#Agnes Felton
theaskew · 3 months
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Agnes Felton (German-American 1881-1961, lived and worked in Cathedral City, CA), Light Center, 1961. (Source: Whitney Museum of American Art, New York) 
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dlupon · 26 days
El tiempo que Ethel poseía para pensar en su familia, ahora se veía entorpecido por la cantidad excesiva de lecciones que la vieja Agnes le daba.
Los modales de Ethel estaban lejos de ser perfectos, por lo que era atiborrada con valores, creencias y modales que nunca antes había aprendido, cosas que por supuesto, no comprendía, ¿Qué importancia tenia el como sostenía una taza de te?
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Las lecciones duraban máximo una hora. A la vieja Agnes se le terminaba rápido la paciencia. En tanto, un pequeño y siempre enfadado Byron, intentaba calmar sus emociones jugando con el pasto a un lado de el. Era incomprensible el odio que el niño sentía hacia el hombre de cabello blanco, por lo menos en la cabecita de Ethel no entraban esas supuestas razones.
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-Byron, es momento de tu clase con el profesor.
-¿Nunca puedes dejarme en paz?, te eh dicho que no quiero que me dirijas la palabra.
El hombre suspiro pesadamente, le quedaba poca paciencia para con su nieto, si bien su esposa le había indicado que no lo atiborrara de indicaciones y exigencias, el niño no podía hacer uso de la muerte de sus padres como excusa para su mal trato, al menos no para siempre, había sido suficiente de condescendencias.
-Si no quieres, entonces camina dentro de la casa. No quiero verte mientras mantengas esta postura. Y te exijo respeto, de lo contrario, veras verdaderas consecuencias, te lo advierto niño.
-Lo que diga, señor...- vacilo, inclinándose hacia adelante como lo hacia la señora de la limpieza y con un tono irónico.
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Mientras continuaba su camino hacia la casa, fue detenido por unas muy pequeñas pero fuertes manos, que tiraron de el hacia atrás, obligándolo a tomar una nueva dirección.
-Puedes tomar el te con nosotras, para que no te sientas solo.-indico sonriendo.
_¿Quien dice que me siento solo?- indago en tono mordaz.- A demás, ¿Quién esta en esta casa mas abandonado que tu?, ¿Siquiera te buscan tus padres?,¿Crees que te vendieron a ellos?- sonrió irónicamente, incluso con ápices de maldad, pero todo eso retrocedió en cuanto vio la expresión de tristeza que se planto en la cara de la niña. No había sido su intención, creyó que estaban atacándolo.
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No sabia como pedir disculpas, no creía que la niña nunca fuera a disculparlo. Y todo empeoro cuando la vieja Agnes se planto detrás de la niña, de la cual brotaban lagrimas sin parar.
-Discúlpate, Byron.- obligo Agnes, colocando una mano sobre el hombro de la pequeña, a modo de consolación.
Sin mas, y porque era lo que sentía, no por el hecho de que se lo exigieran, pidió disculpas, algo escuetas, pero disculpas en fin. Algo que lamento muchísimo, cuando por la noche, fue descubierto por aquella niña tocando un piano que le habían prohibido tocar.
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-Por favor, no digas nada...- coloco una mano en la cabeza de la niña.- Lamento mucho lo de esta tarde. Realmente no era mi intención, prometo no volver a hacerlo.
-Te perdono..- dijo, mirando hacia un lado.- Solo si me enseñas a tocarlo. Siempre e querido aprender, ¿Podrías por favor?
-¡Claro!- chillo emocionado, nadie había mostrado interés por lo que le gustaba hacer. De hecho se lo habían prohibido. Esa niña podría ser una buena distracción para el.- Por cierto, ¿Cuál es tu nombre?, no me lo habías dicho.
-Ethel... Hartley, es un placer.- extendió su manita.
-Byron Felton.- sonrió, estrechando su mano.- Quien sabe, quizás algún día lleves mi apellido.
Ambos niños rieron, y continuaron riendo hasta la madrugada debido a la dificultad de Ethel para aprender los acordes. Al menos hasta que el anciano de cabello blanco los descubrió haciendo tontearías y los mando a la cama. Desde esa noche, las criadas cerraban la puerta del recibidor para que los niños no estuvieran solos. Y poco tiempo después, debido a que la compañía de Ethel distraía a Byron de sus deberes, la compañía de ambos fue limitada, llegando incluso al extremo de organizar un viaje de negocios solo para alejar a los niños, y que ambos pudieran aprender lo referido debidamente.
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-No llores, volveremos, no te preocupes.- susurro Byron para consolar a Ethel, a quien se le rompía el corazón y se sentía desconsolada.
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Adelayo Adedayo as Agnes “Lee” Lebachi
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The British actress recurred as a hacker in the first season of the YouTube Premium series Origin. Her character had a dalliance with a female AI.
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Minor chords in a major key
by Sani86
Azirapahle Felton transfers to St Francis' Academy for his final year of school, stepping into his older brother Gabriel's illustrious shadow with the firm knowledge that he could never measure up. Anthony Crowley is his roommate; he would rather be a musician, but his father has other ideas that he's determined to enforce, and school is as much an escape from his family home as a means to an education.
This story tells the tale of the year that they shared a room; a year that would change the trajectory of both their lives forever.
Words: 3032, Chapters: 1/14, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens), Sandalphon (Good Omens), Anathema Device, Newton Pulsifer, Adam Young (Good Omens), Brian (Good Omens), Wensleydale (Good Omens), Michael (Good Omens), Beelzebub (Good Omens), Lucifer, Hastur (Good Omens), Ligur (Good Omens), Dagon (Good Omens), Agnes Nutter
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Boarding School, rock music, Poetry, guitarist Crowley, terrible OC parents, Gratuitous references to old rock music, especially queen, Alternate Universe - 1980s, Falling In Love, Boys In Love, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, References to Depression, Suicide Attempt, Anathema is the best
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/25860445
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dramionediscussion · 7 years
In all honesty-- As much as I LOVE Tom Felton being Draco-- I feel like he isn't pretty enough for me to imagine him as Draco when reading fanfics. He just isn't the type of person that I think girls would flock to. (as described in pretty much every fanfic lmao)
Tom Felton is adorable in my opinion but when I think of Draco in fanfics I see a different person. Of course each fanfiction describes Draco differently depending on the author’s preferences. 
Over on the Dramione Asks page one of our admins, Agn, suggested Oliver Stummvoll as a potential Draco. 
 Like this man is just so pretty. And he is also close to how I imagined Draco. So let’s all take a collective break and just enjoy these pictures.
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Guys, just wow.
- Wynken
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thelibrary1 · 7 years
Full List of Carnegie Winners
Please note that before 2007 the year refers to when the book was published rather than when the medal was awarded i.e. the 2005 winner was announced and the medal presented in July 2006.
2016 Sarah Crossan, One, Bloomsbury
2015 Tanya Landman, Buffalo Soldier, Walker Books
2014 Kevin Brooks, The Bunker Diary, Puffin Books
2013 Sally Gardner, Maggot Moon, Hot Key Books
2012 Patrick Ness, A Monster Calls, Walker Books
2011 Patrick Ness, Monsters of Men, Walker Books
2010 Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book, Bloomsbury
2009 Siobhan Dowd, Bog Child, David Fickling
2008 Philip Reeve, Here Lies Arthur, Scholastic
2007 Meg Rosoff, Just in Case, Penguin
2005 Mal Peet, Tamar, Walker Books
2004 Frank Cottrell Boyce, Millions, Macmillan
2003 Jennifer Donnelly, A Gathering Light, Bloomsbury Children's Books
2002 Sharon Creech, Ruby Holler, Bloomsbury Children's Books 2001 Terry Pratchett, The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents, Doubleday 2000 Beverley Naidoo, The Other Side of Truth, Puffin
1999 Aidan Chambers, Postcards From No Man's Land, Bodley Head
1998 David Almond, Skellig, Hodder Children's Books
1997 Tim Bowler, River Boy, OUP
1996 Melvin Burgess, Junk, Andersen Press
1995 Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials: Book 1 Northern Lights, Scholastic
1994 Theresa Breslin, Whispers in the Graveyard, Methuen
1993 Robert Swindells, Stone Cold, H Hamilton
1992 Anne Fine, Flour Babies, H Hamilton
1991 Berlie Doherty, Dear Nobody, H Hamilton
1990 Gillian Cross, Wolf, OUP
1989 Anne Fine, Goggle-eyes, H Hamilton
1988 Geraldine McCaughrean, A Pack of Lies, OUP
1987 Susan Price, The Ghost Drum, Faber
1986 Berlie Doherty, Granny was a Buffer Girl, Methuen
1985 Kevin Crossley-Holland, Storm, Heinemann
1984 Margaret Mahy, The Changeover, Dent
1983 Jan Mark, Handles, Kestrel
1982 Margaret Mahy, The Haunting, Dent
1981 Robert Westall, The Scarecrows, Chatto & Windus
1980 Peter Dickinson, City of Gold, Gollancz
1979 Peter Dickinson, Tulku, Gollancz
1978 David Rees, The Exeter Blitz, H Hamilton
1977 Gene Kemp, The Turbulent Term of Tyke Tiler, Faber
1976 Jan Mark, Thunder and Lightnings, Kestrel
1975 Robert Westall, The Machine Gunners, Macmillan
1974 Mollie Hunter, The Stronghold, H Hamilton
1973 Penelope Lively, The Ghost of Thomas Kempe, Heinemann
1972 Richard Adams, Watership Down, Rex Collings
1971 Ivan Southall, Josh, Angus & Robertson
1970 Leon Garfield & Edward Blishen, The God Beneath the Sea, Longman
1969 Kathleen Peyton, The Edge of the Cloud, OUP
1968 Rosemary Harris, The Moon in the Cloud, Faber
1967 Alan Garner, The Owl Service, Collins
1966 Prize withheld as no book considered suitable
1965 Philip Turner, The Grange at High Force, OUP
1964 Sheena Porter, Nordy Bank, OUP
1963 Hester Burton, Time of Trial, OUP
1962 Pauline Clarke, The Twelve and the Genii, Faber
1961 Lucy M Boston, A Stranger at Green Knowe, Faber
1960 Dr I W Cornwall, The Making of Man, Phoenix House
1959 Rosemary Sutcliff, The Lantern Bearers, OUP
1958 Philipa Pearce, Tom's Midnight Garden, OUP
1957 William Mayne, A Grass Rope, OUP
1956 C S Lewis, The Last Battle, Bodley Head
1955 Eleanor Farjeon, The Little Bookroom, OUP
1954 Ronald Welch (Felton Ronald Oliver), Knight Crusader, OUP
1953 Edward Osmond, A Valley Grows Up
1952 Mary Norton, The Borrowers, Dent
1951 Cynthia Harnett, The Woolpack, Methuen
1950 Elfrida Vipont Foulds, The Lark on the Wing, OUP
1949 Agnes Allen, The Story of Your Home, Faber
1948 Richard Armstrong, Sea Change, Dent
1947 Walter De La Mare, Collected Stories for Children
1946 Elizabeth Goudge, The Little White Horse, University of London Press
1945 Prize withheld as no book considered suitable
1944 Eric Linklater, The Wind on the Moon, Macmillan
1943 Prize withheld as no book considered suitable
1942 'BB' (D J Watkins-Pitchford), The Little Grey Men, Eyre & Spottiswoode
1941 Mary Treadgold, We Couldn't Leave Dinah, Cape
1940 Kitty Barne, Visitors from London, Dent
1939 Eleanor Doorly, Radium Woman, Heinemann
1938 Noel Streatfeild, The Circus is Coming, Dent
1937 Eve Garnett, The Family from One End Street, Muller
1936 Arthur Ransome, Pigeon Post, Cape
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ao3feed-crowley · 4 years
Minor chords in a major key
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33TS4ZW
by Sani86
Azirapahle Felton transfers to St Francis' Academy for his final year of school, stepping into his older brother Gabriel's illustrious shadow with the firm knowledge that he could never measure up. Anthony Crowley is his roommate; he would rather be a musician, but his father has other ideas that he's determined to enforce, and school is as much an escape from his family home as a means to an education.
This story tells the tale of the year that they shared a room; a year that would change the trajectory of both their lives forever.
Words: 3032, Chapters: 1/14, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens), Sandalphon (Good Omens), Anathema Device, Newton Pulsifer, Adam Young (Good Omens), Brian (Good Omens), Wensleydale (Good Omens), Michael (Good Omens), Beelzebub (Good Omens), Lucifer, Hastur (Good Omens), Ligur (Good Omens), Dagon (Good Omens), Agnes Nutter
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Boarding School, rock music, Poetry, guitarist Crowley, terrible OC parents, Gratuitous references to old rock music, especially queen, Alternate Universe - 1980s, Falling In Love, Boys In Love, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, References to Depression, Suicide Attempt, Anathema is the best
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33TS4ZW
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ao3feed-goodomens · 4 years
Minor chords in a major key
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33TS4ZW
by Sani86
Azirapahle Felton transfers to St Francis' Academy for his final year of school, stepping into his older brother Gabriel's illustrious shadow with the firm knowledge that he could never measure up. Anthony Crowley is his roommate; he would rather be a musician, but his father has other ideas that he's determined to enforce, and school is as much an escape from his family home as a means to an education.
This story tells the tale of the year that they shared a room; a year that would change the trajectory of both their lives forever.
Words: 3032, Chapters: 1/14, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens), Sandalphon (Good Omens), Anathema Device, Newton Pulsifer, Adam Young (Good Omens), Brian (Good Omens), Wensleydale (Good Omens), Michael (Good Omens), Beelzebub (Good Omens), Lucifer, Hastur (Good Omens), Ligur (Good Omens), Dagon (Good Omens), Agnes Nutter
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Boarding School, rock music, Poetry, guitarist Crowley, terrible OC parents, Gratuitous references to old rock music, especially queen, Alternate Universe - 1980s, Falling In Love, Boys In Love, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, References to Depression, Suicide Attempt, Anathema is the best
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33TS4ZW
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wildshadowtamer · 5 years
Sims Story!
Okay so i managed to get the sims 3 on steam and since i used to plsy a bunch of it when i was little on my old computer, i decided to buy it.
The rest will be under the cut as it is long.
It's just as good as I remembered. So, when i jumped in the game and made a sim, i decided to go with a calm, family style life.
I started with two parents, two teenagers and a toddler. Abigail & Johnny for parents, Katie and Draco for teens and Tommy for toddler.
Eventually the bathroom sink broke and Johnny had to call a technician, but when she showed up he fell head over heels for her. He was the spouse to Abigail, dont forget.
So while Abigail was out, the teens were out cold and Tommy was asleep, he cheated and got away with it. Or at least, he thought he did. Tommy was still awake.
But because Tommy was too young to say anything, Johnny got away with it, working longer hours at his job. Now, around this time Abigail is pregnant with Johnny's kid, keep that in mind.
Well, Draco had had enough of Tommy not having enough interaction with his parents, so he took it into his own hands to raise him, building a little shed with everything both of them could need.
Then, Abigail went into labor and Johnny was off on a date with the plumber girl from earlier, he didn't even bother showing up. Draco, however, was there and took the child into his little shed and kept him there along with Tommy.
Johnny soon broke up with Abigail and moved out, leaving Katie and Draco to comfort their heartbroken mother.
Even though Draco was horribly falling school because he refused to leave the toddlers alone, he reached adulthood and moved out, taking his little brothers with him. At this point, Tommy was a child.
Everything went smoothly and soon Tommy was a teenager and Dextor, the youngest of the three, was a toddler. Soon, Draco fell in love with an older woman named Agnes Crumplebottom in a library.
They started dating and, over a few weeks, Agnes moved in and married Draco. Soon, Agnes was pregnant with their first child, a little girl named Emily. Dextor was now a teenager and Emily had oh-so-soon became a toddler.
Days went by quickly, Dextor gaining a passion for art and Tommy gaining a near-obsession with becoming an athlete, Agns got pregnant again and gave birth to triplets: Maru, Leah and Haley.
The two brothers, both unemployed, decided to help Agnes and their eldest brother raise the four children, even going as far as teaching Emily how to walk and talk.
Emily became a child and her sisters now toddlers, about the third generation now. Between the four of them, three brothers and a wife, they successfully raised the remaining three into mostly well-behaved babies.
Now we get to Emily, a young girl with a passion for fishing. She was actually very good at it, balancing her passion and school with ease, even getting on the honor roll along with Tommy.
Tommy had mastered athletics by then thanks to Draco training him, but something went wrong: Agnes was dying from old age. Draco was devastated and desperately attempted to reverse her aging, but he only managed to clone her, a version of her from a long time ago: Young Adult Age.
Draco quickly remarried her, the original Agnes sadly dying while the younger one thrived with Draco and her family. Then, after what felt like forever, Tommy became an adult and started working as an athlete at the local stadium, Draco soon following.
But, at around 7PM on a clear thursday night, Draco was just about to head home from getting his dream job as an athlete, when a woman suddenly dropped dead in front of him. He was in shock, unable to move when The Grim Reaper raised out of the ground and took her ghost to the afterlife only a few feet away from Draco.
One of the shocked spectators fell unconscious from shock and the rest fleed, but Draco refused to. He stayed next to death himself, actually having a pretty good time while death read a book about Fashion Advice For Hermits, until he disintegrated into the floor.
After the shocking turn of events, Draco made a run for it back home and never spoke about it to anyone, scared that death may take revenge.
Months later the triplets became smart young children and Tommy fell in love with a boy named Cyrus Keaton, one of his classmates. They started dating and were extremely happy with eachother, even when Tommy had an accidental one night stand with a boy named Leighton Sekemoto, which he still regrets to this day.
After many promotions and a lot of training, Tommy was gradually becoming more and more successful. Agnes was becoming a brilliant writer and Draco was slowly following his little brothers footsteps.
Around this time Dextor became an adult and started painting better and better pictures, hanging them around the room he shared with Tommy.
Eventually, Tommy realised he was not, in fact, in love with Cyrus and had to break up with him, although both are still on good terms. He soon moved out and moved in with a girl named Ashleigh Felton, quickly falling head over heels for her and getting her pregnant. He proposed a few days after the announcement and got married on the nearby beach.
The wedding itself was beautiful, a sunny day with the entire family there, Emily and the triplets were actually teenagers now, much to the surprise of their Uncle Tommy. But nonetheless, the wedding was beautiful and the party was a success.
And this is where we are now, Tommy and Ashleigh in ther own little house with a child on the way, planning to continue the family legacy with a ridiculous amount of children.
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mechanicalcurator · 6 years
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Image from 'Helen Felton's Question. A problem in a Novel', 003988977
Author: WYLDE, Agnes.
Page: 86
Year: 1865
Place: London, Edinburgh [printed]
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Following the link above will take you to the British Library's integrated catalogue. You will be able to download a PDF of the book this image is taken from, as well as view the pages up close with the 'itemViewer'. Click on the 'related items' to search for the electronic version of this work.
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northshoregadgets · 7 years
500 Old Fashioned Dog Names
Naming your dog is an important decision, and one many of struggle with. We want a name that sounds right, and one that fits their true personality. But there’s so many to choose from, it’s hard to know where to begin.
My trick? I use themed baby name lists. I’ve used one every time I’ve had to name a new pet, and they always give me inspiration. And one of my favorite themes is using old fashioned (and historical) names. (Laika is named after the first dog to orbit Earth)
Looking for the perfect old fashioned name for your dog? If so you’ve come to the right place; this list is full of classic & vintage inspired names. Here’s 500 old fashioned dog names.
500 Old Fashioned Dog Names
Female Dog Names Male Dog Names Abigail Abe Ada Albert Addy Alexander Adelaide Alford Adeline Alistar Agatha Alvin Agnes Archie Alice Arthur Amelia Ashby Anastasia Augustus Annabell Barton Annamae Basil Anne Benji Anna Bennett Arabella Benny Arlene Benson Ashlyn Bernard Astrid Bertrand Audra Bradford Ava Bradley Averill Braxton Bea Brigham Beatrice Brock Bella Broderick Bernadette Brogan Bertha Bronson Bernice Buddy Bessie Byron Beth Cadence Betty Carlton Beverly Carter Billie Cecil Blanche Cedric Bonnie Charlie Camille Chester Carlotta Clark Cassandra Clement Catherine Clifford Cecelia Clyde Celeste Coleman Celia Colin Charlotte Conrad Chloe Cornelius Claire Crawford Clara Daniel Clarabelle Darius Clarissa Davis Clementine Davy Cleo Dexter Coco Dixon Constance Domingo Cora Donnie Coral Earl Daisy Easton Darlene Edger Delilah Edison Dolores Edmund Doris Edward Dorothea Edwin Dorothy Eldon Dot Eli Dottie Eliot Edith Elmer Edna Emerson Effie Emmett Elaine Emory Eleanor Ernest Eleanora Eugene Eloise Evander Eliza Everett Elizabeth Ezra Ella Felix Ellamae Felton Elsa Fenton Elsie Fido Emily Finley Emma Finn Enid Fletcher Esme Forrest Esmerelda Foster Estelle Francis Estella Frank Esther Franklin Ethel Frederick Etta Freeman Eudora George Eva Gerald Evelyn Gilbert Fannie Grady Felicity Graham Fern Griffin Florence Hamilton Frances Harold Frida Harrison Gail Harry Garnet Hart Gemma Harvey Geneva Hayes Genevieve Heath Georgetta Hector Georgia Henry Geraldine Herbert Gertrude Hilton Gidget Hoover Ginger Hudson Gladys Hugh Gloria Hunter Glynn Hyatt Grace Ike Gracelyn Ira Greta Irving Gretchen Ives Gwendolyn Jack Harper Jacob Harriet James Hattie Jameson Hazel Jasper Hedy Jefferson Helen John Holly Jonas Ida Joseph Irene Kendrick Iris Kent Isabella Lambert Isadora Lance Ivy Lane Jacqueline Langston Jane Lawrence Joan Lemuel Jocelyn Leo Josephine Leonard Joy Leroy Joyce Lewis Judith Liam Julia Lincoln Juliana Llewellyn June Luther Katherine Mack Kay Maguire Kitty Malcolm Lady Martin Lassie Mason Layne Maverick Leona Max Lila Maximilian Lilibeth Maxwell Lillian McKinley Lily Mercer Lizette Meyer Lois Michael Lola Milburn Loretta Miles Lorraine Miller Louisa Milo Louise Milton Lucia Monroe Lucille Morton Lucinda Murphy Lucy Murray Luella Napoleon Lula Nelson Mabel Newton Madeline Niles Mae Norman Maisie Norris Mamie Oakley Mara Oliver Margaret Orson Marge Oscar Marianne Otis Marilyn Otto Marjorie Overton Maryella Owen Matilda Park Maude Parker Maura Parley May Percival Mazie Percy Melanie Phillip Melissa Pierce Melody Porter Meredith Quincy Minnie Quinton Miranda Ralph Missy Randall Molly Raymond Myra Reed Myrtle Reuben Nanette Rex Nellie Richard Nettie Robert Nora Rudolph Norma Rufus Olive Rupert Olivia Russell Opal Samson Patsy Saul Pearl Scout Peggy Sebastian Penelope Sedrick Phoebe Sheldon Polly Shelton Posey Sherman Phyllis Sherwood Priscilla Sigmund Prudence Silas Queenie Spot Quinn Stanley Quinnie Sterling Rachel Stetson Rebecca Stuart Regina Summer Rhea Sylvan Rosalie Taylor Rose Teddy Rosemary Thaddeus Roxy Theodore Ruby Thornton Ruth Thurston Sadie Tillman Samantha Tobias Selma Toby Shirley Todd Sophia Tristan Sophronia Truman Stella Tucker Susannah Tyler Sue Ulysses Susie Vaughn Sylvia Vernon Tabitha Victor Theresa Vincent Tillie Virgil Ursula Wade Velma Wallace Vera Walter Victoria Walton Viola Warren Violet Watson Virgie Weldon Virginia Wesley Wanda Weston Waverly Wheeler Willa Wilbur Willie Mae William Wilma Willis Winifred Wilson Yvonne Winston Zelda Wyatt Zora Wylie
  Please share with your friends
I came up with a few of my favorite classic dog names, but it was nowhere close to 500. The majority of credit belongs to the following sites and their great name lists:
Fit Pregnancy
Baby Center
Baby Name Boutique
Bark Post
Pop Sugar
What Are Your Favorite Old Fashioned Dog Names?
Do you have any favorite old fashioned dog names? How did you name your last dog? Are you a fan of using human names for your pets? Have you ever named your dog after a historical figure? My previous dog was named Carter, so that’s a given for me.
The post 500 Old Fashioned Dog Names appeared first on Puppy Leaks.
from North Shore Outlet - Pets http://ift.tt/2y8MS1I via IFTTT
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Camping Tent Market Landscape, Type, Application & Forecast to 2021
Camping equipment used by campers for their accommodation at different campsites refers to camping tents. These tents are available in a variety of distinct poles, fabrics, features, styles, and colors. Camping equipment is primarily used for outdoor recreational activities some of which include camping and hiking. Vendors offer different varieties of camping equipment and sell them through various distribution channels such as specialty sporting goods stores, hypermarkets, supermarkets, warehouse clubs, department stores, and e-commerce websites.
Covered in this report
The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global camping tent market for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report presents a detailed picture of the market by way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources.
The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:
Browse Detail Market Report With TOC @ http://www.hexareports.com/report/global-camping-tent-market-2017-2021
Global Camping Tent Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.
Key vendors
Johnson Outdoors
Newell Brands
Oase Outdoors
Other prominent vendors
Big Agnes
Exxel Outdoors
NEMO Equipment
Simex Outdoor International
Sports Direct International
VF Corporation
Request A Sample copy of This Report @ http://www.hexareports.com/report/global-camping-tent-market-2017-2021/request-sample
Market driver
Rise in popularity of outdoor recreational activities
For a full, detailed list, view our report
Market challenge
Rise in adoption of RV and glamping
For a full, detailed list, view our report
Market trend
Innovation in features and design of camping tents
For a full, detailed list, view our report
Key questions answered in this report
What will the market size be in 2021 and what will the growth rate be?
What are the key market trends?
What is driving this market?
What are the challenges to market growth?
Who are the key vendors in this market space?
What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?
About us Hexa Reports is a market research and consulting organization, offering industry reports, custom research and consulting services to a host of key industries across the globe. We offer comprehensive business intelligence in the form of industry reports which help our clients obtain clarity about their business environment and enable them to undertake strategic growth initiatives.Contact Information: Ryan Shaw Felton Office Plaza, 6265 Highway 9, Felton, California, 95018, United States Phone Number 1-800-489-3075 Email Us: [email protected] Our Website: http://www.hexareports.com/ Visit our Blog: http://hexareports.blogspot.com/ Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HexaReports1 Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/6624789/
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mechanicalcurator · 7 years
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Image from 'Helen Felton's Question. A problem in a Novel', 003988977
Author: WYLDE, Agnes.
Page: 31
Year: 1865
Place: London, Edinburgh [printed]
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Following the link above will take you to the British Library's integrated catalogue. You will be able to download a PDF of the book this image is taken from, as well as view the pages up close with the 'itemViewer'. Click on the 'related items' to search for the electronic version of this work.
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