#Alexander Skarsgard x reader
oncasette · 9 months
FANGTASIA. send in a character from my guide + one of the prompts below for a drabble!
how about... "you shouldn't have touched them. every single mark on their body is going to be returned to yours." wiiith our mans eric northman!
please, thank you, love youuu!!! 🩵🩵
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eric northman x fem!reader
summary: 1.3k
You’d had vampire blood. Pam and Chow had been gracious enough to offer you their wrists months after you’d started working at Fangtasia, a safety precaution as they’d claimed. You'd had Eric's blood. He could feel your fear, he knew where you were, why wasn't he coming?
or the one where eric saves you from an anti-vampire rights enthusiast.
warnings: canon-typical violence, blood, death, kidnapping, stabbing
a/n: i know i said drabbles but i couldn't contain myself. i am violently ill with my love for this man.
masterlist | taglist
You think you're dying. surely. There's no way the human body would be able to endure this much pain without ultimately giving up the ghost, right? 
You never should have gotten involved with vampires. They were nothing but a bucket of trouble, as your mother would have put it. And has she had put it, a multitude of times, before she'd ever even known you'd applied to work at Shreveport's resident vampire bar. 
What she didn't know, though, was how incredible they could be. How, even without all their supernatural abilities, intensely good they could be when they decided they wanted. How loyal and caring and kind when they chose to do so. Just how beautiful they could be, fangs and all. 
‘Course, there still was that whole bucket of trouble thing. 
"You sure are pretty for a fangbanger," your captor drawled from where he was watching you from across the room. He'd tied you to a chair at the center of it, thick scratchy ropes binding your wrists to the unlaquered wood beneath you. You spit, knowing that it won't reach the man from this distance, but hoping, almost willing it to hit him squarely between the eyes. 
“Fuck you,” you say.
“Ooh,” he whistles. “You’ve sure got a mouth on you, sweet cheeks. Why waste it on one of those dead fuckers when you could have someone with an actual, bleeding fucking heart?”
“You’re a waste of skin, you piece of shit,” you huff. Not that it was any of his goddamn business, anyway, but you had only ever slept with one man, and it sure as shit hadn’t been one of your bosses.
“Aw, c’mon. I bet you get so cold after one of them vampers is inside you, don’t you. All icy and chilly like. Let me give you a little tip, sweetheart. Humans. Need. Warmth.”
“You say that as if you aren’t a fucking sad sack,” you say. “What a sorry excuse for a human, huh?”
“What’d they do to you, huh, girl? Did they glamor you into only wanting a dead man’s dick?” he asks, slowly shifting and standing from his stool so that he could approach you. Despite their constant–and half-hearted–threats, you’d never been glamored by your vampire coworkers. Your breathing shakes as he approaches in swift steps. It’s then that you see the knife in his hand. 
For the first time in a long time, you realize, genuine fear strikes through you. 
“I’m gonna teach those vampers a lesson,” he says. “And you’re going to help me do that.”
You’d had vampire blood. Pam and Chow had been gracious enough to offer you their wrists months after you’d started working at Fangtasia, a safety precaution as they’d claimed. You'd had Eric's blood. He could feel your fear, he knew where you were, why wasn't he coming?
The knife trails along your collarbone. You're glad it was as dull as it was, knowing if it'd been sharper it would be slicing the skin open in its path down. Then he presses down harder. You can’t muffle the whine as it escapes you, no matter how much you want to. No matter how desperately you wish to not show the man that he holds any power over you. You can feel the blood seeping out of the wound. It dribbles down your chest in a thick stream as it pools and stains the gray cotton of your t-shirt.
“Stop!” you plead. He chuckles before driving the blade deeper into you. With feeble force, you try to get him off with a stunted kick to his knee; It was all you could manage with the way your knees had been duct-taped together. 
“Bitch!” he heaves before rearing back to slap you with the bladeless hand. It slashes your cheek, shallowly, thankfully, but you can feel the ache of where his hand had connected with your cheekbone. “You’re gonna regret that.”
He takes the knife and stabs it into your side, just narrowly missing your ribcage. 
Before you can manage out even a wince, the door to the small shack you’d been held in for the last few hours splinters and it unceremoniously removed from its hinges. 
Eric says nothing as he rushes in. You barely register that it’s him save for the split second image you’d captured from where he’d lingered in the doorway. Your captor is off of you instantly, though you’re still bound to the chair. Eric stills. Wind warps around him as he does so, wrapping him in a flurry of movement as he stands with the man locked in his grasp. 
“You never should have fucking touched her,” Eric growls with his fangs fully extended, grip tightening around the burly man’s neck and raising him inches off the ground. There’s not even a hint of the usual smirk you were so accustomed to seeing. “Every single mark on her body will be returned unto you tenfold.”
“She fucking deserved it,” he gargles as the vampire latches onto the expanse of neck not currently held within his hand. The man screams out in anguish and you pull your eyes tight to avoid watching any more. Of course, that doesn’t stop you from hearing. The screams and the rips and the crunches. You hear something hard and solid hit the floor and somewhere deep in the pit of your stomach you know it’s bone. 
You hear the man gasp out a dead fuck only for Eric’s grasp to tighten fully, effectively severing the man’s skull from his spinal chord without detaching it from his body. The man drops to the floor with a loud thump and Eric shoves the corpse away with the toe of his shoe before he moves toward you. 
“What took you so long?” you exhaled as he moved behind you to unbind your wrists. 
“I was away on business,” he gruffs, spitting slightly to get the last of the man’s blood out of his mouth. He’d already drunk his fair share, you thought, what good what that do?
Swallowing, you ask, “And you still came?”
He walks back around to begin undoing the restraints on your legs. He’s being so gentle, you realize. If he’d wanted, he could have had this done within seconds and yet, here he was, tenderly undoing the tape and rope and rubbing a soothing hand over the abraded skin. 
“I’ll always come for you,” he says. “Until I meet the true death, I will always come for you.”
He extends his wrist up to his mouth and you wince as he punctures the flesh. 
“Eric,” you sigh. 
“Drink,” he says. 
Nodding, you allow him to bring his wrist to your mouth and latch down on the leaking wound. It’s tangy and metallic and overall pretty gross, but you’re more than grateful for it at that moment. You lick your lips when he pulls his arm back down, the small bite marks already well on their way to closing completely. 
“Will you take me home?” you ask, suddenly overwhelmed with the wave of fatigue hitting you. 
He rises back to his full height and extends a hand out towards you. The second you grab it, he’s pulling you up from your chair to hold you flush against his form. Then, in another rush of wind, you’re standing on your front porch. 
Slowly, you pull away from the vampire to take a step towards your door. Your body aches, but it’s already mostly healed as you run a hand over the small incision at your waist. 
“Thank you,” you say. “Eric.”
He’s silent, looking you over in a way that you can’t help but think is more than just an assessment of your injuries. He settles on your eyes when he says, “Anytime.”
537 notes · View notes
lucidlivi · 2 months
she calls me daddy now
popping in with the supernatural/true blood crossover you didn't know you needed!
Warning: not suited for minors, strong language, sexual innuendos, sex, slight threesome, violence, blood, gore, major character death, blood drinking, blood draining, mentions of death, staking, vampire burning, major angst, heartbroken Dean
I will be working on other prompt requests soon but I had this idea and didn’t want to lose it, I hope you guys love it as much as I do!
A switch in viewpoints will be indicate in bold italics
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"Fangtasia? really?" I snort glancing at the boys beside me.
"Leeches with a sense of humor.. great." Dean grumbles.
"So much for mainstreaming, Louisiana has one of the highest disappearance rates in the country... 346 people in this last month alone. You and I both know what really happened to them." Sam says looking at the news article on his cellphone.
"And you're sure we're going to find help here?" Dean asked in disbelief.
"I mean there has to be some sort of order to things, even for vampires.'" I shrugged.
"And since we're not scoring a date with the vampire queen , one of her pawns should work just fine." Sam said as I watched the eager humans line up to get in to the famous vampire bar.
It's been years now since vampires exposed themselves to the world.
Of course we already knew of their existence.
However, with the invention of synthetic blood the vamps decided they wanted to become part of society, mainstream they call it.
It took the world by storm.
People were lining up to meet and more disgustingly volunteer to get bitten by a vampire.
It was sickening.
As you can imagine this did not go over well with the hunting community.
It was a question on everyone's mind.
Could vamps really change?
Could they be functioning members of a society?
In Louisiana the answer was no.
"I still don't like this." Dean growled as we took our place in line for entrance to the bar.
"No one does, but we have to try to work out some sort of treaty, some sort of peace between us and them, too many people are dying." Sam said.
Oh Sammy.
As if peace between vampires and humans was possible.
We were a meal to them, nothing more.
I could feel Dean's anxiety pushing in to me, making me anxious.
I grabbed his hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. He was quick to lace our fingers together pulling me closer to him.
He instantly calmed a bit.
Dean and I had an interesting relationship.
Sam, he was like my annoying little brother.
But not Dean.
Dean and I shared a connection that went deeper.
He and I just got each other.
We weren't what you would call a thing though.
A hunter's life didn't afford us that privilege.
I knew that no matter what we would always look out for each other and if something were to happen to one of us, the other would never be the same.
It was a terrifying feeling in our line of work, since a brush with death was a daily occurrence for us.
As we got closer to the door I slipped my hand from Dean's.
I could see a lady at the door taking ID's, and from her too straight posture and her perfect looks I could tell she was one of them.
I had seen a vampire or two in my lifetime so they were easy for me to spot.
I felt the air shift as we got closer, causing me to pull my leather jacket tighter around my body.
"ID." she ordered extending her perfectly manicured hand towards me, her eyes focused elsewhere.
I sized her up, trying to guess her age. If I had to I'd say definitely over 100 years old.
She looked experienced, which is how you could tell a vampire's true age.
After a moment of stillness she finally glanced up meeting my eyes.
She glared at me, as if I was beneath her.
I simply stared back at her.
She flashed her fangs willing me to fall at her feet in submission.
I could feel Dean tense behind me, ready to pounce if needed.
"ID." She ordered once again with a southern drawl.
I gave her a forced smile, pulling out a fake ID card.
If she knew it was fake, she didn't say anything, just let me pass. Sam and Dean were let in without showing ID much to my annoyance.
As soon as we were past the rope, the woman at the door disappeared.
I could smell the stench of sex, sweat, and booze as the doors to the bar opened.
If I thought the name was ridiculous, the inside was even more ridiculous. It was decorated in reds and blacks, really selling the vampire theme.
I scoffed at the patrons who were clad in leather and lace. It was like they were proud to be flaunting their flesh for the bloodsuckers.
Perhaps though the most ridiculous and tacky thing was the throne in the middle of the stage overlooking the bar.
My eyes traveled up the throne before connecting with a pair of icy blue ones.
Suddenly it was as if I was being pulled into some sort of trance.
His eyes boring into my own.
I quickly broke eye contact taking a moment to take in his other features.
A mess of blonde locks lay on his head.
His jaw perfectly defined along with his other facial features.
His hands that were gripping the arm rests of the throne, large and lethal.
He was frighteningly tall, even taller than Sam, and he was basically Bigfoot.
It was however the smirk that played on his lips that made my blood boil.
He knew what I was, just as I knew what he was.
A vampire.
Just the pawn we were looking for.
I noticed the perfect blonde woman from the door suddenly at his side, leaning over and whispering in his ear.
I could see her glance in our direction.
She was trying to be discreet but I was on to her.
She was warning him.
Warning him about us.
I didn't get to see anything else as Dean pulled me towards a booth in the back.
I took this moment to study the people.
It was sickening seeing so many vampires and humans mingling like they weren't bloodthirsty monsters, and the humans eager to be their next meal.
"So I think the big blonde guy is who we need to talk to." Sam said looking between me and Dean.
I rolled my eyes.
Is he serious right now?
"Really Sam what gave you that idea huh? The throne in the middle of the stage? The way all the other vampires flock to him? Or, or maybe it’s the fact that he's glaring daggers at us right about now." I sassed feeling the blonde's eyes burning me from behind.
"Okay so what's the plan then, I don't think he's going to talk to us willingly." Dean said ignoring my attitude.
"Well maybe not us." Sam said pointing between himself and Dean.
Dean looked around seeing the blonde man's eyes devouring my form.
"No absolutely not." Dean interjected quickly.
"Dean, it may be our only shot I seemed to have peaked his interest." I said turning my body fully towards him.
"We can figure something else out then, this is reckless and you know that." Dean growled.
"I know but I don't think we have that kind of time, people are dying Dean, people we swore to protect." I shot back.
"Yeah well I swore to protect you." Dean gutted.
"So then protect me." I said rising from my seat.
Dean was not happy, that much was evident on his face. I couldn't focus on that right now though. I was doing this.
I took a deep breath straightening out my jacket.
I slowly approached the throne, center stage.I could see people eyeing me with envy. I was only focused on the vamp, whose eyes grew more curious the closer I got.
I was about to take another step but was halted by another man, who I could tell was also a vampire.
"Sorry no one speaks to Mr. Northman without his permission." He growled at me.
I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes at this.
Who the hell did this vamp think he was, god?
"Chow, let her through." A strong voice spoke.
It didn't take me long to figure out it came from the vampire on the throne.
The man grumbled something under his breath before stepping to the side.
I took another deep breath striding in front of the blonde man.
"Mr. Northman I presume?"
"Please, call me Eric, and who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?" He smirked.
I thought for a minute if I should make up some fake name.
"And mind you I can tell if you're lying." He added, somehow reading my thoughts.
"y/n." I offered only my first name.
"What I can I do for you y/n?" He asked interested, as if I was going to offer him my neck.
"I think you know why we're here." I stated crossing my arms in front of myself as if it would put more distant between me and Eric.
"Yes unfortunately , it was only a matter of time before you hunters showed up."
"We wouldn't have to if you leeches kept yourselves in check." I bit back quickly.
"Well aren't you sweet." Eric smirked.
"Yeah not really."
I knew I should probably watch my tongue in a bar full of vampires. However, when my anger got the best of me, I couldn’t control the things that spilled from my lips.
"You have no idea who you're talking to do you?" Eric laughed, standing to his full height.
He towered over my short stature easily.
I wouldn't let him intimidate me though which is exactly what he was trying to do.
"So enlighten me then Mr. Northman."
"I'm a thousand year old viking darling, I'm not threatened by you or anyone for that matter."
"I'm not here to threaten you, I'm here to help you." I retorted quickly, acting unfazed by the declaration of his true age.
My statement resulted in another laugh from the viking vampire.
"Help me? Now what in that pretty little head of yours makes you think I need, or want your help." He whispered menacingly, clearly trying to threaten me.
I would have been a little more afraid had I not noticed the slight crease in his eyebrows as he spoke.
He was worried about something.
My guess, pressure from his boss to solve his little vampire problem.
Creatures couldn't function without it.
I couldn't fight the smirk that made it's way to my face.
"I think you're worried, 346 bodies is a lot of bodies to hide, I mean we know that they didn’t really disappear did they? Also isn't it your job to keep all these vampires in line? I'm guessing a bunch of rogue vampires going on a killing spree doesn’t exactly fair well with your boss." I taunted.
I knew I pushed it too far when his fangs popped out with a click.
He quickly wrapped a hand around my throat causing Dean to shoot up, pulling out his gun loaded with ultraviolet emitting bullets.
If Eric saw him, he was completely unfazed by his actions.
I gave Dean a look, telling him to wait before he starts blindly shooting in a room full of vampires.
I could handle myself well, Dean knew as much.
“Don’t you tell me how to do my job.” he growled his hand squeezing a little tighter around my throat.
"Do your job then." I spat, pushing him a little further.
Eric then looked deeply in my orbs as his glazed over.
He spoke in an enchanting voice.
"Now you and your little gang of hunters are going to leave my bar, but before you go, you're going to let me taste you while your boyfriend over there watches me."
I knew what he was trying to do.
He was trying to what they call "glamor" me.
Get in my head.
Control me and my thoughts.
No man controls me.
"No offense Mr. Northman but you're not really my type." I managed to squeak out, his hand still squeezing my throat.
Eric quickly released my neck with a confused look.
"Why can't I glamor you?" He growled in frustration.
I quickly turned around, pulling my shirt up slightly so he could see the anti-possession tattoo in the center of my spine.
"Turns out this isn’t just for demons, works for your mind tricks too. Eric this is my final offer, let us help you or we're gonna handle things our way, and then you'll have a lot more bodies to dispose of. We’ll be in town, it’s your choice." I threatened before turning away from the vampire.
I could tell he didn't take kindly to my threats but he didn't retaliate surprisingly, given his nature.
I could see the relief wash over Dean's face as I returned to his side.
"Looks like we aren't getting his help, let's go." I said knowing full well Eric could still hear me.
Dean tucked his gun away roughly grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the bar.
I could tell by his face that he was trying his best not to explode.
He was irate.
As soon as we were in the impala the floodgates opened and all hell let loose.
"Wow you've done a lot of stupid shit in the past but that has to be the most fucked thing you've ever done, what the hell were you thinking?" Dean growled.
I wasn't sure if it was directed at Sam for suggesting I talk to Eric alone or me for actually doing it.
“Dean come on it’s…” Sam started but Dean quickly cut him off.
“Stay out of this Sam.” Dean growled.
I guess now I knew it was directed at me.
“You can’t be serious right now?” I scoffed at his behavior.
“He could have snapped you like a twig, you gave him every opportunity.” Dean snapped.
I knew this was his way of saying he was worried about me but l didn’t like how he was going about it.
“I can handle myself.” I said with an eye roll.
“I mean what was your plan exactly? Badmouth him until he sinks his fangs in to your neck? You had no plan going up there, that was so irresponsible.” Dean continued.
“Yeah well he didn’t hurt me did he?” I scoffed.
“Your lucky he didn’t, you just act without thinking about the consequences.” He retorted.
“Yeah well sometimes you think too much and don’t act.”
“At least you don’t have to continuously save my ass!” He growled.
“Ugh would you stop treating me like a child!” I said my voice rising along with my anger.
“I will when you stop acting like one!” Dean yelled.
I rolled my eyes again, sinking back in to the seat. I was done talking about this. It was no use anyways.
I knew Eric wouldn’t hurt me.
I don’t know how I knew, I just did. He wouldn’t admit it but he needed our help.
I was extremely thankful to be pulling in to the motel parking lot. I jumped out of the car before Dean could bring it to a complete stop, slamming the door in a fit.
I could hear Dean throwing open his door and quickly striding up to catch me.
“We are not done talking about this.” He growled grabbing my wrist.
“I am.” I seethed snatching my wrist from him.
I walked in to my separate motel room, slamming the door in his face.
Dean didn’t usually yell at me, I had no idea where all this was coming from.
"Fuck!" I screamed, before quickly stripping my clothes wanting to wash away this evening and everything it brought.
I turned on the shower, steam instantly filling the bathroom.
I stepped in, the hot water relaxing my tense muscles.
What the hell was up with Dean?
Why was he acting so, so possessive?
He knew I was strong enough to handle my own, yet he was treating me as if I were some stupid kid walking in to the lions den unprepared.
I knew how to kill vampires, this wasn’t my first rodeo.
I was angrily scrubbing my body and hair, too caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t hear my motel room door opening, or the bathroom door for that matter.
I washed the shampoo from my hair before noticing Dean’s presence. It made me jump but only momentarily. He was standing on the other side of the shower curtain, his shoulders slumped over.
“I said I was done talking about it Dean.” I bit quickly.
I was expecting him to start yelling at me again, tell me how stupid I was being, but Dean didn’t say anything instead just stayed quiet.
"Dean?" I asked softening my tone.
Dean was never quiet.
Only when he was in his head about something.
Like I said we just got each other.
It was a moment before he spoke.
“You have no idea how worried I was for you, fuck y/n why do you care so little about your life when to me it’s everything?” Dean said, his voice being overtaken with emotion.
My breathing stilled at his words. I felt tears gather in the corners of my eyes.
Dean wasn’t the vulnerable type, never admitting how he was truly feeling, but here he was laying it all out.
Before thinking I flung open the shower curtain looking at him. His eyebrows were creased with worry and hurt.
I suddenly felt extremely guilty.
I didn’t want to hurt him.
That was the last thing I wanted to do.
Dean was my person.
I jumped out and flung my arms around him, soaking his t-shirt. He didn't seem to mind much as he wrapped his strong arms around me holding me tightly to his body.
I buried my head in the crook of his neck, allowing a few tears to cascade down my cheeks. His hand found its way to the back of my head stroking my wet hair.
“I’m sorry Dean.” I spoke quietly.
Dean’s hand traveled down to the back of my neck, pulling my head up so he could look in my eyes.
Dean and I didn't need words to convey our feelings.
Our eyes alone did just that.
I could feel the heat spreading to my core as his eyes devoured me hungrily.
Dean and I didn't cross this line often.
In fact only once before.
It was a dangerous line to be flirting with.
But in this moment, I didn't care.
Dean didn't either, for a moment later he was crashing his lips on mine.
His lips had a petal softness to them, but he kissed like a man that had been starved for months.
I balled his t-shirt in my fists pulling him impossibly closer. Dean's hand gripped my neck harder as if I was about to float away and he was the only thing holding me down.
I broke away but only briefly to suck in a harsh breath.
Dean pulled me back in again, devouring my lips.
He kissed me as if I was oxygen and he was dying to breathe.
I couldn't help the breathless moans that fell from my lips as I felt Dean's trapped erection on my already burning center.
I wanted more.
Needed more.
"Dean." I panted, hoping he would catch on.
Dean didn't bother teasing. He picked me up quickly kicking the bathroom door open, before gently placing me on the run down motel bed.
He was quick to dispose of his shirt.
I trailed my eyes down his body.
Dean was the kind of handsome that got into my bones, that spoke to me before he'd even said a word.
I licked my lips as I admired him.
I sat up on the bed, not being able to stop my self from placing my lips on his perfectly chiseled jaw. He let out a guttural sound as my tongue worked down to his neck, kissing and sucking, marking him as mine.
He quickly disposed of his jeans, freeing himself at last. He gently pushed me back down hovering his body over mine.
Dean looked at me as if he applied too much pressure I might break.
He trailed his hand down my body painfully slow, stopping to brush gently over my aching core. I sucked in my bottom lip to try to stop the needy whine that wished to escape but I was too late.
I needed to feel him, all of him.
Dean leaned down once again kissing my lips tenderly.
"I promise." Dean whispered pulling away gently.
I shook my head in confusion.
"Promise?" I breathed out.
"I promise to make up for all the years I was supposed to be kissing you." Dean rasped.
I felt my eyes prickle with tears.
I grabbed his head bringing his lips back to my own.
I don't think I'll ever get over the feeling I get when kissing Dean, it was warm, it was safe, it was everything I needed, because with Dean, sometimes kissing felt like healing.
Dean grabbed his erection, slowly rubbing his tip up and down my folds, torturing me with pleasure.
He grunted pushing himself through my slickness all without breaking our hungry kiss.
Dean thrusted at a tortuously slow pace, hitting my sweet spot with every movement. Dean buried his head into my neck, heavenly groans fell from his lips.
I moaned a little louder with each slow thrust.
I couldn't take anymore, I rolled my hips up meeting his.
Dean pushed himself even deeper, causing a sensual whine out of me.
"So pretty when you're whining for me."
I could barely think straight from the fire burning in my veins. I closed my eyes digging my nails slightly in to his skin.
“Oh fuck Dean right there.” I moaned feeling my orgasm making itself known.
I could feel myself clenching around him causing him to cry out in pleasure.
“Good girl baby, cum for me.” Dean whispered in a husky voice.
His tone and praise alone was enough to have me soaking his length, my walls contracting all around him.
Dean began to thrust harder and faster, chasing his own orgasm. When his rhythm became sloppy I knew he was close.
Dean gave one last deep thrust before I felt white hot spurts of liquid coating my still sensitive walls.
Just when I thought Dean couldn’t get more attractive, here he was looking like a god as he groaned, riding out his orgasm.
I could cum again just from the sight of it.
Dean slowly removed himself, satisfied when his seed spilled out coating my thighs.
"I think you're gonna need another shower." Dean smirked.
Dean was back.
I was about to make my usual snarky comment but a loud knocking on the door got my attention.
I thought it might be Sam coming to check on me, he has been on the receiving end of Dean’s wrath more than once.
I threw on a shirt and some sleep shorts before peeling the door open slowly.
I was not prepared to see Eric Northman behind it.
"You know for hunters you really need to cover your tracks better, wasn't all that hard to track you down, not with that sweet aroma you carry around." Eric smirked pompously.
I could hear Dean shuffling as he rushed putting his clothes back on.
He was suddenly at my side ripping the door open and glaring down the viking vampire in front of me.
It was the first time I saw them toe to toe.
Eric was definitely taller but Dean was unfazed by his size.
Dean was nothing to mess with either. He was lethal in his own right, and had more blood on his hands then he liked to think about.
"Now if you're done fucking your play thing, I'd like to talk." Eric said completely ignoring Dean’s threatening demeanor.
I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.
Oh god he heard that?
Of course he did, fucking super hearing ability.
"I think that opportunity has passed, we're no longer interested." Dean growled slamming the door but Eric’s vampire speed won out and he caught it seamlessly.
"If you could do me a favor sweets and calm your guard dog here, I believe you and I can help each other." Eric said once again ignoring Dean completely.
"I thought you said you didn't need or want my help?" I finally spoke, feeling my anger rising again.
"Oh don't be smug, it's humbling enough having to come to a breather for help." Eric said rolling his eyes.
I could feel Dean stiffen beside me.
He didn't trust Eric that much was obvious.
I didn't trust him either.
I was realistic though, and I knew our odds would be better with him on our side instead of in our way.
"Hypothetically speaking of course, let's say I was still interested in helping you, what then?" I inquired.
Dean growled from beside me.
“Excuse us for a moment." Dean said through clenched teeth, shutting the door, this time Eric allowing him to.
Dean sucked in a sharp breath preparing his lecture but I quickly cut him off before he could deliver it.
"Look before you yell, let's be realistic here, I think we're in way over our heads and having Eric on our side instead of in our way is an asset, even if I don't trust him, keep your enemies closer right?"
Dean's eyebrows furrowed knowing he couldn't argue with my logic.
"You were mad before because I didn't have plan, this time I do." I promised.
Dean placed a gentle hand to my cheek pulling my lips to his.
He knew Eric would be listening behind the door.
He wanted to make it known I was his.
I would definitely have to unpack this situation later.
Dean removed his lips resting his forehead on mine.
"Fine we can talk." Dean reluctantly agreed.
I gave him a small smile as I opened the door, seeing Eric standing there looking completely uninterested in Dean's show of affection.
"So then let's talk." I said nodding my head at Eric.
"Just you, no offense but I don’t think your guard dog will fit in with where we’re going, also you might want to shower first, if you’re going to be with me I can’t have you smelling of another man, and one more tip try not to look so much like a hunter, I’ll be back in thirty.” Eric ordered before speeding away.
“Fuck this, no way in hell am I letting you go anywhere alone with him.” Dean said.
“The idea doesn’t thrill me either but I’m just going to need you to trust me.” I said quickly going towards the bathroom.
Dean didn’t say anything instead followed behind me sulking. He shed his clothes stepping in the shower after me.
He huffed pouting as he took his hand washing his seed away from my body. I moaned as his fingers dipped in my folds cleansing me.
“I can trust you if you promise me you won’t do anything reckless, I couldn’t live with myself if you got hurt and I wasn’t there to help.” Dean said.
I quickly turned around facing him.
“I promise you Dean, nothing reckless.” I said standing on my toes to place a soft kiss to his mouth.
I finished washing myself quickly, then stepped out and towel dried myself.
I looked in my suitcase trying to find clothes that didn’t scream hunter. I settled for a sundress, this made me look more innocent, more naive.
Exactly thirty minutes later on the dot their was another harsh knock at the door. I took a deep breath opening it. Eric stood smirking behind it, clearly trying to provoke Dean. He let his eyes drift up and down my form very noticeably.
“If I didn’t know any better I would say you almost look normal.” Eric joked, that ever present cocky smile still on his face.
Dean wrapped a protective arm around me.
“I swear if you fucking hurt her..” Dean started but Eric cut him off.
“Down boy, she’ll be fine, besides I already ate this evening, though I wouldn’t say no to some dessert.” Eric taunted him.
I rolled my eyes at the pair.
I quickly turned around grabbing Deans shirt bringing him in for a feverish kiss.
Dean smirked in to the kiss hearing Eric sigh in annoyance.
I pulled away letting a hand linger on his cheek.
“I’ll be back.” I assured.
I turned towards Eric ignoring the arm he offered me.
“Well after you.” I gestured.
I saw the the expensive bugatti now parked outside my motel room.
A little over the top I thought, although I guess when you’ve been alive for so long your wealth is vast.
Eric smirked at Dean as he opened the passenger door gesturing for me to get in.
I gave Dean one more soft look before climbing in.
Eric zipped around clambering in the drivers seat. He peeled out of the motel at inhuman speed, making me grip the seat.
“So are you going to tell me where we’re going?” I asked annoyed.
“A tribunal meeting.” Eric simply answered.
“A what?”
“You people really don’t know anything do you?” He jabbed.
“Look if that’s how this is going to be you can just take me back.” I said rolling my eyes.
“You know your cute when you pout.” Eric laughed.
I rolled my eyes again ignoring his flirtatious comment. He was trying to get under my skin, and he was doing a damn good job at it.
“Listen just stay close to me, and don’t talk to anyone but me.” Eric said glancing at me.
“No this is serious okay, for me to keep you safe you have to listen to me.” He said.
I glanced at his eyes, and for a moment just a moment I saw some of what I believed to be sincerity. It made him almost seem…. human.
“Fine.” I grumbled.
He pulled in to a field in the middle of nowhere.
I really wasn’t thrilled with this idea now.
I took a deep breath feeling the silver dagger Dean slipped in to the waistband of my underwear. It wasn’t much but it could help me out, give me some leverage.
Eric got out zipping around to open my door.
I got out of the car looking fully at the scene.
There were a few other vampires there, most looked pretty ancient. It wasn’t their looks per say, but their demeanor, the way they carried themselves.
I saw a few humans too, one vampire was openly feeding on a girls neck. If I had eaten I was sure it would come back up at the sight. The worst part is the girl moaned as if she was enjoying it.
Eric smirked as he wrapped an arm around my waist leading me towards the group of vampires.
"Remember what I said, be a good breather and keep quiet." Eric said.
"Fuck you." I cursed under my breath knowing full well Eric would hear me.
Eric's presence instantly got the attention of a man dressed in an expensive suit.
"Eric welcome, and who is this lovely thing you've brought with you, she smells delectable."
"Easy now magister, she's mine." Eric said.
Oh hell no!
"Yours the fu.." I started but Eric quickly clamped his hand on my mouth.
"My apologies sir, quite the mouth she got on her, though it does come in handy." Eric joked.
I nipped at his hand covering my mouth as if telling him he was really pushing it.
"If you'll excuse us sir.." Eric said leading me away from the man.
As soon as he took his hand off my mouth, I raised my hand to strike him but he quickly caught it.
"Yours? What the fuck was that!? I am not now, nor will I ever be yours!" I growled.
"It's my way of protecting you, it's an unspoken rule for vampires that we can't harm or feed from another vampires claimed human, now that I openly claimed you, nobody can touch you or they have to deal with me."
I was still pissed at him but I shook my head in understanding.
"These guys, they're the authority?"
"Well sort of, we work for them, that guy was the magister, the judge of my kind, if you will. The others are area sheriffs like myself, we keep order in our area, and we're all here to talk about our little problem." Eric explained.
"And the humans are privileged to this information?" I questioned.
"No, you’re here to satiate us, but it doesn't matter what they hear they'll just be glamoured to forget, but since you can't be glamoured you better be good at acting." Eric said.
I nodded my head finally understanding.
I would be the only human to remember this meeting.
He was giving me information, leverage.
Eric was about to say something else when the magister cleared his throat getting the attention of all vampires present.
"Now stay close to me, and for fuck's sake act like you can stand to be near me." Eric whispered once again wrapping a cold arm around my waist.
I knew if Dean were here right now he'd be furious at Eric for even daring to touch me in such an intimate matter.
In fact Dean would probably kill him first and ask questions later.
Eric was right, Dean definitely wouldn't have fit in here.
I didn't fit in here.
I grumbled, leaning in to Eric's side, cozying up to him.
I had to pretend.
It might kill me.
But I had to pretend.
I could feel Eric's stupid smirk without seeing it.
"Stop enjoying this." I growled causing a chuckle to fall from his lips.
"Sheriffs, it's great to see you, unfortunately I wish it could be under better circumstances. You all have been gathered here because as you know your state has managed to gain the attention of the authority, and I can tell you they aren't happy. You were put in a position to keep order, lay low, push the movement along, so please someone tell me why it's a goddamn circus out here?" The guy who I now know as the magister yelled.
I could feel Eric tense beside me, his arm getting a little tighter around me.
I could tell the magister was in a significant position of power even without Eric telling me so.
"Sir it's the newborns, they're insatiable, unsupervised." One vamp spoke up.
"And who's fault is that, isn't it your job to handle problem vampires?"
"You wish us to kill our own’s progeny's?" Another quipped.
"Do you dare defy my order?" The magister threatened.
"No sir."
I was taking in all the new information.
It seemed that new vampires were being made, "progeny's" and being left unsupervised after their creation.
It was not only reckless, it was cruel.
"Well maybe the humans have it coming, all they've ever done is hunt us down and lynch us." A vampire beside us spoke.
I glance at him.
He was tall, not as tall as Eric but tall none the less.
He clearly thought he was holier then thou.
I guess he hadn’t come face to face with hunters yet.
"I mean we do kind of deserve it." Eric spoke, surprising me a great deal.
I didn't think he was capable of any compassion towards what he calls “breathers.”
"Wow I can't believe my ears, Eric Northman, the ruthless viking prince suddenly gets himself a human bitch and now he's mr. mainstream?" The vampire spoke turning and taking a step towards us.
Eric let out a warning growl.
"I would watch your next words sheriff, I’m not known for my patience." Eric said baring his fangs.
His hold on me got tighter, if that were possible, I was already trapped against his body as it was.
I could feel the tensions rising as both vampires hissed at each other.
I took my hand squeezing Eric's.
I was surprised when I felt him calm slightly.
It was a simple gesture that always worked for Dean, and seemingly Eric too.
It was a little way of wordlessly saying “I’m here, I got you.”
"ENOUGH both of you! Eric’s right, we all knew coming out of the coffin there would be risks involved, if you can't keep order the authority will come and eradicate your regions."
As in kill them all?
I was all for killing vampires, but that seems a little excessive.
I worried for Eric.
What the fuck am I saying?
I don't worry about vampires.
Vampires are nothing but killing machines.
They don’t have feelings.
Or do they?
I don’t know what I believed anymore in this moment.
"With all due respect magister this is complete bullshit." the previous vampire spoke again.
I could see the magister getting visibly angry.
"We are apex predators, the top of the food chain, and you expect us to just lay down and take it from a bunch of blood bags?" He continued.
I could feel myself getting heated at his words.
He was the epitome of the vampires we killed.
No regard for human life whatsoever.
"We don’t take it, we learn to control ourselves there’s a difference." The magister corrects.
He was all about pushing the mainstreaming movement along, that much was clear, but he could care less about humans as long as all killings and feedings were done in secrecy and done so as not to draw too much attention.
He was just another two faced authoritarian, pushing something he could care less about.
"You and the authority are out of your goddamn minds if you think..." He started.
In an instant the magister zipped over to him, producing a wooden stake before driving it straight through the vampires heart. The vampire exploded sending guts flying everywhere.
Eric quickly turned us around so I wasn’t hit by the debris but he was.
I let out a shaking breath as blood splattered the side of his face.
I didn’t think I would be getting this close to vampire politics tonight.
I was officially over it.
Eric looked in my eyes as if assuring me everything was alright.
The magister wiped some vampire guts from his suit before turning back to everyone.
“I think we’ve all learned our lesson yes?”
No one dared to speak so the magister continued.
“You,” he said pointing at one vampire, “clean up this mess’ and you,” he said now turning to Eric who was cleaning the blood from his face, “glamor your human and then come with me.”
Eric turned to me giving me a look, guess now it was time to put on an act.
How does one even act glamoured? A mindless zombie I guessed.
He stared at me with that glazed look in his eyes, the same one from the bar. He also had something else in there, but I couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was; mischief maybe?
Next came his enchanting voice.
“Yes.” I spoke quietly as if I was under his spell.
“Nothing happened here tonight, you don’t remember any other vampires being here, you don’t remember anything that was said, do you understand?” Eric ordered.
“Nothing happened here.” I repeated.
“Good…” Eric smirked pompously. “Now kiss me and wait in the car like the good little breather you are.”
I felt my insides boiling.
What the hell was he doing?
He knew I couldn’t say no to him.
It was either that or blow my cover to the magister.
I trusted my skills but not enough to take out an ancient vampire with a simple silver dagger, not while so many others were around.
I realized I was already taking too much time to think. If I didn’t act soon it was over, I was made.
I glared at Eric with furious eyes before leaning in.
He grabbed the back of my neck joining our lips.
I kissed him back with much reserve but he didn’t seem to notice.
He however kissed me gently to my surprise.
In fact he was kind of good at kissing.
What the fuck?
Shut up brain!
This was a vampire for fucks sake!
I willed the moment to be over but Eric was taking his sweet time tasting my mouth.
As we were kissing I tasted something metallic on my tongue.
I knew that taste.
I swear if he bit me, I don’t care who’s watching I’ll kill him.
I was confused when Eric pulled away and it wasn’t my lip that was bleeding but his own.
It was his blood?
I quickly turned around walking back to his car as instructed.
I was trying to soak in all the information.
At least now we knew what we were up against.
A bunch of unsupervised baby vamps.
Eric came back moments later getting in the car. I held my breath until we were far enough away from the field before speaking my thoughts.
“I don’t understand, why are there unsupervised baby vampires allowed to run amok, they need to be taught, isn’t that a little cruel, illegal?”
“It’s unfortunate not every vampire has such a responsible maker.” Eric answered.
“And your maker?” I wondered.
I heard the vampire call Eric a viking prince, I wondered just how he came to be what he was now.
He hesitated a moment before he spoke.
“Godric, he’s gone, he saved me from dying on a battlefield.”
I scoffed a little catching his attention but kept my comment to myself, further annoying Eric.
“Go ahead, say what you want to say.” Eric pushed.
“I don’t know how he saved you, making you crave blood to survive, making you a slave to the night, making you practically immortal, I mean that has to be really lonely, eventually everyone you know will be gone and then it’ll just be you.” I said glancing at him.
“It’s a good thing I don’t care for mortals then.”
“I don’t believe that.” I quipped.
“And I don’t believe you actually hate vampires, I saw how you reacted when the magister spoke of the authority eradicating our regions.” Eric pushed back.
“About that, can they actually do that?” I asked.
If vampires had enough power to eradicate entire regions I think we had bigger problems to worry about then a bunch of baby vamps.
“Yes, they can and they will if the problem isn’t solved.” Eric said slowly pulling back in the motel parking lot.
“So what do we do about it so that doesn’t happen?” I asked turning my body towards him.
“Just shut up, and tell me!” I said rolling my eyes at him again.
“I guess the only thing we can do, go on a hunting trip. If we can’t control them we have to eradicate them.” Eric said.
“Alright we’ll be ready then.”
“You and your dog can meet me at fangtasia tomorrow night, sunset, we’ll formulate a plan from there.” Eric nodded.
“Sunset.” I confirmed turning to get out of the car.
“Oh Eric, one more thing.” I said turning back around.
Before he could realize what was happening I balled my fist, sending it flying in to his nose. I heard a satisfying crunch as it connected.
“ If you ever trick me into kissing you again, I’ll kill you myself. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I smirked getting out of the car.
“You broke my nose!” Eric yelled out the window.
“Eh your a vampire, you’ll heal.” I shrugged, glancing once more at him.
“I know I’m a vampire but it doesn’t make it hurt any less.” He growled pushing his nose back in to position.
“Goodnight Eric.” I called one final time.
Eric rolled his eyes before peeling out of the parking lot, the sound getting Dean’s attention. He flung open the door pulling me to his chest. He inspected my body for any signs of injury but found none.
“Dean it’s okay, I’m okay.” I said placing a hand on his cheek.
I took him inside telling him everything that happened.
Well almost everything.
I left out the kissing part.
It would just further cause problems between the two, and besides I handled it.
He groaned when I told him we’d be seeing Eric tomorrow night.
He didn’t want to work with him but he agreed with me, that if we didn’t take care of this little problem we’d have a much bigger problem on our hands, i.e. an authority of ancient vampires that could eradicate entire populations.
“It’s nearly dawn, we should get some sleep.” Dean said stroking a hand through my hair.
I looked at Dean’s face, he had a slight crease in his forehead that only showed up when he was worrying about something.
“Dean what is it?” I asked.
“Who’s to say we don’t help him and then he turns right around and tries to kills us? I don’t want you caught in the crossfire.” Dean says sincerely.
“I know your worried but I don’t think he’ll try anything, he needs our help, besides he had every opportunity to kill me tonight, but he didn’t. Instead he gave us some pretty valuable information, which I’m suspecting he could get staked for if someone found out.” I said my mind traveling to the blonde haired vampire.
I had no idea why he was on my mind right now.
“Are you concerned for him?” Dean asked a look of jealousy and disgust on his face.
When I didn’t answer immediately, Dean continued.
“He’s a killer y/n, a leech, you can’t seriously be worrying about him?” Dean growled.
“I’m not.” I told a half lie.
“What is it then?” Dean pushed.
“It’s just everything might not be as black and white as we think that’s all.” I said trying to carefully chose my words.
“I mean they drink human blood to survive how is there any grey area in that?” Dean retorted.
“Some of them didn’t ask for this life, you know they thought they were being saved..” I trailed off thinking of the story Eric told me of his creation.
“It doesn’t change what they are.” Dean said.
I shrugged my shoulders. I guess he was right. At the end of the day they would still be feeding on humans to survive.
We were prey to them.
“I think we should get some sleep.” I said leaning up and pecking his lips quickly.
Dean was not satisfied with how we ended things but he didn’t push further to which I was thankful. Instead he pulled me in closer so my head was laying on his chest.
I felt the exhaustion starting to take a toll on my body, and the darkness starting to envelop me.
I reached my hand up to touch Dean but was surprised to feel the space empty.
Suddenly fingers were hooked in to my sleep shorts pulling them slowly down my legs. I groaned as lips kissed tenderly up my thigh, making my core burn with pleasure. I cast my eyes downward, meeting a pair of green ones.
“Dean.” I moaned as his head dipped down, his breath fanning over my center.
I didn’t know how Dean slipped down there without me noticing but right now I didn’t care.
Instead of devouring me like I wanted, his lips trailed back down to my thigh.
I could feel my blood pumping with need and desire.
“Beg me for it.” Dean commanded.
Didn’t need to tell me twice.
“Oh god please Dean.” I begged running my hands through his hair.
Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my thigh.
I gasped looking down but instead of Dean, Eric was there with extended fangs, licking blood off his lips
What the fuck is going on?
Am I dreaming?
I’ve got to be dreaming.
A million questions surged through my head.
“Eric?” I blushed trying to hide my body from him.
“The femoral artery, like the jugular if pierced wrong can cause you to bleed out in mere minutes.” Eric said licking my thigh.
I looked down realizing blood was seeping out from too little pin pricks. I could feel my heart start to race but it wasn’t from fear… rather excitement.
What was wrong with me?
Was I turned on by this?
“It is indeed the best place to draw blood, so pleasurable and not just for me.” Eric said dipping his head back down, sinking his fangs in to my thigh.
I threw my head back with a moan as Eric drank my blood. His long fingers trailed up my thigh, dipping in to my folds that were already slick with arousal.
Oh god this was so wrong.
But it felt so good I didn’t want to stop.
But Dean?
As I was about to push Eric away, I felt lips against my neck, a hand trailing down my shirt to play with my hardened nipples.
I sat up a little seeing Dean now behind me.
Okay now I know I am in fact dreaming. These two can’t even be in the same room together, let alone take turns pleasuring me.
Eric removed his fangs and started to devour my core, his tongue working expertly up and down my folds.
“Oh god.” I moaned, biting my lip.
Dean trailed his fingers down further and started rubbing circles on my bundle of nerves, making my body writhe with pleasure.
“Mmm such a good girl, wouldn’t you agree Eric?” Dean whispered with a husky tone that made my legs shake.
"Mmm, the best girl.” Eric said removing his mouth from my folds momentarily before diving back in.
I felt the coil in my stomach winding tighter and tighter, begging to spring free. The sensation of Eric devouring me with his mouth while Dean worked me with his fingers was too much to bare. I was so close and then….
I sprang up, gasping for air.
The room was still dark, however sunlight started filtering through the curtains.
I guessed it was just after sunrise.
I looked to my left seeing Dean sound asleep. Eric was nowhere to be found.
“Of course not dummy, he’s dead during the day” my brain screamed at me.
I wiped the sweat from my forehead trying to calm my racing heart.
Why in the fuck would I dream of Eric pleasuring me?
Dean makes sense but Eric?
A thousand year old vampire?
What the fuck was wrong with me!?
The worst part is he bit me, he bit me and I enjoyed it.
I deduced I was in need of some serious therapy and counseling.
I took a few deep breaths before laying back down next to Dean. I tossed and turned for what felt like hours before finally succumbing to pure exhaustion.
I woke up to a hand running through my hair. I was hesitant to open my eyes, my dream still at the forefront of my mind.
I was relieved when all I saw was Dean.
“It’s almost sunset.” Dean said placing a soft kiss to my forehead.
I groaned in response causing Dean to laugh.
“I’m not looking forward to this either.” Dean said getting out of the bed and heading towards the bathroom.
I sat up stretching my limbs. I was dreading having to face Eric after the impure dream I had about him.
I was still struggling to understand why I was dreaming about him in that way. I mean sure he was attractive, but he was a monster and I was the one who hunted him.
I didn’t realize how long I sat there in my head until Dean was coming out of the bathroom freshly showered.
I quickly collected myself so I didn't look like a mess.
Dean could NOT find out about this.
I rushed in to the bathroom turning on the cold water. I splashed my face a couple times trying to calm my shaking hands.
Get it together.
I stepped out getting dressed for the night. Dean was already ready to go, reloading uv bullets in both guns.
“Sam?” I asked lacing my boots.
“He’s keeping the police off our backs for now, he’ll meet up with us later.” Dean said tossing me my weapon.
I grabbed some colloidal sliver as well as a couple silver daggers.
“Alright, let’s do this.” I sighed.
Dean grabbed my hand pulling me to his chest.
“If shit goes down, you get out, and I’ll come find you.” Dean said placing a gentle hand on my cheek.
“You and I both know that isn’t happening, we’re in this together, until the end.” I said looking deeply in his eyes.
Dean leaned down capturing my lips in a passionate kiss.
I wished desperately we could just stay in this moment but that was a fairytale and our lives were anything but. It was more like a constant nightmare if you asked me.
Dean pulled away giving me a silent nod.
It didn’t take us long until we were sat in the fangtasia parking lot.
“If he tries anything, I will kill him.” Dean said pulling the safety off his gun.
“I know you will, you’ve only been chomping at the bullet to since we’ve met him.” I said mimicking his actions.
Dean shrugged knowing I wasn’t wrong. I saw the blonde lady from before opening the door. I guess that was our invitation to go in. I tucked away my gun, climbing out of the impala.
“Oh great they’re back.” The blonde lady spat sarcastically.
“It’s nice to see you again too.” I bit back.
“Pam, play nice now, these humans are here to help us.”
I gulped as soon as I heard his voice.
My mind flooded with the images of him tucked between my legs, my blood dripping off his fangs.
Dean must’ve noticed my unease. He put a hand on the small of my back giving me a reassuring pat.
I pushed past the blonde lady, Pam I now knew was her name, and I walked in to the empty bar. It sure looked a lot different with the lights on. Eric once again was sitting on his ridiculous throne. He smirked at me as soon as our eyes connected.
Dean was quick to catch up with me.
He stood so his shoulder was slightly blocking me from Eric.
“So what’s the plan?” Dean growled.
“Oh no formal introductions, straight to the point huh.” Eric taunted looking at me.
“Eric please, save the jokes, let’s get this over with.” I sighed.
“I for one had a great time last night.” Eric smirked.
I glared at him, silently telling him to shut up.
Dean didn't know about the kiss, and if he found out now, he'd kill Eric and then maybe me.
“Well except for that little part where you broke my nose.” He said.
As he said this the blonde lady flashed her fangs at me. Dean immediately shifted pulling his gun and aiming it at Pam.
“Pam stand down.” Eric commanded.
Pam was protective of him, that was abundantly clear.
I was starting to put the pieces together.
Pam was his progeny.
He created her just as Godric created him.
Dean slowly lowered his gun once there was no threat to me anymore. He gave me a incredulous look as I hadn’t told him that part of the story.
“It looks to me you healed just fine, now please let’s get on with it.” I sassed him.
“As you wish, follow me.” Eric said standing from the throne.
“Where?” Dean quickly ordered.
“What you don’t trust me?” Eric taunted him.
“I don’t trust bloodsuckers no.” Dean retorted.
“Ha, I could snap you in half in just a matter of seconds” Eric threatened.
“I’d really like to see you try, give me a reason to fry you.” Dean growled cocking his gun.
Ugh these two were incorrigible.
“Ok enough of the dick swinging contest are we doing this or not?” I asked rolling my eyes at the men.
I could see Pam for once in agreement with me.
I gestured for Eric to show us what he wanted to. He walked down a hallway leading us to a stairwell.
“Is this your dungeon or something?” I joked.
“Yes.” Eric answered seriously.
Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.
“You first.” Dean growled not trusting Eric to go behind him.
“Guests first, I insist.” Eric said opening the door.
“Seriously?” I groaned, pushing past both men, and starting to walk down the steps.
I heard footsteps following behind me, they weren’t heavy like Dean’s so I knew they were Eric’s. He was close behind me.
I felt a chill run down my spine the closer he got.
“So, tell me y/n have any good dreams lately?” Eric whispered in my ear.
I about lost my footing, as my face went pale.
He knew?
How the fuck did he know that?
I quickly pulled myself together, I wouldn’t let him get under my skin.
“Yes in fact, Dean was in all of them.” I bit back.
“I bet he was.” Eric smirked.
I could hear some low growling sounds as we got to the bottom of the stairs.
He wasn’t kidding it really was a dungeon down here.
I felt Dean once again at my side.
Eric disappeared for a moment pulling a lever.
I heard the growling get louder, a vampire descended from the ceiling suspended by silver chains.
He thrashed around trying to break free, the silver burning his skin as he did so.
“I found this one feeding on a human right outside my bar, he’s new, not yet a month old.” Eric said.
“A newborn, I’m guessing his maker is nowhere to be found.” I said eyeing up the vamp.
He looked weak, I would guess he’d been down here for a few days, starved of blood.”
“Oh on the contraire, his maker is very much around, in fact he’s responsible for the surge of newborns, that’s where we need to go.” Eric said.
“How do you know that?” I asked him.
“We’ve been spending a lot of quality time together lately.” Eric joked.
“Where’s his maker?” Dean asked.
“Only thing I can’t get out of him. What do you think she’s for?” Eric asked nodding at me.
Dean was quick to put an arm out in front of me.
Before Dean could protest Eric spoke.
“Tell me guard dog do you know her blood type?” Eric asked Dean.
“AB Negative.” Dean answered quickly.
I was a little shocked that he knew that, but I guess I had to be given blood a time or two since we started hunting.
“Yes, the rarest of all blood types, a delicious treat for a vampire, a treat that is very very hard to resist.” Eric answered.
Oh great so basically I was crack for vampires.
“I’m not giving any of my blood.” I growled.
“Oh you won’t have to.” Eric said stepping closer to me. “Just your scent alone will drive him mad.” Eric added inhaling.
“Fine.” I said rolling my eyes.
“If it even moves an inch, I’m shooting.” Dean says taking aim at the newborn vampire.
I took a few steps closer to the still thrashing vampire.
Eric was right, as soon as I was within distance, his fangs popped, his neck craned to hiss at me.
“I don’t think you want to do that.” I warned.
He hissed again in response.
“See that gun, it’s loaded with uv administering bullets, it’ll feel like the sun is invading every part of your body, it will be a most unpleasant sensation.” I explained.
Dean aimed the gun a little higher, waiting for the vampire to make a wrong move.
“Don’t make him have to use it, all you have to do is tell us where your maker resides, and all this can go away.”
“Fuck all of you.” The vampire spat.
“Why are you protecting him?” I asked circling him.
“He’s my master.” He answered.
“Well he clearly doesn’t care about you, he left you to fend for yourself.” I pushed.
“He released you?” Eric questioned coming closer to me.
“Yes.” The vampire answered.
“You are no longer his problem then.” Eric said.
“You have no loyalty to him.” I added.
“Shut up all of you please.” The vampire cried out.
Eric and I were trying to break him down, and it was working.
“He wouldn’t care if we killed you right here right now, in fact he wouldn’t even think twice about it.” Eric pushed farther.
“In fact he’ll probably just make another to take your place, it’ll be like you never existed.” I said.
“I think we’ll go ahead and do just that.” Eric said popping out his fangs.
“Alright stop, please I’ll tell you, just don’t kill me”.
Eric gave me a satisfied look before going in the newborn’s face.
“Where is he?” Eric growled.
“He’s got a whole nest next to the old cemetery, he’s stashing humans there to feed us. Please now let me go, I did what you wanted.” He begged.
“You’ve been a great help.” Eric said putting his hand through the newborns chest producing his heart.
I could see betrayal flash on the newborns features as blood seeped from his mouth.
I turned away as Eric crushed his heart in his hand, causing the newborn to explode in to pieces.
“Was that necessary?” I asked kicking a chunk of vampire guts away from me.
“Yes, he broke the law so he must suffer the true death. It was either this or let your boyfriend fry him from the inside, I gave him a quick way out.” Eric said.
I took a deep breath, I needed to get out of here, the smell of vampire guts was starting to make me sick. I ran up the stairs, hearing both men trailing behind me.
“You mortals have such weak stomach’s.” Eric said going behind the bar.
He quickly produced a glass of water for me. I took it gratefully, choosing to ignore his comment.
“I need to go call Sam.” Dean said.
“I’ll be fine, go ahead.” I nodded.
“It’s not you I don’t trust.” Dean said glaring at Eric.
“If I wanted to kill either of you I would’ve done it by now.” Eric shrugs.
“Yeah well I’m still debating about killing you.” Dean said.
“For once we agree on something.” Eric retorted.
“For the love of god both of you stop acting like children!” I said slamming my hand down on the bar top.
I walked to the other side of the bar taking a seat in an empty booth. I was tired of the back and forth. Dean gave me a apologetic look before stepping out to call Sam.
I rolled my eyes as Eric joined me in the booth.
“What do you want now?” I groaned.
“Quite a temper he’s got on him.” Eric said.
“I can see you got your own guard dog.” I said nodding my head towards Pam who looked like she wanted to rip my head off for even daring to breathe the same air as her maker.
“Yes Pam, she’s my..” He started.
“Your progeny.” I cut him off.
“How did you know that?”
“I’m not completely dim Eric, I put the pieces together. I saw how you looked when talking about your maker, it’s the same way Pam looks at you.” I shrugged.
“Jealous?” Eric smirked.
“Did you save her too?” I asked ignoring his comment.
“Yes in fact I did. I didn’t set out to create Pam, but if I didn’t turn her she was going to die, and Pam had a hard life, I thought she deserved a little good.” Eric spoke tenderly.
“I guess you didn’t leave her at least.” I said.
“I never would, I made her this way, it’s my responsibility to look out for her, teach her, just as Godric did me.” Eric said.
“Hmm so you can insightful, good to know.” I said offering him a nod.
“You never answered my question earlier, any good dreams lately?” Eric smirked.
I rolled my eyes at his teasing.
“I guess you’ll never know.” I shrugged.
“I have a feeling your boyfriend doesn’t know either.” Eric pushed.
“Okay I’m debating on killing you now.” I said annoyed.
“It’s okay if you did dream of me, I mean it is a side effect of taking my blood after all.” Eric said nonchalantly leaning back in the seat.
I spit out the water I was drinking as the words left his lips.
“Wait what?”
I don’t remember taking his blood.
I remembered then the kiss, when I pulled away Eric had blood on his lip.
“You see when we kissed, I accidentally cut my lip on my fang and you drank some of my blood. It was what allowed you to break my nose, it gave you a boost of strength. Unfortunately it does come with a few side effects.” Eric explained.
I somehow didn’t believe that.
“You mean when you forced me to kiss you.” I growled.
“Ah yes forgot about that little detail.”
“Yeah what else did you forget to tell me?” I asked balling my fists.
“You see now that you have my blood inside you, I’ll be able to locate you quickly, and I can feel the things you feel. In return your innately more attracted to me, dreaming of me. You and I are bonded now.” Eric explained.
I suddenly felt very violated.
“I didn’t want that, I didn’t want any of this.” I bit.
Eric chuckled and leaned in close.
“Oh come on you’re not fooling anyone.” He whispered.
I could feel my heartbeat uptick just from his proximity to me. I couldn’t control it, it was as if it completely shut my brain out and was thinking on its own.
“I don’t want anything to do with you, in fact I can’t wait for this whole thing to be over so I never have to see you again.” I growled.
“I think you’re forgetting I feel what you feel, I know that’s a lie.” Eric said sliding a little closer.
“It’s not.” I defended.
“I know you want me.” Eric said placing one of his large hands on my thigh.
I sucked in a sharp breath trying to calm myself.
“You want me just as much as I want you.” Eric added trailing his hand upwards.
I quickly jumped up causing his hand to fall.
“Sorry you’re dead wrong I love Dean.” I growled walking away from him.
I was relieved when Dean came back. I quickly walked over to him wrapping my arms around him. He was surprised for a minute but hugged me back.
I can’t believe I admitted my love for Dean, to Eric of all people.
I seriously needed some therapy now.
“Sam’s going to meet us there.” Dean said.
I nodded my head.
“Let us get a few things and we’ll meet you there.” I nodded to Eric. 
“No chance, I’m coming with you. I don’t trust you mortals either.” Eric said grabbing his jacket.
I guess that was fair.
“Eric, I’m coming with you.” Pam spoke.
“No Pam, I need you to stay here and handle opening. I’ll be fine don’t worry about me.” Eric said walking over to her and placing a kiss on her forehead.
Pam gave me a look, one that said if he gets hurt you’re dead.
I gave her a silent nod that it would be fine. I wouldn’t let Dean kill him.
I might still kill him, but Dean won’t.
Eric followed us back to the impala.
I opened the trunk where we stored all our weapons, or most of them at least. I grabbed a silencer putting it on the end of my pistol, the last thing we needed was to attract more attention.
I grabbed some silver chains as well as some silver bullets in case we ran out of the uv ones. I grabbed a wooden stake, before turning back around.
“Really?” Eric asked rolling his eyes.
“I would stay out of the crossfire if I was you.” I threatened.
Dean smirked as he shut the trunk.
Eric zipped to the old cemetery while Dean and I drove. I could see headlights at the entrance belonging to Sam.
It was eerily quiet.
Eric led the way as Sam, Dean and I aimed our guns, taking in our surroundings.
We walked a few steps seeing and hearing nothing.
“I don’t think anyone’s here.” Sam said.
Of course as he said that, a newborn came out of the dark and lunged towards my neck.
Eric was faster and caught the newborn by the neck while Dean shot a bullet through it’s chest. It immediately sank to the ground in agonizing pain as the uv bullet pulsed in its chest.
As if on queue we were surrounded by insatiable newborns, all looking for one thing, our blood.
I took a deep breath.
“Dog, keep her close, her smell will drive them mad.” Eric said pushing me closer to Dean.
Dean gave Eric an almost silent thank you.
It was as if they were suddenly given a silent command to attack, the newborns rushed towards us fangs bared. I fired multiple rounds finding a different target each time.
I could feel my ears ringing from the gunshots as well as the wailing of newborns who were being fried by the uv bullets.
I stumbled crashing in to Eric.
He caught me quickly standing me up on my feet.
I ran out of bullets shortly after, having to resort to the stake and silver daggers. I was wrestling with a particularly strong vampire, my silver dagger doing little to deter it’s advances. I lost my footing falling to the ground with the vampire. I held an arm to it’s throat keeping it’s fangs away from my face.
It was getting harder and harder to hold it back. I suddenly felt blood splatter on my face as a wooden stake stuck out of the vampires chest.
“Oh fuck.” I heard the vampire groan before exploding.
Dean quickly picked me up brushing me off.
“Dean watch out.” I called.
A vampire was approaching him quickly.
But this one wasn’t a newborn.
It moved far better, it was more experienced.
It was the maker we had been looking for.
And it was coming straight for Dean.
I didn’t know what I was doing until I was already moving.
I quickly shoved Dean out of harm’s way.
 I felt a hand go around my neck and teeth sink in to my flesh.. and then I felt nothing.
“Dean watch out.” I heard her voice call.
Before I had time to react I was being shoved to the side. I looked up to see a vampire grab her by the neck and sink his teeth in to her throat.
“No!” I screamed, grabbing my gun and firing six or seven silver bullets in to it’s chest.
Eric noticed the commotion and ran up behind the vampire pulling it’s heart out ultimately ending it.
I quickly ran over as y/n slumped to the ground, her hand going up to try and cauterize her wound. I quickly replaced her hand with my own, putting as much pressure as I could to stop the bleeding. I felt the tears already welling up in my eyes as the blood gushed from her neck despite the pressure I applied.
“Dean.” I heard her gasp, her eyes filling with tears.
I was soon joined by Sam.
“Dean, her jugular is severed, what do we do.” Sam panicked.
I didn’t know what to do.
She was losing too much blood too fast.
I let out a sob running my other hand down her cheek.
“It’s okay baby don’t worry, you’re going to be okay.” I sobbed kissing her forehead.
“Dean it’s okay I’m not afraid.”
How could she say it’s okay.
Nothing is okay!
“It’s not okay, please just hang on.” I cried.
“Dean, I’m in the arms of my first love, I’m with the only man I’ve ever loved, I’m okay.” I could hear her choke barely getting it out.
She loved me?
It was the words I had been longing to hear for years, but not now.
“I love you too, I love you so much which is why you can’t leave me.” I begged.
I looked over seeing Sam now crying too.
I looked back to her face, noticing it go paler and paler.
My hand was doing little to stop the massive blood loss.
Her eyes slowly fluttered shut as she lost consciousness.
She was dying.
My love, my world, dying in my arms.
I couldn’t let that happen.
I wouldn’t.
I gently laid her down, grabbing my gun.
I pointed it at Eric who was standing there just watching with furrowed brows.
He acted like he was hurt by the situation, like he cared about her.
“Change her.” I growled.
“Dean, you can’t.” Sam said as he started standing up.
“Sit the fuck down Sam.” I screamed at him.
I turned back around to Eric who still hasn’t moved.
“I said fucking change her, now.” I hissed.
He made no movements.
I fired a single silver bullet right in to his shoulder making him hiss in pain.
“I’m not asking again fucking do it.” I screamed.
“I don’t think you know what you’re asking for.” Eric said.
“I don’t care, I’m not losing her, do it.” I said.
I wasn’t thinking straight, all I could think about was that I didn’t want to live without her.
“I don’t even know if it’ll work.” Eric growled getting closer.
“Try, you fucking owe us that much.” I growled.
Eric gave me one last look before sinking his fangs in her neck wound, completely draining her of blood.
I sank to my knees as he bit his wrist forcing it in her mouth.
“I need you to start digging a hole big enough for the both of us.” He said once her heartbeat stopped.
“Why?” Sam asked.
“It’s either that or she dies from sunlight exposure.” He growled dripping more blood in to her mouth.
“Sam go.” I growled.
“Dean you can’t be serious with this?” Sam protested.
“Goddamnit Sam go.” I yelled.
He gave me one last look before running off to dig a hole. Eric finally yanked his wrist away going to help Sam dig. I crawled over to her now lifeless body.
“I’m so sorry baby, this is all my fault.” I sobbed on her chest, not caring that I was getting covered in her blood.
I didn’t protect her.
I should’ve protected her.
It should’ve been me.
“Alright move.” Eric growled pushing me off of her.
I grabbed my gun pointing it at him. I wanted nothing more than to kill him right then and there, but if this worked, she would need him.
He lifted her carefully in his arms jumping down in the hole that was dug. He gently laid her down, before laying down himself and cuddling her body to his chest.
I couldn’t stand the sight,
“Now cover us up. No sunlight can seep through or we’ll both die.” He growled.
“How will I know if it worked?” I said utterly defeated.
“If she wakes up tomorrow night, you’ll know.” Eric said.
I grabbed a shovel dumping dirt over them.
I couldn’t stop the tears from falling as I buried her.
Once I was sure she was far enough underground I collapsed as my body racked with sobs.
“Dean what did you do?” Sam questions sitting down beside me.
“I don’t know Sam, I couldn’t let her go.” I cried.
“It would’ve been better than this, Dean she wouldn’t want this.” Sam said.
I felt rage cloud over my eyes. I turned around shoving Sam.
“It wouldn’t have been better how can you say that?” I seethed.
“Dean I loved her too.” He started.
“No you didn’t, not like I did.” I whispered.
“So what you’re just going to wait here until tomorrow night?” He scoffed.
“If I have too.” I snapped.
I didn’t care what it took.
I was going to see her again.
“I’m sorry Dean but I can’t be part of this, I won’t.” Sam said.
I didn’t answer him.
If he didn’t want to be apart of this then he can go.
“Dean?” Sam pushed again as if he was going to change my mind.
When I didn’t answer him for the second time he finally left.
I brought my knees to my chest laying down beside the pile of dirt that contained her. I felt as if I died right along with her.
Am I dead?
Is this what death is like?
A permanent darkness?
I felt something cold and heavy on my body.
Where was I?
I can’t remember anything.
I felt something stir beside me alerting all of my senses.
I tried to move my hand and realized I was surrounded by dirt.
Was I buried alive?
What was going on?
I was panicking now.
I quickly started digging trying to free myself.
I was suddenly being ripped from the dirt by a strong hand.
Moonlight flooded my eyes as I took a sharp breath in.
It however provided no relief to my burning throat.
“It’s okay, everything is okay.” I quickly flipped around seeing a tall blonde.
I felt my memories come back like a flash flood.
Eric. Dean. Vampires. Death.
I died.
But I was still here.
That’s impossible.
“I’m a..” I started too stunned to speak.
“A vampire.” Eric finished.
I looked at him, suddenly feeling a pull towards him, an unexplainable urge to protect and care for him.
I realized then that he was my maker.
He did this to me.
“I don’t understand.” I said grabbing my throat that was still burning.
“I saved you, you were dying and I saved you.” Eric said taking a step closer.
I found that my vampire self didn’t want him to step away, I wanted him to take me in his arms and tell me everything was going to be okay.
“I’m so..”
“Thirsty, I know, I’m going to take care of you.” Eric said.
For blood.
I craved blood.
It made me sick, but I needed it.
Eric was about to take me away when a voice caught my attention.
I laid by the freshly dug grave until I could see the sun starting to set.
If this worked she’d be up soon.
Please god let it work.
I sat up when I heard something stirring.
Eric arose out of the grave, eyes clouding with fury when he saw me standing there.
“You need to leave now.” He growled.
No fucking way.
“I’m not leaving.” I pushed back.
“Look she will be insatiable, and you’re covered in blood, so unless you want her to have your death on her conscience for eternity you’ll leave.” Eric said this time putting his hands on me and shoving me away from the grave.
“It worked?” I asked ignoring his request.
I couldn’t believe it worked.
“I need to see her.” I said, standing my ground.
“I need to feed her, so unless you want to become her meal you’ll leave. This is the last chance I’m offering you!” Eric growled.
I hesitantly backed up.
I didn’t want to torment her new senses.
I sighed before jogging off in to the tree line so I was out of sight.
I watched as Eric stuck his hand in the dirt pulling her out.
She still looked like herself, but everything was more defined now.
I felt my heart break as her eyes looked around terrified.
Oh god..
What did I do?
“It’s okay, everything is okay.” Eric assured her. 
Her face contorted with realization.
“I’m a..”
“A vampire.” Eric confirmed for her.
I could see her heartbreaking for just her face.
She didn’t want this.
I did this.
Oh god.
What did I do?
I felt the tears start to cloud my vision.
I was completely selfish.
Sam was right, she didn’t want this. But I wouldn’t listen.
“I’m going to take care of you.” I heard Eric say as he went to leave with her.
I couldn’t let him.
I stepped out of the tree line.
She quickly whipped around in my direction. I saw her eyebrows contort in pain as she looked at me. Eric grabbed her hand bringing her to his side.
“It’s okay y/n, come here, I’ll help you.” I said taking a step closer.
She didn’t budge. Instead just stared at me with longing eyes.
I heard Eric chuckle making me growl.
“Remember that part where I said you had no idea what you were asking for?” Eric taunted.
“y/n come here.” I said again choosing to ignore him.
“Sorry, she only listens to me, she calls me daddy now.” Eric jabbed.
This was all wrong.
This isn’t what I wanted.
I felt my hands shaking.
What did I do?
Part Two: Coming Soon!
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hadassah4ever · 6 months
lukas matsson x f!reader smut
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warnings: decent age gap, reader has no survival instincts for plot convenience, no protection, and the fact that i haven’t written smut in such a long time, i feel like it’s not the best, but 👍👍
word count: 1,430
minors dni pls
The night was frankly, very boring.
Strolling around and seeing the art pieces that made you realize that you might’ve flushed $50,000 down the drain, but at least you got some good complimentary cocktails and horderves.
“You look bored out of your mind.” A man whispered in your ear from behind, almost making you look like a cat jumping away from a cucumber.
“I don’t like this bullshit… ‘cum on a canvas and call it a painting’ stuff either, it’s emotionle—“
“Technically it’s eliciting emotions from you by making you hate it. But maybe that’s just the art school in me.” You shrugged, turning to see a tall, blonde haired blue eyed man.
“Arts school? On daddy’s dime, huh?” He teased. “I wish.” You softly chuckled, shaking your head.
“Hm. Not a rich girl?” He asked. “I would’ve thought you were. Normally poor people don’t throw $50,000 into the trash like that.” He joked. “I have passion! I’m a starving artist!” You replied, softly chuckling and playfully rolled your eyes, not too offended at his teasing. “How’d you get in here? No offence, but I thought that looking at usele— very… meaningful, modern art was a rich person thing?” He asked, seeming genuinely more curious than insulting or gatekeepy, like most of the people here.
“They invited a student with a referral from their professor. And I was referred by my professor.” You answered. “What an insult.” He joked, you tried to shake your head and jokingly roll your eyes to dodge all of the tiny comments that made you slowly realize more and more you should’ve gone to business school, like your cousin.
“You just hate my future profession, don’t you?” You teased back. “Well, it’s the job that makes parents slowly nod and say ‘ahhh…’, so.” He shrugged, a smug smile on his face like he knew you were gonna laugh. “Ugh, I hate how true that is. I just wanna get out of here as soon as possible. It’s not boring, just terrifying.”
“You could get out of here with me.” He quickly replied, realizing he sounded way too eager. “I don’t even know your name.” You replied, coyly smiling. “Is that the only thing stopping you?” He asked. You shrugged. “I’m Lukas Matsson.” He spoke. “Now, do you wanna leave?” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes playfully and chuckle at that. He was cornier than he let on.
“You intrigue me. Sure.” You don’t think he’d have the gall to murder you or something after being so chatty in the decency crowded gallery, so what did you really have to lose?
You knew something was up when he rubbed your knee in the car. And the way he kept glancing at your tits. And giving you “fuck me” eyes.
“You’re alright with coming to my apartment right? No pressure.” He spoke, not seeming to just be covering his bases, but actually not putting too much pressure on you. “Sure, what else do I have to lose?” You joked, he softly smirked and told the driver his address.
You should’ve been aware about the fact that he could’ve been rich, but he dressed so casually, and not just the “hello fellow peasants, I am like you” kind of casual the way most rich people dress, but he was in a really nice part of town.
“Down for some random wine that people give me?” He asked, going into his wine cabinet, using his fingers to browse through several wines that would probably be a month's worth of rent for you, at the very least. “Gonna wine and dine me before taking me to pound town?” You joked, and as you silently cursed yourself for saying “pound town”, he chuckled.
“No, I’m just gonna wine you.” He answered, catching you off guard but still enjoying the banter. “So pound town is a non negotiable?” You joked. “Nah, we can negotiate that.” You didn’t know if he really cared this much about your consent or if he was just not trying to catch a case, maybe both, but you’d take it anyways. So far, he cared more about your consent than any person you’ve been with beforehand. Maybe you’d need to sign an NDA.
“I mean, if it’s a good journey to pound town, then I agree, but if I’m just gonna be a vessel, no thanks.” You teased, he softly laughed, picking out a bottle of wine and standing up. “I’ll make sure it’s enjoyable then.”
“Then I’m definitely aboard.” You softly chuckled, glancing at the ground and then glancing back up, Mattsson standing right in front of you, immediately leaning forward and kissing you, placing the bottle of wine on the marble counter with a soft clink.
His hands squeezed your ass, his semi-hard cock grazing against you, his hand found his way to your clit, rubbing it in somewhat rough circles, before stopping and his hand diving into your underwear, his slim fingers opening up your folds and feeling around for your slick, satisfied he grumbled a quiet, “So fuckin’ wet for me.”
“Could we move to the sofa?” You softly asked, snapping him out of his own head. “Huh? Oh yeah.” He answered, both of you scrambled to his couch, as you laid down, he placed his head between your thighs, his hands held your hips before his fingers dipped underneath the fabric of your panties, pulling them off your legs.
“You don’t seem like the guy who’s ready to eat a girl out at a moment's notice.” You flirtatiously teased, he paused for a second before breaking the brief silence with, “Not just any girl.” A similarly teasing smile but a slight, genuine look in his eyes.
That really shut you up, as you leaned back down, his mouth softly sucking your clit, his tongue and lips working together, his fingers moved around as he tried to find your entrance, quickly finding it, they dove in. You tried to resist the urge to clamp your thighs around his head, his beard softly scratching you as he ate you out, throwing your head back and moaning, you shut your eyes hard.
He was too damn good at this.
Within a few minutes he had you softly moaning about how you were about to cum, his mouth worked harder and his fingers thrusted in and out of you quicker, having you unravel faster than you ever have, he still worked his mouth and fingers even when your thighs squeezed the sides of his face, having you shaking.
He quickly pulled his head away from your core, the imprint of his cock ready to burst out from his boxer briefs. He slid them off quickly and you were a bit wary, his size was definitely gonna teeter on uncomfortable, and it was probably gonna stretch you a bit, little veins running up it, the pink tip leaking already. He opened your knees up once again and lined himself up with your entrance, “Tell me if it’s uncomfortable, ‘kay?” He spoke, after you nodded he slowly eased himself inside of you and to your surprise and delight, his size actually worked well fully inside of you.
“It’s good?” He asked, trying to suppress a groan. “Amazing.” You answered, he nodded and started to thrust inside of you, his cock curving upwards and hitting the deep, pleasurable bits inside you, he grunted and moved his fingers to your clit again, his hand resting on your pelvis as his thumb worked in circles, getting into the rhythm of it, he was eventually pounding into you, now using both of his hands to keep himself steady.
It was like a haze surrounded you, gripping onto his couch cushions and arching your back warned him of your impending orgasm, he noticed your inability to just sit still and take his cock, his hands pushed your hips down and continued to nail into you relentlessly, without any further notice, you constricted and finished around him, your breathing became shaky and every limb in your body felt like it was vibrating as he pulled out and came on your stomach, an impressive amount of warm cum hitting just underneath your belly button. His face looked like he just met god and his breathing became shaky as yours started to even out.
“Jesus.” He spoke under his breath. “Hardly anyone has been able to take me like that.” He muttered.
“Might have to pay for your tuition.” He added, in a tone you didn’t know whether or not it was a joke.
Maybe it wasn’t.
a/n: lukas definitely has feelings for the reader and i’d be willing to maybe add onto this if enough people want that.
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You and the Skarsgards are involved in the newest Hollywood scandal because after working together in a film the three of you are in a relationship and you’re very open about it.
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{ Submitted by: @clockgirl94​ } 
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nareclipwse · 3 months
me if being obsessed with older men was illegal
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11K notes · View notes
blackleatherjacketz · 8 months
All Better
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Eric Northman x Female Reader
Summary: You miss a meeting because you're sick, and Eric makes a house call to make you feel better.
Warnings: 18+ Only, Eric being Eric, Strep Throat, Antibiotics, Shoving, Blaming, Kissing, Glamoring, Hypnotizing, Manipulation, Power Imbalance, Healing Vampire Blood, Blood Drinking, Biting, Vampirism, Nipple Play, Licking, Cunnilingus, Female Orgasm
Read more Eric!
“You don’t look very good.” Eric states the obvious as his brows knit together in a look of, wait a minute, is that… concern that you’re seeing on his face? It must be the medication you’re on that’s blurring your vision and dulling your senses, because you’re pretty sure that ‘concern’ isn’t in Eric Northman’s emotional repertoire. “What’s wrong with you?”
It isn’t until he pushes you up against the wall, staring at your pale face as beads of sweat run down your temples that he understands why you didn’t show up to Fangtasia tonight or bother answering your phone when he called. The realization of your illness slowly melts that concerned look of his into a stoic expression of understanding, allowing his pupils to expand just the slightest bit before his lips part in silence.
“I’m just sick, it’s nothing.” You try to look away from him, tempted to fall back into your old habit of isolating yourself when falling ill, only he grabs hold of your chin to prevent that from happening.
“Sick, how?” That sense of understanding gets washed away in a flash, his brief display of genuine emotion quickly covered up by his usual curt and cutting tone.
“It’s just an infection, I know I should have called, I just didn’t think you’d…”
“Didn’t think I’d what?” He tightens his grip on your chin, bringing his face closer to yours. “Didn’t think I’d notice that my favorite human wasn’t there to greet me tonight?”
Favorite human? Did you hear that right? You can’t help but raise your eyebrows in surprise as he admits it out loud, albeit through gritted teeth.
“I was too weak to drive out there, I…” You mutter as his cool grip on your face chills you even more, forcing your body to shiver in its febrile state.
“Then let me heal you.” He offers, his eyes scanning over your shaking form before he brings his wrist up to his mouth.
“What?” Your arrangement with Eric has always been very simple; you show up once a week to let him feed on you and he pays you enough money to cover your mortgage each month. It had never been more than that though, never crossed any other carnal line despite your secret desire for more intimacy with him. He had never once offered you his own blood before, and the idea of it still kind of scares you, if you’re being honest with yourself. “Heal me?”
“So you won’t be sick anymore.” He loosens his grip on your face, his hand falling loosely around your neck.
“I’m on antibiotics, Eric, I don’t need your blood.” You attempt to walk away from him but he places his palm flat across your chest, forcing you back into position against the wall. Even his restrained amount of strength is too much for your weakened muscles to withstand as you wince in pain.
“Let me heal you.” He stares into your eyes, accessing your subconscious mind as you can’t help but stare right back, too tired to put up any sort of emotional barrier between the two of you. You’ve seen him do this to others before, convincing them to do whatever he wanted, whether that be to pay him back, run away or even kill someone for him. You just never thought he’d do it to you.
“Okay,” You hear yourself whisper almost immediately before taking his hand and leading him to the couch at the far end of your living room. You watch him sit down as if he’s already been there dozens of times before, as if he’s lived there with you already, as if he owns the place. You feel him pull you onto his lap, guiding your hips and thighs so that you’re now straddling him in the middle of your couch as his hands carefully smooth their way up your back.
“You’re shivering.” He grins as you settle into him, your pelvis slowly rocking against his hips as his hands find their way into your hair. “I can fix that.”
“Yeah?” As scary as the idea of drinking his blood is, the thought of letting this feverish hell continue any longer seems way worse.
“Let me take care of you.” Eric fumbles through the random items on the side table closest to him until he finds something sharp at his disposal: a ball point pen. He pushes the cap off with his thumb, smiles up at you before jabbing the pen into his neck so quickly, you barely have a chance to register what’s happening before he pulls you in closer. “Now, drink.”
You gasp as your heart races in a confused sense of horror, watching droplets of his blood ooze out of his wound and down the porcelain skin of his neck. Your lips begin to tremble as his fingers weave their way into your hair, pushing your mouth in closer to his throat as you attempt to fight your body’s natural panic response.
“Drink.” He instructs again, only this time more sternly.
Having no other choice but to do as you’re told, you open your mouth and lick the droplets of blood from his neck as he continues to hold you in place. It tastes a little better than you thought it would, a sort of salty mixture with hints of iron and blackberry wine that leaves a surprisingly pleasant aftertaste on the back of your tongue. Kind of like a rich Cabernet.
Well, that’s not so bad, now is it?
You open up again and start down at his clavicle this time, making sure to clean up any remnants of the fluid until you get all the way up to the puncture site, greedily suckling straight from the source. You can hear him moan as you lap him up, feel his grip on your hair tighten as you consume him, getting lost in the closeness of your bodies and the binding of your fluids. You’re sure that he can hear your heart beating wildly inside your chest, thumping hard against his as you wrap your arms around his torso to get even closer to him. You can feel his blood working inside you, healing you on a cellular level; each vampiric red blood cell eradicating any bacteria into oblivion as the weakness leaves your muscles and the pain dissipates from your throat.
“Enough,” he whispers reluctantly, now having to pull your mouth off him. “That’s enough, sweetheart.”
His words barely bring you out of your trance, his salty flesh no longer beneath your tongue as he tugs on your scalp to get you to finally stop drinking. It’s almost as if you’ve been brought back to reality after having one of the most intense dreams you’ve ever had as you watch his wound heal just as quickly as he had made it. You’ll never get used to that.
“It worked.” You exclaim gratefully. “I feel better!”
“I told you.” Eric grins as he runs his thumb across your bottom lip, reminding you that you’ve made quite the mess of yourself. “This is why you have to let me take care of you.”
“I’m not very good at that.” You’ve always had to take care of yourself in the past. One lesson that life has taught you time and time again is that the second you start depending on someone is the very moment that you’ll be disappointed.
“I know, but you have to let me do it anyway.” His eyelids drop halfway down as he looks at you longingly, gazing upon you in a way that you’ve never noticed before.
Maybe it’s that look, or maybe it’s the high of his blood now coursing through your veins that makes you suddenly feel compelled to press your lips against his, letting that vampiric confidence guide your actions. You keep them there for a few seconds, realizing that he isn’t pulling away from you, but instead is kissing you back with just as much enthusiasm as he pulls tighter on your scalp.
You’ve always wanted to kiss him, from the very first moment that you saw him. But something about him told you that he had women throwing themselves at his feet left and right; and you didn’t want to be like one of them. You were just grateful for the little contact you got when he fed upon you each week. You relished every caress of your cheek, every squeeze of your waist that sent shivers down your spine before he ended up drinking his fill. You never thought that he’d be interested in you like this, that he’d actually want you in that type of way at all.
However, his tongue now parts your lips as his kiss intensifies, all but moaning the truth into your mouth as if he’s been waiting just as long to finally taste your lips. His kiss is desperate and sloppy, so different from the perfectly put together business man you first met that night at the bar. His composure casually crumbles to pieces as his hands travel all over your body, frantically grasping onto your muscles until they find themselves in your hair again, his lips curling into a deviously satisfied smirk.
You feel him grow beneath his jeans, his clothed member now brushing against the thin fabric of your underwear as his hips needily writhe against your junction. His deliberate movements trigger that moisture to collect between your thighs as he continues his rhythm upward with several shallow breaths. Now stained in his own blood, his mouth ventures over every inch of your lips and chin before moving down to your jawline, licking a trail alongside your pulse.
You whimper in response, grinding your needy center against him as you brace yourself for the bite that never comes. Instead he lifts your shirt up over your head, exposing your bare breasts to the cool temperature of the room as your nipples harden in front of his face.
“You’ve been holding out on me.” He teases, letting go of the rest of you so he can graze his palms across them, sending a much more intense tingling sensation down your spine.
“I didn’t know that you wanted to…” Your breath hitches as he takes one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking hard before wrapping his arms behind you and turning you on your back. He keeps contact with your skin the entire time, pulling on your sensitive tissue as he looks up at you with those eyes again, dragging your tender bud in between his teeth.
“Really?” He laughs with a smirk. He moves on to the next one before popping it into his mouth while pinching the other, sending a barrage of little fireworks into your skin. “You think I make feeding contracts lightly?”
“No, I uhh…” Your back arches toward the ceiling as he sucks bursts of delight into your tissues, humming a sweet vibration against your skin as you all but melt beneath him. Pleasure being the last sensation you expect to get from Eric’s mouth, you can’t help but feel a little breathless as his fingers simultaneously tug your underwear down your hips as they instinctively lift off the couch cushion to aid in their removal. “It’s hard for me to tell sometimes.”
“You thought I didn’t want you?” He licks a languid path down your quaking abdomen as your muscles contract in hurried anticipation, beads of sweat popping up in his wake. He circles around your navel with his tongue, kissing a hungry trail down your pelvis while his hands help slide your panties off your calves and feet. He smiles and spreads your thighs as far apart as they can go, straining your muscles as he stares at you like a jungle cat would its prey before it pounces. “Looks like I could be a better communicator.”
His fangs drop and his eyes darken, wasting no time in settling between your thighs to take the bite you were wondering would ever come at all. Instead of sinking his fangs into your femoral artery to get the most blood in the least amount of time, though, he bites you just above your swollen center. He laughs as you yelp from the piercing pain, letting that red hot fluid spill down your already dripping wet seam before he dives in to finally taste it.
That cold, blood-thirsty vampire that you’ve known for the past few weeks finally comes out as he starts licking streaks of crimson up and down your puffy lips, spreading the blood and gore into your folds as his tongue delivers that tantalizing balance of pain and pleasure that you’ve only read about in books. He growls like the creature of the night that he is as he devours you, snaking his arms beneath your thighs to pull you in even closer as his mouth delves into your flesh. Unable to be sated, he flicks his tongue up and down your sensitive clit, sending signals of ecstasy up through your spine and into your brain as your eyes flutter with visions of shapes and colors you never knew existed.
Maybe it’s the vampire blood pumping through your veins for the very first time, or maybe it’s Eric’s skilled mouth that forces your eyes to roll back into your head. The way he keeps eating and drinking makes it feel as if each and every tiny hair on your skin is now alive, standing on end waiting for him to touch them, to give them permission to explode until your entire body begins to shake. You reach out for him in vain as the otherworldly sense of euphoria washes over you, forcing every muscle in your body to convulse in rhythmic waves as he relentlessly drinks from your bloody cunt. He glances up at you only to grin as your skin changes color, warming and cooling in phases as your orgasm violently works its way through your skin and bones and finally out of your mouth.
“Eric!” You cry out as he finally pulls back from you, licking his lips as you rattle and hum in the crimson mess he’s made of you. “Oh my God, Eric!”
“See?” He smirks as he watches you come down from your hormonal high, running your hands through his hair as he finally gives your bloody center one last lick. “All better.”
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secondhand-snow · 8 months
a body of impulses
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lukas matsson x f!roy!reader (succession)
★chapter 2★
wc: 7.5k+
warnings: toxic family dynamics, drinking, very mild violence, smut, virgin!reader, inexperienced!reader, corruption kink (if you squint), oral sex (f! recieving), fingering (f!recieving), handjobs, cum eating, spit, clothed sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), biting, so much making out, praise, size difference, no use of y/n
summary: The youngest Roy meets Lukas Matsson at her brother's birthday party. Limerence strikes like lightening. Self-control snaps. Attachment blooms.
author's note: I'm considering making this a short series? Let me know what you think! please consider liking, commenting, or reblogging if you enjoyed!
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It made you feel strangely childish, running through the darkened rooms of the event space, carefully stepping with bent knees to reduce your risk of falling from the extra few inches your heels provided you. Looking over your shoulder at the dwindling silhouettes of your siblings, you checked to be sure they didn’t think your disappearance was too suspicious. Of course, they were too transfixed with themselves. They were staring at the large, falsified, magazine covers of themselves hung on the walls of the open space. 
Connor was still making a fuss, comforted by Willa.  You noticed a few attendants coming over to begin the process of removing his personalized poster from public view. Meanwhile, Shiv and Roman had their heads together, no doubt constructing some plan to turn Kendall’s birthday into a business opportunity. You rolled your eyes lightly, turning back around to peer through the small crowd at your older brother’s bomber jacket.
“Ken… Hey Kendall! Wait up!” You called out to him, your voice only a little louder than your normal speaking tone to carry over the techno music. He heard you, apparently, turning to lock eyes with you. You trotted up to him, grateful that the room you were in was mostly empty of partygoers. The walls were big screens flashing with fire, the orange light lighting up Kendall's face as he looked at you. Flames flickered in the pupils of his eyes and you almost laughed at the ironic symbolism of the moment.
“So, I know Rome gave you something earlier, I don’t know what, but uh,  I got you a card too.” You opened your small clutch and pulled out a white envelope, Kendall’s name written on it in your neat cursive handwriting. 
“You did?” His eyebrows raised, accentuating the few rows of wrinkles in his forehead. Taking the envelope from your hand, he turned it around in his fingers, almost like he couldn’t believe it was real. You bit your lower lip and nodded, hands moving to clasp behind your back.
“Yeah, I um… didn’t want to give it to you around them,” you nodded your head in the general direction of the rest of your siblings. “I know things have been, like, weird… lately. But, It’s your birthday and I love you and so I got you something.” Smiling on the last word, your tone raised the slightest bit. Kendall’s brows were still furrowed, but he nodded and ripped the envelope open to produce the card.
It was a cliche store bought birthday card, the front of it adorned in a goofy catchphrase and the picture of a dachshund. You saw his lips twitch the slightest bit as he read the front, a full smile forming as he opened the card. The stereotypical joke’s punchline was delivered and sandwiched inside the folded paper was an old photo of the two of you as children. He picked it up between his thumb and pointer finger, turning it over to find the date it was taken and both of your names written on the back. 
A small laugh escaped his mouth, his pointed grin blooming over his face as he turned the photo to face you. Pictured were the two of you, outside at the Hamptons house on a sunny day. You were young, maybe a few years old and Kendall was an older teenager. The younger version of yourself sat on his shoulders, your hands coming down to cradle his face while his hands held onto your ankles. Your tongue was sticking out at the photographer, he had noticed your face and was in the midst of an open-mouthed laugh when the photo was captured. 
It was a nod to your younger years, when Kendall filled more of a fatherly role than a brotherly one. You had written on the inside of the card, the message reading: “Happy birthday Ken. I love you always, no matter what,” with a heart and your signature ending the note. 
“What do you think?” 
“Are you kidding, I love it. God, I- I haven’t seen that picture in years.” He tucked the photo back away and held the card in one hand while he embraced you. 
“Right?! I found it the other day when I was looking through some old diaries. That was such a good summer.” You beamed at him as you spoke. He hadn’t been this happy around you in weeks, maybe even months. 
“It was. At least, by our standards.” Kendall chuckled a bit with the memory. “This is- it’s just great. Thank you.” You pulled him into another hug, he tucked his nose into your hair and planted a soft kiss on your head.
“I’m glad you like it. I really love you Ken, don’t forget that.” You looked into his eyes as you said it, a sad smile on your face at the intensity behind your words. He just nodded, squeezing you tight one last time before releasing your frame.
“Here, come on. I’m gonna show you something.” He took your hand then, leading you through the throng of people enjoying his birthday party, nobody sparing him a second glance as he walked by.
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That was how you ended up with a rainbow bracelet around your wrist and a too-strong drink in your hand, standing behind the rope blocking off Kendall’s private treehouse from the rest of the party. Your clutch fell around your wrist loosely, your fingers prodding at the straw in your cocktail as your siblings bickered in front of you. 
“You’re getting worked up about a treehouse? Do you know how ridiculous that is?” Kendall shut the rope divider in front of Roman, turning his attention to a newcomer entering the space. “Hey, come in. Wristband him.” He nodded to the security guards.
“Yeah, wristband this guy. Uh, what’s his name?” 
“No idea.” 
“Good, so good. So random, unknown man and our baby sister can come in, but not us?” Roman talked with his arms, navy blue suit jacket riding up to show the skin of his wrists.     Shiv crossed hers as he spoke, rippling the green fabric at the front of her chest, eyes staring daggers into you.
“Yeah so the thing is, and- I already said this, she’s cool. You’re not.” Kendall gestured to you and you gave a weak smile to your excluded siblings.
“Fucking bullshit.” Roman ran a hand through his hair.
“See these two? Don’t let these two in okay. She’s good, they’re not.” Kendall pointed to the three of you as he talked to the guard, a tall blonde man in a black tshirt. “This is my treehouse. You shouldn’t be anywhere near here.” 
Shiv and Rome were in disbelief, still trying to reason with your eldest brother as he turned away from them and towards you. He put an arm on your back, guiding you to walk away from the scene and into the exclusive treehouse. You couldn’t help turning to look over your shoulder, glancing at your two neglected siblings with wide eyes. Roman had begun walking away, but Siobhan was still standing there, arms folded. As she caught your gaze, she rolled her eyes and shook her head in shock before finally moving to follow her brother deeper into the party, beginning to speak to him as she walked.
Kendall cursed under his breath as he led you into his treehouse. It was honestly eerie to see the structure again. You had too much of an age gap with Kendall to have played with him in it as a child, but on more than one occasion you had wandered up into it on your own, looking for a place to escape the aggressive family dynamic that arose wherever your siblings were in close proximity. There was even a time when you were a young teenager you had accidently busted Kendall for smoking weed in the treehouse during a family get together. He ended up paying you handsomely to keep quiet, which you did, never uttering a word about it to this day. You were nothing if not loyal.
The inside of this reconstructed treehouse was much different than the structure of your childhood. For one, it was massive. The treehouse you remembered could barely fit all four of you kids in it, definitely not the few dozen that stood milling about in the new space. The interior was dark. Black walls, wooden dividers and glass windows made up most of the area, with some modern light fixtures and lanterns set around to provide a warm glow. The outermost walls were made to look like the outdoors, a forest of sorts with shadows and cool tones to outline the trees. A wooden fence sat in front of the forest walls, making the entire space feel strangely like an outdoor balcony or patio. The music was lighter in this area, though still a techno party beat playing just loud enough that conversations were had in louder tones than normal. There were more earthy toned chairs, couches and tall tables filling the space than other areas in the event, and more partygoers milling about and chatting rather than dancing. 
“Oh here, come on.” Kendal had been talking, mostly to himself for a few seconds, just rambling about your shitty siblings. You tuned back into his words as he spoke in your ear and turned you in a specific direction with the hand on your lower back. Your eyes searched around the room, not recognizing what was drawing Kendall until he spoke again.
“There he is, Lukas Mattson. The Odin’ of codin’.” Finally you noticed the blonde man sitting just a few feet in front of you. His tall frame was dwarfed by the way he sat on the bench, lanky with one leg hitched up and a beer in his hand, but as he sat up you immediately recognized his face. “My man, my myth, my fucking monolith. What’s up bro? You havin’ a good time?”
“Do I look like I’m having a good time?” Lukas’s gaze darted from Kendall to yourself, your eye contact lingering for just a second long enough to provoke you to turn your stare to the ground in reservation.
“No, you do not.”
“I am not.” 
“Still haven’t figured out the socials, huh? Dude, you should get your algo guy to fix your code.” Your eyes lifted at that, and you smiled at the tone of your brother’s voice. Your hands came to raise the glass you had held at your side to your mouth. You drank through the thin black straw, the artificially colored liquid stinging your throat a bit as you swallowed heavily. Mattson didn’t respond to that, cocking his head at Kendall’s comment, pointedly looking at you, and shifting back to stare at him again.
“Oh uh yeah, this is my sister,” Kendall introduced you with your name, and you gave a small smile to Lukas in greeting. “Listen, heads up, my siblings are looking for you now.”
“And you led one of them straight to me?” He didn’t acknowledge your greeting, but his gaze continued to linger on you, a new softness behind his eyes.
“Yeah, well, she’s cool. She won’t try to get to sell your soul like the other two. Shiv and Roman, they’re like emissaries from the Grand Duke of Old. Dad wants to buy you, so he sent his winged dildos to schmooze.” 
“I shouldn’t say anything, even the look on my face is commercially sensitive.”
“But it makes, like, no sense, correct? Amtrak buys Tesla? If anything, you should buy him.” Your eyebrows furrowed the smallest bit at Kendall’s suggestion, turned your head to look up at him. He was too engrossed in his conversation to notice your confusion, but the way Mattson cocked an eyebrow showed that he did.
“You think?” You turned your attention back to Lukas, taking another sip of your drink. “Well, I really appreciate your impartial read.” He leaned his head towards Kendall, speaking lowly, like his words were a secret.
“ Kendall? Uh, Rava wants to say hi.” Comfrey had appeared behind you, moving quickly and quietly in a way you’d come to appreciate. You didn’t even notice her presence until she spoke, fidgeting with the phone in her hand.
“Sure, uh not right now. When I’m ready.” Kendall dismissed her and Comfrey slinked back into the shadows of the party, waiting for him to finish his conversation. “Listen, you should stay up here, okay? So you don’t get networked to fuck. Uh, here,” He spoke your name, addressing you for the first time since he’d begun talking to Lukas, “Keep the cronies away from him. And the sibs.”
“Um… okay.” It felt like more of a command than a request, but you agreed despite your annoyance.
“Yeah, yeah. Enjoy, man.” With a wave, Kendall left, following Comfrey into a new area of the night’s festivities.
You stood for a moment, awkward and self conscious, twirling your drink’s straw between your thumb and index finger. Biting your lower lip, you made eye contact with Mattson, realizing he had been staring at you this whole time.
“Hi, sorry, I don’t think we’ve met before.” You finally spoke, offering a small smile to the man in front of you. 
“No, we haven’t. I know you though. The youngest Roy? The virtuous daughter?” He motioned as he joked with you, the beer in his hand sloshing around in its brown glass bottle.
“I don’t know about that.” You laughed, moving to sit by him on the wooden bench he occupied. “You can’t believe everything you see in the media, I thought you would know that better than anyone.” 
“Maybe. Your lack of involvement with your family’s scandals speaks for itself, though. You’re a saint compared to your father and brothers.” His Swedish accent peeked through his words, making his sentences flow together like music.
“Well, I’ve had less time to fuck things up. I joined the company much later than them, I only finished college a few years ago.” Shrugging while you spoke, you tried your best to dismiss his implications. Your momentary status as a neutral bridge between your feuding family was something you couldn’t bear to lose.
Mattson hummed before answering, nodding his head slowly as he looked you up and down. “And you aren’t going to use this time to try and convince me to sell?” 
You shook your head, a shy smile coming to your face. “Honestly? I don’t really want to. I think you’ve already decided what you want to do, and no amount of my bargaining will change that.”
“You’re smart.”
“I try.”
Lukas grinned at you, “Do you always do what your brother tells you to?”
“No, I just want to make him happy.” You shook your head slightly, feeling a little embarrassed at your obvious obedience to your family. It’s not like you don’t think for yourself, it’s just that sometimes complying is easier than the alternative. “You’re not enjoying the party?”
“No. Are you?”
“Not really. Crowds aren’t my favorite thing. And these drinks are way too strong.” You set down your drink on the floor near the bench, the liquor was beginning to give you a headache.
“But you came to support Kendall?” You nodded. He raised his eyebrows. “And you still say you aren’t obedient to him?”
“I…” You bit your lip lightly, not sure of how much information you should really reveal to this man. He was an adversary, but something about Lukas made you want to be honest with him. Maybe it was his eyes, or his casual posture, but you felt like leaning into his warmth, however strange it may be. “Well, you did call me virtuous. Maybe I just need to rebel a little, give into impulses for once.”
It was a joke, you both knew it, but the smirk on Mattson’s face felt a bit serious. “That’s an idea.” 
You smiled at him, a little blush coming to your cheeks at the suggestion in his sentence. He had moved a bit closer to you through your conversation, and now his knee brushed gently against your. His hand comes down to innocently brush out a wrinkle in the skirt of your dress, resting gently on your thigh for a moment too long before moving away.
“Hey! There you are, fucking hiding from me. Like a human VPN.” The sound of Roman’s voice snapped the two of you from the silence of the shared moment. You quickly adjusted your posture so your leg was crossed away from Lukas, adding a bit of distance between your bodies. “I see someone already found you. How are you doing?”
“I’m all right, just enjoying the company. It’s just, uh, you can fill in the blanks.” You subtly glared at your brother as Mattson spoke, immediately aware of his attempt to cut you from the conversation.
“How’d you get up here Rome? I thought Kendall had you banned from the premises.” Roman perched on a chair across from the pair of you, rolling up his sleeves as he sat.
“I paid a girl to give the security a blowjob, what do you think?” Sarcasm was thick in his voice as he spoke to you. “Hey Mattson, uh, question. My old man- our old man,” He made a motion between you and himself, “got a bit grumpy this morning, but you weren’t trying to humiliate him, right? I mean, fucking everyone says, last big legacy content library, last big fucking super app streaming platform. We obviously fit right?” 
“People say we fit.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Roman runs a hand through his hair, a nervous tick you’ve come to know. You can tell he's worried at the frankness of Lukas’s responses.
 “Stargo is really, really shitty, though. Your genius would really help us out, if you end up selling to Waystar” You raised your eyebrows as you addressed Lukas. The anxiety radiating off of Roman made you want to pitch in, help him, although you still thought your haggling wouldn’t affect Mattson’s final decision.
 “I do have one question before we start these.. negotiations. Like, I don’t wanna be rude but.. What kind of shape is your father in? How long will he be around, we’re talking one year… five years..?”  Roman is shocked quiet at Mattson’s forwardness, his hands running down the sides of his face as he tried to formulate a response that won’t fuck the deal he’s working to build.
“Well, you mean, you just don’t want him hanging over you, right? Looking over your shoulder all the time, especially while you work” You ask in his stead. Lukas nods. “Well what if you don’t have to talk to him? Like, ever?” Looking over to Roman, you try to throw him a lead to jump back into the conversation.
“Yeah, you work out of, uh, Austin, London, Stockholm, Geneva, whatever. It’s just totally separate companies and we burn Stargo.” Rome catches up, making a contribution to your schmoozing. “And on the occasion that you need to send up a fսcking smoke signal from Geneva, then that goes through me.”
“We can do that together.”
“So, I know GoJo is your baby, and we don’t want to interfere with that at all. So, bearing that in mind, would you consider meeting with my dad?” Roman clasps his palms together and points them towards Lukas.
“Yeah, well, if all this is true, then... yeah.”
“How's Monday?” 
“Monday is great.”
“And if I were to shake your hand right now, could I go tell my dad that I basically just bought GoJo for him?” 
“No.” Lukas chuckles, pauses to take a sip from his beer. “But you can tell him I'm in the conversation.”
“I’ll fucking take it.” Roman smiles and takes a deep breath before standing from his seat. “I will see you then, I have a call to make” He pulls his phone out as he walks away, already starting to dial in the numbers.
You take a moment to be silent, watching his frame fade into the crowd until you turn to Lukas. He’s looking at you too, head tilted and grin plastered across his face.
“I thought Kendall told you not to let him speak to me.”
“I thought I told you, I’m trying to be more rebellious.” You smile back at him, switching the way you cross your legs to let your bare knee touch the fabric of his pants. 
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You stay that way, speaking to Mattson and letting him subtly touch your arm, back, leg, for the better part of an hour. It hadn’t been your plan to stay so long, just make a quick appearance for Kendall’s sake and head home before midnight, but you found yourself not wanting to end your dialog with Lukas, causing you to push back your exit further and further. He grabs you a new drink from one of the servers walking through the party, a cocktail that luckily tastes much better than your previous refreshment. Well, maybe not so luckily, since you end up drinking enough to get yourself buzzed and bolder than normal. 
You’re self aware enough to draw back when you notice your siblings entering the room again, Roman giving a small wave before heading to a different seating area. You don’t pay him much mind until Shiv enters the area as well, hair frizzy and makeup smudged. She seems pissed, he seems drunk, it all looks like a recipe for failure. Roman perches on a chair, glass of wine in his hand, Shiv turns to leave but gets drawn by some comment he makes.
“I’m sorry- maybe I should…” You look back at Mattson, your conversation had lulled for a few seconds as your attention had turned to your siblings.
“Have to go babysit?” He smiles at you, a bit condescending, but not enough to make you upset. You don’t respond for a second, biting your lip and looking between your current company and the scene between your family. 
“I just…” The words come at as a sigh, your head lulling back in exhaustion as you notice Kendall and Naomi breaking through the crowd to engage in Shiv and Roman’s antics. “Things always get out of hand when I’m not there to mediate. But I’m so fucking tired of having to be the good one all the time” 
“You don’t have to be, just take a step back, watch shit unfold. Rebel, remember?” Mattson’s blue eyes are dark in the lighting and his eyebrows are raised, daring you. You smile, nod, take a sip of your drink. “It’s actually good entertainment when you aren’t involved.” 
Deciding to take a break from your role as peacemaker, you turn to face your siblings in your seat, the same direction Lukas is sitting. You feel his bent knee brush against your back and lean into a bit, something not visible from your sibling’s position. You allow yourself to stay that way until you notice Roman moving to get up. That sparks you to rise, set your drink down, murmur an apology to Lukas, and quickly run over to the circle of your siblings.
“You know you want to, just fucking hit me, do it. ‘I’m not a real person’ fuck you.” Rome’s words are charged, he’s too close to Kendall for your comfort and you see his next action coming a mile away, without any way to stop it. “All right, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Happy birthday fuckface.” 
Two hands hand on Kendall’s back as he turns to walk away, a push from them sending him falling onto his face in the middle of the party. You know Roman didn’t mean to push him so hard, he wasn’t thinking clearly, but the result was the same regardless of his intent.
“What the fuck Rome? Why would you do that?” You move to help Kendall up with Naomi, turning your head to yell at your other brother, who was laughing at his actions.
“Everybody just take it easy, okay?” You didn’t even notice Connor’s presence until he spoke.
“Oh shit, are you okay? Happy birthday.” Roman laughed through his words. Kendall pushed you away from him in embarrassment when he stood, Naomi giving you a look telling you that she had it covered.
“Take your coat off. Take your fucking coat off.” He didn’t look back at Roman, didn’t address his comments, just spat anger at Connor as he was ushered away. Just a few hours ago he was fine, you didn’t know what could’ve caused him to crash so hard since you’d last seen him.
“Like a fucking eight year old. You're an asshole.” Shiv speaks briefly before marching away, Roman still giggling at his own antics.
“It’s funny. It’s funny! You’re gonna laugh at it later.”
You moved to face your brother, pushing his shoulder back against the chair he had moved to sit in. “Clean your fucking act up. You do one thing right and think you can get away with anything. I love you, but don’t be so fucking stupid, Roman.” Your words seem to break through, he stops laughing for a minute to shoot you a dirty look. Not waiting to see his response, you turn and quickly walk towards the nearest exit of the area, pulling your phone out of your clutch to message your driver.
“Leaving?” Lukas’s voice next to you startles you, and you shoot him a weak smile.
“Yeah, I’m sorry, I need to get out of here. I just can’t be near them right now.” He walks with you, humming in understanding as you speak.
“Why don’t you leave with me? Get your mind off them.” You stop walking then, now only a few yards from the exit of the venue. Crossing your arms, you lightly rock back and forth on the balls of your feet.
“Do you think that’s a good idea?”
He shrugs. “Maybe.”
“If someone found out…”
“Think for yourself. Be impulsive for once.”
His words give you pause. Normally you would deny him, deny the aching between your thighs that his presence gave you. You’d head home and masturbate until you passed out, report to your Dad in the morning, never speak to the man again. But you were so, so tired of being good.
“Okay. Let’s do it. My driver’s here, we can pull around and pick you up in a few minutes.” Thinking quickly, you come up with a simple plan to stop the public from seeing you leave together. He nods, smiles, and reaches for your phone. You let him take it, let him put his number in and hand it back to you, fingers lingering on yours.
“Text me when you’re here.”
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The ride to Lukas’s hotel room is intense. You have enough discretion to raise the divider between the front and back seats of the car, blocking the view of yourself from your driver. But once that black panel separated you, Mattson was merciless. He wasted no time in pulling you into his lap, kissing you roughly and palming your chest with his large hands. You barely came up for breath the entire ride to his hotel, and when you did your neck was immediately attacked. He marked your skin with hickeys and bites, leaving you gasping for air. Trying your best to quiet your moans and whimpers, you covered your mouth with your hand whenever you could, but you doubted your driver couldn’t hear the noises Lukas pulled from you. You tipped them an extra thousand dollars just in case.
He gave you a break while you hurried through the hotel, standing close to you but not touching you, even in the elevator. It gave you plausible deniability. Though if your reflection was any judge, the already darkening marks on your neck spoke for themselves. Mattson is so stoic in public it has you questioning if he even wants this. If he wants you the way that he did in the car. But, as he holds the door open for you to enter his hotel suite, your question is answered.
The hotel suite is modern, with several separate rooms adorned in black, white, and gray decorations. The farthest wall of the living room, the space you’ve walked into, consists of glass windows which offer a gorgeous view of the city’s nighttime lights. You take a moment to look around, throwing your clutch over to an entryway table and walking towards the windows. Your reflection is just barely visible in the glass, your silhouette a sliver of light against the darkness of the New York skyline. Your head tilts to the side a bit, and you reach a hand forward to press against the glass. Maybe it’s the alcohol in your bloodstream, or the lust making your heart beat faster than normal, but you don’t even notice Lukas approach until his reflection joins yours in the window. You look up and slightly behind you, catching his eyes with yours. His pupils are wide and dark, his lids heavy and narrowed with intent. 
He places a hand on your chin, tilting you up as he bends down to reach your lips. It starts soft, lips barely parted and eyes closed. Your body follows the tilt of your head, moving to face him and place your hands around his neck. His hands travel to your butt, using his leverage to press you against him. His tongue slips inside your mouth, his movements speed up. Hands begin to grope at your ass, squeezing and pawing you through your gown. It’s rough, but there’s no anger or malice behind his moments, only eagerness.
A hand moves up to the small of your back, lightly rubbing the fabric on your skin in an almost soothing motion. When you finally break the kiss for air, Lukas moves, nuzzling into the crook of your neck to place sloppy kisses there. You’re breathless, but craving his mouth so badly you direct his head back up to yours with a hand in his hair. He groans into your mouth when you press your chest against his, your boobs straining against your dress. The kisses become dirty and wet. He bites at your lower dip and pulls it a bit. You trace the roof of his mouth with your tongue. Your thighs are squeezing together now, softly grinding into each other to provide some kind of sensation to your throbbing clit. 
You finally say something when his hands move to pull up the skirt of your dress, breaking the kiss with an inhale for breath before quickly speaking.
“Wait, wait.” He does. Pauses his movements but keeps his fingers in the fabric of the dress. “I’m -I uh, haven’t had sex before. And I don’t want to lose my virginity to someone I’m not dating. Or like, in a relationship with.” 
“Okay. Can I still make you cum?”
“Oh, um, sure. Yes.” He’s unfazed by your words, gives you a little smile and another messy kiss before dipping to kneel in front of you. He presses soft kisses to your lower stomach, just barely lifting your dress to expose the very bottom of your panties. When he moves to kiss the front of your mound though, you freeze.
“What are you doing?”
“I was planning on eating your pussy. Is that okay?”
“You want to do that?”
“I would like to, yes.”
“Uh, yeah, okay. I just haven't done this before.” He looks up at you with his piercing blue eyes, waiting until you give him a firm answer. “Can you maybe just tell me what you’re doing? Like, before you do it?”
“I can do that.”
“Okay, okay. Thank you.” You smile down at him, blushing a bit in embarrassment from your lack of knowledge. He returns a small grin, before moving to kiss the front of your pubic bone again. This time, you let him.
He muzzles his nose into the fabric there briefly, before moving his fingers to rub against your panties. They’re soaked, drenched from your time in the car and the heavy making out you had just finished. He chuckles lowly to himself as he feels this, his touch featherlight.
“You’re so wet. Are you that turned on already?” You bite your lower lip and nod, chest beginning to rise and fall quicker.
“I’m going to touch you underneath your panties, is that okay?”
He nods at you then, using his thumb to hook your underwear to the side, exposing your cunt to the cold night air. Two long fingers move on either side of your slit, giving pressure just outside of where you need it so badly. You whimper at his motions, muffling the sound by pressing your lips together. His index finger moves then, gently grazing over your clit as it travels the length of your vulva, collecting wetness as it does. A few gentle circles around your entrance before returning to your clit, finally pressing there and beginning to trace patterns into the bundle of nerves.
It feels divine. You’d gotten good at pleasing yourself with your twenty plus years of abstinence, but it felt so delicious to have someone else touch the most sensitive parts of your body. Especially someone who knew what they were doing. And from the way Lukas was moving, he knew exactly what he was doing. His index finger drew circles with your clit, joined shortly after by his middle finger to fully pressure the bud. Your head tips back then, brushing the window behind you as a moan escapes your mouth. 
“Don’t fight your noises, I want to hear how good you feel.” The only response you have to his command is to let another whine pass your lips, an action which you hear him groan at. Your fingers move down to grab at your dress, pulling it higher up to expose your bottom half fully, balling your hands into fists in the fabric.
“Fuck, I’m taking these off.” The pressure on your clit stops for a moment, and you lean your head down to look at him. His fingers loop in the sides of your panties to pull them down your thighs. As they reach your calves, you move a hand to his shoulder and stabilize yourself so you can raise your feet out of the garment. You step your last foot out of your panties, and instead of discarding them to the floor, Lukas balls the fabric up, stuffing it in his back pants pocket. He just smiles up at your confused expression, not bothering to explain.
“I’m going to taste you now, okay?”
You nod, and Lukas moves close to you, so close you end up with your back pressed against the window. He lightly holds one of your legs, moving it up and over his shoulder, allowing him better access to your now naked cunt. He leans forward, and with the flat of his tongue, licks a long stripe across your pussy. The feeling is new and exciting, hot and wet and just the right amount of strength. You move a hand to thread through his hair, your other one pressing against the glass behind you to hold you in place. 
His tongue fucks you like you’re his favorite taste, diving in and out of your already soaked folds. When he sucks your clit into his mouth, you choke back more of a scream than a moan. The leg on his shoulder begins to shake, and your brows knit together in ecstasy. It’s unlike anything you’ve felt before, you don’t ever want it to stop. Your climax begins building at a rapid pace, and you feel yourself grinding against Lukas’s tongue, chasing your pleasure with impulsive motions. He lets out a low moan against you, a buzzing hum that vibrates through your body. 
“Fuck Lukas, please don’t stop.” The words come out breathless, followed by a whimper and preceded by a groan. He hums against you again and doubles his efforts, moving his tongue to fuck into your enterance while two fingers come up to rub quickly against your clit. It’s only a few seconds before the tension building in your stomach finally snaps, and with a languid moan you fall apart under Lukas Matsson’s tongue. 
You aren’t even sure what noises escape your lips, too lost in bliss to focus on anything but absolute pleasure. He keeps eating you out until you’re over sensitive and almost pushing his face away, and even then he continues lightly stroking your folds with a few fingers. When you look down at him, his chin is covered in your juices and his pants are tented with an obvious erection.
“Oh my god.”
“That good?” 
“Kiss me again?”
He does, of course. Raises from his knees to grab your chin and pull you into his body, not bothering to wipe his mouth before capturing your lips with his. You can taste yourself on him, tangy and rich and intoxicating. The flavor only spurs you on, pressing your lips to his roughy. He’s hard against your stomach, a feeling that both arouses you and causes some anxiety. Lukas seems content to kiss you forever, tasting your lips like a man starved. When he pulls away to kiss down your neck, you take a moment to speak.
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“I… want you to feel good too.” 
“You want to get me off?” You nod in response.
“Will you show me what to do? What you like?” 
“Sure. Here, come with me.” He smiles at you, grabs your hand with his, and gently leads you over to the couch in the room. It’s a big, white sectional facing a massive TV. Lukas moves to sit back against it, gently pulling you to sit close to him, nearly sitting in his lap. His erection is even more obvious in this position, his length looking painfully hard against his thigh.
“Can I touch you?” You look up at him with wide eyes, your hand moving to his thigh while you wait for a response. He leans back and nods at you, a slightly cocky grin on his face. Gently, so gently, your hand moves to palm over his cock. He hums as you make contact, quietly encouraging your timid rubbing. 
Fingers explore the imprint of his length in his pants, finger tracing the outline of his cock cautiously. You looked up at him through your lashes, noticing the way his face twitched and changed with your increases in pressure. Pressing a bit harder, you touch him with long strokes, beginning a pattern with your movements. Lukas’s tongue darts out to wet his lower lip. Something in his stare feels animalistic, like a predator watching its prey. Maybe that should scare you, but if anything it stirs you on, makes you want to please him even more.
“Will you take these off?” Your hands move to his waistband, finger slipping underneath the fabric there, pulling it teasingly from his skin. 
“Of course.” He smirks, uses the back of the couch to prop his hips up, and slowly pulls his pants down his thighs. He doesn’t bother with leaving his briefs, pulling his underwear off with the same motion, leaving only exposed skin in his wake. 
His cock springs up, brushing against his shirt slightly, leaving a small wet spot from the precum on his tip. He’s long, not that you have much to compare it to, and thin, with a red-pink head already leaking. You take a moment to touch him again, slowly sliding your hand across the skin of his thigh until your fingers graze the short blonde hairs at the base of his shaft. Your hand wraps around him, fingers barely touching. His dick is double the length of your hand, standing tall with a slight curve upwards. 
You’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t intimidated. Slowly, eyes flickering from Lukas’s face to your hand and back again, you began to stroke him. Your hand gently raised from his base to tip, your thumb grazing over his slit. This elicits a soft gasp from Lukas, a sound that makes you give him a shy smile. The hand on his cock moves back down, your other moving to rest gently on his thigh as you slightly adjust to face him better. Your motions are stuttering and unpracticed, hindered by the dryness of both your skin. Lukas doesn’t seem to mind, his breath coming faster and his hips slightly moving to guide the travel of your hand. 
“I think…” You bite your lower lip in thought, your eyebrows coming together as your sentence trails off. Bending over Lukas’s lap slightly, you look up at him through your dark eyelashes, and let a string of spit fall from your tongue onto his cock. 
The effect on him is immediate, a deep curse falling from his lips as his dick twitches in your grip. His head falls back against the couch, his eyes shut softly. You don’t know if it’s the sensation of the spit on his sensitive tip, or the fact that you were doing something so dirty, but he seems to love your impulsive choice. Your hand gets into a better rhythm, moving much easier as you spread the wetness across the skin of his cock.
“Fuck, how did you know about that?” Lukas is breathless, but still chuckling through his words. 
“I didn't, it just seemed like you needed something wet…” 
He curses again, hums in agreement. You just blush in response, moving your attention back to his length in front of you. Your grip tightens, your motions speed up a bit. The sound of skin fills the room, joined by low hums and moans from Lukas’s throat. The heat between your thighs begins to return, a dull throb causing you to grind your thighs together.
“Does that feel good?” Your voice is quiet and laced with desire when you speak.
“Mhm.” A lazy grin is on Lukas’s face, his arms are spread wide across the back of the couch. “You’re doing so good.”
The compliment goes straight to your cunt, sparks traveling down your thighs at the praise. You move faster, leaning into him more as your hand speeds up, giving him a view of your cleavage. You don’t even notice the desperate whimper that escapes you, but he does.
“Just like that, fuck. Good. Good girl.” Lukas sits up more, a hand moving rest on your thigh as his body begins to tense up. His eyebrows pull together as you continue stroking. Your motions have gotten rough and fast, a physical exhibition of the desperation running through your veins. A string of curses heavily veiled in a Swedish accent leaves Lukas’s mouth, his hips buck roughly into your fist, and with a groan, Lukas Mattson comes in your hand.
Strings of white coats your skin, the fabric of your skirt, the bottom of Lukas’s shirt. He continues thrusting into your hand, chasing his release until he falls against the couch, panting and smiling and spent. Your eyes travel from his face to the ribbons of come on your hand. Instinctually, you bring it to your mouth, licking up the liquid before your thoughts get in the way. 
“You are insane.” Lukas’s voice brings you back to the world. He reaches over and guides you to move into his lap. You straddle him, his softening cock sandwiched between your torsos. He’s all smiles, face blissed out and eyes soft. He brings a hand to your chin, looking into your eyes before placing a surprisingly light kiss to your lips. 
Things are quiet for a moment, your head tucked into Lukas’s neck and his hands around the small of your back. It feels delicate, almost loving, almost corny. It partially scares you, being so intimate with someone you’ve just met, with someone so powerful. But the captivation outweighs the fear. He feels like the Earth; strong, devoted, all-consuming. You could try to leave but he would be everywhere, and you would come back to him.
You stay at Lukas’s that night, wrapped in white sheets with his arm thrown languidly across your waist. In the morning, he tells you that’s the best he’s slept in weeks. You let him see you with smeared makeup and messy hair, listen to him talk about Stockholm and pasta and the sun. He texts you to make sure you get home safe, then texts you a photo of him working on his laptop. You can’t help the smile that comes to your face when you talk to him, one so obvious you have to hide it in public. He calls you every night. 
It’s the closest you’ve come to a relationship, even if it’s something you need to hide from the world. He’s funny and weird and bold and drastic. You feel his hands on your skin in your dreams, like your body is a memory of his touch. He makes you happy, makes you perverted. Things move fast and slow at the same time. It’s confusing and clear all at once.
You’d choose it all over again if you could go back
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© secondhand-snow 2024
383 notes · View notes
keenzinemugstudent · 6 months
Eric: You need to change your last name
Y/n: Huh? Why?
Eric: Because dear it doesn't suit you
Y/n: *eye roll* Oh really? And what do you think my last name should be Mr viking?
Eric: Northman
Y/n: Why would it be Northman?
Eric: Because that's my last name dear...*smirk*
Eric: .......
Y/n: You smooth motherfucker
Eric: Love you too dear
330 notes · View notes
the-west-meadow · 2 years
Normal People
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Lukas Matsson x (fem)Reader, Roman Roy x (fem)Reader
word count: 3k - read on Ao3 here!
You first met him at Kendall’s birthday party.
Roman was being obnoxious. All he could talk about was finding Lukas Matsson. He and Shiv were relentless in their pursuit of the man. It was all business, no pleasure tonight. So while Roman and Shiv stood with their heads together, compulsively sipping vodka tonics, you slipped away unnoticed to try and have some fun before the night was over.
You found your way upstairs, where for some inexplicable reason Kendall had built a replica of his childhood treehouse. The inside was bustling with people yet the two buff men outside wouldn’t let you enter without an armband. Dejected, you started to turn away, when you heard Kendall’s voice from above.
“Hey! Let her through, she’s cool!”
He was pointing right at you with a grin. The guards moved aside, letting you in.
Upstairs, Kendall greeted you with a hug.
“Nice treehouse,” you said.
“Thanks. It’s pretty infantile, right? Sort of the vibe I was going for.”
“Definitely. You nailed it.”
“Hey, I need a favor while you’re here. See that guy over there?”
He nodded over his shoulder to a tall blonde Scandinavian-looking man slouching alone in a plush leather chair.
“Who is that?”
“That’s Lukas Matsson. He’s pretty disgruntled and I need someone to keep him from wandering. I can’t do it anymore, I need to mingle. Also, Roman cannot know he’s here.”
“Roman’s entire purpose in life tonight is to find that guy.”
“Please don’t tell him he’s here. I’ll owe you one. Seriously.
“Don’t worry. Roman’s driving me fucking crazy at the moment.”
“Amazing. You’re amazing. Let me get you a drink and I’ll introduce you.”
Kendall stepped away. You glanced curiously in Lukas’s direction. He glanced up from his phone, met your eyes, and did a double take. He stared at you for a long moment across the room.
Kendall returned with your drink, breaking your gaze.
“Let’s go. You’re about to meet one of the weirdest rich guys out there.”
Drinks in hand, you approached the man. He kept his eyes fixed on yours.
“Yo, Lukas. Meet my good friend Y/N. I promise she’s not going to network you to death.”
Kendall clapped him on the shoulder.
“You guys have fun.”
You thought you saw Kendall wink, but it was too quick, and then he was gone.
“Kendall thinks I need a babysitter tonight,” Lukas said. “Too many sharks in the water.”
“Thankfully I don’t have any interest in what Kendall and his family does. I’m just along for the ride.”
“What do you do?”
“I’m a writer.”
“What do you write?”
“Words, mostly.”
Lukas cracked the smallest grin.
“Is that, like, meaningful for you?” he asked.
“I don’t really care if it has meaning or not. Mostly it keeps me entertained.”
“Cheers to that.”
He raised his beer bottle and clinked it against your glass of gin and tonic.
“So you know all of the Roy siblings?” Lukas said.
“Too well.”
“Which one’s your favorite?”
“Do I have to have a favorite?”
“It’ll say a lot about you. I’m still figuring out who I’m talking to here.”
You considered briefly.
“I think I relate to Kendall the most.”
“Daddy issues?”
You laughed. “I’m not going there. But if I had to pick a favorite… Roman is the most fun to be around.”
“So you like fun.”
“You don’t?”
“I don’t relate to what most people think of as fun.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. Partying. Getting drunk. Rollercoasters.”
You burst out laughing.
“What?” he said.
“People find them fun, right? You tell me. What’s fun to you?”
“Not rollercoasters.”
Lukas considered you with a curious, calculating look.
“I’m starting to think you’re not a normal person,” he said.
“I could tell you weren’t normal the second I looked over here.”
You gave him a sly smile. He set his beer down and folded his hands in his lap.
“I’ve got to get out of this treehouse,” he said.
“You don’t think the treehouse is fun?”
“I’d like to find out what your idea of fun is. You still haven’t told me.”
You gazed at him for a long moment. Then you heard an all-too-familiar voice over your shoulder.
“There you are. Both of you.”
Roman was leaning over you with his hands on the back of your chair.
“This is a weird pairing. What are you guys even talking about?”
“Rollercoasters,” Lukas said.
You smiled, catching his eye once more before you stood.
“I’ll let you guys talk.”
“I’ll see you later, though, yeah?” Roman called. You glanced at Lukas, who had put everything together in an instant.
“If you can find me,” you said as you left.
When you glanced back over your shoulder, Lukas was staring at his phone again and Roman was sitting cross-legged in your chair, trying unsuccessfully to get his attention.
Not long after, you found yourself in Italy, lying poolside beneath the mild northern sun. Eyes closed, you felt a shadow pass over your vision and cracked your eyes open. Roman sat in the neighboring beach chair, squinting in the light.
“I forgot how much I hated the sun.”
He leaned back uncomfortably in the chair.
“So, I have a mission for you. For both of us.”
“Guess who lives right across the lake.”
“Who? Stop making me ask questions.”
“Our old buddy Lukas Matsson.”
Your heart skipped a beat.
Roman grinned.
“You know who. You’re literally blushing.”
“It’s the sun.”
“I know you’ve been wondering how big his dick is.”
“Roman, what the fuck?”
“Hey, it’s fine. I mean, you still haven’t seen mine. It’s only healthy to think about other men’s dicks every now and then.”
“Look, seriously. I need your help. I have to convince him to make this deal. But I don’t think he likes me all that much. If you’re there, maybe he’ll perk up enough to listen to me. I mean, the man’s practically comatose.”
“What am I supposed to do?”
“I need you to get him a little hard, metaphorically speaking. He’ll want to show off his big dick in front of you by making this deal.”
“Stop saying ‘dick’. This is sounding really fucking weird.”
“Like I’m trying to whore you out to him?”
“Yeah. Exactly that.”
“Come on. You don’t have to do anything. Unless, you know, you want to.”
He wiggled his eyebrows. You gave a sigh.
“When are you leaving?”
“Soon. Now, actually. Can you put some clothes on? The bikini might be overkill.”
“God dammit, Roman.”
You stood up and grabbed the towel from the back of your chair. He grabbed your hand gently.
You paused, gazing down at him, the quirky smile flashing, eyes obscured behind his dark sunglasses.
“You’re my secret weapon.”
You were on the boat less than half an hour later, speeding across Lake Como in the warm air.
“That’s his place,” Roman said, indicating the approaching villa. Tall cypress trees swayed in the lake breeze, revealing a stuccoed exterior and red tile roof. A hidden paradise nestled at the foot of the Alps.
“You’re shitting me.”
Roman grinned.
Lukas was waiting for you on the dock. He was barefoot, in a black t-shirt and white linen pants. His dark blue eyes glinted in the light reflecting off the lake.
Roman disembarked first, turning to lend you a hand. You felt Lukas watching the two of you.
"There you are, you tall motherfucker," Roman said, stepping forward to greet him. He shook Roman’s hand, then turned his gaze to you.
“You remember Y/N, right?” Roman said. “I think I interrupted your little party in the treehouse.”
“So you two are together?”
“Well, we haven’t fucked yet if that’s what you mean,” Roman said.
Lukas glanced at you. You rolled your eyes discreetly.
“I feel like I shouldn’t ask,” Lukas said.
“Oh, it’s all me. Not her fault.”
Lukas led the two of you to a patio shaded from the sun. His property was quiet, beautiful, secluded. It was strange to imagine him padding around the villa in his bare feet, alone. He reclined on a wicker sofa while you took a seat nearby.
Roman was looking at his phone, suddenly serious.
“What is it?” you said.
“I gotta take this. Sorry, guys.”
He stepped away, leaving you alone with Lukas. He reclined on a beige sofa, glancing at you with his hands folded in his lap.
“I was wondering if I’d see you again,” he said. “Where did we leave off?”
“I don’t remember. It was a long night.”
“When you said Roman was your favorite, I didn’t realize why.”
“It’s pretty complicated.”
“Sounds like it.” Lukas paused. “You guys really haven’t fucked?”
“It’s just… not like that. I know it sounds weird.”
“How long have you been together?”
“About a year.”
He let out a low whistle.
“So does that mean… I mean, are you guys exclusive?”
“So far. Yeah.”
You gazed at each other silently. Roman returned, phone in hand.
“Hey guys, I gotta run. But I’ll be back. Is it cool if she stays?”
“It’s fine,” Lukas said. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Just family stuff. Kendall,” he added, glancing at you.
You nodded, unable to tell if he was bluffing or not.
“Try not to talk business without me,” Roman said. He turned and jogged back towards the dock. You heard the boat engine start as he sped off across the lake.
“Fun,” Lukas said.
You looked at him in confusion.
“We were talking about fun.”
He was gazing at you, broad shoulders in the dappled sunlight, his eyes calm.
“Do you want to see the rest of the house?”
You followed him inside, bare feet on the cool terracotta floor, a warm breeze moving through the open rooms. The villa was exquisitely decorated, a blend of modern art and traditional Italian motifs. Green and gold curtains, plush beige sofas, a gleaming oak dining table.
“You live alone?”
“Yeah. To be honest, I don’t like living with other people.”
“I know what you mean.”
“You and Roman don’t live together?
“Let’s stop talking about Roman.”
You paused in the doorway of a bedroom that opened onto a patio overlooking the lake. The sheer curtains lifted in the breeze. You felt Lukas glance at you.
“The downstairs is all for show. I live upstairs. Do you want to see?”
The upstairs was a loft with exposed beams and skylights. In contrast to the overblown downstairs decoration, everything here was black, white, grey. This was where Lukas’s preference for Scandinavian minimalism became apparent. He was so tall that he had to stoop in certain places. You peered into his office, sparsely decorated with a wooden desk, MacBook and high-end stereo system.
“This is where I get my thinking done. I really don’t like having visitors in general. Present company excepted.”
His bedroom was adjacent to the office. Again you lingered in the doorway, hesitant to enter his private quarters. He leaned on the doorframe across from you and folded his arms. He looked straight at you.
“So,” he said.
“Kendall’s birthday party. I had every intention of inviting you back to my room.”
“Roman ruined your plans, huh?”
“Pretty much. But then he brought you here.”
You went silent, gazing back at him. The blonde stubble, heavy brow, hard blue eyes. Something in him both frightening and compelling. Impenetrable but vulnerable. He was tan from the summer sun, calm and cool. He seemed curious to see what your next move would be. And he was willing to wait you out.
You meandered into the bedroom, glancing around at his possessions. A shelf full of books: classics, modern novels, books on tech. A stray pair of headphones. A solitary person’s existence.
He followed you in, taking a seat on the edge of his bed. You turned around to face him.
“Roman brought me here to help make the deal for his dad,” you said.
“I know that. I don’t care. I’ve already made my decision.”
You stepped up to him, feet nearly touching. He watched you with the faint smile of someone who has been alone for a long time observing a newcomer in their space.
“Let’s not fuck around any longer,” he whispered.
Almost before he had finished speaking, you leaned down to kiss him. He kissed you back, long, deep kisses, like he had missed you intensely in your brief, inexplicable absence from his life. His hands slid up your back. You sank onto his lap, straddling him as his hands moved lower, exploring your unfamiliar form.
You ran your hands through his hair, along the back of his neck, across his broad shoulders. You slid your hands beneath the sleeves of his t-shirt, feeling his toned arms. You kissed his neck, the sound of his rasping breath in your ear.
“Did you think of me at all?” he whispered.
“I couldn’t stop,” you breathed.
You felt a throb as he grew harder beneath you. You pushed him back onto the bed and ground against him as he swiftly unbuttoned your shirt then shed his own. He pulled you down against him, kissing your neck, your shoulders, his stubble brushing your skin.
“You really haven’t been fucked in a year?”
You shook your head, gasping at his touch, unable to speak.
“Time to change that.”
He deftly changed positions with you, so that you were lying half-dressed beneath him. Now you had a full view of him, his bare torso, ruffled blonde hair, the intensity in his eyes. He unzipped his pants and slid out of them.
“Oh my god,” you said, unable to stop yourself. Lukas grinned, breathless.
“You’re fucking huge.”
He tugged your pants off, gripping his cock, and without any further delay, slid swiftly into you.
You let out a long, vocal moan. It had been too long. Everything in you had been aching for him. He watched your every reaction, the slight grin on his face, his eyes glittering. You bucked against him, running your hands over his lean body as he slowly, firmly pounded into you. You gripped his forearm for dear life.
“Fuck, Lukas”
“Yeah? Is that good?”
You groaned in response as he leaned into you, his hot, sticky skin against yours, running along the length of your body with his bulk. He gripped your wrists, pinning you lightly as he pulsed in and out of you. You sank your teeth into the muscle of his shoulder, and he held you down harder.
“You feel like you want to come,” he murmured.
“You’re so fucking wet.”
You dug your fingers into his back, feeling your entire body tense up.
“It’s been so long. You’re ready to fucking burst.”
He slid his thumb into your mouth and you bit down on it. There were starbursts behind your eyes. His voice in your ear.
“There you go. Let me hear you. I want to hear you.”
That was it. You let go, back arched, thighs tensed, warmth spreading across your body as you let out a half-moan, half-scream. You heard Lukas groan and stiffen, his hand twined in your hair.
You stayed like that for a long moment, breathing into each other’s mouths. Finally he rolled off of you, shining with a light cover of sweat. You lay side by side, recovering.
“Fuck,” you whimpered.
“Is that what you wanted?”
“Fuck yes.”
You felt his fingers brush along your forearm. He was gazing at you from his pillow.
“You can come closer. If you want.”
You gladly complied, feeling his arm encircle you as you found a place against his chest. Your eyes traced his unfamiliar body. A tuft of blonde chest hair, a scar below his ribcage, a small birthmark near the belly button. But you didn’t touch him further. This was still new, the boundaries not yet established. Perhaps Lukas didn’t want to be touched in a tender, loving way. Perhaps you didn’t either.
“I wish we had more time,” he murmured. “There’s a lot more I want to do with you.”
“I was very pent-up,” you said, half-apologizing.
“No, it’s fine. It’s good when it’s fast sometimes. Plus I’m not great at seductive gestures.”
“This is only the second time we've met and you made me come. That just doesn’t happen.”
He gave a slight laugh, a low sound deep in his chest. He stroked your shoulder with his thumb briefly.
“I mean I’m not a normal person. Some things people want from me, I just can’t give them.”
“You’re talking to someone who’s been dating Roman Roy for a year and a half. I go without a lot of things.”
You gazed down his body, his skin soft and tan in the natural light.
“Plus, there’s probably a lot I can’t give you,” you murmured. “Remember, I’m not normal either.”
“I don’t care. I don’t want normal. I get bored easily.”
From the open window, you could hear the sound of the lake lapping against the shore. Then, growing in the distance, the high whine of a motor.
“Well,” said Lukas with a note of finality.
“What do we do?”
He turned on his side, looking straight at you again with that penetrating gaze.
“I think we need to see each other again,” he said.
Without another word, he sat up, sliding into his pants. You savored the sight of his torso as he pulled on his shirt. You dressed quickly then met him in the doorway, where you paused. He brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, then leaned down and kissed you once, warm and deep. He held your eyes for a long moment. He looked like he was about to say something, but instead he smiled slightly to himself and started down the stairs. You followed, eyes lingering on the back of his neck, his shoulders.
Roman met you on the green lawn. His hair and clothes were windblown and disheveled but he was grinning.
“Hey kids. Have fun without me?”
“Just showing her around the property.”
“I bet you did. Hey, I know it was shitty for me to run out like that, so if you want to talk about the deal another time, we’ll get out of your hair.”
“We don’t need to talk about it. I want to do it.”
Roman raised his eyebrows. “Well, shit. Are you sure, man?”
“Yeah. It’s fine. I’m sure.”
Roman grabbed his hand and shook it with a grin. “I guess we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other.”
“I guess we will.”
Lukas’s eyes flashed in your direction. You smiled slightly and looked away.
On the boat ride back, Roman was strangely silent. He had a secretive grin on his face and his eyes were obscured behind his dark glasses. Then he unexpectedly turned to you, grabbed your face between his hands, and kissed you on the mouth.
“It worked. It fucking worked.”
He held your hand the rest of the way back to his mother’s villa. It was the first time in a year and a half of dating that he had done so.
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oncasette · 11 months
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KINKTOBER ACT II, eric northman x fem!reader
summary: 2.7k
“You smell fucking amazing,” he groans and his teeth drag against your pulse point. Before you can make any sort of comment on that, you feel his teeth puncture into your skin just as two of his fingers sink into your cunt. His incredibly long and devastatingly thick fingers that are already stretching you out as they slowly thrust in.
or the one where eric has a specific taste for blood. yours.
warnings: not beta’d, smut, significant age gap (eric is like 1000, r is early 20s), dub-con, mind control on the low, blood drinking, high sex (eric's blood/v), smoking
masterlist | taglist | kinktober
When vampires had first come out of the coffin, you’d been barely above the age of seventeen, and their integration into the mainstream had been a whirlwind you’d been utterly unprepared for. Being from the south, your parents had instilled a deep sense of distrust in your fanged counterparts. Or, in your own words, fear. 
Your parents had nearly tried to keep you out of college because of it, claiming you’d be much safer here at home, but you’d nipped that in the bud fairly quickly. Still, that didn’t mean you were going to let it slip to them where you were going on your evenings spent at home over the summer. All they needed to know is that you’d be home in the morning. 
Your friends had been begging you to go to this bar across town with them for ages. They’d been going for years, but, being the only one in the group not willing to get a fake ID, you’d been left out of all the fun. Now, though, that you were over the legal drinking age, you figured it wouldn’t hurt to check it out seeing as your friends seemed to like it so much. Or, as you came to find out, seeing as they apparently liked the owner so much. 
“You’re gonna freak when you see him,” Rachel says, looking over at you from the driver’s seat. You’d been friends with Rachel for forever, longer than you can remember. She’d gone off to school somewhere in the northeast–a liberal arts college with less than two thousand total students–and it’d been ages since you’d last seen her. 
“I don’t get what’s so special about him?”
“Are you kidding me?” Rachel squeaks. “About Eric fucking Northman?”
Anyone who’d been west of Baton Rouge knew the name Eric Northman. It was undeniable. Someone could whisper the name in a corner of a packed ballroom, and a hush would fall over the crowd. 
And, yet, somehow, despite living in Shreveport since your conception, it hadn’t crossed your path. 
“Yeah?” you drawl. “He’s probably just some guy.”
“Some guy,” Gina scoffs. 
“He’s quite literally the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen,” she says as she fiddles with her engagement ring. “He’s a fucking god.”
“Sure,” you say, rolling your eyes. 
It isn’t much longer before you’re pulling into a shady parking lot behind a vacant liquor store. There’s a couple other cars in the lot, mostly what your father would call shit-boxes that have either been sewn together with duct tape or have bumpers that have been left to drag the ground. Slamming the passenger door shut, you reach into the pocket of your jacket to take out the pack of cigarettes, stamping one on your bottom lip as you dig further in the pocket to find your lighter.
Your friends have already walked across the lot to step into line when you finally get a light, shoving your materials back into your jacket as you jog over to where they are at the back of the, thankfully, fast-moving line. 
“Really?” Rachel asks. 
“Just be glad I didn’t do it in the car, okay.” You offer a squint of your eyes in a pseudo smile. 
“Whatever,” she sighs. 
The bouncer lets the three men in biker jackets ahead of you in and stops to examine you. She seems to recognize your friends and nods at them to follow the men, only to stick a manicured hand out in front of your chest as soon as you take a step. 
“I’m with them,” you huff, tapping the ashes out of your cigarette. 
“Sorry, sweetie. I’m gonna need to see some ID,” she drawls. The sweetie comes out in a sharp bite that has you taking a step away from her outstretched arm. She grabs the butt from between your lips and stamps it out beneath her stiletto’d heel.
“Fine,” you say. Digging in the other pocket of your jacket, you grab your wallet and hand over your driver's license. You’re thankful you’d just recently gotten your ID updated and have the horizontal one now, or you’re sure she would’ve kept you back. Where, you’re also sure, your friends would have left you to sit for the rest of the night. 
“Have a good night,” she says, handing it back to you and allowing you to step into the crimson bar. As soon as you’re through the door, you dig your pack out and light a new cigarette. Bitch. 
Your eyes gravitate toward the stage. A very large throne sits to the side of it, flanked by two overgrown men with their eyes scanning the small dance floor at the foot of the stage. The man in the throne is bigger. Much bigger. Large to the point that he dwarfs the chair you think would swallow you whole. You watch as he sits up, spine straightening as he looks the crowd over. 
You don’t think anything of it until his gaze falls on you. He seems to smile, and it’s then that you see the sharp canines extending out of his gums. 
You suppose coming to a vampire bar should’ve made you mentally prepare to come into contact with a vampire or two. 
The man on the throne appears before you in an instant, fangs retracted as he gives you a softer smile than he’d had previously. It unnerves you, still, with the way his eyes seem glazed over and his body hovers over yours. You glance back at the stage, eyes flickering nervously back and forth as if it’d just been a trick of the lights and you’d catch him lounging there again if you blinked hard enough. 
“You are… a pretty thing, aren’t you,” he says, voice growling in a register lower than you’d been expecting. It sends a shiver down your spine. He’s tall. Frighteningly, inhumanly tall in a way that has you cowering beneath him. Even seeing him on the stage before, it’s much more shocking up close. “It’s a shame you feel the need to taint it with that.”
He gestures to the stick between your lips with a flippant gesture, plucking it from your mouth to stamp it beneath his boot. What’s with everyone stealing your cigarettes tonight?
“Still,” he leans down until his nose is inches away from your jaw and inhales. You don’t have the time to push him back before he’s returned to his full height. 
“Who the fuck are you?” you ask, attempting to take a step back only to bump into one of the bustling–and fairly sweaty–bodies behind you. The man raises his brow in surprise. 
“My, my,” he says. “Coming all the way out to my little bar and you treat me this way?”
“Eric,” you exhale. Your friends were right. He’s beautiful. 
“And you are?” You give him your name in a huff. 
“Follow me,” he says.
“I don’t know-” His fingers come up beneath your chin to tilt your face so that you’re like him in the eye. Something swirls within them, something you can’t place. You do your best to ignore the dull throb emanating beneath your dress. 
“Follow me.”
Your legs seem to move of their own accord, hand reaching up to take his as he leads you across the dingy floor towards a door beside the bar. You dodge bodies crumpled together between tables and chairs and slink behind him as he nods at a bouncer guarding the door. Once it’s open, he gestures for you to enter first. 
It’s a small office looking room. Various pictures and files line the walls and every surface is drowned in boxes and other small objects. You don’t have the time to get a good look at any of them, though, before Eric is spinning you to face him once again. 
You can see the way his lips twitch as you meet his gaze, nostrils flared. His hand lands on your shoulder, dragging down the side of your arm as goosebumps sprout in its wake. You want to blame it on the fact that he’s freezing, on the fact that he’s got fangs. On the fact that he owns this whole bar and now you’re standing in his office with the door locked. Not on the fact that he’s probably got decades of experience. Or, god forbid, centuries. 
“Why did you bring me here?” you ask. It comes out in a whisper, voice hoarse from swallowing hard. Breath hitching, your knees do their best not to buckle as Eric steps into you, forcing you back until your ass hits the edge of his desk. His leg comes to press between your thighs. With a nudge, his knee would be pressing directly against you, and you’re thankful he gives you the space. You inch up the desk until you’re halfway sitting on it. There’s no reason for you to be as hot as you are right now, and less of a reason for him to know about it so soon. Honestly, he can probably smell it on you. 
“Why do you think I brought you back here?” he asks, hands falling against your thighs. There’s no pressure, just their presence. 
“I don’t fuck random guys in bars,” you say. 
He stalls, hands crawling up to rest on your hips. 
“I’m the owner.”
“So I was right,” you say. “You lured me back here just to fuck me.”
He hums. You can’t tell if it's in agreement. His knee presses into you fully and you hope he chooses not to comment on how you’re pulsating against it. 
“Would you like that?” he asks. He brings his hands down again, this time to the hem of your dress. He begins to push up. Slowly. Oh, so slow, you barely register it until it’s bunched up at the tops of your thighs. You’re not sure why you nod. You think if asked you at a different time, a second before or after, you would have shaken your head and allowed him to lead you back out to the patrons, to your two friends who would lose their minds if they knew where you were right now. 
His mouth finds yours as he pushes your dress the rest of the way up. You can feel the way you’re leaving a damp spot against his pants and try not to whimper as he applies more pressure with his knee. You don’t succeed in that venture. He tilts his head to deepen the kiss. It’s not nearly as rough as you had expected it to be, but it’s far from soft. His tongue is in your mouth, licking at the flats of your teeth. His fingers dig into your skin as he thumbs at the seam of your panties, pressing it to the side enough to gather the wetness coating your slit and drag it up to your clit. Your hips jump against him. 
He disconnects your lips to trail his kisses down the dies of your face and down your neck. Pulling back, he draws your eyes up to look, and the dark swirl from earlier returns. “Don’t scream,” he says. “Unless it’s my name.”
Before he re-attaches himself to your neck, you watch as his fangs click out, and you feel the cold rod of fear as it slides down your spine. 
“You smell fucking amazing,” he groans and his teeth drag against your pulse point. Before you can make any sort of comment on that, you feel his teeth puncture into your skin just as two of his fingers sink into your cunt. His incredibly long and devastatingly thick fingers that are already stretching you out as they slowly thrust in. 
“Eric,” you squeal. You’re already dizzy, his tongue laving at the skin of your neck. Finally, he pulls back and you feel seconds away from passing out. His fingers are still inside of you, massaging your walls. His free hand comes up to his mouth, and you watch as his fangs pierce the skin there and he’s holding his bloody palm up to your mouth. 
“Drink,” he says. You oblige and suddenly you’re dizzy in an entirely different way. Every touch feels heightened, every item in the room seems to glow, and Eric truly, honestly, looks like a fucking god. The open wound on your neck stops aching and you swear you feel the holes close up. 
“Eric, please,” you whine. He tugs your panties down first, balling them up in his fist and tossing them somewhere behind his desk. Then his belt comes undone and he’s yanking his pants down just enough to pull his cock out of the confines. And if you thought his fingers were big before. 
“That’s not gonna fucking fit,” you gasp. He jerks himself until he’s fully hard. 
“Trust me, sweetheart. It will,” he says as he notches himself against your entrance. 
“No, I swear, you’re gonna rip me in half!” “Trying hard not to do that, already,” he says. He pushes in with one solid thrust. Even only halfway in, you can feel him in your throat. “Feel even better than you taste.”
Your ankles link around his back and your feet dig into his ass in an attempt to get him to move, to push into you until you can feel his pelvis against yours. He does. One thrust, then an agonizing pull back before he slams back in. 
Every part of you trembles as his pace picks up. 
“Oh my god? Oh my god,” you squeak. 
“Just me,” he quips and his head falls back. He’s fucking you at a superhuman speed, hips snapping into yours with so much force you think he’s close to bruising your cervix. And still. It feels good. It feels so fucking good. Every touch leaves you tingling and you think you’re going to explode with his hand finding your clit again. He pushes your legs open wider, allowing him to press into you further. 
You’ve never been this wet in your life. Not with your vibrator, not with any of your boyfriends, not even with the one you swore you were in love with when you were a sophomore in college. The squelch of his cock driving into you rings in your ears and you don’t think you’ll ever forget the sound. A coil within you begins to wind tight, your body on the precipice of turning into jelly in Eric’s hold. 
“I want you to cum for me, sweetheart,” he growls and it’s enough to send you flying. You clench around him, walls fluttering and throbbing as you feel his dick twitch in you. 
As soon as you’ve regained your consciousness enough to offer him a weak smile, he’s pulling out of you and spinning you around so that the front of your hips are against the desk. He thrusts into you swiftly once more, never once faltering from the ruinous pace he’d started up previously. Your back arches into the desk. Your pussy feels raw, overstimulated, melting into the pleasure he’s driving into you. Another orgasm is sure to follow. And quickly. 
“You are mine, whether you agree to it or not,” he growls. His thrusts begin to grow sloppy, cock twitching with every pump of his hips. With a final push in, he cums and offers you the first bit of warmth he’s been able to give you all night. You fall down the same rabbit hole moments later. Your entire body twitches as you do and you can barely feel anything as he pulls out of you. 
He gives you a minute to catch your breath, to gather yourself and spin around to face him as you tug your dress back down your thighs. You’re panting, still, as he wipes the semi-dried blood off of your neck and brings it up to his lips to lick clean. 
“No more cigarettes,” he says. “I can’t wait to see how you taste when you’re… pure.”
“I don’t know if I can promise that,” you say. 
“You will.”
He grabs your chin between his thumb and forefinger. 
“Sweet dreams, sweetheart,” he says. “I’ll be seeing you.”
He’s gone before you can ask what he means by that. 
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eccentricallygothic · 17 days
Pairing: Eric Northman | Hunter's Daughter!You. 
Warning(s): Smut, m!Dom, f!sub, kissing, makeshift bondage, tongue play, feeding, minor blood play, Eric's fat cock, nipple play, unprotected p-in-v, probably fear kink, human x vampire, forbidden lovers trope, dirty talk, age gap (lmfao). MDNI.
Note: Idk if Eric's in anymore but my kid sister wants to watch True Blood so I showed her the trailer and here we are. Unedited because I've class in a few hours and I am exhausted~
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It is dangerous, prohibited, condemned by nature herself. 
And yet, that has never been enough to stop you. 
As you stand in the chilly late evening air in the spot reserved for your meetings with your forbidden love, a shiver breaks out through your body but the reassurance that it would soon be compensated for by the electric touch of the main you await is enough to console you. 
You are looking in the opposite direction of that of your pursuer when he does arrive, his tall figure approaching you faster and quieter than you can process. 
Your surprised gasp doesn't make Eric falter as he zooms to one of his favorite spots to spend time with you in, your smaller body safely tucked in his muscular arms and pressed tightly against his chest. 
The moment your body touches the sturdy ground of the mountaintop on which the silver moonlight shines in the most fascinating way, Eric doesn't allow you a moment to stop and marvel at the scenery. Instead, his desperate hands and hungry lips are on you all at once. His inhuman speed only serves his depraved intentions. 
“Hello to you too—” your cheeky giggle is suppressed against his lips the moment you speak and his cold blue eyes flicker up to yours from the diversion of attention your sweet voice causes for him. 
Eric doesn't have to say it. You can hear it in his cross growls as he relieves you of your clothing by pushing your shirt and bra all the way up to your elbows until you're in a makeshift bondage and your damp pants are laying beside you. He is not happy with how long he has had to wait for you this time. 
You whimper out into his mouth in response, moaning at the feeling of his warm tongue dancing with yours as you lift your crotch to grind against his very stiff one. The waver in your breath is your silent apology as it is clear by now that Eric will not allow you any words tonight. He doesn't when he's not pleased with you, as apologies just sound like lousy excuses to him. And you are not one who dares to challenge him when he is already unhappy with you. Because you have made that mistake a handful of times, and each time, tears and snot were made your best companions. 
Eric's hungry kisses now travel down your chin and along your jaw as the hand that is not fondling your chest feels for your neck now, one of his knees having already expertly parted your legs for his body to slot between. Your throat goes dry from excitement as you look up at the stars, craning your head to the side to give him more access to the junction of your shoulder but arching your back from how his hot lips tickle your tender skin.
Eric growls again once he reaches his spot of choice and sticks his balmy tongue out to lick at the mark you hide under hair and turtlenecks. A cry escapes you when he reproaches you by choking your poor nipple out between his fingertips. When his cold blue eyes come up to glare at you once more, you pout and lean your weeping sex into his covered cock. 
You know why he is unhappy. It has been weeks since your last meeting thanks to your family of hunters that you have to keep as far away from your relationship as possible. One wrong move and everything you have built brick by brick in convincing your father that you had broken things off with the golden haired beast that loomed over you would come tumbling down. You furrow your eyebrows in an earnest manner, trying to get him to understand. It is not like you like being away from him. 
Eric finally relents, for now, when his thick cock twitches inside his pants and he leans down to lick his mark on you again, distastefully grunting at how it has healed from when he last had you. 
Your eyes flutter close from the feeling. Need sparks to life in your torso and snakes its way down your spine before spreading over your loins and dying into the mess you've made between your legs. Blood pumps through your ears in anticipation of what is going to come any second now. The faint clink of Eric's belt coming undone sounds somewhere in your lust stricken stupor and you bite your lip at the same time your ancient lover copies your action except into the delicate skin of your neck.
“Ah!” Is all you can let out as you feel his thick fangs slide into the patchiness of the ditched they created into your flesh a while back. The feeling of him tearing into you has you releasing more slick. You feel your cunt ache and your hole blinks from the way the suckling of his lips makes your head spin. 
Eric places his stiff tip against your opening with his free hand while still feeding on you, taking his sweet time and savoring your taste. You whine out again and your gaping pussy tries to retract defensively. Your cruel lover refuses to prepare you today, it seems. And while it doesn't really surprise you because he tends to do that as a way of exercising his ire on your tight little cunt on days like today, it hurts nevertheless. 
Besides, your pussy is way too small to take his cock as is. 
His groan into your skin makes your whole being reverberate as your eyes roll to the back of your head. Eric detaches his lips from your skin at last to let out a grunt when your stubborn opening keeps refusing him access, instead causing his tip to glide off over and over. 
You try your best to will your entrance to take him, but your tiny band is a brat, as Eric likes to call it. 
“I wonder what your proud father would say if he saw his prodigal daughter like this” Eric's broad shoulders shake from his bitter mirth as he enjoys the pained expression on your face when he moves back on his knees and forces you to slide down his hard shaft. “Mouth covered in her own blood and pussy clamped around the cock of his arch nemesis…” Your back arched as your petals hit the skin of his balls and his cock twitched deep inside your velvet cavern. “Mind too stupid for any dignified resolve” his long fingers gently stroked the strands covering your face away. “Do you want any such resolve, little one?”
A whimper escapes you when he snatches one of your hips in one hand and snakes his other arm around your back to lift you up and against him. Your pussy clenches when your eyes meet and you moan when he presses his blood covered lips to yours again, smearing the metallic liquid into your mouth with his tongue. It only makes you slot your trapped arms around his neck before you pull him closer. 
“N- No, Eric! O- Only—” the vehemence with which you shook your head was a humiliating one for a sober person. “Only you!” You screamed out as he lifted you off his cock, your pussy squelching soundly in the process, before slamming you down on his sack again.
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likeahorribledream · 2 years
Baby fangs
SUMMARY: Newly turned and without a maker to guide you, you run to the only vampire bar you know in the hopes that one of them would be able to help you. Things don’t go as planned.
PAIRING: Eric Northman x Reader
WORD COUNT: 5.1k (oops)
WARNINGS: Angst, fluff, mentions of draining vampires, murder, death, violence. A little bit of Sookie hate (sorry)
REQUEST: Eric comes home and finds you crying, he does his best to comfort you. + his scent calms you down.
NOTES: This is my first time writing for Eric, please be kind.
18+. Minors DNI
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Being the sheriff of area five meant that Eric had to travel for a few days to meet with the sheriffs from the other areas on top of working every night at Fangtasia with Pam. He was a very busy man but that’s exactly how he liked it, although he wasn’t against a few days off especially since he met you. Normally his only down time was during the day while he rested but ever since he had met you, another vampire, he takes nights off to be able to spend time with you. Pam didn’t really understand why he’d want to do that instead of feeding on their customers, but she wasn’t really complaining. With Eric gone, it meant more ladies for her. She even found it refreshing to see her maker with someone other than the insufferable waitress, Bill’s human, Sookie Stackhouse. She never liked the woman and doesn’t think it will ever change. She understands the appeal for her blood, the fairy in her tasted fantastic, but her as a person? Hard pass.
She didn’t like you either, aside from Eric and herself she didn’t like anyone, but she tolerated having you around.
You used to be human, as all vampires once were, and got turned unexpectedly a few nights after the vampires had officially came out of the coffin. You weren’t really shocked to hear about the existence of vampires, truthfully it explained a lot, and you were certainly not joining the war against them. You thought they had as much a right to be around as anybody else. Hell, some of them had been around for hundreds of years. Who were you to say that they weren’t allowed to live a normal vampire life? You supported them and their rights from the get go.
One night as you were walking back to your apartment after working all day, you got attacked by a vampire whose only goal was to turn as many humans as possible, make them join the “right” side. He bit, drained and killed you only to leave you to fend for yourself afterwards.
Your family wasn’t as accepting of vampires as you were, they weren’t accepting at all, and so you knew that going home wasn’t an option. It didn’t matter that you came back to life, to them you were dead. Thankfully, who you become when you turn into a vampire is an amplified version of who you were as a human being and once you got a handle on your hunger you were able to rationalize your situation and you decided to head to Shreveport, Louisiana. You had heard through the grapevine that there was a vampire bar there that was thriving, that had been thriving for years undetected, maybe you could find help amongst them. Maybe you’d be able to find a charitable soul, an older vampire who would be willing to take you under his wing, no pun intended, and show you the ropes.
Little did you know that the vampires who ran Fangtasia, the vampire bar, were not the helpful kind. Eric barely gave you the time of day and Pam laughed in your face before walking away, talking to herself in a language you didn’t understand but you were sure that she wasn’t saying nice things about you. Only Chow Lin, the other owner of the bar, took some pity on you and offered you a job so that you could afford to buy a place and that way you’d be able to feed without having to hunt.
You hated to feed on humans. Never in your life had you done anything that would hurt somebody else. You were the sweet girl that always had something nice to say to everyone, always had the perfect words to make others feel better, you stood up for those who couldn’t stand up for themselves and now you were forced to hurt people to live. Life wasn’t fair.
In the beginning, you tried to keep to yourself as much as possible. You avoided Eric and Pam, if they forgot you were there then they couldn’t think about firing you and honestly they kind of scared you. You got into a simple routine of working all night, going home before the sun rose and sleeping all day before getting up to go back to work. You didn’t know anybody and you made no efforts to try to make friends. Friends were for the living.
Unfortunately for you, your bosses were two of the biggest troublemakers in Louisiana and trouble followed them everywhere. It wasn’t uncommon for other vampires to barge in before the doors were opened and after they were closed. Cleaning up was always difficult when the bosses were in town. Still, you kept to yourself and minded your business.
Until you just couldn’t.
Your discreet nature made it that people usually forgot that you were there or they didn’t notice you altogether, which often worked in your favor.
You had been left alone to clean up and finish the inventory for the night. You were keeping busy in the back room because you knew that Eric was alone in the main room and you didn’t feel like having him watch you. Well, he wasn’t technically alone as he had one of the customers stay with him so that he could feed on her. You were doing a pretty job of focusing on your task at hand instead of thinking about Eric feeding, until crashing noises and a long growl coming from your boss pulled you out of thoughts. You stopped what you were doing and hurried to the door to see what was going on. If your heart had been beating, it would have been pounding out of your chest from the scene in front of you. The girl who Eric had been feeding on was now accompanied by two men who had, somehow, managed to put a few silver chains on the vampire before he could stop them. You were still a baby vampire, as Chow liked to say, but you could recognize a draining kit from miles away and that is exactly what you saw the woman open next to Eric’s burning flesh.
You were mad at yourself for not having heard them coming in. You had enhanced hearing now, you should have heard those chains way before the men even walked into the bar.
You looked around, helpless, hoping for some kind of miracle that you weren’t alone in the bar but of course everybody had left over an hour ago. As you glanced around and thought of a plan, your eyes met Eric’s. You thought he would throw you under the bus so that he could be free, after all you were of no value to him whatsoever, but shockingly he discreetly motioned for you to leave.
You quietly backed up into the room and took off your bartending apron. You grabbed Chow’s wooden baseball bat instead and gripped it tightly, not enough to break it just enough to center yourself.
You couldn’t believe you were about to risk your life for a man that didn’t care about you, but you couldn’t just let them drain him. Your reflexes weren’t great, you were nowhere near as strong as Eric, Pam or Chow but you at least needed to try to do something. Hopefully the element of surprise would be helpful to your, not so, master plan.
You don’t know whether it was the fear of what might happen if you messed up or you finally embracing your vampire being, but you hit them all quick and hard enough for the three of them to be knocked out on the floor before they could alert each other of your presence.
Eric was laying on the ground, his flesh burning under the silver, and somehow found a way to smirk. “You’re improving, but I had the situation under control.”
You rolled your eyes and shook your head as you walked over to him, kneeling next to him to carefully remove all the chains that were on him, burning yourself in the process.
He hissed loudly and his fangs propped out from the pain, and two minutes later it’s as if nothing had even happened, he was completely healed and getting up. “You should have left.” He told you, his tone of voice letting you know that he wasn’t happy, nor grateful, with your intervention.
“I couldn’t just let them drain you.” You shrugged, standing back up now that your hands were healed.
“I had the situation under control.”
“So you’ve said. It sure didn’t look that way from where I was standing.” You muttered to yourself, forgetting that he could hear you perfectly.
“I would have left you.” He said, matter-of-factly.
“I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.” Your tone was harsh, you knew he was only telling the truth but it still stung a little to hear him say that.
“I’m not a good vampire.” He simply answered, as if it explained everything.
“I didn’t know there was such a thing.” You looked away from his deep blue stare, feeling as if he could look right into your soul. If you still had one, you weren’t clear on that.
“You’re a good vampire.” His smirk was back, until the woman on the floor groaned as she began to stir awake.
You were surprised by the compliment, though you weren’t able to comment on it before Eric was fangs deep into the girl’s carotid. Deciding that you had done more than enough for the night, you left Eric to his own idea of revenge and to clean up his own mess for once.
After that night Eric became… curious. He wanted to know more about you. Maybe it was because you hadn’t hesitated to stay and help him when he had clearly given you an out or maybe it was because, unlike most vampires, you didn’t seek his attention. Nevertheless, he grew curious about you. Every night as he sat on his precious throne to overlook the crowd, he couldn’t help but study you from a distance while you worked behind the bar. He hadn’t noticed how dedicated and focused you were while you worked before, it’s definitely a quality he appreciated. He was a hard working man himself, after all.
Pam noticed her maker’s new found interest almost right away and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes every time she caught him staring at you. She comforted herself with the thought that at least you weren’t that damn Sookie Stackhouse. At least you weren’t human.
After a few weeks of him “creeping” from afar, Pam’s words, he decided that he had enough and he started to greet you every time your paths crossed. Which was often since he had memorized your work routine so that he could bump into you as often as possible.
“Good night, baby.” He called after you just as you were getting ready to leave for the day.
You had stopped in your tracks, arching your brow as you turned around. “Excuse me? I’m not your baby.”
He chuckled, then smiled. “I never said anything about you being mine. Although I wouldn’t say no to that. I was calling you baby, because you’re a baby vamp. That’s all.”
“Oh.” If you had still been human you’re sure your cheeks would have heated up from embarrassment. You decided to ignore his odd flirting as you apologized. “I’m sorry. Good night.” You didn’t give him time to add anything else as you left quickly to avoid another awkward moment with your boss and sheriff.
He kept using the pet name every time he talked to you, though you had a feeling it had nothing to do with the fact that you were a new vampire, he simply used that as an excuse. You tried to resist his charm but it was hard when someone as gorgeous as him smiled at you in the most charming way each time your eyes met.
Eric would only admit it if he was being silvered, but he had grown fond of you. You were so very different from all the vampires he had met in his lifetime, hundreds of years of meeting vampires and he had never come across one that was as kind and good hearted as you. It should have disgusted him but for some odd reason it did the opposite.
One of the rules at Fangtasia was that vampires weren’t allowed to glamor anyone to feed. It was more than a rule actually, it was the law for all vampire/human establishments and if the owners didn’t enforce the law and got caught they would get shut down. Pam, Chow and Eric all had worked too hard to lose their bar over something so stupid so they always made sure that it was respected.
You had caught vampires more than once as they tried to get away with it and so far none of them had been a problem. Once they got caught they simply stopped and moved on. It was a part of your job to keep an eye on the human customers to make sure they were safe, you had been human yourself not so long ago so it was very easy for you to read their emotions and facial expressions. You could tell just from their body language whether you needed to intervene or not.
A few weeks after the silver incident, that’s what you were calling it in your head, you were a little more alert than you had been before and though sometimes you felt like you were trying too hard to find a problem with some of the customers, there was one vampire that had all of your attention. Something didn’t feel right with him, he was trying too hard to seem nice and sweet. His whole vibe was off and it made you keep a closer eye on him. It took less than an hour for you to catch him trying to glamor some poor man sitting down at the bar. You didn’t hesitate before grabbing a cocktail menu and slamming it as hard as you could on the bar top to break both their trances.
“Anyone fancy a drink?” You offered as innocently as you could.
As soon as they broke eye contact, the human left running while the vampire glared at you. “Stupid bitch.” He hissed at you through clenched teeth.
“Excuse you?!” You crossed your arms over your chest, glaring back at him.
“Stupid bi-“ He started to repeat, louder this time, before he got his face slammed nose first on the countertop.
“Watch your fucking mouth before I rip your fangs out.” Eric growled as he held the vampire’s head down. “This is my bar and you will respect my rules, and my staff.” He pressed down until he heard the distinct sound of his nose breaking. “I don’t hear you agreeing.” He said with a low, threatening voice.
You were shocked. You had never seen Eric this angry, not even when he got attacked by drainers. You had to admit that you were glad he got involved because you had a feeling the vampire was not the kind to let things go, you wouldn’t have been surprised if he had jumped over the bar to fight you.
The vampire nodded as best as he could with his face pressed up like it was, and only then did Eric let him go. Your boss was taller than anyone you had ever seen in your life, vampire or not, it was easy for him to be intimidating.
Chow did his part by kicking him out of the bar and you did yours by wiping the blood off from the counter.
“Thank you.” You said quietly to Eric as you wiped, you didn’t have to speak louder, you knew he’d heard you.
He simply nodded once to let you know he had indeed heard you before going back to his seat in the middle of the room. Once he was seated again, everything went back to normal and everyone danced and drank like nothing ever happened.
You only saw Eric again after the bar had closed down and you were cleaning everything up to go home before dusk. He walked by you on his way out, only stopping to warn you to be careful.
“Be aware of your surroundings on your way home. Vampires aren’t known for their good tempers.” Then he turned his eyes to Chow. “Are you good here? I have something to do.”
Chow nodded, signaling that he had everything under control and in the blink of an eye, Eric was gone. Unknowingly leaving you terrified to go home. You might be an enhanced individual now, but you were very young and it would be easy for any older vampire to overpower you in any kind of situation.
You did as you were told, staying hyper aware of your surroundings on your way home. You felt so much anxiety that you almost felt human again. Weak and vulnerable to the creatures that lurk in the dark, as if you weren’t one of them. You were relieved once you got to your apartment building, until you got to your apartment door.
The lock had been forced and the door kicked in. You would have been furious if you weren’t so scared.
You closed your eyes for a millisecond, just to give yourself enough courage and then you walked in. Your fangs were out and fists were closed at your sides, ready to defend yourself against anyone, or anything, that had broken into your home.
You jumped out of your skin when the lights turned on and you found Eric sitting at your kitchen table with an amused smirk on his lips.
“What the hell?” You ask, annoyed with your boss as you finally allowed yourself to relax.
“I like to be dramatic.” He shrugged. “Put those baby fangs away, you’re going to hurt yourself.”
You glared at him but did as he told you anyway. “Did you need to kick in my door?”
“I did, actually. Now that you’re getting into fights with other vampires I wanted to see if you could protect yourself. Clearly you can’t.” He shook his head disapprovingly. “Ordinary locks on your door that wouldn’t even keep a human out, not a single weapon in the apartment. You’re barely protecting yourself from sunlight.” He jerked a thumb to the closet behind him. “Your windows have cardboards and a flimsy sheet on them, and you sleep in a closet.”
You were beyond embarrassed as Eric listed all the things you were doing wrong, you couldn’t help but get defensive. “Well we don’t all have a fortune, not everyone can afford a coffin and light tight houses.” You crossed your arms defensively over your chest, frowning harder and harder with every word.
Eric rose to his feet and took a few steps toward you, until he was close enough to grab your chin between his index finger and his thumb to make you look up at him. “Put the claws away, sweetheart. Where is your maker? Why aren’t they taking care of you?”
You shrugged as you looked up into his eyes. “I don’t know.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Simply that I don’t know who my maker is, or where they are.”
Eric swore under his breath and let go of your chin. “Go grab your things, you’re coming with me until we find you somewhere better.”
You tried to tell him no, to explain that you’re fine on your own but as soon as you opened your mouth to speak Eric glared at you until you closed your mouth and did exactly as you were told.
Though his house was beautiful, what really impressed you is how secure it was for vampires. You had a pretty good idea of how protected it would be, Eric wasn’t born yesterday after all, but you never could have imagined that.
All rooms could turn light tight with the push of a single button, his front door was heavier than a car; making it impossible to just kick it in, but most importantly the rooms were underground. You didn’t need a coffin when you were six feet under, protected by tons of cement and no windows to let the sun in. For the first time since you were turned, you’d be able to sleep in a bed. A real bed.
By the time you got to his home, it was time to hide for the day until it was safe for you to go back upstairs.
As soon as the sun disappeared for the night, Eric woke you up and asked you about your maker again. You told him what you remembered from the night you were turned; you got attacked on your way home from work and whoever did it turned you and left you to fend for yourself.
Eric was furious. New vampires need their makers, it was just plain cruel to leave a new vampire to their own devices.
From that moment on, he promised to take you under his wing and teach you everything you needed to know.
You weren’t sure why he was helping you, but you weren’t about to question it. It felt good to have someone to talk to, to have someone take care of you.
Eric only grew more protective over you as time went by. It took only a few months for him to fall in love with you. He had never meant someone like you before, especially not vampires. Most people become darker versions of themselves once they turn, but not you. You still had a good heart and you were as kind as anyone could ever ask for. You amazed him, he was completely wrapped around your finger and you didn’t even know it. It drove him crazy.
Pam knew of Eric’s feelings for you, of course. He couldn’t hide anything from her, even if he tried to. She was annoyed that he had fallen for yet another good girl, but at least you she could tolerate; unlike that Stackhouse girl. She didn’t get involved, kept her mouth shut; not by choice but because she had been commanded to by Eric. He was working so hard to show you that he could be good, that he could be worthy of you, he didn’t need Pam ruining all of his efforts with one of her sly comments.
When Eric finally asked you out on a date, you honestly thought he was joking. You laughed, hard. You were 100% sure that he was teasing you, he had been flirting with you on most days but you took it with a grain of salt. That’s just who Eric was, a charmer. The vulnerable look in his eyes stopped you dead in your tracks and you suddenly felt like a horrible person for laughing so hard.
“I’d love to.” You said before you gave yourself a moment to really think about it.
Vampires couldn’t really go out to eat at a restaurant, so instead Eric gave you the night off from the bar and took you for a walk outside. You had been spending a lot of time together since he broke into your apartment, he had been teaching you everything you needed to know about being a vampire; taking a walk together wasn’t the least bit uncomfortable as you had plenty of things to talk about. One thing you loved about your friendship with the blonde viking is that there was never a dull moment or a lull in the conversation.
That was the first of many successful dates.
You were the first person Eric took on a date in all his years of living and being undead. He usually only seduced whoever he was fancying at the time, got them down and dirty and then moved along to the next person that would pique his curiosity.
You were different, he couldn’t explain to you why but he felt like he needed to treat you right. You were the queen to the king that he never really got a chance to be.
It didn’t take long before everyone knew you were his and that whoever would be crazy enough to lay a finger on you would be done, but not before suffering for hours and even days. He wanted to make sure that whenever he had to leave town for his sheriff duties, no one would try to mess with you.
He usually never left for longer than a few days at a time, but 6 months after you started dating he had to leave for a full 3 weeks. Which was the longest you had to go without seeing each other since the day you walked into Fangtasia. You weren’t feeling too good about it, not because you didn’t trust Eric or you feared something might happen to him; though the thought always stayed at the back of your head because it was still a possibility. With all of his trips out of town, you had come to the conclusion that without Eric by your side you were truly, and terrifyingly so, alone. The longest you two had been apart was 5 days, and once the one week mark passed on his latest work trip the feeling of loneliness truly settled.
You could call him, he had said over and over that you could but you didn’t. He’s incredibly busy on these trips and you never want him to waste time on you. Though, he’d definitely be mad if he heard you talk this way about yourself.
Your mood got worse with every day that passed, and things took a darker turn a week before Eric was planning to come home.
He could feel your mood getting worse, he had drunk some of your blood right before leaving so that he could know that you were ok. You had so much sadness in your heart that it broke his. All he wanted to do was come home and hold you but he couldn’t, and it was killing him.
When there was only a week left of his trip, he could tell that something was wrong with you. It went beyond just being sad or lonely; you were hurt. He couldn’t ignore it anymore. He simply faked a vampire emergency back home and left as quickly as he could. He tried to call you several times but you never picked up the phone, and of course no one answered at Fangtasia either. To say he was in a foul mood would have been the understatement of the year.
His instincts told him to go straight home, so that’s what he did. He barely even took the time to lock the door behind himself or drop his bags on the floor before he started looking for you. It wasn’t hard really, he just had to listen. The water was running, which meant you were in the shower upstairs.
It took him only a few seconds before he was in the bathroom and taking his clothes and shoes off to join you.
You were sitting on the shower floor, crying quietly as the water washed away your bloody tears down the drain. Your back was against the wall and you were holding your knees to your chest, trying to make yourself as tiny as possible. Almost as if you were trying to disappear.
Eric sat next to you and took you in his arms in record times, sitting you down on his lap as he sat back against the wall. “Lover, what’s wrong?” He frowned as he looked you over, trying to find any hint as to why you were so miserable.
“Nothing.” You sniffled and hid your face in his neck. “It’s stupid.” You mumbled against his skin.
“Tell me.” He kissed your forehead and made you look back up to him. “Who do I need to kill for making my sweet love cry?”
You shook your head. “It was just a really bad day.” You sighed and looked down at his collarbone, you couldn’t tell him what happened while looking in his eyes. “Sookie and Bill came at the bar, they made some stupid comment that the only reason you’re even interested in me is because they are together, otherwise you’d be all over Sookie.” You bit your lower lip before continuing. “And I told Pam and she said that it was probably true. It reminded me that without you I’m just alone.” Your tears were falling more rapidly, covering the white floor in red. “I went to go see my family, because I missed them and I was hoping they would be happy to see me.” You sobbed quietly. “They weren’t. They hate me. They said that their daughter died and that I am just a monster that looks like her.”
Eric was so incredibly angry. Why was anyone going out of their way to hurt you? You were so incredibly kind and nice to everyone, you didn’t deserve to feel badly about yourself. He moved his head down until your eyes met and he smiled at you. “Sookie, Bill and Pam don’t know what the fuck they are talking about. Do you know the last time I was living with a girlfriend? There isn’t a last time because you are the first person I moved in with and my first girlfriend. And the last. I don’t even like the word girlfriend. You are so much more than that ridiculous name. You are my love. I don’t care about Sookie Stackhouse.” He rolled his eyes. “I don’t have friends either, as I’m sure you could tell.” He smiled playfully at you. “I have you.”
“And Pam.” You reminded him, quietly as your tears started to slow down.
“Pam is my progeny, our bond is different. I hate seeing you like this, I wish I could take your pain away.” He sighed as he saw the hurt in your eyes. “If it’s any consolation, you have me. I’m not going anywhere. I have been on this earth for hundreds of years and I plan on sticking around for a few hundreds more. I am yours, and yours only.”
“You promise?” You whispered.
“I promise, lover.” He whispered back before pressing his lips to yours in a loving kiss. He was being even more loving and attentive than usual, feeling you needed it more than ever. “Are you mine?” He asked with a smirk, as you hid your face into his neck again because of the devilish look in his eyes. His confidence always intimidated you, especially while you’re naked and vulnerable in his arms.
“Yes.” You answered before breathing in his scent, and your body relaxed as soon as you did.
“Promise?” He kissed your temple, bringing you closer to his chest.
Maybe having only Eric in your life wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
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theartofimagining13 · 2 years
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You bring your husband Alexander to a work Christmas party where he notices that your co-worker Chris is a bit of a flirt. Alexander witnesses Chris trying to make you laugh, getting a little too close and touching your arm an unnecessary amount of times when he leaves to get a drink and it enrages him. The drive home gets very awkward when your obviously jealous husband starts to ask a bunch of questions and accuses you of having an affair.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 1 year
Kinktober Day 8
Eric Northman - Begging
Randomised Character/Person - Prompt from this list
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Eric's tongue runs along your neck. He groans, pressing closer against you. His fangs scrape lightly over your skin and you shudder. He does not break your skin, not yet. He will not do so without your permission.
You know he is needy, but you want to put his resolve to the test.
He nips at your earlobe, careful not to use his fangs. You moan loudly in response. "Gods." He swears under his breath. He sucks at the spot just below your ear. "Please." He whispers, before running his tongue along the shell of your ear. You moan again, clawing at his shirt.
"Pl-please what." You manage, your knees made of jelly.
Eric swiftly brings you to the sofa, sitting down and pulling you into his lap. "Please let me taste you." He hisses, his fangs running along your skin once more. "I need your blood so bad, please, baby, please." He asks around a thick moan. His Swedish accent makes his words somehow even more sensual. "Please." He repeats the word like it is a chant.
He kisses up your neck again, rocking his pelvis up at yours. "Please baby, please." He hisses, his fangs scraping over your skin with a little more insistence. "I am so thirsty for you." He growls. "I need your blood, please." His voice becomes a whine on the last plea.
"Just a little, then." You cooe. "Oh fuck, that you baby." Eric groans, licking a little more at your neck before sinking his fangs in. You moan softly and he grunts in a sated way. He takes a slow draft of your blood and rocks his crotch more firmly against yours. "I want to fuck you." He growls.
"Beg me for it." You purr, pulling him away from your neck.
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voxmortuus · 1 year
Hi! It’s me the anon requesting for the dark fic about Alexander.. and honestly, write whatever makes you inspired about haha it’s up to you. He played a character in the stand as Randall Flagg so maybe something with that character?! Thank you 😍
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⇘ PAIRING:⇙ Randall Flagg x F!Reader ⇘ UNIVERSE:⇙ The Stand ⇘ WORD COUNT:⇙ 4.5k ⇘ SUMMARY:⇙ All your life you've been seeing this man with a smiley faced pin in your dreams, well the end has come, and you're left with a choice. Tired, hungry, thirsty, and alone, you decide to take the kindness of one Randall Flagg under the impression that it's what you wanted. Agreeing to stay things quickly take a turn for the worst and you are forced to become his incubator. ⇘ TRIGGER WARNINGS:⇙ None of these trigger warnings are in order, so just read them and remember then as you read this. DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT | Talk of Murder | Manipulation | Persuading for reader to keep drinking | Sexual coercion and Rape | Slapping both reader and reader slapping him | Spitting | Fighting Reader | Unprotected PiV | Choking Reader | Slamming Reader against glass window & floor | Hinted that reader has a violent past | Reader's face gets held down by boot | Abuse to Reader | Threatening Reader's life | Threatening Reader w/knife | Stabbing Reader | Blood & Blood Play | Captive Reader | Reader gets chained to bed | Reader is forced into breeding | Forced Impregnation | Forced groping | Forced inebriation | Forced Threesome | Unknowing drugging of reader | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this… ⇘ NOTES:⇙ I hope this brings you some joy. Also I'm sorry if this is just horribly written. ⇘ DIVIDER CREDIT:⇙ @nyxvuxoa ⇘ IN STORY DIVIDER:⇙ @voxmortuus ⇘ IMAGE CREDIT:⇙ @punksimulationn ⇘ TAGGING:⇙ @lenareallylovestoread ⇘ My Master Masterlist ⇙
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It was a long walk from Winthrop, WA. Not to mention utterly trying, at this point, you were no stranger to death, let alone having to protect yourself. This outbreak made people go bananas. From people wanting to kill you, rape you, likely wanting to eat you, to those trying to tell you to seek out Mother Abigail, and those telling you to seek out Randall, you couldn't tell what was up who was down, and where was up. This outbreak has sent people into this pit of what? Craziness. Destruction. There were times when it wasn't so bad. Peaceful even. No cars speeding, no one screaming, no violence, just you, and nature.
After walking for almost three weeks, you're exhausted, damn near the point of tears, you're hungry and thirsty, and your body aches in places you didn't know could ache. There's this part of you that just wants to quit. But then you remember the dreams, that yellow smiley face pin, the blonde man that wanted to give you a bed to sleep in, a tall glass of ice water. He was kind to you, all he wanted you to do was to find him. Something about you being special. But why were you special? You were just some girl living in Winthrop, Washington... what made you so special that this mysterious man has been watching you. But the more you sit there, the more you think, the more you realize he's been watching you for a long time. Since you were a little girl. You remember the pin. His denim outfit, and the sound of his boots.
Wiping your face from the tears you look around, seeing more signs telling you who to follow and how far to go. Sniffling a moment you try to contain yourself, telling yourself once you find this man, you'll get your tall glass of water, you'll get your bed, and a shower. You just need to find him. You'll know it's him because you'll know that pin, you'll know that smile, that voice. And if he touches you, you'll know that too. Just have to go a little farther. Looking around you choose to take the well-traveled path. At least at this moment, you know it's bound to lead you somewhere. Especially out in the desert.
After a lot of self-motivation to not give up and to keep walking, you find yourself standing there on the border of walking into this ivory building so to speak, or to turn around and find yourself someplace else, was this where you needed to be? Probably not, but you know what, maybe it was too late to turn back, after all, you came all this way. Looking down at your feet, you were tired, worn out, thirsty, and hungry, and you just wanted a place to rest your feet, even for the night. Maybe this will be all right, right? Letting out a heavy breath, you cross into the location; it was like night and day. Looking around you felt like maybe you had made a major mistake being here.
Letting out a heavy breath you close your eyes for a brief moment and then a voice jolted you.
"What are you doing here?" They asked.
Looking over, you lick your lips. "I umm... I'm just passing through." You state, but the look they were giving you, that answer wasn't good enough.
"Leave her alone." a voice, a familiar voice, boomed out of nowhere, you know this voice, you've heard this voice, you've seen who this voice belongs to.
The person slowly backs away and you watch this man approaching you, dressed in denim with a bright yellow smiley-faced pin attached to his jacket you look him over, rubbing your eyes a moment you shake your head, he couldn't be the same one, it couldn't be, it really couldn't be. He was handsome, but his aura didn't read so handsome, not this time. Your heart pounded in your chest. Licking your lips, you were so thirsty. You look over him as he approaches you.
"You've come to the right place, I've been expecting you. Come with me, I can only imagine how thirsty you are." He states as he escorts you a little further.
"Oh, oh no, I don't want to Impose." You state stopping in your tracks and looking over everything, and look back at him, "You've been waiting for me?"
"Darlin' you've come this far, this must be where you want to be." He smiles a charming smile. "You can't tell me that you don't want a nice cold glass of water?" He asked. Looking over you, he licks his lips. "Don't you remember?"
Water did sound appealing but you don't quite answer. "I'd remember that pin anywhere." You stated looking at it. It gave you a small sense of happiness, maybe even a little bit of hope. You reach out to touch it.
"Or maybe something to eat, here, you'll never go without. Doesn't that sound good? A bed to sleep in? Food to eat, all you can drink, a place to rest your feet, a place where you matter?" He stops and looks down as you reach out and touch the pin. "You like that, don't you?" He asked with a small smile.
That did sound good, then you look over him and tilt your head. "I do... I really do." You say softly with a small smile before you scoff at yourself, shake your head, and drop your finger from touching the pin.
"You can't tell me that doesn't sound good. This is right where you want to be, you ain't gonna find that anyplace else." He stated with that charming grin. He holds out his hand. "Join me." He smiles again.
Chewing on the corner of your lip you look him over. With some hesitation, you reach forward and place your hand in his.
"Thatta girl." He mused as he takes your hand and kisses it before he takes you toward the large building.
As you walk a little further into the building, you see the debauchery, the craziness of it all, people doing as they pleased, no consequences, at least not that you saw. You were curious admittingly so, but you were still slightly unsure. He was going to have to win you, though, so far he was doing a good job, you were taken by his charm, his calm aura, and the smoothness of his voice. He knew what to say to rope you in, and it wasn't going to be the last time.
As he brings you toward the elevator you look out and down on everyone, your eyes go wide.
"How many were just passing through and chose to stay? Do you know each one of them?" you asked as your gaze keeps on the people below.
He chuckles. "Not all are as lucky as you. I have no idea, probably some more than others, but they are all here for a reason. Just like you." He stated.
He knew things others didn't know, things you've kept secret, he knew of those bad things you've done, and he knew you weren't just passing through. You were no better than the others below, but he has plans for you, plans that are not quite what you're expecting them to be.
Once the elevator reaches the top floor he guides you into his suite. Your jaw clenches as you take in a deep breath. Your body trembled a moment but you felt this soft relaxed feeling wash over you. He lets out a soft chuckle as he looks back at you as you stop and look around a moment before you are beckoned. You just want to take it all in but that was cut somewhat short. As he starts walking down the hall, others stop and stare, muttering to each other. Your brow furrowed a bit, and look down as you start walking closer to a set of double doors. As the doors open you follow him in and you look over your shoulder as you watch the others standing there staring at you and vanish upon the door closing.
You didn't understand why people were staring at you, watching you, even muttering and speaking about you. Why were they so in awe by the fact that the man in your dreams was talking to you and bringing you up to his living space? You had no idea. Biting your lip you let out a soft breath and look down at your feet as you trail behind the tall man dressed in denim. Left, right, left, right, it's like you had to mentally tell yourself to walk forward. Your jaw clenches at yourself, frustrated you had to think about such a mundane task as walking.
"Why were the people staring at me back there? It's like they've never seen you with another person before." You ask, likely chuckling, trying to find it amusing, but truthfully you're too tired to really even care.
"Because you're special, and they don't get to see special all that often."
"Why am I special?" you ask.
"Because you're with me." He smirked.
Getting to someplace for you to sit you look around before taking a seat, you look up at him and your brow furrowed trying to understand what made him so damn special and why was he in your dreams? Maybe it was the fact that you had those prosthetic dreams people talk about. That bit of internal hope of that being it is what fueled you into thinking that maybe you are here for a reason. You sit there and look up over this man for a moment and you try to observe his actions, when he sits, he sits with this calming aura.
Licking your lips you look down at your hands for a moment and think. "Thank you, for giving me a place, even for the night." You state.
"You'll want to stay, trust me." He smirked with a small wink.
"We'll see... I told you, I'm just passing through." You state softly.
He tilts his head and looks over you, he can see with you, it was going to take a little more effort than offering you the world. But that's okay, he wasn't in too much of a rush. Licking his lips he chuckled.
"Of course. Well, at least for tonight, you should rest up, eat something, and maybe think about staying. I could always use a good right hand." He smirked again.
Thinking about him your jaw twitches a moment before you let out a slow breath and nod. "Yeah, I'll think about it." You state looking down a moment as someone came up and offered you a glass of ice-cold water, thanking them and look back toward Randall and search his face.
"What is your name?" You ask.
"Randall." He stated.
"Randall..." you say softly. "You didn't ask me mine."
"I don't need to ask you yours. I know your name. But you're exhausted, have your water, something to eat, and you can find your room right down the hall with your name on a piece of paper hanging on the door." He stated.
Watching him he gets up and makes his way over to the large windows. You could tell he was thinking, or at least that's what you're going to tell yourself. You don't actually know if he is or isn't. But you'd like to assume so.
Smelling the food your head darts in the direction and you smile. It's exactly what you were craving. A delicious hot sandwich with curly fries and a cheese dip sauce. You take a bite and groan in pure satisfaction. Truthfully, as well-mannered as you wanted to be, you scarfed that sandwich down and you kind of hid behind a curtain of dust-filled hair and you let out a soft breath.
You went to speak, to thank him, but he was gone, your brow furrows, and you head to the room you were told was yours, taking the paper from the door you look around, people still staring at you you furrow your brow and walk into the room. Upon walking in you look around, wasting no time, you strip down and take a nice cool shower. Much needed to say the least.
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It had been a few days, you had agreed to stay, to give it a chance, and Randall was thrilled to hear it, today was a day you got to spend with Randall, got to see the masses below doing god knows what. Today wasn't just any ordinary day, today you got to oversee a trial, a trial that had damned a man to death. A traitor. You were still trying to understand why he wanted you to see this. But it's because this man knew that you were no stranger to death.
"So, did they kill him?" He asked.
"Yes, they did. Was quite brutal." You stated.
"You're no stranger to that now, are you?" He asked again, looking over your face.
Your brow furrowed and you licked your lips remembering all those years ago. You clear your throat and look up. "I think I'll see myself out now." You state.
"Oh come on, do you really want to do that? You were enjoying your time here. You have everything you ever wanted handed to you. You don't need to want for anything, do you? I can give you so much more." He stated as he walked to you and pulled you close to him.
Your heart started to pound. "I really should go." You state softly.
Tilting your head up he looks into your eyes and shakes his head. "No, you really don't, and you know you don't. You chose to come here. You chose to stay here. This is where you want to be." He stated.
Was he right? He must be. You did choose to stay for the past few days. You did come here on your own accord. He really didn't force you to stay, that was a choice you made. Licking your lips you let out a soft breath and look over him a moment before moving away from him to look out the window. After letting you have a moment, it gave him time to make you a drink.
"Here, drink this, it'll calm your nerves." He stated as he handed you a glass, little did you know that the glass was actually a harsh liquor with some roofie mixed in.
"Thanks." You state as you take the drink and take a sip from it before coughing a moment and looking at him. "What is this?" You ask.
"Just drink it, I promise you'll feel better after." He smiled.
This man hadn't done you wrong yet so may as well right? You sigh a soft sigh and agree to drink the liquor. What he said made sense, and truthfully. Little did you quite realize the subtle manipulation, making it seem it was all your thoughts, that you were the one with the thoughts. Licking your lips you take a sip from the harsh drink and let out a soft breath as it was rough going down. After another sip, you look over at Randall and lick your lips a moment.
"Do you think you could add maybe some sort of fruit flavor to this? It's a bit harsh." You state, not wanting to sound ungrateful.
Though he didn't think of you as ungrateful, he simply chuckled and took the drink, and handed it back to you. "Here, Darlin'. Make sure you drink all of it. No drop left behind." He chuckled.
"Thanks." You state letting out another soft breath you lick at your lips and take a sip.
This fixed drink was much better. So drinking it was like drinking liquid candy. He didn't even ask you instead he started to refill your glass. He hands you the refreshed glass and your brow furrows a moment and you look over at him.
"Drink up, you enjoy that." He smiled.
He wasn't wrong, you brought the glass to your lips and you look over his face before looking down at all the people below. After the first drink, this one was sweeter than the last, maybe it was because he used less liquor, it was good, so it went down easier, and quicker, only for him to bring you a refilled glass. You look over his face and you tilt your head.
"Another?" you ask.
"You didn't finish your other one, take a drink."
You look at him. You could have sworn you finished your last drink. You make a small face and you look at him. "I finished my last one. I know I did."
"No, no you didn't. Here. You had two sips off the last one, take this, finish it, then I'll get you something to eat." He stated.
Taking the drink from him you clench your jaw and thank him again, and you start to slowly drink it before you realize that you're starting to feel a little dizzy. You move to take a seat but he keeps you standing up. He stands behind you and places his hands on either side of your hips. You try to move away from him, you didn't want the touch. You start to feel uncomfortable. You turn and hand him your drink.
"I should go." You state.
"No, finish your drink." He states as he doesn't move from you.
"No, I should go back to my room." You state honestly.
"I insist... finish your drink." He states.
Feeling dizzy you look at him and rub your face. You clench your jaw and shake your head. You set your drink on a nearby table and try to walk away but he grabs you and pulls you back.
"You're not going anywhere." He states firmly.
"Ye-yesIam." You state with a stumble.
He was starting to get irritated with you, he firmly grabs your arm and yanks you back. You growl and spit at him. "Let me the fuck go."
"You're not fucking going anywhere." He states wiping the spit from his face.
You begin to shove him but he shoves you against the glass window, instead of letting you fall he grips your arm and looks over your face before he snarls.
"You're staying right here." He growls.
Letting out a slight whimper you bring your hand to your head and attempt to slap at him to shove, stomp on his foot anything you can do to get away. He grabs you and he drags you to the bed and tosses you on it. You start to panic, but you are having a hard time pulling yourself together. You start to kick as you feel him climbing toward you. You have no idea what happened between the drink and now for him to do this. What did you say? What did you do? You are hitting pure panic mode.
"FUCK YOU!" You scream as you get off the bed and are beginning to crawl away.
Licking his lips he looks down at you, rolling up his sleeves of his denim shirt after tossing his jacket to the side he walks to you and pulls your leg toward him, and flips you over. You attempt to escape again but he takes his boot and presses it against the side of your face forcing your face against the side of the floor. You attempt to fight and call for help, but there wasn't anyone coming to get you, they all knew better than to walk into this room without his direction.
"LET ME GO!" You fight but it was getting more and more difficult to keep yourself awake.
"I'm not letting you go." He stated as he kept his foot against your head.
"Why are you doing this? What did I do?" You ask.
"You're chosen... you can handle this. Stop fighting." He notes your breathing as it started to slow.
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Waking up you feel groggy, sore, and chained to a fucking bed?! You move your hands over yourself and find yourself completely nude, feeling between your legs you feel where he's used you. You snarl and you go to stand up and move but you are quickly brought back to the bed. Reaching up you find that you're collared and chained to the bed like some sort of animal.
"What the fuck?!" You yell.
He walks around the corner and smirks. "Oh, you're awake. Good."
"What the fuck!" You snap. "Did you..." You reach between your legs. "Was this you?!" You snap.
He chuckles. "Oh yeah, and you screamed and moaned like you were absolutely enjoying it more than the last time you were fucked." He chuckled again.
"How dare you?! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" You slap him across the face.
With a snarl, your face meets the back of his hand. "I fucking own you that's who the fuck I think I am. You enjoyed it. You were begging for more, and I gave you more. You should thank me." He stated.
"Why am I here? Who are you?! Why were you in my dreams?!" You snap.
"You're here because you wanted to be here, you came here on your own, just like how you climbed into my bed on your own. I have it all on video." He states as he pulls out a remote and turns on the TV and rewinds to last night.
Sitting there you watch as you climb into the bed, and start taking off all your clothing, groping yourself, and playing with yourself. You watch him strip down, and begin to have his way with you. You watch as he calls for someone else. You then watch yourself begin to fight. It's clear you're begging, but you're begging for him to stop as the other man comes in and strips down, and both of them are having their way with you. You watch as you fight but they are both restraining you, taking turns filling you.
You're angry, feeling like you're going to be sick. You look at him. "What the actual fuck? Do you think I was begging you to do that? It looked like I was begging you to stop." You state with a small growl.
"Begging is begging." He stated. "And baby, you were begging." He stated with a chuckle and an emphasis on the begging aspect.
Disgusted, you tremble in utter disgust. Clenching your jaw you walk over and throw your fist against his face with all your might before you start slapping him and kicking him. You were angry, furious, feeling used and abused and violated. Rightfully so. You were quickly brought to a halt when he grips your throat, slams you into the floor, and kneels down on top of you straddling your body. You go to try and punch again.
"Hit me again, and I will fucking kill you." He snarled and grabbed his knife from under the bed.
"Then fuckin kill me. I'm far better off dead at this point." You hiss after spitting in his face again.
Taking the blade he stabs it into your side, missing all vital organs and arteries, his goal wasn't to kill you, but to scare you. He snarls. You snarl back and for what? What were you going to do? You couldn't do anything but you start to scream feeling the rush going away, and a foreign object stabbing into you, your eyes go wide and let out another scream before he rips it from you. With your hand, you reach to your wound and feel the blood pouring out of it. You slap it across his face, snarling he jerks you and slams you into the floor again, feeling light-headed from being slammed into the floor you try and find your bearings.
He takes his own hand and brings it to the blood and smears it on your body, the bright red against the contrast of your skin was something he enjoyed very much, it excited him, moving to settle himself between your legs you begin to try and fight him, still woozy, he takes the blood from your side and slides it up your legs, coating your inner things in it before he strips down and looks down at you. Licking his lips he wastes no time shoving his already-stiffened cock into you. You let out a scream and begin to kick and thrash yourself to get away from him but it's not working.
You begin to cry, screaming, pleading for him to stop.
"I don't think so. Take it, enjoy it. You're going to carry my child. The last bitch killed my child, but you'll make a fine incubation chamber for my spawn." He snarled.
You didn't want that, you didn't need that.
"NO! NO! NO! STOP!" You begin to sob. "Please stop."
It's like you lost all your strength, it's like it was drained from you as he thrusts into your wet center with no cares.
Thrust after thrust, the sound of his skin slapping against yours echoed into the room, the stickiness of the blood keeping your legs against him. You just lay there, whimpers of crying, whimpers of being thrust into, but not whimpers of enjoyment, not whimpers of love or desire, but whimpers nonetheless. Your eyes cast to the side as your head turns to face the bottom of the window. You tried to find your happy place as he uses your body you can't find the fight in you anymore, you feel like all you've done is fight. You feel this anger bubbling inside you as you hear him growl and snarl.
He grips you and lifts your hips a bit to get a deeper penetration to deposit his seed... again. Your jaw clenches. Incubator. It's the only word that echoes in your mind.
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Standing in the bathroom, bruised, stitched up, poorly mind you. You look over yourself in the mirror, your eyes red and swollen from crying. Your lips cracked and bloodied. You break down in tears, feeling every ounce of pain in your body from the past two days. You had been used, fighting him off, running your hand over your tummy you shake your head.
It all seemed to happen so fast, and you have so much regret in you, you hate all you've done, you hate everything you've done to yourself and those you've hurt. You suddenly feel like you need a priest and a confessional. You sob harder in the bathroom, the only time you have alone and to yourself. You shake your head and looked down at yourself.
"He's not going to be allowed to keep you..." You clench your jaw.
Suddenly there became a bang at the door.
"Do you like living?" He asks.
"Not with you I don't." You snap.
"You should be so lucky I chose you. Women would kill to be in your shoes." He stated.
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blackleatherjacketz · 8 months
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Eric Northman x Female Reader
Summary: Eric shows you what it means to be his.
Warnings: 18+ Only!, Explicit Smut, Alcohol, Bachelorette Parties, Glamoring, Kissing, Hair-Pulling, Biting, Blood Sucking, Vampirism, Blood Contracts, Possessive Behavior, Body Worship, Teasing, Taunting, Orgasm Deny/Delay, Vaginal Fingering, Finger Sucking, Vaginal Sex, Nipple Play, Nipple Biting, Size Kink, Size Difference, Rough Sex, Unprotected Sex, Mirror Sex
Word Count: 2.6k+
Tags: @differentcatcat @jessicafangirl @spice-honey
Read more Eric!
You aren’t entirely sure how you ended here with him like this, but you aren’t exactly complaining, either. What started out as a raucous bachelorette party at Fangtasia turned into a deeply provocative conversation about your innermost desires with its handsome owner. He’d singled you out in front of everyone, bringing you onstage before convincing you to let him drink from you in exchange for a night of pleasure you ‘would never forget’. You’d gone home with strangers before, sure, but you’d never even met a vampire before, let alone let one bite you. But he assured you that he’d make it worth your while. And with a face like that and a voice like his, well… who could say no?
You now lay on his bed opposite a wall full of mirrors, propped on your side as he traces his fingertips up your calf, leaving a trail of goosebumps up the bend just behind your knee up into your thigh. You watch him slip two fingers beneath the hem of your underwear before pulling it taught and snapping it against your skin, forcing you to gasp.
“Are you sure you still want this, sweetheart?” He taunts with a smirk. “Last chance to go back to your drunk friend and listen to how much she hates that fiancé of hers.”
“I’m sure.” You’ve never wanted anything more in your entire life. Your long dry spell leading up to tonight left you desperate for an excuse to get out of the house, to break your mundane pattern of solitude, leading you straight to him. The way he looked at you from across the room made you feel like you were the only woman in the world, the only one for him. He was unlike anyone else you’ve ever met before; elegant and mysterious, sensual and alluring. No one you’d ever met had paid this much attention to you before, had captivated you long enough to agree to a binding physical contract you would normally reject. You’ve never been more sure of anything than you are right now.
Your breath quickens as that sting spreads into the deeper layers of your skin, that needy heat building up inside as he calmly sits down on the bed beside you, pushing the fabric of your dress up around your waist to get a better view. You watch him take his time gently grazing his palms over your hips and thighs, worshiping your body by tracing invisible designs into your skin. Your quiet moans shift that grin of his into a satisfied smile, visible only from the mirrors in front of you before he presses a few soft kisses into your shoulders. He hums an old Norse tune into your ear as he continues to caress you, making every inch of your skin tingle in anticipation as he brushes the hair away from your neck.
“Good girl,” he purrs into the sensitive spot just behind your ear, forcing your body to tense as he curls his fingers beneath your underwear again, pulling it forcefully down your hips before ripping it off. “Then you agree to be mine.”
“Yes,” you barely breathe out, his bold words making your cheeks flush a warmer hue.
He laughs to himself before swiftly sliding his fingers between your cheeks, gliding them over your folds to spread the moisture that’s collected there up and down your seam. “Because I already had someone drive them home. It’s just you and me now.”
You nod in silence, letting his electric touch send sparks up into your core as he continues kissing your neck, glancing up every now and again to watch your reaction as he slowly pushes his chilly fingers inside your entrance.
“Eric!” You moan as they expand your slick, inner walls with practiced restraint, feeling nearly every inch of you before pulling out just far enough to push back in again, causing you to rock your hips along with his steady rhythm. You close your eyes as he delves his digits even deeper into you at just the right angle, finally finding that bundle of nerves tucked up inside you with a curl of his finger.
Sweet Jesus, he’s so good at that.
His frigid pace grows faster, your internal heat warming him up as he starts to nip desperately at the nape of your neck. The muscles in your abdomen can’t help but tighten as the sound of his fingers inside you echoes against the walls, nearly drowning out the sound of his shallow breathing and your needy moans.
“Yes?” He pulls his fingers out of you slowly, leaving a clear coat of your arousal over your ass and hips as he brings them up to your mouth before pressing them against your lips.
Instead of answering him, you take the hint and open your mouth to suck on his fingers, savoring your own tangy flavor as he pushes them past your tongue, practically gagging you in the process. You control your breathing and run your tongue in between them, being sure to look at him in the mirror as you siphon off every last bit of your juices, your spit now pooling at the corner of your mouth, dripping down onto the mattress.
“See how good you taste?” He praises with darkened eyes, a pleased smirk gracing his features just before he pushes you onto your back. “And that’s just your pussy.”
He kisses your mouth before you have a chance to react, tasting the remainder of your essence on your lips and tongue as he breathes you in, letting your scent mix in with the way you taste as he greedily explores your mouth. He has a flavor of copper and iron with a salty aftertaste as he settles on top of you, slowly shedding that cold hard exterior he presented you with onstage. He lets out a series of breathy moans in between each desperate kiss, licking and sucking your lips into his mouth as if they tasted of milk and honey. Groaning as your hands instinctively find their way up onto his chest, he allows them to move across the thin fabric of his tank top and down to his waist as he grinds his hips against your nearly naked body.
He twists the fabric of your dress in his hands and rips it right off, grinning like a schoolboy as he takes in the sight of your naked breasts devoid of any undergarment before hungrily pressing his mouth against them. He nips at your chest and clavicle, teasing the imminent threat of his painful bite at any time as your chest heaves with desire, perking your nipples right into his mouth. He sucks on each of them, lingering on one a little longer than the other, pulling it into his mouth and twisting that sensitive tissue in between his teeth. That mixture of pain and pleasure forces your back to arch and your eyes to roll back into your head, triggering that fire deep within you. It melts its way down to your core, sizzling through every nerve on its way down as he places his palm between your shoulder blades to keep you near.
“Ooh, so that’s the spot, huh?” He looks up at you with lust blown eyes, his pupils nearly taking up all the space within them as he licks a slow, tantalizing circle around it.
“Uh-huh,” you whine with a nod, looking down at him hopefully as you run your fingers through his hair.
He grins just in time to reveal his fangs, biting into the fatty tissue just above your nipple with a sharp twinge of pain, forcing you to inhale quickly. Your mouth falls open as you watch your own blood fill his mouth, staining his lips a dark crimson as he closes his eyes, allowing himself to get lost deep within you. He moans against your skin as he sucks on your nipple even harder, swallowing his first gulp as it floods his taste buds with the sweet fruity flavor of the wine you’ve been sipping on all night.
You tug on his hair as he bites down even harder, threatening to gnaw your nipple right off as the pain from his teeth blends with the pleasure of his tongue, forcing you to wrap your legs around his hips in order to get some sort of friction between them. That delicious, tingling sensation starts to burn brighter, faster within you as it spreads like wildfire throughout the rest of your body. You can feel his erection growing beneath his jeans as he grinds his hips between your thighs. Each drink he takes from you engorges it with more of your blood, stoking that internal flame as it presses harder between them, begging to be released. You pull him in even closer as he nearly sends you over the edge, that wildfire on the brink of igniting into a raging inferno before he pulls his fangs out of you and halts the movement of his hips.
“Eric,” you’re breathlessly disappointed as he pulls his mouth off of you, a sly look crossing his ruby red lips.
“Eric, what?” He repeats mockingly, licking the excess blood off the middle of your chest, purposefully avoiding your nipple as it drips from his lips and chin.
“But I was about to…” You run your hand through his hair as he cleans you up, licking your skin like a cat with its milk.
“About to what?” He grabs onto your wrist and pulls it away from his hair, holding it next to his mouth as he looks up at you with a stern glare. “About to come? Just from that?”
You nod as that dreaded feeling of shame washes over you, forcing you to look away from him. You can’t quite explain it, but something about his touch alone is more arousing than actual sex with half the people you’ve been with before. Now you feel stupid for saying anything at all.
“You think I should let you?” He keeps his eyes on you with a chuckle, kissing the inside of your wrist before placing it back into his hair. “You sound awfully ungrateful.”
You sigh in defeat as he denies your pleasure, that cruel nature of his floating back up to the surface as he pulls away from you, leaning back and standing up at the edge of the bed.
“Look at yourself,” he instructs, nodding over to the mirror that you’d nearly forgotten was there. “How many of your other lovers have done this for you? Drank your blood, tasted every inch of you from the inside out?”
“None of them.” You turn your head and look at your own reflection, streaks of your blood still glistening in the dim lamplight of the room as they branch out from where he’s bitten you. The evidence is clear that you’re already on your way to becoming his. The spots where he attempted to clean you up had smeared and already dried, cracking against your skin as you hear him unbuckle his belt.
“That’s what I thought.” He tosses his shirt off and steps out of his shoes before pulling his pants down, revealing the prize beneath as you finally look back at him, trying not to gasp.
Sweet Jesus, he’s gorgeous.
His size is even more massive than you originally guessed as you admire him for what seems like ages. Your mouth falls agape as he spreads that drop of precum up and down his shaft for your visual pleasure, the muscles in his abdomen rippling in anticipation as he makes himself even harder just by looking at you.
“Don’t worry, it’ll fit,” he reassures you as he gratuitously strokes himself with a confident grin. “I want to make sure you feel good.” He whispers, pressing his knees into the mattress.
“Yeah?” You ask, exasperated as you sit up onto your elbows to watch him get closer. You try to convince yourself that this is real and not just some sort of wild dream as you spread your legs for him until he’s bobbing in between your thighs, but your brain’s having trouble making that distinction.
“You’ll taste better that way.” He brushes your clit with the tip of his cock, rushing your body with bursts of bliss each time he passes over it until he’s good and sure you’re wet enough to take him in.
You hold your breath as he pushes inside, watching intently as he slowly stretches your viscera in an achingly hypnotic thrust upward. That internal heat stirs up again as you envelop him completely, the feeling of his pelvis more than welcome against the bottom of your thighs as he holds himself there for a second. Instead of pulling out and speeding back up again, he just stares longingly into your eyes, giving you time to adjust to his enormous girth as his stifled breath warms your face. His mouth falls open into a kiss as he pushes in even deeper, the tip of his head tapping against your cervix as you begin to shudder around him.
“Oh my god, Eric,” you moan into his mouth, feeling his thumb rub tiny little circles into your clit as he runs his other hand through your hair. You can’t believe how amazing he feels, how every neural pathway in your body is set ablaze, singed by the very fire of his touch that no other man alive was even able to spark.
“I told you it’d fit,” he whispers, tugging on your hair before pulling his hips back and violently thrusting them back inside you. He kisses your lips more aggressively this time, his tongue tasting every gasp he’s able to draw out of you with each thrust of his pelvis, his own breath faltering as he cries out your name.
You can feel his grip on your hair tighten as he drives himself inside you again and again, stretching your smooth muscle to capacity as he glides in and out of you repeatedly, tingling the breadth of your insides. Kisses quickly turn into bites as the rhythm of his hips becomes more frantic, his fangs emerging just as his thumb pushes you over the edge of ecstasy, sending you into the unknown depths of your euphoria. Your body doesn’t know how to handle it, doesn’t know how to react to such an intense sensation as he mercilessly crashes into you, his desperate pace forcing you to descend deeper into that dark, delicious state until your entire body convulses, completely overwhelmed by it. You wrap your legs around his waist, keeping him buried inside as your muscles spasm around him, a loud chorus of your moans echoing off the mirrored walls as your pleasure wreaks havoc on your body.
You barely notice when he sinks his fangs into you again, this time groaning into your throat like a wild animal as your body milks him for all he’s worth, gulping down that intoxicating serum as it oozes from your throat past his lips. His hips speed up to an inhuman rate, those groans of his shifting into feral growls as he releases his thumb from your bud just to hold your hips in place as he loses himself in the feeling of your body, in the flavor of your blood.
Red hot crimson blood drips down your neck as his white hot fluid shoots up inside you, both of them eventually spilling out despite his best efforts to consume and contain as much as he can between the both of you. He mewls against your neck as he sputters a few more times between your inner walls, still pulling tightly on your scalp as you both ride out the aftershock of your orgasm.
“You’re mine now.” He whispers into your ear, smearing your blood into your hair as he shakily kisses your neck and jawline. “No one else can have you, drink from you, or harm you in any way.” He pulls back to look at you adoringly, your blood smattered across his chin like war paint before he bites down on his own wrist to carefully seal your wound. “If they do, they’ll have to answer to me.”
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