For the first batch I'd say the two you fancy are AkuRiku and XigRoku, the one that tickled your fantasy at first but then nah AkuKai, and the three definitely not MarlNami, VeXion and AnsemXeha?
I've probably butchered a lot but this is my wildest guess
Well, you got the akukai as the one that used to tickle my fancy. The evidence of that is in two of my first posted fanfictions.
Edit: you also guessed Vexen and Zexion correctly. Not my thing.
I'll let you know privately what the correct guesses are, just in case someone else wants to guess
Though now I am thinking about akuriku and giving an approving nod, that wasn't one of my two I fancy, more one that I did not think about even though I have run across it before.
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skytsunrose · 2 years
Heres the official hashtag for my kh rare pairs next month! So use #mayskyslightkhrarepairs and @ me SkyTsunRose so I can share your stuff you made/find/had and ppl can see it too! 🥰😊 I can't wait to start it next month and hope to see ppl participate!
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pandakiritokun · 4 years
Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: Fanfiction - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage Relationships: Akuriku Vaniku Characters: Riku (Kingdom Hearts), Axel (Kingdom Hearts), Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Kairi (Kingdom Hearts), Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts), Olette (Kingdom Hearts), Naminé (Kingdom Hearts), Roxas (Kingdom Hearts) Additional Tags: Yaoi fantasy Summary:
Riku is ein teene mit einigen problemen geleitet von vorwürfen und dem glaube das er selbst dran schuld is gerät er immer tiefer in die bridulie sein vater sorgt sich und versucht die beste hilfe für seinen sohn zu finden die es gibt da er verhindern will noch einen geliebten menschen zu verlieren Axel is genau der richtige er ist ein aufstrebender jugendtherapeut der schon sehr hohes ansehen geniesst
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birdsandivory · 6 years
you know when you love a rare pair but you’re also really particular about what fics you read and the number just gets lower and lower as you add filters and you end up panicking because you’re not sure whether you should tell ao3 that you only read in english or actually pick up that second language you’ve been meaning to??
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rainbowd00dles · 6 years
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commission for @spacedalyssa ! 
AU akuriku! i missed drawing them like this! 
thanks for commissioning me <3 
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risokasdoodles-blog · 6 years
We're in 2019 and still so little vaniku, rikuroku and akuriku? Why the hell? I thought this fandom was better. I feel soooooo betrayed
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creamypudding · 5 years
Title: The Two Penguins Fandom: Kingdom Hearts - Modern AU Pairing: Axel/Roxas Chapter Rating: Mature Word Count: 13,361 Summary: Valentine’s day has come around and Axel reaps all that he has sown. -------------------------------------------------
Chapter 34: For Better or Worse
Axel took each day as it came. He went to work, he ate, he slept, he looked after his furry house guest. With Valentine’s Day not too far away Axel’s workload got heavier, but he still made sure to prioritize his time with Riku. At least once a week he stayed the night at Riku's place, usually on one of the days he had off. This began creeping up to two and three days. He still went home to check on Cheshire before or after work but living in two places put a strain on managing his time effectively. He didn't want to let this defeat him though. Riku sometimes made comments on how much easier life would be if he just told Roxas to find alternative arrangements for the cat. Axel, however, had really gotten attached to the furball so he ignored the remarks. He knew that Riku loved animals. It's just the owner of this particular animal which bothered him. Axel tried to accommodate his boyfriend as much as possible with all other requests, but the cat stayed.
She wasn't even as much a reminder of Roxas as Riku probably worried her to be. He didn't need outside reminders. His head naturally sought out that topic all of its own accord; was he okay? Would he like to be sent a new photo of Cheshire? Was the particular joke Axel had thought up appropriate to send and would Roxas laugh as hard at the punchline as Axel made himself laugh over it? He wasn’t sure. There was a thin tightrope he tread and teetered on.
This felt most apparent whenever he exchanged text messages with Roxas. He spent whole tens of minutes carefully wording replies, or composing messages. That was a large proponent in the decrease in messages Axel sent, and he felt the decrease acutely.
He looked at his phone during quiet moments at work. He missed Roxas’ presence at group lunches – not that he had shown up to many of those since October last year – but the fact that he never showed up anymore – would never show up anymore, left a painful hollow feeling in his chest. Axel had looked forward to the possible chance of seeing Roxas. His heart had always filled up when Roxas had made an appearance, and when he hadn't… it had been business as usual. But now that he never came around anymore… things were different.
Axel hadn't seen Roxas in the flesh since they exchanged gifts, close to two months ago. He never dared to ask Roxas to come over, painfully aware of the days Roxas had been to his apartment because of the treats for Cheshire left on the dining table or a thoughtful snack that had been left for himself on the odd occasion. To think Roxas had been inside his apartment made the space feel all the more empty.
He wanted to go see Roxas at The Kingdom but didn't know how to excuse himself from going to the bookshop since he always went there with Riku or met him there on his days off.
He thought it ridiculous how trapped he felt, but he recognized that it was all of his own making. Riku had been cool with him still holding a flame for Roxas when they had first gotten together. Axel had made it worse for himself by continually being thoughtless of either man's feelings, so he resigned himself to the fact that he would need to put some effort into fixing things. Axel told himself that some things were worth making an effort for.
He tried to figure out how to sell his want to visit Roxas to Riku without making him upset. He thought to maybe stop by The Kingdom on his way to having lunch with Riku but then thought that it might upset Roxas. The man wanted Axel to choose. To put one before the other. Both men wanted that, actually. Axel was failing them both. He knew that but didn't know how to fix it.
Keep Reading on Ao3
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life-0r-death · 6 years
A new story I dreamed up for AkuRiku (which there is not a lot of). So, I will update this story as I finish chapters. Don’t worry, I currently have 17 pages written.  Additionally, please check out @hakeism who was kind enough to let me use their “betray friends, defend friends” artwork as the image cover. 
The story is also found on Archive of Our Own under Life_0r_Death.
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heartlessfujoshi · 6 years
I just read your imposter series and found a ship in axel/riku that I didn’t know I needed, and I was wondering what would’ve happened if axel chose to turn riku in to the organization, how would you imagine that would’ve went?
Oh, wow! Well, I’m so happy to hear that you read that series! :D That makes me super happy! 
I think it might have gone a lot worse than when he brought Kairi to the castle. Considering that he’s a keyblade wielder, I’d wager that Axel would have to put him to sleep, and put him in a cell. On his way to tell Xemnas about who he caught, RIku totally would have used a Corridor of Darkness to leave. Because Axel forgot he could use the same stuff they can use. ;)
And some more thoughts on these two below the cut because LOL spoilers 
I gotta say, when it was Riku that took Lea’s suitcase I freaked TF out. I was like “OH MY GOOOOOD HE’S TAKING HIS BOYFRIEND HIS CLOTHES.” Because yes, I am that lame. XD
Maybe I’ll revisit this series that takes place after the end of KH3. There’s a lot of potential there, considering what happens at the end. I might wait a little bit though, since it came out only a week and a half ago. 
Thanks so much for asking, anon! :D 
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The Stars how they Shine
Game: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Sora, Kairi, Ventus, Vanitas, Lea, Riku, Isa, Iris 
Rating: Everyone
Author: The Usual Spot Cafe
Word Count: 491 Words
Notes: What happens when Isa is left alone with Riku’s best friends.
Ventus stared in shock as Riku rushed out of the cafe. Lea went to follow right on his heels but was immediately bombarded by Sora and Kairi.
Sora stood to his full height, puffing his chest out and staring Lea down as best as he could from almost a foot below his eye level. “I swear on Leviathan's wrath if you’re two timing Ri-“ Lea didn’t even let him finish before picking him up and setting him aside, rushing out the door of the café.
Sora huffed and Kairi immediately turned their wrath on Isa. “This is your doing isn’t it? You asked Demyx to play a song for you and Lea!”
Ventus glanced sideways at Iris and Vanitas. Iris looked just as shocked as he did and Vanitas sipped his soda, watching like this was the most interesting thing in the world. Ventus turned back to Sora, Kairi, and Isa, seeing the shorter two poking Isa in the chest and angrily whispering to him so as not to disturb the other patrons.
Isa arched an eyebrow at them, brushing their hands away like one would brush away flies. “I merely came here to see my friend, not to rekindle some romance that never should have been in the first place, nor to fight with you.” Isa looked down his nose at the two of them, “Just what do you two think you can accomplish here? Neither of you are big enough to present a problem for me.”
Kairi and Sora both gasped in indignation, “Is that a challenge?”
Isa’s mouth twitched upwards in a smug smirk, “No, merely an observation.”
Kairi and Sora both moved forward as if to confront him, but stopped when they heard the bell on the door ring again. Riku and Lea walked in, Riku looking abashed with Lea’s arm around him. They sat at the table and Sora and Kairi immediately surrounded Riku, pushing Lea to the side. “Are you ok, Reeks?”
“I’m fine. It was just a misunderstanding on my part.”
Kairi glared over at Isa and Lea, “Are you sure? We’ll kick their asses for you.”
Riku laughed, “Well, maybe you could take Lea, but not Isa.”
“Hey!” Lea looked insulted while Isa smirked. He elbowed Isa, “Well, aren’t you going to defend my honor? Tell them I could totally beat them?”
Isa rolled his eyes, “Oh, you mean I’m supposed to lie?”
Lea crossed his arms, pouting, “Some friend you are.”
Isa smiled for the first time any of them had seen that day, “You know you love me, Loser.”
Lea smirked, “Yeah, yeah, and you love me, Lunatic.”
Riku gave Sora and Kairi a reassuring smile when they looked at him as though asking for what to do. He reached over and grabbed Lea’s hand that was now resting on the table, giving it a squeeze. The two sat with their fingers intertwined and enjoyed the evening with their best friends.
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For the “send me a ship meme.” I have two. Akuriku and RikuRoku
 I’m  going to do these in two individual posts because I am a wordy person who gets carried away. Akuriku first and Rikuroku later or tomorrow.
1. How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET
Big surprise. Everything I am sent is going to be "ship it" even if it wasn't already once I have to concentrate on it.
2. What non sexual activities do they like to do together?
Video Games
Hikes. Axel's hesitance toward strenuous physical activity going out the window when Riku suggests paths that end in scenic overlooks. We know Axel is all about climbing to high places with nice views.
Philosophical debates and deep talks. They both seemed inclined and would appreciate someone wanting to dig into the mysteries of or deeper issues with life and daily living with them. I see them on the same level. "I never thought much about that" is not an answer either of them would utter, both because it's generally not true since both spend a lot of time thinking, and, because, if it is something they hadn't considered or don't know much about, they can both quickly make it up. On the other end of the spectrum, neither is so intellectual or psuedo-intellectual as to leave the other behind. 
Naps. Riku cannot stand even the idea of naps initially, much less the idea of taking one himself, then Axel just pulls him into/back into bed or tricks him there to koala/cobra wrap around him and refuse to let him leave because Axel is a big fan of sleep, and if anyone needs more sleep it's Riku. Riku has a slow breakdown of admitting things in stages. I like that you can overpower me (though mainly because Riku has too much worry about hurting him to use all his strength, because Axel is taller and he is lean muscle not twig, but Riku is still the beef in this stroganoff and Axel the noodle)---> I like being the little spoon DON'T LAUGH--> this napping thing isn't so bad.
Comparing and contrasting Sora and Roxas. Take this however you want.
3. Who does chores around the house?
Riku. He likes an orderly house. He won't nag outright and Axel doesn't fall for the same kinds of taunts/manipulation as Sora would so at first he just doesn't know how to deal with Axel not putting in the same effort he does. Plus, he doesn't mind doing everything that much. When he begins minding, they have an honest, open talk because, though it took awhile to get there, Riku is good at those. Axel earnestly promises to do his share...and then does it terribly so Riku doesn't ask again. If Riku ever shows real stress though, Axel feels so bad he....tricks someone else into doing everything for both of them. Haha, you thought he would do it? No.
4. Who’s the better cook?
Self-sufficient Riku, though Axel is the more creative chef that tries new dishes, so it depends on how quickly one gets tired of the meals Riku has mastered and considers adequate enough in fulfilling the need for variety. 
5. Who’s the funniest drunk?
Riku. Axel argues Riku is only the funny drunk, whereas, he's hilarious all the time. Once more, it comes down to the principle that when you care less what you say or do sober, your drunk self isn't that different. Riku is a craps shoot when drunk though. Just as often as Funny Riku you get Depressive Riku that needs to be treated very gently.
6. Do they have kids?
One day. I don't have particularly strong feelings about it, but instinctually I feel both are the type to want kids eventually.
7.  Do they have any traditions?
Light left on whenever one isn't home. 
Watching the sunrise together. Axel whines about lack of sleep/goes back to sleep after, but he loves his red and orange skies and Riku refuses to "share" a tradition. 
Celebrating rebirth days as well as birhtdays. This is when Riku broke free of Ansem for Riku and Axel's recompletion for him. Dinner in complete darkness that is then broken by a fire spell lighting cake candles. That specific tradition lasts one rebirth day because Riku stabs himself repeatedly with a fork in the dark and then Axel sets the whole table on fire. Afterwards, they still do the symbolic darkness into light thing, but do it with Riku's old blindfold, putting on the blindfold early and being led around obstacles until they get to a "surprise" party and are "freed from darkness."
8. What do they fight about?
Their sacrificial streaks and trying to protect each other mostly. Sometimes about how Axel will not do any housework.
9. What would they do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)
 Laugh. Riku would get embarrassed. Axel would propose acting out any fanfiction they come across.
10. Who cried at the end of Marley and me?
Riku. Axel took advantage of cuddle time.
11. Who always wins at Mario kart?
Axel and it drive Riku up a wall.
12. One thing I like about this ship?
Well, I just love the characters so much I am tempted to just say anything that includes them is good. I guess Riku being with someone he doesn't have a built in need to be the strong one for--more than his baseline I mean--and, on the same track, both of them getting the chance to be with someone who they can just build a more naturally paced relationship with not having to start out with the intensity and baggage of "everything I was for awhile was because of you/for you" or "I went to hell in back and/or died for you" that hangs over Soriku, Rikai, Akuroku, Leaisa, etc. 
13. One thing I don’t like about the ship?
It's not Akuroku. A flaw many Kingdom Hearts ships share.
But if Axel and Riku then....no Akuroku or Soriku or Rikai in this story? Like a zero amount? Or it's only in the past? Or it breaks them up? I...can't compute this. None at all? What about a little, as a treat? (This ignores a polycule situation, but I'm trying to be funny.) 
14. The song I would say fits them?
There is going to be the reoccurring answer of "I do not have a song for them. I never thought about it." Copy and paste everywhere because I hardly ever do this even with the major ones. The Grass is Greener Vanikai was a fluke. 
15. Another headcanon about the paring? (Free space)
Axel gets Riku to move in with him like he's slowly adopting a stray cat, buying and leaving out things he'd like both food and decor wise and making a comfortable space until Riku spends more and more time around.
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skytsunrose · 2 years
Day 6 of my rarepair month is Akuriku! Axel and Riku would happily talk about their best friends, and how much they would want to protect them! Think they would bond over that, and maybe balance eachother with their personality just a bit 🥰
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firewindmill · 7 years
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Commission for @savaage-nymph, requesting Riku treating Lea’s injuries so I decided muscle therapy would be cool cause its easy to forget to stretch or take care of yourself, even better to have someone strong enough to get the painful knots out.
Do not repost or use without permission from the commissioner or myself, please ask first.
Commission info at my website
Arrange a deal where you buy a commission worth something on my Steam wishlist.
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wipweek · 7 years
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WIP WEEK is a week dedicated to updating fic or art WIPs that will be held every two months.  All fandoms are welcome to participate. Please tag your entries with the #wipweek or #wip week tag. Since multiple fandoms and ships are participating, please clearly list the fandoms, ships, and content warnings in the post so that they can be properly tagged for any potential readers.
The second WIP Week will be held from August 27, 2017 to September 2, 2017.
Each day will have a theme, but you do not have to post every day. You are also not obligated to follow these themes. You can work on one fic or artwork for the entire week if you choose. If you’re not comfortable posting full updates but still want to participate in the week, you can post your daily word count and a small snippet from your work.
Here are the themes for the week:
August 27: Your Oldest WIP
August 28: Your Favorite WIP
August 29: Your Canon-Verse WIP
August 30: Any WIP
August 31: Your Most Popular WIP
September 1: Your AU WIP
September 2: Your Newest WIP
If you have any additional questions or suggestions, send an ask here.
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c-worldproductions · 6 years
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Just two pretty boys hanging out. Got it memorized? . 🔥 Axel: @everyones_favourite_homo . ⭐️ Riku: me . 📷 Photographer: @mysthinra1170 . 🗓 Event: @otafest 2015 . #KH #KH2 #KingdomHearts #KingdomHearts2 #Axel #yukataAxel #Riku #yukataRiku #yukata #Japanese #summerkimono #summer #cosplay #casualcosplay #CWorldProductions #AkuRiku #AxelxRiku #Otafest #Otafest2015 https://www.instagram.com/p/BtjYsvsHtBB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qgogzx7wstlp
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seraphijade · 7 years
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