#Albino Dobermans
Hi! Albino Doberman anon. Just wanted to thank for the very informative info! I only knew about two of the colors, so I learned something new! So if you have any more knowledge to drop (about anything really) I always love learning something new. But after reading your response about the albinos, makes me mad but not surprised. I wish ppl would prioritize the health of animals.
Hello Anon. I'm sorry it's been a bit but I've honestly been holding this ask and chirping happily to myself on bad days. I'm really glad the information was helpful to you! I did touch on the topic of different kennel clubs having different standards including what colors they recognize. So I'm going to assume that the two colors you were familiar with are Red & Black, & I'm going to assume you're in Europe or somewhere the standard only calls for those two? Because I've never been, I'm honestly not sure how common the dilute colors are over there, truth be told. I have some friends with some imported bitches that have thrown color, but I don't know of any actual dilute stock on that side of the world. (Keep in mind I'm owning they can't quite make a name for themselves as they're not considered approved by the standards of those countries. So if they appear, even if they're lovely, they likely aren't doing much. I get that. If it's happening, it's a shame, I feel. 'No good dog is a bad color' comes to mind in those cases. Dilution is a naturally occurring factor and a separate matter from albinism that again goes back to one animal.)
I have some friends that do some really marvelous infographics and run instagrams with good info. I'm not sure if you'd be wanting to follow them? I could do a recommendation post? Any chance you'll be looking for a dobe in the future? It would be nice to have another doberman buddy. (I mean even if not, it'd be nice to meet you or have a name to go with the little gray face!) And if you have any specific questions I'd be happy to answer. I can also ramble too but that might get a little twisty, without direction I can just run, lol! I've also created a tumblr account that I'm going to try and share more info and dog images on, so if you wanted to follow or check out irreverent-dobermans, that's me!
Remember all the buzzwords for dogs of incorrect color are HYPE words to sell a product! You can find folks breeding incorrect colors in tons of breeds. The most recent examples I've seen: Frenchies, Bulldogs, Dobermans; in Aussies & Danes it'll likely be Double Merles. They'll also say things like Lilac, Fluffy, Rare, Platinum, Cream, etc.
An infographic by the lovely Paige (a buddy) because Albino Dobermans topic:
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So yeah this got rambly, I'm sorry. HELLO AGAIN, FRIEND!
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scribblerinthestars · 6 months
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Happy National Puppy Day to all who celebrates! ❤️ Rigel
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arpadoffrogs · 2 years
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If they have Jagd Armee, they probably need Jagdhunde as well
Thanks @biskael for the interaction with my six characters challenge post!
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whimsywoo · 1 year
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Albino Doberman
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cocofl0wr · 1 year
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that1nerd-20 · 3 months
Imagine a Dog!hybrid!reader with human 141, so shes like an anomaly in a mostly human world. She's a doberman hybrid, like ghost she always has a ski mask on. Her eyes are visible, no matter what your eye color is reader has piercing amber eyes, (because of her being a dog hybrid, the only doberman that can have blue eyes different than the range of browns is the albino and I don't support the breeding of that gene) I'm imagining that she was a lab experiment and was found as a kid, found by some higher up that can keep her secret classified. I like the idea of Laswell finding her and just deciding to adopt her. She learns her ticks and tricks easily enough. And reader doesnt really have any visible "dog" features other than her ears, tail, and teeth. Her claws grow a little faster and pointyier than regular humans nails. But like just imagine...
Doberman hybrid!reader needing to have a job at all times, being a working dog she gets antsy and destructive if she's understimulated. Laswell figures that out very early on after a shirt gets chewed up and has to be thrown away.
Doberman hybrid! Reader having hand puzzles and fidget toys on hand at all times to keep her stimulated.
Doberman hybrid! Reader that does laps around base when she's not on a mission. Or she's carrying around extra weight while she does mundane things so she feels useful.
Doberman hybrid! Reader that always waits for instructions before doing anything
Doberman hybrid! Reader that wags the tiny stump of a tail, that hides in her pants, anytime she gets praised, her body immediately relaxes when laswell calls her, her good girl. This gets worse once she meets and starts going with the 141.
Doberman hybrid! Reader that calls laswell mom or mama when they are alone.
Doberman hybrid! Reader that loves head/chin scratches.
Doberman hybrid! reader that wears a ski mask and helmet at all times to hide her ears.
Doberman hybrid! reader that is called anubis around base, most don't even know why they just heard it one day and went with it
Doberman hybrid! reader that has canines that grew in when she was 10 ish, she was teething and had to have so many chew things to help
Doberman hybrid! reader who doesn't really have a heat or period, more like a mixture of the two, it's not as often as a period but not as long as a heat cycle. Reader nests during her cycle and is a little bit more horny than usual. She gets very clingy during this time as well.
When she meets the 141, I imagine it's because some dumbass higher up said that laswell and reader couldn't work together anymore because they are mom and daughter. Even though anyone that knows about r's condition knows the reason they work together is because of r's condition. Like any work dog she needs a knowledgeable handler. When they meet her, they're all intrigued. She's quiet and does everything laswell says without complaint. For this specific reader I think ghost and soap would take one look at her eyes and immediately stake a claim silently. Soap is a bit more vocal about it in subtle ways, ghost is just looming and quiet, but if you know him well enough, like the 141, you can see the possession flickering in his eyes. The only thing is reader wants nothing to do with any of them. When they go on their mission, reader is a little lost, she waits for orders like the good girl she is and price starts getting frustrated with this, he's used to his boys knowing exactly what needs to get done without asking even though for certain reasons he still voices his needs for missions. He tries to understand because she's new to the team but he can't seem to. Eventually he blows up at reader, she cowers and gets that guilty look in her eye even though she didn't do anything wrong per say. Ghost clenched his gun tightly not like the tone price was using, soap was a little less subtle with his anger, he glared a hole into prices head. Gaz tried to get the captain to back and eventually he did but the damage had been done. Soap tried to talk to reader but it wasn't much use. Once they got back to base, reader immediately goes to laswells office, wanting to be comforted by her person. Laswell was beyond pissed when she heard what happened and marched down to John's office to tell him right off. Angry mama bear mode activated. After a few more missions (over a few months), laswell tells the boys what reader is, like maybe they are on a mission and at their safe house. Reader is asleep in a hoodie and a mask. They don't believe her at first untill reader wakes up from a nightmare crying and freaks so she rips her mask off, ears pinned back. Laswell goes over and holds her telling her mama is here. When she falls back asleep, she sets her back down against her bed and gives her a spare t-shirt cause hybrid!reader has a sensitive nose and a comforting scent will help her. Ghost and soap test this later down the road while on mission, they grab an old t-shirt of theirs and give it to asleep reader. She cuddles it and eventually sticks it in her mouth unknowingly, she doesn't chew on it. Laswell taught her better than that, she just let's it sit in her teeth. Once johnny and Simon have her as their girlfriend she just stuffs whatever t-shirt they're wearing to bed, or maybe even fingers (as long as they are clean.)in her mouth when they settle in for the night. Eventually when she moves out of Laswells house and into the boy's she's now going to have to get used to not being the only dog in the house. Riley at first doesn't know how to react to this strange woman that smells of Dog in his home. Reader doesn't know how to act around a dog, the dogs at base usually didn't like her. But eventually they become best friends. She's able to understand what Riley needs most of the time and when they both get antsy they take runs together. Simon's a little mad that his dog stole his girl but he makes her feel better so he guesses its alright. Once they retire, reader doesn't get as antsy anymore mainly because she's stimulated, even if she's not working anymore. She still has her moments but with Simon, Johnny, and Riley all in her life she's got plenty of things to keep her occupied. Even more so if she has some smaller pups running around if you know what I mean... 😏
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kiilea · 7 months
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[insert albino doberman emoji] 💚
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vapolis · 5 months
What color will be the doberman? Are you going to the standard black & rust? Or are we getting red & rust, fawn, blue, white albino or black melanistic?
It would be cute if she was fawn colored like a little murder princess
I was planning black and rust because it looks most... threatening to me haha. she won't be a bad dog to merc but I associate that most with danger considering the breed she will be :) I do think fawn is very pretty but can't say I've ever seen one irl!
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fowlblue · 1 month
do you think Artemis would have any pets?? A lot of the fandom identifies him with cats and I definitely think he would be a cat person, but it’s mentioned in TAC he has a hamster, which I’d like to know the story behind. I can always imagine Butler bonding with some retired police dog and Juliet being a dog aunt because she’s out doing wrestling stuff
Okay you’re in luck I’ve actually plotted out like. A ton of pets for AF characters.
Artemis- I’m sorry I see him as a cat person too but that’s because it’s wish fulfillment (I want a cat so bad :’)) and because I wrote a fic about it.
Butler- Wouldn’t own a pet himself but would definitely foster elderly/newborn dogs and cats + feed strays.
Juliet- a beloved Doberman with its own Instagram
I don’t think any of the People would own pets with the exception of…
Opal- I could see her with a scorpion.
Angeline- a cute little dove
Tim- his hunting hounds + he watches the other household pets when everyone’s away
Myles- Either a snake or a well-maintained fishtank that he likes to watch
Beckett- He canonically has a collection of pet bugs! I imagine they all have names
Spiro- Albino hognose snake. They throw literal “hissy fits” and are very cute
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a gender related to albino doberman pinschers, the ace of hearts, satin flapper gloves, cherry heart lollipops, being both delicate & violent, daggers, the Moulin Rouge, being the villain & a femme fatale, and spiked chokers!
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[Image ID: A flag with nine straight horizontal stripes, all equally thick except for the doubly thick top and bottom stripe. From top to bottom, the colors are magenta, mid magenta, medium red, maroon, black, medium red, medium orange, orange, and yellow. End ID.]
term and flag by me, requested by anon! tagging @radiomogai :3
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scribblerinthestars · 7 months
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Happy Gotcha Day to this shit-turd! Four years ago today this gawky, awkward thing tumbled out of a transport and into my car. He was supposed to only be a foster no he wasn’t and he’s been by my side ever since. Rigel, you’re dumber than dirt. You’re infuriating. But, you’re my bestest doggo boi.
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doberbutts · 2 years
Honestly the thing that gets me the most about a lot of these outcross projects is this:
At some point earlier in the year, someone [with a Z-list, but not carrying the albino gene, dobe] asked what it would take for good breeders to take them seriously. A good breeder responded, and the response was not popular.
Get a good bitch from a good breeder. Health tested, titled parents. No Z list, no unknown pedigrees. Raise her up, train her and title her to at least a 1 but preferably a 3. Realistically since there’s only so old a maiden bitch can be before asking her to carry a litter is simply unfair, if you can’t get to 1 before the deadline, then fine. You can always add numbers after her breeding if you run out of time to do it before.
Fully health test her. Breed her to a fully health tested dog with a 3. Preferably, if you can, get the stud tested both to his breed-specific standards and also to dobe-specific standards, even if that means you have to pay out of pocket to the stud owner to get these tests done. Once the litter is born, keep a dog and a bitch from that litter.
Raise both puppies- the dog should be a 3 before he breeds since collection is a thing that’s very possible to do. The bitch, again, preferably a 3 but if 1 is the best we get before the clock starts ticking then fine. Fully health test them- both dobe-specific problems and whatever breeds we brought in. Breed the dog to a bitch held to the same standards as the foundation. Breed the bitch to a stud held to the standard of her father. Whatever you breed to create the second generation should be as unrelated as possible to the first. Repeat.
This is how good working dobe breeders create their foundational lines- of course exclusively doberman-to-doberman. Why should they expect anything less from someone claiming to want to better the breed?
Reasons this was an unpopular suggestion:
1- titles don’t mean everything. And it’s true, titles don’t mean everything. I personally know IGP3 dogs that I would never buy a dog from, and untitled dogs that I think should be bred. But the fact of the matter is that a title, at the very least, is a scoring from a third, uninvolved party on your dog’s instincts, drive, temperament, and trainability. Scorebooks reveal where dogs struggle, but the title is better than “yeah man he’s totally protective”.
2- but I don’t waaaaaaant to do protection. Tough tiddies. This is a working, protection breed. Strength of character and solid nerve and ability/desire to move forward with aggression are all things the breed struggles with and they’re all things that need to be improved upon. If you don’t want a working protective dog then you do not want a doberman. You just want a friendly, happy dog with a doberman paintjob, and that means you are the one chasing aesthetic.
3- but protection work is hard. And? You thought fixing a breed that literally drops dead without warning would be easy? Doberman people are already following that format in their own breeding programs, the least you can do is actually put in the same amount of effort.
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starmakerr · 1 year
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Our Flag Means Death !Daemon Au Heavily influenced by a fantastic fanfic I read on AO3: it's what isn't in the name - tciddaemina - Our Flag Means Death (TV) [Archive of Our Own] Stede Bonnet aka 'Gentleman Pirate' is an albino serval (or wildcat) Edward Teach aka 'Blackbeard' is a golden eagle Jack Rackham aka 'Calico Jack' is a wolverine Israel Hands aka 'Izzy' is a Doberman Pinscher - Dobermans are known to only truly bond with one human, very loyal, can be friendly and obedient but only if trained properly, otherwise can have severe aggression issues. - Wolverines known to attack its prey always with a ferocity, known as a glutton, with extreme aggression issues. Its an opportunist, that will jump on any creature or steal and scavenge anything it comes across, and has no fear taking on things larger than it. - African Serval have a bizarre physique that actually make it one of the most successful hunters in the wild cat kingdom. Servals usually always hunt small creatures, both in land and water (preferring wetter habitats). They never scavenge or eat others leftovers. They are known as ambush predators. - Golden Eagle is a famous creature in multiple countries, known to adapt in any kind of ecosystem. Golden eagles will only feed the strongest chick in a nest, the other will inevitably die. Its a true survival since birth, fierce animal. Its known as a cunning, nimble, and one of the fastest raptors in nature. Golden eagles are also known to take on larger prey than itself, such as wolves or coyotes, they represent power and fearlessness.
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sturzkampff · 2 months
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geiger, albino doberman with rabies
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n1ghtm4r3-p01s0n · 1 year
What Pets the Saw Cast Has
Adam - a stray cat that he began feeding. I like to think it’s a grey tabby cat, rather skinny but only friendly to him. I like to think it’s name is Smokey.
The Gordons - a Golden Retriever that is only 2 by the events of Saw 1. He was a Christmas present for Diana and she named him Sunny. Lawrence really takes to him after the events of the bathroom. Lawrence is the one who signed the adoption papers so Sunny stays with him, but Diana visits and Allison allows her to pop over to Lawrence’s to walk Sunny on the weeks Diana stays with Allison.
Daniel - He has a Doberman Pinscher by the name of General. General was actually Eric’s dog, but after Eric went missing Daniel began taking care of him. Daniel has a cage with 5 rats in his room. He has a brown rat named Chocolate, an albino rat named Sugar, a spotted rat named Cookie, a rat with curled whiskers named Wurly and a cream rat named Mocha. Amanda felt bad so she anonymously got a small Pitbull puppy for Daniel which he named Amanda, after her.
The Denlons - Corbette has a Guinea Pig named Rex. Dylan had a hamster named Rocky who Corbette took care of after Dylan’s death. Lynn is the only one who also looks after the pets.
Amanda - Has a reptile named Mary and a tarantula named Jane. Yes, she named them after marijuana. She still had them when she was living in the Gideon Meat Packing Factory.
Hoffman - Has a German Shepherd named Joe, lovingly nicknamed “Asshole” cause he keeps destroying Hoffman’s shoes.
Strahm - Peter has a chinchilla named Sandy. Peter became obsessed with chinchillas as a child after seeing one at a zoo so he was determined to get one.
Perez - Her parents have an old English Shepherd by the name of Batsy. He is blind by age and is developing arthritis. He was put down shortly after Hoffman killed Perez.
Easton - Has a Sphinx cat (suggested by Fi in a Discord server). The cat is named Arabelle, and she never liked John. William figured out why a bit too late.
John - Found a random stray mutt in the meat factory. He adopted it and named it Gideon. He even got a collar and a dog bed for him. Gideon was asleep in another room when John and Amanda died.
Morgan - Got a puppy named Cranberry after Rex died. She got it so her daughter had something to comfort her while grieving. Cranberry is a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel.
Logan - Has a Golden Retriever named Lucky. His daughter loves playing fetch with him. Lucky is in training to be a service dog to help Logan with his PTSD.
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captain-ghost · 1 year
"Making fictional characters animals is cringe" um okay??? are you telling me Spike DOESN'T look like an albino doberman??????
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