#Akimbo podcast
yououghtaknow · 8 months
the grief is neverending but so is the love the grief is never ending but so is the love the grief is neverending but so is the love the grief is neverending but so is the love the grief is never ending but so is the love the grief is neverending but so is the love the grief is neverending but so is the love the grief is never ending but so is the love the grief is neverending but so is the love the grief is neverending but so is the love the grief is never ending but so is the love the grief is neverending but so is the love the grief is neverending but so is the love the grief is never ending but so is the love the grief is neverending but so is the love
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notablr · 3 months
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jo-harrington · 5 months
Pinprick (A Gutterballs Story)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Jo!Reader
Summary: You're sitting down to listen to one of your favorite podcasts when you hear your name as one of a long line of Eddie's loves, and you have a moment of reflection.
Note: This is a very very very late post in dedication to one of my fandom loves @dr-aculaaa (who is very much on hiatus but still deserves all of the love us resident weirdos have to give) and not only one of my favorite fics Sunday Morning but the offshoot she made for Valentine's Day: Gutterballs.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
You're sitting on the floor.
To be completely honest, you shouldn't be on the floor. You knew that, your doctor knew that, your team knew that. In fact, they yelled at you when you got down there, legs akimbo in a way that was comfortable for you to sit in but uncomfortable for them to look at, so you could start ripping the sleeves off of this fucking jacket.
You're alone in the studio now, hours after everyone left.
It's just you, a bottle of Tums, your favorite fucking jacket, and the dulcet tones of the man who gave it to you coming from your phone.
“Welcome back to another episode of Gutterballs! My name is Eddie Munson..."
As if he had to introduce himself.
"Nerd," you scoffed fondly.
It's your Wednesday night ritual. Well, not the jacket or the floor or the tums...Gutterballs. At the least, you owed it to your former client; at the most, you owed it to your ex.
And Eddie Munson was both of those things.
Although "ex" is a relative term.
An ex wouldn't still send you a gift basket full of goodies every award season when you barely took care of yourself, the way Eddie did for you.
An ex wouldn't shoot an email with wardrobe recommendations when they hear about some charity concert or something, like you did for Eddie and Corroded Coffin.
Still telling me what to wear Jo?
He would email back almost immediately.
Doesn't seem like anyone else is. I saw you at Lolla Ed. Not cute.
Would be your response.
You don't think I'm cute anymore?
That would go unanswered though.
Until next time.
Because you were exes.
But an ex didn't keep the jacket their ex got them because it was their favorite. Exes didn't take apart said favorite jacket because it got a rip in the sleeve, and then plan to just cut two new sleeves for it. Nor did they spend the last 20-ish years mending the jacket that their ex-slash-former-client got them as an apology for a spontaneous kiss before a red carpet.
The CFCA awards ceremony wasn't the band's usual haunt but they had composing credits for a film score that was up for nomination. It was a big deal. Something that would take them to a new caliber of their career; not just rowdy rockstars, but well-rounded musicians.
So of course, they were running late.
Their suits all needed a bit of alteration, Eddie was chattering nervously as you hemmed his pants, Gareth drummed a beat on his leg with two of the hangers from your roll rack and Phil, the band's manager, yelling for you all to get a move on.
"Do you want them to look good or not!" You yelled right back. "I'm not having them go up for their award looking like shit Phil!"
"Yeah remember the Grammy's," Jeff pointed out. "That's why you got us a stylist in the first place."
"You'd have thought you paid them to be here or something," Phil grumbled at you from across the room.
"I do pay," you shot up at Eddie with a conspiratorial smile. "With my sanity."
This was your schtick. He let you dress him in whatever dark-romantic victorian-gothic-inspired outfits your former-Catholic heart could dream up, and in return you let him be the spieling midwestern boy that he really wasn't allowed to be anywhere else. Because yeah the band was in charge here really--they were the talent, the money--but Eddie didn't like the whole pomp and circumstance of celebrity. Not anymore, according to him at least.
"The drugs are fun until they're not," he told you once. "We're just...guys from Indiana."
So you'd let them be that in the safety of your studio, shithead manager be damned.
You severed the thread with a swift bite of your teeth and wished the guys good luck with hugs before sending them on their way.
But Eddie...Eddie chose that moment to kiss you.
Well, you kissed each other.
As everyone walked out of the studio to get down to the car, you kissed each other.
And you froze.
Both of you.
Because it was a romantic, world-ending kiss. A kiss of declaration. A kiss of familiarity. The kiss you gave someone when you loved them for a long time and didn't know how to tell them.
Only...you hadn't loved each other for a long time.
Had you?
Hadn't said anything of the sort at least.
That wasn't love...was it?
He left for the awards ceremony and you absolutely spiraled questioning it all. You thought about all the long walks down State Street discussing ideas for this event and that one. The way he got you a membership to the Art Institute so you could sit in front of Salome and Hercules for hours and be inspired. The nights that he just couldn't work on lyrics anymore, so he would come over to sit in absolute silence save for the droning sound of your sewing machine.
The aches of the world were just a little bit easier when you could be near each other, whether it was being inspired or talking shit or sinking further into oblivion.
Was that love?
Eddie must have spiraled too. Because he showed up at your studio past midnight, disheveled and with a green Marshall Field's bag in his hand. A bag containing, you'd find out later, a black wool and leather coat that sat in a window that you'd noted looked nice months ago. One he made the guys make a special stop for before the award ceremony so he could get you to make up for fucking up your professional relationship.
The apologies were stuck on the tips of your tongues though.
And there was a beat before some silent decision was made.
And your lips came back together again, solidifying that decision, even though the words weren't said.
“Today on Gutterballs,” Mrs. H’s announces on the phone, breaking you from your reflection, “our lovely listeners at home are in for a real treat. As we record and discuss topics such as first loves, lost loves, and, as you can see, from our current location -body modifications."
“First we have… A spool and thread for Jo."
"She used to poke my ankles like a voodoo doll when she hemmed my pants. I still have the scars, if you wanna check ‘em out. I think that was her way of saying I love you."
Yeah that was the way it was with the two of you.
All the ways you said I love you without the words being said.
And they would never be said.
But that was another story.
"Yeah," you agree with Mrs. H belatedly, seam ripper making quick work of a line of stitches. "Lost love sounds better than ex."
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
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Mission Impossible II was about as year 2000 as you could get.
You've got a story by Star Trek writers. Ronald D. Moore (nice) and Brannon Braga (boo).
Directed by John Woo with plenty of guns akimbo.
Who was like, "Let's get those Limp Bizkit fellas to do the theme."
And then Hans Zimmer does the real music but decides to make it all Spanish flamenco.
This movie never takes place in Spain.
You've got Thandie Newton, who is probably too good for this movie, but you're glad she's there.
Her boobs should probably get a guest starring credit.
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Weird how the camera always ends up at that particular angle.
Some kind of car ballet dance routine.
And you have the virus plot which was then ripped off by Hobbs & Shaw 19 years later.
Don't forget the Woo doves. He loves them doves.
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Anthony Hopkins picks up a paycheck.
Several creepy and sexist scenes!
Tom Cruise: She doesn't have training for this!
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Bad guy buys attractive woman a skimpy dress to wear trope...
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He forces her to undress in front of him and when her back is turned, makes this face...
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Very cool and normal expression.
And you cannot forget the motorcycle gymnastics...
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I heard on the Joe Rogan podcast that Tom Cruise invented this motorcycle gun flippity-doo spin maneuver all by himself and that Navy SEALs used the same tactic to kill Osama Bin Ladin.
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thepringlesofblood · 2 years
there’s 2 categories of lmam songs I listen to on repeat
lets make a music songs that are unironically beautiful and profound in their own way despite being made as a joke/goof song
flailing around on the side of the road
turn around and come down slowly
discarded in the thicket behind the outback steakhouse
can’t get you out of my head
echoes of wednesday
gentle light
the original wizard
the ocean is still there
song of green bastion
heartbreak at michael’s
heartbreak at michael’s reprise
let’s make a music songs that fuckin S L A P regardless of the level of goofs present.
madame zamporium’s wax emporium
alan rickman’s edible zoo
hunk night summer
fresh baby with a cola
iridescent all over
i told you that i was not a slug (but i lied)
witchs’ potluck
mr 1981
mourning ritual
well im on child
debutaunt ball
save 2 4 tony
proud egg mouth
Tobie’s Razor Scooter
Let Down My Better Dynamite
why dont you like our song title (slaps slightly less than the rest of them but the humor makes up for it)
arbor day
there there’s also these honorable mentions:
let’s make a music songs where the lore is better than the song (but the song isn’t nec. bad just the lore is better)
dr brims (gave me gender euphoria I didn’t know I needed)
haunted home (i almost put this in “slaps”, but the frequent “zoom” check ins, while genius in storytelling terms, kind of interrupt the Vibe of the music for me)
shan’t he shanty
rainbow trout eggs
the tale of the greazzy creek (i very much do not like the general audio experience of listening to this, but the lore, and hearing laura say “and alex pegnata, who’s just a fucking asshole!” in a bright nickelodeon announcer voice is fantastic)
wake up for big veg
medium rare
astral PI
Out There (also slaps hard, but the story is such an integral component to why it slaps)
21st blitheday (I listened to this episode on my 21st birthday. it felt nice. this fucking song gets stuck in my head so easily that i can no longer listen to it without committing to like 3 months of twENtY OnE!)
sybil’s night scare
dreamless + ratless randy’s (another one I can’t listen to without committing to weeks of it being stuck in my head)
dragon me to this wedding (the story is fucking hilarious but the way he sings it gives me puff the magic dragon flashbacks which is Traumatic for me in ways I can’t explain. I just listen to the podcast ep)
stinky bug
this is 44/60 of their songs. they have a good hit rate what can i say.
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jgroffdaily · 1 year
Wow neither Jonathan or Daniel were nominated for a Lucille Lortell award. Lindsey, Reg Rogers and Krystal Joy Brown were.
Yes. Merrily was nominated for Outstanding Revival, and the three more 'stand-out/show-off' Merrily performers were nominated, but Jonathan and Daniel (less surprising) weren't nominated.
An older female who was on a podcast recently, and who voted on the awards, liked Jonathan's performance but thought he could have been more animated in a few parts in act one. (It's the role, and it certainly doesn't have the dynamic numbers that other lead actors would often have in musicals. It can also be seen as more of an acting role than a musical one.)
The gender neutral categories also reduced the overall number of nominees.
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kittell · 9 days
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peterkos · 10 months
Imagine if labels simply said what was inside the container.
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riotofmyownpod · 1 year
Second episode of A RIOT OF MY OWN, A free, monthly - perhaps bi-weekly - podcast where Garret Schuelke showcases some of his favorite Folk Punk tunes, along with Anti-Folk, Indie Folk, and related genres (along with some surprises). Episodes available for free streaming and download from Archive.org. Uploaded August 2nd, 2023.
This is a free podcast that is not monetized. Please support the artists and bands featured on this show by purchasing their music, merchandise, attending their shows, following them on social media, and supporting your local scene(s).
A RIOT OF MY OWN official website: https://riotofmyownpod.tumblr.com/
A RIOT OF MY OWN on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095168634135
Garret Schuelke's official website: https://garretschuelke.tumblr.com/
Garret Schuelke on Twitter: @garretschuelke
Garret Schuelke's page on Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/@garret_schuelke
Featured Tracks:
Block 1
1) “Normal” – Homeless Gospel Choir (Presents: Normal) 2) “Stealing Apples From The Man” – The Taxpayers (A Rhythm In The Cages) 3) “Me+You=Puke” – MJ Bones (Graveyard eyes and Hard Goodbyes (How low can you go?) ) 4) “Burn It All!” – RENT STRIKE (Burn It All!) 5) “MELON BOY” – Het Hat Club (Schengen Shuffle)
Block 2
6) “The Competition” – Kimya Dawson (Remember That I Love You) 7) “Crazy Bread” – Trip To Herald (Graffito) 8) “Dine and Dash” – Summer Teeth (single) 9) “World's Ablaze” – Swamp Rats (I Will Not Be Afraid) 10) “You're A Dreamer Annie. These Streets Are All I Know” – Arms Akimbo Kalamazoo (The Baxter)
Block 3
11) “The Restraunt” – Spoonboy (I Love You, This is a Robbery) 12) “Coffee, God, and Cigarettes” – Mischief Brew (Songs From Under The Sink) 13) “tallahassee” – Nascar Noir (American Crowbar) 14) “Witches” – Blackbird Raum (Swidden) 15) “This Machine Kills Fascists, Too” – Tail Light Rebellion (Burn (Inferno) )
Block 4
16) “This Is What I Want” – This Bike is a Pipe Bomb (Front Seat Solidarity) 17) “Misanthropic Drunk Loner” – Days N' Daze (Rogue Taxidermy) 18) “When Anarchy Met Pizza” – The Anarchist Pizza Society (United By Hate) 19) “Your Name on This Blade” – Calligraphy Killed (Memories) 20) “My Idea of Fun” – Wingnut Dishwashers Union (Burn The Earth, Leave It Behind)
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ear-worthy · 1 year
"In The Cards" Podcast Explores Luck, Destiny, & Born Losers
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 In 1959, there was a TV show on CBS called Mr. Lucky. The show followed the exploits of a man who ran a floating casino gambling operation. Luck and gambling have always been inexorably linked. Somehow, people are characterized as either lucky -- and blessed with good fortune -- or unlucky, in which case, misfortune is their constant companion.
In superhero movies, that concept is identified as "destiny." In these films and in their accompanying comic books, these superheroes have a predetermined path that they should or must follow. In essence, their destiny.
A new podcast is out now that asks similar questions about fate, destiny, and the fluidity of our fortunes. 
 Next Chapter Podcasts is releasing a brand-new show, In The Cards. It’s an existential romantic comedy about “a born loser” who takes on fate and changes his destiny in order to win the heart of his tarot card reader.
In the show, born loser Gil Garson takes on the universe when a psychic reveals he's been dealt a bad hand by fate. 
Listen to the trailer for In The Cards here. This podcast has been "lucky" to have such big names associated with the show. After all, it's an independent production, not one of those budget-bloated Spotify shows with stars sprinkled throughout the narrative. 
Next Chapter Podcasts (www.ncpodcasts.com) is an independent podcast production studio dedicated to original, authentic storytelling. It's a team of producers and sound designers, engineers, and artists with unique experience in podcast production from concept to creation. In effect, they know what they're doing.
In the show, actor Connor Ratliff leads the ensemble, marking his return to audio on the heels of his wildly successful and multiple award-winning podcast series, Dead Eyes.
Chukwudi Iwuji (Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy), Tony Award nominee Steven Boyer (Hand to God, Kimberly Akimbo), Jamie Ann Romero (The Play That Goes Wrong), and Laila Robins (The Walking Dead) round out the cast. The series is written and directed by Kevin Henderson (Raising Hope, Avatar: The Way of Water).
As American writer Louisa May Alcott (Little Women) once intoned, "Some people seemed to get all sunshine, and some all shadow."The cast of In The Cards
Listen to the trailer for In The Cards here.
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celtfather · 1 year
Making Better Things, Sustainable Music with Kyle Carey
My goal is to get someone to share what I make. Highlight a new theme each week.
Your mom is calling! Or is it? It might be a scammer. But I can help you protect yourself. Can we make the music business more sustainable? I have an interview with Kyle Carey.
This is Sci Fi Pub Songs & Stories #269.
0:16 - Marc Gunn “Romulan Ale” from Sci Fi Drinking Songs
This is the audio edition of my newsletter. I am Marc Gunn. I’m a Rhythm & Folk Celtic musician in Atlanta. I play traditional Irish and Scottish drinking songs, but I am also a songwriter. I write songs Celtic culture and fuse them pop culture, things like Lord of the Rings, Firefly, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who and more.
If you’re new to the show, please subscribe. You can do that at PubSong.com. Or even better send me an email to pubsong@ celtfather. You can not only subscribe, but you can also download all of my songs in this show. You will get an email with a link to download this month’s songs. It’s quick and easy.
Oh! And let me know what you’re doing while listening to this episode.
And as you hopefully heard in the last episode when I say I have CDs. Your job is to shout, “You have CDs!”
APR 6: Dragon Con Filk Music Concert with Brobdingnagian Bards @ 7 PM CST
APR 8-9: Sherwood Forest Faire, Paige, TX
APR 20: Cat Drinking Songs on Bandcamp @ 7 PM EST
APR 21-23: Jordan Con, Atlanta, GA
APR 29. The Lost Druid Earth Day Biking Concert, Avondale Estates @ 6:30-9:30 PM
JUN 3-10: Celtic Invasion Vacations, County Mayo, Ireland
5:43 - Marc Gunn “A Well-Dressed Hobbit” from Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits
Kyle Carey plays Gaelic Americana music. She’s originally from New Hampshire and sings songs in Irish and Scots Gaelic. Her songwriting is inspired by American and Celtic folklore.
She has a brand new Kickstarter currently running for her album, The Last Bough.
23:59 - Kyle Carey “June Day” from North Star
If you enjoy this show and want to keep it going, join over 150 other Gunn Runners on Patreon. Every week, you get bonus podcasts, downloadable songs, printed sheet music, blogs, or stories from the road. Plus, you get weekly access to my Coffee with The Celtfather video concerts and discounts on merch. Sign up for as little as $5 per month. You can also save 15% with an annual membership. I make music and podcasts because of your generosity so please join the Club today!
Thanks to my newest Gunn Runners on Patreon: Alice M, Karla A, Triskele, Ayden B
One of my favorite podcasts to listen to is called Akimbo. It’s by Seth Godin, a brilliant marketer and thought leader. He constantly challenges his listeners to “make things better by making better things.” That resonates with me.
One of my early Irish & Celtic Music Podcast slogans was “changing the way you hear Celtic music.” That was about improving the culture, embracing change, recognizing that our past is important but so is our future. That’s what podcasting is all about. Or it can be.
This week, Seth didn’t something intriguing. He asked ChatGPT to evaluate the functions, the future, and the problems of artificial intelligence like ChatGPT. He recorded the responses…
Well, sort of.
It turned out the entire recording, except the intro, was an AI voice manipulator that sounded almost exactly like Seth Godin. There was one moment in the recording that I thought, this is kind of dry sounding. I chalked it up to ChatGPT. Little did I know, it wasn’t Seth speaking.
My mom just shared an AI scam that’s happening. I have an idea on how to fix. Thank you Harry Potter!
The scam is that an AI simulator will call you on the phone and have the same voice as someone you know. They say that they are in financial trouble. They ask for your help.
What do you do?
At some point, the simulator will be good enough to fool you. Just like Seth Godin’s podcast fooled me. We’re already there. But I immediately came up with a defense. It’s from the final books of Harry Potter.
I’ll let ChatGPT explain:
“In the final books of the Harry Potter series, Remus Lupin asked Harry Potter a question to prove that he was not an imposter. The question was: "What is the secret of the Marauder's Map?" This was a question that only the true creators of the map - Lupin, James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew - would know the answer to.
Harry correctly answered that the map was activated by tapping it with one's wand and saying "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," and that it could be closed by tapping it again and saying "Mischief managed." This answer convinced Lupin that Harry was indeed who he claimed to be.”
Yeah. I was talking about it with my mom and realized this is the way we need to protect ourselves from THIS AI scam.
We ask a question that only the person we’re talking with would know the answer to.
Seems simple. But it’s a good lesson to pass on. So please please share this idea. Because at some point, you won’t be able to tell who’s real and who’s not.
Mind you, that’s not to scare you. As I said at the beginning, change is inevitable. We need to work with this bizarre new paradigm. As Seth Godin’s podcast points out, it can be beneficial or it can be hurtful. We have the power to choose and to make change. So let’s do something for the better.
Oh and if you want some more thoughts on ChatGPT by Andrew McKee and me. We did a great podcast on it on the Brobdingnagian Bards Podcast.
37:47 - Marc Gunn “The Long Arm” from As Long As I’m Flyin’
39:33 - CREDITS
Thanks for listening to Sci Fi Pub Songs & Stories. The show is brought to you by my Gunn Runners on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs.
You can subscribe and listen to the show wherever you find podcasts. Sign up to my mailing list to read the show notes for this episode and find out where I’m performing. And of course, please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Have fun and sing along at www.pubsong.com!
#pubstories #kylecarey #ecofriendlymusicians
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AI and we...
Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly become a buzzword in today’s world. From smartphones to self-driving cars, AI is playing an increasingly significant role in our lives. However, as we continue to develop and integrate AI into our daily activities, we face several challenges. Akimbo, a popular podcast, recently released a brand new episode on AI. The episode focused on the concept of…
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cool-swain123 · 3 years
Seth Godin - Everything You (probably) DON'T Know about Marketing
Seth Godin – Everything You (probably) DON'T Know about Marketing
Here’s everything you probably don’t know about marketing from bestselling author, Seth Godin. His new book, This IS Marketing is probably the first and last book you’ll ever need to buy on marketing. Hope you enjoy this Behind the Brand look with Seth. THIS IS Marketing book link: https://amzn.to/2AXqbBk Special thanks to our sponsor at Mazda USA Check out more about their vehicles here:…
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natecoumbe31 · 2 years
The weeds don't need your help
The weeds don’t need your help
If you leave a garden unattended, weeds will grow in abundance. They do best when left alone. They don’t need any nurturing, nutrients, watering, or attention from you. They’ll grow just fine on their own. But if you want a garden full of beautiful flowers or delicious fruits and vegetables, you must be intentional. You must dig, plant, water, fertilize, nurture… And rip up the weeds by the…
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jimdaggerworld · 5 years
Seth Godin - THIS is Marketing
Seth Godin – THIS is Marketing
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You know in the you know, we stand for this. People like us do stuff like this. So let’s talk about the anything, a logo and a brand alright, because companies spend way too much time on their logo, just like people on YouTube spend way too much time on their hair. I’M told they spend way too much time in there. If Nike owned opened a hotel, I think we would be able to guess pretty accurately…
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