thinkhugo · 2 years
Module 14 Ekphrasis
"Starry Night"
I am sitting on the roof. 
I look up to the sky.
A Star
My Wife
Brilliant and bright
Yet a star comes out only in the night
My wife shines all the time
My star in the morning
My star in the night
My bright star and only mine
Shining my path with her light
I am thankful every day
I see her in the morning
I see her in the night
I look up the moon and she smiles at me
The moon is woman
Dressed in yellow and gray
She is happy that I love a female as she is
She looks down at me and I smile at her
I Chose the starry night from Vincent Van Gogh.  I made this choice because I placed myself in the picture looking up to the sky, to me my wife is the most beautiful woman, I tell her all the time but I took this opportunity to put it in writing and I had a lot of fun doing this.  She is always by me making me a better man. She truly is my star and shines on me.  The starry night picture is so dark and blue yet it has nice highlight of the bright moon and the stars so I thought it represents the world and sometimes in this world problems can make things dark and sad yet I feel truly grateful to have my wife who smiles, shines and brightens even the darkest hours.  I think this was a very interesting exercise to be able to place myself in the picture and describe the picture and how I felt if I was sitting on a roof.
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thinkhugo · 2 years
Module 9 Photographer's eye
The binding theme of these pictures is the joy food can bring to people from all places of the world. Food is an opportunity to learn about different cultures and countries. It connects people because if you think about it, every single person enjoys food, so sharing new recipes and creations unifies people and let’s them be a part of something together. Whether it’s at a party or a casual get together food can always be fun and enjoyable. Some of these foods are things my friends and my wife and I made for us and others like my mangos are things I put time and energy to make! I think food is interesting because as humans we never have enough time to try all the things we want to in this world, or restaurants and specialties we’ve heard about. Either way, food is fun and I take pictures when I like how my food looks so this is why I decided to center my theme around this subject. 
Shrimp Poppers 
These were something I had never had before! The little cups they are in are plantains which is so creative. I like how this picture shows them sitting so perfect in their plate and the presentation our friends put into this appetizer for us at their house. 
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thinkhugo · 2 years
Final Assignment:Manifesto-"Reach for the Stars!"
Reach for the stars. This is exactly how I would describe my findings and pieces of work this semester. Why? Because of all the things I grew to learn and how my perspective changed. This sounds extremely broad but of course, let me explain. I started this semester not thinking humanities could benefit me at all because I was content with the media and art I already knew prior. If I ever did look at new pieces of art, I would just look at the first outside layer instead of digging deeper and finding out the origin of it. This class has allowed me opportunities to create products from my brain and further analysis. Starting with the first assignments, I had to reflect on such a deep memory, that I didn't even know it was in there, about the Eiffel Tower and my hopes and dreams in life as a boy living in Bolivia. This class made me realize how much I did reach my dreams because not only did I get out of there to the U.S. where there are better opportunities to live, but I have the chance to learn and express myself in a class I pay for as an adult. If I had told myself as a young person that I would still be learning in the academic aspect in my 50’s I would have told myself “You’re crazy!”. Another way growth comes into play in this theme is when I talked about the living spaces in my home. In a literal sense, I wish I could grow the office space by my kitchen because it is utterly cramped and there is no way someone can actually be productive in an area and environment like this. Life can be like this. So busy and cramped that it can get in the way of things and people we enjoy that make life worth living. A cheesy metaphor, but I think it is so true. The musical theme assignment in Module 8 was definitely in my top favorites because of the way it forced me to expand my music taste and research skills! I would not have listened to the majority of the songs I included on a daily basis, but that does not mean in any way they are bad songs. Music taste is in the eye of the beholder and every piece of art, literature, music, and so on has something to offer to all kinds of people worldwide. In Module 6 I examined a poem entitled, “Stars”. It was simple but wonderfully worded. Stars and outer space never cease to blow my mind. God’s creation never fails to be amazing and beautiful as this poet described well. These stars were literal, but of course still go with my theme I believe. I took this class solely to complete my AA not thinking I would really soak in the information. In the end however, I am walking away with answers to questions I had no idea about before. What an information packed class! To “reach for the stars” I think means to never give up in life even in miniscule matters. It is so incredibly important to always have goals in life so that you wake up with a purpose. Maybe one day the goal could be to help someone in need. Another day the goal could be to quit my job and preach in a foreign land with my wife. This evidently is a goal of mine which will happen in due time. Whatever it may be, I always try to make everyday worth it and not full of regret. Plus, I would never want to do anything to displease God. I reached for the stars as a kid, and I will never stop reaching for them now.
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thinkhugo · 2 years
Module 13 Assignment: Not Seen on TV
For this assignment I decided to discuss and evaluate Francis Alys and Rafael Ortega, Re-Enactment. I found this brief video very interesting because of how scary but realistic it was. The reactions and gawks from those witnessing this frightening sight astounds me because no one does anything. Some even laughed probably because the man looked downright crazy, plus sometimes when people get nervous laughter is the route their body chooses. It was interesting to watch all these experimental forms of media and this one because it dawned on me the easy access we have to binge worthy tv shows and how pointless it is for our brains. This has a lot to do with instant gratification I think, which I learned about in an English class years ago. This re-enactment is nothing like a bingeable, comfort show because it makes you reflect and makes you want to rewatch it for parts you don’t fully understand or missed the premise of. Although there are shows like that out there that have character developments and plots with intricate twists and turns. This experiment video is very cool because it is like a social experiment. It brought a violent twist to everyday life there in Mexico City, a place where there is crime, but nevertheless the man looked crazy holding a gun out in broad daylight with no shame. Although there is crime all the time in that area, the fact that it was so open and obvious made it even more scary. There were families and even babies in strollers nearby. If this man was actually deranged and wanted to kill countless lives, he could have because of the easy access to the weapon. This really makes the audience of this video sit and think.
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thinkhugo · 2 years
Module 11 Assignment: Anatomy of a Scene
The two movies I have decided to evaluate are Pride and Prejudice, for the drama and The Devil Wears Prada, for the comedy. These are both movies I would never choose out of my own free will, but I watched them with my wife and really enjoyed them. Starting off with the cinematography of Pride and Prejudice, I really liked the shots it would show of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy walking from far away. It gives the audience time to think and reflect alongside the great music this movie has. I like how slow paced this movie is because it does not feel rushed and it makes you feel like you are really a part of the story, it immerses you and contributes heavily to the drama in this movie. I noticed whenever Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy had a moment, the lighting would be more dark, to make it feel more intimate probably. Like when he looks at her playing the piano the room is more dark, or when he delivers the letter, she is staring at the mirror until it becomes dark outside and she finally reads the letter, narrated by his voice. Also in the rain when he professed his feelings it was cloudy and gray, not light, which made everything feel more dramatic and powerful. The director did a great job in capturing their feelings, and the audiences. Moving onto The Devil Wears Prada, a more of a comfort movie for my wife. I can see why because of the funny characters the movie has. The way Meryl Streep portrays this character is great, she’s so blunt and mean and the way she intimidates the other characters with not only her words but just her mere presence is great. The music in this movie is great and makes every scene feel complete and lighthearted. It is so funny and mean how they insult Andy just because she isn’t supermodel skinny. She proves herself to be a great assistant and all in all this movie is a feel good movie with a satisfying ending. 
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thinkhugo · 2 years
Module 8 Assignment: Your Musical Theme
My playlist:
Candy by Paolo Nutini (country/indie) I think this song is very nice and I love the upbeat tune. I would put this on a roadtrip playlist! It works perfectly with my theme.
Candy Paint Post Malone (Hip Hop/rap) This song is super catchy, Post Malone's voice is so cool and it makes me feel happy.
Candy by Robbie Williams (alternative) I haven't heard this song in a long time which is a shame because it's very fun and cool.
Candy by Cameo (R&B/Soul) This song makes me want to dance and it works great with my "candy" theme. I had never heard this song before until I was digging for songs with a soulful feel and to go along with my theme. It is funky.
Candyman by Christina Aguilera (pop) I remember when this song was a hit! It still is a hit and Christina Aguilera's vocals are out of this world. Her riffs and control are like no other.
Rock Candy by Montrose (rock)
I chose this theme because I saw the bowl in front of me on my desk with chocolate on it and thought of candy. I also instantly thought of the famous song listed above, Rock Candy by Montrose. I love rock because of the huge role the guitar and drums play accompanied with someone's strong voice. When I started this assignment and did some research I looked at the lyrics of this song and I was surprised how much I never understood because I never listen to lyrics of the song, just the melody. This song was more sexual than I thought. This song is great and the beginning sounds like the song "How Bad Can I Be" from the Lorax. My daughter loves this movie so I remember it pretty well. This "candy" theme was a very fun challenge and I had to think outside of the box. Now I see I should pay more attention to the lyrics of songs before I listen to them. The songs I included in this assignment aren't my favorite songs by any means but were only included to go with this spontaneous theme.
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thinkhugo · 2 years
Module 7 Assignment: Plotting
It all started when I went to Bolivia to visit family in 2018. My childhood friend Loli invited me over for lunch later that Saturday afternoon, so I was looking forward to that. I am one of Jehovah’s witnesses and at that time before Covid, we went door to door preaching. So, I went out in service with some new friends in a nearby congregation that I had never visited before. To my surprise, they generously invited me over to their house.  I told them I would think about it, because I wanted to save time to see Loli. This brother in the car group, named Abraham, insisted on me coming over with the words, “You need to try the best lemonade ever.” I finally gave in because I love lemonade and he was good company. After service I went over and we started to talk further to get to know each other more. Family of course came into the discussion. My last name is Alpire which is very unusual and uncommon so he asked about it and I said “Well, my last name should be Mendez from my father, but my mother’s maiden name is Alpire.” He said “Oh! My mom’s name is Mercedes Mendez.” “I was named Abraham because of my uncle. My eyes opened wide out of pure shock. “My father’s name was Abraham Mendez!” After more names came into play we realized the Abraham Mendez that was my father, was the same Abraham Mendez that was his uncle. “So, my mom and your dad were siblings! It turns out that this random brother in Bolivia was my first cousin and I had 6 half siblings that I had no idea about! 4 half sisters and 2 half brothers. So in conclusion, the lemonade was indeed the best ever. 
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thinkhugo · 2 years
Now in the West the slender moon lies low 
And now Orion glimmers through the trees,
Clearing the earth with even pace and slow,
And now the stately-moving Pleiades,
In that soft infinite darkness overhead
Hang jewel-wise upon a silver thread.
And all the lonelier stars that have their place,
Calm lamps within the distant southern sky,
And planet-dust upon the edge of space,
Look down upon the fretful world, and I
Look up to outer vastness unafraid
And see the stars which sang when earth was made.
This is the poem I chose to review for this assignment. After reading it many times and looking up the words I truly enjoyed this poem. The image the narrator created for us is as clear as a night sky. I imagine the vast sky filled with constellations and clumps and space and matter that are incomprehensible. I thought the diction and use of personification in this poem made the poem what it is. The narrator had an almost romantic diction, a calm pace, letting us digest how he is describing the stars and night sky they love so much. Pickthall used personification when saying how the stars sang. I also really liked how they called the stars “calm lamps”. In a way, the lyricism reminded me of the Bible, the book of Psalms in particular. I say this because Psalms is filled with scriptures about singing praise and God’s wondrous works, things like that. This poem gave me that same nice feeling I get when I read that book. With the world being so crazy and “fretful” as they said, I think they were saying how the stars and this creation are a stark contrast because they sit so peaceful and beautiful in the sky and the narrator finds great joy and comfort in this. All the words Pickthall chose to include in their poem have a positive connotation about them, no words leaving me wondering or confused about. They are all nice and add texture and joyful feeling. 
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thinkhugo · 2 years
Module 5 Assignment: Architectural Interiors
The piece of domestic architecture I have chosen is in my house and it is the small office addition in our kitchen. This space I think is very awkward and is not fitting because the kitchen itself is spacious and large and then it abruptly ends in this very small “office” opening. It is the width of a chair, to put it in perspective. The function of this space is to sit and do paperwork and print but I have never used it for that purpose, nor has anyone else in my household. I would describe it as being very cramped and not homey. There is no integration of light which is disappointing as well because I think if this office space was in a different position and area of the house, facing the sun would be a game changer. It would really light it up and make it seem more welcoming. Now, for the space that I inhibit regularly, it would have to be the dining room. I think this is greatly due to the fact of it being an open landscape and it being very bright. I sit at our long table in the dining room to do schoolwork or to just relax with my ipad and watch Youtube. The dining room is right in front of our four french doors which is of course bringing in an abundance of natural light. This makes me feel peaceful and calm being here. It is not cramped and not rundown. This dining area used to be very outdated but years ago we updated the kitchen and this dining area to be exactly as I described it, open and free. 
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thinkhugo · 2 years
Module 3 Assignment: Abstract Images
The Card Game by Fernand Leger really caught my attention immediately because of the sharp and abrupt lines and shapes. The drawing overall, before reading the description conveyed a sense of slight chaos and tightness. I say this because the drawing depicts lots of clutter so it made me confused and wanted to know exactly what I was looking at. I thought it was an arm about to knock down many flights of stairs. Reading the description under the MET website truly shed light on what this artist was portraying. They said, “A sense of his claustrophobic cramped quarters is reflected in this drawing.” The word claustrophobic is fitting for this drawing because when I looked closely there really wasn't any wiggle room or openings except for the outer corners of the drawing. I think the artist succeeded in creating this sense of confusion and even discomfort within the audience because of the straight lines-the cards, nearly clashing together, just missing one another. When I saw Leger’s painting it emphasized my curiosity and appreciation for the drawing. I say this because of the dull, yet eye-catching few colors on there because they made the cards pop. The arms were gray and silver showing many of the metal arms. The drawing on the MET website is one tone, one color and is also quite easy to tell with the gray color and shading that it is depicting metal, a “tubular machine man.”, as the description puts it. I really enjoyed taking a deep dive in this drawing and the history behind it. 
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thinkhugo · 2 years
The Eiffel Tower is my favorite work of art. It is a source of love, romance, travel and so much more. I think it is amazing that people come from all around the world to visit this structure.  It was a big technology of that time, a building made mostly of iron. The vision of the person who made it did not fall even with all the people telling him that it was stupid and not worth his time to build something like that. I admire that very much.
 Ever since I was a teenager I dreamed of and imagined having dinner with my wife someday and I accomplished that. I have only ever seen the Eiffel Tower in person once, in 2005 with my wife and kids. I would like to see it again in the future for sure. They sell crepes and souvenirs on the bottom leading up to it and a beautiful walkway with trees. It is portrayed in many movies and shows because it is a very wonderful sight to see and one of a kind. From what I remember, it lights up after 8pm over there and it looks amazing. It lights up the whole dark city. I remember back then I wanted to buy a bottle of champagne and I asked this Algerian man, a stranger, where I could buy one close by. He then opened up his coat and he had some in his coat which was very funny. He sold me one at a very cheap price. That night was perfect and fun and I got a story out of it. I remember being under the stars of Paris and there being a half moon and feeling very grateful for life. So all in all, I have very pleasant memories of this France trip I had many years ago with my family and when I think of the Eiffel Tower, I think of this great time in my life. 
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thinkhugo · 2 years
Hello everyone! My name is Hugo Alpire and I'm 56. I'm from Bolivia but have lived here in Naples, FL for more than 20 years! I am an electrician and have been an electrician for 24 years. I love my family which includes my beautiful wife and two children, a son and a daughter. My favorite food is burgers and I really like watching and playing soccer. I am in this class because I need it to finish my AA and I want to finish what I started after all this time. Humanities will allow me to learn and talk about different types of art around the world so that is very nice.
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