#Affogato cookie
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sourco0kie · 2 days ago
Self Awareness AU - Prologue
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You huffed as you placed your controller, playing this game each day has gotten boring, Especially when there’s no to little update to the game. When it does updates it’s only bugs fixes or some features getting removed.
With a disappointed sigh, you closed steam and opened google to watch youtube. You searched the general if there’s any interesting video that would catch your attention. One for your favorite youtuber catches your interest and instantly you click on it.
You groan in displeasure as an ad starts playing, with no other choice you decide to wait for the five seconds for the skip ad button. The ad starts playing and.. It instantly catches your attention. The quality of the game and the voice acting intrigued you. Especially this one character with an ice cream cone for a hat having that magical girl transformation.
You went on deep research about the game, seeing what it will bring to the table. You watch a few videos about the story and it’s interesting enough and well written. You were so hyped when you found out the game is available on PC you went and download it, so you won’t force your phone to die more for the game.
You instantly download it, and once installed you open the app for another download. Typical. You happily waited for it and were super hyped about the intro animation. You played on, already loving the characters, oh how you favor Gingerbrave!
You played everyday, not missing a single day! Heck you even began trying to draw in the unique artstyle, even as you never draw in your entire life. Each time you gacha, you prayed on getting either an ancient or a beast. And either would be good for your team. As of current you favor Strawberry Crepe Cookie for their amazing defense and skill.
On a particular day as you log in, everything feels.. Different. The front loading screen felt odd. You brush it off and log in the game, doing your missions and creating stuff you need for the laboratory research. One of the cookies, Affogato Cookie, has a speech bubble. You clicked on it expecting the usual repeating dialogue but this time it’s different. “My, My you look quite lovely.”
Ok. A bit creepy but okay.. Maybe that’s just a new dialogue the game added? But there’s no small update requirement from the game, odd. You paid no mind to it as it’s a regular occurrence. Sometimes the cookies would have a self awareness dialogue.
You continued on playing the game with no more weird occurrences, just the normal game. You speed run through the cryspia story already passing the hollyberry kingdom. You kept on losing in the dark choco chapter so you decide to just gather up your power first before continuing.
The sound of your alarm snapped you out of your game run. Glancing at the time you realized it’s already time for one of your online classes. You closed the game, going to your kingdom one last time just to be met by Gingerbrave saying; “Pure Vanilla Cookie would love to know how radiant you are!”
You paused, staring at the screen with a shiver under your skin. You brush it off and log out the game to open your class in session group. For 30 minutes you listen to the professor explain about today’s lesson. Suddenly the sound of your phone notification caught your attention, you were about to pick up before it started to shake.
You gasped, watching as a blue hand reached out from your phone. “What-”
“TA-DA! The star of the show has arrived!~”
The hand clenched the edge of the table, using it to leverage the infamous of a Diva jester pulled himself out. “Wooow.. quite a lovely place of living you got here, need a little more blue for color though. But you won't be needing to change things since you're coming with me.”
You stare with your mouth gape open. Meeting with a powerful jester was NOT on your list today.
“What? Cat got your tongue? Ooh don’t be afraid dear, I don’t bite, unless..”
“NOPE-” You grabbed the nearest item which was your notebook and threw it at him, he barely dodged it. He frowned before smirking again as he tilted his head with his hands clasped together, placing his cheek against the back of his hand.
“Adorable attempt, dear. But you gotta do more than tha-”
A pen smacked square on his face, He stares at you, unphased “That..” he continued. “Your humble knight has arrived to bring you home!~”
“Home!?” The jester laughed, “don't fret, I don't bite.. too hard!” He grabbed your shirt and yanked you towards your phone.
Everything was.. black, no light as you stared at the abyss before a sudden flash of colors blinded you. The birds chirp to one another as they fly above you. The light from the sun blinded your vision a bit before you adjusted. You glance around, noticing your surroundings.. are odd.
Everything smells so sweet. Too sweet for your liking.
The sounds of leaves rustling snapped you out of your daze, your attention instantly went towards the bushes. Looking around, spotting one that's moving.
Stepping a bit back away from the bushes you stayed quite, not daring to make noise and startled the.. whatever it was in the bush and attacked you. Carefully you picked up a nearby stick as a weapon, if it would do anything.
Something pounces out the bushes scaring you as you leap back and fall on your back. It barks as it approaches you and sniffs the air. You opened your eyes seeing it was just a cake hound.
Wait.. Cake hound!?
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mariemiso · 3 days ago
My glorious boy
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twizzlysticks · 3 days ago
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Real ones understand this is true
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slayingdraw · 18 hours ago
Humanizing cookies from CRK: Affogato Cookie (my love)
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teacupdrawz12 · 2 days ago
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jami-purple · 2 days ago
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siraleppik · 2 days ago
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Just got reminded how much I used to love this gay snake three years ago when I played crk
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caramelarrowswife · 2 days ago
Hiii I love your writing it’s no nice, don’t know if your tired of the purecacao request or not but would we maybe have pure vanilla get jealous over someone getting to close to Cacao?
─── ∘°❉°∘ ───
Dark Cacao Cookie had recently begun spending a lot of time with his treacherous advisor, Affogato Cookie. The mage seemed to be by his side for every small decision, in every meeting…
Pure Vanilla Cookie was not that thrilled.
─── ∘°❉°∘ ───
“Oh, but my Liege!” Affogato Cookie protested as he walked alongside his king. He had to walk fast to keep up with Dark Cacao Cookie’s strides. “Are we certain the Vanillians can be trusted? How safe is it to go with a mere pack of two warriors, including yourself?”
“”Can the Vanillians be trusted’?” Dark Cacao repeated. “Do you hear yourself, Affogato Cookie? Tell me, how often do you ask if cream wolves can fly?”
Affogato’s skin turned a shade darker. You’re going to pay for that.
“I know Pure Vanilla Cookie well. He respects the law of hospitality more than anything, and he would rather perish than bring harm to a guest,” Dark Cacao said.
Finally outside, the pair made their way to the carriage that would bring them to the Vanilla Kingdom. Dark Cacao shot a glance at Affogato.
“You know,” the warrior-king said. “You didn’t have to follow me all the way here.”
“Why not, my liege?” Affogato smiled a sickly sweet smile, “I’m coming with you, after all.”
Pure Vanilla Cookie had been in a wonderful mood all day - that is to say, a more wonderful mood than he usually already had. He had been smiling relentlessly all day, and when a friend asked what was up with him, his smile would widen and he’d answer cryptically.
Dark Cacao Cookie was a very busy man, everyone knew that. It brought all the more excitement when he used the little time he had to visit the Vanilla Kingdom!
Trumpets sounded, indicating Dark Cacao’s arrival. Pure Vanilla walked outside; he might’ve been as calm as always on the outside, but on the inside, he was boiling with excitement.
The monarch made sure he was first to see Dark Cacao step out of the royal carriage, his face radiating joy at seeing his dear friend again. His smile widened slightly when the king was followed with Crunchy Chip Cookie, Dark Cacao’s loyal and friendly commander. His smile faltered ever-so-slightly when he saw Affogato Cookie exit the carriage.
Pure Vanilla’s smile was back as fast as it had fallen, and he stepped forward with open arms to welcome the newcomers from their long journey.
“My friends!” Pure Vanilla beamed. “What a pleasure to have you all here! If you could all follow me to the main hall-”
He was cut off by Affogato, who cleared his throat loudly. “If you could pardon me, your Grace? The journey was harsh and tedious on sore bones and I’d like to be directed to a guest room.”
Pure Vanilla was taken aback for a few seconds, blinking a few times. “Oh. Yes, I see.. very well! Follow me to the guest rooms, please!”
Dark Cacao matched Pure Vanilla’s pace on the way there, leaning down a little to whisper in his ear.
“I apologise for his behavior,” Dark Cacao muttered. “He gets a little bossy, at times. I’m afraid I’ve been letting him get away with too much..”
Pure Vanilla’s smile tightened slightly. With how much have you been letting him get away?
“I understand,” the healer said. “I’m pleased you’ve finally come here, Cacao. I missed you.”
Dark Cacao smiled, a small but rare thing. “And I you.”
Pure Vanilla was many things. He was kind and compassionate, but also intelligent and compassionate. He was loving and fierce when protecting his friends.
If there was one thing he was not, it was jealous. Pure Vanilla Cookie was not a jealous man. He just wasn’t.
And yet…
And yet, what was this feeling coiling in his gut? This feeling that gnawed at his insides everytime Affogato’s hand rested on Dark Cacao’s shoulder for just a little too long? The feeling that only grew when night fell?
Dark Cacao spent most of his time with Pure Vanilla, and the monarch knew it, but he just couldn’t shake off the annoyance at the smug and poisonous smirks Affogato sent him throughout the evening.
He had enough when Affogato made Dark Cacao chuckle. Pure Vanilla approached them, his smile tight and not at all convincing. He took Dark Cacao’s hand, squeezing it softly.
“My love? Will you spend the night in my bedroom, just like the old days? I miss your warmth at night,” Pure Vanilla said, sighing with a twinge of dramatics.
His words had the desired effect; Dark Cacao looked mildly surprised and very much thrilled to do exactly that. Affogato, on the other hand, looked like he was about to throttle the healer.
“I would be honoured,” Dark Cacao murmured, pressing a soft kiss to Pure Vanilla’s knuckles.
Leaning forward so his words could not be heard by anyone else, he continued, “Are you alright? You seem a little off.”“Oh, quite,” Pure Vanilla said, smiling at the seething advisor over Dark Cacao’s shoulder, “Just.. missing my husband.”
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sci-bax · 2 days ago
On a scale of 1-10 on mental illness, where would this hear me out cake land?
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doomteensy · 2 days ago
affogato dead at 97
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marscarhime · 8 months ago
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Dark Cacao and the pretty men he inexplicably keeps getting involved with ✨✌🏻
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zhivchikov · 9 months ago
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peach blossom hasn't even came out
yet my head has already made and sticked with the idea of dark cacao being a femboy magnet
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coffit0 · 5 months ago
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The Dark Cacao citizens NEED a break omg
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imaginariumwanderer · 9 months ago
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Another one joins the fray!
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fellatitledthemf · 8 months ago
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