#After the Antique
dailyloopdeloop · 3 months
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DAY 94: antiquing
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yridenergyridenergy · 10 months
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Vicious August 1998
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nicolegmattos · 7 months
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Alright. Who is the responsible? I need to know
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beneathsilverstars · 2 months
speaking of fossil words, i wonder if people in isat universe start assuming that "out of the blue" is "out of the blew", as if the circumstance had blown in with the breeze
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marzipanandminutiae · 14 days
Murder Baronets Make Passes At Girls Who Wear Glasses
when I bring up the fact that it's weird that Edith can instantly read the text on Enola's trunk key in Crimson Peak, even though it's like three feet away from her on a table and she doesn't have her glasses on, I often get a response of "well, her vision's probably not THAT bad- she only needs them to read small print!"
au contraire, my friends. because Edith not wearing her glasses all the time doesn't mean her vision is mostly fine- it means that she lives in 1901
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it was very common at the time to only wear glasses/spectacles when you absolutely had to, even if your vision impairment was more intense than just Reading Issues. indeed, Outlines of Practical Hygiene from 1894 recommends that "when the work is finished, for which glasses are needed, these should be taken off," and the Medical Times of 1901 said that, "Glasses help overworked or inadequate focusing muscles [seldom actually how near- or far-sightedness works, as I understand it] to overcome imperfections, but if overworn, they may help too much."
on the surface, this had to do with the above, mistaken belief that wearing them all the time would make your eyes even weaker- in practice, especially for women, it also had a lot to do with the preferred aesthetics of the time. glasses were not the fashionable look, generally speaking. while Edith would probably like to imagine herself above such petty concerns...I'd be willing to bet she's more swayed by them than she'd admit. after all, she didn't grow up in a vacuum of pure intellectualism
so, how bad IS her vision? well, she needs glasses to read the titles of the books in Alan's study fairly close-up. one might then argue that she's far-sighted, but she appears to be holding the newspaper with the article about Beatrice's death very close to her face to read it sans glasses
so therefore: I conclude that Edith is pretty seriously nearsighted, she only doesn't wear her glasses all the time because of then-conventional wisdom, and how the hell did she notice that damn key. filmmakers, don't write a myopic character and then forget she has vision issues!
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entropyvoid · 5 months
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Golden Hour (+ lineart below cut)
I took a picture of the lines for once and did some basic crappy photo editing on my phone, so you could probably print this out and use it as a coloring page or something if you so wish lol. Do with it what you will.
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marietheran · 1 year
Add what country you're from in the tags.
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Good Omens Fic Rec: Petrichor & Parchment
“Mr. Crowley, I presume?” Aziraphale asked in lieu of an introduction, which was not forthcoming. The guy hadn’t even removed his sunglasses. Oh God, he had a tattoo on his face. Aziraphale wasn’t one to judge, but… what kind of gardener had a snake tattoo on his face?
Length: 33,059 words
AO3 Rating: / Spice Level 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Best for: After Dark, Human AU, Romance
Triggers: None
Read it here, fic by MrsNoggin
*Minor Spoilers* There are some fics that I can only describe as decadent. I can't wax poetic about it, it's just the phrase that I instantly associate with a story like this. This is a book restorer/gardener au. Aziraphale has just moved out to the country and hires Crowley to tame his new garden. They are both beautifully passionate about what they do, which turns out to be the exact same. They are both restorers. Not fixing, “It’s not fixing. They don’t need fixing. They need a bit of care and attention. Some delicate surgery and healing. Someone to care for them, revive them, rebuild them, reassure them. Put them back together and help them stay that way.” Aziraphale with his books, and Crowley with the neglected garden. And of course you know how else they can use those inherent traits of nurturing and compassion.
I love Aziraphale in this. He's not written silly or overly self conscious. He has insecurities and doubts of course, but he's confident in who he is and more importantly he loves who he is. He doesn't make excuses for his passion. The scene with the town vicar was a particular stand out for me. We don't know too much about Crowley. This story is more about what's happening in the now, not much backstory. But there are plenty of clues and a small explanation from Crowley that let's us piece together a lot of the story ourselves. The beauty of fanfiction is we're all so intimately aware of these characters it's effortless to read their body language and subtle clues. This story utilizes that well. Allowing us to fill in the gaps because it trusts us to pick up on those details. Crowley here is slightly shy and quieter than some authors write him. Well, okay amendment, he's shy and quiet OUTSIDE the bedroom. But it's an excellent take that really understands the core of who he is. Love that there is some miscommunication and insecurities in their new relationship but stays realistic and grounded. They're not going to run away from each other, they're going to stay and figure it out together.
This story is just so lush and beautiful. I want to live in it. It made my heart race with tension, and burn with the romance of it all. This is at home reading. There are a couple of explicit sex scenes, so don't be reading this one where someone could be peaking over your shoulder. Unless you're into that sort of thing I guess!
Read it here, fic by MrsNoggin
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christiecandor · 10 months
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Am I the only one that dug this Rick cameo the most in last week's episode? He reminds me of hot headed Rick 😅
What would we call this Rick?
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he's gonna be late to his first day of breaking the law
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ivy-creeping-ivy · 4 months
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god loves you, but not enough to save you
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mylifeiscomics · 1 year
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It would be so easy to fall for you…
Super quick doodle from a few nights ago when I was just feeling like I needed more NinexRose content in my life.
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bijoumikhawal · 5 months
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Bithiah, the Woman of Valor
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marzipanandminutiae · 10 months
Diff anon,
You are so cool. I see you debunking myths, adding nuances to historical posts, and politely/pointedly telling jerks to push off.
it's too much, stop being so cool so the rest of us have a chance 🥰
That's so kind, Anon! But the great thing about coolness is that there's enough to go around. Everybody has their Thing, and there are people out there being cool in ways I can't even imagine. We all get to sit around gazing starry-eyed at each other and putting impostor syndrome to flight, and that is amazing.
Speaking of dolls, though:
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"Maman, I think our new sister might be a giantess."
Celandine is sitting atop a stack of books here, making her look even more massive compared to the other three on the shelf. Hopefully Leonore (far left; late 1860s French fashion doll) will cede her Biggest Doll status with grace. Between them, of course, are early 1870s fashion doll Mary Ann and resin Enchanted Doll BJD Maryse.
(Not pictured: Amy, a reproduction 18th-century English wooden doll made c. 2000; Nellie, an 1880s china doll; two vintage Barbies in need of further post-fire cleaning; and a poor French fashion dear with a broken head named Marinette who I'm still trying to figure out what to do with.)
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thelittlestspider · 9 months
i need comics matt/peter fics where they hang out in civvies. please, i beg.
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