#Ai Mai Mii
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negiwave2000 · 5 months ago
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assortment of animu gril doodlesss ,..... .
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manekinekocake · 9 months ago
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xbuster · 6 months ago
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Popotan (2002) Petit Ferret
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a-frostitty-ninja · 2 years ago
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paexgo-rosa · 1 year ago
Anime Questions #5 - Witch Craft Works
How old were Ai, Mai and Mii?
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mi-i-zori · 9 months ago
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Mii’s Thoughts - Nikolai - 1
CoD - Nikolai x GN!Reader
SYNOPSIS : A thought about Nikolai and his darling meeting thanks to their shared love for heavy metal.
I do not give permission to re-publish, re-use and/or translate my work, be it here or on any other platform, including AI.
Main Masterlist
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I absolutely loved this cutscene with Laswell finding Nikolai tinkering around his helicopter, with heavy metal blasting from his computer. Couldn’t help but laugh at the way she had to actually turn the music off in order to get his attention.
A while ago, I thought about how funny it would be if he met his darling in a similar situation.
What if they had to deliver a message to him, but didn’t dare turn the music down or off ? They try to get his attention without invading his space, but the guy is so focused on what he is doing that all their efforts end up being useless. They really like the music though, so when they get tired of straining their voice and notice they have unintentionally been swaying along its rhythm, they decide to keep going for a few seconds.
Only for Nikolai to finally step out of the helicopter.
As soon as he spots them, he stops dead in his tracks, instincts on high alert. But he quickly realises they’re just vibing, bobbing up and down with a smile on their face. He ends up being the one going unnoticed as they get lost in their own world, leaning against a nearby crate to watch them. Their little shenanigans are terribly endearing, he thinks as they start mouthing the lyrics. It’s been a while since he’s come across such a pretty thing, and one who openly enjoys his playlist, at that.
The whole situation goes on for a minute or two longer before the Darling finally opens their eyes. Their body goes rigid as they turn around, suddenly facing the guy they were supposed to deliver an important message to, and finding him watching them with a teasing smile on his face. Their cheeks are immediately covered in a bright red hue as they straighten up, a wobbly greeting getting lost in the music. Nikolai finally turns his music down with a laugh.
« You seemed to be enjoying yourself here, » he says, enjoying the way they visibly force themselves not to explode in front of him.
This may or may not be the moment the pilot developed a crush on the very embarrassed soldier standing before him.
A story he never gets tired of recalling.
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problematic-yuri-poll · 2 months ago
When can we get to see more of your miis please omg
we haven't made a ton of miis yet but in terms of yuri miis specifically so far we have satou and shio from hsl and hina and ai from kitakawa! you may see them if we need to do a tiebreaker again ^_^ (although, one random mii from each pair is registered as a "boy" so they can date each other because there's no gay hack for tomolife. sobs)
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janeblackx · 28 days ago
Ecoul dorului
Eu ți-am mai scris adesea, am vrut să-ți transmit Iubirea și tristețea, câștig dar și declin. când nopții trecem, de parcă n-am dormit, tu nu erai aici să vezi cum eu suspin.tu taci, pleci, mă blamezi, Dar în serile bete, am ucis cu sage multe sentimente Îți scriu, te descriu în mii de cuvinte, Inima te vrea, corpul încă simte. Aud cum respiri, aud cum mă chemi, in fiecare noapte, rămân blocată în amintiri. Căci dorul mă frământă, un fior ce persistă, te caut trecut, acolo ai rămas a mea.
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bartholomaus · 30 days ago
Atentie: opinie nepopulara. Cei cu tricolorul la profil sunt rugati sa se opreasca aici
Bun, am ramas intre noi, da? Ok. Pe scurt:
Cand a venit prima oara in Romania, Regele Charles n-a fost atras de tara noastra sau de romani in mod special. A venit aici pentru a salva ceea ce noi ingropam in uitare, in Transilvania:
Mostenirea culturala saxona.
Regele provine dintr-o familie germana. Radacinile lui etnice sunt in lumea saxona, iar stramosii lui de acum 1000 de ani, nu toti printi si printese, se afla printre luptatorii si mesterii care au populat Ardealul in Evul Mediu.
El nu e ruda cu noi. E ruda cu Cavalerii Teutoni, cu sasii, cu comunitatile germane implantate aici de diversi regi ai Apusului, pe granita cu lumea Estului. Granita aia a lui Huntington.
Si cred ca si lui (si-ar trebui si noua) i s-a rupt sufletul cand a vazut prima oara satele sasesti parasite de locuitorii lor, VANDUTI de Romania Germaniei, in anii 80.
Pentru ca un lucru trebuie spus raspicat:
In 900 de ani, sasii au trecut prin multe: invazii mongole, turcesti, epidemii, foc si sabie. Nu le-a venit de hac decat o dictatura oribila, una nationalista, ticaloasa si regretata, vad in ziua de azi.
Dictatura unui roman, Nicolae.
El i-a vandut. Nu, nu i-a fortat nimeni sa plece. Ei insisi doreau enorm sa scape de aici, sa scape de saracia in care ii adusese regimul comunist, de lipsa de libertate si de perspectiva, unica chiar si in istoria lor zbuciumata.
Regele Charles vine la caminele goale ale oamenilor care-au plecat de raul nostru. Nu uitati asta.
Si abia aici avem ceva in comun: si noi am suferit la fel ca ei, doar ca noi nu aveam o alta patrie in care sa ne ducem - si oricum nu primeam pasapoarte.
Dar cand am putut, le-am urmat exemplul: sute de mii, apoi milioane au plecat din tara asta dupa 1990.
De ce?
Nu pot sa scriu sincer aici de ce cred eu ca au plecat si ce e gresit.
Pot doar sa va aduc aminte ca inca mai sunt lucruri de salvat, iar in privinta asta Charles ne da un exemplu.
Si nu vorbim de case.
Pentru ca tara noastra e din nou amenintata de nationalistii pentru care nu exista nimic altceva decat Neamul, vazut insa nu ca simbol al iubirii, ci ca totem al supunerii fata de reprezentantul lui pe pamant, ala cu gura mare si imbracat in tricolor.
Fiecare avem un Viscri de aparat si de reparat.
Se numeste libertatea noastra!
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mustfindcreativeusername · 10 months ago
Did you ever want to read To His Coy Mistress but in romanian? Well now you can!
Here's the original: x
And here's my translation:
Amantei sale pudice
De timpul tot și lumea am avea,
Pudoarea ta, domniță, n-ar fi rea.
Am sta și ne-am gândi unde să mergem
Ziua iubirii noastre lungă s-o petrecem.
Tu lângă râul Indiei, Gange, ai găsi
Rubine, iară eu m-aș tângui
Odată cu mareea Humber-ului.
Cu zece ani înaintea potopului,
Eu te-aș iubi, și tu, de vrei, m-ai refuza
Până religia lor evreii și-ar schimba.
Iubirea mea legumă ar sta să crească
Încetișor ca un imperiu, și măreață;
Aș sta un secol să îți preamăresc
Și ochii tăi, și fruntea să-ți privesc;
Și două veacuri să admir un sân
Treizeci de mii de ani cu ce rămân;
Măcar o eră pentru fiecare parte,
Iar inima-ți în cea din urmă să se-arate.
Căci meriți asta, doamnă, pe deplin,
Iar eu nu mă voi mulțumi cu mai puțin.
Dar tot mereu aud din spate
A timpului trasură-naripată;
Și colo-n fața noastră se întinde
Deșertul veșniciei nesfârșite.
Acolo frumusețea ta nu va mai fi;
Din cripta ta de marmură n-oi auzi
Ecoul cântecului meu; virginitatea ta prea protejată
Va fi atunci numai de viermi gustată
Bizara-ți cinste-n praf se va preface
Și pofta mea în scrum va zace;
Mormântul e un loc plăcut, privat,
Dar cine acolo stă îmbrățișat?
Deci cât culoarea tinereții
Îți stă pe trup ca roua dimineții,
Cât al tău suflet doritor
Transpiră foc prin fiecare por,
Haide la trântă, cât suntem în stare,
Ca amoroase păsări răpitoare,
Să devorăm, mai bine, tot timpul deodată
Decât să lâncezim în gura lui căscată.
Să ne-adunăm dulceața și puterea
Într-o minge, și să sfâșiem plăcerea
Cu vrajbă brută, până într-o zi
La ale vieții porți de fier ne vom găsi:
Atunci, deși oprit nu merge,
Măcar ne-am pune soarele s-alerge.
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negiwave2000 · 1 month ago
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autopsiedeganduri · 7 months ago
Sa te aprinzi, sa iubesti, sa dai totul, sa te consume, sa pierzi, sa suferi, sa simti ca te sfarami in mii si mii de bucatele, sa ti se spuna ca exagerezi, sa te blamezi, sa te chinui singur, sa fugi, sa ramai, sa vrei sa mori, sa incerci sa mori, sa te simti judecat pentru lasitatea si egoismul tau, sa realizezi ca nu este lasitate, sa realizezi ca vrei doar sa se opreasca, sa vrei sa traiesti, sa nu stii cum sa traiesti, sa disperi, sa cauti, sa te opresti, sa ai speranta, dar sa ti-o pierzi, sa urlii, dar fara sa fii auzit, sa iti negi trairile, sa te controlezi. Controleaza-te. Ascunde. Tine in tine. Nu o spune. Nu o admite. Cauta ajutor. Nu cauta. Urla. Nu urla. Ramai tacut, nu vrea nimeni sa auda. Poate vrea cineva. Poate nu vrea nimeni. Arunca-te. Taie-ti venele. Inceteaza. Stai calm. Fii calm. Cauta calm. Cauta liniste. Cauta-te pe tine. Fa un efort. Dar am facut. De ce nu vede nimeni? De ce nu vede? De ce nu vad? De ce nu se observa? De ce nu pot sa mor? De ce mi-e frica? De ce nu apas pe lama mai tare? Taie pe lung, pe vene. Taie. Acum. Nu mai astepta. Ce astepti? Salvare? Salvarea doar tu ti-o poti oferi, dar iti place sa te chinui. Opreste-te, salveaza-te, omoara-te. Nu la noapte, acum. Razbuna-te. Pe tine. Tu ti-ai facut asta. Doar tu. Omoara-te. Omoara-te. Omoara-te. Omoara-te. Scapa. Evadeaza. Evadeaza. Pleaca. Fugi. Ridica-te. Fa un efort. Schimba ceva. Omoara-te. Spune cuiva, oricui. Cere ajutor. Urla. Omoara-te. Urla. Cere ajutor. Omoara-te. Pleaca. Urla. Mori. Mori. Mori. Traieste!
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rokindle · 9 months ago
Adevărul acestei lumi e moartea
 Mai rău e că te întrebi mereu cum vei găsi a doua zi forța necesară să continui să faci ceea ce ai făcut și în ajun și faci de atâta timp, unde vei găsi forța pentru acele demersuri imbecile, mii de proiecte care nu duc nicăieri, ca să scapi de copleșitoare nevoie, tentative mereu eșuate și toate pentru a te convinge că destinul e de neînvins, că trebuie să te prăbușești în spatele zidului în fiecare seară, zdrobit de frica zilei de mâine, mereu mai precară, mai sordidă.  Mai vine și vârsta, poate, trădătoarea, și ne amenință cu ce-i mai rău. N-ai destulă muzică în tine să faci viața să danseze, asta e. Toată tinerețea ți s-a dus să moară de acum la capătul lumii, în liniște, în adevăr. Și unde să te mai duci oare, dacă nu mai ai în tine suficient delir adevărat? Adevărul, iată o agonie fără sfârșit. Adevărul acestei lumi e moartea. Trebuie să alegi, să mori sau să minți. Eu n-am putut niciodată să mă sinucid.  Louis-Ferdinand Celine - Călătorie la capătul nopții  https://www.cititoramator.ro/2024/03/adevarul-acestei-lumi-e-moartea.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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a-frostitty-ninja · 2 years ago
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lumea-ei · 1 year ago
N am mai scris de..timp bun, am renuntat sa mai scriu ce simt pentru ca nu mai simteam nimic, sau cel putin asa credeam, pana cand am inceput din nou sa simt durere, si singuratate in acelasi timp, pana cand am inceput sa realizez ca timp de 5 ani te iubesc doar pe tine, si nu mai pot iubii pe nimeni altcineva. Realitatea m-a lovit ca o piatra in cap zilele trecute cand ma plimbam si vorbeam in capul meu, cand serile in care plangeam singura si nu mai puteam sa dorm decat cand se crapa de ziua, s au intors inapoi nu de mult.
Nu mai vreau sa folosesc pe nimeni ca scut, nu mai vreau sa incerc alt produs sa l stric doar pentru a ma reformata la ideea de a trece peste. M am obisnuit cu ideea ca ok, sufletul meu iti apartine, si am acceptat sa raman singura pentru binele altora, si pentru binele meu.
Ma doare inima, biologic vorbind, si sufletul, energia din mine sa stiu ca te iubesc de 5 ani incoace si ca tot ce am incercat ca sa pot sa "trec peste" a fost ca un "arunc cacatul sub pres".
Nu mai fug, asa cum am spus si desii noptile ma gasesc singura, cu lacrimi pe fata, prefer sa ascult muzica si sa scriu, decat sa plec in cautarea unei minciuni ca sunt bine si ca am putut trece peste.
Sunt 3 ani de cand nu poti trece peste fata aceea, de cand te doare sufletul si nu poti iubii pe nimeni altcineva, nu te mai poti gandii la nimeni, si nu poti face sex ca-lumea din cauza ca sufletul tau e in bratele altcuiva.
5 ani, se fac 6 aproape de cand am incercat sa trec peste tine fugind, aruncand in tine cu pietre si incercand sa te tai cu orice obiect ascutit, din inima mea.
M-a ajuns la 21 de ani, si nu e harababura din minte cum spunea Kazi, ci sentimentele ne dau de gol si ne sfarama.
Psihicul e neutru, uniform si se lasa afectat doar cand nu mai vrea sa traga pentru fizic.
In cazul meu, sentimental urlu, iar psihic e liniste.
5 ani de cand inima mea a ramas in acelasi loc in care te am cunoscut si in acelasi loc in care te am parasit.
Sufar singura cu oameni care trec prin mine si ma ocolesc, iar persoana de care am nevoie, aceea fiind tu, esti in acelasi stagiu ca si al meu.
Doar ca nu e despre mine, ci despre alta fata.
Imi vine sa te strang in brate pana iti pun sufletul la loc, as face multe lucruri pentru tine, doar sa stiu acum ca ai fii fericit, si nu, nu as vrea sa te chinui sa simti ceva pentru mine, pentru ca in definitiv, chiar daca ai simtit in felul tau, noi doi nu am fost sa fim niciodata.
Uneori mi as dorii sa ma impusti in cap, sau sa ma bati cu pietre, sa ma arunci in strada, sa mi faci cele mai oribile lucruri, si asta cautam la varsta de 18 ani, ca sa pot pleca, sa ma faci sa plec pentru binele meu.
Si tot aici m am intors la 21. Stiu ca nu esti legat de mine, cum sunt eu de tine, dar sper sa intelegi cat de tare m-a durut sa stiu ca niciodata nu am primit ce ti am dat si eu, si ca nu am fost tocmai o prioritate asa cum te am facut eu sa fii pentru mine.
Adevarul e ca, inca ma doare, pentru ca in adancul meu stiu ca nu m-ai vrut niciodata cu adevarat, de aceea nu ne am inteles si relatia a fost una toxica.
Doar eu te am vrut si te am primit cu bratele deschise, cat timp tu aruncai cu pietre si plecai tot mai departe de mainile mele care te asteptau.
Dar cu toate astea, sentimentele mele sunt reale, doresc sa te ajut, doresc sa treci peste ce te doare si te apasa, vreau sa ramai in viata mai mult timp decat iti imaginezi tu ca ai vrea, desii stiu ca am platit cu sufletul de la bun inceput, mi as dorii sa stiu ca am dat in dar inima mea, unui om care daca nu ma vrea, sa ramana in viata ca sa pot macar sa l mai vad.
4 melodii ti le dedic si vor ramane pe veci sentimentele mele nespuse fata de tine, in acele piese, pentru ca doar muzica ma face sa ma exprim si arata cu adevarat cine sunt eu.
"Doar un cuvant"
"Inger si demon".
"10 mii de ore".
Vreau ca la finalul vietii mele, cand va fii perioada aia, sa mi se cante aceste 4 melodii si pe patul de cosgiuc sa stiu ca tot cu iubirea mea pentru tine am plecat din lumea asta.
Vreau ca tu sa fii bine.
Cred ca asta inseamna sa iubesti pe cineva atat de mult. Nu sa te sinucizi pentru el/ea. Ci sa continui pana la apogeul proprii vieti, tot cu aceeasi iubire, cu acelasi om in suflet, stiind ca ai facut tot ce s a putut sa i arati ca iubesti si sa l faci mandru. In acelasi timp traindu-ti viata.
Imi doresc sa plang in bratele tale, sa ti strang mainile sa ti le sarut si sa ti le pun pe fata arzanda de la atatea lacrimi scurse in toti anii astia.
Imi doresc sincer sa nu spui nimic, doar sa iti vad privirea, si mi as dorii sa plangem impreuna fiecare pentru cauza proprie.
Si de ar fii vreodata sa te intrebi cine te-a iubit atat de mult, sa iti amintesti de mine.
Am devenit matura din cauza ta, pentru ca vocea ta a fost mereu acolo, in capul meu, sa ma sustina.
Am devenit mai calculata, mai versatila cu oamenii, mai calda si mai iubitoare, sunt mai stapana pe mine, doar din simplul fapt ca te am iubit atat de mult, incat mi ai lasat o amprenta mare pe suflet.
Iti multumesc ca m ai primit inapoi, ma bucur sa te vad, chiar daca nu esti bine si acel tuti a disparut de multi ani, ma bucur sa vad si stafia pe care o sustii ca esti.
Ma bucur sa o vad pe mama ta, cu toate ca nu te intelegi cu ea si a murit de mult pentru tine, pentru mine a fost ce am avut nevoie, si m a primit mereu cand veneam acasa.
Mi-a fost dor de voi, as vrea sa stiti ca va iubesc foarte mult, imi e dor si de tatal tau, si mi as dorii sa pot sa va prind pe toti 3 intr-un moment, in care sa va pic la picioare, sa plang si sa ma odihnesc de la cate lupte am dus cu mine.
Sunteti familia care m a ridicat cand am avut nevoie cea mai mare intr-o perioada a vietii, si mereu ve ti ramane in sufletul meu.
Va iubesc, si imi pare rau ca am fost un copil si ca v am ranit. Totusi daca nu se intamplau toate..nu mai ajungeam sa realizez defapt cine sunt, ce simt, si ce vreau sa fac mai departe.
As vrea sa va imbratisez pe toti 3 in acelasi timp.
Va multumesc ca m-ati acceptat candva, si ca inca o faceti.
E mai mult de cat am putut cere.
Dar tu, esti casa mea.
Cu toate ca nu ma accepti inauntru, ma bucur sa ma uit de afara. Imi e suficient ca pot sta pe prag.
I love you so much, that it hurts my entire body.
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snowboyclarkov · 2 years ago
Beyblade -> Date A Live
Here is another of my random rambles from the cold darkness that is my spirit. The last word of that sentence is apt, this Beyblade Burst and Beyblade: Metal Saga recast is based on Date A Live. Once again, the main OC of mine will be included, this time on both sides, as I have a Beyblade variant and a Date A Live variant of said OC. There's also a small list of what their abilities would be, if the intersex thing were to become a Spirit. Because all the positions of the Sefirot and Qliphoth are filled in by canon people, I had to look through the many Abrahamic angels to locate those that fit with Sahaidachny's character that were not in said respective structures of the Kabbalah. Though supposedly Uriel was the guardian of the Sefirot of Kabbalah as well as the Gatekeeper of Eden. I also looked to the Book of Revelations and the Book of Genesis and stumbled upon something called Demonolatry which seems interesting.
I thought I'd combine two of my favourite series into a post. It seems ridiculous, but I couldn't care less.
Once again, not all people from each series is included. Closest match based on MBTI and Enneagram used. A list of Spirits in each AU is supplied, in which the Angel is instead based on the person's Beyblade.
Beyblade: Metal Saga -> Date A Live
Gingka Hagane -> Mana Takamiya
Kyoya Tategami -> Tohka Yatogami (Alter Ego)
Kenta Yumiya -> Yoshino Himekawa
Ryuga -> Kotori Itsuka
Yu Tendo -> Munechika Nakatsugawa
Madoka Amano -> Tamae Okamine
Masamune Kadoya -> Tohka Yatogami
Hyoma -> Rinne Sonogami
Pluto -> Ellen Mathers
Ryutaro Fukami -> Ryouko Kusakabe
Jack -> Natsumi Kyouno
Hikaru Hasama -> Artemisia Ashcroft
Dashan Wang -> Elliot Woodman
Chi-yun Lee -> Mizuha Banouin
Tetsuya Watarigani -> Rinemu Kirari
Mei-Mei -> Sawa Yamauchi
Toby -> Shido Itsuka
Johannes -> Yoshinon
Tithi -> Kaguya Yamai
Sophie -> Mii Fujibakama
Bao -> Tsuan
Klaus -> Mayuri
Clarkov Sahaidachny (OC) -> Yuzuru Yamai
Benkei Hanawa -> Higomoro Hibiki
Julian Konzern -> Test 1
Damian Hart -> White Queen
Faust -> Origami Tobiichi
King -> Ai Yamabaki
Chris -> Miku Izayoi
Yuki Mizusawa -> Reine Murasame
Dynamis -> Mio Takamiya
Moses -> Karen Mathers
Mei-Mei -> Kyouhei Kannazuki
Ryuto -> Mai Hazakura
Ryo Hagane -> Kurumi Tokisaki
Enzo Garcia -> Rinemu Kirari
Demure -> Origami Tobiichi (Alternate Timeline)
Ziggurat -> Isaac Westcott
Sora Akatsuki -> Ririko
Helios -> Maria Arusu
Argo Garcia -> Jessica Bailey
Lera -> Hinako Shiizaki
Nowaguma -> Mukuro Hoshimiya
Spirits (Beyblade: Metal Saga Version [including OC]):
Masamune Kadoya (Angel: Unicorno, Codename: Blitz)
Kenta Yumiya (Angel: Sagittario, Codename: Flash)
Ryo Hagane (Angel: Phoenix, Codename: Burn)
Ryuga (Angel: Drago, Codename: Destructor)
Tithi + Clarkov Sahaidachny (Angel: Quetzalcoatl, Codename: Death)
Chris (Angel: Orion, Codename: Phantom)
Jack (Angel: Beafowl, Codename: Killer)
Faust (Angel: Horogium, Codename: Basalt)
Yu Tendo (Angel: Libra, Codename: Flame)
Nowaguma (Angel: Orso, Codename: Rock)
Yuki Mizusawa [Clone of Origin Spirit Dynamis]
Dynamis (Angel: Jupiter, Codename: Jade)
Ziggurat (Demon King: Doctor, Codename: Spiral)
EXTRA = Klaus (Angel: Capricorn, Codename: Grand)
EXTRA = Hyoma (Angel: Aries, Codename: Clay)
Beyblade Burst -> Date A Live
Lain Valhalla -> Kotori Itsuka
Fubuki Sumiye -> Origami Tobiichi
Silas Karlisle -> Tohka Yatogami (Alter Ego)
Blindt DeVoy -> Yoshinon
Toko Aoi -> Yoshino Himekawa
Evel Oxford -> Reine Murasame
Honey Guten -> Kaguya Yamai
Ranjiro Kiyama -> Mana Takamiya
Hoji Konda -> Mii Fujibakama
Ryota Kurogami -> Kyouhei Kannazuki
Kana Akabane -> Tamae Okamine
Hyuga Hizashi -> Tohka Yatogami
Kristina Kuroda -> Origami Tobiichi (Alternate Timeline)
Rashad Goodman -> Kurumi Tokisaki
Arthur Lawrence -> Elliot Woodman
Taiga Akabane -> Hiroto Tonomachi
Ken Midori -> Sawa Yamauchi
Gumita -> Mukuro Hoshimiya
Boa Alcazaba -> Ryouko Kusakabe
Akira Yamatoga -> Natsumi Kyouno
Laban Vanot -> Higomoro Hibiki
Valt Aoi -> Ririko
Dante Koryu -> Rinemu Kirari
Clio Delon -> Nia Honjou
Hyde -> Munechika Nakatsugawa
Daigo Kurogami -> Maria Arusu
Phelix Payne -> Hinako Shiizaki
Bashara Suiro -> Rinne Sonogami
Free de la Hoya -> Mio Takamiya
Zachary Kaneguro -> Mayuri
Tango Koryu -> Karen Mathers
Shu Kurenai -> Isaac Westcott
Gwyn Reynolds -> Clarkov Sahaidachny (OC)
Delta Zakuro -> Ellen Mathers
Ranzo Kiyama -> Miku Izayoi
Kit Lopez -> Ai Yamabaki
Ichika Kindo -> Shido Itsuka
Naoki Minamo -> Yuzuru Yamai
Norman Tarver -> Artemisia Ashcroft
Ren Wu Sun -> Mizuha Banouin
Theodore Glass -> White Queen
Arthur Peregrine -> Test 1
Jin Aizawa -> Mai Hazakura
Lodin Haijima -> Tsuan
Spirits (Beyblade Burst Version [Including OC equivalent]:
Hyuga Hizashi (Angel: Hyperion, Codename: Solar)
Toko Aoi (Angel: Trident, Codename: Screw)
Rashad Goodman (Angel: Raphael, Codename: Greatest)
Lain Valhalla (Angel: Lucifer, Codename: Starfall)
Honey Guten + Naoki Minamo (Angel: Neptune, Codename: Nova)
Ranzo Kiyama (Angel: Ragnaruk, Codename: Cyclone)
Akira Yamatoga (Angel: Anubis, Codename: Acid)
Fubuki Sumiye (Angel: Forneus, Codename: Emperor)
Clio Delon (Angel: Chaos, Codename: Deep)
Gumita (Angel: Nemesis, Codename: Twin)
Gwyn Reynolds (Angel: Genesis, Codename: Big Bang)
Evel Oxford [Clone of Origin Spirit Free]
Free de la Hoya (Angel: Fafnir, Codename: Vanish)
Shu Kurenai (Demon King: Spriggan, Codename: Astral)
EXTRA = Zachary Kaneguro (Angel: Zeus, Codename: Galaxy)
EXTRA = Bashara Suiro (Angel: Bahamut, Codename: Roar)
C.J.S. is intersex, and the closest thing humans can get to being a biological hermaphrodite. In their hypothetical arc, Furutani Youkai -> Furutani Imperfect, their Angel would only be revealed near the end, and they would mostly be seen with their Demon King.
The concepts of subconscious loneliness, self-worth, getting them to open their heart again, wanting someone to understand them, finding the truth of one's self and being able to be one's self are the core tenets of their story. After realising that last part, they spontaneously broke into silent sobbing for the first time in their life. Being mentally and emotionally bullied for 10-11 years of your life purely for personality and conditions/disabilities does that (They have Autism, Epilepsy, Todd's Paralysis, Psoriasis, Narcolepsy, Hypersensitivity, a genetic fault that results in a lack of body temperature regulation).
They often wear a lavender purple yuki-onna-esque kimono as their casual outfit, and otherwise will wear an ice-blue shirt with a snowstorm-esque pattern alongside loose ice-white trousers and a thin but large lavender/soft dark purple jacket resembling a lab coat or dressing gown. There are other clothing options, including a lavender/royal purple shrine maiden outfit with same-coloured mob cap or lavender/ice-white bow, an ice-white cross between a dressing gown and artist's apron with a lavender blanket tied around their waist, and whatever other loose clothing options they have in their shrine of a house. When attending Raizen, they wear the school uniform. Both variants, due to being intersex.
They are naturally lacking in emotional expression. To them, a small smile means they are extremely happy and a minuscule frown means they are incredibly unhappy. They are seemingly cold/emotionless on the surface and acted cold-hearted/emotionless to the point where they were convinced its who they were, but a slowly re-emerging emotion both confused and plagued them until they freaked out and finally revealed - shoddily at first until they suddenly shouted in confusion and despair "I don't know anymore... I have no idea what's wrong with me!" - what they thought of themselves to a group that always thought they didn't care about the group before the final battle. Furu has gone suicidal and was at a mental point where the slightest thing could tip them one way or the other. They had turned out to be someone who saw themselves as some worthless cripple who had lost all use to themselves or Shido and couldn't break or change themselves for their art or for his sake. Needless to say he wasn't impressed with this revelation (I don't regret the reference). Most noticeably, they had an unexplainable intellectual and emotional obsession (read: romantic love - only fully realised in the middle of the final battle of their arc when they were told by Itsuka that they're allowed to be themselves. Cue subsequent curling up and denial with the sealed Spirits helping them realise the truth of their subconscious, which finally made them admit their inner feelings and how they came to be. Come the transition from Inverse to Normal including Uriel appearing for the first time and their subsequent defeat finally able to move on from their past, they thank Itsuka for everything and say they're ready to find out what a date is. Weirdly, they use El Elyon as a makeshift outfit for the date, because the only Spirit with less shame than Furutani is Tobiichi. It's the autism. After said date involving utilising Michael to go to an art museum and an Italian restaurant, they willingly allow themselves to be sealed.) with the one that seals Spirits who had successfully befriended them despite previous life experiences within their subconscious. In reality, their true personality is apathetic to everyone except those they bond with, with whom they like merely being in the presence of, which their lack of expression fails to show to others. They can't even start a conversation on their own without confusing everyone around them. Also slightly creepy due to a natural talent for appearing out of nowhere and for casual stalking of person/people they become really romantically close to. Their emotional intelligence is absurdly low and they do not understand exactly what bonds are, only that they enjoy them. An individual with almost absurd levels of typical intelligence through prodigal talent/hard effort who had gone emotionally despondent and isolated themselves completely due to events in their life. Couple that with having been betrayed by so-called friends who turned into bullies and you have someone who simply is desperate to be understood. Prior to sealing, they saw themselves as beyond worthless and had a history of being used purely for their talents particularly in art - being an artist is their hobby and one of their passions - and intellectually. Since being sealed and joining the main group, they have become much happier upon accepting that it's alright to be themselves. They are also asexual, and biromantic.
The theme of C. Sahaidachny is searching for the truth (after 10-11 years of mental & emotional torment & bullying for who they were desensitized them to almost everything/wrecked their emotional capacity/made them inwardly terrified of opening up to anyone) about who they are, and ultimately realizing they're allowed to be themselves and learning that they are not less than worthless. Learning not to be over-defensive around everyone and being able to trust others again are also key facets in the development towards that.
The Angel takes the form of a Shimenawa inspired by the same structure on Regnar** with a much smoother shape somewhat similar to the shimenawa held by Kanako Yasaka (see: Moriya Shrine) though not made of really thick rope. There's also colour alterations - Red -> Lavender Purple, Light Gold -> Dark Purple, White -> Black. It is engraved with what appears to be a painting of cold air and dandelions. The Shimenawa can also be wielded as a weapon in its own right, due to the outer part resembling Twisted Tempo, specifically the Twisted fusion wheel. Besides the Angel, Furu also has their own weapon that is essentially a combination of an absurdly long gohei and a comically large paintbrush, at either end respectively. It's slightly smaller than Reimu's gohei (see: Hakurei Shrine).
The Demon King takes the form of an ethereal compass sigil**** coloured in ice-blue and ice-white. The Roman Numerals inscribed on the compass are a purposeful falsehood linking back to the motif of truth and the destruction of the barriers that stand in the way of discovering the truth, the answer so to speak.
The Astral Dress is based on Regnar** of Beyblade Burst, besides the head and the Shimenawa-esque structure which is what the Angel is based on, with the following colour alterations - White -> Ice-White, Red -> Lavender Purple, Light Gold -> Royal Purple, Blue -> Ice-Blue, Dark Grey -> Black. A halo that somewhat resembles the accretion disk of a black hole (or the hypothetical gravastar) forms above the head. The concepts of the celestial canvas - and art - itself are the motif of that which essentially combines the scientific and the occult into one collection of abilities. El Elyon possesses a high durability bested only by Adonai Melek. However it is also one of the slowest, which is its one weakness, and Furutani can easily be caught in sensory overload rendering them vulnerable, particularly against multiple opponents.
In the Inverse form, the Astral Dress is more based on Genesis rather ironically, minus the head part and the lower half which is based on the image that isn't Genesis. The colour scheme is altered from the basis as the following - White -> Ice-White, Light Pink -> Ice-Blue, Gold -> Black, Red -> Dark Gold, Dark Grey -> White, Purple -> Lavender Purple. A spiked halo of black ice forms above the head.
The Astral Dress is vastly different to the general norm of these clothing items in style. The Inverse Form is no more powerful than the main form, the difference is fighting style. Except for one technique in which the Angel version is weirdly more powerful than the Demon King version if only by slightly.
Clarkov's/Furu's Angel is known as Uriel - based on the being known as the Archangel of Salvation among other titles - representing the angel of wisdom and truth who guides people to answers they seek. Uriel is said to be the gatekeeper of Eden, the one who acts as bodyguard to the Kabbalah and by extension the Sefirot, the one who warned Noah of the biblical flood and one of the four angels - alongside Raphael, Michael and Gabriel - who protected the four corners of Earth.
Furu's Demon King is known as Abaddon - otherwise known as The Destroyer - representing the fallen angel of destruction and the abyss. Abaddon is said to be the embodiment of God's wrath who keeps existence in balance, unleashing their power on anything that may greatly disturb it. Essentially the enforcer of the angels. They are also regarded as playing a vital role in the Apocalypse itself, casting divine judgement on those who do not believe as well as those who fake their belief with their locust-derived plagues born from the depths of Hell.
As mentioned earlier, in the Book of Enoch, Uriel is described as the guardian of the Tree of Life (the Kabbalah, which bares the Sefirot that the main 10 Spirits are based on). As such, Furutani's Uriel would be the complete all-rounder. Their battle capabilities are roughly on par with Metatron, it has similar divination powers to Rasiel though it can't make stuff reality, and its strongest move Regalia is pretty much a better version of Eden and would override Paradise Lost if activated inside it. Which, they would do, because Furu utterly despises the entire concept of Eden as a whole. Uriel would effectively be a Story-Breaker Power like Rasiel, Michael, Eden and Ain Soph Aur.
The database would rank Furutani as an SS-Class Spirit, on the same level as Rinne and then above her too. The only reason Furutani wouldn't class as an SSS-Class Spirit is because that spot is reserved purely for Mio who is just far ahead of absolutely every other Spirit, naturally as the Spirit of Origin. Besides Mio who could still curb-stomp them despite all this, Furutani would almost certainly be the most powerful Spirit of all unless Mukuro had anything to say about it. However due to their inexperience in battle and disabilities, they would also likely be defeated by fused Yamai while being level both with Origami and Tohka due to their Fecto Elfilis-esque fighting style. Since their personality partially resembles (and their powers are based on) Faust and Gwyn Reynolds who is at or near the top and both beyond overpowered in their respective series/verses, this absurd level of overpowered-ness would fit. Though frankly, Furu's personality resembles Rin Tezuka's more than anything. It also resembles to various extents the personalities of Mizore Shirayuki and Naho Saenoki. Furu seems confusing, but they aren't. Furu will tell you that.
In this version of the verse, the Main Spirit power ranking would go like this, along with their assigned classes for my version (equivalent to canon, except for alterations based on grading that goes from SSS to A with anything from A to C and below utilised for AST or others*):
Mio Takamiya - SSS-Class (Ain/Ain Soph/Ain Soph Aur)
Isaac Westcott - SSS-Class (Qemetiel/Belial/Athiel)
Shido Itsuka - SSS-Class (All main Angels + Uriel)
Mukuro Hoshimiya - SS-Class (Michael)
Yamai Kazamachi - SS-Class (Raphael [Fused])
Tohka Yatogami - SS-Class (Sandalphon)
Clarkov Furutani - SS-Class (Uriel)
Origami Tobiichi - SS-Class (Metatron)
Kurumi Tokisaki - SS-Class (Zaphkiel)
Nia Honjou - SS-Class (Rasiel)
Rinne Sonogami - SS-Class (Eden)
Miku Izayoi - S-Class (Gabriel)
Kotori Itsuka - S-Class (Camael)
Kaguya/Yuzuru Yamai - S-Class (Raphael)
Mayuri - S-Class (Kerubiel)
Ren - AAA-Class (Samael)
Marina Arusu - AAA-Class (???)
Rio Sonogami - AA-Class (Eden [Incomplete])
Yoshino Himekawa - AA-Class (Zadkiel)
Natsumi Kyouno - AA-Class (Haniel)
Maria Arusu - A-Class (???)
*And an extra upgrade to Miku based on the biblical idea of Michael, Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael protecting the four corners of the globe. Nia gets the extra upgrade too as I see Rasiel as better than it gets credit for, along with a slight downgrade to Rinne when scaling is taken into account. Ren and Mayuri are given a class too. The Inverse variants are the same class as the normal variants in this version, but are still generally better in combat.
Weirdly, the many yandere Spirits would include Rinne, Mukuro, Furutani and Mio, potentially even Origami and Kurumi. In essence, Furutani would be equivalent to Rin Tezuka or even Mizore Shirayuki.
The attacks are partially based on those used by Gwyn Ronny and extra info about their power is also based on Gwyn and his canon battles. They are also partially inspired by Faust and Twisted Tempo. Their main arc and recovery is also inspired by the story of Gwyn Ronny in Beyblade Burst as is the case for all variants of the OC - who was created originally as a coping method for someone who was isolated and lonely due to constant bullying due to being disabled and no one attempting to try and understand them, with lack of self-worth and lack of self-acceptance as standard. Yes, that person is me. I regret nothing.
Hebrew translations done online, expect wrongness.
Name: Clarkov Sahaidachny/Furutani
Qlipha Crystal: Apocalypse
Sephira Crystal: Genesis
Astral Dress: El Elyon
Angel: Uriel
Demon King: Abaddon
Codename: Sage
Angel Title: Imperfect Palette
Demon King Title: Truth In Abyss
Spirit Rank: SS-class
Inverse Rank: SS-class
Attacks of Uriel/Abaddon:
Onbashira [טוריי (Turre) -> Torii] -> A vaguely lavender purple band traces itself and expands into an ethereal barrier that looks like a celestial paintbrush stroke. It contracts upon contact and then pushes out to deflect incoming attacks. It is capable to deflecting Lahathelev (Kerubiel) and Shemesh (Metatron) at once with great effort. It is also capable of withstanding a meteor summoned by Lataib (Michael) when working together with other defensive techniques. A blast from Megiddo (Camael) or the effects of Solo (Gabriel) are enough to break Onbashira.
Palette [אשת שלג (Esht Shelag) -> Yuki-Onna] -> The user gestures as if they were placing (watercolour) pencil or paintbrush to canvas, and a constantly-fluctuating-in-colour pocket draws surrounding residue mana into the arm which forms a large ethereal blade which then back-slashes against the opponent. This move is able to defeat Zadkiel. It can also severely damage Zaphkiel. When enhanced by March (Gabriel), Palette (Uriel) can take down Zadkiel and Haniel in one go after being momentarily pushed back. The move is sent packing by Symphony (Gabriel) if the latter is amplified by enough soundwaves.
Spectrum [מארח שמימי (Mareh Shamimi) -> Heavenly Host] -> A celestial fog that looks a bit like intergalactic space and is absurdly cold like intergalactic space appears and slowly spreads around the area surrounding Furutani, who then slowly brings their hand which is glowing lavender purple through the fog. Once fully outstretched in front of them, they then close their hand while at the same time bringing their arm still straightened from in front of them to as far behind them as it will reasonably go, causing the celestial fog to disperse. At the fog's sudden fading, the Shimenawa fades and transfers its energy in the form of the full spectrum of colour - even black and white - to the user giving them a boost in power. In the Inverse Form, the wings fade instead. This move allows Uriel to hold its own against a fused Yamai's Raphael, and can be used to sustain El Elyon after Jerez (Michael) initially dismantles it. The hair turns lavender, dull red or grey-silver in this state depending on their mood.
Eclipse [רוח רפאים (Roah Refaim) -> Youkai] -> {Demon King Version} -> The corrupted form of the ultimate move of Uriel/Abaddon, used by Abaddon. The compass glows violently in an ice-blue colouring with the needles rotating counter-clockwise at breakneck speed, and the wings shift to where their end points are separated by a small gap in front of the user and emit a colossal shockwave which retracts in on itself and then gather residue mana in that gap before the energy is grabbed and thrown into the sky where it expands outwards in a bright ball of lavender purple light. Within it is a dense ice-cold fog within which the user forms a scissor-esque weapon***** in one hand and their Gohei/paintbrush thing in the other hand and charges towards the opponent. Eclipse (Abaddon) is capable of matching Artelif (Metatron).
Parity [סופת שלגים (Sufat Shlagim) -> Snowstorm] -> {Angel Version} -> The true nature of the ultimate move of Uriel/Abaddon, used by Uriel and unlocked after Clarkov finally realises they're allowed to be themselves, stops being Inverse and uses their Angel Uriel for the first time near the end of the hypothetical final battle between Clarkov and Shido in the fan-made arc Furutani Beginning. The Shimenawa emits a colossal shockwave and the user holds their hands to their heart and releases them. The user then holds both hands around the ball of energy and gently releases it as if they were reaching out to hug someone, upon which it forms an ice-white aura on El Elyon that gathers mana from the surrounding area and draws it towards below where the user is standing in the form of black-ish jagged streaks of light. Upon contact with an opposing force, the ball spreads out in a small space containing a scene resembling something out of Otherworld (see: Miitopia) with a lavender tint. The origin point explodes within the space and forms into a shape resembling the shockwave of a frozen star going hypernova of the same colour erupting from the centre where Uriel's user and the opponent have collided. There's also a lot of dandelions present. The Angel equivalent is more powerful than the Demon King equivalent, a rarity for Uriel and in general. Parity (Uriel) can match and even surpass Artelif (Metatron) in direct combat.
Revelation [אמן (Amen) -> Artist] -> The natural ability of Uriel to quantify and produce a solution for any subjective problem that comes to the user's mind, no matter how difficult. It manifests in the form of equations and formulae flowing from the Shimenawa into the head. However it is ineffective when confronted with objective problems. The Inverse Form does not have this ability as it is clouded by vast negative emotions. Think of it like this, Rasiel excels at objective information while Uriel excels at subjective information.
Regalia [עיוות/מושלם (Katawa/Amants) -> Imperfect] -> Uriel's final and most powerful ability after having it's hidden power hypothetically unlocked by Shifuru (Michael). The Shimenawa moves from behind the user to the front and emits a shockwave even greater than that from Parity, powerful enough to shake the entire vicinity for miles around and partially shred Astral Dresses caught within the blast. From the focal point of the shockwave, a barrier similar to that of Parity expands outward that contains its own reality which Uriel has total control of via a shrine complete with a torii and onbashira in the epicentre of a field covered in ice and dandelions. It is extremely similar to Paradise Lost (Eden) and is effectively a superior version of Eden in terms of power and capabilities but is vastly outclassed by Ain Soph because of course it is. It can also act as a defensive barrier capable of withstanding attacks from both Halvanhelev (Sandalphon) and El Kanaph (Raphael) at the same time.
The Limited form, after being sealed, has access to vastly weakened variants of its abilities. Shifuru (Michael) is capable of awakening Uriel's hidden power. With the fading of Genesis alongside the other Sephira Crystals, El Elyon and Uriel disappeared with them.
Uriel is virtually powerless against Ain Soph Aur, Ain Soph and Ain. The likes of Henet and Anaph crush Onbashira, Palette, Spectrum and Parity into fine dust. However Revelation can help hold back the effects of Ain Soph briefly. Even Regalia is completely rended by Ain Soph and Ain, mainly because while Regalia is superior to Eden, Ain Soph is vastly superior to Regalia. The barrier form of Regalia is also overpowered.
**Images of Regnar. Try and imagine it as an Astral Dress called El Elyon and omit the parts that wouldn't work in one.
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***Images of Genesis. Try imagine it as an Inverse form of an Astral Dress called El Elyon and omit the parts that wouldn't work in one. Also another image. The lower section of their clothing is what the lower section of Inverse El Elyon looks like.
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****This sigil is based on the one seen in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABKIOP8C97w
*****Like the one used here: Soldier Beetle - MGE Wiki (miraheze.org)
Uriel information: Who Is the Archangel Uriel? (christianity.com)
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