haliotis94 · 1 year
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Postal alemana de 1962
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politikwatch · 6 months
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argacyan · 1 year
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Updated version of another old map: Alemannic languages /dialects mapped out. Again this new version features all info on the image itself now.
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dreamconsumer · 6 days
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Charles III the Fat (839-888), Emperor of the Carolingian Empire, King of West Francia, Aquitaine, Alemannia and Italy. Illustration from "Die Deutschen Kaiser", by Max Barack (Julius Hoffmann, Stuttgart, c.1873).
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peregrinatioblog · 2 years
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24.09.2022 TSV Alemannia Aachen – SC Preußen 06 Münster 4:2 Neuer Tivoli (9.990)
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Mein Junge💕
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mioritic · 9 months
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Cabinet photograph of ten members of Burschenschaft Alemannia Bonn, 1897 (via)
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nullnvoid911 · 1 month
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German SEK officers during the football game TSV 1860 Munich - Alemannia Aachen.
Sven Simon / Frank Hoermann, May 06, 2012
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horax · 1 year
on tap (1.9.2023)
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Zwei neue Biere sind am Hahn: „English Mild“ als Gemeinschaftswerk von Alemannia, Heidenpeter & Orca, sowie „Cold IPA“ mit strammen 7,5% und furztrocken da mit Reissirup gebraut. Das Cold IPA fügt sich wunderbar ein an die vorletzte Stelle der heutigen …
… Reihung: Weizen, Hazy Heidi, IPA, Cold IPA, Stout.
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thesynaxarium · 2 years
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Today we also celebrate our Venerable Father Gall, Enlightener of Switzerland. Saint Gall according to hagiographic tradition was a disciple and one of the traditional twelve companions of Columbanus on his mission from Ireland to the continent. According to his 9th-century biographers in Reichenau, Saint Gall was from Ireland and entered Europe as a companion of Columbanus. As a young man, he went to study under Comgall of Bangor Abbey. The monastery at Bangor had become renowned throughout Europe as a great centre of Christian learning. Studying in Bangor at the same time as Gall was Columbanus, who with twelve companions, set out about the year 589. Gall and his companions established themselves with Columbanus at first at Luxeuil in Gaul. In 610, Columbanus was exiled by leaders opposed to Christianity and fled with Gall to Alemannia. He accompanied Columbanus on his voyage up the Rhine River to Bregenz but when in 612 Columbanus travelled on to Italy from Bregenz, Gall had to remain behind due to illness and was nursed at Arbon. He remained in Alemannia, where, with several companions, he led the life of a hermit in the forests southwest of Lake Constance, near the source of the river Steinach. Cells were soon added for twelve monks whom Gall carefully instructed. Gall was soon known in Switzerland as a powerful preacher. When the See of Constance became vacant, the clergy who assembled to elect a new bishop were unanimously in favour of Gall. He, however, refused, pleading that the election of a stranger would be contrary to church law. Some time later, in the year 625, on the death of Eustasius, abbott of Luxeuil, a monastery founded by Columbanus, members of that community were sent by the monks to request Gall to undertake the government of the monastery. He refused to quit his life of solitude, and undertake any office of rank which might involve him in the cares of the world. He was then an old man. He died at the age of ninety-five around 646–650 in Arbon. May he intercede for us always + Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Gall (at Arbon, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjvtLebD_l1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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optikes · 2 years
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Unknown artist, Swabia/ Alemannia (now in southern Germany)
Portrait of a Woman of the Hofer Family (c1470)
oil on wood panel  53.7×40.8cm
 A   nationalgallery.org.uk
This woman’s large white headdress, its calligraphic shape made up of stiff angular folds, is striking against the dark background. The bold visual effect of this almost sculptural item of clothing belies the care the artist has taken to describe the details of its construction. The border covering the woman’s forehead is made up of a series of parallel folds, or tucks, giving this area a ribbed texture; the edges are stitched and it is held in place at her hairline with pins, the indentations of which are visible. Shading around the folds reinforces the sense of their depth. The artist seems to want us to think that a fly, deceived by his illusion, has attempted to land on the headdress. The insect is, of course, also part of the deception and perhaps intended to reinforce the artist’s mastery.
The wall-hanging in the background is also not as simple as it first appears. It is perhaps intended to resemble a woven silk, its pattern of foliage and flowers made up of fibres of a subtly different shade of blue to the rest of it. As the white headdress curls over the woman’s shoulder, it differentiates her dress from the hanging, which is made of a similar fabric. Her understated and elegant costume, with its white fur trim and gold fastenings, dates to about 1470.
With slim fingers she gestures towards a sprig of forget-me-nots. The flowers were sometimes a symbol of marriage, so she may have been portrayed to commemorate an engagement, but they also refer to remembrance. Perhaps they are an invitation to remember the sitter through this portrait when absent, or even after her death. As flies could spread disease and were sometimes seen as a symbol of sinfulness, its presence might be intended to ward against evil and illness.
The inscription at the top of the painting reads: GEBORNE HOFERIN. This means that the woman is from the Hofer family, but as this was a common surname in southern Germany at the time it doesn't help to identify her.
 Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLAr2X4sH5Q  
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sarllegroupe · 2 days
Gesund hat noch nie so gut geschmeckt! #ForeverLivingProductsDACH #Forever #ForeverLivingProducts #AloeVera #AloeGel #Alemannia #Mango #Erfrischung
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regioonlineofficial · 17 days
Het college van Krimpen aan den IJssel heeft besloten dat het COA vanaf 1 januari 2025 voor de duur van 2 jaar in de Sliksloothaven weer een asielschip met vluchtelingen kan plaatsen. Burgemeester Jan Luteijn: “In de krant en televisie ziet u nog steeds berichten dat er veel te weinig opvangplekken voor vluchtelingen zijn. Ook wij moeten volgens de geldende (wettelijke) afspraken 164 asielzoekers opvangen. Omdat wij geen opvanglocatie aan wal hebben, kunnen wij op dit moment alleen een opvangschip voor 150 mensen aan de Sliksloothaven realiseren.” Het COA wil geen kinderen onder de 18 jaar meer aan boord Krimpen aan den IJssel is nog de enige gemeente waar het COA nu nog minderjarige kinderen aan boord van een schip opvangt. Het COA vindt kinderen op het water te kwetsbaar. Daarom zijn er vanaf het nieuwe jaar alleen gezinnen met meerderjarige kinderen en volwassen mannen en vrouwen op het schip welkom. De tijdelijke lokalen aan de Vicenza sluiten haar deuren in het begin van 2025 Natuurlijk heeft het uitstromen van gezinnen met kinderen onder de 18 jaar als gevolg dat wij het onderwijsprogramma in het nieuwe jaar moeten stoppen. Voor de meerderjarige kinderen blijven de onderwijsafspraken gehandhaafd. De burgemeester en wethouder Van der Wal nodigen omwonenden uit Wij willen onze besluiten aan hen toelichten en hun vragen beantwoorden. Samen met het COA organiseren wij daarom 2 inloopmomenten aan boord van de Alemannia. Dit is op woensdag 18 september van 17.00 tot 18.00 uur en van 19.00 tot 20.00 uur. Omwonenden kunnen zich aanmelden via [email protected] of via telefoonnummer 14 0180. We houden rekening met de binnenvaartschippers Wij vinden het belangrijk dat de binnenvaartschippers tijdens de kerstperiode gebruik kunnen maken van de haven. Daarom spannen wij ons in om net als vorige jaren het schip in de kerstperiode ergens anders onder te brengen. Het college vindt het belangrijk dat inwoners met hun vragen bij ons terecht kunnen. Dit is mogelijk via het e-mailadres [email protected]. Ook kunnen inwoners bellen met ons Krimpens contactcentrum via telefoonnummer 14 0180.
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magentasport · 2 months
Willkommen in der #MagentaSport-Familie, Fabian Klos! 🔥 Nach über 500 Profi-Spielen beendete Klos in der vergangenen Saison seine aktive Fußball-Karriere und wird ab sofort neuer Experte in der 3. Liga bei MagentaSport! Seinen ersten Einsatz hat er am 1. Spieltag bei der Partie RW Essen gegen Alemannia Aachen. Alle Spiele live natürlich bei #MagentaSport! 👉bit. ly/MagentaSport-3Liga
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peregrinatioblog · 19 days
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01.09.2024 SG Alemannia V-H-U II – SG Mönchweiler/Peterzell ll 3:0 Sportanlage Langenbacher Straße, Vöhrenbach (70)
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So, ten years ago there was this really young and promising Bayern Munich player whose father had also played for Bayern. I'd seen him in a few tests and I was so excited about him because he was good and still young, so who knew how he'd play in a few years. He was loaned out for a year but never really made it. He kinda disappeared again, never had his major breakthrough, only played for meh teams. He never made it back to Bayern, never played for the national team, nothing.
I just looked at my blog and I even tagged a few posts with him, here. Ah, I was so excited about him back then.
Well, yesterday my home team, my other favorite club, announced that they had signed Gaudino. And this is like a full circle moment and I couldn't love it more. Of course I know that Gaudino isn't the first class player like I had hoped he would become. But now he's playing for my team. I hope he does well and doesn't leave already after a year. He could be a great addition to the team. And I hope our jerseys look decent so that I can get one with his name on it lol.
Either way, this is so cool, I'm super excited about it and if someone had told me ten years ago, that this would happen, I would've enjoyed a good laugh.
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