#Age of Heroes
howifeltabouthim · 10 days
'The world is not now as it once was . . . The gods no longer make heroes.' 'And yet I have a hero's work to do.'
Lev Grossman, from The Bright Sword
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nanshe-of-nina · 1 year
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Legendary Heroes GIF Sets → Brandon the Builder
The greatest castle of the North is Winterfell, the seat of the Starks since the Dawn Age. Legend says that Brandon the Builder raised Winterfell after the generation-long winter known as the Long Night to become the stronghold of his descendants, the Kings of Winter. As Brandon the Builder is connected with an improbable number of great works (Storm’s End and the Wall, to name but two prominent examples) over a span of numerous lifetimes, the tales have likely turned some ancient king, or a number of different kings of House Stark (for there have been many Brandons in the long reign of that family) into something more legendary.
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illustratus · 2 years
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Siegfried and Mime by Hans Thoma
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natividadmoon · 11 months
Day Five: Age of Heroes
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(o Firts Men Age) Florys the fox, the clothes used ancient Cretan clothes, I feel that Florys would not be ashamed to wear them, although the fox covers it up. the headdress is also a Cretan reference
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agentxthirteen · 9 months
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Sharon-A-Day, Day 731 (1/1/24)
Age of Heroes V2 3. On sale 7/21/10. "Girls' Night In"
Writer: Kelly Sue Deconnick
Penciller: Brad Walker
Inker: Walden Wong
Letterer: Dave Lanphear
Colorist: Jay David Ramos
Editor: Lauren Sankovitch
Sharon makes Absorbing Man absorb bullets.
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laurellerual · 2 years
Do you do pre-ASOIAF fanart? If so, would you be ok with drawing the Amethyst Empress and the Bloodstone Emperor or Aegon V's sisters meeting Dunk since they have yet to show up in the Dunk and Egg books?
I've never drawn the characters you mention, but who knows. Maybe one day... if I get a cool idea about them.
Here I leave you the pre-ASOIAF fanart I made.
On the Age of Heroes: Crowns
On Aegon's Conquest: Planning the conquest, Dark Sisters, Three Rhaenys'
On F&B: Harwin x Rhaenyra, Cregan Stark
On Robert's Rebellion: The Vale, Ashara Dayne, Lyanna Stark, Lyanna and Elia, The royal family, The Knight of the Laughing Tree, The triangle, Promise me, Tower of Joy
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thaliajoy-blog · 1 year
New Legendary Ladies of The World of Ice & Fire series. First, Elenei :
"The songs said that Storm’s End had been raised in ancient days by Durran, the first Storm King, who had won the love of the fair Elenei, daughter of the sea god and the goddess of the wind. On the night of their wedding, Elenei had yielded her maidenhood to a mortal’s love and thus doomed herself to a mortal’s death, and her grieving parents had unleashed their wrath and sent the winds and waters to batter down Durran’s hold. His friends and brothers and wedding guests were crushed beneath collapsing walls or blown out to sea, but Elenei sheltered Durran within her arms so he took no harm, and when the dawn came at last he declared war upon the gods and vowed to rebuild."
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"Five more castles he built, each larger and stronger than the last, only to see them smashed asunder when the gale winds came howling up Shipbreaker Bay, driving great walls of water before them. His lords pleaded with him to build inland; his priests told him he must placate the gods by giving Elenei back to the sea; even his smallfolk begged him to relent. Durran would have none of it. A seventh castle he raised, most massive of all. Some said the children of the forest helped him build it, shaping the stones with magic; others claimed that a small boy told him what he must do, a boy who would grow to be Bran the Builder. No matter how the tale was told, the end was the same. Though the angry gods threw storm after storm against it, the seventh castle stood defiant, and Durran Godsgrief and fair Elenei dwelt there together until the end of their days."
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pinklocksoflove · 4 months
Gruddoc stands out overlooking the camp, numerous plumes of smoke raise out. The warband were getting restless, even now petty squabbles cam be heard breaking out into violence between the various monster kinds. They need to break through the bulwark. It was time. Gruddoc takes a deep breath so he can bellow out to the whole camp.
"Right! Shut it lads and listen up!" His voice echoes out over the camp as all the denizens go quiet, eyes all upon their brutal leader clad in black armor.
"Ready yourselves, build the trebs! By dawn, I want a breach in that damn wall and if you lot don't get me one I'll start clobberin' the whole lot of ya until there's a hole. Got it? Now, once we get through the wall there's that big fort on the other side. We gotta either take it or level it. I don't care which. From there there's a whole lot of pretty little towns and cities that will burn real nice like. We want the word to reach the rest of the kingdom. I know it sounds crazy but leave survivors. If they run let them run. It means they can bring their armies on us which means we got a good fight."
"TO WAR!!!" Bellows Gruddoc to which the entire camp repeats
"TO WAR!!!" War drums begin to beat as they start building their siege equipment and ready for a fight.
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spectreunreflected · 11 months
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mostly-finished wip of ilya, i need to go back and make them look more strange (my boy is creepy and wet)
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muadweeb · 2 years
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The Grey King is so named because his hair, beard, and eyes were grey as the winter sea, and at the end of his life even his skin had turned grey.
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asoiafreadthru · 1 year
The Greyjoys of Pyke claim descent from the Grey King of the Age of Heroes. Legend says the Grey King ruled not only the western isles but the sea itself, and took a mermaid to wife.
For thousands of years, raiders from the Iron Islands—called “ironmen” by those they plundered—were the terrors of the seas, sailing as far as the Port of Ibben and the Summer Isles. They prided themselves on their fierceness in battle and their sacred freedoms.
Each island had its own “salt king” and “rock king.” The High King of the Isles was chosen from among their number, until King Urron made the throne hereditary by murdering the other kings when they assembled for a choosing.
Urron’s own line was extinguished a thousand years later when the Andals swept over the islands. The Greyjoys, like the other island lords, intermarried with the conquerors.
The Iron Kings extended their rule far beyond the isles themselves, carving kingdoms out of the mainland with fire and sword. King Qhored could truthfully boast that his writ ran “wherever men can smell salt water or hear the crash of waves.” In later centuries, Qhored’s descendants lost the Arbor, Oldtown, Bear Island, and much of the western shore.
Still, come the Wars of Conquest, King Harren the Black ruled all the lands between the mountains, from the Neck to the Blackwater Rush.
When Harren and his sons perished in the fall of Harrenhal, Aegon Targaryen granted the riverlands to House Tully, and allowed the surviving lords of the Iron Islands to revive their ancient custom and choose who should have the primacy among them. They chose Lord Vickon Greyjoy of Pyke.
The Greyjoy sigil is a golden kraken upon a black field.
Their words are We Do Not Sow.
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autoacafiles · 2 years
The Ages of Cybertron
Age of the Firstforged
Matrix Bearer - Prima
Age of Darkness
Matrix Bearer - Unknown
Age of New Beginnings
Matrix Bearer - Knight Convoy
Age of Innovation
Matrix Bearer - Tesla Convoy
Age of Battle
Matrix Bearer - Battle Convoy
Age of Understanding
Matrix Bearer - Cobalt Convoy
Age of Reflection
Matrix Bearer - Rhetoric Convoy
Age of Discovery
Matrix Bearer - Focus Convoy
Age of Expansion
Matrix Bearer - Arch Convoy
Age of Invasion
Matrix Bearer - Ginrai Convoy
Age of Balance
Matrix Bearer - Guard Convoy
Age of Heroes
Matrix Bearer - Star Convoy
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illustratus · 2 years
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Siegfried by Hans Thoma
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florisbaratheons · 1 year
Anyone else still bitter that HBO scrapped the Age of Heroes prequel?
I mean, if it tested bad, then why not fix it and try again like they did with Game of Thrones? And what's kind of funny is that the writers of the pilot wanted to try again, but HBO shut it down because the idea wasn't based off of any of GRRM's written work. Well, then, HBO, why don't you have a better handle on the writers of your current shows? D&D started moving away from the books way before they ran out of material and HOTD is based on only half of the material from Fire and Blood.
Make it make sense.
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scriobh-an-iontas · 1 year
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agentxthirteen · 1 year
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Sharon-A-Day, Day 585 (8/8/23)
Age of Heroes V2 3. On sale 7/21/10. "Girls' Night In"
Writer: Kelly Sue Deconnick
Penciller: Brad Walker
Inker: Walden Wong
Letterer: Dave Lanphear
Colorist: Jay David Ramos
Editor: Lauren Sankovitch
Spider-Man isn't as funny as he thinks he is.
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