#AgentCorp fanfiction
chaotic-super · 10 months
Laboratory Truths - An AgentCorp Ficlet
A @supergirlmayhem example ficlet! Come check out the details on our WLW Supergirl fandom event! Sign-ups open Dec 1st!
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supergirlmayhem · 1 year
The Hidden Gems of Supergirl Fanfiction
As some of you may have seen, we've been compiling a list of all of the hidden gems in the Supergirl fanfic world. All of those incredible fics that alter your brain chemistry forever and stick with you no matter what, but somehow they go overlooked. We're here to change that!
Here's the list for you to take a look through! It's got sections for all WLW ships that we've received recommendations for and if there's any you think need to be added, feel free to let us know!
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lenaluthorgays-blog · 10 months
Guys guys guys does anyone have really good angsty supercorp fics??? Or just like Lena luthor central ones?? Looking specifically for fics where literally everyone’s against her because they think she’s evil but she’s just a smol bean 🥺
Is this too oddly specific lmfao
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onceuponaweirdo · 11 months
I just need someone to read my works before I post them, pat my head and go like "good for you, write whatever the fuck you want", like, I don't want to know if it's good (fuck that, I know its good, I have enough trauma to suffice a good story) no, i want validation to write the stupid shit that goes in my head.
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fyonahmacnally · 10 months
Christmas Chaos
Here's a little Supercorp drabble as part of the Mods' collection of example fics for the Supergirl May-hem Event. Read it HERE on AO3.
Sign-ups for Supergirl May-Hem open December 1st. Seeking writers, artists and betas. For more information, you can find us HERE.
“You’ve got to be kidding me! No, no, no, no. This can’t be happening.” Lena says as she stares at her now dark phone in her gloved hand. Her heart is galloping inside her chest and she’s sure everyone around her can hear it. “Godamnit! Of course this happens the first year I have the chance to organize the event. Shit, shit, shit.”
She paces back and forth in front of the National City Convention Center, her eyes bouncing from the currently cloak-covered tree to the workers hanging the wreaths, lights, and bows across the front of the building. The giant “Christmas Carols in the Park” sign ripples in the slight breeze. Her mind is racing, indexing names and favors she can call in, calculating her next move. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she decides her first course of action is to start making phone calls.
Two hours later, she’s still no closer to solving her problem. Artie Anderson can kiss her ass. Secretly, she hopes that he never gets a headlining singing gig again. So what if he’s one of the up and coming stars of tomorrow, she doesn’t care how good or popular he is. He can still kiss her ass. Honestly, she hopes his pants fall down at his next show or he shits himself on stage. So what if she’s being petty. Sue her. 
Who fucking does that?! She thinks. Cancels a headlining show the day of?! That’s just bad PR, Artie whatever-the-fuck. Choke on your microphone.
Lena sighs. Now she has to call her trusty assistant. It’s the last thing she wants to do, but well, she’s run out of options. She lifts her phone up and presses send.
“LKL Event Planning, where we bring your ideas to life. This is Jess speaking. How can I help you?” 
Rolling her eyes, Lena chuckles. “Jess, you knew it was me. You didn’t have to give the whole spiel.” She huffs as she starts descending the stairs of the convention center toward Noonan’s and a cup of her favorite peppermint hot chocolate.
“Oh come on, Miss Luthor, you know how much I love to share our company greeting with everyone that calls.” Jess laughs, the amusement evident in her tone. “What can I help you with this morning?”
“Unfortunately, I have bad news. ‘Christmas Carols in the Park’ is currently looking like it’s going to be ‘Christmas Chaos in the Park’. Our headliner canceled on us a couple of hours ago. I’ve called all my other connections and, as expected, everyone is booked. I have no idea what I’m going to do. This is going to be a disaster.” Her left hand comes up to massage her temples as she opens the door to enter the warm, wonderful smelling atmosphere of Noonan’s. “We can move Macy Lynn to the headlining spot and find a lesser known singer to fill her slot, but that still doesn’t solve the current problem.”
She sighs, trying her best not to panic, but it’s not looking good. “Jess, if the event goes South, it won’t be good for future bookings. We could lose clients over this!” She takes a deep breath, pressing her hand against her chest, desperately trying to calm her racing heart. “This tree lighting ceremony is second only to the lighting of the tree at Rockefeller Center! We have to figure this out! I didn’t spend years building this business for some little snot-nosed, spoiled brat to ruin it by canceling at the last minute!” 
Realizing that she had gotten a little louder than she thought, Lena sheepishly ducks her head and clears her throat. The line is moving slowly, but she knows she needs to wrap up her phone call soon. Years of Luthor etiquette training forcing her to be mindful of disturbing those around her. 
“Why don’t you let me call Macy’s manager and get that taken care of while you take a minute to collect yourself? Hmmm?” Jess says, a smile evident in her tone. “I’ll call you back when everything is confirmed. Maybe by then you’ll have a solution in mind.”
“What would I do without you?” Lena smiles, resigning herself to a long day of groveling. “Thanks, Jess. I’ll talk to you later.”
Stuffing her phone in her coat pocket, she blankly stares at the menu board above the counter. She’s deeply lost in her own thoughts and doesn’t notice the blonde woman standing in front of her, eyeing her curiously. As the line inches forward, Lena’s mind is still drifting through her list of possible singers or group acts to fill the empty slot in the schedule. She’s so preoccupied that she walks right into the back of the person in front of her.
“Oh no, I am so sorry.” Lena laments, her eyes practically glued to her feet in embarrassment. “I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and I…” Her words fade as her eyes land on the black-framed startling blue eyes of the stranger in front of her. They’re the bluest, warmest, most kind eyes she’s ever seen and for a moment, the world around her seems to stop. 
The blonde smiles at her, subtly adjusting her glasses and Lena has to bite her bottom lip to keep from gasping at the beauty before her. This woman is stunning. Infinite hues of sky blue eyes dancing above a bright shimmering smile. She’s several inches taller than Lena and from what she can tell, incredibly well-built. Before she can rein her wandering eyes back in, she realizes she’s been caught and feels the heat climb up the back of her neck, across her ears, and land firmly on her cheeks. 
An adorable giggle bubbles up the handsome stranger's throat and through her perfectly pink lips. Lena can’t help but smile and tilt her head in amusement even as her own embarrassment camps out on her face. 
“It’s okay. You didn’t hurt me and it sounds like you’re having a rough day.” Attractive stranger says as she extends her hand toward Lena. “I’m Kara. Kara Danvers. And I might be able to help you with your little dilemma.”
Intrigued, Lena raises an eyebrow in question at the gorgeous stranger. Kara, she reminds herself. “Lena Luthor. Nice to meet you.” She eyes the woman up and down briefly before settling hers back onto the pools of blue eyeing her with amusement. “Do tell how you can assist with my dilemma, Miss Danvers.”
Kara grins, an adorably lop-sided grin as she offers her elbow to Lena and drags her to stand next to her in line. “How about you let me buy you your drink of choice and we find a table to chat? It sounds like you could use a little break.” She leans over to whisper conspiratorially into Lena’s ear. “Word on the street is this place has the best sticky buns in the state. I should know, I eat one several times a week.”
Without her permission and certainly for the first time in a long time, Lena can feel herself smile. Genuinely smile. Kara winks at her as they turn back toward the cashier and step up to order their drinks along with whatever monstrosity Kara has ordered. The young person working the register smiles, blushing as Kara calls them by name, and they move to the end of the long counter to wait for their names to be called. 
Kara grabs the tray and guides them through the sea of customers to a little table tucked toward the back of the cafe. Several of the staff speak to her on their way to their seats. They settle into the chairs, the noise of the place seems more hushed in this little nook. 
“You must come here a lot. Everyone on staff seems to know you.” Lena smiles as she takes a long, savored sip of her hot chocolate. “I think every single waiter we passed called you by name.” A boisterous, belly laugh floats across the table and graces Lena’s ears. It is such a lovely sound and she absolutely wants to hear it again.
“Well, I really am in here a lot.” Kara says with a warm smile, her skin creasing next to her mesmerizing eyes. “I’m a writer. I work from home most of the time, but a change of scenery is needed on those days I get stuck. So, I spend a good bit of time right here with my laptop, a warm drink, and sticky buns.” She points to the tray on the table and pulls a sticky bun off to settle in front of her.
Lena eyes her curiously. She’s inarguably never met anyone like Kara Danvers. They’ve known each other for less than thirty minutes and Lena already feels comfortable around her. This alone should scare the absolute shit out of her, yet she feels much calmer than she did when she walked inside earlier.
“So, Miss Danvers…how is it that you think you can help me?” Lena grins, raising her signature brow in question. She glances down at her watch and winces. “As much as I am enjoying your company, I have roughly six hours to find a replacement for my event tonight.”
“Well, what if I told you that I know a singer that is available tonight. She has a pretty decent voice and doesn't need any musicians or music. She usually performs acapella and will gladly help you out.” Kara gives her a bright, wide smile before taking a sip of her large monstrous drink and biting into her second sticky bun. 
Lena tilts her head at the blonde, curious about this singer and what the catch is…there’s always a catch, right? “Well, this sounds promising. I’m willing to hear you out.” She leans forward, her forearms resting on the table and hands clasped. “However, in my experience, there’s always a catch. So, what’s the catch Miss Danvers?”
Kara smiles. She pushes her now empty plate to the side and leans forward, mirroring Lena’s position. “Please call me Kara, Miss Luthor. Every time you say Ms. Danvers, it makes me think of my adoptive mom.” She winks at the porcelain skinned woman across from her, taking another sip of her almost empty cup. “What makes you think there is a catch? Why can’t it just be a trade and not a catch?”
An unrestrained laugh springs from Lena’s chest. It’s so surprising, she nearly falls out of her chair. Once she regains her composure, she clears her throat and leans back in her seat. “Well, if I am calling you Kara, then please, call me Lena. Ms. Luthor also, unfortunately, reminds me of my adoptive mother as well. And, that’s just something I’d rather not think about.” She returns Kara’s wink. “If not a catch to your proposal, then a trade. What is your requested compensation in return for solving my dilemma?”
“Ok, hear me out.” Kara beams at Lena. “Not only am I a writer, but also a pretty decent singer. I can fill the spot you need tonight, free of charge.” She pauses, nervously adjusting her glasses and twisting her hands on the table. “If you’ll, um, goonadatewithme.” Her eyes drop to her fingers and she bites her bottom lip.
Lena’s not 100% sure she heard Kara correctly, but she does notice the adorable pink blush dusting the apples of her cheeks and it not only makes her smile, but releases a sea of butterflies into her stomach and chest. She bites her own lip, then looks up at the blonde. “I’m sorry, Kara, but I didn’t quite catch the last part of what you said. Can you repeat that for me? Maybe a little slower this time?”
Kara huffs, squirming in her seat as her face turns a darker rosy shade of pink. “I can fill the spot for your event tonight, if you’ll, um, go on a date with me.” She says with a little more confidence than she actually feels. 
On the other side of the table, Lena is slightly stunned. Sure, she thought about asking the woman out before they parted ways or at least getting her phone number, but never imagined this is how their impromptu meeting would end. She smiles at the adorable fidgeting blonde. There’s no doubt in her mind she’s going to say yes, but she can’t give in right away. Where’s the fun in that?
“And what if I am already seeing someone?” She says with a smirk on her face. Watching as blue eyes widen. “How will I be able to meet the terms of your proposal in those circumstances?”
Kara drops her head onto the table and groans. It takes a minute before she lifts her head back up, red-faced and apologetic. “Oh no, Lena. I am so sorry. I should have known someone as stunning as you would be taken. I’m such an idiot. I’ll help you out and you don’t have to worry about payment or dates or anything like that. I can’t believe I didn’t think to ask you that first. I just…”
“Kara!” Lena chuckles and reaches out to stop the ongoing ramble. “Hey. I was only kidding! I’m very single and would actually be amenable to going on a date with you.”
“Really?” Kara’s blinding, toothy smile shines back at Lena from across the table. “Are you sure?” She asks, timidly.
“Yes, Kara. I’m sure. I was sure the minute I laid eyes on you.” Lena smiles, unsure how she managed to land a date with the most attractive and adorable woman she’s ever seen. 
True to her word, Kara fills the slot at the ceremony that evening and ends up being the best performance of the night. They go on their promised date right after and end the night at Kara’s loft watching cheesy Christmas movies. The two of them share their first kiss surrounded by the twinkling glow of Christmas lights before they fall asleep on Kara’s comfortable couch. Their date is the most magical evening Lena’s had in all of her adult life. 
Until the next year when Kara proposes at the tree lighting ceremony. 
Christmas Chaos, indeed.
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Title: Beneath the Surface
Chapters: 16/17
Fandom: Supergirl
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor
Characters: Alex Danvers, Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers, Lucy Lane, J'onn J'onzz, Winn Schott, Lillian Luthor
Additional Tags: Elements from Deus Ex, human augmentation, Slow Burn, Whump, BAMF Alex Danvers, Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe, Alex Danvers Needs a Hug
In the wake of a harrowing ordeal that leaves her forcibly augmented, Alex Danvers grapples with her new reality and the profound changes within herself. As she navigates this uncharted territory, a looming threat casts a shadow over her journey, challenging her to redefine what it means to be a hero. With Kara and Lena by her side, Alex must confront not only the external forces that seek to exploit her newfound abilities but also the internal struggle of accepting who she has become. Together, they embark on a perilous quest to thwart a sinister plot that threatens their bond and the very fabric of their world.
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slunatic · 1 year
Also available on FFN: Sixpence chapter 9: Liquid Assets.
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers/Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor
Characters: Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers, Lena Luthor, Agent Vasquez (Supergirl TV 2015), Original Characters
Additional Tags: Romance, Drama, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Omega Verse, Polyamory, Lesbian Character, Sexual Content, Girl Penis, Futanari, Penis In Vagina Sex, Threesome - F/F/F, Alpha Alex Danvers, Omega Lena Luthor, Fluff, Dating, Bonding, Friendship, Alex Danvers Has a Penis, Lesbian Sex, Embarrassment
Language: English
Series:← Previous Work Part 5 of Counting Saga
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sanversandfriends · 2 years
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Dear Fic Finishers, Artists, and Betas:
Greetings and welcome to the first day of the rest of your fic. We're so happy you've decided to participate and we hope this will be a motivating and inspiring event for the Queer Supergirl fandom.
We'd like to start out with just a few reminders on the deadlines.   We start—uh…now or whenever January 21st begins for you. Writers, time to grab your writing implements and dust off those stories. Summaries for your artists are due January 26th. We’re still looking for more artists and the search will stay ongoing. We have had a few more volunteers in the last few days, and we'll be working diligently to find you a match. Forms for artists and betas will be sent out January 27th, with matches scheduled to be sent out February 8th & 9th. We'll keep you informed of our progress.
A general outline of your story to completion with two new scenes should be sent to your artists by February 25th.
Snippets and Mini-views will begin posting on March 5th. As your stories are already out there, we’d like to take the opportunity to reacquaint readers in anticipation of their completion. We’ll be sending out forms asking you for your favorite snippets from your stories, as well as interview questions for both artists and writers to be posted in anticipation of the reveals. You can opt out of this if you aren’t comfortable, and of course, feel free to skip any of the questions, but we’d love to learn more about your inspirations for the work and your creative process. We would also like to showcase artists who’ve done art for your stories in the past, so writers, if you've had any art done for the fic you're working on, we'd love to know about it and include them in the event.
The deadline for completion of both stories and art is May 20th and reveals begin on May 25th. They may begin sooner if artists and writers complete their work prior to the deadline.
If you have any questions, feel free to email us directly (signed-up participants will receive an email tomorrow) or drop a DM to @finishthefic on Twitter and/or the @sanversandfriends Tumblr blog. Again, we're grateful and excited for your participation and really looking forward to sharing your stories and art, as well as your insights about your work, in the coming months.
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Have You Even Seen Supergirl?
No. Well, yes, but also no. I stopped watching in either late season 2 or early season 3, before Sam appeared. I’ve read an unholy amount of fanfiction and have also read her wikipage which is insanely detailed, all things considered. I’ve also seen various clips and gif sets and all of that. Normally I wouldn’t write a character without consuming the source content, but I decided that while I understand canon made a decision, because it was a stupid decision, I’m going to make Sam better because they didn’t deserve her. I don’t claim her to be canon and I’m sure my portrayal of her will show that.
Why Make it A Superman Story?
Honestly? Because as much as I’m aware that even in the comics the World Killers are a Supergirl story, I don’t like the excuse they gave for Reign taking over being delayed. It makes more sense that it happened earlier in her life, even if you use pregnancy and being in stasis for 10 years as the why. Presumably, Reign should have taken over at 18, when Sam came of age but having been manifested from young childhood. Due to stasis she didn’t start manifesting until Sam was ten, so that was delayed, but not necessarily by a lot. Even if you consider that pregnancy put it on pause even further, Sam being nearly 29 in human years, 39 with stasis years counted, doesn’t really add up. So, it happens while she’s living in Metropolis, before Supergirl even comes on the scene.
Still Kryptonian?
Yes. While it can be assumed that even in canon, Sam’s Kryptonian DNA is just suppressed, the way she goes about becoming strong enough to kill Reign makes me feel as if that wouldn’t just go away. I also just don’t like the idea that Sam’s DNA is somehow magicked to be human. So, she’s fully Kryptonian. The reason she didn’t show powers until Reign took over is because whatever was done to her DNA to allow her to be a World Killer, made it so Reign was powered by the yellow sun and used that ability to actually reach the surface of Sam’s conscious mind.
Why Does She Still Call Herself Reign?
Partly because I can’t think of a better alias. Mostly, however, is because she’s looking for redemption. For Sam, even though she wasn’t in control when Reign was, she still considers the blood that Reign spilled to be on her hands.
Does Sam Know Kara Is Supergirl?
Yes, but also no. Sam has a hunch. She’s never discussed it with Kal/Clark but knowing that the difference between Kal and Clark is a pair of glasses, well… it’s not hard for her to realize that Kara is Supergirl.
I absolutely adore these designs by Pipes. Basically, if you take the cape and mask from the Reign alternate suit and put them on the Redeemed auxiliary suit, you have the costume Kal gave Sam.
Who Knows That Sam Is Kryptonian?
Lena, Clark/Kal, and Lois. Jack also knew. From there, the SuperFriends may eventually find out, but it would be on a case by case basis.
If Lena Knows Sam Is Kryptonian Does She Know Clark Is Superman?
This would depend on the Lena but genuinely, I don’t think she does. I think she only ever interacted with him as Superman and he was probably wary of her the entire time.
Who Do You Ship With Sam?
Everyone? No, I’m kidding, mostly. Sam is bisexual but definitely has a feminine preference. My main ships for her would be AgentReign/Danvarias and AgentCorp. I’m not against other ships but in all cases she’s very wary of relationships and getting close to people.
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ellieroxx · 3 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Lena Luthor & Lillian Luthor, Lena Luthor & Morgan Edge, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers, Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor Characters: Alex Danvers, Lena Luthor, Lillian Luthor, Lex Luthor, Kara Danvers, Morgan Edge, Eliza Danvers Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Kidnapping, Unplanned Pregnancy, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Lesbian Sex, Lesbian Character, Lesbian Lena Luthor, Weddings, Wedding Fluff, Sad, Action & Romance Summary:
Alex and Lena have been married for a year and are excited to take the next step in their lives and have a baby. Unfortunately those plans get put on hold when Alex is kidnapped. Many flashbacks will occur during certain parts like the wedding, first date, Lena finding out Kara is Supergirl and so on. AgentCorp all the way!
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the-humming-fox · 4 years
Hi! So, ummm...I wrote this little thing a while ago. It’s an AgentCorp Hogwarts AU with much fluff, geeking and a little angst. I can’t promise that I’ll finish it, but the next chapter is coming pretty soon. So maybe you want to check it out? ._.
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sogr3en · 5 years
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Let��s Hurt Tonight
by vampyrolover
Lena Luthor secretly bought a bar for Alex Danvers, in which the Director was beyond eager to bartend—and possibly even get a little bruised up.
Words: 1855, Part 2 of the You Got That Power Over Me series.
Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Alex Danvers, Lena Luthor
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers & Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: alex is a little bruised up; but nothing lena can’t handle
To read, click here.
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supergirlmayhem · 10 months
AgentCorp Scenes!
Hey, everyone!
We all have our favourite scenes we like to watch and take inspiration from when we create our art and write our fics. As part of the countdown to registration, we're giving each of the main WLW ships a little moment in the spotlight to show off some of those scenes that made us love them so much!
So, we'd love to see what your favourite AgentCorp scenes are. Let us know down below!
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lenaluthorgays-blog · 10 months
Once again asking for more incredibly angsty Lena luthor centric fic recommendations!!!!! I love anything enemies to lovers, angst, literally anything with hatred or even a really complicated character study
There was like one fic I read a while ago about her basically going into isolation after the myriad incident since everyone was mad at her, it was angst galore and amazing but I cannot find it for the life of me
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onceuponaweirdo · 4 months
I have a "character study" type of fic planned for Alex titled "Alex Danvers: Gay or Inappropriate?" Y'all, i have a deep desire to finish writing this and see were i was going with it 😭😭😅😅
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littlemallow · 5 years
Chapter 16 of Agent Drift: Uprise (a Supercorp kid/Agentcorp fanfic on AO3)
"We don't have to talk about it over the phone if you don't want to." Lena adds after hearing a hint of sadness in his voice, realizing where the conversation was going.
"No, it's okay. I can tell you anything, can't I?"
"Of course, darling! Anytime, or anywhere." Lena let out a deep sigh as quiet as she can. "Are you still having them?"
"No, not anymore since...I started sneaking out of school." He casually confessed. 
"Aha! Now, that explains it!"
"Sorry. But the first week since I got back, yeah. Same thing almost every night." Elly admittedly said.
"Ned, you don't have to apologize for the things that are out of your control."
"Actually...I can control it now. The same way you do."
"Really?" Lena's voice lit up a little, but she remembered how unconventional her method was. "Wait, you're not saying you're..."
"Just a sip from her Merlot." He confessed. "No one needs to know, right?"
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