#After Joy AU
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ccycloneblogging · 22 days ago
I noticed that the toon's eyes show the color of their loved one (Cyrus has lilac, Lunata has light orange, something similar in Bobby and Hoppy), my cuestion is why Buba eyes are notorious green???
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"That is insane! I have no idea what you might be talking about! Coincidence - that's all it is!"
Looks like Bellamy has a certain rabbit on the mind...
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izuizzy · 6 months ago
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“First Word” 💙💙
made a comic to express the relief and joy sonic felt when talia finally spoke for the first time once she became more comfortable. [read from left to right]
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wszczebrzyszynie · 17 days ago
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Everythings been painfully medicore to hmm below average for the past well what feels like forever now but today i climbed a mountain without killing myself enjoyed the cold (30cm of snow! well isnt that beautiful. Have to enjoy it while it lasts) and read the wonderful things people said about my art after my short abstence. Im really truly glad to hear all the nice words and as always im forever grateful to everyone for being so kind and for showing intetest in what i create both art in itself and my stories. There is very little to me outside of them so its always very grounding and heartwarming to know other people like it too. Peace and love from my beloved winter Lower Silesia
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dirt-and-scrivles · 3 days ago
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Hello here is my pjeg au; the no killing game one where I give them pets (the real change is that Wolfgang is responsible enough to keep himself and a pet alive)
Pet stats:
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jerrsterrr · 22 days ago
fishstick redesign has been added to my EVIL collection
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MUAHAHAH you can see them here in my dca lover folder omg
i CANNOT wait to add more here like waow
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year ago
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Gearing up for the stat boosts
MDZS Disco Elysium AU Part 3 (Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4)
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mrs-gauche · 3 months ago
I beat Veilguard.
It's 4am. I'm a mess. I'm in tears.
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months ago
Prompt 299
Hear me out- Ghosts have wings. They have wings, which are affected by their cores, and can make them disappear from sight if they want or need to. You got that? Good. 
Ecto-contaminated people? Don’t have wings. Liminals and Halfas, who have developed cores? Do have wings, and they can’t hide said wings, because unlike ghosts? Their bodies are physical living flesh. 
Now Gotham? Ecto-contaminated, there’s no doubt about it. The amount of portals that have been opened there and death pits and death cults… yeah it’d be surprising if it wasn’t. But again, no one really notices, because at most? Most just get a bit of eyeshine. 
The Bats however? Oh man are they freaking out when they wake up with aches in their back and feathers starting to poke through their skin. Curse? Nope! Welcome to Liminality, enjoy the second puberty of wings, emotion-sharing, fangs, claws, and whatever else you might develop- also enjoy the whole eating fear thing. (Wait, the what-)
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ccycloneblogging · 4 months ago
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Toon CatNap (Lunata), interrupts the weekly DogDay meetup. He unfortunately forgot what shirt he was wearing.
After Joy DogDay - @/crazycakeparrotart
Charm Magic DogDay - @/toastiemations-00
Red Rest DogDay - @/deleted-va
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crabsnpersimmons · 1 year ago
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I’m curious about the onesie now
also @pizzaplex-stargazer cuz you noticed too!
here's what Moon was rocking before Clip started making clothes:
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after their PizzaPlex went under, the DCA bois had to figure out a lot of things, one being: clothes. unfortunately, Moon's really big, so he struggled to find things that fit him and were comfortable. the onesie is the first thing he found that fit him and made him feel really cozy. so he still wears it at home (he prefers comfy clothes at home anyways) when he needs a pick-me-up.
of course, he can't work at the salon in a bunny onesie, so here's what Clip made him (under Sundrop's direction):
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Moon does prefer comfy clothes, but he has to admit, sometimes he likes the attention these clothes get him. he's iffy about them though, he feels that they show too much of him and he prefers the specific kind of comfort that comes from being an amorphous bundle of coziness.
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crushermyheart · 9 months ago
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 - AU wherein Yennefer is left as a baby on the doorstep of Aretuza and Tissaia takes her in.
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kiruamon · 7 months ago
Minish AU - Sketch dump 3
More Minish AU sketches, side notes and a bit rambling about a few things I thought about.
Also imagine having like a life-sized plush of Moon and Sun to cuddle with:
Y/N: "Sun! Look! I found you and Moon, but tiny! Now you can give me all the hugs you want! See?"
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While Sun and Moon might not be able to really hug you, that doesn't mean you can't give them a hug instead.
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It definitly has it perks to be so small. You can easily ride along on Moon's nightcap while you sit safely in it's brim and enjoying the view. It's also so much faster as to scurrying around on your own tiny legs.
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Moon: "Enjoying yourself, Little Thief?" Y/N: *continues shaking the bell* Y/N: "Very much! It's such a pretty sound. And... " Moon: "And?" Y/N: "It also tells me when a friend is close by. So I really like it." Moon: *mumbling to himself* "Heh. So that's what you see in us...."
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Aaaand more arts and craft with Sun!
Sun: *pulls the paper slowly apart* Sun: "Aaaand who might that be?" Y/N: "That's me! Sunny! You made me! How cute! I love them!"
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Before your discovery by Moon, you followed the classic Minish rules. Which meant not showing yourself in front of other beings, but also giving something back for the things you took. This included patching up damaged stuffed animals and small things like that.
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Sun and Moon always wondered over the fact who had repaired the toys when neither of them recalled any of the staff members taking care of such things.
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And for the finish a little sketch of the place that you made your home. It's hidden in a neat little crack inside one of the walls inside the Daycare area near to where the shop is:
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You used a bottle cap from a Fizzy-Faz as a table and with some adjustments two buttons could be used as new stools. A glowy mushroom spends you some light as well as the glow stars that Sun and Moon gifted you and are sticking now on the wall close to your bed. It's too bad you can't invite the two inside. (I used a few ingame pictures in order to draw this one and added a few extra things to it.)
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reborrowing-a · 10 months ago
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oh no dragon attack!! 💋
someday I’ll do something other than vague gay art with this but in the meantime happy lesbian visibility week
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befuddled-calico-whump · 3 months ago
Total $hit$how: The Tables Turn
in which Joy sorta gets asked out
cw: adult/crude language, manipulative leader
previous // Masterlist // next
Joy was probably driving way too fast.
She couldn't help it. Knowing that Kaius was out there, stuck who-knew-where---and Vic wasn't gonna let them help---really lit a fire under her ass. If the other two noticed the high speeds, they didn't comment on it. Jericho was staring out the window, and Benji was squeezed beside her, chewing on his thumbnail.
“I remember where we turned,” he mumbled as they entered the city limits and the truck began to slow down. “We had to go on foot for a ways, but I should be able to pick out the spot they got him.”
It was dark. Joy didn't even know what day of the week it was at this point, but it didn't look like many of the shops were open, save a bar or two.
“Then what?” she asked. “How do we find him?”
“We…” Benji trailed off, shaking his head.
“We trigger the alarm again,” Jericho answered, eyes still locked on the window. “One of us can act as bait while the other two hang back. Tail whoever comes to take them.”
“And if it's Finley?”
“Then we should've been careful what we wished for,” Joy muttered. An irrational part of her wondered if this was all part of Vic's plan. Get one of them kidnapped to teach the others a lesson about pushing back against his decrees. Well… maybe it wasn't that irrational.
“I'll play the bait,” Benji said.
Joy gave him a sidelong glance. “You sure?”
“Yeah. I mean, they already saw me. Maybe it'll be fun?” He didn't sound convinced.
“Okay,” Jer said. “We'll have our eyes on you. Promise.”
Benji nodded, hands folding in his lap. “Fuck, I hope we find him before Vic catches us.”
Joy'd had similar thoughts the whole ride down. Her optimistic side wanted to believe their handler would be impressed with a successful rescue, but a much bigger part of her doubted it. Was it even possible for them to pull this off without Vic knowing? It'd be real hard to convince him Manak came back on his own, especially if the three of them were cut up from a scuffle. 
And what happened if he did catch them? Would he kick them off the mission? This was probably the best test for pushing boundaries they were gonna get. At least it served the bigger picture. If they could pull this off, maybe there were other rules to be bent. Avenues for doing it their way instead of Vic’s.
“Up ahead,” Benji said, pointing at a brick building. “There's an alley just past there. That's where it is.”
Joy slowed to a roll, eyeing the spot as they passed it. “It's embedded in the wall?”
“Yeah, behind a… a fake brick plating or something.”
Neat. The plating was probably wired into the building itself to get the signal out; either that, or the receiver was pretty close by. Was it inlaid in the building's plans? Or maybe whoever’d built it just snuck out night after night, chipping away a secret compartment. Ballsy of them, if that was the—
“Uh, we might be a bit far?”
“Shit, sorry.” Joy hit the brakes. Probably a little too hard. The other two lurched forward in their seats.
“Okay,” Jericho said, rubbing his neck. “Benji, you can hop out here. We'll swing the truck around and keep a lookout.”
Benji gave several quick nods, but didn't say anything. Or move as Jericho unbuckled and hopped out.
“Hey, you ready?”
He shrugged. “I don't know,” he said, a nervous laugh following the words out. “I guess… easier said than done, playing bait. I mean, I've done it before, but that just means I know it's really fucking scary.”
Joy hit the release on her own seatbelt. “Then I'll do it.”
“Huh? No, you don't have to. I just need to get my nerve up—”
“I'll do it,” she repeated. “Jer, take the wheel.”
“I'm sorry,” Benji said. “I know I'm a coward, I just—”
“Benji.” She clapped his shoulder. “It's cool. Just watch my back, okay?” She was curious about the alarm system anyway.
The truck pulled away as she made her way toward the alley, cursing the dim light and her neglect to ask exactly where on the wall the panel was. Oh well, too late now. She ran her fingers along the bricks, feeling for any difference in structure with her nails. A few areas gave her a false positive, yielding nothing when she tried to pry them backwards. 
When she reached the definitely more obvious panel, she felt a little dumb for trying the others. Joy popped it off, a grin crossing her face as a little green light inside began to flash.
Mission accomplished, now for that side quest. She lined her face up with the compartment, squinting inside. Transmitter, motion sensor… ah, looked like it had light shift detection too, maybe as a backup. The wires disappeared into the wall of the compartment.
Wired into the building itself. First guess. Joy grinned. She almost didn't hear the hum of an engine getting closer.
Right. The other half of the mission. Eh, she was supposed to get grabbed anyway, Joy thought, not bothering to drop her focus from the little hidden setup. The receiver was small, and who she assumed were its creators had gotten here really quick, so their hideout had to be nearby. Either that or the transmitter was running on a mega power source. Though it could also be a combination—
Someone cleared their throat behind her, and Joy turned to see a tall man with a spiky purple faux-hawk, hair shining neon against the headlights of a van.
“Ah. Hi,” she said. Weird. She figured she'd be grabbed by now.
“Whatcha doin’ there then?” the man asked.
“Checking out your system,” Joy said. “The hidey hole is neat, and I was curious.” Mission. “Guy named Vic told me about this spot,” she added, hoping that was enough to get the ball rolling.
“Right.” The man shrugged. “I was afraid of that.” He seized the handle of the van’s sliding door and jerked it open, inclining his head towards it. “Alright. Ah, you can just hop in.”
Joy stared at him. If this was how they fucking got Kaius…
“Ah, shit. Wait, my bad. Manak said you'd be good with it. You're on his team, yeah? Finley just wants to chat.”
Well well. How the tables turned. Joy simply gave the man a shrug and climbed inside.
“Oh, we'll grab your friends too,” he said as he climbed into the passenger seat. “The more the merrier.”
“Thought there was five of you?” The driver, a woman who'd introduced herself as Duckie, said.
“There are.” Jericho had adapted to the sort-of-being-kidnapped thing really quickly. Maybe it was just a skill that you got once you became a parent. “The fifth person… well, it's just us tonight.”
Yeah, because no way would Harbor stick out his neck for this. Joy didn't even want to try to ask after their last proposed rescue.
“Well, Finley will be glad to talk to any of you.”
“Didn't Kaius tell her enough?” Benji asked, still hunched in a nervous pose. He took the kidnapping a lot worse than Jer.
“It isn't about what you know,” the third passenger, a man who hadn't bothered to toss out a name, put in. “It's what we know.”
Ominous, but she liked the sound of that. She was already dying to know more about any of the mission details. If Finley could offer that, willingly, Joy was ready for it. She could only hope the new information was more of a blessing than a curse. But then... Look at their luck so far.
As she'd assumed, it wasn't a long ride before the van was pulling into some oversized garage.
The three of them were ushered out of the van, through an open bay area, and into some side office while Jazz went and got Finley. The place was far from homey, covered in dust, and full of junk. Probably not their usual hideout.
Despite the gentle kidnapping, Joy still let out a sigh of relief when they found an intact Kaius in the other side of the office door, reading a dusty manual for what looked like a hydraulic press, a half-empty plastic water bottle on the desk beside him.
The guy was a bit of an arrogant ass, but it hadn't taken Joy long to accept him as their arrogant ass.
“Thank fuck you're okay!”
Kaius was stiff as a board as Benji’s arms wrapped around him, but under the irritated look, Joy could almost swear she saw the hint of a smile.
“A congratulatory handshake would have sufficed.”
“Ah, right, sorry.”
“So,” Joy said, taking a seat in a rusting foldout chair. “Where are we sitting on a scale from ‘hostage’ to ‘secretly in charge’?”
“A good distance from the latter,” Kaius replied. “But we'll be free to go once Finley gives you her spiel.”
“Then why are you still here?” Jericho asked, leaning on the desk.
“Wasn't convinced he wouldn't just yap to Vic.”
Joy's head swiveled towards the doorway, where a lean woman with a highlighter-yellow mullet was standing.
Kaius seemed unsurprised by her entrance. "Speak of the devil."
The woman shrugged. "Speak of the yapper."
“What was your plan?” Joy asked, folding her arms to match Finley's stance. “Keep him here forever?”
“He was on the verge of convincing me otherwise when the alarm hit.” She cocked her head. “Now I just have more people to share the good news with.”
In the corner of the room, Benji looked like he was trying to make himself smaller. “So is it actual good news? Because the way you said it…”
“No, you're right. I lied. It's shitty news, but it's the truth, and that's better than anything Vic’s feeding you.”
“What do you want for it?” Joy asked, raising an eyebrow. She'd dealt with this type before; friendly strangers with something slippery about them, always swore they had something you wanted, but it always came with a price. 
“Only your undivided attention.”
Ah yes, the one thing she had a hard time giving. Joy glanced back at Jericho, then Kaius, who gave a single nod. The gesture seemed to be enough of an invitation for Finley.
“I was Vic’s first pick,” she said, stuffing her hands in her pockets and throwing a grin into the room. 
Vic's first… he knew her? Was that why..? Joy bit the inside of her cheek, trying not to let any surprise cross her face. Shock and awe seemed to be exactly what the woman wanted, and Joy didn't want to give her that satisfaction. Not yet.
“I used to work for Rotorworx covertly,” Finley continued. “Ferried supplies back and forth for their batshit science projects. And I guess somewhere along the line, things got a little too batshit. The government took notice and didn't like what they saw. Now,” she swatted her bangs out of her eyes. “That was where it got complicated. See, the DoD has a contract with Rotorworx. Uses them for weapons advancements and aircraft shit. It's not a relationship they wanna fuck up, but they can't let RW keep playing with fire the way they have been. Because it's bigger than a little fire, a little lab disaster. They're…” She snapped her fingers a few times. “well, they're—”
“Fingerfucking reality?” Benji offered, and Finley pointed at him with a smirk.
“They sure are. And as you can imagine, the Department of Energy had something to say about that.”
“Then why didn't they just shut them down?” Jericho asked, shifting in place.
“Oh y’know. Privatized company, partnerships with various three-letter-agencies, high value assets, billionaires,” Finley replied, counting off each on a finger. “It gets really convoluted really fast. The DoE tried to have a chat, but their CEO wasn't having it. So they figured, why ruin a perfectly good relationship when they could just hire someone to break their new toy?”
“So they hired Vic,” Joy finished.
“Bingo. And Vic tried to hire me. He wanted to build a specialized team and needed my expertise, or so he said. I mean, can't blame him. I'm probably the best pick for an op like this.” Finley shrugged. “But I did my own digging. Poked around, listened in on a few closed-door conversations, found out that yeah, they want the Reality Cage destroyed, but they also want someone to pin the crime on.” She leaned into the doorframe, fixing each of them with a look before continuing. “And that's where you come in, sweethearts.”
It took a moment for the words to settle, split-seconds of denials and excuses and justifications flashing through Joy’s head like a firing squad. Vic needed them, they had specialized skills, he'd made a deal that benefited everyone, why trick them like that?
But Finley was right, wasn't she? As much as Joy wanted to tell herself that no, she was inclined to believe this stranger over Vic because she was biased, because Vic was a cold bastard who clearly didn't give a damn about them, it was enough. 
Vic didn't give a shit about them. Finley didn't stand to gain anything from telling them, at least as far as Joy could figure. And worst of all, this was the final puzzle piece to make it all make sense. Why else would Vic hire a bunch of random criminals he had no reason to trust? Why else would he put them through weeks of training to do what he and Sahota could've done in one night?
It was all a con, and she should've known better. Of course they weren't being set loose after the mission. It had seemed legit enough when the offer was first made, but had that just been her desperation talking? At the time, the choices she'd been presented with were to take Vic’s offer or land her happy ass in prison. Guess either option had always ended at the same destination.
“We appreciate the warning,” Jericho said, his expression nothing short of troubled. Jer… he had a lot more stake in this than any of them. All he wanted was to see his kid again, but Vic, that son of a bitch…
“Why did you tell us?” Joy said. “Why not let us take the fall?”
“Good old fashioned chivalry ain’t dead yet,” Finley said. “And I wanted to let you suckers know you're off the hook.”
Benji's eyes widened. “What do you mean?”
“I pulled a few strings and got my guys signed on as a contingency team. If Vic fails, the DoE is sending us out. Only difference is, we're not playing scapegoat.”
“And they're letting you?”
“The prison scheme was Vic’s plan,” Finley answered. “Five nobodies with criminal history, caught breaking into Rotorworx with intent to steal and pawn and break things. The poor Reality Cage was caught in the crossfire, bringing a year of sketchy-ass progress to a close. So sad.”
“Then why would he bother with us? He could be in and out without a trace.”
“Does Vic really seem like the type to neglect covering his ass? He's not gonna risk it.”
“And you are?”
“Sweetheart, I am all about risk.” Her teeth flashed in a fresh grin, and Joy forgot her next point. Fuck.
“The sum of it is, we're free to go,” Kaius said.
“Exactly. No guilt, no betrayal from old man Shepard, no cops. Pick up where you left off and don't look back.”
“What about Sahota?”
Finley raised an eyebrow, squinting at Jericho. “Who?”
“Sahota,” Jer repeated. “Vic’s partner?”
She shrugged. “I didn't know Vic had a partner. Everything I dredged up pinned him as a solo operator.”
Joy exchanged a look with the others. “Does… do you know anyone who would know about him? If he's in on this?”
“Vic’s a shadowy bastard. There's a lot about him no one knows. Including what company he keeps.”
Was Sahota in on this? She didn't want to believe he could be, but he was just as secretive as Vic. He'd given them the chance to win a chat with Finley, which could've blown the whole lie wide open, but had he known it was a losing game from the start? Even after Jericho came out on top, Vic hadn't honored the bet. 
Maybe he did know. But maybe he didn't get a say. Vic called the shots in their partnership; in their relationship.
“Is that all then?” Joy asked, slouching in her seat. Free to go or not, there was a big fucking mess in their wake, and she didn't know if they should do something about it. She didn't know if they could.
“That's all. Run away, or go back to Vic. I did my moral duty. It's in your hands now.”
This was it then. They could just leave. Fuck off and slip back into the lives they'd left. Would it be safe? Probably not, but none of them had really been safe from the start. 
“What do you think Vic will do?” Benji asked as Finley left the room, closing the door between them. “If we leave, I mean.”
“We just have to get far enough away that he won't find us,” Joy answered, uncertain even as she said the words. What would Vic do? What would Sahota do?
“What about Harbor?” Jericho said, and Joy cursed under her breath.
“Harbor has a hard-on for Vic,” she muttered. “I'm sure he'll be fine.”
Jericho didn't look convinced. “You want to leave him there?”
Ah fuck, she couldn't handle the disappointed dad look. Jer was a master of it. “I didn't… I mean, no, I don't want Harbor to take the fall or anything. But he's cozy with Vic, isn't he?”
Jericho grimaced. “He… I think there'll be trouble for him if he stays.”
“Because of Sahota?” Honestly, if their trainer wanted to kick his ass again, Harbor had it coming.
“Because of Vic.” Jer sighed, rubbing his face. “It's been a long night. I… I talked to Harbor. Just before Benji came in. Vic was there when he hurt Sahota. I think… I think Vic made him do it.”
Fuck. Joy bit her lip. Fuck. What was one more thing she didn't want to believe? From the start, she'd known their relationship went deeper than business partners. They loved together for fuck's sake. Sahota had been there for twelve years. Why would Vic encourage that?
As much as she didn't want to, it was just one more thing that was easy to believe.
“We need to go back for him," Jer said. "Maybe we can convince Sahota to come too.”
“You think he would?” Kaius piped up, brows creasing.
“I think he should have the option. Look, you all can run. You should run. I'll go back to the compound, talk to them both about this—”
“No,” Kaius said. “They will know we were gone by the time we return. If it's only you, I'm not certain Vic will give you another opportunity to leave. He still needs his scapegoat.”
“He knows it was Finley who got you,” Joy cut him off. “Either way, he'll be suspicious.”
“So we'll lie,” Kaius said, getting to his feet. “Tell him it was Finley, but we don’t believe a word she said.”
“It won't work. He'll see through it.”
“He only needs to buy it for one day,” Kaius said. “Once night falls, we'll be gone. For good. If Harbor has any sense, he'll be with us.”
“And if he doesn't?”
“He's a free man. It's his funeral to plan.”
Jericho stepped in closer, closing the circle they'd unconsciously formed. “It's worth a try, but I'm not the best liar.”
“Ruebin is,” Kaius said, and Benji perked up beside him. “I'm sure he can convince Vic long enough to give us time.”
“One last mission,” Joy said wryly, and Jericho cracked a smile.
“Guess we should hit the road.”
Joy hopped up, pushing the door open. Finley was still outside, slouching against a shipping container like a freckled scarecrow.
“I guess I did tell you you could go back to Vic,” she said, eyes glittering as she fixed them on Joy. “Didn't think you'd reach that conclusion so soon, but props for the heroism.”
Joy raised an eyebrow. “Another closed-door conversation?”
“It's a bad habit.” Her arm swept out, gesturing for the warehouse exit. “I won't stand in your way. Best of luck tricking that sly bastard.”
Joy sighed. “I guess… thanks. You saved our asses.”
“Only for you to jump back into the frying pan, but I did try.” Her smile faded for a moment, eyes holding the tiniest bit of seriousness as she looked at Joy. “Well hey, I can't blame you either. I'd do the same for any of my idiots.” She reached out her hand, pressing a piece of paper against her hand. Joy closed her fingers around it, looking to Finley for an explanation.
“If said sly bastard gives you too much trouble, give me a call," she said in answer. "I'll see what I can do. And if he doesn't, and you wanna get dinner sometime…” She winked. “It's a versatile offer.”
Joy tried to keep herself from flushing as she gave a quick nod, squeezing the paper in her fist. “Yeah. Yup. Uh, thanks. Again.”
Dinner, huh? She hadn't given much thought to after, and they still had a long and bumpy road ahead, but… she could do dinner. Probably. She had questions about that alarm system of theirs anyway.
The hard part was behind them. Now time for the harder part. The Harbor part. The guy was a dickhead, but if Jer’s assumptions were true, he didn't deserve to be left in the dust. They could get him out of Vic’s clutches and part ways, easy peasy. If they could get him out of Vic's clutches.
What if they couldn't convince him? What if he just ran off to snitch the first chance he got? They'd have to be ready for a quick exit. And Sahota…
She didn't know how they'd convince Sahota. It was a dangerous bridge to cross. If he knew, if he'd been lying to them all this time, the game would be up. The end. But if he was in the dark too, didn't he deserve to know? Didn't he deserve the chance to quit a job that would probably get him killed one of these days? To leave behind a partner who would let that happen?
The four of them squeezed into the truck’s cab and Joy started her up. They'd walk that line when they came to it, and damned if she wouldn't give it her all, but right now, they had an hour to get their story straight, an hour to prepare to face Vic. No sleep, plenty of new, exciting, dooming information. 
The shitshow was about to begin. She just hoped they were all ready for it.
tag list:
@theonewithallthefixations , @violets-whumperflies ,
@whump-me , @pirefyrelight , @soheavyaburden , @snakebites-and-ink , @whumpsday ,
@kixngiggles , @echo-goes-aaa , @whumpcateyes , @clickerflight ,
@sodacreampuff , @starfields08000 , @neverthelass , @melpomenelamusa
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1karuga · 4 months ago
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LMK Story Prompts & Ideas + AUs
What if Sun Wukong and Macaque just had an intense and borderline irrational hatred for each other?
Two Sides of a Coin AU
Whenever they see each other, they scowl.
When close to one another, they gag.
And if--heavens forbid--they have to talk, they converse through insults, taunts, and gritted teeth.
Honestly, the idea of just leaning into their inability to have a non-emotionally charged conversation with each other is hilarious to me, especially if they're just built in a way so that they click together so flawlessly.
In almost every aspect, such as fighting prowess, strategy, and even personality they work together with a synchronicity rarely found... but they can't bear eating at the same table.
And despite how much they don't like each other, they have built a tight bond together out of trust and respect...always trusting that the other will always have their back no matter how dire the situation is.
Though, this was before the Journey to the West.
After Wukong killed Macaque, their bond was broken. So there was nothing much was left of that respect and trust that kept hatred from being all that was left of their relationship.
And even so, the two of them are still like two haves of a whole, and despite all of their animosity they do have a desire to get back that feeling of being unstoppable that was present whenever they were together...
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ccycloneblogging · 4 months ago
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Toon DogDay (Cyrus) just taking the time to introduce his boyfriend. No biggie.
After Joy Kickin' (Jorge) belongs to @ crazycakeparrotart ♡
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