#Aftg andreil
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just-a-queer-person · 2 days ago
i see them everywhere
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little2nerdy · 1 day ago
my biggest hc about neil’s looks other than him having curly hair is the fact that he’s kind of tan.
i say kind of bc he’s not actually, he’s just COVERED in freckles so he gets paler in the winter when he’s not exposed to sun as much but during the summer when his freckles come out, good god he looks like the most beautiful natural tan ever (my mom looks like this and i always thought it was so cool)
like i think andrew has freckles but i think neil has FRECKLES™���
(they both go through buckets of sunscreen)
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kippenanzuender · 3 hours ago
Have you ever tried this one?
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froggisarethebest · 3 months ago
no but imagine being the Palmetto State track team coach and learning about this kid who can run a mile in four minutes and so you go and check it out but surprise surprise the exy coach from the shit exy team has him already so you try to negotiate for the player because he might be the fastest kid you’ve ever seen but the exy coach keeps saying no and no and so you watch this kid that can RUN THE MILE IN FOUR MINUTES become the fastest exy player in history and you’re sobbing falling to your knees because you could’ve had him in the track team winning you gold medals in the olympics but instead you just stare from your campus office as this redhead short exy obsessed kid runs laps around the entire uni campus for hours on end without getting tired and just wishes all hell on exy
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elara-in-the-sky · 3 days ago
how neil describes Aaron when he's literally Andrews identical twin
this is how neil describes people that isn’t andrew in his pov
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flowinlikearivah · 1 month ago
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Happy late Valentine’s Day 😭 this is so embarrassing to post i literally never make stuff like this but i am twenty years old i think i deserve to draw a couple smooches
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rsaphyros · 1 month ago
raven andreil needs more recognition
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max0pal · 2 months ago
I can't stop obsessing over this brief scene in TKM where after they come back from Baltimore, Andrew casually opens a protein bar for Neil because his butchered hands can't get the wrapper.
There's something so incredibly important in that small gesture. It is peak romance to me, and so much is said in so little words.
Their nonverbal communication is on a level where they've already been married for ten years. Not a single word is uttered during this exchange. It's so effortless. Andrew sees what needs to be done and does it, because who else should do it other than him? It is possessive in a way, and It's incredibly hot, in my opinion.
It's such a sweet example of acts of service as a love language.
And it's one of those little public shows of affection which are extremely rare for Andreil. I mean, Andrew Minyard, the one with the reputation of a cold, heartless psychopath, sees Neil needs help and just helps him without even needing to be asked??? He just does it like it's the most natural thing in the world, probably not even realizing the significance himself...?? Yes, this is the type of shit I lose my mind over.
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hhx · 2 days ago
Andrew:follow me for more tips
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love at first sight
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kairospy · 22 days ago
Neil doesn’t meet the foxes, he’s instead caught by the FBI
He helps them catch his father and bring down his empire.
One day he’s brought in to Andrew’s lecture as a guest speaker
The Q&A at the end:
Student: Have you ever killed someone?
Neil: There’s two FBI agents at the door who advised me against answering that specific question. There’s your answer.
Student: What’s the best way to get fake documents?
Neil: I’m legally required to say “don’t”.
Student: What’s the most illegal thing you’ve ever done?
Neil: See, that’s a trick question, because if I answer it becomes the most illegal thing I’ve admitted to.
Student: What’s the hardest lie youve ever had to tell?
Neil: “Sure, I’d love to do a Q&A with a bunch of people who are weirdly obsessed with my father and decided to study crimes because they don’t have the balls to commit them.”
Student: Are you afraid your father’s people will come after you?
Neil *at the end of his fucking rope*: No, I feel completely safe. That’s why I’ve got armed federal agents waiting outside.
Student: How’d you get caught?
Neil: First of all, rude. Second, the FBI made a very compelling argument
Student: …which one
Neil: “cooperate or find out exactly how many laws you’ve broken” - said by a guy holding a very thick file. Direct. Effective. Hard to argue while zip-tied to a chair.
Student: What’s something you miss about your old life?
Neil: being able to leave a room without seven cops and a judge asking where I’m going.
Student: If you could do it all over again, would you?
Neil: I’d rather set myself on fire. I know you don’t understand that reference, but trust me when I say it’s funny.
Student: how many identities have you had?
Neil: Simultaneously or in total?
Student: …total?
Neil: enough that I had to check my ID before answering roll call
Student: what’s the worst crime you’ve ever committed?
Neil: do you want me to answer this as Neil Josten or Nathaniel Wesninski? The distinction matters.
Student: Have you ever made someone disappear?
Neil *looking over his shoulder at Browning*: goodness gracious no
Student: How many languages do you speak?
Neil: enough to talk my way out of things… mostly into them, though
Student: Why did you agree to talk to us?
Neil: it was this or community service
He’s as unhelpful as possible.
His entire goal is to waste everyone’s time while making it just interesting enough that no one can call him out on it.
And Andrew? He’s watching. He’s enthralled. He’s interested, and isn’t that odd.
The professor looks like she regrets her entire career. Half the class is too stunned to speak. Browning is wondering if the punishment for beating up the most valuable witness the FBI has in custody would be worth it. (It would)
Anyway long story short. 5 minutes in Andrew’s in love
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aaron04jpg · 2 months ago
Neil Josten:
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steggymus · 2 months ago
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hey people !!
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sarcasticmothwrites · 1 day ago
I love them
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I drew them for Valentine's Day..
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aresinner · 22 hours ago
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dont ask what this is, i have no idea💀
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octopars · 6 months ago
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Make me feel something
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little2nerdy · 24 hours ago
there was a fic i read a while ago where neil develops? finds out about? the fact that he’s immunocompromised and i cannot find it for the life of me, if anyone knows it pls help
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