaya square on May, 6 – all Alexei’s friends- to bring a stone to the Town hall. There are dozens of us who strongly object to what is going on and even those, who are ready to accept the mess, performed by the state authorities on our behalf although we didn’t even vote for them.”
So, all in all about 50 actions in support of Alexei took place in more than 20 countries of the world within the last 3 months. We’re grateful to everyone who spoke out for Alexei and call for the continuing solidarity with him and the May, 6 case prisoners. Our fight for Alexei’s release continues!
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Due to decision of Moscow City Court Alexei Gaskarov is to remain in custody
In late June, the Basmanny District Court in Moscow extended Gaskarov's term in pretrial confinement to October 6.
The defense had petitioned the court to order any other form of pretrial restraint not involving imprisonment; in particular, it had suggested placing the accused under house arrest. “The fact that Gaskarov espouses leftist views does not mean he intends to implement anarchist ideas or that he is actively involved in the antifa movement. He held a job and was involved in politics via the Opposition Coordinating Council,” Dinze said.
But the Moscow City Court did not agree with these arguments and left the Basmanny District Court's decision in effect.
Gaskarov himself participated in the hearing via video link from a pretrial detention facility.
Earlier, the police investigator had reported that several evidentiary analyses had not been completed in the case, and he likewise did not rule out new charges being filed against Gaskarov. Arguing that Gaskarov might abscond, the investigator referred to Gaskarov's involvement in the antifa movement. He also pointed out that “[Gaskarov's] acquaintances could raise large sums of money in a short time.”
In turn, the defense entered positive character references for Gaskarov and several pledges of surety, including one made by Novaya Gazeta editor-in-chief Dmitry Muratov, into the record.
According to investigators, Gaskarov allegedly “led a group of individuals” who actively participated in the riots on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow on May 6, 20132. In addition, he is alleged to have “personally used violence” against a police officer. Although Gaskarov has denied his guilt, he admits he was at the event.
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