#Agriculture minister
bhaskarlive · 3 months
Kirodi Lal Meena resigns from Rajasthan cabinet
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Rajasthan Agriculture Minister and senior BJP leader Dr Kirodi Lal Meena has resigned from the cabinet.
“I had announced to resign if we lose Dausa and other Lok Sabha seats assigned to me, so I cannot back out,” he added.
Meena said that he was in Delhi for two days. The party’s national general secretary had called him for talks, but could not meet him. Meena said that he has no resentment against the organisation or the chief Minister.
Source: bhaskarlive.in
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newshansindia · 7 months
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agricjournalist · 7 months
Former Agriculture Minister Advocates for Presidential-Led Agricultural Management Team
In a bid to foster sustainable agricultural growth and robust agribusiness in Ghana, former Minister of Food and Agriculture, Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto, is proposing the establishment of a dedicated Agricultural Management Team (AMT) to be chaired by the President himself, aiming to drive the nation’s food ecosystems. Recognizing the unique demands of the agriculture sector, Dr. Afriyie Akoto…
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livewellnews · 1 year
Kerala agriculture minister counters actor Jayasurya’s statement on paddy farmers’ plight
On Monday, actor Jayasurya blamed the state government for not paying the procurement amount to paddy farmers and said it was not surprising that the new generation is not entering the sector.
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KOCHI: Agriculture Minister P Prasad on Wednesday came out in defence of the LDF government and his department after actor Jayasurya’s critical speech on the plight of the paddy farmers in the state went viral on Monday. Prasad, during the election campaign of LDF candidate Jaick C Thomas in Puthuppally on Wednesday, said the actor’s statements were factually wrong.
“Farmers are paid Rs 28 per kg of paddy. Of this, the Centre pays Rs 20.50 and the state adds another Rs 7.50 as it knows that the Union government’s aid will not be sufficient. However, the Centre has delayed their share of payment. Even banks backed off from cooperating with the state to provide the procurement amount to paddy farmers. Even then, we distributed our share of Rs 7.50 per kg among the farmers this Onam season. We have also communicated with the bank consortium to release the due amount,” said the minister. Prasad said that Kerala is the only state that pays its farmers. “Seeds and electricity are provided to them free of charge. The farmers receive many other benefits, too,” he said.
Speaking at the concluding session of ‘Krishikkoppam Kalamassery’, an initiative to promote agriculture in his constituency by Minister P Rajeeve, on Monday, Jayasurya blamed the state government for not paying the procurement amount to paddy farmers and said it was not surprising that the new generation is not entering the sector. Both Rajeeve and Prasad were present on the stage when Jayasurya, the chief guest at the function, made the criticism. Jayasurya also came out against Prasad for his statement on more youths being uninvolved in agriculture.
“The agriculture minister said that the new generation doesn’t like getting their clothes dirty. It is not dirt that stops them from farming. They see their parents fasting on Thiruvonam day. How will they then be interested in the field?” he asked. Jayasurya also urged the ministers to set up a basic quality-checking system in the state.
“The vegetables that we consume contain huge amounts of pesticides. We lack an effective quality-checking system. Hence, we end up eating second or third-class products,” he said. The actor also cited the example of his friend Krishnaprasad from Kumarakom, who, he said, went on a hunger strike on Onam day because the SupplyCo failed to pay him the amount for the paddy he sold for the last five or six months.
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samvadprakriya · 2 years
केंद्रीय कृषि मंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र सिंह तोमर के आतिथ्य में हुआ बागवानी मूल्य श्रृंखला के विस्तार पर कार्यक्रम
केंद्रीय कृषि मंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र सिंह तोमर के आतिथ्य में हुआ बागवानी मूल्य श्रृंखला के विस्तार पर कार्यक्रम
कृषि उत्पादों के व्यापार का अधिकतम पैसा किसानों को मिलना चाहिए- श्री तोमर सैनिकों की तरह किसान भी वंदनीय, देश का पेट भरने के लिए करते हैं त्याग- कृषि मंत्री केंद्रीय कृषि एवं किसान कल्याण मंत्री श्री नरेंद्र सिंह तोमर ने कहा है कि हमारे किसान, देश की रक्षा के लिए काम करने वाले सैनिकों की तरह वंदनीय-अभिनंदनीय है। देश का पेट भरने के लिए किसान कई तरह के त्याग करते है। रक्षा व खेती, दोनों क्षेत्रों…
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tearsofrefugees · 3 months
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transwolvie · 1 year
Leftists when they find out Lenin was anti abortion
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Are the hobbits able to maintain their prosperous and leisurely (particularly by rural pre-industrial standards) lifestyles at their low technology level because they're the only people of Middle-Earth to have full access to New World crops?
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mysterioushimachal · 17 days
Himachal Pradesh Statehood Day: The Journey to Becoming India's Eighteenth State
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townpostin · 17 days
Jamshedpur Farmers Push for Dedicated Vegetable Market
BJP leader appeals to Union Agriculture Minister for local produce hub Key Points: • Memorandum submitted to Shivraj Singh Chauhan during Jamshedpur visit • Proposal aims to eliminate middlemen and boost farmers’ incomes • Minister assures steps to address concerns and improve infrastructure JAMSHEDPUR – Local farmers’ long-standing demand for a dedicated vegetable market gains momentum as BJP…
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kyreniacommentator · 21 days
Iskele Municipality Takes Over Kantara Picnic Area
Iskele Municipality Takes Over Kantara Picnic Area The recent protocol signing ceremony in Iskele Municipality marks a significant development for the local community and the broader region. The transfer of the Kantara Picnic Area into the hands of Iskele Municipality is a testament to the local government’s commitment to enhancing communal spaces and fostering a sense of unity and enjoyment…
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“मुख्यमंत्री शाश्वत कृषी सिंचन योजना — मागेल त्याला शेततळे(Magel Tyala Shettale)” हा महाराष्ट्र राज्य सरकारने कृषी, पशुसंवर्धन, दुग्धविकास आणि मत्स्यव्यवसाय मंत्रालयाच्या अंतर्गत 2022–23 मध्ये सुरू केलेला एक महत्त्वपूर्ण उपक्रम आहे. राज्यातील शेतकरी, विशेषतः पावसावर अवलंबून असलेल्या शेतीवर अवलंबून असलेल्या पाणीटंचाईच्या आव्हानांना तोंड देण्याचे या योजनेचे उद्दिष्ट आहे.
योजनेचा उद्देश || Purpose of the Scheme:
महाराष्ट्रातील 82% शेतजमीन पावसावर अवलंबून असल्याने, शेतकरी अनेकदा विसंगत पावसाचा सामना करतात, ज्यामुळे पीक उत्पादन कमी होते आणि काही प्रकरणांमध्ये, संपूर्ण पीक अपयशी ठरते. “मागेल त्याला शेततळे” योजना, ज्याला वैयक्तिक शेत तलाव उपक्रम म्हणूनही ओळखले जाते, ही आव्हाने कमी करण्यासाठी शेतकऱ्यांना शेततळे बांधण्यासाठी आर्थिक सहाय्य प्रदान करून सुरू करण्यात आली. हे तलाव पावसाचे पाणी पकडण्यात आणि साठवण्यात मदत करतात, कोरड्या हंगामात सिंचनासाठी विश्वसनीय जलस्रोत सुनिश्चित करतात, ज्यामुळे पिकांचे संरक्षण होते आणि नुकसान कमी होते.
आर्थिक सहाय्य || Financial Assistance:
या योजनेअंतर्गत, वैयक्तिक शेतकरी शेततळ्याच्या आकारानुसार, किमान ₹14,433 ते कमाल ₹75,000 पर्यंतच्या अनुदानासाठी पात्र आहेत. या आर्थिक सहाय्याचा उद्देश तलाव बांधण्याशी संबंधित खर्च भागवणे आहे, ज्यामुळे शेतकरी त्यांच्या जमिनीवर शाश्वत पाण्याचे स्रोत निर्माण करू शकतात.
For More Info: Magel Tyala Shettale || मागेल त्याला शेततळे — मुख्यमंत्री शाश्वत कृषी सिंचन योजना (gloriousmaharashtra.com)
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luminarytimesmedia · 2 months
Prime Minister Modi Opens 32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE) this Saturday, marking a significant occasion as it is the first time in 65 years that the event has been hosted in India. The conference, which is taking place at the National Agricultural Science Centre in Delhi. has drawn attention to India's proactive stance on global food security issues. 
India's Role in Global Food Security 
During his address. Prime Minister Modi expressed his pleasure that India is hosting the conference after such a lengthy interval and extended a warm welcome to the international delegates. He discussed India's key position as a food surplus nation and its active role in addressing global food security challenges. Modi highlighted the agricultural diversity within India, noting its planning around six distinct seasons and management across fifteen different agricultural climatic zones, each with unique agricultural practices.
Read More: (https://luminarytimes.com/prime-minister-modi-opens-32nd-international-conference-of-agricultural-economists/)
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saynaija · 2 months
Food Inflation: Expect Bumper Harvest — Minister Of Agriculture Assures Nigerians
Food Inflation: Expect Bumper Harvest — Minister Of Agriculture Assures Nigerians The Minister of Agriculture and Food Security Abubakar Kyari says the country is expecting a bumper harvest before year-end. Food inflation has reached 40 per cent according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), pushing the prices of essential commodities beyond the reach of millions of…
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samvadprakriya · 2 years
आत्मनिर्भर भारत बनाने के लिए हमें कृषि में आत्मनिर्भर बनना आवश्यक है : कृषि राज्य मंत्री कैलाश चौधरी
आत्मनिर्भर भारत बनाने के लिए हमें कृषि में आत्मनिर्भर बनना आवश्यक है : कृषि राज्य मंत्री कैलाश चौधरी
कटक के राष्ट्रीय चावल अनुसंधान संस्थान में भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान परिषद क्षेत्रीय समिति-द्वितीय की XXVI बैठक आयोजित की गई बैठक में ओडिशा, पश्चिम बंगाल, तेलंगाना, आंध्र प्रदेश और केंद्र शासित प्रदेश अंडमान-निकोबार द्वीप समूह ने भाग लिया कृषि और किसान कल्याण मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के अंतर्गत भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान परिषद (आईसीएआर) ने पश्चिम बंगाल, ओडिशा, तेलंगाना, आंध्र प्रदेश राज्यों और केंद्र शासित…
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tearsofrefugees · 2 months
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