#Aired 18 November 2018
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brian-in-finance · 2 years ago
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Screenshot: Outlander-Online
S04E03 The False Bride • 18 November 2018 Official Script
Outlander Rewatch 2023 Countdown To Season 7
Favourite Word
The minister's cat is a camstairy cat. — Roger
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Gif: @thewanderingace
Favourite Line
I guess I'm a Fraser. — Brianna
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Gif: @outlandernetwork
Favourite Image
Then this will be our home. And we'll call it... Fraser's Ridge. — Jamie
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Remember… a good man would choose a safer path. And we intended to live in the town, not here in the wilderness wi' nothing. But what it is to feel the need of a place. — Jamie Fraser
45th of 75 • Wednesday, 17 May 2023
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 year ago
The FTC has Big Pharma’s number
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On November 27, I'm appearing at the Toronto Metro Reference Library with Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen.
On November 29, I'm at NYC's Strand Books with my novel The Lost Cause, a solarpunk tale of hope and danger that Rebecca Solnit called "completely delightful."
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The most consistent bright spot in the dark swirl of US politics is the competence of the Biden Administration's progressive enforcers: people like Rohit Chopra, Jonathan Kanter and Lina Khan, who keep demonstrating just how far a good administrator can go. Anyone can have a vision, but knowing how to execute is the difference between hot air and real change:
Take a minute to contrast Biden's administrators with Trump's: Trump's administrators had an ideological vision just as surely as Biden's do, and Trump himself had a much more pronounced and explicit ideology than Biden, whose governance style is much more about balancing the Democratic Party's blocs than bringing about a specific set of policies:
But whatever clarity of vision the Trump administration brought to DC was completely undermined by its incompetence (thankfully!). Apart from one gigantic tax break, Trump couldn't get stuff done. He couldn't deliver, because he'd lose his temper or speak out of turn:
And his administrators followed his lead. Scott Pruitt was appointed to run the EPA after a career spent suing the agency. It could have been the realization of his life's dream to dismantle environmental law in America and open the floodgates for unlimited, wildly profitable corporate pollution and pillaging. But the dream died because he kept getting embroiled in absurd scandals – like the time he sent his staffers out to drive around all night looking for a good deal on a used mattress:
Or his insistence on installing a CIA-style "Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility" (SCIF) so he could play super-spy while reading memos:
Or the time he sent his security detail to the Ritz-Carlton to demand that they supply him lots of little bottles of his favorite hand-cream:
There were other examples in the Trump administration, but Priutt is such a good case-study. He's like a guy who spent his whole life training to compete in the Olympics, and finally got a shot, only to be disqualified for ordering too much room-service in the Olympic Village. Priutt was wildly ambitious, but he was profoundly undisciplined – and wildly incompetent.
Compare that with Biden's progressive enforcers and agency heads, who showed up on the first day of work with an encyclopedic knowledge of their administrative powers, and detailed plans for using them to transform the lives of the American people for the better:
The Biden administration's competence translates into action, getting stuff done. Maybe that shouldn't surprise us, given the difference between the stories that reactionaries and progressives tell about where change comes from.
In reactionary science fiction, we enter the realm of the "Competent Man" story. Think of a Heinlein hero, who is "able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyse a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly."
In Competent Man stories, a unitary hero steps into the breach and solves the problem – if not single-handedly, then as the leader of others, whose lesser competence is a base metal that the Competent Man hammers into a tempered blade:
Contrast this with a progressive tale, like, say, Kim Stanley Robinson's Ministry For the Future, where the Competent Man is replaced by the Competent Administration, in which people of goodwill and technical competence figure out how to join forces to create population-scale architectures of participation that allow every person to contribute their skills and perspective:
The right's whole ideology insists that the world can only be saved by Competent Men. As Corey Robin writes in The Reactionary Mind, the unifying factor that binds together conservative factions from monarchists to racists to Christian Dominionists is the belief that a few of us are born to rule, and the rest to be ruled over:
The Reaganite insistence that governments are, by their very nature, incompetent and malign ("The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I’m from the government, and I’m here to help'"), means that conservatives deny the possibility of a Competent Administration.
When conservatives take office and proceed to bungle the most basic elements of administration, they're fulfilling their own campaign narrative, which starts with "We must dismantle the government because it is bad at everything." Conservatives who govern badly prove their own point, which explains a lot about the UK Tory Party's long run of governmental failure and electoral success:
There's a small mercy in the fact that so many of the most ideologically odious and extreme conservative governments are so technically incompetent in governing, and thus accomplish so little of their agendas.
But the inverse – the incredible competence of the best progressive administrators – is nothing short of a delight to witness. Here's the latest example to cross my path: the FTC has intervened in a lawsuit over generic insulin pricing, on an issue that is incredibly technically specific and also fantastically important:
The underlying case is before the FDA, and it concerns the dirty tricks that pharma giant Sanofi used to keep Mylan from making a generic version of Mylan's Lantus insulin after its patent expired.
There's an explicit bargain in patents: inventors can enlist the government to punish their rivals for copying their ideas, but in exchange, the government demands that the inventor has to describe how the invention works in a detailed patent filing, and when the patent expires, 20 years later, rivals can use the patent application as instructions for freely copying and selling the invention. In other words: you get 20 years of exclusive rights in return for facilitating your competitors' copying and selling your invention when the 20 years are up.
Pharma doesn't like this, naturally: not content with 20 years of exclusivity, they want the government to step in and punish their competitors forever. In service to that end, pharma companies have perfected a process called evergreening, where they dribble out ancillary patents after their initial filing, covering minor reformulations, delivery systems, or new uses.
Evergreening got a moment in the public eye earlier this year, with John Green's viral campaign to shame Johnson & Johnson out of using evergreening to restrict poor countries' access to TB medication:
The story of pharma is that it commands gigantic profits, but it invests those profits into medicines that save our lives. The reality is that most of the key underlying pharma research is publicly funded (by Competent Administrators who apportion funding to promising scientific inquiry). Pharma companies' most inventive genius is devoted to inventing new evergreening tactics:
That's where the FTC comes in, in this Sanofi-Mylan case. To facilitate the production of generic, off-patent drugs, the FDA maintains a database called the "Orange Book," where pharma companies are asked to enumerate all the ancillary patents associated with a product whose patent is expiring. That way, generics manufacturers who make their own version of these public domain drugs and therapeutics don't accidentally stumble over one of those later patents – say, by replicating a delivery system or special coating that is still in patent.
This is where the endless, satanic inventiveness of the pharma sector comes in. You see, US law provides for triple damages for "willful patent infringement." If you are a generics manufacturer eyeing up a drug whose patent is about to expire and you are notified that some other patents might be implicated in your plans, you must ensure that you don't accidentally infringe one of those patents, or face business-destroying statutory damages.
So pharma companies stuff the Orange Book full of irrelevant patent claims they say may be implicated in a generic manufacture program. Each of these claims has to be carefully evaluated, both by a scientific team and a legal team, because patents are deliberately obfuscated in the hopes of tricking an inattentive patent examiner into granting patents for unpatentable "inventions":
What's more, when a pharma giant notifies the FDA that it has ancillary patents that are relevant to the Orange Book, this triggers a 30-month delay before a generic can be marketed – adding 2.5 years to the 20 year patent term. That delay is sometimes enough to cause a manufacturer to abandon plans to market a generic drug – so the delay isn't 2.5 years, it's infinite.
This is a highly technical, highly consequential form of evergreening. It's obscure as hell, and requires a deep understanding of patent obfuscation, ancillary patent filings, generic pharma industry practice, and the FDA's administrative procedures.
Sanofi's Orange Book entry for Lantus insulin listed 50 related patent claims. Of these, 48 were invalidated through "inter partes" review (basically the Patent Office decided they shouldn't have allowed these claims to be included on a patent). Neither of the remaining two claims were found to be relevant to the manufacture of generic Lantus.
This is where the FTC's filing comes in: their amicus brief doesn't take a position whether Sanofi's Orange Book entries were fraudulent, but they do ask the FDA to intervene to prevent Orange Book stuffing because "improper listings can cause significant harm to competition and consumers."
This is the kind of boring, technical, important stuff that excellent administrators can do. The FTC's brief is notice to the FDA that it should amend its procedures to ban (and punish) Orange Book abuse. That will make it possible for you, a person who needs medicine, to get that medicine more cheaply and quickly. In America's pay-for-use privatized healthcare hellscape, this could be a life-or-death matter.
There's plenty of things the Biden administration is getting very, very badly wrong, but we shouldn't lose sight of how its progressive wing is making real, lasting change for the better. Competent Administrations are the true peoples' champions. They beat Competent Men every time.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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atzjieun · 4 months ago
Main Dancer of Kpop Group becomes First 4th Gen Idol to win King of Masked Singer
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November 18, 2024
An idol who debuted in 2018 has become the first in her generation to win King of Masked Singer!
Silver Flame first appeared on the 472nd episode of King of Masked Singer, first impressing the audience and panel of judges with a rendition of Butterfly by Loveholics, where she defeated Correct Answer Killer.
After moving onto the second round, Silver Flame once again wowed the audience through her cover of Sudden Shower from the popular 2024 kdrama, Lovely Runner. She defeated her opponent in Mudskipper to advance to the third round.
Silver Flame chose The Winner Takes It All, a song originally by ABBA that was featured in the hit musical Mamma Mia, as her final song. She would go on to win the third round and knock out the final opponent, bringing her to the battle where she would face off against the defending champion in Carnival. All three of Silver Flame’s performances were used as voting standard against the reigning champion, and ultimately, Silver Flame was crowned as the 234th Generation and 71st overall Masked King.
Due to the format of King of Masked Singer, Silver Flame’s identity has not been formally revealed and will not be revealed until she is defeated. However, fans were easily able to identify the voice of Silver Flame as belonging to none other than ATEEZ’s Jieun.
Jieun is the youngest member of ATEEZ and is the main dancer, lead vocalist and lead rapper of the group. Regarded as an all-rounder, Jieun also actively participates in behind-the-scenes ventures from choreography to songwriting and producing.
The episode where Jieun was crowned as the winner of King of Masked Singer aired on Sunday, November 17. This day marked multiple significant events for the group as ATEEZ also attended the KGMAs, where they took home the first daesang of their careers. As though by fate, November 17 also marks the 6 year anniversary of ATEEZ’s fanbase, ATINY.
ATEEZ recently had their comeback on November 15 with Golden Hour: Part.2. When asked about her goals for this promotion period, Jieun explained that she was excited to show a different side of herself and hoped her growth as an artist would shine through. Given the amount of achievements already earned this promotion period, it’s evident that the idol’s goals are well within reach.
2024 marked many firsts for the group. From being the first coed kpop group to perform at Coachella, the first kpop group to headline the Mawazine Music Festival, winning their first daesang and Jieun being the first 4th gen idol to win King of Masked Singer, it’s clear that they are finally bearing the fruits of their labour.
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vikenticomeshome · 4 months ago
Carl's Cool Kids and Hardee's Cool Kids Meal Toys (part 1/?)
Hello all,
Not too long ago, I made a post about the Cyberchase toys that were available from Carl's Jr. and Hardees back in 2003. This was a tiny part of the Cool Kids promotion that was shared between the two restaurants. The Cool Kids promotion itself lasted about 18 years, based on the archives that I have seen. It started with a "Cow and Chicken" promotion back in February of 2000.
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The last promotion is unknown, as the links for November 2017 through April 2018 are missing their graphics, and their target pages are broken. The last one that has its image archived was an August/September 2017 promotion for "oddbods".
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For the most part, I am going to stick to the "past promotion" pages, as those give us images and names for all of the products all in one image. If this is missing, then I will attempt to use the set of images from the "toy closeups" page. However, I will need to skip some of these promotions entirely, as I was unable to find images from them.
The year 2000
For February and March of 2000, we have a set of toys from the legendary old Cartoon Network show "Cow and Chicken". I remember watching this sometimes when visiting my grandma, who had cable. I don't really remember it though.
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For April and June of 2000, was have "Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot". I have never heard of this before. It ran on Fox Kids in 2001, so I am a bit surprised that I didn't see it alongside other shows I watched back then.
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For June and July of 2000, we get a version of Tom and Jerry that was airing on cartoon network. What can I say about these two that hasn't already been said? I remember watching a few incarnations of Tom and Jerry. I think this is the one with William Hanna and Joseph Barbara. It doesn't look like the Chuck Jones variant from what I remember.
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For July and August of 2000, we get some superheroes from DC. One thing I notice about these toys is that they don't have a consistent art-style. Wonder Woman is a particularly obvious outlier. They don't seem to be associated with a particular cartoon incarnation.
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For September and November of 2000, we have "Brothers Flub". My only opportunity to watch Nickelodeon was visiting my grandma. I don't think I ever saw this show. Apparently the brothers are space couriers.
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For October of 2000, we get "Monster Buckets". This picture is grainy, so I cannot make out all of the art. I wonder if this was custom-made, or if this was pre-existing art.
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For November and December of 2000, we get "Tiny Toon Adventures". I've only seen bits and pieces of this myself. I know it has a huge following that endures to this day.
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For January and February of 2001, we got toys for "Godzilla: The Series". This is another one that aired on Fox Kids back when I watched that channel. However, I don't remember ever seeing this series.
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For March and April of 2001, we got "Max Steel". I had never heard of this series before. Apparently, this kids gets attacked by the villain and nearly killed by nano-bots. In an effort to save his life, he is given T-Juice, which saves his life and gives him superhuman abilities.
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For April and May of 2001, we get "Monster Rancher". This is not a franchise that I am familiar with, but it is apparently pretty big and ongoing.
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For June 2001, we get Crash Bandicoot. He's kind of a big deal. And Spyro is here as well.
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For July and August of 2001, we got Wallace and Grommit. This was before the "Curse of the Were-Rabbit" film, which was probably my introduction to the franchise.
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And now, we reach a gap. In September 2001, there was a Nascar promotion. And then, in November and December of 2001, there was an "Olive the Other Reindeer" promotion. I couldn't find any official photos for these promotions.
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In January and February of 2002, we got Phantom Investigators. I find this promotion fascinating. The series only ran for 13 episodes, between May and August of 2002. These are probably the only toys that were ever released for the series. They may be the only merch of any sort released for the show. I need to sit down and watch it, as the art style is something really special.
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For February and March of 2002, we get a Pokemon promotion with little cups topped with Pikachu, Totodile, Mewtwo, and Charizard.
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For April and May of 2002, we get the legendary magical girl anime Cardcaptors, based on the manga Cardcaptor Sakura.
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And now, we get another gap. I couldn't find any official images for the June 2002 Spider-man promotion.
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For August 2002, we get some Digimon toys.
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For September 2002, we get "Jackie Chan Adventures". I loved this show growing up. I didn't get to see it very often, but it was good.
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For October 2002, we got some Spider-man Halloween buckets.
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For November and December of 2002, we go back to the classics for Peanuts, specifically "A Charlie Brown Christmas".
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Before we get into the 2003 promotions, let's bring back Cyberchase for a moment. While surviving bags of the togs show that they were released at Carl Jr's and Hardees in 2003, we don't know exactly when they were out. They were never given a promotion of their own. Instead, they were the backup toys when the currently running promotion was sold out. I'm not sure why they didn't give Cyberchase its own promotion.
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For January and February of 2003. we got a promotion for the original Ice Age.
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For March and April of 2003, we got a promotion for Cubix. This was a South Korean production that got a 4-Kids English dub. I don't remember it.
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For May and June of 2003, we get a promotion for Dragon Ball. I hope I don't need to explain what this is. It's kind of a big deal.
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For July and August of 2003, we get a promotion for "The Martians".
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Now, hold on a second, I don't remember a cartoon called "The Martians" from back then. And I cannot find a cartoon by that name. Wait a minute...
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Yeah, I guess Carl Jrs. and Hardees weren't comfortable with the original title of "Butt-Ugly Martians", so they renamed it to "The Martians" and re-did the logo. I couldn't find anything on the Wikipedia page about the show being renamed for different broadcasters or countries, so this may have been just for this toy release. How bizarre.
For August and September of 2003, we get a promotion for everyone's favorite mummy movie.
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woowonjaeaomg · 11 months ago
GRAY, Woo Won Jae, Lee Hi and GooseBumps Leave AOMG
Update: Simon Dominic Left AOMG in Feb.2024
Update 2: Code Kunst Leaves AOMG
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[Note: Details on all the artists that have left or currently staying are noted in the timeline below this announcement message. And all AOMG announcements regarding the artists are more or less the same as the one stated below.]
“Hello, this is AOMG.
We would like to inform you that the exclusive contracts with our artists Gray, Woo Won Jae, Lee Hi, and GooseBumps have expired.
Thank you for the interest and love you have shown so far, and we ask for your continued love in the future.
AOMG will support Gray, Woo Won Jae, Lee Hi, and GooseBumps on their new challenges.
Thank you.”
Translation cr.
Original text:
“안녕하세요, AOMG입니다.
소속 아티스트 그레이, 우원재, 이하이, 구스범스의 전속계약이 종료되었음을 알려드립니다.
그동안 여러분의 많은 관심과 사랑에 감사드리며, 앞으로도 변함없는 큰 사랑 부탁드립니다. AOMG는 그레이, 우원재, 이하이, 구스범스의 새로운 도전을 응원합니다.
- Late September, 2013: Jay Park founded AOMG. Signed artists - singer and producer GRAY, composer Jun Goon, and producer Cha Cha Malone
- October 10, 2013: AOMG launch party
- Artists Elo, Loco, Ugly Duck, DJ Wegun, DJ Pumkin, and Hoody joined AOMG over the next two years
- March 9, 2014: Months after leaving Amoeba Culture, Simon Dominic joins AOMG as Co-CEO
- January 6, 2016: CJ E&M media company announced that it had formed a partnership with AOMG. This news comes a few months after CJ E&Ms acquisition of Paloalto's Hi-Lite Records label. Jay Park also took the news to Twitter to reassure fans that it would not affect AOMG and its artists in any way, referring to it as a strategic partnership through investment in shares
- June 5, 2017: H1GHR Music label is founded by Jay Park alongside producer Cha Cha Malone. Signed artists - Yultron, Sik-K, pH-1, Woodie GoChild. Producers Woogie, GroovyRoom, DJ SMMT. The following Seattle artists were also signed - Avatar Darko, Raz Simone, Phe Reds, Jarv Dee
- June 8, 2017: Golden (formerly known as G.Soul) signed with H1GHR Music following his contract expiration with JYP Entertainment
- October 30, 2017: Woo Won Jae joins AOMG
- 2018: Ted Park joins H1GHR Music
- April 2018: HAON joins H1GHR Music, soon after winning the show “High School Rapper 2”
- May 10, 2018: AOMG signs management contract with UFC fighter "Korean Zombie" Jung Chan Sung
- June 11, 2018: Producer Code Kunst joins AOMG
- July 25, 2018: Simon Dominic resigns as co-CEO of AOMG with his song "Me No Jay Park". Soon after, DJ Pumkin becomes co-CEO of AOMG alongside Jay Park
- 2019: BIG Naughty joins H1GHR Music
- March 3, 2019: Mokyo joins H1GHR Music
- August 2019: AOMG's first hip-hop audition show “Signhere” began airing on MBN
- November 1, 2019: After winning in the audition show “Signhere” Sogumm joins AOMG
- November 6, 2019: Punchnello joins AOMG
- Late 2019: Jarv Dee leaves H1HGR Music
- April 8, 2020: DeVita joins AOMG
- June, 2020: Mokyo leaves H1GHR Music after contract expired
- July 20, 2020: Trade L joins H1GHR Music
- July 24, 2020: Lee Hi joins AOMG after her departure from YG Entertainment
- September 4, 2020: Producer GooseBumps joins AOMG
- January 9, 2021: Golden (G.Soul) leaves H1GHR Music following his contract expiration
- February 18, 2021: Yugyeom, a member of South Korean boy group Got7, joins AOMG following his departure from JYP Entertainment in January 2021. Fellow member JAY B joins H1GHR Music in May of the same year
- March 2021: GroovyRoom launches new label called AREA, in partnership with the H1GHR Music label
- December 31, 2021: Jay Park announced his resignation as the Co-CEO of AOMG
- January 25, 2022: Coogie joins AOMG
- March 3, 2022: Jay Park established a new label called “More Vision”. Currently signed artists are Honey J, Jessi and Chung Ha
- July 25, 2022: JAY B and Sik-K leave H1GHR Music after their contracts had expired
- October 24, 2022: Jvcki Wai joins AOMG
- February 14, 2023: As her contract expired, Sogumm departs from the label
- April 1, 2023: Cartoonist Kian84 joins AOMG. Unclear if this is a management or artist contract but all sources confirm that he has joined AOMG
- April 24, 2023: AOMG established sublabel Solabeam Records that consists of DJs and producers
- May 8, 2023: HAON leaves H1GHR Music and joins Sik-K’s agency “KC”
- November 9, 2023: Meenoi joins AOMG
- February 27, 2024: GooseBumps announces that he’s leaving AOMG
- February 2024: Simon Dominic and the music label came to a mutual agreement to terminate his contract. The contract is still effective and both sides will continue with activities while sorting contract termination matters out. Details here
- March 6, 2024: The controversy surrounding Meenoi, AOMG, and her advertising contract with a cosmetic brand company escalates. Dispatch gets involved. Details here
- March 13, 2024: DJ Pumkin resigns as CEO of AOMG. He has reportedly thought of resigning for some time. Yoo Deok Geon is the new CEO of AOMG. Yoo Deok Geon is an old manager of Jay Park and the current CEO of H1GHR Music
- March 28, 2024: After their contracts had expired, GRAY, Woo Won Jae, and Lee Hi all announce that they are leaving AOMG. [Official Announcement]
- April 10, 2024: AOMG makes an apology statement regarding the Meenoi controversy. [Official Announcement]
- April 22, 2024: An AOMG official confirms that Simon Dominic terminated his contract back in February 2024
- April 25, 2024: The contract between Code Kunst and AOMG has ended. AOMG announced that they have parted ways with the artist. [Official Announcement]
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octooctoaki · 4 days ago
Akieyla Cross Brown
My Experience With “My Happy Marriage”: The Anime And The Light Novel
My happy Marriage was like my heart's shoujo Demon Slayer. The restoration era with magic and supernaturals but instead of a battle shonen it was a cute battle romance with less battle than romance. My Happy Marriage is an 8-volume Light novel series—of which I have seven of and have read part way into volume five—written by Akumi Agitogi and illustrated by Tsukiho Tsukioka. Since watching My Happy Marriage I was simply frustrated with the lack of a season two, which prompted me to read the novels. Safe to say they were both an experience, an experience I thoroughly enjoyed and would like to explain with the best of my ability while only going over what the anime has covered so far, which is novel volumes one and two.
The series My Happy Marriage was originally a web novel serialized on Shousetsuka ni Narou that then began being published on January 15th, 2019 by Kadokawa's imprint Fujimi L. Bunko. It is licensed in English by Yen Press, which published the first volume on January 18, 2022, under their Yen On imprint, with the most recent volume being set to come out on January 21st, 2025, The Manga began serialization on Gangan Online on December 28, 2018, with the physical release on November 11, 2022, A live-action film adaptation was announced on April 25, 2022, with the anime first airing on July 5th, 2023 along with The season is set to premiere on January 6, 2025 (My Happy Marriage Novel, My Happy Marriage Wiki, Fandom.)
My journey with My Happy Marriage started on a fateful day in 2023. It was sometime during Thanksgiving break I believe. Scrolling through Netflix with the intention of taking out my box braids when I come across an anime that had come out not long ago. I decided, why not give it a watch. It couldn’t hurt and if I’m bored I can turn it off. I sat at my desk on my black rolling chair, breaking my neck to look at the TV that sat on top of my 5 '3 wardrobe as I was somehow too close and too far all at the same time.
The anime was stunning, the animation was beautiful and the story was immaculate. Miyo’s—The protagonist’s—voice had thrown me off a bit as I had previously heard her Japanese voice prior to watching the show. Now this isn’t to say the English voice was bad at all, in reality, it was quite lovely. But as A born and raised inhabitant of America having been born and raised here for almost eighteen years the difference of tone had thrown me off. While the Japanese voice had a much softer and timid voice the English voice came out more melancholic and hurt, which fit Miyo’s character very well. I mostly had no complaints with the anime, after finishing the anime in the span of about two days.
Of course, I could yap about the anime all day but what good would it do if I didn’t tell you what it’s about? My Happy Marriage takes the classic plot of Cinderella and gives it a supernatural twist. The book is about a girl named Miyo Saimori, living in Meiji era Japan. She was born to a noteworthy noble family, Miyo lives with her Father Shinichi Saimori, stepmother Kanoko Saimori, and younger half-sister Kaya Saimori. Miyo is verbally, mentally, and physically abused by her stepmother and younger sister, and while you think her father might protect her, the head of the Saimori family seemed perfectly content with neglecting and ignoring his older daughter’s suffering. When Miyo and her younger sister finally come of marriageable age Miyo has an inkling of hope she might be saved, getting married off to her only childhood friend Kouji Tatsuishi. But to her dismay, the role of being Kouji’s wife is given to her younger sister and Miyo is shipped off to marry the rumored cold-hearted commander Kiyoka Kudo. An interesting premise I’d say.
A part of the reason Miyo is neglected by her father is due to the nature of her birth, which is covered way more quickly in the Novel than in the anime. Within the nobility of this fictional Japan, there are specialty abilities called gifts. People who use them are called gifteds or gift users. These special abilities can be anything from summoning lightning, and healing wounds, to seeing the future, or even mind control—which we will touch on later. These abilities are typically used to fight creatures called grotesqueries, also called fiends or spirits, which are otherworldly unearthly entities that are malevolent. As far as I’m aware they come from the spirits of the dead and superstition, like if a village has a rumor or dark tale people believe a grotesquerie is likely to appear. As the grotesqueries disappear so does the amount of people born with these abilities. Families
with stronger ability users have more power, the Saimori’s however are lacking in such power. It’s not known whether Kanoko—Miyo’s stepmother—has an ability but we can assume she does since she at least has spirit sight—the ability to see grotesqueries at all—given that it’s part of the reason she looks down on Miyo in the first place. Even with that, we do know for a fact Miyo’s father does have some sort of supernatural power, as he’s shown to be able to create force fields or physical barriers to stop other abilities, though I believe that’s a spell most gifted can use it’s more proof than we have for Konoko. As for the younger sister—Kaya—it’s stated she doesn’t have a gift but she does possess the power of spirit sight which is shown to us in a flashback. The power of spirit sight is usually the sign that someone has a chance of gaining supernatural abilities and is usually tested when the children are very young which we see in the flashback with Miyo and Kaya both in the novel and the anime. We know that people with spirit sight can at the very least see grotesqueries and send out familiars to see and find out things for them, though the abilities of people with only spirit sight are not expanded on. Miyo however does not have any special power to speak of, she doesn’t even possess spirit sight.
All of that to say Miyo’s birth was the product of an arranged marriage to produce a child with a strong ability and get the Saimori's status back. Miyo’s stepmother had already been her father’s lover but they had to separate so Miyo’s father could marry Miyo’s mother—Sumi Saimori. They married Sumi’s mother for a very specific power that I will not explicitly state here as it’s a bit of a spoiler. When Miyo showed no promise her father had lost any interest in her, marrying Kanoko almost as soon as Miyo’s Mother passed away. This story was portrayed quite early on in both the anime and the light novel, in the anime it’s more of a quiet flashback while in the novel it’s more of an in-depth explanation.
The main story for the first two novels and the first season of the anime is Miyo healing and finding her self-worth, while also learning to allow people to care for her. The story in both the novel and anime portrays Miyo’s trauma very well, not immediately having made all her trauma fixed after she realized that she wanted to be with her fiance—Kiyoka Kudo—and instead allowing herself to gradually heal, accept, move on and, even grieve the self she’s leaving behind, letting her think on what she truly wants for herself.
Kiyoka Kudo—Miyo’s fiance—has definitely not been fleshed out all that much in the anime nor as of the first two volumes of the novel. Well- not fleshed out in terms of his backstory which is slightly covered in volume three which is most likely if not definitely what we’ll be seeing in season two. In the anime, his backstory isn’t touched upon at all for what I remember while in the novel it’s briefly stated that he has a very rocky relation with his mother. Her selfishness, callousness, and materialistic ways is part of what threw off the man's prospects of marriage, making him come off as cold and unwelcoming to his marriage partners. It’s stated in the novel that all of his marriage partner’s before Miyo were affluent noble lady’s who left him because of his cold demeanor or what not. Through Miyo’s perspective it makes him seem hard to please or short tempered but when we get to know him and hear the same events from his own perspective it was simply because he upheld his boundaries and didn’t give in to whatever the ladies wanted from him. We come to learn that Kiyoka Kudo is not as cold and unwelcoming as he’s claimed to be, especially as the novels go on.
The first two novels and the anime pretty much go along the same path when it comes to all the middle content. The intro to volume one and the intro to the anime do slightly differ, as in the anime it’s more like in introspective thought in front of the scene of Miyo’s mother’s favorite tree burning down the prologue to the novel is actually the scene where Miyo and Kiyoka meet for the first time and the beginning of the first chapter is immediately Miyo having tea thrown at her by her younger sister.
One thing the anime does very well is showing and not telling. While the novel simply tells us that Miyo’s stepmother and sister are abusing her, the anime goes out of its way to show us this, like a scene of Kaya mocking Miyo while she’s cleaning or talking about her behind her back.
Her friendship with Koji is also shown more in the anime. it shows us about half a days more events than in the novel, like Kouji and Miyo talking on their lonesome and sharinf snacks. In the anime we see more interactions with Miyo and her family and the dynamics being played at, the character personalities being shown to us rather than told through Miyo’s words. While the novel isn’t bad at this they certainly do spoon feed us a bit.
At the beginning of the first season and sometime towards the beginning of the first volume it's revealed to us that Koji’s father and Miyo’s father had actually made an agreement to have Miyo Marry into the Tatsuishi’s but when they got an offer from the Kudo’s Miyo’s father sent her there instead. It’s not explained why he sent Miyo instead of Kaya. I can only assume it was due to Kiyoka’s bad reputation despite having so much political influence as Shinichi refuses to switch their fiance’s even when Kaya begs. Shinichi’s blatant disregard for his elder daughter is shown even more heavily here as he disowns her and remarks that he expects her to be thrown out. “Correct, I'm her. Whether she lives or dies, I honestly don't care what happens to her.” (My happy Marriage, Vol.1, page 40) telling Kouji’s father—Minoru Tatsuishi—That he can take Miyo in after she’s thrown out of the Kudo’s and she’ll most likely weep with joy.
Here it’s revealed that Miyo’s mother was from a family called the Usuba family. “Miyo’s mother comes from the Usuba bloodline. I wanted that gift for my heirs.” (My happy marriage, Vol.1, page 39)
“I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in the power to manipulate people's minds! The Kudo family is formidable as it is, and yet you seem intent on making them even stronger. What will become of the likes of us?” (My Happy Marriage, Vol.1, page 39)
Here it’s revealed that Miyo might be more important than things seemed. In the anime they are a lot more subtle about it. In the novel it’s a sit down face to face conversation while in the anime it’s a call over the phone. In the Novel the conversation is much more casual, the two men sitting face to face, Shinchi coming off less cold and almost like a friend to the man even though Minoru is still angry. In the anime Shinichi deney’s any kind of agreement and seems much more cold while Minoru is much more visibly angry then the way i took it in the novel. In the novel we get a whole conversation and even get to know what the Usuba power is while the anime just chalks it up to a single sentence, “That girl… will marry into our family. She carries Usuba blood!” (My Happy Marriage, Episode 2 “About My Husband To-Be”)
The anime hides a lot of information the anime just straight up tells us, which does make for a more intriguing story. I have few gripes with My Happy Marriage But telling instead of showing definitely is one of them.
Off that note, like I stated earlier the novels and anime follow all the same plot points and story beats. Miyo’s family life, Miyo and Kiyoka meeting, The breakfast, the first date, and alike. Another thing I want to touch on is Kaya’s jealousy and Kaya as a whole.
Kaya’s character, as unfortunate as this is, was not as carefully handled as Miyo. We get bits and snippets but unfortunately aren’t given the best grasp on her motivations. We’re supposed to hate Kaya, these bit’s and pieces we get of her are not meant to make us like her, don’t get me wrong. But we end up with a sister who simply hate’s Miyo because her mom told her to, which results in the viewers getting a very stale villain. I mean, Kaya isn’t the true villain in the first place, she’s simply naive and is being used by the adult’s around her—being roughly sixteen or seventeen years old.
To be frank I’m a Kaya defender given that she is also a victim of abuse. Of course that fact doesn’t negate what she’s done to Miyo by any means but I do think Kaya deserves redemption in the end. And by redemption I don’t mean Miyo forgiving her, she will never be entitled to that, but I do mean living a happy life.
When it comes to the abuse Kaya suffered it's only briefly mentioned in the anime of little snippets of her mother’s voice telling her never to be like Miyo, on the other hand in the novel we are given slightly more than this. “Kaya's mother had demanded her daughter be superior to her stepdaughter in every way. Kaya had to be a perfect student, because if she made even the most trivial of mistakes, her mother would scold her. Konoko would reel off all the malicious gossip about Kaya’s blunder, insisting that Kaya was going to end up like Miyo because of it. Thus, the notion that she always had to be better than her half sister took root in her mind. Anything Miyo had, Kaya would need, too. In fact, Kaya had to have even more than her sister. When her father-in-law called her to his study and told her what he'd learned, she didn't believe him.” (My Happy Marriage, Vol.1, page 114) If that’s not straight up manipulation I don’t know what is.
In the anime it’s glossed over but in the novel all the scenes of Kaya’s POV her thought’s draw back to Miyo. The adult’s in her life continue to manipulate her, causing her to believe Miyo is the cause of her unhappiness. “If you fail you’ll end up like Miyo” And in Kaya’s point of view what is Miyo, all she can see is someone everyone around her regards as worthless and unlovable, and if she’s not perfect she too will be worthless and unlovable. Even in the first scene we get through her point of view Kaya is upset with Kouji because he likes Miyo better and won’t even pretend he doesn’t. He likes the person everyone else thinks is worthless and unlovable yet show’s great indifference to her, for Kaya it all draws back to Miyo, Kouji is treating Kaya how she herself perceives Miyo. “Why won't he say something?! Why won't he deny liking Miyo?! If he stroked her hair while whispering sweet nothings, then maybe she would forgive him. What an aggravatingly dense man. Perhaps it would be better to refuse his hand in marriage after all. Kaya carried on vilifying him in her head until he made a noise of surprise.” (My Happy Marriage, Vol.1, page 85)
Even people she seems to trust like her father-in-law to be are simply manipulating her, “Finding sympathy from neither her father nor her fiancé, Kaya felt bitter disappointment. But wait—Kouji’s father will definitely side with me!
Not only did he always listen to her, but he'd also told her about Miyo in the first place. He would help. That reassured Kaya—She would always have people she could count on. She was convinced of her superiority to Miyo and certain any man would choose her over her half sister.” (My Happy Marriage, Vol.1, page 118) Kaya takes her relationship with Minoru as him genuinely wanting to help her and being invested in her issues, but we know in both the novel and anime that he’s just using her. “Minoru couldn't verify the veracity of Kaya's claims. Perhaps he could use this spoiled brat to his advantage, though. Since her engagement to Kouji, Kaya would often gossip with her father-in-law-to-be, and some of the information she gleaned was actually valuable.” (My Happy Marriage, Vol.1, page 100) Even in the anime his plot to use her is obvious as he thinks, “Foolish little girl. She’s saving me all the trouble by doing it herself.” (My Happy Marriage, Episode 5 “Ripples”)
Miyo’s trauma is handled so well but they diminish Kaya so much in both the anime and novel when her character really had so much potential. Not as an ally for Miyo but as a character telling her own story. So Kaya is my other gripe with My Happy Marriage as a story. The one brownie point I can give the anime for Kaya is that they added her conversation with Kouji. A conversation where he tells her that they’re lives aren’t over and they will rebuild the Saimori house together. Initially she lashes out at him, which I think is good. It’s showing that her character hasn’t exactly changed yet. Her lashing out makes sense for the kind of character Kaya is. But after she throws Kouji out she sorrowfully looks at her family picture and you can see the sorrow in her face. For my research we see Kaya again sometime in another volume and though I doubt she’ll be completely redeemed I feel that she really will get better and I hope she can come to an understanding with Kouji and they really can rebuild the Saimori’s
Now that my rant about Kaya is over we can move onto my other likes and dislikes about the story. Like the handling of Kouji. As far as the beginning of Chapter five, we haven’t seen any more of Kouji since the end of volume one, and though I spent a fraction of a second villainizing him through Kaya’s perspective he’s truly not all if not one of the most well handled character’s so far.
Kouji is Miyo’s childhood friend who has always had a crush on her and wanted to protect her. When he’s first introduced in both the anime and novel he comes off as a mild mannered well behaved young man who truly cares for Miyo’s well being. Though he’s timid and doesn’t have the courage to stand up for what he believes in, it's very clear Kouji is pure at heart and really wants what is best for Miyo.
His characterization is actually quite good as a foil to Kiyoka, the last good part of Miyo’s life before Kudo, and also the evidence of what happens if you sit by and let yourself be dragged around by those with more power than you.
The only thing on Kouji’s mind is protecting Miyo, when he’s nice to Kaya it’s so he can shield Miyo from further suffering. He lets his feelings of helplessness and weakness consume him, resulting in nothing. Even in the instance in which he finally steps up Kouji is too weak because he didn’t have the skill or drive to accomplish what he so desperately wanted, which was to save Miyo.
I’m honestly a bit upset that Koji disappears after volume 1, though we do see his brother again. It's truly a shame that Kouji is never brought up. Despite all the hope he gave her, Miyo doesn’t seem to think about him ever again. All in leaving her old life behind she leaves behind the false hope that was Kouji. Because in the end that’s what he was, he sat back and never stood up for what he thought was right until the very end but he’d done so little that he didn’t have the strength for it, all Kouji is, is a hopeless dream. Unreachable and unimaginable. Though I’m sure Miyo could have been happy with Kouji, ultimately false hope wasn’t what she needed.
The second volume covers episodes seven through twelve and the OVA covers the final chapter 5. We’re introduced to Kiyouka’s sister and are given a brand new question. If Miyo’s question in the first volume was ‘Do I deserve happiness’ then the question of the second volume is ‘What is family?’ as we’re also introduced to the Usuba’s once again.
Miyo and Kiyoka’s relationship really faces trouble here as they’re in that odd boundary space where they want to be closer to each other but aren’t exactly sure where to place their pieces. Miyo is only concerned with bettering herself and really figuring out what it means to be by Kiyoka’s side while Kiyouka simply wants Miyo to take care of herself and open up about her feelings. This is where communication truly becomes important and where I felt the character of Arata Usuba was very lackluster.
As well as the ongoing communication issue, Arata Usuba is another wedge in Kiyoka and Miyo’s relationship. In the Anime due to the nature of its medium we end up learning less about Arata as a whole but in the novel he was honestly a bit of a nuisance. Arata is Miyo’s cousin, an Usuba possessing the gift of the Usuba family. What makes the Usuba’s so different is that their family is the only one that wields the ability to affect the mind. They have no need to have spirit sight because their abilities are not for defeating grotesqueries but instead other gift users.
The reason he’s driving a wedge between Miyo and Kiyoka is because Miyo actually has the ability of dream sight. Dream sight is a special ability of which the Usuba will do anything and everything to protect. Arata’s goal is to bring her home to the Usuba’s so he can protect her himself.
Arata Usuba is introduced in the prologue of the second volume and episode six of the anime. In the Prologue he’s honestly strange, he’s apathetic and quite honestly cold hearted. His entire character comes off as creepy as he observes Miyo from a distance. Just like in volume one this scene happens later on in again in the book but this time unlike volume one being in Miyo’s perspective the prologue in volume two is in Arata’s perspective. “There wasn't much sense in scoping her out, as no matter what sort of person she have been, it didn't change their plans whatsoever. This was a simple act of curiosity, nothing more.
After all that anticipation. But as long as I have my mission, that's enough for me.
What was important was the human who possessed the gift herself. That and the duty given to him and his family, their fervent wish.
Instead of considering what sort of person this Miyo Saimori was, he hoped her personality wouldn't prove to be a nuisance, and he was simply coming to confirm this for himself.” (My Happy Marriage, Vol.2, page 1) These few paragraphs already make it easy to dislike Arata as it makes him come off as creepy and strange. He’s constantly obnoxious throughout the rest of the book and anime which makes it honestly hard to like him later on. Especially when he throws out lines like, “As he observed her, he felt both faintly sympathetic, and I'll be satisfied that he would be protecting this woman going forward. Given her frailty, she definitely needed protection.” (My Happy Marriage, Vol.2, page 2) He’s clearly an antagonist but he’s supposed to be rather important and on Miyo’s side later on and in the next few books. But Arata’s character, though he had potential, ultimately came out as annoying and uninteresting. Even when we learn about his motivations it’s hard to feel bad or like him.
In the anime he’s introduced talking to the emperor which makes him seem rather responsible and since we don’t know the emperor’s intentions it’s easier not to be put off by him.
But it’s made clear in the beginning of the novel and when reading from his perspective that he has no qualms about Miyo being miserable, he seems to blatantly dislike her and as he continued to slightly harass her and Kudo through the book by making slight jabs and trying to break them apart he becomes more and more dislikable.
His past is not presented to us in any interesting way but a monologue in his head after talking to Miyo. Arata is important enough that a flashback fleshing him out truly wouldn’t have been too much to ask for, especially given that his past is directly affected by Miyo. He had a lot of potential and I think giving us more to work with before immediately making him annoying would have done him some good.
But not to say Arata is all bad, he certainly has room to grow as ultimately he ends up being jealous of Miyo. He’d been hollow before, without purpose and with Miyo’s continued fight to want to be at Kiyouka’s side Arata truly realized what he’d been missing all his life. Wanting to keep going, he thought the job of protecting the dream sight user was his sole purpose but in the end not even that made him satisfied. When he realized Miyo would do anything to stay by Kiyoka’s side and would do anything to stay by him Arata realized he had nothing he treasured so closely. “Do I have anything that I would become so desperate to protect?
The moment he thought it over, he quickly and easily arrived at no. A hollow person like him possibly have anything he wanted or needed to safeguard.
But what about Miyo, then?
According according to his investigation, she should also have been as empty as he was since she'd grown up without anyone to validate her—A lonely girl who had endured her disavowing her very existence.
However, she was empty no more. Arata’s notion that they were similar had been a gross misunderstanding.
The realization produced a twinge of jealousy deep down inside him.
I want it. I want it so badly… The desire to keep hold of her is blazing inside me.
The thing that would fulfill him. A duty, and the person who would let him fulfill it.
Now he was a bit thankful this person ended up being Miyo. Being free from her emptiness, he could imagine a future where he felt fulfilled, instead of them both licking each other's emotional wounds.” (My Happy Marriage, Vol.2, page 112)
If Kouji was hopeless dreams then Arata is a Hollow fantasy. Both he and Miyo struggle to understand themselves and figure out what they want in life. Unable to understand what their true purpose is. What makes them different is that while Miyo continues to move forwards Arata’s stands in place. He continues to be the hollow and unhappy version of himself instead of figuring out what he truly wants.
Speaking of the Usuba’s there’s no one else to talk about but Miyo’s maternal grandfather, Yoshiro Usuba. I think Yoshiro's character is more memorable in the anime. Though we get more specifics in the novel the anime honestly does a very good job with making us feel things for the characters.
Yoshiro has definitely made some mistakes and you wouldn’t be wrong to say Miyo has a right to be angry with him or to have no contact with him. After his daughter Sumi married into the Saimori family against his wishes he stopped talking to her completely and even after Sumi died made no attempts to connect with Miyo. And you would think this makes him selfish for only coming to Miyo now that they know she has this ability. And in a way, you would be right. But we have to remember that the Usuba’s didn’t know how Miyo was being treated and it’s not like people usually take their grandkids away when only one of their parents die. I’m sure had Yoshiro known about Miyo’s suffering he would have come to get her as it’s very obvious in the anime and novel that he cares for her wellbeing.
Yoshiro in the end is also the one who answers Miyo’s question of what is family. “That's basically what I mean. Depending on others doesn't mean you throwing all Your problems on their shoulders. I think that it's shifting some of the baggage that's too heavy to bear onto others. That way you can both appreciate the difficulty of the load, and once you're finished carrying it, you can share the joy of overcoming it together. Being able to do that without any restraint or hesitation, that's family, isn't it? Making them exaggerate, exasperated, making them angry, it's all OK. The bonds aren't so easily broken.” (My Happy Marriage, Vol.2, page 117) He clearly cares for his family as he was unable to accept the fact his daughter he cared for so deeply was going to a family like the Saimori’s. After this conversation with Miyo he extended his gratitude at being able to meet her and for the first time he was truly able to be Miyo’s grandfather.
With the anime the scene is much more tender. With Yoshiro saying, “That said Miyo… As much as I loved Sumi with my whole heart, I hold you just as dear.” (My Happy Marriage, Episode 11 “My Mother’s Legacy”) The anime has a way of making the scene's flow smoother and making the dialogue tell us what a character is feeling without saying outright. You can feel the genuine affection Yoshiro feels for both Sumi and Miyo at this moment. While it was nice in the novel the anime definitely did this scene better.
By the final episodes we learn Kiyoka has fallen in battle and is in a cure-induced coma that no one can seem to wake him from. Miyo rushed to his aid, Arata agreeing to help her do it as being there to protect Miyo is a part of his duty. They rush back and the scene where Miyo saves Kudo is portrayed very differently between the two mediums.
In the anime Miyo has to fight her past self, getting past the old feelings of self hatred and the unwillingness to let herself be happy, first setting what she wants in stone and coming to terms that she can and will be happy and stay at Kiyouka’s side if he would have her. Their meeting is much less realistic though, when she floats down from the sky he doesn’t think she’s an allusion or anything. But they did have the emperor there, fighting them hard and threatening their way out.
The novel on the other hand handles it less gracefully, Miyo finds Kudo almost immediately, defeats the monster and then they begin to walk home. Of course it is better than how I just described, but there’s a lot less struggle to it, there’s no satisfying step she had to overcome, she just… did it.
But alas, the final scene is still nice. They walk together, apologize and make up, vowing to stay together once again. Before waking up and going back to their normal lives.
There’s still a lot to cover but those were the primary points I wanted to address thus far. The OVA would be a different essay entirely as I didn’t watch it.
My Happy Marriage is a terrific anime and Light Novel series. The novel is more fast paced with detailed story telling and the anime does a better job of subtly telling the story with beautiful art and wonderful dialogue. Either way the story is amazing to enjoy and no matter which the consumer picks I’m sure they’ll be satisfied.
"My Happy Marriage Novel." My Happy Marriage Wiki, Fandom, https://my-happy-marriage.fandom.com/wiki/Novel#:~:text=It%20was%20originally%20a%20web,under%20their%20Yen%20On%20imprint. Accessed 8 Dec. 2024.
Agitogi, Akumi. My Happy Marriage. Vol. 1. Yen Press, 2015.
Volume 2:
Agitogi, Akumi. My Happy Marriage. Vol. 2. Yen Press, 2015.
My Happy Marriage. Directed by Takehiro Kubota, animated by Kinema Citrus, 2023.
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julianalvarez9 · 2 years ago
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feliz cumpleaños, rey / happy birthday, king
Quotes by Lionel Messi extracted from ALTA EN EL CIELO, and cited from here. / (1) Leo Messi disapointed in match between Germany and Argentina, corresponding to the 2014 World Cup final, played at the Maracana Stadium, July 13, 2014. (Photo by Urbanandsport/NurPhoto) / (2) Lionel Messi of Barcelona celebrates after scoring his sides second goal during the La Liga match between Barcelona and Real Madrid at Camp Nou on May 6, 2018 in Barcelona, Spain. (Photo by David Ramos / (3) Team Argentina with Lionel Messi (R) of Argentina sing their national anthem prior to the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Group C match between Argentina and Saudi Arabia at Lusail Stadium on November 22, 2022 in Lusail City, Qatar. (Photo by Matthias Hangst) / (4)  Lionel Messi of Argentina celebrates with The FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Winner's Trophy after winning the FIFA World Cup on an open top bus outside the stadium during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Final match between Argentina and France at Lusail Stadium on December 18, 2022 in Lusail City, Qatar. (Photo by Michael Regan) / (5)  Lionel Messi of Argentina reacts during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 semi final match between Argentina and Croatia at Lusail Stadium on December 13, 2022 in Lusail City, Qatar. (Photo by Richard Heathcote) / (6) Lionel Messi of Argentina celebrates after scoring the team's first goal during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Round of 16 match between Argentina and Australia at Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium on December 03, 2022 in Doha, Qatar. (Photo by Laurence Griffiths) / (7) Lionel Messi (C) of Argentina celebrates with teammates after an international friendly between Argentina and Panama at Estadio Mas Monumental Antonio Vespucio Liberti on March 23, 2023 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Photo by Jam Media)
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usafphantom2 · 1 year ago
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The F/A-18 Super Hornet that pulled off the US’s first air-to-air kill in 18 years still has the war paint to prove it
The Navy F/A-18E Super Hornet shot down a Syrian Sukhoi Su-22 fighter-bomber in the U.S. military's first air-to-air kill since 1999.
Jared KellerPublished Sep 13, 2020 1:05 AM EDT
navy syria shootdown f/a-18 super hornet
Sailors stand by an F/A-18F Super Hornet assigned to the “Golden Warriors” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 87 before starting flight operations on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) while participating in Exercise Northern Edge 2019. (U.S. Navy photo).
Editor’s note: a version of this post first appeared in November 2019.
When Navy Lt. Cmdr. Michael “Mob” Tremel took on an air-support mission on June 18, 2017, he didn’t realize that he’d end up shooting down a Syrian Sukhoi Su-22 fighter-bomber in the U.S. military’s first air-to-air kill since 1999.
“The whole mission out there that day was to go defeat ISIS and annihilate ISIS,” Tremel recalled of the incident during a September 2017 Tailhook Association symposium. “If at any point in time that day it had escalated, that would have been fine by us.”
Tremel may carry the memory of that day with him everywhere, and now so will his aircraft: According to recent Pentagon photos, the F/A-18E Super Hornet from VFA-87 that Tremel flew into battle clearly carries a fresh victory marking — a scalp for one of the squadron’s “Golden Warriors.”
According to The Aviationist, which first noted the new marking, Tremel’s Hornet originally picked up fresh war paint just below the left side of its canopy as early as August 2017, less than two months after the shootdown occurred. The tomahawks represent successful aerial strikes, while the Syrian flag and silhouette of a fighter jet represent the Su-22 that Tremel nailed with an AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile.
Fighter Aircraft photo
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Lt. Cdr. Michael Tremel stands next to his F/A 18 Super Hornet on board the USS George W. Bush in July 2018. (U.S. Navy photo)
At some point in recent years, the aircraft received a fresh paint job, likely to transition its Modex from 302 to 402 as part of the squadron’s new assignment to USS Theodore Roosevelt’s Carrier Air Wing 11 sometime in 2018. Luckily, the victory marking was simply moved from the left side of the airframe to the right, set just below and ahead of its cockpit.
Fighter Aircraft photo
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Sailors stand by an F/A-18 Super Hornet assigned to the “Golden Warriors” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 87 before starting flight operations on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) while participating in Exercise Northern Edge 2019 on May 15, 2019 (U.S. Navy photo)
It’s worth noting in the above photo that while the Super Hornet is no longer operated by Tremble — Navy Cmdr. J.A. Calby’s name is printed directly below the canopy — the aircraft still bears his name and the date of the shootdown, as well as the tell-tale Syrian flag.
“It’s not just Tremel’s plane,” a Navy official told Task & Purpose of the kill marking. “It applies to the aircraft.”
Fighter Aircraft photo
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Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 3rd Class Connor Akey, from Mobile, Ala., directs an F/A-18E Super Hornet, assigned to the “Golden Warriors” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 87, on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) on July 5, 2019 (U.S. Navy photo)
On the day of the shootdown, Tremel and his wingman, Lt. Cmdr. Jeff “Jo Jo” Krueger, were conducting a close-air support sortie over Syria when they spotted the Syrian Su-22 approaching ground forces with ordnance at the ready. As Tremel recalled back in 2017, repeated radio calls to the aircraft went unheeded, as did the multiple flares he launched.
After the Su-22 released its ordnance near the U.S.-backed forces on the ground, Tremel fired an AIM-9X Sidewinder at the aircraft in line with the rules of engagement, only to have the advanced missile drawn away by the Sukhoi’s own flares. The AIM-120 AMRAAM, however, did the trick, striking the aircraft. The pilot ejected and the burning aircraft quickly plummeted toward the ground.
“I know I was just operating on brainstem power,” Tremel recalled during the Tailhook symposium before adding that, despite achieving the first U.S. air-to-air kill in nearly two decades, his CO immediately reminded him of his responsibilities of air-wing duty safety officer that day: “The show goes on.”
@TaskandPurpose via X
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racequeenparadise · 4 months ago
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2024 Race Queen Retirements - Nana Yasuda
Originally working as an event companion from 2012, in 2015 Nana began her career working as a race queen as a member of the Leon Racing Ladies in the Super GT. In 2016 she became a member of Up Garage's Drift Angels for three consecutive years. In her time with that team, she recorded and released three songs as part of the Drift Angels idol unit. From 2019 she became a long time member of WedsSport Racing Gals, four years in total, the longest tenure of any member of the team.
On 15 January 2022 she was one of the five grand prize winners at the MediBang Japan Race Queen Awards 2021, announced at the Tokyo Auto Salon 2022 and also won the Tokyo Chunichi Sports Award. After leaving WedsSport Racing Gals, she joined Eneos Girls in 2023 and returned to Team Up Garage as a member of Up Garage Honeys in 2024 for her final Race Queen season.
Race Queen Appearances
Leon Racing Lady, Super GT, 2015
Up Garage - Drift Angels, Super GT, 2015 to 2018
Kondo Racing - raffinee lady, Super Taikyu, 2016
Arn Racing - Arn Girls, Super Taikyu, 2016 to 2017
B-Max Racing Team B-Max Girls, Super Taikyu, 2017
Lexus Team WedsSport Bandoh - WedsSport Racing Gals, Super GT, 2019 to 2023
Bath Racing Project, Super Taikyu, 2019
Mercedes-AMG Team HIRIX, Super Taikyu, 2020
Mega Life Girls, Super Taikyu, 2021
Grid Motorsport – Plexus & Cataclean Girls, Super Taikyu, 2022
TGR Team Eneos Rookie - Eneos Girls, Super GT, 2023
Audi Team Hitotsuyama Race Queen, Super Taikyu, 2023
Team Up Garage – Up Garage Honeys, Super GT, 2024
Image Girl and Event Appearances
Tokyo Auto Salon Goodyear Booth, 2015 to 2016
Tokyo Motor Show Toyota Booth, 2015
Tokyo Game Show Capcom Booth, 2015
Nico Nico Super Conference 1st Place Booth, 2015
Champion Plug Image Girl Champion Girls, 2016
2016 Red Bull Air Race World Series Chiba Team McLeod, 4 to 5 June 2016, Makuhari Seaside Park
Nico Nico Super Conference Sanyo Booth, 2016
Boat Race Naruto SG 21st Ocean Cup Campaign Girl, 13 to 18 July 2016, Naruto Boat Racecourse
K-1 World GP K-1 Girls, 2017
Tokyo Motor Show Mahle Booth, 2017
Tokyo Game Show Serial Games Booth, 2017 and 2019
Tokyo Auto Salon Up Garage Booth, 2017 to 2019
Gravure idol training app "Gravure idol collection" image girl GracoRex, 2017, 2018
Boat Race Ashiya 31st Ladies Champion Campaign Girl, 1 to 6 August 2017, Ashiya Boat Racecourse
Bangkok International Auto Salon, 4 to 8 July 2018, Impact Muang Thong Thani
Boat Race Ashiya GI All Japan Championship Campaign Girl 31 October to 5 November 2019, Ashiya Boat Racecourse
Tokyo Auto Salon WedSport Booth, 2020 and 2023
Tokyo Auto Salon Kuala Lumpur 2023 Image girl J-girls, 9 to 11 June 2023, Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre
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davisexplainableart · 1 year ago
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November 16, 2018 (PPG 20th Anniversary Kickoff):
Kid: We're about to return to more of tonight's new Ed, Edd n Eddy, but first...
*Fridays airs the music video to The Apples in Stereo's "Signal in the Sky", featuring the Powerpuff Girls. Click here to see the music video yourself!*
Kid: We take you now to more of tonight's new episode of Ed, Edd n Eddy, right here on Fridays.
Buttercup (in the background): I don't get it, since when did that show suddenly come back??
Today (November 18, 2023) marks the 25th anniversary of Cartoon Network's "The Powerpuff Girls"!
To celebrate this occasion, I thought it was right to acknowledge something special that happened to celebrate the show's 20th anniversary.
On November 16, 2018, Fridays celebrated the occasion by having the trio host the show (in the hopes that no crime happened while they were out of Townsville).
Meanwhile, Tommy and Tara are in Paris, interviewing the cast of "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald".
Q: Why was the celebration called a "kickoff"?
A: This Fridays show kicked of what we named the "Powerpuff Girls 20th Birthday Weekend Marathon", since the actual anniversary wasn't until Sunday.
Q: What did you air this week?
A: We were told by the higher ups not to change the lineup. I think they wanted us to save the PPG episodes for the marathon on Saturday and Sunday.
Q: Well, then what did you change?
A: Obviously, I mentioned a few things already (interviewing, the PPG hosting, etc.), but the set was also decorated.
Q: Did you ever talk about how terrible the reboot is?
A: Nah, we thought it was best to simply not acknowledge the reboot at all.
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brian-in-finance · 2 years ago
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Screenshot: Outlander-Online
S04E04 Common Ground • 25 November 2018 Official Script
Outlander Rewatch 2023 Countdown To Season 7
Favourite Word
Everyone kens how to clickit. — Young Ian
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Gif: Starz
Favourite Line
It will not be your fault. — Adawehi
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Gif: @whiskynottea
Favourite Image
Jamie walks Claire to a spot between two smaller posts that mark a doorway. Surprisingly, he lifts her up into his arms. She whoops.
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Gif: @sassenach4life
Remember… Claire found Jamie. — Roger MacKenzie
46th of 75 • Thursday, 18 May 2023
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chinatownstreetscape · 9 months ago
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The then newly-restored plaque in St. Mary’s Square honoring the “Americans of Chinese Ancestry” who gave their lives for America in its world wars, November 10, 2018. Photograph by Doug Chan.
The Last Full Measure: St. Mary’s Square Monument to the Fallen of Chinese America
In his book San Francisco Chinatown: A Guide to its History & Architecture, historian Philip P. Choy, shared his observations about the monuments in St. Mary’s Square as follows:
“Across from the statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen is a less imposing but more significant monument, with 97 names of Chinese American soldiers of our community, who made the supreme sacrifice in World War I and II. Every year on Veterans Day, the Cathay Post No. 384 and the VFW Chinatown Post march to the square to honor those who died for us, that they never be forgotten. This commemorative plaque and day of remembrance are more symbolic of Chinese America than Sun Yat-sen’s statue and the “Ten Ten” celebration.”
During the Second World War, thousands of young men and women enlisted or were drafted from Chinatowns, Japantowns (and concentration camps), Manilatowns, and other small communities across the country.
According to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs and researchers at the Oakland Museum, 13,499 Chinese American men fought in the armed forces. (Community estimates range as high as 20,000.) Approximately 75 percent served in the US Army, with ground units such as the 3rd and 4th Infantry Divisions in Europe and the 6th, 32nd and 77th Infantry Divisions in the Pacific. A quarter of the total Chinese American personnel under arms served in the Navy. Still others served in specialized units, such as the all-Chinese American 1157th Signal Corps -- part of 14th Air Service Group that would join the fight against Imperial Japan in the China Burma India theatre of operations.
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Group of Chinese recruits for the U. S. Navy taking their oath on top of a captured Japanese submarine, on Navy Day in San Francisco Chinatown, October 27, 1942. Associated Press photographer unknown (from the collection of the San Francisco Public Library). As written on the verso: ""A two-man Jap submarine, captured after the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, T.H. [Territory of Hawaii], began its nation-wide tour in San Francisco Oct. 27. In Chinatown, Chinese recruits for the U.S. Navy lined up on the vessel and took their oath. It was part of Navy Day ceremonies."
The Chinese American men who served in the armed forces during WW II comprised 20 percent of all such men in the continental U.S. As historian Iris Chang would write decades later, “ethnic Chinese men gave their lives disproportionate to their presence in the country.”
As in many cities, the public spaces in San Francisco had included memorials to the fallen in America’s wars. On Memorial Day on May 30, 1919, city officials and thousands of spectators dedicated a 15-acre plot as the “Grove of Heroes,” in remembrance of the US dead and wounded in the First World War. In 1930, a sculpture originally created by M. Earl Cummings for the Pan Pacific International Exposition was acquired and installed in the meadow adjacent to the grove. The bronze figure holding a laurel wreath became known as the “Doughboy Statue,” and it is readily noticeable from the park’s John F. Kennedy drive and promenade. On Armistice Day (now known as Veterans Day), November 13, 1932, public officials assembled again to dedicate an 18-ton granite boulder (reportedly quarried from Twin Peaks) to commemorate US war dead. The monument, which was sponsored by the Native Sons of the Golden West, was inscribed with the names of 748 men and 13 women, all local soldiers and volunteers who died during the Great War.
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The Doughboy Statue in the “Grove of Heroes” in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. The plaque, sponsored by the Native Sons of the Golden West and inscribed with the names of US dead in two world wars, omits the names of non-white military personnel killed in the line of duty.
Although Chinese Americans had served and died in WW I, no Chinese names had ever been inscribed in any of San Francisco’s war memorial monuments from that era. Their omission was hardly surprising. The Native Sons of the Golden West had been founded in July 1875 as a fraternal organization "embracing only the sons of those sturdy pioneers who arrived on this coast prior to the admission of California as a state." In the 1920s, the Native Sons adopted a white nativist stance on public policy issues. President William P. Canbu of the Native Sons wrote that “California was given by God to a white people, and with God’s strength we want to keep it as He gave it to us.” The Native Sons openly opposed Chinese, Mexican, and Japanese immigration. At the outset of the Second World War, the organization waged an unsuccessful legal battle for Japanese Americans to be disenfranchised.
The size of the returning cohort of Chinese American men (and the few women) from the Second World War had been unprecedented, and they produced a transformative generation of determined civic activists in the postwar era. As was the case with many other communities of color in the country, Chinese Americans had to struggle for acceptance and civil rights. Community activists such as John C. Young, a retired colonel from the United States Army and World War II veteran, made it their mission to join the struggle for Chinese Americans’ civil rights and participation in mainstream society. Young’s family led that effort by example as one of the first Chinese families to buy a home in defiance of racially-restrictive covenants against homeownership in San Francisco’s Richmond District (See the story here: https://www.outsidelands.org/chinese-in-the-richmond-alfred-john-young-and-connie-young-yu.php)
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Left to right: Janey Young Cheu, Connie Young Yu, Mary Lee Young, Lt. Col. John C. Young, and Alfred John Young in the Young family house at 674 37th Avenue, circa 1952. (Courtesy of Al Young)
With the onset of the Cold War and actual armed conflict on the Korean peninsula, Chinese American leaders sensed that the path toward progress and acceptance of Chinese Americans had been jeopardized by the People’s Republic of China’s deploying troops to support North Korea’s military against UN forces.
As a commander of the American Legion Post #384 (Cathay Post), John Young and his fellow veterans spearheaded a proposal to erect a war memorial to the fallen Chinese American Veterans of World War I and World War II.
In 1951, the same year in which the Native Sons added the names of 16 white members who had died in World War II to the plaque on the rock pedestal of the Doughboy Statue, Chinese American veterans’ proposal to honor their fallen comrades in Chinatown gained acceptance.
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Members of the VFW Chinatown post and Cathay Post no. 384 of the American Legion huddle and review conceptual drawings for a St. Mary’s Square monument with San Francisco Mayor Elmer Robinson in the Mayor’s office in City Hall, c. 1951. Standing (left to right): Lim P. Lee, Peter H. Wong (unidentified veteran), Shaw Pange, Charles Leong, and Joseph Quan. Sitting: John C. Young, Mayor Elmer Robinson, and James Hall. Photographer unknown (from the collection of the late Col. John C. Young and his daughter Connie Young Yu).
Before 1951, a large and dramatic stainless steel statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, designed local sculptor Benny Bufano, represented the principal statuary in St. Mary's Square.
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St. Mary's Square Nov 12, 1943. In this view of St. Mary's Square, looking north toward Old St. Mary's Church, members of San Francisco’s Chinese community bow before the statue of Sun Yat Sen on the occasion of Dr. Sun’s birthday. Among those attending the ceremony was Tse Kiong Sun, grandson of Sun Yat Sen. Photographer unknown (Courtesy of a private collector).
According to historian Phil Choy, the statue had been commissioned by the Chinese Six Companies to commemorate October 10, 1911, the day Dr. Sun's revolutionary party overthrew the Manchu government and established the Republic of China. As Choy wrote in 2012:
“For almost a century, October 10th, known by the Chinese as “Ten Ten,” was a major day of celebration in the community. Banners stretched across Grant Avenue. Organized by the Chinese Six Companies, drum & bugle corps and pupils from every Chinese language school dutifully paraded through the streets. Today the celebration no longer has 100% community support. Members of the Chinese Six Companies are divided; some still embrace the Kuomintang (KMT) Party of the former Republic of China (now the Taiwanese Government), while others support the People’s Republic of China.”
The efforts by the Chinese community’s veterans and supporters to honor the fallen of two world wars culminated in 1951 with the installation of the memorial plaque still seen today in St. Mary's Square. (A recounting of the memorial's dedication and other recollections by the daughter of one of the leaders in the effort to establish the monument, historian Connie Young Yu, may be heard here. (https://chiamgi.substack.com/p/col-john-c-young-profile?triedRedirect=true)
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“Soldiers firing salute at dedication of memorial to deceased Chinese-American veterans at St. Mary's Square,” May 28, 1951. Mayor Elmer Robinson stands at center in dark suit. Photographer Unknown (Examiner Negative Collection / courtesy of a private collector)
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A large crowd attended the dedication ceremonies for the Chinese veterans memorial at St Mary’s Square on May 28, 1951. An Army band is seated with musical instruments, and members of the Chinatown Boy Scouts troop appear in the right foreground. Photographer unknown (form a private collection).
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Civic leader and president of the Wing Nien Soy Sauce Co. Col. John C. Young (ret.) speaks to the crowd assembled on May 28, 1951, for the dedication of the memorial to Chinese American service personnel killed during the First and Second World Wars. His speech to the crowd occurred in the presence of his former commanding officer, General Albert Wedemeyer, under whom Young served as a heavy weapons officer in the China-Burma-India theater of operations.
If the irony of Chinese Americans' entering the US armed forces during wartime was apparent, it was never expressed publicly by those who had served honorably. Native-born, as well immigrants ineligible to naturalize as citizens by punitive immigration laws, had answered the call to service for an America that had, for most of the previous century, robbed, murdered, burned, lynched, taxed, and excluded the pioneer generations, while building much of the political economy of the American West on the strength of Asian labor.
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Veterans from Chinatown's American Legion Cathay Post 384 and VFW Chinatown Post 4618 assembled on Memorial Day 2016 in front of the WW I and II memorial plaque in St. Mary’s Square to commemorate the Chinese American fallen in all the nation’s conflicts and wars. Photograph by Doug Chan.
The numbers of Chinese Americans KIA and MIA from the world wars remain imprecise. The honored dead, including Medal of Honor recipient Capt. Francis B. Wai are, and will be, remembered in perpetuity for their extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty. For others, such as Lt. Kenneth Kai-Kee, the memories, grief and loss of those he left behind have already faded with the passing of family, friends, and loved ones.
The passage of time confers on community historians the duty to impart to each new generation the mission to remember the wartime sacrifices of Chinese America's sons and daughters. The debt to those who gave the last full measure of devotion must be honored in perpetuity.
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Photograph by Doug Chan.
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taylors-husband · 2 years ago
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Taylor Swift Headlining Tours List.
Concert Tours.
Fearless Tour: 23 April, 2009 - 10 July, 2010.
Speak Now World Tour: 9 February, 2011 - 18 March, 2012.
The Red Tour: 13 March, 2013 - 12 June, 2014.
The 1989 World Tour: 5 May, 2015 - 12 December, 2015.
Reputation Stadium Tour: 8 May, 2018 - 21 November, 2018.
Lover Fest: 5 April, 2020 - 1 August, 2020. (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
The Eras Tour: 17 March, 2023 - 23 November, 2024.
Total number of concerts: 572.
Total number of postponed concerts: 8
Total number of cancelled concerts: 18.
Argentina (3).
Buenos Aires (3).
9 November, 2023 - Estadio River Plate.
10 November, 2023 - Estadio River Plate.
11 November, 2023 - Estadio River Plate.
Australia (34).
New South Wales (12).
Newcastle (1).
8 February, 2010 - Newcastle Entertainment Centre.
Sydney (11).
6 February, 2010 - Acer Arena.
7 February, 2010 - Acer Arena.
9 March, 2012 - Allphones Arena.
10 March, 2012 - Allphones Arena.
4 December, 2013 - Allianz Stadium.
28 November, 2015 - ANZ Stadium.
2 November, 2018 - ANZ Stadium.
23 February, 2024 - Accor Stadium.
24 February, 2024 - Accor Stadium.
25 February, 2024 - Accor Stadium.
26 February, 2024 - Accor Stadium.
Queensland (7).
Brisbane (7).
4 February, 2010 - Brisbane Entertainment Centre.
6 March, 2012 - Brisbane Entertainment Centre.
7 March, 2012 - Brisbane Entertainment Centre.
7 December, 2013 - Suncorp Stadium.
5 December, 2015 - Brisbane, Queensland (Australia) - Suncorp Stadium.
6 November, 2018 - The Gabba.
South Australia (4).
Adelaide (4).
12 February, 2010 - Adelaide Entertainment Centre.
4 March, 2012 - Adelaide Entertainment Centre.
7 December, 2015 - Adelaide Entertainment Centre.
8 December, 2015 - Adelaide Entertainment Centre.
Victoria (12).
Melbourne (12).
10 February, 2010 - Rod Laver Arena.
11 February, 2010 - Rod Laver Arena.
12 March, 2012 - Rod Laver Arena.
13 March, 2012 - Rod Laver Arena.
14 March, 2012 - Rod Laver Arena.
14 December, 2013 - Etihad Stadium.
10 December, 2015 - AAMI Park.
11 December, 2015 - AAMI Park.
26 October, 2018 - Marvel Stadium.
16 February, 2024 - Melbourne Cricket Ground.
17 February, 2024 - Melbourne Cricket Ground.
18 February, 2024 - Melbourne Cricket Ground.
Western Australia (3).
Perth (3).
2 March, 2012 - Burswood Dome.
11 December, 2013 - nib Stadium.
19 October, 2018 - Optus Stadium.
Austria (3).
Vienna (3).
8 August, 2024 - Ernst-Happel-Stadion.
9 August, 2024 - Ernst-Happel-Stadion.
10 August, 2024 - Ernst-Happel-Stadion.
The Bahamas (1).
Paradise Island (1).
19 June, 2010 - Imperial Ballroom.
Brazil (6, 2 cancelled).
Rio de Janiero (3).
17 November, 2023 - Estadio Nilton Santos.
18 November, 2023 - Estadio Nilton Santos.
19 November, 2023 - Estadio Nilton Santos.
Sao Paulo (3, 2 cancelled).
18 July, 2020 - Allianz Parque. (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
19 July, 2020 - Allianz Parque. (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
24 November, 2023 - Allianz Parque.
25 November, 2023 - Allianz Parque.
26 November, 2023 - Allianz Parque.
Belgium (1, 1 cancelled).
Brussels (1).
6 March, 2011 - Forest National.
Werchter (1 cancelled).
20 June, 2020 - Werchter Boutique (Festivalpark). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Canada (36).
Alberta (8).
Calgary (1).
8 July, 2009 - Pengrowth Saddledome.
Edmonton (7).
9 July, 2009 - Commonwealth Country (Commonwealth Stadium).
18 August, 2011 - Rexall Place.
19 August, 2011 - Rexall Place.
25 June, 2013 - Rexall Place.
26 June, 2013 - Rexall Place.
4 August, 2015 - Rexall Place.
5 August, 2015 - Rexall Place.
British Columbia (4).
Vancouver (4).
10 September, 2011 - Rogers Arena.
11 September, 2011 - Rogers Arena.
29 June, 2013 - BC Place Stadium.
1 August, 2015 - BC Place Stadium.
Manitoba (2).
Winnipeg (2).
11 July, 2009 - MTS Centre.
22 June, 2013 - Investors Group Field.
Ontario (18).
Ottawa (2).
20 May, 2010 - Scotiabank Place.
6 July, 2015 - Canadian Tire Centre.
Toronto (10).
21 May, 2010 - Air Canada Center.
22 May, 2010 - Air Canada Center.
15 July, 2011 - Rogers Centre.
16 July, 2011 - Rogers Centre.
14 June, 2013 - Rogers Centre.
15 June, 2013 - Rogers Centre.
2 October, 2015 - Rogers Centre.
3 October, 2015 - Rogers Centre.
3 August, 2018 - Rogers Centre.
4 August, 2018 - Rogers Centre.
14 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
15 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
16 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
21 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
22 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
23 November, 2024 - Rogers Centre.
Prince Edward Island (1).
Cavendish (1).
10 July, 2010 - Cavendish Beach Music Festival 2010 (Cavendish Beach Festival Grounds).
Quebec (2).
Montreal (2).
14 July, 2011 - Bell Centre.
7 July, 2015 - Bell Centre.
Saskatchewan (1).
Craven (1).
10 July, 2009 - Craven Country Jamboree (Big Valley Park).
China (4).
Shanghai (4).
30 May, 2014 - Mercedes-Benz Arena.
10 November, 2015 - Mercedes-Benz Arena.
11 November, 2015 - Mercedes-Benz Arena.
12 November, 2015 - Mercedes-Benz Arena.
Denmark (1 cancelled).
Roskilde (1 cancelled).
1 July, 2020 - Roskilde Festival (Roskilde Fairgrounds). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
England (29, 2 cancelled).
Birmingham (1).
22 March, 2011 - LG Arena.
Chelmsford (1).
22 August, 2009 - V Festival (Hylands Park).
13 June, 2024 - Anfield.
14 June, 2024 - Anfield.
15 June, 2024 - Anfield.
London (12, 1 cancelled).
6 May, 2009 - Shepherd’s Bush Empire.
7 May, 2009 - Shepherd’s Bush Empire.
23 November, 2009 - Wembley Arena.
30 March, 2011 - The O2 Arena.
1 February, 2014 - The O2 Arena.
2 February, 2014 - The O2 Arena.
4 February, 2014 - The O2 Arena.
10 February, 2014 - The O2 Arena.
11 February, 2014 - The O2 Arena.
27 June, 2015 - British Summertime (Hyde Park).
22 June, 2018 - Wembley Stadium.
23 June, 2018 - Wembley Stadium.
11 July, 2020 - British Summer Time (Hyde Park). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
21 June, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
22 June, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
23 June, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
15 August, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
16 August, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
17 August, 2024 - Wembley Stadium.
Manchester (5).
24 November, 2009 - Manchester Evening News Arena.
29 March, 2011 - Manchester Evening News Arena.
24 June, 2015 - Phones 4u Arena Manchester.
8 June, 2018 - Etihad Stadium.
9 June, 2018 - Etihad Stadium.
Pilton (1 cancelled).
28 June, 2020 - Glastonbury Festival (Worthy Farm). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Staffordshire (1).
23 August, 2009 - V Festival (Weston Park).
France (7, 1 cancelled).
Lyon (2).
2 June, 2024 - Groupama Stadium.
3 June, 2024 - Groupama Stadium.
Nîmes (1 cancelled).
5 July, 2020 - Festival de Nîmes (Arena of Nîmes). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Paris (5).
17 March, 2011 - Le Zénith.
9 May 2024 - Paris La Défense Arena.
10 May 2024 - Paris La Défense Arena.
11 May 2024 - Paris La Défense Arena.
12 May 2024 - Paris La Défense Arena.
Germany (11, 2 cancelled)
Berlin (1, 1 cancelled).
7 February, 2014 - O2 World.
24 June, 2020 - The Waldbühne. (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Cologne (2).
19 June, 2015 - Lanxess Arena.
20 June, 2015 - Lanxess Arena.
Gelsenkirchen (3).
17 July, 2024 - VELTINS-Arena.
18 July, 2024 - VELTINS-Arena.
19 July, 2024 - VELTINS-Arena.
Hamburg (2).
23 July, 2024 - Volksparkstadion.
24 July, 2024 - Volksparkstadion.
Munich (2, 1 cancelled).
14 March, 2011 - Olympiahalle. (Cancelled due to overlapping of promotional activities. When this concert was cancelled, ticketholders were given the opportunity to attend the Oberhausen concert).
27 July, 2024 - Olympiastadion.
28 July, 2024 - Olympiastadion.
Oberhausen (1).
12 March, 2011 - Konig-Pilsener Arena.
Hong Kong (1).
21 February, 2011 - AsiaWorld-Arena.
Indonesia (1).
Jakarta (1).
4 June, 2014 - Mata Elang International Stadium.
Italy (3).
Milan (3).
15 March, 2011 - Mediolabum Forum.
13 July, 2024 - San Siro Stadium.
14 July, 2024 - San Siro Stadium.
Ireland (8).
Dublin (8).
27 March, 2011 - The O2.
29 June, 2015 - 3Arena.
30 June, 2015 - 3Arena.
15 June, 2018 - Croke Park.
16 June, 2018 - Croke Park.
28 June, 2024 - Aviva Stadium.
29 June, 2024 - Aviva Stadium.
30 June, 2024 - Aviva Stadium.
Japan (13).
Osaka (1).
13 February, 2011 - Osaka-Jo Hall.
Tokyo (12).
17 February, 2010 - Zepp Tokyo.
16 February, 2011 - Nippon Budokan.
17 February, 2011 - Nippon Budokan.
1 June, 2014 - Saitama Super Arena.
5 May, 2015 - TokyoDome.
6 May, 2015 - TokyoDome.
20 November, 2018 - TokyoDome.
21 November, 2018 - TokyoDome.
7 February, 2024 - TokyoDome.
8 February, 2024 - TokyoDome.
9 February, 2024 - TokyoDome.
10 February, 2024 - TokyoDome.
Malaysia (1).
Kuala Lumpur.
11 June, 2014 - Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil.
Mexico (4).
Mexico City (4).
24 August, 2023 - Foro Sol.
25 August, 2023 - Foro Sol.
26 August, 2023 - Foro Sol.
27 August, 2023 - Foro Sol.
Netherlands (6).
Amsterdam (4).
21 June, 2015 - Ziggo Dome.
4 July, 2024 - Johan Cruijff ArenA.
5 July, 2024 - Johan Cruijff ArenA.
6 July, 2024 - Johan Cruijff ArenA.
Rotterdam (1).
7 March, 2011 - Ahoy.
New Zealand (7).
Auckland (7).
16 March, 2012- Vector Arena.
17 March, 2012 - Vector Arena.
18 March, 2012 - Vector Arena.
29 November, 2013 - Vector Arena.
30 November, 2013 - Vector Arena.
1 December, 2013 - Vector Arena.
9 November, 2018 - Mt. Smart Stadium.
Northern Ireland (1).
Belfast (1).
25 March, 2011 - Odyssey Arena.
Norway (1, 1 cancelled).
Oslo (1, 1 cancelled).
9 March, 2011 - Oslo Spektrum.
26 June, 2020 - Oslo Sommertid (Voldøkka). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Philippines (2).
Manila (2).
19 February, 2011 - Smart Araneta Coliseum.
6 June, 2014 - Mall of Asia Arena.
Poland (3, 1 cancelled).
Gdynia (1 cancelled).
3 July, 2020 - Open’er Festival (Babie Doly Airport). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
1 August, 2024 - PGE Narodowy.
2 August, 2024 - PGE Narodowy.
3 August, 2024 - PGE Narodowy.
Portugal (2, 1 cancelled).
Lisbon (2).
24 May, 2024 - Estádio da Luz.
25 May, 2024 - Estádio da Luz.
Oerias (1 cancelled).
9 July, 2020 - Nos Festival (Passeio Marítimo de Algés). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
Scotland (4).
Edinburgh (3).
7 June, 2024 - Murrayfield Stadium
8 June, 2024 - Murrayfield Stadium.
9 June, 2024 - Murrayfield Stadium.
Glasgow (1).
23 June, 2015 - SSE Hydro.
Singapore (11).
9 February, 2011 - Singapore Indoor Stadium.
9 June, 2014 - Singapore Indoor Stadium.
12 June, 2014 - Singapore Indoor Stadium.
7 November, 2015 - Singapore Indoor Stadium.
8 November, 2015 - Singapore Indoor Stadium.
2 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
3 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
4 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
7 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
8 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
9 March, 2024 - National Stadium.
South Korea (1).
Seoul (1).
11 February, 2011 - Olympic Park Gymnastics Arena.
Spain (2, 1 cancelled).
Madrid (2, 1 cancelled).
19 March, 2011 - Palacio de los Deportes.
8 July, 2020 - Mad Cool Festival (IFEMA). (Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic).
30 May, 2024 - Estadio Santiago Bernabéu.
Sweden (3).
Stockholm (3).
17 May, 2024 - Friends Arena.
18 May, 2024 - Friends Arena.
19 May, 2024 - Friends Arena.
Switzerland (2).
Zürich (2).
9 July, 2024 - Stadion Letzigrund Zürich.
10 July, 2024 - Stadion Letzigrund Zürich.
Thailand (1 cancelled).
Bangkok (1 cancelled).
9 June, 2014 - Impact Arena. (Cancelled and moved to Singapore due to the 2014 Thai coup d’etat.
Ticketholders for the Bangkok concert were given the opportunity to attend the Singapore concert.
United States (362, 8 postponed, 4 cancelled).
Alabama (2).
Birmingham (1).
11 September, 2009 - BJCC Arena.
Enterprise (1).
4 June, 2009 - BamaJam Farms.
Arizona (10).
Phoenix/Glendale (10).
21 May, 2009 - Jobing(dot)com Arena.
21 October, 2011 - Jobing(dot)com Arena.
22 October, 2011 - Jobing(dot)com Arena.
28 May, 2013 - Jobing(dot)com Arena.
29 May, 2013 - Jobing(dot)com Arena.
17 August, 2015 - Gila River Arena.
18 August, 2015 - Gila River Arena.
8 May, 2018 - University Of Phoenix Stadium.
17 March, 2023 - State Farm Stadium.
18 March, 2023 - State Farm Stadium.
Arkansas (3).
Jonesboro (1).
24 April, 2009 - ASU Convocation Center.
Little Rock (2).
26 September, 2009 - Verizon Arena.
4 October, 2011 - Verizon Arena.
California (38, 4 cancelled).
Fresno (1).
10 April, 2010 - Save Mart Center at Fresno State.
Inglewood/Los Angeles/Pasadena (23, 2 cancelled).
22 May, 2009 - Staples Center.
15 April, 2010 - Staples Center.
16 April, 2010 - Staples Center.
23 August, 2011 - Staples Center.
24 August, 2011 - Staples Center.
27 August, 2011 - Staples Center.
28 August, 2011 - Staples Center.
19 August, 2013 - Staples Center.
20 August, 2013 - Staples Center.
23 August, 2013 - Staples Center.
24 August, 2013 - Staples Center.
21 August, 2015 - Staples Center.
22 August, 2015 - Staples Center.
25 August, 2015 - Staples Center.
26 August, 2015 – Staples Center.
18 May, 2018 - Rose Bowl.
19 May, 2018 - Rose Bowl.
25 July, 2020 - Lover Fest West (Sofi Stadium). Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
26 July, 2020 - Lover Fest West (Sofi Stadium). Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
3 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
4 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
5 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
7 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
8 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
9 August, 2023 - SoFi Stadium.
Sacramento (2).
3 September, 2011 - Power Balance Pavilion.
27 August, 2013 - Sleep Train Arena.
San Diego (4).
24 May, 2009 - San Diego Sports Arena.
20 October, 2011 - Valley View Casino Center.
15 August, 2013 - Valley View Casino Center.
29 August, 2015 - PETCO Park.
San Jose/Santa Clara (8).
11 April, 2010 - HP Pavilion.
1 September, 2011 - HP Pavilion.
2 September, 2011 - HP Pavilion.
15 August, 2015 - Levi’s Stadium.
11 May, 2018 - Levi’s Stadium.
12 May, 2018 - Levi’s Stadium.
28 July, 2023 - Levi’s Stadium.
29 July, 2023 - Levi’s Stadium.
Colorado (9).
Denver (9).
6 April, 2010 - Pepsi Center.
7 April, 2010 - Pepsi Center.
27 September, 2011 - Pepsi Center.
2 June, 2013 - Pepsi Center.
5 September, 2015 - Pepsi Center.
6 September, 2015 - Pepsi Center.
25 May, 2018 - Sports Authority Field At Mile High.
14 July, 2023 - Empower Field at Mile High.
15 July, 2023 - Empower Field at Mile High.
Connecticut (2).
Hartford (1).
22 June, 2011 - XL Center.
Uncasville (1).
28 August, 2009 - Mohegan Sun Arena.
Florida (24).
Ft. Lauderdale (3).
7 March, 2010 - BankAtlantic Center.
2 June, 2011 - BankAtlantic Center.
3 June, 2011 - BankAtlantic Arena.
Jacksonville (2).
1 May, 2009 - Veterans Memorial Arena.
11 November, 2011 - Veterans Memorial Arena.
Miami (7).
13 November, 2011 - American Airlines Arena.
10 April, 2013 - American Airlines Arena.
27 October, 2015 - American Airlines Arena.
18 August, 2018 - Hard Rock Stadium.
18 October, 2024 - Hard Rock Stadium.
19 October, 2024 - Hard Rock Stadium.
20 October, 2024 - Hard Rock Stadium.
Orlando (4).
5 March, 2010 - Amway Arena.
4 June, 2011 - Amway Center.
11 April, 2013 - Amway Center.
12 April, 2013 - Amway Center.
Tampa (8).
4 March, 2010 - St. Pete Times Forum.
12 November, 2011 - St. Pete Times Forum.
20 April, 2013 - Tampa Bay Times Forum.
31 October, 2015 - Raymond James Stadium.
14 August, 2018 - Raymond James Stadium.
13 April, 2023 - Raymond James Stadium.
14 April, 2023 - Raymond James Stadium.
15 April, 2023 - Raymond James Stadium.
Georgia (10).
Atlanta (10, 2 postponed, 1 cancelled).
9 July, 2011 - Phillips Arena. This concert was postponed because Taylor had bronchitis.
10 July, 2011 - Phillips Arena. This concert was postponed because Taylor had bronchitis.
1 October, 2011 - Phillips Arena.
2 October, 2011 - Phillips Arena.
18 April, 2013 - Phillips Arena.
19 April, 2013 - Phillips Arena.
24 October, 2015 - Georgia Dome.
10 August, 2018 - Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
11 August, 2018 - Mercedes Benz Stadium.
5 April, 2020 - Capital One Jam Fest (Centenial Olympic Park). Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
28 April, 2023 - Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
29 April, 2023 - Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
30 April, 2023 - Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
Idaho (1).
Boise (1).
17 May, 2009 - Idaho Center.
Illinois (13).
Chicago (12).
9 October, 2009 - Allstate Arena.
10 October, 2009 - Allstate Arena.
9 August, 2011 - Allstate Arena.
10 August, 2011 - Allstate Arena.
10 August, 2013 - Soldier Field.
18 July, 2015 - Soldier Field.
19 July, 2015 - Soldier Field.
1 June, 2018 - Soldier Field.
2 June, 2018 - Soldier Field.
2 June, 2023 - Soldier Field.
3 June, 2023 - Soldier Field.
4 June, 2023 - Soldier Field.
Moline (1).
8 May, 2010 - i Wireless Center.
Indiana (9).
Indianapolis (8).
8 October, 2009 - Conseco Fieldhouse.
29 July, 2011 - Conseco Fieldhouse.
26 April, 2013 - Bankers Life Arena.
16 September, 2015 - Bankers Life Fieldhouse.
15 September, 2018 - Lucas Oil Stadium.
1 November, 2024 - Lucas Oil Stadium.
2 November, 2024 - Lucas Oil Stadium.
3 November, 2024 - Lucas Oil Stadium.
Evansville (1).
23 April, 2009 - Roberts Municipal Stadium.
Iowa (4).
Des Moines (4).
6 May, 2010 - Wells Fargo Arena.
29 May, 2011 - Wells Fargo Arena.
1 August, 2013 - Wells Fargo Arena.
8 October, 2015 - Wells Fargo Arena.
Kansas (2).
Wichita (2).
1 April, 2010 - Intrust Bank Arena.
6 August, 2013 - Intrust Bank Arena.
Kentucky (9, 1 postponed).
Lexington (4).
29 April, 2010 - Rupp Arena.
29 October, 2011 - Rupp Arena.
27 April, 2013 - Rupp Arena.
20 October, 2015 - Rupp Arena.
Louisville (5, 1 postponed).
30 August, 2009 - Kentucky State Fair (Freedom Hall).
2 July, 2011 - KFC Yum! Center. This concert was postponed because Taylor had bronchitis.
11 October, 2011 - KFC Yum! Center.
7 May, 2013 - KFC Yum! Center.
2 June, 2015 - KFC Yum! Center.
30 June, 2018 - Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium.
Louisiana (13).
Baton Rouge (2).
29 May, 2010 - Bayou Country Superfest (LSU Tiger Stadium).
22 May, 2015 - Baton Rouge, Louisiana (United States) - LSU Tiger Stadium.
Bossier City (3).
10 September, 2009 - CenturyTel Center.
20 September, 2011 - CenturyLink Center.
20 May, 2015 - CenturyLink Center.
Lafayette (1).
9 September, 2009 - Cajundome.
New Orleans (5).
5 October, 2011 - New Orleans Arena.
22 September, 2018 - Mercedes-Benz Superdome.
25 October, 2024 - Caesars Superdome.
26 October, 2024 - Caesars Superdome.
27 October, 2024 - Caesars Superdome.
Maryland (3).
Baltimore (1).
11 June, 2009 - Merriweather Post Pavillion.
Landover (2).
10 July, 2018 - FedEx Field.
11 July, 2018 - FedEx Field.
Massachusetts (13, 2 cancelled).
Foxborough (13, 2 cancelled).
5 June, 2010 - Gillette Stadium.
25 June, 2011 - Gillette Stadium.
26 June, 2011 - Gillette Stadium.
26 July, 2013 - Gillette Stadium.
27 July, 2013 - Gillette Stadium.
24 July, 2015 - Gillette Stadium.
25 July, 2015 - Gillette Stadium.
26 July, 2018 - Gilette Stadium.
27 July, 2018 - Gillette Stadium.
28 July, 2018 - Gillette Stadium.
31 July, 2020 - Lover Fest East (Gilette Stadium). Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
1 August, 2020 - Lover Fest East (Gilette Stadium). Cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
19 May, 2023 - Gillette Stadium.
20 May, 2023 - Gillette Stadium
21 May, 2023 - Gillette Stadium.
Michigan (10).
Detroit (8).
26 March, 2010 - The Palace of Auburn Hills.
27 March, 2010 - The Palace of Auburn Hills.
11 June, 2011 - Ford Field.
4 May, 2013 - Ford Field.
30 May, 2015 - Ford Field.
28 August, 2018 - Ford Field.
9 June, 2023 - Ford Field.
10 June, 2023 - Ford Field.
Grand Rapids (2).
2 October, 2009 - Van Andel Arena.
28 July, 2011 - Van Andel Arena.
Minnesota (15).
Detroit Lakes (1).
7 August, 2009 - WE Fest (Soo Pass Ranch).
Duluth (1).
3 September, 2009 - Arena at Gwinett Center.
Minneapolis/St. Paul (13).
11 October, 2009 - Target Center.
7 May, 2010 - Xcel Energy Center.
14 June, 2011 - Xcel Energy Center.
15 June, 2011 - Xcel Energy Center.
7 September, 2013 - Xcel Energy Center.
8 September, 2013 - Xcel Energy Center.
11 September, 2015 - Xcel Energy Center.
12 September, 2015 - Xcel Energy Center.
13 September, 2015 - Xcel Energy Center.
31 August, 2018 - U.S. Bank Stadium.
1 September, 2018 - U.S. Bank Stadium.
23 June, 2023 - U.S. Bank Stadium.
24 June, 2023 - U.S. Bank Stadium.
Mississippi (1).
Biloxi (1).
2 May, 2009 - Mississippi Coast Coliseum.
Missouri (17, 2 postponed).
Kansas City (9).
2 April, 2010 - Sprint Center.
24 September, 2011 - Arrowhead Stadium.
2 August, 2013 - Sprint Center.
3 August, 2013 - Sprint Center.
21 September, 2015 - Sprint Center.
22 September, 2015 - Sprint Center.
8 September, 2018 - Arrowhead Stadium.
7 July, 2023 - GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium.
8 July, 2023 - GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium.
St. Louis (8, 2 postponed).
25 April, 2009 - Scottrade Center.
13 August, 2011 - Scottrade Center.
14 August, 2011 - Scottrade Center.
18 March, 2013 - Scottrade Center.
19 March, 2013 - Scottrade Center.
28 September, 2015 - Scottrade Center.
29 September, 2015 - Scottrade Center.
13 October, 2015 - St. Louis, Missouri (United States) - Scottrade Center. Postponed and moved forward by a month after Houston was added to the schedule.
Originally, the St. Louis shows downsized from two to one after Houston was added but the second show was added again due to overwhelming demand.
14 October, 2015 - St. Louis, Missouri (United States) - Scottrade Center. Postponed and moved forward by a month after Houston was added to the schedule.
Originally, the St. Louis shows downsized from two to one after Houston was added but the second show was added again due to overwhelming demand.
18 September, 2018 - The Dome of America’s Center.
Nebraska (7).
Omaha (7).
9 August, 2009 - Qwest Center.
27 May, 2011 - Qwest Center.
28 May, 2011 - Qwest Center.
13 March, 2013 - CenturyLink Center.
14 March, 2013 - CenturyLink Center.
9 October, 2015 - CenturyLink Center.
10 October, 2015 - CenturyLink Center.
Nevada (4).
Las Vegas (4).
23 May, 2009 - Mandalay Bay Events Center.
15 May, 2015 - Rock In Rio (Las Vegas Festival Grounds).
24 March, 2023 - Allegiant Stadium.
25 March, 2023 - Allegiant Stadium.
New Jersey (18).
East Rutherford (9).
13 July, 2013 - MetLife Stadium.
10 July, 2015 - Metlife Stadium.
11 July, 2015 - MetLife Stadium.
20 July, 2018 - Metlife Stadium.
21 July, 2018 - MetLife Stadium.
22 July, 2018 - MetLife Stadium.
26 May, 2023 - Metlife Stadium.
27 May, 2023 - Metlife Stadium.
28 May, 2023 - MetLife Stadium.
Newark (9).
12 May, 2010 - Prudential Center.
13 May, 2010 - Prudential Center.
19 July, 2011 - Prudential Center.
20 July, 2011 - Prudential Center.
23 July, 2011 - Prudential Center.
24 July, 2011- Prudential Center.
27 March, 2013 - Prudential Center.
28 March, 2013 - Prudential Center.
29 March, 2013 - Prudential Center.
New York (6).
Buffalo (1).
21 June, 2011 - HSBC Arena.
New York City (3).
27 August, 2009 - Madison Square Garden.
21 November, 2011 - Madison Square Garden.
22 November, 2011 - Madison Square Garden.
Uniondale (2).
14 May, 2010 - Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
15 May, 2010 - Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
North Carolina (10, 1 postponed).
Charlotte (3, 1 postponed).
5 September, 2009 - Time Warner Cable Arena.
8 July, 2011 - Time Warner Cable Arena. This concert was postponed because Taylor had bronchitis.
16 November, 2011 - Time Warner Cable Arena.
22 March, 2013 - Time Warner Cable Arena.
Raleigh (2).
13 September, 2013 - PNC Arena.
9 June, 2015 - PNC Arena.
Greensboro (5).
12 June, 2009 - Greensboro Coliseum.
30 June, 2011 - Greensboro Coliseum.
12 September, 2013 - Greensboro Coliseum.
13 September, 2013 - Greensboro Coliseum.
21 October, 2015 - Greensboro Coliseum.
North Charleston (1).
30 April, 2009 - North Charleston Coliseum.
Raleigh (2).
1 May, 2010 - RBC Center.
17 November, 2011 - RBC Center.
North Dakota (3).
Fargo (2, 1 postponed).
6 September, 2013 - Fargodome.
9 September, 2015 - Fargodome. This concert was postponed and swapped with the concert in Houston in case the MLB team the Houston Astros needed Minute Maid Park for the 2015 baseball post season.
12 October, 2015 - Fargodome.
Minot (1).
25 July, 2009 - North Dakota State Fair (North Dakota State Fair Grandstand).
Ohio (14).
Cincinatti (3).
28 March, 2010 - U.S. Bank Arena.
30 June, 2023 - Paycor Stadium.
1 July, 2023 - Paycor Stadium.
Cleveland (5).
3 October, 2009 - Quicken Loans Arena.
30 July, 2011 - Quicken Loans Arena.
25 April, 2013 - Quicken Loans Arena.
3 June, 2015 - Quicken Loans Arena.
17 July, 2018 - Cleveland, Ohio (United States) - First Energy Stadium.
Columbus (6).
17 July, 2009 - Value City Arena.
7 June, 2011 - Nationwide Arena.
8 May, 2013 - Nationwide Arena.
17 September, 2015 - Nationwide Arena.
18 September, 2015 - Nationwide Arena.
7 July, 2018 - Ohio Stadium.
Oklahoma (5).
Oklahoma City (2).
31 March, 2010 - Ford Center.
15 October, 2011 - Chesapeake Arena.
Tulsa (3).
27 September, 2009 - BOK Center.
21 September, 2011 - BOK Center.
7 August, 2013 - BOK Center.
Oregon (3).
Portland (3).
16 May, 2009 - Rose Garden Arena.
6 September, 2011 - Rose Garden Arena.
30 August, 2013 - Moda Center.
Pennsylvania (20).
Philadelphia (12).
18 March, 2010 - Wachovia Center.
19 March, 2010 - Wachovia Center.
6 August, 2011 - Lincoln Financial Field.
19 July, 2013 - Lincoln Financial Field.
20 July, 2013 - Lincoln Financial Field.
12 June, 2015 - Lincoln Financial Field.
13 June, 2015 - Lincoln Financial Field.
13 July, 2018 - Lincoln Financial Field,
14 July, 2018 - Lincoln Financial Field.
12 May, 2023 - Lincoln Financial Field.
13 May, 2023 - Lincoln Financial Field.
14 May, 2023 - Lincoln Financial Field.
Pittsburgh (7).
1 October, 2009 - Mellon Arena.
18 June, 2011 - Heinz Field.
6 July, 2013 - Heinz Field.
6 June, 2015 - Heinz Field.
7 August, 2018 - Heinz Field.
16 June, 2023 - Acrisure Stadium.
17 June, 2023 - Acrisure Stadium.
University Park (1).
29 August, 2009 - Bryce Jordan Center.
South Carolina (4).
Columbia (3).
30 April, 2010 - Colonial Life Arena.
18 November, 2011 - Colonial Life Arena.
23 March, 2013 - Colonial Life Arena.
Greenville (1).
4 September, 2009 - BI-LO Center.
South Dakota (1).
Rapid City (1).
24 July, 2009 - Rushmore Plaza Civic Center.
Tennessee (14).
Knoxville (1).
1 July, 2011 - Thompson-BolingArena.
Memphis (1).
30 October, 2011 - FedEx Forum.
Nashville (12).
12 September, 2009 - Sommet Center.
16 September, 2011 - Bridgestone Arena.
17 September, 2011 - Bridgestone Arena.
19 September, 2013 - Bridgestone Arena.
20 September, 2013 - Bridgestone Arena.
21 September, 2013 - Bridgestone Arena.
25 September, 2015 - Bridgestone Arena.
26 September, 2015 - Bridgestone Arena.
25 August, 2018 - Nissan Stadium.
5 May, 2023 - Nissan Stadium.
6 May, 2023 - Nissan Stadium.
7 May, 2023 - Nissan Stadium.
Texas (26, 1 postponed).
Arlington/Dallas (10).
25 September, 2009 - American Airlines Center.
11 March, 2010 - American Airlines Center.
8 October, 2011 - Cowboys Stadium.
25 May, 2013 - Cowboys Stadium.
17 October, 2015 - AT&T Stadium.
5 October, 2018 - AT&T Stadium.
6 October, 2018 - AT&T Stadium.
31 March, 2023 - AT&T Stadium.
1 April, 2023 - AT&T Stadium.
2 April, 2023 - AT&T Stadium.
Austin (3).
10 March, 2010 - Frank Erwin Center.
26 October, 2011 - Frank Erwin Center.
21 May, 2013 - Frank Erwin Center.
Corpus Christi (1).
12 March, 2010 - American Bank Center Arena.
Houston (9).
25 May, 2010 - Toyota Center.
26 May, 2010 - Toyota Center.
5 November, 2011 - Minute Maid Park.
16 May, 2013 - Toyota Center.
9 September, 2015 - Minute Maid Park.
12 October, 2015 - Minute Maid Park. This concert was postponed and swapped with the concert in Fargo in case the MLB team the Houston Astros needed Minute Maid Park for the 2015 baseball post season.
29 September, 2018 - NRG Stadium.
21 April, 2023 - NRG Stadium.
23 April, 2023 - NRG Stadium.
22 April, 2023 - NRG Stadium.
Lubbock (1).
14 October, 2011 - United Spirit Arena.
San Antonio (2).
25 October, 2011 - AT&T Center.
22 May, 2013 - AT&T Center.
Utah (4).
Salt Lake City (4).
26 May, 2009 - EnergySolutions Arena.
28 September, 2011 - EnergySolutions Arena.
1 June, 2013 - EnergySolutions Arena.
4 September, 2015 - EnergySolutions Arena.
Virginia (2).
20 March, 2010 - John Paul Jones Arena.
14 September, 2013 - John Paul Jones Arena
Washington (8).
Seattle/Tacoma (7).
15 May, 2009 - KeyArena.
7 September, 2011 - Tacoma Dome.
31 August, 2013 - Tacoma Dome.
8 August, 2015 - CenturyLink Field.
22 May, 2018 - CenturyLink Field.
22 July, 2023 - Lumen Field.
23 May, 2023 - Lumen Field.
Spokane (1).
14 May, 2009 - Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena.
Washington, DC (8).
1 June, 2010 - Verizon Center.
2 June, 2010 - Verizon Center.
2 August, 2011 - Verizon Center.
3 August, 2011 - Verizon Center.
11 May, 2013 - Verizon Center.
12 May, 2013 - Verizon Center.
13 July, 2015 - Nationals Park.
14 July, 2015 - Nationals Park.
West Virginia (1).
Charleston (1).
18 July, 2009 - Charleston Civic Center.
Wisconsin (4).
Cadott (1).
25 June, 2009 - Country Fest 2009 (Chippewa Valley Festival Grounds).
Milwaukee (1).
8 June, 2011 - Bradley Center.
Oshkosh (1).
24 June, 2009 - Country USA Festival (Ford Festival Park).
Twin Lakes (1).
16 July, 2009 - Country Thunder Festival (Shadow Hill Ranch).
Wyoming (1).
Cheyenne (1).
23 July, 2009 - Cheyenne Frontier Days Arena.
Wales (1).
Cardiff (1).
18 June, 2024 - Principality Stadium.
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yung-rave-d0rk · 1 year ago
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*warning. This post will be a memorial post. scroll past if you want*
Matthew Langford Perry. Born August 19th, 1969 (54) in Williamstown, MA. He played in “Friends, 17 Again, Fools Rush In, Serving Sara” & many more.
He gained international recognition in the 1990s for playing Chandler Bing on the NBC television sitcom Friends (1994–2004), for which he earned a Screen Actors Guild Award. In August 2018, it was reported that Perry underwent abdominal surgery to repair a gastrointestinal perforation. He disclosed in a tweet on September 15, 2018, that he spent three months recovering in hospital, suggesting that the surgery had taken place in June 2018.
Perry became addicted to Vicodin after a jet-ski accident in 1997, and completed a 28-day rehab program that year. His weight fluctuated over the next few years, dropping to 145 pounds (66 kg) due to pancreatitis. He entered rehab in February 2001 for an addiction to Vicodin, methadone, amphetamines, and alcohol. He was filming Serving Sara in Texas when he suffered severe stomach pains, and flew to Los Angeles to check into Marina del Rey's Daniel Freeman Hospital. Perry estimated he had spent $9 million to get sober. He revealed that due to his addiction issues, he did not remember three years of the time he was acting on Friends, between seasons three and six.
In 2011, Perry lobbied Congress as a celebrity spokesperson for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals in support of funding for drug courts. Perry received a Champion of Recovery award in May 2013 from the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy for opening Perry House, a sober living home in his former mansion in Malibu, California. Perry sold the home and shuttered the rehab center in 2015.
After two and a half months in a private rehab center, Perry finally was able to finish Serving Sara and return to Friends, as well as focus on bettering himself. In 2002, he did a number of interviews, explaining his road to recovery and finally getting to a good place.
“ I certainly wasn't a partyer; I just wanted to sit on my couch, take five Vicodin and watch a movie. That was heaven for me. It no longer is.” Perry said he had been clean for 18 months, which means that he was newly drug- and alcohol-free when the “Friends” reunion aired in May 2021.
“My friends call me Matty. And I should be dead.” So begins the riveting story of acclaimed actor Matthew Perry, taking us along on his journey from childhood ambition to fame to addiction and recovery in the aftermath of a life-threatening health scare.
“Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir” a book by Matthew. L. Perry. - November 1st 2022.
On October 28th, 2023. At the age of 54. Matthew Perry was found dead in his hot tub after apparent drowning.
Matthew want just some addict or someone on a screen. He was a son, a brother, and a friend. He made everyone feel special. When people tuned in to watch “FRIENDS” it was like they were actually living there and actually friends with the characters. Matthew made everyone smile. Matthew made Chandler Bing come to life. Matthew made people smile, laugh & cry. He brought joy to many. He will be missed.
Rest in peace Matthew Langford Perry. August 19, 1969 - October 28, 2023. (54)
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writesaboutdragons · 28 days ago
365 Proverbs for Daily Living
Day 20 – The End of the Seductive Path
Entering her house leads to death; it is the road to the grave. (Pro 2:18 NLT)
Read: 2 Samuel 12:1-14
Many years ago, a local interchange onto the expressway was simplified, removing left turn on-ramps, and providing only right-turn access to the interstate. This was about the time we started using Google Maps and Apple Maps to navigate us wherever we went. It became a family joke whenever we approached this intersection, because the audible map service, for years, directed us to go the wrong way. Of course, being locals, we knew better, and ignored the voice until we were on the expressway, and the map service had recalculated our route.
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But those misdirections from GPS aren’t always laughable. On November 25, 2024, three men were traveling in India late at night through Khallpur, on their way to a wedding, when apparently Google Maps led them across the Ramganga River on an incomplete bridge. No barricades blocked their way, and the taxi went off the end, plunging fifty feet into the river. All of them perished. The bridge had been washed away during a recent flood, and though repairs had been under way, they were nowhere near complete. It was a tragedy caused by a combination of the lack of warning signs, low visibility at night, and the fact that Google Maps had not received critical updates to this area of its mapping service since the bridge was washed out.
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Over the last 30 years, GPS has become ubiquitous, and most people depend on it to direct them to and fro. Unfortunately, there have been several cases where people have died via GPS. There are warnings in the Terms and Conditions of both Apple Maps and Google Maps that you are assuming the risk by using their navigation service, and they aren’t liable for death or damage when the service is unavailable, incomplete, or inaccurate.
Just like the world has come to depend heavily on GPS to direct their paths, we’ve come to allow the world to direct our moral compass, too. Our pastor recently shared a clip from the 2018 movie, The Power of the Air, where an African missionary shares with a local pastor in the United States how he feels the church would react if the missionary preached that Sunday, and halfway through the sermon, cursed Jesus. And then a little later, cursed him again. And later in his message, he invited a young couple onstage with him, to begin kissing and taking their clothes off.
He asks the question, how would his church react? Of course, they would run him off the stage and forbid him from preaching there again. Yet 12 hours earlier, many of the congregation were watching just such a presentation in a movie theater. This immediately took me back in time, to when I was just about to enter college, and the movie, Romancing the Stone came out.
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I went to see that movie alone, a young man still trying to get his hormones under control. The movie was rated PG, so it was certainly safe for me to see. I loved the action, the acting of Michael Douglas, Danny DeVito, and Kathleen Turner. It showed a bit more skin than I was used to, which probably contributed heavily to the draw. Ticket prices were about $5, and I saw that movie 21 times, going with various friends or even alone.
I was set to watch it a 22nd time, inviting a good friend to go with me, in front of his dad, who was a pastor. His dad frowned. “I wouldn’t go see that movie.” I considered him a solid Christian, but I hadn’t found anything objectionable and besides, it was rated PG, so it was safe. He stared at me with his head tilted to the side, and said, “They take the Lord’s name in vain 27 times in that movie.”
I was shocked. I hadn’t remembered that at all. So I went to watch it again, ready to enjoy it again just like before. But this time, I noticed every single time they used GD. I started counting. Every time I heard it, I felt sicker at my stomach, until I felt like throwing up. Halfway through the movie, I just got up and walked out, soberly considering what I’d been eating. Not through the mouth, but through the eyes and ears.
This world has steadily desensitized us to the content we watch. We’ve been told that sexual sins, perversions, and sexual freedoms are normal. And because our flesh pulls us in that direction anyway, we’ve bought into it, giving up ground our forebears fought valiantly to maintain. However, while our moral compasses seem to indicate that left of center is center, the Bible is unchanging, and has always been an accurate guide. It warns us where the bridges are out. It tells us where we should not travel. It alerts us that death is waiting, and hell beyond it, and that the unwise will stumble into trouble. Here in Proverbs, it gives us clear direction not to travel this lascivious path. That the perversions and sexual freedoms we’ve taken for granted are a highway to death. And as I stated yesterday, we are all in danger here, and all need to take heed. Even David, who was clearly called a ‘man after God’s own heart’, fell to adultery with Bathsheba, because he was in the wrong place, looking in the wrong direction, stared at another man’s wife, and then forced her. He couldn’t hide it through subterfuge. He couldn’t bury it through murder. He couldn’t legitimize his sin through marriage. It wasn’t until Nathan confronted him, and he confessed and repented, that things looked up. And there were still deadly consequences that bridged several generations. Look, dear Christian. God knows our flesh, that we are weak. But that’s why we have this book of Wisdom, and why we are unpacking a Heart of Wisdom, together.
Lord, help me to have a Heart of Wisdom, today. Amen
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thesociety · 2 months ago
Iran Says 2025 'Important Year' for Nuclear Issue
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Iran, bracing for a possible re-imposition of incoming U.S. president Donald Trump's "maximum pressure" policy, said on Saturday that 2025 would be an important year for its nuclear issue.
Trump in 2018 reneged on a deal struck by his predecessor Barack Obama in 2015 in which Iran agreed to curb uranium enrichment, which can yield material for nuclear weapons, in return for the relaxation of U.S. and U.N. economic sanctions.
"2025 will be an important year regarding Iran's nuclear issue," Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi told reporters in Beijing, adding in remarks aired by Iran's state TV that he had discussed the issue in talks with his Chinese counterpart.
He did not mention Trump by name, however, or spell out how the year might be significant.
Iranian leaders' main concern may be that Trump could empower Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to attack Iran's nuclear sites, while further tightening U.S. sanctions on its crucial oil industry.
The Iranian rial on Saturday hit a new all-time low against the U.S. dollar amid uncertainty about Trump's arrival in the White House on Jan. 20.
The rial plunged to 820,500 to the dollar on the unofficial market, compared to 808,500 rials on Friday, according to Bonbast.com, which reports exchange rates. The bazar360.com website also said the dollar was being sold for about 820,500 rials.
Also facing an inflation rate officially put at about 35%, Iranians seeking to shelter their savings have been buying dollars, other hard currencies, gold or cryptocurrencies, and the rial has dropped about 18% in all since Trump was elected in November.
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