#Alexandria Sánchez
cadaver-moss · 1 year
Uhh spoilers for Patron Saints Of The Forest also gore warning???
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Hey uhh Angelito you’ve gotta a hole in ur chest. You may wanna fix that 😬
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abensica · 1 year
Petro: Este fin de semana quedó demostrado que en Colombia padecemos a uno de los presidentes de izquierda más ideologizados de toda la región. Petro es incapaz de condenar los ataques sanguinarios de un grupo terrorista a civiles desarmados. Mientras Gabriel Boric, Lula Da Silva, Alberto Fernández, Pedro Sánchez, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Bernie Sanders y muchos otros líderes de izquierda, condenaron inmediatamente el brutal ataque; el Sr Petro, desde su twitter, decidió ponerse del lado de la izquierda más recalcitrante y anti-israelí: se dedicó a relativizar e incluso a justificar el horror de este fin de semana, que deja un saldo de más de 700 personas asesinadas (incluyendo bebés, niños, ancianos y mujeres), más de 2.000 heridos y más de 100 personas secuestradas. Los demócratas adolecimos su usual perorata con delirios de líder mundial y de gran intelectual con profundo conocimiento del conflicto: tweets erráticos y una completa falta de uso de canales y formas diplomáticas, sintiendo una profunda vergüenza de que este señor sea quien nos representa. Fue tan minúcsculo, que ni siquiera pidió respeto por las vidas de los secuestrados. Gracias a la polarización, las instalaciones de la embajada de Israel en Colombia, amanecieron con grafitis de la Esvástica (símbolo nazi).
Feminismo: Las feministas de planta del país, decidieron no mencionar el tema. No hay indignación, no existe “ni una más”… están ciegas, sordas y mudas; a la hora de alzar la voz ante las aberraciones de un verdadero PATRIARCADO OPRESOR, representado por el grupo terrorista Hamás. Mientras el mundo entero ve las imágenes de mujeres y niñas asesinadas, secuestradas, ultrajadas; las señoras, Ángela Robledo, Cielo Rusinque, Mafe Carrascal, Juana Afanador, Sandra Ramírez, Victoria Sandino, y hasta la que creó el ministerio de la “igualdad”, Francia Marquez, comparten un silencio ensordecedor. Varias de las chicas eran jóvenes asistentes a un concierto por la paz, pero ni así encontraron la solidaridad de sus congéneres feministas, de este lado del hemisferio.
Disonancia cognitiva: La falta de pensamiento crítico que padecen algunos activistas progresistas de izquierda, que supuestamente defienden las libertades, los derechos de mujeres y homosexuales, pero están tan ideologizados (la mayoría por el odio a USA y al capitalismo) que no tienen reparos en criticar constantemente a religiones cristianas por “moralistas”, en países donde no se castiga la homosexualidad y hay igualdad ante la ley, pero salen a ponerse del lado de unos fanáticos religiosos promotores de un concepto medioeval como lo es la guerra santa (Yihad) y que viven en sociedades machistas donde la mujer es dominada y considerada inferior al hombre, y donde además, no se respeta ningún tipo de libertad sexual. Me recuerda cuando en la década del 70, intelectuales progresistas y postmodernos, como Michael Foucault, decidieron apoyar la revolución islámica en Irán que permitió la llegada al poder del Ayatolá Jomeini, quien coartó gran número de libertades en nombre del Islam, haciendo de Irán un estado teocrático, que antepuso la religión a la política e implantó la ley de la Sharia.
El fracaso del multiculturalismo: es aterrador ver imágenes de países como Inglaterra y Canadá, llenas de habitantes pro palestina, saliendo a las calles a celebrar el acto terrorista. En su afán de ser incluyentes y atraer a personas jóvenes, no se ocupan exitosamente de que estos realmente se integren a su modo de vida, compartiendo valores occidentales como la igualdad ante la ley, la resolución de conflictos por vía civilizada, la defensa de la libertad. ¿En cuánto tiempo la intolerancia y los valores ultraconservadores, patriarcales y machistas, de estas sociedades van a imponerse por encima de los valores de sociedades “progresistas”, hiperliberales, avergonzadas de lo que son, deconstruidas y que prácticamente han perdido sus valores fundacionales por discursos políticamente correctos?
La paradoja de la tolerancia “una sociedad ilimitadamente tolerante, será reducida o destruida por los intolerantes” Karl Popper.
Derribando mitos: La Franja de Gaza ha tenido presencia del pueblo judío durante los últimos dos mil años. Durante siglos fue el principal puerto de entrada de los peregrinos judíos hacia Jerusalén. De esta forma, no es correcto decir que los judíos son invasores, pues hay una reivindicación histórica (tan común en los reclamos en esta zona del planeta y argumento que le encanta a la progresía)
Pretenciones de Hamás: El grupo terrorista no quiere una negociación, ni convivir tranquilamente con el pueblo judío. La carta fundacional de este grupo, su razón de existir, es lograr que el territorio de Israel, sea dominado por el islam. Para ellos USA es el “Gran Satán” e Israel el “Pequeño Satán”, a los cuales hay que “borrar del mapa”
Algunas consideraciones geopolíticas: Hoy en día en Gaza, no hay “ocupación” pues está gobernada por palestinos. Desde el 2005 el gobierno israelí, como gesto de paz, se retiró de esta zona, pero los ataques desde Gaza a territorio israelí han sido constantes e Israel se defiende del terrorismo.
A Hamás, le preocupan los acercamientos entre Arabia Saudita e Israel, pues lo que menos desea el grupo terrorista, es que el pueblo judío pueda coexistir tranquilamente en Medio Oriente.
Los Ayatolás Iraníes son unos de los principales patrocinadores del grupo terrorista Hamás. El gob Biden, al igual que el gob Obama, ha sido suave con el régimen iraní: descongeló 6.000 millones de dólares para este, que se temen, fueron a dar para financiación de grupos terroristas. Durante su segundo mandato, Obama fue laxo en las negociaciones del acuerdo nuclear con Irán y esto ponía en peligro a socios de USA en medio oriente: Israel y Arabia Saudita. El acuerdo de Irán con 12 potencias, entre ellas EE.UU., fue considerado por Israel como un "error histórico" y una "amenaza". El gobierno israelí cuestionó la multimillonaria cantidad de recursos económicos a los que accedería Teherán a cambio del paulatino desarme de su arsenal nuclear.
Durante el gobierno Trump, esto cambió, pues rompió el pacto nuclear con Irán y reestableció las sanciones. Tampoco olvidemos que Trump ayudó a estabilizar al Medio Oriente, intermediando en 4 tratados de paz que aislaban a Irán, país enemigo de las libertades y amenaza para Israel y Estados Unidos.
Pd: Llama la atención que al momento, el nobel de paz, el demócrata Barack Obama, no se haya pronunciado por los demenciales ataques del día de ayer a ciudadanos israelíes.
Aunque los palestinos no son todos pro Hamás, si hay un gran apoyo en las calles de Gaza de civiles que celebran los ataques. Esto queda evidenciado en los videos transmitidos cuando, estando en las calles de Gaza, los terroristas exhiben cuerpos de israelíes asesinados y pasean a ciudadanos secuestrados por sus calles como trofeos, ante una multitud eufórica. En Israel, en cambio, viven casi dos millones de musulmanes, palestinos por herencia, a los que el estado de Israel, defiende también de los terroristas.
Empresarios Judíos Colombianos pro Petro: Espero que después de las muestras antisemitas de este fin de semana, evalúen si vale la pena continuar apoyando a un presidente pro terrorismo, con un discurso anti-israelí y que en el fondo, no gusta de ellos.
Preocupante trino de un profesor de la Universidad El Rosario: El profesor Mauricio Jaramillo Jassir, trinó: “Una primavera palestina está ocurriendo en este momento. La humanidad debe apoyarla. Que se ponga fin al genocidio, limpieza étnica y apartheid”.
Terrorismo: El terrorismo, en todas sus formas, debe ser condenado por todos nosotros, comenzando por el que sufrimos en nuestro propio país. La respuesta contra los terroristas siempre debe ser contundente, sin titubeos. Solidaridad con las victimas.
"Podemos perdonar a los árabes por matar a nuestros hijos. No podemos perdonarlos por obligarnos a matar a sus hijos. La paz llegará, cuando los árabes amen a sus hijos más de lo que nos odian a Nosotros" *Golda Meir
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artyssims · 4 years
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I am doing a series of paintings by woman painters from the Prado Museum. This first part recreates portraits by Lucía and Sofonisba Anguissola, italian painters from the XVI century. The noble sisters were educated in the studio of Bernardino Campi in Cremona and then traveled to the Spanish Court were Sofonisba painted the royal family along side with Sánchez Coello, thats the reason why some of the portraits were atributed to Coello.
-  Isabel Clara Eugenia. Disputed
-  Isabel de Valois holding a Portrait of Philip II. 1561-1565. Sofonisba Anguissola
-  Portrait of Queen Anna of Austria. 1573.  Sofonisba Anguissola
-  Felipe II. 1565.  Sofonisba Anguissola
-  Giovanni Battista Caselli, poeta de Cremona. 1557-1558.  Sofonisba Anguissola
-  Pietro Manna, Physician from Cremona. 1557. Lucia Anguissola
The meshes are by @thejim07. Saint Catherine of Alexandria (here) and St. Michael Vanquishing Satan by Raphael (here).
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steliosagapitos · 3 years
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         ~ With her eyes turned to the sky, in an attitude of contemplation, Saint Catherine of Alexandria appears represented with her symbols, the crown of a princess, the wheel and the palm of martyrdom. Her neck is adorned with a jewel with a sapphire set, a symbol of her royal status, and with pearls, culminating in her drop, symbolising the purity of the young woman. The ruby set in her crown instead represents the virtue of her martyrdom. On the ring finger of her left hand, she wears a ring, a reminder of the Mystical Marriage with Jesus. The Capuchin knot, visible in the weave of the robe, could refer to the commission from a convent or a personality of the religious order. Considered a work in the workshop of Guido Reni, in the inventory of 1857, defined as a work by Domenichino, in 1962, it was finally attributed to Guido Reni by Pérez Sánchez in 1965. 1606, oil on canvas, Museo del Prado, Madrid. ~
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skippyv20 · 4 years
Lighthouses and their history
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 It all started with the Pharos of Alexandria
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Source: The American Lyceum/Twitter
The Pharos of Alexandria, commonly known as the Lighthouse of Alexandria, is widely believed to have been the world’s first lighthouse. Built sometime in the 3rd Century BC, this monolithic construction would become renowned around the ancient world.
Prior to its construction, proto-lighthouses consisted of simple burning beacons at the entrances to harbours. There is also some evidence of smaller stone proto-lighthouses being built in ancient Greek harbours prior to the great lighthouse itself. 
One of the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World, it is thought to have been between 100 and 140 meters tall. It was designed by Sostratus of Cnidus,
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and it stood for many years before being progressively ruined by earthquakes. Today, the parts of the lighthouse still remain where the Egyptian Sultan Qaitbay built a citadel on the same site around 1480 AD.
The “Tower of Hercules” in Spain is one of the world’s oldest intact lighthouses
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Source: Luis Miguel Bugallo Sánchez/Wikimedia Commons
During the height of the Roman Empire, lighthouses were built around much of the empire’s important waterways. One of which was built on a peninsula of A Coruna, Galicia in Spain.
Built sometime in the 2nd Century AD, the tower stands at 55 meters tall and overlooks the North Atlantic coast of Spain. Known to the Romans as “Farum Brigantium,” it is more commonly known as the “Tower of Hercules." 
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It was renovated in 1791 AD and remains one of the oldest lighthouses in the world. It is today, a national monument of Spain, and was recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in June of 2009.
After the fall of Rome, many lighthouses fell into disuse, but some new ones were built
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Source: Margaret O'Connell/Twitter
After the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, many of its former lighthouses fell into disuse. While some rare examples did survive, like "The Tower of Hercules,” most others were lost forever. However, some lighthouses were built during the Medieval period, like the “Hook Lighthouse” in County Wexford, Ireland. Today, another example of one of the world’s oldest lighthouses is the second oldest after the aforementioned “Tower of Hercules” in Spain. 
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It is thought to date to around the 12th Century AD, but local folklore attests that a local missionary, Dubhan, had used the site as a beacon many centuries before. Whatever the case, the current structure is well over 800-years-old and ticking. 
The Transatlantic boom in trade led to the lighthouses we know and love today
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A2 Slangkop Point Victorian Lighthouse, South Africa. Source: Daniel and Jordan/Twitter
Modern lighthouses of the kind we are all familiar with, began to appear in around the 18th Century. This corresponded with the growth in transatlantic commerce, and an ever-increasing need to keep trade ships safe from being wrecked along coastlines rather than to mark the entrances to harbours.
Advances in structural engineering and newer and better lighting technology enabled countries to build bigger and better lighthouses over time. Initially, solid fuels like wood or coal, or liquid ones like whale oil were used as the light source until the invention of the revolutionary Argand Lamp in the 1870s.  Other improvements, like the first “catoptric” mirror reflector and "dioptric" lens system, were later added to many lighthouses in the late-1700s and early-1800s. 
The world’s first lightship was established in the 1730s
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Source: Peterloo 1819 and 1820s/Twitter
The world’s first dedicated lightships, or lightvessels, were the first established in the early-1730s. Called the Nore lightship, it was put to work at the mouth of the River Thames in England. 
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While there are some hints of fire beacons on ships during Roman times, the first modern “true” lightship was invented by Robert Hamblin in about 1734. Advancements in land-based lighthouse construction, and numbers for that matter, eventually led to the decline in favor of lightships towards the end of the 19th century.
Have you heard of Eilean Mor Lighthouse Mystery?
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Sunset from Eilean Mor Lighthouse. Source: john dyer/Twitter
There is a story of a time when all three lighthouse keepers on the remote island of Eilean Mor disappeared in a single evening. The three men were the only inhabitants on the island. The lighthouse keepers’ disappearance was discovered when a relief lighthouse keeper arrived at the island on the 26th of December 1900. 
Later investigation of their logs detailed that a brutal storm had overwhelmed the island that lasted for several days. But, what is even stranger, is that occupants on a neighbouring island, that had a clear view of the lighthouse, reported perfectly calm weather. 
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Their bodies were never found, and to this day their disappearance is a complete mystery. The tale was later dramatised in the 2018 film “The Vanishing." 
Bishop Rock off the coast of Cornwall is a record-breaker
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Source: thisisscilly.com
Bishop Rock is a tiny little island off the coast of Cornwall in England. The only man-made structure on it is a single lighthouse. 
Its diminutive size, relative to the size of its lighthouse, has earned the island the Guinness World Record of "world’s smallest island with a building on it.” The current lighthouse was built around 1858, but there was an earlier iron-construction building that was never completed.
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It was washed away by violent seas before it could be completed. 
Russia has a score of nuclear-powered lighthouses
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One of the now-abandoned nuclear lighthouses of the Soviet Union. Source: englishrussia.com
During the era of electrification that swept the world at the beginning of the 20th Century, many existing lighthouses were converted to electrical lighting. While most tend to be powered using combustion-engined generators, some are actually powered by nuclear reactors.
Some of the most notable can be found in Russia. During the Soviet-era, a chain of nuclear-powered autonomous lighthouses was built along the Northern Shipping Route. Running along the Northern coast of Russia, this part of the world has little to no daylight for a portion of the year. Before the advent of GPS, this was historically a very dangerous route to take for many ships. To combat this, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union embarked on building a chain of new lighthouses to make the route that much safer.
Being so remote in places, many of these were powered by a lightweight small atomic reactor. After the fall of the Soviet Union, many of there lighthouses, and their reactors, fell into disuse and disrepair. 
Have you heard of the time that Finland built a lighthouse in Sweden by mistake?
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Source: tt_koski/Wikimedia Commons
And finally, there was a time that Finland accidentally built a lighthouse in Swedish territory. While this might sound like a pretty serious oversight, the reasoning behind it is actually fairly understandable. Part of the border between the two countries crosses one island in an unusual way. Called Märket, the island was divvied up under the 1809 Treaty of Fredrikshamn.
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Back in 1885, Finland erected a lighthouse on the highest part of the island, which was thought to be a no man’s land by the builders. Sadly, under the treaty, this happened to have been on the Swedish side of the island.
Since then, in the mid-1980s, an agreement was made to change the border to ensure the lighthouse is now in Finnish territory.
Interesting.  Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
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rjzimmerman · 5 years
Excerpt from this EcoWatch story:
The party that won the most votes in Spain's national election Sunday campaigned on a Green New Deal.
The country's Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) won the largest number of parliamentary seats, at 123, though it fell short of the 176 needed to form a government. It will likely form a coalition government with the anti-austerity Unidas Podemos and smaller regional parties, The Guardian reported.
One of the ways the PSOE hopes to move forward is on the environment. Sánchez endorsed the idea of a Green New Deal, called "El New Deal Verde" or "El Green New Deal de España" in Spain, in January, according to The Intercept.
His party introduced a climate bill before the election that includes the following goals:
Reducing greenhouse emissions to 90 percent of 1990 levels by 2050
Transitioning to renewable energy completely by the same date and getting 74 percent of energy from renewables by 2030
Banning fracking
Divesting from and ending government subsidies for fossil fuels
Banning the registration and sale of gas-burning vehicles by 2040
Spain's Minister for Ecological Transition Teresa Ribera praised New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for emphasizing both the social and ecological benefits of fighting climate change.
"One of the main elements of her speeches that we fully share," Ribera told The Intercept, is that "we cannot have sectoral environmental and social agendas. Climate justice and the recognition of climate injustice is very important."
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unpensadoranonimo · 6 years
Las noticias (15/3/2019)
Ciudadanos cede ante Vox y obligará a colegiarse a los trabajadores de las unidades de violencia de género de Andalucía
Ciudadanos no desmiente la compra de dossieres con información confidencial de sus rivales
Dimite media cúpula de Ciudadanos en Talavera por dedazos
El arzobispo de Granada advierte de que apoyar a Vox da votos a la izquierda
Hacienda devuelve 702 millones a Telefónica por impuestos pagados de más
(Ciudadanos) Rivera escenifica la unidad en su convención de candidatos y cierra el ‘caso Clemente’
Tercera dimisión de un cargo de Ciudadanos en Castilla y León tras las irregularidades en las primarias
Josep Antoni Duran Lleida: "Quim Torra es un pobre hombre que no debe de saber por qué está aquí"
Puigdemont demanda también al Estado español en la causa contra el juez Pablo Llarena en Bélgica
Al menos 49 muertos en el ataque terrorista a dos mezquitas en Nueva Zelanda
"Supremacista blanco que ha planeado esto durante dos años", así describen a uno de los terroristas de Nueva Zelanda
Corea del Norte estudia romper el diálogo con EEUU sobre desnuclearización
La protesta no se apaga: decenas de miles de argelinos vuelven a la calle contra Bouteflika
Anova rompe con Podemos e IU para el 28A y no se presentará a las generales
IOP: El PSOE de Sánchez ganarías las generales con más del 30% de los votos, según una encuesta
(Mas Madrid) "Hola, soy Íñigo Errejón": la campaña telefónica que sorprende a los madrileños emulando a Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (y a Rajoy)
La jueza Rosell vuelve a la política: será la número uno de Podemos por Las Palmas el 28A
(Actua) Llamazares ficha al exfiscal Villarejo para desmarcarse del separatismo de Podemos
Podemos mejora la oferta para la alianza con IU en Madrid, que la ve insuficiente y someterá a sus bases
(PSOE) Sánchez impone su ley: cambia las listas en Andalucía, Aragón, Palencia y León
Caso Erial
Zaplana, contra las cuerdas: la jueza recupera doce millones del botín y la fiscalía da inmunidad al testaferro "chivato"
Caso ITV
Brians 2 propone el tercer grado para Oriol Pujol pero la última palabra la tendrá la Secretaría de Medidas Penales 
Caso Memoría histórica
El Gobierno quiere exhumar a Franco el 10 de junio y enterrará sus restos en El Pardo
Caso Osakidetza
La crisis de las oposiciones se lleva por delante al consejero vasco de Salud, Jon Darpón
Caso Tandem
El exvicepresidente de la CNMV se querella contra Francisco González y Villarejo por espiarle
Francisco González puede cobrar una pensión de 80 millones a pesar del caso Villarejo
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theliberaltony · 6 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
The Democrats have won the House, and Republicans will have to hand over the speaker’s gavel in January. But it’s not totally clear whom that gavel will go to.
The long-running drama over the fate of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi is entering a new phase. It has been clear for months that Pelosi might not have enough Democrats behind her to become speaker. Some incumbent House Democrats oppose the California Democrat because they believe it’s time for a new figure to lead the party, which Pelosi has done since 2003. And dozens of Democratic candidates, facing a barrage of attacks from Republicans linking them to Pelosi, pledged during their campaigns not to support her in a speaker vote. Of course, many of Pelosi’s critics were running in very red districts — so they lost.
But Pelosi still has some work to do if she wants a second tenure as House speaker. With almost all the 435 House races decided, we did a whip count of the newly elected or re-elected Democrats. Here’s what we found: Pelosi does not appear to have 218 votes to become speaker, unless some Democrats backtrack from previous comments suggesting that they will not support her.
Before the election, NBC News and reporter Ally Mutnick of the National Journal put together lists of Democratic candidates who said they would not support Pelosi either for Democratic leader or for speaker if the Democrats took control of the House. Combining their research with ours, we identified at least 63 anti-Pelosi candidates — 21 of whom won their elections.1
Democratic-members elect who might not support Pelosi
As of 4:00 p.m. on Nov. 8
Candidate District Incumbent? Vote Margin Rashida Tlaib MI-13 D+73.2 Brian Higgins NY-26 ✓ D+47.1 Bill Pascrell NJ-9 ✓ D+40.9 Jim Cooper TN-5 ✓ D+35.7 Seth Moulton MA-6 ✓ D+34.6 Linda Sánchez CA-38 ✓ D+33.7 Ed Perlmutter CO-7 ✓ D+24.1 Kathleen Rice NY-4 ✓ D+22.1 Tim Ryan OH-13 ✓ D+21.6 Filemón Vela TX-34 ✓ D+19.5 Mikie Sherrill NJ-11 D+13.3 Kurt Schrader OR-5 ✓ D+13.1 Conor Lamb PA-17 ✓ D+12.4 Jahana Hayes CT-5 D+11.7 Jason Crow CO-6 D+10.0 Haley Stevens MI-11 D+6.7 Jeff Van Drew NJ-2 D+6.3 Max Rose NY-11 D+6.0 Elissa Slotkin MI-8 D+3.8 Abigail Spanberger VA-7 D+1.9 Joe Cunningham SC-1 D+1.4
Vote margins may change as results are tallied. Six candidates who said they would not vote for Pelosi are in races that are still too close to call, so this list may grow.
Sources: ABC News, NBC News, Ally Mutnick, other media reports
With a handful of races still unresolved, Democrats have won 224 seats2 — that number is likely to increase, but it’s hard to see them winning more than 235. Even at that high mark, Pelosi would be four votes short of 218 if the 21 Democrats followed through on their pledge not to support her. The anti-Pelosi faction includes 11 incumbents, some of whom have long been critical of her, like New York’s Kathleen Rice and Ohio’s Tim Ryan. The other 10 will be joining the House with the new class of members in January.
Of course, Pelosi could still become speaker even if she is a few votes short at the moment. And she’s probably the favorite. How would she get there? There are at least three pathways.
The most direct way for Pelosi to become speaker is that at least a few of these anti-Pelosi members backtrack on their campaign pledges. Could that happen? Maybe. Nine of the 21 anti-Pelosi candidates won by more than 20 percentage points. It’s unlikely that voters in fairly liberal-leaning areas will vote out their members in November 2020 over a pro-Pelosi vote in January 2019. Also, it’s not clear there is an obvious person with broad support to replace her, so other House Democrats might convince the anti-Pelosi wing that there is no real alternative.
And Pelosi could try to persuade her opponents to change their positions by either pledging to serve as speaker only through 2020 or picking a No. 2 whom the anti-Pelosi bloc likes.
This is easy to describe but probably difficult to execute. Many new members have no particular loyalty to Pelosi — and some incumbents, like Ryan, have openly frosty relationships with her. The anti-Pelosi faction could try to block her from becoming the Democrats’ designated candidate for speaker or just refuse to back her in January, forcing the party to pick someone else.
There’s a second, more complicated way for Pelosi to become speaker — her critics voting “present” rather than “no” in the House speaker election. Let’s walk through that, because it’s a bit complicated.
The first step in the speaker selection process is that each party has an internal vote to determine its candidate. This vote takes place behind closed doors, usually in late November or early December. (Newly elected members travel to Washington to participate in this process.) Then there is a formal vote in the House in January that typically pits a Democratic candidate against a Republican one. The winner is the new speaker.
Assuming for now that Pelosi makes it through the private vote to the January vote in the House, she will need a majority of those choosing between the two candidates (California’s Kevin McCarthy is the favorite to be the GOP choice). But that doesn’t mean she would need 218 votes (an outright majority of the House). If members vote “present,” it brings the threshold for a majority down.
So let’s say that after the election results are finalized, the House is made up of 230 Democrats and 205 Republicans and that the number of anti-Pelosi Democrats stays at 21. If all 21 vote “present” and the rest of the Democrats back her, she will win the speakership 209-205. But if Democrats don’t make it to 230 and end up with 228 seats or fewer, Pelosi won’t have the votes to win, even if the Democratic faction against her votes “present.” In that case, she’d need some Democrats to backtrack on their pledges to oppose her.
A third way for Pelosi to become speaker is for the anti-Pelosi Democrats to vote against her in the private party vote but for her in the floor vote. Since many of the candidates simply said they wouldn’t vote for Pelosi as “party leader,” they could claim to be keeping their campaign promise while still allowing Pelosi to become speaker of the whole House. After all, the speaker election would probably only have two viable candidates — Pelosi and McCarthy (or another Republican).
As you can see, there’s still a good deal of uncertainty about how the speaker vote will play out.
Let’s finish by saying clearly: Lots of gossipy stories about internal Washington machinations ultimately don’t matter. This one does. With Trump in the White House and Mitch McConnell in charge of an enlarged Republican majority in the Senate, the Democratic speaker will have a huge role in determining exactly when and how the party tries to constrain Trump, as well as how or if House Democrats try to work with him on major issues. The Democrats are also trying to come up with a strategy that will increase the chances that the party’s 2020 presidential candidate will win. And the Democrats in the House will have a fairly diverse group both demographically and ideologically. So the speaker has to satisfy not only liberals like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York but also moderates like Conor Lamb of Pennsylvania. None of this will be easy.
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fmontelara · 3 years
Here is an episode with @Rick SánchezAquí el episodio con Rick Sanchez
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cadaver-moss · 1 year
Everyone! Look what I got today!
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It’s Alex IRL!!! /j
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abensica · 1 year
Petro: Este fin de semana quedó demostrado que en Colombia padecemos a uno de los presidentes de izquierda más ideologizados de toda la región. Petro es incapaz de condenar los ataques sanguinarios de un grupo terrorista a civiles desarmados. Mientras Gabriel Boric, Lula Da Silva, Alberto Fernández, Pedro Sánchez, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Bernie Sanders y muchos otros líderes de izquierda, condenaron inmediatamente el brutal ataque; el Sr Petro, desde su twitter, decidió ponerse del lado de la izquierda más recalcitrante y anti-israelí: se dedicó a relativizar e incluso a justificar el horror de este fin de semana, que deja un saldo de más de 700 personas asesinadas (incluyendo bebés, niños, ancianos y mujeres), más de 2.000 heridos y más de 100 personas secuestradas. Los demócratas adolecimos su usual perorata con delirios de líder mundial y de gran intelectual con profundo conocimiento del conflicto: tweets erráticos y una completa falta de uso de canales y formas diplomáticas, sintiendo una profunda vergüenza de que este señor sea quien nos representa. Fue tan minúcsculo, que ni siquiera pidió respeto por las vidas de los secuestrados. Gracias a la polarización, las instalaciones de la embajada de Israel en Colombia, amanecieron con grafitis de la Esvástica (símbolo nazi).
Feminismo: Las feministas de planta del país, decidieron no mencionar el tema. No hay indignación, no existe “ni una más”… están ciegas, sordas y mudas; a la hora de alzar la voz ante las aberraciones de un verdadero PATRIARCADO OPRESOR, representado por el grupo terrorista Hamás. Mientras el mundo entero ve las imágenes de mujeres y niñas asesinadas, secuestradas, ultrajadas; las señoras, Ángela Robledo, Cielo Rusinque, Mafe Carrascal, Juana Afanador, Sandra Ramírez, Victoria Sandino, y hasta la que creó el ministerio de la “igualdad”, Francia Marquez, comparten un silencio ensordecedor. Varias de las chicas eran jóvenes asistentes a un concierto por la paz, pero ni así encontraron la solidaridad de sus congéneres feministas, de este lado del hemisferio.
Disonancia cognitiva: La falta de pensamiento crítico que padecen algunos activistas progresistas de izquierda, que supuestamente defienden las libertades, los derechos de mujeres y homosexuales, pero están tan ideologizados (la mayoría por el odio a USA y al capitalismo) que no tienen reparos en criticar constantemente a religiones cristianas por “moralistas”, en países donde no se castiga la homosexualidad y hay igualdad ante la ley, pero salen a ponerse del lado de unos fanáticos religiosos promotores de un concepto medioeval como lo es la guerra santa (Yihad) y que viven en sociedades machistas donde la mujer es dominada y considerada inferior al hombre, y donde además, no se respeta ningún tipo de libertad sexual. Me recuerda cuando en la década del 70, intelectuales progresistas y postmodernos, como Michael Foucault, decidieron apoyar la revolución islámica en Irán que permitió la llegada al poder del Ayatolá Jomeini, quien coartó gran número de libertades en nombre del Islam, haciendo de Irán un estado teocrático, que antepuso la religión a la política e implantó la ley de la Sharia.
El fracaso del multiculturalismo: es aterrador ver imágenes de países como Inglaterra y Canadá, llenas de habitantes pro palestina, saliendo a las calles a celebrar el acto terrorista. En su afán de ser incluyentes y atraer a personas jóvenes, no se ocupan exitosamente de que estos realmente se integren a su modo de vida, compartiendo valores occidentales como la igualdad ante la ley, la resolución de conflictos por vía civilizada, la defensa de la libertad. ¿En cuánto tiempo la intolerancia y los valores ultraconservadores, patriarcales y machistas, de estas sociedades van a imponerse por encima de los valores de sociedades “progresistas”, hiperliberales, avergonzadas de lo que son, deconstruidas y que prácticamente han perdido sus valores fundacionales por discursos políticamente correctos?
La paradoja de la tolerancia “una sociedad ilimitadamente tolerante, será reducida o destruida por los intolerantes” Karl Popper.
Derribando mitos: La Franja de Gaza ha tenido presencia del pueblo judío durante los últimos dos mil años. Durante siglos fue el principal puerto de entrada de los peregrinos judíos hacia Jerusalén. De esta forma, no es correcto decir que los judíos son invasores, pues hay una reivindicación histórica (tan común en los reclamos en esta zona del planeta y argumento que le encanta a la progresía)
Pretenciones de Hamás: El grupo terrorista no quiere una negociación, ni convivir tranquilamente con el pueblo judío. La carta fundacional de este grupo, su razón de existir, es lograr que el territorio de Israel, sea dominado por el islam. Para ellos USA es el “Gran Satán” e Israel el “Pequeño Satán”, a los cuales hay que “borrar del mapa”
Algunas consideraciones geopolíticas: Hoy en día en Gaza, no hay “ocupación” pues está gobernada por palestinos. Desde el 2005 el gobierno israelí, como gesto de paz, se retiró de esta zona, pero los ataques desde Gaza a territorio israelí han sido constantes e Israel se defiende del terrorismo.
A Hamás, le preocupan los acercamientos entre Arabia Saudita e Israel, pues lo que menos desea el grupo terrorista, es que el pueblo judío pueda coexistir tranquilamente en Medio Oriente.
Los Ayatolás Iraníes son unos de los principales patrocinadores del grupo terrorista Hamás. El gob Biden, al igual que el gob Obama, ha sido suave con el régimen iraní: descongeló 6.000 millones de dólares para este, que se temen, fueron a dar para financiación de grupos terroristas. Durante su segundo mandato, Obama fue laxo en las negociaciones del acuerdo nuclear con Irán y esto ponía en peligro a socios de USA en medio oriente: Israel y Arabia Saudita. El acuerdo de Irán con 12 potencias, entre ellas EE.UU., fue considerado por Israel como un "error histórico" y una "amenaza". El gobierno israelí cuestionó la multimillonaria cantidad de recursos económicos a los que accedería Teherán a cambio del paulatino desarme de su arsenal nuclear.
Durante el gobierno Trump, esto cambió, pues rompió el pacto nuclear con Irán y reestableció las sanciones. Tampoco olvidemos que Trump ayudó a estabilizar al Medio Oriente, intermediando en 4 tratados de paz que aislaban a Irán, país enemigo de las libertades y amenaza para Israel y Estados Unidos.
Pd: Llama la atención que al momento, el nobel de paz, el demócrata Barack Obama, no se haya pronunciado por los demenciales ataques del día de ayer a ciudadanos israelíes.
Aunque los palestinos no son todos pro Hamás, si hay un gran apoyo en las calles de Gaza de civiles que celebran los ataques. Esto queda evidenciado en los videos transmitidos cuando, estando en las calles de Gaza, los terroristas exhiben cuerpos de israelíes asesinados y pasean a ciudadanos secuestrados por sus calles como trofeos, ante una multitud eufórica. En Israel, en cambio, viven casi dos millones de musulmanes, palestinos por herencia, a los que el estado de Israel, defiende también de los terroristas.
Empresarios Judíos Colombianos pro Petro: Espero que después de las muestras antisemitas de este fin de semana, evalúen si vale la pena continuar apoyando a un presidente pro terrorismo, con un discurso anti-israelí y que en el fondo, no gusta de ellos.
Preocupante trino de un profesor de la Universidad El Rosario: El profesor Mauricio Jaramillo Jassir, trinó: “Una primavera palestina está ocurriendo en este momento. La humanidad debe apoyarla. Que se ponga fin al genocidio, limpieza étnica y apartheid”.
Terrorismo: El terrorismo, en todas sus formas, debe ser condenado por todos nosotros, comenzando por el que sufrimos en nuestro propio país. La respuesta contra los terroristas siempre debe ser contundente, sin titubeos. Solidaridad con las victimas.
"Podemos perdonar a los árabes por matar a nuestros hijos. No podemos perdonarlos por obligarnos a matar a sus hijos. La paz llegará, cuando los árabes amen a sus hijos más de lo que nos odian a Nosotros" *Golda Meir
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andhitecture · 7 years
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Unique interior project winners announced from the 2018 Frame Awards
Best Use of Light: Jian Li Ju Theatre, Shanghai by More Design Office
Best Craftmanship: Jut Group Lecture Hall, Taipei by MVRDV and Alexandra Kehayoglou Studio
Best Use of Material: Fabricwood - Xtra Herman Miller, Singapore by Produce Workshop
Best Use of Color: Messe Dornbirn Exhibition and Events Halls 09-12, Dornbirn by Marte.Marte Architects
Best Use of Digital Technology: Tabegami Sama, Tokyo by Moment Factory
Innovation Awards: Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa, Cape Town by Heatherwick Studio
Social Awards: Eva's Phoenix, Toronto by LGA Architectural Partners
Sustainability Awards: People's Pavilion, Dutch Design Week 2017 by Overtreders W & Bureau Sla
Lifetime Achievement Award: Sevil Peach
Emerging Designer of the Year: Space Encounters
Client of the Year: Zhongshuge Bookstores 
Designer of the Year: X+Living
Hotel of the Year: Emiliano Hotel, Rio De Janeiro by Studio Arthur Casas
Bar of the Year: Shelter, Geneva by Daniel Zamarbide and Leopold Banchini
Cinema of the Year: Jinyi Cinemas, Guangzhou by One Plus Partnership
Health Club of the Year: Ceresio 7, Milan by Storage Associati
Restaurant of the Year: Noma Mexico, Tulum by La Metropolitana
Healthcare Centre of the Year: Maggie's Oldham, Oldham by dRMM
Government Interior of the Year: New Shanghai Theatre, Shanghai by Neri&Hu Design and Research Office
Learning Space of the Year: Nubo, Alexandria by PAL Design Group
Multi-brand Store of the Year: Au Pont Rouge, Saint Petersburg by Cheungvogl Architects
Pop-up Store of the Year: SK-II Ginza Street, Tokyo by Nomura
Single-Brand Store of the Year: Red Valentino Sloane Street, London by India Mahdavi
Window Display of the Year: TopShop Splash Oxford Street, London by YourStudio
Set Design of the Year: Ugly Lies the Bone, London by Es Devlin
Exhibition of the Year: Emanuel De Witte - Master of Light, Alkmaar by Studio OTW
Trade-Fair Stand of the Year: Annual Arca by Héctor Esrawe

 + Manuel Cervantes
 + Mauricio Rocha 

+ Javier Sánchez

 + Javier Claverie
 + Rafael Rivera

 + Jorge Arvizu 

+ Ignacio del Río + Emmanuel Ramírez + Diego Ricalde
Co-working Space of the Year: Neuehouse Hollywood, Los Angeles by Rockwell Group and NeueHouse Studio
Large Office of the Year: Uber Advanced Technologies Group, Pittsburgh by Assembly Design Studio
Small Office of the Year: Lightspeed 2, Montreal by ACDF Architecture
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roizcriteriodigital · 4 years
El gobernador de Nueva York resiste la presión demócrata y se niega a dimitir
La Asamblea del Estado de Nueva York ordena una investigación que abre la vía a un posible ‘impeachment’
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Los escándalos que rodean al gobernador Andrew Cuomo han saltado este viernes de Nueva York al Congreso de Washington. El coro de voces demócratas que exigen la dimisión del gobernador del Estado por denuncias de acoso sexual a seis mujeres y por maquillar los datos de muertes por covid-19 en los geriátricos amenaza con convertirse en una bola de nieve que sepulte su carrera política, aunque el político ha reiterado que no piensa dimitir. Una decena de congresistas demócratas por Nueva York, entre ellos los importantes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez y Jerry Nadler, se sumaron este viernes al grupo de 55 legisladores del Estado, también demócratas, que el jueves reclamaron su renuncia. Ese mismo día, la Asamblea estatal ordenó una investigación sobre ambos casos que abre la puerta a un posible impeachment.  leer mas https://elpais.com/internacional/2021-03-12/el-gobernador-de-nueva-york-resiste-la-presion-democrata-y-se-niega-a-dimitir.html
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healingtheblackbody · 4 years
Zachary Tye Richardson She/her/they/them/he/him @zacharytyerichardson
Queer Offering II: Holding Space for Weeping Flesh -bereavement through meditation on the 44 reported trans/gender non-conforming fatalities in America in 2020. Stop killing us. Rest In Peace: Dustin Parker, Neulisa Luciano Ruiz, Yampi Méndez Arocho, Scott/Scottlynn Kelly DeVore, Monika Diamond, Lexi, Johanna Metzger, Serena Angelique Velázquez Ramos, Layla Pelaez Sánchez, Penélope Díaz Ramírez, Nina Pop, Helle Jae O’Regan, Tony McDade, Dominique “Rem'mie” Fells, Riah Milton, Jayne Thompson, Selena Reyes-Hernandez, Brian “Egypt” Powers, Brayla Stone, Merci Mack, Shaki Peters, Bree Black, Summer Taylor, Marilyn Cazares, Dior H Ova, Queasha D Hardy, Aja Raquell Rhone-Spears, Lea Rayshon Daye, Kee Sam, Aerrion Burnett, Mia Green, Michelle Michellyn Ramos Vargas, Felycya Harris, Brooklyn Deshuna, Sara Blackwood, Angel Unique, Skylar Heath, Yunieski Carey Herrera, Asia Jynae Foster, Chae’Meshia Simms, Kimberly Fial (after filming of performance/not pictured): Jaheim Pugh Jakeim Barbie, Courtney “Eshay” Key, and Alexandria Winchester. 2021 has already seen at least 5 reported trans/gender non-conforming fatalities in America and it’s only Feburary. Say their names: Tyianna Alexander, Samuel Edmund Damian Valentin, Bianca “Muffin” Bankz, Dominique Jackson, and Fifty Bandz. STOP KILLING US.
special thanks to Anthony Fernandez on lighting design/production assistance and Helen Franco on costuming/production assistance.
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skippyv20 · 4 years
Lighthouses and their history
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It all started with the Pharos of Alexandria
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Source: The American Lyceum/Twitter
The Pharos of Alexandria, commonly known as the Lighthouse of Alexandria, is widely believed to have been the world’s first lighthouse. Built sometime in the 3rd Century BC, this monolithic construction would become renowned around the ancient world.
Prior to its construction, proto-lighthouses consisted of simple burning beacons at the entrances to harbors. There is also some evidence of smaller stone proto-lighthouses being built in ancient Greek harbors prior to the great lighthouse itself. 
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One of the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World, it is thought to have been between 100 and 140 meters tall. It was designed by 
Sostratus of Cnidus
, and it stood for many years before being progressively ruined by earthquakes. 
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Today, the parts of the lighthouse still remain where the Egyptian Sultan Qaitbay built a citadel on the same site around 1480 AD.
The “Tower of Hercules” in Spain is one of the world’s oldest intact lighthouses
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Source: Luis Miguel Bugallo Sánchez/Wikimedia Commons
During the height of the Roman Empire, lighthouses were built around much of the empire’s important waterways. One of which was built on a peninsula of A Coruna, Galicia in Spain.
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Built sometime in the 2nd Century AD, the tower stands at55 meters tall and overlooks the North Atlantic coast of Spain. Known to the Romans as “Farum Brigantium,” it is more commonly known as the “Tower of Hercules."  It was renovated in 1791 AD and remains one of the oldest lighthouses in the world. It is today, a national monument of Spain, and was recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in June of 2009.
After the fall of Rome, many lighthouses fell into disuse, but some new ones were built
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Source: Margaret O'Connell/Twitter
After the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, many of its former lighthouses fell into disuse. While some rare examples did survive, like "The Tower of Hercules,” most others were lost forever.
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However, some lighthouses were built during the Medieval period, like the “Hook Lighthouse” in County Wexford, Ireland.
Today, another example of one of the world’s oldest lighthouses is the second oldest after the aforementioned “Tower of Hercules” in Spain.  It is thought to date to around the 12th Century AD, but local folklore attests that a local missionary, Dubhan, had used the site as a beacon many centuries before. Whatever the case, the current structure is well over 800-years-old and ticking. 
The Transatlantic boom in trade led to the lighthouses we know and love today
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A2 Slangkop Point Victorian Lighthouse, South Africa. Source: Daniel and Jordan/Twitter
Modern lighthouses of the kind we are all familiar with, began to appear in around the 18th Century. This corresponded with the growth in transatlantic commerce, and an ever-increasing need to keep trade ships safe from being wrecked along coastlines rather than to mark the entrances to harbours.
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Advances in structural engineering and newer and better lighting technology enabled countries to build bigger and better lighthouses over time. Initially, solid fuels like wood or coal, or liquid ones like whale oil were used as the light source until the invention of the revolutionary Argand Lamp in the 1870s.  Other improvements, like the first “catoptric” mirror reflector and "dioptric" lens system, were later added to many lighthouses in the late-1700s and early-1800s. 
The world’s first lightship was established in the 1730s
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Source: Peterloo 1819 and 1820s/Twitter
The world’s first dedicated lightships, or lightvessels, were the first established in the early-1730s. Called the Nore lightship, it was put to work at the mouth of the River Thames in England. 
While there are some hints of fire beacons on ships during Roman times, the first modern “true” lightship was invented by Robert Hamblin in about 1734.
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Advancements in land-based lighthouse construction, and numbers for that matter, eventually led to the decline in favour of lightships towards the end of the 19th century.
Eilean Mor Lighthouse mystery
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Sunset from Eilean Mor Lighthouse. Source: john dyer/Twitter
There is a story of a time when all three lighthouse keepers on the remote island of Eilean Mor disappeared in a single evening. The three men were the only inhabitants on the island. The lighthouse keepers’ disappearance was discovered when a relief lighthouse keeper arrived at the island on the 26th of December 1900. 
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Later investigation of their logs detailed that a brutal storm had overwhelmed the island that lasted for several days. But, what is even stranger, is that occupants on a neighbouring island, that had a clear view of the lighthouse, reported perfectly calm weather. 
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Their bodies were never found, and to this day their disappearance is a complete mystery. The tale was later dramatised in the 2018 film “The Vanishing." 
Bishop Rock off the coast of Cornwall is a record-breaker
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Source: thisisscilly.com
Bishop Rock is a tiny little island off the coast of Cornwall in England. The only man-made structure on it is a single lighthouse. 
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the cornwallguide
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Its diminutive size, relative to the size of its lighthouse, has earned the island the Guinness World Record of "world’s smallest island with a building on it.” The current lighthouse was built around 1858, but there was an earlier iron-construction building that was never completed. It was washed away by violent seas before it could be completed. 
Russia has a score of nuclear-powered lighthouses
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One of the now-abandoned nuclear lighthouses of the Soviet Union. Source: englishrussia.com
During the era of electrification that swept the world at the beginning of the 20th Century, many existing lighthouses were converted to electrical lighting. While most tend to be powered using combustion-engined generators, some are actually powered by nuclear reactors.
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Some of the most notable can be found in Russia. During the Soviet-era, a chain of nuclear-powered autonomous lighthouses was built along the Northern Shipping Route. Running along the Northern coast of Russia, this part of the world has little to no daylight for a portion of the year. Before the advent of GPS, this was historically a very dangerous route to take for many ships. To combat this, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union embarked on building a chain of new lighthouses to make the route that much safer.
Being so remote in places, many of these were powered by a lightweight small atomic reactor. After the fall of the Soviet Union, many of there lighthouses, and their reactors, fell into disuse and disrepair. 
Finland built a lighthouse in Sweden by mistake
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Source: tt_koski/Wikimedia Commons
And finally, there was a time that Finland accidentally built a lighthouse in Swedish territory. While this might sound like a pretty serious oversight, the reasoning behind it is actually fairly understandable. Part of the border between the two countries crosses one island in an unusual way. Called Märket, the island was divvied up under the 1809 Treaty of Fredrikshamn.
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Back in 1885, Finland erected a lighthouse on the highest part of the island, which was thought to be a no man’s land by the builders. Sadly, under the treaty, this happened to have been on the Swedish side of the island. Since then, in the mid-1980s, an agreement was made to change the border to ensure the lighthouse is now in Finnish territory.
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
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noticiassomosponce · 4 years
Atrapan en Virginia a hombre que secuestró a joven en Florida
Atrapan en Virginia a hombre que secuestró a joven en Florida
El sujeto inicialmente obligó a toda una familia a montarse en un auto, y luego siguió su rumbo con la joven. MIAMI–El hispano Jaddier Sánchez, que la pasada madrugada del lunes secuestró a una joven en la localidad de Pembroke Pines, en el sureste de Florida, fue arrestado este martes en el suburbio de Alexandria, en el estado de Virginia, informaron las autoridades. Sánchez fue puesto bajo…
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