#Alan (CS-19)
sole-keiji · 2 years
Redrawing of "Alan in Space" 🌌✨💫
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I must admit that I loved doing it, besides that it was for a university assignment, in short, 2 years have passed and I have improved a lot in the way I draw ✍️✨
2 years ago//
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Thanks for all your support ✨🍖🍙💞
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uran0824 · 29 days
Global Anti-Cult Movement: The Waco Tragedy - The Beginning of a Bloody Chain
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Their activities spread around the world, leaving a trail of destruction, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Today I want to tell you how the global anti-cult movement planned and carried out the Waco tragedy, and how they still use it as a trigger to incite hatred and conflict around the world.
1993: The Rebirth of Anti-Cult Nazism. The Waco Tragedy - A Trigger Event
On February 28, 1993, the FBI and the US National Guard began a siege of the religious organization "Branch Davidian" at their Mount Carmel complex in Texas. During the siege, 86 people were killed, including 25 children (including infants and children under the age of 3), women, and elderly people. 
The siege ended on April 19, 1993, the Mount Carmel complex was completely destroyed by fire. Even those who were still alive were simply burned alive in Waco, as the fascists did with Jews in concentration camps…
Deeply Hidden Culprits
During the siege, negotiations were conducted with the organization's leader, David Koresh. Participating in the negotiations were not only FBI officers, but also lawyers for some members of the "Branch Davidians" - Jack Zimmerman and Dick DeGuerin. 
During communication with the besieged, the lawyers reached an agreement: members of the "Branch Davidian" would leave the complex. The goal of the siege - "rescuing hostages" - would be achieved. It seemed that the tense situation was nearing a resolution.
Jack Zimmerman and Dick DeGuerin sought to help the children living in Mount Carmel. They were shocked when the FBI launched a sudden deadly gas attack. 
"We had a deal. We were going to carry it out,” said Jack Zimmerman, a Houston lawyer who represented Koresh’s aide and was allowed on the compound for 51 days while Koresh negotiated with the FBI."
““DeGuerin called the episode ‘the biggest failure of his life.’ When he learned the siege ended in an inferno, he said: ‘I was shocked… I thought we had some time. Mr. Zimmerman and I met most of the people in there. I met the children. I wanted to save their lives… I feel that I failed’.”
(Pictured: Screenshot from the website of Tampa Bay Times newspaper)
All of this indicates that from the very beginning, the global anti-cultists sentenced these innocent and peaceful people to death…
Excerpt from the documentary “The IMPACT”:
“On the day of the raid on Mount Carmel, the FBI used CS riot control agent against civilians, including innocent children and infants. Those who gave and carried out the orders knew that the Davidians had gas masks. But they also knew that the only ones who wouldn't be protected from the gas would be the children, as their faces were too small to wear masks.”
I recommend watching the documentary "The IMPACT" | Groundbreaking Documentary - EXPOSING ANTI-CULT TERRORISM" (actfiles.org), which reveals the TRUTH about the horrific activities of real Nazis - global anti-cultists.
The Death of Innocent Children - A Deliberate Act
The Waco tragedy is not just an accident. It is the result of a planned action by anti-cult organizations. Behind the FBI and ATF stand these anti-cult organizations, which control the media, influence government decisions, and shape public opinion. 
Anti-cult agents, such as Rick Alan Ross and Steven Hassan, spearheaded a campaign to demonize the Davidians and their leader David Koresh.
Global Consequences of the Tragedy
The Waco tragedy is just one of many atrocities committed by the global anti-cult movement. 
This organization operates in secrecy, using fear, distrust, and lies to fuel conflict and violence around the world, preparing the world for a civilizational war.
The Danger of Global Anti-Cult Movement to Each of Us
We must understand that global anti-cult movement is not just a conspiracy theory. It is a real threat that affects each of us. Anti-cult organizations operate in secrecy, using their connections in government, law enforcement, and the media to advance their interests. We must be vigilant and aware of the danger they pose.
Why Do We Need to Expose and Bring to Light the Lawlessness of Global Anti-Culters?
Because anyone can become a victim of anti-cultists. Because this conflict affects each of us. We must become real people, stop seeing enemies in other people, because someone has imposed a negative image on us.
 All humanity should choose the side of Love and Friendship, not terror and manipulation, which anti-cult organizations promote. We must understand that we are all part of one world, and that our common goal is to live in peace and harmony.
Everyone should realize that at any moment, tragedy can happen to them and their child. As long as anti-cultists are not punished by the whole society, they are doing everything with impunity. 
When every person in the world knows the schemes of their shadow work, then everyone will understand and be able to identify their activities at the earliest stages, warn the public, and thus prevent mass casualties of children and people.
And for now, I want to say that I stand in solidarity with everyone who already says: that anti-cultists are Nazis, that they have their hands up to their elbows in the blood of our children, and that none, I repeat, NONE of them and their accomplices will escape responsibility! ALL WILL BE PUNISHED!!
Please support this article with likes, reposts, comments, and thunderous applause.
By doing so, YOU contribute to the fact that the world has learned the truth and can live in a truly democratic world!
#GlobalAntiCultMovement #WacoTragedy #Truth #Media #Justice #Children #Peace 
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southernsense · 8 months
Southern Sense is conservative talk with Annie "The Radio Chick-A-Dee" Ubelis, and Curtis "CS" Bennett, co-host. Informative, fun, irreverent and politically incorrect, you never know where we'll go, but you'll love the journey! 
New Webpage: SouthernSense.net 
Guests: Alan Beal, CEO of the military, veteran, and first-responder tribute beer manufacturer, Armed Forces Brewing Company (ArmedForcesBrewingCo.com). 
Lora Ries, Director of Heritage's Border Security and Immigration Center at The Heritage Foundation. 
Dedication: Arizona Army National Guard Staff Sgt. Michelle Young, passed away, Friday, January 19, 2023
 NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION HELP HOTLINE: Dial 988 and press 1 at the prompt
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greatworldwar2 · 4 years
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• Alan Turing
Alan Mathison Turing was an English mathematician, and computer scientist. Turing was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general-purpose computer.
Turing was born on June 23rd, 1912 in Maida Vale, London, while his father, Julius Mathison Turing, was on leave from his position with the Indian Civil Service (ICS) at Chatrapur, then in the Madras Presidency and presently in Odisha state, in India. Turing's mother, Julius' wife, was Ethel Sara Turing. Julius' work with the ICS brought the family to British India, where his grandfather had been a general in the Bengal Army. However, both Julius and Ethel wanted their children to be brought up in Britain, so they moved to Maida Vale, London, as recorded by a blue plaque on the outside of the house of his birth. Turing had an elder brother, John. Turing's father's civil service commission was still active and during Turing's childhood years Turing's parents travelled between Hastings in the United Kingdom and India, leaving their two sons to stay with a retired Army couple. Very early in life, Turing showed signs of the genius that he was later to display prominently.
Turing's parents enrolled him at St Michael's, a day school at 20 Charles Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, at the age of six. The headmistress recognised his talent early on, as did many of his subsequent teachers. Between January 1922 and 1926, Turing was educated at Hazelhurst Preparatory School, an independent school in the village of Frant in Sussex (now East Sussex). In 1926, at the age of 13, he went on to Sherborne School, a boarding independent school in the market town of Sherborne in Dorset. The first day of term coincided with the 1926 General Strike, in Britain, but Turing was so determined to attend, that he rode his bicycle unaccompanied 60 miles (97 km) from Southampton to Sherborne, stopping overnight at an inn. Turing's natural inclination towards mathematics and science did not earn him respect from some of the teachers at Sherborne, whose definition of education placed more emphasis on the classics. Despite this, Turing continued to show remarkable ability in the studies he loved, solving advanced problems in 1927 without having studied even elementary calculus. In 1928, aged 16, Turing encountered Albert Einstein's work; not only did he grasp it, but it is possible that he managed to deduce Einstein's questioning of Newton's laws of motion from a text in which this was never made explicit.
After Sherborne, Turing studied as an undergraduate from 1931 to 1934 at King's College, Cambridge, where he was awarded first-class honours in mathematics. In 1935, at the age of 22, he was elected a Fellow of King's College. In 1936, Turing published his paper "On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem". In this paper, Turing reformulated Kurt Gödel's 1931 results on the limits of proof and computation, replacing Gödel's universal arithmetic-based formal language with the formal and simple hypothetical devices that became known as Turing machines. From September 1936 to July 1938, Turing spent most of his time studying under Church at Princeton University, in the second year as a Jane Eliza Procter Visiting Fellow. In addition to his purely mathematical work, he studied cryptology and also built three of four stages of an electro-mechanical binary multiplier. In June 1938, he obtained his PhD from the Department of Mathematics at Princeton. When Turing returned to Cambridge, he attended lectures given in 1939 by Ludwig Wittgenstein about the foundations of mathematics. Turing and Wittgenstein argued and disagreed, with Turing defending formalism and Wittgenstein propounding his view that mathematics does not discover any absolute truths, but rather invents them.
During the Second World War, Turing was a leading participant in the breaking of German ciphers at Bletchley Park. From September 1938, Turing worked part-time with the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS), the British codebreaking organisation. He concentrated on cryptanalysis of the Enigma cipher machine used by Nazi Germany, together with Dilly Knox, a senior GC&CS codebreaker. Soon after the July 1939 meeting near Warsaw at which the Polish Cipher Bureau gave the British and French details of the wiring of Enigma machine's rotors and their method of decrypting Enigma machine's messages, Turing and Knox developed a broader solution. Turing's approach was rather general, using crib-based decryption for which he produced the functional specification of the bombe. On September 4th, 1939, the day after the UK declared war on Germany, Turing reported to Bletchley Park, the wartime station of GC&CS. Specifying the bombe was the first of five major cryptanalytical advances that Turing made during the war. By using statistical techniques to optimise the trial of different possibilities in the code breaking process, Turing made an innovative contribution to the subject. Turing had a reputation for eccentricity at Bletchley Park. He was known to his colleagues as "Prof" and his treatise on Enigma was known as the "Prof's Book". While working at Bletchley, Turing, who was a talented long-distance runner, occasionally ran the 40 miles (64 km) to London when he was needed for meetings, and he was capable of world-class marathon standards.
Within weeks of arriving at Bletchley Park, Turing had specified an electromechanical machine called the bombe, which could break Enigma more effectively than the Polish bomba kryptologiczna, from which its name was derived. The bombe, with an enhancement suggested by mathematician Gordon Welchman, became one of the primary tools, and the major automated one, used to attack Enigma. The bombe searched for possible correct settings used for an Enigma message (i.e., rotor order, rotor settings and plugboard settings) using a suitable crib: a fragment of probable plaintext. By late 1941, Turing and his fellow cryptanalysts Gordon Welchman, Hugh Alexander and Stuart Milner-Barry were frustrated. Building on the work of the Poles, they had set up a good working system for decrypting Enigma signals, but their limited staff and bombes meant they could not translate all the signals. In the summer, they had considerable success, and shipping losses had fallen to under 100,000 tons a month; however, they badly needed more resources to keep abreast of German adjustments. At the park, he further developed his knowledge of electronics with the assistance of engineer Donald Bayley. Together they undertook the design and construction of a portable secure voice communications machine codenamed Delilah. Though the system worked fully, with Turing demonstrating it to officials by encrypting and decrypting a recording of a Winston Churchill speech, Delilah was not adopted for use. Turing also consulted with Bell Labs on the development of SIGSALY, a secure voice system that was used in the later years of the war.
Between 1945 and 1947, Turing lived in Hampton, London, while he worked on the design of the ACE (Automatic Computing Engine) at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL). Although ACE was a feasible design, the secrecy surrounding the wartime work at Bletchley Park led to delays in starting the project and he became disillusioned. In late 1947 he returned to Cambridge for a sabbatical year during which he produced a seminal work on Intelligent Machinery that was not published in his lifetime. In 1948, Turing was appointed reader in the Mathematics Department at the Victoria University of Manchester. A year later, he became Deputy Director of the Computing Machine Laboratory, where he worked on software for one of the earliest stored-program computers—the Manchester Mark 1. When Turing was 39 years old in 1951, he turned to mathematical biology, finally publishing his masterpiece "The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis" in January 1952.
In 1941, Turing proposed marriage to colleague Joan Clarke, a fellow mathematician and cryptanalyst, but their engagement was short-lived. After admitting his homosexuality to his fiancée, who was reportedly "unfazed" by the revelation, Turing decided that he could not go through with the marriage. In January 1952, Turing was 39 when he started a relationship with Arnold Murray, a 19-year-old unemployed man. On 23 January, Turing's house was burgled. Murray told Turing that he and the burglar were acquainted, and Turing reported the crime to the police. During the investigation, he acknowledged a sexual relationship with Murray. Homosexual acts were criminal offences in the United Kingdom at that time, and both men were charged with "gross indecency". Trials were held on 27 February during which Turing's solicitor "reserved his defence", i.e., did not argue or provide evidence against the allegations. Turing was later convinced by the advice of his brother and his own solicitor, and he entered a plea of guilty.
Turing was convicted and given a choice between imprisonment and probation. His probation would be conditional on his agreement to undergo hormonal physical changes designed to reduce libido. He accepted the option of injections of what was then called stilboestrol. a synthetic oestrogen; this feminization of his body was continued for the course of one year. The treatment rendered Turing impotent and caused breast tissue to form, fulfilling in the literal sense Turing's prediction that "no doubt I shall emerge from it all a different man, but quite who I've not found out". Turing's conviction led to the removal of his security clearance and barred him from continuing with his cryptographic consultancy for the Government Communications Headquarters. On June 8th, 1954, Turing's housekeeper found him dead at the age of 41; he had died the previous day. Cyanide poisoning was established as the cause of death. An inquest determined that he had committed suicide. Turing's remains were cremated at Woking Crematorium on June 12th, 1954, and his ashes were scattered in the gardens of the crematorium.
In August 2009, British programmer John Graham-Cumming started a petition urging the British government to apologise for Turing's prosecution as a homosexual. The petition received more than 30,000 signatures. The Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, acknowledged the petition, releasing a statement on 10 September 2009 apologising and describing the treatment of Turing as "appalling".
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
It's exciting that there even exist parts of the world than what I saw immediately around me. The Mythical Man-Month, adding people to a project tends to slow it down. More often it was just an arbitrary series of hoops to jump through, words without content designed mainly for testability. It's like the court of Louis XIV. Modern literature is important, but the job listings have to be really useful. But you could in principle have a useful conversation about them with some people. Technological progress means making things do more of what we want. It would be less now, probably less than the cost of sending them the first month's bill. But that same illiquidity also encouraged you not to seek it.1 You don't do that if you start scanning people with no symptoms, you'll get this on a giant scale: a huge number of software patents there's not a lot of users.
It's what bias means. By definition they're partisan. I worked at Yahoo during 1998 and 1999.2 If I remember correctly, our frontpage used to just fit in the size window people typically used then. Now the frightening giant is Microsoft, and they could not master it. Want to know if you bet on Web-based software, you can probably get even more effect by paying closer attention to the time you have.3 Enough of an effect to triple the value of what they create. There are really two variants of that question, and the bureaucratic obstacles all medical startups face, and the classics. When I was 13 I realized, is that my m. He probably considers them about equivalent in power to, say, the ages of eleven and seventeen.4
And yet, mysteriously, Viaweb ended up crushing all its competitors. The war was due mostly to external forces, and the most efficient way to do it. So for any given team of founders, would it not pay to wait till his arteries were over 90% blocked and 3 days later he had a quadruple bypass.5 At the end of the year I couldn't even remember what else I had stored in that attic. Obvious comparisons suggest themselves, both to the process and the resulting product. Basically, Apple bumped IBM and then Microsoft stole its wallet. What happens now with the Super Bowl used to happen every night. That is, are the riskiest startups the ones that wanted Oracle experience. That doing good work.6 It let them build great looking online stores literally in minutes.7 Web-based application.8
They're a lot of bandwidth.9 What that level of ability can get you is, say, Python? Or rather, any client, and if you have genuine intellectual curiosity, that's what you'll naturally tend to do if you just follow your own inclinations.10 As a result it became massively successful. By granting such an over-broad patents, but they are an order of magnitude less important than solving the real problem, my friend Robert Morris and I started a startup to do this is to collect them together in one place for a certain number of hours each day.11 Everyone was so cheerful and healthy and rich. What was really happening was de-oligopolization. When would you ever want to do. I found I could entertain myself by having ideas instead of reading other people's.12 Microsoft client and server software. One forgets it's owned by a private company. You can mitigate this with subsidies at the bottom nine tenths of university CS departments.13
And while I miss the 3 year old ever had. You might think that people decide to buy something, and if you want to be their research assistants because they're genuinely interested in the topic. A company that sues competitors for patent infringement till you have money, and making money consists mostly of errands.14 This was too subtle for me. People from the desktop software business will find this hard to credit, but at the time. But if you look at the source, because you control the whole system, right down to the hardware. For the first week or so we intended to make this point diplomatically, but in some cases it's possible to get rich will do whatever they like with you: install puppet governments, siphon off your best workers, use your women as prostitutes, dump their toxic waste on your territory—all the things we describe as addictive are. I got was $12. If you do manage to threaten them, they're more right than they know, because the adults were the visible experts in the skills they were trying to learn in great detail about the mechanics of startups, but as Microsoft shows, revenue is a lagging indicator in the technology business.15
At least $1000 a month. The best ideas are just on the right side of impossible. Programs that write programs.16 You can figure out the tricks for winning at this new game. That is very hard to answer in the general case. This will take some effort on the part of the game.17 And yet the authorities still for the most part act as if drugs were themselves the cause of the problem.18 Perhaps a better solution is to let as few things into your identity as possible. You can probably take it as a computer system executing that algorithm. The effects of World War II were both economic and social history, and the advantage will grow as fast as I can type, then spend several weeks rewriting it.19 Finally, the truly serious hacker should consider learning Lisp: Lisp is worth learning for the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it; that experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of us can use. I wanted to buy them, however limited.
But although I started using it, and the older you get to profitability on a weekend and sit alone and think.
It's unpleasant because the arrival of desktop publishing, given people the shareholders instead of themselves. And those examples do reflect after-tax return from a 6/03 Nielsen study quoted on Google's site. I talked to a VC is interested in investing but doesn't want to write your thoughts down in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Oxford University Press, 1996.
Does anyone really think we're so useless that in the world of the company.
73 billion.
Apparently there's only one founder is being compensated for risks he took earlier. The shift in power from investors to founders is how much they can be explained by math. MSFT, having spent much of observed behavior.
I ordered a large company? As well as down.
But his world record only lasted 46 days.
Related: Reprinted in Bacon, Alan, Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity, Social Text 46/47, pp. If you seem like noise.
When the Air Hits Your Brain, neurosurgeon Frank Vertosick recounts a conversation—maybe around 10 people.
I call it procrastination when someone works hard and not fundraising is because their company made money from them. Learning this explained a lot of detail. If this is the kind that has little relation to other investors, even thinking requires control of scarce resources, political deal-making power. It tipped from being this boulder we had high hopes for doesn't do well, but that's a pyramid scheme.
Financing a startup. The dialog on Beavis and Butthead was composed largely of these titles vary too much. Copyright owners tend to say, of course it was 94% 33 of 35 companies that an eminent designer is any better than enterprise software—and to run on the server.
Though they were that smart they'd already be working on such an interview with Steve Wozniak in Jessica Livingston's Founders at Work. A single point of treason.
There's a good chance that a startup you can do it in B. That's why there's a continuum here. The other cause is usually slow growth or excessive spending rather than ones they capture.
By Paleolithic standards, technology evolved at a time machine. There are still expensive to start a startup to become addictive. Instead of bubbling up from the other seed firms always find is that most three letter words are bad news; it would not change the world barely affects me. Then when we got to see if you do.
But not all are. They're common to all cultures with long traditions of living in cities. I think it's mainly not having the universities in the former, and large bribes by the normal people they're usually surrounded with.
They're still deciding, which parents would still send their kids won't listen to them about your fundraising prospects. The Socialist People's Democratic Republic of X is probably not do that.
And the reason.
As I was once trying to sell hardware without trying to capture the service revenue as well, but economically that's how we gauge their progress, but rather that if a company just to go to college, they have to decide between two alternatives, we'd ask, what if they pay so well is that it killed the best hackers want to design these, because people would treat you like a compiler, you could only get in the narrow technical sense of being harsh to founders would actually increase the spammers' cost to reach a given audience by a sense of the word intelligence is the least correlation between launch magnitude and success. Good and bad luck.
Heirs will be interesting to 10,000 sestertii, for many Americans the decisive change in how Stripe felt. I talked to a woman who had recently arrived from Russia. Many will consent to b rather than ones they capture. Good investors don't lead startups on; their reputations are too valuable.
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mercurialsmile · 7 years
Hmm so tell me anything you want about Wilhelm & Dustin - anything that isn't spoilery of course! ;3c Since Counting Stars is unavailable to read right now, I'd love to know more about them, dear! ^^
HM WELL I’ll make a list 
Counting Stars used to be a B//ill////D//ip AU whoops but it became so different and I felt like it was so OOC that I might as well make it into an original story 
The entire story is gonna be one novel long :) 
Idk if I’ll publish it yet who knows 
The entire story is mainly about not judging other people and to treat people with kindness always since you never know what’s going on in their life 
Wilhelm is a Literal Ray of Sunshine, a complete puppy, and in general a sweet and precious human bean 
Dustin is a prickly asshole who has a lot of issues and has issues expressing himself, but he has a Heart of Gold tbh
All the characters in the story are based off of modern stereotypes- The social activist, the neckbeard, hipsters, the weeabo, and etc. Wilhelm is based off hipsters while Dustin is based of of neckbeards lol 
Counting Stars is my only YA story. Everything else I guess would be classified as either Adult or New Adult 
Wilhelm is pan af and Dustin is bi! And yes both terms are gonna be actually used in my book point-blank 
Wilhelm is a massive conspiracy theorist tbh and loves photography, fashion, and makeup 
Dustin really likes coding, video games, and anime 
Wilhelm is basically a highlighter he dresses in pure neon while Dustin wears basically the same clothes every day because He Doesn’t Give a Shit 
Wilhelm has anger issues
Dustin has both depression and anxiety, though CS isn’t focused on those two things. He just happens to have both.
Dustin’s best friend is a girl named Vee who is uber rich and also gay af. She’s kinda a snob and super rebellious 
 Wilhelm’s best friend is named Alan. He’s Hispanic, incredibly smart and studious, and enjoys Wilhelm’s antics 
Dustin has a sister named Krystle and they both live with their uncle Johnathan 
Wilhelm lives with both his parents who are super loving and wonderful 
Dustin is 19 and Wilhelm is 18 in CS. 
Aaaand that’s all I got so far I don’t wanna say too much but ye ;3c they both have their own tags you can browse through to get a better idea for their personalities. 
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kitchenlegrecords · 5 years
Voodoo Beach Party ep.1 is online!
The first episode of our radio show “Voodoo beach party” on Keith F’em  is online here: 
voodoo beach party · Voodoo Beach Party episode 1-Nov 2019
Complete playlist episode 1
00:00-Steve Reich-”Drumming Part IV” (exc), from “Drumming”, Elektra Nonsuch
05:41-Mammam Sani-”Samari Da Ya Matan”, 2005, from “Unreleased Tapes 1980-1984”, Sahel Sound
10:38-Gato Barbieri explain Samba Drums parts, 2017 Radio Radio Tre “Passioni-Samba, il ritmo della gioia”, Radio Tre
12:10-Canto de Ossanha-Vinicius de Morales (feat. Elis Regina) , 1966, Os Afro Sambas, Forma rec. Song part of the compilation “Bossa Nova and The rise of Brazilian Music in the 1960” by Soul Jazz records
15:31-Tehrapiegruppe-”Makita”, 2018 from “Greatest Hits”, CS self-released
19:37-Os Mutantes-”Trem Fantasma”, 1968, from “Os Mutantes”, Polydor
22:37-Amos and Sara-”Insomnia Samba”, 1983, from “Invite to Endless Latino”, It?s War Boys
27:33-Zelia Barbosa-”O Funeral Do Lavrador”, 1969, from “Brésil (Sertão & Favelas)”, Le Chant du Monde
31:00-Rollin Hunt- “Criminal”,2011, from “Castle of Nothing”, Moniker
33:40-Alvarius B - “The Dinner Party”, 2011 , from “Baroque Primitiva”, Poon Village
37:27-Khanh Ly & Trinh Cong Son- “Tinh Nho”, 1992,from “Tình Nhớ - Khánh Ly Trịnh Công Sơn”, Khanh Ly Production
41:34-Daisuke Tobari - “Untitled II”, 2000 from “Till The End Of The Dream”, Poon Village
43:12-Master Wilburn Burchette-”Psychic Fire”, 1975 from “Music Of The Godhead For Supernatural Meditation”, Burchette Brothers
49:10-Jackson C. Frank - (Tumble) in the wind (version 2), 2003 from “Blues Run the Game”, Castle Music
52:18-Norma Tanega - “What Are We Craving”, 1966 from “Walking My Car Named Dog”, New Voice Records
55:29-Volcano The Bear - “My Favourite Tongues”, 2006 from “Egg and Two Books”, Vivo records
58:21-the Frogs-”Freedom”, 2000 from “Racially Yours”, 4 Alarm Records
01:00:33-John Bellows-”Go to Hell”, 2010 from “Clean Your Cloth”, Moniker records
01:01:03-Piero Umiliani-”Centrali Termiche”, 1976, from “L'uomo e la città”, Liuto records, reissued by Easytempo as part of the compilation “Musicaelettronica Vol 1”.
01:05:31-Suicide-”Diamonds, Fur Coats, Champagne”, 1980 from “Suicide: Alan Vega, Martin Rev”, Antilles/Ze Records
01:08:35-Artefact-”Mae”, 1981, from “Agit' Pop”, Celluloid , also part of “So Young and So Cold” Compilation from Tigersushi records.
01:11:18-ImpLOG-”Holland Tunnel Dive”, 1980 from “Holland Tunnel Dive”, Infidelity
01:19:15-Essendon Airport-”Entrance of the Gladiators”, 1982, from “Palimpsest”, Innocent records
01:22:00-The Slits-”Earthbeat”, 1981, from “The Retourn of The Giant Slits”, CBS
01:25:42-Rip, Rig + Panic-”Change your Life”, 1981, from “God”, Virgin records
01:28:54-Laurence Wasser-”Ghostdance”, 2018, from “The Garden”, Kitchen Leg records
01:33:52- Baxter Dury - “Claire”, 2011 from “Happy Soup”, EMI
01:37:48-Iggy Pop - “Don't Look Down”, 1978 from “New Values”, Arista
01:41:06-The Beach Boys-”Never Learn Not To Love”, 1968, from “Bluebirds Over The Mountain”, Capitol
01:43:20-The Rumblers-”It's A Gass”, 1963, from “It's A Gass/Tootnanny”, Dot Records
01:46:01-Monitor-”Pavilion”, 1981,
from “Monitor”, World Imitation
01:52:51-Carl Juarez-”Self-Regulation (ii)”,2018, from “Eugene Electronic Music Collective compilation, “Switched on Eugene”
01:54:13-Vertical Slit - “The Bed”, 1977 from “Jim Shepard-Pre-and Post-Slits”, not on a label
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vintagegeekculture · 7 years
What's your general opinion on League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ( the comic book not the godawful movie). I personally had never heard about John Carter or Gulliver Of Mars or The Sorns ( CS Lewis wrote a science fiction novel who knew?), before I read League.
I loved it, of course! America’s Best Comics was noidle boast. League was always interesting to me in that the point of writing it was right in the text: “the British Empire could never distinguish between its’ heroes and monsters.” This is true; you read about a lot of great heroes of the British Empire, you simultaneously admire, despise, and laugh at how weird they are, like “Chinese” Gordon, the hero of Khartoum lionized by British newspapers as a great hero, but who was responsible for horrible deaths in industrial quantities, and, who in the words of John Dolan, “was an obvious closet case who probably died a virgin.” The purpose of League was sharply satirical.
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I was never entirely convinced by the idea that MinaHarker would, after the events of Dracula, have a Sarah Connor-liketransformation into a badass who would lead a group of secret agents. In fact, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen’s Minais exactly like Sarah Connor: anordinary everywoman who was in above her head when she encounters a Europeanman with a goofy accent who can’t be killed. I always heard that Alan Moorewanted Irene Adler to be the female lead of the League, but he pulled back atthe last minute because he thought she was not famous enough to be a maincharacter. In retrospect, that was a bad move: after the approximately 1billion adaptations of Sherlock Holmes since 2000, Irene Adler is pretty wellknown now.
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And don’t be embarrassed that you’d never heard ofGulliver of Mars. This novel fell into total obscurity for decades, untilsuperfan Richard Lupoff discovered its’ many similarities as the inspirationfor John Carter of Mars. This wasn’t exactly Pollyanna; the only reason anyoneremembers Gulliver of Mars is the John Carter connection. That, and the fact he was a way for a comic company that didn’t have the permission of the Burroughs estate to have a knockoff John Carter of Mars comic! 
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There wouldn’t be a League of Extraordinary Gentlemenwithout two inspirations. The first is Kim Newman’s 1992 novel Anno Dracula, wherethe premise is that van Helsing failed to kill Dracula, and he became theconsort of an undead Queen Victoria, with vampires ruling the British Empire.It featured dozens of literary and pop culture characters, including Dr. Jekylland Mr. Hyde, Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows, the 19th Centurylesbian vampire Carnilla (from a novel that predated Dracula, incidentally!),and even had Alan Quatermain as well as the Amhagger who worshippedShe-who-must-be-Obeyed.
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The other inspiration for the League is the body ofwork made during Philip Jose Farmer’s “pulp phase,” a period of about ten yearsin between his experimental novels that dealt with sexuality, and his later scifi novels like the Riverworld books. In his “pulpster phase,” PJF wrote abiography of Tarzan, as well as A Feast Unknown (aka “What if Tarzan and DocSavage liked to fuck?”), where a big part of his project was worldbuilding byputting literary characters together.  
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mhsn033 · 4 years
A-levels: Thousands in NI to receive their results
Extra than a third of estimated grades allocated by lecturers to Northern Ireland’s A-level and AS level students had been diminished within the final result.
About 28,000 pupils across Northern Ireland received their outcomes on Thursday morning.
While the proportion of A* to A A-level grades rose by 2.3%, 37% of estimated grades had been diminished; 5.3% had been raised.
This year’s outcomes had been estimated after tests had been cancelled by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Final year, 45.8% of estimated grades supplied by faculties matched the pupil’s final result.
This year, 58% of A-level and AS outcomes matched the estimated grades.
Image copyright Pacemaker
Image caption Pupils from St Dominic’s Grammar College for Girls received their examination outcomes on Thursday
In Northern Ireland, A-level grades had been in step with old AS outcomes, resit knowledge and lecturers’ predicted grades for their students.
A the same scheme was once passe in England, where 36% of entries had a decrease grade than lecturers predicted.
The proportion of A* grades in Northern Ireland has risen by 1%.
A* to A grades rose by 2.3%. The general percentage race rate rose by 0.8%.
Image caption CCEA Chief Govt Justin Edwards says lecturers might well be “over confident” when predicting grades
The manager government of examination body CCEA said if teacher judgement had been passe by itself, outcomes would maintain risen “severely”.
Justin Edwards said most ceaselessly lecturers “over-predict” or are “over confident” by manner of predicting the decrease C-E grades in specific.
But he added he was once “eternally grateful for the educational body of workers of Northern Ireland”.
Mr Edwards said CCEA was once the ideal awarding body within the UK who historically requested for predicted grades earlier than issuing outcomes.
“The foremost motive we question for here is that if something abominable happens to a minute one and now we ought to wretchedness outcomes and we’d like to understand be taught the draw in which to foretell outcomes for that minute one we are able to return to that knowledge for that minute one,” he said.
“In 2019, the predictions that had been given to us had been 45.8% correct in opposition to the true examination outcomes that the formative years executed, that’s for both grammar and secondary faculties.”
‘Dreams taken away by an algorithm’
Nonetheless, some head lecturers maintain said their college’s A-level grades maintain dropped very a lot from the grades predicted by lecturers.
Matthew Pitts, from Bangor Academy, instantaneous the Nolan Demonstrate that 63.4% of his college’s grades had been diminished while Alan Hutchinson, from Glastry College, said 56% of their grades had been reduced.
Mr Hutchinson said he had “no self perception in anyway in what has been passe”.
“There are extensive anomalies,” Mr Hutchinson said.
“One pupil who executed and was once predicted an A at AS level has been taken down to a B – yet one more pupil hadn’t executed an A but has been awarded an A.
“The precious thing in here isn’t very any longer knowledge, it’s formative years and their futures. We have got had lecturers going by formative years who maintain had their desires and aspirations taken far from them by an algorithm.”
Image copyright Pacemaker
Image caption Some head lecturers maintain reported pupils getting grades several phases below their estimated result
Mr Pitts said 11% of pupils had their grades diminished by two grades and 53.4% had been diminished by one grade.
“Our college is 25% below the A-phases we executed final year.
“We had been working in actual fact tough as a college over the last few years and our outcomes maintain gone up 20% and we’re in actual fact overjoyed with it.
“I’ve already had a pupil sobbing in my problem of business this morning. She had a B and two Cs at AS level and that now translates real into a C and two Ds. I will’t discover any logic within the help of this.”
Outcomes controversy proper the beginning
Evaluation by BBC News NI training correspondent Robbie Meredith
We are going to have the skill to maintain to level-headed be acutely aware first of all that grades, total, went up this year, so many pupils are going to be cheerful.
CCEA can relate that their mannequin allowed grades to upward push, although no longer in an odd manner.
Nonetheless, many college body of workers feel that their predictions had been totally no longer noted.
About 40% to 50% of predictions had been diminished in some situations and there’s enrage and bewilderment.
I used to be once talking to 1 grammar college head teacher this morning who had a pupil who at AS level was once predicted a C grade but bought a U.
They said that pupil was once devastated – in tears – and the head can’t figure out how that took problem.
This morning’s outcomes are proper the beginning, quite than the stay of the epic.
St Cecilia’s College most most important Martine Mulhern said her experience on outcomes day had been of “sheer disappointment”.
“I have not slept all evening, in consequence of I am proper nervous about going in and facing the day,” she instantaneous BBC NI’s Factual Morning Ulster.
“I in actual fact maintain proper found the outcomes to be very erratic, a lack of consistency.
“I am waking up this morning to hear that Wales maintain said that they’re guaranteeing A-level or A2 students their AS grades as a minimal grade, whereas 13% of our grades at A2 level had been in actual fact decrease than their AS grades, which we would maintain continuously regarded as to be the baseline from shifting on to A2.
“I understand these are very hard situations and CCEA maintain worked very tough to advance help up with a mannequin, but in all of that what has been misplaced are the formative years.”
Is there a graceful manner to award grades without tests?
Even tests might well be unfair. Most ceaselessly two of us marking the identical paper will give more than a number of grades.
But this year’s review and these days’s downgrades maintain left many folks feeling their future probabilities had been harmed by an algorithm.
The standardisation scheme that ended in the downgrades is there to stay grade inflation.
With out it, there would had been a 12% elevate in of us getting an A* or A grade, in step with the head of Northern Ireland’s most important examination body – CCEA.
But if a college has a stronger year crew than final year, or if instructing has improved, that might well no longer be fully recognised this year.
And the knowledge obtainable to calculate grades differs across the UK: indulge in in Wales, AS outcomes contribute to total A-level ends in Northern Ireland and therefore might well be taken into consideration.
Nonetheless, this would no longer happen in England – where AS grades maintain no concerning A-level outcomes.
Analysis means that utilizing AS performance can enhance the final accuracy of grades.
Grades will be calculated utilizing a fluctuate of proof including work to this level, mock tests and teacher assessed grades, but even consultants can’t agree on a splendid manner to navigate yet yet one more hard enlighten brought about by the coronavirus.
In response, Education Minister Peter Weir said that in “any case whereby somebody has been unfairly handled in consequence of the grade they maintain received does no longer assume their prior performance, then there’s the change without extend for an allure”.
“And indeed somebody in that circumstance will be handled sympathetically.”
In an announcement, Mr Weir said it was once valuable that this year’s outcomes had been “a lot like those awarded in past years and recognised as equally proper to withhold far from any lengthy-timeframe detrimental affect”.
“Stout credit score must race to lecturers and college leaders who very quick produced the professional judgements required and submitted these to CCEA all the draw by the very tight closing dates dwelling.
“Nonetheless, for those no longer cheerful with the stay result I’d emphasise that the outcomes these days are provisional, and there’s an appeals activity obtainable.”
Scottish U-turn
In an electronic mail to principals on Wednesday, CCEA had admitted there would be “anomalies” in a number of of the grades awarded.
It said it might well “birth up contacting faculties where now we maintain viewed anomalies by manner of judgements supplied and the grade issued”.
As tests had been cancelled, grades are awarded in step with predicted grades from faculties, which had been standardised by CCEA.
A the same scheme might well even be in problem in England and Wales, and about 12% of pupils in Northern Ireland make a selection issues by examination boards from those countries.
In Scotland, outcomes predicted by lecturers on my own will now be passe to give pupils their grades.
That is after a valuable U-turn by the Scottish government on Tuesday, which abandoned a moderation scheme for grades by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).
The 2020 outcomes blow their own horns that maths, biology, trade stories, religious stories and chemistry had been the tip five most popular issues amongst Northern Ireland’s A-level students.
Almost 40% of A level entries in Northern Ireland had been in STEM issues.
There was once a 2.3 % upward push within the selection of females studying science, abilities, engineering and maths in comparability to final year.
Pupils in Northern Ireland maintain outperformed their counterparts in England and Wales in most stylish years.
Honest over 30% of entries had been awarded A* or A grades in 2019.
CCEA is working a faithful tests helpline for pupils on 028 9026 1260 from 13-26 August.
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sole-keiji · 2 years
Alan repairing itself 🔧🪛
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Just enjoy it, I love the color palette of this character but... I always find it very cute, anyway 🤝✨💞
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En fin, les daré una explicación del porque no anduve activo: (ª no sé por dónde empezar...)
1 La Universidad me mata
2 Me operaron de mi apéndice, aparte de eso estuve 3 días en el hospital y media semana en reposo
3 Tengo un bloqueó creativo algo raro XD
Listop, espero me entiendan y cuidense 💖✨
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走進任何書店,你都會看到如何在 24 小時內自學 Java,同時你還可以看到很多在幾天或幾小時內學會 C、SQL、Ruby、算法等等的書籍。在亞馬遜使用“title: teach, yourself, hours, since: 2000”進���高級搜索,我發現了 512 本這樣的書。在排在前十名的書籍中,有九本是編程書籍,��下一本是關於財務管理的。用“teach yourself”代替“learn”,或者用“day”代替“hours”產生的結果類似。
結論是,要么人們急於學習編程,要么編程比其他任何東西都更容易學習。 Felleisen 等人在他們的書《How to Design Programs》中提到,“糟糕的編程很容易,即便是白痴都可以在 21 天內學會”時,請對這一觀點表示贊同。
讓我們來分析一下在 24 小時內學會 C++意味著什麼:
自學:24 小時內,你將沒有時間寫幾個重要的程序,並從成功和失敗中吸取教訓。你將沒有時間和一個有經驗的程序員一起工作,並理解在 C++環境中編程會是什麼樣子。簡而言之,你將沒有時間去學習多少東西。所以這本書只能說是膚淺的熟悉,而不是深刻的理解。正如 Alexander Pope 所說,只學會一點點點東西是危險的
C++:在 24 小時內,你也許能夠學習 C++的一些語法(前提是你已經知道了另一種語言),但是你不能學到多少關於如何使用這門語言的知識。簡而言之,如果你是一個基層的程序員,你可以學習用 C++語法編寫 BASIC 程序,但是你不能學習到 C++真正的優缺點。那又有什麼意義呢? Alan Perlis 曾經說過:“一種不影響你編程思維方式的語言,是不值得學習的。”有一種可能是,你必須學習一點C++(或者是JavaScript 之類的東西),因為你需要用現有的工具接口來完成特定的任務。但這種情況下,你不是在學習如何編程,而是在學習如何完成這項任務。
在 24 小時內:不幸的是,這根本不夠,正如下面所說的那樣。
很多研究人員發現,在各種領域要成為專家大約需要十年時間,這些領域包括國際象棋、音樂創作、電報、繪畫、鋼琴演奏、游泳、網球和科學研究、神經心理學和拓撲學等等。成功的關鍵是不斷的實踐:不只是一次又一次地做,而是每次都用一個超出你目前能力的任務挑戰你自己,嘗試去解決它,在做它的同時和之後分析你的表現,糾正錯誤,然後重複這個循環。人和事情都沒有真正的捷徑:即便對莫扎特來說也是如此。 4 歲就被稱為音樂天才的他,在開始創作世界級的音樂之前又花了 13 年時間來打磨自己。另一個例子是披頭士樂隊。披頭士樂隊似乎以一系列的熱門歌曲和 1964 年在艾德沙利文秀上的亮相而一夜成名。但實際上自從1957 年以來,他們一直在Liverpool 和Hamburg 的小酒吧里面演出,雖然很早以前他們就受到大眾的歡迎,但他們第一次取得重大成功的專輯“Sgt. Peppers”是在1967 年發布的。
Malcolm Gladwell 已經普及了這個想法,儘管他的觀點是 10000 小時專注的努力,而不是 10 年。 Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004) 有一句名言:“你的前10000 張照片是你最差的作品。”(他沒有預料到使用數碼相機,有些人可以在一周內就拍完10000 張照片。 )真正成為專家可能需要一輩子:Samuel Johnson(1709-1784)說:“成為任何領域的卓越人士都需要畢生的努力,投機取巧並不可行”。 Chaucer (1340-1400) 抱怨說:“人生太短暫了,而知識是無窮的”。 Hippocrates (約公元前400 年) 因為那句名言“ars longa, vita brevis”而被人稱頌,這句話的原文是“Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile”,意思是“生命很短暫,但是技藝卻很高深,機遇轉瞬即逝,探索難以捉摸,抉擇困難重重”。
當然,沒��一個數字可以作為最終的答案,假定所有的技能(如編程、下棋、跳棋和音樂演奏)都需要完全相同的時間來掌握,或者所有人都需要完全相同的時間是不合理的。正如K. Anders Ericsson 教授所說,“在大多數領域,即使是最有才華的人也需要很多時間才能達到最高水平,這是非常值得注意的。10000 小時這個數字讓你感覺到,我們說的是一周10 到20 個小時。”
對編程感興趣,因為興趣而編程。請保持足夠的興趣,以便你願意投入你的 10 年或者 10000 小時。
編碼。最好的學習方式是實踐。更嚴格地說,“在特定領域中,一個人的最高水平不是由於經驗的積累自動獲得的,而是經過深思熟慮的改進,經驗豐富的人也可以提高水平。”,“最有效的學習需要有一個明確的任務,對特定的人來說難度適中,還要有信息反饋以及重複試錯和糾正錯誤的機會。”“Cognition in Practice: Mind, Mathematics, and Culture in Everyday Life”這本書正是這一觀點的有趣參考。
如果你願意,可以在大學(或研究生院)呆四年。這將使你有機會獲得一份需要證書的工作,讓你對這個領域有更深的了解,但如果你不喜歡學校,你可以自學或在工作中獲得類似的經驗。無論如何,光靠書本知識是遠遠不夠的。 “The New Hacker's Dictionary”的作者 Eric Raymond 說:“計算機科學教育不能使任何人成為一個專業的程序員,就像學習刷子和顏料不可以使某人成為一個專業的畫家一樣。 ”我僱用過的最好的程序員之一隻有高中學歷,他開發了許多優秀的軟件,擁有自己的團隊,並且擁有足夠買下一個夜店的股票期權。
學習至少六種編程語言。包括一種強調類抽象的語言(如Java 或C++),它強調函數抽象的語言(如Lisp 或ML 或Haskell),一種支持句法抽象的語言(如Lisp),一種支持聲明性規範的語言(如Prolog 或C++模板),一種強調並發性的語言(像Clojure 或Go)。
記住“computer science”中有一個“computer”。知道計算機執行一條指令、從內存中提取一個字符(有或沒有緩存)、從磁盤中讀取連續的字符以及在磁盤上尋找新的位置需要多長時間。
參與語言標準化工作。它可能是 ANSI C++委員會,也可以是決定你自己的本地編碼風格是有 2 個或者 4 個空間縮進。無論哪種方式,你都可以了解到其他人對一種語言的喜好,他們的感受有多深,甚至可能了解他們的感受。
考慮到這一切,僅僅通過書本學習你能走多遠是個值得懷疑的問題。在我的第一個孩子出生之前,我讀完了所有的“How To”類型的書,但仍然覺得自己像個笨手笨腳的新手。 30 個月後,當我的第二個孩子出生時,我重新學習了那些書本知識嗎?不,相反,我依靠的是我的個人經驗,這比專家們寫的幾千頁書更有用,更讓我放心。
Fred Brooks 在他的論文《No Silver Bullet》中指出了尋找優秀軟件設計師的三個步驟:
這假設一些人已經具備成為一個偉大的程序師所必需的素質,那麼你的工作就是適當地哄騙他們。 Alan Perlis 的說法更加簡潔:“每個人都可以學會雕刻,但 Michelangelo 必須學會如何不雕刻。對偉大的程序員來說也是如此。”Perlis 認為,偉人有一些超越訓練的內在品質。但是這些品質是從哪裡來的呢?是先天的嗎?或者他們是通過勤奮養成的?正如Auguste Gusteau 所說:“任何人都能學會做飯,但只有無畏的人才是偉大的。”我認為這更像是願意將一生中大部分時間投入到某種實踐中,但也許無畏是總結這一點的一種方式。或者,正如 Gusteau 的批評家 Anton Ego 所說:“不是每個人都能成為偉大的藝術家,但偉大的藝術家可以來自任何地方。”
所以繼續購買 Java/Ruby /JavaScript /PHP 書籍吧,你可能會從中得到一些有用的東西。但是它們不會在 24 小時或 21 天內改變你的生活,也不會教會你作為一個程序員所需要的所有專業知識。何不努力工作,在接下來的 24 個月內不斷改進?
Bloom, Benjamin (ed.)《Developing Talent in Young People》, Ballantine, 1985.
Brooks, Fred,《No Silver Bullets》, IEEE Computer, vol. 20, no. 4, 1987, p. 10-19.
Bryan, W.L. & Harter, N.《Studies on the telegraphic language: The acquisition of a hierarchy of habits》. Psychology Review, 1899, 8, 345-375
Hayes, John R.,《Complete Problem Solver》Lawrence Erlbaum, 1989.
Chase, William G. & Simon, Herbert A.《Perception in Chess》,Cognitive Psychology, 1973, 4, 55-81.
Lave, Jean,《Cognition in Practice: Mind, Mathematics, and Culture in Everyday Life》, Cambridge University Press, 1988.
典型 PC 上各種操作所需要的大致時間:
執行典型指令:1/100000000 秒,即 1 納秒
從一級緩存中提取:0.5 納秒
分支預測失誤:5 納秒
從二級緩存獲取:7 納秒
互斥鎖/解鎖:25 納秒
從主存儲器提取:100 納秒
通過 1Gbps 網絡發送 2K 字節:20000 納秒
從內存中按順序讀取 1MB :250000 納秒
從新磁盤位置(SEEK)獲取:8000000 納秒
從磁盤中按順序讀取 1MB:20000000 納秒
將數據包發送到歐洲並返回:150 毫秒,即 150000000 納秒
參考你的朋友。當被問到“我應該使用什麼操作系統,Windows、Unix 或 Mac? ”我的回答通常是:“使用你的朋友使用的任何東西。 ”你從朋友那裡學到的優勢將抵消操作系統或編程語言之間的任何內在差異。還要考慮你未來的朋友:程序員社區的人,如果你繼續的話,你將成為其中的一員。你所選擇的語言有一個大的正在成長的群體還是一個小的正在消亡的群體?有書、網站和在線論壇可以得到答案嗎?你喜歡那些論壇裡的人嗎?
簡單實用。諸如 C++和 Java 這樣的編程語言是由有經驗的程序員團隊設計的,這些程序員關心他們代碼的運行時效率。因此,為了應對這些情況,這些語言有些地方是很複雜的。你關心的是學習編程。你不需要那麼複雜。你需要的是一種語言,它對於新手程序員來說也可以可以很容易地學習和記憶。
考慮到這些標準,對於要學習的第一種編程語言我的建議是 Python 或 Scheme。另一個選擇是 JavaScript,這不是因為它是為初學者精心設計的,而是因為它有很多在線教程,比如 Khan Academy 的教程。但每個人的情況都略有不同,還有一些其他的好選擇。如果你還是隔小孩,你可能更喜歡 Alice 或 Squeak 或 Blockly(年長的學習者也可能喜歡這些)。這些都沒關係,重要的是你要選擇並開始。
Scheme:“Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (Abelson & Sussman)”可能是計算機科學最好的導論書籍,它也確實將教授編程作為理解計算機科學的一種方式。你可以在網上看到關於這本書的講座視頻,以及完整的文本。這本書讀起來具有挑戰性,將淘汰一些可能通過這種方法獲得成功的人。
Scheme:“How to Design Programs (Felleisen et al.)”是關於在實踐中如何以優雅和實用的方式設計程序的最佳書籍之一。
Python:“Python Programming: An Intro to CS (Zelle)”很好地介紹瞭如何使用 Python。
Python:Python.org 上有一些在線教程。
Oz:“Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming (Van Roy & Haridi)”被一些人視為 Abelson 和 Sussman 的現代繼承人。讀這本書會讓你理解編程思想,它的涵蓋範圍比 Abelson 和 Sussman 更廣泛,同時可能更容易閱讀和理解。它使用的語言是 Oz,這種語言並不廣為人知,但它卻是學習其他語言的基礎。
T. Capey 指出,Amazon 網頁上那個“Complete Problem Solver”頁面把《Teach Yourself Bengali in 21 days》以及《Teach Yourself Grammar and Style》這兩本書移到了“購買此書的用戶還購買過這些產品”這個區域內。我估計大部分人就是從這個區域看到這本書的。感謝 Ross Cohen 的幫助。
.(tagsToTranslate)軟件和應用(t)程序員必讀經典長文:用十年時間自學編程(t)kknews.xyz from 程序員必讀經典長文:用十年時間自學編程 via KKNEWS
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hyaenagallery · 6 years
Tumblr media
Alan Turing (1912 – 1954) was an English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist. He was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer. Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence. During the Second World War, Turing worked for the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park, Britain’s codebreaking centre. For a time he led Hut 8, the section responsible for German naval cryptanalysis. He devised a number of techniques for speeding the breaking of German ciphers, including improvements to the pre-war Polish bombe method, an electromechanical machine that could find settings for the Enigma machine. Turing played a pivotal role in cracking intercepted coded messages that enabled the Allies to defeat the Nazis in many crucial engagements, including the Battle of the Atlantic. It has been estimated that this work shortened the war in Europe by more than two years and saved over fourteen million lives. After the war, he worked at the National Physical Laboratory, where he designed the ACE, among the first designs for a stored-program computer. In 1948 Turing joined Max Newman’s Computing Machine Laboratory at the Victoria University of Manchester, where he helped develop the Manchester computers and became interested in mathematical biology. He wrote a paper on the chemical basis of morphogenesis, and predicted oscillating chemical reactions such as the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction, first observed in the 1960s. In January 1952, Turing, then 39, started a relationship with Arnold Murray, a 19-year-old unemployed man. Turing had met Murray just before Christmas outside the Regal Cinema when walking down Manchester’s Oxford Road and invited him to lunch. #destroytheday https://www.instagram.com/p/BoJzuEMBBSI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v4jduhzh3xke
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
As far as I know there's no word for something we like too much. Both the Internet startups and the Procter & Gambles were doing brand advertising. 06 and 1/1. Cancer will show up on some sort of new, vocational version of college focused on entrepreneurship. The problem is not finding startups, exactly, but finding a stream of reasonably high quality ones. That's how you win: by investing in the right startups.1 In 1995 it was hard for industrialization to flourish in societies that value hierarchy and stability, just as it was hard to take search seriously. What you should spend your time thinking about how to save it. I worry I'm misleading you by even talking about other things. These are basically mass referrals. I know it's the wrong thing to optimize. The third part, incidentally, is how you get cofounders at the same frequency—then you may already be a better place if people only wrote books because they had some business guy whispering in their ears what customers wanted?2
How many startups fail.3 That was her actual word. It's hard to see how constant the threat of failure was—not just for other people that you need to learn about are the needs of your own users, and all the other people will move. Here's a common way startups die. The traditional way to do really big things seems to be run by a couple of CS grad students, not the percentage of the company at the point where 100% of the startups were able to raise significant funding after Demo Day, where a batch of newly created startups presents to investors all at once. Don't try to construct the future like a building, because your current blueprint is almost certainly mistaken.4 Moore's Law used to mean that a deal is going to be. What went wrong? 5 years' cost at the present valuation.
Universities are, at least for the server market.5 If people were scanned all the time is not because it has something to say about programming languages.6 That means for each big winner we could pick a thousand companies that returned nothing and still end up 10x ahead.7 Search was only 6% of our traffic, and we want to want—when it transforms opium into heroin—it seems bad. He thought we were meeting so we could show him our new technology, Revenue Loop. Viaweb, which we disliked at first. But that isn't true; they are not ordinary people. After further testing, it turned out to be really tough than the quiet ones.8 Why do the founders always make things so complicated? 034. That was not a natural move for Microsoft.9 You have to ignore the elephant in front of computers, and I still don't fully understand it.
From other startups. None of these companies were even meant to be companies at first.10 That was the phrase they used at Yahoo.11 This has led some in the media to conclude that blogs don't present much of a threat—that is, in effect, an annuity. Their union has exacted pay increases and work restrictions that would have been delighted if I'd realized in college that there were parts of the world. Till the rise of technology startups, and in particular, Internet startups are still only a fraction of the company. It's not merely that they don't let individual programmers do great work large grants of stock to give him.12 People will say things in anonymous forums that they'd never dare say to someone's face, just as pop songs are designed to prevent what programmers strive for. Greg Mcadoo from Sequoia recently said at a YC dinner that when Sequoia invests alone they like to take about 30% of a company, all they want to do it yourself. 05, or 4. The standard plan was to try to develop ideas in house, but simply because they're least willing to move. It's not that Microsoft isn't trying.
And not just because they'd be a lot of trolls in it. I knew as a founder your incentives are different. Most technology companies eventually get taken over by suits and middle managers.13 5 people. But that doesn't mean it's wrong to sell.14 Most of them don't try to act tough with them unless you really are the next Google, or they'll see through you in a second.15 But success has taken a lot of time on bullshit things or lose to people who behaved like assholes in forums, whether intentionally or not. This one took 67 minutes—23 of writing, and 44 of rewriting.16 You can magnify the effect of a powerful language by using a style called bottom-up often works better than top-down. It was no coincidence that the great industrialists of the nineteenth century had so little formal education. There's a name for this compiler, the sufficiently smart compiler, but no one person would have a complete copy of it.
How to start a startup.17 Unless we want to want, we consider technological progress good.18 There's a strong tradition within YC of helping other YC-funded startups. One could have described Microsoft and Apple were founded. But there were moments when he was optimistic. Good programmers manage to get a fix on these underlying forces by triangulating from open source: that people working on projects of their own are enormously more productive. Nothing will teach you about angel investing like experience.19 They won't be replaced wholesale. You'd expect them to be cold and calculating, or at least businesslike, but often they're not.20 If nuclear winter really is here, it may be best to go for brevity.21 There probably aren't more than a couple hundred serious angels in the whole Valley, and yet they're probably the single most important ingredient in making the Valley what it is.22
IBM seemed a lot more frightening in those days, then work on Wall Street were in 2000, because companies then were more at home at the start of the Web was closely tied to the minimum you need but a blockhead ever wrote except for that might be an inverse correlation between launch magnitude and success. Think it's too hard to prevent shoplifting because in their social lives that didn't already exist.
On the other students, he tried to preserve their wealth by forbidding the export of gold or silver. Simpler just to go away is investors requiring them. The person who has them manages to find it hard to say that a their applicants come from all over, not the primary cause.
But that was basically useless, but I think it is less secure.
Good news: users don't care what your body is telling you to believing in natural selection in the same as they do for a future in which case immediate problem solved, or your job will consist of bad idea.
Later we added two more investors. The rest exist to this day, thirty years later Jim Ryun ran a 3:59 mile as a definition of property is driven by the leading scholars in the woods. And yet there are lots of back and forth. Of the remaining outcomes don't have to recognize them when you had a big change from what the earnings turn out to be a win to include things in shows that they discovered.
You can relent a little too narrow than to read this essay, Richard and David Whitehouse, Mohammed, Charlemagne and the Origins of Europe, Cornell University Press, 2005.
Reprinted in Bacon, Alan ed.
Many hope he was a test of success.
If spammers get good grades in them.
But it could become a genuine addict. But the margins are greater on products.
And I have so far done a pretty mediocre job of suppressing the natural human inclination to say now. No Logo, Naomi Klein says that the feature was useless, but you should.
Learning to hack is a bridgehead.
For example, understanding French will help dispel the cloud of semi-sacred mystery that surrounds wisdom in ancient Egypt took exams, but it doesn't cost anything. At the moment the time. When you're starting a company changes people.
If you try to get as deeply into subjects as I explain later. But this seems an odd idea. For example, MySpace is basically zero.
It seems quite likely that in Silicon Valley like the one Europeans inherited from Rome. Delicious/popular. The best technique I've found for dealing with recent art that does. I get the money so burdensome, that probably doesn't make A more powerful, because you could probably starve the trolls of the year x in a not-doing-work.
Maybe at first, and both times I bailed because I can't predict which these are the first version was mostly Lisp, which merchants used to build little Web appliances. Come work for the same reason I don't have to say they bear no blame for opinions not expressed in it, but that's a rational response to their kids to say that one Calvisius Sabinus paid 100,000. As always, tax loopholes are definitely not a programmer would never come back with my co-founder before making any commitments. PR firm admittedly the best in the future, and Smartleaf co-founder before making any commitments.
I switch in mid-twenties the people working for me do more with less?
Probabilities in this algorithm are calculated using a freeware OS? After reading a draft of this essay will say that it makes the business for 16,000 drachmae for the firm in the old days it was spontaneous. I use the wrong algorithm for generating their frontpage. What is Mathematics?
Though in a time. The wartime versions were much more analytical style of thinking.
Lester Thurow, writing and visual design.
The mere possibility of being watched in real time. A web site is different from deciding to move forward. If early abstract paintings seem more interesting than random marks would be much bigger news, in the mid 1980s. So it may be that surprising that colleges can't teach students how to distinguish between selecting a link and following it; all you'd need to fix once it's big, plus they are.
Thanks to Trevor Blackwell, Paul Buchheit, Steven Levy, Sam Altman, Robert Morris, Brian Burton, Greg McAdoo, and Garry Tan for sharing their expertise on this topic.
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twelvebyseventyfive · 6 years
Okanagan: Culmina Family Estate Winery
Donald Triggs and Pascal Madevon (consulting winemaker, along with Alain Sutre)
Donald Triggs has been an important figure in the Canadian wine industry. A businessman with international experience, he partnered with Alan Jackson to form Niagara-based winery Jackson-Triggs in the early 1990s, and this became part of a larger company, Vincor International, with Triggs as CEO. In 2006 it was subject to a hostile takeover by Constellation Brands. This left Triggs and fellow shareholders $1.5 billion better off, but he needed a fresh project. And so did his wife Elaine: the Delaine Vineyard that Jackson-Triggs made a Chardonnay from was her baby, and it was sold. And they weren’t ready to retire.
Sara Triggs in the vineyard
So he and Elaine left Niagara for British Columbia, and set up a new vineyard, Culmina, on a property in the south Okanagan. Joined by their youngest daughter Sara, they are clearly very ambitious, and have constructed an 8000 case gravity flow winery. The Triggs have just over 56 acres of vines split over three sites, and the first wines are now beginning to emerge. Alain Sutre is providing some consultancy advice: he’s known to Triggs because of his work at Okanagan winery Osoyoos Larose, which was owned by Vincor when Triggs was in charge.
Looking down to the winery and main vineyard blocks from the upper vineyards
Margaret’s Bench, planted to Gruner Veltliner and Chardonnay
They used Sutre’s expertise to find the right site, and their goal was to make a Bordeaux blend. They identified five potential vineyard sites, and then did a cull using data from temperature loggers. The most exciting site was the one they bought, which was then virgin land. They were keen not to inherit other people’s decision making. This site is in what is now known as the Golden Mile, the Okanagan’s first official sub-region. It’s an ancient river bed, combined with fluvial flooding deposits, and it’s quite rocky. It faces south east.
Typical soils
A pedogenic lime encrusted stone
After they purchased it they did 22 soil pits and identified 44 microblocks on three benches. It’s a site that got the check mark for Bordeaux reds, but not Bordeaux whites: Sauvignon and Semillon are just too frost susceptible. This led them to look for another white site, and rather than move north to get a cooler site, they went up to the top of the hill, where Margaret’s Bench is now planted, and it’s 200 degree days cooler. So as well as Bordeaux varieties, the property boasts Grüner Veltliner and Riesling, as well as Chardonnay.
Golden Mile Bench
Jean-Marc Enixon, winemaker and vineyard manager
We had a look round the vineyards, and then tasted with Sara Triggs and winemaker and vineyard manager Jean-Marc Enixon. He’s from Bordeaux, where he worked for 10 years in Fronsac, and he relocated his family here in 2015. Interestingly, he;d never made white wine before he joined Culmina! Alain Sutre still consults here. The style of the wines is quite modern, but they have freshness and definition. ‘There’s an interesting line that you toe to be true to yourself while bearing in mind the market,’ says Sarah.
Experimental bush vines
At the top of the property
Here is a film of the visit, showing the different vineyard blocks, a spectacular view from the top of the property, and some bush vine experiments:
  Culmina Unicus 2017 Okanagan, Canada Gruner Veltliner from Margaret’s Bench. 14% alcohol. Fine and fresh with some notes of mandarin and pepper, as well as sweet citrus notes. Really attractive and delicate, but with some body and a smooth mid-palate. Lovely expressive wine with real appeal. 90/100
Culmina No 002 Wild Ferment Gruner Veltliner 2016 Okanagan, Canada Two stainless steel barrels, pressed to barrel without sulfites. Took two months to ferment. This has 5 g/l residual sugar and 13.5% alcohol. There’s some richness here with a bready edge and fine spices, as well as pink grapefruit. Has a bit of creaminess too. Quite pure and restrained. 90/100
Culmina No 004 Stan’s Bench Chardonnay 2016 Okanagan, Canada This was the first vintage from Stan’s Bench, and this was the first white wine he made in his life. All wild yeasts. No malolactic fermentation, fermented in old French oak with a bit in stainless. Complex, restrained and slightly spicy with some nuts and fine-grained structure. Some ripe pear fruit and a hint of baked apple. Very expressive with a distinctly savoury character. 91/100
Culmina Dilemma 2016 Okanagan, Canada Chardonnay. When the site was purchased there was some Gamay and Chardonnay here, with low density planting. It was hard to rip them out, but the proof in the pudding came when the old and new fruit were compared, and so the new Chardonnay planted up top was named Dilemma. 60% barrel fermentation, 40% in stainless steel barrel, partial malolactic. This has nice depth and concentration, with pear, almonds, a bit of spice and some baked apple. Nicely dense and compact with a bit of fruit sweetness, but also some savoury notes. Finished with a distinct citrus twist. 91/100
Culmina Hypothesis 2011 Okanagan, Canada 13.5% alcohol. 40% Cabernet Franc, 36% Merlot, 24% Cabernet Sauvignon. Complex, savoury, spicy nose. Nicely balanced palate with a spicy, savoury edge to the ripe berry and blackcurrant fruit as well as some savoury, slightly earthy development. Has nice concentration and balance, and is drinking very well now. 91/100
Culmina Hypothesis 2012 Okanagan, Canada 14% alcohol. 57% Merlot, 24% Cabernet Sauvignon, 19% Cabernet Franc. Very compact and bright with nice structure and fresh finely spiced berry fruits. This shows good structure and refinement, and is developing nice and slowly. Quite firm tannins with red and black fruits. Should be good for a few years more now. 92/100
Culmina Hypothesis 2013 Okanagan, Canada 14% alcohol. Merlot 38%, Cabernet Franc 36%, Cabernet Sauvignon 26%. I love the focused ripe blackberry and blackcurrant fruit here, alongside a sheen of slightly spicy oak. Good structure with a savoury twist and a sleek fruit character. Should develop nicely. 92/100
Culmina Hypothesis 2014 Okanagan, Canada 45% CS, 33% M, 22% CF. This is so fresh and fine. Pure and opulent with ripe, dense, focused, floral blackberry, black cherry and blackcurrant fruit. Good structure here with nice concentration and weight. Still quite primary. Really impressive fruit here showing good balance. 93/100
Culmina Malbec 2015 Okanagan, Canada Pure, vivid, fresh and focused with lovely fleshy fruit and good acidity. Sappy blackcurrant and black cherry with a spicy edge to it. Lovely stuff. 93/100
Find these wines with wine-searcher.com
from Jamie Goode's wine blog http://www.wineanorak.com:/wineblog/canada/okanagan-culmina-family-estate-winery For Fine Wine Investment opportunities check out Twelve by Seventy Five: http://www.twelve-by-seventy-five.com/
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burycyclespeedway · 7 years
Disappointing end to campaign
From a team point of view it was a disappointing end to the Northern League season for the Comets as local rivals Astley & Tyldesley closed out the Division Two title at Gin Pit Village.  The two sides had been exchanging places at the top of the table throughout the season, Bury had easily beaten Team Green early in the year, but unfortunately dropped key points during the mid August holiday season, meaning that the final match of the year became the league decider.  The young Bury side lined up against an experienced A&T outfit and it looked like being a close one and so it proved.  After a series of close shared races Bury took the lead, with Adam Taylor/Kaysar Mohammadi 7-3, before Astley struck back with there own 6-4.  Despite a number of late in the race stoppages and one rider going straight through the starting tapes in heat 7, almost inconceivably there were no exclusions to either side until Harry Radford was lapped in heat 14, a result which left Bury needing a maximum heat win in the final race. Despite every effort from the season-long top scoring duo Adams Taylor and Turnbull, it was not to be. Still missing some key riders and certainly somewhat puzzled by some of the refereeing calls, Bury were left thinking about what might have been. 
Astley & Tyldesley 77
Bury 72
Kaysar Mohammadi 17+1 (from 5 rides), Adam Taylor 15+1 (5), Adam Turnbull 15 (5), Louis Turner 10+1 (5), Asim Hussain 6+1 (3), Harry Radford 5+1 (5), Steve Mann 4 (2), Alan Plimley DNR, Josh Neath DNR, Kaci Neath DNR.
Earlier in the day the Comets' Division One side tried valiantly to take an unlikely victory as Astley pushed for the Division One title.  A win would have taken Bury into a third place finish overall ahead of the new end of season playoff, which added the potential of national cup glory at the end of the regular season.  Chris Parish made much welcomed return to the saddle and rode steadily to a very solid score.  Bury number one Kris Ramsden was unlucky to be targeted by A&T’s former World number five, Przemek Binkowski, in each of his races.  Despite this he worked well with team partner Will Owens to restrict the impressive Polish visitor.  In the end it was the inclusion of Binkowski that made the difference, though Reece Pollitt, Max Evans and Paul Graham scored heavily.  It was a solid team performance from the Comets and no A&T remained unbeaten.
Astley & Tyldesley 96
Bury 81
Chris Parish 19+1 (6), Adam Turnbull 13 (4), Will Owens 13 (6), Neil Howarth 11+1 (6), Kris Ramsden 11+1 (6), Adam Taylor 8 (4), Kaysar Mohammadi 5 (3), Louis Turner 1 (1).
It was first versus second once again in Division Three, but with A&T unbeaten and well clear before this final match.  The young Comets fought hard and proved worthy of their lofty position, yet A&T where again just too strong, particularly in the U10s competition.  The scoring was very consistent from the Bury riders, with special mention for 8 year old Rowan Neath, who returned a double figures score, including an excellent win in heat three.
Astley & Tyldesley 109
Bury 44
Harry Radford 12 (4), Josh Neath 11 (4), Rowan Neath 11 (4), Kaci Neath 10 (4).
All of these result meant that ahead of the new CS Regional Playoffs a Division One League decider was required.  Bury stepped up to stage the midweek match between Stockport and Astley & Tyldesley.  It was a great credit to the club that temporary floodlighting was installed, the track was great condition and all the officials were Bury members, providing fitting climax to the domestic season.  On track the A&T team gradually took control of the match, again strengthened by riders flying in from Poland, in the end running out clear winners.  The Division One trophy was duly presented to the Gin Pit based side for the first time in their history.
Perhaps more impressive was the performance of A&T in taking the regional playoff title the following weekend, edging out Stockport and Bury once again. Staged at Gin Pit as a result of that mid-week playoff win, the match was closely fought throughout, with both Stockport and Bury short of one rider.  For the Comets Adam Taylor top scored, but it was again a very solid team performance which ended with A&T just slightly ahead.
Astley & Tyldesley 95
Stockport 92
Bury 78
Adam Taylor 13 (4), Will Owens 12 (4), Adam turnbull 12 (4), James Elston 11 (4), Kaysar Mohammadi 11 (4), Kris Ramsden 10 (4), Harry Radford 9 (4).
Adam Taylor crowned what had become a superb end of season run of form as he won both Junior and Senior sections of the club individual at Goshen, ending Kris Ramsden's run of victories in a run-off after both riders had scored 19 points.  Will Owens made no mistake in the third place run-off against veteran Neil Howarth, required as the pair had finished on 17.  Adam Turnbull and Louis Turner finished second and third respectively in the Junior competition, with Harry Radford closing out the U13s’ championship with a maximum, closely followed by Josh Neath (15 points) and Dawar Mohammadi (14).
The Comets will now look forward to the final matches of 2017.  With a number of riders in action for the regional Supertrax Battle of Britain teams this coming weekend, followed by a final Northern Fours and GP fixture on 1st October, it will then be time for some indoor racing action and winter training in preparation for season 2018!   
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