#Agile DevOps methodologies
connectinfosofttech · 6 months
DevOps Development Services | Hire DevOps Developer Team
At Connect Infosoft, our DevOps development services are crafted to optimize your software delivery process. Our seasoned experts collaborate with you to evaluate your existing infrastructure, development methodologies, and business objectives. We then tailor our approach to implement the most effective DevOps strategies for your organization.
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From establishing efficient continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines to automating deployment processes, we ensure your workflows are streamlined for speed and reliability. We also provide ongoing support and training to facilitate the adoption and sustenance of DevOps practices across your teams.
Partnering with Connect Infosoft for your DevOps development requirements empowers you to expedite software delivery, enhance application quality, and foster collaboration between your development and operations teams. Reach out to us today to explore how our DevOps development services can elevate your business.
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pebblegalaxy · 12 days
Beyond Agile: Discover 10 Alternative and Effective Approaches for Product Development
While Agile is a widely successful and adaptable methodology, some alternative approaches or complementary strategies may be more effective depending on the context of the product, team dynamics, and business goals. Here are a few methods that can be considered more effective or tailored for specific scenarios than Agile: 1. Lean Development Overview: Lean focuses on reducing waste, improving…
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it-life · 3 months
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Deep down I knew it was always going to be my problem. Text: If approval is ownership, and you're the one who signed off… how the fuck did it become my problem?
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techtoio · 3 months
Exploring the Latest Trends in Software Development
Introduction The software is something like an industry whose development is ever-evolving with new technologies and changing market needs as the drivers. To this end, developers must keep abreast with current trends in their fields of operation to remain competitive and relevant. Read to continue .....
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gsinfotechvispvtltd · 5 months
The Latest Trends in IT Software Development: What You Need to Know
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, staying up-to-date with the latest trends in IT software development is crucial for businesses to remain competitive. As new technologies emerge and customer expectations evolve, software development practices must adapt to meet these changing demands. In this blog post, we will explore some of the key trends shaping the IT software development industry in 2024.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
The fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are still transforming software development. Applications driven by AI are proliferating, allowing companies to automate procedures, extract insightful information from data, and improve consumer experiences. ML algorithms are being used to create intelligent systems that are able to learn and grow over time, increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of software.
Low-Code and No-Code Development
Low-code and no-code development platforms are gaining popularity as they allow businesses to build applications with minimal coding knowledge. These platforms provide visual interfaces and pre-built components, enabling faster development and deployment of software solutions. This trend empowers citizen developers and reduces the dependency on traditional coding expertise.
Cloud-Native Development
An approach known as "cloud-native development" makes use of cloud computing in the development and deployment of apps. It entails creating apps especially for cloud settings and utilizing their scalability, flexibility, and affordability. Faster time-to-market, simpler maintenance, and seamless connection with other cloud services are all made possible by cloud-native development.
Internet of Things (IoT) Integration
The Internet of Things, or IoT, is growing quickly, linking different devices and facilitating data sharing amongst them. In order to create intelligent and networked systems, software developers are integrating Internet of Things features into their applications. Businesses can automate procedures, gather and analyze data in real time, and make better decisions by integrating IoT.
DevOps and Agile Methodologies
DevOps and Agile methodologies continue to be essential for efficient software development. DevOps emphasizes collaboration and integration between development and operations teams, enabling faster and more reliable software delivery. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, promote iterative development, flexibility, and customer-centricity.
Cybersecurity and Data Privacy
With the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats, cybersecurity and data privacy have become paramount concerns for software developers. Building secure and privacy-focused applications is crucial to protect sensitive data and maintain customer trust. Developers are implementing robust security measures, such as encryption, authentication, and regular vulnerability assessments, to safeguard software systems.
Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)
PWAs, or progressive web applications, are online applications that give consumers a native app-like experience. PWAs combine the best features of online and mobile applications with fast loading times, offline functionality, and push notifications. Because they don't need separate platform development, they are accessible and reasonably priced across a range of devices.
In conclusion, for businesses to succeed in the current digital environment, they must keep up with the most recent developments in IT software development. Software development is changing as a result of these themes, which include cybersecurity, low-code development, AI, and ML. Businesses may create creative, effective, and safe software solutions that satisfy their clients' changing needs by adopting these trends.
Recall that the software development industry is always changing, therefore it's critical to maintain your curiosity, adjust to new technologies, and advance your knowledge and skills as a developer.
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devopsenabler1-blog · 6 months
Driving Innovation: A Case Study on DevOps Implementation in BFSI Domain
Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI), technology plays a pivotal role in driving innovation, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. However, for one BFSI company, the journey toward digital excellence was fraught with challenges in its software development and maintenance processes. With a diverse portfolio of applications and a significant portion outsourced to external vendors, the company grappled with inefficiencies that threatened its operational agility and competitiveness. Identified within this portfolio were 15 core applications deemed critical to the company’s operations, highlighting the urgency for transformative action.
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Aspirations for the Future:
Looking ahead, the company envisioned a future state characterized by the establishment of a matured DevSecOps environment. This encompassed several key objectives:
Near-zero Touch Pipeline: Automating product development processes for infrastructure provisioning, application builds, deployments, and configuration changes.
Matured Source-code Management: Implementing robust source-code management processes, complete with review gates, to uphold quality standards.
Defined and Repeatable Release Process: Instituting a standardized release process fortified with quality and security gates to minimize deployment failures and bug leakage.
Modernization: Embracing the latest technological advancements to drive innovation and efficiency.
Common Processes Among Vendors: Establishing standardized processes to enhance understanding and control over the software development lifecycle (SDLC) across different vendors.
Challenges Along the Way:
The path to realizing this vision was beset with challenges, including:
Lack of Source Code Management
Absence of Documentation
Lack of Common Processes
Missing CI/CD and Automated Testing
No Branching and Merging Strategy
Inconsistent Sprint Execution
These challenges collectively hindered the company’s ability to achieve optimal software development, maintenance, and deployment processes. They underscored the critical need for foundational practices such as source code management, documentation, and standardized processes to be addressed comprehensively.
Proposed Solutions:
To overcome these obstacles and pave the way for transformation, the company proposed a phased implementation approach:
Stage 1: Implement Basic DevOps: Commencing with the implementation of fundamental DevOps practices, including source code management and CI/CD processes, for a select group of applications.
Stage 2: Modernization: Progressing towards a more advanced stage involving microservices architecture, test automation, security enhancements, and comprehensive monitoring.
To Expand Your Awareness: https://devopsenabler.com/contact-us
Injecting Security into the SDLC:
Recognizing the paramount importance of security, dedicated measures were introduced to fortify the software development lifecycle. These encompassed:
Security by Design
Secure Coding Practices
Static and Dynamic Application Security Testing (SAST/DAST)
Software Component Analysis
Security Operations
Realizing the Outcomes:
The proposed solution yielded promising outcomes aligned closely with the company’s future aspirations. Leveraging Microsoft Azure’s DevOps capabilities, the company witnessed:
Establishment of common processes and enhanced visibility across different vendors.
Implementation of Azure DevOps for organized version control, sprint planning, and streamlined workflows.
Automation of builds, deployments, and infrastructure provisioning through Azure Pipelines and Automation.
Improved code quality, security, and release management processes.
Transition to microservices architecture and comprehensive monitoring using Azure services.
The BFSI company embarked on a transformative journey towards establishing a matured DevSecOps environment. This journey, marked by challenges and triumphs, underscores the critical importance of innovation and adaptability in today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape. As the company continues to evolve and innovate, the adoption of DevSecOps principles will serve as a cornerstone in driving efficiency, security, and ultimately, the delivery of superior customer experiences in the dynamic realm of BFSI.
Contact Information:
Phone: 080-28473200 / +91 8880 38 18 58
Address: DevOps Enabler & Co, 2nd Floor, F86 Building, ITI Limited, Doorvaninagar, Bangalore 560016.
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anusha-g · 7 months
"Maximizing Software Development Success: The Benefits of Integrating Agile and DevOps Methodologies"
Using both Agile and DevOps methodologies in a software development lifecycle offers several benefits:
Faster Time-to-Market: Agile facilitates iterative development and quick releases, while DevOps streamlines deployment and operations, leading to faster delivery of features and updates to end-users.
Improved Collaboration: Agile promotes cross-functional teams and frequent communication, while DevOps encourages collaboration between development, operations, and other stakeholders, fostering a culture of shared responsibility and cooperation.
Enhanced Quality: Agile's focus on continuous feedback and testing, combined with DevOps' emphasis on automation and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), helps identify and resolve issues earlier in the development process, leading to higher-quality software.
Greater Flexibility and Adaptability: Agile allows teams to respond quickly to changing requirements and customer feedback, while DevOps enables rapid deployment and rollback of changes, providing the flexibility needed to adapt to evolving market demands.
Increased Efficiency and Productivity: Agile promotes self-organizing teams and efficient use of resources, while DevOps automates repetitive tasks and optimizes workflows, resulting in improved productivity and resource utilization across the development lifecycle.
Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Agile's focus on delivering value to customers through incremental releases, combined with DevOps' ability to deliver stable and reliable software, results in higher customer satisfaction and retention.
Continuous Improvement: Both Agile and DevOps encourage a culture of continuous improvement and learning, with regular retrospectives and feedback loops, leading to ongoing refinement of processes, tools, and practices to drive better outcomes.
Cost Reduction: By minimizing waste, optimizing processes, and reducing time-to-market, the combined use of Agile and DevOps can lead to cost savings in software development and operations.
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Release Management: Best Practices for Seamless Deployments
Unlock the secrets of seamless software releases with our in-depth guide on release management best practices - from version control to CI/CD, ensuring success in every deployment. #ReleaseManagement #SoftwareDeployment #CI_CD #AgileDevelopment
In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of software development, embracing the power of efficient release management becomes paramount. It is the key that unlocks the doors to delivering exceptional, high-quality products on schedule, leaving a lasting impression on users. Release management encompasses a profound orchestration, entailing meticulous planning, seamless coordination, and diligent…
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kunalmeghani · 1 year
DevOps vs Agile: Choosing the Right Methodology for Your Project
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In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, methodologies like DevOps and Agile have gained immense popularity for their ability to streamline processes and deliver high-quality products. However, choosing the right methodology for your project can be challenging, as both DevOps and Agile offer unique approaches to development and collaboration. This comprehensive guide dives into the intricacies of DevOps and Agile methodologies, highlighting their differences, benefits, and potential challenges. By understanding the principles and practices of both methodologies, you can make an informed decision about which approach aligns best with your project's goals, team dynamics, and development lifecycle.
Section 1: Understanding DevOps 
DevOps is a collaborative methodology that focuses on breaking down silos between development and operations teams. It aims to achieve continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) by automating processes and fostering a culture of shared responsibility. DevOps encourages the use of tools for automation, configuration management, and monitoring to ensure seamless software development and deployment.
Section 2: Exploring Agile Methodology 
Agile is an iterative and incremental approach to software development that prioritizes delivering functional software in short cycles known as sprints. It values customer collaboration, responsiveness to change, and delivering value early and often. Agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban emphasize regular feedback, self-organizing teams, and adaptive planning.
Section 3: Key Differences 
DevOps and Agile differ in their primary focuses and objectives. DevOps primarily centers on optimizing the development-to-production pipeline, ensuring rapid and reliable software delivery. Agile, on the other hand, concentrates on iterative development, customer engagement, and responding to evolving requirements. DevOps emphasizes automation and collaboration, while Agile emphasizes flexibility and customer satisfaction.
Section 4: Benefits of DevOps 
DevOps offers several benefits, such as accelerated deployment cycles, reduced time-to-market, and improved software quality. Automation of processes minimizes human errors and enhances consistency. Collaboration between development and operations teams results in a smoother workflow, reduced deployment failures, and faster issue resolution.
Section 5: Benefits of Agile 
Agile methodology provides benefits like enhanced customer engagement, adaptability to changing requirements, and increased visibility into project progress. Iterative development allows teams to respond to user feedback and changing market conditions effectively. Regular demonstrations of working software foster better stakeholder communication and satisfaction.
Section 6: Implementation Challenges 
Implementing DevOps can face challenges such as resistance to cultural change, especially in organizations with traditionally separate development and operations teams. Integrating diverse tools into a cohesive toolchain can be complex, requiring thorough planning and training. The shift toward automation and continuous improvement demands a commitment to learning and skill development.
Section 7: Implementation Challenges for Agile 
Agile implementation can encounter challenges such as managing evolving requirements within short timeframes, leading to scope creep or incomplete features. Continuous feedback loops require consistent communication, and teams need to adapt to changing priorities and refine their processes over time.
Section 8: Impact on Software Development 
DevOps impacts software development by ensuring that development, testing, and deployment processes are automated and streamlined. Continuous integration and automated testing lead to more stable code, reducing the chances of post-deployment issues. Collaboration and shared ownership improve accountability and problem-solving.
Section 9: Impact of Agile on Software Development 
Agile transforms software development by breaking projects into manageable sprints, allowing regular user feedback and the ability to adapt to changing requirements. Regular releases build customer trust, and the focus on delivering working software encourages quality throughout development.
Section 10: Choosing the Right Methodology 
Choosing between DevOps and Agile depends on project characteristics, team dynamics, and organizational culture. DevOps suits projects that require rapid deployment and efficient operations, while Agile is ideal for projects with evolving requirements and a focus on customer feedback. Assessing the team's skills, project scope, and organization's readiness for change can guide the decision-making process.
The choice between DevOps and Agile is significant and requires a thorough understanding of each methodology's principles and impact. DevOps enhances collaboration and automation, accelerating deployment cycles, while Agile fosters flexibility and customer satisfaction through iterative development. Both methodologies offer valuable insights and practices that can be tailored to suit specific projects. By evaluating project requirements, team dynamics, and organizational goals, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your project's objectives, ensuring a successful and efficient software development process.
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bdccglobal · 1 year
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Discover the distinction between Agile and DevOps and understand how each methodology brings unique value to the software development lifecycle.
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zenkinstech · 1 year
The Benefits of Agile Methodology for Software Development Projects 
Agile methodology is like the Swiss army knife of software development projects. It's a grab-bag approach that can make even the most complex of tasks seem like a breeze. It not only forces people to communicate better, but it also gets everyone working together to build something great. There's an old saying that teamwork makes the dream work, and it couldn't be truer in this case. Instead of waiting until everything is perfect before moving onto the next step, Agile methodology tells us to forge ahead while keeping an eye on our end goal. With Agile comes flexibility, making it easier to change direction when necessary or even pivot entirely! So if you want a truly collaborative approach for your next software development project, then Agile is definitely the way to go! 
Introduction to Agile Methodology 
Agile methodology is a project management approach that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. It was developed as a response to the traditional, rigid, and sequential approach to software development known as the Waterfall model. Agile methodology is based on iterative and incremental development, meaning that software is developed in small, frequent releases, with continuous feedback and improvement throughout the development cycle. 
Agile methodology values individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan. It is designed to be adaptive and responsive to changing customer needs and project requirements, making it well-suited to software development projects that require frequent updates and changes. 
Increased Flexibility and Adaptability 
One of the primary benefits of Agile methodology is increased flexibility and adaptability. The iterative and incremental approach to development allows teams to respond quickly to changes in project requirements, customer needs, and market conditions. Instead of following a rigid plan, Agile teams are able to adjust their approach and priorities in response to new information and feedback. 
This flexibility also allows Agile teams to deliver working software to customers more quickly and frequently, allowing for more rapid feedback and course correction. This reduces the risk of delivering a final product that doesn't meet customer needs or market demand, as teams are able to adjust their approach throughout the development process. 
Additionally, the Agile approach values collaboration and communication between team members and stakeholders. This allows teams to work more closely with customers and end-users to ensure that the software being developed meets their needs and expectations. This collaboration also fosters a sense of ownership and accountability among team members, leading to more engaged and motivated teams. 
2. Improved Collaboration and Communication 
Another major benefit of Agile methodology is improved collaboration and communication. Agile teams emphasize working together closely and communicating effectively throughout the development process. This includes frequent stand-up meetings, sprint retrospectives, and other opportunities for team members to share progress, feedback, and ideas. 
By fostering a culture of collaboration and open communication, Agile teams are better able to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. This reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings or miscommunications, which can lead to costly delays or mistakes. 
Improved collaboration and communication also leads to better teamwork and a more positive work environment. By working closely together and supporting each other, team members are more likely to feel valued and invested in the project. This can lead to higher job satisfaction and retention rates, as well as improved productivity and creativity. 
Overall, the emphasis on collaboration and communication in Agile methodology helps ensure that everyone is working together effectively towards a common goal, which can lead to more successful software development projects. 
3. Faster Time-to-Market 
Another significant benefit of Agile methodology is faster time-to-market. Agile teams work in short development cycles called sprints, typically ranging from one to four weeks. At the end of each sprint, the team produces a working increment of the software that can be tested, demonstrated, and potentially released to customers. 
This approach allows organizations to get their software to market more quickly than traditional software development methods. By breaking the project down into smaller, manageable pieces, the team can release functional software to users sooner and get feedback faster. This feedback loop enables the team to make improvements and adjust course as needed, which can help ensure that the final product meets the needs of users. 
In addition, Agile methodology prioritizes the most important features and requirements early on in the development process, which means that these critical elements can be delivered first. This can be especially valuable for organizations working on software projects with rapidly-changing requirements or a competitive marketplace. 
Overall, Agile methodology can help software organizations like Zenkins get their software to market faster and more efficiently, which can provide a competitive advantage and lead to increased revenue and customer satisfaction. 
4. Enhanced Quality Control and Testing 
Another benefit of Agile methodology is enhanced quality control and testing. With Agile, testing and quality control are integrated into every stage of the development process. This means that testing is not just limited to the end of the project, but is instead an ongoing process that occurs throughout the entire project lifecycle. 
This allows for quicker identification and resolution of defects, reducing the risk of defects in the final product. Additionally, the frequent testing and quality control measures ensure that the final product meets the customer's requirements and is of high quality. 
Agile also encourages a culture of continuous improvement, where the team is constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of the product and the development process itself. This results in a more refined and efficient development process, leading to higher quality products that are more likely to meet customer expectations. 
5. Greater Customer Satisfaction 
Agile methodology is also known for providing greater customer satisfaction. Since the customer is involved in every stage of the development process, their feedback is incorporated into the product as it is being developed. This means that the final product is more likely to meet the customer's needs and expectations, resulting in greater customer satisfaction. 
Additionally, since Agile methodology focuses on delivering working software in shorter iterations, the customer can see progress being made and provide feedback throughout the development process. This allows the customer to have more control over the final product and ensures that the end result meets their requirements. 
Furthermore, the focus on continuous improvement in Agile methodology means that the team is always looking for ways to enhance the product and the development process to better meet the customer's needs. This leads to a better understanding of the customer's requirements and a final product that is more likely to satisfy their needs, resulting in increased customer satisfaction. 
6. Reduced Risk of Project Failure 
Agile methodology also helps reduce the risk of project failure by breaking down the development process into small, manageable chunks that can be continuously tested and improved upon. This approach allows for early detection and correction of errors, preventing major setbacks and reducing the likelihood of project failure. Additionally, the regular feedback and collaboration with stakeholders and customers throughout the development process ensures that the final product meets their needs and expectations, further reducing the risk of project failure. 
7. Continuous Improvement and Iteration 
Continuous improvement and iteration are another key benefit of agile methodology. By breaking down the development process into small, iterative cycles, agile allows for constant feedback and collaboration from stakeholders and customers. This allows for quick adjustments and improvements to be made throughout the development process, resulting in a better end product. Additionally, by regularly reviewing and adjusting the development process itself, agile teams can identify and address inefficiencies, leading to further process improvements and increased productivity over time. 
8. Cost Savings and ROI 
Agile methodology can also lead to cost savings and a positive return on investment (ROI) for software development projects. By prioritizing features and requirements based on their value to the customer, agile teams can avoid wasting time and resources on features that may not be necessary or useful. Additionally, agile's focus on constant testing and feedback can help identify and address issues earlier in the development process, reducing the likelihood of costly rework or project failure. This leads to a more efficient development process and ultimately lower costs for the project overall. Finally, by delivering a higher quality end product that meets customer needs and expectations, agile can lead to increased revenue and ROI for the organization. 
Latest trends in Agile Methodology for Software Development Projects 
Some of the latest trends in Agile Methodology for software development projects include: 
DevOps Integration: DevOps and Agile methodologies share similar values, and organizations are looking to integrate DevOps practices to improve the speed and efficiency of software development. 
Remote Collaboration: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend of remote work, and Agile methodology has adapted to it by emphasizing virtual collaboration tools and remote project management practices. 
Value-Driven Development: Agile methodology is increasingly focused on delivering value to the customer, and organizations are prioritizing features and tasks based on customer needs and feedback. 
Scaling Agile: Agile methodologies were originally designed for small, co-located teams, but they are now being scaled up to accommodate larger, more complex projects and distributed teams. 
Agile in Non-IT Areas: Agile methodologies were originally developed for software development, but they are now being applied to other areas, such as marketing, sales, and HR. 
Agile in Regulated Industries: Agile methodology is being increasingly adopted in regulated industries, such as healthcare and finance, where compliance and risk management are critical. 
Agile Data Analytics: Agile methodology is being applied to data analytics projects, allowing teams to quickly iterate and deliver insights to stakeholders. 
Overall, Agile methodology is evolving to meet the changing needs of software development projects and other areas of business, emphasizing flexibility, collaboration, and value delivery. 
7 Ways to Improve Your Agile Software Development Process 
Why Agile is the Future of Software Development 
Agile is the future of software development because let's face it, in this fast-paced digital world, no one has time for drawn-out waterfall methodologies. By using Agile, teams can quickly adapt to changing requirements as they arise and prioritize features based on customer feedback. Plus, with Agile, gone are the days of waiting months or even years for a finished product - instead, you get a workable prototype every few weeks. This iterative approach not only saves time and resources but also allows for continuous improvement and reduces the risk of failure. The flexibility and adaptability offered by Agile allow teams to quickly respond to changing requirements and customer feedback, while enhanced collaboration and communication improve team productivity and morale. Faster time-to-market and improved quality control help organizations stay competitive in today's fast-paced business environment, and continuous improvement and iteration allow for ongoing process optimization. Additionally, Agile can help reduce the risk of project failure, save costs, and provide a better ROI. With the latest trends in Agile such as DevOps and Lean Agile, it is clear that Agile methodology will continue to play a major role in software development in the years to come. So if you're ready to ditch the old-school methods and embrace a more flexible, collaborative way of building software, then Agile is definitely worth embracing. 
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zankalony · 1 year
Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years? A Journey to Becoming a Successful Data Analyst and Software Developer
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.– Winston S. Churchill This is a personal account of my vision for the future as I embark on a new chapter in my life. This one was not generated by AI, its credit goes to unsplash stock As I stand on the precipice of a new phase in my life, I can’t help but wonder where I’ll be in 10 years. Will I achieve my…
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it-life · 3 months
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I know the old adage about making money on the problem, but what have you been doing for the last six months that you're not even pretending to have done work? Text: The problem is I don't know this organization's processes.", said the process improvement consultant that was brought on six months ago to improve the organization's processes.
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pebblegalaxy · 2 years
The Importance of DevOps Adaptation in e-Commerce: Real-Life Examples and Details
Introduction: The e-commerce industry is growing at a fast pace, with online shopping becoming more popular every year. To keep up with the growing demand, e-commerce companies are increasingly turning to DevOps as a means of improving their software development and deployment processes. In this article, we will explore the benefits of DevOps adaptation in e-commerce and provide real-life…
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The developers should have the proper knowledge about software and their different varieties. They should also know how to handle various operating systems .  Many companies are Now hiring DevOps developers as it offers many amazing features  and functionality . DevOps helps in regular delivery with high software quality . DevOps is an attribute of agile Methodology . This article will guide developers as well as the hiring team to know which points they should consider while hiring DevOps developers. 
Know more : https://instatus.com/blog/hiring-devops-developers
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vabroapp · 3 months
Unleash Peak Performance: How Vabro Boosts Team Productivity & Morale
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Looking to unlock a happier, more productive team of IT superstars? Look no further than Vabro! Unlike traditional project management tools, Vabro is built specifically to supercharge Scrum/Agile workflows, leading to a more engaged and efficient work environment. Here's how Vabro makes the magic happen:
Scrum/Agile at its Core: Ditch clunky, outdated tools that struggle with Agile methodologies. Vabro seamlessly integrates with Scrum roles (Product Owner, Scrum Master, Team Member/Developer, etc.) and workflows, empowering your team to work smarter, not harder.
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The Vabro effect? Happier, more productive team members who consistently deliver outstanding results!
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