#Alec diarrhea
●イラストは内装の仕事より。(Special thanks ●アキ・スペースデザイン一級建築士事務所、森こどもクリニック院長先生)●職人さん、いつもありがとうございます。●診察室、院長先生は動物に囲まれて(包囲されて?)診察なさいます(汗)
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Alec: you know, I always think it weird when my blind date were going pretty well before something came up
Magnus: maybe the universe were sending signals
Alec: you think? idk i think im doing okay with this rufus guy and suddenly his ex show up, what’s the odd
Magnus: freaky right
Alec: And the other time!! That Sean guy... he was so nice at first, idek why he left for the bathroom and never came back
Magnus: Now, that's just mean
Alec: He doesn't seem the mean type tho
Magnus: Maybe he had a severe case of diarrhea and was too embarrassed to tell you?
Alec: Maybe? Oh well, it doesn't matter now, I suppose.
Magnus, cuddling into Alec: You're right. Pizza for dinner?
Magnus, internally: I'm a mastermind 😈😈😈
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fairyniceyeah · 24 days
What are your thoughts about 1,9,10 and 22 for the asks?? 😊
Hey there^^
Thanks for the ask, I finally got around to answer all the questions <3
1. What’s one fic you want to spotlight and why? Include the title, summary, warnings, and a link! 
Uuuuh, interesting! I think, hands down, it’s my Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story? series from ao3. It’s more or less the same fic just one part from Combeferre’s perspective and one part from Enjolras’ perspective. I spend so many hours on research and writing it and even cried while doing so. It took a lot of effort – both fics are over 55,000 words…
I gotta be honest, I am pretty sad that it never really reached many people – but I get that the Les Mis fandom is already pretty small and the story itself is very niche, so I am disappointed, yes, but I didn’t expect anything else either. I tell myself that at one point I will post the rest of the second story but I never really get around to it…
Part 1: The Sky’s the limit
Now Combeferre was left alone, left behind. It hurt. It’s not that he wasn’t used to feeling alone. His friends always seemed to have a connection with each other that he didn’t quite share. He had been there wherever they went but not quite. They had always moved like cog wheels, linked together and working so seamlessly together they seemed like one. Combeferre himself felt like a separate part of the machine, there but not there.
CW: depression, self-harm, s*icide attempts, hospitals, cancer, emeto, diarrhea in the context of illness, assisted s*icide, amnesia, death
Part 2: Stay Alive
“Combeferre needs somebody he can rely on. Normally I tell people that they have their whole life to freak out over somebody’s death, that they shouldn’t freak out where they can see. But with you – Enjolras you are hurting yourself and you are hurting Combeferre and the rest of your friends when you ignore how much you are hurting. This isn’t just about Combeferre anymore, it’s about all your insecurities and fears and your self-hate. This isn’t healthy and sustainable. How long can you go on until you fall and nobody will be able to catch you?” Enjolras is burning out - badly.
CW: depression, self-harm, s*icide attempts, hospitals, cancer, emeto, diarrhea in the context of illness, assisted s*icide, amnesia, death, migraines, panic attacks, sexuality crisis
If anybody is interested in reading I would probably die of happiness (and this is not a stupid manipulation tactic, I really just would like my work to be appreciated but I know I can’t make anybody do that!).
9. Which character do you genuinely think you would be really good friends with if they existed in real life? 
Disclaimer: I’m gonna interpret “character” as “idol” in this one. Obviously I know we never know everything about idols, especially as recent events have proven, but this is based on how they show themselves on screen.
Honestly, I think I’d get along pretty well with Hongjoong from ATEEZ? He is very socially aware which drew me to choosing him as my bias in the first place. He just seems like a genuinely kind and respectful person and somebody I would want to be friends with! Besides, we have similar hobbies with reforming clothes so we have that in common which would surely help speed friendship along.
Going back to fiction: I think I might really get along with Alec Lightwood from Shadowhunters? He seems to be such a cool person and I would love to go to pride with him and Magnus. And he could moan about being the oldest sibling and how annoying that is despite loving younger siblings XD
10. Is there a character that you love in fiction, but if they were real you might punch them?
Disclaimer: I’m gonna interpret “character” as “idol” in this one. Obviously I know we never know everything about idols, especially as recent events have proven, but this is based on how they show themselves on screen.
I’ve said so before to friends but I think I might have beef with Woosung from The Rose if we met. I don’t even know why, it’s just a feeling. Not that I don’t love him, I do! Just, I think we have a very different humor and approach to life that might clash? He has a very (what we call in social pedagogy) “laissez-faire” work ethic at times and I stress myself out about a lot of stuff, so we would probably get frustrated with each other. But punching would be a bit too far...
In fiction: I was a hardcore Supernatural fan years ago and I loved Dean Winchester. But hands down, he is a pretty awful dude – misogynistic at times, insensible and basically an alcoholic (no judgement here but the way he glorifies alcohol makes me uncomfortable). It’d probably find him insufferable and if he treated me how he treats some women on the show I would definitely punch him!
22. You can only write fic for one character for the rest of your life. Who is it and why?
Noooo, don’t do this to meeeeee! I couldn’t choose! As said before, I keep switching between fandoms and hyperfocusing on them, so I would love the character/idol until something else comes along that I can’t write for and then I would never write again…
My heart currently, obviously, says Woozi from SEVENTEEN but, hands down, if you had asked half a year ago I would have said Hongjoong from ATEEZ and even further back ... I think you get what I mean XD
Lots of love,
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ao3feed-malec · 6 years
Warlock Cold
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ASgJkI
by TanteTao
Warlock Cold – formerly known as the Devil's Plague – is one of the few diseases contagious to warlocks. More than that, it is oftentimes fatal. When Magnus contracts it from a contaminated artifact, Alec resolves that he will not lose Magnus, now quarantined away from other warlocks to prevent spreading of the disease, to it – no matter what it takes.
Words: 12153, Chapters: 3/40, Language: English
Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Jace Herondale, Isabelle Lightwood, Clary Fray, Clary Fairchild, Catarina Loss
Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Nudity, Illness, Disease, Medical Procedures, Patient Care, Vomiting, Diarrhea, supportive family, Lightwood Family, good parabatai Jace
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ASgJkI
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trajektoria · 7 years
Scott Ryder headcanons
To honor Ryder Appreciation Week I decided to write up some headcanons about my Scott:
 White is his favorite color and yes, he knows it's not very practical, but he will wear it regardless, try and stop him.
Both he and Sara are biotics, but their level of power is different. As kids, Sara was better at using her abilities and teased Scott mercilessly. Now things are different. Sara is an okay biotic, but prefers to use guns in combat. Scott on the other hand, is an incredibly powerful biotic, easily on the level of asari commandos. Using biotics is as natural to him as breathing, so he hardly ever needs to fire a gun to deal with any threat. Also biotics are great when he's too lazy to go and fetch something.
Scott is very sensitive and as a child was a bit of a crybaby. It was very easy to make him cry ("You're a crybaby!" "No, I'm not!" *waterfall*). Even now he finds it hard to keep it together when someone yells at him.  
When he was little, Ellen gave him for his birthday a lion plushie in a pink shirt with the caption "I love you" printed on it. It became Scott's favorite toy and a huge source of comfort. He loved it so much that Ellen started to call him "her precious Lionheart" and Scott was just so happy. He brought the plushie with him to Andromeda in secret. When things are especially awful and Reyes is not there to comfort him, Scott sleeps with the cuddly, worn out lion and feels a little better.
Being so sensitive, he grew more attached to his mother, whereas Sara had a better connection with their father.  Scott resented Alec for never being around when the family needed him. They clashed a lot and Scott was convinced that it was at least partly because Alec couldn't accept his sexuality. Alec had never been overtly homophobic, but Scott just knew, he could feel the disappointment. The fact that Alec sacrificed himself to save his life, giving the ultimate proof of love, makes Scott think that maybe he had misjudged his father and he wishes they had been closer.
Scott calls Reyes and Sara (if she's away from the Tempest) every day to stay in touch. He doesn't want to lose contact with people he loves and needs to know if they're okay.
He and Sara are very close and they can talk about absolutely everything, there are no taboos between them. As a teen, Scott got a very detailed description of how it felt to be on your period and he repaid in kind with a tale of awkward boners during classes. Reyes overheard once how Sara recounted to her twin a case of particularly awful diarrhea after eating a mysterious plant on Havarl  and he still isn't sure if he admires or is concerned about that level of honesty between the Ryders.
Scott dated a few guys in the Milky Way, but Reyes is his first serious partner. Sometimes he feels as if he's fumbling about in the dark, not knowing what to do, and he's still in awe how the hell did he manage to start a relationship with a literal shadowy king of a planet, but he's not complaining. He truly feels happy with Reyes, even if they can't meet as often as he'd like. But when they do... well, sex is amazing. Reyes is an experienced and attentive lover, always giving Scott what he needs and wants. Scott finds himself falling harder and harder for that smooth bastard with every day that passes.
At first Scott was weirded out by the constant presence of SAM in his mind, but he eventually got used to it. Right now he thinks of SAM almost like his younger brother, wanting to help him learn and grow. It's nice not to be the youngest sibling for a change.  
Once he found out that Reyes has a very good singing voice, he convinced his lover to record a few songs for him. He has them on his omni-tool and asks SAM to play them for him before falling asleep. He loves sappy, romantic music, he can't help it. Luckily for him, Reyes shares that vice so they both can be disgustingly mushy.
As a kid Scott LOVED Firefly-like show about a bunch of smuggler misfits of questionable morals who were flying across the galaxy having tons of adventures. He loved the excitement of seeing new places and how the characters of different races and backgrounds created a family of sorts. And he had a giant crush on the captain of the ship. He looked a little bit like Reyes.
Scott loves to eat and is hungry all the time, probably because his biotic abilities require tons of energy. His stomach is like a garbage can – he can eat absolutely anything without any problems later on. Stale pizza from three days ago? Sure! Moldy cake? You got it! A suspicious cookie fished out from under the couch? Yum! Lexi is having a mini heart attack every time she sees Scott munching on something.
Scott doesn't believe in any supernatural stuff. He laughs at ghost stories and thinks that superstitions are ridiculous. Sara on the other hand is terrified of ghosts, so he likes to scare her sometimes.
Scott uses humor and snark as a coping mechanism. People may think that he can't treat anything seriously, but that is not true. He simply makes jokes when he's stressed and recently he's been stressed all the time.He needs rest.
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crazedlunatic · 7 years
Ear Infection
“It’s your turn.” Kurt groaned, pulling the comforter over his head.
“The last two turns have been my turns.” Blaine whined, shivering when Kurt pulled the blanket off him. “Go get Zach before Nick starts crying— too.”
“Oh, God. No.” Kurt let out a noise that sounded like a sob as he jumped out of bed.
Blaine whimpered, wiping sleep from his eyes, before climbing out of bed too.
When he made it to the nursery, Kurt was rocking Zach in his arms while making shushing noises at Nick.
“I’m here, I’m here.” Blaine cooed, lifting a standing Nick out of the crib.
“DADA DADA!” Nick cried. “DADA!”
“I’m about to cry for my dad too.” Kurt mumbled. “Zach, it’s okay… Zachy, it’s okay.”
“It’s been three days straight. Something’s wrong. Something is wrong.” Blaine said over Nick’s cries, sitting in one of the two rocking chairs.
“I don’t know what to do, Blaine! I don’t know what to do!” Tears filled Kurt’s eyes as he rocked baby Zach, going back to his mantras of shushing and telling him it’d be okay.
“I haven’t slept in three days. It can’t be teeth. Somethings wrong and I don’t know what to do.” Kurt cried. “No, Zachy, it’s okay… Oh God, I am such a horrible parent. You pick up Nick and he just goes straight back to sleep. I’m the one who wanted a baby so bad and he hates me. What have I done?”
Blaine stood, taking Nick and gently placing him in the crib.
“I am so sorry that you hate me. What did I do?” Kurt cried as Zach’s cries got louder.
“Give him here.” Blaine moved in front of him, hands held out.
Kurt, who usually protested at passing off one of the babies when they were crying, held out Zach.
Blaine took him out of the room in hopes of Nick not waking back up. “Shh, shh, shh… shh, shh, shh.”
Kurt followed, furiously rubbing at his eyes.
“Call Eric.”
“What?”  Kurt let out a watery hiccough.
“Call Eric. He works with babies in the hospital. Call him.” Blaine said over Zach’s tears which weren’t subsiding.
“It’s four in the morning.”
“He works in a hospital. He’s either getting up for work or getting home from work. Call him.” Blaine said, voice firm. “My phone is on the kitchen table.”
Kurt wiped his teary cheeks as he went to grab Blaine’s phone. He looked through and pressed the call button once finding Eric’s name.
“Mmmhello?” Eric asked, sounding groggy. “Blaine? Is everything okay.”
“It’s Zach. He won’t stop crying.” Kurt blurted. “Something is wrong.”
“Did you try warm milk? Car ride?”
Kurt heard rustling. “Nothing works. It’s been three or four days. It’s not regular cries. I think he hates me.”
“He doesn’t hate you… Look, do you want to meet me at the hospital or…?”
“I… I don’t know.”
“Meet me at the hospital. Don’t go in until I’m there—we’ll go in together. I don’t want the twins in a waiting room. I’m on my way—don’t rush, I can wait if I’m there early.”
“Thank you, Eric. Thank you.” Kurt hung up and went to Blaine. He was surprised to see that Zach was fast asleep, Blaine’s t-shirt balled in his little fist and tear streaks down his chubby cheeks. “He wants us to come to the hospital. I’ll call Finn.”
“David’s off tomorrow, Finn isn’t. Let’s swing him by there. David’s his godfather anyway.” Blaine said.
“Fine. I’ll get Nick if you can get Zach in the car. I’ll be right behind you.”
“Get the bag? Both of them? David’s got formula and food from Monday.” Blaine rocked back and forth still even though Zach was asleep.
“Got it.” Kurt ran down the hallway and got Nick out of the crib.
“Dadadada.” Nick cooed, little fist gently grabbing a piece of Kurt’s hair and not letting go.
“Nickynickynickynicky.” Kurt cooed right back, leaning down and grabbing both diaper bags. “We’re going to go see David.”
“Dadadada.” Nick gave an almost toothless grin.
“My sweet baby.” Kurt kissed his chubby cheek, sniffling.
“Come on, this elevator.” Eric, who was literally in pajama pants and a t-shirt, flashed his badge to a security officer.
“Back already?” The guy asked, laughing.
“What can I say? I love babies.” Eric yawned, pushing the elevator button before Kurt or Blaine could get to it. “Where’s Nick?”
“Dropped him off at David’s.” Blaine responded.
Kurt cradled Zach close, eyes still red from his crying fit earlier.
“I need a nurse or an assistant.” Eric told a dark haired older woman that was walking past. “Who is here?”
“Becca, Katie, and Sam right now.”
“Can you just pull whoever is the least busy?”
“You delivered triplets two hours ago and you’re going to act like somebody isn’t busy.” The woman laughed.
“Love you, Lynn!” Eric called as he was still walking, Kurt and Blaine trying to keep up with him. “We’ll go in the last room on the right… is it open?”
Kurt and Blaine stopped behind him as he peaked in.
“Great, alright. Go on in. I’m going to change, wash up, and I’ll be right back. A nurse may come in to get a chart going before I get back but I won’t be too long.”
“Thanks.” Blaine gave a tired smile, sitting in one of the chairs inside the bright room.
Eric headed out quickly.
“He just lives here I think. Alec’s going to kill him one day.” They heard a nurse say walking by.
“Great.” Kurt sighed as he sat in the seat next to Blaine.
“They were joking, I’m sure.” Blaine reassured him, giving his arm a squeeze.
“I hope he doesn’t just hate me.” Kurt frowned, looking down at Zach who was awake again and looking up at the ceiling. It was a forest mural with beautiful colors—perfect for capturing and keeping a baby’s attention.
“Approximately 6-month-old male.” Eric said walking in with a girl who was younger than all of them. “Difficulty sleeping, most fussy at night when he’s laying down, reduced appetite, and a slight fever. He’s been fussy for a few weeks at night but it’s getting more persistent. The last four days pretty have been consistent.”
“Can I see him?” The girl asked, smiling sweetly. “Oh, he’s precious.”
Kurt passed Zach over and followed the girl to the table.
“Has he just had a cold bath or has he been wrapped up tightly?” Eric asked, pulling out a thermometer.
“No.” Kurt shook his head.
Eric tickled Zach’s belly, getting a small smile. It was better than nothing, though, and made Kurt feel better.
“Has he vomited or had diarrhea today?”
“He has a few times.” Blaine moved to join them as well, touching Zach’s little hand. “Vomiting. It wasn’t a lot, though.”
“Yeah.” Eric cooed when the nurse, whose nametag said ‘Sam’, sat Nick up. “Let’s lay him back down.”
Sam went to move him back down and Zach’s face immediately screwed up.
“I think I may know what’s going on.” Eric said. “Let’s sit him back up…”
Sam did as told, looking surprised. They hadn’t even done anything.
Eric grabbed a tool off the wall. “I think that my otoscope is going to tell me everything, Zachy.”
Zach reached for it, hazel eyes wide.
“I’m going to look in your tiny… aw man, Zach. Rough luck, kid.” Eric pulled back and then handed the tool to Sam. “Go on and tell me what you see.”
Sam looked. “SOM, right?”
“Ear infection.” Eric told Kurt and Blaine.
“A pretty bad one. He’s got fluid built up behind his ears. It’s a lot worse than the last two, though. Much worse symptoms.”
“How did you know so fast?”
“The pressure is worse when you lay him down. That’s why he starts crying right away. You lift him up and if he hasn’t been down too long, he’s fine.” Eric took Zach from Sam and rocked him a bit. “That means he doesn’t hate you, Kurt.”
Tears filled Kurt’s eyes and he took a deep breath.
“It’s stressful. I know.” Eric walked over, passing Zach to Kurt. “You guys are both doing great. You can’t help this. Some babies are just more prone to it.”
“We do see it a lot.” Sam added. “I’ve seen 5 so far and I’ve only been here 7 hours.”
Kurt sniffled, kissing Zach’s messy curls. “We’ve done everything the doctor has told us to.”
“Then it’s probably time to see a ENT pediatrician. If you want this to go a lot more smoothly, I’d recommend getting ear tubes.” Eric sighed. “I know it’s not what you want to hear and I hate it for Zach but… it’s very routine, it’s safe.”
“It’s surgery in his ear.” Kurt sniffed.
“It’s not as scary as it sounds. It’s a thin little tube and it helps drain the fluid. It is put in surgically but in most cases, pediatricians can take them out right in the office. Sometimes they fall out on their own.” Eric smiled a bit. “He’ll be a little out of it for a few hours but within days, you’ll see a dramatic difference. No more ear infections, no more sleepless nights…well, I can’t promise the last part, but it won’t be due to ear pain.”
“So we can’t do anything?”
“No, no, no. I’m going to give you some drops and some medicine to help. And I’m going to recommend a specialist for you. She’s the best in town and she’s really nice.” Eric ruffled Zach’s curls. “We’ll get him 100%. Perks of knowing an emergency pediatrician, right?”
“It was great to meet you both.” Sam said and leaned to tickle Zach’s belly. She laughed when he let out a giggle and then left the room.
“He doesn’t hate me?” Kurt repeated.
“He looks pretty comfortable and happy to me.” Eric pointed. Zach wrapped his tiny first around Kurt’s finger. “Try and keep him upright as much as you can until the medicine kicks in. Take the day off and love on him… and get some rest too. You all three need it.”
“Eric, thank you.” Blaine stood. “Really, thank you.”
“Shh. What are friends for?” Eric grinned and scribbled something down on two sheets of paper. “Get this filled on the way home. I’ll walk you guys out so you don’t have to go through the waiting rooms.”
“What about our insurance cards?”
“Shh.” Eric repeated. “All I did was check his temperature and in his ears, guys. If I’d have known it’d be that easy, I would have done it at your house… You guys are great dads, Kurt. Cut yourself some slack, okay?”
Kurt looked down at Zach who blinked up at him adorably. He then smiled and kissed the top of Zach’s head again.
Eric led them to the doctor’s elevator they’d come out of before.
“Leaving so soon?” The woman from before, Lynn, asked.
“Wasn’t even here!” Eric waved at her as she shook her head.
“You can’t get in trouble for this, right?” Blaine asked hesitantly. “We can go through the insurance. It’s fine.”
“It’s a slow night. Nobody cares. Lynn brings her grandkids in when they’re sick all the time.” Eric shook his head, exiting the elevator when it took them to the bottom floor. “It’s really not a big deal. You guys just go through the right door and it’ll take you right to your car. I’m going to check on a baby in the NICU before going home… And don’t thank me again! You’re welcome, go get some sleep!”
Blaine led Kurt and Zach out, hand wrapping around Kurt’s waist. “I can’t believe you thought he hated you. He’s crazy about you. They both are.”
“I know. Sometimes I worry, though.” Kurt admitted as they got to Blaine’s car.
“Don’t.” Blaine kissed the top of Kurt’s head. “Go on, get in. We need to get him home.”
Kurt kissed Zach’s chubby cheek before putting him in his car seat.
Maybe it was a little silly to think Zach hated him.
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mantra4ia · 8 years
Broadchurch 3x02 Reaction’d *spoilers* [aired 3/6/17]
Non spoilers: “Totally” awesome episode. 9/10 Millarhs, I wasn’t a fan of the cliffhanger. (Warning: foul language, spoilers, and mature content ahead)
Hardy brought Miller coffee without being asked or cajoled, this is astonishing.
Miller beat Hardy to the investigation scene #beginningsofaworkaholic
Bloody hell. DC Incompetent note-taker Hartford strikes again. Astute observer, shit at filtering her verbal diarrhea: “it’s a Hamlet not a town.”
Best quote: Miller, referencing Leo “ I’m never in the mood for swaggery little shits .”
Runner up: Hardy, referencing Leo “I think this boy has affected your optimistic disposition, Miller.”
That was by far the most memorable repetitive use of the word ‘totally’ that I’ve heard in my humble existence coming from a bearded DI Hardy where you would expect it from a valley girl. #callyourDad #son
I love how Beth and Ellie are chatting about illicit sexual paraphernalia like teenage school girls, I’m glad their friendship has healed all the stronger after the shitstorm of the first two series.
Well I can’t say “whisk” without laughing now, thanks for that Broadchurch. Who says its not a comedy?
Duty of care - awwwww, Capaldi moment.
“Victim vs client” I really appreciate that bit of dialogue, especially because it’s Beth who makes that distinction knowing what it’s like to be on the receiving end of violence, which mirrors what Ellie says to DC Hartford.
Woah woah woah woah woah, since when did Hardy flip the arsehole switch?! I get that sexual violence cases get under his skin because he’s out of his element, and they’re not the same methodology as murders, and it literally scares him to a degree he’s more unnerved than he can admit. I understand that this is personally troubling for him with a teenage daughter. I get that it’s professionally eerie to him as potential for another Sandbrook that could tarnish him, or worse tarnish Miller’s conscience if someone else were to be hurt during the ongoing investigation (which is what I think he’s sub-textually genuinely concerned about when he snaps all over Ellie), but for Christ sake, eat a bloody snickers! Since when does he get off calling Miller’s life / POV ‘easy’ especially personally knowing all she’s gone through? Return of the resting shitface.
Trish’s husband must also be part of the SF brigade. I find it fascinating how, after he admitted to being hammered at Cathy’s party, the one thing he does remember after his own name are how many men Trish chatted up. Already blaming the victim and casting character aspersions and it’s only episode 2? Unbelievable. That on top of ‘was [Trish] drunk’ by DC Incompetent Note-taker. “Intoxicated Harlot” does not fly with me! This is malevolent foreshadowing, I can feel it. So it’s not okay for your wife to flirt, and potentially have relations with other men, you can openly admit to having a girlfriend while still married? Wanker.
So we’ve gone from “worst cops in Britain” club to “single parents” club eh? Put that on a t-shirt and in a gif.
You know, there is a simpler solution to the whole single parent conundrum you two...C’mon.
“I feel murderous.” God, I forgot how much I love Maggie. I hope her boss gets fired by the end of this series and Maggie takes her job. Kittens. Inane.
“Thank you Katie / she sets my teeth on edge / Really? You hide it so well.” Exhibit B: Alec and Ellle - married. I suppose we must get a fresh character to aggravate Miller, now that she and Hardy have fallen in to grouchy rhythm.
For heaven’s sake - white wine, gin tonics, and tequila shots don’t mix Trish! Miller and Hardy have their work cut out for them building this case, especially if Trish won’t admit who she slept with. Where’s my favorite prosecution solicitor Jocelyn Knight to suss out the truth when I need her? #don’tsayItoldyouso
Dammit DC Snarky Incompetence, if you comprise this investigation by tipping off a suspect (Ed) I swear to almighty god I will have your eye out!
YOU CAN’T END AN EPISODE THAT WAY! What even is this?!
Overall: 9/10 Millarhs! Because that ending was cracked, and I would have liked to see a bit more Reverend Paul in the episode.
Post episode speculation: Why would Trish not name the partner she had sex with on Saturday morning before Cathy’s party / the attack? I don’t buy the ‘we met online’ thing any more than Hardy does, it seems like a slapdash distraction. a) Trish doesn’t seem to bothered by having an affair, since there’s no love lost between her and her husband, but maybe she’s protecting her partner’s anonymity if he’s married or high profile in the community. Maybe Cathy’s husband? b) Perhaps Trish was protecting a considerably younger-but-of-age partner because it’s embarrassing for her, or he might be acquainted with Trish’s daughter and she doesn’t want that to come out. c) There could be some truth to Trish’s statement, the person she had sex with might only be a casual one-night stand that she didn’t know well, but they might unknowingly have a mutual acquaintance that could be adversely affected by the relation coming to light. d) Trish may have recognized her fling in attendance at the party and been caught off guard.
Or I could just admit I don’t have a single clue. I’m just hoping Tom and Daisy don’t get involved in this mess.
PS: At the risk of ruining a perfectly good thing when Hardy yells “Miller” in a heavy Scottish accent, I want to know what Ellie’s maiden name is, because I want her to finally be free of Joe.
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cortvnaa · 4 years
magnus: what about this suit?
alec: definitely not, the color looks like exkrements of a cow with diarrhea!
magnus: it’s called juniper.
magnus: why do i even ask?
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jostenminyard · 6 years
Heya! If you don’t mind me asking, what happened with Alex the diarrhea guy? Jut delete this if it’s insensitive! Ily
hey love it’s not insensitive at all! i def post everything about my personal life on here haha
well after realizing i still like him, we began messaging each other back and forth. he responded and would keep the convo going and send me kermit memes and i was like wow! he likes me! and when i went to the states on vacation, we continued to talk whenever i was in wifi. so bc of this i genuinely believed we were cool and whatnot
so i bought him a sf keychain because we were joking about keychains and it’s so funny bc it says ‘alec’ on it instead of alex bc i’m so witty n cute! i sent him a message saying ‘hey are you free this weekend? i’m rlly excited to give u this keychain’ and he………… just left it on read.
which yeah, maybe that isn’t a huge deal. but it’s also fucking insensitive. like if you don’t like me/don’t want to hang out, say no. reading it and choosing not to reply is such a dick move because a) he thinks that lowly of me b) he thinks he’s better than me c) he doesn’t care about me or my feelings at all. i don’t care at this point if he doesn’t like me (ok it stings but i’ll get over it) i just care that he’s a huge asshole and i for real thought he was better than that
and the cool thing is i can’t do anything about it. i can’t message him again, i can’t get angry, i can’t reach out to him at all. and if i see him in person, i have to be civil! and pretend like it never happened. yaaaay
0 notes
techscopic · 7 years
Larry David suits up again as Bernie Sanders for Celebrity Price is Right on ‘SNL’
Look. This Saturday Night Live sketch isn’t the greatest. But it does have two high points.
The first is guest host Larry David, who revives his pitch-perfect Bernie Sanders impression (and makes lots of 2016 election jokes at Bernie’s expense). 
The second is Alec Baldwin, who pops up as an even more perfect Tony Bennett. Even better, Baldwin-as-Bennett is really interested in hawking anti-diarrhea medication. When all else fails, toilet humor got your back.
It’s also hard not to chuckle when musical guest Miley Cyrus, who appears as a non-celebrity contestant alongside Alex Moffat-as-Chris Hemsworth, gets a visit from her IRL squeeze and Second-Best Chris brother, Liam Hemsworth. Read more…
More about Entertainment, Tv, Miley Cyrus, Saturday Night Live, and Larry David Larry David suits up again as Bernie Sanders for Celebrity Price is Right on ‘SNL’ syndicated from http://ift.tt/2wBRU5Z
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itlbedecided · 7 years
Unusual Asks
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? None of them. Youtube!!
is your room messy or clean? Messily Clean :D
what color are your eyes? Black. Brown in the sunlight.
do you like your name? why? Yes. It’s deep.
what is your relationship status? Single. It’s the easiest. 
describe your personality in 3 words or less Perfectionist, Intolerant, Yearning. 
what color hair do you have? Black.
what kind of car do you drive? color? I don’t have a car.
where do you shop? Trader Joe’s. Walmart. Anywhere cheap and decent.
how would you describe your style? Chic Feminine
favorite social media account Tumblr. 
what size bed do you have?  Twin
any siblings? A younger sis
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? A one bedroom in a state with nice cost of living (Does Minnesota have a nice cost of living?) Also, within an hour’s distance of my family
favorite snapchat filter? Wtf is snapchat? jk
favorite makeup brand(s) Wtf is makeup? jk
how many times a week do you shower? 3-5
favorite tv show? ...? documentaries? I just recently watched Reaching The Void and it was really super awesome. Need to rewatch it with my sister. 
shoe size? 8
how tall are you? 5′3′’
sandals or sneakers? Sneakers
do you go to the gym? ohhellno
describe your dream date super comfy no worries at all cuddled on a beanbag or a love seat
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? 3 dollars
what color socks are you wearing? black and white
how many pillows do you sleep with? 1-2
do you have a job? what do you do? dvlp asst
how many friends do you have? ...depends on the day XD
whats the worst thing you have ever done? hurt myself
whats your favorite candle scent? cinnamon
3 favorite boy names alec, ewen, cory
3 favorite girl names jin, lily, avni
favorite actor?  ...not sure
favorite actress? ...don’t have one
who is your celebrity crush? bts members
favorite movie? fantastic beasts and where to find them
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? harry potter series
money or brains? brains
do you have a nickname? what is it? none
how many times have you been to the hospital? too many times
top 10 favorite songs this is a hassle
do you take any medications daily? nope
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) perfect
what is your biggest fear? failure, depression, roommates being loud
how many kids do you want? 0
whats your go to hair style? ponytail
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) loft. hate it. 
who is your role model? my faculty advisor
what was the last compliment you received? ...not sure...
what was the last text you sent? telling my favorite girlfriend i couldn’t make it to a dinner thing we planned a few days ago bc i was having diarrhea
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? 8. my mom sat me down, made me citron tea, and smiled and said that she was the santa. i took it quite well. probably because of the citron tea.
what is your dream car? something that is economic and environmentally friendly
opinion on smoking? pls don’t really don’t. srsly. do not come close to me with a cigar in your hand. 
do you go to college? yeah
what is your dream job? something that pays awesomely well (6 digits) and something that I like doing. Duh. this is what everybody wants.
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? as long as it’s not urban areas and there’s a decent grocery shop nearby, i don’t care.
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? lol hell ya
do you have freckles? nope
do you smile for pictures? yep
how many pictures do you have on your phone? too many
have you ever peed in the woods? yep
do you still watch cartoons? anime
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? don’t eat chicken nuggets
Favorite dipping sauce? ranch
what do you wear to bed? sweats and shirt
have you ever won a spelling bee? i think so. i probably have
what are your hobbies? daydreaming, killing time
can you draw? yeah
do you play an instrument? pianist
what was the last concert you saw? i saw concerts from my dormroom window through a curtain.
tea or coffee? coffee
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? dunkin donuts. i’ve been to starbucks like... a month ago, and dunkin donuts like... 3 years ago, but dunkin donuts reminds me of my happy high school days
do you want to get married? if there is somebody out there
what is your crush’s first and last initial? don’t have one
are you going to change your last name when you get married? nope
what color looks best on you? red and blue and black
do you miss anyone right now? yeah
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed and locked and double locked
do you believe in ghosts? yes
what is your biggest pet peeve? loud people. chewing noises
last person you called` mom
favorite ice cream flavor? cookies and cream
regular oreos or golden oreos? regular
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? can i have funfetti instead
what shirt are you wearing? striped blue
what is your phone background? my fam
are you outgoing or shy? depends
do you like it when people play with your hair? yeah
do you like your neighbors? no
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? never. i forget, and just shower
have you ever been high? high on depression
have you ever been drunk? mildly mellowed out
last thing you ate? rice and kimchi and tuna
favorite lyrics right now from bts’s fire
summer or winter? winter
day or night? night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? dark
favorite month? november
what is your zodiac sign leo
who was the last person you cried in front of? one of my TAs
0 notes
kaseyhaggerty9-blog · 7 years
White Hot
Did you understand that pet dogs as well as human beings are both susceptible to almost 400 ailments alike? Having had 4 boxer dogs over the past 30 years I can't advise the fighter pet extremely good enough therefore if your looking for a reasonably very easy to groom, lively - never ever a dull instant, dedicated, welcoming canine you can't go wrong along with a pugilist pet dog! Little by little present more products from garments, such as several filthy belts, or even tee shirts and so forth. These items from apparel should be piled all together, and after he nabs all of them, present him to the basket and also put the washing in it. The kinds that may come with clean white colored hair are American Eskimo Canine, Argentine Dogo, Bischon Frise, Bolognese, Clumber Spaniel, Coton De Tulear, Eskapoo, Great Pyrenees, Kishu Ken, Komondor, Maltese, Maremma Sheepdog, Polish Tatra Sheepdog, Dog, and Samoyed. And also in the evening when wicked souls and ghosts or a lot more active, then canine defend their home and family members as well as at lots of occasions when our company can not observe just about anything around and our team presume the dog is actually barking without cause, actually they howl given that they could observe all of them. I have 2 pets as well as some of all of them consistently peed on the carpeting yet I got thus annoyed eventually helene-sport-blog.info that I merely determined to accomplish some feature of that. I discovered ways to tidy eliminate the pet dog pee aroma from the carpeting as well as inevitably educated all of them to never perform that again. Though they may be rather improper for a dog for loved ones along with more youthful little ones, if you have the ability to meet their exclusive teeth treatment criteria, need to have for mild treatment and also love for interest after that the Pomeranian can make the best dog kind for you. In its onset diarrhea seldom causes apparent disease, but if it lasts much more than a number of days your pet will usually begin sympathizing with themself - often because of the loss of salts and also liquids from the body system and also the standard soreness involved. In 1901 the King as well as Mcleod pillar, produced through Charles Beechworth Master (b. 1855, Murrumbidgee, NSW), his sibling and Alec McLeod at Canonbar, near Nyngan (north-west from Sydney ), took Hindhope Jed to Australia, where she appreciated sizable results at lambs pet dog tests. The breed's pleasant, mild nature suggests that is actually inapt to become a qualified watchdog, however its own nature has additionally produced it the third-most preferred family members pet dog kind (by registration) in the United States, 5 the fifth-most well-known in Australia, 6 and the eighth-most well-liked in the UK.
0 notes
yes-dal456 · 7 years
An Indiana Toddler Died From Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever — What To Know About This Tick-Borne Infection
By Jessica Migala
It’s a heartbreaking story: an Indiana girl just shy of her third birthday has died of organ failure caused by Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF). Doctors didn’t realize Kenley Ratliff contracted the tick-borne illness until it was too late for the antibiotics to work.
Now, her devastated family, along with health officials, are sounding the alarm about this sometimes lethal infection, which despite its name isn’t limited to the Rocky Mountains. “If we could save one child’s life then we will have done our job,” Jordan Clapp, Kenley’s aunt told Today.
RELATED: 15 Important Facts You Must Know About Ticks
While you dry your eyes, consider Kenley’s story to be a wakeup call about RMSF, cases of which have been on the rise over the past decade, reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
When it comes to tick-transmitted illnesses, Lyme disease is the one that gets the media spotlight. But lesser-known RMSF is actually more serious. “The issue with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is, unlike many other tick-borne diseases, it’s more severe and can cause death,” says Colleen Nash, MD, MPH, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.
When it comes to tick-transmitted illnesses, Lyme disease is the one that gets the media spotlight. But lesser-known RMSF is actually more serious.
What is Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?
Different species of ticks can pass along different diseases. In the case of RMSF, the infection agents are the American dog tick, the Rocky Mountain wood tick, and the brown dog tick. All three can transmit the bacteria Rickettsia rickettsii to a human adult or child through a bite. (The tick must be attached for several hours to pass along this bacteria.)
The problem is, half of all people infected with the disease have no idea that they were bitten by a tick in the first place. Ticks are incredibly small, and you may not be on the lookout for them. Making things worse, “symptoms are similar to a lot of other basic and benign infections and illnesses, like fever, headache, and vomiting and diarrhea,” says Dr. Nash. “It can be difficult to identify in both children and adults.” And even though cases are increasing, RMSF is still rare, she says, so it’s not the first thing a doctor may suspect.
In the case of Kenley Ratliff, she was initially taken to the emergency room with a high fever, where she was given antibiotics, according to Today. When she didn’t improve, she was diagnosed with strep throat and given more antibiotics. When she still wasn’t better, her family took her to a different hospital. At that time, she had begun to develop a telltale rash on her arms and legs, which signaled that it could be RMSF. Sadly, she was also developing organ failure and brain swelling.
The rash, which is where “spotted” comes from in the disease’s name, typically appears two to five days after a fever begins. It starts near the wrists and the ankles and then moves upward to the trunk. The spots are often small, flat, and pink, but they don’t itch. Still, not having a rash isn’t necessarily a sign of being free of RMSF; 10 percent of people diagnosed with it don’t get a rash at all.
“If treatment is delayed by five days or more, there patient has a poor prognosis. But often, the rash doesn’t appear until that time,” says Dr. Nash. That doesn’t mean it will be fatal, but you may get severely ill and have to be hospitalized.
How to stay safe
Protect yourself and your family by checking each other for ticks (don’t forget in your hair!) when you come in from playing outside. Give your dog a once-over, too, and make sure all pets in your household are up-to-date on any flea and tick medication. Recent research suggests that dogs are one of the major ways humans are exposed to ticks.
If you or a loved one comes down with an unexplained or severe illness, especially in late spring and summer (when we’re not in the thick of cold and flu season), give your doctor as much info about your recent whereabouts and outdoor habits as possible, suggests Dr. Nash. Tell them if you’ve been camping or even just out in your yard. Talk about any recent travel, including where you’ve been and if you explored a new city or did a lot of outdoor activities.
Recent research suggests that dogs are one of the major ways humans are exposed to ticks.
To get our best wellness tips delivered to you inbox, sign up for the Healthy Living newsletter
That goes double if you noticed ticks in the area, especially if you got a bite and the tick looked engorged. If a tick appears, remove it, put it in a plastic bag, and take it to your doctor, who can have it tested and identified, says Dr. Nash. (Here’s a handy how-to video for tick removal.) 
Depending on the species of tick and potential disease it can carry, you might be put on a preventative round of antibiotics (as in Lyme) or watched carefully for symptoms over 7 to 10 days, as is the protocol for suspected RMSF. Stay on the lookout for signs of infection, including a fever and the telltale rash. Don’t wait to see if it gets better on its own; when it comes to RMSF, time is of the essence.
An Indiana Toddler Died From Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever—What to Know About This Tick-Borne Infection originally appeared on Health.com.
More from Health.com:
Alec Baldwin Thought He’d ‘Die of Lyme Disease.’ What to Know About the Tick-Borne Illness
Health Officials Are Warning This Tick Season Could Be the Worst Yet
After Her Daughter Was Paralyzed by a Tick, One Mom Sounded the Alarm on Facebook
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from http://ift.tt/2rjNUbu from Blogger http://ift.tt/2rkc59I
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imreviewblog · 7 years
An Indiana Toddler Died From Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever — What To Know About This Tick-Borne Infection
By Jessica Migala
It’s a heartbreaking story: an Indiana girl just shy of her third birthday has died of organ failure caused by Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF). Doctors didn’t realize Kenley Ratliff contracted the tick-borne illness until it was too late for the antibiotics to work.
Now, her devastated family, along with health officials, are sounding the alarm about this sometimes lethal infection, which despite its name isn’t limited to the Rocky Mountains. “If we could save one child’s life then we will have done our job,” Jordan Clapp, Kenley’s aunt told Today.
RELATED: 15 Important Facts You Must Know About Ticks
While you dry your eyes, consider Kenley’s story to be a wakeup call about RMSF, cases of which have been on the rise over the past decade, reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
When it comes to tick-transmitted illnesses, Lyme disease is the one that gets the media spotlight. But lesser-known RMSF is actually more serious. “The issue with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is, unlike many other tick-borne diseases, it’s more severe and can cause death,” says Colleen Nash, MD, MPH, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.
When it comes to tick-transmitted illnesses, Lyme disease is the one that gets the media spotlight. But lesser-known RMSF is actually more serious.
What is Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?
Different species of ticks can pass along different diseases. In the case of RMSF, the infection agents are the American dog tick, the Rocky Mountain wood tick, and the brown dog tick. All three can transmit the bacteria Rickettsia rickettsii to a human adult or child through a bite. (The tick must be attached for several hours to pass along this bacteria.)
The problem is, half of all people infected with the disease have no idea that they were bitten by a tick in the first place. Ticks are incredibly small, and you may not be on the lookout for them. Making things worse, “symptoms are similar to a lot of other basic and benign infections and illnesses, like fever, headache, and vomiting and diarrhea,” says Dr. Nash. “It can be difficult to identify in both children and adults.” And even though cases are increasing, RMSF is still rare, she says, so it’s not the first thing a doctor may suspect.
In the case of Kenley Ratliff, she was initially taken to the emergency room with a high fever, where she was given antibiotics, according to Today. When she didn’t improve, she was diagnosed with strep throat and given more antibiotics. When she still wasn’t better, her family took her to a different hospital. At that time, she had begun to develop a telltale rash on her arms and legs, which signaled that it could be RMSF. Sadly, she was also developing organ failure and brain swelling.
The rash, which is where “spotted” comes from in the disease’s name, typically appears two to five days after a fever begins. It starts near the wrists and the ankles and then moves upward to the trunk. The spots are often small, flat, and pink, but they don’t itch. Still, not having a rash isn’t necessarily a sign of being free of RMSF; 10 percent of people diagnosed with it don’t get a rash at all.
“If treatment is delayed by five days or more, there patient has a poor prognosis. But often, the rash doesn’t appear until that time,” says Dr. Nash. That doesn’t mean it will be fatal, but you may get severely ill and have to be hospitalized.
How to stay safe
Protect yourself and your family by checking each other for ticks (don’t forget in your hair!) when you come in from playing outside. Give your dog a once-over, too, and make sure all pets in your household are up-to-date on any flea and tick medication. Recent research suggests that dogs are one of the major ways humans are exposed to ticks.
If you or a loved one comes down with an unexplained or severe illness, especially in late spring and summer (when we’re not in the thick of cold and flu season), give your doctor as much info about your recent whereabouts and outdoor habits as possible, suggests Dr. Nash. Tell them if you’ve been camping or even just out in your yard. Talk about any recent travel, including where you’ve been and if you explored a new city or did a lot of outdoor activities.
Recent research suggests that dogs are one of the major ways humans are exposed to ticks.
To get our best wellness tips delivered to you inbox, sign up for the Healthy Living newsletter
That goes double if you noticed ticks in the area, especially if you got a bite and the tick looked engorged. If a tick appears, remove it, put it in a plastic bag, and take it to your doctor, who can have it tested and identified, says Dr. Nash. (Here’s a handy how-to video for tick removal.) 
Depending on the species of tick and potential disease it can carry, you might be put on a preventative round of antibiotics (as in Lyme) or watched carefully for symptoms over 7 to 10 days, as is the protocol for suspected RMSF. Stay on the lookout for signs of infection, including a fever and the telltale rash. Don’t wait to see if it gets better on its own; when it comes to RMSF, time is of the essence.
An Indiana Toddler Died From Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever—What to Know About This Tick-Borne Infection originally appeared on Health.com.
More from Health.com:
Alec Baldwin Thought He’d ‘Die of Lyme Disease.’ What to Know About the Tick-Borne Illness
Health Officials Are Warning This Tick Season Could Be the Worst Yet
After Her Daughter Was Paralyzed by a Tick, One Mom Sounded the Alarm on Facebook
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post http://bit.ly/2rTIToR
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techscopic · 7 years
Larry David suits up again as Bernie Sanders for Celebrity Price is Right on ‘SNL’
Look. This Saturday Night Live sketch isn’t the greatest. But it does have two high points.
The first is guest host Larry David, who revives his pitch-perfect Bernie Sanders impression (and makes lots of 2016 election jokes at Bernie’s expense). 
The second is Alec Baldwin, who pops up as an even more perfect Tony Bennett. Even better, Baldwin-as-Bennett is really interested in hawking anti-diarrhea medication. When all else fails, toilet humor got your back.
It’s also hard not to chuckle when musical guest Miley Cyrus, who appears as a non-celebrity contestant alongside Alex Moffat-as-Chris Hemsworth, gets a visit from her IRL squeeze and Second-Best Chris brother, Liam Hemsworth. Read more…
More about Entertainment, Tv, Miley Cyrus, Saturday Night Live, and Larry David Larry David suits up again as Bernie Sanders for Celebrity Price is Right on ‘SNL’ syndicated from http://ift.tt/2wBRU5Z
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